The Ticker, February 3, 1987
' ...... ~~,',.~ ",_,,~.:::..~ _",.~~;.;..., ,~.~ • •••••• _ , .. _. :4•.: "- ,c.• . .. .. *1932* TIle SlIIIIeIIts' Voice for 0.. 51 Yean *1987* » ·VoI. MNo•• ......Colle., CUNY Febnauy 3, 1987 ··~AN·.··-· .' .' .. " . _._~.- ~~_.~_ -_.~, ~ Chancellor ....- . NEW .......- ..~ ~ ..... .~.. ~ ~iGNs-.AFrER· Holds CUNY .~BBNG:'DE-NIED" EVENING Student Media . J' .• '. -..DN.1JBE DIRECTOR Press Conference .,CAn'UN MOlLISON HIRED By UNDA ZUECR . ~ . J.RObert ··Colemali~··fo~ Dr. Joseph S.· Murphy; as~e~:oreccountancy, By JORGE MARTINEZ chancellor ofthe Citj Uliivrity Of quit: -....: re"~,te-,be ,~ded New yor-k, ......&-ty:.. tenure, 8COOJlfiDg;:tQ;.ftudS •.CoD The position of Evening and with the cuNY:.s1u rtf"¥.. ~t:2.:;}-; ~~:: Day, .deD oftJe~·OfBusiness· Graduate Students Activities Direc- Dec. 10,' t98fi1O-iili::.' '~~'-~"'. ~'., aDd Public AdIaiDistration. tor vacant since last May when 1987/88ChatM.i':"-~.·· .. ,)~.~~:~.:; " AccoIcJio&, ·to ··.·.Mertin Bents, Charles Lyles was relieved of h is quest and _othfs ~.i _."~·~4~~:~·:·~··_i ~ c:hIiirm8D or the depart duties, has been filled. the C~-COBiIe~~~.,>,: ': '. ·_;~~c :.-:~/- '. meilt. Cok'Mnwas turned down by MUrphy' lriahlighted . ~.: the SChooIof Business Personnel The new director. Carol Rob- future' plans for an increase in and Bud8et C'ornJnittee ,nth a vote bins, a native of Illinois, is describ- capital construction to deal with the .of·. in ,.~ aDd tiv.e opposed·to ed by Ronald Aaron, associate problem of inadequate space and _-o~teDure. This commit- ............,_ ••.•• r"" "!II. deon ofstudents, as being "creative 0 also some new programs which are and ,.~etic." "I think she's tb!ft., .~ the.secaod- of a number wlUch --0 - nDbe!d 'at jJi6iiiOtiDs --the~ AilS· of voce-OIl t.atare.
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