Tortall Comics

Volume 1, Issue 4 Winter 2011 Project

Interview with the Founders By Kris (~Queen-Obsessed) Everyone has their own stories of how they drawing fan art for the books right away. As Table of Contents were first introduced to ’s for Alena, she was in high school when she books and how they first discovered the found a copy of Wild Magic in her local Highlights from the Tortall Comics Project. With the project bookstore. She liked the cover so she bought Book Tour winding down, I decided to sit down with the a copy. When she reached the end of the Pg. 1-3 club’s three founders, Steph (*Maseiya), book and realized that there was a series Alena (*whitelyte), and Claire (~prismageek), before that, she started reading Tamora Interview With the to have them share their thoughts and tell us Pierce in earnest. Claire was the first of the Founders the story of the project’s origins. founders to be introduced to Tamora Pierce. Pg. 1, 4-5 She was in middle school when she read her Steph was the last of the founders to start way through a friend’s copies of the Circle of Survey Results reading Tamora Pierce. Introduced to the Magic before discovering Tortall as well. Protector of the Small series by a friend just Pg. 5-7 three and a half years ago, she read all four When asked to pick a favorite series, both books over the course of two days and Steph and Alena chose the Protector of the promptly asked for more. Steph also began Continued, 4, “Founders” Founders: Highlights from the Mastiff Book Tour Steph (*Maseiya) By Kris (~Queen-Obsessed) Alena (*whitelyte) Mastiff, the third and final book in the Beka have you come back at me for lying!” Claire (~prismageek) Cooper trilogy, was released in America on October 25, and Tamora kicked off the During the course of both sessions, she release with a book signing tour. Tortall went into some detail about her writing fans and Tortall Comics Project members process. She informed us that the time to Co-Founders: complete a story, from idea to published across the west coast flocked to meet her. Kris (~Queen- For those who missed the question & novel, varies from book to book, but the answer sessions, here are some highlights basic process is generally the same. Obsessed) from the Seattle session (from notes taken She prefers multi-book publishing deals, Alanna by me) and the San Diego session (from because she generally takes years to think (~DevonianFossil) notes taken by Alena) . about a book before she starts writing. For Tammy started each question & answer example, her current contract has 6 books http://tortallcomics session by assuring that any questions on it—Beka’s trilogy, which is now complete; could be asked and she would answer a Circle of Magic book tentatively titled them, because “I’d rather tell the truth, than Continued, Page 2, “Mastiff”

