
List of Theories

9/11 was an inside job NYPD and FBI killed Malcolm X Epstein did not kill himself QAnon’s “deep state” Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album syncs with The Wizard of Oz (1939) Apollo 11 moon landing was faked Flat Earth Theory The / Freemasons’ New World Order Alaska’s mind-control lab Aliens built the Egyptian pyramids The disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa Purpose of the Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex in North Dakota Mattress Firm money laundering in Chicago Truman Capote wrote To Kill a Mockingbird Percy B. Shelley wrote Frankenstein Marlovian theory of Shakespeare authorship Alien landing in Roswell, New Mexico Purpose of in Joseph McCarthy’s Communist Red Scare The FBI ordered Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Mount Rushmore’s secret chamber Purpose of the Georgia Guidestones Purpose/Origin of Stonehenge U.S. Government’s “CONOP 8888” – the Zombie Apocalypse Crisis Plan Denver International Airport’s secret underground city Sandy Hook tragedy orchestrated by gun-control advocates Camp Fire caused by Jewish space lasers Purpose/Origins of Utah Monolith Antifa organized insurrection on U.S. Capitol Election Fraud 2020 – Democrats stole the election from Trump Election Fraud 2016 – Russian hackers influenced election results Election Fraud 2016 – and the DNC conspired against Bernie Sanders Election Fraud 2000 – Republicans stole the election from Gore U.S. government plot to silence Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning JFK Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun escaped Germany and lived out their days in Argentina Edward Snowden was a Kremlin spy and mole in the NSA Barack Obama “birther movement” October Surprise and the Iranian Hostage Crisis Vaccinations and Autism COVID-19 created in Wuhan lab Black Sox Scandal Deflategate Idaho’s “chemtrails” John Dillinger escaped death Tupac Shakur faked his death Elvis Presley – “The King” is alive Government-Induced Tsunamis “” operation – the Gulf of Tonkin incident Camp Hero (the inspiration for Stranger Things) 5G wireless technology causes diseases Bill Gates created COVID-19 to sell microchips The CIA created AIDS Deepwater Horizon explosion caused by eco-terrorists Disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Melania Trump body double Mysterious deaths of holistic doctors Ty Cobb killed a man in Detroit Paul McCartney died in a 1966 car crash Satanic backmasking in rock music The Bear Lake Monster The Curse of the Bambino (MIB) and UFO witnesses Shape-Shifting “Reptilians” rule the world Cure for cancer hidden by FDA and Big Pharma Princess Diana was murdered Jesus married and fathered children with Mary Magdalene The Large Hadron Collider opens inter-dimensional portals Ebola was created in a lab Disappearance of Varig Cargo Flight 967 Nazi Escape Submarine Ronaldo drugged during 1998 FIFA World Cup The FBI killed Marilyn Monroe The KGB killed Albert Camus Amelia Earhart died in a Japanese jail set by Nazi conspirators Siberia’s Well to Hell Mystery Hill in Salem, New Hampshire Interstellar travellers of Ong’s Hat, New Jersey Brown Mountain lights in North Carolina Underground fires in Centralia, Pennsylvania Freemasons’ mysterious Malheur Cave in Oregon in Utah Pacific Northwest light streaks / SpaceX (2021) Project MKUltra “411 Reports” on missing persons Pizzagate All presidents (but one) descended from King John of England Winchester Mystery House Existence of Bigfoot Michael Jordan forced into early retirement