Lmsley Wood, Cross Main )Ad and Contin•1E Field Path to Fordrough and to Main Road

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Lmsley Wood, Cross Main )Ad and Contin•1E Field Path to Fordrough and to Main Road Outward by Rail To Homeward bv Rail I Return from From - I F'ares, J3rdCiasa ~---------~-a-:d-:- Tour No. 1. Birmingham (N.S.) ..... Berkswell . .. ' Leaming~on Spa ..... ....I ~ ~ Duclley Port ............. - 1 \Valsall .. ................. .. To Station from whicht 3 11 Wolverha.mpton (H.L.)I passenger started on 4 6 Coventry .................. , I outward journey. 1 3 Tour No. 2. I Birmiugl1am (N.S.) ...... Berkswell ... Kenilworth......... ...... .. 2 5 Dudley Port ............. ·I 3 4 Wa.lsall ...................... , To Sta.tion from which 3 5 Wolverhampton (H.L.) passenger started on 3 11 Coventry ................ .. outward journey. 0 0 Tour No. 3. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... C~nnock ....... Lichfield City .......... .. 2 2 Dudlcy Port ..... ....... -. To Station from which 2 0 \Valsall... ................... I p11ssenger started onj 1 4 Wolverhampton (H.L.) outward journey. 'l 3 Tour No. 4. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Coventry ...... Kenilwo!th.. ........... : .. .I 2 5 Dudloy Port .. .. .. .. .. To Stat10n from which1 3 4 W alsall...................... passenger started on 3 5 Wolverhampton (H.L.) outward journey. 311 Tour r,o. 5. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Coventry ...... Leamington Spa ......... 3 0 Dudley Port .. .. .. .. .. .. .. To Station from which 311 W alsa.ll...................... passenger started on 3 11 Wolverhampton (H.L.} outward journey. 4 6 Tour No. 6. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Coventry ...... Tamworth ................ 2 5 Dudley Port .. .. .. .. .. To Station from which 3 4 Walsall................. ..... passenger started on 3 5 Wolverhampton (H.L.) outward journey. 311 Tour No. 7. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Fonr Ashas ... Cannock ..............· ... .. 2 5 Dudley Port .. .. .. .. .. .. .. To Station from which 1 8 Wo.lsall.. .................... passenger started on 1 6 Wolverlltlmpton (H.L.) outwn.rd journey. 1 10 The above Tours may, if required, be made in the reverse direction. For descriptive notes, see pages 10 to 20. For parti.:u lars of Period Walking Tours belween the same points as above, see page 2. LM.S. WALKING TOURS. Outward by Rail To Homeward by Rail Return From From Fares, 3rdCiass Tour No. 8. s. d. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Hampton- Kenilworth.•. .............. 2 5 Dudley Port .............. in-Arden. 3 4 Walsall......... ............. To Station from which 3 5 Wolverhampton (H.L .) passenger 1:1tarted on 311 Coventry .................. outward journey. I 2 Tour No. 9. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Leamington Stra.tford-on-Avon ...... 3 2 Dudley Port .............. Spa.. 4 2 Walsall.......... ........ : ... To Station from which 4 4 W olverbampton (H.L.) passenger started on 4 9 Coventry .................. outward journey. 3 3 Tour No. 10. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Milford & Cannock ................... 3 10 Dudley Port .............. Broct{)n. 3 0 \Valsall ...................... To Station from which 2 7 Wolverhampton (H.L.) passenger started on 2 7 Coventry .................. I outward journey. 5 5 Tour No. 11. Birmingham· (N.S.) ...... Peni7idge ... Cannock ................... 211 Dudley Port .............. To Station from which 2 0 WalsaU ....... ............... passenger started on 2 0 W olverham pton (H.L.) outward journey. I 10 Tour No. 12. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Penkridge ... Hednesford ......... ...... 2 ll Dudley Port .............. To Station from which 2 0 Walsall....... ............... passenger started on 2 0 Wolverhampton (H.L.} outward journey. 2 1 Tour No. 13. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Penkridge ... Rugeley Town ............ 3 0 Dudley Port .............. To Station from which 2 6 • \Valsall ...................... passenger started on 2 0 Wolverhampton (H.L.) outward journey. 2 8 Tour No. 14. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Stafford ...... Hednesford ............... ~ 7 Ducliay Port .............. To Station from which 2 8 Walsall ...................... paseenger started on 2 9 Wolverhampton (H.L.) outward journey. 2 I The above Tours may, if required. be made in the reverse direction. For descriptive notes, see pages 10 to 20. For particulars of Period Walking Tours beLween the saLUe points as a bove, see page 2. Similar bookings may be arranged for parties from intermediate stations by prior arrangement. i..M.8. WAi.KJNG TOURS. 5 outward by Rail I To Homeward by Rail Return From From Fares, ------1----f 3rdCiasa 1 s. d. !QuH"n Col"' · -l•U-•"4-40n;!~~!<rhN~,:, '-4lj,L,\ \•'•o.J•f••~~un •• •• l.J ... uv.a. \A. Lichficld (City} .. ....... 2 l Dudley Port .. field. To Station from which 2 0 Walsa.ll ..................... passenger started · on 1 4 \Volvet·hampton (ILL.) outward journey. 2 3 Tour Ne. 16. I Walsall ...................... Sut.ton Park Lichfiold (City) ........ .. I 4 Wolverhampton (H.L.) To Station from which 2 :3 passenger started on outward journey. Tour No. 17. