I =- I - 1-----• 47 Red-Spotted Purple 1 __ 2] -=- ~2 3 ! ~Oy --

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I =- I - 1-----• 47 Red-Spotted Purple 1 __ 2] -=- ~2 3 ! ~Oy -- .- A B c 0 E South Total 1 --~.-----=-- _ _S_PE_C_l_ES____ -+- __..North ±-Central -i------- -- 23 7/14/2001 -t- I -- I 4 5 Swallowtails -- -------·- -- 6 Black Swallowta-il - -- ------1--- - -4 -·-- 27 11T 42 7 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail _____.,_; -· - -- 5 7 --- 31 1;4 -·· ·--- 5 : $plcebush Swa_n_owt- ail ___ +:---=:2:===-·-----+--·- 10 Whites -f- _.._ ___ 11 Cabbage W_h_ite_ __________ I 156 _ 90 97 343 12 ,---~-- - 13 Sulphurs ----------- -- ·- 14 CloudedSulphur -- -- I 9 - 10 42 15 Orange Sulphur ·--·. -36 9 115 ~t-1 -- I 16 -- - ~:-_ ----.-----I -l 2 3 5 r- ... I --- - .. -·--- 1 1 26 28 2 4 1-· I I ---·-- 31 Brush-foots - Heliconians/Frltiiiaries ].[ Great ~angled Fritillary_ -_-+-_- =_1 _8__ _ --·~ ~~ Meadow Fritillary___ ___ ·-;E 1 Ts True Brush-to~ - - -- I 36 Pearl Cres~ent - - _ - 1~5 _ _ 86 , 77 37 Baltimore Checkerspot 1 1 Ts OLiestion Mark-- i - 11: 2· -- 3 -·-:rs 39 Eastern Comma -- -- 1 - 2~· 6 - 4 35 40 Mourning Cloak -- I~ - 2 2 1 5 41 Milberfs Tortoiseshell _ ~ -= 12 . ·- ~ 1 r 18 42 American Lady 11 -- 11 _ - 8 30 43 Painted Lady ·-- - 5 2 7 Ts44~ Red- Admiral----- -- -· - 1210 - 394- 103.....~ 1767 ~ ~dmlrals and ReiiiiVOs _ I =- I - 1-----• 47 Red-spotted Purple 1 __ 2] -=- ~2 3 ! ~oy -- - . - . - ·:·=--- ~ I---~ 1---==·_-3..... 50 Satyrs , ;~ ~~=:~r~=~a-rly_-e_v_e ·_ --~ l - r ---_-1-+l; ____=---_- :1+,!--~~---_-_-1 -:~· 53 Appalachian Brown -, _ ~ Little Wood satv-r- -· . .. A B C D E ;~ Common Wood-nymph 2~ -- ~~- 127 181 57 Monarch -----1-- -- + 1- -j- 58 MOilarc_h____ -·1-·- 15j - ~1- 16 1 -- 4 2 ~~ Skippers - S readwing_! r:= ,-- ~ -=r- r - =- 61 Silver-spotted Skipper _____,_ ·- 4 ::::::::_ _!_._ __ _1 1 ---~--- ~- 62 Common Checkered Skipper 1 5 5 ~! Common Sootywin9 ~:.===.+= F-- ~~ _ 2 65 Skippers - Grass Skippers I - t ·-- . j_ T - - - :~ ~~~~t:::~:~ -pe-r - :· -=--~ 4 ---= T - 2: :~ ~~~h~~s~oki~~ Dash ·-1--·=---)l- --=-+= - ~ ~ 1! 10 o e1aware Skipper ---· 4 10 =::_- 22 =. + -= 1 71 Black Dash 1 5 6 72 DunS~p~r. 7 ---16 __- 1 ~ -- 39 73 74 Total Species 30t___ __27~ 37 43 75 Total Butterfl s 1785 831 624 3240 TOTAL. 2001 Count Name, State__ __________ Imminent threats to habitat:----- -------- - -----------------' ---- y car count held & submitted for publication (I st,2nd,etc.):__ _ 0 0 CENlmATOatitude) _ _ _ 'N, (longitude) __ __'W CENTFRAT (describe in words).___ ______ Changes noticed s ince last year: - ---------- includes (in circle - I st year count only) _______ • • * ~ Bl!ITERFLJES * • • Ifa species is not listed. write it in on a blank line. __________ (Send a map with first year counts.) To indicate a subspecies, write ii in after the species name. Elevation: (low)__ to (high)__ ft Im (circle unit ofmeasure) PAPILIONIDAE - Swallowtails Habitat (of area counted - I st year count only): _ ___ Parnassius clodius Clodius Parnassian __ P. phoebus Phoebus Pamassian (incl. smintheus, behrii) __ Ba1tus