Ecology, 84(5), 2003, pp. 1189±1198 ᭧ 2003 by the Ecological Society of America


CARLA E. CAÂ CERES1,3 AND ALAN J. TESSIER2 1School of Integrative Biology, 515 Morrill Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 USA 2W. K. Kellogg Biological Station and Zoology Department, Michigan State University, Hickory Corners, Michigan 49060 USA

Abstract. Dormancy is a common mechanism employed by short-lived organisms for persistence in a variable environment. Theory suggests that the fraction of propagules that terminate dormancy each year should be Ͻ100% when recruitment success varies tem- porally. Moreover, the fraction of propagules that resumes development should vary across habitats that differ in the probability of successful recruitment or the probability of survival during dormancy. We tested these predictions by using dormant eggs from ®ve populations of the freshwater cladoceran pulicaria that differ in their ability to recruit to and persist in the water column. In two separate experiments, newly produced dormant eggs were incubated in situ for one year at various sites on the bottom of the lakes. A series of reciprocal transplants among four of these populations separated the effects of lake-speci®c environmental cues from the genetic and maternal effects of the different populations. Additional eggs were incubated in the laboratory under photoperiod±temperature combi- nations representative of those in the ®eld. We found that the annual hatching fraction ranged from 6% to 50% among lakes, and that hatching fraction was primarily driven by environmental cues rather than being a result of the source of the eggs. However, laboratory incubations demonstrated signi®cant differences among populations in the trajectories of the hatching curves, and a much higher rate of hatching than the ®eld incubations. Our results suggest that variation in dormancy strategies within these systems is likely in¯uenced both by the seasonal risk experienced by the active individuals and by risks associated with entering the dormant egg bank. Key words: bet hedging; Daphnia pulicaria; diapause; dormancy, optimal; dormancy termination and environmental cues; resting eggs; zooplankton.

INTRODUCTION If this theory is correct and dormancy termination Most organisms live in variable environments and schedules can be shaped by selection, habitats that dif- have evolved life-history traits that facilitate survival fer dramatically in either the frequency of ``bad'' con- and reproduction in habitats of ¯uctuating quality. For ditions or the mortality rate of propagules should select example, many species produce long-lived dormant for populations that differ in their dormancy strategies. propagules such as seeds, eggs, or cysts that can not Annual plants have served as the primary model system only survive conditions that are lethal to active indi- for testing this theory, and variation in germination viduals, but can also create overlapping generations fractions at the level of species, population, and ge- with the formation of persistent seed or egg banks notype is well established (Went 1949, Grime et al. (Leck et al. 1989, Hairston et al. 1995, CaÂceres 1997). 1981, Phillipi 1993a). The studies that have rigorously When only a fraction of propagules resume develop- addressed the theory indicate that delayed germination ment at the ®rst available opportunity (e.g., ®rst rainfall is consistent with a bet-hedging strategy, and some after seed drop), short-term ®tness gains are sacri®ced, suggest the occurrence of ``predictive germination'' in but this bet-hedging strategy of variable germination which phenotypic plasticity in response to the hatching pays off in habitats that are occasionally so bad that cues results in the highest germination fractions in recruitment back to the dormant stage fails entirely years that are favorable for recruitment (Rice 1985, (Cohen 1966, Seger and Brockmann 1987). Just what Phillipi 1993b, Evans and Cabin 1995, Pake and Ven- fraction of propagules should forgo resuming devel- able 1995, Clauss and Venable 2000). opment is predicted by theory to be related to the fre- Much like annual plants, many species of freshwater quency of favorable habitat conditions and the prob- and nearshore marine zooplankton produce long-lived ability of survival in the dormant stage (Cohen 1966, dormant eggs that accumulate in vast numbers in sed- iment egg banks (De Stasio 1989, Marcus et al. 1994, Ellner 1985a). Hairston 1996, CaÂceres 1998). The existence of these Manuscript received 10 May 2002; revised 16 September egg banks indicates that not all eggs resume devel- 2002; accepted 27 September 2002. opment soon after they were produced, raising the 3 E-mail: [email protected] question of whether or not this accumulation of viable 1189 1190 CARLA E. CAÂ CERES AND ALAN J. TESSIER Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 5 offspring represents a bet-hedging strategy parallel to marily the result of genetic or environmental effects? that seen in annual plants. Laboratory studies have in- Is there any evidence that egg banks represent an op- dicated substantial variation in response to hatching timal strategy for these populations? Our results sug- cues across species, populations, and genotypes of zoo- gest that despite differential responses to environmen- plankton (Pancella and Stross 1963, Schwartz and He- tal cues both within and between populations, the op- bert 1987, Van Dooren and Brendonck 1998) and have timal hatching strategies predicted by theory are con- documented signi®cant genetic effects on the hatching strained by