The Town Crier (Mr. D. Evans) opened the fifth meeting of the Council Meeting as an Assembly and was thanked by the Chairman of the Council, Councillor Mrs. May Blake. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Members of the Cabinet, together with Officers of the Council and representatives of the Council’s Key Partners. Finally, she welcomed Dave Guest, the BBC North West Chief Correspondent, who would be leading on the debates and discussions to follow.

She advised that this meeting was an initiative to involve people in constructive debates about issues of importance to the whole community. Details of those present were recorded and are shown in the Appendix to this report.

She went on to indicate that after each presentation Dave Guest would be inviting speakers from the floor and in this respect asked that speakers limit their comments and/or observations to two minutes, so as to afford others the opportunity to speak.

Finally, she gave details of a Declaration of a Personal Interest received from Councillor Mrs Evans in relation to item 3 (New Health Bodies for West ) and the subsequent debate, as is employed in the National Health Service. 2. APOLOGIES

Apologies for absence were submitted for the meeting on behalf of:

District Councillors Mrs Baldock, Carson, Collinson, Dereli, Hanlon, Lea, Maguire, Meadows, Nolan, M Pendleton, Pope, Mrs. Taylor, Swiffen Thompson, Mrs. Westley Mrs S.E. Dunn ( Civic Trust); Mr D.B. Dunn (Conservation Areas Advisory Panel); Ms M Nind (Chair), (Digmoor EMB); Mr G Haywood (Chief Executive, Sefton MBC): Mr R Carder (Business Link Lancashire); Mr P Doyle (); Mr P Scott (Learning & Skills Council for Lancashire); R.A. Flood (Glenburn Sports College); Mr N Clarke (Senior Regeneration Manager, English Partnerships); Mr D Seddon (St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Aughton); Mr R Small (West Lancs Environment Network); Mr L. Williams (Southport County Court); Mr W Threlfall (Lancashire Crimestoppers); Mr M Thomas (Audit Commission); Mr A Martin (Lancashire County Council, Welfare Rights Services); Mrs. G. Ormsby (West Lancs Archaeological Social); C. Ingham (Youth and Community Services); David Borrow MP (Member of Parliament South Ribble Constituency); Mr. R Sears (Clerk, North Meols Parish Council); County Councillor Martin (Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development); Rosie Cooper MP (West Lancs Constituency); Kate Cox (Environmental Agency); Mrs. C A Cross (Parish Clerk, Wrightington Parish Council); Ms M Wiltshire (CPRE West Lancs District Group); Ms J Moss (Unison); Executive Manager Housing and Property Maintenance Services; Councillor M Doherty (Chairman – Lancashire Police Authority); Interim Manager Regeneration and Estates; Mrs G Stanley (Lancashire Policy Authority); Mrs L Johnstone (Assistant District Partnership Officer – Lancashire County Council)


At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Geoff M Roberts, the Leader of the Council, welcomed all present to the meeting and then addressed the Assembly on the significant developments over the last year, particularly in relation to the following:

x Audit Commission statistics published in the autumn of 2006 showing the Council to be the most improved District Council in the North West and one of the most improved in the country. In relation to this aspect, the Leader advised that the Council was preparing for a further CPA inspection by the Audit Commission in March 2007, when it was hoped that the Council would move from the “good” to “excellent”; x The ‘excellent’ grading for ‘Customer Focus and Access’ – essentially, the performance of the Council’s Contact Centres; x The Council’s short-listing for the title of 'Most Improved Council of the Year' in the Local Government Chronicle Awards; x The Council’s five-year strategy for reviewing its “core” services, with a view to delivering financial savings (to be invested into front line services), whilst simultaneously enabling the Council to provide more streamlined, convenient and effective services; x The Council’s commitment to Community Safety and tackling Crime and Disorder as a major priority, as evidenced by the Council’s role as the lead agency for the West Lancashire Community Safety Partnership and its significant investment in improving community safety activities, including: x the management of community safety generally, x the Anti-Social Behaviour Team, x additional Community Support Officers, x CCTV coverage in many parts of the District, and x with the assistance of the Primary Care Trust, the funding of a Domestic Violence Co-ordinator for the District; x The successful application for government funding to establish a neighbourhood management project in the Digmoor, Tanhouse and Moorside Wards of involving a total of £3.7 million over 4 years to tackle deprivation, reduce crime and disorder, improve the physical environment and, perhaps most importantly, to empower local communities to become involved in deciding where and how this money should be spent; x The Council’s success in securing external funding to help stimulate business growth and job creation in the District, most notably, as one of only four North West organisations to succeed in attracting UK Business Incubation monies, which, together with European Regional Development Funds, are financing a new £300,000 business support project; x The Council’s work with the private, other public and voluntary sector partners, to establish a new project, ‘Enterprising West Lancashire’, to help support individuals wanting to start-up in business and to provide assistance for existing small and medium sized businesses and support the development of social enterprises; x The Council’s success in launching “WEB” (“Women Excelling in Business”) at an enterprise event held at the Investment Centre, following which a significant number of women expressed interest in joining a West Lancashire Women’s network, the first group of its kind in West Lancashire, where women from a wide range of backgrounds will come together in a friendly environment to help them develop and grow in today's competitive economy; x The Council’s continued leading role in the regeneration of Skelmersdale Town Centre, having forged an effective partnership with English Partnerships, and with the support of NWDA leading to the appointment of a Development Partner, St. Modwens – a company of international reputation – to help realise a £100m+ transformation of the town centre over the next 10-15 years; x The Council’s continuing role in the regeneration of Burscough town centre, leading to proposals for £1m of improvements to the street scene along the A59 through Burscough centre, with additional proposals in the pipeline for: x the regeneration at Burscough Wharf; and x a new Burscough FC stadium and community sports provision; x The Council’s work to help resolve longstanding issues in the Northern Parishes in relation to: x derelict and underused sites; x bringing forward improvements in residents’ amenity; x creating appropriate employment opportunities; and x improving social housing provision, thereby enabling more young people to get their foot on the first rung of the housing ladder in the village where they were born or brought up; x Detailed discussions with landowners and developers in relation to sites such as Greaves Hall in Banks and Alty's in Tarleton, which, it was hoped, would shortly bring forward proposals that will meet with the approval of local people; x The Council’s work with farmers, growers, the local community and a range of agencies to respond positively to the issues raised by the influx of migrant workers to meet the needs of the District’s horticultural industry; x The continuing progress in the improvement of the environment across the District including work with external consultants to design improvements to the street cleansing service with a view to making West Lancashire a cleaner, safer and greener place to live and work; x The further improvements to the refuse and recycling collection service, resulting in the Council exceeding a recycling rate of 37% across the District with card and textiles collections beginning shortly, which should see West Lancashire top of the Recycling League in the North West; x The continuing programme at the Chapel Gallery of a succession of wonderful and intriguing exhibitions, culminating, in December 2006, in a new addition to the gallery programme of the junior open exhibition following on from the success of the annual adult exhibition, over the last 5 years; x The provision of new changing facilities for football teams at Blaguegate playing fields, Skelmersdale, improvements to the drainage system at Abbey Lane, Burscough and the receipt of a grant from the Football Foundation for a new £½ m development for changing facilities at Liverpool Road playing fields, to serve the growth in junior football at this site. x The acquisition of a new countryside site at Hunters Hill, increasing the availability of access to the countryside. x The continuing Investment in the Council's parks, such as at Coronation Park in Ormskirk, including the addition of a new bandstand, footpaths, shrubs and planting together with an extension of the public park into a landscaped woodland walk on the old nursery site. x The increased number of visitors to events at Beacon Country Park; as evidenced by the Green Fayre and Kite Festival attracting over 16,000 visitors during two weekends last summer. x Recognition for the work with our partners DCT in the golf course has seen a National Golf Magazine and a report in the Independent newspaper, place the Beacon Park Golf course as one of the ‘Ten Best’ golf courses in the UK, emphasising the warm welcome and family feel which the site and management provide. In closing the Leader of the Council paid tribute to his fellow Councillors for their interest, hard work and enthusiasm for change and improvement to benefit the District and its residents before thanking the Council's many partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors for helping the Council work to achieve its vision of not only seeking to serve its residents but to delight them. And finally thanking the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, their Chief Officer colleagues and all the staff they represent for their hard and effective work.


Mark Wilkinson and Maggi Morris, respectively Chief Executive and Director of Public Health of the Central Lancashire Primary Care Trust, addressed the Assembly, with particular reference to the following issues:

x The creation of the new Primary Care Trust (PCT), through a merger of existing bodies in October 2006, to commission health services in its area; x The duties of the new PCT, including: x Its engagement with the local population to improve health and wellbeing in its area; x Its commissioning of a comprehensive and equitable range of high quality, responsive and effective services, within allocated resources; x Its direct provision of high quality, responsive and efficient services, where this gives best value; x The PCT’s commitment over the next 5 years to: x Improving health and reducing inequalities in health; x Reducing the differences in life expectancy x Delivering quality, cost effective services; x Elimination waiting times for services

Ms Morris illustrated the main deteminants of health (such as living and working conditions) and advised that as the majority are outside the hospital/health care environment, it was essential for the PCT to work with outside agencies etc to influence these if they were to achieve their goal of improving health.

