At Gnatat*. 9. TEN CENTS Vol ^ No; 37 ; 4 Sections, 26 Pages CRANBPRD, , lTOHSI>Atf, 0£t6BER 3, 1963

Despite Flo ossession Despite an expected delay in residence on the 1 possession of the'* Cr*ne- Walter Crane, has. -w The United Fund campaign is the .industrial drvlvori, reported Cranford College Clubi nctted'S * 12,15 for Its .scholarship fuind t from; a.n upper respiratory, s- now> in full swing, with 894 yol- | he ''anticipates a total of 11,800, o* -iuiieoiid^ti^fe^r-tW-'^ weeks' subscription drivt it t^ con- WashbiUrn property? aL-110 Milrj several a funtetrru; l«*i by Donald'•'W.-Me-!|5& p*r««mi^ o.Mh*-divisionV»4^i6u- ft r ;: Tr fltnH^;''~tH?Hd /^rii " yv*M m-*^**^ —1>th«-1torviG'r\ ^ =£be cflnvmareUi^ dlvirioa* -1 yesterday: This brings thi* totaVproflts for the club to $1,822.51 since Monday to rate gairag*s and oth*f Florence Whshiiurri^haye b*e»i U*>ci.injr $190,280 t,„o pr6V»dV,. oprratin„,„ „.g [unde, r ^i« B*rg^, acwrdw* tor-

-During: the: past week, -College;. : •thebuiiiisMji cfiiwr: They arc. now Ch'airman McG^nis" t'xprwsedltiiwTy and. .ishouirt report a ...... i^gcrSi^irav^inre^sc streets and looking'', for. an, apiiFtnient, ?Mr, optimtttm 'ab«>ut results f*pecu?d j portion of lts.iMJ,lO0 target." \ .;..- Club members turned In 141 new'l|r* ••':'•-. .'..-\Jf Y" avenue irt 'preparation'for the first, has been Selected as arcbKeets for the municipal swimming and 337 renewal subscriptions. The. William* stated. «t thtvllrst gerieral reik>rt fniDetlngj, Jh«rxp^clal gift*..division, with pool r\flflYfi F section of the central btudness dis- While the public works do- lit be held(n>iiiKh!"::n th'c:'"c«'immun--r itJetirge Morton leading, is ejip 7 firms ajnd swimniing pool con- total of .554 new and. ,1,065 re- the •» The .township was scheduled,to v riewal subscriptions have, been cap wild all or th« building*In the ' Our in reftjonitble «nd jt»i- itchooK diviilon, under Dr. sultants- The Cfanford firm •*: obUin possession of . the -Crane* turned in, .' •• J... .'" '.'"•'••'.'•':".'•"'•'..' parkin* lot tract, except the Cr*he- der'.lai'ed Mr Clark W. McDfrmilh, is aiming was recommended to the •'•>" : • Now Uiat the scWool! problem is Vv'it'shlJum..: property, by; court "Washburn residence, wilt be taken ion of everyone tor a figure. Dr. MeDw- Township Committee, which i ':t)urin| the current we«k, Col- i order, on Tuesday. Howevtv*, Paul lege Club members are; working '. solved, the, Bojirrt-of •Ethiciittori is down. starting Monday, and thein CVitiiford \<> insurv victory.-"ot-!»sibe»ng by Anlhony. '• : approved the st-leciion. . ' for HSv'o bonuses .offered by the* turning \t*•'•at.tfcntioh to fuller usie William* , p*rM>Dnrl coordinator •!' VlirUOi'rCluti'. flnii:Spies built:the of the School buildings ftfr/jecrc- laud Johnston*,, Westfield. this!.'.wecHu>nury carppalgnJ1.1-'wWinieirt- ,*l Uriiori Junior CoJ- j al .bonus of^OJor exceeding 1.100 '• Dr. Clark W. McDermiui. super- ; ning thf pool ior the Scotch'Plains „ intendent of schools; Dr Henry «n this nation will be Friday. rjazarHous that fire department of- rt-prv^*r.UiHB:.u»>itfttitIai- *nvi(jg< in.; V*rK** Mr.-.Abbott expect* ;jac»l,|cf- 1 S.viir. Club. TKe firm also did .renewal subscriptions. The club i was only 35:renewals short of theMineur iind Robert.. Seavy, both j Mr. WiUtnms tiled, affidavits ficuU "'haw i-eeoiHnui»d«d' that exp«r>itf and maKjiowVr'." .he ,idd»{'aJ-'. on.«t Un.irm Junior College'to J ; wor.k otY the Shackamaxon Swim latter bonus on Monday. :.- j-boswd members, were' named, by the court early this week r»« :,th»» structure .be taken, duwh. as ed.. _.•..-'• . •'•' . |b« tntrt(>!«>twl th:5 afternoon.: The '; eiub 7X»1. -'. . •••••.' Mrs. William Hi Meyer! College the board .at a meeting a delay .in giving up thesoon ii,t> -possible. .;.--• ..Malcolm. I'r:lnu5<", cJiairnuin «f'\.ci.mjwjgn in .the -pubiii; schools (Harry Jypie^, "a morrtber of'th'c... : i" Wl id, aecortttng"'to-Mr. 'T»r» CA Pfv-l' r.nH 'of their house-to-house canvassing tostudy ;»•. thf other pa,rtnt>r,. designed :- as possible by thisweek^chd. AJ} tor a i •'••iWie Sommcrvtilf .VMCA pool, rnembers were urged to submit re-, three men selectea ui the office of Miriwru- --',Oo'roshy K>krter. -chair* acki io Hirrrin>Kriani. Mich., Museiim fmCranford Teachers '^_' W'AnrVW'hm* at»n -Ual of trnrhefi. "r e**.r;» <->n Uyr utivt I'M •>«. fo.thtr pooh, incl'uding-onc. at V*]ai- ;...-\ ;• The Collcge_.Club receives- it.5.0.; Thtr board if weighing'a re^j. ; kiki Beach, Honolulu.:.'. . . ..]. .'•..-• -of every new 'subscription and :75j quest from the Craniurd Rcerc-s ,\ 'Se-lection.' of 'a- 'site ior the pool • •;•'-.cetftS; of e.vtery renewal subscrip->alion Con*mittee {or u\e 'of "hcj . |*laiVf> bJv« b**-n eompJet«*d..f«r • the next step.on-'thc a|j>:)1 «>'• fc*>!& A? * °rt His-jwu^l, S ••'•fi-rcYii-fs are .^c-heugti Friday; ciei>- on Sund.iyv.Octob**-!?, it -. nt-xt few ard Of- any j Education ti> fujaliie Jsic location : tu^m^-in >, (ia» iJiSt.iT^'board will ask 'hf ScnMtfly irxvUnnat Ihe joeitty'* of the;, At '• of the.rK.vol. . y r.«* on " tn.«;ii>(li«•' Michael!' *or A report the' 13 SWno. n^i ,iubJ $ Events ToInstall ' Barring unfort'se^n^ difficulties, ~i s i •. the j i the chairman »«i'ied. the committee . 113 3-yf... • JJ-mo. 'iu*<. -M!U,>rw--*"fli.«<*Vi nidges, ef building thw:rfh the l to VwEiri accepting mem- V il-mo. thf lunchroom at. 'schoolfhf thr Junior Scrvicv league. Begin Fr New Minister;-(lj;'b«r»nJ)> applications and deposits i ' Th* Presbytery of KliwU- . S 6-B> .! with -300 fhsKiv'vn; ...„,.... • liO.tii of *u««.iitoriii»i.»!fl* *ti««e s U a».*ociJitf minlstier Mt I'tt. r«veir»! in Olflr* iing a busy, playgrourvd'.. and -noi ' -V Cr^fordclubs ... . W tO th. Kir*t i^ihftat ih'th**-i;oom .n'Jot1-. io date rvpam have « J «\>n;njt .at 8.30 o'.fitwk Ln the Utr.;. . the -charfcr to U'.v.cor:Rri Center at XJJC interior -one new poUcemt;n from |f*H»m and to sn*-FOJcH .Couri.ty cwirtrnuntties and ioHearBxecutive^ I with nt-A- • lnshur.ii and;. students from Miir.ville,. ftjuSmghcni1. A -cmectU: Plainfifld and Secaucus be- i'floor JI-VO has bcrp Utti Monday morning in the speak on "Life's S. Davics, executive director p< Oie New Jtr.sey Terccmen,»ry ( Tht- wing v ct-achiw. vr»"f« bo-Mr*'. 18th 'annual fall semester .of • the . be gavat speaker tWwfay1 ai thv o;x?oin'jf me«.-un«-of • lar«td shv- dtKplay area of Kirn. Union County Police Training ; Week's Weather m the worship Chapter, Daughters of- the. Aintuuraiv^cvdlutton..-> . j bt»Hdm*{. antl cubtnels hi»v« . h.-.K ,.chJ'; J«Vs.'-MAri!.vr.- Murray.-- Academy at Union Junior College's- Crane's f t'JC Meteorological Station e R«v.' Dr • v at i;u-. h<>!r..wi>f_>tr>.' W. K m The meeting:, at 2 .p.m.'. will bo f K ' headjisuarttr* in 1 A highlight of the opening ix- FJanagan. Jr., of-9 Manor s will be. Mrs. Nl D. Sava.Ri'".'< fh . Junior'"Scr\ i« Ijeuev.t 'w:lt the McPhc-rwr- Rcal'.y (>. !9 A!-. 1 erciscs in the Campus 'Center Mrs. D. Vi. MJ\«.T and Mrs. "W/S-{have cshtbit rvi/»!in^[; deft ?.'.rert- l! will b* ftji** tponj4jbt^ "torj.^s o'( t»ic. ibstWCiiil iiockeiy- NtV Jerjucjr's first state- J,. jnvitotions w4U "be,.««tnl Carn-iihe.Cu^- -wide'»tton m t00<," nntl for.; iimmbfra of the, society, as svmce-and A former Garwocxt patrojman and New Jersey Tieropntcnary. pa-.; numor.o'us person*' .v>io are active _jon 'jrvminr; C'i!!o««'. t"*'o e ¥ ice orgariiraUohs were voted, by the New Jer.<«yiorwmenaryi^-; . u- • •tjiry, r«,-:;Gulf ol TAvxlx, *n S..turday and]c*mpU-ted..^-eral training at ^ graduate 'of th<; academy. v . • o" , f'l"~- ", ' vilion at the 1964-85 NeN'w YorkYk ; jn histomal SOCK-tie* in "dndji>m-r,j n shv--hig-h -,<-hc*>\ audsioniim on Poot 41 ' (Ctmtinucd on PaQe SJ the Junior Service league, at a: ^ . ^ ; ~! in« .convnufiitinC tether with' , e Suburban Symphony Dr. Kenneth W. Ivereen/dean-of.. ; WC)rh B air h Union Junior Collene, welcomed, jnceting at the home of Mrs. Jos- i ^ payies-i.\a gradiuate of Col- ' porJoru on the_ooun?y umi state; nnd two nvttah-. u\ ; r the new patrolmen. Id the coilege^-- «ph''L. Fraites,.Jr», IS Spring Gar- Jgaie'Uh^\ ersity"and lHarvartl tTnl-j itvfl, "The Kener*!- public *7*o is'UJC's C-ampus CVnNr. He outlined 'the facilities avail* den street, on Tuesday. versitjv School-of Public Adminis- |invited to be present at the reoiwn-- Mr*. i.ydon w^l!. imtertain* ? able and the college's rules and ha.-- held the position !ing and dedicationr--'. - •-. - "jubs'c-ripfton cnn\min«-Mt a W.t Here 1 regulation.!)' for their use. Dr. )'«{•' thief rcprcientative'Tor J -The" -^fonttWTn-g' ""nw.'-nwrnfcrrs'liVf Komi this i»f!etn»>nn".is -! fare Association,. $130 per raonih, t^ j 1 lvIe T-—%WO—and—Christmas- Priftr tp hi.;;., jiptKtjritrnent to._thc|frts. Mr atjd: Mrs. G K. Warner, !_thj^ atntjiiary to r ilH th Y !iftft j Tercentenary. Commission injJr'., anfl'Gus A. tiuTTcrrcX.' their role in the subsciriptlbn bnv India n-Mdcntsheccforthrt.-e:«"t»n«l the.educational program.- .'! March of I960, Mr. Davies was as- campaign. It. was announced that a winter ; commissioner of the New • C"h;irltvs J. CumroiiiiRs is conv.iU wcVks. an- outapi^cn in tip praise '°^V spoakers were Chief Harold Putcr So^io. director of the ,Sub- ] of Americans and their friend- Curtm of Berkeley Weights, a.sso- .wear' sale with Mrs. tfenry I* Jersey Department of Cohseryatiori 'cscing at his- honvc, ll-E«sfinan urb.»ri Symphony, has selected the tind Economic Dcvclppment, He {street, ..after • undergoing, surgery ciation prt^ident, and Chief Fred- Smithed,-Jr., as choJrmtin is slat- following program .for the recital: Falione of Garwood, deputy cduca« ' lives in Jucobstown, Burlington j at Overlook''HojipTtal;-Summit;'.'on ••Qttintct In A M;ijor for Clarinet Tho Kupddtas-; a handsome'and ed for Tuesday, October 22, at the September 9 und T3. engaging couple, and their three Uonal coordinator. County. and String Quartet" by Brafims, j The Police Training Academy Jumbic. Store, io . Jsouth avenue, 7 are makinc j»inntf quartet jvo.' § ' oy Boro- > is offtfMng full-time ola;'.'.. Mrs. Robert • A, Brooks, Mrs. S. the parish house of Calvary Luth- Out for Milk In answer to a request in thf . A total of.654 now voters were Robert Christensen, Mrs. Noel Lions Club Drive registered here .during -the past eran Church. '..'•• ' Youngsters will bo able to'pur- Citizen, and Chronicle on,August •Florence, Mrs. Robert C. Hall and year and will, be eligible to vote in Mrs. A. Lawrence Hamilton. ' • , For Aid of Blind In charge of the UNICEF "trick chase a hal? pint of milk for 3 26, Mr- and Mrs. D. G. Eisenbeil cents in a special milk progrnim hastened their move to another the General Election on NoVember. or-treat" collection this year will home-in Westfield, and the Indian 5, it was linnounced this week by R $ 1,688.75 , bo the Rev. Brtice Hnrde, aisociate to be started, this, month in-the Excavuliou Coinpleteil Cranford elementary schools. had a home soon after their Township Clerk J. Walter Coffee. Contributions to the BUn* Seal minister of the First Presbyterian Last ^Thursday. \£as the last day to Drive of the i Lions Club havc[ M«. Daniel KlJSlv, ' The mid-morntiijt milk program arriOul. • r For Pedestrian Tunnel churcn) nn(l is desigiicd to carry out the objec- The couple were pleased with 'iit>< reached a total of W.JM18.75, it was f council president, More than ^third of the year's • Kxcuvotlon . for the pedestrian '.this week by SylvarilW J.' tive of the National School Lunch Crunfofd at lirs.'t sight, _ and Mr. will be program which Is to Kapadia snid of his finif day here: total were registerad^in • the final Observed with .a program' on No-- four days, from.Alondiry^th>biu;h' . , Worn North'Lchigh aver 8lght COnse>-vatlpn arid blind>mr v the health nnd well being of the "Even .in.-the short stop; a'f-the hue to Hillside place,-near tho |ttcc.' ;'••• ! Vcmbci 1 in Cranford. Baptist nationV children. - Dr. ' Clark W- railroad station and nhe siipersiip - Thursday of last week, "" m . Mcndshlppac'k- Church- pac' c_ people wondered l;>M;'jbompIeted tnis w&k, tt-.'the; chairman cts containint g scniol^anci' pcrsoanrso t schools, iald.' '^^"' - wherp tnTs, sirunge ; "it n«W l jM maintaiuvd day and evening hours announced by. Public-Works ^^ TKZ&iU d to"Kt h "*""» for childr«nt and "Mother ' The pjrograrn for the kindefgarv came from, wo met with -a lot of 3Miccoubl the curlosl- three nights the two prior weeks. ientatlort on this day. TJ ' That night'registration was nwre ' , retalrrittg' walls and ltt/.... , " ' ««h0ol funch *uperyl«or local Jresidenta about ttuAteUiii g, which will f«s red dot oh Mrs. Kap.aflia'8 productive than daytime hours •. Mr. Shaw urged on the a daily "waji evident hete; Mr. Coffee point- dlil qi^ my TDurfnit ifio *lfti In "**—• tymbol of ojurfaltb.& whieh pvenlng ^Sw tt&eribel- >^^ tlW^L li^^ Kjipadiarexplalned. v . >Vr~ registered during th«jdj^«h*rto» illh, and Profewjpnal, Women's Club, rtedj lfi[embfii* <£ ihe committee ftri /br.i-Mf*. Say C; Wobb, -.Mrs. ^:. •„,! o<*l 'WUIouf^hby, Mr*. Herrtiflh Hun: hKfy;W-r»; RobWt ftoblns, Mr*. James ) ath-j Goodwin, Mia*.• Thelma.' Totiisb hlof ;.i»«ir*tah JVed Xfinl). Miy; Mai altH' Knierlm ..AuhrtJ;|i*rs; Jwcphine Ru<

; aith••••:";:.' • .::;.«••,•. • y.-^v' .. .• • •. "'•-•; ;..., .T,'

,..>, ^..,v:,^.;,...,...,,..,, •;....,..,.,.•...;...'.....;. ,.,,. ....;,;,. __.. A.<;. ....H'.:: ...•:•. , ...... >p^-< • -\ ...... -j^s-: «"s^ " CRANFORD 1 ...... • ."••.•»--f*r..,--/v.'--^'T»:-i thie Crfcnf4rd RepubUoBh - aim-jbi»itain<* iojt&iucc \hc'tta\d daughter of/ifr.,' aWd ilrt. G / A.C; Mattis, Mr^jp.ryajdq»r,.Mr** palgn cofnmittee, Who awbmpan^!*^,*!*^'? t*x CroUshore of 128 Mc^uwk drive. 1% Danaky, MrfiV M. Maci)onald( , . i i Wo •Mr.s.,Brnndr.rMrs.—"• *mof r ! lit C!ipanfbr/ < t J d : Mrs. peter Hughos and trom the Wj<*lty. of the an^Mr?. nqbeit p. McDowell of .|.#1I ;V f: ** v Vf". •".!.«».«•.•««',» \* i. •volcr s and **«' •i.ntek-e&t expressed, ttltMtl°n of th« central business ttii pIy,yS chT ASrfa ; '*VatornJly.<:iV;-C«ll,ysbur«-'....(Pa,) j^r^tiy .candidate, foj;- surrogate,, • Public Affriirs Commissione.rrtvnUcij-m^rr- .«iii^....,^.««.mitteewoinanv , ..«andJJoh t,.un« twW'i AAim »*.\_ 'full- y utilize ijcnool fucllitibsi and i . . whert* he in; in -his fresh- was ur^tcd here'.Tuesa-ay al »u- > |i r t fll Ctlk wher* he in; in his fresh was ur^tcd I There'will be no bicycle license*;, 'Ibi ffiy-Nr-Phitu. iinumUmt; awl qtrirtrcointnittciiman, assisted-. ihtv '^ :'"' , "'"; »""*V'V" ••"•'""i" 11', >A >. K»'»faj ^ IKII^I OuJ? i*TTM^ * l*"*llft 'fH'ly I" 'j.*^~M1'*^U.*T v HiKtJ School. ; w«rd;K.-'feni/ «eijBblican,b«is-;cowpiil«n«». ;jm«nialtan of a-;proB^«lvc1nart* . ' Hik day be«(in:ut .-»• lunelu-on' Thee .cimdidatei.Candidatt«j/; state^taU'd thai aa i i P' •*»""*'" *°? C^?^^ ?^ : : •:%'.,' . . . -•.the Coach and. Four.''Follow i'nt; .unnoiinmt.'boc-iiwc-'..extra' men '. : :| v .visited homeslast SaturtJayin the Republican , win would continue' * " :..-••. s.c .J»»ni«,e Chcrntv h;is W*\'""', hav<: lx en . • Hini-h' Mr Kirk aiU-n'i-l'ed ;. r.-'c-u- • ' "Q'.H-stt'd for; duty ; ' ••$ : w ritn wr IU : . 1 ith districtj> an area including the the stvu'rta fiscal Mi.ey. Nyhieh: K^Wj]- flAf-fc«V4"Sfc Marietta C'olk'iie in M;>r-., '- v- ' ^'^ ' ^ ' ><~<-P 1)t. ,iie Crarirord-WestfieldfootbftU •; ••• .-.1 L ' Hillside'•• AVctiup Junior" High i maintains Crrfhford's rnutijcllJal lJ^UIlvl JL/v!Ucll\v ' j it'ttn. Ohio, where she is in: her tionV.t the- hofcne of •Mr.v >Mw;ird- j,;^,,.. ;4 •\It.rriorjal Fi r~-, Y School, ..,"• •.' ,, .'.. ; • .''" _.-..'.' •• ieosts rit onq of; the loyvest levels of W-'':( .'.J,: •:;'./* ' TlV^r ' '• ' iinore yettr. !>hc Is. On: dinii^h-, J Ijtar'ahski,: 301 N'.lrlh iiv'i nu<;, iMt-t inoi;'|». ::.:. ' They spoke to the minority, of'air comparnbl<» towns in Un^jfafaT^nXF' -I iW' w-Q':-' .'•! <£)".. 'of. ' Mr.;- iintl .'Hfrsi-.:.^iTon.^^ «u<;st> 'heard. Mr. Kuk V •'•- •;• •.dhcrn'cv iti.'ll U'nhoine tirkVtv. ioni. the• •iinpor'Ki.nce of- Uw iur'r«>-'j ' is ' ' ' : ' _lzr FI o^ Gfjd^^P^'p, Cobby. . • • .v ;..:..,.:...... ':'"-., •, .:.,...'.'• . > :-. w v'ot«don November 5 wjll. be ; ! NtitYUihvU'i'' f'Ojitt," h'a*, returnoo to -.Branfi, 214 Asbor i>ti«ci, !U:.>- Mi.. T^ • •"•, '....• -'"...' .•.•..'.'..: ^^^^^^__^_ii_i^iK_M_MMM: discussed pro arid eon' next Thurs- '"thi,'-L'n|'y'ersitX>,ul Iti> .- i.rii.-/iioir.' ^^^ day, October 10. at 8:15 p.m., ttt j CUSTOM MADE with- the.I -. kinsotud•••• by thtt.Liciauui^/i .. ^ icfure Frames * Wide Selection Of ..... beats his way Up; Domestic and imported dresses without f ril Is or «. Mouldings s; Wears our •"• Cricketeer B^Ha ntyne," CRAWFORD GLASS SHOP - Sqbtsweigh Tweed Sport- BR 6-6765 coats. Likes the spirited 1 SOUTH AVT!L. W. vitality of their robust CRAWFORD by Governor' HmthiSs. to the large in'.ere&V cost — - Shadings..^upright andI": $500 to S585 tntlHiHs for Jilit)' traditional patterns/Likes / is-the in, theirCritkfeteer taijoring; '/' *••"*" .v. trim arid natural / ajrjtucs that, bv rneuns of the rt V \j*— Mr>.<,. » <)K*et the t)^ yv^^y-twu •mti . ..jri^naiml ;.V hmrlu-on tmti. /• ' E $35to$45 . V - rat>.!u! nei'dsiof the li>60V with- these fund* will y.iivi' • bWiu'rom-, tn.jdtjV" ywU'nb)'. for uuc-u Injni .>'it (»!.tetjni? thv tiox striictut** .H»*'mltUH.1. future nw* of the Stair'• t\-ai«ford,_ Wrslll.-Iif.' arni. M«m-. Specialists n.s^Vrt.".. th.U lar^e w^k' eons?rueraf- '•'"'•*1^'" , "" ' . ' • •••!H rV," m;>.

L-/ ": _«i]^(H- _u.»ttftnicMOf> co.>i.v «rontinu« • _ Mrs-' t H -K.inST" r', ha\ < 1 : .^z: • ' t. (lit; ^ K^on^r'Sic™"^Tw> ^1in"^r^K^C^ 1:>>U t it of- Women VoU'r*. , t;,:i£>y:tjj»(«V I:.- >!

1 • .;rucH"t -rt- Cii\V*. wiii. Uit^ovcntuf.. the. public ...;.». aeLi»efAl .atlend' Diis '".'.. ?,,r. ,3:r.^ ^^.-..;^n..^"^)-;r^^.^ '.?«>«.••!>•'yifsft vty1 ipUyVfivt^cyls off ;ijt>tKirtttni (i.«t>a';*t«) ^^''t^y^h.JV.'^^VV y;>;^r- JWA1^"

. . • Tiv^ff.,, sroim.i aitvi tiu.Uvjdu.;iI# ,.. 'Mrs. Th<'f«-stt.CJ.' Gire*l.o»i((r. |ot !!!••-t[,rs'^, Jfe;.iV... .' .•••' '•' v •.V!(A«;O|,>JK>'K,ot- 'i" fiir\vrt\os'»' bvud »rly K.>{ 212 Wtl-!t*w a.vtnuvYG-iV- . . ' ••• . ...1J>,. . !irvt:<>v:kb 1.. A Mllv* of Phi!U.< '•('^•••;:i\.v:i» -u-'vrsi'.w; i-:':V '''-••.f ! t.;•;?»(• >'r-.;i-:.rl.i»,v. c\<-;; !»fuil Jutus.-. ('>*htT.* '.vho bv'-i^ve (Jarvv^xl tor V.vo ...M,.V*.-'f.' -His*!'.'!-. M:-:.- ' ''X .<.::!T.

''".••"' ''.•,'.' Jet-* ; * •'- u '* ' .' • Ps"'.' *'. i. ' .!; »,...' I ?** ^i'»""*..1 .'1 it''"- SPORTSMAir$ SHOP : A " ' ~ " *- • . *' ' • '' '* • • ' " !• .'.-!•'.. -,-., . , .^, , ^;L- )k.v V ;-;• 5 {-•••*' .:"' ( ' ' ( f — Open Thursday Evenings-r- . r«i.u.t-.. :ii.,!;tv«li»-ins.^a*«« cither (r.ib- C"3ut». Mr*. Gr«•<•.!DM '('. .iv'ttw.-i.'.u-d . ' %"• '' . ' .. . ,. l k 103 Nv Union Ave. 6Rid99 ;-""i'.>;V.-",tn*'!:C""--t.';i -''bi">t way. K j>rt*» •'S

.!•-.;!-^.. "Atrium-<-

'••" •" . .4pjt .id-.i.iit'-'. !ti,': VISIT ANY OFFICE OF

... Whether you are ftlanninp^o i\i]<\ extra iivinu space, orYinci^ly repair or imj>rove your existing home .'-.'.. if u.Honic Improvp- Went Loan is. part of your j>lan •...»; conie to any office at Union County Trust Company and arrange^ypur loan, quickly, convenient- Whipcord Shii! . "Hjtcrdiiihtr ' Shir: S+.98 rtrruil '.»; :!-..- l!:.iv.-:- ly and confidentially.- " - •"•• Tweed" Whipcord J--i-rr:t>! SI 4.98 •:• At Union, County Tn^t, you way take up Ohio. ;.khe-ro he. iv i-f> lu.s- •.'A{.!-. vr:Ir '• • In riroily. Black. B interest rates. For home improvement loans rt* : lmy^ffilffiT3f^ P.thahy. W L'nion County Trust, h»r senior !:• the .CerUiin To He Your Wardrobe Ka\'qriles through i'\iHaiul nion County iViist (Jpinpany N«wt Corner •« •., Wintorl Skirts Jackets, IIIZAIITH Slacks, RMlter • Insurer Sure to LINDEN ' • SUMMIT M*mb«r M/L 8«rric« Hi«ht"- CRANPORD •IKKILIY HIIOHTS OFFICEi BR 6-5051 •Country

; By MAMS It DEACOH=. Wool HELPFUL HINTS . cord Cotton sellmii your *• »- home. Often inon- 1 p •.' ^ | L-y is.lost beeausi ; of poor huniUiiiK of a bale. • ' ' i • AVOID P1T- Nub Tweed ^SWcatpr $12.93 s~:.Thu\ .sat-;. : H A-ay. to/a'vMid ' Blretchon Btous* ..r... .-..::.: 'S8.98 the^e- pitfnlls is to Suedo. '..^ : ;.;'.,. isil.99 Black. Olive, Cherry the ""!•«• alisacfion, ^^ . from • byilinning to ^^" dnd. .Good Heal Es'- tote personnel are costantly Jtbcp- ina posted by careful u'tentioi) to; nil the daily chnn«M In Real Es- • ,r,v .. '-^. oglHlaft(>n. and reguljtjgn. ---.-^•> Drbbinor call*and'. •". ':. ••1". ''• |?Si.--' . •.. ,: .!•''• to 41st aftd sell your home.

•SK^^/:--i^^S%^^%^3*^^ ....,„.-...... - yijjyQ naa nuu iitm UHOCI nurvuii- cnarm?.. ' .••.•,_••'."•••,;:; Itn(;c''fov«ev*ra1 jw»elc*.. ,",..,. ••..-••. .,- for' th* rtrat.. WT.-'-:'.' ; -'.i. •:•'..• -j-'v i;,;., -Done Ttrepy^^^co^j^tUMicrH mi Ai^wnult, -^^tr iay univftr*ily. MuJjcioUS: Mischief „. Blbodmt »> .»**» ^ New#-k,v wa« found, •tfjUty' on • ™,*T, 1 I* * in Bombay., tha^cg ol a.ft»nult. nud pottery. and W*™" •, *ht» i« iiiterr htaiitiouft.iWschief wKen He i«P- •;b«)?n ** awtcul^Iy. for ,,oari.y, in Municipal Court Mbn- 6-6125 i ; , • ' ^a>'Hi^'- •'•.'•' jiointme kvllghtful ebtt- i^-m-tm»nrtt.-ri»,- •cii^^...l*^^rtt^-- ^-^ ^.8.^ the de- ehargft, on condition that be pay; \U: "Allow us j aatnoge* aniowitJng to $64 by Mo-; ' ; md also share j Vcjnbi?r W. •_ • •' • • _ — ' Dlj SMtMtt ftWf«P3risiu5«CTa«sa'ras«'T«itew*- * v- •-.'ir"«sM»rfcw»i,

•i, I :• .1 M t i ? f > ,<. s STOCKFD SHELVES!


A&P Managfj^' Wwk han a thre«*io|a purpOie, fit»i, to honor our Store Man«gi>i» by giving • Item H week iu uhicii to run a itormide MI« of «Mr own. S«*oi»d,to«xpr*«* «peti«l «ppredari<« to cu>tomeis for their pairnnnge. And" third, to r«w* our futtout pledge o{ service to tfte public. The minute you walk ijiio your AiP you'll se# that our Man«g<-r» — arc determined to fulfill atl three «bjMiva>. You'll MT every department load*! down with the valuei you like be«t — all •ewe*** Vii* pewbnally j»le»%lced jitbri?. And'y^t;^)^^!!'''^}^^^ ir-dedicatieu to i«»rvice in theTcourteouji ilid .effiri^nt^way.^P.-jiersoJiniffl'awiHt •.'_•••;, ,' ,. ' :.• •";'. • '.'.:.'••'•'. •:. For Aa Added WINDFALL Su, conie in during thi* very spedal u«ek..Ev«fl if you'r^ not «n A&F cuttomer, our r 'peuple wilt mike yyo u ffej!j at lioftue the minutey yo u wtlli in. Vou'il like the clean, brighgt and y SAVE PLAID STAMPS .p^jtta^^^^ ^ b% our MManager*' ' choich e off valuesl W! We think'll like A&P h 1kf'^;VMiUi6'd'' FRESH FRUITS •SUPER-RIGHT" Naturally Aged and VEGETABLES! Gannftd B«v«r a^*s 'j

YOU NEVER m MOREATA&P1 f Gerlwr's *A&P f advrtif j^ftftc* h a TOP or BOTTOM tOUWD, TOP SIWOIN or CROSS RIB Baby Cereal foliy law prieirlor th« ftii« O«d qualify dff«r*d.W« gudran- BOMEIESS . Wettetn large Ytitig, Tnder btiseb 111•• plgi .37* te« that w« will not iifftr ALL ONE PRICE! SwiH'sMeah for tal« th* iam« brand or tLf. Ms. I flfidll Sit* item under a different nam« Pototoes " br Habits UrttX Styto All tppm -U4RI.I Ortit at a hlafi«r prlc« at AAP. wmoS H e Such prottkei ar« deteptiy* r«r»t First CttU Applep s 3 *, 25 and notin th# poblk int«r«tt. iMf Cfcuck F«ii — WASHEO Spiiwch misstr *• ANN PAGE Potatoes "^ 39 Mix or Motch Sale Toittdfoes .URST tfoiii Viatgar IB STEAKS Start Cit Pascal Celery 2 CM«r Whit*. C YOU KEVER PAY MORE AT A&P Sweet Potatoes 2 *• 15 grist*! -, Ground Beef"'r*> /4SZ: Corned Beef 89 Chuck Steaks 49: Chuck Roast *-"• MAYONNAISE Ground Chuck 6t: Pot Roast Ftr Ssbdt, Ssndwi;b«s 1M^ JMI^tttAMV S«K>OTH «r t^W«C}«V 99* ~ftump Roast —••- PEANUT BUTTER YELLOW A&F-. Own " Purs Vtgetabl* OH • ALSOl JMO. JAt —SUiTANA ttAMD S«Utt 99" Stewing Beef ML MONTI 11*. 13 c 02. C8M far" • mi Slietder Halves. 85 • FRYING fDOUVES 89t Newport Roast '*. • BAKING •SALADS m Cliwltpet Wife 7cO((Ub*l Beef Neck Bones 23 e Beef Kidneys NIBLETS CORN MEEN GIANT' 4' •nrt~SUCE0 I qt 6fl. ot . bo*. Ivory Soap BEEf 39. BACON Por^oil.t and tMtk TOMATOES PROGRESSO iHfirtwl Thrill r"::":::: >KINPIEt:49 wiUi IMD Cream Cheese M^ C Donuts Ring 45 Ml MONTI

1 Switiar laid S\iriti [0 CMJMlMd ,0' OrMMyS«wM*h Carolina Rice IvdrySnow ionaralla Slieti Nuanster SHeat '$$W& »fcsl A*P Instant CoHee 75 ProvoloaaSlices U* Rlti Crackers Nabrtce 5 Mild OwMar Ban ll:3S: « : *WD AHB miaow AMD VfOOKQUS AND laJuica 2^:3301. MM « H6MT O'CUKl Quaker Quick Oab 4« *• oave 6' f eai Datch Eft Noodles Swtimlt v; > Eae UK

/A k^lfa -..,.». " ' •' *>" .'I

: 1 •-•^- ^-•-•• / ••• . - . r, TdlldTlttM JPS?«5%, • .< *mmm m


r-«« jvvfrp *4*-^ ••% -u-* ^«h-'%* Mn J)M ^> jfl ^Sd» Jrt #X >iW ^I\ ^\ lit ^4 ^4*/ wSlilpmnlMllHlffHiSlHlRflmnll Ov flrifll i f II 1^? • ^HW • 1 i I I I » '"VW'UV^^FV^V' UPRWTl^MHl M V ^HWI i

