Report of the NABA Names Committee

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Report of the NABA Names Committee current generic placement creates a paraphyletic Q,../,=(C$*&&7,/#(`V[ genus and that the suggested change leads to a Report of the +-"-6'=$,0%2(#,"4&(-/(#,",/*:((D'%&(&049=(%&( 6/%"2%6*$$=(*(E4*$%0*0%<,(*"*$=&%&(-.(#,"%0*$%2(*"9( NABA Names Committee B%"#(<*/%*0%-":((D',(*40'-/&(9-("-0(,\6$%2%0$=( 9,8",(0',(6'=$-#,",0%2('=6-0',&,&(0'*0(0',=(*/,( testing (in essence, that the three species they by Mike Caterino, Jeffrey Glassberg and John Heraty placed in Heliopyrgus [domicella, americanus, sublinea] constitute a monophyletic group, *"9(0'*0(/,2-#"%S%"#( Heliopyrgus as a genus would not make either Heliopetes or Pyrgus The 2nd edition of the NABA Checklist and this leads to improved nomenclatural stability 6*/*6'=$,0%2[:((1(+-/,(&0/4204/,9(*"*$=&%&(-.( !"#$%&'()*+,&(-.()-/0'(1+,/%2*"(3400,/5%,&( .-/(0',(647$%2(B%0'-40(0',(&*2/%82,(-.(&2%,"0%82( 0',(6/-7$,+(B-4$9(7,(/,E4%/,9(0-(]4&0%.=(0',&,( was published in 2001, approximately 6 years %"0,#/%0=:((H$,*&,(&,,(0',(%"0/-9420%-"(0-(0',(Ind 2'*"#,&:((!<,"(%.(0',(6/-6-&,9(/,&0/4204/%"#( *.0,/(0',(647$%2*0%-"(-.(0',(8/&0(,9%0%-":((;0(%&( edition (available at the NABA web site — go to as Pyrgus, Heliopyrgus, and Heliopetes does our intention to publish a fully revised checklist “Other Publications” — or as a printed booklet) result in monophyletic genera, it is not clear, on about that time schedule, that is, about .-/(*(+-/,(0'-/-4#'(9%&24&&%-"(-.(0',&,(%&&4,&: given the relatively small number of species in ,<,/=(.%<,(0-(0,"(=,*/&:((3,2*4&,(647$%&',9( this group, that such an arrangement would be information appears on a more or less continuing The Committee has now considered recent superior to placing all species in this group in basis, we have decided to periodically publish publications by: the genus Pyrgus: update bulletins, providing the results of the 14&0%"F(C:D:(*"9(J*//,"F(1:@:(IKKL:( Committee’s deliberations with regard to Taxonomic notes on some neotropical skippers: 34/"&F(Q:R:(*"9(Q*"S,"F(@:G:(IKKI:(3%-9%<,/&%0=( &6,2%82(647$%2*0%-"&(0'*0(6/-<%9,(9*0*(*/#4%"#( Pyrgus, Heliopyrgus, and Heliopetes:(Dugesiana -.(H=//'-6=#%",(&?%66,/(7400,/5%,&(%"(0',(*/,*(9,( for a change in the status of a taxon on the MN(LOLP:(( >-"&,/<*2%-"(C4*"*2*&0,F(>-&0*(T%2*:((J. Lep. )131(>',2?$%&0:((@4/%"#(0',(6/,6*/*0%-"(-.( 34/"&F(Q:R:(*"9(Q*"S,"F(@:G:(IKKI:( Soc:(UUN(LUOVP:( the 2nd edition, the NABA Names Committee 3%-9%<,/&%0=(-.(H=//'-6=#%",(&?%66,/(7400,/5%,&( This paper is a powerful, and beautiful, consisted of Brian Cassie, Jeffrey Glassberg, in the area de Conservacion Guanacaste, Costa tour de force describing the caterpillars and 1""(AB,"#,$(*"9(C4=(D49-/:((A47&,E4,"0(0-( T%2*:((J. Lep. Soc:(UUN(LUOVP:( $%.,('%&0-/=(-.(.%/,0%6&(%"(>-&0*(T%2*:((;"(*( the publication of the 2nd edition, Ann Swengel )%2,F(>:>:(*"9(A'*6%/-F(1:R:(IKKL:( coda, the authors elevate the one subspecies has left the Committee to focus on the NABA Population genetic evidence of restricted gene of Pyrrhopyge araxes in the United States Butterfly Count and Butterfly Gardens and 5-B(7,0B,,"('-&0(/*2,&(%"(0',(7400,/5=(#,"4&( (and extreme northern Mexico), P.a. arizonae, Habitats Programs, and Michael Caterino and Mitoura:(Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am.