among-lake variation in availability of fraction (De Meester and De Jager 1993a). A few ®eld environmental cues. studies have directly estimated hatching rates from the sediment egg bank, and all conclude that a very small METHODS fraction of the viable eggs terminate dormancy within a given year (De Stasio 1989, CaÂceres 1998, Hairston Study systems et al. 2000). Our study lakes are small glacial kettles in southwest If dormancy schedules in zooplankton populations Michigan (Barry and Kalamazoo Counties) that vary are shaped by selection, then we would expect the in surface area (4.8 ha±67.6 ha) and maximum depth hatching fraction of eggs to vary among lakes, de- (9 m±14 m). The zooplankton assemblage of each lake pending on the probability of successful recruitment is dominated by Daphnia pulicaria during spring. Four back to the egg bank (sensu Cohen 1966, Ellner 1985a, of the lakes thermally stratify in summer, creating a b). Successful recruitment is likely in¯uenced by a deep-water refuge in which the D. pulicaria can avoid number of ecological factors (e.g., resource levels, competition and predation (Wright and Shapiro 1990) abundance of competitors, and predation risks) known and therefore persist year-round (perennial popula- to vary widely among lakes in the same geographic tions: Bristol Lake, Lawrence Lake, Warner Lake, 3 region. Alternatively, rather than genotypes bet hedg- Lakes 2). Among these perennial populations, however, ing by producing some fraction of offspring that will there is considerable variation in the annual water-col- delay hatching, diapausing eggs may accumulate in the umn abundance and seasonal dynamics of D. pulicaria. sediments simply because some fail to get the ``right'' This variation is in part associated with the fact that cue soon enough and are subsequently buried. Since in some lakes, deep-water anoxia reduces the size of eggs may need to be within the top few millimeters of available refuge, leading to a decline of summer den- sediment to receive the hatching cue and terminate dia- sities (Tessier and Welser 1991, C. E. CaÂceres and A. pause, the majority of the eggs produced can quickly J. Tessier, unpublished data). The ®fth lake, Little become buried too deeply to contribute to the active Long, has a large surface area and therefore does not population (Kasahara et al. 1975, CaÂceres and Hairston stratify thermally during the summer. The water-col- 1998). If this is the case, mother and offspring may umn abundance of D. pulicaria in this lake typically have little control over hatching schedules and the pres- falls below detection by mid-summer due to a lack of ence or absence of egg banks in a particular system may be driven to a large extent by physical processes deep-water refuge (annual population). These differ- such as the degree to which sediments accumulate and ences in water-column dynamics likely create annual are subsequently mixed. Hence, if diapause strategies variation within and among lakes in a population's abil- are shaped by selection in these populations, the risks ity to hatch from the egg bank and successfully recruit experienced in the water column balanced against the back to the dormant stage, thereby creating variation risks in the sediment will determine the optimal strat- in the frequency of ``good'' and ``bad'' years among egy. populations. Moreover, differences in basin shape and Our research focuses on the variation in diapause productivity among the lakes likely in¯uence the rates strategies of several populations of Daphnia pulicaria of sedimentation and re-suspension in these lakes, two inhabiting small lakes in southwest Michigan (USA). key processes in determining the risk of eggs being More than six years of ®eld sampling indicate that the buried too deeply to ever receive a hatching cue (CaÂ- annual phenology of the Daphnia pulicaria in the water ceres and Hairston 1998). column varies considerably across these populations, For most of the year, female D. pulicaria produce re¯ecting a natural gradient of persistence ability in the daughters parthenogenetically. During May and June, active stage (Tessier and Welser 1991, Geedey et al. males and diapausing (dormant) eggs are also pro- 1996, Tessier and Leibold 1997, A. J. Tessier and C. duced. One or two dormant eggs are encased in a pro- E. CaÂceres, unpublished data). We combine ®eld and tective modi®cation of the female's carapace known as laboratory incubations of newly-produced diapausing an ``ephippium,'' which closes around the eggs after eggs to assess variation in dormancy termination in the female molts. The timing and intensity of the pro- these populations. Speci®cally, we address the follow- duction of diapausing eggs varies among populations ing questions: Do dormant eggs from different popu- and is correlated with persistence ability in the water lations of D. pulicaria exhibit variation in annual column (C. E. CaÂceres and A. J. Tessier, unpublished hatching rates? Is hatching in a particular system pri- manuscript). May 2003 DIAPAUSE TERMINATION 1191

