ad at the ss" bais of Tyne.ta 1, i House of Fashion Frios Berns eamate .aau .et* a the engamgt at Kiss 3mmabefh Id- ding,. daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Lewis We Court Cemparisen be- Morris Iddngs to I. Cyril Reake, of Psedidet and Mr. Wile are emess- with the knowledge that thea lt the Irish a.der of Texas Ransril a home party at the White Uaee hind are being cared for In ee 60 Gudrds,jm. Iddes was ads- Says "'Thwie ste Inauguration. Their guest I- n11d.1.4. eated abroad. Her father was at one Baer Not Hrt idso." the .nlaw and time a Consul General it ny, For ev- Praeident's eral years the Iddings have made -BI, Is here, Yes, be same an the . announced for fmily d t. Mr. sad Mrowe The reception Mopday homes in Rome. say from the Lew Star State to mse that Syre; CoL and Mrs. I, I. House, of evening by The Washington Club for their Pemident*Wilson is Inaugurated prepriy Now Tot; Mr. and Mrs. Joeph Wileon its members and their has been Mrs Edward J. Macullan Lnd psaeefully. He arrived Saturday end Man Alie Wilson, of Baltimore. and indefinitely postponed because of exist- and Mrs. C. F. Payne, of Overbrook., Pa., have ar- Aight and In stopping at the'JNellebue Ho- WE FEATURE Mr. Vans. MOemcku. Ing conditions in the National life. rived In Washbinton te visit li stan- Al. SMiss Margaret Wtim, returnpd to You dea't knqw folow who. A wedding in Philadeillia soon to take bOth Leech, 180 M street northwest, over "BIW," the W&hsgtaeveral days ago, the Inauguration. Kims Leech will enter- bacording to a satatement of his trio, place e iaterest to society In Washing. w a bratof \T )morrow ten will be that of Mis Paances Watts. tain at a bridge party In their honor to- PremidetWilson, ban (Tuesdaj The Braian Amnabemado" and 2m4 morrow afternoon. sorty-veelong that front of him da -Gams were beta at dinner last even- daughter of Mr. Ethelbert Watts. Amer- of at , and Mr. abdomen has shaped itself Into mort Ing. entertaining In to their cangonsul-General Former Senator Chauncey M. Depew, pocketo into which the artillery readily house gueta, the Governor of New York Watts. to Mr. Tleodolus Fowler' Ste- is Aj Sale of of New York and Castle who sojourning at St. Augustine. Fla., slips? Special and Mrs. Charles Whitman. lens, City Point. will "Bill" --t "Bill." for Hoboken. It will be celebrated on give a lecture this week for the "en- just plain ready March edt of the Hiatorical all comers, and so handy with him guns of 36 at the home of the bride's parents. Soeiety. His Sub- Mins Margheritta Tllma, daughter jeat is. "How to Orow Old Gracefully." that he was selected to guard President P, rqs Caneman. and Mrs. I. H. Tillman, en- 1 Clinton street. and will be witnessed Wilson from the time his elections un- 0' by relatives and friends from New York of SE tertained tea the 'RING at SUfl taformaly yesteiday Former senator Charle, A. Towne, who til time that he was Inaugurated the afternoon in compliment to Mise Ianoofn. and other cities. served In Congress trm both Minnesota la"t time. 'ER So DISTINCTIVE MODELS of Boston. and Miss Christy. of Annapo- The engagement was announced early and New and Alice M. "Bill" W. J. McDonald registers as lost month. Miss Watts belongs to a York, Mrs, Elkin, Ev NEW R lits, who are her guests over the Inaugu- of Washington. were married Saturday at from Amarella. Tex., when he comes into 'ERY FABRIC AND COLO ration. Mine Mary Veeder aisted Miss family that ha5 long been prominent the a tavern, but he is from the world In society. Her residence of senator Towns and his really Tillman In receiving. , grandfa- parents on Riverside Drive, New York. at large, although he regards the Lone ther. Henry M. Watts. was American Rev. Star State as the where a Minister to Austria. and for several Dr. Evans, of, the Presbyterian only place h Lieut. Commender and Mrs. J. H. TOmb years Church at avenue man Can get a good breath of air in his 5 35 she has spent much of her time