Landscape and Visual Appraisal (James Blake Associates) Associates) Blake (James Appraisal Landscape and Visual Landscape and Visual Appraisal (James Blake Associates) LandProposed at Sixth Silfield Avenue, Garden Bluebridge Village, Wymondham,Industrial Estate, Norfolk Halstead LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL APPRAISAL for ResidentialLANDSCAPE Led, Mixed Use Development STATEMENT Braintree District Council Draft Local Plan on behalf of Orbit Homes and Bowbridge Strategic Land February 2020 on behalf of the East Anglian Group August 2016 James Blake Associates Ltd. Chartered Landscape Architects 34 - 52 Out Westgate, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3PA tel. 01284 335797 e-mail.
[email protected] C FINAL LF JBA JBA March 2020 B FINAL LF JBA JBA March 2020 A FINAL LF JBA JBA February 2020 ~ DRAFT LF BJB JBA February 2020 Revision Purpose Originated Checked Authorised Date Document Number: Document Reference: JBA 19/309 - Doc2 LANDSCAPE STATEMENT Proposed Silfield Garden Village, Wymondham, Norfolk | Proposed Silfield Garden Village, Wymondham, Norfolk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Scope From the wider countryside, the effects will be much reduced due to the limited visibility, existing context of the settlement edge and mitigation inherent in the proposed development which, over time, will help to integrate the proposed development This landscape and visual appraisal (LVA) has been prepared to determine the constraints and opportunities in respect of into the landscape. a potential garden community on land to north and south of the A11 at Silfield, Norfolk. Landscape Strategy The LVA has determined the landscape and visual constraints and opportunities regarding the wider site area and its landscape context. The analysis will influence the assessment of the development potential of the wider site area, to inform The preliminary development and landscape strategy aims to maintain and enhance the existing green infrastructure network master planning and the identification of developable areas.