Hatching fraction of newly produced eggs lake populations (Bristol, Lawrence, Little Long, Warner, 3 Lakes 2 [3L2]). Thirty (60 eggs) To investigate hatching rates in newly produced dia- from each population were transferred to tissue-culture pausing eggs, we collected ephippia-bearing Daphnia trays and returned to the bottom of their own lake along from the water column of Warner and Little Long Lakes three transects (one tray per site). In Little Long, Warn- during May±June 1999. The Daphnia were incubated er, and 3L2, each transect had a nearshore and offshore at room temperature in the laboratory for up to 48 site. In Lawrence Lake, steep banks prohibited the es- hours, and ephippia released during that time were tablishment of nearshore sites, hence we only estab- transferred to six-well tissue-culture trays (50 two-egg lished three offshore sites. In Bristol, we could collect ephippia per tray ϭ 100 eggs). Six holes drilled in the only enough eggs for three nearshore sites. In addition lids of each tray were covered with a 200-␮m mesh to to the eggs being incubated in their own lake, eggs allow water exchange. During the second week of June, ephippia were returned to the lake from which they had from Little Long were incubated at all established sites been isolated. When diapausing eggs are released by a in all lakes. Eggs from 3L2 and Bristol were also in- female in the ®eld, they can either settle to the sediment cubated at the nearshore sites in Little Long, and eggs in the mixing zone (epilimnion) or into sediment in from Warner Lake were incubated in both nearshore deeper water below the thermocline (hypolimnion). and offshore locations in Little Long. All eggs were Eggs that settle in the mixing zone receive higher light incubated until May 2001, and hatching fraction was levels, lower sediment load, and warmer temperatures determined as in the ®rst experiment. Once again, all than those that settle into deeper water. Hence, when trays were successfully recovered. we returned our trays to the ®eld we established two In addition to the ®eld experiments, we incubated transects in each lake, with two sites per transect. Each newly produced diapausing eggs from our populations transect had one nearshore site located in the mixing in two Percival environmental chambers (Percival Sci- zone and another site in the offshore region. In a ther- enti®c, Perry, Iowa, USA). One chamber was set up mally strati®ed lake (all lakes but Little Long), the with the photoperiod±temperature combination repre- offshore site was not only deeper, colder, and darker sentative of our nearshore sites, and the other chamber than the nearshore site, but also experienced periods was set up with the photoperiod±temperature condi- of summer anoxia. Each tray, which served as the ex- tions typical of our offshore sites in a thermally strat- perimental unit, was secured inside a frame constructed i®ed lake. Prior research indicates that photoperiod and of plastic garden fencing and rebar (two trays per temperature are proximate cues for terminating dor- frame). We used scuba to ®rmly attach the frames to mancy in Daphnia (Stross 1966). Each week, settings the bottom of the lakes (two frames per site). One frame on the chambers were set to re¯ect ®eld conditions at each site was removed in early November 1999, typically found in strati®ed lakes in southwest Mich- while the other remained in place until May 2000. All igan (Wetzel 1983). Both chambers were always set to trays were successfully recovered at the end of their the same photoperiod, but temperatures differed in the incubation. two chambers June±October to re¯ect the average tem- At the end of the 6-mo or 1-yr incubation, all ephip- perature at the sediment in the epilimnion and the hy- pia were removed from each tray and examined indi- polimnion. Conditions in the two chambers were iden- vidually. Based on visual inspection, each ephippium tical (ambient photoperiod, temperature Յ10ЊC) during was scored as containing no eggs (open and empty), November±April, which represented the periods of one, or two eggs. A small number of eggs were clearly complete mixing and ice cover in the lakes. Treatments no longer viable (CaÂceres 1998) and were recorded as were periodically rotated between the chambers to re- such. Since all ephippia contained two eggs at the be- duce the possibility of chamber effects. ginning of the experiment, and the open and empty These laboratory experiments were conducted in ephippia remain in the tray after the Daphnia have both 1999 and 2000. In 1999, three trays (100 eggs hatched, ``missing'' eggs from the recovered ephippia each) of both Little Long and Warner were incubated were considered to have hatched. A small fraction of in both the nearshore and offshore treatments. In 2000, the initial ephippia (Ͻ3% in experiment 1 and Ͻ5% in we were limited by the number of eggs collected, hence experiment 2) were not found at the end of the exper- only Little Long had three trays (50 eggs each) in each iment, hence we de®ne ``hatching fraction'' as the pro- treatment, all other populations had two trays (50 eggs portion of recovered eggs (i.e., two times the number each), except for Warner which had one tray. In ad- of recovered ephippia) that had hatched. dition to the ®ve lakes used in the ®eld experiment, we In spring 2000 we repeated this experiment but re- also examined the hatching fraction of a sixth popu- vised the design to include additional lakes and to per- lation (Big Long, two trays each treatment). Hatchlings form a series of reciprocal transplant experiments to were counted weekly for 48 weeks in 1999±2000 and address the relative importance of population and en- 45 weeks in 2000±2001, at which point no viable eggs vironmental effects on hatching fraction. In May±June remained. The cumulative hatching fractions as well as 2000 we isolated newly produced ephippia from ®ve the hatching trajectories for Little Long and Warner in 1192 CARLA E. CAÂ CERES AND ALAN J. TESSIER Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 5 the 1999±2000 experiment were combined with those from the 2000±2001 experiment for analysis.

