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The BG News November 6, 2001

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SWIMMING: SUNNY Falcon swim teams fall men 571 i.ow 30 to Toledo, Eastern Michigan; PAGE 6 independent student press VOLUME 92 ISSUE 48 USG discusses Union plans by Chasity Lester open next semester, loel ing more blue lights behind the the Aviation building on Poe use, has discussed directing made aware of the problem from tut BG NfWS Freimark, off-campus senator, Union. The lights would illumi- Road. these funds, but has not yet an editorial in The lit; New-. At last night's meeting, the said the Union is on schedule and nate the parking lot and assist the Other safety issues were raised decided il the organization will be Dortch went on to explain that Undergraduate Student will open in sections, beginning Sober Sister Program. Sororities concerning the campus. USG has responsible for the funds. arts are an important part of lite Government approved a Dec. 28. members near the Union have discussed raising security around lustin Dortch, off-campus sen- University curriculum, He said he Diversity Day for Feb. 9. The day Plans for the Union food court used the parking lot to park their campus during special events but ator, addressed the issue of gen- would support any measure that will feature a lewish wedding cer- were also announced. National cars late at night and this raises has had problems allocating eral fee allocation. Dortch. a var- would bung money to the .ills emony sponsored by llillel, a chain Wendy's, as well as Steak security issues for the sorority money for the job. The surplus "as long as it doesn't lake awa) fashion show, art gallery and liscape and Freshen Frozen members. Freimark said. funds from the Pepsi contract sitj swimmer, said he would sup- other events that encourage and Yogurt and Pretzel Shop will He also is concerned with that was signed last year was port more funding for the arts. money from athletics" Olliei support diversity on campus. operate in the Union. Freimark sorority members receiving tick- noted as one of the possible "I think that it is disgusting that senate members would not com- The eyents will l>c held In the also said that the Union will begin ets for parking in the area at night. sources. Heightened security more of the general fee money ment on Dortch's statement Ilowen-Thompson Student scheduling regular events in May. I le also asked that USG look into could attract larger acts in cam- isn't going toward the arts," he The next list, meeting is can- Union, which is scheduled lo Freimark also discussed plac- funding to place a crosswalk near pus, according to USG. said. Dortch said he was first celed due to Veterans D.iv Falcons ELECTION DAY get new Union feathers by Craig Gilford opposes T HI 80 NlnS The University falcon mascots revealed their new costumes at proposed the football game this past week- end. The new costumes are more charter cartoon-like, with the falcons smiling and Frieda donning a ponytail. change "We were looking for some- thing that was a completely new by Kimberly Oupps look," said Michael Ginsberg, THE BG NtWS adviser to Freddie and Frieda. If a proposed chattel The old falcon costumes had Michael IcImkuhleBGNews amendment on today's ballot been used for the last 15 years. CITY COUNCIL: From left. Bowling Green City Council members Bill Culbertson, John Mura, B.J. Fischer, Sandy Wicks and Patrick Ng. is passed, police and lire chiefs Ginsberg said now was a good There are currently only two at-large council seats on the city council. II the proposed charter amendment passes, all seats will be could be hired from outside time to replace them, because at-large. their respective departments. they had become old and worn. The amendment would A majority of the money used to affect how chiefs for the pay for the new costumes was f Howling Green Police from private donations and for- ■ STOP Department and Howling mer mascots. (WRONG SIDE) Green Fire Division are' hired, According to Ginsberg, the Students may lose Currently, the fire and police money that came from former TURN CARD OVER chiefs are promoted to the OFFICIAL BALLOT mascots was a sign of unity within position from within their the organization, Bowling Green City respei rjve departments, The "I think it obviously shows we lire duel iniisi be a captain lo Connected to them as students representation in city Elections be considered tor the position. and they wanted to help further a Council-at-Large The liie division hierarchy is tradition they weie involved in," chief, deputy chief, captain, he said. byleflHindenach Currently, the city is divided The lawsuit which started in William T. Culbertson (R) IHE BG NtWS lieutenant, and firefighter. Freddie and Frieda's former up into four voting wards. Fach 1994, was brought against the BJ Fisher (D) duds will be placed in University If history repeats itself, stu- ward accounts for 25 percent of city because University stu- archives dents max lose any hold they the vote. Hut the populations of dents believed the way die city Ward Council CHIEF. PAGE 3 had on city government. the wards are not divided even- was broken into wards was According to First Ward rep ly. Approximately 45 percent of unconstitutional, Currently, Sarah Tomashefski (D) Gregory Paul Amend (R) lesenlalive Sarah Tomashefski, the population lives in the liisl Ward |, which the University is PROPOSED CHARTER the proposed charter amend- ward, bin only counts for 25 in. has a population of 12,674. AMENDMENTS ment to change Howling percent of the votes. On the Ward 3 only has .'(,199. But each Local Option Meiier Green's current ward system to odier hand, the third ward has gets only one representative, • Change qualifications for an all at-large system needs to only 12 percent of the popula- which goes against the Sunday Alcohol Sales Dance elected officials be voted down in order for stu- tion living in the third ward, but Constitution's equal represen- SPECIAL ELECTION dents to have a chance lo be has an equal say in the vote. tation 11 lie • Change organization of involved in city government. If In March of 1995, two If the city does go to an all at- president and council Marathon student voter turnout is any- University students asked large system, it will be harder Wood County. Ohio • Election to fill council thing like the pasl, this could be Rodney Fleming lo file a lawsuit for students to be elected to city vacancies a problem. against the city because they council for several reasons, • Give electors power to plans "I hope that there is an over- felt the way the wards were according lo Tomashefski. remove officials from office whelming turnout of voters," apportioned was unconsiiiu- "If the amendment is voted • Adopt a civil service com- Tomashefski said. "We tried to tional. According to the equal for, il will have a very large mission lor the city continue educate the campus about the protection clause of the U.S. impact. Four-year terms would • Change numbers, selec- issue so that there would be an Constitution, there should be by Lisa Lynch tions, and terms of elections 1HI BG «t*S increased voter turnout." one vote per person. AMENDMENT, PAGE 3 Matt IvsyBG News for all offices The Dance Marathon steering committee, which was selected only two weeks after last year's event, formulated a number of goals at the annual summer retreat. The top priority of the steering Speaker comes to U. to define Muslim religion committee this year is to educate University students and the com- by loanna Hammer Islam is a religion that nate that bin laden is being munity on the true meaning of THE BO ntws . believes in one god. Muslims, associated with Islam, a religion the event. Toledo mosque religious which is the name given to fol- which devotes itself to peace." "We are striving to educate the leader Iman Farooq explained lowers of Islam, also believe in The Islamic religion is based campus and the community the meaning of the Islamic reli- the day of judgment and the on five pillars that followers about Children's Miracle Network gion to University students and accountability for one's actions. have to practice. The first pillar and the number of benefits the faculty last night in room 115 in The direct meaning of Islam is die declaration of faith. This is organization has, as well as edu- Education Building. The event, is peace. Followers of such radi- a two sentence declaration in cating the students on the chil- sponsored by the University cal groups as the Taliban, are which Muslims say: "There is no dren living with a terminal ill- Muslim Student Association contradicting Islam, according deity but God, and Mohammed ness," said Allie Koscho, director was part of an effort to raise to Farooq. is the messenger of God." of Dance Marathon. "We are try- campus awareness of the "Islam means peace, so Prayer is the second pillar. ing to bring the true meaning of Muslim faith. Osama bin Laden, crazies and Islam followers pray five times a Dance Marathon back after seven Farooq said Islam is one of such like him ... contradict day facing the city Mecca Zakat, years." the most misunderstood reli- Islam," Farooq said. "Matter of or charity, is the third practice. Freshmen are encouraged to gions and he wanted to clear up fact, the killing of any creature In this Muslims set aside a por- get involved in Dance Marathon. some of its misconceptions. for no use is against Islam. This tion of their wealth for those less Many freshmen miss out by not "We need to get together in even includes animals. When unfortunate. getting involved in it, Koscho said. these times to eliminate mis- crazies like David Koresh kill Fasting, otherwise know as Sarah Casto BG News conceptions of Islam," he said. people, he is not coined as a STRIVING TO EDUCATE: Toledo mosque religious leader Iman "I think there is enough hate." Christian terrorist. Il is unfortu- ISLAM. PAGE 3 . MARATHON, PAGE 3 Farooq speaks to University sttidents^and faculty in Education 11^, 2 luesday. November 6.2001 Aim AND ENTERTAINMENT BG NEWS

