Buletin De Perinatologie Un Făt Frumos Şi Sănătos Revistă Ştiinţifico-Practică
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INSTITUTUL ASOCIAŢIA DE MEDICINĂ SOCIETATEA ŞTIINŢIFICO-PRACTICĂ MAMEI ŞI COPILULUI PERINATALĂ A MEDICILOR PEDIATRI DIN DIN REPUBLICA MOLDOVA REPUBLICA MOLDOVA 3 (67) 2015 BULETIN DE PERINATOLOGIE UN FĂT FRUMOS ŞI SĂNĂTOS REVISTĂ ŞTIINŢIFICO-PRACTICĂ Revistă ştiinţifi co-practică REPUBLICA MOLDOVA, CHIŞINĂU ISSN 1810-5289 Fondată în 1998 CUPRINS CONTENTS ARTICOLE ORIGINALE ORIGINAL PAPAERS Gh. Paladi, Olga Cerneţchi, Aliona Bogdan-Moraru 3 Gh. Paladi, Olga Cernetchi, Aliona Bogdan-Moraru NAŞTEREA PREMATURĂ LA TERMENE DE GESTAŢIE PREMATURE BIRTH TO BETWEEN 22-28 WEEKS ÎNTRE 22-28 SĂPTĂMÂNI, GESTATIONAL AGE, MEDICAL AND ASPECTE MEDICO-SOCIO-DEMOGRAFICE SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS Iurie Dondiuc Iurie Dondiuc EVALUAREA POTENŢIALULUI CADRELOR DE MEDICI 13 POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT OF OBSTETRICIAN AND OBSTETRICIENI-GINECOLOGI GYNECOLOG STAFF IN DIN MATERNITĂŢILE REPUBLICII MOLDOVA MATERNITY HOSPITALS OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Valentina Rotaru Valentina Rotaru ANALIZA FACTORILOR DE RISC ÎN APARIŢIA 19 ANALYSIS OF RISK FACTORS IN RENAL AND URINARY MALFORMAŢIILOR RENOURINARE LA COPII MALFORMATIONS IN CHILDREN Iurie Dondiuc Iurie Dondiuc ASIGURAREA POPULAŢIEI 25 ENSURING THE POPULATION OF REPUBLIC REPUBLICII MOLDOVA CU CADRE DE MEDICI OF MOLDOVA WITH SPECIALIZED OBSTETRICS AND OBSTETRICIENI-GINECOLOGI GYNECOLOGY DOCTORS Tighineanu Olga Tighineanu Olga MALADIES INFLAMMATOIRES INTESTINALES AUX 30 INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES ENFANTS DANS LE CADRE IN CHILDREN IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PARIS DE LA CLASSIFICATION DE PARIS 2010 CLASSIFICATION, 2010 О.І. Godovanets 37 О.І. Godovanets ЛЕЧЕНИЕ ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЙ ПАРОДОНТА У ДЕТЕЙ С THE TREATMENT OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE IN ДИФФУЗНЫМ НЕТОКСИЧЕСКИМ ЗОБОМ CHILDREN WITH DIFFUSE NONTOXIC GOITER Dorina Rotaru 40 Dorina Rotaru ENTEROCOLITA ULCERO-NECROTICĂ LA PREMATURI NECROTISING ENTEROCOLITIS IN PREMATURE BABY Nadejda Codreanu, Ştefan Gaţcan, Cristina Murşiev Nadejda Codreanu, Stefan Gatcan, Cristina Mursiev EVALUAREA BOLII VARICOASE ÎN CALITATE 49 EVALUATION OF THE VARICOSE VEINS AS A SUROGATE DE MARKER SUROGAT AL STĂRILOR MARKER OF THE THROMBOFILIC DISORDERS IN TROMBOFILICE ÎN SARCINĂ PREGNANCY Timoşco Maria, Velciu Aliona, Bogdan Victoria 54 Timosco Maria, Velciu Aliona, Bogdan Victoria STAREA BACTERIOCENOZEI INTESTINALE CA FACTOR CONDITION OF THE INTESTINAL BACTERIOCENOZIS AS DE SEMNALIZARE A DEREGLARILOR ÎN SĂNĂTATE THE FACTOR ABOUT HEALTH DEREGLATION Liudmila Stavinskaia 59 Liudmila Stavinskaia MANAGEMENTUL PACIENTELOR CU DEREGLĂRI ALE MANAGEMENT OF MENSTRUAL DISORDERS FUNCŢIEI MENSTRUALE CONDIŢIONATE CAUSED BY THE CRONIC VIRALE DE HEPATITE CRONICE VIRALE HEPATIC LESION REVIUL LITERATURII LITERATURE REVIEW Irina Sagaidac 67 Irina Sagaidac ASPECTE CONTEMPORANE ALE PATOGENIEI DECOLĂRII CONTEMPORARY ASPECTS OF THE PATHOGENESIS OF PREMATURE A PLACENTEI NORMAL INSERATE ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE S.Babuci, N.Dogotari 70 S.Babuci, N.Dogotari CONSIDERAŢIUNI ISTORICE ŞI ASPECTE CONTEMPORANE HISTORICAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ÎN