Statistical analysis For the ®rst ®eld experiment, we used three-way AN- OVA to analyze the effect of source population (Warner vs. Little Long), duration of incubation (six months vs. one year), and incubation depth (nearshore vs. off- shore) on the hatching fraction of newly produced eggs. In the second ®eld experiment (2000±2001), basin mor- phometry and egg limitation precluded the establish- ment of a fully factorial design in the reciprocal trans- plants (see above). Since the experimental design did not allow the use of a single model, we used a series of one-way and two-way ANOVAs to address different FIG. 1. Hatching fraction in the ®rst ®eld experiment questions. Speci®cally, since two of the ®ve lakes (1999±2000) for eggs produced by Daphnia pulicaria in Little Long and Warner lakes (southwest Michigan, USA). Eggs (Bristol and Lawrence) were placed at a single incu- were incubated in the lake in which they were produced for bation depth, we exclude incubation depth as a factor either 6 mo (fall) or 1 yr (spring). The effect of incubation in the ®rst three analyses. First we used one-way AN- depth (nearshore vs. offshore) was not signi®cant but con- OVA to examine if hatching fraction varied among the tributes to the variance. Data are means Ϯ 1 SE. ®ve populations when eggs were incubated in their own lake. We then used two one-way ANOVA models to S(t) ϭ 1 Ϫ (h /n ) address the question of source vs. environment by ex- ii amining hatching fraction of Little Long eggs in the where S(t) is the fraction of eggs remaining dormant

®ve different lakes and the hatching fraction in the four at time t, hi is the number hatching during interval i populations incubated in the common garden of Little and ni is the number that were dormant at the beginning Long. The potential effect of incubation depth was con- of the interval. Eggs that degraded during the labora- sidered for the three lakes (Little Long, Warner, and tory incubation were right censored. Differences 3L2) that had both nearshore and offshore sites, ®rst among treatments and among populations within each by using two-way ANOVA to compare the effects of treatment were determined with log-rank tests. Cu- lake environment and incubation depth on the hatching mulative hatching fraction was examined by two-way fraction of eggs incubated in their own lake, and then ANOVA, with each tray serving as the experimental by using two-way ANOVA to compare the environ- unit. mental effects (host lake and incubation depth) on RESULTS hatching fraction of Little Long eggs. Finally, we used three separate two-way ANOVA models, with a se- Hatching in the lakes quential Bonferroni correction, to address the effects In our ®rst hatching-fraction experiment (1999± of source population vs. host lake in the three reciprocal 2000) we found a signi®cant effect of season retrieved transplant experiments (Little Long ϫ Warner, Little (fall vs. spring) and population (Little Long vs. Long ϫ 3L2, Little Long ϫ Bristol). Warner), but not of incubation depth (nearshore vs. The ®ve lakes, two seasons, and two incubation offshore), on the fraction of Daphnia pulicaria eggs depths were chosen speci®cally to de®ne the range of that terminated dormancy (Fig. 1; season F1,24 ϭ 38.39, population phenology and environmental variation of P Ͻ 0.0001; population F1,24 ϭ 37.32, P Ͻ 0.0001; interest, and so were treated as ®xed effects. Each tis- incubation depth F1,24 ϭ 0.83, P ϭ 0.37). In both lakes, sue-culture tray served as the experimental unit. Be- Ͻ3% of the eggs had terminated dormancy by the No- cause the residuals from most models indicated that vember 1999 sampling, but the following spring Ͼ55% variance tended to increase with treatment mean, hatch- of the eggs hatched in the annual population (Little ing fractions from the ®eld and laboratory hatching Long) and Ͻ4% hatched in the perennial population. experiments were log(X ϩ 1) transformed. Unless oth- The large increase in the Little Long population com- erwise noted, interactions were not signi®cant. Anal- pared to consistently low hatching in Warner resulted yses were performed in SYSTAT 10.0 (Wilkinson in a signi®cant season ϫ lake interaction as well (F1,24 2000). ϭ 22.85, P ϭ 0.0001). Incubation depth was not sig- We used JMP 4.0 (SAS Institute 2000) to examine ni®cant because so few eggs hatched at any site in the effects of source population and treatment on hatch- Warner and hatching at the nearshore and offshore sites ing rates in the laboratory. Product-limit (Kaplan- was similar in Little Long. Meier) hatching estimates for each population were cal- In the second experiment (2000±2001) we again ob- culated as: served a higher hatching fraction in Little Long eggs May 2003 DIAPAUSE TERMINATION 1193

