Chinese Curriculum Viewbook

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Chinese Curriculum Viewbook Chinese Curriculum Viewbook 语文学科教学大纲手册 Table of Contents Chinese Curriculum Viewbook 语文学科教学大纲手册 I. Standards 教学标准 .............................................................................................. 2 II. Outcomes 教学目标 .............................................................................................. 3 III. Scope & Sequence by Grade 各年级教学体系 ........................................... 4 a) Lower School 小学部 ................................................................................................... 4 b) Middle School 初中部 .............................................................................................. 107 c) Upper School 高中部 ............................................................................................... 161 IV. Evaluation Criteria 评价标准 ...................................................................... 236 V. Resources 相关学习资源 ................................................................................. 236 VI. Glossary 学科词汇 ........................................................................................ 236 pg. 1 Chinese Curriculum Viewbook 语文教学大纲手册 I. Preface 前言 Exploring China's international education, how to realize the "China-West integration" and cultivate students' "national conditions" is the primary issue of adhering to Chinese characteristics and Chinese standards. Education in the mother tongue language has become its key. At present, more and more people are beginning to blame the dilution of Chinese subjects, prejudice against traditional culture and neglect of mother tongue ability in international education. In the orientation of Chinese subjects, we clearly point out that we respect the characteristics of Chinese disciplines, based on the core literacy of Chinese disciplines, pay attention to the language of language instrumentality, the literary and artistic nature of Chinese, the cultural humanity of Chinese. Tsinghua attached to the Tsinglan School language curriculum system not only takes into account the current social background, but also takes into account the needs of the development of the times, but also to train what kind of talent sage as the long- term goal. Tsinglan based in China, looking at the world, is committed to training a very rich human heritage, flowing Tsinghua style bone more national conditions and international vision of the future citizens. 探索中国的国际化教育,如何实现“中西合璧”、培养学生的“家国情怀”,是坚持中 国特色和中国标准的首要问题。母语语文的教育也就成为了其关键所在。当前,越来越 多的人开始诟病国际化教育中对语文学科的淡化、对传统文化的偏见、对母语能力的忽 视。我 们 在 语 文 学 科 的 定 位 上,就 明 确 指 出 尊 重 语 文 学 科 特 点,立 足 语 文 学 科 核 心 素 养, 注重语文的语言工具性、语文的文学艺术性、语文的文化人文性。清华附中清澜山学校 语文课程体系既照顾到当前的社会背景,也兼顾时代发展的需要,同时还以培养什么样 的人才为长远目标。清澜山立足中国,放眼世界,致力于培养极富人文底蕴,流淌清华 风骨更有家国情怀和国际视野的未来公民。 I. Standards 教学标准 Language Curriculum Standards of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (2011 edition) 中华人民共和国教育部《语文课程标准》(2011 版) 《COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS》 pg. 2 II. Outcomes 教学目标 The objectives of the course are designed from the aspects of knowledge and ability, process and method, emotional attitude and values. The three penetrate each other and merge into one. The design of the goal focuses on the overall improvement of language literacy. 课程目标从知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个方面设计。 三者相互渗透,融为一体。目标的设计着眼于语文素养的整体提高。 1. In the process of language learning, cultivate patriotism, collectivism, socialist ideology and morality and healthy aesthetic taste, develop personality, cultivate innovative spirit and spirit of cooperation, and gradually form a positive attitude towards life and correct world outlook and values. 1.在语文学习过程中,培养爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想道德和健 康的审美情趣,发展个性,培养创新精神和合作精神,逐步形成积极的人生态 度和正确的世界观、价值观。 2. To understand the richness of Chinese culture and to draw on the wisdom of national culture. We should care about contemporary cultural life, respect diverse cultures, absorb the nutrition of human excellent culture, and improve cultural taste. 2.认识中华文化的丰厚博大,汲取民族文化智慧。关心当代文化生活,尊 重多样文化,吸收人类优秀文化的营养,提高文化品位。 3. Cultivate the feeling seditu and Chinese the words and words of the ancestral language, enhance the self-confidence of learning the language, develop a good habit of learning the language, and initially master the basic methods of learning the language. 3.培育热爱祖国语言文字的情感,增强学习语文的自信心,养成良好的语 文学习习惯,初步掌握学习语文的基本方法。 4. In the development of language ability at the same time, the development of thinking ability, learning scientific thinking methods, and gradually develop a realistic, advocating the scientific attitude of truth. 4.在发展语言能力的同时,发展思维能力,学习科学的思想方法,逐步养 成实事求是,崇尚真知的科学态度。 5. Be able to take the initiative to explore learning, stimulate imagination and create potential, learn and use language in practice. 5.能主动进行探究性学习,激发想象力和创造潜能,在实践中学习和运用 语文。 