P"Rri, Volleys
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tr I EIsinor.-P"rri,Volleys I I "All The World ls A Stage" RwWm.. Shakespeare I I . 'I VOLUME IV NUMBER 2 DECEMBER 964 A Monthy News-Magazine Devoted To The Recording Events Occuring ln The Valleys of Alberhill, Elsinore, LakelarrCVil{age, Sedco}lills; Wildomar, Mur"rieta, Temecula, dguenga' ,\nza,,Perris, Qua'il Varlley and Sun City I The most wonderful gift at Christmas Keetcsa"l<e= DlrA.rvtOFrDRlFlGS A perfect diamond makes the perfect gift. Give Keepsake, the engage- ment ring with the perlect center diamond, reflecting full brilliance and beauty forever. You can pay more, but you can't buy a finer diamond ring than Keepsake. TAYTERt3@ tArRD S450 tftcGORtlCl( 32OO Ab to $5000 WcddingRing 39.75 Wcdding Ring l(X) RinD .nl.r8.d to ,hoe d.t.il. Tr.d.-Mrrl R.r. llietrich'sDiamond Shop (DIAMOND IS OUB IIIII'DLE NAIID) ll3 North Main Elsinore, CaUfornia AUTHORIZED BULOVA JE\/VELER rydl.or@l o! lons o!.o., <rrnor o^d (rown or. t.rGr, C.ililid ror.r q@l br Th. U.ird Sror.r T.li@ Co., Inc. At ori.er orur 'or I I & {ognno &rru" DEC!\1:iF.,1e64 Vol:-.< i-.' Number 2 THIS .\ \1 -r::,r \lr-i:zine Devoted To The R.r:.xj.:-i Oi Coming Events, And ,\ P,::c:::l Review Of Past Affairs, O:;::ring In The Great Elsinore- Perris Valleys. ISSUE LA LAGUNA REVUE ls Publisbed EditorialPage -.-. - 2 Monthly at 1J8 North Main Street, Elsinore, California Dell DavisHome 3 Second Class Postage Paid Quail Valley Chapel 6 Elsinore, Cali-fornia SkylarkField ... - t0 ROGER L. MAYHALL, EasternStar Installation ll Publisber Chamberof Elsinore----------- ..-- t3 DOLORES MAYHALL, Businessand Professional Editor Women t4 Art Show r6 RUBIE ZORRERO, Murrieta News 22 Staf Photografber DECEMBER COVER- Center Aisle 27 Art Center Luncheon 28 Norma Pittson's Dog-Gigi.-.. 29 A Namels Born 3l Sun City 32 Boat Club Installation 33 CircleE Club 37 Poetry -- . 40 Ever though ou cbilint c6tt no Ionger pray it school, ue cot all of GfadysLanders House -... +2 as firay at bome that the bletsiagt ol ElsinoreNaval and Military-. 45 Christmas be herclded throqboil tbc land, snd that thne be Peaceot Eatth PerretHardw;.re Store ------49 and Good Vill to Mcr. *-edg*n Retnc Is a Monthly News-Magazine devoted to the Re- cording of events occuring in the Valleys of Alberhill, Elsinore, Lakeland Village, Sedco Hills, Wildomar, Murrieta, Temecula, Aguanga, Anza, Sunnymead, Perris, Quail Valley and Sun City. Subscription Rates: California one year, $3; Outside of State, $3.50; Any Foreign Country, $4.00. VOLUM.EIV DECEMBER,1964 NUMBER : Publisher'striql dqte set Recall petitions Roger Mayhall, publisher of La La- guna Revue, was arraigned in Federal presentedCouncil Court in Los Angeles on Monday, No- Petitions to recall Mayor Thomas C. vember 23, on a charge of counterfeit- Bartlett and Councilman Hilbert Sterv- itg, possession of counterfeit plates art were presented to the City Council and possessionof counterfeit bills, all of Elsinore at the council meeting on with the intent to pass-guilty and sell. Monday, November 23. He pleaded not to all three City Clerk Florene Marshall read charges as read. the netition to recall Bartlett and an- Trial was scLeCtiledfor Januarv 11. nounced that there were 396 signatures 1965in Chief Judge Mathis' court. and likewise on the recall petitions Mayhall was arte:ted by agents of against Stewart. the Secret Service on June 10 and about In order for an election date to be 4,500 counterfeit bills were siezed. set there must be one-fourth of the The arrest of Roser followed the resistered voters' signatureson the pe- apprehensionof three men in Florida, titions. At the time the oetitions were one a former employee at the Mayhall receivedthere were 1,565voters and 391 Print Shop Elsinore, Barry Ross Lloyd, sisnatureswere required. The petitions 20, who said he had printed the monev filed each had five signatures more than while working in an Elsinore shop, ac- necessary. cording to authorities. r No official action will be taken to call an election at least until after the meeting of December 14. r Merry Christmas, 1964 The publisher of La Lagune Revue School site qreq chosen and his staff are grateful for the sup- Trusteesof the Elsinore High School port given the magazine during the past District have selected a new site in year and take this occasion to wish Sedco for the new high school to be everybody a Merry Christmas. built if 'the bond election to be held Though the past six months have January 26 passes. been harder for the staff