TODAY'S fle prizes. 2356. Sound Check; Joel offers ^sentiaT hits Concert Charity Raffle @ Vocal Ensemble "greatest hits." This collection Education Building Steps, 11 Billy Joel perked up via the techno beats EVENTS Performance @ Bryan Recital could have been much stronger a.m. to 4 p.m. Held by Sigma throbbing across the entire disc. Hall, 8 p.m. The performance is had loel just gone through and Gamma Rho Sorority. Raffle The Essential Billy Joel A second shift is the addition of TUESDAY, NOV. 6 free and open to the public. cut a few songs. Grade: B tickets for a concert in Detroit. Mortis' vocals. Ranging from a The money earned from thicket Yet another greatest hits pack- spoken-word style to a drab CAMPUS EVENTS Women's Journaling Group @ -Lisa Beltinger midrange warble, the vocals do sales will either be used to pur- age has hit record store shelves. The Women's Center, 107 Hanna little more than make me think of chase turkeys for Martha's Soup Billy Joel is offering us The Next Question @ Kennedy Green Hall, 4 p.m. The Women's Essential Billy Joel. However, with Mortis all the music I hated in the 80s. Kitchen on Thanksgiving or will Room, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A col- Journaling Group recognizes Prime example is "You Put a Hex be donated directly to the chari- Joel having released other great- laborative artist team, com- that throughout time, enlight- est hits packages before, there is on Me" which sounds eerily like ty of their choice. Smell the Rain posed of Emily Blair, Michelle ened cultures have celebrated some question as to why he real- New Order's big hit "Blue llluminato and Phuong Nguyen, ly needs to be doing this. Mortiis' appearance alone — Monday." listening to this, I get Alpha Phi Omega Rock-A-Thon the creative power of women, address issues of cultural sig- Essential is made up of two he's a little Norwegian troll — is images of folks like Falco and @ Education Steps Alpha Phi but in today's workday world nificance. discs of Joel's classics. He wisely enjoyable enough to merit inter- dance club fog machines — ugh. Omega's fund raiser will run that power can be squelched. includes such hits as "Piano est. How he's continued to stay in On all the Mortiis records, redun- until 8 p.m. today. Why not explore the possibilities Somebody Else's Dream: Gregory of journaling to unlock your cre- Man," "Only the Good Die vogue among metal audiences is dancy is a valid complaint. Smell Barsamain @ Dorothy Uber Young" and "Uptown Girl," even more amazing as his style of llie Rain is no different, as most Open Links: A Jewelry and ativity and perhaps get to know Bryan Gallery, Fine Arts Center, among many others. dark keyboard music flics in the songs run long through chorus Metals Exhibition ©Willard yourself better? All women are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Using kinetic Also included are some lesser face of all that metal usually rep- repeats and painfully deliberate Wankelman Gallery, 10 a.m. to 4 welcome! sculptures that perform low- known hits that might be more resents. His past history as transitions between song sec- p.m. Contemporary artists Leslie tech transformations through well known to Joel's fans. These Emperor's original bassist cams tions. 'The spooky moods of old Leupp, Pat Nelson, Marjorie VISION Meeting ©The Women's the employment of rotation and include "Goodnight Saigon" and some credit but the brooding are hopelessly lost. Instead, we Schick, Sam Shaw and Felicia Center, 107 Hanna Hall, 9 p.m. strobe lights, he constructs nar- "Leningrad." soundscapes of both Crypt oftlie get a flaccid Trent Reznor-lite Szorad will be featured in this The undergraduate Gay, ratives that recall the intensity The problem wilh this collec- Wizard and The Stargate are void crossed with Euro-pop. exhibition. Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and mystery of dream images. tion is simple — two discs is too of any rocking whatsoever. Still, I should probably give this disc Queer, Questioning, and Straight much. The Beatles were able to the are fun collections of to dance music fans and see if it Student Jazz Combos Critical Thinking about Values: Supportive (GLBTIQQSS) student get all of their stuff on to one CD. spooky ambient music perfectly holds up to their scrutiny Performances @ Bryan Recital organization. One of Vision's was able to do that too. suited for sword and sorcery A Community Discussion @ 101 Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center, (though I'd hedge my bets toward Olscamp Hall, 9 a.m. All faculty, goals is to provide a supportive Billy loel does have an impressive movies. For Smell the Rain, them trashing it too). Foramctal- noon. The performances are free and friendly environment for the library of hit songs, but some- Mortiis changes tactics and cre- staff and students are invited to and open to the public. head like myself, this is a com- GLBTIQQSS community here at thing that is labeled Essential ates what can best be described share your thoughts about the plete waste. l,et the buyer Bowling Green. should be just that, loel even as gothic dance pop. Whatever future of education at University Men's Chorus Hot Tub-A-Thon @ includes two classical music credibility there once was is now beware. Grade: F and your reactions to the UCW Space between Education HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? pieces. They are fine on their completely shot to hell. report to the President. 45- Building and Moseley Hall, noon own, but they are not exactly The usual darkness gets ■BmdUypchak minute-long. 8-10 member, The fundraiser for BGSU Men's If you have a campus or city neutral facilitator-led discus- Chorus ends at 2 p.m. on Friday. event that you would like to sions will begin at the top of have listed in the calendar of each hour until 10 p.m. Every What Can I do with a Major in events, send an e-mail to participant will receive a $5 gift VCT and Graphic Arts® 115 [email protected] or certificate to any University- Education Building, 4:30 p.m. to stop by 210 West Hall with No regrets over Emmy broadcast operated business in the new 5:30 p.m. Sponsored by Career event information. The deadline by Lynn Elber "as the perfect choice." concerns about safety for partici- Bowen-Thompson Student Services. Questions may be is 6 p.m. two days before the THl ASSOCIATED PRESS Thomas Schlamme, named Union and be eligible to win raf- directed to the office at 372- event. pants, and louder questions LOS ANGELES — Even skep- best drama series director for about the propriety of a celebra- tics agreed: The Emmy Awards "The West Wing," said the tion during difficult national turned out to be a good idea after evening proved a warm gather- times, all. ing for the television industry: But the show managed to walk After a second postponement "People were so happy to see the line between entertainment and second-guessing by critics, each other." and respect. It was also suitably Another "West Wing" winner the ceremony went off without a star-laden, despite talk (hat per- hitch and drew praise for grace was Bradley Whitford, named under pressure. best supporting actor in a drama formers might be wary of attend - As "The West Wing" picked up series. The top acting trophies for Ing. the most awards — eight in all, drama went to lames Gandolfini In Ihcend. even lYcriiii SWere Don't forget to VOTE! including best drama — much of and Edie Falco of HBO's mob won over. the praise for the night went to drama "The Sopranos." which In New York, David Hianculliof Ellen DeGeneres. claimed a tolal of four awards. The Daily News called the After preparing for two other In a breakthrough for cable, awards telecast "worth mounting Today is Election Day! ceremonies that were postponed the HBO series "Sex and the City" and worth watching." because of the Sept. 11 terrorism was named best comedy series, "Many critics, myself among and U.S. counterattacks, the first such award for a non- them, had counseled against DeGeneres proved an adept host broadcast network series. televising the Emmys this year... in difficult circumstances. Another big winner as the ABC 1 was wrong" This message is brought to you by the Tomashefski Committee. "Ellen set the tone so beauti- movie "Life With Judy Garland: Howard Rosenberg of the Los fully, she was just spol-on," Me and My Shadows" with five Angeles Times said the broadcast Allison Janncy, supporting awards. drama actress winner for "The As the ceremony hopscoiched was like an 'all clear' after an air West Wing," said backstage over the calendar, delayed first raid." Sunday. from Sept. 16 and then from Oct. Frazler Moore of The Patricia Heaton, who took the 7, people inside and outside Associaled Press deemed it "a trophy for best lead comedy Hollywood questioned whether slick, entertaining ceremony that SanaA actress for "Everybody Loves the show should proceed. never forgot the tragic events thai Raymond," praised DeGeneres There were quietly expressed twice led to Its postponement." TOMASHEFSKI FIRST WARD COUNCIL rnons contain more Because Experience Matters Thank you for your support! sugar than strawberries^!*v.jjpl Paid lor by the Tomashelski Committee. 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' i-'t FM Nov 9 & 10am - 7[)m Sal Nov 10 BG NEWS Tuesday. November 6,2001 3 Proposal would allow outside hiring Wards debated CHIEF, FROM PAGE 1 ment. into the department and retire capable like someone within the Main also said new firefighters from the department," he said. department. AMENDMENT, FROM PAGE 1 they arc knocking on doors According lo Scott Main, presi- have to take street and building "We (the union) would like to Current mayor lohn Quinn throughout the city." dent of the Bowling Green tests when they are hired, which keep it that way." supports the proposed charter make it harder for students to Mayor John Quinn, who is Firefighters Association, hiring a chief from outside the depart- According to the proposed amendment. run," she said. "Unless you are a supporting the issue, would the fire chief from outside the ment may be able to bypass. amendment, the Bowling Green "We do have an excellent inter- freshman or decide to go to also like to see a high voter department would change how "City administration gets to mayor could appoint any quali- nal program that we could hire graduate school here, you won't turnout for the issue. he fire department operates. interview and evaluate any new fied applicant to the chief posi- from." Quinn said. "But 1 believe be here long enough to fill the "I am supporting the issue, "It would have a person in firemen throughout their one- tion. The mayor's appointment the option needs to be there. The term." but I hope the voters will come charge who would not know any- year probation period," Main would not need to be certified by mayor needs the options to hire According to an article in the out and do whatever they think thing about the city," Main said. said. "A candidate from outside the Civil Service Commission. the best person." Toledo Blade, Mayor lohn is best for Bowling Green," he The Bowling Green Fire would avoid the scrutiny (other "It would allow the appoint- While Ward One council per- Quinn said he believes it would said. Department has 250 to 300 plans firefighters go through)." ment of a fire chief to be a politi- son Sarah Tomashefski under- be difficult for students, too. According to Tomashefski, if of buildings in Bowling Green, Main added that hiring an out- cal process," Main said. stands the rationale of the charter "It is very, very difficult for a the issue does get voted down, which help the fire fighters in case side person has the potential to Main also said, the mayor amendment, she does not sup- student to accept because, how the students still have a chance the building starts burning. change the atmosphere of the fire could appoint someone to the port it. many students are really going to have their voice heard. According to Main, these plans station. A chief candidate from an position who belonged to the "I believe we have very quali- to run for a four-year term?" Tomashefski and Rodney are reviewed twice a year by the outside department, according to same political party or who he or fied offices in the city and that we Quinn said. "It also forces a stu- Fleming, the lawyer for the stu- firefighters, making them very Main, may be looking to Bowling she was a friend to. have the people to fill those posi- dent to be involved in a city- dents in the lawsuit, have a familiar with the buildings. A Green as a stepping stone to a "The mayor would be taking tions," Tomashefski said. wide campaign for office. compromised ward reappor- chief from outside the depart- larger department rather than the word of that person's inter- Those are the biggest cons." tioning for the city that they ment may not be as capable to "Bowling Green also has high staying to improve the depart- view and the resume," Main said. standards that other cities may Another factor is cost of cam- have proposed to the city. It was fight the fire as well as a chief ment in the long run. He added that the person not have, so those candidates paigning, which would overlooked before, but if the hired from within the depart- increase because, instead of "We have people who come would not have to prove himself won't be as qualified." issue is voted down, it may be candidates just campaigning in re-evaluated. a quarter of the city, they must "If the issue gets voted down, campaign city-wide. city council has to act right "A city-wide campaign is a away to come to a compro- bigger time commitment for mise," Tomashefski said. students" Tomashefski said. "According to Mike Marsh, Speaker clarifies religion of Islam "They have classes and now attorney for the city, if they they are not just knocking on a don't act, then a judge will ISUM, FROM PAGE 1 "Islam is not a submission to to man. The modest dress of the as the chuckled. few doors for the first ward, redraw the ward lines." God. You submit yourself out of Islamic religion applies to both To conclude his presentation, Ramadan, is the fourth pillar. This love. Without God we are noth- sexes. Men cannot show certain Farooq testified about the impor- is done from first light until sun- ing," Farooq said. "God without parts of their bodies, wear gold, or tance of his religion for him. set in order to experience some of us is still God." silk. Women also "I am proud to be Muslim." he the hunger that takes place in the As in "Islam is not a dress in a modest said. "My religion is what makes world. It is also a way of self- Christianity, fashion. me feel alive, without being con- purification for the Islam lunar both men and submission to Contrary to nected, I feel meaningless." First meeting held month, women of God." popular belief, 1 le added that he came to the The last <>i the five pillars a is Islam are treat- Farooq said men University in hopes of ending MARATHON, FROM PAGE 1 Dance Marathon or for anyone pilgrimage to Mecca. This is to be ed equally. normally have who wants to learn more about hate and sharing the truth of it. They will continue to be held done al least once in a Muslim's Under Islam, (MAN FAROOQ, TOLEDO one wife under Islam. It is a challenge to get fresh- men motivated about Dance in 101 Olscamp Hall through- life, providing that the person is women have MOSQUE RELIGIOUS LEADER Islamic tradition. "What is needed is to bring out the course of the event. both physically and financially always had the Less than one Marathon because they have unity and commonality, not unity "Through our attempts to able. right to own property, receive an percent of Muslim men have never seen it and it is hard to and confusion," he said. describe what a miracle it is, build awareness at our overall The Qu'ran is the holy book for education and take part in com- more than one wife. In extremely meetings and programs Muslims, lor them, il holds the munity life. In the old Arab times, rare cases, a man may have The Muslim Student Kosclto said. Association is bringing in another throughout the year, we hope exact words of God through the killing of young baby girls was another wife if his current wife is This year's steering commit- to send the message that DM is Angel Gabriel to the prophet a common practice. ill. This is only done with her per- speaker today at 8 p.m. in tee has created information I-.ducat ion 115 to talk about the for the kids!" Koscho said. Mohammed. The book consists Islam, according to Farooq, mission and is extremely rare. sessions to help explain what The big day, when all the of 111 chapters and remains came about in order to lift I have just one wife and one is Muslim community views on the Dance Marathon is and the sig- dancer's, moralers and sup- unedited women up and make them equal more then enough." Farooq said war on terrorism. nificance it holds for the porters of DM come together to University. raise money for terminally ill The first overall meeting was kids, will take place March 23- held Nov. 1. Overall meetings 24 at the Student Recreation CHECK V# eVT AT 9CNEW.CC** are for anyone involved in Center. BG News welcomes vour ideas for future stories • Call us at 372-6966 • #•