Finally, in relation to the Southport and Ormskirk Hospital Trust, Mr Wilkinson confirmed that there no changes “in the pipeline” as far as the Primary Care Trust was concerned.

At the conclusion of the presentation, Dave Guest invited those present to debate the issues raised and in doing so reminded the Assembly that speeches/comments etc should be no longer than 2 minutes, to afford as many people as possible the opportunity to attend.

The following speakers raised the issues shown and, where appropriate, heard a response from Mr Wilkinson and/or Ms Morris:

x Joan Morrison of Skelmersdale, who described herself as “an activist”, expressed concern at the apparent inequality of provision in West Lancashire, particularly in relation to accident and emergency provision; x Ms Jennifer Holmes of the Clay Brow and Holland Moor Estate management Board in Skelmersdale was concerned that because of low levels of access to transport for Skelmersdale residents, access to services was restricted. In response, Mr Wilkinson advised that it was apparent that the health needs of Skelmersdale had previously been “disgu;ised” because of the way in which statistics had been collated and that in the light of more accurate details it was planned to target more resources for that area. It was felt that the provision of a “CATS” site at Ormskirk General Hospital, which was relatively easy to access from Skelmersdale, would be part of that exercise. x District Councillor R A Pendleton expressed concern that the District Council had no representation on the PCT and in response heard from Mr Wilkinson that the Trust recognised the need to secure democratic views in carrying out its functions and in this respect pointed to the County Council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny role in holding the Trust to account and to the forthcoming measures whereby matters of concern could be brought to the attention of the via “community petitions”, which would trigger a mechanism wherby the Trust had to consider the issue in question in public and advise the petitioners of its response. x Mr Ray Murphy, of Aughton, who had previously served as an Associate Board Member on the former West Lancs PCT, asked for details of the priority given by the Trust to mental health and sexual health services and for details of the financial savings accrued from the merger of the former PCTs to form the new Trust. In response, Mr Wilkinson indicated: a. that in relation to the Brookside unit in Ormskirk (which provided mental health services), the former West Lancashire PCT had been unable to secure funding and that the new Trust was continuing to find funds to continue with the scheme; b. that the Trust was investing heavily in sexual health services and was on target to meet its objectives in this respect, with services being targeted at hospitals/GP surgeries etc as well as the more obvious sites such as colleges; and c. that with regard to funding, the Trust had been looking to re-invest in services savings of £5.5m accruing from the merger and had to date re- invested £2.5m. x District Councillor S Jones drew attention to the differences in the way cases are progressed in different, often neighbouring PCT areas and, to highlight this referred to his own recent experience. Mr Wilkinson indicated in return that what Councillor Jones was referring to was known as the “Expert Patients Programme”, aimed at enabling patients to exercise greater control over their health treatment.

At the conclusion of the debate, the District Council’s Chief Executive, Mr Bill Taylor, after thanking Mr Wilkinson and Ms Morris and all those who had contributed, summarised the debate. He felt that the presentation and debate had illustrated the need for service provision to meet needs and, in the light of the issues highlighted by Ms Morris, that health was an issue to be tackled by a variety of agencies rather than being purely for the health authorities.


Prior to presenting certificates to members of the West Lancs Wolves for their achievments in trampolining, the Chairman invited Mr Dave Rozzell to address the Assembly on the work of the Forum.

Mr Rozzell than addressed the Assembly by referring to: x the benefits of exercise, including greater self-confidence, a feeling of achievement, improved personal fitness and meeting other people with shared interests; x to the formation of Spartak Gymnastics in 2003, initially based at Edge Hill College, and its growth to become one of the most successful groups in the country, with several national champions and several participants in a forthcoming international event in South Africa; x the development of schemes and programmes, such as the Advertiser Annual Sports Awards, to encourage greater levels of participation in sport by people of all abilities; x the creation of the West Lancs Wolves, a multi sports group for young people with disabilities, which encourages participation in activities such as climbing, swimming, athletics, riding and trampolining. x the particular benefits of trampolining for young people with disabilities and in this respect he referred to awards won recently for their performance in this activity by Michael Barnes, Rebecca Edwards, James Thorburn, Rosie Winstanley Daniel Woods and Martin Woods,

After thanking Mr Rozzell, the Chairman congratulated the students named on their success and presented each of them with a Certificate of Achievement.