6. Learn Chinese Pinyin. Can speak Mandarin. Know about3,500 commonly used Chinese characters. Can correctly write Chinese characters, and have a certain speed. 6.学会汉语拼音。能说普通话。认识 3500 个左右常用汉字。能正确工整地 书写汉字,并有一定速度。 pg. 3 7. Have the ability to read independently and learn to use a variety of reading methods. Have a rich accumulation and good sense of language, pay attention to emotional experience, the development of feeling and understanding ability. Can read daily books and magazines, can initially appreciate literary works, enrich their own spiritual world. Can read the light text with the help of a tool book. Recite 240 excellent poems (paragraphs). The total amount of nine-year extracurricular reading should be more than40 million words. 7.具有独立阅读的能力,学会运用多种阅读方法。有较为丰富的积累和良 好的语感,注重情感体验,发展感受和理解的能力。能阅读日常的书报杂志, 能初步鉴赏文学作品,丰富自己的精神世界。能借助工具书阅读浅易文言文。 背诵优秀诗文 240 篇(段)。九年课外阅读总量应在 400 万字以上。 8. Be able to express your experiences, experiences, and ideas in a specific and literal way. Be able to write with common expressions and develop written language skills as needed. 8.能具体明确、文从字顺地表达自己的见闻、体验和想法。能根据需要, 运用常见的表达方式写作,发展书面语言运用能力。 9. With the basic ability of daily oral communication, learn to listen, express and communicate, and initially learn to use oral language to civilize interpersonal and social communication. 9.具有日常口语交际的基本能力,学会倾听、表达和交流,初步学会运用 口头语言文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往。 10. Learn to use commonly used language tools. Initially equipped with the ability to collect and process information, and actively try to use new technologies and multimedia language learning. 10.学会使用常用的语文工具书。初步具备搜集和处理信息的能力,积极尝 试运用新技术和多媒体学习语文。 III. Scope & Sequence by Grade 各年级教学体系 a) Lower School 小学部 i. G1 CYCLE 1 教学目标-识字与写字 Teaching objectives - literacy and writing 无 None 第一单元 THEME: QUARTER1 SEMESTER1 《上学》 教学目标-口语交际 Unit 1 Teaching objectives - Oral communication CYCLE 2 Shang Xue 能用自己的话简单讲述《四糖故事》。 pg. 4 Tell the story Si Tang Gu Shi in your own words. 教学目标-阅读 Teaching objectives - reading 正确、流利、有感情地朗读《上学歌》 《小孩不小》,指读《礼记学记》。 Read Shang Xue Ge、Xiao Hai Bu Xiao correctly, fluently and emotionally , , which refers to reading Li Ji Xue Ji. 教学目标-写作 Teaching objectives - writing 无 None CYCLE 3 教学目标-识字与写字 Teaching objectives - literacy and writing 1.掌握正确的硬笔书写姿势“三个一”。 1. master the correct hard pen writing posture. 2.认识并描写“横、竖、撇、捺”等汉字 的基本笔画。 2.Understand and describe the basic strokes of Chinese characters. 3.识字“村、台、座、枝”四个。 3.Read 4 Chinese characters. 4.写字“一、二、三、八、十”五个。 4.Write 5 Chinese characters. 5.认识数字手势,初步探究古老的数字密 码。 5. Know numbers’ gestures, Explore the ancient digital code. 教学目标-口语交际 Teaching objectives - Oral communication 能用自己的话简单讲述《仓颉造字》的故 事。 Can use their own words to tell the story 第二单元 of Cang Jie Zao Zi . 写字》 Unit 2 教学目标-阅读 CYCLE 4 Xie Zi Teaching objectives - reading pg. 5 1.正确、流利、有感情地背诵古诗《山 村》,展开想象,获得初步的情感体验。 1. recite the ancient poem Shan Cun correctly, fluently and emotionally 2.拓展阅读《写字很有用》,随文识字,体 会写字的重要性。 2. expand reading Xie Zi Hen You Yong, with the text literacy, understand the importance of writing. 教学目标-写作 Teaching objectives - writing 无 None CYCLE 5 教学目标-识字与写字 Teaching objectives - literacy and writing 1.继续关注并矫正正确的硬笔书写姿势。 1. continue to focus on and correct the correct hard pen writing posture. 2.识字“森、种、子、河、花、朵、床、 前、头、故、乡、鞋、爸、妈、哥、姐、 见”十七个。 2. Read 17 Chinese characters. 3.写字“天、林、大、小、白、月、上、 下、回、也、人、在、的”十三个。 3. Write 13 Chinese characters. 4.了解汉字“家”的字形演变,尝试用图 画的方式识字。 4. Understand the evolution of the glyph of the Chinese character "home" and try to read by drawing. 教学目标-口语交际 Teaching objectives - Oral communication 1.能用“……是……的家”的句式口头造 句。 1. Use sentence patterns to make 第三单元 sentences orally. 《家》 2.能用自己的话讲述《静夜思》的故事。 Unit 3 2. can tell the story of Jing Ye Si in his own CYCLE 6 Jia words. pg. 6 教学目标-阅读 Teaching objectives - reading 1.正确、流利、有感情地朗读《家》 《鞋》。 1. Read Jia and Xie correctly, fluently and emotionally. 2.能诵读古诗《静夜思》,了解主要内容, 体会诗人对故土的思念之情。 2. can read the ancient poem Jing ye si , understand the main content, understand the poet's yearning for the homeland. 教学目标-写作 Teaching objectives - writing 尝试运用“……是……的家”的句式写出相 应的句子。 Write the corresponding sentences with the sentence pattern. 教学目标-识字与写字 Teaching objectives - literacy and writing 复习 U2U3 字词及汉字知识。 Review the knowledge of U2U3 words and characters. 教学目标-口语交际 Teaching objectives - Oral communication 无 None 教学目标-阅读 Teaching objectives - reading 复习 U2U3 文章。 Review U2U3 articles. 教学目标-写作 Teaching objectives - writing 复习/PBL 无 CYCLE 7 Review/ PBL None CYCLE 8 第四单元 教学目标-识字与写字 《自然》 Teaching objectives - literacy and writing CYCLE 9 Unit 4 1.继续关注并矫正正确的硬笔书写姿势。 QUARTER2 pg. 7 Zi Ran 1. continue to focus on and correct the correct hard pen writing posture. 2.识字“星、闪、晶、挂”等三十四个, 辨析多音字“行”。 2. Read 34 Chinese characters. Distinguish the polyphonic word. 3.写字“都、放、明、好”等三十二个。 3. Write 32 Chinese characters. 4.认识常用偏旁“右耳旁、反文旁、日字 旁、女字旁、单人旁”。 4.Recognition commonly used sides. 教学目标-口语交际 Teaching objectives
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