GCSE English Literature Poetry Anthology
IN THE THIRD-CLASS SEAT SAT THE JOURNEYING BOY, AND THE ROOF-LAMP’S OILY FLAME PLAYED DOWN ON HIS LISTLESS FORM AND FACE, BEWRAPT PAST KNOWING TO WHAT HE WAS GOING, INOR THE WHENCEBAND OF HIS HAT THE HE JOURNEYING CAME. BOY HAD A TICKET STUCK; AND A STRING AROUND HIS NECK BORE THE KEY OF HIS BOX, THAT TWINKLED GLEAMS OF THE LAMP’S SAD BEAMS WHATLIKE PAST A CAN LIVING BE YOURS, O JOURNEYING THING. BOY TOWARDS A WORLD UNKNOWN,UNKNOWN, WHO CALMLY, AS IF INCURIOUS QUITE ON ALL AT STAKE, CAN UNDERTAKE KNOWSTHIS YOUR PLUNGE SOUL A SPHERE, 0ALONE? JOURNEYING BOY, OUR RUDE REALMS FAR ABOVE, WHENCE WITH SPACIOUS VISION YOU MARK AND METE THIS REGION OF SIN THAT YOU FIND YOU IN, BUTUPDATED EDITION: ARE SEPTEMBER 2020 NOT OF? 1 OCR (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations) The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EA © Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations 2020 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organisation. This book must not be circulated in any other binding or cover and this same condition must be imposed on any acquirer. ISBN 978 019 834090 4 Designed and produced by Oxford University Press Printed by Rotolito SpA 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful for permission to reprint the following copyright material in this anthology.
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