Out of Scotch Plains Is Born a Humble King of the Entertainment
Page 20 Thursday, February 7, 2002 The Westfield Leader and THE TIMES of Scotch Plains – Fanwood A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION Chains, Nails, Iron, Metal, Tin: The Ingredients For Tomasulos Tribal Exhibit By MARYLOU MORANO ance Company in Atlanta, Ga. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times The Tomasulo Gallery is located on Out of Scotch Plains Is Born a Humble CRANFORD — A mixed media the first floor of the MacKay Library on exhibit by Morristown artist Bina Wash- the campus of Union County College, ington, which explores contemporary 1033 Springfield Avenue, Cranford, Gal- spirituality, mythology and magic, is lery hours are from 1 to 4 p.m. on Mon- King of the Entertainment Industry currently on display at Union County days through Thursdays and on Satur- Dr. Joseph P. DeAlessandro,left, re- College’s Tomasulo Gallery in Cranford ceives his Honorary Doctorate Degree until Thursday, February 21. By KERRIANNE SPELLMAN CORT Entitled “Down to the Bone,” the ex- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times from then-President of the CIA, Ferdinand E. Metz. hibit features sculpture, prints and col- SCOTCH PLAINS — In the spring lages constructed of canvas, leather, bones of 1990, when lifelong Scotch Plains and found objects. resident Dan Catullo graduated from Mourning My The sculptures and collages project a Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School heavy African aura that is almost tribal in (SPFHS), he had hopes and dreams Mentor, Friend nature. Most are dark pieces that reflect like everyone else. With plans to attend the objects of which they are constructed college at West Virginia University, — among which are chains, nails, iron, the future looked exciting and promis- Joe DeAlessandro metal and tin.
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