(49%) as compared to Warner eggs (7%), suggesting that hatching fraction within a particular system may be relatively constant from year to year. By including three additional populations and a series of reciprocal transplants in the 2000±2001 experiment we found that hatching fraction varied substantially across a range of lake types and that this difference was primarily the result of lake-speci®c environmental cues. When in- cubated in their own lake, the average hatching fraction of the ®ve populations of D. pulicaria ranged from 6 to 50% (F4,19 ϭ 3.78, P ϭ 0.02). Although this variation could result from differences in either the environ- mental cues associated with each lake or the genetic and maternal effects of each population's eggs, the hatching fraction of Little Long eggs incubated in each of the ®ve systems showed a similar range of variation

(F4,19 ϭ 4.40, P ϭ 0.011). Further, no signi®cant dif- ference was observed across the four populations in- cubated in the common-garden environment provided by Little Long (F3,13 ϭ 0.09, P ϭ 0.96). These results suggest that most of the variation in hatching fraction among populations can be explained by environmental differences among the lakes. In addition to comparing environmental differences among the lakes, we also examined the environmental effects of nearshore and offshore sites. In the second experiment three of the ®ve lakes (Little Long, Warner, and 3L2) had their own eggs incubated at both near- shore and offshore sites. We found a signi®cant effect of lake, incubation depth, and the lake ϫ depth inter- action on the hatching fraction in these three popula- FIG. 2. Hatching fraction in the second ®eld experiment tions (lake F ϭ 12.83, P ϭ 0.001; depth F ϭ 9.00, for eggs produced by ®ve populations of Daphnia pulicaria. 2,12 1,12 Each population had a set of eggs incubated in the lake in P ϭ 0.01; lake ϫ depth F2,12 ϭ 4.75, P ϭ 0.03; Fig. which they were produced; all but Lawrence were also in- 2). This analysis indicates clearly the effects of incu- cubated in Little Long. Little Long was incubated in all ®ve bation depth, but because we only considered eggs of systems. Top panel shows hatching from nearshore sites. The each of the three populations incubated in their own bottom panel represents hatching from the offshore site in each lake, which was in the hypolimnion for 3L2, Lawrence, lake, it is unclear whether the lake effect results from and Warner, but not for Little Long. Data are means Ϯ 1 SE. a genetic or maternal effect, or from the lake-speci®c environmental cues of each incubation lake. We there- fore examined the Little Long eggs incubated at near- ϭ 0.89; LL ϫ B F1,11 ϭ 0.55, P ϭ 0.47; LL ϫ 3L2 shore and offshore sites in the three lakes (Little Long, F1,17 ϭ 0.08, P ϭ 0.78). However, host environment Warner, 3L2). The hatching fraction of Little Long eggs was signi®cant in one experiment, and marginally sig- was signi®cantly in¯uenced by both the host lake and ni®cant in a second even after sequential Bonferroni incubation depth (Fig. 2; host F2,12 ϭ 12.44, P ϭ 0.001; correction (LL ϫ W F1,19 ϭ 37.77, P Ͻ 0.0001; LL ϫ depth F1,12 ϭ 5.07, P ϭ 0.04). The depth effect seemed B F1,11 ϭ 5.97, P ϭ 0.03; LL ϫ 3L2 F1,17 ϭ 0.02, P ϭ primarily to be driven by the differences between near- 0.90). These results con®rm the large effect of envi- shore and offshore sites in 3L2 (Fig. 2, open bars near- ronmental cues relative to source-population effects in shore vs. offshore), but the host ϫ depth effect was terminating dormancy in these Daphnia populations. not signi®cant (F2,12 ϭ 3.17, P ϭ 0.08). Our comparison of hatching fraction among popu- Finally, we used our three reciprocal transplants (Lit- lations assumes that eggs from the ®ve lakes did not tle Long ϫ Warner, Little Long ϫ 3L2, Little Long ϫ differ in initial viability or their ability to survive for Bristol) to analyze the effects of source population and the duration of the experiment. To test this assumption host environment. In each of the three transplant ex- we compared the number of visibly nonviable eggs periments, source population had no effect on hatching recovered after the ®eld incubations in both years. fraction (LL ϫ W F1,19 ϭ 0.02, P ϭ 0.88; LL ϫ B F1,11 Among the ®ve populations, the percentage of nonvi-

ϭ 0.18, P ϭ 0.67; LL ϫ 3L2 F1,17 ϭ 2.8, P ϭ 0.11). able eggs at the end of one year ranged between a low Similarly, in no case, did we observe a signi®cant effect of 0 Ϯ 0.0% (mean Ϯ 1 SE) in Lawrence (i.e., all of host ϫ source interaction (LL ϫ W F1,19 ϭ 0.02, P remaining eggs appeared to be viable) to a high of 15 1194 CARLA E. CAÂ CERES AND ALAN J. TESSIER Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 5

FIG. 3. Viability estimates of Daphnia puli- caria eggs used in the 2000±2001 experiment (% hatched). Following removal from the lakes, all seemingly viable eggs were transferred to new tissue-culture wells and incubated in the labo- ratory at 10ЊC until no viable eggs remained. The total numbers of eggs hatched (lake ϩ labora- tory) are plotted; data are means Ϯ 1 SE.