philenor Pipevine Swallowtail DATE:--1.lliUOl TIME: W:'~.h\ to~~ __ Saltus polydamas Polydamas Swallowtail AM: (circle appropriate words:) clear mostly clear hazy st>me __ Eurytides marcellus Zebra Swallowtail fog partly cloudy mostly cloudy intermittent light motlerate ~ Papilio polyxenes (includes kahli) Black Swallowtail lo,b,Z.0, 1, z., ~I heavy dri1.2.le rain hail;% time in AM sun wasshining:___ % __ Papilio joanae Ozark Swallowtail I PM: (circle appropriate words:) clear mostly clear hazy some __ Papilio machaon Old World Swallowtail (incl. bairdii) fog partly cloudy mostly cloudy intermittent light mo1lerate __ Papilio zelicaon Anise Swallowtail heavy drizzle rain hail;% time in PM sun was shining: ___% __ Papi/lo indra Indra Swallowtail TFMPERA1URE: __0 to __° F °F = (°C x 1.8) ~ 32 __ Papilio cresphontes Giant Swallowtail WIND direction to mi/hr mi=km x0.6214 ..3L Papilio glaucus Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 12.,~ ,3,~ 1 \ 1 \, Z,"1 I __ O~ERVERS (including __ garden watchers and __ Papilio canadensis Canadian Tiger Swallowtail __ children under 12) in ___ to ___ PARID:.S. __ Papilio rutulus Western Tiger Swallowtail TOTAL PARTY-HOURS L__ by garden watchers, __ Papilio multicaudata Two-tailed Swallowtail __ on foot, ___ by car, __ by __); __ Papilio eurymedon Pale Swallowtail TOTAL PARTY-MILES on foot, _&___ Papilio troilus Spicebush Swallowtail.3, l, \ _____ by car, __ by __). __ Papilio pa/amedes Palamedcs Swallowtail COMPILFR'SNAME: --------- address:'------------------ PIERIDAE- Whites & Sulphurs __ Neophasia menapia Pinc White city,state,ziJI.__ ______________ __ Appias drusilla Florida White e-mail. ___ _______________ Pontia beckerii Becker's White (Address and e-mail 13UT NOT PHONE are for publication.) __ Pontia sisymbrii Spring White phone, work: home:__ ____ _ _ Pontia protodice Checkered White OBSERVERS (alphabetically): Observer names (initial of first name Pontia occidentalis Western White and full last name) must be listed here. Attach another she>:t (or __ Pieris napi Mustard White (incl. angelilUl, marginali., alerat:ea) second copy of participants list) if needed. ~ Pieris rapae Cabbage White~> '2.5_..33,3*, 11!\ 1201 ~8,'1,'2Z., I ~r-fe-tt ~ Tu+low __ Ascia monuste Great Southern White 2., I __ Ganyrajosephina Giant White VS''"";b ~~ __ Euchloe ausonides Large Marble Euchloe creusa Northern Marble blA.hM Wa~Ak. __ Euchloe hyantis Pearly Marble (includes lotla) ~ !Se" V.r .\1<r>Ws~·1 _ _ Euchloe olympia Olympia Marble :TIM f:4.Yr\OS __ Anthocharis cethura Desert Orangetip (includespima) __ Anthocharis sara Sara Orangetip (incl.Julia, stel/a, thoosa) __ Anthocharis lanceolata Gray Marble tit. Colias philodice Clouded Sulphur JO~ \3, 9 ,"4 ,312.,:Z. ~ Colia:seurytheme Orange Sulphur w(\.