•i Uk. i ^^^^^^^^f^m^S^^w^ ^gy^-i|^^ ifeini^^ r.*.««i ne Leonhardt, •rs S.,

•-Miu RutheUen Hw«, duughter.of. Mr, and M«. pdwtn Cr Row f>f j Miss Lynne Scotch Plains.- became the brto> 6* Thomas Arthur Johtwen, «6n of Mr, ip Lebnhardt Qf,24 and Mrs. thprieif•' JohnKcn Ibf• 389 Lincoln avenue, Saturday: ln> St. »•• , '•..'•,'»••"'• Al^n Francis Toth, USA, son of Mbfv and Mrs; Frank Toth. Bartholomew, the; Afroatle Church, i nnrcn; >Carteret; lains. , ._ .•.-. •. , • ;•. ; The. Rev. Anthony Hubcr, pas- The Rev. Andrew P.. Jensen, tor, offkSlaWd at tho '3:30 p.nt. , . Mit&r,...'officiated' «|t* the 1 p-ta, . ciertanony, Which was followed 'by | i-^ibic' • rihjt eeremony. A recjep- ;. a reception at the Hotel Suburban, •ion followwl ;•??'*& k\v.'-:;<" Durond of West (Veld. Pmiffla* ', '•:* ushers were William S/Leonhardt, j T .Jr., brother of the bride; atuLl*quls Cromey of Cnmford. rteph»-w of Toth, Jr., of Curttiref, coustn-jptthe j the bridettroorn. W*s rift* ' MISS CAHOL ANN CONNORS • MISS t!NI>A C. I. Ahlhbrty ,J. Ru*t'ako'.was .bridegroom. .'•" , ';• •; ;-j*vi l • 1 Miss AjjcjncJBerjontlpjf JUntleji^ jut.and Frankvllice wing. cousin of the bride, was soloist. -Pi- i" AIUT a 'wi^aainii(~lHp""" throii0i . _ • ., A graduate of Cfanford ft; Luther League rtie Houthei'n jitatr*. the couple •wil.l;...r|• vT'^^v'^J^j'* •• "' School, the bride attended Union? •km lake up rV*i«fence in qiirwood •} jT Y4)Sp€ClW€ Junior College nnd until her mar- i : .C'ijo:-1.1 i Thi-hridc* :ii a Kradunleof Chelj] - - — *- -•"- >'•••'.•"•' and Mrs. Ureter Abrams 6i rat itt-nhJiin ^jtiKh' School Uttii Kiisi ,\^i M.W*J+S* y \J I UM ;; riage was' employed in the ac-\ ! i' '•:.• , . WestfWld announce .the engager • i*ISfpl : counting department df Federated; fj iSuoudstmru' (Pa ) State Col'.ej!*'. . Mr.^and Mrs. ThomiH M: ^;; :^; :••".• ••..;:^@B| m'ch't of their daughter. 'Lindsi A s "Sh'e "• '- Uwrd grade In Scotch . nors of"Ea*t Orange have an-1 • Purchaser Inc., Springfield.'.. jCaroli to Fr«d Berkobin, son of the T .Mr. Toth. a Cnrteret High'Sehool; S- Plain*.. , ; i'nou'ntvd Ui«.' bttrothal of• their; 3tfK!f THOMAS ARTHLR JOHNSEV. . Rev. Hcni;.v J. Berkobin and Mrs.' Mr.Johnwn attended Cranford Jdutijihuir, Cj*roJ.'..Aitn, to Robert j graduate, received a B.S. degree: Berkobin of Nutley. MRS- ALLAN1 FRANCIS in engineering from PeririsylVaniaM IU«h-Schpo'l and Admiral Farfa-1Charles. Grady. son.'of Mr. and] '" Mist* Abrams is a mernbeiMit- gut Academy. Tofris Hiver, He] Mrs. John Gradj' of 309 Balmiere 'were-'David -Miinz of . Middlesex, Military College, Chester, where-; large of the executive comuyiltee :t of tfie Engineer-?••' ' jih the Armvv for three;toad, north, and Meredith. N, H. ;•„ .Mum, ! brothei <•>!• "foe-, brid.'.'grcom, and. ,rtf.-;Vh^:'-W. .1 UttKr t^SM'LSM^L • ., ,1. C-.-• .-.V. ^.<- I.-T. «•!- fitV Tf^frtttiv K-aiu, -f *e*«" ." ' ' '" - »n tTit Sunday man Ehlers Bccowm l.iated tn bu-'im-vt -Aiih hh father, j T»r ;)':o bride u'a v,-t.!S t:ve in West- -.».-<..-.KIIn% vl r- Jiriecrs. arid the So- . gj^,' js. a of ; Th-«« p-at.rnt.% ejj;.4 %!'«rfiti-U> Sf* •' .;:';''•:•'' ' > •- ...... ciety af: American. Military- En-; jj,-n " and 'a"sop>6^nore ' in Presbyterian Rite i • : -\in-'-** A -£rr.d-ia?'.-!(.'• 'i" »mpicive't Jay F1--M-\ Coun- Lt. Toth and his bn*ie. .wcrei^/-'.^^^,.^,^^.;.^^., whert-' h*.- •l>fi<|*-"«>r.^«n»nu-Jc .N• Bu^ Jr., ' i !he -.' • «. iM^nH'tir't-V.U-ce.. Mr Gj:,^ ;Jl- ' Donald PfcS;.j> -M«r.;.. son. ,.% B;(x,d- J^,^. fea,!. Oraiw..-. ?Mr. marrieU in. the samp church in ^ v[v^ .o phl '^ui Kappii ' °' •• HahMfa'y; in the.'Firs? Pre^by-.| • . > • 'VciV.iiti -("c>i'.:!:itii.t: <.'«:,t'tu.i'.f Sv"'}v{>&l .(»f Mr, -and Mi* Acflph Mi:h7 i'f ^j^.-V) is. ji.:i' ii'uriiiurs ot pickihsoDickihs n which his parents and his maternal | l^^rriv.iU' enroilevl • in 'iii:. r+frian Church-on Mturaay, • f |K ij| le ( ! Daiiyhtrrs of .America -.-ivo 312 ResYord-av.i'tjui' Ti-.r brdf .-• ^.^ srv.O'A. JersVy • city. He grandparents wvremanieil. " i«hifcl and >f:n'al vc-ur" at Mt. Airy | The Kev; Or Robert "Ixinpkor.; -j ^Lutheran ThooW^al .Seminary »x)W*°r.: officiate .-a! the'4 (»c;^k „ - Mrs. Amljrcw Varcho of 175 M£< Philadelphia and >s d^tng! ^oub\v ring cervniony. *hteh \v»« aiur NJVV H-r ':•• -w :-;-•>.• v.s:h'Clifford B. Kay <•?, F'.:?:-. PUas..r.i [-.,,,.,. .lir.d ' •;.- ..-nspUjye'd by . th*- .L- If^;.™ K.i.r.a Cu. .j'.fct Hev. M\gr. 'A".::tj:ti !.'i Don- p.-..;,.,-.f;,scy Corp.. Newark. hawk drive entcrtatned last Tirurs- '• lt( cradnate. work *u .th.c Umve/Mfy f«li«wyd by a -w-cfp'.ju^ .a the,; s • r.-•• •-'• ••• •• - ni.'Ky, ;»a*.Utc. < rT.ciV.c), A rv- -j~j-it, bi-:nr.Rr!;^fSi'.- parents- \Ci-re day evening for Mrs. FredrMncke- .oj'pcnhsy»yShiA" He is presidentwi ;-Gt«tien. l^anti-rn. linden ; T Mr or.:\ Mr- '?it«rray djy evi-ning for. ; Bongiovanni.. Mrs-Jjaniel! -Kress, ;,„ church in America. I »IV»r by Mr Tras^h, *•««-. > Mrs. G. Glenwo«ia Smith, Mrs.! - - ' - - '^- ^ | Riven in marriJ^ by *iyr^.W.i-.vr.•;• S;;'.t-3 t/> t.pria: .par1.;.. Rarisford WW nnd Mrs. Carli Robert M. Crane of «a'.M«-« B»rbar.» J.uif. aJ Uci.'t,;,; ir.ryiitv r • •'. !l.irr> !> • i;rsi:>y -.V«- rs:.".*;., •• A.',.tfjnli Mni Mr. her !«th-st«;rda.v-i«'»r: ""dcsmatdM -nvro- Mr?. ..!:.'na< . -. •-••• < k-cr--r»-.t- >.*..•••.•<•*..•I5,;r- S: . -imjr.aXe)n - -Country Club. •Mp/and Mrs. George B, Sp'ohni^ (y.nry'rYs IUn!d. Mrs. RU-h-^ t^uttg't;*»»•, o^ N- -vatK. •>;•••'.' r-)»- •, .- -^ !!.;; i'<;.--Y: It.'- i'^*!'«-. .it::jcti ,?»!:-•.• S'.;.r-'*-y M.-r.V. Mr arid M:T; ; 1( Ty | 11 w v ^r:y?r-. ./!\4™VTTT:...... ^,... 'fUrned home after visl(i»it» la»-.t .._ *t-. »•••.../»/..»•, <•••«* ami Xt-rf H.\i«-mar;c Tvi-K ..f - !.!r*'i'.r^\;::, . : M;tr)r>rv hinne after visiting last ,fi ^jr> C«\\ and , Cyrit.hin Rosi; vf-C:;.rk . wes'k with thvir son-iri-Jaw and Mathcw :v'Hall of Cr;i;vford, Mr> • A frt-,.s'.:'•<« ,'. Mr?. '.?!,:«•?•>' -JV.Jv^i-V. JUT. Il«.r and Mrs Stl JViiix-k. Mr. E .!v • Mr-.'... ,-,:;d Mrv: Hui.^ri 1-owc-nV.fJr.. Mr. uls ««*x-r g.:r'.. • . ' Frank S:r>\v tif V.Vs'.iU'id. s»v"-.' Mr •. O *.!:'.-'•. Ann'::.»!,{ Mr* >.:«f.' y. Sitlur ar.?J Mr and'v. DonaJA .?»»va crsvt'-i> a i>a!i«-nt ••'• Peter Rounds of Onondaga Hill;'Mrs'E J:4.frr;niKer, Jr. of Mouri-'r^r\tr:-.'ir-- Genera' Hospital. N.Y.; ••• '• • . ' ;. ^tjrtnside: '•; •'.'•'•- '.••/• _ier art4 mhct-s vst-3-e--.^!:i-.''.:»<-: Uvit:-

IV- I «rrs of ^r Mor-

| of the bruit-griM>ju.. . coiij..;t.--,w;'..!, l:vc i\'. the Dy- Bvei-.w-Jittrfresai aftfr.u-wrii-j" MRS. If. N.. RtCUilAVO. J*. Gamburg Fun offeK quality fury v hj{ trsy» thr»'UR}t ih' J^fnrtJr: T>«*7TCohte in for your ^Free Sc at exceptibivally low prices the A IttmU Covert'* • another Swan service! year round.. !.-.-.. Ur,'!v.i:-.f¥i!y in': j | Bell' La-i;j-n»U*r;i'.s, inc.. 'Murray)" VT.'an>i Mrs' H.>r-;'-.J If. JJMAV.-. ; f ^ JOST SHOP AND COMPARE jV. .1 and.fhildw. j. Mr. Rii,:K!';»r.o is a j;?^iu.i.te of. \V;ivj;e: C; i'ry a::.-) You'll Buy At W S M -tT;ntt:rt 3nti:tmiwr ^.,:r..-..»: K3 .}Ut::-.a.J; V Id* the . ,n " K«-,vn 'AMI1- .*'^. '-' . of U" ni.ii;.: .jyrrsue, \f tin ) 249 E. Broad SL, Opp. Rlalto Theatre ADcane 2-0423 . Mrs. W. J: Brunt of I W-*ffnr*.h ' tf:rfr-. «nfi 4 munbrr.<>f. tin- We««elcLN. J. ppen Man.'«! 9 wert, rntrrtaincd afd*si ^ Min'»..Club sertiknd canasta last Wednesday T>ie !U<>v aflornoon, lU:r gue-s!* included nir Crotifard Mc'.h?-,iv-. Kenneth F.owell.'Mrs. r>n'd Muir- 'more a! 'Wi! J»i>tvn Cf.«!!e.j;i-. ht'ad. Mrs. Frederick Schaner. Mrs.' Oskrtiowji. ltiK;}rand Mc>: L. -W: *"Crttnford Htgh School. Gr.ry .vas Lerda of Crnnford and 'Mrs. LU. Sa student, m Ilooicwl! }khl linn 'Jilfihr »f ,|"rT1'V City. fiiin ii.ii of nii fchrml utlv will capture refinement for you and, your diamonds!

Enloy nfw bnjuly In 41»Bl8ndt The First Secret of mi»ht no? h»»e worn IM ye«rs . QI; ouimqd*lfo>. • lLacy Mohair ^LIMITED SPECIAL OFFKH- Hi-mount your tn««i»ment rtrif mio NKW wurrk apuo . •• Satin Brocades b BETTINO only $12 ' .Washaible Italian AFTER Velveteens. ... CUSTOM DRYCLEANERS LAY-AAVAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS ^ in all^the ;Ne\i^ Fall "BUY. NOW!"PAY LATER! Pay as little as $1 per wedlc Shad[es, LAUNDERERS


i^^^ J » I ft ; «-i

.^wsci&Li&rs;.. _ piilfi^^

; >lr : ; £jS£j?^%;&ifci^ '*w,fM.. ,i-y'.-i started the year with an Intertfatlonal flavor last thursdi4>-jvening at to RusseU Sage ObUegi! in Troy.|pa. ^ M,^ Ju(Jlg cisser has re- y lnr*\* nt 4\*n'r<**ttAnnf MM ft^nwlx* TUT Rdv flf 1^ r>nHmiMlth rt ! dl • l*nrViiiliih Smith • TJiii'Pli •pt' U V tn* Hi* Utninr- venr Shfc...... '•:...._•:.\LA -••,l[i,.i^\\v j>f ** -' ----- day, divtghter* or Mnr Thp music cbmnlJttee., under, gram chairman. . Cl»y 6f 220 Locust driv*. '*-.', gan.'in AnH Arbor, where; she Is in 14. A dUcuiaion of the y dishes, dances und dis- Roberf ri-ickey, Mr*. W. J. Hclln- to pi JJPfltric k Sklkus. son jtjf of MKJ.% S. Allen, •jhor sonior year. ' ' . •,.'.'•.« • S New. Jersey bond iwue is planned 4 plays were featurted. for the tneet- ^y, Mis. Jomes iCuhl. Mrs. Ar-MK and MMrs , JohJhn P. SkikuSkik s off meet at 9;4S a.m. Wednesday, Trena C*aft haV •'bt'xun . • , -- °* "'- -"!•-' .;•••' ' '• ' . Kon«*ld JWotwer, 1 Ing, whlich hftd aS its thane, thur Union, took place Saturday in;, St. •t ik» home of Mi *, L. p.;Tab\Uie Art Edueii'li<)n School Miss Marcla 'GiHespii' has re-. " , Mrs,,' Mrs. Mihrii..„„..| , <:hUroh„... , tl_pl Th : international Evening." 'v , T man, 108 Park drive, tlliti. M,!.35. study course to* the year I* Latin" ""Pratt tiwtitote in l^ew Yqrk'Sho.'iurncd to tladdlfife GolU'Ko in ""' Smith', Mfs. Alan Stephens and ibrid0 li t^e^wiughterolsb Homer wl)» be eo^ho-MeM.. Mr* Arnorlca, with. eonc^ntrattori. on; is titd- daugh r of Mr. ;and_JMrs.-; Ciimbridftc, Mass.,"'.Where she. is • pinner, Served buffet style." in- Mrs. Bern hard MVageiifalast.. • jiate. Mr. Clay. : iii:.!.. * elided .»$ entrees Japanese sub w« . ^ '• -i^--' •.; •'•••- ...• ".•.. .-•.•''»"'.:. -i'Ttfnxt). '•..-.•.: • • • .' " •'•"•••',' •••".'• i Wlttiant'S tit, "18 X-Vntral in her senior .'year., nnd M-is'sVir- '.;*. -ache J)usiiitss-a«etlwt_*as »Ar : 'M Qnlntv 1 ihe 4ratna-UveMuei—- : i tiuey,. ; « nW^^'fF}fTt-drK.rarMa*^:"fh«y-^ V )i»s) and .sattcir- [hostesses. : v\"•"'' '::';•'.',v- '...;". '-. ' ception followed ot the Chi"Am 'Mw. 'W. T. Eppler* chairman of j October 15 at-lpm. with Mr*.'; Mr. anand-Mrst . -Milton RatJio pf 44 lers of Ntr'.-a'ud \fr Bruce ' dhnieau,.Mountainside. ' '••', ' i the HtArtttlit* 'eommttt'ee. Will have' ''Crelghtbn IUU co^hMt«*9eo^ho«*#*l. ThiThl«s will•W»l! Blake aavenue, ha* begun hc-rV;-sh- pie of 2.1.0 Eiuabcth . dltallnl macaroni with thiin s ' 'f ni> bride virus escorted by her planning meeting.. f6r the j XJkr'anian pirobi. and Lebanese]; » mee'Utttf o< her home, "4 Marwion l>e brothw. IJpnkld. A-Clay-'bt Cran- v metft Thuritil»y at^ t-P^ course. • -"LtcKt-. andj.i strintr'tiesTip: With "tncat balls. whrt *l«aj•<<»rvV'rt a« tin i\f rirt>nf AHftm ntiH Air-'

ioMhis.^ iiiJiUun u'lf hunut -arid Mr: "wtili ri>JiiWcrTrrfe^n^rTif^te^h^rirninrr beets galled "Icrin." Varies ddes-1" |;:, iMysiak of, Nussbuum -served ' us best > serts Ineludx '•port on IF'ranci*. liopkiniort. Philip] M'*s> W<. >t. .lirige.- of 20 Tulip' of Frt'dcaa and Thomas* r»|ne. .Mrs. j Ktrw-t, at j:.l$ pjm,.,October 21 to ".-•: nese: tarte; ; XVUHanv . W. Old will' present n»plan n course of study fdr the year. patn»i on. Mary Sfi»pe« Dtxlae. ••;" The. meeting of the/American, cake. Norm Tht 1 1 I -' &.);««•»« w rf T,i w* i«Af .' * M^li^M^i^uwTcTeUi' ' ^^^P * will.take up mi-T Nancy 1 ' The cumtit affairs commmce^hofW and art committee under the t nnd f l den :ili onaftcr a iw hl w I ; :.^^!?^^- ^:^ --^'^ *^5l" f^^w^-^iS^i*^'-^ ^ ^^ ^^ Carol Vtwi«« «? thelcha.rmamhipaf 1Ar».U^.XopnuS. I '..';..•••.»«••",••;•.. Many member• s appeared.i-.•.....-n cos- !iOiin Ae graduat uronxe, w*jcof CranforL d...,_, High. ;i triD toCarvada, \ . • •)'•;• " .', 1 .- »: chairman''Mr* "Donald •«•, Creigh-iand Mr», J. L. l^»hmait ivtll be au- 1 ul r John A ...,- ..tunw? and 'W'XBIDI petfomu'd na^-f-grhoolr-'Wiyy'-Mysiak attended the- k gradunte of Cranford High'} »' f * "I™*?* °\ ,• u»n of 7 iiartinouth ioad\ at t p,in. ? nounced. ; ; 'tional dances as! atM't'-dinner ''an- Utiitforslty • of Tennessee in Knoy-! | e bride WII9'employed :MtKinlU»rvsi

performed the Itttiiian, TarnhteUa, jhe Univorsity of T«ru«ssiee He; IHe is an opcratintf en-j cpjial Churciu , . :) should come in and ch.exrk A Ukrainian'iojk.-•.daiice. was. pre- is at* instructor at Fair.toUih .Dick- working thnnujh »l/>c&l \ "Hie. Rev H«?rilr> T. Grubor, as^ | v; [i ^ sented by Sirs. Pachoiok- and two inson 'University in Tt*an»vk | s v 25,-InternationalUematlonal Un]oUnion of Op*TOIKTTT |.«stun*i '»«t rectorrector,', . offtciaJeofficiated-d . atat'' -«w j ^.^ .^ Feldbauer daughterjof Ontario. Carntda; arid•-St\a Girt. bur complete stock of Fall I! ' Lebanese dances, wert* shown' by' A Decenitjer Nei !iuer.j fcintwrrly of^lG Ci»ino |av*»ue. haw I.-v-.V-Ktrs.'Robert•SKirrikuii, '"•*• ., '.j'"..' '- ^——-*—-—^— \ •_ j^^^, f ^±i^2+*±+f-»*»**>*:»~~; at, Jhc home of the bride's twreoVA.;J f ' o| - J7 *natnilton aveniier hail »>nt»r«Hl Cfri'tehary College for and' Winter garments,; AH t; '••-,."• Countries represented by cos-I Michelc^ Weiner. daughter of Mr.; Jv. ''/A1'': ] .Tt>f l»r«(i?. whn »;asti«)r(fil bj;^ .^^.^ ^- ^ni^hnhfl-Wumi-ti -Mr HaeJu'tistown MLw I 'turned members wre Spain, the and Mrs. Theodore M- Wciner of, yftt :tt M n t 1 : a jytrthS ; ": i'Y'r ^;f! V ^J" ^V! ^ !'!.fr^hmanV;a5» *fc --Newton College! Wi-il* spent the month of Aujtust. l^~~4jhwi••••,..;-,'- T- ,- r-.- ,-r 77"; j •;' " '"*7)y "'"''''.p *^ 7°?f^V '<-i' ny* iu 1V1I Hr,i,*J njgp^.i»7^«sg^a=^g^^ r:iH».-iu. .China. . . • llunrtu'on and party Sunday tn c»t-; ,;>^J,^^, l i : ; • r jr n<>)i'>r. UunH'i wan »t VJ-UKI>H I^^,,, ^ 2, ir»« ilv'Trinity!So* Qirt and thw tdr;>t two weeks Mrs.; JOhn ATcCastviTTs .OOTI t^>.i> • cDPsinin 01 »t^.F, - C^htWiT'"Janr.~» a¥ ?Ffv : l i'nclud»ti : lection was displayed 6n the buf- • ujversary- ;bor».September. 23 in .• vr. • 'i jnil Plilh'dTd -1t 0 -jar-' ncta- Walton. Marilyn ^nk. /TMU-fif-mnnv '•y»1if^»t,t Th":•- titles of -clothing' and craftsman- Schott. Joyco sihoilandf.r ; Rev. Mr Huff" :s 9 pft*tor ^t =j-.Mr>- W^rnm"-Stirhrin of 2a H»f"j*- [; \:; "ship1 -were dispUiy«Hi l : throiiKhout," Elain l e C(i:»ni*erCd . ._ .. .; ; . . fvary L! >peti T'r;-x.4f>i.iay Ev.-;a:,^ :ii; !>' '• • 1 uther;tn Chtrrch, Cranford. cftvid. n B A, iK'-)irrt:v in .<;.<«<• ityU ! Uan m-itl. iv umonu * th*< iitrw p. •-••'•,-Mrs*. "Pacholok's'horiie. '- '•: .-.' .' '.. • -r^ —-.'• • .- -' '' "•{. • •- ' " at 1 32 Kastman Si BR 6-2510 ;.. A flower an-ariuwwut was : Mrs Warred Rnnkirt >^ .30; Colby, . j^ thfa ar*d :*; n/trnnd-VM t-V dean's l.iit of. C AnnviUe. Pat awarded to Mrs.-'CharlesMrs. Charles . Stelzer. • lane will enSert.nenJer.trjmn at i>n"kl>{e-.thi^...... ,«.»-.-, -.-••r .,^, j ..... "': : •a ».»y " •?):.»• W,' t S'.ijr in a guest at the. dinner. Special C-veiiin.); fi?r Mrr= HaroW Owen the l>Jr'h of a u>n, 'Thpttwu-.. I r VIA. [Hyatt. Airs Gc.vr^ .Hit AttendinR as prospecUv.r nu-nv-1 Webster Van De M • 'ho rtv.^ivt.';? B. U.A. <1 Mr. •.'-tiers Were Mrs. Roy -Bowman. Mrs. ^Steven Babiv.s. H*V»A i-sr.s»!*>y<'tf by < iirrnuJuitj in th.«* Claris onct\i the bsrth «Mh«*ir- 1965' ,;i% ft jricoKa-nscil ifirst child, a s'^n. Scott Kdward ~.jj major- A Naval •*- f 2—tn-Mtih I^^MemmmmAdd ' ,'TOJtt : 19 V'• r-. d»'-t!'-.»y»T-. l.*SS .. . «••'. »< * ": tr»i!*.:(-if. , •y.treet. and the pri vh.iu-' born ow-Sep'i'injx'r 4 to . Mf. And jn.irt • • • ,'iMrs; ChJirlw Sitvey. Jr..- ot- \f: Kev,- ?r,emli«rv :irr-: M:>.- tJeorae' ; !an»« in- Pw^bytertari. lit--.:.- Hii>iiv*itor.. Mrs. .•N«'b.-->n C"!ayj.~iK»!e,-v i i^£,-a Jfcwafk. .'. Tht ct5OXLle' .al?«'r Jl'tS-Jiiaajai l>»b--. Mry^Hoy V:th. a son. Ch.^rle* III. V The n-.u-'. «n, Mr5T. Warrxts. f J;»y«Si:»n, MfX. of the .time addn^. ; Mrs FMu! \V.-.l,aUy. Mm' OM.» U>- BltL'S ^v. -,"1 . V '.'-A. . —0— .- - • • bi\r,' Mrs. l,l. born to Mr, and Mr*, ftobfrt A. tn«kt\ Mrs: PAUJ C. T«n«tur; !»(r Rowland of'24 Jtforth aventte. \vVst, Uoiv;i!«t Trxx^?. Mr< 'IJI-ISII- Wrui. on Seplember 17 at '.Muhtenbw-*.-M« -John W'.V.r.:, Mrx : MU-h.ifl BEST : Hospitfit Jn Wainftfk}. Mr. andi Wylyshyn «»..Bruce S'.rt-li-. v.ho pii>\ii'ir\\, road are maternal jtrandparenti-, hitnuhtm*. Rwitnck W Si;>irn. and Mr. and 3k!«. Ross Rowland t>f president of'the Crarstor'. Ch-a:r.l^T- Warren T-ownshipy forri^crty' of »J 'Conwii^icif", '!*;li't»''V{->Hkr'*''«'>ii.:''{ji"i-" Cranford. are,the paternal grand-.history of Cr4ntx>rd. ' parent*. . . - '"';•• ' i Wr*» • RblWiri- Somrnvrville .m- *^fc»- I nmincvd \hu\ a d«%M"ri carvl 'jiarty PRESCRIPTIONS ,Mn aiid Mrs, EU M arteheitcr, i will b«>held :m I ,v sw ~ ..•...".. I of 10. Harvard road. ... I Mr. and.Mrs. Edward Gyurik of] • '._ '„. .._,—'<-*—_ . - '

^ $• 33? Stotmhton avenue'are reeeiy-;, Mf. and Mb Janies J.Watson of . •ing congratulations on the bfrth-S^B' Hillsule Ayenur ha^-e an-;Regularly : pr.

:;;••* W.v: ?^',';'?^«:SS- of their second datujhter, Barbara,? npuncetl thV birth of a daughter, on September 24 »t St. EHzobeUi'Joyn*'. on &?p|e?n.b>r 3p at Muh- lIpitfll^ EiizabeJb. .— - Ll»*nb*rg HotpLtal, Plain field. The Narrow in Wide after that __o_ _ f.n«w baby iolas a lister, Ellen, and; CAnNON STOCKINGS the morning evening meat I | Their fourth child, a daughter, Jbrpthers. 'Richard, Donald and i ^^^^K Patricia. 0«n|*t, .vna bt» PA ONE PAIR FRgg %m™ •w trolman and Mrs. William Blanvy | ., .. •• ' '-. . ' w* of 53 Myrtle strwt at Muhlenbcrtf f .Mr. and Mr*, Gary C'PorteH' of ', WITH PURCHASE OF 2 PAIRS HoRpita.!,- Plainfteld. on October l.i 35 -Parkway Village have. an-, j m Their, other children are Michael j nounced the birth of u son. Jamen! William. 6; Kevin Peter< 4.'. «nri j Howard, on September 28 at j Karen Patficia. 1 yeair old. T»ve j Orange Memorial Hospital. Orante.j maternal" grandparents are Mr. Mr. AndMrs. James F. Pbstell ot 17 ; •grM Mia. P. Max •Oehola e>f~ITi ' nnrVTrinntti-rim/t ^iiMv tWr. «-.t*™»i Cwpertter place. j grandparents. CANDIES Theexcfua'veManhattan'^Matic^coIlarsotvesth© )lem for men who wantto look neat, toa# ASPIRIN • SACtMARINE Only )(ou will know you've adjusted your collar... Up'to'Size 50 for your tie knot hides the secret of V-Matic action. SPECIALLY PRICEDI 100 39<; Available In Marttrfm* contour cut Shirts tapered 95 : by size for that trim modern look. In

mo$t expensive consoles • %*^ •>v- "51 ye«wi of QiiaUty" 1 CJrtuif •••• 19-.$o«Khd Cohiervaiivv e Worsted Blends '".X-. - .174 W vi«wiBf irei X •;.; fiddJi > .--•

rC,U.i,._.i;l c'f

••""Mi WlMMir —<-"-»- * • *- - ***- mm ' ^ sin '.^ /• ' ,' t f

ri' •M *>;•' ^-^^Ss^^S efi-'-m

*^fiaJ i" illl^^ $|jff'?i»^^i»:|^ PTA Invites Parents to Visit ^^^^HflRHHI^^^^^^^^^B Local Stsores Hillside Ave. School Monday ^^^HM^ffi^^^^^HH^^^^B , Negotiatloiis w*re scheduled to W" "Tkkb a Look" Is the theme Tor the. coming year's meeting* of the resume today-at .federal mediation, (e Avenue Junior High School was «nnounccd.*t fKe Iirjrt. officesj" Newark, • between rcpre-; m tentative*' of Shop-Rite, ^o^ executive board meeting in the: teaehers' cafeterta :Mohdoy. Four arid Good Deal stores, and .Local.,- -•-'m.i A* j'i«'«»intl.Mf.'thi> »tf-)if»^V vt»nir, with- tht» TFfmnder's Da' tneeWivit held at the Orange Avenue Junior nigh Schoot •- -

"T.aKe.;;a" Labk' .iJ.'You'r Teacher --^~.--.»—:—•---•p—---— -•• ^ • Employes of .the chain fooclj nnd Your. Sehoolv> is the thyme' (or tery tos well, tis youth work thair- Ktores.. including twn Shop-Ritej markets In Cranfortl, have beenj ' the Ilrst meetinB on. Monday-at mkh, V- • :;• .-.,-•...'.£' out x»n strtk^>ince.;TiU'S(.la.v, Both \ ft. 1 < « W. A »™'ir at th*>" School iS H° *rittSt >*«*^ly WttS OnC "*• *"* local Blorc^vi'i't' ojptir* U'ith' check-\ ,&.« p.m. A tour af tht,,school ts. kttd(Srs aj -the vocations Confer- out • ccxmxvim bung manned, byj planned and a "«ot acquainted j;vhcte hold at.Island Height* by the • piftriiod"- with . the teachers and;! National Board .of Christian Edu, nitr old t'oifitract; ^wtatrteq . _ 1- -..M",.^ ttotf ttv . •VnHilrt)'inffl. • :'^atmrdfca^dbnfafceaapeffit&• cation .of • tn t ... ••-,.. . ••*••«,•-. i "«•• Synod of Ne\v Jersey, a week «t the .stnrl to $H4, u week

-pil personnel, announced slhat j VrWion p^nn^ by a .aftef 30 months on 'the i<'b, This •-.Miss. Mary Kay LnCorte is KuW-. mittee headed by; OaC'ld Brunt-1 contract --uxpi/red Monday .mid-1 ' nnce counselor -for : the . seventh • fl^d* Mrs. Malcolm •• Prinijle and ntuhf. • . ." . • • '•;- •; ••-. •[ TRAlNlNtS PROGRAM CITED ^ Cunnint- Q, .djreetor of the Wd-$t*te §««!Urity Strvice. and DL Roberll George Mack, with Mrs Connifc] 'of- hL d^ i'litlii " Employes- are a-ikinjj (or a IUVJ- j, jjvtfj.'lc rai.w. in (•'.•


h;.». U*I .ax«;. ,A»-. center of'Union- Junior Colieg^-on-: \l\<_ Christjan'EducAtiori committee! \\ lift* School Arthur l»ritu; off !•' 3>. ye!tt*;rtiay. at'ter. a 15-- ; iCIunxh. '.•'• "•'November lri'.wai discussed* '^ at the tea service.tables, j- fContinued 'from-Page.. 1.) h.our ' Kwsi<'n tiuif'mK ' \c)jich inail-! "' Mi>v Chai'los "Si)sb>', P*TA pixsl-* ' :. .The program has asid «mploy'«*s.. -have ri1-- :dent,. announced-"that the. . strtte'.-' LJllltCil ; trip 'chairman; Charles Rav- Ifrom 196 hours to 210 hours. Only! (Gonttmted"]?un\. Pape 1) ] -icp)vventjon w.ill be a year ago the program \v«is prtijcct.s aiiviu-r; Arthur l*rin/; ; 23. 24 and 25 . in • AHa^tJc City; {Teloplione Co..' Subiyban Trust:. panded-' from . 120 hours to 190, •fi->.j>«!rtU>.ivt*.. Anthony- NWo- Any'Membe_•' * •'''•. ^ ..r. o' f- th.i e '._-•.»,JliUsid. e PTA^-."1^ . • />« " JT. B.-WilliamIt XlfiltiifeWi4:s Co.f*f\ . Suiticr*'ttl ' |hour>- - • ' " EITHER HALF iill wiping to Attend this coWenti'on i--^^™1 SuPI)l>' and'CJarfc-.Do«r r The expanded progfam \i ( n 1. John Jack.»on ami Rudy Difc^reiizo Taking ''may1 contact her.- -• ' Products' Co , Inc.. completed > 1 Rutgers • -• Mrs. Agnes -'MacKezizie, junior amsVtj. sWch ontt »el>.ure.'.-i« *?c.c f.itr ." • the ih«*m<- Idws motor vehitUv inoijth. »fk»h«»««.s toll mw?tinK: chairman: for the,;Joint Civic Com-- •• employe. • prbgnun U»si -wwk. | mo,or"lcle i 1 Artwrte'n I>*«t»>n mittee. uhred'•member* to submit' iubScribina1*J69 from ^9 employ.- accident Jnvestigirtion*. wife driv-,-• Jff-^ *;"' '* J ,ohn jKkwn I cedTTres and^cad.»|uarCrFai"~pTCl'SKr^ Wit. .Ill CtifltBB' EITHER HALF . ivn T'^-viiiTi'mem^i wild, water ' November 13.teas btvn selected,. Boant AporOVCi . ' • r Followlri« the. o|>cr).inii <-x«;r*-iM;< jirt'^uri-.-M wa'.v-r •.»«• uni.-. > 1 1 as tlur- "open house" date for tht'T ui« Vit Payr J)' ''••*"*• first lecture on •: dtsrH '^ * !»Mt w*ro••'! <»ui -.SURgested, .for.-'consideration on schools is"improyiHC steadily•' Po-lic* ixford. Htibt-ft Froai of C»»r- wt-io approved, and t'fi«: ri-Misnistion and Dvn».W C. Ti^ch of- Kt.-n- Council of ' of Fred J. Sai-kx custotijata. ric-> -,*• dariu-:.'. ba•.«•«! he »»:'i i.hs'w.!ij.<> plan • fCo'ifi".ti«'d from -Papi* Ji G«H>ig»» Diikv's of C'r.ijifo'rd was to' ijf! (««.«»• y u-i'.hoyt earning Neu- Jersey' and the Family' Con- appointed a-: a publ'ic rt'lJtumii i)' sultation Service. . consultant, to the.board on n IU-- . -jiy. • e*t(rtl at 18 >x>tm moh'th basis- . ' several tiilx-*. and thr M-h ha i to bo held in Crarifotd Henry Boanimiin and Mtre'lvthJ Hi \ho new year w-ere'an- fi-i- t'svi> •Cortley-W"t-K'.-na;nen >>< the Teach-' of area s Cranford Favorite The coun>jl is cojitmiimg Its" board, to provide the ri:>st ol major". ;!.-i-iipof. e^mtcen under the had i.v in - medical insurance. direction . oi MriNi-ow^-U, Craft. Mumbet churches arJNjet'iyested to rd;^ nn'xiouA' (for the ntNrrf t'o (<• rto i.'.t- avv.ay-.^i'.h ajlpzine utnf r Jit NJv.tiit.fia] ajui "••-•.' '..thts youth activity \v-h"tc>T>iihV*lfi schools... P.r «-.1 iv..' on alternate Saturday..evening^suid \V. McDeriTuth^ sup^'i'intun- •' -on holiday ociiisions IIV Cranfu. ot %chtx>ls, said the juhsor . Hij?h School.. - " . principals see po reason- H> l;ion* C.ltil) Ace^rrdinjj to . n, report by Mr< ct fund drives in the .future.' C. G. Albury, chairman of Chris- eont high school levol-.there-- tum world missions of the State' but (.about SI.200iiti.exirj "' "CouneTT Iff" "CTMiYeTrvro".f«e'n7"VchQT:r f-tinds ior tht*s^yarboak. Si>otiight, fiiir ...'lifsfhip*. tutaljiiji' $1,400 were .iTiit Stu-.-jrnt awarded recently To throt: An^ori- "iqah Indians to attend Cotrk's.Traih.^ L.;f>i ye..»i- a candy 1W?e was due!eel by .'.ho luiih ichsjpl to raise ing School. ThisjTJon't:y AV>* accu4 An Excellent Blend of 4^"^ Slraight • mulated- th-rouRh-" clonations of "buff'alp nickels-" by church womeiV Whiskies. Blended »nd boMled *t v r-Mki the board mny . of. New Jersey. Local rhurch w'a— the Distillery in ., men may'.particijwtcr >hr* students find- ah-«: tinning project-through tiu-ir rep- 86 Proof • re$entatiye.< oh the Cranford "Council of- Church Womtn.' c. •• Christian-University m Japan lliat'.lho Senior Play will be' re'- approved. sumfd tlii-. v»:-ar. : •*• • Attending the-mevtinjj were ttp- Di Hc'iv.y . M'cneuf >akt' the 4/5 Qt. Full Qt. . -$f% Gal resentatives from Cranford Metho- policy o< fuiv.i"drives, in the school dist, St. Mark's A.M.E:-, Fi'rsl Pres- will oonuiuie urbc.t-ho'-.Namc. tyith bytejian. . • Presbyterian.' Utu'u-d Fa.nd being the" cOTf?"- Exclusive With BarneH's Trinity Epixcopn) and Calvary Lu- orKani/ati'on allo\yed JO canvass • theran Churches. Mi>. Kusiv pre- tltc ?chtMC>l. . _ , • • ' A, tentative schedule was 'set up FRESH - KltUED for -prepar;itiiir>> of the new school uudgct with ihc Uril itep on' No- I.-.M>sl»yte.ry tO vemlxT 29- when sta{( proposals REDUCTIONS! ' (Continued-irpm P-,iifr"d. The' Which OC 3323 . International Chrustinn University public hearin will be January 28. WHOLE in Tokyo, Japan. -' The" next 'regular board mt'Cting competing companies oHtr MACNAUGHTONS 4/5. Qt. Prior to-his Cranford - assign- will- bt October 15. . . .; OR mcirt he served as pj«sh>r fron» the best Inauratice lor yoi 6-YEAR Week . . •; .T «:>«HmiW-^m-Pam- 4/5 Ot. the. Directors and Ministers .of! Symphony; Mrs. Eunice Putney of; pani-i'Var*1 hnancially strung . . which \>.i\ chums Christian Education Associntion!Eli7:ibclh- violinist;. Beniard La-j OUS SCOTCH WHISKEY tuchio of promptly, fairly?- ECHINI- «!««•>• arc - •—- and served this past year in the ; Woodbrlds*. violist;! v NOW TOP SIRLOIN coitinanics, the, «wcraj»t of tlu-ir j tho Caini»--«nd-,r«Rram -of • •AverjJjiM^ixjiLJite.tU£lieQl_.c!efe4 1 1 Ro t>r Horn nrtTniinmsraml otli'tr fcanTu'Y^orTu^iTIil^ the Svnod and as adviser to the, '* - « °^ Weiftficld, b«s- ; sisi An iiulfpfiwli-nt iiisurancf aCfiit kiio\vt>. CROSS RIB Vouth Council ot Newton Presby* « Uwis A Qoldberg of Cran- Ho ffordd . niyirhnn "nf Linden, ba.i-oonist, and John -Zep- companies..Brcwmt* iiidqH-iKlt'irt, he's ircv to FAMOUS SCOT j pel of West Bergen, French horn select t!u* |Mjlu-iw tluit.'in«:«'t your n<*c(lvln*>t. And • player. • • • • . Was $6.49 NOW if v<»u hiiV^*^*^. h«vhclp> yun with &\\ tlit? dt?tttiliii_ $5.48 Cut To Order! As iiKlriH'iuU'lft ^nviii anti,- aui-nts, WK can taV MARCA PETRI GAL. SMITH t tlie hig worries out of, SIRLOIN » POITERHOUSE RED TABLE WINE MARINE CENTER •ytnirt-ar. hns Was $2.79 -. niess insurance.. Call usi r HARMONY any time FALL CLEARANCE I A man who'd have a • happy SPECIAL LOW CLEARAHCE THE CRANFOR •Ufa should show affection to.his PRICES OK ALL i wife. P"ay her a LEPTOVER 1983 MODELS BRJk UNITED k LjOm pi i ment lb.79 jcpfch--djiy' ~- a FUND 'few".kind word*.- EVINRUDE MOTORS j go a 'long way. FOR FREE DESERVES YOUR jA.-v oid 1 orug OUTBOARD BOATS: DEUVERY SUPPORT: I drawn-out ur^- CRUISERS, INC, — U' fc II' •DIXIE..: ;;^^vr—is' t-W' Irarely do makp 8TARCRAFT .....^S^ If | any sense. And, l • zt WrAiuum IUNKIM thfr.snme advice SAILBOATS ^— SAILBOARDB applies to ybMi ....-.,' .; ..' JAVELIM

