May 18, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5553 comedian and chef who entertained a presence in Adrian, but has branched notice stating that the emergency is to America with his delightful sense of out into communities far beyond continue in effect beyond the anniver- humor, recently passed away. I would through ministries in 31 States, the sary date. I have sent the enclosed no- like to take a few moments to recog- District Of Columbia, Puerto Rico, tice to the Federal Register for publica- nize Dom DeLuise’s many accomplish- Canada, the Dominican Republic, Italy, tion, stating that the Burma emer- ments and the tremendous impact he and Swaziland. The Adrian Dominican gency is to continue for 1 year beyond made on our lives. Sisters currently number more than May 20, 2009. Born in City, DeLuise en- 900 and are involved in ministries pri- The crisis between the United States tered acting at an early age. Although marily in areas of education, health and Burma arising from the actions discouraged at first, he persisted in care, and social work. The congrega- and policies of the Government of finding his way in the field of enter- tion currently sponsors two univer- Burma, including its engaging in large- tainment and into the hearts of his sities, including Siena Heights Univer- scale repression of the democratic op- fans. His hard work and dedication sity; two hospital systems; a long-term position in Burma that led to the dec- earned him many entertaining and health care facility; three congrega- laration of a national emergency in Ex- prestigious acting roles in film, tele- tion-owned schools; and two retreat ecutive Order 13047 of May 20, 1997, as vision, and theater. Many films which centers. modified in scope and relied upon for feature Dom DeLuise, such as ‘‘The The Adrian Dominican Sisters have additional steps taken in Executive Cannonball Run,’’ ‘‘,’’ impacted many throughout its rich his- Order 13310 of July 28, 2003, Executive ‘‘History of the World Part 1,’’ and tory, and I am truly delighted to recog- Order 13448 of October 18, 2007, and Ex- ‘‘’’ have become classics in nize this impressive milestone, as well ecutive Order 13464 of April 30, 2008, has their own right and will ensure that fu- as their many important contributions not been resolved. These actions and ture generations will enjoy and appre- over the years. Their influence and policies are hostile to U.S. interests ciate his talent. service to the community are apparent and pose a continuing unusual and ex- Later in life, DeLuise worked toward and appreciated by the many who have traordinary threat to the national se- furthering his love for the culinary benefitted from their many spiritual curity and foreign policy of the United arts and establishing himself as a chef. and outreach efforts. I know my col- States. For this reason, I have deter- His efforts resulted in the publishing of leagues join me in congratulating Adri- mined that it is necessary to continue two successful cookbooks: ‘‘Eat This It an Dominican Sisters on 125 years of the national emergency with respect to Will Make You Feel Better!’’ and ‘‘Eat dedicated service, and I wish them con- Burma and maintain in force the sanc- This Too! It’ll Also Make You Feel tinued success as they build upon their tions against Burma to respond to this Good.’’ I invite all of my colleagues to join legacy of accomplishment and excel- threat. ∑ me in recognizing and honoring lence. BARACK OBAMA. THE WHITE HOUSE, May 14, 2009. Dominick ‘‘Dom’’ DeLuise for his f f work, which touched the lives of gen- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT erations of Americans. He is survived MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE by his wife of 54 years, Carol Arthur, Messages from the President of the At 2:03 p.m., a message from the and his three sons, Peter, David and United States were communicated to House of Representatives, delivered by Michael.∑ the Senate by Mrs. Neiman, one of his secretaries. Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- f nounced that the House has passed the f 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE following bills, in which it requests the ADRIAN DOMINICAN SISTERS EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED concurrence of the Senate: ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Madam President, serv- As in executive session the Presiding H.R. 347. An act to grant the congressional ice to your community and to those Officer laid before the Senate messages gold medal, collectively, to the 100th Infan- most in need is one of the most impor- from the President of the United try Battalion and the 442nd Regimental tant legacies we can leave as individ- States submitting sundry nominations Combat Team, United States Army, in rec- ognition of their dedicated service during uals or as institutions. It is with this which were referred to the appropriate World War II. in mind that I am honored to congratu- committees. H.R. 1209. An act to require the Secretary late the Adrian Dominican Sisters, the (The nominations received today are of the Treasury to mint coins in recognition Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary printed at the end of the Senate pro- and celebration of the establishment of the as they celebrate their 125th anniver- ceedings.) Medal of Honor in 1861, America’s highest award for valor in action against an enemy sary today. Guided by the humble yet f inspiring mission to seek truth, make force which can be bestowed upon an indi- peace, and reverence life, this con- REPORT ON THE CONTINUATION vidual serving in the Armed Services of the gregation has made a profound and en- OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY United States, to honor the American mili- THAT WAS ORIGINALLY DE- tary men and women who have been recipi- during impact on many lives. ents of the Medal of Honor, and to promote The Adrian Dominicans trace their CLARED IN EXECUTIVE ORDER awareness of what the Medal of Honor rep- history back to the establishment of 13047 OF MAY 20, 1997, WITH RE- resents and how ordinary Americans, the Holy Cross convent in 1233. A pres- SPECT TO BURMA, AS RECEIVED through courage, sacrifice, selfless service ence in the United States was estab- DURING AN ADJOURNMENT OF and patriotism, can challenge fate and lished in 1853 with the arrival in New THE SENATE ON MAY 15, 2009— change the course of history. York of three sisters from this con- PM 19 H.R. 2187. An act to direct the Secretary of Education to make grants to State edu- vent. Since the establishment of a hos- The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- pital