TRATAMENTUL CHISTULUI HIDATIC PULMONAR CONTEMPORARY ASPECTS IN TREATMENT OF THE PULMONARY HYDADID CYST. ÎN AJUTORUL MEDICULUI PRACTICIAN HELPING THE PRACTITIONER DOCTOR Vera Lungu, Ala Halacu, Ala Gori, Irina Malanco 75 Vera Lungu, Ala Halacu, Ala Gori, Irina Malanco EVALUAREA EFICIENŢEI DIFERITOR TEHNICI DE EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF DIFFERENT LABORATOR ÎN DIAGNOSTICUL LAMBLIAZEI LABORATORY TECHNIQUES IN THE DIAGNOSIS GIARDIASIS În baza Regulamentului „Cu privire la evaluarea şi clasifi carea revistelor ştiinţifi ce”, aprobat prin Hotărîrea comună a Consiliului Suprem pentru Ştiinţă şi Dezvoltare Tehnologică al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei şi Consiliului Naţional pentru Acreditare şi Atestare nr. 196 din 18.10.12, Consiliul Suprem pentru Ştiinţă şi Dezvoltare Tehnologică al AŞM şi Consiliul Naţional pentru Acreditare şi Atestare "Buletinul de Perinatologie" s-a conferit Categoria B EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS PROFESSOR Gudumac Eva, Cerneţchi Olga, Vasilos Liubovi, Boian Gavriil, Moşin Veaceslav, Curteanu President, executive Chairman of the editorial board - GAŢCAN Stefan, Ala, Mihu Ion, Sacară Victoria, Palii Ina, Ciobanu Victor, Carauş Iurie, Babuci Veaceslav, M.D., General director of the MCI Paladi Gheorghe, Friptu Valentin, Dondiuc Iurii, Siniţîna Lilia, Strătilă Mihai, Serbenco Anatol (Republica Moldova); Suhih Ghenadie (Russia); Stamatin Maria (Romania); Burlea Vice President - prof. EŢCO Ludmila, doctor habilitate in medical Marin (Romania); Zaporojan Vladimir (Ukraine); Uvarova Elena (Russia); Gotea Stela sciences, professor of the MCI (Romania); Stoicescu Silvia (Romania); Onofriescu Mircea (Romania); Iliev Gheorghe Vice President - prof. REVENCO Ninel, doctor habilitate in medical (Romania); Szabo Bela (Romania); Cernea Nicolae (Romania); S.Gabriel (Romania); sciences, univ. professor, Head of Pediatric Department of the MFU "N. Dahno Feodor (Ukraine); Maidanic Victor (Ukraine); Şunico Elizaveta (Ukraine); Testemiţanu" Godovaneţ Iulia (Ukraine); Carapato RM. (Portugal); Jan Carlo di Renzo (Italy); Caganov Responsible Secretary - OPALCO Igor, M.D., Senior Researcher, Boris (Russia); Ivanov Oleg (Russia); Aprodu Şifman Efi m (Rusia); Rusnac Tudor (Russia); Covanova Natalia (Russia); Grepe Natalia (Russia); Maciej Banach (Polonia); Scientifi c laboratory in obstetrics of the MCI Gardosi J. (Great Britain); Apostolis Athanasiadis (Greece); Anstaclis Aris (Greece); Nejole Dvazdiene (Lithuania); Valiulis Alghis (Lithuania). Adresa redacţiei: 2032, Republica Moldova, Chişinău, str. Burebista, 93, bir. 207 Tel.: 022-52-19-35 Revista a fost înregistrată la Ministerul de justiţie al Republicii Moldova a 03.06. 1998. Вестник перинатологии Certifi cat de înregistrare Nr. 48 Научно-практический журнал Redactor V. Batâr/ Redactor tehnic şi artistic C.C. Marius Ответственность за достоверность информации, содержащейся в Tiparul a fost executat la Tipografi a “Reclama” sub Comanda nr. 304, tiraj 500 ex. рекламных материалах, несут рекламодатели Chişinău, str. Alexandru cel Bun 111. 