»••Zf^^^"-^^* V '" W in •:"-%»V. ' " «!**••'. ' trttJ^' m. eunion i^^&b^Bil»tftri.'<>t Mi;ri«rblng held by the Lutheran Welfare A*- li'S"-.- wg •odatloa Auxtltejr" m ; m mm Ifth httfl TraltaWe Art -Show A bat- l«fi at nooo -that and "In tne Good Old Sujn- Fourth Grade Student recently iti Watchuni. • ••_:." ' from Calvary Lutheran Churdi: ^H<»lv ?lka^t«tht has^Deen or- ^fei^iai'' arrangement -depleV:-; ganttodio plan a 15th anniversary Win* T^ Spelling MTJL Behlert. *' wembei' of the icig atimmer leUur«. . ' • -',-;••'-:' Cranford, Creative Art Group, Hftdassah will have as >*union celebration U> be held in Joyce KocM;r, 9, daughter of Donors• Arranger* for this home are. : won" third place In the amateur Neat visit of the Bed at Ttsmp^ Jfeth-K the spring. -.•-.•. .• ' '•• •,. '.- '•:.Mi", and M"r«. George, 4Coeser of Mr?. Nelson M. lightcap, Mr*.^ 1 Memhiers of the ''elan who" class' for. her- traditional watcrcol- Bloodmoblle will be Wednelday. >i>itSO fr-m- past WUliam Phllpot, MWL Stanley F. . /. hv thfr w>m- 417 Manor' "avenue* • Wai winner of or painting of "MysUc Seaport." November fl, at the First P**t- Amerl are requestedV 1o c»tt bee m> the Fox byteriiin ChurchS been roquestod. to call BRldge man of Hadassah, Mrs. Joseph Birs. Eugene S. 2obel and Mir».. Charle* Scaturp of 122 1 Horning •Wondetanui" television- on "•ft 1* ttie neces«itie« of life Which Kdward S. Becker. :•;',..;.,•••'• ... ' •,:: „• general?'ideas of right and wrong. 6-A125 nov to arranfe for ap- Hamerman. :*..: ;v;.•',-:;- .'..# v.':;\ ..venue or Ralpk Walsh of 1 Ret- .:.Mrs: William;J, Milled, ,J.r,t and ;ord avenufr for Information re- — W. Somer*(* Maugham^ ";. polntmenti. ., ! .Joyce, » fourth grado «Judcn't Mrs. Herbert J. Frank ttr« co- garding the reunion; '. dent* of Hadassah, the chairmen of the show.: _, o~t Roosevelt .School; received the Zionist Organization " Taking > her prize.- •*•,;,, ',''••. '" • '•'," ,' . ^iew ;'iib^-kcdds:'.a;.'.feeyr.:.por1i:Ql.lo ? «lo>r of-any of 4hehom*s «pen^| ;it)L;Jiie organtzatibn -— national t t Jil>nirwlorv - --- • • T^aiim^^l Mi cal Center ^— and has had the re- Of Miedieal «n'man ijaajtm Gmnford ba>>readtnewi program.'1'orfs of ; the social iand economic influence '••'• Wrs, Tf'norrtas Cooney, j -while aistfttcd-toiht Third i^-^ Mis4 A- June Shulman, call dCtriiig- the' Caribbean deplD^- in 10 days—or rrient included San Jiiafk, Ptierto upon these • problems. She also Artmigements shij* chairftvan, anhbiinced thiit fahuy Olvlsfon; in Germany. . , - shul- •••*.. !rd }r<>n<,rt ln thij •iI^dWo,." laboratory returned' to sehool b>' the chil- att;5. out of MMuyjMirt, Fla., your money "Thailand and Japan. for billed &n& course.' Sht? also was M. r "She was a delegate to thjri!5th DepictingSummer dreti;. •••'••:;; "-.-• '•: -> • •.•••••.•••'. •? infantrymiMii. IX- Jonvi i» ft ; " """High' World StioniSt Congress ^ "Summertime" is the . in- - Mrs; Robert H. Seavy, presi- platoon- |eader in sta- HAI'S how-sure we arc of what ^/ ; Salem iin.toccembcn ^DecemberI9r,;lS806 , anld has tcrprcUhg the summer dent, reported that th.iT i\ta\, biiiif* tiRf .B'v'i.i.t)Eft will do for any lawn held tf)rtually. every key post In, the opch homes show, "On Wings nesx mewtinmeeting of thithi-* association nounct'fi xhe-'-enUstihcnt 'if William T vision's XOlh Ihfantiy, n«»ar • 1 uniKwrt Pa Jhe orga'hiration,, including ria-.pbf Sojig," to "be held by. tht wilj bo. h«>Id in the auditpriuin-'at •ScUweinfuti.' IU>. •:m«>«'«>«l the H. I-iurr, son t>t Mr und Mrs., A. at thivtirne-of year. - ill. 1 ; tipnal organization chairman.. She Crane's Ford.'Gardeners on, Oto* "•i-iS pp.m . October 17.'; Hdosevvlt :Af'my'lri.'6ct<>bw\ WM. Tluv 22- Ffark liurr^t'f 10*5 .Net-ford' ave« is also, a former president of-the bor, 15 from I to" 4:30 p.m. ami 7 '>. Attvritl $y» ",uv.; ,Jo*f|>h. MciSowan.-'iMMt of Mr. School's anntiiil open house (or year-old. lu-utcnant a a .1958 Si> if \ou want a greener lawn within, Chapter of Hadassah , to 9 p.m. .-"'...'. ' parents wilt follow this. nuNeling.- ''graduate''' of Crarifofd -'High' and Mr*. Jo>tjrtf;'M.vGo.Mvafi of 173 ,«rM of the Lower New York State j The home of Dr. arid-Mrs. Wll- Schciol arid • a.--ti62 ;On Clii'tiiieiii.illfaiiiiijr drive,' and . TUibert W. 10 days, rush dnvn or phone for your Begion. -• She; was a delegate to liam' Phil pot, 735 Willow strict ii>j Vending (>>. ' Buckm-M Un»vcr-iity ;• TwoCwilord mwM'i're ;«m<»n« Ji tit Mr 'and Mrs Harpy Turf .Builder todav; . Zionist Congresses in 1946, .1951 the summer home, with Mrs. iitfc \ a member s! ri-tUj.vry m»intVnanco a-u- . LJtr.m^; of 313 ^'-ith Uiiioii avvnuv. HI/ and 195-fi..;'.-• : ' isdn M.-Lightcap as chairman. Names New Munujjer ; thtvrttlt'-i partifinatins in The -thrw' !tx-a.i-,4n«'n arc y.»w un- 1 ' ••••j«.;V| | , r.* ' »-.-.-,-•.>T«. 1 ift'fi jiroblerfu h«!d '.r;inv.nv! a! • I\ndi»'K Co's Cranfoni v K. J.° ^oftnui:? -of ^1 .t!ii-y. wilt jju'.V>.-C:»m;> LvJrUno, N . j at-101 Chtitttuv • a -djvisioit .... • anij-1 c«rn.bu'^ • .infu-.iilo- -UiHiiujc, af'.er TRIUMPH HEADQUARTERS Mr. O'H.ira and«Vi* V)\\ d'eity jtAti-'nn in thi.- firm in 19MG •V SERVICE and PARTS ilurr O Cook, who Scons f STOCK OF PARTS AVAILABLE FOR # TR4's • SPITFIRE • CONVERTIBLE SHOES IS OUR SPECIALTY! Builder • SPECIALIZED MECHANICS IN • Wilbur Coon Shoo* for Women TRIUMPH SERVICE • • Nunrv Both *nd Edfl«rton Show for :, Have Your Car Serviced By The Man •.- • Pi^Tektiv $Mifc»r Childrtm Best Trained and Experienced ~¥-7~ GARDEN CENTER MONTEREY MOTORS, INC. Open Daily, 9-6 Open Sun,. 0-1 AND OWttOMOiC SHOIS rOR tHt 604 Boulevard — BR 2R277 — KeuOworth -AUtHORIZEO DEALER J. t OITTMOIfOIC *6«A t»*ME OM 301 South Ave., Westfield ADams 2-6500 Open patty & aw: to 6 p.m. — Fri.Xo 9 p.rau . Open Mpn. Evening 'til •r- 304 CENTENNIAL AVE,

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\ -:•• ••'• and Maiden ''•fv-r. .'•.,'„'!•.'•»'.'.. • CHAiUJES M. RAY; Editor and 'Bird. patching Is old enough *£^"*T , irt Hs^jt stood the test "of time. porUnt thU Ume of the y—r. *.T * \ ' n yourig chough to lie 'within the : age of exploration By some, it opwst on c«riain-> ' is regarded as avmild^paralysiii " «*• •TT'':'-:..C'. o' the''central' nervous' "sysieiin,. plained in tbe rUwkflighU Q»a&T #••«&•• My ' ' which'.Van;b#cureo" fonly by _ri«-. can *Dft 'seen1 -;'»., Ing at dawit and sitting In a bog, over reservation in l4o«td«ir regard it as a harmless mechanlcsof

[ifenlll. », Inc. for Crcnuotdb , ~*~ Adventures in bird counting tMQM--im:.v:..- >» - • ..-• . • •:-!. •!;- ' ' ' -whitb-ituiideW n aunts ^nay times wlapie. Th«? truth »«JKnt It »re recalled In chapter three. Gaorwooil andKenllworth, •'•',-• ;.v feu car* to>make it.1* The difficulties of ertlmsting the T«bphot»BIU4j*e4000 " ' var# stresMdT'.After *OfB0M Sl-23 Ald« Str*«t CronlonL N. These JM* thIeV ; • .. , lun^HM^ V .• -ietWll^WHKlinay;- " ;3iTtTjn^tSErt^^ wildlife —^';^, — ™~—•' • ••-;—-—•••— —» i . .,-..<" -I..M^....I. • _.. ,••_•_-.. ,i..,. ^riL^ • .^i • ...... ,,, .-. vertlty insln, in his book, tions thai ap^eiur }n Mil\Xi u traini~.'^:'^'H& ^ the 50 or 60 ornithological tkra. If you have u mutheinaticfll. Interest Heightened irf background .you muy wish to ap- Some -obserVci* of ^tM6: ..^watioiial:-'-'-'. wicerfe and a young peopi^'sconcert books I." own,, this Is the* one I • j)l>".»taiiiitic'j»l tCittJi to iucb n\ 1 m-ious turn put to be random other* contend that Amencam intewist ff'JSS iSS StlwV ., ; ; v.. . (lnctuuuo«w due. to; the niethod-^f inc^turaOvents i$su^ritidal atJ)est Whit brouttht the book to making the count. • • ian While this; dlpate^may continue for a orchestra's program a)f^ranford ceie- mind today vi'aH a Mstinfe in th;«f The relatively youiuj science of Herald "rrit>un*'t "Book Week" >wtoit}\ tiv itudj? "of living thitiits 'Iohg'!^e^tiiiftre';U!'--n^4pul^'^ttt^.sbm*'" ".•'[H Hobokonb . • •. hk In«. The batttjr. could let a certs each year than there is at profes- tre of Unio^funior College's new Carii-. .Museum of Natural History, it.'•'»* and the relation of plant, clinutic * ' ••• Gradually th..< ^Knickerbockers; 1, dozen, 20 or 50 pishes go. by it-'. v an Anchor Book itt the Natural - and' fivolotfipal. succ^wi-on* lo a ruU'd that-stoutd all tests, he • • •'. -j•.••• sional baseball ^ames. , ; >x pus Cent^ The event is auspicious, too, sport' in aasnei within the <;lub. Batters were; out, if thfry missed' History Library »nw and sells thW pitchy of their ;^dioi«.- Cranford's interest inPffie arts and becausgat will 'bethe first public event of you who read Radio -ftnd TV announcers Tht-y l;rt• or pn only fly- if a fielder threw ''ihe'.oSn .' Advance- center. •»,,•.. ,u,,\. rh»n>»r A.v»nrH% p(.r-7hVni{. Thej? mem; to promote our community's . pranford residents who enjoy good begm bird study Tlwrt>«r*hinxi" [<*l>***y. h«W by thw, nine men, »n .alti'.* it DCU.V .U IAII1111.* of ttand: on '.ground, ;ind-if-a runner was, l cational and cuitural resources: music have an opportiitutv to &et a pro? eonwrtitng thV. »de«tKuMl.qn »! •; }>M.trf t h'a^ on»>' whf'rc'by . cuch - tho biilt bt-tween'bases, ; '"-•:• « turrv i j- ganm--proyiBd onefe As Dr. Clark McDetmith, jsopenn- view of what is ahdaf^ Jtor Ihe remainder the..featheinnci f«Uc by W.h ap- . TV filial of XUv oiu- iU-Jk: li tvrotj;tb!y isn't-true. of. the season by altering tomorrow The invea- tenaenTor scnoois, is so ionq^Ji repcaIt? tor. cioeVnt' always uet a watchers, ka u ; .!»e : American th<- . tirwt ing, Cranford has'ttjany unji^uai. cultural evening's redtal; and by Jucchasing sea- thi s •^ S7« r;« S« u M^:m;;^ "'•'•• . ...^. fcored' "aceV after '"ace; "..

and educational advah^ages and re- son subscription tickels. Th^rchesira ;r N • J..'•'• thaii'' t'. l '•••'.'•••i.'.•".<' Ih'- nr.ii within four mnihfts had th» chapter' ten, h^. toK M a:»ut. tp. sources not often iou«!6fin af cornmunity is offering three major concerts, iudud- wh«r ;ind 21 ;>«•.-> (funs) nc-eded to win 4 . choo l VI Vv»;y on Junit 19. jiiiw. For that 'matter,-they had of its size,' and \vejSn take great pride 'ing a joint outdoor concert with the^, . *f* *** 'J* rt".'t:;itk, Jove with n in the fact tlvatJJ^ere lare local organiza w fur ;t >, y aco'jjU-d a 23. aces and the Knickerbocker* . .•_ a.-. *-./ii.v. *.\X-,.••'*-*. i^-i ^»«»«;«^ urban Symphony Chorus bn'Uie campusx '*' ^ pluyed a «.-»nif ' on • ehajjfj'iju- Uwu the New Y->:k tions and activities representing all the o.'u- t»;.T;ni;' - The-Knick.5 h«d the best rules, of Umon Junior College as part of the B>Jt .t.f y.<»y tnjoy l»trd g. mtvtur«juju«." Klysiian Fields. - Raw Bail Ciuu, .$e!f-proJesw*'i to —Vuui that Uiv.e boseba!! had b,;t their playing', dfdn't" match . arts. annual Cranford Days celebratiotv two thji i^^ok will grrally .add tt> your b»- oiJiy "h.'i.lf-orftariizwl.'* • • One>f Cranfortf's cultural resources choral concerts, and at least two recitals. The lure bw» tlrtctiy ujiViU-r-club affair TJj<: 't«.-.-imV> "-*"t. at E'lysian their planning. is theJSdburban Symphony Orchestra un- all for $7.50. It sounds like; a bargain or th»- "T.vr.jsi-i«5" that boyv had iiaM/baH ehthusiasnv"swept Ute .{iia>v«.K>.r uniforms. Even Boston express themselves and a chance for its the Suburban Symphony's new season . N. - • .. T\ti) .J «*w. York .HJV.'U capunv1 'met ;n«.ir thr- ! lavcri tfadttl 'their "Massachu?" fiTATIt SKVilTO* 1 ; <*••• NLtft^.V. KTA3IILK1 '"rriitch," -Hi>- orsv- bis.t .and .chosv an utnpi'rc «-tt.i Cime" for the "New York citizens to hear and appreciate the great should help to emphasize Cranford's po- u- (irit 1 U> ," 'as .the.-'style-playe^/at. •• symphonic masterpieces. - sition in the great cultural debate. We U^rtie-in-. a book." No playt-r. Eiysjah Fields cair.e to be.known--. The program arranged for the sym- feel strongly that there is; no cultural Neither la bar no nw itNtrain* n j<.",c*t sp-ot in UierN*w York ar«a .d arguv'-witb his di-cisio:^, EVi;riiU ofthip yaunu nwri who plan to v- 90 fevt between .bases, whenever " phony's coming season is especialfy at- desert in Cranford, even if one exists (si! us«pir<'Av'aA .;. man of . .T>n- use ii! ttfie of its k?y m.«rJjuititi or tool' and frickc!, of course. Baseball, after nM, w.:.s a th«-v -piayen a "diamond," wh*tt» ctive. It includes not only two major elsewhere in the state or nation. tv«t .U5tw sU ikes are out, >**•'., 'Although both Tht* pubikly'- s«|»;x)ir1trd fa- felt up5- ,t»> K'yfian. fn'l'l "- T?n-y . ilX';J rr.otJj;';'. kn" at Uu: • K .w«r <>* «>i r. ;.i - 'ahdP-- 'The'observance, of. Fire Prevention sofa cushion, on;a carpet or anyplace else; ^uniiV OWK os and dil}> v(-t:.i.v) hats, c.ilivd. U-t . t»\e Knickerbockers Hut i<\\; \, and r<•!.»!iyi'iy c-iils-d ;tSu'ir play. V.'i0 York;! "•'•"'.' and Ely^irm Kiolds be recalled, . on County ; Week next week will call attention once >hero it could start a fire. ; v t£ u«j Jew c-oir.ji.,1mr J 't\i:t'vc t^kfii iitt- / of tjw Nc York-; 'wtVrcn't- for ^!i of-thvsfc were part of'June- again,to.the facts that fire strikes an av- One of the most important things for VMVtiiee' <>•• f.- firiv tva<.'hrr;<'.aiVd i' t««erwl riRht back, far aU «Uie oj 19.' !84ii. "' •* •-'•"- . The 'school, with tr.*!K!y'. -tt a smoker to remember is never to srnoke cUssro^nv. .'..tut therin vror* ){r.('n:"'-»NO bt:t ihev.{s ifiiila- . l-'.'V,£ Itw the- Knickerbockers erage of .800 homes every day in this So. 1. of. t^i* i'v\M 1w at ihi- p:: cater -, — •.nj-.i tin- f p:t if of Eiysian Fields! ' in bed. s'Jatt'cd only, a Jew years : country, and that the major causes of all ' IWiyi I'a't: 4.-j&ana««ninrt '.JHst Ifcwr'.coisiii; tettli-.- pitch CopyHcht 1963. State of Many disastrous home fires, resum- ago. Is now ratn.t one >f t.V fiii- i\it 'trrvitr by . /! these fires are carelessness With matches j.-triy ajiorii iii ^tive up Monday pitch • • '• -t ing often in death, as well as-injurtes ant! use of it it made in wiw! jHifl smoking, disregard of defective t.hry m:ght sl:tft off b> vrtrttnjr tt property damage are caused each year be a vigorous ami 1 •~'i?f fwrt "tft" provide 'crsfi"' anit. in M. i.T.prvi p* I *w. ^t6Te§rand""furna^cys,^^^^^ lj for ex arr.jv;«? •the- contractors Tdr< Yor yountf-purple of a and cal; wiring and equipment. To help cut this toll, parents should cfeedj. - : or th* em,j.!owrn in tho. field Everj' yeaf, the International Assoc- make sure that their children realize .that a*.ked lor 3 »re a\t uncover- ' AJthoiJK^jJ^ fTJ?*^" i'-U .-yisl pri-parinfi qualified »ip- iatiori of Fire Chiefs estimates, about 500 matches are not toys—that they are dan- program tv..devoted t; p!:c;uVl.f tivitt'c is n<»' jioubt. th\it billion cigarettes are smoked; or about geroUs things that can burn and that can qualified hltfh •*.M.-ho»>l •the. xrho'-l' could. qtilck!,v dicv i.s*» ifje .into eltxtronici.' data the. rnfc«;v.s.:t!.y sejt-cttctn uTrit train- l.OOOjOOO^ minute. At this rate, it takes cause much pain, damage and even and draUinfi technicians the only one cigarette in 2,500,000 to cause death. They also should explain what* sc-hool ako offers a Wide I certainly- »upjHiM the rnlic nd liire 200J000 fires a year. . . ;• . matches are really.for and maKce it clear•" •9jii^JJ «'* ' •fetter a J rtu-asurc to expand vo- 11IMM •xatjor»al»trchn.ical tr^utun^ across + -If you are a cigarette-smoker,, the that only aoHilts-should-tisethem —Uthat ~ And il 6fX*r» tiu«ni In a flexi- oiir' lu'ntl'iii for all y«S\jnf{ best course to follow is to regard evejy matches are only dangerous when used ble.-way, senduig instnjvtors into but J aiw feel labor and 11 A Yearw Ago committw by Victor Eh the occupations of kcai residents cigarette you light as the one in 2.500,000 improperly. plants and factories \vheri • hero yhoulii fully acquaint the.m- Shaheen. president. ii> order to train future graduates, g y g Dr. Vannev#r.3u»h, W These suggestions should be'backed. neoesjiary. It has ' to -"lirmly .!»eSw< with the training resource* more effectively for. tiu-se occur I which jnay cause a fire, and to keep in established itself \*:th Ahe nictjl already available — %and make II dir«c'tor of the Office of Scien- p.itions. Ttxjs was antipunced by' Up with a strong admonition never; to working industry in the better use of Jhem. tific Research «(id Development 15 Ytars Ago _ll_mjhd'/th.6 following precautions; p i g y ~ -Tht^ board of trutte^-of-UnioD Kay. A- Cleincni^ pruici.pal.oi. the. Keep plenty of ashtrays handy— play with matches, and then backed up Merck end Co^, Inc.. was to be th« Junior College had tabled the hi>$h sciuKil. in a t;»2k at, the py p weekly luncheon->meoting of the JmHjr.sfithRmL'!Lfurthrfurthpr r hy keeping matchps and all other -twain-*'• ' ..-. ' , ; >\ pliances and wiring in the home are Por.the «uldanc« of anyone who hus Y prospective member in bHcf««t term her tetieiria bn- tors were ready to begin a house- 'A letter from the Cranford to-house eanvais of the commu- (ore you go out or go to bed ~es- properly used and in good jrepjir, it miha. the committe« has »\m- »reMiau *ft»r a, live-week ob- Civic and Business Association wrvat^loa of schools In the Soviet nity to mtw tlfrWto i» enmfof4*» requesting Township Committee's pecially afe entertaining —• make a would do much to reduce the tragic num- seventh annual United. Fund school board or I'uloo. • recommendation' relative to' brief inspection to be sure no cigarette ber of fire fatalities, injuries and; losses Campalcti to benefit the Boy and .establishment of a permanent Girl Scouts. . Welfare Associ- town-'planning board! was re- has been dropped on a chaiP, behind a which sweep this nation^ear after year. »m% vital inttmt 8 Springfield Avenue 10 Years Ago ation. ViiiUng Nurse Aawtelatlon Cranford, N. J; iti Ht f terrcd to the committee ot the,, and Ctwnhfmi toyi' whole. standpoint of students, teachers, September 27, IMS. steering committee named elation. Jatnes W. Sudd was ex- to nrrnnjse tentative -plans for the i: ecutive chairman for the drive. • Affirmative Vote Urged on Public Questions 3 and 5 Dear Sic:. .•"•'" --^ „' , • 1954 Cranford' Day observance, 30 g .'• -'••• "'•'"*'•* -* • CohgTatulntions on tJlB~<»b^serV- Mayor tVe4 P. Aritlcrsen - re^ Cor) A. Massa, who had been; Two^^ of the public questions to tjejle* I The amendments were, made neces* : township Committee approved Ther?\« ance of the 60th nnnl.versarjr* Tp'-. marked thai nii early start on the a.resolution to submit the ques- appointed chief of the Cranford cided by voters at the November 5 GelK sary by JI Sitate Supreme Court ruling between the Needle work. Guild of Ameri- planning phase should permit de- tion of the ^O-hour week for Police Department, was tendered velbpnwnj of more .spectacular, members of the police depart- a testimonial dinner by the Ab- ;.; eral Election^ pertain to Constitutional lastyear that exemptions must be calc* ca, Crahford Branch. . . ' ' events for"Hh*-projirnm, incliwl- Many of the patients of the ment to referendum in the N6- raham Lincoln Society of amendments to provide flat cash exemp- ^ iryj perhaps tv^n^reviyai at th« vembejr election; The action was ford, an Italian-American group. Association of water carnivals wm«t» in earlier taken at the request of Cranford A total of 15Q , members and. tions on tax bills to veterans, war wid- eneral »*emcUi£ as "the Venice or Americfc^ erty at much-less than actual value, the towns- '••.•" . ' •'»-•• carry bi-partisan suppdrt "la a team worker «*• able and- -people'a doiiaUon of tit telejro*- __J r#; j'.^, : ^^_ : flans were made for Publiblc Question "No. 3 concerns the effect of the coiut decision was to rexlue^ wUlln* to work on and. discuii jfcw dothing. , J^aul O. Dunham of M7. Pf*s- 20 Years Afeo annual cuunbake of thX Fire- Veterans' Property ,Taic Credit Amend- sharply'the^real yalue ef-tjie exemption problems with, a group.•"'*»•• On behalf .of the .board of'dl-' »«er»vemie hid been appointed Ellsworth K. D6wtle, president men's Club of Cranford, to take> -Logically.. rectors and- myseUrJ-Vould like of g^Q>j to " prnviir!i>aj7^| 't\pf.~ft&H\ijii*titiri rtf•^ in mft|rt:nwinT|cipalitiBH. eiwUve chairman fmr the 1954 Jhe^g^^lbrt"Vmgiw ^Vpjniyihn v'ith tho - place in Tinneu' Ot6ve. Arthur fund drive of et»nford-Gar- *•* $50 on thefr local prtperfy W .bills in If and when q —•'• has eritldl mind jupport of thli yery worthwhile wood- - Kenllworth Okivter, eharg* of. arrangements.. ^ of thhe present $500 exemptioi n on ized throughout-the state, the flat is independent thinker — hat endeavor, . » • Amerlokit Ked • ••.. • '-. • ;• . V club meeting of the-fp Dr.Eari ^.'Dunfee of Cranford, . Mlay the* Needlework Guild ?._•;.•».. • •« "valuatibiL^ ^ exemptions on tax bijls will work more" afraldof aHltlcliim\— not at tHe Cblmnel y Corner. deputy district governor of Lions continue its opjifrttiom. for years Sgjt. Htrry P. Pa«o r,. *Q Pli j^t l iftmrnlttw Iw nhnmh nt tho^. amed captnlOOfie Tftinl Aid ual band and drill con- Joicphing B. Httdftlckl. K.N..' Squad ...... [,.-,'• , 0hony>i fourth ititun^.rttiief.'Viii*'. ^. not yet ready for —«<» .:.>,. .:-. ,••,••,. - concertt s ^w«^-presented \in Cran* .faU flowers and indodln* . Under Mr/ SojdVf dlwtton,JI»y.. ford iart season, a» well as a bene- Begin at High School . ,orchestra is noW preparing for It*:.; fit concert on MarcB IS in the* ' ' opening concert on' Npvehjber IS j " Rehoarsals of the Saburban D% iue Theatre, Newark; for the AM! in the auditorium of Cranford High" - of Union Junior College. Symphony Orchestra ,of Nijw Jcr- Two Smajor concerts on "November IS and The nnlThconceriin the spring was tt»y wlllbftjohiUtcted in the audi- .jStirtny Afrek Garden Club memmem- torium dT Grahford High School ium of qranJtord'HighSchdot, #nd an outdoor I'j a joint appeirance with the Ora-award in scoutinir, was Mrs. Walter Kncfr wi torio Society of New Jersey and bcrti will holhldd a closel v rtowershow,rth Until.-. further ^notice, Director Io New Jersey state hospitals, ; Jjine 5 pn co. jfthfer: College will to David•:'.LAdanyo as Scouf Olory of Autumn," it the borne of the arr$ngeirnents, -feeter Sozio announced. »5.08 Is spent per day^for the care th» new Suburban symphony 1 ..and Miss Heltn vo?;the Suburban Symphony Orchestra, of New Jersfcy, it was. announced P ?tf,fpon«M'ed by (he Evory - iMr»rRudolprp h nhDanish.. 28 Swarth- • The^orchcstra planned • to hpld and treatment of' mental pattenti, Chorus. •' ;'.'•; ' •. •'. '•'••; ''-'• will be the c6-ho»te«s*«. ^^b^'SwtPJp^n/r^d^t''^ '" ' •••..•-•••• * J'Wf &** tb brirtg to- the man''s Biblibel GlasiGl ! of thhe FirsFit W more roadd, Und«nUd r at 8 o'clock'lk; t^ rehearsals in the auditorium of thecompared;to; $3Si per day In the muhfty. the" finwt in- tho w hytet-ian • Noble dltcontent U th> poth toalf^'';-:i'.i:'^,;i,;i^iJi..'..- ••.''J-^i^f -".: .. . •': y ' ',....:,.. ,_:•.•• '•'•' '"•' jTi aphony's season subscription tickets ' '•' Xri i addition to .the subscription ' •'First' •;c1as& -^wardr'''•Were fti^H^bib^y^Pbony sented to DavldJjj^perJ[^andJDejin_ rCliarles ffiaa 'received concert in"January in the auditor^ Blecke, iwd- two recitals in theiucn or Cranford High School. Aiken was awarded irtnidge for theatre of UnioUi n JunioJir Cll College''s Match ia concert will be i, Red were given to l& oMht'FeaUvftV ^Arts-beln* ToSuBscrilj^ri the Suburban Symphohyv arranged by the Committee for Ed Membership tickets have' been ujjuiaUfying. score In the ^i3 SWAN HAS THE ANSWER^OR j Mr, (Sreene ad^ed that the Ior bcr 6 and April!? in-the kommtmijy Concert' As- National Headqiia pf~ r Crawford Sb the community"' In New : ition during its" membership Sohobt."''. v •••: -"••'•' .'.' ••• •• r*7 :• Days.•;•.'•':.. •,l^ .,; Brunswick on boyx Hie first vtcttoi en January This will be the Suburban. sy campaign held last March. ' the natunv and The reverse aides of the tickets tiun trails tbbre and ui*o viiti the Museum of Scouting History. Ust the concicrts to be presented stay at Camp Wiune- schools and the dates, as well as in Marci^la durini the reciprocity concert* in Plain- - • during November--.—-—.---. .wUJ,

addlUoftarchajfgfc ^ . • u ju,t.s M,irr6n of the State ••: The,-tm in ttve Ideal »erbM V,411 partment «« Conwrvatlon and Eco- be a pwfohnance by;>*!ary.GurU»- u<>mi« D^vctopnwnt will njwik on V«rna, a leao^&prano of ttve conwrvation- at/the-^iwoR No- Metropolitan"d^wa A^pci.ition, at vember 19 S . S y. Oct«Sb«r rt, in the be invtuxi lo this *adltorlum /Of Arthur I*. Johnson 'School. Cl*t% the. gehiejrQi>ifaf-. of mer

and thv tw-ci. Junior Jitgh schools. 400 ••;Crartfortt ^tfiwtfji of the Affili-

tionindude Mrs. J.B. Wtmn^^^^X'T.]^V r mu ,., ytce*pr,.sid.Jnt; Mr*. K. N. Gilroy/ ^ ' '" *' »&>••*«• and Mr*. A. V. Andornort, .» ana Mr*. H,ltot> 4in,H wu, ,, iBollt l ^ Vl;c 4fc' _ Mitchell, headquarterrttrnst chairmah. M ^ f „ ' CMOHIHSRV- r:" *.T" - ' 1 *• "«* ' #' i«i' .';ln t'*c Sc}*->10''-'1 hi*.t;>f.v.- Hr- tVaioed to H6Hpitul Board \ «?rti><^ .un- «uuiiiw«.t as William JL Shcoridan, g«^eral Shirt L»Uddcrers PAINT SHOP nianagci- of the Bay way Hefio«ry, D.r. Ivcrsen Drapery Specialists. Opwi Friday Evenings U(nden, a tnut«« of Union Juiuur arwi dog. o • Tailoring has b«i»n el«ct«d to \ht> ... 101 N. Union Ave. board of truitt^ of Elizabeth'•*rlttr*n • Wedding aad Evening Gown Specialists Cencral Hoipita!. i. "-ncrs'Trifnch. Atiru".ricah «o»f. ;, vestments. aSd 'b«gir.n«ni'' typing."'' ' OtlttT ' SCCCCCCCCCCCC* 1 j cninitivc v.-tJUnjfc 1-iUu-| danafuC f»f*t old, dt**i«n. tun-with mitsix% tv-sfjrch, pittHiiijt tn oil*,

I'and II. and

Dr. Iversvn Mid '$cv«n ..-cour'set'! t*rf catK't*ir

j.iicjn tc of j will hold" it* firtu mi'ffiiinjt-»>J th»> \ at Urn home of Alrs.-RaJphV A. Hall, 54? East' Broad street Westfield> . '.Among tiw performers will be' Mrs. GUi Cohin of 425 Orchard[ .street, who will play.Uie following.) piano, selections; "Donscusej - de Dclpbw," '•Voiles" _"i*a Serenade, Interrompue" and: "General La-1 iV all by Claude) Z Mrs. Allen Kittelson, soprano, « former Crnnford resident, 1 on the arogt'tttw: companies at the piano by M«. Cling, .Jjlundny of 19 Hampton street, the will sinjj "Condiado Gilguerilto' fronv^Ati* y Galatea" byrD. Antonw iyte*%a;-ui Pastori," by Ildebrando PicwtU.and 'in Quellc Trine Morbidc" from ."Man- Today's modern OILHKAT is the safest iuily-au- Dramatic Club tomatic home heating fuel you can buy., Proof: You Assembly Offering can plunge a flaming torch into a pail of home heating 'Don Juan in Hell' -A-lffgandnry Spanish-horo-wili be pitted against the devil at the Cranford pramntic Club's assem- less expensive than gas in this market! Call us today bly pTogram Saturday ewninit, when the: club's active and associ* te tnenibers will watch "Don Juan for ALL the facts. Si Hell." Th« play is directed by Earl P. Neal, Jr., and will feature Richard J. Mercer as the crafty devil, Ron- You are cordially invited to see the beautiful new Ramblei^American ald H. Randall as a statue, Mrs, P. . and the other excitingly iiew and beautiful 1964 Ramblers, 1*. Barchard as Ana and George V. Beer, Jr., as Don Juan. e dub will bo aiYanged in- formally, tnembera sitting cab- aret atyla In dlflrt candifiUgbt. Hoj- pltallty will be under^» dl kr copunit udes Mrs. M. N. Ander#on, 2S< k J. Popart, U i Jtf W

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/- ..Two |»i«f«<, d*«i**ina«d contentf>orar\ mfa mnn.ehtur, foam rubber

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Slarriiig a1J-llie*e b^utifiil |»ier«** anil many inorn ^ , , all at onV fjinhi-tifv low

"~ '• -^r~ -;-'- ••—-\- ••••- -r-'r-';.. y_/ • _. . ; , "•'••• ;•••;(• •,•'•'''• . •• ' >' . , •' •• ": '

•>&» $19*)! liVd, We inraii bntli"'Tdv>M».utft for $199! TIK* Wfa Jirtd two loiixijec r-1iai"r=; ; . ;

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pay. (All «l0Kt>o» Ruhwuv sturr,, guod n-jirriri-tilation at koo* Parsijuiatiy «tore).

|J Route 17, Rahway • Phoh* fll 8-3700 «ioio«M/ «nrf traditional iniiotuds mly lift, Porkwoy ExH. 13* • Op«n Evening* • Fr««-Parking ' Branch »(or« • Parsippany, Route 46

• . .. ••" •!

mr W^'r-^i-B.

Two pi#t*H, ebgimt, tiutti>$4ufn>i} $ofa and choir, foam rubber eushlons-J$l9/§ iaH 4?p4us#ng*r ihadmo-box sofa, joam- rubber 0tu

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. • >^.: A«ht~. former member High School to Receive jniuioto-on Liglilatlon. t, by Ray; "Mlhority Ed«ort . The Two AddiUonal Cars #&1 luncheon \yith representativ*w of Report*-by Rirce. Nancy Grotc, TC«nneth . Injjirf'm, Two addition*! / ijmi>iar the J»rd JF\)Qtib»li; by Robert Smith; and Dorothy Ji>hn»*n; the Senate and Hoiiie committee^ driver'education cotSrse at Cran- AtPutlicLtbrarH American Image of the Old W.9r)d; on education oh Tuesday; •','; -: PROVEN CRANFORD LEADERS ford '..IIigh $ctiobi baye been tp* bv Strnnt r QtitHW in Triidi%niil i Among subjects disfcuJrtcd The roiiowtng n*w books and Modern Painting Method*, byTHI^Dle XCf National Defense EducationE . A~ct, eeived from Twin Boro Auto1 be«» added -to the shelves of tlie On NOVEMBER 5th ; T»ubes; Financing American Eft-j **•!,;__ current legislative proposals. Mun> Corp ; Park. ..if repo'rt- Cranford Public t-Jbrary: terprlse. by Trcscotl; t) re Call if lllKe Oil power Jt^vtlopment Traininj; and u a nr. Clurk. WcHon by -Watt; Divorce .and ..

Abramov; I, Robot; by A»imov Gift rnembert o?4he OJiion Couh. 'Proj{ramS( Advance Pio- The cars, tBj}4 Falcons, will be (e(Science. . Fiction^ Landn, of. )R irh« Library with ty Hiking Club 0%-Jitt iBlght-wile ftrattt, ihteinational programs /or bbfelpwl , b y BakerBk ; FolloFll w thhe Free delivered to. the school In two thanki thie ggifi t of "Ladie** Hpmej hik" e In the Pfrtipte~" " ' , Hill* oren we/i"t adrtiinlntration, faculty and stutf- wcekg..-:i-l«e 'autohjjr'bllt'ft'rm lends' Wind, by BracMU; Explosion in Journal BooJook of'Landscapini and]of Sparta on Sunday,;,The Eroup enUi. EducntionuEducajlqi l tvlevb'ion Fa- % CpOiedral. by Carpenter; The t.i\ein to the school »t no cb'sif Other- % Outdoo,..-r Living;' b>- Pi&iX, pre-WiU mitti at the Union County! ciime« Act, cc_cooperativ^ „e research Last LovLov**. bbyy? CostalCal* seated by the Wednesday MprnihU Park CortVml.Mi6h's atlin nistruUon J piograms. and^^,. National . Scitfheo-1"*" rt'P^ir^ and jfiisolirk". Dr. Mc- S&ent of Water, by Goudtfe; Cat J 1 t Club' in memoryof W. T, C?ole. jbuilding in \^.i.n*>>«v;i <» "k. Klix-.; ^o^^dotio,),, ..,'.. ^ ' j.i)©r,m!th said. / , • " "'•"'."' •'. and: Mouse, b'v Gra*st The Raider, by Jennings; The Group, by Me- in hikinif nriA »,.^..>'«V. .^ \\*\.i *t .... .K.l.1^ Carthy;; Zanzibar Intrlgtt*, byT j may nccompany the aruup as ii. nnv'.K own ability. for •tin' driver, cyurse. Caravans; by Mitherier: V,, by \ •'j memb«>hl|». In th> club after jjo- Pynchon; The Marquis, by San- i(n.K.on thrt-e hik } ^ ChARLtS J. STEVENS, JR. ders; jJ.ojLJ.nJhe MorjxihgtjbyJBetty ^ ^4^

clear- of dbi ^hlT •ar Examination ttcve Man, by temytflC1! th Union County Park Commission's j ;»iut , . Chokies J. Stevttw. Jr., of 5il U»: FremJin; "Bead of «t i. J . V. • • " .V-1' "v1 ;. fa "iwtion near- Grecfiu^ad Ijike'-! Summer. by KelJy; Ton Plus One. Trailside Nature and j near- CUVremont place,, has be«m "noli-* Trmlside Nattire and Scien.ce-.Cen- ;n n rlhern Now' 'Jersey • I by Mcfi*ln; Last Stopi' by Tucker! R K r U^.'ih •lh.C-vWtt4churu!V.' *' «" V«».'tloni_ \!eh>^r* parUcipatijiiil' in.-the ; •. fled that he has passed the ; ; "'' NFtcH6 •'%• ' "' EDWAftD K.GILL kt i p.m. Sunday. The rtlni is de-| j trail "p'roileel Will rni-i-t itt the ad- ] .Jersey Bar examination given in Eisenhower as President, edr by * Pr«wnl D'«*c»or Civil Dtltxu signed not only to leducote but to i ministration, bu'tldin'it a»B:3Q memo MfikiEt PLAX ."July. Me will be sv^orrt in bofortv Alber tson i View From n Heifihl. by Asimov; Last Bay of the Old entertain both adults pnd.chil- Saturday! the State Supreme Court-on Octo- World, by BnH; The-Least Danger* D»yi ji>er H in'TJrenton. COMPLETE HEATING INSTALLATIONS iV oi» Branch; by Blckel; March. to nature, talks for chil- t)i\ * farmer M»mt»r 8««rd Mr, Steivns will "be. associated Calumny, by -Biderman;! bramatji v 1 dren-will be eohduot*d at 4 p.m. t ;; '\vith his ••'..•father^ MaRistraU : Personae. by John Mason Brown* on Monday, Tuesday and Thurs- Charles J, Steyons. who has offices Might of the Wist, by Lawrence day of nesrt we*kby Dr. Harold •••'••:pr;'.'-K*n.n«h'- C. MacK«>;, pre- Bjr'Qwn.^^.-j'. •:. . .'"'. '•.-•• ; '.•. sidt-nt of Unu-rt JuVjlwr. i Unrt.d . at:37 Aldervstreet. -: N: Moideokc, director of Ttaitt. . .Mr,, Stevens, Jr.! a, graduate, of Story, cif the AnHory Show, by sdeside.: ThTh'v ' topiti c selecteltdd fof r ththe «•' i a partlcipinii t iin a Miltoh" fir.ov.-n: Embattled Critic, f*ed*r») Cran^ord High" Schtibl and Holy- is-"Ants and Ti-rmites." ,JBr; ( .»*. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FOR f by; Ja.malca, by-CB'rJey; lectured Will be Ulus- »'•"' }he• J.u»k"r.'• poU«-jje on Mon- Cross College, Worcesttr. - N Swi'tftly Sinus the Donkey. b'y.-De- •;•••• ••.'• CRANFORD was gradualed from Setom Hall 1 trattd with color slides.- [day ami, Tue*cli»,y ii)' Wa.vhui«to«.i' TOKER OIL COMPANY laney; Surrealism; , by "Duplcf-sis; F Law School in 19|S2. He has! been Lord Byron's Wife, by Eluiu; A The trailsidc 'Nature and Sfci-iO. C. - ,mv . ctrits SERVILE S Center is open to the* public ' The coof^'wrlcy; was *p.r*!d by ' *s clerk.' LfK . J>'nvy Maverick: ITriah Phtlifps- frorh 3 • to 5 p.m and on Satur-1 »»'«*• CoHe8es'"conMin*ia«n S • •» r* >•> t y i " I) C»;.d t, F. CofmirV nnri P-ct.thrnok t-'ll-?;ihf 1h t „,.,. .- >,,. sit _!—". .,«.- ...... ' •• • - ... * :.._:_ —i +.:+•• • ., t\r :. »r,- .,lf.*^,- '•,' ,-»• ELIZABETH lawyers, " . j Rp.vnri. by Foot; Th« I to 5 p.m. The 'Nature Cwitrt U I*1" natiortirt rf t>f She AAJC • -¥#r"s Mistake-^ tarried. Jo ihe former Mi*s Char- in Selling Real' Estate-, by Kirk; atte Peer of "Crbnford- aiui ha*. T. E. Lawrence-to Hiv Biographers, iree -children, -Ciinries, III, Pa-j hy Lawrence; The-Essential'Lipp- "ICJ;» and jf^ane-:. . [ htnnnrbjF Lippmnivn; Voyagy-ot th.*'* Praises Yearbook . —_ ^ - |.Viip Il.'by Marv. Conjjrattj!ulio:iv !i,tvr h«f» rt'- Works on science" are' profitable:! Fly and .'the -F!y-Bottle. by front !hv White • House by or Science.U not human. It lsJAlehta;- pxplort-rs of the Infinite, - at d piritua!. and ribt m.i:crial.w_Mary:by, Moskowitj; tu'er* Vrotn the High School for' :{iuir £' '/:'"^V '.VvV -.•;•:.'"•. '•• '•••;-'-..••••>-•• -.' v'V«: i" ;•;; •*,. :" ' "'r'' '• , .' :'

Goldrft C/wh;ch \\aid J.-vt •• ""••. .-^,., .,-•-•>. .-.•'••• ; ••:,-.' .--.••• • •;-;:•.: • • • - !hiw .Peace Cofgi ar.d t-!s ar!:yi*it*3 •The Sutler.- d.»U;~a JuJ> H. ./ -5 •-•' to .school Sa>t inoVsih. Xh by EvcSyr. l.»nct>J: • COLORS IN OIL rcrvHirj .to the .I*x>s4 read: "'Th*> Pi 1 By GRUMBACHEK, WINSOR and me-to *cr..l'irijj him NEWTON the vt) • TEMPORA COLORS ht.i ro t«va;i


• BRUSHES • ALL SUPPLIES to :?;<• C\u-\'»i 53 the Pro '.V.urr, ittwKt 'A i\Jts«-i' .{or !f'tv;r !»:» ~,c If We Don't Have It — We'll Get It Fdr You!. jjt.-r,; Shrsvcr; or nf-tru- Ct-T';iN. iri ,i ."it '-v!Viv:h•-wil..

Vhv -ISHU Goi- thv ' :irj;vs(nt:nJ .,h j to world problems-.' I! ,i* trviclvnt f1h i about bvuWf sny; a tx-Utrt- WOT Id .ur.ti . alv tA'iUing to star! n,o'A' »i ihc-; The car that answers/the question, It wasn't easy, topping pur super- stability • 3S^ V-S power r "After thcix '63 model, what irf the suCiC^fvjrb.*. Bui we dhi it, with tnm . in cycr> model • hn't this what ttthef n^w styling." lundsume new int-eriors • cars wish they looked and acted like world will Portfiac (io for '64?' a .smoother, quieter ride *'VVidt-Tratt ' a'ud don't? '64 Pontiac Pontiac cutcner : Electricia lawyer Druggist B&ker I

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V • Payinemall tHe smart •', . modern way,.,' with at " ^..W^WUMJ '' , ..*.,>.'.. •.!,,. . ..V- .'^ .«;."• •T ••••••:-• , .--'-. ( r Suburban v If you've been buying the same Gheck!; ._:, • What's new with Tempest for '64? Prac- pension • new Brakes • new steering • ---. tically eyerythinft Neyr-2t5=ibnbici>ich- heW frame • If a car like ihis won't get ready to break ihe habit! -in-line6. • longer, robrf\Jer body • widef¥ ^ireakthajt-habitv nothing will. .,,._

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??&£££ ifl^-^jffa :,.j^ts,£~trf».> j2&&tit&!$&Z ....;' ^n>>y.:W-V*.^ '•I'v?^^'

. WillUm Fv Gray, . . . . Aid Sqdad, Jtro"pW J. Hif- l*-'- ,..t^B,:.W»i;«n attendance of UO ,r4^,-Vy,i,.;^A^ Stfhlor -ti's; firookside; Place PTAJ- l«r». ~ petioW- as the 11th annual press • -•' • a •; ^h* .'.'»:•••-:~ -<«;w?ui^»/'ff^-.^^"'V^si^-^^r/v-«'r-.-gN^.i.iv'./v^^;ti,.-i'..--f ,WJ*~.Y- to- <..-•••<••"••' • - ,^y *> •1--- ••»• - -, -,, • ?- -.--..... •••* . John, HV'Bath, |S; Swansoh, Jr., >ind Sponsored by, ;.^ i*iyii D. SH»byi High School PTA.!Stppblj.^American Legjp»

I..:, 'served as moderator ancLwelcomed WJtherlngton; Trinity Episcopal. W. Smith; Lions Club, Sylyinus J; "' ii;-'^* publicity chalawrcnc« W. Couiter; Tf ini- * dnlLA. Complon; Cranfofd Drama-; organizations:- ' ' ,.'"•.- ••'•"^'.vv* ty Couples'Couples'- Club, ..Mrs-r Mrs.- rW W . JayJ^y;ti; ticc diubdiub . M. -'NN. AndersonAnderson;; Crativ - Instructions in newswritinfi and White, Mrs; Alfred J. Fm-ke. ; forcl- •;'f""y aging, editor; Miis. -'. Barbara .Vilbfje. Improvement Av-.ocia- :.t:on, Mrs. F. p. -Anderscrt; Capti Putsches, new? editor; Charles tioH, 'Mrs. Gtrahi J "Ksndey; Jay- N. H. Fi,^ Post 335, VFW, Thorn-,,

Philip I. Ovcrhblser, a- linotype;

cai-staff. . :• vTl [.:• Chronicle subscription drive being ..-• conducted tot benefit of the schol* -"• nrstiip fund of- the' Cranford Col- • legc Club was presented by Mrs. |; ':, U. I. Mitchell of the College Club. The R.cVi Henry Gtfubciv asstst- ' ant rector .-of the Host fchurch, of^ foredthe invocation trt the'break-. B'; . fast; which was served by mem- -.-.: i bers of the Trinity. Episcopal Churchwomen. . - ••;.. •'. ''•f .';'•'Aura'rds In recognition of eft'i- . ciehcy in the handling of newis re- I;' leases for their respective organic ? LAWN. SLED. Mt'XTURS xatlons duVing thi> past year were C.,!~ SO*. «.'•»:•• 1..--V .-..*>,••; wt/ ,'ji.;./ u'-'» presented to the.following publi- city chairmen: Mrs. Fred j. Ball, i •*- Business and Professional-Women's

ffovs' Baseball LeacoV, Mrs. Ed- ward N. GUroy; St. Michaei's |;--'-^JW*ighb6rhood." Girl Scouts; Mits. ./'-Albert R. Mir'ante, Wednesday • ';•' •Moening. Club, and ^.Irs.•'.' John

^ Special gift a.Wards were pre- '•' sehted to Homer J. HalU president •- of tho'Crahford Historical Society;' - Mrs.'Harolfl A.-Olovier; chairman I of the Republican Mumci^pal Com- L , " mittce; ^s Thomas Korner,,pub- GLUBPFFICCRS FETED — Apprbximatciy i2d publidty chairmen breakfast, memberfrof the newspaper^' staff spoke on nwsi galhering and i V:•'••'.•''' licity chairmatt for the Ladies' and presidents representing more than 60 Cranfprd" clubs, ihurches preparation of cxtpy for newj>papi;r use. I*iiblicitv handbooks and sample ^Auxiliary of Pos{ 335. and other organiwHions participated in the Cranford Citizen and ntHv* rip leases- were distributed for guidance iiv preparing storiits for the . ' ' VTW, and Mrs. Gilroy. • 1JJ636-1 Mason. Awards >yert».pr»MenUHj to six publicity •'chairmen in • • Local organizations were rep- '-.Chronicle's'-Ilth annual press breakfast and workshop em Friday m recognition of efficient" handling, of news rtrlease-s for their respective: > resented at the breakfast by .tjht.* Sherlock Hall of Trinity Episcopal Church. At theworkshop -after: jhe .following: orpnuattons during the past year ''.•"•'" '."' .Business and Professional Wo- Ca|IBR6-A418 Club, Mrs.'.Normnn U FJrubaker, | ^Jrs. Kuth Kichins; Colony Club.'».».•!i^h. MVJ . }kicn Our.:••» H.•*>•?!•,'->.:;•,*. • M.»v-.i.?.:*;.;.)i mt'tt's Club, Mrs.-'BjIU and Mr&. B> ; Asic for HERB W. Willoughby; Gartii-n Club of Mr*.- Edwurd Gill an>iMrs.. .Mil•'-! Mrs KitrJ Sf;«-a, Mrs RV*!-4 ^i'denhc* O:v:iii rt Ciub.. M:r,' .V.irv i! Wonn V< ',--:••. Mf !Jranford, "Mrs, N. A. Tomusulo, #«:•- Jay kiv-i.-Uwy-.ilr*. • Au£»- Mrs: Harr>'. R- Copson; Qrceh Youth -'Knuploy^t-Hl Service-.; ifl. Mrs. }Urty,$ N. J«hn- n«:;Sr, Walntit" AWr;u<- "l^TA. M:V l-> IV-th-Ki. Mr Cn««v Ur*-~ \V*-.)',c, Crvitiv.-- Art ,<;.:•*.-.;j\ ! DELIVERY • 1 ADVICE rnrr Thumb Garden Clyb, Mrs. Elmer I Norman A> Klint; Anitrscw Rwi , \V.'i!. WsiJJam A-i; cii-ty./Mr^ John l'.'Ti»?lV. -it, arfti tisd A Su»rrh. Osrrola ,Pt«a Pvjarc*, Jr.; .OrJn'e-j''Fortl: ChAijrfcr,; Mi.v V*~i}- A- ltch-!1kiT. !lrp:ubii--'u-nAh' .ChurrJi.- Mr*, j'-hr, !» -vi< HERB DITZELS i. Don MM;"; Ma>"crMa>x-r; Lrtdir**- A.iuilia.rjA.iuilia.rj''' ;• QH>v'iH.TQlt>vH-r sm ajui tMn Mr. Av A "M/I^* Mi'I>»«*.-CJcvj-lahd.. -Ck-vi-land ' PTAPTA.. ' . M.r-'Mr-- - fit-ore*'- Mr- • Ortc Sfhrsr.kvr;-1 .Marsa.rft | at KTfeIkss L^jt*" • . -Mrs. WiSh&n:. GiJn-.- JUIVK...... T Jkrvirr ljfiix-,u\.. Mr«'••¥:.' Z*b-'«L \tti-. •sUthxjn. H A-MHK; Gft-vr.r A^w'-jamn. Mr' Ch.v.<- K NURSERY & GARDEN CENTER I\V, i pica., Mts,. John ' ijtunnr. SUhny : Thp.nm,*. !>fv!:r.vMr;. <>!i\ A Hm5t. IWys'' lUawb^l U-ii#ij«s'. "M;v Wii- ^JV M:> &i«;n L WV.Hs. 299 Djenman Rd. — Operr7t)ays — Cranford, N. J.

i' ' : : > '"M85 1 ••'*>'••


EVER RUN OUT OF HOT WATER? UiiP, End waiting. Ths way to heat water -today is with oil. A modern oil-fired 1 tfr ^sap^^^^^^^^fe^^v- ^.: Ates hot Water 4 u ••• times as fast as a If* gas heater, 7 times as fast as an electric VERS Jieater. Gives all tlie -..lifPs^Siiii #%- ; hot water a family -'• f; .'•"'' Sml??^^ if^a mia^xmm can use for all fcaths, clothes wash- ingr dishes and other needs. You aave ploni^,, too.. OH water heat- costs 48% less

r Thursday and Friday nights til 9 iit PlainfieUl - Thursday- 'M ^ w Elisabeth •••• ' •• •-•••pr- REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. <. .' .'. f. . / .'• "• ^ • . .;- .', . • . • .- - -, ; .; . - ••,. V^;- ,.,^;^_; :-, _. ' •;• - • of golden values for the family and your home "six- ".\ Motlh : ,<>*Z':? -- •.;..'. >-••'•:..;•.. ;^.:.,^.>^lir;.' ' IP ' **\ -->-^><--* ••'• ^^^P^^^pgp^^^^^^l^^g^g^^ IgpipMP^^

'•?&;-''• :-i£fe'^-•• -iM\;:.'!V";r-p• ;•:"• >:;^ ••^^•^.•/•••:i-^^'-.-:-v-;/;^1 te^&^t^'w^&r- •ytenans Retreat at Bloomfield College BrTb*lBV.OOEOONL.RVrrtPmator niliM t)t ' •tftiiwrh; nrgnnWuiinm JII iy t> i .'«» 4Vi*. Y'i'V.ntrtrH 7^i'fVf.FT** * v Ji**i'M'tw.;^hiiuijiyi*m_ hps.^^n vt.rtmiiiy.lBHH- Pr«rsbyterian Church Including ffrembcr* of the Church School stsifl dated by an avalanche of knowledge. From the inner crevice* of dlst Chitfch on Sunday at the, 9:15 jnd 10:55 a.m. services, A spociali wiU mwt ^turday from 10 a.m. to 4 pirn, at pioomfield Cojlegft for Captain ttoydB. Coldwell, as- ihi utoitn to.tih« vairtresuAoi; of the heavenii, natupe is yielding htr The Lord's Supper will be ob-offering for the Fellowship of Suffering and Service will be received. s«rvsd at t«* Alllahoe Church on ;• . T^^'S^^ hav* a kjck-pff banquet in RaK- ; their annual spltitual r«tr»at led by th* church suff. .. ' / sistant dlrfctor o« The Cfaurdh : s* first met- Sunday at th« U o'clock ntorning ;^iph-ttift.'A«^>m^^n^y;;:V'r;v*;- :vv-••''•'•,.-•"••;/ •'"'"' . , •:•" environment,. , .' ' ,'•• '••": .-•/ •'•"•. \ '•', '?-X? ••"'••' '••''." '""•'.•':/'• • " '>'utorshlp keryle*. Th* pastor* Bcv. v •;/ •' ing of th* Xgiftcdpal Ctourc&wojnwn Carl in Protestant denominations. Tho of tn* array ia to bring to thY aU begin at 7 o'clock witn the R*v. Mr. today iaa |^y. fit .Robert G., Lohgaker,, twUon ol tne-cburch the 'bnt' It «sit aJao tb» vwrtli 'wttfc Scoubi in Rando; eei -pastor, will b©-assisted tiosslbtiltte* f«ar lay ,«lir^^--:g«WL «lti*#; will m—t at^iO j,m> B«>t» 7«:. «aom 34. in ' "' ;.^i • •> *' t' - v . The church^bmen.Tio wflT start J th«Pton««l~an4 Colonist groups of R*h«*TS»as for Thr Merry Wido arrange* byi:he ctmr- pistors. - p>y INL ittt Pion»«Pi r GGUbb i d will b* held tomorrow and Wed Christian education, at m««t Tuesday : r : T at Osccota Presbyterian Church on ^Uhderstandin* the n*aday»"' " V ' -\ , '' '..'• ' . '/" , "••^'Ghr'cFi:- i services. "The Di^lpltne- of Su*- ?»What the Cpnimumon Means" Church" In th« guild roon> Vojntri's Missionary Prayer Bbfrtftecii Tro<>p, 78 wUJI hold a; The Rev. Rayiwond^W.allace of | fertng" "wlii be the message. The , : Our greatest need Is Knoml «ud splrltttal. We 5*«d to get into will be his eoniittunion moditaugn en ot the parish are invited to do*a\ contact wltb th» iSoutee of our nupply attd to b«lJ*y« that m«*bi each Wednesday ttMvri- drlv«> ort Saturday from 9 Elizabeth will, be guest speaker, ' Westininster Choir vtill singat morning at »:30. The wgular mlu- a a 1 1 topic it the 9:30 ina 11. »jm. sen?- both meeting*. '•'•V'"- '•".•••-•''•-•-• th# Source is more ready and* abte to give it Us u* than w» ar*' T>e home-depart- «d I"' " " will be shown. Mrs. [9:30 and 'the Chancel chbir »t 11 ices on Sundajc .-"" Today Brownie Troop 383 will w«*k": Blbl* study and prayer ment will fcUbct-a t 12:30 p.m. lnth« Douglas Woodson. is "chairjnna'n of Vdock, The ruling elders a!•«•» to receive it, If we are roally dtttifous of nieetlnf the ne*ds of our the commission/ Mr. and Mrs; Byron Nunn, Carl mcot In Sherlock. Hall at 3:30 p.m. m«*ting U h*ld **ch Wednesday activities room on Mdn'day. The scsslort will also take part in the At » »to. . ".. '•'.'' must change our Question* in life. It is not, "How fast can I get ing•'•Htart7' 'has befih chosen by the rett, Mrs. RiOph Roc, Mrs. Joseph choir will rehearse th Xjto eholr ntarsal for th* Sanctuary choir.. will m**t Monday at 7:30 in M 1 M^Vg«^ i^k WwJkliJJ .M ' *~ •Ljgrl^UuJ ^H.^^ ^U^^^B^" WnP M M • ^L J^^UI '."'The deacons will meet at 'i p room. The men and boys* choir th*r«? >ut rather. "Where am I going? ' Not. "How much do I ; Rov. Frtihk N'. Williams, past6r, as Janecek. Pat*lek Tarim- Howard KKmB. .#••,... •'".'•' . . • '.•-.••' his sermon>topic- #t the 11- a.m. : Sunday with R€V7 thy Longaker Miner/Denni$llarin His studyV. Edwin MeddowcroTt are • mernbers 1 make * livlttg?'* btit aUa^ "V^it shaJi I .make * day at lOajnv The women. wiU )MW WUl b* hrid at » p:nv Tuesdays in On Monday at 7 p.m. thrgu»on Is pr*ud*nt if the Church School will meet -at 9:45 ; in th"e-board room.'. Lutheran Women to Visit •odety; 'Mrs.. Thdmj|*_St*v«nsott' Witnesses to Send a.m'. Sunday. At 3:>30 p.m. Sunday" ; On Tuesday at 1:80 the' Prayer a.m., Morning Prayer, 8 School tor ffe*f' tht; Wom/.n'on !VT°305\ WnliiijJuj at each Sunday morhinjj at 9:S0 i wUl Ghurchroei* .iponiaar»hi|» of the Lulhitrart to both .m. W'-dncsdajt; Jhc Cos- 11 a.m.:'A chUd *jrr<- nursery ; Regional Hi«b -School. rU(Nt; Women «v a«ked to btrlng congregation. ., "• .. .- '.. ..'• •%',*! > h choir. Will.'re under th* leadership of Mi's.'7-30 p.m. The Kpls*ot»al .Delegii'tes .will"b<«-given sugjtcs'-.'hvarst; • '' • . — : enUklU mNH in the ituild rouii] 'ioas. for ca'rryine out t.'wix door- -CM Friday <;vV.".in« tho board of Wednesday at 4 pan; |at.8:13 p,m.'""." • i-mv-iivc bitK T.fep mlnialry by lin-turv---, play-.-. wUI/cunuuct ati (U«aniza- to Elect Officers, and dtmanstralioni. Mr; McRat* Choir rehearsals will to held as.;.. On Tuesday the boyst* choir wittj^en( 0, ^ will CRurch to follows this w««k: Today, Girls rehearse at 3 p.m. in the choir.l ^ jj^jj. chutrntan oit • V pubiu- w mvitvd. to *v.*-t\iL satd tho witncsM-s, ivvl thnt it i-v Th.» oiif:K People's DfpartmVht .-) t)d Humid L Johmon of tiw-ir.. oftliga-tion ' to t'.ll'r.v Christ's :i :r-; !ir.«.t mtvtmj? of the Vote on Budget .Junior choir, 6:30; Boy* Junior •roam. Th* men's choir rvheAr«iI.j't^''«KMUtnrv World Communion choir }AS example of goir.g tV» thi.'ir nfJuh- on JV '.iw ch,urch at 1 p.m. New officers will W^lected and » ' - Senior choir, 8 p.m.;wiH b* lu'ld at •?JO P-riV Th*; pm^M th* ot>nimmtV» tt-jv. WofW Widw OWBir.ur.i'ih will \»i .fall N ofKers WiU Welecte wul boTA ralhilr than t.^vr rrvorsc, arid y Pt'guy Gipson, the new church budget for l»6S-> tc»morr«w. \V«stn^nsii-r choir. 6:45. Cranforis>j>?i«.t; $ «t the Jl a HJ. service. 11 n u r m0 us in SherloeJt thfj- f.nd this b .not -Sn 'i-a'.y tvk. I'-'.-'-rd i:r».\Si(ier.t, will pie- 64 wilt be approved atth*annual! A *«^ ...n^I!^V^..»^.,- . l^.'LA!?iPax . ^iLlF** ; coiiiUtutuwj will Christum Science Jn th±» C,hrivJi>»n Kvan-- meeting at 8 pM* Wednesday at to a«end tht> stv&u«n.«"«•««« on. Halt at 8 • _ iumenwuni prior te the First Prcsbjterian Church i Monday,at " pjn. in the church The last in th© «rie* of teacherv,0 ,hl. rxiXuU\v m*ni of «»• NVu- S [.,.Wo.rtd.-Together" will -b» •th'e-*e'r- r arlor Robert Scavy, chairman of the P - Women of the-chuixh will training' clams for tho Church; Jetvey Sytwd for f the R«v. A. R. Man- nSnunaflon committee wtH ptescnt7bewt^Rah<*ay Rwroafaan-lonps r^hool teaehiag staff, w>U takt> \ ^ aacptia MAttend Rally p n lorr-orro »h- tmt/ siiifc Mormin tifuhaker ! ° Monday! at 6:45 pji\. Monofthe. #*«« *t St. John's Chi ptimV for th* annual' irnd ordwistion on'Saturday,. and a Qn OiltYIOri the new* slate Norman Brubaker. y ,p fct'-••»*t » ,,»' W ihi, rrtM«»'»W* d4hn«r. htld »t the talk on "Th* B»bl» Triur^phs in a vice-chairman of the stewardship!^^ church WiU bowt at Echo Lanes on belh of n ¥u'r\-\ •U:;i7 •ditfk-gctti's ' from ,the at 6: n d the rector,- wardwu. jnw of tht* n^wly.-^rjiamf^d V." n Arirtian ^n^' chur*h on 6d.ttter-tt. wilt h* dis- ScienttncWqjM" o« Sunday at 3 division of the session. Kenneth ^^at9pJm^ , « -„".." at. Lind«n mwrlandt vestry men will b* ht-ld in the;j_ut^eri&a church ;n Aw«rJ*a.'Ai>.- , ^ i^« • ;cu«*d »V» me*Un« of the LadieVip-m. by L>-te-E Reu'rii. Uu:ai church alicndtsi '-he Bi>.bisp"fi DeLonge and Eyerett Helm, twrt-S h c 1 5 ut Kajly or. Hu.!r.r«j"R"ip,hU at thi- Hil- .Awaitds earned durlns the sum- ^giuld room *i ft p.m= . . | Uun un t^ Rew -cotuiitution willv5- S ™? ^V -*" *?^- Blb'c U-swnJ* Stwiwty in iho church' hall it j-Ik. is ifcvisesl t^h'ito-'.Nc* ,V'>rk.- la»*. week: • ee*Presidin will preseng att ththe congregationalbudget. I: row W*re>r*#a(i1ed to .members of. A Qui« Day for women will be [H, ,aiten at a tulur,, RU^^. j '"' . \ 8 pm Motuiiny.• ' . . j .-J«_ u •Unr*ality." • L!--iytaCourt 0^ Honor at the helf at Trmity Cathedral, Tr«nt«w.j aaby^nin* ^sU »w pt«vid«ii ' Th«*e will be a meeting of the •• ert G. Longaker, moderator of the church on Tuesday at 8 p.m. ,on Taiwdsy Ve«tnnin«--wtUi a e*le-i-(jyrlin-t.aSff n**Unj{. ..) oi n 1 -c> s!;'.}.' ncklri'v;. admonished M«?th- 1 i'dii«jihwith-K«>-to the scnp-i *"«* ^«-» *** « «» *' Baptists inv ite ' o.iut^-rs ;ir.d c^fiKre.gatJoryi' session, and Richard- H. Lackey, PW 8MiagUni wa»-welcomed bratlcn of the Holy Kucharist atj. Acttviiie» tor th*'w«ek mctud*: w w'm;.'commute* in the church nail at » - - •" '.0 sjH-ak Ihc.prophcuc truth about Jr.. clerk.'Donald McGinnis. prcs-,as ° n«w student "in the primary 10 a.m. Th,e R« Rev AlTr*d L.1 Xodrty. 3 SO pjn. Junior choir; : 30 : human rights, in thi'lr i .'.::ni:iuti;'i»;-s le board of trustees. and"d<-'partment on Sunday mornlttg.^Banyard. bbhop of the d>oc««e. ',p m nur*«ry d«p«junent. Jtaff. itoy cv*j. i p m. tomorrow. . nd U The R^v Dr.' 'J. Nonnan Mar- ;jnf)-t<* i'.M' A-crrordingly. I Robert Chrlstensen, secretary. wlU. The Bo;trd af Deacons will meet wtll-eocuuct the Meditations. Re*-'s«;oUj TTOOD 84: KDUU Adult cti«ir. ***** * * presldeat the corporation meettag the- church., parlor on 1 ;> sr.., Cub Pack 84. .mart V'tchi to-Science, la tftf of'the Yoi:ng .^dyf'V ar.d' Mctho- -Jlefrcshments^wiit be served. at "30 pm. " • •the parali office by tomarT0Wa i ju»tUr• Jap- I Panel on Youth . }$ . ^^ « Ihv , ancst* footi, visited St. Parnck;'s __ . . _. -«wxions of the Church School —at ^.j,^,- « 3^ J( m c.trts M am svvitf l WSCS Plans All-Day odist Church.' SblolftV wi}l be Mrs. 9:15 a m. and 11" am. "UtUriO' ^;.,b •. • „* " > j A.^ahcl diwuiinon of-V^u'.h in^ BnptU? Church. , Cathedral- {ind -!'.-:>ck»-fii 'Kvr..Plazar Thv.%' v,vri' art-\):Ti}>^fii<'cxr:o:uit"r; Mrs. Fred Parwlow, secrVtary of' The prayer group will «onvene. Worship? w»"ll be the subject for; jrrv.(Ct, „« >?<>iy is»mjwsjn;oii spirliual life.will have, charge of at 1.1 15 am followed by lu sermon w>;i .t»ti "Our.Ottn\... hiU'm>s5«>;.-t!«? tttTICW r-- - - '• ' -'..' ' • {8:15 pm Monday, October..-'14, at wtit pn-acii: .on "Tlve Nature of th.e Nnj.'triari. orui'Vfr. ar.d NSrs! Itfor •tt,-»J»T, II AM. [the dturch. •'' ' •';Church." The Lard's supper will b"e Rvider. - -aat-'ttae -Womexes Society ofJChrts- buatneat..megting ^ wjU (olio w the am. ea^h .Sunday morning, Aeof-^L»jhei;'..L^'g!^jJ^.p;.ia.jSttO!j|Qr. IM*^ ' • Iffnntt^f ntiuaHf. II JW : / tian" Service "meets" Tuesday "fiTT'roiiiranT; Ba&J'SlttlnJ! iervtfre will fw hcJUr^ririW'nrStWrtiJck 11*1! thcr League. . \ " tHrrosojfv "' "~" P^?i^^"^haHey^B>"fUflu;' ' -'«^al*tantE**tew*g»d^-—---:-----—-•—^.-^^ — _^_ kn ChfuUan eductttton,. will be; The deaconess** will ? 7;3i& ypi .rri.. Mantluyy at The UA.Jt. thtUtt AMWS* ; is' in the cducatiortTiulid- try cumnvlne*. W*dfte««lay, 3;3O;-. Htfimift Ht. U;M • RtyT Ac*^'TufibToip^f8, at tcaoK* iwoto day and Saturday at 8 am, and on ram«nt-of absolution ar« offered ini the cb'ufch'. family and school in 1'rehea'rse at 8 j>.m. Thursday. Trinity Episcopal Wednesday at 7 am. and on Thurs- the church «acn Saturday from 4 the l»f» of young people* will be j Plari have bwn told tor a Joirtt Dr. .Hpro\vi!..\ a^£jKfc,il member •U. WWtW aiS» ka) — day at 4 a.m. with the Healing to discussed .by the panelisU.. '• retrvat of oklc-r youth v -the B;ip- ol the .\n'-v'.'^i$r,\h.irqciation of At tRe daily services the p •u. WKM) t «stkii> .->•»••» laaiay. Service. Morning Prayer will tee Rofreshmentjt will'' be.[--served..'tist C«hfvr«;nct»-Center, Qc'.oUer will sp«eak read IS miniitedi before th« EuIntention- ^ will be. as follows: -Sun- Th*pabltc b invited. . hl-U charist each morning and th« serv- day, "The Church throughout the; SPEAKS IHWU !•» fMk •aA tmKi •#. ice of Evening Prayer will take world"; Monday, "The homo* and'

families of tho parish": Tuesday, t place at 5 p.m. each day- YO YOU •*"""" ' " ""' ""*" " *^ ' • ' i™^>«* - - "*"*""' * " ————— Spiritual counMling and the »ac- "Cultural and-Racial Unity"; Wed- J ncsday, "The minion of ChrUten.- akk- and,- ^JJWdayv 'for the departed*'; Saturday, "For.' world peace. AUTOMATIC 1 METEPED 0EUVCT1ES J^ QUALITY-FUEL CARRY -PRDOUGTS

THE EVEN-PAYMENT BUDGET PIAN FULL SEQulCE • INSURANCE PLAN . TOP GRADE LUMBER LOAD Cut To Your Requirements PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE REAsoNiffltrpiaciEs " FUNERAL 'Standard" LumUr Satisf(« CompM«ly Ss^ 218 NORTH AVE,, 44255 A Funeral Home oi modem, air conditioned, offattoet umber ' '. ••^•*^T' •• .•'•" •-.' '•^'•^"' •' ' ••••''• ^-•^' • • -.'• .• _, AND SUPPLY COMPANY