Ϯ 4.3% in Bristol. The other three populations had no ``latent period'' during which time they will not Ͻ8% nonviable eggs. Viability did not differ among hatch. In contrast, in the nearshore treatment four of the four populations central to the reciprocal transplant the six populations exhibited little or no hatching for experiment presented above, either when they were in- the ®rst three months of incubation. The other two pop- cubated in their own lake (F3,33 ϭ 2.10, P ϭ 0.12) or ulations had an initial burst of hatching, but then ex- hibited similar trajectories as the other populations. In in Little Long (F3,13 ϭ 1.64, P ϭ 0.23). On average 94.7% Ϯ 1.3% of the eggs in 1999±2000 and 93.7 Ϯ the nearshore treatment, all populations increased 1.0% of the eggs in 2000±2001 were viable throughout hatching rate during the simulated October conditions the experiment. The high survival rate in the ®eld sug- associated with temperature dropping below 10ЊC. gests that the differences we observed were strongly The early hatching in the hypolimnion treatment related to the lake-speci®c environmental cues rather compared to the delayed hatching for most populations than viability differences among populations. in the epilimnion treatment led to clear differences in the hatching-time functions between habitat treatments The seemingly viable eggs that remained after the (log-rank test; ␹2 ϭ 215.2, df ϭ 1, P Ͻ 0.0001), a result 2000±2001 incubation in the ®eld were transferred to that holds even when the hatching that occurred during new tissue-culture wells and incubated in the labora- the ®rst week is excluded from the analysis (log-rank toryat10ЊC; hatching was checked until no viable eggs test; ␹2 ϭ 291.8, df ϭ 1, P Ͻ 0.0001). Moreover, hatch- remained (7±15 months). By the end of this laboratory ing clearly varied among populations in each treatment. incubation the cumulative hatching (®eld ϩ laboratory) When we excluded the ®rst week of hatching from the was substantially greater than ®eld hatching alone for analysis we still found differences among populations all populations, con®rming the intrinsic viability of in both the epilimnion (log-rank test; ␹2 ϭ 84.1, df ϭ these year-old eggs. However, under laboratory con- 5, P Ͻ 0.0001) and hypolimnion treatments (log-rank ditions a signi®cant fraction of the eggs began to de- test; ␹2 ϭ 98.4, df ϭ 5, P Ͻ 0.0001). The qualitative grade, resulting in a cumulative hatch that varied results are also unaffected by excluding the right-cen- among populations (Fig. 3), both for eggs that had been sored eggs from the analysis. In addition to variation incubated in their own lake (F4,23 ϭ 7.1, P ϭ 0.001) in the hatching trajectories, cumulative hatch varied and in the common-garden environment provided by both among populations and habitat (two-way ANO- the Little Long incubation (F3,13 ϭ 5.2, P ϭ 0.01). VA: source F5,26 ϭ 12.34, P Ͻ 0.0001; habitat F1,26 ϭ Laboratory conditions served to increase both hatching 8.39, P ϭ 0.008). However, all eggs used in the lab- and senescence rates of the eggs. oratory experiment either completed development or degraded within 48 weeks. This contrasted greatly with Hatching fraction in the simulated habitats the continued viability of the eggs that had been in- Newly produced eggs that were incubated in the lab- cubated in the ®eld for a year, and con®rms that lab- oratory under temperature±photoperiod combinations oratory conditions accelerated both hatching and se- representative of ®eld conditions exhibited differential nescence of both newly produced and year-old eggs. responses to cues (Fig. 4). For all populations the eggs DISCUSSION placed into hypolimnion conditions began to hatch im- Our ®eld experiments document considerable vari- mediately, indicating that newly produced eggs have ation in the hatching fraction of Daphnia pulicaria eggs May 2003 DIAPAUSE TERMINATION 1195

FIG. 4. Hatching schedules of newly produced, diapausing Daphnia pulicaria eggs in the laboratory under temperature and photoperiod conditions representative of the epilimnion (top) and hypolimnion (bottom) in lakes in southwest Michigan, USA. Big Long, Bristol, Lawrence, and 3L2 Lakes have eggs for 2000±2001 only, but Little Long and Warner were measured in both 1999±2000 and 2000±2001. For clarity, error bars (Ϯ1 SE) are shown for only four dates throughout the experiment; these error estimates are representative for the entire experiment. Numbers at the top of each panel represent the temperature on the ®rst day of the month in each treatment; each week photoperiod was the same in both environmental chambers and representative of the photoperiod in southern Michigan (USA). within and among lakes. Our reciprocal transplants and terns between the laboratory and lake incubations call comparisons of offshore vs. nearshore habitats indicate for caution in extrapolating laboratory