(WVN(IUXOIYX: 0-(&6,2%,&($,<,$:((D',(*40'-/&(6/-<%9,(9*0*( John Heraty have Joined the NABA Names J*'$7,/#F():(*"9(Z%++,/+*"F(R:(IKKK:( showing that there are subtle genitalic and wing >-++%00,,:1 Michael Caterino, John Heraty Pattern of phylogenetic relationships among phenotype differences between arizonae and .-24&(-"(0',(&2%,"0%82("-+,"2$*04/,(-.(7400,/5%,&( members of the tribe Melitaeini (Lepidoptera: the nominate subspecies, found farther to the while Brian Cassie, and Guy Tudor focus on the )=+6'*$%9*,[(%".,//,9(./-+(+%0-2'-"9/%*$(@)1( &-40':((D',(*40'-/&(2'*/*20,/%S,(0',(&-40',/"( !"#$%&'("*+,&(-.(7400,/5%,&:(((( &,E4,"2,&:((Cladistics LYN(PVXOPYP: distributional limit of arizonae(*&(^4"2,/0*%"_:(( (;0(%&(%+6-/0*"0(0-(7,*/(%"(+%"9(0'*0(0',( Their southernmost samples of arizonae were criterion for changing the status of a taxon 14&0%"F(C:D:(*"9(J*//,"F(1:@:(IKKL:(D*\-"-+%2( from southern Tamaulipas, while northernmost on the NABA Checklist is different than the notes on some neotropical skippers: Pyrgus, samples of the nominate subspecies were from criterion employed by most taxonomists in their Heliopyrgus, and Heliopetes:(Dugesiana MN(LOLP:(( 0',(<%2%"%0=(-.(R,\%2-(>%0=:((G-B,<,/F other 647$%2*0%-"&(%"0,"9,9(.-/(*(&0/%20$=(&2%,"0%82( The authors re­elevate Heliopyrgus to *49%,"2,:((;"(0'-&,(647$%2*0%-"&F(*"(*40'-/(B%$$( generic status and place domicella and sublinea, often change the status of a taxon based upon which were placed in the genus Heliopetes Checkered­Skippers and White­Skippers are closely related. From top to bottom: *(6/,6-"9,/*"2,(-.(0',(,<%9,"2,:(G-B,<,/F( on the NABA Checklist (and almost all other White Checkered­Skipper (Pyrgus albescens), Erichson’s White­Skipper (Heliopetes to change the status of a taxon on the NABA publications), into Heliopyrgus:( ( ( ;"( -/9,/( 0-( domicella), East­Mexican White­Skipper (Heliopetes sublinea) and Laviana White­ >',2?$%&0F(B,(/,E4%/,(2-+6,$$%"#(,<%9,"2,(0'*0( *9-60(*(#,",/%2(2'*"#,F(B,(#,",/*$$=(/,E4%/,( Skipper (Heliopetes laviana). the previous status was incorrect, believing that published data that strongly argues that the IV!!!"#$%&'()!*+,,$%-&$./!Summer 2003 IU workers are aware of populations in the area species usually placed in Anthanassa form a Jeffrey Glassberg (2) between arizonae and araxes as defined by monophyletic group and recommend elevating 34/"&(*"9(Q*"S,":((J,(7,$%,<,(0'*0(4"0%$(0',&,( 0'%&(0*\-"(0-(#,"4&(&0*04&:((1$0'-4#'(0',( intervening populations can be studied, it is Committee is strongly leaning in that direction, premature to change the status of Pyrrhopyge we believe that the data, especially concerning araxes arizonae(-"(0',()131(>',2?$%&0:(( the monophyly of other related taxa in the Phyciodes group that would be affected by this )%2,F(>:>:(*"9(A'*6%/-F(1:R:(IKKL:(H-64$*0%-"( decision, aren’t yet as thorough as we’d like to #,",0%2(,<%9,"2,(-.(/,&0/%20,9(#,",(5-B(7,0B,,"( /,2-#"%S,(Anthanassa as a genus, therefore we '-&0(/*2,&(%"(0',(7400,/5=(#,"4&(Mitoura:(Ann. +*%"0*%"(&0*04&(E4-: Entomol. Soc. Am.(WVN(IUXOIYX: The authors of this valuable study have Conclusions called attention to an interesting possible case Species placed in the genus Thessalia are now -.