JANUARY 10, 2021 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Office: (573) 374-7855 Fax: (573) 374-0627 Office Hours: Monday thru Friday THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 8:00AM –4:00 PM website: www.stpatrickcatholicchurch.org www.facebook.com/ SaintPatrickCatholicChurchLaurieMo/ MISSION STATEMENT: St. Patrick Catholic Church encourages spiritual growth, lives Christian values and provides meaningful stewardship to the local and world communities. Winter Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday - 4:30pm Sunday - 8:30am Sunday - 10:30am at St. Philip Benizi, Versailles Weekday Mass Monday (Communion Service) - 9:00am Tuesday - 5:30pm Wednesday -Friday - 9:00am Wednesday Adoration following Mass Reconciliation Saturday - 3:30-4:15pm (or by appt) Please note, to abide by the CDC recommendations, and observe measures for the common good of others, the use of face mask upon entering the church is required. If social distancing cannot be maintained in the pew, then the wearing of face masks is obligatory even in the pew. Fr. John Schmitz, Pastor David Lovell, Deacon Office Staff (573) 372-6418 / (573) 374-4583 Christian Faith Formation Lisa Cluver Linda Neff, Secretary Art & Environment Linda Durben Youth Faith Formation Michele Haggerty
[email protected] Lector Michele Haggerty (573) 372-8594 RCIA Michele Haggerty (573) 372-8594 Sacristans/Server Deacon Dave Adult Faith Formation Lisa Cluver Kathy Woodward, Bookkeeper (573) 480-4565 Library Arlene LaMontagne
[email protected] Greeters Marcy Brown (502) 468-3495 (636) 497-2673 Michele Haggerty, Director of Religious Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Education (573) 372-8594 Ladies Scripture Study Janice Mandl Steve /Janice Mandl (816) 588-3331 Lay Ministry Director Paul Van Evercooren / Men of St.