HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, August 2, 1982 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon
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August 2, 1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 18787 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, August 2, 1982 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. prohibit persons, upon their convictions of <2> the land described in subsections <d> The Chaplain, Rev. James David certain crimes, from holding offices in or and <e> which will be received by the city of Ford, D.D., offered the following certain positions related to labor organiza Albuquerque in exchange for the land de prayer: tions and employee benefit plans, and to scribed in subsection <c> shall be used exclu clarify certain responsibilities of the De sively for public purposes; and Make us sensitive, 0 God, to the op partment of Labor; <3> the city of Albuquerque shall not at portunities we have to serve You S. 2073. An act to repeal outdated size and tempt to transfer title to, or control over, through deeds of good will. Enable us weight limitations now imposed on the U.S. any land described in subsections <d> or <e> to open our eyes that we might see the Postal Service; after the city of Albuquerque receives title needy about us, and open our hearts S. 2386. An act to require the Director of to such lands. that we will have the will to reach out the Office of Management and Budget to <c> The land referred to in subsection <a> prepare an annual report consolidating the which was conveyed by the United States to in kindness and concern. Bless those available data on the geographic distribu the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, on who use their time and talents to tion of Federal funds, and for other pur December 31, 1963, by a patent numbered speak an encouraging word, who use poses; and 30-84-0081 is the following two tracts or their strength to assist those who are S. 2481. An act to provide for the rein parcels: weak, who use their faith to support statement and validation of U.S. oil and gas <1 > One tract or parcel containing 1.250 those who are afraid, and who use lease numbered W 61985. acres, more or less, which is all of the north their love to heal and forgive. Bless us half southwest quarter northeast quarter southwest quarter southwest quarter of sec this day and everyday. Amen. CONSENT CALENDAR tion 33, township 11 north, range 4 east, The SPEAKER. This is the day for New Mexico principal meridian, county of THE JOURNAL Bernalillo, State of New Mexico and is more the call of the Consent Calendar. The p&rticularly bounded and described as fol The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex Clerk will call the first bill on the con lows: Beginning at a point for the northeast amined the Journal of the last day's sent calendar. comer of said tract or parcel of land, said proceedings and announces to the same beginning point having New Mexico House his approval thereof. <central zone> State plane coordinate values Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS IN X=416,444.61, Y = 1,503,889.99 and from Journal stands approved. CONVEYANCE OF LAND TO AL whence the southwest comer of section 33, BUQUERQUE, N. MEX. township 11 north, range 4 east, New The Clerk called the bill <H.R. 4568) Mexico principal meridian, county of Berna MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE to direct the Secretary of the Interior lillo, State of New Mexico bears south 44 de Mr. grees 57 minutes 38 seconds west a distance A message from the Senate by to release on behalf of the United of 1,400.52 feet; thence south 00 degrees 01 Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced States certain restrictions contained in minutes 24 seconds east along the easterly that the Senate had passed without a previous conveyance of land to the line of said tract or parcel of land a distance amendment a concurrent resolution of city of Albuquerque, N. Mex., and for of 165.00 feet to a point for the southeast the House of the following title: other purposes. comer of said tract or parcel of land; thence H. Con. Res. 386. Concurrent resolution There being no objection, the Clerk south 89 degrees 56 minutes 31 seconds west relating to adjournment to a date certain read the bill, as follows: a distance of 330.05 feet to a point for the during remainder of the 97th Congress. southwest comer of said tract or parcel of H.R. 4568 The message also announced that land; thence north 00 degrees 01 minutes 24 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of seconds east a distance of 165.00 feet to a the Senate disagrees to the amend Representatives of the United States of point for the northwest comer of said tract ments of the House to the bill <S. 734) America in Congress assembled, That <a> or parcel of land; thence north 89 degrees 56 entitled "An act to encourage exports subject to subsection <b>, the Secretary of minutes 31 seconds east a distance of 330.06 by facilitating the formation and oper the Interior <hereinafter in this Act re feet to the true point and place of begin ation of export trading companies, ferred to as the "Secretary") shall release ning. export trade associations, and the ex on behalf of the United States, with respect <2> A second tract or parcel containing pansion of export trade services gener to the land described in subsection <c> which 1.250 acres, more or less, which is all of the was conveyed by the United States to the south half northeast quarter northwest ally," agrees to the conference asked city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, by a quarter southwest quarter southwest quar by the House on the disagreeing votes patent number 30-84-0081, all conditions in ter of such section 33 and is more particu of the two Houses thereon, and ap such patent- larly bounded and described as follows: Be points Mr. GARN, Mr. HEINZ, Mr. ARM <1 > which require that such land be used ginning at a point for the northeast comer STRONG, Mr. CHAFEE, Mr. DANFORTH, for a public purpose pursuant to a plan ap of said tract or parcel of land, said same be Mr. RIEGLE, Mr. PROXMIRE, Mr. DODD, proved by the Secretary, and ginning point having New Mexico <central and Mr. DIXON to be the conferees on <2> which prohibit the transfer of title or zone> State plane coordinate values the part of the Senate. control of such land by the patentee or its X=416,115.06, Y=1,504,055.50 and from The message also announced that successor. whence the southwest comer of section 33, <b> The Secretary shall not execute the township 11 north, range 4 east, New the Senate had passed bills of the fol release authorized by subsection <a> until Mexico principal meridian, county of Berna lowing titles, in which the concurrence the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, in lillo, State of New Mexico bears south 29 de of the House is requested: consideration of such release, enters into an grees 42 minutes 44 seconds west a distance S. 1182. An act to amend the Longshore agreement satisfactory to the Secretary of 1,330.60 feet; thence south 00 degrees 01 men's and Harbor Workers' Compensation which provides that- minutes 24 seconds east along the easterly Act to improve the administration of the (1 > the city of Albuquerque will exchange line of said tract or parcel of land a distance act, to reduce incentives for fraud and the land described in subsection <c> for the of 165.00 feet to a point for the southeast abuse, to assure immediate compensation land described in subsection <d> <originally comer of said tract or parcel of land; thence benefits and competent medical treatment conveyed by the United States to the devi south 89 degrees 56 minutes 31 seconds west for injured employees, and for other pur sees of Tom Hughes by a patent numbered a distance of 330.05 feet to a point for the poses; 1155047> and subsection <e> (originally con southwest comer of said tract or parcel of S. 1785. An act to increase the penalties veyed by the United States to Leyburn B. land; thence north 00 degrees 01 minutes 24 for violations of the Taft-Hartley Act, to Kimble by a patent numbered 1150213>; seconds east a distance of 165.00 feet to a 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 18788 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE August 2, 1982 point for the northwest corner of said tract tion of this Act shall not be limited by the <2> A second tract or parcel which is all of or parcel of land; thence north 89 degrees 56 Act entitled "An Act to authorize acquisi the south half northeast quarter northwest minutes 31 seconds east a distance of 330.06 tion or use of public lands by States, coun quarter southwest quarter southwest quar feet to the true point and place of begin ties, or municipalities for recreational pur ter and the south 26 feet of the north half ning. poses.", approved June 14, 1926 <43 U.S.C. northeast quarter northwest quarter south <d> The land referred to in subsection <b> 869 et seq.). west quarter southwest quarter of section which was conveyed by the United States to With the following committee 33, township 11 north, range 4 east, New the devisees of Tom Hughes on October 17, amendment: Mexico principal meridian, county of Berna 1955, by patent number 1155047 is the tract lillo, State of New Mexico.