8 bus time schedule & line map

8 - via Rushall, Heath End View In Website Mode

The 8 bus line (Walsall - Pelsall via Rushall, Heath End) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) : 6:50 AM - 5:45 PM (2) Ogley Hay: 6:40 PM - 10:40 PM (3) Walsall: 6:41 AM - 11:07 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 8 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 8 bus arriving.

Direction: Brownhills West 8 bus Time Schedule 39 stops Brownhills West Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:50 AM - 5:45 PM Walsall Bus Station, Walsall Saint Paul's Street, //Walsall/ Tuesday 6:50 AM - 5:45 PM

Watmos Homes, Walsall Wednesday 6:50 AM - 5:45 PM 130 Licheld Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Thursday 6:50 AM - 5:45 PM Victoria Terrace, Ryecroft Friday 6:50 AM - 5:45 PM 1 Victoria Terrace, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Saturday 7:38 AM - 5:35 PM Westbourne Rd, Ryecroft

Cartbridge Lane South, Ryecroft

Ladypool Close, Coal Pool 8 bus Info Direction: Brownhills West Cartbridge Lane, Rushall Stops: 39 Trip Duration: 32 min Station Road, Rushall Line Summary: Walsall Bus Station, Walsall, Watmos Homes, Walsall, Victoria Terrace, Ryecroft, Westminster Rd, Rushall Westbourne Rd, Ryecroft, Cartbridge Lane South, Pelsall Lane, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Ryecroft, Ladypool Close, Coal Pool, Cartbridge Lane, Rushall, Station Road, Rushall, Westminster Burton Avenue, Rushall Rd, Rushall, Burton Avenue, Rushall, The Bungalow, Goscote, Heathbridge Close, Heath End, Brewers The Bungalow, Goscote Drive, Heath End, The Old Bush Inn, Heath End, Vicarage Rd, Pelsall, Pelsall Cenotaph, Pelsall, Smithy Heathbridge Close, Heath End Drive, Ryder's Hayes, Finger Post, Ryder's Hayes, Highcroft, Ryder's Hayes, Highbridge, Ryder's Hayes, Pelsall Lane, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Canal Bridge, Ryder's Hayes, Apex Rd, Clayhanger, Clifton Ave, Clayhanger, Larkspur Way, Clayhanger, Brewers Drive, Heath End Clayhanger Village, Clayhanger, High Street, Tame Drive, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Clayhanger, Bridgeside Close, Clayhanger, Brownhills Business Park, Catshill, Peake Crescent, Catshill, The Old Bush Inn, Heath End Simmonds Way, Catshill, Hillside, Catshill, Friezland Lane, Catshill, Anchor Bridge, Catshill, Warren Place, Vicarage Rd, Pelsall Brownhills, Brickiln St, Brownhills, Raven's Court, Brownhills, The Park View Centre, Ogley Hay, Coppice Pelsall Cenotaph, Pelsall Lane, Ogley Hay, Rising Sun Island, Brownhills West Church Road, Smithy Drive, Ryder's Hayes

Finger Post, Ryder's Hayes

Highcroft, Ryder's Hayes Licheld Road, England

Highbridge, Ryder's Hayes

Canal Bridge, Ryder's Hayes Pelsall Road, England

Apex Rd, Clayhanger

Clifton Ave, Clayhanger

Larkspur Way, Clayhanger Clayhanger Lane, Brownhills

Clayhanger Village, Clayhanger

High Street, Clayhanger Clayhanger Road, Brownhills

Bridgeside Close, Clayhanger

Brownhills Business Park, Catshill Peake Crescent, Brownhills

Peake Crescent, Catshill

Simmonds Way, Catshill Friezland Lane, Brownhills

Hillside, Catshill

Friezland Lane, Catshill

Anchor Bridge, Catshill

Warren Place, Brownhills Wessex Close, Brownhills

Brickiln St, Brownhills

Raven's Court, Brownhills Raven's Court, Brownhills

The Park View Centre, Ogley Hay

Coppice Lane, Ogley Hay

Rising Sun Island, Brownhills West Waterside Way, England Direction: Ogley Hay 8 bus Time Schedule 37 stops Ogley Hay Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:40 AM - 10:40 PM

Monday 6:40 PM - 10:40 PM Walsall Bus Station, Walsall Saint Paul's Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Tuesday 6:40 PM - 10:40 PM

Watmos Homes, Walsall Wednesday 6:40 PM - 10:40 PM 130 Licheld Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Thursday 6:40 PM - 10:40 PM Victoria Terrace, Ryecroft Friday 6:40 PM - 10:40 PM 1 Victoria Terrace, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Saturday 6:40 PM - 10:40 PM Westbourne Rd, Ryecroft

Cartbridge Lane South, Ryecroft

Ladypool Close, Coal Pool 8 bus Info Direction: Ogley Hay Cartbridge Lane, Rushall Stops: 37 Trip Duration: 25 min Station Road, Rushall Line Summary: Walsall Bus Station, Walsall, Watmos Homes, Walsall, Victoria Terrace, Ryecroft, Westminster Rd, Rushall Westbourne Rd, Ryecroft, Cartbridge Lane South, Pelsall Lane, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Ryecroft, Ladypool Close, Coal Pool, Cartbridge Lane, Rushall, Station Road, Rushall, Westminster Burton Avenue, Rushall Rd, Rushall, Burton Avenue, Rushall, The Bungalow, Goscote, Heathbridge Close, Heath End, Brewers The Bungalow, Goscote Drive, Heath End, The Old Bush Inn, Heath End, Vicarage Rd, Pelsall, Pelsall Cenotaph, Pelsall, Smithy Heathbridge Close, Heath End Drive, Ryder's Hayes, Finger Post, Ryder's Hayes, Highcroft, Ryder's Hayes, Highbridge, Ryder's Hayes, Pelsall Lane, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Canal Bridge, Ryder's Hayes, Apex Rd, Clayhanger, Brewers Drive, Heath End Clifton Ave, Clayhanger, Larkspur Way, Clayhanger, Clayhanger Village, Clayhanger, High Street, Tame Drive, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Clayhanger, Bridgeside Close, Clayhanger, Brownhills The Old Bush Inn, Heath End Business Park, Catshill, Peake Crescent, Catshill, Simmonds Way, Catshill, Hillside, Catshill, Friezland Lane, Catshill, Anchor Bridge, Catshill, Warren Place, Vicarage Rd, Pelsall Brownhills, Brickiln St, Brownhills, Raven's Court, Brownhills, The Park View Centre, Ogley Hay Pelsall Cenotaph, Pelsall Church Road, England