trav- Amsterdam and Eigh- $2 $29.50 $ were hosts at a dinner party last even- ty-sixth Street. lung. He is marshal of North Texas. in She was ofcliating. Mr. and Mrs. tog at their quarters at the navy yard eling Eurobe. presented at C. J. Towne, parents of the bridegroom. sad10 the man who 10 hailed as leader of for their house guests. Mr. and Mrs. San- court in Belgium in 1912 and the fol- and Mrs. Alie Allen, the the famous Texas Rangers. lowing season was introduced to society bride's aunt and ;39.50 ford Bull, of Watertown. Conn. a small party of and inti- "They better not do nothin' to him" (re $45 in Philadelphia. relatives very mate friends were present at the care- ferring to President Wflson). Bill told WE AS K YOU TO COMPARE THESE 5 UITS M Wesley, Martin Stoner is enter- Mrs. Alexander Stuart. of Abingdon, mosy. Senator Towne has been practic- Maj. Raymond Pullman, superintendent tain a house party over the inaugu- tng law at 115 Broadway since his retire- nf police, last night over the telephone WITH THOSE PRICED ELSEWHERE,$LT Sio Miss Mor- Va.. Mrs. George H. Berry, of Johnson when Maj. Pullman called to in- MORE.-TRULY A WONDERFUL COI.,EC- rat Among her guests are City. Tenn., and Miss Marie of ment from Congress and is widely known him up niece of former McCoy, vite him to come to the roll can of Z gn of New York. Los Angeles. Cal., are guests at the throughout the country. After returning "cop- TION. Mias from a visit to )er" this morning in the board room of ami =raor Morgenthau; Ioua4 home of Chief Justice Edward K. Camp- the South, Mr. and Mrs. he District of New York, and Mine Mar- F Towne will reside at 720 R1 rside Drive, Building. gare Irwin. of TeUneee. bell. 20u7 atreet. New York. "Sure I win be there," aid Bill. Morgenthau and Miss Benjamin "And he will be here," maid Maj. Pull- AN ENDLESS DISP AY OF DRESSES, C OATS, MILLNERY to- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gehrman, of nan. will ch in the inaugural parade Springfield. IlL, are the guests of Judge Sigma Nu Fraternity held their fifth day. Min Irwin will also march. repre- and Mrs. annual convention dinner of the fiet di- That Bifllas an veren to being The st Blouse in the Fenton W. Booth. 1752 Lenaont killed an Large Department City aem the State of Tennessee. street. the ceremonies. vision at Hotel Lafayette last evening. in accident T born out by a M James T. Pettitt, of New York. ar- during inaugural ittle story that President Wilson tells rtiv yesterday to participate In the pa- Miss Elizabeth Marshall. Washington Camp. No. 305, Sons of )n his friend. Burnett. of to rade and will represent her Stata. glrs. Ill.. In a guest of the Misses Virginia bonfederate Veterans, will give a dance According the Chief Executive, one R. K L. Collier has come from Utah and and Marion Booth. Thursday evening, March 22. at the lay while him party were riding through will iota the marchers today. Miss Mary Raleigh Hotel,- for the bendt of the the country, they came to a rough spot PASTOR QUITS GUNTON; Hanchett Stone. of Saginaw. Mich.; Mie Confederate Memorial Home aid for the In the road, .and every one bounced so and Miss Frances Hay, of Madison, Va.. GOES TO PENNSYLVANIA Elimbeth Aiken. of Tampa. Fla., is visiting her father, Judge James Hay, purpose of contributing towards the ex- high In the seat that the hesis struck BELASCO-TOMY 2 tb 5 Mrs. Mary Kelsey, of Philadelphia. are at the Marlborough. penses of the reunion of Confederate Vet- the top of the conveyance. Bill was hit Rev. Charles Everest dranger, pastor The Motion Pieture ot the Hour amoog other prominent Democratic wom- erans and Sons of Confederate Veterans "right hard." according to his statement of the Gunton-Temple Memorial en who have come to Washington to par- Announcement has been made of the to be held here in June. and was rubbing his face when be re- terian Church in to revign. le willPresby-leave- tilipate in the inaugural. marked: his about 1. New marriage