The National Bowling Association, Inc. Volume 2, Issue 2 News 2007/2008 Submission deadline for events related to CBS Leagues/Members and/or High Scores for publication in the Newsletter Senate Officers must be received by Beverly Houston by the 15th of each month via email
[email protected]. Clarence Dixon, President (773) 374-1360 Darryl “Spyder” Houston, Vice-Pres. The National Bowling Association (773) 406-8435 Mattie Miller, Secretary 67th Annual Championship Tournament—Reno, NV (773) 488-1405
[email protected] Final Entries Close Midnight, March 1, 2008 Rebecca Mack, Assistant Secretary Lawannah Hammond, Treasurer ALL TEAM, SINGLES & DOUBLES EVENTS 2007/2008 NATIONAL BOWLING STADIUM Senate Committee 300 N. CENTER STREET, RENO, NV 89501 Chairpersons Awards Mattie Miller JIM D. ALSTON MIXED DOUBLES EVENT Audit Lynne M. Martin COCONUT BOWL Constitution 1855 E. LINCOLN WAY, SPARKS, NV 89434 Bertha Fuller Family Picnic for more information or to download tournament entry forms Go to Craig “Scooby” Wedgeworth Field Representative Sheri “Spiffy” Jones Owen O. Washington Scholarship Award Program Historian Evelyn Porter The National Bowling Association, Inc. annually offers $10,000 in scholarships to high school seniors. Prizes are Junior Bowling Program offered to three males and three females—with 1st place, $1,500; 2nd place $1,250; and 3rd place $1,000. Five Beverly Houston King/Queen Program (5) Book Scholarships of $500 each are offered to both male and female students. Henry Johnson Applications submitted for the Owen O. Washington Scholarship are automatically considered for the Chicago Membership Darryl “Spyder” Houston Bowling Senate’s Scholarship Awards.