>\ 1$10 z. 7 ,~ 3 1, I, I 1 1 1 1 1 __ Colias occidentalis Western Sulphur 1 __ Colias christina Christina's Sulphur Uses ofland (I st year count only):____ _____ __ Golias alexandra Queen Alexandra's Sulphur(incl. harfordi1) __ Colias meadii Mead's Sulphur __ Golias nastes Labrador Sulphur __ Colias scudderi Scudder's Sulphur 2001 COUNT NAME, State:._________ _ _I _ Satyrium liparops Striped Hairstreak I _ _ Colias gigantea Giant Sulphur _ _ Satyrium auretorum Gold-hunter's Hairstreak __ Co/ias pelidne Pelidne Sulphur __ Satyrium tetra Mountain Mahogany Hairstreak __ Colias interior Pink-edged Sulphur __ Satyrium saepium Hedgerow llairstreak _ _ Colias eurydice California Dogface __ Satyrium favonius Oak Hairstreak __ Colias cesonia Southern Dogface __ (S.ffavonius) 'Southern' Oak Hairstreak __ (S.f ontario) 'Northern' Oak Hairstreak __ Anteos clorinde White Angled-Sulphur __ Callophrys dumetorum Bramble Hairstreak (incl opoma, oj]im1) __ A nleos maerula Yellow Angled-Sulphur __ Callophrys sheridanii Sheridan's Hairstreak __ Phoebis sennae Cloudless Sulphur __ Callophrys xami Xami Hairstreak __ Phoebis phi/ea Orange-barred Sulphur _ _ Callophrys augustinus (=augustus) Brown Elfin _ _ Phoebis agarilhe Large Orange Sulphur __ Callophrys mossii Moss' Elfin _ _ Phoebis slatira Statira Sulphur __ Callophrys polios Hoary Elfin _ _ Kricogonia lyside Lyside Sulphur _ _ Callophrys irus Frosted Elfin Eurema daira Barred Yellow _ _ Callophrys henrici frosted Elfin Eurema boisduvaliana Boisduval's Yellow __ Callophrys niphon Eastern Pine Elfin Eurema mexicana Mexican Yellow __ Callophrys eryphon Western Pine Elfin __ Eurema proterpia Tailed Orange __ Callophrys spinetorum Thicket Hairstreak Eurema lisa Little Yellow __ Callophrysjohnsoni Johnson's Hairstreak Eurema nise Mimosa Yellow Eurema dina Dina Yellow al- (C. g. gryneus) 'Olive' Juniper Hairstreak l 1 I __ Eurema nicippe Sleepy Orange (C. g. siva) 'Siva' Juniper Hairstreak __ Natho/is iole Dainty Sulphur __ (C. g. ne/soni) 'Nelson's' Juniper Hairstreak LYCAENlDAE- Harvester & Coppers Parrhasius m-album White M Hairstreak _ _ Feniseca tarquinius Harvester __ Strymon melinus Gray Hairstrcak _ _ lycaena arota Tailed Copper __ Strymon martialis Martial Scrub-Hairstreak __ Strymon acis Bartram's Scrub-Hairstreak ..£ /,ycaena ph/aeas American Copper 2 •\12. __ lycaena cupreus Lustrous Copper __ Strymon a/ea Lacey's Scrub-1lairstreak __ Lycaena xanthoides Great Copper __ Strymon istapa Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak __ lycaena dione Gray Copper __ lycaena edit ha Edith's Copper __ Electroslrymon angelia Fulvous Hairstreak __ lycaena gorgon Gorgon Copper __ Calycopis cecrops Red-banded Hairstreak __ Lycaena hyllus (=thoe) Bronz.e Copper __ Ca/ycopis isobeon Dusky-blue Groundstreak _ _ Lycaena rubidus (includes/errisij Ruddy Copper __ Ministrymon leda Leda Ministreak __ Lycaena heteronea Blue Copper __ Ministrymon clytie Clytie Ministreak __ Lycaena epixanthe Bog Copper __ Ministrymon azia Gray Ministreak __ lycaena dorcas Dorcas Copper (includesdospassosi) __ Erora laeta Early Hairstreak __ Lycaena helloides Purplish Copper __ Erora quaderna Arizona Hairstreak __ Lycaena nivalis Lilac-bordered Copper LYCAENIDAE - Blues __ Lycaena mariposa Mariposa Copper __ Brephidium exile Western Pygmy -Blue LYCAENIDAE - Hairstreaks r i a y- ~ __ Hypaurotis crysalus Colorado Hairstreak __ leptotes cassius Cassius Blue __ Habrodais grunus Golden Hairstrcak _ _ Leptotes marina Marine Blue Eumaeus ata/a Atala __ Zizula cyna Cyna Blue At/ides halesus Great Purple Hairstreak __ Hemiargus ammon Nickerbean Blue __ Phaeostrymon a/cestis Soapberry Hairstreak __ Hemiargus ceraunus Ceraunus Blue __ Satyrium titus Coral l lairstreak __ Hemiargus iso/a Reakirt's Blue __ Satyrium behrii Behr's Hairstreak ...!f__ Everes comyntas Eastern Tailed.Blue.3, 2. 