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Since the report from the Vision and Values Committee was released, there has been lively discussion Voters of B.G.S.U. regarding the role critical thinking about values should play in MEIJER the educational environment at BGSU. This kind of spirited We need your help. dialogue makes university communities intellectually vibrant and exciting places to live, learn and work. We are a Although the majority of Meijer locations throughout the place where natural discourse and ideas are exchanged. State of Ohio are allowed to sell beer and wine on Sun- day, that's unfortunately not the case here in Bowling I hope all members of the BGSU community-faculty, Green. This presents a problem as many of our Sunday staff and students -will continue this conversation informally shopping guests expect to be able to purchase beer and and through discussion groups scheduled on Monday, November 5th and Tuesday, November 6th in 101 wine, and with some of our competitors here in Bowling Olscamp Hall from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Green now selling beer and wine on Sunday, it is simply an inconvenience to those who choose to shop at Meijer I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the future or the Meijer gas station. of education at Bowling Green State University.

Help us to provide full-selection shopping convenience 7 With warm regards, days per week by voting Yes to permit Sunday beer and wine sales at Meijer and the Meijer Gas Station on ^juU^fa^*^- Tuesday, November 6th. Sidney A. Ribeau Support a good business neighbor President Support Meijer this Tuesday

Paid for by Neighbors For Responsible Retail Mark Gargus. Co-chair, 215 E. Wooster, Bwlg. Green, Ohio 43403 4 Tuesday. November 6,2001 BG NEWS

QUOTE UNQUOTE x x How many students are really going to run for a four-year term? ^ %

—Bowling Green Mayor John Quinn on the drawbacks of the proposed amendment to the City Charter that would extend City Council terms to four years. A lorum ol news and ideas OUR TAKE TheBellCurve *k MAJORITY OPINIONS OF THE BG NEWS EDITORIAL BOARD Your vote really counts If we learned anything from wanted to win didn't, and you States. the 2000 presidential election, it didn't vote, you have no room to If there were a need to see the was that every vote really complain. flip side of this privilege, we counts. We know there are people could look to Afghanistan. The This was probably the first who aren't convinced that their citizens of that country don't instance in our lives that it was opinion matters in the grand have the right to vote and the painfully clear that winning by a scheme of things, but we are all (obvious) consequences apply. lew votes is winning none the getting to the age where we are Do you think they elected less. affected by things that go on Osama bin Laden? We think not. There were probably people around us. Also, we have the Remember there are issues on in Florida scratching their heads opportunity to change those the Bowling Green ballot that wishing that they had voted (or things. will affect how everyone lives. It voted correctly). Voting is a privilege given to is only through voting that you If the candidate that vou us as citizens of the United can ensure your way of life.

MSMlfclG: £*c*ReTT65 wtLu KJLL you. 'Clean Air' proposal stinks standards set forth in the pro- The owners and operators AL posal, one must further of Bowling Green's wide vari- The Campus Voice BALDWIN assume there can be "bars" or ety of "public places" respond limmv'mTMHiimiiiimULSIIITHIUIIKIII separately constructed smok- to the desires of their cus- Guest Columnist ing areas, but there will be no tomers and business realities. city council since 1999, giving city wide campaign which "employees" to service them. Some have elected to go Tomashefki her (he needed experience to requires much more money A proposal to ban smoking As kids, we want to say a few "non-smoking." Some have continue serving Ward 1 well. compared to the current sys- in all "public places" in the years ago, "Duh-Daddy!"Since provided separate areas in deserves Therefore, I urge all of you tem in which they only have City of Bowling Green appears his arrival in BG, the referen- their facilities. Motivated by who are registered to come to campaign in one ward on the ballots of Bowling dum's chief organizer and self-interest, each has or is your vote out and vote and please (typically the First Ward). Green voters today. It is the promoter, Mr. Andrew accommodating in common remember Sarah Tomashefski Second, (he current proposal so-called "BG Clean Indoor Schuman, has pursued his sense ways the rights and Being a political science when you do. makes all (erms four years in Air" proposal. Though, the issue of "second-hand smoke" needs of both their non- major here at the University, I length. This would mean that with passion and enthusiasm. smoking and smoking proposal and its sponsor want to emphasize the HANNAH KEMP students would have to He did so before many public patrons. The market place is seem well-intentioned, the importance of getting out to Student decide to run in their first "devil is in the details!" bodies and private groups. working quite effectively and vote. If we as students want year (a daunting task for most The actual language of this Eventually, he elected to go to fairly without additional any say in what goes on in students who haven't even ordinance (not the ballot the ballot with his proposal unnecessary, complex, impos- this community, voting is an Student seltled on a major) or would question) does not limit itself and successfully collected a sible-to-enforce regulations. excellent way to get involved. have to go lo graduate school to "indoor" air. It is flawed, sufficient number of signa- The involvement by the There are many important a( (he University (not a pleas- unneeded and unenforceable. tures to place his proposal on BGPD and the Wood County issues on the ballot (hat should hold ant prospect for many stu- the ballot. He is to be congrat- And in spite of it's claims to be Health Department is not should concern studenls. One den(s) or relinquish their seat a "compromise," it is simply ulated for his zeal, persistence needed. As a long-time sup- of the most important is the Ward 1 seat when they graduate (having a and what appears to be gen- unfair. Therefore, in spite of porter of both organizations, 1 First Ward council race. Sarah non-elected official represent "political correctness" or what uinely held, strong convic- would suggest that both Tomashefski, candidate for For the six years that I've their seat). tions. Clearly, the issue would the outcome of "the polls" already have "full enough re-election for the first ward, been a faculty member here, It's not surprising that the may say. it deserves a "NO" not have made it to our bal- plates." Neither organization has done a great job. She has a University student has proposed charter change is vote. lots without his extraordinary needs the additional responsi- kept a student perspective on always held (he First Ward decidedly studenl-unfriendly. The proposal, as written, in efforts. bility of monitoring the books city council as well as helped city council seal. This council Mayor Quinn who formed (he fact makes no indoor-outdoor In spite of my personal of local businesses for alcohol and continues lo help to member has been a vital link 17 member Charter distinction. The applicable respect for him and organiza- vs. food sale percentages. improve the community/ between (he students and the Commission did not nomi- "Definition" Section 2. (h) of tional zeal, there are, unfortu- Lastly, 1 question the lan- campus relations through the community. There is a pro- nate any University studenls the proposal states: "public nately, still other reasons that guage and wisdom of the pro- Citizens on Patrol program as posed amendment (Charter to (he commission. Given place" means any area to move me to oppose the issue posal that empowers, invites, well as serving on various Amendment Section 2.01) on that Bowling Green is essen- which the public is invited, in besides the "over breadth" of and encourages, potentially other committees on council. today's ballot that will elimi- tially a small college town, it which the public is permitted, its language. overly zealous individuals to Sarah has been active in orga- nate the current ward system seems unfair (o propose a or which the public customar- I have been a 40 year old personally file anti-smoking nizations both on and off and make i( so dial all city system that would exclude criminal complaints that pro- ily uses. An area of a private observer of the community campus while pursuing her council sea(s ate elected at- students from the city's gov- residence is where a business and local affairs and have vide for four-figure fines and undergraduate and now grad- large for four year terms (cur- erning body. Students need is operated and in which the operated law offices'in the imprisonment. uate degree here at the rent ward seats are only two their own advocate on coun- city for over 20 years. When 1 I realize that there are those public is invited, or which the University. In fact, last year years). Under the proposed cil. Please join me in voting public customarily uses is a first went into business, like who would like to make the she won Undergraduate system it would be very (his proposal down. "public place." Common areas many other small business possession and use of tobacco Student Government's unlikely that a studen( could owners, I operated my busi- illegal, as is their right. in multiple dwelling units and Campus leader of the year win a seal on council. First, MIKEZICKAR ness (a "public place") from However, if that were indeed businesses are "public award. Sarah has served on studenls would have to run a Departmen! of Psychology places." A plain reading sug- my home for a number of an individual's conviction, I gests (hat sidewalks, parking years. I was a smoker. Now I would urge that they honestly lots, parks, etc. meet this defi- am a "recovering smoker" and directly pursue that pub- SUBMISSION POLICY words. Name, phone number and printed. Send submissions to the nition. who has recently joined Mr. lic policy. The BG News gladly prints Letters to address should be included for verifica- Opinion mailbox at 210 West Hall or Campaign materials claim Schuman's much-promoted The Devil is in the details. the Editor and Guest Columns. Letters tion. All submissions may be edited for, that "bars" are exempted, yet "75 percent of Ohio's non- This is certainly true of Mr. should be less than 300 words and length and clarity. Personal attacks and with the subject line "letter to Section 4. (a) mandates that smokers." Schuman's proposal. 1 recom- Guest Columns can be 500 to 700 anonymous submissions will not be the editor" or "guest cokimn." "Employers shall provide a Based on my observations, mend that BG voters review smoke free place of employ- personal business experience the details before casting a ment for all employees." Even and common sense, my con- vote in favor of this well- if one assumes that any exist- clusion is that Mr. Schuman's intentioned, but terribly ing restaurant/bar in BG proposal is unneeded. The flawed and unfair proposal. could pass the seven-point free market is already working "separate smoking room" fairly vis a vis the secondhand Baldwin is a resident of smoke issue in BG. Bowling Green. PEOPLE ONTIIKSTMKT 210 West Hall Bowling Green Are you going to vote? State University Bowling Green. Ohio 43403 Phone: (419) 372-2602 Fax: (419) 372-6967 E-mail: [email protected] KIMBERLY OUPPS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF KIM SCHRODER FDITORIAL BOARD ASSISTANT EDITORS NATEBUMB SARAH M0REALLI ADVERTISING SOPHOMORE FRESHMAN SOPHOMORE MARIE CHICHE. CO-NEWS EDITOR CRAIG GIFFORO, SPORTS FEATURES ED IOSHMESSER, ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE SHANNON KOLKEOY, CO-NEWS EDITOR Wia E SANDERS. CO- ASST NEWS EDITOR BRIAN KLOPP. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE "Nope, no issue is worth "No, I'm not registered "Yeah, I think so.' NICK HURM. SPORTS EDITOR DAN NIED. CO- ASST NEWS EDITOR I0E CALABRESE. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE driving home for" here, but I would if I was.' LISA BETTINGER. A&E EDITOR ERICA GAMBACCINI. ASST SPORTS EDITOR BETH SCHUBERT, ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE KURTIS D. KINZEL OPINION EDITOR SARAH CASIO. ASST PHOTO EDITOR WCKIRIDENBAUGH, ACCOUNT EXEC MICHAEL LEHMKUHLE. PHOTO EDITOR CHASITY LESTER, ASST. COPY CHIEF ZUKEVA GRAVES, OFFICE ASSISTANT CARLASCHOBER. ON-LINE EDITOR LISA LYNCH, ASST ME EDITOR KRISTIN OSTERGAARD, OFFICE ASST MATT IVET, GRAPHICS EDITOR REMAINA. ASST OPINION EDITOR JEFF ARNETT, COPY CHIEF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ROBERT W.BORTEl, DIRECTOR DELIVERY SHANNA FREEMAN TASHAMEANOR CRAIt MURRAY, PRODUCTION ASST TONYA WHITMAN, ASST DIRECTOR DMKUFNK JUNIOR JUNIOR LAMA ONDO, PRODUCTION ASST TODD T. WISE, ADVERTISING MANAGER lOEVELIZ ALLISON POST. PRODUCTION ASST BARBARA MILLER, CLERICAL SPECIALIST WILL WINDOM "No... I'm not registered." "No... by the way, what ANDREA THOMAS, PRODUCTION ASST IEFF TACKITT. DESKTOP SPECIALIST issues are on the ballot?-" BG NEWS OPINION Tuesday, November 6,2001 5