for injured railroad workers in cational agencies for the modernization, ren- fore the Senate the following message ovation, or repair of public school facilities, 1884 to meet a pressing need in the from the President of the United and for other purposes. Adrian community, the sisters of this States, together with an accompanying f congregation have devoted their en- report; which was referred to the Com- ergy, talent, and efforts in pursuit of mittee on Banking, Housing, and MEASURES REFERRED meeting the spiritual, educational, and Urban Affairs: The following bills were read the first practical needs of those within the and the second times by unanimous To the Congress of the United States: Adrian community and those far be- consent, and referred as indicated: yond its borders. Mother Camilla Mad- Section 202(d) of the National Emer- den was the first mother provincial, gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides H.R. 347. An act to grant the congressional for the automatic termination of a na- gold medal, collectively, to the 100th Infan- and she became the first mother gen- try Battalion and the 442nd Regimental eral when the province became an inde- tional emergency unless, prior to the Combat Team, United States Army, in rec- pendent congregation in 1923. anniversary date of its declaration, the ognition of their dedicated service during Adrian has grown steadily since its President publishes in the Federal Reg- World War II; to the Committee on Banking, founding and has not only maintained ister and transmits to the Congress a Housing, and Urban Affairs.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 00:46 May 19, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18MY6.010 S18MYPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with SENATE S5554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 18, 2009 H.R. 1209. An act to require the Secretary EC–1643. A communication from the Assist- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- of the Treasury to mint coins in recognition ant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Depart- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule and celebration of the establishment of the ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to the entitled ‘‘Standard Instrument Approach Medal of Honor in 1861, America’s highest Case-Zablocki Act, 1 U.S.C. 112b, as amended, Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Ob- award for valor in action against an enemy the report of the texts and background state- stacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous force which can be bestowed upon an indi- ments of international agreements, other Amendments’’ ((Docket No. 30663) (Amend- vidual serving in the Armed Services of the than treaties (List 2009–0062–2009–0067); to the ment No. 3318)) received in the Office of the United States, to honor the American mili- Committee on Foreign Relations. President of the Senate on May 11, 2009; to tary men and women who have been recipi- EC–1644. A communication from the Acting the Committee on Commerce, Science, and ents of the Medal of Honor, and to promote Secretary, Department of Health and Human Transportation. awareness of what the Medal of Honor rep- Services, transmitting, pursuant to law, a EC–1653. A communication from the Pro- resents and how ordinary Americans, report entitled ‘‘Delays in Approvals of Ap- gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- through courage, sacrifice, selfless service plications Related to Citizen Petitions and tion, Department of Transportation, trans- and patriotism, can challenge fate and Petitions for Stay of Agency Action for Fis- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule change the course of history; to the Com- cal Year 2008; to the Committee on Health, entitled ‘‘Special Requirements for Private mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Education, Labor, and Pensions. Use Transport Category Airplanes’’ fairs. EC–1645. A communication from the Dep- ((RIN2120–AI61) (Docket No. FAA–2007–28250)) H.R. 2187. An act to direct the Secretary of uty General Counsel and Designated Report- received in the Office of the President of the Education to make grants to State edu- ing Official, Office of National Drug Control Senate on May 11, 2009; to the Committee on cational agencies for the modernization, ren- Policy, Executive Office of the President, Commerce, Science, and Transportation. ovation, or repair of public school facilities, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of EC–1654. A communication from the Pro- and for other purposes; to the Committee on a confirmation in the position of Director of gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. National Drug Control Policy, received in tion, Department of Transportation, trans- f the Office of the President of the Senate on mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule May 13, 2009; to the Committee on Homeland entitled ‘‘Standard Instrument Approach EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Security and Governmental Affairs. Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Ob- COMMUNICATIONS EC–1646. A communication from the Assist- stacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous The following communications were ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Amendments’’ ((Docket No. 30664) (Amend- Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- ment No. 3319)) received in the Office of the laid before the Senate, together with ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to President of the Senate on May 11, 2009; to accompanying papers, reports, and doc- the Department’s activities regarding civil the Committee on Commerce, Science, and uments, and were referred as indicated: rights era homicides; to the Committee on Transportation. EC–1637. A communication from the Fiscal the Judiciary. EC–1655. A communication from the Pro- Assistant Secretary, Department of the EC–1647. A communication from the Dep- gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, a uty Director, National Institute of Stand- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- report relative to the notification of Con- ards and Technology, Department of Com- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule gress that during the period of January 1, merce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- entitled ‘‘Modification of Class D and Class E 2008, through December 31, 2008, no excep- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Measurement, Airspace; Albemarle, NC’’ ((Docket No. FAA– tions to the