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SENATE JULY 5 Mr 9634 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JULY 5 Mr. GRAHAM: Committee on the Judi­ of their resolution with reference to a protest S. 2556. An act for the relief of Mrs. Billy ciary. H. R. 7012. A bill for the relief of meeting in Stockholm on June 19, on the J. Knight and Dorothea Knight; Anna Ellero and Clara Ellero; with amend­ tenth anniversary of the occupation of the s. 2629. An act for the relief of Marianne ment (Rept. No. 24: 75). Referred to the Republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania Bruchner; Committee of the Whole House. by the Soviet Union; to the Committee on S. 3258. An act to continue a system of Mr. WALTER: Committee on the Judi­ Foreign Affairs. nurseries and nursery schools for the day ciary. H. R. 7282. A bill for the relief of 2248. Also, petition of the mayor, city of care of school-age and u~der-school-age chil­ Cornelius Versluis; with amendment (Rept. Bryan, Tex., petitioning consideration of his dren in the District of Columbia; No. 2476). Referred to the Committee of resolution with reference to the Brazos River S. 3527. An act to amend section 14 (b) of the Whole House. conservation and reclamation district; to the the Federal Reserve Act, as amended; Mr. GRAHAM: Committee on the Judi­ Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ S. 3550. An act to continue for a temporary ciary. H. R. 7297. A bill for the relief of merce. period ce.rtain powers, authority, a~d discre­ Ignas Malcius; without amendment (Rept. 2249. Also, petition of J. W. Edgar, com­ tfon for the purpose of exercising, adminis­ No. 2477). Referred to the Committee of missioner of education, Texas Education tering, and enforcing import controls with the Whole House. Agency, Austin, Tex., petitioning considera­ respect to fats and oils (including butter}, Mr. WALTER: Committee on the Judiciary. tion of their resolution with reference to the and rice and rice products; H. R. 7364. A bill for the relief of Jenny Irene ownership of the tidelands in the State of S. 3571. An act to continue the authority Benson; with amendment (Rept. No~ 2478). Texas along its own coast line; to the Com- of the Secretary of Commerce under the Referred to the Committee of the Whole mittee on the Judiciary. · Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946, and for House. other purposes; and Mr. FEIGHAN: Committee on the Judi­ s. 3776. An act to amend and extend the ciary. H. R. 7814. A bill for the relief of provisions of the District of Columbia Stella Matutina Kazuko - Yamazaki; with Emergency Rent Act, as amended. amendment (Rept. No. 2479). Referred to SENATE On July 3, 1950: the Commit tee of the Whole House. S. 2309. An act for the relief of Oscar (Osz­ \VEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1950 kar) Nemenyi, Marianna Neme-nyi (wife), PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS and Thomas John Nemenyi (son); and <Legislative day of Saturday,July 1,1950) S. 3336. An act to provide for the organi­ Under clause 3 of rule XXII, zation of a constitutional government by The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, the people of Puerto Rico. Mr. DEANE introduced a resolution (H. on the expiration of the recess. Res. 690) authorizing funds to defray ex­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE penses incurred by the special committee The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown created by House Resolution 635, which was Harris, D. D., offered the following A message from the House of Repre­ referred to the Committee on House Admin­ prayer: sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its istration. Our Father God, with our burdened clerks, announced that the House had lives tense and strained in a violent passed the bill <H. R. 8923) to provide PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS world we seek that peace which is the improved procedures with respect to the gift of Thy grace to all those who yield financial control of the Post Office De­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private partment, and for other purposes, in bills and resolutions were introduced and their will to Thy will, their minds to Thy truth, their hearts to Thy obedience. which it requested the- concurrence of severally referred as follows: the Senate. By Mr. SADOWSKI: In these troubled days, confronted with H. R. 9035. A bill for the relief of Fumiko anxiety, tragedy, and death, all a part of LEAVE OF ABSENCE Ito; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the crimson cost of freedom, our hearts On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by H. R. 9036. A bill for the relief of Thomas cry out for a meaning that is larger than unanimous consent, Mr. TOBEY was ex­ Jacob and Alice Jacob; to the Committee on the things we seek. Lest our feet slip we cused from attendance on the sessions the Judiciary. must be upheld by something that has of the Senate for the remainder ot this H. R. 9037. A bill for the relief of Kimiko an eternal faith behind it. Arising above Shibata; to the Committee on the Judiciary. week and Monday of next week. the dividing prejudices of our embittered On his own request, and by unanimous days, may we be hearers and doers of consent, Mr. MAGNUSON was excused PETITIONS, ETC. Thy Word and of Thy will, as "we lift from attendance on the sessions of the Under clause 1 of rule XXI!, petitions our living Nation a single sword to Senate until Wednesday of next week. Thee.'' Amen. