Separatum from: SPECIAL ISSUE 7 Sebastian Balmes (ed.) Narratological Perspectives on Premodern Japanese Literature Published August 2020. BmE Special Issues are published online by the BIS-Verlag Publishing House of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (Germany) under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Senior Editors: PD Dr. Anja Becker (Munich) and Prof. Dr. Albrecht Hausmann (Oldenburg). – Contact:
[email protected] ISSN 2568-9967 Suggested Citation: Takeuchi Akiko: The Fusion of Narration and Character Voices in Noh Drama. A Narratological Approach to Zeami’s God Plays and Warrior Plays, in: Balmes, Sebastian (ed.): Narratological Perspectives on Premodern Japanese Literature, Oldenburg 2020 (BmE Special Issue 7), pp. 113–149 (online). Takeuchi Akiko The Fusion of Narration and Character Voices in Noh Drama A Narratological Approach to Zeami’s God Plays and Warrior Plays Abstract. In medieval Japanese noh theater, narration is chanted on stage and often fuses with characters’ speeches. This paper aims to examine how this fusion affects the stage–audience relationship, first by applying theater semiotics and narratology, and then by analyzing specific cases in Zeami’s warrior plays and god plays. In god plays, the ambiguity of the addresser tends to be sustained, and the praise of the god’s benevolence is directly delivered to the audience by a voice that bears the authority of narration, while human-centered warrior plays usually min- imize the intervention of the narrator. The study thus reveals Zeami’s careful han- dling of the narrative style in accordance with the plays’ socio-religious purposes.