to get out the The voters in the district will be magazine due to the loss of the camera asked to vote on bonds in ths amount and one press, Roger has managed to of $2 million and approval of a state "make do.tt , apportionment of $2 million. He kept up the qualitv of the maga- Tentative location for the new school zine, saw that it was filled with news is within Walnut on the east; Lemon that you readers would enjov and last on the west; Mission Trail on the south month added a little sparkle by putting and Freeway 71 on the north. some color on the inside page. The school district owns a 57-acre Bigger and better things are planned site on East Grand Avenue in Wildo- for the maqazine for the coming year, mar but five elections have failed to thanks to the support of the advertisers pass the bonds and state aid to build and you-the readers. ! on that site. Paoe Two I r I anr rne Rpw' 'o --- flara-l--' I OAl La Laguna Revue Photo As you pull into the circular &iveway the sight of the /D grreelsyou at tbe Dell Davis home. UNUSUALHOUSEh UNUSUAL FAMILI fidobehouse features many fascinating attractions is the story of the gether by bits and piecesin that can best be told in pic- fhis- Davis family - Morgan the minds of Dell and Len- ture form, for how can "Dell" Davis. the husband na. Then these ideas were wordsdescribe the en- and father; Lenna Davis, passed on to Larry Weir trance to the house with the wife and mother; Jo of Weir Brothers Construc- its huge pyracanth bush Ann, the daughter and tion Company in Escondido shaped into the brand Danny and Dlenny,twin and Larry added more used at the Davis ranch- boys. ideas to the Davis's ideas the Slash D; or the appear- But mainly, this story is and the plans were drawn ance of the patio side of about the house this won- -changed and redone. the house from the pool, derful family lives in just First, adobe was to be wherle all of the lines of six miles south of Perris, the outside material used architectural design and off Perris Boulevard on in construction. Larry Weir the arrangement of the Iris Street. took hold of the ball and redwood furniture remind It is not a usual family, here it started-a mind's one of thte ranch at the nor is this house a usual eye picturs of a home be- Ponderosa on "Bonanza." house and deciding on ing brought into reality. How do you describe *'hich to put first is quitre Time was May of 1960, walkinq into the enormous a cnore. moving in day, November room that has the birch To begin, the floor plan of the same year. wood kitchen on the right, of the house was put to- This is the type of- story dining area set into an -: Laguna Revue --- December I 964 Page Three arced alcove centef all:. livinsroom to tlre lef: rri:l-. the floor of terrazzo. ri'hicl: is a flooring of smali chios of marble and rock set 1n cement and then highh' polished; the u'alls of adobe brick, painted u'hite. but co'n'ered.r'et not co\'- ered with keepsakes and knick-knacks the faniii' has collected over the years. 'io Is there a better \\'a]- -' -. -r-ir;"t j-.- r-: tell of Dell's cien. or the , .1 fircnlaec in that roont. or -. .-::;::..L-.:;: the fact that the three beci- ,'ir, rooms of the chilciren are almost identical in design Lookinsar the backof the houserrf*tiiT""5:i.*tf,3*" +1^^^ +1"-n.dh ^i^.',.oS. !rlarr Lrrrvul; SUCh door leads to the main part of the house. To the as those on ihe follori'ing right but not in photo are lhe entrances to Danny, pages? Drenny, and Jo Ann's be&ooms" rrli Lenna with sadi, th.e English ,ffi' ,,Davises Bulrdog that Dell has named in fuu, Fear jl::lq| is ih; ,kir"h;;'ij',It*."a wirh eleclricIi,_t.*I-:i,1':^1. appliances. The "r.?:u coppertone st6olsat the counrer are made or -lJq"irJ'ti iii"iJt'i ., Lenna's chair you will note a barrel. on this r"tt.t, irlli"h-*"" given the Davises bv Lenna's dad. owner of the Galreana winery in ivlir; L;;a, is set a circular table, 5r/z feel in diameler, mac't-' of lerrazzo and inlet with abatone shells. The tapestry on the arced wall of the dining area represenrs rhe Mission san Juan. -: :-. ::::---:.: to describe the top in the accounting had been for over 18 r'ears I.: :. **- .r'hich is tre- lield out of the entire class. befors building in Perris =.rJ:-:-r :'i: to tell about Who knows the Dell that Vallel'. '.:-e :,:::-*'orking hard- poured hour after hour The trophies above the i:'.-::-.- i)=-: and his wife, over the books for a large fireplace in the den are i-e:-:,: i:-i the rest df the ranch in the vicinity, and still another facet of his t-a:: --,.