(&6,2%*0%-"(%"(*20%-":(G-B,<,/F(0',%/(9*0*(*/,( placed in the genus Chlosyne:( (D',/,( */,( "-( unanimous in supporting the hypothesis that changes to the status of the genera Heliopetes speciation has not yet occurred (allowing that and Anthonassa nor to the species Callophrys other markers may yet 6/-<%9,(*(9%..,/,"0(<%,B[:(( gryneus and Pyrrohopyge araxes:( Although the authors treat them as full species, and advocate no particular taxonomic action, Literature Cited maintaining the current NABA status of muiri, A2-00F(Q:1:(LWMY:(01$!*+,,$%-&$.!23!42%,1!"#$%&'(:( nelsoni and thornei as subspecies of Callophrys A0*".-/9(a"%<,/&%0=(H/,&&N(A0*".-/9F(>*$%.-/"%*: gryneus is consistent with the situation they have L:(>4//,"0(+,+7,/&(-.(0',()131()*+,&(>-++%00,,( %$$4+%"*0,9: *"9(0',%/(7*2?#/-4"9&(*/,(*&(.-$$-B&:( 3/%*"(>*&&%,(%&()131(@%/,20-/F(*(.-4"9,/(-.(0',( J*'$7,/#F():(*"9(Z%++,/+*""F(R:(IKKK:( )131OR*&&*2'4&,00&(3400,/5=(>$47F(*"9(0',(*40'-/( Pattern of phylogenetic relationships among -.(+*"=(7400,/5=(*"9("*04/*$('%&0-/=(7--?&: members of the tribe Melitaeini (Lepidoptera: R%2'*,$(>*0,/%"-('-$9(*(H':@:(%"(!"0-+-$-#=( )=+6'*$%9*,[(%".,//,9(./-+(+%0-2'-"9/%*$(@)1( from the University of California, Berkeley and is &,E4,"2,&:((Cladistics LYN(PVXOPYP: the Schlinger Foundation Curator of Entomology D',(*40'-/&(&,E4,"2,9(*"9(2-+6*/,9( *0(0',(A*"0*(3*/7*/*(R4&,4+(-.()*04/*$(G%&0-/=:(( &,#+,"0&(-.(+%0-2'-"9/%*$(@)1(./-+(+,+7,/&( His studies range from phylogenetics of swallowtail 7400,/5%,&(0-(0',(&=&0,+*0%2&(*"9(2-"&,/<*0%-"(-.( -.(0',(R,$%0*,%"%:((D',%/(2'-%2,(-.(0',(LYA(*"9( 7,,0$,&: 2=0-2'/-+,(-\%9*&,(;(#,",& are appropriate to Q,../,=(C$*&&7,/#('-$9&(*(H':@:(%"(7%-$-#=(./-+( 0',(E4,&0%-"&(0',=(6-&,F(*"9(-7&,/<,9($,<,$&(-.( T%2,(a"%<,/&%0=(*"9(%&(*()131(@%/,20-/:((G,(%&(0',( variations(.*$$(B,$$(B%0'%"(%".-/+*0%<,(/*"#,&:( author of the *+,,$%-&$.!,1%2+51!*&)2'+6(%. series of The demotion of Thessalia to a synonym of 8,$9(#4%9,&(*"9(-.("4+,/-4&(&2%,"0%82(647$%2*0%-"&: Chlosyne(%&(B,$$O]4&0%8,9(7=(0',%/(/,&4$0&:((D',( Q-'"(G,/*0=('-$9&(*(H':@:(./-+(D,\*&(1bR( support values for relevant branches within this University and is Associate Professor in the cluster are not incontrovertible (we would have @,6*/0+,"0(-.(!"0-+-$-#=(*0(0',(a"%<,/&%0=(-.( liked to see better support within the individual >*$%.-/"%*(*0(T%<,/&%9,:(G%&(&049%,&(*/,(-"(0',( gene trees), but the combined evidence tree is morphological and molecular systematics of >'*$2%9-%9,*(`G=+,"-60,/*[: B,$$(/,&-$<,9F(*"9(&,,+&(/-74&0:((D',(&6,2%,&( C4=(D49-/(%&(*()131(@%/,20-/F(6/,&%9,"0(-.(0',( heretofore placed in the genus Thessalia on the ),B(c-/?(>%0=(3400,/5=(>$47F(2-O*40'-/(-.("4+,/-4&( The Committee demoted Thessalia, which had heretofore included the southwestern NABA Checklist had been placed in the genus books about neotropical birds which established beauties, theona, chinati, cyneas, fulvia and leanira, to a synonym of Chlosyne7!428/!2)69! Chlosyne by some authors `&,,F(,:#:F(A2-00F(LWMY[( !"#$%&'(*"9(&2%,"0%82("*+,&(.-/(",-0/-6%2*$(7%/9&F( Chlosyne have white spots in the middle of their head (although not all Chlosyne sport so that our placing them in Chlosyne does not and is the co­author of a forthcoming book about 2/,*0,(",B(0*\-"-+%2(2-+7%"*0%-"&:(( 7400,/5%,&(`%"(6/,6*/*0%-"[: this feature).
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