1 l, 1_, '2.. _ _ Satyrium fuliginosum Sooty Hairstreak __ Everes amyntu/a Western Tailed-Blue __ Satyrium acadica Acadian Hairstreak __ Celastrina /adon (=argio/us) Spring Azure _ _ Satyrium californica California Hairstreak (C. /. humulus) 'Hops' Spring Azure Satyrium sylvinus Sylvan Hairstreak _L (C. /. neglecla} 'Summer' Spring Azure l _1_ Satyrium edwardsii Edwards' Hairstreak \ .U.... Satyrium ca/anus Banded Hairstreak I J2. 1Z5 __ Celastrina neglectamajor Appalachian Azure _±i_ Satyrium caryaevorum Hickory Hairstreak2, \ l __ Celastrina nigra (=ebenina) Dusky Azure __ Salyrium kingi King's I lairstreak 1 Philotes sonorensis Sonoran Blue 2 2001 COUNT NAME, State:_____ _ ___ __ Euphilotes ba1toides Square-spotted Blue (incl.
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    106 JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS' SOCIETY (Vitoria Da Riva Carvalho and her son Edson), for extensive and Thesis, University of Florida, xvi + 361 pp. patient logistic support, housing and food during work in this re­ FREITAS, A. V. L. 1991. Varia<;ao morfologica, cielo de vida e sis­ gion in February and June 2000. Gerardo Lamas, Annette Aiello tematica de Tegosa claudina (Eschscholtz) (Lepidoptera, and Carla Penz made valuable comments on the manuscript. This Nymphalidae, Melitaeinae) no estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil. research was partly supported by fellowships from the Brazilian Revta. bras. Ent. 35:301-306. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico ---. 1993. Biology and population dynamics of Placidula eu­ (CNPq) and the Fundac;ao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de rljanassa , a relict ithomiine butterfly (Lepidoptera: Ithomiinae). Sao Paulo (BIOTNFAPESP program, grants 98105101-8 and J. Lepid. Soc. 47:87-105. 00/01484-1). LAMAS , G. 1994. Los Danainae e Ithomiinae descritos por H. Haensch (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Shilap 22:271-297. LITERATURE CITED MOTTA , P. C. 198D. Analise filogenetica de Ithomiinae (Lep.: Nymphalidae) com base nos ovos: Hela<;ao com plantas hos­ ACKERY, P. R. 1987. The dan aid genus Tellervo (Lepidoptera: pedeiras. MS Thesis. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Nymphalidae)-a cladistic approach. Zool. J Linn. Soc. Campinas, SP, Brazil. 89:273-294. BROWN In., K. S. & A. V. L. FREITAS. 1994. Juvenile stages of Ithomiinae: ovelview and systematics (Lepidoptera: Nymphali­ ANDRE V. I,. FF:EITAS AND KEITH S. BROWN JR., Museu de dae). Trop. Lepid. 5:9-20. Hist6ria Natural and Departamento de Zoologia, lnstituto de Biolo­ DEVR[ES , P.
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