Clinton, Conspiracism, and the Continuing Culture
TheA PUBLICATION OF POLITICAL PublicEye RESEARCH ASSOCIATES SPRING 1999 • Volume XIII, No. 1 Clinton, Conspiracism, and the Continuing Culture War What is Past is Prologue by Chip Berlet cal of the direct-mail genre, it asked: culture war as part of the age-old battle he roar was visceral. A torrent of Which Clinton Administration against forces aligned with Satan. sound fed by a vast subconscious scandal listed below do you consider to Demonization is central to the process. Treservoir of anger and resentment. be “very serious”? Essayist Ralph Melcher notes that the “ven- Repeatedly, as speaker after speaker strode to The scandals listed were: omous hatred” directed toward the entire the podium and denounced President Clin- Chinagate, Monicagate, Travel- culture exemplified by the President and his ton, the thousands in the cavernous audito- gate, Whitewater, FBI “Filegate,” wife succeeded in making them into “polit- rium surged to their feet with shouts and Cattlegate, Troopergate, Casinogate, ical monsters,” but also represented the applause. The scene was the Christian Coali- [and] Health Caregate… deeper continuity of the right's historic tion’s annual Road to Victory conference held In addition to attention to scandals, distaste for liberalism. As historian Robert in September 1998—three months before the those attending the annual conference clearly Dallek of Boston University puts it, “The House of Representatives voted to send arti- opposed Clinton’s agenda on abortion, gay Republicans are incensed because they cles of impeachment to the Senate. rights, foreign policy, and other issues. essentially see Clinton…as the embodi- Former Reagan appointee Alan Keyes Several months later, much of the coun- ment of the counterculture’s thumbing of observed that the country’s moral decline had try’s attention was focused on the House of its nose at accepted wisdoms and institu- spanned two decades and couldn’t be blamed Representatives “Managers” and their pursuit tions of the country.” exclusively on Clinton, but when he of a “removal” of Clinton in the Senate.
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