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argue with hers. The main example she Dedicate Crane for a year before the story, Cont. from pg. 1) “Mastiff” ( used for this was from the Beka Cooper and has taken a part-time job as a Battle Magic, featuring Briar, Rosethorn & trilogy. Her editor would try to correct her waitress. We also learned that her Evvy in Yangjing; and a duology about punctuation, and then Tammy would have roommate at Lightbridge will be a Numair’s early years and his falling out with to remind her editor that Beka doesn’t use merchant’s daughter, whose father thinks Ozorne. punctuation like semi-colons. that Tris is respectable and will be a good influence on his daughter. What he doesn’t She found, years ago, that she doesn’t do She talked frequently about being good know is that his daughter is something of a well trying to write more than one book at a friends with author Bruce Coville. She party animal. This caused quite a bit of time, so she lets her ideas “simmer” in the explained that, because they live near each laughter in the audience, as many people back of her mind for a long time before she other, whenever they are both home, they present were familiar with Tris’ dislike of actually starts writing. She keeps a will frequently visit each other and read parties. database of people to help choose physical excerpts from the stories they are working characteristics for her characters, but she on. They help each other with their stories, From this point, discussion topics at the likes to start each book with a scene that with Tammy helping fix Bruce’s battle two book signings varied. In Seattle, shows something about the main scenes while he helps her with things like Tammy was asked to pick a favorite character, as when Kel faced off against repeated words. secondary character from . the boys, and then the spidrens, in First She settled on Pearl and Okha as her Test. As Tammy explained it, by the time favorites, saying that writing Pearl was a she sits down to start writing, she lot of fun, but she really enjoyed generally has this beginning, with the “Fire, flood, plague, exploring Okha’s character, and wished introduction of the main characters, earthquake, palace falls that she could have fit Okha in the story planned out. She also has the idea for more. the end of the book, which could include, down and the rats reign She also talked about Lark and as she put it, “fire, flood, plague, supreme!” earthquake, palace falls down and the Rosethorn’s relationship in the Circle of rats reign supreme!” -Tamora Pierce, October Magic books, and Rosethorn’s relationship with Crane. She mentioned She went on to explain that figuring out 2011 that, because the books were so focused all of the bits in the middle is where she on the four children, she couldn’t go into runs into trouble. She will frequently call those two relationships as much as she her “spouse-creature,” Tim, to help her She explained that she works better when wanted, so instead she hinted at them brainstorm. She gave a few examples, she forces herself to write a certain number wherever she could. starting each one by calling, in a drawn-out of pages before she takes a break, so she and whiney voice, “Honey…!” One of the always sets herself a page limit for the day. Tammy said that in addition to the books examples that she used, both in San Diego She also mentioned that she works hard to featuring Briar and Tris, she is also working and Seattle, was how she ended up make sure she has pages finished for on a story for either Sandry or Daja. As she sending Beka and Goodwin to Port Caynn Bruce so that she and Tim can stay and explained it, she would really like Daja to be the main character, but Daja has in Bloodhound. She also used an example watch Bollywood movies with the Coville’s, where she called one of her friends, who which made the audience laugh. decided that now that her forge and shop was the basis for Queen Thayet, to ask are up and running the way she wants, she about the type of jewels that Thayet would The other big item that she talked about at wants to focus on that for a while. Tammy have worn when she was presented to both signings was Tris’ upcoming book. also said that the story she wants to do This unnamed book will feature Tris involves lots of travelling, and Daja feels the court in Lioness Rampant. applying to Lightsbridge University under she’s had quite enough of that after the She talked for a while about her editors an assumed name. Tammy explained that adventure they had in The Will of the and publishers. She told some stories from Tris will be trying to earn her basic mage’s Empress. Tammy plans to talk with Daja her early days of work which made the license, without anyone finding out who some more in between working on her audience laugh, and she explained how she really is. Some newer details that other stories, in the hopes that Daja will important editors were to a story, even came out at the signings included the fact take the story. Cont., pg. 3 though there were times when she would that Tris has been getting tutored by