2 ARTICOLE ORIGINALE © Gh. Paladi, Olga Cerneţchi, Aliona Bogdan-Moraru Gh. Paladi, Olga Cerneţchi, Aliona Bogdan-Moraru NAŞTEREA PREMATURĂ LA TERMENE DE GESTAŢIE ÎNTRE 22-28 SĂPTĂMÂNI, ASPECTE MEDICO-SOCIO-DEMOGRAFICE Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemiţanu” Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie FECMF (Şef catedră – prof.univ., dr. hab. med. Olga Cerneţchi) SUMMARY PREMATURE BIRTH TO BETWEEN 22-28 WEEKS GESTATIONAL AGE, MEDICAL AND SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS Key words: premature births, children with extremely low birth weight, perinatal mortality. Introduction: This article presents the results of a retrospective research that included 830 preterm births between 22-28 gestation weeks and 853 extremely low birth weight newborns (500-1000 g). The goal of the study: During this particular study were analyzed all the medical and socio-demographic particulari- ties of the pregnant women, determining the incidence of such births, the evidence of particularities in pregnancy and birth evolution, perinatal losses establishment and survival rate of newborns dependent on the terms of gestation and birth weight. Materials and methods: It was used the information from the Statistic wear book of the National Bureau of Statis- tics of the Ministry of Health, the clinical and laboratory data obtained from the observation records of mother’s, new- borns of Neonatal Department of Intensive Care and Resuscitation and the data from the observation questionnaire. The materials were processed computerised. Results: The study results established a 0,4% incidence of premature births between 22-28 weeks gestation terms out of total number of births and 9,2% from the number of premature births. Most pregnant women included in the survey belonged to disadvantaged social group, with low level of education (64,9%) and a compromised reproductive potential (21,6%). One of fi ve pregnant women was not on the recorded evidence of a family doctor and the fi rst time that they asked for medical care was in the early process of triggering the birth with premature rupture of the amniotic membranes preterm. Each patient’s obstetric history was compounded with 2,6-3,1 reproductive losses, repeated mis- carriages and premature births. The most encountered causes that induced premature birth at 22-24 weeks of gestation were urinary and vaginal infections, repeated abortions in early pregnancy terms, complications during pregnancy evolution, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, placental pathology, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, premature rupture of the amniotic membranes preterm. Conclusions: The studied perinatal losses among children born with extremely low birth weight 500-1000 g, showed a far lower rate (26,2%) of survival compared with similar indicators in the economic developed countries. Of all children born till 25 weeks of gestation, the survival rate was 10,3%. From 527 newborns alive, 60% died in the early neonatal period. Taking into consideration the results, conclusions and recommendations were formulated, aimed to improving the medical care of pregnant women with eminent abortion, as well as of children born with extremely low birth weight 500-1000 g, 22-28 weeks of gestation terms. РЕЗЮМЕ ПРЕЖДЕВРЕМЕННЫЕ РОДЫ В 22-28 НЕДЕЛЬ ГЕСТАЦИИ, МЕДИЦИНСКИЕ И СОЦИАЛЬНО - ДЕМОГРАФИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ Ключевые слова: преждевременные роды, детей с экстремально низкой массой, перинатальной смертности, репродуктивные потери. Введение: В этой работе представлены результаты ретроспективного анализа 830 случаев преждевре- менных родов при сроках