TIGER summit EvIdEncE and InfoRmatics TRansfoRmInG nuRsInG ocTober 31–novEmber 1, 2006 unIfoRmEd ServIcEs unIversity of ThE HealTh sciencEs BethEsda, maRyland SUMMARy REPoRT conTacT us:
[email protected] foR TIGER summit InfoRmation: www.TigerSummit.com ThE TIGER SUMMIT REPoRT FORMAT This report provides the context for the Summit, descriptions of each of the activities over the two days, notes on the participant experience, and photographs of the event, as well as insights and reflections from speakers. The intention of this format is to provide those who did not have an opportunity to attend a high-level understanding of the process that occurred over the two days to achieve the Summit objectives and outcomes. It is not intented to be a comprehensive document such as a white paper. Rather, the content enclosed incorporates descriptive paragraphs and phrases, as well as statements and quotes captured real-time. There is no aspect of our profession that will be untouched by the informatics revolution in progress. — angela barron mcbride Distinguished Professor and University Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing © All rights reserved, 2006. T.I.G.E.R. Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform PaGE 2 TIGER InITIaTIvE Our nation’s nursing leaders and advocates are working together to catalyze a dynamic, sustainable, and productive relationship between the Alliance for Nursing Informatics (ANI), representing 20 nursing informatics professional societies, and the major nursing professional organizations that collectively represent more than 2,000,000 nurses. TIGER vIsION Our vision is to enable nurses to use informatics tools, principles, theories, and practices to make healthcare safer, more effective, efficient, patient-centered, timely, and equitable by interweaving enabling technologies transparently into nursing practice and education, making information technology the stethoscope for the 21st century.