Smithy Drive, Ryder's Hayes

Finger Post, Ryder's Hayes

Highcroft, Ryder's Hayes Licheld Road, England

Highbridge, Ryder's Hayes

Canal Bridge, Ryder's Hayes Pelsall Road, England

Apex Rd, Clayhanger Clifton Ave, Clayhanger

Larkspur Way, Clayhanger Clayhanger Lane, Brownhills

Clayhanger Village, Clayhanger

High Street, Clayhanger Clayhanger Road, Brownhills

Bridgeside Close, Clayhanger

Brownhills Business Park, Catshill Peake Crescent, Brownhills

Peake Crescent, Catshill

Simmonds Way, Catshill Friezland Lane, Brownhills

Hillside, Catshill

Friezland Lane, Catshill

Anchor Bridge, Catshill

Warren Place, Brownhills Wessex Close, Brownhills

Brickiln St, Brownhills

Raven's Court, Brownhills Raven's Court, Brownhills

The Park View Centre, Ogley Hay Direction: Walsall 8 bus Time Schedule 41 stops Walsall Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:07 AM - 11:07 PM

Monday 6:41 AM - 11:07 PM Rising Sun Island, Brownhills West Waterside Way, England Tuesday 6:41 AM - 11:07 PM

Hednesford Rd, Brownhills West Wednesday 6:41 AM - 11:07 PM

Watling St Primary School, Ogley Hay Thursday 6:41 AM - 11:07 PM Friday 6:41 AM - 11:07 PM The Park View Centre, Ogley Hay Park View Drive, Brownhills Saturday 8:03 AM - 11:07 PM

Raven's Court, Brownhills 11 High Street, Brownhills

Brickiln St, Brownhills 8 bus Info Direction: Walsall Silver St, Brownhills Stops: 41 Trip Duration: 36 min Warren Place, Brownhills Line Summary: Rising Sun Island, Brownhills West, High Street, Brownhills Hednesford Rd, Brownhills West, Watling St Primary School, Ogley Hay, The Park View Centre, Ogley Hay, Anchor Bridge, Catshill Raven's Court, Brownhills, Brickiln St, Brownhills, Silver St, Brownhills, Warren Place, Brownhills, Hillside, Catshill Anchor Bridge, Catshill, Hillside, Catshill, Simmonds Way, Catshill, Peake Crescent, Catshill, Brownhills Simmonds Way, Catshill Business Park, Catshill, Bridgeside Close, Clayhanger, High Street, Clayhanger, Clayhanger Village, Lindon View, Brownhills Clayhanger, Larkspur Way, Clayhanger, Clifton Ave, Peake Crescent, Catshill Clayhanger, Clayhanger Lane, Clayhanger, Apex Rd, Clayhanger, Canal Bridge, Ryder's Hayes, Highbridge, Ryder's Hayes, Highcroft, Ryder's Hayes, Finger Post, Brownhills Business Park, Catshill Ryder's Hayes, Smithy Drive, Ryder's Hayes, Pelsall Cenotaph, Pelsall, Vicarage Rd, Heath End, The Old Bridgeside Close, Clayhanger Bush Inn, Heath End, Brewers Drive, Heath End, Heathbridge Close, Heath End, The Bungalow, High Street, Clayhanger Goscote, Burton Avenue, Rushall, Westminster Rd, Clayhanger Road, Brownhills Rushall, Station Road, Rushall, Cartbridge Lane, Rushall, Ladypool Close, Coal Pool, Cartbridge Lane Clayhanger Village, Clayhanger South, Ryecroft, Victoria Terrace, Ryecroft, Hatherton Lake, Ryecroft, Watmos Homes, Walsall, Larkspur Way, Clayhanger Walsall Bus Station, Walsall Clayhanger Lane, Brownhills

Clifton Ave, Clayhanger

Clayhanger Lane, Clayhanger

Apex Rd, Clayhanger

Canal Bridge, Ryder's Hayes Pelsall Road, England

Highbridge, Ryder's Hayes

Highcroft, Ryder's Hayes Licheld Road, England

Finger Post, Ryder's Hayes

Smithy Drive, Ryder's Hayes

Pelsall Cenotaph, Pelsall Church Road, England

Vicarage Rd, Heath End

The Old Bush Inn, Heath End

Brewers Drive, Heath End

Heathbridge Close, Heath End

The Bungalow, Goscote

Burton Avenue, Rushall

Westminster Rd, Rushall

Station Road, Rushall

Cartbridge Lane, Rushall

Ladypool Close, Coal Pool

Cartbridge Lane South, Ryecroft

Victoria Terrace, Ryecroft 1 Victoria Terrace, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Hatherton Lake, Ryecroft

Watmos Homes, Walsall

Walsall Bus Station, Walsall Saint Paul's Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley 8 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved