GAZETTE Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

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GAZETTE Guantanamo Bay, Cuba GAZETTE Guantanamo Bay, Cuba VOLUME 39 - NUMBER 214 U.S. NAVY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1984 PROUD OF THEIR VETERANS" By Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense On this Veterans Day, in We have entrusted to them strength and commitment nec- this year of 1984, when our the preservation of our na- essary to deter war on our nation is at peace, we honor tion's heritage and freedom, nation and our allies. the gallant men and women of and our Veterans have never On behalf of the Depart- our military forces, past betrayed that trust. ment of Defense, I express Vietnam - Memorial and present, who have pur- Our Veterans have borne sincere appreciation to all chased that peace with their the burdens of freedom, and our Veterans who have given IN IICR OF VIEINAM expressions on their faces. unselfish service and sacri- they have helped maintain this great nation and their VET ilMNS, a zmemorial is They are looking directly fices. our nation's preeminence as fellow countrymen a valuable scheduled to1be accepted at the memorial wall. They Americans are proud of a world leader. legacy, a legacy of peace Veteran's Day1by Secretary look courageous, but their Veterans. They have provided the with freedom. if Interior William Clark vulnerable." Photo by Pete in Washington, D.C. "The Murphy) Moelders open house three men have very intense slated for tomorrow AFPS--The Vietnam Veterans Memorial sits on two acres in Constitution Gardens in Washington, D.C., dedicatd to honor The German ship Moelders the "courage, sacrifice, and devotion to duty and country" will have an "Open House" of the approximately 2.7 million Americans who served in from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. the war zone. Some 300,000 were wounded and approximately tommorow at Pier Lima, 75,000 permanently disabled. according to Lt. Cmdr. Roger On Veterans Day, November 11, Secretary of the Interior Scofield of the Fleet William Clark is scheduled to accept the Vietnam Veterans Training Group. Memorial -- built through Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund efforts -- as a new addition to the federal government's THE HISTORY OF FGS National Park Service System. NELDERS (D-186): In March, Since the memorial was dedicated on Nov. 13, 1982, it has 1965 the Federal Republic of been visited by more than three million people, Germany ordered the con- Designer Ms. Maya Ying Lin wanted to create."a park struction of three guided- within a park, a quiet protected place unto itself." For missile-destroyers of the that reason, she chose polished black granite for the two American Charles F. Adams walls of the memorial. class with the Bath Iron There are 58,007 names on the memorial. About 1,300 are Works, Bath, Maine. On classified as missing in action. Eight women are listed: April 13, 1968, the destroy- seven Army nurses and one Air Force nurse. There are no er Moelders was launched as civilians. the second of the three At the entrance to the memorial stands a life-size bronze ordered ships. statue depicting three American fighting men. Jan Scruggs, founder and president of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial The ship has 327 crew, 23 Fund, says the statue, sculpted by Frederick Hart, is "very officers, 31 CPO's, and 97 umanistic and reflective of the young fighting men who NCO's. rved in Vietnam. The ship has so far suc- Big Mac on the level cessfully completed test and German training periods in RESLS OF SUREY WJH( RI technician, Public Works 15 mph speed limit on Sherman near Trzyna waters and is now on her way 7E IIOATII (F THE NISW Engineering. McDonald's her Sherman Avenue near Trzyna Village remains a 15mph zone to further improve AkIXl,4D'S across from the executives hope to have the and effectiveness while repairs to the guard rail and road surface still are readiness W.T. Sampson High School, building completed by late being made, according to Chief Builder Robert Grasse, of using U.S. Naval Training will be sent to McDonald's spring or early summer. the Public Works Department. You should exercise extreme and Testing Facilities, in- executives to aid in the (Above) EA1 Matt Coffee caution in the area. cluding the one in GTMO. construction of the holds the level rod to allow building, according to Paul EACA Gregory to make his Anderson, civil engineering survey calculations. To all American Veterans By Kathy LaFond You fought to save our country and you fought to keep its name, It's known as Great America, a word that has great fame. When we listen to some Veterans tell of how the war was then, We