*-» —^ _i 1 in ..MI.,,, -r\*^< Hfifiwiiii a ..•..'.>w-<. ;,.;j>tfey -. i^..--it.-o.,j>«^:

H/^rft<^ ^^^y^rr-^^ iQ^Ms^"' &a*MfeSffijii5Sit>Sia .''.'-:-' •-'' .••', •'::'• vy*j/>.. ••rf':J<2j^ii -';;; .'4^-.'''&-^.''v>< AT. OCTOBE1I J, 19« ^^^^^a^lgsj^^ i who^ 1? Insurance: chalr- Infelltctually, • will be eon-: Juttfor for Northern Nirw Jersey duded^b>ier a (l.eiO grant from: UUK ' 0H ''' vH6 ' COfUftOOX Council and for'Kadlmah Chapter W.Matloia>%lenco Foundation. David; t>. Dei : : of-B'nai BYith Women \n Cranford' 4fhho6nd,«f^22 Tux odd president, Dr. Efaw ••^^"' "x :Sl|S|i JJ^^ and Of, the Colleger df 186 North avenue, slons l« planned', from Dr., Albert l^rfeder, vIf administration, mil of Public,.'.- pafpchjal and private w. Iver«, The Cranford Junior . '«econda>y eted 151 Bloodmobile will be Wednesday, : «Vents of both civic and sttudw .58 secondary ..' ^*ending'from Cyanford were; today and tonWrow. bo conducted (his fall and winter ..November, 8,,-at the First. Prea-J The PTA^budget, f6r 1963-64, itt No and Central New b^. Church. VJOonor* haye ~Mrs> .BernardvSpleinv / ^Chl Sitfid uttTiilon Junior. Collect'- ". ii rsday in both 1 The scien'cg seminar, aimed at - Thi» junior guild of-Kleclr«oiea Engi- In tH«i wjfmth d( October's HOBBY DEPARTMENT States,. New Jersey; ranked first Thursday between the hour* of' \ and J^sey streets: At the neers and a^Jimised pro»e«ite«ad ferrtght krUi* w«th#r. Enjoy th« lun of the sun- in .giving money and aid to Meals and 3 'p.m.,'during which- lime the' tinvvof its^onslruction, according engineer Jttyihu-Sute of New York, : public is invited to wafeMv a eng d«ck4.: iktr pl»auir« of AND TELL MOM AND DAD WE ALSO HAVE for Millions, Project Hope, CARE to I-:- locjtT newapaper reJKirt, Urn irta Shimkus was in charge of founded ib Elizabeth m V5>l3-ni half a century f-wintwiofi roiling chair R.. JF. -'Ctoerko Co. is .a Kane to Add^ss ft(J«i,..' PtiUift. wllcR»st ima«inaJ*«Sn, desptse ita| ..A.ft"ert C. Ki»ti« of 105 W»:^h!t CRAFT anet 0IBS6N bUrrLlc5 ,o thriving met-, dri^e.. j;vt-urju»wj . vxw'uuvo. ViH | By DURO rtijcsson arose.- .tpi-ik on B'nav B'nlfi Jti-uf.inrt;a5! • Corte if he rd.O; Wil.nyi-focecu.Uvc Di- •Tasked ii" t a '.of. Sh<" N.<>rt''i^rn New!. rector b*f ih,e Neu\ Jersey Demo- n May of I960, afca is parUciimt-J J«^vy"--CT-.w»>«-U . ....' ii'v.ii Wmh\ cratic State Committee' has heally bevaiase Mr Kjnt'ally %iut1iik • itiMtic City in the arrjutiii'rofjHX in Ihe anriiwrsary reJAjiralittnl i VPomrn .on MMv^Jty at tiu* K\**'; "termed "a distortion for politi- l for th^Gwvernor's visit Housn" in Newark. The m»T tfijl j ION. Union Ave. — Dial 276-5459 - Cranford

;a,l purposes'" Mayor Nicholas .•'..-• • • #• ' • - to^mty." WiUns wii! b«.''attenric*cijby i'iriai(tvr»U ;itxl} • :La Cortei's ve.rsiojv.otfW last niiri- at 3& tii*i»:«.'Hi of N'^rlli — Open Tfturtday »nd Friday 'til 9 ute invitation to \ Governor. Corte said lipJvrfnoS sp<4^osen to to list the visit "tt>.-lh.e. ish.ifi Hall as 'try' burj' Unie has been promoted byt jwtet-tho even — if -time-permitted. the Port ^TUTew^rtc AuWwiiy u»? <$," Wjlms )• "bui^thas doe^T nor "Mayor La Corte knew of this j the'''ptt$i'tion of 'ifnittr marHhe. t-erm-1 facts. tHa&w La Cople4' wired Hstins," Wtbns said. "Snd he \ inal engineer. !« his new capacity .j ice in the kneu^pko that the Govecnor was jMr. Schink jwrforTiw planhlnu and; late jftftenvoonJEaSjsdny to invite scheduled to arriv*: in Craaford 9 p,m». The Governor. a«S' e^igine*rtn#j functions in. eortnitc-l Governpi^to- appear at a tion: with the development, d«?t same time table.' ' .'"'•' Mayor seeks to injett J- A" staff itteraber o(:tbe bl-s|tt.te| day I,called Mayor LaCorte; to jagency-siaee-lSfil, Mr S^htnW juaj- get some of the detaitronhein-" into his politic*! campaign he in- ibachelor's and mustirr'a degrees • in ;• Mayor advised me that the dicates only thatch* i* electrical enttmertng frwm nrooloj for ideas." meeting that night would be; !lyn vPolytec»inic liuUtukv He* very short and would riot, go be- ' by'•«**«• .fc. jteniti with tha Army in the Eu-j yond 9: IS p.m. even if some dls- [ 9 rop>*n The«!n> from j943 Ho IMS j- I; :Hc i*a member of the- Inniiute;-

me mw urn mion mammat J&t$t8[8l18mi 111 ilf*^ 'iW ^ high i^ttrfr^rrflrr -lyftstiiy !!• It'a —-. dual out—th* v .;. companion to the famous hig p by lk» famous OW-cubic-incb Stujrflr* V^» Bntiw, featuw* ^ atod Supar 88«r 11 ihtroducw a brand new"3:10- dktinctive roof ling. >. tporty bucket teal*..-. center cotttrol cpmiole I » Rockat V»8, Four «parlding JcUrtar 88 roadeb in all!

If You Are Contemplating Building or Bu ing a Home, See Us for Your Mortgage Money. Our Rates are Competitive, Our CUTlASt.HOllDAV COUft Office is Convenient and You'll Be Pleased 4 ~ h£>

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with the Many Helpful Services Our Exper- '"•»•••••. • ' ... Him V4ilv« «f «**vHy! V-t for seHenl V4 for •conomyl ienced, Friendly Staff Offer$ Our Cllenti. Me*t Uw ttioi«>fbivlb*' of the year—Olds F-85! Afprv reamintm, Uiaaka to ten«xtra inche* in length! More action from a J*tfli» Rocket V-8 and amboth new Jetawty-Drive!* More wingt •' ( '•: •' .•< - •"—' —- --iihO-WiiK.V-B Rngitw? Mm* comfort and * thlM4ncI»4onger wheelbaae, rugged Guard-Roam ^_» a wfaiw ttaOc* than ever! Plua mote feature* . . . more fatkion ... mow *f everything! Step into your OldampbUe Dealer'• 1

fRANFOR"ws>* K ri\H •m?'

i«l r*

rr : r f : ,r^..j,,,; ,,'L^^. ^. ,•.*;,' ;^.,,^;;i,..i.w^-.J,.,.;r*^ ',i\ , V."'. -'.' , ^-^^g^L^. -,_:/•] '^,^r,-^,'i^~:,r , ^;.-;7V^|,''".i,';",'' ,' ,'<^. ''V'-'^.'T''^^ ' '•:"" •'•'"• *-'.•-v '"'"'•••: :'• — ','••• ••\>.--'<^'. ' '..'.'^'

a^k&sfc^w^ •'•'•••4&^.tP-.'^ - j 1- v- :^'v,- A^-^ii^Jf ' *"*' ' ~"T^ . \ TCTji i»TO|p|^T O(^Mal,;t r l Tu*»day evenkl* .''aiya^^ ack75Plan« _ of the Ch»th»jrtt "" ' ! fclub. Prof. fi*xter," ^Albert W. Balri of 15 Dunham .'.geology and chemistry •• A avenue will preiwint a program-of Junior College, Ram.': vijiit to thV^rchant Marine Aca- colored filnw on "Charleston Gar-' bUng Afield demy at' Kta|%JP*U»t *«>•''&*»**& dens, and " ' 1y Cufr-ftjK? Wwtfield Bird Club. at a padk m«*tih»^tor night In Mrs, Malcolm M, Panton of 803 visit of the Bvd Crow \ The RtT'Rev. Msgr. Charles Randolph Halt Hit W^ritord felffi istreot, .We»tfitld. will bfc ho,s-t will be ' ; 1 1 Murphy, pastor •;' of - St, Bernard'a r •,„. • .... ,.. . «..• r «I»V«.-.,,MV. ' «; at .the ri.r»t'Prc8|)—- Church," plalnflcW, will be guest A menib«rKhlp drive ha* «tar t\ , ±Ji~~~':- •'!•>! byitrian Church! Donors have - for boy*, tight ..war* old and older; speaker at the 22nd annual turn- Nature Gliiti Speaker • bacn" ri-auejited to call Information m«iy bo obtained munlbn breaklast or the Rosary . Prof. ,^rr^VP;..Dcx

will b« toastmaster.

purchosed by Mr. arjd %Mrs. Bernhnrd : ft.Amjluts^ formerly o rhairnian, and Brooklyn. N. Y., front Mr. ahd "MrsJ J. Leland Smith. Mr.'Ams'tutr . CQichairmtin; haww beenafotojid! Parents oo>r childrenat the Liv-. by Mrs. Robert Sherrier. Mis. Johnpnjtston Avenue School will v.lwt V is With PaiUard. Inc., linden. The sale was ftnadc. by Kichard BT * IUU Bo«l - Air Sehroth of -the- Haul. ! p.m. , HOME SOLD ~ Eliwibfrth H. Fenla^n, professor hi nurs- , HENRY P. TOWNSEND, Agent faW>rs, and Mrs; fcdwatdJF. Burke; •'•"Aft«?r. vv par- tJnivtriity. arid jiieV raihvr hav^p^rtha&oti".ih«? Home . ents wril th* anditwltw ^ publicity. show»> rtboVe at4»6 Miiple pla««, Mr, and Mrs • JIISBW Tr Holt, the ^^ALtrED VAN tlNE$, Inc. Garden ^Cmtneil Seeks I*la£e ""A- board > wi)Y) to* h«.»ld where the teathUtg tttuff willbivj, ; ^ . '' " Pmckitofl It Crallnfl today at 8:15.p.m. at the home ot troduc«Hi by. Mto irBne XV" former ourritrs, have inov*d to an apartment in mtb'way. This ^for C&t&ttMfdal tad "^ M«wi«h6ld Good*. Call At»»mi 244M i Mrs. fc 1* S3Slie Tlr i of 33 Tulip prmcipal. . Hcfrts-hmcnt^, p);opt'rty..was sold by Laura MacCJregor 0f the office^ G,: C. • 'icrved*. ' ' • .''•.'•;:•.' cm'ms of a community rrieetinc piitcc \v»s suReesteci as a projt*ct i' wflt b<> foYtheP year by Mrs. Benjamin Brixner, chairman/ at the first meeting l th<* chmrh- oif the Benson of the Crnniord Council 6f Garden Blessing of the roses and inv»U ; '„••'"' 'Mrs; Friinjt"Poiria'niro( 1125 OrwgSi^av :» wilt- The meeting "'place* \vo.uld be 'available ;to air Cranford Clubs for meetings and other functions.'Mrs. • -r~—'—^.^—^ .—.,_~u-._.—* • .-lirixrier'>a}d., •Person's interested . Orchard street, at 1 pin. Tuesday-i.Troop 84 Plans in this prefect arc asked to call. Mrs. Paul' MJirtvns;-president;will;', . .Mrs.. Brixnor of 2i) Ramajjo road ;P*c.s*de An overnight' Hik«;-wJJKi>«t held-: ••-•"or'Mrs' Av'c. by Troop 84: this^vk-end inj 13 New Members WiiU-hung Ri>*trvj)}mt\, it was »n-i It "was announced that the Sub-..' T '*,?: notintft'd by jXsj&tLnt Scoutmaster 't^araen Club has been dis-.JOIIl Paul Sit' ' AUTO DEAtEittS • * AITTO OHVLERS • COAL FUNERAL PLUMBERS li_MtllL U"4: J!CW *«*ntf DIRECTORS ^i* mmrMncrrncrT Jr.. with prdc***!* from >.» ll.. Robert Kurisko, ^"x^ PnrVt! ftrrt I •lOjLET. Inc* TiWW ;'.ithat' douwtHHi xrfx^ h;-,v.- been c»bm;»n.; • AMD AL-rtJLAtiONS,. Hall-of CaK'ary l.uth-i Genuine ^—••.-. '•' , •' h a Funeral Dir&clon KI.WCYUC CUtAKWO M«VI from'the-council iflAycr ..;-UH\ I'T'A V'uiriek on ' CVU:'b«''r '• J2. .' FISH DEALERS • DOOtEY PLUMBING AHD KEATW "•.'Jjouia,'bw bfuui!!)! t'V thiV Church by ; - £tj:sQnal Attention . \ John Liomv and -NlichacJ To All Our '.,j;puncil also discussed -ttje po^M- am. that day , when?. PL t.114! MARINO'S FISH MARKET •bility of.enlisting profes*iotral help . wil! u« O*«to*l *W «»•**»*»*: Ut E. BR 0-2165 to tcrraee and n\,-itntain 'the.'t*m/ A trip is. planned Sa'.unlA.v to to jj-avt.' pa{M»r pa-k*-d t ; - Tre«h S«Jtfood'Dftiljr I-WSS bank'nejit nt the I't-as' U( Cl».v«jJrfrvfi the'U. S. O>*PMIRI pliint, Clark, .at ho.mes an? askc I.MWB St •/ Ciudoni "$ehool on;North Union H\**mu.-/_;~ ftt48 nin. from, the r-chpol. T-hcr' n^ni&er, it was «•«,.'*». •Refreshment* were >jf the < Cranliwd-.. Zitvglcr.»>p • AUTO B^DY * 14 Wotth*A»*. 12. GnakM SERVICE v FURNITURE • Club under tho^hi«ir' n.:i.-- up i>f'clay. CK-oWr ?(v ' . •"' :! A*UUrtn< STATIONS MrS.-For7bTii^d Mrs. K;.YoUi L. " Swni'cy -A. MitM.-. pick • OL9IHOIU1 FLORISTS -yn-vt .rUA!L..a..riniMi:ic<'i!: •«1M M fc»r»W« Fero'i Furniture, lue. teivcd ;»• i>9:»« r.ii'.fitt at th.'' L'rno '' •ATbiSrjPflll •" rKXTFVNTAt. (Ml be uniitisT* Irvln Sluldfow ' Stan CotUejr Council Gold Star inatM.t-ti.ejft-.'at j' The annual d:ff«»:'r.- nu'v'.'J'K •«?'• Xulli A«fc Cut, Wtttl*I4 CO, Juwatto ; WarijvU'nco P.»:"k in •IMav^-^h •iim "h'v New J<'.n«-y Cou::«*il mi f!««i.; ' ,- ,, Kt^y CirrUac* Gull P»oduc*i Liixiliary M«H»tinj» ; BODY n PAIKT SHOP ttiai Rart — Mechanic on Duty at All Tlmm i A aitl Gtfu Truck *. Auto' RepilM — Head atsrv* Cranford Twig 1. Qvtrlo«">k IJiv;-^ chani'pinnship ftwjJball ' "' dB^t1»ScUK's!:.t.-\'-on^ nr. ROTCHFOHD PONTIAC, T BlUdO* «-»«»0 BRldtf* fe»T7» pital Auxiliary, wilt hoki it.< open- :VVWH the GrijjetfBay Packers and Clark VT. \ft-D«miith. rtij.Hrin!tnd.-: Ct«iifa 367 C«aJ«anIal Aw*. Cnutfwd ing'rneeting'of Jhe'new' joasQii at' :he New'5t-ttj')c Giants was shown, ent of schools, w-ehftfrnian.'.- •' \ .•', • the home of Mrs. Robert Wi.ese, 451 The ntxiTriwotine- will, be at the (', The Center tor Kcon«mJe Ediira- i truck v PONtlAC CRANFORD ESSO — •±— :—,— —--•>—,—:——•-——ry^-:--~-, • -—~~-*-;—. — j.tjon." iorati'd at MoivtcJair .Slate.; im CH*«hml 1-J7M LAMPSHADES • • co.ndticts worXhcuis., • Wkatt Ali »trrUt .'• U*lM T«a« icoun*. cor ^-^S*^| Temp^ VimihaU and LAMPS & LAMPSHADES >. AIU* Ainmmi . *p mm* DtUnn.bnw —._,.-.....? English Fonlliine 1001 LampihtdM In Stock ( 'projtranu *n economic Cruf«r« 1M ;jii which more than 1H» educator* OOOD WILL men CAM tJUC»«H*ltK« MAjUt to UKSCB ; in 50 "i^fMjol systt-ms p«irticipat«l. ^ALUMINUM Election ofNjfficcrs Will be held Otif. «s»*H

/• ' SINCLAIR. LIFETIME ALUMINUM ^.T.WILLtAMS .'. G*» A OH. UNION CO HICK CO. 1U Caatnl Aw. Wwtflald coururnc akrAims Contluclod by Pack 178 Oft. O«>v« »t i BraXtt. UBIUIBI Tut-I'M *. BMH No ParWno PnobUmu BR t-97lt SacLql Dancing Pack air C«altiuiiAl and th«:ir ' trip iijCiinp.' Hr SHOE REPAIRING ic Children with a Good -nebajjo- on Saturday. und^'t "FORMAL WCAB RSfrTALS" WQQIDOR STORES I' ' "• . - -•'•''.• •. , •••••. '-. » 1 Ivattexship of Robert Sikyra. ctib> BANK AND EXPERT SHO ' ' ' CUSTOM fXlLORED STJTJfl Jitterbug- • Slow Dance • Fox Trot On a hike to the shooting AnifrMHl SAVING* TOWNTAVEPK - REPAIRING and around the lake, the boyi saw 8UICC QUICK SERVICE INSTITUTIONS, HKX-S • wonn utnuvtoxs UQ9OHSTOBB • Waltz • ChaCha •Stroll a_ copperhead snake, OMC TROCJt 8JLLJ0I XOUIS MONTINI stouts and -a fatheryitere . oooo cut* "•Strand • Twist • Popeye 111 Quimby St. •' Cruiord't StoOS REPAIRING when a b*cs-' rjcat wfa stepped on. 12 Ald*n St. Grantor* ' A Halloweejn JT L mm — LIQUORS - • WATCH • les of all ejiSSs have been "i'hvKcflT BERSE BROTHERS FOOB| MARKETS • ^'~' . • Chickoh-Baclc' participle. INSURED REPAIRESG '• '. -,-',." '•.'.•"•• ' • .•''•'•• Stonip- VetBenrf SAVINGS HAYECK'SFINE FOODS 411 C*al»nnUl Av*. Crufwd teta * %*vu» *«•»«! A«t*««Hi. ' ' 01 «k«H UMto tniai

" • '••'--• • Fred J. Hayeck. Prop. ' ADimj rkw?. ixt* •4$ North AWW, To Register Call BR 6-3539 • tINOIN, M. *W*M( MM 7 Dart A Wwk TICKER TWIN BORO AUTO15ORP" • UNKJH. S»«yy*u*« «f V««« H*l ^ CtantoaL AVTHomxeD ron> STORAGE ROSELLE FUEL OIL RAPPS SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION LOVELAND Fuel Co STUDIO PHARMACY RAVINO8 * WOrtTOACiKS ES8O HEAT — FUEL OIL •414- Curr«nt nil* — Class^Held At — v Traela CHS-IMS , PL t-OMi .•:'. ' M Owttaol 8L SOMIM CaU BRldg* t-1144 AMERICAN LEGJ^N HALL — CRANFORD £ Phiraudtli to ATE.. «. HENRY P. TOWNSEND ALL CMMUittt I-I100 REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. MOVWO AM© MQKAQ* " Starting bet. 7 "—• *:15 P.M. DAY and NIGHT \U W«tfleld Ave, E., Rotelto Pk FACKINO

Ml K«r

Ability is a>poor man's health; YEAKEL 4 SHARKEY

: : \Daji7 Productj | -v Hurry In and Take Advantage of This Big Saving! Or«at art is ttu» couUmpt of • All Work great matt for tmall ark—*. Scott Urp> CVOSjED WEDNESDAYS ^

•ir/'t. '^JW^^^^^'"^^^^..'*^'-*?•!*•' .. .iV'ii»V wMmm^

beheW , "mfurtbiring tb« Vary of RedfteldV-Blorj- '.^'"-.;' V ikjr- and COu?*m '••••••vN*x.trvI«H»of the «e* Crow - ? coUhtanU, Born to be used a» the flnt project ' CUb'Pack'j77 will resume it* fail Bleodmbbile will be •t:"1-1—-1"" Uyed In Cranfor Fleet ' schedule at' the Alliance Church ..Pres-.••..-.•i.v ••'•.' AUanilc -fl^t unit, clety last night at Calvary Luth Kovember «f, at the y arid MU*. Robert wit 7 o'clock tonight. Boys be- ,...:',!'; ';.''W&tr money '.this year/.wfo^empha- mh norflWUy oper- "byterJon.Chtircb. D<>rt«>r| . . w.v He ; the W the Shc b the «lub lead- tween the' ages of 8 and 11 are h6eti requested to call BRldge' .. B v r^ri^BdhrtTT recent joint meeting of CounCountyy , In «nt AdvUWy ate^ottt'cX Charlwton, S. CC. At wi 7:30 p.m. meeting'..-ori the committie« *or • classroom. ere. weledmc. Uleetlngg arWtteh developed • Thursday evening, mothers and ways and weans. ^ Inverting tdte ft>nd« lt an Israel tollection which hee pointmtnts. to save county tax The opening meeting or Prank 0'Brieri, corchatrmen for WKIS of dollars. 4-H Needle Point Club was heltt nt the w«y« and means, pointed out that T JM^ Bedfl^ld; who was a bud- of Mrs. WiUUmBabo*. 42 .despite"rk smaller PTA member^ get and n»cal officer while «*vlng South Union aveiHue, With the fol- BE FIRST IN 1963-CAST YOUR VOTE •" ship, representing only, two ra- NOTEi; ; S in the Air fierce In World War II, Vr -.-«:•••'',,• lowing new officer* offIclally as» I,Y - ther than four' grades as, In. th*. wimlng their dutl««: Preifident. hint had an alrpluu*- pilotV Hcenso >*»"./ -:•••'•••' •••'•'. - *' • ^scholarship commitments!»jid many years. U& flies his own Elaine .Drngen;... viee,-P"»id*nt. ^ ain'substantially the craft and U a member of the Air Barbara .Town;; *e«jp#ury, Mau," J tceKsurtfr. Sandy ,_:_ ..._ i_^__j; ineti'! and -iy f-i Slaters 4-H Clu¥ VWJH chairmanship. of He i» a graduate of i^ew York la*t day nt thy home of Mra, John Mt' The members received » quiz v; '••'v'.TV'i '." maximum paifucipaUbh; New Jersey Soctoty. 6f Cer IPS'" Vlecied' th* followJni(v newoff leers: j-.i-H ^JSihlng;booklet* Wei^ di«tJri- • ,. • ... '• • bake sale, to be hold November 5.^ Publifc Accountantsi,"•^^Jifr co 'Ward Iqsjjsidaed- her.-Jf*p--; (jhaptei:::£t^ "that • sopleiy jahd Jhe~

••. •••/.. Amer- tlon to parents shouia tlic need kan in»tiTuie of CPA's. ' tb> Ciraiifbrd Wan :I*. ji ,'v. •• • .,' belr'.r.'-of>--ih«' ••boArd';'of.••(!*»'-Union '%;:-. I^pll Reuben ttV Bcdfleld'•&{• 9 County Assocfatioh for Kit ias land drive was named > ..'He'is as campaign ppj* l and is « fortHer st'ti AND tONC DISTANCE MOVING Diiwier-Dafet James Mr McGbw- «et»ry of Elizabeth Lodge of B'nul Cranford LodKf 1V5, Knights of an/" Democratic, candidate for Household Goodi Exclusively - ' PytWaji, will hold its ahilual din- State Sonate. " ;, . 1 xs -dance, M£«..R «1fteld was annido to I SSomerylUe, ttri Saturday, Novem-t iti'A States. Senatftr Harrison' ber . 16,. it was ,'annotincod this Willi«mx. .'• Jip., in his campaigns Shipping . AWfek D>*' Chaneelor Qd for t he- J foitse: of Represientati vw: '"••:•' CNARLES €OWAkD Edward rtntl the Uniticd SUtes Sonate, and • ; ThCLaffalr will open with a cock-j was ' div: the «>mmittc«r. of SIEGFRIED DiCORCI A . tfcft ho>_r with shttC-1 and cold hors.? professional mm who worked for ,hainnan' Cowan's camiwiKn." Mr. RcdiU'ld thi> past few y»ars of the dinner, committee. Murray! said iTi accepting the nffiraifttmflni. of ovt*erawded oondi-

. •<.— ..,.>»>...,.> v.i. ivi..i.awiiiiifl iw«il>»«(>i ;' The local lodge, was- org»niz«d':dicate.that he is :i•..•nv»i.j. nf .'.iijjeg.-1 pal, Jn addressing the

•'.-•'• March 12; 1862, aiid is no\kiwart«g .rity, nbihty,- dHorminatioij^Jiihd [board mwjtinK of- Uw 1 :••••" f' /r s •the lOO-member-mark;--.••.--• ' ._;• jvidgmt'ij',: tor^tiiu •.•»»*jf-. *«HiU5»g» PTA iil::th«>:school .-laiit Wf 11 OHIO by'1

tints Included it ', of now '. f books Uib4» i\eld in «»aiiJ,y UIVHS : lk»- . ber artd th«» start of the annual this ,Y^r

1 1 ' • . .jy"' . ••',>'•••:•'" '•,''•'"•.:"•••

•.nut- ?. t: Murray, v- i>ht; ' Mrs, ': J'-R. C. BirJosnwier.' r*c<>rtti«« -.jtv-J ijretary:' Mrs. K/T. l>»Cwct.a. c~" ' ] rt*j>f»ndini,' stferttary; Mr*. W. | palmatier. ^•^;.-.f:/i' 'Mrs...£. JNr Kai«*r. man Ifwptct... biiuijd-t Mrs, F. ^. JXarchairfJ s and; kjtfis'lation; Mrs. % 4

, Mr*. Herbert JWch- «nber5hii>; Mr* 11. C, ' and Mr*. 1. & OUen.

j.-- •'

In. C F ' RaSiw, 'prv^ram:' Mrr.'it. S. ".Sw^nsv1*." Jri. pabHciiy;" j.Mrs. li W SU-Ar*.htir aftd Mrs, H.'»

i W- V. SUrhmidt.' •iiitt'ty- ;-.hd hraith, .•- . j Mrs. II. F - Finrv.' *cfc»?Jat<.Jup;" ' '• : Mrs. S fl. Sww'isei;, school Iflrtd-.

i-rour.'dup; Mn Werner Spfi>r,'; .

Fnu\V b.'.Stort^IH. wraman ap- n'Mui:, USN. son of M«r~and Jf4. Prank B; Sto'nt, Jr.. of Mil BnlmJcr* rtud. and John-R ' •I'j'. I. y ens., seaman apprentice. USN, jton i[' * of Mr. and Mrs..Joe E. IVcher o.f ; 2IA-Soufh.yhion. avenue, ar* «rv- V . m i aboard the guided ml«lle frig- ML k a'.«* USS -Macponough. which rt'- t m»tly viiited. Pajma, MaUorca,; Spain, in the course of a cruisr ; with the Sixth Fleet tn the Medir-J. Ifffnrr, - ' terranean; the Sixth. Fleet com-^ 7WK>'. '-'. •*«_____^_ IS prises rM>me 5(i thips and 25,000 i men whose mission ' is helping j

r IMF TO fin MM

• ''"•' •• • i:t;^r.:'^xf^:^-fy-r'ti' f...,r...'."" '. '.*




.For col For butln«w or for Ote happlasl problew tef W waa» How to b«»* • (MiQlhas, V4 or V*8 (yoM'N-Uka thaftr'naw gas ecom .,; Go by T«xL Mod- wlnwar?. Awarding to thoujtanda of owners. tht196S omy), hew, .smoother, axtra-cost option. .Supar tn, eomlortabl* Gti* li you* models jurt about had It wde lii all deparlrftenta. . Turbine Trrfnsmisslpns (and who. but Bulck, would --.• * •.•'-, _ ' >-^.. •„ .^_^___-_»^-' ..,. bay or Htobt.. Bit- 9 But-when your name I* Buick-yw Just don't rest build tnarvaltitgdo compensator?). Youngest looking •••IMP#|^ eVf|9 thCtt *^ BUMCKSS tiM ,_I^ en_iouriauret»rYou-keei> pushlng^te ma|«a a great Fisher Bodies In townl Visit a ahowfoom, alt In any '"

'. •. wayra. it s a real step-saver By qay. it's a comfori t • •QJ graaier. ; ,..-... •-.••-.,:••...... , , . -. . ... - So";p the '(64 Bulcte are new-but new. New line: "My Bulck," Soundsooorj, o"6esrrt.it7"' J.; ,: " "to ihiaVei nearby at night, with ^ts softly gl t , ;j«g dial. Ai?d piretty? There is a Priricew TAX 8 $CE VOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER. AUTHORIZED WIICK* DEALERS IN THIS ARCA:

anyidecpr. Choose fro ... -.>r.V

call tt mmattifatv.Mgf^mm^-; A<\' •>•

11§__H ss«»ws^^ ggllfjjll^^

m ow ^^K>vU !:*'••• .•i'.1.:v:':-sV'i''.'v'^i' '..i^jv.•;'•,'-'•'•'.•'*/'..•'•,, /'vy*."->.:y :TJ*-^^^'*.^-*' ••'../.,. '• ••' ';pf''j '•'. '. OT^thwc.tittiHridi"if*™??:' ^^V^tay**'-• :.'--.>^yt 1 : ; ; he stated. Repre- "-"• :•'•>•"• '''--•;.'-.>>•• 'v V-^^T. > v. -:.• ••;>-'^ -< . ••• •:;•#• :'C ;\-;/:,V: the price of ndTOJjilon to fcmbvlfv v support of "lh«^O.' ... ,, ••eotfltlvo Florence Dwyer has re- .pnly _per .••cuplta •por/ycair-r'' DOlt; cldziBna^fei^*y5shiBcK '«* t;:-c ported tnSt 84 percent of her con-, torthe UNf; lnlrtifcsdf of, spends m to support the United Nations^ •rthtient* nW In fav&r of the United ing that'amount for bomb.shelter*. . Group, will bring n'Uuch o «ftkf Weytrian 6. Steengraf e, speak- WtoMV XJti sessions In ••"at>bpot*•->- vyicK Village to Crariiorti'g ",'•'•• ;• ing on "You and^thei&nlte*!, Na- "Visit the. V.N. Support the U.N. throughout the nation nave glven^ 1 Express your; oplnibhit: aBoiit it,in young people the opportunity.; tcT ••• • o* Green on SaturdayJtfStn 8:30 UonK" at the;, tlrtit nH'pting or the •» ' a.mV lp 5, p,m, •'"•''' '' ' ieiion of'. thelLieattue' of Women °poll$.". cbnthiyed Mr. Stecrigi'afe. ihvestiga'te the • working* of the r'* League members and others In-' U,N Groups oif JQuakertt have/ i&f tfe gWHtp -wilt hu HlllHil) n,'i>VlHl. tumlcd4M tiff UillU'd N -r^erqtmist-tlmt income V.; •.'. J-i •h*lrvfavorite.'•w&fkii for neighbor* 1-, • I High, (School lflit'thursdiiy Right. A.;l.i Kley of fl Doering to the United Nations as an obli-'. to udnjlte and Criticize. Non-niorn- Mr. •fe.teenjgrafe, principal of »i'ay.for ireiervatfonf for the United gjition of wofld citizenship.. 'bfrrs aisrt^aydispfi^ their Work Wood row !WilfiJh Slchool in 'Hationis scnjinurK to be conducted Mr. Steengrafe e»hcludcd. wiih•••„•• i.iipon -payment' at un entry fee of field; is a mcrhticr. of the in conjunction with the Westfifld {President Kennedy's plcaLjto the bureau of the New "Jersey Branch League, of Women. Voters on three |$i. ;J..;••:•-.y/;^••.'••;;-.^.;••:....•..;. iriHtiohsia' takcifht'ir staittd in the. of the' American Association'for Wodnewlays, October lfl, 23 und ,, Children are invited to pnrtlci- [United Mations \o keep pcacie on the. United N»ti6hs. and head.. of 30.. Buies will leuvii from Jersey.jlhis planet. . -•• •-.- . ;•;•• patij-Uj .^owing-their efforts, and Central nailrjdad nation jn Crah- r-.V.'S-' :.• - -•, : to ' try io produce^TT ''nia'«Wpff«er &*S5aE«yi!BK«'^ hdrtj^1 *4*inlt&Sf--fV [;*' havejSir Isaac iPlitmAn. : •• •". ••'-••,••' > '. paints w.ill>c"proij*ided, «is weil as Jpjrfph Mtrai5liottu »ft»K' B. S. •; Will'oiighby Real Estate Co, 12 guidanctyby Mrs.' ^ch^JR^ • :-:•• —Jt=!--——-*

e1-' portrait - [ bosJe. iruln.lng in ,c«nju»ctlori with lege be/ore .pnte*jn% the _0r^t for sale -j-tf'ic'- niS5^FsH*yF"FaregiFrActr~tiEr ' ^~ •- ••;.,.„ >.*;•. ',-• :• 1 ' .. pr ench II i|W.nt iii caring fof When.•••yjTittftakc'•». picture, it.'.bo;-' Harold } cxhib.t to New JcjriMry'K menially ill. only %

An '«H-*oMfSt',, a n?*rijf«.i •. -JL by a chamber oic!ji'»sJrii'. urvtl ;in' TAPE RECORDERS atuuun inovtinu and t»p<|'rt houvc.; wil'i be co'ndwctfd «t Union ;ivmk>r •' College ''during"the'. vVeek prtor" (o. Uiit ceremonies 'for the new : 8 Alden St. Ciiinpus. Center tin IdiKtt <>n" No-. i: vva i hv. Or Kenneth 'C. itacKay. 34-Nortb:Aye.,

tion >veek aclivitit^ wiir be- th_«*'; nhimivj mceling'.ando[Mnn h«iiHe.on5 Novi'tubrr B. It wilt includt*. it; ~psi!>t«V dwcos-Bon on Kur.ope iiiui tiw.--

.Btctef'eM Of Summtt, Prof. I 1'au!: , lilthner, of l>ouii;la.ntr>7.-t. A.- KXUIKI piiiiw ijr**ii*'n;ttxk<' **iiv *H'" rrtii'').'" >>>• '->•• *K.'-'.c',y-.!,s

' Xhr .stiidcns (i.-ttur- ss "i'fheiiW •t*l !or S.!tu-n.l,»y. S'ovt-H.;l>«;r 9,- .n UPPOR :>j>.«i.u.ii;nii!>s uf .V:\: a<;w ' C:»:r. (.VrsU-R • !•. wilMMR.jjwmoT^ b;." Buy .Ttnrl Evontnj; Stccivnt CVtwnc the UJC Ki'V Club, suuien! .n i. r^ani/iitioh; and 0;^ inUT-fuS .iViiJ Coun-irtl. '*.'•'' Dr. Ktv«k-rick M »..i!tJi«t >.t..;U- cimwrrUjstorirr v-t 'tsjucatt /

&JCL-+~ ,: ^:™ -:L^-.l. I-.-.. Xi>i*'nvl«'r 10,: in \hc: thcatrit- n! the tT;wnp»>. Ct'ntvr. ; 't' V- Mi>»s cyapron W®4 UJil Niii>inj» ONS CLUB • ' ->v. ML« Helen L- Cap run* «f*WJ ttamapo road -Js' among R8 'stiut«*»»t'.- nuws (r«,>m the Schools ofrNV»fS"in'g^

l~rii«>n Junior Coij huriinR pn>gr'um| • The hiudent-nn '..) .on,•.S*ptember.'W33 randl, they wt!!'. contiBUO' th#ir ;stiidio at thr C'ran-' ..." ford -eonege. through.- M.i»V.. Tbi-v CJrn 10 college credits >M Kng!i.*h composition, aivatotny arul phi1 siot-•

p-.yi.hul,o>;y. sDi^ology. and nuctr**-, ' biology. : Msvi. C'.iprnn, a gviKliial*." ot'. Cs"anfot> ;« sttulrnt.',. ' imrM1 at Eli/Jibcth" Geni> 'liVsN-""" pital. ' Mvrilii Service

