Council Persists in Grappling with Ward Lawsuit Case by NANCY CROSTA LANDALE “No Smoking” Ordinance
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Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus USPS 680020 Published Every Thursday OUR 112TH YEAR – ISSUE NO. 24-112 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, February 21, 2002 Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS GOVERNING BODY BECOMES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Council Persists In Grappling With Ward Lawsuit Case By NANCY CROSTA LANDALE “no smoking” ordinance. The council agency, the town now is able to take Specially Written for The Westfield Leader additionally heard a presentation for a direct development action, such as in The Westfield Town Council took proposed September 11 memorial and land and buildings development. This several actions at its February 13 meet- listened to public discussion advocat- includes co-development initiatives ing, including establishing itself as the ing front porch exemption from prop- envisioned for parking decks, busi- Westfield Redevelopment Agency, erty coverage limitations. nesses and related dwellings. encountering further involvement in The Town Council took a major step Also during the meeting, concern the Ward lawsuit, and passing an as it passed a resolution establishing was raised over the town’s involve- amended temporary budget of the Town of Westfield Redevelopment ment in the Ward Commission suit, an $6,436,682 for the first quarter. Agency and designating the governing action pending in New Jersey Superior Officials also approved an increase body as the Redevelopment Agency Court challenging the 2001 redrawing in the contract for construction work at per state statute. of Westfield’s ward boundaries. Tamaques Park and tabled a proposed By becoming a redevelopment Amid much discourse and contro- versy, the council passed a resolution at its regular meeting on January 29 for BOE Unanimously OKs the town to intervene in the suit. The resolution directed the town to retain a separate attorney, Ronald J. Riccio of Morristown’s McElroy, Deutsch and Amy Horowitz for The Westfield Leader 50 Bids for WHS Work Mulvaney, at a capped fee of $17,500. PERFECTING THE POOLSIDE...The Westfield Recreation Department has reported that demolition and removal at By MICHELE J. VACCARI Mr. Fraytak also commented that the In discussions last week among gov- the Memorial Pool Complex has been completed. Construction of the retaining walls is continuing and, after its Specially Written for The Westfield Leader erning body members immediately completion, construction crews will begin building the two pools for the complex. board was fortunate enough to fall under At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Board the wave of cost increases taking place prior to the public portion of the regu- of Education voted unanimously to ap- right now in construction. lar meeting, Mayor Gregory prove the bids that were recommended to The board approved the following bids McDermott advised that Town Clerk them by the Trenton-based architectural on Tuesday. The bid for General Con- Bernard Heeney had received a letter Rick Proctor Named Freeholder, firm designing the high school renova- struction will be awarded to Crain Con- from Lum, Danzis, Drasco, Positan tion and addition project. struction Company, Inc. of Hackensack and Kleinberg, LLC, counsel for the David A. Fraytak, of Faridy, Veisz and in the amount of $6,156,400. Westfield Ward Commission, confirm- Fraytak, was back once again, but this Sparta Steel Corporation of Sparta will ing the firm’s retention. Replacing Assemblywoman Stender time he came bearing positive news. be awarded the bid for structural steel The letter was accompanied by a After reviewing over 50 bids, five were work in the amount of $686,590. By MILLICENT K. BRODY nician. He has served as the Presi- Thursday evening. I’d like to think draft resolution appropriating funds to Specially Written for The Westfield Leader selected to cover all aspects of the project. Hammond Contracting Company, Inc. pay the Lum firm for the Westfield dent of the Essex County Health people are going to feel good about “This was the most competitive set of When not answering the inces- of Bloomfield will be awarded the plumb- Ward Commission’s legal expenses in Officers Association, the Vice Presi- my being a member of the Board of bids I have ever seen in over 30 years of ing bid in the amount of $701,000, as santly ringing telephone, Rick Proc- dent of the Union County Health Chosen Freeholders. Our meetings the Ward Commission suit. architecture,” said Mr. Fraytak. well as the bid for heating, ventilating After reviewing and discussing the tor is currently busy tending to the Officers Association, and as a mem- are always open to the public, and we So competitive that in the bidding for and air conditioning in the amount of eight Rotweiller puppies recently ber of the Executive Committee of welcome anyone who would like to general construction, there were four bids