Dehradun, SAC in Hydroxyl Or Water Molecules the US, the Erstwhile USSR, Ed by Union Ministers Piyush Parliamentary Ethics
& 3 ! 4 4 4 SIDISrtVUU@IB!&!!"&#S@B9IV69P99I !%! %! ' %'()%*$+,- !.!./ +#,'- (#)* ! 9 ;)=)::*) 2)).12)92+:(+<9: :,-.,2+);-):=) )+,-+251(:* 0,:.+0,20.()*. .(5,-.-2 5,.( -;., :0- . -)2:2( 5+).-(;/)-(.9?-/.( 6##>2(:)(-(;.( ),. 2( ,< ).0. =-.<*. +5 "#$ %%& ""6 7.) .! . $/010$2 $00 Q R ()* )+,- he unsavoury incidents in Tthe Upper House which led to a near washout of the Monsoon Session of Parliament again brought the Government and the Opposition face-to-face on ()* )+,- Wednesday with both the sides hurling accusations against he Chandrayaan-2 orbiter each other for damaging coun- Thas confirmed the presence try’s democratic traditions. of water molecules (H2O) and The Government fielded hydroxyl (OH) on the surface nine senior Ministers at a Press of the moon. conference and charged the The researchers, who Opposition with “pre-planned analysed the data obtained by agenda “of disruption” and the orbiter’s imaging infrared having “no interest in discus- spectrometre (IIRS), said, sion” and asked the Opposition “There is widespread lunar to “apologise to the nation”. It hydration and unambiguous cules when compared to the at higher latitudes of the moon demanded strict action against detection of OH and H2O sig- mare regions, which were were found to have higher the obstructive behaviour of the !" #$ ! ! natures on the moon between found to have more domi- hydroxyl or possibly water Opposition. &' & " "( 29 degrees north and 62 nance of OH at higher surface molecules. “People wait for their issues degrees north latitude.” temperature,” the research The Chandrayaan-1 mis- to be raised in Parliament. But Prahlad Joshi, Bhupendra ing Parliamentary conduct out dark chapter in the history of the nation”.
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