Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society." in the Lothians the Silurian System Is Represented by Rocks Belonging to the Wenlock and Ludlow Series
Price Five Shillingfs. TRANSACTIONS ^bintergl ^wfcgial ^0aetj. VOL. III. PART I. EDINBUEGH: ^rinlib for iht %atui\i^ BY NEIT^L AND COMPANY. 1877. Registered in terms of the Act 5 and 6 Vict. cap. 45. All rights reserved to the Edinburgh Geological Society vndT the in-oi-isions of the said Act. LIST OF OFFICE-BEARERS OK THE EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY FOE SESSION 1876-77, BEING THE FORTY-THIRD. ^Satron. His Grace the Duke hf Akgyll, K.T., D.C'.L., F.R.S. {President. David Milne-Home of Wedderburn and Milnegraden, LL.D., C'.R.S.E., F.G.S., Chairman of Council of the Meteorological Society of Scotland. 'F(ce=13rfsiBcnts. .LiiiES Brtce, M.A., LL.D., r-.R.S.E., F.G.S. •Tames Mei.\tn', Bonnington, President of the Scottish Chamber of Agriculture. Ilonorarp 5ccrctarn. Halph Richardson, W.S., F.R.S.E., 35 Castle Street, Edinburgh; and Newpark House, Midcalder. STrfasurcr. George Lyon, George Heriot's Hospital Chambers, 7 Royal E.\change, Edinburgh. librarian. Curator of JHustum. R. D. Keb. John Henderson. I ffiouncdiora. Andrew Fleming, M.D., C'.R.S.E., Dejmty Surgeon-General H.M.I. A. John Buchanan, C.E. I Alexander Somervail. Andrew Taylor, F.C.S., Mineral Surveyor, Etlinburgh. James Linn, of H.M. Geological Survey of Scotland. Thomas W. Kilgocr, Royal Bank of Scotland. STANDING COMMITTEES. IZibrarp Committee The President, Librarian, Honorary Secretary, Treasurer, and Messrs James M'Intosh, Bookseller, and James Mklvin. jfJtuscum Commhtfc. The President, Curator, Honorary Secretary, Treasurer, and Dr W. T. Black, Surgeon-Major, and Ale.xander Somervail.
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