Mr. and Mrs Fr'.tnk H. Dickisoij of. • ' • "$i0$ij. Haddonticld, ftirmerly of Cranfard. I _ s has .[been assigned to. Company A | .'of tpe Second Training Regiment y ~ PROMPT SERVICE /

y IVlortgage .-> .•' •• •.'• ' T ,; ^«---——•-- HAIL YOUR ....'•' ....'-' • ' L'ppcr: Tht Coupe $e Villc; I'jwtr: The Fltcttvowl Sixty Sfiiciul, CHECK NOW Available MORE TEMPTING THAN EVER! To— "BUND SEALSa -The 1961.Cadillac is iriore'ichi'iitih'sr than ever to Uwk at! It •remarkably- improved in smoothness and responsiveness—arwl has a clean,Jon* sweep to its lines.. -. greater Vji'finement in all a new .version,.the Turbo Hydfa-Matic,is standard tHjuipment of its body contours*...... and a dramatically new, divided grilje, on some models. Both assure a truly amazing agility in trafjtic APPROVED It's more temptinj; tliart ever to ride in! there's greater and a,new.over-all standard of automotive, performance on ATTORNEY PLAN smoothness and quietness. .The .interiors arc luxurious as tliq highway. never befpro, And an exclusive now Comfort Control* enables Tho linat temptation? That's- the extraordinary valud SAVINGS you to prc-set interior temperature while automatically cpiv '•that'sjnrilt into each of the cloven new Cadillac models. : trolijnfc humidity. . vBe among tho -tiitst to visit your authorized Ca^llac dealer •. . And Cadillac for 106-i is more tcinptinjj than ever to drivel »ce«wTt It has a nexv.high-performance engine-the most -GadHlac historyr-CadtHnc's^--HydmrMatwr-BriW^a -«T J*^,«»J*^-...- $I0,IW SEJS AND UR1VK THE NEW CAU1I.UC NQW AT VOUK.LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER t/* SYLVilVNUSyj; SHAW,*%' W.IHU PIJUNFIEU}/ N. !* -•>/<• ,-•

'<^^!*j^?Q£&&^^ lliiiiiptpp gglljlllg


VOL. tXX .- " Kv; •••• ',--•/' ';-.•:-•

Annual ^

GARWOOD — Announcement^ rtiadfc this we«k that" the On October 12 Holland Furnace Co.-has,e Thatcher Furtiace'Co.' far' apj.; KEJSfrLWORTH Plann* g tnad,e for the annual. PtA '•^k

Thatcher's ihfeadti^tie^^r^S^emai^in GaTwood,' and from \6 a.m. to.4 pnv atJMe llird- purchasing flr*n. will continue to " operate its organization oCit of mg School pluygroi • •••.:•••>« Hollalrid,Mich. Each dMsiori will Mrs. Albert Jadplls.and MfSi. V.

n . Russell ltf. C6bk of todntelair. come president .of'.'the-.e©8tblne»t red, emproj^sii^iXXi^i' . »,.!•Itff«t iWto %>iri'h«v"right"-EthaltMV.!irnt Hc*codfH**Wu>fec' i>br Westfti«d7rck. pond. Pria* ,.-.'Otie of the i •^••.*"'l.*!?!- the Carwood First Aid Squad, to t tured "conveying equipment -but late*'developed :-(u own masonry will be>«^ardi. d in duecrs. of warm' air furnaces.:the be" conducted' throughout the.'bor- Thatcher Futtiace Col now makes fastencrs.and now spcciMliJJC's in expansion unchors and other types ^aftee, &oda. pies, .hot dogs and dugh Sunday afternoon, was, ;is- a complete -firm of oil, gas and- "of; masonry and .hoilow wall JaMencris. Anniversary trays tilso pies will b« wild. • For the warm air heating equipment, in- wctfk by .Magistrate were prv'Stmted to. each of the .eurrvnt 250 employe^ \ photo by rt. first time a parcel port exchange VPS A••BTE^.lffV'.-r'.'The.-'ftilyer hoic reel of. th«.North""Plainiicld Exempt Association cluding boilers and radiators for James T. Leonard.'squad prtskir ie . heating, water heaters crab bag ,, booth' Ay»H be, *«t upplauue during its journey through thf borough on'Saturday'in the Firemen's.Parade, It alsalo gar- air conditioning equipment, dent. •• ' •.' . •".-•• '•..'••. .• ,', Cake walk and white elephant npr*d rtrst prit.«.:tln the best appearing anticjut"'e"cqiiiiprncnt category.''The captain's horn, shown all sojd entirely through heating . Uniformed members of th"e booths also arc' planned.. tft \h

manufacturing SchcwrnuditprJjKfv on Friday, Octuber l\, forj of tlu* butltliniJ } iltli 5 UIWU'.W V'5"?'"'' ' ".ark before moving to Garwood in and. industrial firms. was b.y. Mrs.farl OpenMouse Ky»rr>;<*n.e *Garwoc.d: equipment und^r five. Funds- roct'ived in the «ncc-a- m Kemhvnnh:yc-ars Q(d, SpringfieMf'Berkeley. Producing the -«unc ; ycar' appeal arc 'mad tpr yut*. •'-./* * **' a*, thi" 'Kt'riilwqrth Volunteer Fire. Hetfthtrf'Iarth'llth-'j on a wrtr.-r., suriny day/FiriUfrfvn,'U- Ginnt pumper of heatjjig dealers and has an..'annual -and other expenses' i find Drive pirotiy o{ . th* i*tji>j;cA,tv candidate .for Fife dvpartments frorri Un'.on.^h> Wctf;vir! Kxempt Assocftiti6n.- • aalcs volume of about $3 million, j Magistrate 'Leonard pointed" tiuV , . - . . . •• hou. Th»'v rttino \\:11 jiipp^ar iatfr • fax ^ijjfctor. hu-> -a^rtcd Morflv, {ivcx ur.d Middk'^tx co^jn-; ' !U-icu« .->qu;ir). Rahway, Clark; " Mr.Cook'joined Thatcht'r in 1927 > that the,Garwoodi First Aii'tr&jwtfd 1 ;GARWOOn - Cou.fti-i.lmAn VA- -,,;a-v,n|. ^ j,,|on*rt kitchen .a4>v - kraUwonK^OUWOJT»Jh» coorfrcoroinutod ma-tor for tu** M-n', 91 Rvobilc -lire arid-'Tirst' antHjacaMtp^obilo. 1913 Ford sta» >r "as.a clerk following his graduation!'has bceu supplying treejfmbu- wurt'i W. Krvmpa. chairman. f* tjuiid • th<-" ' *>f Mi». Mary C JAW a I -a.diuv.ts.-Along-with tJi^hi(innrcds---uon wa^ah-; HM3 Packard; ma.rcb- from Harvard University. • lance and tlrst aid'servip^lo? bor- jthe Ctrl J>cftut tunti dfivt» to be Mrs Ann J<:>hn> NtW. Kd- 1 Ktin^nc. GOP cundt4atf for Uruon ..Mayor. -Vf 'inarcbprs, mbtv tha^O antique .'inc band. Xt\V Fords Band, EJi- ;•• came vice-president in charge of-ough- resident';. on-a^Kv-fyni-r. basis) conducted .on November l -*. County'Surrogate. \ .' '-^ ;irt*- a-, cars rolled raJx-th Sr.nnor;, Forest Bugle corps; :.i -salts in 1945 and president in 1960,]for the past<2-4 xtw* The squud I me,t''!&£*, "wt*k with m**mb»:rs of. t.»U' ta'.rnt to wpivar Sr, ._U«* Mrs. Yowng i.< J cGirsajutilcanl of i l^.l'r S-. for t^K^aittl-a-hiiif miic -oc-lor.Kartrci, Pioneer Band of Kcar-. succeeding Carl Sahkri whohad'also loans wjtfipmer.t. including !tn ,., drive \ .y,e*rsnjj wnjims^^ '•'• B,v .-folluw-*: Tl»*'. HarriK'Tyv !»!u;, S! .Thfr«iw'? Church .trnl a rnvm-yhl* thlr<$!,Ms- t>uriicit> route fro:n Colfux avenufinv. VFW.Fords Band. been president of the c6"mpuhy j hospital bjxft, wheel cha irs .j»n3 I-uinplete ' plata ;mrt !int- th«: Republican C:ut> of ch*el C Bury, running to.Biark-iJjbxik P.irk. ; ' Best float; Kcnilworth Lions : u ; M 'since ,1945.- residents.. i-mcnis. . •-."-.' VaJtttn-'J.-'a. y-ujth l^nd: ASt^rt rth MUt-th*' ESk'i AussUary • " *" ' Uu'v*W Co A^iTeJo Cardcltn, .oldest acUvv' C3ubv It:v!i;in-American . Welfare •\—Serving or. the cvi-pt- Miller. }* . .v'nyif-ii' jiiaivs;' .>^-c:,i!:orr: compa»y in uniform,* '! tfiitliie art- Co.ur.cjJma.n- Jkiwar^-S.' 'xhrv* C's. a Wtir. >J5 j-t-rVtsl .«•( pr^Mrtcnt of the Ivr th-c SAX Act*.** T: 1 : i y.-.-:co.rtt:-!i.'O<'Air.ii •.heV-parade. tTo;vh^"s were frcrr.- the North Jersey Fire- lliim Kitmas and Wsljiam J Oil- ,,i,.j.».r j,nfrvf<-t; Jlonry C»»J- i-Wc-taJion at Hwa«*r>vUrAiicJk 49. :-r«-.!*wiirch;pli»n!!:. H«- prt-s«-ntod at Black Brock men's Judging Association; bands, Jrvsngton ...-••• ' ; inr ii«?w .Callopsng---HjH i Park.'to uuvnir.c units by Mayor r IJOJV* Club; anlK-tue cars, Max'Ber- Funds c<>Ui-ct«: u-iil 'ho!'p _ the W.v.hincK'n • u<*r>.\ "\\-c- S\-h)Xjl-.cf_ AW-Wiisjs cwnplfied for a • nwyj fer th«fulurik jcro^tth of the MaSlon,• present of the State Fir*.-i 'The- color guard leading the at Lincoln School, sold^ +52 s-ubi j Cbrislel Nordhauxcn, decoration*. Rock Girl S< 'aruJ j;U(v'*'f." h> thv '.-*<* -'imjisr; v;ii'. j".rfA\t(> Mivt XiUVam*, In «*- | boroujth'-"' , : mcn\' Mutu.'i!^cnt'voloci- j parade wa>: iiom. tht? Soth Medical " .scriptlonS. wit il.707.85. • it was j Mrs, Glertn Crawford's home the otxarjization . of -tf-hoir* •>' -HV Paturc Church. • •«r«o(,itinfi tfcc j*o>t pf i^jrdmator,: J^ayic Ah^rn nc>t«r tax bu.rdrn on' Fu-*t*mcn'> Av.xwKtvion : Local partu'ipatifii: groups in- fr annual magazine sale to syoar; Pri-stdfiit, V'tcki . Schroll: ami [•" r-'. ulv. pr^.'t-i '.:ori»! :-:•;»«? jnit attiSity; I .icno-iv..tivat '.CKral ' rv*iri«~M% Hr .\»id'that the! Ftr^t.ancS second piactNvmtnT.-;', f iuftort the Civ:i "Defense. FIJTI- praise funds for class Social octiv- |vice-presjclcnt Utn« SjiVi-riTum;j.^stanc*'-to -viNurluvr*. ;to Jin «.*cv5;t.'nt jvib ii J«r- j{i*ai.«,f th<: DcnitKTatJc C-ti-yncU h»s wirr* ii* {olltiws.: B"«t ;.;)pKir.ini;; hai5«ss. Boy Socut.s" Girl Scouts, itit-s and trips. ', • ^ }treas»r«-r. Kathift R^inharrit; M^''j ' "Stayer /t " 'V^'H;^ <>*;-.»>).»'>:»', Rene© Troiano sold the greatest {rttary," Jean Yawla'k; .-Student t j »n- apfK>ir,ten, Aopubli- —number of subscriptions, • w«!hiCounoii r*-pr**w»tat!v«r-v • V»tvki ^nwn for rhr thi- iovCot €ited for Park Fsrv ap-icah Club, • Dtrr.ocratic Club, Daniel Guare finishing second and Schroil artcj l^nct''Silwrman. rt^iWn »r* Mr> FraiKt^ (j':i- j in tj-.f otninty.' r J -,an I*atuto and Mr. o»mpany without wuiic-J Kri>sht5 of -Coluxbiis.. "rialy Name Linda WolenskJ thira". -Every stu- .Tho' AttrfitwVisual-' Aids" Club.;, ,' pifVirienVcf thi1 U«tckl*- - --•y - Retarded Children maverick Heads Bury.'rrportwf lj'.;«t' !.*>c door-Ui-'': Fasrchtld f-nKinc Co Morri.".; Society, Rotary Club. Lions Club, dent soW at least one subscription, sponsored by Mrs. 'fcarve, hi»* '21 i: t itiniOv .:«nd C>ir!*,on Bunker.- wore- rr- D<-.!aycees.X K -ni!worth « Bt;siner ci>n':p:>i£5ii Wen completcvi Piairw. ar.d Spr:ngtle:d v Kxpaiv-'sort -<••;{!-.ont*' «>f f*r!i!'iC»lr<.- sn th«- Thi.-.!^ Ds'trsct and 'visits: partnirr.t miT.'s Awntciatiin. K e nil worth • more. . • through Members''of thi.v ; Bol'l C>. K W J on Pcg«- 3) • ...The eighth grade social studies i club rcct-ive instruction sn the op-( 736 avenue > L classes have completed a unit ortjOration of the_a .wfip*\'tsual.equip- j ;COUJ?!> vi ?«*• exploration-, the first in a series j ment of the school syMem; inciud-j fof Ue'.attlivi t -LiS i: iuccr*d- covering the period of explora-1 ing motion p;c:ur«.\. film ^t^p,! C»OI* 4.iai]fll<|ttti A- hr? lY'/t-n^dvr Kd-jfarri M. Tii'ff cf: lotiowT: .V:cc'-pr«!der!. " Monitors have been named for Item nhd record'placers.-'.' J'thr -IK-J>! ftepubhcaiv cuniinl.i!e>— ^nv)H»i ;ux»-p'»'«.1. ;V certitic.U-e U~>t Symiin*; scvrftiiiry",' *SJiM Smith; the- eighth grade class of Mrs. j After trn'ming and- a test, quali- ! Willurn K'.inws and'John C Mai- t,v> of Fret-holi'iVrx.'-ano1 ; trettiurt-r,. Joh'rt . Ciilahan. Dorothy .Tj>arse. as follows: . jfiei-fted -membermember* use thethe- projectorprojectors's ,I k'o forfor"" Township Commjrtev and -.-others honored :n<-ludr' GYun.j times tor programs [of town 6r-j.»s. .oo'.lecu>r-trea*uttT''-- wi be- «,-or!!h.-und Miss F!t> ..' •blackboards; Martha Barttett, a't«iganizations. Vincent 'Dc Criiloforo! hf 14 Sundnv -,\\ \\w ht \\tr. tendnce; Jan Htdi fle K ' ... . . ••(.•.•_.• ... N tendance; Joan Htdi, flowers; Kar- Ls president- of the club.' taivd Mrs. Klimas. &8 North An 'that ,rw.i\ ,oi . rtore A"'.li»nj,i; Jjt-n .or League player. en. Gill, library; Cathy Esch.le, •A membership.of 18 is reportt-d j betwi-cn ' $1,500 i»j;"rank VuraV, and LnCe book shelves; Louis Klecmnn.Jby the Ntx-dlecraft Club,., repro-j 'ir.onth'.hus bten approved by the ; brogue player Agfnf. A'rihur cloakroom; l4>-nn Liiwson and Di- ' ' fContt>ttu?d an Paoc 31- I ient -of lnsijiutji>n> ;'kow>iii. » ""•'.'•.'• lor ~I>pvr,«t.n>n <»{ a V Mr. Kav'cnck rejx>ttcl'ay" »ntt 'Saturday. " In • addition ; commis..xl by Adult Dancing olors Mrs. Bernard L. White of Cran- : ford. 130 WEST WESTFIELD AVENUE Classes Of fered KENILWORTH — .Ktnllworth; ROSKl.t.P PARIf ; have'been invited fo take ' Columbus Ball i pjr.t in the adult dance clauses to CH i Mart 'Wednesday at T:30 p.m. in Plans Completed i Harding School gymnasium.', ! . GARWOOD — Finul plans' for ) The Icasoiu will be given, for; waltz: the second aniuial Columbus Ball eight weeks by. prof*«ionn| in-i Offers the 1964 of the Gnrwood Women's, Repub-| structprs, A wrestling and basket-! or ;lican Club were made at a »n*«cspec- ball program for boys started lust through j ial meeting last week at tl,ie home Wednesday at the school. Wrvst- : of the chairman, Mrs. Jules J. Lu-. ling' is held at 7:30T'p-.m. and was' * ..s>mli »f Myrttf The affair IM to beheld'on Octo- sturi.s ui o:ou p.m. on ber' ;2 ut Bay Leaf Memorial The programis have be«n ar- Factory Equipped Dai't Two-Door Sedan Home. • " ' . " by the RccrmiUon Com A king arid queen will be se-mittec. lected from iirnong those ; attend- DART • DODGE • ing and will be croWncd at mid-.SAL Group Formed . ms were . r«que»tWl by By KenUworth Legion Mrs. William Klimas, decorations k ^ Officers have- chairman, to assist with' decorat- been elected by the newly, formed ing of the hull at 10 a.m. on Oc-Sons of the American Lcfitdn post, tober 12. - sppnsorcd by Kcnilworth Post 470, Yoii'll wdk fightlv and sprightly through washday when 50 YEARS OF DEPENDABILITY 1 •\ • Tickets tylll be available at theAmerican Legtonrv ' you own an ElecwJr-Ctethes Dryer. No more lugging of door, Mrs. John Lombardo, ticket • They arc: Commander, Robert -phuirman. reported. • '...-• Cplwell; first Vicc-commandcr^ heavy baajbts of wet washer stooping d hi t

mandcr, Jack Golden; adjutant Flrwt Annual Ddncc John Wills; finance, Robert- P«i- easily and wrinkle-free, ready for once again, Savea and ^ GARWOOD Firat '. annual fic; chnplaln." Daniel llilbrartdt; and dahecor«t. M«4.: John M. historian, naymond Gogoir; ser- YOUR PODGE BQV;$ Walsh Council .5437, K of C, wlUgehnt-at-orms, Itlchard lijkowskt •h Ettctrk Clothes Dryer it yopr fayorH bb hjj ip TTfftflf :.JcihnWllliuJt.'.Wllli}tin charge Home ]p. of _ of th« yf Ugoach day. may be made ^i% Arthur CWpp. at •worttt-liibrary, on» of Httit«tfon by" \\* .L-x-i*-??'? ed Jiwlud* C«rmwj, touif itiawko|;.th«f

a :t^*SS>,*>

•. ,'tK.' • 1 r'>r"':''.;' -'A• it!! '.!.-'

>.'.•*.; for ffor' ' thhe socceilbr teat m anjWfavc been (to* :^Hii^jt||;^^^«T^nrtt'ri(«Wi!» wa« played In Mountainside, with IttUJrtlfuweCounke Mrocr or, «mMt* niriiM.tb*r«ta ahaU be ; L ~ »t; no«,tc« Uwr*ol • In th# mann*r wo- %'-.,-• . .'•'•«: •' 1-b victory.'for Oar*rood'.:'. • , • . KEN1LWORTH—Mlns Jpdith L. »W*r. dm # ' '*• ,''"'•'..^V t1' ''''V. •'.•*'.. '.••''.. '. . . ' ' '••' - ' ' of tn«t«d »£ tH« diiti( •S: KAliy of «52 NeSvark avenue, ii _ 'to 'b*tin »ild w 3 y*ar« and the aivf«ifm««u'iiiaii,,l>e paid omong-88 student nur«es from the , DUtrlet N*. J . ; 1 f .All jh»t (Slc_..'...... „ ' GARWdOl^World Wide Cora- HQttCt Of TVHUC UAtX fti • $xicb .pft^loiit. or. tltmy ' aK lJ»i;.'''li4](JiC(UvVi by tft* SouthtKly U»», Schools of Nursing' of 'Council »h*U, b* JtrMlutlbn.. d»t«rmlt>ii \, on lh« *»«t by munloD and Cash Rally Day Will un Dayton Regional High ntUKD HROt>OaAlJk will b« r«foly*d 'at tli» tiw« wtHn ihr im*«»hifi)i •hail- be l and Perth by th* BMrd «( Muutiau of Th« Union on Uii» K«rth by • »•» *•« bpth >fe observed *t Sfc- Paul's Springfield.'.Which Ken- CUl R*flon«l Hlah School DUtMct No ebnflrtntd or nadk uncj tucli p*nod «( p»*»!le! *lth *nd 4»M«kit •».» ttet Conduct pitals enrolled in Union Junior M>, OtWtat Xt'^IMJI, .«'« t:00 iluUI Mil ««**! 3 tutu. 8out»wrl» from-tb* »«4lU*k»ly **^f Up* tltf Chdirch of ChriW this i worth students attend, and Ar^; «t in* CJovernot Uvinuton Tliit Ort nursel began classct Jkttio'fi J' At t th« of the wood «tudent4, have bMn Invited tricl. '' • ': • •••••' . •' U on September 3S and they will publle Kotle* U lU^.by O!T»H .tfatt (h* ,.I.»I t}i» &*«« dcurlbed In mm topic of the pastor, the Rev. TW into participate in the Rutgen Unl- 'K6NIL\yORTH — World Wide r«fAin« ordhwncf «^ tJ'irWd t 1 •veninf in « continue their studies ai the Cran- ( •hall b*- » JBu»ln«u-''A * diall Cpmmuniort Sunday will be o^>- *X>rtl*\ ttUtting ttl 't'h»'. OoVdriiliU Uudy ot b t*J lo §'•;•••«•'••••• Stephen Siabo, it both serVttea *he Bowling Veritty-Unlon Junior <>>ltog« Sci- served Sunday at jfcoitimunlty fordcollege^ through Mty (hall \Mt a A" 4t*trirt. . will be "A Message In'the Sacra-, League, tft^ClarwOod Recreation ence Seminar, which wlH b» coa- ol •6c«Mi«r:-'"'IStl . ft VaV «l»»n r*ahd Ji ani ; furtiw e-wjaldarjd^ for nn»l paw*** by i provlUon* ol ihu Ordln^nt*. *r# r«awai*4 sen-lw* 'and.':it'ah 8 p.m^sd! ogy. genera) chemistry, general Fellawahlp*TB meet at * pjt, to.ti* for ftrtt pli»cta« witih h hscience, acmlnar, aimed at M»U. Boute. i •'"'!&, «bdolbgy,vand micro* rlrht - S»cortd-yeafc cortflrmatirij n Ray's Barbershop, winner of; the dents Intellectually^ will be .con- Tht m•s'TfltTpf, p.m. -today. wtil be ers took two; from the Cranwood, duct*3 under a $l,ffo gVani Ifom" public Katie* 1* Htrtby Ol*»ii Uut th# has Vbecn added to acc«mm«idate Trinity High School, WertneJd. ix 7 o'clock choir at 8scries with games of 162-184-153. es of eight an Ui* o'clock fhornjlnie eral HospiUL By Order

of' Sunday School touchers Is schedulad tor ?£o' p.nt HOT a S3^e1rJ«ii; *^' .11. ml ^ I *• ' — — •-• . . . . . •Ill .. — I ' . . * . . ' • OF KEMLWORTU m t»iintks« h*v* been Invited to ;^.^<^^^gj4-.J^|»-4a)>^Mt*^HaHttH«*^-ftBtW!«J--«»-aitete.- not Kutser*. !76-t66; Lydta Ing ior Uie oi- JKJO class wiir meet with th* R«v. Mr: the participant*. an- oDDoriumty to b« h«*rd rajat, ill; ia©ahori a Tritaskik, and Sen'kv will be reived at a Kenilworth, were among j ttriitn*: iufh"pf(JIninc#. ' ' Miirte; Hartung. as nwmlH'rii; .of aT*uiMj »•»••!. By Ord'f '•{ the . There will b* ameeting of i6 Junior College sponsored a dmilar tttttO al tEW Council McOEVNA. WomtoV Guild at 8; Angle Simo- sck-nce seminar during; the Chancel choir Will offer th*; in* Union K«-miuorih.. C!*rk. 4 anthom "Comf. Thdu Hnly Spirijt"f Cominittw.held their flmt business atOI All Ha right, till*.and fti-ptetr.h*r : day.; .. '• •' \ .-••'•.'••'••' •••. • • • academic year. Ad» F« 144II .-I ihal) th» Democratic Auxiliary • Xetmtt and cotuM- Holds Card Party, Social ttb — Ifrlcrtilrtment * • ' included songs and gurltar selec* «•»"* Shot slty'and tTnlon Junior*.' h. Truf balttuw of Oi* tturttUMr prie*."ta- WOWTHRO T0E8..OCT. tin tiqns. by Miss "Felice 2eilta -as the -Oitl •« •. -Serving' L ih^r«mm!«L av^X 'JBW»*f ^^»«: Nursery care will /ormed wn!^ jo arrange iw.{fJK,, Catth. »h*U be paid within «l»ty day* , rJ^t v 3t»«f^; J{:;'b*'P«bvWed ai both tnornhiji swv.fpartfci^tibhiniiew.Jewt'.Vs 3OOth ^"'•'<« ^•«*•«* u, a*«t»t-; .ttiar lh« aafar, and th* purrhauor Ihall Gorwood ' »•••.•' .|>«y 4 proponumau «evar* ol t&* tax** IP rrwn tb«" datr. of iw!* 'tor. th* W ' • Club held a card par-jv" F w. i SH j president «f th* e>trr«t>t y«ur uid. for amy ty and social evening at the Cran- .•--{•.otC^Wge' . - M<|uitJtt year. biMd on Ih*. ! ValaaUan^-aAd MinUnf tax rat**. ikwod Friday night. lAlbojt.E. e. If ptirchawr. f«Eu. . r»«l<^u. or MttL Jules ;Foi, chairman for the i. bxU* I* pay Ut* kutim due. r*- ! wllb chw#M atul Xjtxt-t, within tht affair, was assisted by Mr*. Leon- nti.gers and Dr, KMin«th• W. IV'-..;^^, at nu- churrhr-at » a,m, .for 8 p tn. on Nowmber 31. i "B*rk«tr ' » Urt«bu ?.••* Jtrurj . >. 1 •*«? ««ty ilnyi. th#\3At»o»lt ttva«( thall ard Di Stefano,.Mrs. Thomas F. ItHJEM It SMlTn.-&rgTtWt.-,. *• r*taW*d. by U* lwtj>u«t ot K^nU» |^(N» fx;on( j }%f) ^ ';'• irortK •ttaUjuMJt»' (acWriftinit Bod*, by CARETAKERS

its. John pgonosxy, munion Sunc --'f'••-is— T-hp-ruttodlctlott-al -study "«wiri :;Miss-^Florence Castald^, Mrsr. An-.i this Suivdny irr&e Gs'rw.ood L 1 • j'ttf'th^f W«tiutn's SiicH'ty «? Chrl trw tal*. ami .bwiurv *cc*i('j>r.c* 'of Uw thttaty-'7<^ft<»^Hl---a!^- lMl», :• ;3Mich-.| byterian Church, at thv. 11, a,mJ bMi• p«yTdwrAu *«*>s~(ir'eia't"i ^ olas-'LoBue. :'-•'.-•'.'.••-..7'.'"''"'•'' - J worship" service. Thf Hcvy -jjajho | ^

Master ©f en for«*dita(kH> loptc. whll ttJ-tt. ^wn »*»i» li isfied With thfc .Simul«\': ba^odoTt'V&tn Violations nit fc o, ubj«rt lo rr- pi nrofii': it a«y. ar.d n ' - lew* along with the audience. The show] ^ ^ aii!d without aiijf r ' _^^^_ Iten will last two. hours. ' **"" t- "f** >m»T . Stores and blill u v jn p ao- Jan* TONDA Peter. HMCH front the UVk, Cafia BC- • o» th» oflletnl ltor'-xjtfti A. r«. i a r*PT if vih:>-h U r.r. fi]« tr. UJ tacting li Mni. B E. Knininri. el th* R«t«'.« uf Union -C-unt- "IN THE GOOL OF Myrtle it.. Janu-a -Srniil. c«,4v- Ki.oric IOT« _AJ.E riuce THE DAY'' Casale and Mm tkn Hryn- '• Tickets also will be available rittudlr Mr, and Mrs.' to the door the night ot the show Ar J .r,« Mr, an•>•' autfwrilir-.' hi- a RN TO BE LOVED" mais and a trip to the Trailslde!tasking Ria«t» • Prv'ib.v-tprian?aniwi by tUt--asiulis, s.^n! thv*'avoui*biwlhv*'avoui*biw. ami ?*IJ{'Uun4ij{ Uu>«* lU'tirvjt/b!U't»r»5t^bv bui»tt<:«wbui»ts<:«w( andand'-o.r«%ni:i;' • or^nisaiions- .to. Museum in the Watchuiig Rcscr- \ church from 10 a.m. to 3'vnd'touring Wa»)5ln'ir!«tn,. ,. I>.;'atv'j.hv measure 'ot our failure to-wwr «IJ'c-r tnoat of tuition-cost.*.' -5.v—or !wi T?atlon;'-.-7 . -.-— ..•'':... :r. • :... .jCL Ttic .lr:p.vcas. ti i i i»TH» :or will have as his. • from KliihU^th, ; "How to Study" is the topic of I il hae hi| i them " • tut i» a program for the guidance"class*;topic for Jtr«iK©. • mid-ween.^-v.-.^i.i»u-«TCfkvr T«;KIBibleui^i-» )). -• T>nTh>e lr»i«Jii. s[p«-iniorv.«-.- ..-;:1.**:. Air.;-* B TV.»! tar.t mac rr!-rr cs of the sixtft. 80%-enlh. and eighth < study and -prayor hour at 8. p.rn. V Woman's Club, is led high .scholastic Jtand-" . Mali. K»f.i«»«k.. .M. I .,«*•- grades .under direction of Joseph! W«lnes!-rs. Joseph irvwrinc * and. iipport •A -demohstra- r«tn:U!W cises, following which the boys ih the. church hall .today, and .to-; Doris and Patricia Brumer. Pa- the annual "Trick .or Treat, for zl the'. l lit* , FBI. • THUHS. have • b*?en •learning- the skills of morrow. aj:d;Kar- ok* will b« '•%LJ£ZPgand £!?; A^f ** morrow ^rs;'Jol'Jolm Carlt>- ii'trida IX-MarzoIX-Marzo, ^ndta aj:d;Kar uNicfic e »»»»tcti' .of J«rry LEWIS as soccer* and football and the girls. chairman tor thep roject; Hours>n Gill,. Lynn Cro»«man. Ijrirta on Hal)oMr«cn. t)ctober 3i. iW^nosday at 1 30 p.nv tn the,OTa have been concentrating on field will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today KrankofT, Betsy . Uyan. . L,uci'!t* , JaH. » •>'. PROFESSOR" Twenty»eight bo>"s turned out'row; . [,. Chaperonei^ iru addition tq the j mtmitie's took part in "Trick or p\ih1r> Lit>r.>r>.>r>- will—explain the ''' it* t*-aii on miiiJij*. »dartii«d LIBERTY T131 RIZAUTH AVI I ^"Tr*>t for tTNICEr- and oi methods *he ha& dev*|| d in her Sandra DEE over $2 million dollar* to help. dailv- Work, • • i uim-e^jaiion-' »aw«m «na HOW THRO OCT • — I'-WEEK' & THE «vo the live* of the world'* d«- j ^ rt.adinff ttnr! ,|brar>.J Everybody saves at City Federal Savings... tituto children. " • . ue* chairman of the PTA Mts. '•»*««' twnutt IM.«OOM ror 'Shock Corridor' «W« .mct-rcly hope to «(»#*: w^ren E. Eck. said that the pro- j*^ with Peter BRECK "Toys InThe-Attic" last year1* total of »3,000 roUrrted ; gram; 1* pl«nhrd for PTA library ?»bki»' Hooper, chairman of the area UN- may atlend By Ordfi of noroutrj Council ICEF steering committee said this 1 week. --..-. \J»rt«T»". U«l, 'Stark Fear Band BOOSHTH to Hold wUH Bavwflf GARLAND 3, Skip HOMEIER PARK Ad» 19-3 Fiepilur-Mec'liiifi; Tonight and Kenaeth TOBEY - • wnrraui ATE. BOBICLLB VABC Rare Firearms KEN1LWORTH- • — The ftrst Dean MARTIN meeting of the Kenilworth Band BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH G«raldine PA GET Display Slated Boosters will be held tonight at YT«tt« MIMIEUX . 8 o'clock in the Harding School -oaniVANCE NO. U-M tn L»iuian KEmLWORTH-r-A, collection of cafeteria7. " ••'••. AN OROINAKCt'TO PROVIO'K FOR TlHt rare firearms dating from the Rcv- Parents interested in the' school CON'STKUCTION OH CONCRBTK 91PE- "TOYS IN THE olutionary War through World WALKS AUlS'O T1IE RASTOTU.V 8IDK OK to attend. He- UICHIOAN AVKNUI nmvECN THE A LAff RlOYl be served. BOULXVAIin ASpjCOLFAX. AVOnntTCXXI Frank SINATRA UAK1NO TIIK NtCEHaAKY WI'ROPBIA- AHIC" Mew-Jersey Arnw Collectors* Club Arrangements- for children to at its annual two-day show on Sat | -rioN TUKRKK)H : play a band Instrument should be BE IT ORDAINED b> vhr ' 6ovcrr.ini "COME BLOW JamM DARREN Cindy CAROL urday and Sunday; October 12 and made by tomorrow. Miss Lorraine aodr ot tbr Uoroufh of Ktmlworth RECTIOM 1 Concrtu MilOalat shall tt "Gidget Goes To Rome" eonitructtd a!oni iht Baimly tide ol Many.of the Items from eollec'. mumii' AWiruy'duBi mimwaul !u fti!la« LH J. COBB Molly PICON SAT. KIDDIE MAT., OCT. 5th tors and dealers^ stocks will be of- *t*nu* Bald ild'twtlk.1. thall be t ff«l to width by 4 tnch»» In dtplh. • e»f«p( .Jill SL JOHN "Swordsman Of Siena" fered for tale at the show which Nortec TO emnrroaui «htr« Mid udtwalki thall CTOM <(rl*tw«y« UTATT I or roarrxR T BUBUITH.. UWI th« tarn* thai) b* • inchM In dMtUi. . — rim — . tibktIUaled K* will be held at Veterans' Center, PPunuan l lo UM Wdtdr oKtU KUOatN* J. 8ICTION 3' Tht ronitructlon of Mid Outstanding Short Subjects South 21st street. In addition to KtMK. 8urr-,:-> :^"'\ •:V----. . ora* Club meets monthly at thefrom th» daU of «aid oM»f. or they irtH vdopttd d and d«tl«natedld d at the capital Itw I- b* (srtttr bamd fxoea oreaKuUns or **•Brov*D)*nt fund.. - • •' ke Iatef'Amerieaa S»vin|» and Loan Conference ut Lli«s,IP*ri>, City •Veterans' Center to study, barter, eo*tr(r}( th» tam» a la Ira t Uw htl SICTIOW 4: The 0041 of tradlns, mov- ajad display collectors' pieces. uarloa r tni of tr«4a. ihmbbery anjj-f»nce.i and PLainfield 6-5477 FedersI Savlagt Ptr*4l4eni>EvimuC. StMlrboaWM, lafHbfoaihl wlik hQta d|»faparl(Mie« luevtns other incidental work tn preoaThu the Dealer* and collector* from .the Aliornni: •remlia) far th» actual inilallalion of' Ibe «f M ywrt in tUi field. The e«afc?ene«, faaatared by Uu Agency far East will attend and display their udMtalki thall b* paid for by the' BflTotlfh -STOW: W Um Bt of KenUworlh and the ramalnlnf eoat stock at the ahoyr; which wUl open WtcUttltT. N. J. r«« actual coat of the laylni >4Yi 1 SHOWS ltM-liOS — 3 SHOWS SAT. * SUN, JPwelopmetu, wt> iHlgwitf ae«|Balai Soul* Avaekluai wild ike O to 0 p.Pt on .Saty Adv. T** m It .W-11. ei th» tld»walk».thall.o>.pald (or ay here. a.m. t o 8 p.m. on undayy; a«CTtOH 5i The Boreuih.Kn«lnMr thart : k«tp an keourate account of th» «a«t 'of Uw and is op«n to the" general publicbli . tlut AMM0N0 UdNt. Wl actual. tldewalk Inttallatlotv. Mparata and aj>pll«d to th* U«yeU t and CoonUl ol (hi i•part from. Uw eott of Uw gradlnjv mov* Z THE of oaMHWd,- H. JJ. M. Mr • t*tiut«r las «t tr«Mv ihrubb»nr and f«ne« and iff MMaU CWaUM» outtr Itteldtntt) work, and «hal) aatau 19* oll tuch totuatl l tldawalldlkk inilaUaUoilUU a coat GREAT «Uta |a trout ot Wfieb