Greg Amend and Sarah Ibmashefski were jiven the chance to voice their platforms in the Forum. The BG News endorses neither CANDIDATES CORNER candidate. i M ill HIIMFSkl off-campus meal plan, allow- ideas and opinions are effec- residents to work together in The work that I (and previ- ing students to use their bur- tively represented through improving our neighborhoods. ous student representatives) REPUBLICAN sar accounts at off campus your seat on city council. DEMOCRAT Bringing students and resi- have done on city council has businesses. 1 would also like In my 21 years of experience dents together has brought been important in making Junior to work for a downtown bus as a community member and Graduate student about increased cooperation sure that students' concerns route. This would allow stu- through my active participa- and understanding. The pro- are heard and addressed. dents a safe, convenient and tion on campus as a student My name is Sarah gram recently won a statewide Unfortunately, this may mMy name is Greg quick way for students and leader in positions such as award. change with the next election. Amend and I would Tomashefski and 1 community members to get to senator at-large to the am the First Ward Currently I am chairing a There is a proposed amend- appreciate your committee on city council that and from the downtown areas. Undergraduate Student city council representative. I ment (2.01) to the city's charter support in my bid to become Thus eliminating the prob- Government, Justice to the is working to improve housing that would make city council First Ward city councilman. I Intrafratemal Council, and the would like to take this oppor- standards. This is important to lems of vandalism and crimi- tunity to describe some of the positions be elected all at-large am a junior Political Science nal mischief that have plagued undergraduate representative students because a large num- instead of the current system and History major and a life- the First Ward, and bringing on a number of University things that I have accom- ber of us live in rental proper- plished and to ask for your that includes a mixture of at- long member of the Bowling real results to the community Boards and Commissions, as ties, many of which are in poor large and ward positions. In Green community. As your of the First Ward. well as my community support in making me the first shape. Our well-being is a student ever re-elected to addition, all terms will be four First Ward city councilman I I would also like to get on - involvement as the student necessity and should be guar- years instead of the current would continue incorporate campus student organizations liaison to the Board of Public Bowling Green city council. In anteed in all properties. addition, I would like to use two-year terms. Both of these my hands-on approach to active within our own com- Utilities and my involvement Because our safety is impor- changes will make it extremely leadership that I have exem- this column to impress you as munity. This could be accom- with the America Reads tant, I have been working with unlikely that BGSU students plified as both a student and a plished through an adopt-a- Program, tutoring local school students, the importance of the University to put a cross- community leader. I am voting down the Charter will be elected to council after block. By allowing students to children along with my walk in on Mercer similar to this election. endorsed by the mayor of take an active role in our com- involvement in campus wide Change Amendment 2.01 the one on Thurstin. Since Bowling Green and as your (Changing from Ward Making terms four year in munity we can work to elimi- programs like Dance many students park in Lot 6 length would make it extreme- First Ward City Councilman, I nate the negative student Marathon. I know what the Representation to At Large and then walk to campus, this ly difficult for students to run. would be a strong advocate stereotypes that exists in the student body of Bowling Representation). crosswalk will increase the for the student interest and minds of some residents of Green is capable of and want For the past three years I safety of students. The COPS In addition, students would have to campaign across the work hard for the best interest the First Ward and by working to bring those capabilities to have had the honor and privi- program, the investigation of of the people of the First Ward hand in hand with off campus the overall community of lege to serve the students and housing standards, and the whole city, which would and the students of the residents we can work to Bowling Green. Allow me to residents of the First Ward. In imminent implementation of require an exorbitant amount University. make the overall city of use my experience not only a that short time, along with my the Mercer crosswalk are just a of time and a large amount of I would like to take a proac- Bowling Green that much - community but also a student colleagues on city council. I few of the projects that 1 have money (two things that most tive approach to confronting ter. leader to effectively serve the have accomplished a lot to worked on during my time on college students don't have). In problems of the First Ward Finally, and most impor- people of the First Ward and improve the campus and com- city council. the past, students have been rather than the reactive tantly 1 will take an active role the students. 1 will work to munity. I believe it was my I realize that an important elected to the First Ward posi- approach that has been tried in student life. Rather than serve your interest, rather work on Council that led to the part of being on city council is tion because that ward is and failed for years. The prob- forcing students and commu- than engulf my decision mak- Undergraduate Student being accessible and involved made up of the large number lems that exist today in the nity members to bring their ing based partisan politics, I Government awarding me in both the campus and com- of student voters. Under the First Ward are the same that problems and concerns to me will be a strong advocate for their "Campus Leader of the munity. I do this through pub- proposed change, the influ- existed two years ago when I I will make myself assessable the student interest and make Year" Award for 2000-2001. lic speaking at, attending and ence of the student vote will be ran for First Ward city council, to student organizations like it my goal to bring your voice When I first joined Council I being a member of many dif- diminished. and the same that have exist- the Black Student Union, RSA, to the city of Bowling Green. quickly realized that there was ferent organizations. Given Please join me in voting this ed for years. I would like to USG, and Lum<> Student In closing, let me thank the a large divide between the stu- this is a diverse campus, I feel flawed amendment down so build a better relationship Union. I will regularly attend broad base of student and dents and residents. that it is important to listen to that the next student elected is between the campus and organizational meetings and community leaders who have Throughout my time on and work with a wide range of not the last student ever elect- community of Bowling Green, hold regular campus round supported me in these past Council I have worked to bring organizations and groups. Off ed to council. I ask for your facilitating city support tables to keep the student few months, and ask you to these two groups together. I campus I am a member of the support today when you vote behind the best interest of the community informed and take the time to vote today have worked to design and l-eague of Women Voters and for your city council represen- students of Bowling Green. active with the interworkings and elect me, Greg Amend, implement the Citizens on Wood County Court tative. In addition, I ask you to One way to do this would be of city government. Thus your First Ward city council- Patrol (COPSj program. This Appointed Special Advocate vote down charter amend- to get greater support for the ensuring that the diversity of man. program allows students and (CASA). ment 2.01.