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Kris (~Queen-Obsessed) and Shannon (~yellowis4happy), with Tamora Pierce and a Kel doll. (Taken by Shannon’s mother on October Cont. from pg. 2 26, 2011) Related to arguing with Daja, Tammy can let go of the almost perfect picture and to our very own founder, Steph (*Maseiya). mentioned that her characters stay in her paint something new.” When Steph announced that she was there head once she’s created them, and they with a group from the Tortall Comics will sometimes tell her what they are doing In San Diego, Tammy briefly discussed Project, Tammy cheered. Steph then between books. When the audience wanting to do a series with Daine and asked for a short video to encourage and started asking about various characters, Numair’s children. She said that she inspire our members. The video can be she revealed that Daine and Numair wanted to the story from Rikash’s point of found on the TCP YouTube page (http:// currently spend most of their time chasing view, but she was waiting until the kids are and their children, Rikash and Sarralyn. She older. consists of Tammy mock threatening us joked that all that chasing around was why Someone asked her about the end of Lady because we promised her all entries would she had cats instead of kids. She also Knight, and why she left such a big hint at be submitted by the end of November. explained that Kel was still at New Hope, Kel and Dom possibly getting together. happily single for the time being, and that After the main question and answer Tammy explained that “It wasn’t a hint. I sessions, Tammy had everyone line up so she would have a by the start of her don’t know, I wanted to end the series but next book. that she could sign our books. However, in Kel was not cooperating, saying she was both Seattle and San Diego, the TCP Tammy was also asked if she would ever BUSY, and was happy being single.” members that had gathered not only had go back and rewrite, for example, the Song One of the last questions at San Diego was books for her to sign, but gifts as well. In of the Lioness quartet, in the same way whether Tammy had training with any San Diego, the gifts included a Tortall- that George Lucas redid Star Wars. She weapons. She explained that she didn’t themed bag, a TCP flier, and a drawing answered that once something is know a lot, but she knew a bit of archery, done by Sammi (*ThatDarnKat). Tammy published, it is public, out in the open for and owned a few weapons, including a few liked the drawing so much that she actually people to see, and it ruins the experience maces, some swords, and a naginata. asked for one of Sammi’s business cards. to go back and change the story after it’s When asked about a traditional sword or a In Seattle, Tammy received a home-made, put out—”What if someone really liked that broad sword, Tammy replied that “I’m hand-sewn doll of Squire Kel, complete part you cut out?” As she explained it, she saving myself for the Raven Armoury in with a glaive, made by me. In the end, we will not redo the Song of The Lioness, even Sussex, England,” which made the found that Tammy loved all of her gifts, though those books now feels rushed to audience laugh. thanking everyone and encouraging us to her, because “you can spend a lifetime finish the anthology. painting that one perfect picture, or you The last question at San Diego was offered

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Steph with a deviantART subscription for another reason for her personal interest in “Founders” (Cont. from pg. 1) the new year, she asked Steph about that starting the project. When she was in Small quartet. Their reasons included that idea, and Steph decided to go for it. Within school at the American Film Institute in Los they wanted to be more like Kel, that they days the project had begun. Angeles, she had a project to make a film liked her friends and teachers, and that, as that was no more than 10 minutes long and Alena put it, “She wasn’t a dainty little The founders were all quick to correct me she decided to do one of the jousting flower; she had opinions and a cool head.” when I called Alena the “second-in- scenes from Squire. Steph got Tammy’s When asked to choose a favorite character command.” Steph explained that the three permission for it, started investigating from the series however, the two friends girls are equal because, among other jousting companies, and tried to raise had different opinions. Steph loved the things, although it was her idea, it was money, but in the end she could not earn Alena who inspired her to make it a dynamic between Kel and Tobe in Lady enough and so had to change her movie community project and who got the ball Knight the most, whereas Alena stuck topic. Since she felt bad that she was solidly with Sir Raoul. When asked why she rolling. Alena further explained the dynamic unable to pull the movie off, Steph tried to loved Raoul most, Alena cited his stance with a comparison from Lady Knight: “I’m come up with something else that she towards girls and his humor. Raoul, she’s Vanget.” could do for Tammy. “Comics are a lot Claire was the cofounder who, as Alena put cheaper and easier to pull off,” she When Claire was asked to chose a favorite explained to me with a laugh. series, she went with Alanna’s books, it, “came to the party fashionably late.” because “she was a role model I really They explained that Claire had been invited When Alena was confronted with the admired. She had a clear goal in life, and at to join the club twice in the first few weeks, question of why these books should be the time I read the books I hadn’t any idea but she was so busy and so rarely online at comics, she immediately exclaimed that what I wanted to do with my own life, so I the time, that both invitations expired she could not believe that anyone who had thought she was pretty amazing. Also, she read the books would not want to see them was so feisty, the complete opposite of me in another medium. She then added that growing up.” She went on to explain that “I’m Raoul, she’s she would actually like to animate the Alanna was her favorite character from that Vanget.” books one day if she can, but that this series, because Alanna was the character project is a good stepping stone on the way featured most and so she was the easiest - Alena, November to that dream. to watch grow up. Claire also mentioned 2011 that she has “always been drawn to Once the project was off the ground, it was heroines with feline companions.” just a matter of keeping everything on before she saw them. It wasn’t until the track. Even so, deadlines had to be Pinning down a favorite character outside convention season that Claire discovered extended. Steph explained, however, that of their favorite series was hard for the the group. She got in touch with Steph and “honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a three founders. Steph mentioned liking Alena after finding a group picture from free, online project not have deadlines that Aniki, mostly due to her design in the TCP. Anime Expo on Facebook. She wanted to weren’t always pushed back.” In addition, it Alena brought up Frostpine and Crane from get involved, but she was worried that she was the first time any of the founders had the Circle universe, and both Steph and was too late. Steph and Alena quickly attempted something of this scale and Alena agreed that Dove, Briar and Tris reassured her and invited her once more to none of them had realized, when the were great characters for various reasons. help out. As Claire put it, “since then I’ve project started, how big it would become. “I Claire, for her choice, picked Daine, citing acted like a very stubborn mold, trying to thought it might just be Alena, Claire, me, an envy of her magical abilities. spread myself into as many aspects of the and a few other artists,” Steph admitted. project as I can.” Alena added that, in the beginning, she Once the basic questions about Tamora thought that it would be a very small book, Pierce were out of the way, it was time to I next asked our founders why they felt that no more than fifty pages. delve into the history of the project itself. these books should be turned into comics. Steph and Alena explained that it all started All three women mentioned the smaller, but While the founders were surprised by the “a long time ago” when Steph mentioned very intense fandom, and the challenges of community’s involvement, I was surprised online that she wanted to turn Tammy’s drawing comics as opposed to regular by the answer to my next question. I asked books into comics. When Alena gifted illustrations. Steph went on to reveal whether they would ever Cont. pg. 5

