Report of the NABA Names Committee
current generic placement creates a paraphyletic Q,../,=(C$*&&7,/#(`V[ genus and that the suggested change leads to a Report of the +-"-6'=$,0%2(#,"4&(-/(#,",/*:((D'%&(&049=(%&( 6/%"2%6*$$=(*(E4*$%0*0%<,(*"*$=&%&(-.(#,"%0*$%2(*"9( NABA Names Committee B%"#(<*/%*0%-":((D',(*40'-/&(9-("-0(,\6$%2%0$=( 9,8",(0',(6'=$-#,",0%2('=6-0',&,&(0'*0(0',=(*/,( testing (in essence, that the three species they by Mike Caterino, Jeffrey Glassberg and John Heraty placed in Heliopyrgus [domicella, americanus, sublinea] constitute a monophyletic group, *"9(0'*0(/,2-#"%S%"#( Heliopyrgus as a genus would not make either Heliopetes or Pyrgus The 2nd edition of the NABA Checklist and this leads to improved nomenclatural stability 6*/*6'=$,0%2[:((1(+-/,(&0/4204/,9(*"*$=&%&(-.( !"#$%&'()*+,&(-.()-/0'(1+,/%2*"(3400,/5%,&( .-/(0',(647$%2(B%0'-40(0',(&*2/%82,(-.(&2%,"0%82( 0',(6/-7$,+(B-4$9(7,(/,E4%/,9(0-(]4&0%.=(0',&,( was published in 2001, approximately 6 years %"0,#/%0=:((H$,*&,(&,,(0',(%"0/-9420%-"(0-(0',(Ind 2'*"#,&:((!<,"(%.(0',(6/-6-&,9(/,&0/4204/%"#( *.0,/(0',(647$%2*0%-"(-.(0',(8/&0(,9%0%-":((;0(%&( edition (available at the NABA web site — go to as Pyrgus, Heliopyrgus, and Heliopetes does our intention to publish a fully revised checklist “Other Publications” — or as a printed booklet) result in monophyletic genera, it is not clear, on about that time schedule, that is, about .-/(*(+-/,(0'-/-4#'(9%&24&&%-"(-.(0',&,(%&&4,&: given the relatively small number of species in ,<,/=(.%<,(0-(0,"(=,*/&:((3,2*4&,(647$%&',9( this group, that such an arrangement would
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