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McKenzie will have surgery BOWLING GREEN SUTE UNIVERSITY Tuesday and Browns coach Butch Davis said one of Cleveland's top pass rushers will be placed on the reserve injured list. Season ends in disappointment World nament, but strung together a ing," said Richards. "We went Series hex After a fast start, the great stretch of play, losing to top- through our first 12 games with ranked Miami in the final in dou- three losses, and we were very BG women's soccer ble overtime. excited... in there we had big wins can kill team lost its winning This season, BG started strong, over Ohio State, a tie vs. Michigan setting a school record with a five- State, and a couple other big wii is touch. game unbeaten streak to start the "But all of a sudden, things went reputation by Joel Hammond season 3-0-2. BG started the MAC wrong, and it was frustrating IME 8G NEWS slate with a home tie to Toledo a because no one know knew what Much like last year, the BG game that they led until the 85th happened. It wasnt like our play- ERIK women's soccer had a topsy-turvy, minute, ers stopped trying; we just couldn't CASSANO up-and-down season filled with The rest of the MAC schedule get our shots to go in. The harder injuries good and bad play and proved to BG's kryptonite, as thcv we tried, it seemed, the worse it 'Papa Cass the occasional record or two finished with a 2-9-1 MAC record. got for us." Last season, head coach Andy They were, however, still in the Fight seniors said good-bye Richards' opening campaign in hunt for a bid to the MAC tourna- after the Ball State game. Tri-cap- After Game 7 of the 1997 BG, the Falcons finished the 2000 ment until their last three games, tains Mandy Smith, l.eslie World Series, the mantra in campaign with 10-10-1 record. but a home loss to Kent mathe- Chris Schooler BG tin: Cleveland was "die, lose, die." They were seeded seventh for the matically eliminated the Falcons. COME BACK WITH THAT: Senior Mandy Smith keeps her eye Indians closer lose Mesa, who Mid-American Conference tour- "Our season was very interest- SOCCER, PAGE 7 blew a ninth-inning lead, didn't on the ball and the back of a Kent State opponent's head. attend the post-series festivities in Cleveland. He elected to stay at his home and try to sleep the blown save off like a hangover. Mesa was never the same, eventually getting shipped off Senior to San Francisco in lune 1998. Baseball's postseason goats usually take that stigma to their success graves. Their failure is what they become known for. Ralph Branca now makes most of his lifts money signing autographs with Bobby Thomson. Bill Buckner hasn't kept a steady job in pro- fessional baseball since 1986. Falcons Heaven help what would have happened to Arizona closer by Derek McCorrJ Byung-Hyun Kim if the IMS BG N[*S Diamondbacks had lost Sunday. Kim, at age 22 with his It could not have been whole career ahead of him, had more fitting on Senior Day for his reputation saved from the Bowling Green men's soc- games four and five by the most cer team that a senior would unlikely of goats: The Yankees' take center stage. Mariano Rivera. With the Falcons looking to Prior to Sunday, Rivera was move up in the Mid- the greatest relief pitcher of this American Conference stand- era, perhaps ever. With a late- ings from last place with the moving cut fastball and a last match of the season demeanor that never seemed against Western Michigan, to rattle, Rivera converted 23 they needed to win to get a better seed in the conference consecutive postseason save opportunities. Not only was he tournament starting this seemingly invincible in pres- weekend. Senior Detrick Matthews helped accom- sure situations, he made it look easy. Chris Schooler BG News plish the mission with a 1-0 ON THE FLY: BG senior Kevin Anderson races to the wall in the 200-meter medley relay. Both the Falcon men's and women's teams fell victory. Then again, because he was The Falcons will play so dominant, because the to Eastern Michigan and Toledo. fourth-seeded Buffalo Friday Yankees have been so domi- at Akron's Lee Jackson Field in nant in recent years, he had sel- the quarterfinals of the MAC dom been threatened with Tournament. elimination. Certainly not in The Falcons controlled the the World Series. Swimmers fall at home possession numbers early Game seven does weird on. They controlled the ball things to teams. Conventional in the Bronco zone by putting wisdom goes out the window. by Joe Ferrone petition, and 151-149 in the the event. Kelly Pydynowski eight shots on their goal while THE BG news Hitters press and swing at bad men's competition and Angela Jones were 6th and BG had to defend four WMU pitches in the rush to score The Bowling Green men's "Our focus was to improve 8th in the event. In the 50 shots. runs. Starting pitchers are used and women's swimming from the week before," senior meter freestyle, Kim Moden BG netted its only goal of in relief. Unflappable pressure teams struggled in their Mid- Katy Monnette said. "We finished in a very close second the match in the 39th minute players suddenly feel their American Conference open- swam well against Wayne with a time of 24.49. She fin- when Detrick Matthews heart rates jump. ers. The women's team lost State, but better as a team this ished only five one-hundreths found a rebound off the right Sunday night, Rivera looked 220-80 against Toledo and weekend. We still have a lot of behind Toledo's Emily post and redirected it into the vulnerable. He looked like 216.5-83.5 to Eastern room for improvement, but I Markovich. This time was net. someone playing not to make Michigan at Copper pool on think we're doing a great job." almost a full second faster After the halftime festivities mistakes. His pitches were not Friday. The men's team did not The 100-meter breaststroke than her time in the opener that saw the four seniors on the laser-guided missiles he fare much better on Saturday, was a strong event for the against Wayne State. the team, Ben Vaccaro, Kevin usually throws and his tenta- as they lost 203-37 to Toledo Falcons women's swimming The Falcons women's swim- Wisnewski, Tony Malik and tiveness led to a rare botched and 205-34 to Eastern team. Senior Alice Davies ming team finished third in Matthews get recognized for fielding play that was, ultimate- Michigan. placed fourth with a time of both relays. In the 200 medley their achievements not only ly for the Yankees, an omen. However, both Bowling 1:08.72. Teammates Erin relay the team of Alicia on the soccer field but also in After Mark Grace singled to Green teams showed Dinkly and Kathy Monnette Coburn, Alissa Davies, Jillian the classroom, the BG lead off the ninth, Arizona improvement from their pre- finished right behind her in Coward, and Kim Moden fin- defense went to work. catcher Damian Miller laid vious match-up against eighth and ninth place. ished with a time of 1:50.37, "The match was really down a sacrifice bunt to move Wayne State. In both match- Another strong event for the four seconds better than their defensive," Malik said about the runner to second. It was not ups, the Eastern Michigan Bowling Green women's time in the opener against his defensive unit. "We took a > a good bunt, it trickled back to team also beat Toledo. The swimming team was the 200- Wayne State. In the 400 meter Mike lehmkuhle BG News real defensive shape in the the mound. Rivera fielded and Eastern Michigan team won meter butterfly. Sophomore BREATH: BG breaststroker Erin second half, but wc showed pivoted to Derek letcr covering 140-103 in the women's com- lillian Coward was second in SWIMMING. PAGE 7 Dilkes gets her head above water. who was the better team on second with plenty of time to the day with our defense." ' get David Dellucci, pinch run- DeGraff made three saves ning for Grace. However, the as BG was also given a team throw sailed past Jeter's glove save. into center field. As leter lunged "I was real happy that we back to snatch at the ball, won for our seniors," BG Dellucci slid over his ankle. Great finish for Falcon tennis head coach Mel Mahler said. Jeter was down for several min- "Our focus for this match was by Jason A Dixon veterans and a couple youngsters Bliss. Bliss, the team's lone fresh- and Kossoff started by taking the utes. !H[ BG NtWS that this was a MAC From that point on, the tee- who ignited the men's tennis man, was excited to return to opening match against DePaul, 8- Tournament game. We tering Yankees and their unset- A team's greatness is often mea- team. action and felt this was the 6. I lowever, Lopez-Acevedo and stalled in the second half but tled closer were officially fallible sured by the depth of its roster and lunior Peter Gardonyi won two Falcons'best showing of the entire Bliss were defeated by Toledo in still came out with a win for the first time in four years. its ability to play up to the level of singles matches as the Falcon's fall season. their first-round match, 8-6. because of our defense hold- When Tony Womack doubled their toughest competition. It posted a 12-1 record on the first "Everyone was excited and Their loss was the BG's lone set- ing up." home the tying run, when Luis may be too soon, but if last week- day of action, defeating all seven confident about reluming to back in doubles play, because For captain Matthews it Gonzalez singled home the end's tournament at the Bimey of the schools at least once. Senior action last weekend, and it Gardonyi teamed with Carney to was hard to finish his last rattle off three consecutive victo- winning run, the Yankees Tennis Foundation/Rocket Mike Kossoff met Gardonyi in the showed in our play," Bliss said. game at home in a Falcon couldn't stop it. It was too late. bidoor Invitational was any corre- championship round of the C "We feel good about how we con- ries in the round-robin flight to uniform. Branca, Buckner and Mesa lation of the latter, then the men's flight, and Gardonyi won the all- cluded the fall season, and this capture the title, the title was the "I have kind of mixed emo- tennis team is beginning to fit that BG final in three sets. will help us a lot when we return second of the tournament for can hopefully find a little bit of mold. tions right now." Matthews solace now. Fans should let- Other singles victories were to action." Gardonyi, but it was Carney who said. "I'm sad but also looking Three experienced Falcons had The Falcons didn't show any seemed to be excited most about them be able to find solace and captured by seniors Vitek Wild, forward to the tournament. a chance to compete at the ITA Nicolas Lopez-Acevedo and Ed signs of letting up on the opposi- the victory. It's sad to close out my career forgive them. If it can happen to Rolex Regional a week ago. tion as they returned to the courts Kuresman, as well as sophomore here, but it's been a good four Mariano Rivera, it can happen However, it was a host of other loel Carney, and freshman Ian in doubles play. The team of Wild to anyone. TEHNIS. PAGE 7 vears." BGHEWS SPORTS Tuesday, November 6, 2001 7 Coppes ties scoring record for BG Swimmers improve

SOCCER, FROM PAGE 6 the all-timeall-lime scoring leader at 55 staggering list of records. Her total be sophomore K;Kasey Freeman for eighth. In the 50-yard Hepfingcr and Beth Wechsler, points. She broke Michelle Lisys of 37 matches played in goal and freshmen Beth Rieman and SWIMMING, FROM PAGE 6 freestyle Dan Reese finished along with Annmarie Aparo, record of 48 against Youngstown moved to 56, while her total min- Jenny Berlovan, who saw signifi- freestyle relay, the team of Amy with a time of 22.80, good Michelle lloyng, Meredith Davis, State. Conover also moved into a utes played moved from 3351:59 cant action this season. Also Smith, Alissa Davies, Jessie enough for seventh, but was a Libby Christensen and Adrienne tie for the most career assists with to 504404. She also set a new returning will be senior Humes and Kim Moden fin- half-second improvement from Greassle have all completed their 23. Classmate Tracy Gleixner is record for most saves in a season striker/midfielder Susan Wallace, ished with a time of 3:43.66. the opener. eligibility with the program. now the all-time leading goal (125) and added to her own and Flanders will be back to The Bowling Green divers "Being a veteran, I knew we "Not only will we lose the talent scorer in BG history, after her records in career saves, career ' maintain the Falcons' formidable fared pretty well for the Falcons. had a big challenge coming in," with those giris, but we'll lose a three this year gave her 20 for her shots on goal faced, career victo- defense. Emily Hois finished the one- Falcon captain Paul Bizzarro load of leadership," Richards said. career. ries, and career shutouts. "With the people you men- meter competition in third with said. "This was a tough match." Freshman Kristy Coppes tied Despite losing the aforemen- tioned, we will add many new "Each of those players brought a 214.30. Teammate Ryan The relay races are where the debater's school record for goals tioned standout group of seniors, faces," Richards said. "We look to their own specialties to the team. Donley (196.65) and Molly men's team showed the most in a season, with 12, and recorded the Falcons will return a strong add 11 to 12 new people, and we ... We will miss them." Peterson (191.75) finished right improvement. In the 200-meter the second-highest point total in nucleus led by Conover, Coppes look to have 20 of our 25 players to Several Falcons set records behind in fourth and sixth place, medley relay, made up of Paul school history with 26 for the year. and fellow freshman striker Katie be freshmen or sophomores, so throughout the campaign for the respectively. In the three meter Bizzarro, Ray Bartel, Kevin lunior goalkeeper Erika we will need people like Jill and team. Jill Conover, a junior from Piening, who tallied 12 points this Anderson, and Adam Brown Flanders added to her already- season. Anchoring the back will Erika to be leaders." board Donley finished in third, Grand Island, New York, is now Peterson in fourth and Hois in swam a 1:39.98, finished fifth in fifth. the tournament. They swam a Saturday the men's team 1:39.98, good for fifth in the faced off against the Eastern meet. This time, though, was Falcons undefeated against Notre Dame Michigan and Toledo squads. nearly a two-second drop from They did not fare to well, either. their opener. In the 400-meter Still, they showed improvement freestyle relay, the team of TENNIS. FROM PAGE 6 Kossoff, who advanced to the Dame, Illinois, Northwestern, going a combined 16-9 against from their last match-up against Robert McRae, Tom Mohlman, championship match in both sin- Michigan, Michigan State, Toledo DePaul, Illinois, Toledo and "Tliis was a great run for Peter Wayne State. Junior Lucas Kevin Anderson, and Adam and 1." Camey said "We were hit- gles and doubles play, and I/ipez- and DePaul. Northwestern. Womack swam the 200-meter Brown swam a 3:21.43, putting ting on all cylinders, and once we Acevedo, who lost a tough match The tournament marked the "We had an awesome showing freestyle in a time of 1:51.56, a them in seventh place. to Northwestem's nationally conclusion of the Fall Season for this weekend," Harris said. "We won our lirsl match we carried the Bowling Green best for this sea- "We're slowly but surely pro- momentum from there." ranked Jackie Jenkins, were often the men's tennis team, and Coach beat every team in the tournament son. He finished in seventh gressing." Bizzarro said. "It was a Gardonyi won a title in singles overshadowed. Overall, the men's Jay I lam's felt that his team sent a at least once, and were undefeated overall. Teammates Tom hard loss, but we're doing the lit- tennis team played up to the level message by winning a pair of dou- against Notre Dame in six match- and doubles competition. But per- Mohlman and Rober McRae fin- tle things to get better. It's just formances by Falcons such as of a field that included Notre bles flights, one singles crown, and es. ished right behind him in a tie going to take some time."