of Miss Margaret R. Harmon. '%8 dance will be the last of a series present pastorate May having "The PresimssA e" Mine Fannie Parnall Lampton. of daughter of Mrs. Annie W. Harmon, of three planned by Washington amp "I don't like this much. It would be received a call to the Presbyterian York. will be the chief marshal on foot. N. S. at the R-- to be killed in an accident." the Covenant at Williams- lillilPP U First of Benjar hn na Licol. and Lieut. Edgar Williams. U. N.. beginning of the season, and Inter- Church of She will be assisted by Mine Helen East- eating plans are under way towards Bill will be on duty where he piesmes port, Penn. In a letter to the congrega- Miss Emma junior grade, which took place recently mak- Showing Linepin an be iiwe4 and died ment. of Connecticut, and at home of the bride Ing It a brilliant and when he pleases, and the place that tion of his church,here. the pastor says of the In Nashville. occasion. be will and anowerin thaumaqzIe Miller, Kentucky. Tenn. The bridegroom is a son of Mrs. Gilmer 'Brenizer. matron of choose will be am close to the he exceedingly regrets to leave Capt. honor. President as he can As C. S. Williams and a nephew of Dr. H. Will prepare a list of ladies who will get. where he spent six years. yet his Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Warner. of Cleve- "They'd better not do nothin' to him." successor has not been named. "What Weoli W. McGill, T. Miller, of Springfield. Ohio. serve as patronesses, and Miss Susanne he lish le?" land. Ohio; Dr. and Mrs. J. Chase. sponsor, and Miss Plant. said. and he upeans it. for Bill Is of St. Mo.; Mr. Homer S. Cum- Olive here to mee that comes off in Joseph. Mr. William G. McAdoo, Jr., son of Mr. maid of honor, will select the young everything mings. of Stanford. Conn.; Mr. X. S. William 0. of the ship shape manner. Also, there are a GIRIS MAY KE0EE. "SNALL WE RUSTH?" Mr. Hart (). McAdoo, Secretary ladles who will serve on the young ladies Engles. of New York City; Treasury. spent a short time at St. committee. host of "coppers" all about the city who New York, March 4-It is no crime fo- Perz. of . France;- Dr. and Mrs. are here to asmist. a smoke a Block. Mrs. Augustine. FIa.. with a party from Maj. E. W. R. Ewing, commandant. woman to in public place-tn W. de Kerler. Mr. Rudolph Princeton where he is a New York. G. A. and Mrs. A. E. Stil- University, will act as chairman of the reception 'The starm incline. but Christiancy. senior. to 'elebrate the end of the mid- committee, and will do not compel." Magistrate Corrigan so ruled today and son. all of New York. and Mr. William make the presenta- Edna year examinations. tions. Dr. W. B. Hicks will act as vice discharged Mary Driscoll. Stanley Griffin. of Jersey City. N. J.. are among and Elsie Peterson. who were arrested the arrivals at the Hotel Lafayette. Fhairman. They will be assisted by HOROSCOPE In the Times sub- Bishop John W. Hamilton. Chancellor Messrs. W. Everett C. for smoking square of the American of Brockman. Capt. way station. .of the University. Washing- C. Calhoun, Col. R. N. Harper, J. Roy Mouday. March 5, 1917. Miss 4. F. Mason, principal ton, is at St. Augustine, Fla. Price, H. Castle School at Tarrytown-on-Hudson. Elwood Seal, Cecil K. Jones, Astjology reads this as an unpropitious' is at the Grafton for this week. She Is The Dixie Col. Robert E. Lee. Oscar W. Lange, Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus are Modem Chapter. >1o. 1241. of the Say. H. Farwell. W. Brooks Hicks, Claude N. Bennett. McCray rceompanied by Miss Julia United Daughters of the Confederacy. all in evil place. Miss Cora A. Pulver. of the Castle P. J Altizer, Robert Watson, Fred K. It in a time in whith to will give the next of the series of Wed- Nielsen. F. guard against School. Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N. Y.. ac- nesday night dances at the Confederate H. Cary. W. A. Coombe, T. fraud and deception. Schemers of all THIS LITTLESTATUE Misses Marion Harvey Stuart Murray, H. C. Rothrock. E. A. sorts are cnmpanied by Memorial Home on the evening of It. supposed to be unusually con- Is Produced for a Great France.s Holbert. Mabel Glos. Isabelle March 21. Brand, and Gen Oden Take. vincing under this rule of Neptune. Sanitary. Mr. Kopf, Bernardine Grattan. Hortense Win- George T. Rawlins has been chosen It is read as an exceedingly un- You So bam. Marion is chairman of the committee on Purpose Must Baugh, Mary Burbank, Mr. end Mrs. Charles Kosel are the arrange- favorable away under which to enter Is m.o to Week In Washing- ments, and Mr. F. R vice chair- into new It elevatng perpet..t. spending Inaugural guests of Mr. and Mrs, James F. Per- Fravel, partnerships or associations. the imemory of great leaders by a ton. king, of Washingtsom, for this week. Mr. man. Jupiter gives warning that all commer- bear. a tinr or ay other WIN Anna Held Richard cial transactions have a as- beast. Therefore let me seek to Refrigerators Hinkle is also visiting Mr. and forbidding The Woman's Army and Navy League Mrs. Perkins. Col. and Mrs. Gigniliat. of the Culver Pect. Bankers and financiers are In dan- make the memory of Woodrow W1i- will give its annual hall as usual on Military Academy. Culver, Ind.. arrived ger of serious and are also seean inspiration by reprefetg 9. ball. at losses, they Easter Monday night. April This The governor of acoom- Washington yesterday and are stop- subject to a lessening of public confil- him as an American Belasco TOIGHT Massachusetts, fast the which generally takes lace at the navy panied by Mrs. McCall and their daugh- ping at the WIllard. handy.llence whileTheythisknowconfigurationchIldren take teegooth. holdig -PECAUSE YOU WILL SEE TH yard. will this year be held in the Con- ter. Miss McCall an spending several There is a sinister sign for diplomacy. GREATEST FAS'TEST. FVNN1EST GIRT, AND cert Hall at the Marine which Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Calder, of Known Everywhere M'SIC SflOW ON EARTH. COMPANY Barracks, days at the Willard. serious oversight or mistake may cause ths that c Brooklyn. have arrived at the Willatrd A OF f,. INCLVDING HENRY LEWIS. Gen. Barnett, -mmander of U. S. Maritre smbarrassment at Washington. the an Corps., has kindly tarned over to the and will remain until after the Inaugura- h.. ever Wed A SL Mat., .e t $1.. ES ., .le s . Many Washington ladies have formed tion. andUranusthat aisteaspoonfulIn a place givenbelievedtodaytosavesdis- red. Rhits a hTIN ladies of the league for that night. units which to her wi ernprine 4 tort judgment and to encourage hasty ta'e~ehis heart This one sad seepd bisl lMrs. organization. of the oldest great comforts mittee of the 149v adecislons.aick ehid high place are for 61ANU OPERA NEXT WEEK-SEATS NOW Mr. Superiority. of service and with Mrs. E. H. W. W. Marsh, accompanied by hi, atled ond held W societies, League. They.wI furnish knitted wrist daughter, Miss Miriam Marsh. of Water- supposed to be peculiarly susceptible to 1rha hy a head choin FrS the 8 Predoetio.. at at LIseum as its president, Is made up en- lets, sleeveless Jackets, etc., for the sail- the away. lat ee. Te. se am of loo, Iowa, are staying at the Willard. gremde fierty and tirZy women who work with ehap- ors and marines of the navy. ofIt"Californiais not an auspiciousSyrup of Figs."rule under.whichwhichhas tanght that under thest lains to welfare and next afternoon, Other inauguration visitors staying there promote the happi- Beginning Thursday are Mrs. Charles J. Wittenberg. Miss to make changes or to travel. rc. too, 5ay he- news of the enlisted personnel if the headquarters will be established at U7 Extra -or.Aaet ede's.ltisft Helen Wittenberg and Mrs. Albert Kly, danger from explosives and from th. an army and navy and Marine Corps. It is Fourteenth street, where instruction will of New Mr. and Mrs. electrically propelled vehicles is suppos- 10c. McCRAY be in York; B. A. Penn, INTceRPgr far reaching in its good work, sending given knitting and samples dis- of Danville. Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Har- ed to be likely while the sway continues. out to men in the field, aboard ship, to played. rison Nesbit, of Pittsburgh. Gossip and scandal will reach the high- n prisons and hospitals. organs, books The Washington Chapter of Colonial here.water markUse thatin theit Isnextmadefewbymonths,"Celifor-it WILF-ON S Co. um Tammenwr=35 amnam m etc. Dames and the young ladies of Gallaudet Refrigerator rmusomu 111111af It Miss is o ,;r re- magazines, moving pictures, gives Janet Richards announces that the predicted, and then a movement to re- .andd feign aid in emergencies to their and College have formed units. "Ttalk on Public strain will l'-rie o, 1car. a families, Some of the active regular Monday Ques- speech interest the country. m ntttad tha- Brilaimt Cherus snd Ballet Feautres. is one of the bulwarks of the Soldiers' workers in the Navy tions" will be deferred until The slogran. "America for Americans." treo magnifk t seeery mad mumng Lffeca. League's comfort committee are Mrs. tomprrow tiomrof and Sailors' Club on C street. in this morning at the same hour In the Wood- which will be much heard during the &e moeing Medey. - r " Tooeday. -Lmrba All of these toward James Carroll Fraser. chairman; Mrs. ward & auditorium. t 611 F St. N. W. city. things tend Ballou. Lothrop spring. may cause a grave danger, the ,lntht Aldrr oWisr Sidney vice chairman: Mrs. John Some of the .* to sperele -('lci-Fgloeg Ihur.- making the hard duty which our men in Callan subjects discussed will be seers declare, and they even foresee a I .Masge the Seate. khaki and blue face seem rosier, and O'Loughlin, Mrs. Franklin D. "Congress and the President." "Prussia's tragedy.- BYimJFA T=L917. and to day. La =mdaecomia: . Rjx.Ict Roosevelt. Mrs. Thomas F. Bayard. Mrs. Phone M. 846 to:" 19 t. Mo. Woe.. go forward to Latest Affront; What Next?" and a . C .r ~hmsu"Set. they hardships fortified C. H. Harlow, Mrs. Lars Anderson, Mrs. group Women continue under a government Wasngtem. ITreo-ao"." S2 to rec. R~ose.. S2AO. of miscellaneous questions of current in- the stirs for sensational events Julian James. Mrs. H. M. Thompson, Mrs. terest. The lecture 10:45. 3f making Mat... 11.;. to .e.. S2. MSets at William begins at and inciease of prominence in public Price, Sc malm Ofm %oec"oo ar All 14 pcces~aeol. McClelland Ritter, Miss Sher- affairs. rill. Mrs. Blaine Beale. Mrs. S. H. P. Mrs. Louis Lombard will receive Satur- Pell. Mrs. Chares Radical rcforms, which will be advo- Fowler. Mrs. William day afternoon at 4. At 4:30 Mr. Louis And the two foldet. M ALLEN$: Morton ated by women, will arouse public SIRNATIONAL,,""'TA"",t"rHER'.RT E FUT-EASE Grinnell. Mrs. William Littauer, Lombard will conduct a musical program. The Antiseptic Powder to Mrs. Seaton Schroeder. Mrs. f. P. DIm- )Pinion and divorce sympathy next month "The B i of a Clean Shake Into Your Shoes ock, Mrs. James S. Parker, Mrs. John Capt. W. C. MacBrayne. of Lowell, when an incident of far-reaching sig- MOTORISTS, W. Weeks, Miss Edith Becksz, Miss Mare.. and Capt. H. C. Martin, of Spring- 3ificance will startle the country. and Sophie Mrs. Persons whose birthdate it is may ex- HENRYVill . sprinileintheoo Johnson, Samuel Spencer. field. Masw., who are on Gov. McCall's I .C. "SAFETY FIRST" pect a Price, ranirny -f ia Bat. Don't Izfer from staff, are stopping at the Willard. year of anxiety. They should S AAndB mts., t9 on.O Bunions, and Cafouse; War conditions are responsible for an not speculate or risk any money. Gehe NEXT % E.K-ATh RSDAT or from Tender, Tired, advance in the date of the wedding of Mrs. F. A. de Peyster. of New York. ar- Children born on this day may be in- "ozi:~ rice, 18C Swolen Miss Penelope Sears, daughter of Mr. rived at the Shoreham yesterday to re- lined toward great extravagance. These