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk POMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING SENATB and referred as follows: THE JOURNAL SESSION 2243. By the SPEAKER: Petition Of the Hawaii Economic Study Club, Honolulu, T. On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unani­ On request of Mr. LUCAS, and by unan.:. H., petitioning consideration of their reso­ mous consent, the reading of the Journal imous consent, a subcommittee of the lution with reference to rejecting and op­ of the proceedings of Saturday, July 1, Committee on Foreign Relations and the posing communism, fascism, and all forms of 1950, was dispensed with. Committee on Finance were authorized totalitarianism; to the Committee on the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ to sit during the session of the Senate Judiciary. APPROVAL OF BILLS today. 2244. Also, petition of the Grand Lodge of the States of Washington, Oregon, and Messages in writing from the Presi­ On request of Mr. HILL, and by unan­ Idaho of the Sons of Italy in America, peti­ dent of the United States were com­ imous consent, a subcommittee of the tioning consideration of their resolution with municated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, Committee on Public Works was au­ reference to opposition to communism and one of his secretaries, and he announced thorized to meet this afternoon during to any other form of subversion; to the Com­ the session of the Senate. mittee on the Judiciary. that the President had approved and 2245. Also, petition of the Grand Lodge of signed the following acts: CALL OF THE ROLL the States of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho On June 30, 1950: Mr. LUCAS. I suggest the absence of of the Sons of Italy in America, petitioning S. 118. An act for the relief of C'lemente a quorum. consideration of their resolution with refer­ Sabin Dopico; The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Tha ence to the enactment of legislation making S. 330. An act for the relief of George Columbus Day a national holiday through­ Gabriel Herrmann, Greta (Marketa) Herr­ clerk will call the roll. out the United States; to the Committee on mann (wife) , and Alice Hermann ( daugh­ The roll was called, and the f ollowinll the Judiciary. ter) , known also as George Gabriel Herman, Senators answered to their names: 2246. Also, petition of the Southwestern Greta Herman, and Alice Herman; Aiken Ecton Hoey Peanut Shellers Association, Durant, Okla., S. 1165. An act to provide relief for the Anderson Ellender Holland petitioning consideration of their resolution sheep-raising industry by making special Benton Ferguson Humphrey with reference to the proceedings instituted quota immigration visas available to certain Brewster Flanders Hunt Bricker Frear Ives and prosecuted by the Department of Justice alien sheepherders; Bridges Fulbright Jenner of the United States against the Atlantic & S. 1452. An act for the relief of Dr. Juan Butler George Johnson, Tex. Pacific Tea Co., and the Atlantic Commission A. Queralt Balleste; Cain Gillette Kefauver Co., under the Federal antitrust laws; to the S. 2107. An act for the relief of Georges Connally Graham Kem Committee on the Judiciary. Gregory Alpiar; Cordon Green Kerr 2247. Also, petition of the chairmen of the S. 2265. An act for the relief of Marina Darby Gurney Kilgore Donnell Hayden Knowland Estonian and Latvian National Foundations George Papadopoulos; Douglas Hendrickson Langer and the chairman of the Lithuanian Asso­ S. 2269. Ln act to provide for the enlist­ Dworshak H.Cl{enlooper Leahy ciation in Sweden, petit ioning consideration ment of aliens in the Regular Army; Eastland Hill Lehman 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9635 Lodge Mundt Stennis report on agriculturar experiment stations, RESOLUTIONS OF NORTH DAKOTA WILD­ Lucas Murray Taft !or the fiscal year ended June 30, 1949 (with LIFE FEDERATION McCarthy Myers Thomas, Utah an accompanying report); to the Committee McClellan O'Mahoney Thye Mr. LANGER. Mr. President, I present McFarland Robertson Tydings on Agriculture and Forestry. McKellar Russell Watkins AUDIT REPORT ON COMMODITY CREDIT ·for appropriate reference three resolu­ McMahon Saltonstall Wherry CORPORATION tions adopted by the North Dakota Wild­ Magnuson Schoeppel Williama life Federation in convention assembled Martin Smith, Maine Young A letter from the Comptroller General of at Valley City, N.
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