proposed resolution, the Mayor and $1,706,110. council members decided not to vote born to his dog Claudia. the New Jersey Health Officers As- attend.” that were within $4,000 of each other. Finally, the bid for electric work will With more than 32 years of mu- sociation and the Association of the be awarded to Tec Electric, Inc. of on the resolution and to direct further nicipal government experience and Professional Health Administrators. Forked River in the amount of $821,906. inquiry to the Lum firm. public service, Proctor is Chairman “As a freeholder, the areas of most “We look forward to moving on with If Westfield eventually is required to of the Democratic Party for the City interest to me are emergency man- the project,” said Mr. Fraytak. pay the legal fees of the Ward Com- of Rahway. mission, it will be in the position of agement, and the delivery of health CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 “When former Freeholder Linda and social services,” he continues. paying both to defend the Ward Com- Stender decided to run for assembly, “My concern is the county emer- Council to Interview mission and for counsel to represent I thought this would be an opportu- gency department responders; i.e., the town on its motion to intervene in nity for me to replace her. The mo- firemen, firewomen, police person- Contractor Candidates the suit. mentum behind the entire campaign nel, emergency medical service During public comments related to was County Democratic Chairper- workers and public health agencies. For Parking Initiative the Ward Commission suit, resident Victor Trzesniowski re- son, Charlotte De Filippo of Hill- I want them to have the training and By NANCY CROSTA LANDALE side,” he said. resources they need to coordinate an Specially Written for The Westfield Leader minded the council that two weeks According to Mr. Proctor, “Free- effective response to a variety of Six responses to Requests for Quali- prior, it passed a resolution indicating holders are basically responsible for hazards. fications (RFQs) have been received that time was “of the essence” regard- the daily operation of the county “As far as the delivery of social by the town in furtherance of the Rede- ing the retention of an independent government. With budget and pro- services, every community in the velopment Plan it is pursuing to ad- attorney to intervene in the suit on gram decisions that have to be met, it county has people who have basi- dress parking issues. Westfield’s behalf. is their responsibility to get the best cally fallen through the cracks. We The Transportation, Parking and Noting that, as of Tuesday, there had value for our tax dollars.” need to identify these people and Traffic Committee, chaired by Second been no notice of appearance filed by “We meet each week at the Ad- offer them assistance. I am more into Ward Councilman Rafael Betancourt, the appointed attorney, Mr. ministration Building in Elizabeth. the delivery of services, rather than has asked Town Administrator James Trzesniowski asked, “If the matter was One week our meeting is devoted to basically handing out funds, to solve Gildea to move forward by preparing of such imminent concern and so press- setting an agenda. The following social service problems,” he added. ing in nature that the council was Courtesy of Vincent Lehotsky Requests for Proposals (RFPs). week, we take action on the agenda.” “I am anxious to get going. I am Mr. Gildea will also contact other denied the right to review even the NEW FREEHOLDER…Rick Proctor, left, newly appointed to the Union attorney’s curriculum vitae, why has Serving as the head of the Depart- looking forward to this job. We have County Board of Chosen Freeholders, receives a red, white and blue donkey towns for references concerning the ment of Health for Rahway, Scotch a budget meeting on Tuesday from Elizabeth Democratic Municipal Chairman Bill Malone. The induction contractors that have submitted RFQs not a notice of appearance been filed, Plains, Hillside and Winfield, Mr. evening, and a regular meeting on ceremony occurred at the Freeholder meeting in Elizabeth on February 13. to date. and where do we stand in terms of the Proctor’s responsibilities include: Councilman Betancourt stressed, sense of urgency (Third Ward Coun- public health services for senior citi- “We want to keep this process on a cilman) Kevin Walsh spoke of?” zens, infants and children, school tight leash. We have a heavy agenda Recalling the assertion that the mat- nursing for private schools, the in- Mountainside Council Pursues for this year.” ter was not a political issue, Mr. vestigation of diseases, environmen- Mr. Gildea remarked, “It will be Trzesniowski noted that the February tal services, sanitary inspections of important to draft a very specific RFP 8 Star-Ledger quoted both former food establishments, and birth and with specific time lines. The RFP pro- Westfield Mayor Thomas Jardim, who death statistics for each of these Grant For Community Center cess is crucial.” represents the plaintiffs in the Ward member communities.