This mrodel will lie cat t ht it ,e-half actual CHECK YOUR CAR THE CASE OF LADY CAMBER .Aching, Feet, and Mrs. Joseph Hamblen Sears. of New main over the Inauguration. Mrs. de subjects of Pisces are likely to be ideal- pie- ad offeved for sleindroer ft. trade-mark A PiY by HORACE ANLEY VA Moto or sore , odie. Keep thts sad oft that R Ith Lou Iltl York, to Mr. Sherman Platt, son was a iiitertioment H*ntdIRjm4 Ma~Fleid, 1-h4m. The on the Phelps Peyster daughter of Rear 'Admiral istic. intuitive and imaginative. yoir dealer Adnitistrtitewrlutco phre. r the stat eP- H E. Al. Abd troops of Mr. Henry Barstow Platt. also of ttew Abercrombie Miller and Is a of resentwvital ald sitould be Arrangements have been made H-_t sre se sister (Cor5right, 1917.) Ameceiv thiritole trOlitim I'Dail Lean border Allen's York. The wedding originally was plan- Mrs. Walter Tuckerman. of Washing- in every American bornie. regardles of car. ?iU5.SEtam,. Foot-Ess and over ned to take delniit. All rightoram(C for checking your during m 11111. cae place soon after Easter, but ton. UPS I0,0 have as Mr. Platt is a member of Squadron ALCOHOL RANK POISON, NYJ. RANIKT SLI. the Inaugural Ceremonies, at the es by A and be called S. C. ELMENDORF beeass thAlied may upon for military Mr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson, of New- D. g service Waehinato. and German troop. in at any time, It has been decided poft Naws, arrived at the Shoreham yes- SAYS WOMAN LECTURER l'aid. and foldei n he gotten from at following points: l ra, U. to orit k to h read this eet- A C.6'.a. celebrate the wedding on March 14 at with Mr. Homer S. Ferguson, dealer, abah Bylp Tol.ah M:r . rope. Allen's Foob-Fee. is known terday Jr., That the modern. scientific knowledge Street from E to F street* Atah. Me, zi Mia. BM m.,hg a everywhere as t14 reatedt coisforter the chantry of St. Thomas' Church. Mr. and Mr. Charles A. Ferguson for the in- alcohol and its effects shows Eighth who "especttng - N. W. ever disooveredfor an foot sches. Make Platt, was graduated from Yale in augural festivities. t is a poison, no matter in how small 1912 and has on TILLER new or shoee feel recently seryed the Mex- iuantities used, was the contention of J. FRANK Thirteenth Street from G to I tight easy by taking iean border, is a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Snowden A. Fahnestock, the fictionifrom the shoe. old every- Thomas Miss Edith Wills, of the Scientific Tem- 1025 N Std N.W. Streets N. M C. Platt. Miss Sears was Intro- of New York, are stopping at the Shore- Bureau. of Boston, and in B. F. KEITH'S, 250. D.n. O.. duced three and is ham. >erence charge wa- eegn, D. C. Vermont Aem e from'. H to I MiLLlON years ago one of the >f an alcohol exhibit at 1334 New York DOSAAR THEATER. officers of the Junior League. The en- Pheo Noeth Streets N. -.. Wv da Standar al aite Don C. Miss Lvenue northwest, in an address before udr.:lle, FREE by gagement of Miss Sears and Mr. Plati Mrs. Seits. Mabel Seits and the Secular Stateesth Street from H to I ALLENI OLMEDTIX Le Say, N. Y. was this Miss Dorothy Merckerald, of Washington League at Pyth. Get the Spirit-Be an 8- announced winter at.a dinner- Brooklyn. Ian Temple afternoon. She Amierica Streets N. W. dance given at the Colony Club to cele- are at the Shoreham to remain over the yesterday TODAY 2 S.OWS: brate the inauguration. llustrated and enforced her argument FIfteentb S4treet from Ohio Av- twenty-fifth wedding anniver. with a series of charts and sary of her .parents. statistics enme mad D street N. W. TDUAV 3 Svn , 2,5 & :15 ihowing the effects of alcohol. 