1 v i : : ; ; ;! r .^^,^^^-^N^..;^ ,,,,;:,.;..,, ;•,..;U:;^.'T'^ '';^• r.; .'-;'';-.''^>^' ':T"' '-IV••:•'.:• '•' : A^''•'••'-;.";'''•••'--.•• •''.".f --.;;i'^K / \ S SLU weerd. »t|eb?«MHiMMU~>itt t k rf jt Wttlfth OtW aWatfiiMttU'W ,tW- ^^r^f!^V' ^"^K''Y^ (" ''^g p^^^^^^^^g^fj^^^^Fgg^^^p^^^Jl

bera w«i held prior to the Th» candidate also h»« p at p. ^ teachers throughout lbe entire a works at tb* Venezte Restaurant classic, ''Mysterious Island," will "Jcompistnt of TidMs Town* that' she. would'appoint fl|j} Brooklyn Colleg^, New V^rlc Uni- 6 Visiting fl»meB were entertained be featured in a motion' picture J waste in an ba • n6n-p>Vilsan «a.sU;^r d versity "and Montclair State Col- school.system. \^^ ^ at; the locil fli*hott»e du^nif $b* program In the auditorium of St. ..._.p~. --,-.— «« 11th street think that the administretion of lege, and now 'acting • consultant Dr.; Busc}M«ed various labota* eVening. %•»•.;":.;.'..•.•.'.•,,;•• \ .••"•? \-; .Theresa> School at 3 fi.m.Sun -.._j made by William C. Smith of estate* should be done <*,.« par- ^everol public and private tory .experiments, J , MobH<$- equipment day. f her* ;>a!teoWill be, a car-16 North 11 th «iJi?et at a mw'tlng or Mis.4 Maiy'G Kahane, p isan basis. Al time*, It dbd not l systems, conducted the ses- •charts and liieraturjfr-to >- missionary to toon and. serial, nftTeaHh lant Thursday »didt for Unbn County ttt adtnlndl - sion. Basic ioolat tht> workshop her discuRsion of the Guldejand (o The ^p?$i tttd tu gehtfita,wffl bd thegU«st spejikyl evening; . . . War^nmowa istratlort possible." She vt\\\ Sunday at KenllworBi Gospel trucE, two ambulancembulancess anand an en- the first and third Sundays of each Mr. Smith, Republican, candidate during an-nil-day program ht»h». "Smoking/and Lung paricci', 1983 heavy ^igarcite sn)L0k1ng. and can- ucE, tw° a month under, sponsorship o^ St.- that she would natne a .certificate cci; of the lunfck- •••'•. • Chapel at the family Bible Btotft gine app Iwatifaawn wagon of the for mayor," said th* dumping ln>ob* ". The day began with Miss Kati-r clerk and a receptionist from the .^Teaching , Reference Guide," ThereBa's CYC and High School which hiw been dO'C'c'lbp'wi undet". •' Atttndiiiirn'cim Crautford public . service...$t l\ a-m/and the 1:30Fire, Reserves. Jcctiy>ii«ble-to"' homeowners in theane; me*Ung commuters at the : .work. forc*i . •Sodality;,-. • ' -^ :. a..vr .-. • :- djti>idntl«ir«rea ; the guidattee and financial assist- •Wl.K'iam H. Mar- jiR railroad and bu*.stations.- Later a Would cut needleis delays Ruth Morgan." Frank{-. co-chairmen assisted coffee" wait he)d at the', home of for persoqs waiting to get cerjflfl- ance .of- the three parUeip'ating has been In. South Wftliam Furze. '-'Mr., Cardella. .burghi wh?" attended the meeting, groups* *».* Lincoln School/ Garwood; ' 450 Expected to Attend i Mrs. E/ J. CaU-in of lOp Eastman .cittfs. aha would help improve Jo.ii?ph Trblttno; Harding School, 1928, both its John ••VaslIe^^nfiWna* McHale» said the flrtn'pad b

attendant* during the, wa^gjwn by the^Cranford and of the' Itallan-Amcrlcdn W.eHar* fill wuT to b^ placwl on top."/ , . Association on Saturday ot 6 p.nt. .! The complaint, was referred to Kanane yi'&itcd'. ioea! industries BoseUe Park JPtiHoe "Departments. where she spoke with employes. < June Conneiv JNI*r.eia_ ... at Vetcrilans* Center;. ' * iitiayi i Oil Lungii ti^C6nnervli^^ I •ttt''i aiidU'.'Uve- F6ur^D«iminoei: ]Rftbert:"«appv sanitary :Tlfirri.v-thre6 •science and" healt By,--1-... Edward-'.' aurtellb^,:ehahmanr 6'r:'a" jtijait HckeJL.|e:turns ^ Mertxi Karen: "Ttugg, •Dentils tdio Direct W tfih^ht«tir^r^m^tn1rt^ "StaUvH«ard...... township's tit smoking and lung>" Gaughnn,.Bruce• Harm?, Collfecn guest speaker at the third annual qARWdbpD^ jc of /throughout New J<*ri5*-y by Haug;. William Haug,: William i communion supper ••<"t St. Ther-Albert M. Bado, SS, o{ 18 Second Twti new!mitWewpman from thp Seven th* State JDi«i)art,ments of ^Educa- '' Jtarlick, Joseph Kaspareck, "Nan esa's Rosary Society on Mpndayjn tion Kind Health and the N«ew J>r- , KaspjalirecK.Stephen Keen*, tiav" tnonths, efftjetiyeas of Augusjt S :Mrs,' M»y. piv.Ulan ot th^-.'.Ameriij*" the- school cafeteria. s nior ittit clerk; « ^ id-KcHy. John JeUy, Maty Kelly, COHUKJ aj.« .k«illworth'vS»^ ^. « 'C-iactT Society.. M^tinK room an Father Pinda* is director of the undipr the Point System, accdirrii! 1 Paul MacmiUan, Sandra Mathews. campus station, WSOU. " He was to n r«port this week.'byMot6r V UnUni«t 4:6470. AMH-rlean-O-gion Auxtl-I^ ^^* •«?!&*.:.tft; •**#• unionfact) ities, were j Jane Merit, E4^4Miln; Jeffrey hfcle Director. Ned J. Parswe-kian.- lary tin^'iiMd4y:*vrh»nf*»'Com.»County CtwH.HouBe, , ihe t<»urt«y; of AMhoiiy\Jti:rj» ordained in .1954 and t* a _ ,munli.v.Meth«KlKt Chiirch. j bupn'g...hcir yliit, Miss Ifcanarie Miltt, keith, Riordan. Karen Sem- .director ot Ui-jt.«r3^ve. train ... fyition C6mnwder ^ormanldjjs^us;;«xl h' inc«dene«>>if lung c«n«>ep and University and is now working on iwi includw an 'ihveivtiKalioh into A new. song and story time ser- and for the Christmas cooiie .qtleqte . wi iu K licUoh (u>" ciga* leg foe children will begin at 7: SO his doctorate. The Rev. Salvatore Mrs'. j|>;»nlc|f. -Hilufand*; Mra-ftl- the pi;>ssibility of irislitutint « «»'* P. Citarella, assistant pastor, and jrttUe , '. "._ tomorrow, under the direction ward . Rijvko itwi^Ur*. William j hours. Miw'ltatuuie said" that thl has pr«Mtip'.*.'d the thir*e jy iAn<. 1 spiritual director ot the society,

» j t... j* to county , fiitHt AHt'rtrk!ti(t, supper chairman, and, her com* • fttliV We M! mitic* will prepanfTtKe-;prepanfTtKe ..sppe 1 AUTO GLASS \WWh BrBreake s Clqng^ TTT'.'Tv^" •:..!•:... •.?•-.':•:. which will be sorv»"d by tht: Holy M.l.tD in Tiiree x outns Name S will be' ,K» past presidents. M*i.. C.ll CHwf not CRANFORO GLASS SHOP Thomas'itoylah aiid Mrs.: Richard DRYERS • WASHERS #x DISHWASHERS avenues, are being held in county for wedding BR 64765 jail ponding a hearing in Munici-; art iick«rt co-chainncn. HU 2-9674 1 SOUTK KVT-. W. pal Court on October 14. New members will b*» invesu?d, *»*,. 29AW*nSt. —. BR £2224 — Cranford, N. J. Police said; they broke into two and fidelity awards will he pre> scnted to "7 wonien for ortend- . coin machines at the laundromat. ',y<\. Patrolmen Joseph. Venire and an«; records. :.-. Brent David noticed the machines put of place while making a rou- WSCS to tine check and arrested the youths 4», * j as'they were leaving the build- . **6 **«*" IS ail ,.m {.• t : ','• . ..flT;,jiv ..;-••• i^.-.tji-vwijiw' -r'iaii^.••.*•• •*«.'.-xr:«rtft/>',.'.'«:.«'Ti ittg. • ' . KENlLWOliTH — A film. "No *.^ .^_^,, ,.-.^,..^;' ••' ','ttY -^-~ -.;...-: ,p- ^^-j-.••;.•••:•• «»,. .- - - :--;.;—r ^•~r--^'»-— - •-'. • 'The youth's -are Robert"'$, Ward. Man is an Island." will ike shown I- ./' ;r T t r T ? r 20, of Elizabeth; James Hanson, - at a. meeting of the Wonaan's So- i""- •'.•••5i: i-^"'^-- "''"^ •••T'-*-"^"-^'-^"^-'--* -* -•* •••"* •-' I'-?-14". *+•••:*•-LI-' 20, filoselle, and John R, Prus- ! ciety >oof CChristiah n Servic^ e at 8p p.-m ky, ,21, of Union. , Tuesday at Community''Methodist The trio also has admitted two Church. Mn. Willism Gutckiinst paW^iiSSfti burglaries in Elizabeth after ques- J i s program h tioning. by Elizabeth-. detectives, j Dc\H>tto"iis will be conducted _in ••o-,W Tfhey admitjted entering Grand the sanctuary by Mary Circkvyn- '#1 JLaundercenter • In Elizabeth and]dor the direcUon pi Mrs. Jamt^s •J* '.$^ •*-/ ' looting,: 4. cigarette vending ma- j'Eilis. Mrs. Alrx'aPrzyby)e'k is ciizlvr !1 chine of 35 cents,and 87 packs 61 \ leader, Refreshments * will" bjo ' cigarettes-Tliey used a key prev- j served-by^^Kawni clwl* \*- ^•^^-^•S^*^^^r™±;-''::^-=:«-^^ - ••_ '•' ia WeeqitahiCwPark, Newark, widikjla 40 of ?l0 Monroc awnue ona j«coucrcd.±KJN^waritJ^Ucc»JEyc-i^j ^ lt.ayiyiy ii- *^IIM i — rnl"_rn- ';'," .|... -.•.... ,,'., • nt i> n 9OT •':...'. • ,v. . •-•, A ::•,:<- .. V - f *^L'^ J U ' i ' i ''' " ** '' 1J| Tlistratei^tamBniderr^ Ro- ; youths, Elizabeth police said.. kita. pleaded guilty, on Monday Si^ifeW • ••••:••' •••."••"••r-.-- :• . --''- •• ni»;ht in" Municipal Court. ^' •/:• ••'•.'•'.•'':'.•••': '•'.•'.••:'.• "•:,*•::.•••••••••,.••-^ (Continued from Pay* D and charged at that" time' with •t»«»|.U\W*i. Manufacturers Association, VFW threatening .Detective Sgt. Joseph and American'Legion DiMaiio .with a knife. The chargge t. . .5. ,..', „•-.•...:- vi.^- ,^.:__...._,..,^V-..,0 Refreshments. wcye' served iit-t wa,»••s- .~>.^-~.reduced d. to~" th...e» lesse.»—^l r. _....«offensff e. I •* • • .' • Black iBrobk Park~fbllo\llring the! of disorderly "conduct, and an as- parade, and a band competition was; sault aid battery change was with- *'.•'•"'•'• '. ,'• • Kwi».'»»«vritVt..''.Nt.A». .-j_lt.*f«-t-* ' ••• held prior to the "fireworks which I drawn by his wife, Josephine. • I--:*1 • ._ ' ___j i . ... .—:.._•- -•:. .. VI-I . . • .. JET CAR WASH. INC. '^r SflEAML



Jtp»eUit SkucmUhta m Ra**H» or cio«iv Oat* Will Bs Pie**dVp 550 SOUTH AYE • BRU«» 2-6166 . CRAWFORD

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448:-_-_,.--,. , .- - „ _ B Classifiei«l«^:©it««&d Rdtes . .^ ^VKrt^bTWl^: 7 EVELYN WADE : Vnr ijAlt DPVelODS war* «^iilabl« «*. tr* by lynn PranMb^**?"Fm«Mb«rg*r?J. ^?1»..-W**» w- - .; > all rc*l«l£nts oif. ;Uniorj County.' Ctil Peters,tynx» 435;Bm ke, M!nks,s432, and Ir6nt Stacblw, — Vctota a word. BOARD OF REALTORS Minks; 426. •-: -.•••':•••; ^ --^ .' (AScnii dung* Is mad* •UetRICAL CONTRACrWO -;•»_ Mmum and • High games wcr*, bowled by- virtue. MbbUit, Awir«M9W»>St Realtors - Insurers fiiolesSwee > 4 l* toll! MidUple listing Service each won Doris Bcrgtfrt, Pcrsjfliw, I7fl; Ma-

(ttriic t*L '• ;:•'''".-.• . .., •• -••/:'. •• v " •'"'••''• ••'•''"''' ^ a flrnl. pla^c ^ (Con—cutty w>»k» Mm, op rie Ncwliard. persisitsu i75, and —— m *odcrii Barbw ShjHJ this took thy only sweep' (;»-rrv Berard, leopards, ADS 8ET BY LINES — IS eihte a KM. Adi art ta "* timodaUn* and lie*. " MUdM lust Wednesday in blrflll.Wiibp^ l< > LwdieS BoWUngi" League. Carol; CARPKNTER Knd CSOfrrVACTCUtv'"*a ofT! ri'und s (.West of t^e Bluebirds bowled a j UnM (la pi. '*fp» oahr) *£mq»& m ' kthdt of »lUr»U<5n», port^iM. •(«, liUIV ac. ;hltfh;*evie»^)f61i-6ni •7"'" .*••• JnMftM ;on.{?ame«.of j13 gflR..: arid Marion.'CymbaJt-k'^'v.-.;•.••,:-•••:.--:^~••?r*- :• ,. ^" ' V ' '• WIO BKOttRT. Ml liueola DrlA, Kaa« . , 213. ftn^n;••-: "•'•" : : Uwotlh. v BRlda* t-«W«, •' , t* •.--"• . and Clalr* Garrity rolled 210 and; ,uc<.0,jr;, ..;, \...Z ''"-'- ' "5' \ CASH. Ch<*dcr pf Stamfw qcc«npanT Bridge MHO- ..Other high scorer b I ; 1 ? : 11 /: ALOUSHVU , pottii fueWurw 'u»ln« ^^.•^tl^jSOO games restively,,-,, ,.v . ' i f » i .!J" ' : ' • '"' 'Till! i •: ' by: Frank Crantey,. B*rrii**«, 206; ; l Jl :; • }»»ou*t«i.,. *wttW« . Up« ttttulAW*.. »o»n- T7~^>< $erni*'«. 206; OtOtherj^r<* jwh^hoo bowlebowled highigh scriescriess :• ¥X*<«> : ""•"•• "•'.• ""'•":• . . Uaatkin »totm window* «tni Mr** Hal JosoH. "3*rn .209; FrankL,- , . iu(«», si-i- rinii-»•n *areg-^^r-.r^-.iiiFt—„•— :—^ '. . . NOT RESPONSIBLE JatMm. M JiJ* iS outtblu.Uoo door*. .• UnrrUlK ALVMt* vitsrv:v iiai M.»e Wa.dlo, 511; Clalfc ~a Huu PRODUCTS.•we., its South **•• ,J Rccca, $22,; pati*'jKppei.- Brinkerhoff, 497; Tinriesz. bAR«Wg-l=t-Aa , „..«, Gurski, 4B7; M.nrui Sny- . VO Kt'glll SoUtT ...-.„...... Friemlly! 209 and 20.4; FranifD'- . 482; MUrion Cymbaluk, 479; V The Cranford Hockey Club U-»ll : tUlty. AIM rMUMM, (ortatf. form Ut- Antoiiio. Friendly, 231; Bill Ford, wif». • kyrow »n wiirk; nwittiuMM %ltfa Jenny Newcomb. .473;'B«tty Kut-iiH^m rt-jjulitr practice .sessions at . M,o4i'rni 223-. . . ' . *nd Uyttui O»y. AH The. Following;l ler 40(4; An« Marl. 463; Carol 'Ca-" the Plai'niiejd Iceland October 12, - . " bl prj.upt. Also, Jot*, Tomakivjiue, Modern, C-K O d i; Jean .Ko.«nig. 447; Betty L Coach Robert Crane announced ^ Itorvhf). 'II HUk.^t Avj»- klmnw AndvtwM -'-—•• -• ' ltV4T39;.-today,;.^.v" T'-J'"J-- ••;...-- ,,.". ' '.: ..":-./SZ for-Rent Mi v 2.10; Frrd j^fi^ Marga "HoffmiirTni 423;-^ j-o^ninu ihe ^eurn ^ould^blitacirirz::!,.^ .RH>ur^StuHrtV2QOLJpv Cafncy.y^^. ^iai^jnbei'iicr; 421; Marrt^h I Mr.Xrano av hi;* home.,.420 Hl^r' •',• ^£_ '•;E« TitSt-ff..K35rps..2«l:1^ ;p |^^ ^4o&r;TB«;erIy~""Saiiitjilt>v•"Vidir'tiffvitrrT^ •"• •"•" ''" V./.y'v'^:^ — IUt»»!Hnj. Mfl lta* . r r n> onuMillfr. Karl's. 203; B6b• Bi.she. j405; .401, and- Approximately 40 boys frornthe JRNlsittyn noou. «i«*»mar. « only •abautt: I liurtutd* AT«»O*- MJRNlsittyn noou. i T AM IBttTATK-ftAU! VetftrnnV, 200; John So«, Vct«-r- ' Am> , Third, floor. thar*' bath with qihxi *««• B. S. WILLOUGHBY ' Am>> BjrcBjrcj 400400..>rcl Club pnrticipated in fhc 'XttmtnThd f, l ai)Hh» '«DUW>I 'tlHMlt «• j»nV 201: Rich. .C riockt-y M-ssKins at the Iceland thiji BRidge 6-56Q0 11 Stadium. , ••'T«.j,1 T.-1IJntU standings areas follows: S*3». . ' '-. • '. • • -.•• 217. and A. MiieHer. 224. W past \«.or. 4 L ) location. UuiinUi man <&ol». BKJttt* Uatltt • nh'3 bn «h.*' l»t noun. ) Hhip tMicH ytottr yitehM 4« • ' : M on xht jrl 'Katnte'tnd « * J»rd.. ; Harriets Drop Meet C6l«r Uatchlnt BerytM SHAHEEN ear n>a« »'valt»blt. t'*U. i wosun 1Uir,-r t K»*<» • :.. ! To Irvinjitoti; 22*34 - Realtors K»ri • T»W):i JOHNSEN 12^x 150 ' ; Tin-Crahford High.School cross..1'• tttt t-lIM •' • .a N«ru» *'»• ;•* .ternWi UntYrtt 1 t»'.*dl!jtn A^l4> cciutury Vf|iiatl T«wt a meet'to Irv- ^<^ ut ,t,f) ti;r Huh School jui^ut-* -Brook- Coladli! Uait^ Still t HiU(K>S »j>«ciJi4» oJ«*r horn* U:il BR 6.1900 and BR 1 Apartments for BRidge k R :niftcjrs":;i;..t Friday. 32-34. at W^s^' ; ; MCST «« AKKN.tO Bit Al*MU!^IATKt> .•' ! Ki'il t Aua-;o Lccentinjs AjiulicatioiiM. „...,..-.... . „, LlltUm* Aluminum PtodueU OPKM South AMntM. W». "UUd«* «- Ur«» »>v>m» tn Call '* •nvV Cr»n

ft wHd bird W*d t ! I TRtr

1M1. ill South A**:, «., Crenford. TWIN VLVItit. ill Chttinut 8Hr«*t IFOR'ALLJFATSR BbrtTCNKRS I Or*cioa5 a«aamo» • KuoJaji ahd I 7 "AVON CALLING " ^ BBVCUI. UARBWICJt (U c* i*«t eondlUoa. 110 «»ch. C*U BlUdu*

* ' **• FREE PARKING} at THE . ....?. 500. F-AUL 8C>lKt>rUt v- Oe«» MACHHTHS n*« 'Ud HXAL.TOM rolled the of d Hot d a.s t . K' high s«!;.-,. aijd iwrtce«. DITDK1N PLWO CO. Nortfc AVe. i • BRidge 6-&110 Litio had the sec- .at Railroad Station, W**UJ»ld. AP*m» Pimto Tuning UASON WORK AKO KJCPAiltt 8t**ft, 181 NortH AveM Ev. •i ,<-t\is' of -*tt9- while- tvnd. dmlrt*. No >**> loo vocn or aei'TKKXtAi S was t'r.irri- with 450. Dot PARKNT3 WHO H1OJAQHE -PIANO rVMNO cod taulL WHdif 9-4OU, Att»r • |»J __,.«^^_ tin HLim Dud hud the swond hiKh. game WORLD HOOK EKCVCLOPE1>I>< ', kUi TUtto Co. i(orni*iiy- . CranlortS Cranford .Flo Chernev was third . DALLAS • ACT 3-TttVt Platto Col. Tun*r» and • Aa»»/u 'it Ct«n.» «.. .-. -. : .- , i CO ' North Avenue. W««t h 166 ttABY JtJRNITUBE - Cr;S. cvsiti.tfvv. b*iii-i ADimt 1-S8)J. ; inette. 'ht»H'-chair. !*«:«;« • !«!)!<•. • taciaj.1 ...._•_; .. ' •I Aim$ Referral Eic«Ilrni cor.ft.iiim .Ciil'j "• -.-...... -..-_-— •—- JMKVKlt SAV 11 yal t* fc».« HUNDRED HORSES] Nikfi o\ J Dressmaker. Alteration*] •:• •'-*'"•£•• • ••• • Ali«raiioas • AddiUoM • Lend D«v*lopmiMU ALTERATIONS J '• UAICLtN U!i«SNAN r i .»H;^e« !•«:«, • N«w Homos • G«*i«M ,.._!'!• ALL BRICK HOME CLARINET - fjrr,»-.. .Kot>':rrt- • A««...... CrtBfont!i :.„_.. a^ • PorcbH • l*ttte« IU. BHtdge '^8&(«. - . ':«' '• .-. BR •.,...• I ' "ABOVE UST1NGS I* "• °R«cr«*lioa Ro REALTOR" iEAimf , MASSAGKR (or !»cr mtm 5 »ci»»wri'e». 110 vo!v A C.. BE&mfcTOCALL BR 6-4442 - CH 5-65*6 •*et- Bv»nlne» and Siiyrilayi." i.JlA NToni^d To Buy 1r' *.C "Ootral Attu\ir. Wcs".3r,LS.. ^ c.»»». I>rt;c*«t" : ROBERT c. KRUEGER ,' {n i-3l"i»'. -. ' ' tf ' (MUbUUId 4JH* . . DtTtK-ClTif RJCAL, CSYA.'n 43 MEEKER AVENUE Work Wanted Male. House for Rent 1 1 CUJARANCE SAUE' LAMKS AND aUtVICX CAN HXLJP YOOt OltT ItAVUiiO 'CT'SM a ! .;.--!. ift-I . LAMP SUADKS. MUST VACATB Ol'K ONTB KAMU-Y. 1 SJOCiVI*. O OLB STORE DV OCTO111UI M'.ft alVK- TAXICIit. UA.VY tXTItAJ). AWAV PWCE3•— ENTIRE STOCK MUST Nursing Service • G. RHOWLSND OO WILLIAMS LAMKS. 7fti CENTRA* "" AVENUE. WK8T»'I£XD Al>'2-2!iS t! All Types Of - TSmjJa N CR3K ASSOCtATlONT A.Real.BuyJVL$21J CKANrORO . KEN1LWORTH. OSfe* RKA1.1OH hour*: t}»J«ufh "TrtdMyj Ml30 ITanl«d - Female AM to 4 30 PU; Saturday*, *. AJL 13 Eastman Str- Cranford Musical inttructionM to 1 PU Cm*r|(«ncy .ttunlBf •»*"- DON/U.D P; HILLA ti.1$*mnTT. Uarkor of *plan*. L*t«at M|,,"M«atfWsk... z.4 chU4r»o tool *•*•>«• INSURANCE toeUiod*. CloMleal ajsd pcivulir. t>»- OJI Howtaod. Jr. hosa*. Last Found m» SI r«.'«TTC(«.t. HlUilie J-tVtl umi in y0m m t."»cl!ij» WhllUrr Bd C 4 uwt nt FIRE CASUALTY UFE WattBdd. Call ADams 3-a30«. • *-*$!•- UODKttN JAZZ P1AHO H»m»cnj and Evtljrn |nmro»Uattoo —. Baied. on" claulcal Pointing'- Decorating . , method*. C. J. rcCOTUS. B}U::!»l and l*a!denU»l. Abo«e state Stuile Tcaefafrs' A»ioc:ation. 9-13 >rct*f« tort at Nlow a*«raf* eott. •"• OPEN HOUSE ' p available. "UUd** MUM. If v visit o« :hp .H»rh»r.i)rti. Pteaae. call BRldat Male or Female INSTRUCTION »-«JJO. aftrr 8 P-M.. . *-3* Ur (5. at ihe Fir>t•• Pr«- on fir' SHAHEEN AT YOUR HOME v JV» k» IUAL ESTTATK OR-AT-TH*- 6TOTJIO . . ROK8EL-— lourtor arul Ri.- Church. '.Donwrs have J » 'M'ihi. >. j.'ut tt I: r.ol X ACTIVE. .hot. «» RBNTAXS ^__ ....- .. SALES tenor. JVLint-.r.t skilled- methaoic*. IVr- bc«en requested, tp cftlt BRtdffe BOW and itf.ol*!*' lo vbol - r»» CRAWOWD REALTORS — INSURORS OANtXL KTJ8TKR •on»! luprrvtslon.' 4Jd» Uanor A tana*. PEnnica ni"T CAR E II Vary Buren Arenue URidje. g-es«3 1 N3n c»:: BRUte «-m», . . tl 6-612. ) now to arrange forv ap- S1SWT1AL CALL-B -8 ... ' - ' • . . t! 4-OltO. l\K!lXiI 3-5.VW "Over Half a Century of Service" - Btirjior, tnwrlor. P»eer- rxjintments. . . . HAVT MASTER OF MUSIC n-r tstim*t«s. CHAIUJES WILL TRAVEL IIHsdcr 2-41U-' « Open 2 'til 6 Initructlon tn piano, • IWpiy ' ::Hd>< tltn 15-17 NORTH AVE., E. BRIDGE 6^0777 JOPITli iP. JUSTTJS. MM Kd. ntim Used Cars For Sale HAROLD F. BENNER PHIL F. HENEHAN srcciAL »«l. two.docr. autt Jl Atftn Strttt BR1. C4U alter « PU Multula Mitint $2,my Dowrv, 3dA r, Mtge, EXPERIENCED HIOM SCHOOL 8-J11+ — NI«bU C*i] — teacher available' lor tutortnt. BRJdie Automobile Painting Baletnjtn To nuil:f>r"}*''• n:i»:f>x i>> VA o t3M \ - '«« CHlrVSLER ' — 1319 3*rato<«, four-door ol K. KamtMuin '- -... BR «-«S7* FIIAA «t'PIu> J! , , "' - Authoriied DUCO R«£Blshinf Pt\rr i. I- ••«•!•. \it\b nnl»''y,io n --•. * " dren. Experience In New- Vork City and i»llrr '* P.M. WORK Open rridsir ., Tt PJ4-- Mnvtiurt wheol ayslcnu. 376-294t.. t( Set from I AM. FORD — nil. v»-o.'.one. «.door. Pordo- Dufux Enarrtfl Beflnlihlnjt Sun by AtuxuoUBfnt Af.i> «.VVt 'oVKIl IIW YEAH «>N" inallc, r»4lo. hratrr. Clein, txcfllenl ISTtHEhl ALONEI condition. Onv owner. 1350, BRldjr Welding — Truck Lettering 6-StWJ. Mill Ut'lCK — 1»4.\ convertible, loll & KRAMER avitomUtlr, locii.h»pc I3lj'or bent oi- WESTFIELD one to ler. c»U UlUdki 6-0100 ot BlUdge «- 10 «» Mtint>f f homr BJS7. UUr.JM7 IUV. ».- ' . -gAviiifi iwtrM w» "'•... Recrea|ion Room 1«3I. evemnn). tl "' • "-. SIMM . ' '. ' CRANFORD'S SCHEDULE My Aa Aet •! C*M*»M HEAR THE BAND PLAY that can Jalousied Porch prpvldej-ou with the finwt • Oct, 12—Clark 2:0<> P.M.—A BETWEEN THE HALVES Garage Ott: 26—HUlBktlcf ..,!. M. Very Handy Jo Schools Nov. 2—Sprtagffcld 2M* V -ADMISSION :• $35,900 :;':*' Nov. 9^-Rosclle ... .10:30 A.M.—A Nov; lft—Scotch Pis. .10:30 A.M^-H ••;•• Elementaiiry • Nov. 2S--J.efferson ...10:30 A.M.—A School Childrej s<.. ^ - NMICV

..'-.-r-rr .•. •

,' fe--^'«ii*i»2.*fr'*»B: J ^ii^^^^S"^^ ^^^Jf^^^^^^^^^^^hf^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i^^^P^^^^^M mmmm

LocalBooters Jn the CritifoMilowliiTg league

& High'•; School Wilt open .."Syiitch'tiiiig Ciori£crcqt:^ football -j|C(io>t^turtfay against highly touted tttestfield at Memoriat Field. Game titpe'is 10:30 -^ ^ v':"-v^>' e Errico Tnicki The Coujgar gdddets will be seeking tdavt'nge » trushihg 2ft-0 defeat handed theW^ by three* the Cranlprd: lfi«h School soc in the ••- the Blue pevils last season When thC» Cranford-Westfield football rivalry was resumed after, cer toamspUt it«ii**t two i" an-vpa30-yeaf r TflnKB'lapse.. ".• -•-'••---'•• ;'.-'•'•. '••. . ' ' ••'••• '.-'. - •: ', ' :'.. .-.,. .'. '".'."' '' • • •-.: ,-••• .. ridings. Besides, J -pa&t iifioclt, Tho *••••• • Coach Stan Grayson%s elevet buted a 83Q, for Ifus Thomas Jeflerson ">(»uai, 3j-6,. .but (Tbi on ganu* of I9*t 215* and 22.t Tor "its 'star lineman, Fran] r tehlgh £s$a set the nevt Wgb, boureeod back to blank -Union, 2-0. Cranf ord '^ .O'Brien; O'Brien siiffereci torn • • mark of 1,01* as t- Lbmbw- Tony Baeta legtsterfcdhte fifth r Plriyer. No. ligaments in his knee in the " • sUxtH goal? of the fcaittn. in -ncu tsipfected to. .. Crito