results as an that most of this variation in hatching fraction in nature approach to testing adaptive hypotheses. Moreover, is determined by the environment. Although the lab- since our ®eld-collected ephippia were likely produced oratory incubations document signi®cant genetic or by multiple maternal genotypes, we cannot partition maternal variation in response of dormant eggs to the genetic from maternal phenotype effects, necessary in hatching cues, the resulting variation among popula- any discussion of bet hedging. It is obvious, however, tions in cumulative hatching is less pronounced than that there is a general seasonal pattern to the hatch the effects of incubation lake and depth on the hatching (inhibition in summer, stimulation beginning in late of each population's eggs. The laboratory results also autumn), not all eggs respond to the environment in suggest bet hedging (variable dormancy) or predictive the same way, and there are large differences among germination (increased hatching in response to season- lakes in the probability of getting an adequate seasonal al cues). However, large differences in hatching pat- cue. 1196 CARLA E. CAÂ CERES AND ALAN J. TESSIER Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 5

In describing dormant seeds, Harper (1977:65) said Although differential rates of burial among the lakes that ``some seeds are born dormant, some acquire dor- may partially contribute to this pattern, there is still mancy and some have dormancy thrust upon them,'' the question of why so many eggs delay development and plant ecologists often distinguish between ``in- until sometime after the ®rst year. One possible expla- nate'' vs. environmentally ``enforced'' dormancy. The nation for our ®eld pattern is that genotypes are capable range of abiotic conditions within and across lakes, of ``predictive germination,'' as has been suggested for coupled with the fact that the dormant eggs of zoo- annual plants, and only resume development during plankton can quickly become buried and shut off from times that are favorable for recruitment (Rice 1985, the hatching cues, makes this distinction essential to Evans and Cabin 1995, Pake and Venable 1995). Con- understanding the evolution of dormancy strategies in siderable evidence has accumulated documenting sig- zooplankton. Despite the observed differences in re- ni®cant variation in ®tness among clones coexisting in sponse to photoperiod and temperature cues in the lab- a single habitat (Weider 1985, De Meester et al. 1995, oratory, much of the variation in our ®eld results is Tessier and Leibold 1997), hence eggs produced by easily explained by environmental variation in cues different genotypes will be favored in the water-column such as light availability and temperature. Most eggs under different conditions. Although we found no in- do not hatch from sites that are perpetually cold and formation indicating that the dormant eggs of Daphnia dark. can assess the quality of their habitat, this has been In the ®eld the availability of photoperiod and tem- suggested for other aquatic organisms. For example, perature cues, which are known to break dormancy in Rengefors et al. (1998) and Hansson (2000) found that zooplankton (Stross 1966, Schwartz and Hebert 1987, three species of algae reduced termination of dormancy Arnott and Yan 2002), obviously varied both within when in the presence of herbivores. If Daphnia dia- and among lakes. In our thermally strati®ed lakes, pausing eggs are capable of assessing habitat quality where the offshore sites experienced constant cold tem- and adjusting their hatching fraction accordingly de- peratures and light levels can be as low as 3% of surface pending on the particular environment, we would ex- irradiance (Gerrish 2001), hatching was on average pect differential hatching among lakes. Ͻ10%. Offshore sites in strati®ed lakes often experi- Our results also suggest the possibility that Daphnia ence higher sediment accumulation with lower levels clones produce diapausing eggs with differential re- of mixing and re-suspension (Weyhenmeyer et al. sponses to the environment, some which hatch early 1997). Since so few eggs are being cued to hatch early and some which hatch later. In annual plants, the ma- on, many are becoming permanently entombed in the ternal genotype can control dormancy duration of the egg bank where they are effectively dead unless some seeds by such mechanisms as varying seed size or the localized mixing action returns them to the sediment± thickness of the seed coat (Harper 1977, Westoby 1981, water interface (CaÂceres and Hairston 1998). Hence, Bradbeer 1988). The ``seed coat'' of Daphnia dormant rather than providing a risk-spreading strategy, in most eggs, the ephippium, varies considerably in levels of lakes the majority of the egg bank is likely in the cat- melanization, with some ephippia being completely