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Marston Coleshill ................... 1 3 Dudley Port .. .. .. Green. To Station from which 2 3 \Valsall ..................... passenger started on 1 10 Wolverhampton (H.L.) outward journey. 2 5 Tour No. 18. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Bromsgrove Redditch ................. 2 0 Dudley Port ............. iTo Station from which 3 0 vValsall ..................... passenger started on 3 4 Wolverhampton (H.L.) outward journey. 3 7 Tour No. 19. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Stoke Works Studley & Astwood Bk. 2 5 Dudley Port ... .......... To Station from which 3 5 Walsall ..................... passenger started on 3 9 Wolverhampton (H.L.) outward journey. 4 0 Tour No. 20. ,... Birmingham (N.S.) ...... North.field ..... Alvechurch............... .. 1 Dudley Port .. .. .. To Station from which 2 7' Walsall....... ............. .. passenger started on 2 11 Wolverhampton (H.L.) outward journey. 3 3 Tour No. 21. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Tamworth ... Sutton Coldfield ........ .. 2 3 Dudley Port .. .. .. .. .. , ... To Station from which 211 Wolverhampton (H.L.) , ... passenger started onl 3 2 \ValsaU.. .................... ,viaLich- outward journey. 2 3 field or Penns11 . The above Tours may, if required, be made in the reverse direction. For descriptive notes, see pages 10 to 20. For particulars of Period Walking Tours between the same points as above, s~e page 2. Similar booldngs may be arranged for parties from intermediate stations by prior arrangement. 6 L.M.S. WALKING TOURS. I outward by Rail To Homeward by Rail Return From From Fares, 3rdCiass Tour No. 22. a. d. Walsall.. .................... Tamworth ... Sut.ton Park ....... .... .. 2 3 Wolverban~pton (H.L.) , via Lich- To Station from which 3 2 field or Penns passenger started onl' outward journey. Tour No. 23. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Tamworth ... Lichfield (City) .......... , 2 3 Dudlcy Port ... .. .. , ... To Station from which 2 11 Wolverhampton (H.L.) , .. pa~:~senger started on 3 2 Walsall.... ... .. .. .. , via Lich- outward joumey. 2 3 field. Tour No. 24. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Kings bury ... Sutton Coldfield ......... 1 6 Dudloy Port .. 1'o Station from which 2 6 W alsall...................... passenger started on 2 9 Wolverhampton (H.L.) outward journey. 3 2 Tour No. 25. Walsall......... ............. Kingsbury ... Sutton Park ............. 2 9 Wolverhampton (H.L.) To Station from which 3 2 passenger started on outwa-rd journey. Tour No. 26. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Whitacre .. .... Hampton-in-Arden ..... 1 4 Dudley Port ............. 2 4 Walsall. .................... To Station from which 2 3 Wolverhampton (H.L.) passenger started on 2 10 Coventry ................. outward journey. 3 9 Tour No. 27. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Arley & Fil- Ha.mpton-in-Arden ..... 1 10 Dudley Port.............. longlcy. 2 10 ') 7 Walsall ..................... To Station from which "' Wolverhampton (H.L.) passenger started on 3 3 0 Coventry ................. outward journey. "' 7 Tour No. 28. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Salford Broom Junction ........ 3 6 Priors. To Station from which passenger started on outward journey. The a bove Tours may, if required, be made in the reverse directloo . For descriptive notes, see pages l 0 to 20. For particular.; oi Period Walking Tours between the same points as above, see page 2. Similar bookings may be arranged for parties froo1 intermediate stations by prior arrangemeut. L.M.S. WALKING TOURS. 7 Outward by Rail To Homeward by Rail Return From From Fares, 3rdCiass Tour No. 29. I s. d. Birmingho.m (N.S.) ...... Hampton-in- Solihull ..................... 1 4 Arcien. To Birmingham (Snow I Hill) Station. Tour No. 30. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... IHampton-in- Olton ....................... 1 4 1 Arden. To . Birmingham (Snow Hill) Station. Tour No. 31. I Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Hampton-in Knowle ................... .. 1 -4: Arden. To Birmingham (Snow Hill) Station. Tour No. 32. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Hampton-in- Lapworth .................. I 8 Arden. To Birmingham (Snow Hill) Station. Tour No. 33. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Berkswell .... Knowle ..................... I 9 To Birmingham (Snow Hill) Station. Tour No. 34. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Berkswell .... Lapworth ................. I 9 To Birmingham (Snow Hill) Station. Tour No. 35. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Kenilworth ... Knowle .................... 2 .5 To Birmingham (Snow Hill) Station. Tour No. 36. Birmingham (N.S.) ...... Kenilworth ... Lapworth ................ .. 2 5 To Birmingham (Snow Hill) Station. Tour No. 37. Birmingham (N.S.) .......R~rnt Green Earlswood Lakes ........ 1 5 To Birmingham (Snow Hill) Station. .To~r No. 38.r . • B1rmmgham (N.S.) ...... Redditcb ...... 1IH enley-m-Arden ......... 2 2 To Birmingham (Snow J I Hill) Station. J The above Tours may, if required,
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