11ae of We at 215 and .:15. Two International engagements of in- HOWARD a Street X.W., Ninth to Eleventh EMILY ANNg ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. terest have just been anounced. Miss UNIVERSITY injurious --N------U--RA Streets, at Nuttossi Museum. Anita Godwin. second daughter of R. J. CLOSES CELEBRATION CHILDENHATE WEllMA F I SH E R Godwin, of New York and Larchmont, is Dr. Cornelius son For the motor show at Union Patton, of Boston, of 3 to u a marry Capt. Philip A, Curry, a son of Dr. William Patton, former president of g a .. Ca Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Curry, of South- Garage, commnencing' Saturday Howard University, closed the semi- one a centennial exercise, with a sermon at and continuing week, ampton, England. Capt. Curry is odm- the Sunday vespers yesterday. checking station has been estabi- am His subject was "Inspiration and Con- lished at Sixth and G streets. secration,"~ and he referred to the group PILLS,!ALOEL of men and women whio had made great sacrinices in the early history of the uni- For further information address MBS. YERIUN CASTLE iI "PATAIA" versIty. John A. Richards. 446 New Jer- "Howard University we, begun In a prayer meetlngt by three generals of the AND CASTOROIL sey Ave. S. E. civil war, Howard, Whittlesey and Bal- lock," he maid, Competent watchmen wil be pl "They believed that education dependa If Cross, Constipated, Give on hand to secure for upon character and that the chief element Feverish, protection of character Is God." "California Syrup of Figs." your cars and contents. Says Vinol is Best Paridno. Dr. Patton stated that the great move- ments of the world wee the results of TUE POPILAR POLIPLAVERS on Earth.' wars and that Howard University was Look back at your childhood days. Re- CheCk Your Car In Eugene Walter's Wonderful lay. the direct result of the civil war. He member the "dome" mother insisted on-- ' concluded with the hope that the present castor oil, calomnel, cathartics? How you "SAFETY FIRST" 3eflefontalne, Ohio-".My blood and future officers of the university hated thent; how you fought against was very pooe-! was in a weak, narn would follow closely the principles of the taking them! Hotel St. Charles vous, run-down condition. I tried dif- With your children It's different. Moth- 3. ferent reme-i-s without beneit, and founders.- ers who cling to the old form of physic FOR THROAT AND LUNGS JUSWAWMAN ATANtc Cn, N. one dan druggist told me about simply don't realise what thpy do. The 1&noLI it and i lt me up in FAMED SLEUTHS COMB children's revolt is well founded. Their UUDoBN coUQSs AND COLDS 15._A Mvamotho SeePoducu tender Uittle "insides" are injured by them. Iles as dhwta asa I telim frli isth CITY FOR FETE CROOKS The If your child's stomach, liver, and bow- Eckman's flying aquadron of the police de- els need cleansing, give only delicious wee, partment, 1*0 automobiles strong, scour- "Califorma Sytup of Figs." Its action ed the city far crooka all yesterday and is positive, but gentJe. Millions of moth- a Mat night. ers keep thia harmless "fruit laxative" Alterative BrnBrdon,.roswmn"the call of the aleutha held lent enfbrices ad. -fRoll was iOLD BT ALL LEADING DRUJGGEST: } PAICSKY ifARiS's night In the board roam of the District ut; that It never fails to clean the liver VOLL'F.N oF TH: NBAI We wick wh BEstuing and mnen prominent in most of and bowels and. aweeten- the stomach. TONIGHT. 7.25 And a Slag :.,ty Azresau.o. i evegy town the big criminal cases of the lent severel RONUMENT GROUNDS. b fronta weahened, run. year. responded, lNAt~UUA. eenditinwouMth Ask your druggist for a 5-eent bottle Charies E. Hughes' first "decision" FIREWORKS DISPLAY LG E W'S COLUMBIA if It he re'aigned from the i usume~a 3 Mor.. A tt., S..<(Ui mag fto 1beneet then1. IJsnce :ull directions for babies, children of all MARINE BAND) coNCE4T 3~n A Mi. Eo 161 NM h s.It.U.5cet eWoee swgster., see V Eupreme Court waa made when he do- ages, and for grown-ups plainly on each Saei dlared New York City's-comtract with the bottle. Beware of counterfeits GLEE W'. W. nd ether Wesiaten drog New York Cuitral fer Riverside sold <* CLUB, MARIE DORO ases that epn h ae lm. improve- Emute wayeoe81edimsL Meghe pased nia Fig lyrmp Comnpany." Refuse ay b "Camds for Tws." en the ceeet Sgr thie el