prohibition against favored Science and Engineering Research Grants 2009–0203) (Airspace Docket No. 09–ASO–12)) treatment of a government securities broker Programs; Availability of Funds’’ (RIN0693– received in the Office of the President of the or government securities dealer were granted ZA84) received in the Office of the President Senate on May 11, 2009; to the Committee on by the Secretary of the Treasury; to the of the Senate on May 6, 2008; to the Com- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- EC–1656. A communication from the Pro- Affairs. tation. gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- EC–1638. A communication from the Fiscal EC–1648. A communication from the Dep- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Assistant Secretary, Department of the uty Director, National Institute of Stand- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, a ards and Technology, Department of Com- entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; Sikorsky report relative to material violations or sus- merce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Aircraft Corporation Model S–92A Heli- pected material violations of regulations re- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Construction Grant copters’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2009–0351) (Direc- lating to Treasury auctions and other Treas- Program Notice of Availability of Funds’’ torate Identifier 2009–SW–08–AD)) received in ury securities offerings for the period of Jan- (RIN0693–ZA81) received in the Office of the the Office of the President of the Senate on uary 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008; to the President of the Senate on May 6, 2008; to the May 11, 2009; to the Committee on Com- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Committee on Commerce, Science, and merce, Science, and Transportation. Affairs. Transportation. EC–1657. A communication from the Pro- EC–1639. A communication from the Fiscal EC–1649. A communication from the Dep- gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- Assistant Secretary, Department of the uty Director, National Institute of Stand- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, a ards and Technology, Department of Com- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule report relative to significant modifications merce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- entitled ‘‘Amendment of Class E Airspace; to the auction process for issuing United port of a rule entitled ‘‘Precision Measure- Rutland, VT’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2008–1076) States Treasury obligations; to the Com- ment Grants Programs; Availability of (Airspace Docket No. 08–ANE–102)) received mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Funds’’ (RIN0693–ZA83) received in the Office in the Office of the President of the Senate fairs. of the President of the Senate on May 6, 2008; on May 11, 2009; to the Committee on Com- EC–1640. A communication from the Assist- to the Committee on Commerce, Science, merce, Science, and Transportation. ant Director for Policy, Office of Foreign As- and Transportation. EC–1658. A communication from the Pro- sets Control, Department of the Treasury, EC–1650. A communication from the Dep- gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of uty Director, National Institute of Stand- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- a rule entitled ‘‘Final Rule Amending the ards and Technology, Department of Com- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule Terrorism List Governments Sanctions Reg- merce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- entitled ‘‘Amendment of Class E Airspace; ulations’’ (31 CFR Parts 596) received in the port of a rule entitled ‘‘Summer Under- Refugio, TX’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2009–0241) Office of the President of the Senate on May graduate Research Fellowships (SURF) NIST (Airspace Docket No. 09–ASW–6)) received in 12, 2009; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- Gaithersburg and Boulder Programs; Avail- the Office of the President of the Senate on ing, and Urban Affairs. ability of Funds’’ (RIN0693–ZA85) received in May 11, 2009; to the Committee on Com- EC–1641. A communication from the Assist- the Office of the President of the Senate on merce, Science, and Transportation. ant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, De- May 6, 2008; to the Committee on Commerce, EC–1659. A communication from the Pro- partment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Science, and Transportation. gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- law, an annual report relative to programs EC–1651. A communication from the Dep- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- and projects of the International Atomic En- uty Director, National Institute of Stand- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule ergy Agency (IAEA); to the Committee on ards and Technology, Department of Com- entitled ‘‘Establishment of Class E Airspace; Foreign Relations. merce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Clewiston, FL’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2008–1168) EC–1642. A communication from the Assist- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Technology Innova- (Airspace Docket No. 08–ASO–19)) received in ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- tion Program (TIP) Notice of Availability of the Office of the President of the Senate on ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Funds and Announcement of Public Meeting May 11, 2009; to the Committee on Com- law, a report of a Determination and Certifi- (Proposers’ Conference)’’ (RIN0693–ZA89) re- merce, Science, and Transportation. cation under Section 40A of the Arms Export ceived in the Office of the President of the EC–1660. A communication from the Pro- Control Act relative to countries not cooper- Senate on May 6, 2008; to the Committee on gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- ating fully with United States antiterrorism Commerce, Science, and Transportation. tion, Department of Transportation, trans- efforts; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- EC–1652. A communication from the Pro- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule tions. gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- entitled ‘‘Establishment of Class E Airspace;

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:46 May 19, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18MY6.011 S18MYPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with SENATE