egory of ``those that have dormancy thrust upon them.'' transparent and some being completely opaque. Gerrish Diapausing eggs in Little Long Lake may be the ex- (2001) found signi®cant variation in pigmentation of ception to this rule. Since this lake mixes deeply and the ephippia both within and among our study lakes, does not stratify in summer, potential environmental and used laboratory experiments to determine that pig- cues differ far less between the nearshore and offshore ment levels were strongly in¯uenced by the maternal sites. This was the only host lake in which hatching genotype. Moreover, De Meester and De Jager (1993b) from the offshore sites was comparable to that of the and De Meester et al. (1998) suggest both genetic dif- nearshore sites. Moreover, Little Long Lake in the one ferences and maternal effects on the delayed hatching system in which the Daphnia population always falls schedules observed in the laboratory. However, given below detection limits in the water column by mid- that many of the eggs are likely to never receive the summer and does not reestablish for several months hatching cue, the effectiveness of this bet-hedging (A. J. Tessier and C. E. CaÂceres, unpublished data). strategy may be largely constrained by the environ- The lack of potential competitors at times may increase ment. the probability that a genotype that emerges from the In our laboratory experiment we did ®nd differential sediment will successfully invade the water column. responses to the photoperiod and temperature cues both That, coupled with the relaxation of environmental con- within and across populations, but the level of variation straint, may have contributed to the high hatching in differed among lakes. For example, in the epilimnion this system. and hypolimnion treatment of Little Long, 90% of the Across the nearshore sites of the different lakes, hatching occurred in a period of about seven weeks, where eggs experienced a full range of temperatures whereas comparable levels of hatching in 3L2 took and the light levels were considerably higher than at over 40 weeks. Because Little Long does not stratify the offshore sites, hatching fractions still differed dra- thermally, cool temperatures may be a particularly matically across lakes and were consistently Ͻ100%. good signal for the changing seasons. This is not the May 2003 DIAPAUSE TERMINATION 1197 case in strati®ed lakes, where eggs that descend into iment. Finally, variable sedimentation rates and phys- the hypolimnion experience cold temperatures imme- ical mixing dynamics of the sediment result in across- diately after they are produced. For most populations, lake differences in the fraction of the dormant eggs lost warm water seems to inhibit hatching, which is not to burial each year. The environmental constraints surprising since D. pulicaria is most abundant in the placed on these optimal strategies may be considerable water column during spring. We suspect that the short in deep strati®ed lakes in which the majority of the pulse of hatching during the ®rst week in the epilimnion eggs will never be exposed to a dormancy termination treatment of Lawrence, Bristol, and Big Long was a cue. The risks experienced in the water column and the response to the experimental setup, rather than to the sediment are obviously linked, and information re- warm temperature since hatching in all three popula- garding how both vary across systems is needed to fully tions did not resume until cooler temperatures were investigate the evolution of dormancy strategies in zoo- experienced. plankton. The accelerated hatching and senescence observed ACKNOWLEDGMENTS in the laboratory complicates extrapolating these re- We thank A. Andreou, M. Duffy, K. Emme, G. Gerrish, A. sults to the dynamics of the ®eld populations. It is now Jaurigue, M. Schwalbach and P. Woodruff for assistance in well established that diapausing eggs of zooplankton the laboratory and ®eld. K. Hughes, K. Paige, G. Sprules, can remain viable in situ for decades if not centuries and an anonymous reviewer provided helpful discussion on (Marcus et al. 1994, Hairston 1996, CaÂceres 1998), earlier drafts of the manuscript. The work was supported by which was certainly not the case for our laboratory National Science Foundation grants DEB-9816047 to C. E. CaÂceres and DEB-9816191 to A. J. Tessier. This is contri- experiments. One major difference between the sedi- bution number 982 of the W. K. Kellogg Biological Station. ment egg bank and the laboratory experiment is that most of the eggs in the egg bank are surrounded by LITERATURE CITED anoxic sediment, which is known to inhibit both em- Arnott, S. E., and N. D. Yan. 2002. The in¯uence of drought bryonic development and metabolism in diapausing and re-acidi®cation on zooplankton emergence from resting stages. 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