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.all there is to know Editor-in-Chief Contents Irene Sharon Scott Assistant Editor Media Analysis of Sept. 11th 3 Samantha Sims Feature Writers Yuka Nagura Pattie Reneqifo Irene Sharon icott Briefs 4-5 Dorothy Wrona Entertainment Writer Keith Cook Student Activism 6 Copy Chief April Elliott Copy Team Sara Anderson Fashion Trends shows popularity in clothes Zukeya Graves with Chinese Characters 6 Cartoonists J.M. Armstrong Jacob Bowman Comics 4 Rebecca Crockett Photographers Tony "Recznik Remembering the Sabbath 8 Web Designer Maury Mountain Sales Manager Music Review 8 Zukeya Graves Student Publications Advisor Robert Bortel Workshops discusses GLBT issues 10 Production Manager Jeffrey D. Tackett Advertising Advisor Chinese Horoscope 10 Todd wise Special Production Staff Contact Information The Obsidian Cover Design done by Tony Recznik 202 West Hall/BGSU (419) 372-2440 and Rebecca Crockett [email protected] Copyright 2001 No part of this publication may be used or repro duced without permission from the editor ObSi©i/\M Page 3 Media NALYSIS Local organizations and community members share thoughts on media coverage of Sept. 11th By Irene Sharon Bv Irene Sharon ed__, regardless.J,__ According.____,,._ criminate,"_•_•__._,,.,___..,... Alo said. "All■, City," stated M.Y. Ahmad, and told them to be care- Scott to Alo, after the Oklahoma types of people died in president of UMAT in the ful as cilivians and not to Editor-in-Chief City incident there were tnose two towers— press release. "Everyone Rut themselves in danger," 250 - 300 documented Christians, white, black, said that it smellecf Middle umeidam said April 1995, a bomb went cases of some harassment .... It was unfortunate. Eastern, and later we There have been reports off near the Alfred P.. or beatings of Arab That's what terrorists want found out that it wasn't. of attacks on Arabic Murrah Federal Building in Americans and Muslim to happen. They want to We have to make sure that Muslims and there have Oklahoma City. The explo- Americans. Members of the change your way of life... we don't assign blame to been words of the good sion killed 168 people and Arab and Muslims commu- They want to create more any group of people and deeds done by Arabic injured hundreds. Initial nity were relieved to division. They want us to cause them discomfort and Muslims. According to reaction was one of shock, found out that it was be suspicious and question distress as they try to live Mumeidam, there has been but then turned to one of Timothy McViegh, a each other..." their lives." a 'balance." thirst for vengeance and domestic terrorist. Organizations sent press The organizations want- "We have seen both answers. On September 11. 2001 releases to newspapers ed to avoid Muslims being "People rushed to two planes collided into and radio stations con- harassed. Jade Humeidam, COVERAGE blame,' said Mohammed New York's Twin Towers. demning the attack on executive director of the continued on page 9 Alo, excuetive general of The initial reaction was America and expressed Ohio Chapter of Council on the United Muslim one of concern and shock. the death of fel- American Islamic Relation, Association of Toledo Recalling past experiences low citizens around the said in addition to press (UMAT). " President from the 1995, UMAT and United States. releases expressing condo- Clinton came out and said other organizations that Furthermore, the press lence, they urged people Apollo Night lets not start playing the address political and social releases urged local media to get involved—to offer blame game, we don t issues affecting the Arab to exercise restraint and their specialties, to not go know wno did this." and Muslim American com- "not jump to any conclu- into hiding, to donate to December 1" Despite the former presi- munity had a media cam- sions about the attackers." the United Way and 101 Olscamp dent's protest and urging paign ready for action. "We all remember what Salvation Army. of restraint, people react- "Terrorism doesn't dis- happened after Oklahoma "We also prepared them 8pm-12am Doors open al 7:30pm Cosl: $5 November 13M6* $7 November 26*-31" $8 al the door

10' morti mlo c*l Mugv HunM«e(419)2l4-4715 Page 4 ObSieiMl Briefs

ObSlQi^H ObSloiAN

Re-Defining Diversity Proposal for African-American Community Diversity is a loose word that is often thrown Laura Turner, junior psychology major, is on a mission to propose an African around. University 's Task Force on Diversity questions American Learning Community at the University. what is diversity and does the University fulfills every "I've thought about it since freshman year." she said. "I just always thought it aspects of diversity through programs, services, cur- would be nice to have an African-American heritage dorm. riculum, and institutional climate. Turner said the community would give students an opportunity to be expose to "If we stated diversity then we will be limiting," black culture in the form of music, art, history and politics. said Jesse Sandoval, Task Force steering committee "It would be nice to have an African-American heritage dorm where students can member. celebrate African culture year round, not just February,' she said. The Task Force assesses issues of diversity as they Turner is expecting to present this proposal to the Office of Residence Life this relate to students, staff and faculty, and the entire semester before Christmas break. Before then she encourages interested students to community. The Task Force is examining aspects of give their input hiring, work place climate, curriculum, and programs "I am looking to recruit all interested students and faculty/staff into a think tank and services as they pertain to diversity. that would help brainstorm ideas for the proposal and help out with or reside in the "We are looking at diversity overall," Tie said. "We community if trie proposal is accepted," she said. "Input, cooperation, and help want to know if professors are teaching in a diverse from students and faculty is crucial for this project." way more than just incorporating their views." Interested students and faculty/staff members can reach Turner via phone 214- The Task Force is separated into three subcommit- 6275 or via [email protected]. tees. The Sub-Committee on Programs and Services examines programs and services provided by the University. The Sub-Committee on Curriculum and Development examine the undergraduate and graduate curricula. The Sub-Committee on Institutional Climate examines aspects of hiring and retaining faculty and staff and determines the effectiveness of existing poli- NATIONAL cy and practices. The Task Force will host three forum this semester. The information from these dialogues will be included Afghan Women Campaign in a report next Spring. It can play a role in recom- mendations made for progressive institutional plan to The Feminist Majority campaigns to stop gender apartheid in Afghanistan. support, fund, and initiate policy regarding issues of According to the Help Afghan Women" Homepage, 'Taliban have "banned women diversity. The dates are on Nov. 27 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. and and girls from school, work, and leaving home without close male relative and Nov. 28 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at 101B Olscamp, and Nov. 29 wearing the head-to-toe burqua shroud.' Violation of these terms would result in a 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. at Pallister, Jerome Library. beating, imprisonment or death. Sandoval encourages students to share their input The Homepaqe listed four steps toward the restoration of rights and improving on diversity issues at the University and campus. the lives of Afghan women. "Not every time we are asked, how are you doing? Step 1: Contact the President and Congress regarding restoring the rights of How are things in your life," he said. "[The dialogue] Afghan women and girls. This includes offering of "humanitarian assistance" to alle- is a great way for students to speak out and be viate starvation, disease, and dire conditions raced as refugees. heard." Step 2: Tell others about the campaign to stop gender apartheid in Afghanistan. The forum is an opportunity for any and everyone to Step 3: Make financial donations to help the Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid share stories and opinions about diversity in regards in Afghanistan. One way to do this is through purchase of Afghan Women's Crafts. to being here at the University Step 4: Join an "action team" by supporting programs run by Afghan women's non-profit organizations in Pakistan and Afghaistan. For more information: or ObSlOiAN Page 5 Briefs CAMPUS CAMPUS International Festival The International Festival, organized by the World Known author, feminist, and vegetarian begins book tour Student Association for the University students and the at the University Bowling Green community, takes place on Nov. 10. Tickets are sold out but there is a need for volunteers for Carol J. Adams, an author, professor, feminist, vegetarian, theologian and the entertainment and fashion show. philosopher will visit the University from Nov. 7 and Nov. 8 Adams is beginning a "The International Festival will be one filled with good tour to promote her new book Living Among the Meat Eaters. entertainment and good," said Sue Nash, WSA president. On Nov. 7, Adams will argue Tor global benefits of a vegetarian diet in a "It will give International students the opportunity to debate with a University faculty member. The debate is held in 115 Olscamp from show off their rich and diverse cultures to the University 7- 9 p.m. and Bowling Green communities." On Nov. 8, Adams will present a slideshow based on her book, The Sexual Over 200 participants are expected to join the festival Politics of Meat. The slideshow and book discuss connections between patriarchy this year, and more than fifteen different kinds of dishes and meat consumption. The slideshow is held in the Women's Center in 108 from various countries will be served. Hanna Hall from i - 2:30 p.m. That evening, Adams will present her keynote "The event has been a huge success in the past, and address "Living Among Meat Eaters," at 7 p.m. in 101 Olscamp. The address is lots of people has attended the festival," said Jessie based on her Book by the same title, which discusses ways of viewing vegetari- Ahlschlager, WSA graduate advisor. "Everyone from the ans, meat eaters and what separate them. University and Bowling Green Community are welcomed and encouraged to come." Participants will enjoy not only dinner but also enter- taining performance such as music, dance, songs, and Upcoming Events fashion show. There will be several booths, which display Black Student Union nteresting goods that represent different countries. "It was an interesting experience," said Risa Hatayama "BLACK WEEK who cooked 600 maki-zushi with her Japanese friends at "Black Health Awareness" the last International festival. "I ate a lot of food from NOVEMBERS- I over the world." The festival is from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., held at St. November 29th Tomas More Parish on Thurstin Avenue. Interested volun- teers can contact Jessie Ahlschlager at "Living and Surviving Cancer" [email protected] nOU. 13-BSU THEATRE Speaker Cancer Survivor Shirley Grant "BABY BOY" 7:30pm-10:OOpm GISH THEATRE -FREE- Olscamp 221 -Free- nOU. 14-JOB FAIR HflOAITMiOOPm December 6th 101 OLSCRITIP CAMPUS -FREE- "Living with AIDS" Speaker Rae Lewis-Thorton Hip Hop Blast 2001 nOU.15-IUGHT(ci)THEREC 7:00pm-10:00pm The local upcoming production company, "Noble 8:00Pm-ll:00fini Olscamp 115 Expansion Entertainment." headed by Darryl Oalton, is B6SU REC CEnTER putting on a Hip Hop gala at Clazel Theatre. The bash -FREE- -Free- will take place Nov. 15 from 9 p.m. -11 p.m.. Doors open • Dec. 6th Is the last day to make Black Beach Deposit at 8:30 p.m.. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. The nights events include a freestyle contest, nou. 16-coniEov SHOUJ money and prize giveaway, raffles, guests and other 7:OOPin-ll:O0P 'Look out for lunches being sold by BSU to raise money record labels, ana dancers. 101 OLSCRITIP for our Adopt - A- Fam i ly project. This will be Noble Expansion Entertainment's first event COST: IB R in Bowling Green. Previously they hosted several events '3rd Annual Martin Luther King Breakfast tickets will in Detroit that included a promotional party and a start selling in November freestyle tournament that presented its winner with a nOU. 16-AFTER PARTY recorcf label signing. 11-J0PITI-230Ain L0CATI0A:TBB ALL ARE WELCOME TO COME TO ANY BSU EVENT Page 6 ObSlOiAJ Fashion Trend shows U. Professor Encourages popularity in clothes Involvement in Activism with Chinese Characters By Dorothy Wrona drum could be used to as preserving a plot of for- By Yuka Nagura a young girl wearing a T- show how much water it est or liberating political Feature Writer shirt that said 'Kiss Me'," Feature Writer takes to produce one prisoners. Li said. "She was walking pound of beef.. Steel also discussed stu- down the street and there However, activism can dent activism, which is Clothes featuring was a man, an English Protests in major cities be frustrating and slow at especially unstable Ihinese characters are a speaker walking on the and riots with police are times: attending meetings, because students only fashionable trend among same street. When he saw what many people associ- organizing meetings ana remain involved with the younger generation. her T-shirt, he walked ate with activism. taking petitions door to these groups for a few It is a phenomenon exist- toward her and kissed her. In the past few years door are part of this years. He suggested that ing globally. She was so embarrassed activists nave been process, and people are group members get The use of Chinese char- but caused her own trou- becoming more vocal dur- usually reluctant to learn together at the beginning acter on clothes began in ble." ing events such as the about social justice issues. of the school year to dis- :he-mid 90s in cosmopoli- She added that this World Trade Organization An example of progressive cuss their goals and how :an cities American such story became a reason Conference in Seattle and activism is American's to attain them. Groups as Los Angeles and New that people began to dis- last year's Democratic and attitudes towards should also keep written fork, which have a cuss why they want to Republican National Afghanistan's Taliban gov- records of their goals and stronger presence of Asian wear such T-shirts even Conventions. However, ernment. Since 1996 it achievements to ensure culture. It was accelerat- though people do not according to Steve Steel, has denied education, that new students who ed when the computer understand the meaning. a part-time University pro- healthcare and other basic become involved will con- Decame widespread "Most of the word on T- fessor, there is much more rights to women. However, tinue activities. This will through out the world shirts or hats that I saw to activism than marching it was only after the give future members an encouraging people to in both here in the States through the streets. September 11 attacks on idea of what the organiza- expose to different views and Europe did not make Steel became interested New York, Pennsylvania tion has accomplished and and exchange their own sense," Li said. "I think in activism after he gradu- and Washington, D.C., what goals it can still pur- culture, according to Hai they just enjoy the ated from BGSU. As a stu- that many Americans sue. ten, assistant popular cul- designs look different dent, he said, his goals became aware of the this For example, in 1991, ture professor. from English." were similar to those of oppression. the Environmental Action "It is a new form of According to Ren, each many others: material 'Americans just don't Group persuaded Dining contemporary culture Chinese character has comfort and financial suc- talk about those kinds of Services to remove poly- associated with global more than one meaning, cess. A few years after he things," he said. "Getting styrene from the Student society, which show a flow and it also intends differ- graduated, he became them to care is a hard Union. Three years later, of ideas, images, lan- ent meaning depending interested in science and task." Dining Services began guage, culture and peo- on the combination of religion. Eventually he Steel emphasized that using polystyrene again, ple, he said. words. For example, the became more involved specific qoals are the most but recycled it. By 1997, Chinese printed clothes word 'feet" also mean suf- with social justice issues. important part of activism there was no recycling tor are not only a phenome- ficiency, supplement, or He now grows his own and that they should be polystyrene, and it is still non occurring in the pupils. food organically and saves part of a long-term strate- used in all of the on-cam- Jnited States, but in More over, there are twc oil by not using electricity gy. The 1999 protests in pus dining halls. This year iurope as well. Xiaoli Li, kinds of tradition in rela- or gasoline on a regular Seattle during the WTO the EAG is collecting peti- Chinese graduate, noticed tion are use of language. basis. Activism takes place raised awareness of sweat- tions to replace poly- the popularity of such One is called Alphabet on many different levels, shop labor and environ- styrene with Earthsnell, a gears among Western Tradition such as English but too much attention is mental depletion, but they disposable, biodegradable countries while traveling words, which set up Tor placed on changing the did not stop globalization. packaging material. around Europe last sum- letters. English tradition, world rather than fne indi- "If we want to get the "It's difficult to main- mer. pronouncing the word vidual, he said. United States out of the tain those victories with- "To me, it is a good happens before the mean- "In terms of working for WTO, there's a special out long-term vision," he :hing," Li said. "It means ing comes. In other change, maybe one per- process to go through said. :hat people are beginning words the meaning was cent of people will actual- which involves Senate de- According to Steel, it is to show their interest, invented after the pro- ly change their minds," ratifying memberships," he not easy to earn and curiosity and may be even nounce. Steel said. "Too many said. maintain these victories appreciation for Chinese The second tradition young activists put atten- The next step in this because activism chal- anguage. Ten years ago, called Ideographic tion there." process is to influence lenges people to rethink nobody wanted to have Tradition such as Chinese Steel emphasized focus- decision makers at public what thev have been such world in their words. The phenomena ing on individual actions meetings or through let- taught. For the most part, clothes." have to be looked first and the impact they have ter-writing campaigns. people believe in the val- Interestingly, the trend and though about the on the world. He suggest- Because it is impossible ues their parents raised las also been favored meaning, the pronuncia- ed using visual aids to to get all citizens and them with, and become with Chinese wearing tion comes last. help people understand politicians to change their uncomfortable when they clothes printed with how much effect simple minds, activists will be English words in last 10 CHARACTERS actions have.For example, more successful if they set STEEL to 15 years. in a presentation about "There was a story that continued on page 10 vegetarianism, a 50-gallon more realistic goals, such continued on page 13 Obsioi^i Page 7 Comic Strips

