
Creative Currency Cultural insights from the conversation on . Trend: Creative Currency

How we found this trend Creative From January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2019, billions of Tweets in the US were Currency is a analyzed to uncover the most-used , then mapped to cluster themes of fast-evolving conversation.

Through both human coding and machine trend on Twitter. learning, commonplace topics like politics and sports were removed, and significant Here’s an in-depth look at one growth areas and contextual shifts in of the conversations shaping conversation identified. culture. With the help of cultural insights experts at CrowdDNA, 18 emerging trends were uncovered.

Cultural insights from the conversation on Twitter. Trend: Creative Currency | Conversation graph Creators are making their marks

Individuals talking about something they created The creative world is growing. As technology makes our lives easier and flex working becomes increasingly popular, more and more are finding time for creative pursuits.

Conversation around emerging creative pursuits Digital art is seeing particular growth in interest, in addition to illustration, podcasting, and writing.

Cultural insights from the Tweet volumes at monthly increments, geo-filtered for US market, growth stats compare Q4/2019 vs. Q1/2016 conversation on Twitter. Trend: Creative Currency Cultural insights from the conversation on Twitter. Trend: Creative Currency | Key driver Illustration art

Fantasy and anime are popular subjects for the booming illustration art conversations. Visual artists are sharing their creations, joining the wider conversation about abstract and contemporary art in general.

Cultural insights from the Source: Twitter internal & Crimson Hexagon, Tweet data geo-filtered for US market, growth stats compare Q4/2019 vs. Q1/2016 conversation on Twitter. Trend: Creative Currency | Key driver “My

We haven’t reached peak podcast yet as more and more people use it as an outlet. People are promoting their own on topics ranging from pop culture moments to recent topics. They also use the word “listen” in a third of all Tweets.

Cultural insights from the Source: Twitter internal & Crimson Hexagon, Tweet data geo-filtered for US market, growth stats compare Q4/2019 vs. Q1/2016 conversation on Twitter. Trend: Creative Currency | Key driver The art of #indiedev

The passionate and hardworking game developer community shares knowledge about software and draws on the support of fellow artists in sharing their indie games and works in progress.

Cultural insights from the Source: Twitter internal & Crimson Hexagon, Tweet data geo-filtered for US market, growth stats compare Q4/2019 vs. Q1/2016 conversation on Twitter. Trend: Creative Currency | Key driver Unsigned musician hashtags

Unsigned music artists come from a number of genres and traditions, including hip-hop, EDM, R&B, and singer-songwriting. These music lovers believe in their talent and also link out to other music platforms, including their own .

Cultural insights from the Source: Twitter internal & Crimson Hexagon, Tweet data geo-filtered for US market, growth stats compare Q4/2019 vs. Q1/2016 conversation on Twitter. Trend: Creative Currency | Key driver Indie authors

Independent authors are celebrating the #WritersLife and supporting and inspiring others. They actively seek out feedback and advice on their work.

Cultural insights from the Source: Twitter internal & Crimson Hexagon, Tweet data geo-filtered for US market, growth stats compare Q4/2019 vs. Q1/2016 conversation on Twitter. #digitalart Trend: Creative Currency | Conversation tagging #WritingCommunity Community #pixelart The multitude of hashtags that tie writers on Twitter together such as #writingcommunity, #writerslife, Hashtags #writerslife and #amwriting help those hoping to get published improve their skills and get their work recognized. #amwriting The same is true for the artist community and unsigned musicians. used in #art Creative #artistsontwitter Visibility #gamedev Hashtags used in Creative Currency raise up smaller Currency and unseen creators, as with #indieartist and #indieartist #indiedev. Publicizing and praising #fanart also Tweets #singersongwriter brings smaller creators into the spotlight. #unsignedartist #indiedev Art Greater access to creative software and tools has #music fueled the recent growth of #digitalart and #pixelart. It’s not all digital, however — hand-drawn creations #illustration often accompany conversation around #illustration #fanart and #drawing. #artist Cultural insights from the #writing conversation on Twitter. Trend: Creative Currency Cultural insights from the conversation on Twitter. Trend: Creative Currency | Conversation tone used in Creative Currency Tweets

Sentiment & tone

Emoji used in the conversation around Creative Currency convey feelings of humility, appreciation, and accomplishment, and hand gestures or arrows are used to draw attention to creative work.

Cultural insights from the conversation on Twitter. Trend: Creative Currency | Actionable How to use this trend in your next campaign

Celebrate the originality of the everyday artists, musicians, and makers by using your platform to further their creative process, and look for opportunities for collaboration and co-creation.

Cultural insights from the conversation on Twitter.