How Newspapers’ Sport Pages Withstand the Digital Pressure – Comparative Analysis of Finnish and Swedish Tabloid Newspapers Antti Laine
[email protected] University of Jyväskylä Department of Sport Sciences Finland Introduction • The study is part of ongoing dissertation research project, which should be finished by the end of 2009. • The working title of the dissertation: – Sport Journalism in Finnish and Swedish Tabloid Newspapers • Dissertation includes 8-10 different result themes. This is one of those. • Theoretical background: – Defining concepts (newspapers, tabloids, journalism, sport journalism) – Historical approach – Defining newspapers position in the field of sport journalism (cultural context) – Methodogical aspects Why to study sport journalism? • The topic is very consumed, but not so studied. • In Sweden the eight biggest nationwide “free” TV- channels broadcasted an average of 76 hours of sports programs per week2005 (GRN 2006, 20-21). » (SVT1, SVT2, SVT24, TV3, ZTV, TV4, TV4+, Kanal 5) • In Finland the nine biggest nationwide “free” TV-Channels broadcasted an average of 64 hours of sports programs per week2005 (Aslama ym. 2006.) » (TV1, TV2, YLE24 ja FST-D, MTV3, MTV3+, Nelonen, Nelonen Plus) Why to study tabloids? • Sport pages are generally separate pull outs and one of the most important sections in tabloids. • Around 14% of all daily newspapers content in Finland are sport pages (Finnish Newspapers Association 2006). • During Athens Olympics in 2004, sport pages share of the total content in the following tabloids – Aftonbladet 34 % and Expressen 35 % (Swedish tabloids) – Ilta-Sanomat 29 % and Iltalehti 28 % (Finnish tabloids) • During Turin Olympics in 2006, sport pages share of the total content in the following tabloids – Aftonbladet 36 % and Expressen 37 % – Ilta-Sanomat 25 % and Iltalehti 27 % Research Material • The sports pages of two Finnish and Swedish tabloid newspapers • Iltalehti and Ilta-Sanomat (Finish tabloids) • Aftonbladet and Expressen (Swedish tabloids) • Two research periods » 9.8 - 31.8.