Join the Obsidian team for Spring semester. Contact the editors at (419) 372-2440 Did you know they also ihrcw in mysteries for us to solve too Page 8 Obsioi/\N T-Mix Commo.ins rates 3.5 (^owEf-jt on 4.0 scale your story on this new By Keith Cook millenium Mack track-"A Freelance film called (PIMP)." It's Entertainment cool though cat daddy! Writer Although, I've never nad a female tell me she'd "pimp Common, my punk ass and have me writing poetry," as did You assured us in 1997 Ms.Lyte. that One Day It'll All Make Once I succeed in locat- By Natasha Landers Sense. Do you wonder how ing mv future Mrs. Cook, Ffeligion Columnist many are still waiting on then Fll script her a little that glorious day? Such something to uplift her some? Who knows? spirits, as would "The , For the Jewish community throughout the world, the prophecy made sense to me then. Light/ I was blind to the time of the Sabbath is one of remembrance and prayer. Do you remember the view that "The Light" ini- Each week, people of the Jewish faith take the time to Now in 2001, it's Like segment on The Arsenio light the Shabbat candles, drink the sacramental wine, Water For Chocolate. I've tially provided. My been trying to- get listen- Hall Show entitled, brethren III Will and his and eat the bread that represents the work of the Lord. "Things That Make You Go cousin Taylor helped me Shabbat is a weekly celebration of God's creation of the ers hipped to your latest Hmmmm?" That segment universe and his day of rest, which begins at sundown since it was to appreciate this song. released on MCA Records popped into my mind On a weekend trip to your on Friday and continues into Saturday. upon hearing "The hometown (Chicago), The in Spring of 2000. This Questions," featuring -Mos review should be out-of- Light" shined on local The central theme of this holiday is remembering the Def. Creative describes radio waves like sunlight Exodus, the time when slavery of the Jewish people of date to intelligent, mature this rhythmic question- Hip-Hop heads. So is it on that of the ocean's. Egypt was ended. The oppressors of these people out- naire. The questions you "Turn that song off!" lawed the celebration of Shabbat because it was a platinum yet? ... the and Mos posed over that album of course. I hope young Taylor insisted. means of uniting thei.r servants. Now the Sabbath obese instru-for-the-men- This song is stupid." As holds even more significance because it represents so. It's as if authentic tal did honestly make me hip-hop can't be appreci- expected. Will pumped the Jewish people uniting as one against any and all prac- say, "Hmmmm.' For brakes on Taylor's acceler- tices or people that would hope to cause their spirits ated these days. Your sub- ject matter keeps me look- instance, what sense does ated opinion. "Listen to to fade. it make to require an I.D. what he's saying," Will ing forward to each in order to get an I.D.? As The Sabbath is a day where quality time should be Cuinniuii album. Vet, tuufd sincerely suggested. Mos stated, if I had I.D. Complete silence during spent with one s family. The family is of primary this same subject matter I wouldn't need I.D." importance in maintaining the values of Judaism, espe- be over other listeners' and after the song gave us Around the same time the impression that cially when it serves the purpose promoting unity heads? A lot of today's that Arsenio was making among Jewish people from all over the world. Shabbat absorbers of hip-hop Taylor's attention was us go hmmmm, MC Lyte undivided. I assumed that brings a family together through prayer and tribute of began soaking up rap was pimping the industry the struggles their ancestors faced throughout history. music as a result of its she now had an altered with a stable of hits. opinion and new respect It is through his holiday that those of the Jewish faith titanic spill into the main- Since then, the heavily keep a perspective on what is important in their daily stream. Many emcees man- for "The Light." At least, lives. age to stay afloat due to influential Lyte, has been that was the meaning or denied light. ... the spot- my silence. It was long the mainstream's calm light that is. That Shabbat services are much like the weekly services waters. But, if s quite easy overdue for an emcee to explained my nostalgic shine light on our queens that some Christians attend. My family does not do to stay afloat in still feeling upon hearing her anything drastically different in remembrance, but water, which lacks any in that fashion. undeniable voice on "A Speaking of queens, I some people go as far as abandoning all indulgences, type of flow. In compari- film called (PIMP)." Nasir such as driving a car. For me, Shabbat is just a time to son, when emcees lack must make mention of the (Nas) Jones informedthe last song on your album - be with my family and remember the struggles of our flow, then that would world in 1996 that he ancestors who fought for the acceptance of our reli- mean a dead man float "A Song For Assata." I had down that mainstream. "has no game if s just gion. Without them, no Jewish person would have the some blfS'es understand COMMON religious freedom we do today. Perhaps, your walking on his story. Seemingly, MC water is too much for Lyte failed to understand continued on page 12 OhSltfStii^N Page 9 COVERAGE AnsweW0Mmi about continued from page 3 -A Journalist's guide by the Detriot Free Press com sides," he said. "In central and Kucsma believed there who, no one had an apol- Ohio there have been has been a lack of options ogy for the Muslims after 6. Do Arabs have a shared religion? mostly non-violent, verbal "in areas between." wnat we have been attacks. "People calling up Although Angel and through." he said. No. Arabs belong to many religions, including Islam, and using vulgar language Kucsma believe the media In addition to the media Christianity, Druze, Judaism and others. There are fur- and leaving vulgar mes- should foster and serve coverage of Arab and ther distinctions within each of these, and some reli- sages on the voicemail, or the needs of an "informed Muslim community, the gious groups have evolved new identities and faith people will say something public." at times it is protrayal of Arabic practices in the United States. Be careful to distinguish to a Muslim walking by on doesn t. Americans in films and on religion from culture. Although Arabs are connected by the site." "Unfortunately, that. televisions is an issue. culture, they have different faiths. Common mispercep- Alo expressed gratitude most of our news media is Humeidam said, viewers tions are to think that Arab traditions are Islamic, or for the city of Toledo com- e,nmeshed in a capitalist might see characters like that Islam unifies all Arabs. Most Arab Americans are munity. They have experi- market makes it more Rambo and the cartoon Catholic or Orthodox Christians, but this is not true in enced both good and bad, important for media to sell character Aladdin. all parts of the United States. In some areas most Arab but for the most part products, services and "Usually the good people Americans are Muslim. there has been support. ideas than it is to provide are shown of a "lighter skin Many Christians from area information." Kucsma said. and no accent and those churches in Toledo offered In regards to earlier of darker skin are bad 9.To which places do Arab to patrol the local reports of Sept. 11 people," he said. Americans trace their ancestry? Mosques and Islamic. attacks. Angel and Kucsma One positive highlight in School in 3 hours shifts. said the media did an regards to coverage was Arab Americans trace their roots to many places, "Toledo is already a effective job of bolstering President Bush's press including parts or all of Algeria, Bahrain. Djibouti, diverse community," he resentment for Middle conference in the Mosque Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, said. "People are used to Easterners here at home "It the first time in his- Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi each other and people and abroad. The repeated tory," Alo said. "He spoke Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab know each other. Others footage of a small group about the Quran, what Emirates and Yemen. Some Arabs are Israeli citizens. are less fortunate." of Palestinians celebrating Islamic meant, ... said In other parts of the in the street lead Muslim were hard-working 24. When did Arab people come to country, there have been Americans to believe people." the United States? brutal attacks such as everyone is celebrating Alo added the worst people being shot and the attacks. coverage he'd seen was by Today, most Arab Americans are native-born Americans. killed in the process in "Which is obviously not Dan Rather, on the CBS The first significant wave of immigration began around Arizona and Texas. true," Kucsma said. In sender. 1875. It lasted until about 1920. After a period in Attempting to make fact, many of the networks "He just kept going on which the United States restricted immigration, a-sec- sense of Sept. 11 and have backed away from and on about how horrible ond wave began in the 1940s. offering dialogue the footage and even Muslims are," he said. "He Reachout, a student orga- encouraged people to not used the words Muslim or nization, sponsored an stereotype an entire popu- Islamic in the same sen- 25. Why did Arabs first come to the event with various pan- lation, "but we thing the tence of terrorism and United States? elists. Among the pan- damage has already been extremist, just negative elists were the co-editors done. First impressions are things....A terrorist is a Like many peoples who came to the United States, from Clamor, a contribu- often indelible." terrorist, there is no reli- Arabs were seeking opportunity. Factors in the first tor-based magazine focus- Humeidam had similar gious terrorist." immigration were Japanese competition that hurt the ing on new perspectives thoughts about the media He suggested that the Lebanese silk market and a disease that hurt Lebanese on politics, culture, media coverage. media take precaution in vineyards. Most early Arab immigrants were from and life. Co-editors Jen "They [the medial didn't word choice in their Lebanon and Syria, and most were Christian. Angel and Jason Kucsma, show the candlelight vigil reports. Words such as Bowling Green resident by the in front of the UTS. "Islamic terrorist" and 26. What prompted the second believed the mainstream Council, which was 10 "Muslim fundamentalist" wave? media has done "a dis- times the group shown are filtered into people's serve to the public by fail- that were celebrating. minds. After 1940, immigration to the United States was not ing to provide histonc and They also didn't show stu- "Words make a big dif- for economic reasons as much as because of the Arab- political context for the' dents marching from their ference," he said. "They Israeli conflict and civil war. This meant that people attacks." schools in Jerusalem. We [Viewers] don't separate came from many more places. The second immigration "There has been little in had the same people with the words. So next time also had many more people who practiced Islam, a reli- the way of mainstream the Oklahoma City they think of Muslim, they 8ion that was not as familiar in the United States, news reporting in explor- Bombing. It had to be a think of terrorists." mmigrants in this group tended to be more financially ing the alternatives to Muslim. In response to societal secure when they arrived than people who had.come war; not simply pacifism, According to Humeidam, backlash against Muslim earlier for economic opportunity. Many people in the but the international after the Oklohoma and Arab Americans, the second wave were students. diplomatic options that City bombing, a man, who solution is education. are available through the looked Middle Eastern, was "It is easy to be igno- UN Security Council." arrested in London and rant," he said. The American people are brought to the United Questions and Answers given one option: support States to be charged. continued on page 11 trie US war effort. Angel "When they found out * Page 10 ObSi©iJ\N