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Cont. from pg. 4 consider hosting as “an adventure!” In explaining her choice, another volume of the TCP and all three A sampling of scenes the she talked again about the joy and girls said yes. Steph explained that next founders would like to include challenges of drawing comics as opposed time, she and Alena would trade most of in the next volume: to straight illustrations. She also mentioned their roles in the group, “to keep the project the joy she experienced while making new fresh”, and that they would also change  Raoul & Buri bursting into friends through the course of the project. “I some of the rules based on what they Kel’s room when she’s think that was the best part.” learned from making this volume. Alena attacked (Squire) insisted that they would take a break In contrast, Alena was fairly quick to  Kel rescuing Tobe (Lady respond, choosing the word “monumental.” before doing anything related to another Knight) volume, but was very emphatic that she did She explained that she had heard stories, want to do another one eventually. Claire  Aly telling Secret she’s been in the past, of authors refusing to give laughed while explaining that “I’m already saving him for something permission for these kinds of projects. She thinking about how I would manage my special (Trickster’s Queen) went on to describe how happy she is that duties next time.” the TCP is able to pay tribute to Tamora  Briar destroying the garden Pierce. “[She] is such an influential When I mentioned the few boys that are and finding the bodies (Street presence in her readers’ lives, that to be involved with the TCP as compared to the Magic) able to dedicate so much time and effort to sometimes overwhelming number of girls, her, it’s touching.”  Beka helping Tansy talk to all three founders were absolute in their the ghost of her son in desire to get more boys involved. Steph Claire chose the word “exciting,” because she loved being part of such a big group added that she wished the boys “would be  Beka and Tunstall at the end working towards a common goal. She a bit more active,” and that she’d love to of Mastiff see some male artists in the next volume explained that the other side of the project for an even greater variety of art.  More action scenes, like was the tension that came with trying to duels or fights with the killing find viable solutions to problems in such a The last question I posed was inspired by machines large and spread out group of people. She an interview with some of the cast of Harry finished by saying, “I’ve never been part of Potter from last summer. I asked each girl  More Wild Magic or Emperor a fan base that I felt so connected to, I to sum up their entire experience with the Mage hope everyone finds something to treasure TCP in one word, and then explain their from working on this project, even if they  More scenes from the Circle answer. felt like the experience was slowly killing universe, especially Tris them! When I think of this book finally Steph thought about her answer for a completed and arriving on my doorstep… I while, before finally describing the project get goose bumps!” Those who have read Alanna’s books may Continued, Page 6, remember that the Bazhir gather at their The Voice of the Project “Voice” fires each night to commune with the Survey By: Kris (~Queen-Obsessed) Voice of the Tribes. The Voice knows the Females Versus Males in the TCP Bazhir through these magical meetings. However, since the TCP does not have a 5 4 magical Voice to tell us about our members, I thought I’d put out a survey to Male help us find out more about each other. Female Here then, are the results of that survey, completed by 83 people out of our 400+ Skipped members and watchers. Interspersed Question around the other results you’ll also find various descriptions of the project 74 submitted during the survey.