Dave Guest invited the Headteacher of , together with colleagues and pupils, to make a presentation to the Assembly on “Every Child Matters”.

Mr Doug Bruce, the Headteacher drew attention to the 5 outcomes of the “Every Child Matters” project insofar as it related to the ongoing work at Lathom High School, as follows: x Be healthy – for example, in terms of physical, mental and sexual health as well as making the choices to live a happy lifestyle and not to take illegal drugs; x Stay safe – for example, in terms of being safe from maltreatment, violence, accidental injury, bullying, discrimination, crime and anti-social behaviour x Enjoy and achieve – for example, by being ready for school, attending and enjoying school, achieving educational standards at both primary and secondary school and achieving personal and social development; x Make a positive contribution – for example, in terms of engaging in issues affecting the community and the environment, engaging in law-abiding activity, choosing not to bully or discriminate and in successfully dealing with significant life changes and challenges; x Achieve economic well-being – for example, by engaging in further education, being ready for employment, living in decent homes, having access to transport and material goods and living in households free from low income.

Staff and pupils from the School then described initiatives to encourage full attendance at school (such as attendance at sporting events) and to ensure that absence through illness for example, did not mask other issues at home that could impact negatively on a pupil. This approach entailed regular meetings with parents and the early involvement of other agencies. Pupils then outlined their experiences at the “Every Child Matter” Forum operating at the school whereby all pupils could meet with staff members to address issues of concern to them with a view to reaching solutions and positive outcomes. Finally, Mr Bruce highlighted the School’s aim of producing pupils who are independent, creative and self-reliant, with high levels of self-esteem and who are, above all other things.

Dave Guest then invited comments and issues of debate from the Assembly, as follows:

x David Woods, a retired Headteacher at a school in Skelmersdale, asked whether the District Council would provide sufficient resources, capacity and capability to ensure the success of initiatives such as “Every Child Matters” as delays could lead to families not coping with problems at home, possibly with an outcome of children being taken into care. (The Deputy Chief Executive responded to this point in his summary at the conclusion of the discussion); x District Councillor W G Roberts congratulated Lathom High School on its good work and asked how the School was publicising it and how the School could guarantee its survival. In response to this, Mr Bruce advised that the School tried to prioritise its use of resources and acknowledged that early use of resources could reduce later problems. He noted that the number of pupils on the School’s roll was increasing at present. x County Councillor D O’Toole (also a District Councillor) praised the School’s positive approach as a good example; x Chief Inspector Curtis indicated that the work related to the “Every Child Matters” initiative was a “tremendous investment” involving the Police and other agencies and advised that early intervention by the Police included the use of Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs) and Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs); x A Special Needs teacher applauded Lathom High School’s work on the Initiative, felt it important that all agencies should “sing from the same songsheet” and drew attention to the work of the Police in attending Schools during breaks to meet pupils; x District Councillor Jones drew attention to the benefits of co-operation between bodies to produce a coordinated approach, giving a higher chance of Schools achieving their full potential and in this respect referred to the success of Brookfield and Kingsbury Schools in Skelmersdale in attracting financial assistance of £3m.

At the end of the debate, the Deputy Chief Executive summarised the issues arising from the presentation and discussion on the “Every Child Matters” initiative and praised it as a good example of “joined up thinking” producing positive benefits. Finally, he referred to the points raised by Mr Woods during the discussion and reminded the Assembly that the majority of the resources were beyond the Council’s control (ie with the County Council and Primary Care Trust) and that accordingly the District Council was not in a position to give any guarantee the success of the Initiative.


The Chairman, Councillor Mrs May Blake, announced that she had decided to make her Special Award for 2006/2007 to Mr Pat Wisniewski Manager of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) at Martin Mere as well as the WWT’s Exhibit Development Manager for all their Centres. The Chairman referred to Mr Wisniewski’s career since 1983 at Martin Mere, including his service since 1991 as Centre Manager and his role in the development of the Centre. She concluded her tribute to Mr Wisniewski by referring to his active role a writer of scientific papers and as a member of a number of national and local committees and charities.

The Chairman then presented Mr Wisniewski with the Special Award, following which Mr Wisniewski responded by thanking the Chairman and by paying his own tribute to the assistance and support given to him by his wife, together with his colleagues and the District and County Councils.


