Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. Romans 3:24 (NLT)

PAID WITH LOVE!!! The unquenchable joy of receiving forgiveness and new relationship with God and believers in Christ Jesus, is a life changing testimony that expresses true Love to a new convert. This kind of love is what Language Communities see when they received and engaged with the Translated Scriptures in their mother-tongue. Due to the high COST required to achieve a translation of even, a portion or in some cases the complete Scriptures, funding by various STAKEHOLDERS outside of the language communities– which is common. As we continue to serve the various Language Communities in , they celebrate this LOVE- receiving the services of Language Development and Bible Translation with us. This reminds us of the fact of our continued services to the Language Communities: We are still SERVING Because GOD has Raised for US Financial and Prayer PARTNERS in YOU!

This is what some of them have said!

We are encourage whenever we see you come to us-Language Community! It tells us that, God has help you to see the need for Bible Translation. That, this is what He is doing and wants you to be part of it! Jacob Bess. Mwaghavul Language Group.

How much will our recording and production time cost, asked by a Language Group Leader? Only your commitment to avail your team for the recording because our time has been resourced by our PARTNERS. Wow, may God bless and reward your partners in Christ Jesus. Ngizim Language Development Leader.

Nigeria Lang. Stats.: No. of Living of Nigerian Languages = 481; No. of Bible= 25; No. of NT = 54; No. of Portions= 40; No. of active Projects = 163. Pray for Nigeria Language Development and Bible Translation labour. Data compiled by SIL Nigeria . PHOTOS

Top left: Recording session for Pastor John a Dukawa speaker. He read 1st and 2nd Corinthians and Philippians in Dukawa.

Bottom left:Bible College Students who are native speakers of Dukawa language, listening to the recorded 10 books of Dukawa Audio New Testament portions to pick out errors and ensure accuracy of the reader.

WHAT? PRAISE AND PRAYERS Has happened: Praise God for:  Recording of 10 books of Dukawa New Testament portions and  All that he has blessed to happen in the “What?” assembling of audio playback for group listening. box.  Open day that host Pastors and individuals to create awareness on  For the supporters that are upholding us. the relevant of Bible Translation and the need for Nigeria church to  My wife Dorcas for taking full time to care for invest in it. our daughter.  Recording of the Ngizim Audio Luke Gospel.  The initial discussion with my local church to second me as a missionary.  SIL Nigeria staff Spiritual Retreat.  The gift of sound health for me, Dorcas and  Successful training on Scripture App Building for Android phones. Reto Matida our lovely daughter. Is about to happen: Pray for:  A three week Vernacular Media Specialist Certification training.  Continuous safe travels for me and peace for  Recording trip to record selected portions of the Old & New Dorcas and Reto Matida in my absence. Testaments Scriptures in 6 languages in July and August 2016.  God’ sustenance of our new family.  Opportunity to host an Animation Training for Scripture  Blessings and success for all the items in the Engagement. “What? is about to happen box”.  The Nigerian churches to embrace and support  Vision sharing with language projects in Ogoja Cluster, Cross the Bible Translation and Language. River State Nigeria. You can partner with us in this great work through prayers, encouragement financing. and For financial support, kindly pay into : SIL Nigeria Elm House, 19 Yakubu Gowon Way Jos. Language Development Facilitators 1012929068 (Zenith Bank) PO Box 953 Jos. Post code: 930001. , Nigeria.

Depositor: Your Name + (I. Yakubu). Yakubu, Iliya Dachung (+234) (0)8036421592 [email protected]

VMS Nigeria: Giving access to Translated Scriptures in the media that meets VMS Nigeria (+234) (0)7080788475 Language Communities needs! [email protected]