via iiiici ;N«rH CoelhB j;"-'.'Mirittb ii'vvr its •, "BamctTs," nnrkerjfa^cit: v Acacia Insurance, 60$; ^, CSHiO- -i Howard. G .. J.;Wi*n;dl". 44 Grrivy.'iri >;t.-«ted,' •'since pi-riiiltlfs Cory,',; Methodist Men's 1 td " Jim Up a .relentless' offensive tittuek \ty it, KoiVof. M'fi'^nd Mrs. .. . QB- . R... Brown 24 .iRd fumbles'in mnnycru-»: Club, *01; Raymond Saritf&Ua, the tir'iit half • of.. the , contest afid CKI; spots' T!H' "CouKbr rntntpp E; •Miliusi of i» Tux- 10 Boonwjr M«»»»1U .• LHB '. *(. Itbr«eh« 2G V .Standard Lumber, . to,k*«p.the.-'ball^in th> u'ddi thit^trre pi.-naHies and; (lim-e if Cba'rl««-Bttle«r - HHB. 30 I)on Itfoifrjson ,b£- Crawford's territory for JM.initial • bl«.v.-•.di-iini.tely put C ran ford's pos« 1& Ed Hudwn . -: FB 07 Divi** 12 i dfutf rolled the: new "third high T'tjutortersi.:^ . Hi the V!HJ3 • sv-'i'i'i-tyiXi-- otYcriK. nl ^ hit? dis*-,' The game with held scordttss fibrins the-first. varsity .'. loothrtll team. " • Kicko'f tinu- tor »n ;.r Mo— jidva'nuiiu-" '-.inri:' its! object is ' to pthw 100 games wjei* rolled by: to priwa ihc i icC 7.. jnt'h, HO ( c Mt>n .t;iy. ;>t- DelGandio. Howland iftcaltors, 309; took shot iiiter !r<-sht»an wiU «ivo". U\c team .--?• Ward, Hqwlahd Realtors* ,306: shot "a* ;•$£ (joal. Ev^ntqftlljj the SIMW?.i.-rijiht "m- cld. ''--accdrdrnji;'• tw' Loi4s, i 1 ; ;•••».- . ' • • '• -. ; . ' -.campaiKn la.vt \vt w-ith ^•,24-1.3-S, ldCrS enei a : ; ^*S^— w? ' -^tfll* ''Nietoli» i^Lic^"'too^ «i«*WiiW th**TrWtohPAV Little Korettian took a • coach Arthur ,;J.;;. •'Lave. ( '""••-" ' / '.'•'" .„ . ' ; ""• -\^<-torv ovt(-"Ciark, Halfback Rudy" „ inside P ' ' %'• -. \!.-«rririB roh.'s in the victory for the' for. ^he.:first Crauford tally. College, ^ urts I'HM.'Kfy.- SranOIl }\i»ar • niu.'. n-v-.y l-iy-sprihtinK '85 yards grot, Standard Lumber, 201 arid ,-md Harold Nelson (left), vice-pVesklU>y» 'iin ', When .Cranfwri H'»'«:k<.->;/Cl»jb ;,,i a TVu<.-'h Wvstn"eld also f 1 30ft. . •'''•'•••p. lost in the final j$»me of the toumtihent io Linden Uv «d .a.threat to'lht'-Crhiii'' art? CCJ.ICK Ho&ort;M..,Cr;inft-* '»v::- ^'.i" ?.,•<-.'•]•.<•ut\ it's .I surf vi'sin tiuit it-..- y.tin kifkt.-'d 'V 30-yard field goal. ; DiFabio; Hartle Paint Shop, 213:j ' --~-~- : /• 1 field (or a total oi four slwti at t!it« Atiiit'tfr C<>i»<«*trnw. si-liich' h'Vkcy .'Lc;tW'ji iv iJ«:r%i!H'ni • Arvd :.,w» -f(irivc::tfd thre». 'extra- points.. =^^-m^;^HHt uuu. ^guj. * ijfcUF "I **|' * Jtjl**T Gulf; 30.3:; Drlpckiii Cra\v- .,,__ _J Gulf,;' Jajwislv: National •f Xfianers. 2251: Hayeck, r ' Sichlweter's Hardware. 213; Chap-jwolcoiriid 210 little man, "Cranfqrd Hotel, 202;' H'nnd.jents and.gucit&.lasl k HdlcU 100; AA^tin . Uotvrkninft.knft' at the annual CJubtJtil; BarI6w6LvLion s ClubCb, 208 0 . | t>aRut> - banquet hfki^f th\i'.i'r,••Bowling League ' ct»i(>ftf)n of the 1 1 . 1'iSj.Ui.tii CtW'fd'i Qt|)f " "",. TouHtarheht" ruhiusriip- .1 hit —JP* •• — i-rr-- Methodtit C!ut> ! phy tiVMiiyw Nichotas S. toCorte. ', Ne'ssson'nnmiunr*"* [\ Wh !'On':*Hfceptinjnhe-trophy which the «rd'i entry th -tht; H SUutdord Lumumote. fair pvl»t«nd.ln* P«Uh*r m .N<>s}i»ihv({jui U»ritc f«r,t Shop. , roU»d.winM*a!-a». 33t an «»v««bJ«-:. M • »*•'» UW» Uurkft rcllouihip and keep the GGustafscf n o mild ComesIN Alive INn>P*r«titnt Room '..y'. j BU' Li ' youth of. our tow p. ,,-the record ofci«lrt (>sccui.«' lYt.- ••t>'!«':i;in '. !»-.vh-a J spirit.-of cornpf'ttivc baseball. -. ',- piifhed tjA-o n;>.-hiMi-r*'; Members' .of -the. '.cam wN'cK thr»v or.ohtttrrs "um1 ..«tntck- out Bulbltrs' ; and ITS*. taii'Ci Kuri hi,', it'601 w: v':.r:.wj.-•:. ! competed m the Trenton tdurn-a- CltUfn »od .iment included: John Gustafseft, "1-Fred-Johansitti. Larry Nrfopn, Bri^, bonwrun trophy vi.%t'i live H«'" ir :'ian ~tf%- . CRAkKkRD itOfttL ill I:';-. r. u«iw -.. • i» O •w. Ch»wtun ...... •..:.... mm JM JO: C Outk<*«*i)\ .> ll««» l« tfi :T4 IW ;«> Vcbampi J. ' 1«« 110 >«6 •«.« HJ • t>t i»j 3M n* ««d HtIldiC»D 11. li n It -SI .51 htnnaji SEe-IT N0W ON *?l «JJ »T4 TOt4*i> • • Itt Mt 5i» «-«»"(3) Phtt M'ltivUa jLvilstcd ISO 1U ,U2 I'M H» JI.J Jirst place Jrof>hics to • 8 l*» II* UO . '14* • HT the fo!U>w--iii|C • inoinbur* <>( tl>*r; IU11 - 1*1 A 211 team:.. Ha.\ Ma«elta. Kt-n Muis-,1^ 191 201 U« - .-.••..•..•.•,• X'.t M» MZ Touli .. H* .•«'• MJ Kt<:. Brian Bazilus, !>on'Miller,_Al.i'.'!' DjF.tbio, K»;vjri_ McNt'il. Chris \ TOurroiro snpie jrroror or-- • 1SW JC*~S«9 : r. l N.fUrtli ..•'.. .'. , . 3t4 !,iJ I** Nov.elU».' Tom Ntaranl/. I'KilisirCo- : O'Branowlei 1T» H« W4 w xa»«i>n H«n ;..- '.it i« u« tl JtODt«r 113 M 143 ll> m A. Cnatr |*v »i« Boyle-. .Robert Listen ur.d Jltchard Jly PAIL BIONAOIKO , ttii^l. the «w)5 into the eiia-Jtoih', The. Tot«i» I:I in m Haddad eftrBC' T) ROOU Despite Ji'brilbant p*.rfofw-'T^er.defKnie at>«f-.'|ji'o*''et't.u*. In thr t!;ivtt • Cranford re- Howard Jl 'National. League :il!-star. .'ro- : •H h^fh^:k BfliffUriy Ma?..b,r 'tUf^»% t.» Uke. the-batl ora;pim-d Xif !«ad ^i) Twn Xol;»ft; - JV— -VU--U&—isa— ni£ll Hlrucl _,. l«l 1« Ul J John Tom the 21f!«nb»ch 1H.III IM C IM 111 IM j^ !'nur. In • . TttUli T«0 Mi T» J IM IM lor. 'A. QiAkittio, Kvn Munkcl, School Brian Batilus. I^rry^JeUon, St*ve ._ ite the-.'fact that the Crah-i eight-plays the Cau&iT* nidte'dtiiv' kWtHOOISTB . Mtft'S CLUB (Jl ;u «• ui'. Ray Maxzetlv,' Oref K*i U»- «»»«.*<,*. the "tall up-to the. p,«t,;?» 20 trw «, «u«y • ^i...... •_.:.." Hi m K» wp -*;*H «n: the; o(- ? pitch-out to Jhe tijjht skttv.Bix.ney aioeum ^-.. .-...... ,.•. iio.; tM -ua BBEtK'fe OOLp CHECKS "til ' • Wolff, Paul King» fc^j : Imu* ..:..:....',... .>.•:•:' itr JIO »j John Co^ale; Walt . (cmive .-deparm»j«.' They opt-iWii, M,IHI,'!!;I "-t*K>k KupS p^sj. jji»«i. H. Duon : i«» 'Hi ui 1*3 SCOrCtl OUC tOUCli* j_upiUW aumi-by takiim theopeninj: '-i'lm 20 yardifor ih« jakutui .(irctri-- COTt'.»..:-.»-.,- ...210 ;»» l»« Robert Wc-i*>,..Mttcttr Dorin, D. - H»hdltit> ....'.... * 3 Milter and Brute Roeisn«r. > perepttaHy |ICCOUnV]jtickoft. arnl' tx>\\e4 throuKh TrTeTforxi",*«y»re. .Again" the 'CranforU . TSUI* U) »7» U3 Of th.C lOCaUV 23O.S^n' r. RUkkiU -• •• 201 IM ' U» the le-iRtieby Vic*-Ptetident Nel- W. BnATd -..- IM IB son. Regular, umpires were Joe antd a noat-ltnc ttaiid'aided Lin- '•• quarterback George Knp passed! Lindvn sco-n-d another-su>yeh points; 8. M»6Urt- w.~ 153 « n in tU opening victory tor ncw?from the Linden 28-jcard Une to on a$»-.var Cb'KH3diy STWl a o.!iV<-i?ion by TU ...... «3« ISO (11 !S3 IM l»Y :•» Ui ":u Arlin Schultz. doWn arid less than, one yard toi Cougar tally of."Xhenvw .SCASOH. ' Rich, Hudson.'.-" ' The league vice-pre*iut a ijood Linden i-lfanu' the » 103 J«» -o»is---~ — • -...;.-.- -iM—.iat~-t*»- efforts <>f Mrs.-V.liiranichvpreri- Ih.eifi, ' , XHn_»->t.b.C.r to.'u-hdowjt. on _ .a. .iJLrjiA in' Rjipoll :'.% .. M0 IM t» ht 6f*»hiT I.adii'ti' Auviliary nnr> .back Snijth*"tossed to' Art Ku- In tht- -fcond quarter Linden fthut took them into TI>:»T ti-nuory .ToUlt ..-. - Mi «3 Rrlntloid IM 413 t«0 Mrs. Pvel>-n Lajvler, chairman of rck who. w in m Pony Xeague Selects New Players ] Touts P* Ml 817 A Tinto 114 H'tndlup- 34 34 . • VALUE^RICED LOWBOY XRRICO TRUCKINO (3> ToleU . . 911 794 7*9 Acme Takes Over The Pony Leafiue, selected its.Raim; Ken Murikel. Richard Por-, Leai;tH> Stars. . J. HlftcM 1B1 111 t»3 ...., ^in.,^r^ i * tv... Kim ,-. .:n,i'• ter. Ed Btiekor, Walter fioi-don and ' -Hob White- ami Jim Cushincj 1 n m< * Dig 265sq. in. RCA High'Fidelity Color Tubo brings , 1» 1» CIlAWWIlL'ti UUUT Ul ^~:— Park A- 1H 315 331 n Mormon US lit IM . „ „__ 4l, ^jHtehard MiicMiickk ff»» ththee CranCordCranCordii werweree selecteselectedd bbyy ththee StarStarss iinn lhlhee t IM 193 171 ¥. VAntonio : J ltT 111 103 Acmei Gtfne/ator took over first h PJm d you a pkt^re so sharp, so true, you have. tOrSee it to - B. CUmhtuieWSu...- J330» »334« 3 3«3M R Polldorc . IM W l»3 last .Sunday at 9 meeting, in «^NSport8 center Seals Dutch PrutZ-.Jf-year-om a,jo Krbup and Harry j 36-36 36 J, »«urtlU .\.,...... 14* M3 191 pjace in'the Park Village Bowl- home of Vice-President Joe Prill. man";'.|r)anajier: Tom Lawler, Mike Rudley was also picked by" the; believe iM^S^per-powerful "New Vista" Tuner pro- O.T)r«M«u 8K '111 1SI t>r*v Walter Dohn. j Campbell. Richard W a g net,!Stars from the 15-yeai-old.S and •«~WtU ....::.:. W» 931 801- ing League by winning a sweep Selected wet* vides amazing piclw^puiiihg power * Brighter, truer IM 141 BWAN CUfANEna I IT •," Wayne OwillUun,' GrcR Olion and. Chris NiedziOcha i.Alan. .Miller' was. chosen. ,by the ; ; frojn Hayeck's Fine Poods this Mike McHaU- W. _..,...Or»?. Z' . 33*' IM. 191 »'r»nk ' 171 IM IM ?rt and breutf Wolff !to the. • Cranford Junior Service Colts in the :;an>e JIKC group. • color pictures than ewSasfore with 24,000-v.dlt (fac- . Cymbiluk .^.... lit IN IM Molten '. ..., U5 111 IM Wtlliam Foppert and^u Wolff ' H. 'S«tiMlI* 301 303 IM J«hn *..-. l&» 1»J '. tory adjusted) New Vista Coi^Klliassis, -Ar Glare-proof Coriflrtn 301 •, J0O 190 j.S»>«TCO<)I IM m. m Other three-game wins were to the Cranford fclRs AngeU, *. T8t»l» '•••-. Ml I BM «OT _.. 333 ITl 144 safety window is bonded onitdreduce reflections uima •postkl ' by • Mike'a • Darbcra imd nieholr-managt v n ; M«nd»c«p 41 41 11 Charlie's Bar. George Morton,. Ron. * Two extended-range Duo-Cone sjieaRefS,* Color- W Ml Tolalt 939 O7 *33 ,. . . IC t&» 143 • High scores were rolled by: R.Bf ad Noptrand juid-Kf lo Scbwarti quick tuning * Dependable Space-Age Seat M»r»I« -...,-.... Illl l IM 183 8CHLVCTER/S HARDWABJI tit Young, The SportsmahVShop. 588; TftVlftflO ."—.«...... -' UJ.1S3 IM U. Ha*«U- ,.... M3 - ••. to the Cranford Rotary*-Club cuitry i( One-set VHF Fine tuning control. TortWUD' ^...;_...t... 149 143 • 149 t. Pr«at«n ;....„. ' 134 134 161 A, Innoccnti, Charliq's Bar, 551; B. Bears. Charles Hay, Jr., manager; Cranford Sport Center • T """•' J..—~..~ 154 103 Ml- Smith, Acme Ocneratoc, 54ft; B. Lairy ftclson, Terry Mack> Eujjcne lSt 113 19< W. rtanktnb«!ii of a rtti».r, ..•'''••••'.'•••'. " ': •:••'.»••. •••SS hwood Avenunue In accordancaccorda e with plans actors. Mni. Stodd K.;'ir, ,• . _ .. .. on nnuu te-ihe OflUeoOflUe-ot thee TownMHTown p fcn bolt tensioner which he^t The tertslonc*•'enables even large whb Wcitneld 1*. favored to win th.i« Board. «f AtfJaaUaenl-^T - ne*r.. Oonitraftttptt n off BlBlrchvooh d ArenU* biii Coach Or*iy«oij be-; .' .itthlmti ' ••• .. .-'• ..• with improvement! (hill commence tn w«S doscftbedj to 'ft'Uow bolts- to, bo tightened uniformly and their hiatex. NOTICE OF HEAKIVO ' . , 1M4 »» eonitniollon'tti* th» buUdtn* PKK- of, thp Itotary tlub at .last Thii?^ and Mi:. Biaeh said it now to pps-" Mrr. DiPaolo is a meni tils Miuad dcflnitely hun *he tithe Boxrd or Adjultmtnil T-iKonilUb «M«W#.-The purch«i»if wt>l d»fr*y 0e e««» •A>»n»hlp of Crenlorji. county of unlou. of the for*colac' lnipn»MMnU" In »tt tiay's .kiifichcon Wieetrng |n th* uible to pul mote tluitfv, a milliori W«l- poiuids o. t tension on Kuchi ibolts. ^ mer intmbfj* of the HUMitfv r''*f- jay* »-* • •<«* p \f, ,^»* menu-' a» ,,iliF. tiilnch siiltil his invention' is SIM): Al)t>li_C*ltttn tolr M>UI& OORUN th# tomitwlifcewiM off »nn> ,UJMSC| tii put H jjredcterimiiHjd icn- H.lfc,-Miinufnctur|nj{ (Co.'Qh^Iei;^. work. puirth»»er »h*a »ukiHm to Uic Tt*n', wtuhg forth n¥ unlit H»v . A. • • ' • ' i: ' ' ' " S» «: Application oll OEOWOOKOHOK JJ:: JOR camuletf d*(»IU «llllhh At to thr d i t»i.ti of i»nd Lewis •>"•:,;"* w(io AW (or a .variance tram IxoAt.ya'rdjtnd cojvktrucllon andd llayout of the. building »nd t.h* otv de yard rf#ulMim*ntl tp' permit eirVJ * ind drWe*»y». parkins *r*»< and tha **n- iletrrlbed;; klf;>'lyllri» and U»l»i« lit .'the i L'•. •• . • ,' ,V . \\ Z • .,., •;,.^ i« to save •Towns, (roilMyorch.uii .rtslrivnce oiv lot 31. »r»l tt«ivir* o( all Uivil»rapiii*" " ' «• o«»fci.ord*-in tht- County oi; notary .1a»l•,.:wc*ikr-af l« Icjiowu a? Mi! • North •Av«ttu*r4M«»t> ..Crun- 10. 1( Ull« lo kald;. Und thall pro** to M Union IHI.:N. J. ••• •"•"•:•:;• • ut ot ih» amount, at -6>*.CY< 8. known at 315 rttlri Street, .k»t»ble JJ< ulwTu a" will b* inturvd"b*! 5J- T"" j»nu»ry 10. l»|0' a d bl^ KlDV -St J . «.nd (jraivlnra. Nr J-. white,- actually renidltti u TiUf Com»nny a.uthort«*a .to do bunlm^l; civil K. j B*i' h another. -A-— ; ..--.,., Inth* Bui* o(,.N«w J»r«*y. »«d or«irnr#d?|rt the Ohiutt- Coumy FjO <»• At>pH#atliili or M1ULARD A. Vf«L Any esirieBiloH contttlhNl In' »uvh iwlwy t eui»<>*tH, .s»* Jtuo. l» jLt-AMS tor a v»rlun.t« (rem'-mnttmuai lot nhall not w»v*nt MKUOH w>on and uwr ofj Muu jio J.JJA ".,. ta. ti'dviireuipiiu W'perto\t -ton* ^ Hl lnWdlaipJMidkT.vTn*» ljiltttuoeaeicrimill -ft In "«.• pive-Jamily «*«li!*iiiV on Iota no .:. »"" r.t'-" A Crati(rf.« Suit,,, to- tn1 t»ri-»i'Hleaf BOAHD OP B •,!*„.* Chairman ,S^r^^JJtjoTK ^ {r^S^^^OR^^ 8h,r,n dries like TWO! ».(. The- the tVWI ^ 10-i OuWraTloli ol .ilir »*"<* of Wft'Pr*»»t.. Ady,,!»: US.tJ. ,: ... . ; . l«f-5 > 1 K*.. $-0.«i •..••;. . " • !,,pn ,y,.d«d and.docum*ni»r> »'•«">»>*•. %I- -^—: —r~~ ~ ~" ~ : *&£ ^$^£^^^1 ;..> - NOTICK W SALK OF LANWH FOR UNPAID TAXKS TOWNSHIf OF CRANFQRD lo' the .duly ,lir*n»fd b?«ki'r. »< »tM • : , jioii>,'u i, .reijr >,' . - t>anf(tfd. NVw *«nu»y° ' .• Puhlll e . JULOW jki;.. ..-} • Pl'WUC StttlCK OF SALS - •I ri'BUC NOTICE IS HKRltBY OIVfcN Mod*! 88 r^)i\>- tht To*nth,ip o(; C,r*h?or of HU|K-r-(ttHt drying. You R«-t VORMM. or Sivw HfKKU UryuvK . .. )uni dmliy^m^'-f- wttifsiiH a«>d 6 tommu uiuat* m itv» Towruihtp of the pr'wK.ionj. tfi • tUr.%-S\r»4 tort CounJ'y ol (Jmoin aini'fitstf - h).-al wltjctiohs. t:>ri.-«;i»ny Wi

point brlnit (lui»ia 841 Oe ttti ine -of Or»n«e! trom the point p( lnt«wct>on 61 souinerly.*l«if'.|uir 0! piuite A th* »»i;itfl'y Mde line'.of ld jlU point / f H,U{vU.>-(-:. typgs OF tlietiortheailerly corner t>t l^>t XI. H'.oiS al ..Craoford III tllf ll4Uld BJ It* _!cr*n!or«J." S>» Jornrv. |Udd' .ltd ' ,. ijM.afei'Ne. 17JJt.)-.- ••'• -•''"• J'twor. 29 Alden St. BR 6-2224^ Crawford, N. ill :!(r • C:ty ' .-•: I*••• .-.- '.- ••••A" .•-N'-M'- - iff - w. WEDNtUD'AY. -.he • "C- '- 'N ii"" :o- LAVORIS ••D ' - N' S0;. • C 5;V« J» and r.uiin'ins 'ti'r-hi> In DECANTER ) S 34" • *i' F. 100 00 frrt.'.o ' .*id Jiitiip iinr In, 2.50 u *iiutherly- duec-ioa on i-Curvr to \\i*\ lf!l. »a «c duuiu'c 10* 73 ?««'.. ta'.d *rc havlm a i^d;u<, o! 200 00- fr»V :o a »oim ,'. pt tauiftvo ".' ' . i VO)S A4' • 11 E alor.a "aid JU'.T '.'.:I.', HELENE RUBINSTEIN . SW-.Oi. Ie»i Ui » poir,;. lh*«cr. $1.50 U) N JS' - 16' E «81» M (»•>:,'. to a l>s.:nt.. 1 Ihrnre ,. • , . i (J» S til' - **' W :">! SJ * point, f SHAMPOO t^3?Vi~l-0«0 <«» s •*;•"' it - ,30-.JkV ;s.4 S9 !rri; loi A octal .t> ' •*ld.r iint o! Avenur. Jtitnif $1.29 i7l S «5 - W KO.I«! i 1 theiicr --of LANOLIN PLUS lgroar ^••9 ty y HAIR SPRAY SUBJECT TO TERMS AN 1 • 1. The ruMnniunv<»:«- pru-* Jar \*.A !ic< *hall- •:&*• ONE;-4lU.SDRtD F5KTV • S! •,.;THOL'81A.VD cfljc.000 001 DOLtARS '• '' 3 Thc.PJiT'cl'.usfr-.vhaSI err'ct nK ».VU1 "and : comes Ford^sdid, silent total performance 64 • -and vi*VA->'*!< -an' OS::*. Bui'.dict ol jbrlct: —,_.,it£el.- £mi.ij_ uiij«st<: c-or.->>.i*n-i;p(i- a: a mlurtnum market. ij::i<- oJ'TWO MllLl-lON' . v>rt,000 CM» W>>. DOU.AR3. tio'.i >.-re !«>"'• oi Apor '. ' 3. .'Coh'ttrtk'eiion at 3A!d.°Siui:d:nc th*1.!:' wn'.mrnce nut User ".han r.t^r rj-.oinhi. ; "irttm'the, datt o! cict.iir.c ii; ;;:ir be mily • ciotnpifi.«i I'.iii mrvj rt -•' at'" o( < rr.«!nt o( ronilru*|!c:j rt» :v.r vss ' tier. ,Ac:uul ifiaii Mr •'••.-»• tar-

to vuch ol (uct* a*' an acirurv.c .••urvo IJJJ CJJOCOUTB reuricsioji* «i>> cot r«-nnrr -ihe" .:«;•' ur.- -49 marketable and do. not ort>e;:: the • tion of ,i*td butldlnt. , • ' -, 4 Ttie, iu«e.Mful. bidder awl pcrSorm ; nil «( ftie cotidjlloi^ o: i.*;t *; ir.tortxjriled. o PASTBB ^iefcjs aiid nur r.i): A.^.cr. «n>\ :t>:crest. uriar ".o rtKi coripir'.ion o: i.Utf •6 Ten per (tnl ill)1, 1 ot Ihv amount "bid- airali be ! b iertll^o.* chCrlK;- Jt S-he tiir.e <>: the • ' 7' The,. baUn<-e' of ifct- • ji.hal!' bo 'pilfr In c»sh or by _*!_ •"• check ' on deHvery o! dcTd ut '-te ctosln:. $2.00 PU TIC •Which shall UKC P-^-e «ithm shnrc Ut inom.hi' ffom the ' ol o. 4he Did- O!1 the vj:l Odi~*y Ihv Township CompiiM"^ Sa'.d claims hll !* j'"th''rffB «! -the .< VANITY BOXES |.39 jn iitipuljted. the Tri»'ii»ljio 1 $ Committee may declare the. depAitA . ll>?r-; 'felteil and reum «ild deposit *s liouldited ; 1 \ dages «nd rniiy »*'•! the property or P "- ».uch (urlner letal «ndl euuitaWo dies«» II m»y.hav . :.' f The To»n»hlP, »t W* own cost and ex- $8.9S pense will conHruct Blrch*ood. Avenue n an accw» road fron? .Orafiif Avenue to /:

Beautiful new 1964 Super Torque Ford-one of 16 models BARBER

B(«k(t Ralln'cd,. let : IT01 ELECTRIC S Litht or Brake Adjuttment ..... U« Motor Tun« Pp Crowning our triumphs in open competition, we Ford Dealers now invite you to test-drive Oeneratoi* •.;...: w.»»

SOUTH ELMORA ESSO our new line of born winners-the '64 Fords, Fairlanes and Falcons! • • - ' ** .. * ••••.. - .^

SERVICE CENTER ' '" - * • • ' " • • •'» BUBBLE BATH South Elmort Aye., cor. Erloo Av# i Klbrt.. N. J. . CL 3.BSM OP«M tO 10' PJI. Speedwjays'arc-tpugh'^way^'to^m^asure-'a car's'total. perform^nde -not NEW merely its speed alone but its ability to stand up and take it, mile after pound- LIFETIME ing mile. F6rd;s record in races, rallies and economy runs has bred into the.'; FROSTED • •...''• • -...,'-'.. .•,..- •',...•.'• •./ • • ~ TOUCH & GLOW ALUMINUM '64 fords a new kind of performance—total performance-^to give you the $2.00 PUASTIC . j • Siorm Windows 4 fCombinatiea Window 8cK«*tu winning-est combination ever of ride, ru^edness and response! Come in soon • Combination 8t6*m k Sct«tn TISSIE BOXES , • -/..Dwnr..-., - •- :•.-„.• and try brie yourself!/ - " ' • Poircb Enclotum V TiibiBncIotuirct '.'* AwniaB* - . • • ' •_' '••••••- DRUG STORE ..•'-/SI rmt. '.SCRIPTION PHARMAO EUV£JtVl*«>n« BR6-6100 rueAfnuE • • wtjtf ICLD/ wt ••+':,.-, "' ':'^r"'-';'-'

H T K r — > J ^k^_ * rf a ^ * ' ^u ^^A itu ^^J^' ^ • J^^ ^^b t^^Ji^^^toJkl^^^jw^^^Jtt^^ m t^' W^^tfj^/t ' ^^^^ "* i ^ * ^fcfc ' t * .^^^^^^ * '^^W i • .1*0^^^*.. 'i'" ' * ^^*'^'' * ~"^ ' '' ^*^^\ ^T^^^ ' i^* i' *''.'•' •**"* ' * ' ' •'* ' ^^* ^ J *'"^ ^ " " ^*^^^B ^^^^b^^^^^^^A I I ^^^E ^^^r^^^^L ^^^F I^L. r'* I^^H - '^^^B- \' ^' • ' • •* • _^H (^^-i^^^wmss^^»mmmi:w^im^^0^i'''


•d Out MMtNM VOii LXX, No* 38; 4 Sections, 2$ Pages i NEW jfeRSEYy THURSDAY, OGTOBfiR 10,1963, At CfUdtrt, <*..'<*; "• CJSNTS

ie IsBond t... Township Committee tck>k * _ jifcaiTfeinBt^ tax chairman of the New Jersey League of Women Voters, will speak on Governor iticnuru ii,. Hu^h«?i« (Nu^ imuiun wiiu tuut iu l strict,bff«i : .. . , „ „ area. Tuesday night Chamber of Commerce at 8 p.m. Mondpy }n the Municipal Bulldlhi. building zone on Orange ave- 1 with the^^^ introau<^bn bfaj As chief fiscal pmeer of the nue for q $2 million accounting ordinance approbriating $60^ ki> tibk for the coordlnauon ; Cfiirie?! S. .'SteveoX'iMat:*te:^:j^ic 000iloidsi acqufeifion M$ tration of New^

in vestment ,'acliviUe* of state gov- tiwi Af j^ \y!- tfit^^j) nrttl : ftfhcr ap'ftFtena'neesT Public ' heari- A brother of James' kerviek, plus a $24,4)00 contribdtiori to- lng:,wlll be October 22, ';•../ . m^inbtir of tbo.local law nrm of ward cost 6(. construction of .The two. additional parcels a#> &iuer and kwryiek. (State Tre**- E*rnlng two $50 bonu-wt for ex mm. Birchwood avenue, an access to, be acquired from Leonard So*-' urer Kerviek U a refluent of Sh6rt feeding 375 new and, 1.I00 renewal road through the tract. The . ch.ln and the New Jersey Realty Co. Hill*. He is a-.'graduMe of St. Pet- tubttcrlptlonf, the Cranford College •f he fekwcKIn parcel Is a 50 x- 203 telephone company was the er's PrVparJrtory School,' Jersey- Club ran it* profit during the past '.«nly.bidder.: ••:'..'• foot parceriri the rear of North City; rordhani t)niver#ity. and Week' 6*. ti.2OT.8j "from the sub- Union avenue, between the. Sub- Hutg*r* School of*' LAW.' for 15scription drive it-t* wmducting for! Paul Langdbn of the tele^ urban Tfust Co,' and. Robinson's. years, he served In the public and ttie Cranford Cltfeen and' Chrdn-J phor^e company's real estate^ The New Jersey Realty Co. pro* mm private jfioiuinf fields. ••',' let*, .it w»iT announced ye»td*Cfor 28 new and 132 tee and other local citizens for their a itvn-vftni* - Thw* will ..Ctirtfiri. , activities vae-pjcitd«at; Harold K. Johnion, the acquisition of the property. no interest charges,.'- . ,:'.; '• aisisinnt chrttrman of CosV of the project to date is ;V|t. J. •y, director': total (it 460 new and 1.610 O-B zorte had Uireatcned to upset ~esllmatett and brte noted that w»th Sh* ha* had n y**r» vl eeonom- spent for acquiring property for condihons, 'there is.a possibility the, lot, which will accommodate Jaycees to Coridmt Siir vey | that th'i-1 n*w building may. be ccm'-, approximately 175 caVs. , pk'Vxt by Ihe eTi(J of Bulldozers began work Monday • Tofcw»w:-*lli be-, u-xtii tetter, and milk. . U><- UU. enthu«ia»Uc| Adhpu-d Qn final reading was an razing the buildings and garages OnCmdUionsbrfown^ JUKIW •?do.rrt*on._ &*y in thi- iscw KXsfx wd»ooUj *vp«rvi«r pofnted out. fech .lunch ami.hdraent to the. traffic ' ordi^ in the first., section. This work h '-More than 8.000 copuv* ot i^quf^ioniuwc'jiimet! at ; dsr*ctor of tv-1all b.y the rnd/of**^ 'C" r*h*»J-»i> j,j.Va day in, ha* all.the nulrifnts ro^uimi un- nuna.. prohibiting parking on the is expected to be completed • by the-views o! local resident? about condition* sn lh*ir hometown t^-tvr!p -j wwrvhl»ai Com rrv o ri 11 y\thr month. Sh# urittdI-members to '^ Umw Pl*!*tr-Uw N'4'.jfnal S<-hool Lunch} :- (Continued on Page S) . i the end of next week, according to nvalc* wcry e:ffwi to s«n.d th<- pro-. ^^ «aiy-!.«o nWK wy. UUV ™. fJVi-j^t.C "J."*.,. . . !ij.y. ,j Surich Through, an agreement between their futur* efforts wit!'be distribiJUrd, 'a home* lhtouRho.uf.-the «m*.n- j vurfk-rnd. • .'.-j Gta* N*wpur. new .\chjKkl Iiinch;'," "/Wo ,fl*rve almo>t all complete 'ToWhship •., Attorney Donald R. ihip thiiSJiturday by member* of the Cranford J*yci*». . ; final General and Co, .• S|r«. Mfy*'? vaid that whiUr wrv.' •MiD#',r*'ii«r.. r*pop«i.' . ^ ':.iunchi7«. and wry few .a la i-irtt; Crcighton and Paul Williams, at- .. .^_i.:.___-_l<-- „,,,.. ...:.-..-- ujcharja If Darning. ch.itrm*ni In caw you're a b:i <>!d fa»hioiH>d items," M'bkf NJiwcour *oid, "aiid. torney for Walter Crane and Mrs. -the'. commitw*. Florence Waahbum, ownefls of UB- tfl*«l, thi: -fMitUr. lunch .nUo Each hmch include* the requirt-i i property at ,|1O Milh street, Mr. AtMeticr the .f .. *'»'"r'ta*iy grwen •'uil.aKl, freth " appk , on Pc'of-any team, in Itu? fee. .•.-. of wZi&ti ut the qw+tionnBtrty • She 'uuB $I1,S91 to date, ' GOP Candidates ignmit H) and hav* pt\ "Thin a a ver>' chcouraiing fig- man firuijakcr of 110 Willow after rady for pickup She ure," the cha:rm.>n declared. Report Favorable cclaked .Txuvuia^ nj/ght. in be "when'r«-ai;?<-d ihat~only.252 the Township Cjommittee i pt<*d#fe* have been rcpor^si ar.d ifhe Hit .'At vlcv- to five htm tim*1' to v&iti t mor* than J4.(M>0 art. buts-iandihg.'*- Durrnhg plated fo^ Memorial Fielfd.' . ! Mr. ter», **"fcM«T^e")w*i]' , Mr. HHCirtnis nottt(n£ »r.n« will f«r*>j him. for Township Committee, have visit- ks . art iftt; field. Mm. ;Bru-i % cent of its goal of $4,800 from the fiiUdancc. probably nbbut.jture talks -on' franfnrd^ r«***#»»-! first live carets rcturnvd. edi more e thano 1,00. 0 homes in :baker ,nid««d that the icorcboard with work on com-I mtr.t ^projcratu in th«- Municipal : tJ "Thrt* of therse subscripSions'- ..on Pea*: S) \ . '•' (C V* 'Wtt*d qn PrSion bV pS 'W« week-Fons.^h^ii!.' of. 5P Womcr». > Wwk, , it was ,inn^tincfj d by • last year. . . " \,.jir: Gill told the district wertc- j the facilities. . - - • Mr*, llafry Bowcr».. president. .Thorn* for/the week w ile.-j*om.jbimy ! arriving' o ' h.t'hi- scusnr Accordine .to th«~scorebbarfl in • m that "the home owners I havej Mayor Nicholas S. taCorte said'{ ol Hull Tjirtn>rahip.M • sn rvHHft-.M- to, a CJ»!I trojn >Vcd the window of campaign head- visited arc impressed with the ef- fthat, following . tho recent Joint |.- The ; National FedvraJion- .of r:»t*nj»w 'hr Jt'ir!'*. nue, leading division is Bor:^ Ber- the past; years and. the-progress cation, it has boon planned, to op» i,Club» was. founded 44''years gen's comrnerciiil Kroiip, wjJb 36 that has been made in Cranford." propriat«> funds for this purpose hand now consists of. 53 mombjrr Tennis tJver» fa(Tnd kathy (Continued on Page I) I'-' Commissioner Philo declared: in next year's budget and to movej[c!ubs, It has worked for und>uj>- fnVm ,th«* -wjtcr by B*jl*h_ J KOAITV and I*!»-trc»lmiin - the New ff^yJersey. Bell Telephonp e ing ..improvement p s to j Memoriai l I whi-ch was signeg d into ffwk-ra l lii'w(t Alfred V. finckow.-vki. puii BRUCK'S OAY'-ATlteAOQUAliTEBS — Police Chief Lester W the girl to safety. Co. it* $2 million accounting ; Field, which ii used 4gjtatly by President "Kennedy. Through ;• Town>hip CommiM«f_ Tuesday i FVi'.vdi. l>oUl:i>«';«r-<;i;.d Ji*lhy. J\>IJ!SOJI, .daughter of Mr. and ilding on 6range avenue j schools nnd thc'RecreaUon Com- -unnll business clihic* «nd leader* ] njfhtr approved the application of j - office; building Whfcri estamihcid by Dr. Paul! A Msf-*. T.h<'mv.;r>.: H P of-9 Holly street, "is *ho\\*h-'presenting •is ah.important step in conjunc- jmittcc.- ship seminars comluctcxi on chib. |iTenni Tennis for AlAlll -Seasons. Seasons InInc.c , 'or! p p j Winokur, Ka'thy- was found to bo •ji-tUT <>i ctin'inx'ndatson to Bruce Uojjan, 10-yei»r-old von of Mr. Wednesday state and national levels, the tod- \* ^^^J^^^^^i^ y from fright and the :tion yrith the campaign to attract j Towrtship Engineer F- J. Grail 4 L-V-, An invitation-vray isstM-d to the TCobtlnucit on Pace 8) (Continued on Pa/ji' X) oration has ciemonstrutcd how io | efffctx of. the-chill Xhit-T Knth, \ building fit 375 Centennial avenue. : public this wtvk to attend start smttll busine±s<-s. market new ['Powell said her mot| reported • wh'cn. she iol! into the Rahwiy Hivcr. at MacConnell (Park lasl •Estimated cost W $85,000. " •• general meeting of all Cranford products, auttumvnt retirement in- later' thai the girl antractfd' a Wvdnosday. FviUowing presentation, the chief took Bruct' on a pcr- Civil iDefcnse personnel at 8 p.m. It ha-s. I An amendrnent to the zoning. 'coc 2J ' spnally cunductc©lict; headquarters. ! ordinanoi' wa* adopted on rtnal (Cotuiuut'd on Wednesday^Jn (he community room education and troininR opportuni"- of the Municipal Building. tieufor men an^ women in profes- : rradini; Tuesday night which pav- ed the way for the issuance of.the ' Civil Defense Director Edward sional. commercial and' induitrial K. Gill announced^ that the' pro-, Cbviers Period of 27 Years ^rw.ft inri thrniii-hnnt it« Innn • building permit. The measure \ chaivties the height of buildings in of Teenaaers gram, will consist"of a review and -Thcstory of'how the Cranford. Welfare Association luis worked to history, hds endorsed' and actively aid individuals in necdH)ver a period & 21 yiars j$ revealed in the M* supported qualified women for ' the B-2 zone from an average of y . • " 'anjjuaj report of Mrs.. Arthur G.tehno^, executive secretary. policy-making posts at local, state, 28 to 35 fw.t with np point higher vities in Cranford and Union than 45 feet. ' . '. County. Deputy County Coordi- which wilV he prjeaented- at thnationae l and international levels. ToBe Thcro will. be. three tennis nator Thomas J. Walsh is expected association's anmiol meeting in the In connection with Notionpl •'Teen Tips for Parents." a sug- Business Women's Week, the local court's, locker rooms and showers, to utbend. Needlework Guild Municipal Building 4it 8:15 - to- gested guide for parents of junior A Department of Defense film. s v a pro shop, lounge and adequate night; . • • " ^<'• v • club has placed posters in local and senior -high school students, "Pentagon" Rejibft,"- covering na- (CoiUiiiuctf on J off-strvet parking facilities in Directors Named; - "The Cf anfqrd WVlfare Ai«tci«- rear of the building. will be mailed by the Cranford tion-wide Civil Defense activities tlon has served thy community for —A):*o approved .Tuowlay wo Hl^u Sthbol PTA nc* i wii'k to since the 1962 Cuban crisis, will bo Vne past 21 years. We have had applications for. four new real- every home-in- Cranfcvrd. In- re- shownh . ' MRS. CHarlesj F, Hansel, presi- one ultimate «oal: To Kelp the in- Winners Told sponse to a need expressed by - diretJtors will deswibo denqei as follows: Kleissler-fc neir dividual in society .to realize his preparations being made by V dent of tine, Cranford Branch of, Meskin. lOtt Ridge street. $21,000, students and parents alike, the de- capacity for self •direction, his ca- units Jor participation in the state " the Necdlcworlc "Guild of America,, and 108 Ridge street. $20,000; M. velopment ot this project has been pacity for creativity and his ca- exercise, scheduled for October 22. this week announced the appoint- UJC Scholarships Varuacki, 615 Hory street, $10.- guided by Mrs. Henry Mineuf, mciit of directors of the branch pacity "for 'self-possession'—'self- High School PTA chairman for ' for 1963-84 in preparotlon for th? " in the deepost sense 6f . Hobert W. Johnson of ZfrsBeccl 000; ancT H. Larscn, 438 Manor avenue, $22,00.0. . ; home and family life in 1963-1963, annual ingathering to be held at thhe wordword.. -i. • • •••• street has .been awarded the/tSQO^ Permits: - fbV^. additions Were and Mrs, George Coffcy, this Candidates'Nijrht .the Muhiclpal Building on No- "In our rpodcrri'society wehave Cranford Rotary Club Scholarship year's chairman. • vember 5. •; ..... '':,," the potential f^or equal opportun- and Martin' McEvoy of 324 Rot- ted "as ToUbws:. John A." Pakr^^iiRichmond avenue. $3,800; Set by GOP Units A^lca for addilional volunteers ity for alii Yet thin pro«nis«rin ford avenue has won \ttje $500 The leaflet suggests uniform, •Vlncent^Romano, 29^^1arvnrd Co/ididatcs for state, county and ' to serve is director!) was issued too many instances falls short ol Cranford Kiwanis Club Scholar- reasonable standards for social ac- local offices wi.lf. speak at a Can- by thp fcreilttont. The onbr re- fulfillment. Therefore, ^Fie social ship^ to.. .Union Junior College, - it road, $4.000>^{. D'AntonioV^aM tivities. 'With- respect, to closing (ContiHuedouJPaoe.J) ' ^^ didates' Night meeting of the Cran- Qulrementto bea director Is towork in our agency •continues Kb was announced today by Dr.Ken- time of parties (10 p.m. to mid-* ford Republican Club at 8:15 p.m. obtain tvw> new * dothp - be concerned with / translating ncth C. MacKay, UJC president. night, depending on grade level), next Tbursday.ln"tfttr eommunity or • houMhold • IJhen rQm 10economic security and equalitiy of Dr. MucKay\Olso announced and Umo for social : activitiesroom of thf Mutttdpnl BuUding, it that,tho Kiwanis Club has renew- (weekends, arid was amUwiecd yestefdajr by Presl- IIW noepvue A ford ha* a unjqwi but very conducted here • c|»ch £#**• Bt M* i School"-FTA, i» Vhttwn accepting from AU local Opp groups jwtU: eo. {•'approach io this Igoal. Th* 8cholor»hlp for tho 1M3-M aca- of.Cran pp l^ demic yieam; tlttss Block-4}yeji at ;it"wan reported yesterday by Crane first^opios of "Teen tip* group- date», ollminatlbn ^ of. operate in'sponsoring the meeting, Dcpartmenisif Health and Welfare1, : n and partyv "rras^tng," advance agyeV e, lljtaltte'ppwr" Ni«holii vi% Wc«. parents of junior ^ _ , Mr. Crelghton reported, and an tn- Viitti g N^Adtfw o and th the said a more defTnlte an- Parents," sOigesled . , traniportatlbivand'arrlv- vitmtlon tp^at^nd has been ex- Phygjciam' Club the- teadwi wm_h* school students ijtet fox maiafitfto all local > ii and departure timeg>iftform>» ^aJU_Vo Asocial hour: wXtiftueirr^^

•>)•> /.••;c>^:'»:-:: ^^m^^^^^^^^^s^m,