In closing the meeting of the Assembly, the Chairman thanked those present for their support and participation, advised that the report on the debates during the meeting would be published and confirmed that the next Assembly would be held in the Northern Parishes.

Finally, she invited all present to join with Members and Officers over refreshments. APPENDIX ATTENDANCE

Chairman of the Council (Councillor Mrs M Blake) Vice-Chairman of the Council (Councillor Cropper) Chairman’s Consort (Mr. J. Blake) Town Crier (Mr D Evans) Dave Guest (BBC North West) Mark Wilkinson (Chief Executive, Central Lancs Primary Care Trust) Maggi Morris (Director of Public Health, Central Lancs Primary Care Trust)

Leader of the Council (Councillor G M Roberts) Cabinet Members: Councillors Ashcroft, Bailey, Baldock, Grant, Owens

Councillors: Ainscough, Aldridge, Mrs. Atherley, Mrs. Colling, D. M Duffy, I Duffy, Mrs. M. Edwards, Mrs. R. Evans, Forshaw, Gartside, Griffiths, Mrs. Hopley, Jones, Kay, McKay, Mee, Ms. Melling, O’Toole, R A Pendleton, Phythian, A.T. Rice, J.A. Roberts, W.G. Roberts, Skilling, Mrs Stephenson. Officers: Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Council Secretary & Solicitor, Executive Manager Financial Services, Assistant Chief Executive; Executive Manager Community Services; Executive Manager Planning and Development Services, Street Scene Manager, Human Resources Manager, Leisure & Cultural Services Manager; Assistant Sports Development Officer and Disability Officer, Member Services Manager, Senior Member Services Officer (SAG), Senior Member Services Officer (CAJ), Member Services Officer (JAJ); P.A. to the Leader; P.A. to the Chairman; PR & Consultation Manager, PR Assistant (NS), I.T. Officer (AL), I.T. Officer (SA), Health & Safety Manager

Key Partner Chief Superintendent Curtis (Lancashire Police), Rev. Chris Jones Representatives (Ormskirk Parish Church), Mrs. C Ainscough (CAB), Mr. D Ashcroft (Chairman, Ormskirk Magistrates Court), Mr C Dennis (Deputy Chairman, Ormskirk Magistrates Court), Mr C Mawdesley (MP’s Office), Ms J Holmes (Claybrow & Holland Moor EMB), Ms M Highton (Claybrow & Holland Moor EMB), Rev M. Neal (Skelmersdale Ecumenical Centre), Ormskirk Advertiser (Press and Photographer); Mr. E. Gaudie (GMB Union), Ms J Morrison (New Church Farm Residents Group), Mr. B. Millington (West Lancs Citizen’s Advice Bureau); County Councillor Barron (Lancashire County Council), Mrs. I. Roberts (Clerk, Aughton Parish Council), Parish Cllr. Kitson (Chairman, Aughton), Parish Councillor. Walne (Aughton), Parish Councillor Mrs. Naylor (Aughton) Parish Councillor Brookfield (Halsall), Ms S Palmer (District Partnership Office, Lancashire County Council), Mr R Ford (Partnership Reference Group), Mr A Gore (Clerk, Bickerstaffe Parish Council, (2 representatives), Mr J Smart (Our Lady Queen of Peace), Mr P Richardson (Age Concern Lancashire) Ms A Abram (Age Concern Lancashire), Mr V Roby (Arriva NW & Wales), Mr P Cox (Lancashire Fire and Rescue Services), Parish Councillor Porter (Newburgh), Rev B.J. Norman and Mrs. Norman (Our Lady & All Saints R.C. Church, Parbold), Ms C Robertson (Volunteer Centre West Lancashire), Revd. Judith Ball (St. Thomas the Martyr, Up Holland), Reverend Cannon Gordon Greenwood (St. Paul’s C of E Church), Mr S Igoe (Vice-Chancellor (Resources) ), Mr B Millington (West Lancashire Citizens Advice Bureau), Mr S McKibbin (District Manager, Victim Support Lancashire), Staff and children from Lathom High School, Skelmersdale, Representatives from New Church Farm Residents Group,

Award Winners Mr. Pat Wisniewski (Chairman’s Special Award Winner Daniel Woods – West Lancs Disability Trampoling Club Martyn Woods - West Lancs Disability Trampoling Club Rebecca Edwards - West Lancs Disability Trampoling Club Michael Barnes - West Lancs Disability Trampoling Club Jamie Thornburn - West Lancs Disability Trampoling Club Rosie Winstanley - West Lancs Disability Trampoling Club

Members of the Public: 55