think of those who lost their lives and look at all as men. The flag is just one symbol of the courage and the pride, It's not to be misused and never set aside. Watching Veterans marching, saluting and so straight, They always had confidence and never lost their faith. It's our turn to run the country and we have to do it right, Remember all the wars and be prepared to fight. We have to show our people that we can do it too, Prove to them we'll try our hardest and what we say is true. Veterans kept America - America is what they earned, Sit down and listen carefully, you'll find that you have learned. When you hear the word America, at all times be proud, There's a Veteran right beside you and there's one in every crowd. From the Halls of Montezuma to GTMO Yes, fight for Great America and fight for all it's (XXXXXIRA AND HAPPY BIRITlY goes out to their defensive weapons, an M-60A1 tank with worth, Corps as they begin 105mm main gun tracks along during a past the U.S. Marine We're standing on its only home, the home we know as celebrating their 209th birthday this parade. The Marines will be celebrating earth. weekend. The Marines here are responsible with activities through next weekend. (Photo for defense of the base. (Above) One of by Lt. Cadr. J. D. Van Sickle) An asbestos removal program 7Influenza Iamunization: The is scheduled for the Naval rNaval Hospital Preventative Hospital from Nov. 10 rMedicine Department will be through Dec. 21. During this administering influenza im- munizations to all person- time only emergency surgery Community bulletin board n will be performed. The out- rnel, civilian and military. patient clinic schedule 7The immunization is manda- should not be affected. ttory for all active duty Areas under construction There will be a Red Cross Holiday hours of operation Family Service Center: We rNavy and Marine Corps per- will be closed and sealed Tea Nov. 16 at 1 p.m. at for Monday, Nov. 12, for the listen, we care, we help. sonnel and is recommended and signs will be posted M102 to thank our volunteers following Special Services Call 4141/4153 DWH or 4329 s for others. They will be throughout the hospital. from the hospital, dental facilities are: AWH. given in front of the Navy and school. Certificates, Ceramic Shop Closed EExchange Tuesday between 11 The Naval Hospital is spon- pins and Volunteer of the Golf Course 0600-1630 The Fire Department will be a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Civilians soring a Health Fair from 10 Month will be awarded also. Marina 0600-2300 conducting water flow tests Fwho desire to get the im- a.m. until 3 p.m. Saturday. All are welcome. For more Auto Hobby Shop 0800-1800 in the Villamar housing area nmunization must sign an in- The Health Fair will be in information, call 2542. Issue Desk 0800-2200 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on iformed consent form prior to the multi-purpose room of Corral 0930-1730 Monday, Nov. 19. Residents tbeing immunized. There will the elementary school and is Have you thought about being Bowling Center 1100-2300 are cautioned to test their tbe no charge. open to the entire com- in a parade? Well, here's Child Dev. Ctr. Closed water for discoloration be- munity. Any group or indi- your chance. The Guantanamo Youth Center 1800-2300 fore use. vidual wishing to sponsor an Bay Christmas Parade will be DOG DIP exhibit promoting health in December, so pick up the and/or fitness is strongly phone and call Debbi at 3402 encouraged to participate. AT, Donna at 2934 AT or WOODY IS COMING 9 a. - Noon For further information, Roberta at 3832 AWH and tell contact Lt. Cmdr. Murphy at one of them you want to be this Saturday 7242 or HMC Johnson at 7236. in the parade. You better Helping somebody throughh the Teaching children about Good hurry because the deadline Combined Federal Cammpaign Nutrition, Effects of Smok- Dr. Oran W. Atkinson will for entries is Nov. 30. means our very ownyyouth! img, Alcohol and Drugs is a at the Pound arrive Nov. 16 and will have Six percent of everydollar challenging task for par- clinic hours at the Branch Overeaters Anonymous is a that you donate to CFC comes ants. Available at the Fai- Naval Dental Clinic from fellowship of individuals back to help our youth pro-1 ily Service Center are Nov. 16 through 19. For ap- willing to share their grams in Guantanamo Bay! coloring and activities NEX NOTES pointments or other informa- hopes, strength and experi- Give generously, the child books to aid you in educat- tion, call 4554. ences with each other in the you help . may be your ing your children in these A camera representative will hopes of helping others who very own! hard-to-teach subject areas.
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