Introduction Introduction – from our CEO t used to be that great corporations Today the opinions of people footprint of each use of Data protection is a I expect to be discussing outside the company are often their products. signi"cant issue for us and in sustainability topics many grew and prospered through a simple as important as decisions made They make green claims for 2012 we reviewed all WPP’s times during 2013 and genuinely relationship with society. They met within. Social media and instant their products that are based on data protection, data security welcome your thoughts on how I communication can make an objective assessment of real and privacy policies, and we can do better. market demands, complied with the law or break a company in weeks environmental impacts across the introduced new policies covering and gave a small slice of pro"ts to good or even days. whole product life-cycle. They social media and IT and security. A teenager in Mississippi can understand that there is no such We developed a Data Code of causes at the end of the year. launch an online campaign that thing as a ‘sustainable brand’ – just Conduct – a one-page set of persuades a major brand to those with fewer environmental principles on how WPP uses Sir Martin Sorrell change its formulation. Companies impacts and those with more. and protects data. Next, Group chief executive are being held to account by They are the companies who management teams in every
[email protected] people with nothing more than a take responsibility for standards WPP unit worldwide will smartphone and a sense of justice.