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What was Your First Tamora Pierce Book? “Voice” (Cont. from pg. 5) Alanna: The First Adventure 1 1 In the Hand of the Goddess 1 1 “The members of this group are wonderfully 4 Woman Who Rides… enthusiastic and supportive people. I’m very 3 Wild Magic Wolf Speaker honored to be among those participating in 6 this project, even if it’s only in a small way.” 34 Emperor Mage 2 Page “I’ve enjoyed seeing the progress on the 8 Squire project and wish I had the free time to Trickster's Choice 1 participate myself. I look forward to seeing Terrier 1 Sandry's Book the final product!” 15 4 Briar's Book Street Magic 1 Skipped Question Who is Your Favorite Character?

1 Kel “Wonderful! The community is organized, committed, and positive.” 12 Alanna

28 Daine 6 “Very friendly and welcoming to dedicated people of all Aly 4 ranges of skill.” Nawat 12 George “One of the most ambitious (or at times, just purely 7 Beka insane!), educational, and inspiring projects I could 4 ever hope to work on, with the best group of people 3 3 14 Neal that I don’t know in real life.” Numair

How Did You Obtain Your First Tamora Pierce Book?

“It has been incredible to watch the project come together 1 As A Gift over time, and I have so much respect for the artists who 6 11 have brought Tammy’s amazing stories to life!” Recommended

Age in the TCP 16 Bookstore Browsing 33 1 Library 17 or younger 5 16 24 18-20 Other

21-29 31 30-39 “I’m just a watcher, but I’m so excited for this project! I can’t wait to get my hands on a final copy!” Skipped 22 Question Continued, Page 7

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How Did You Find Out About the TCP? “The project has been absolutely great. It’s been hard A Member's work, but there are so many people who help keep things 6 Journal thriving and flourishing.” 9 25 Browsing dA 3 “Like, the people who are actually participating in making A Friend art have made a LOT of effort. You all deserve praise.”

Other “The most amazing experience created within a 9 month period.” 40 Skipped Question

What Role(s) Do You Play in the TCP?

70 58 “Awesome, fun and it’s taken over my life.” 60 50 40 “Stressful, but worth it. It’s brilliant!” 30 22 17 18 20 20 15 8 8 10 6 6

“It is simply totally awesome!” 0 Number of PeopleofNumber

US Members by State

North Carolina 2 2 2 Indiana 2 2 Georgia 17 Colorado “I really love seeing it all come to life—great scenes from the 5 New York books coming to life on paper is a wonderful process to watch. Texas It is also just delightful to see that many other people love the Washington 6 books as much as I do.” Virginia 10 6 Other US Members Worldwide by Country Australia

6 4 UK 5 Denmark “Everyone is hardworking and friendly, and we've got a 5 1 great leader keeping us focused. It's really amazing for Sweden 5 so many people who are so young to do something like 2 Canada this.” 1 New Zealand “This has been amazing—a really remarkable artistic Germany experience, and I’ve never gotten to fangirl over Tamora 54 USA Pierce with so many people before in my life […]” Skipped Question