Workshop discusses GLBT issues Directions: Follow instructions carefully, only completinq one By Dorothy Wrona will not tolerate homo- universities have strict dents. step at a time. DO NOT READ phobic remarks and be guidelines of how to file "One of the first AHEAD. Answer each guestion Feature writer willing to speak up when grievances. Ludlow sug- things I would urge with your first instinct. a student makes such as gests that students who students not to do is Remember, Don't cheat or it Many students go to comment. are filing a grievance use do research for the won't work and you will wish class without worrying the student handbook and teachers," Ludlow said. you hadn't! Have fun!! about how others will For example, Mahaffey work with their mentor to "They're supposed to treat them. But for gay, designates her office as a make sure the process is know the field well ~ Get a pen and paper lesbian, bisexual and safe zone and suggested done properly. enough to teach you." ~ When you finally choose transgender (GLBT) stu- that other instructors do names, make sure it's people dents, name-calling, the same. Safe zones, Mahaffev urged that stu- But Ludlow empha- you actually know. threats or degrading jokes often marked with upside dents build their own sup- sized that the class- can make a classroom feel down pink triangles, are port networks simply by room should still be 1. First, write numbers 1 unsafe. places where GLBT stu- introducing themselves open to student input. through 11 in a column dents can go if they feel and talking to classmates. Sne suggested that stu- GLBT students often feel they are being harassed or "If and when homopho- dents check out online 2. Then, besides numbers 1 isolated because of lack of just need to talk to some- bic remarks begin to fly, sources, such as similar and 2 write down any 2 support from family or one. On the first day of you have these people to class syllabi, and make numbers you want friends or the risk of each semester, Mahaffey support you," Maharfey suggestions to instruc- harassment from other lets her students know saia. tors about what to • 3. Besides the 3 and 7, write students. But there are that she is GLBT support- include in course mate- down the names of mem- ways that instructors and ive and that her office is a With a network of rial. GLBT students are bers of the opposite sex. professors can make their safe zone. friends in class, a student seldom alone in won- classrooms more comfort- will have witnesses if he dering why their contri- 4. Write anyone's name down able for GLBT students. It helps students identi- or she is harassed. Ludlow butions are left out of (like friends or famly...) in fy someone they can talk said that it is easier for class material. the 4th, 5th, and 6th spot. University faculty mem- to," Mahaffey said of the students to report these bers Cynthia Maharfey, an safe zone program. "Most incidents to instructors if "You are not the only -Remember, don't cheat or instructor in the Chapman professors are gay positive a friend saw what hap- person in class thinking you'll be upset that you did! Learning Community, and and are wilting to do that pened. Students also have why is it like this'?" Jeannie Ludlow, an if a student asks. As the the right to bring a friend said Ludlow. 5. Write down four song titles American Cultural Studies program spreads, more to the instructors office if in 8, 9, 10, and 11. professor, presented a people will do that." he or she needs to discuss 6. Finally make a wish workshop called "GLBT the incident. Issues in the Classroom" GLBT students can also CHARACTERS Continued page 11 at Vision's College make the classroom safer "If they (instructors) Conference, held Saturday, for themselves. Mahaffey don't comply with that, continued from page 6 October 27, at Olscamp and Ludlow both empha- it's okay to leave," Ludlow "I think this is one of the things that more and more Hall. sized the importance of said. "That goes for every- people realize in Asian globalization," Ren said. finding a mentor a student body on campus." Chinese character is almost like mystery but also itself According to Mahaffey can trust and talk to on like an image that has graphic quality." and Ludlow, instructors an individual basis. Even if But some instructors can make their classrooms finding one is hard, it is still dismiss homophobic safe for GLBT students important for students to comments or actions. If a simply by being approach- have support, especially student feels the instruc- able. tor has not taken the inci- Mahaffey said that GLBT since may be unsure.about DD & ft MOOrx how their families will dent seriously, Ludlow students find themselves react to their orientation. suggested he or she go to explaining their situation the department chairper- and needs to instructors. "If someone turns you son or dean of student Chinese characters are ideograms developed from Instructors, however, need down, try someone else," life. pictograms and signs. For example, the character to be more aware of the Mahaffey said. "You need "If a student is really meaning 'Sun' was drawn in the form of the sun needs of these students, that support." afraid of a teacher, the and that meaning a tree was made to resemble the such as support and safety Many universities now student should go right to shape of a tree. Going a step further, two trees from harassment. offer support groups for the next rung of the lad- were combined in a single character to indicate a "It's not our jobs as gay, GLBT students, such as der to discuss it," Ludlow wood and three trees were combined to represent lesbian and supportive Vision. Ludlow suggested said. a forest. The characters developed in china gradu- straight people to explain that students get involved ally began to be used in Korea, Japan and Sayness to other people, in these organizations so As for curriculum, little Vietnam. There are said to be about 50,000 char- ut it happens a lot, they can form a support material studied in college acters in total, according to The Lanaand Its Mahaffey said. network of other students courses explores contribu- People and faculty members. tions of GLBT writers or In order to make the historical figures. Ludlow classroom safe for all stu- This support can also be emphasized that this era- dents, instructors need to helpful wnen reporting sure is the fault of the make it clear that they harassment, since many instructor, not the stu- ObSI@iJ\M Page 11

27. What race are veiling denigrates women, the Middle East, and the 93. What is meant Continued from page 5 Arab Americans? some women say that it Quran was originally writ- by the phrase Arabs may have white skin liberates them, Covering is ten in Arabic. "Islamic fundamen- IFiuWOQ Vtsw IFafts and blue eyes, olive or not universally observed by Muslim women and talist"? - and here is the key to the dark skin and brown eyes. 59. What is the dif- This is complex. The term game... Hair textures differ. The varies by region and class. Some Arab governments ference between fundamentalist, whether United States has, at dif- Islam and Muslim? applied to Muslims or 1. You must tell {the number ferent times, classified have, at times, banned or required veiling. In Islam is the religion, and Christians, is a largely in space 2) people about Arab immigrants as a Muslim is a Mower of this game. African, Asian, white, American famines, a moth- American construct that er or daughter may cover the religion. It is like the has been used to imply European or as belonging difference between politically conservatism 2. The person in space 3 is to a separate group. Most her head while the other does not. Christianity and Christian. and, sometimes, extrem- the one you love. Arab Americans identify The adjective form is ism. The term "Islamic more closely with nation- Islamic. fundamentalist" has been 3. The person in 7 is the ality than with ethnic 51. What Is an used to refer to people one you like but can't work group. appropriate way to who use Islam to justify out. greet an Arab 69. What are impor- political actions. This has 29. Are Arab American? tant Islamic holi- blurred the distinction 4. You care about the person Americans more This is not difficult or days? between religion and poli- you put in 4. closely tied to their tricky. Remember that tics. Because of this, acts most Arab Americans grew The most important carried out for political 5. The person in number 5 is country of origin, up here and do not require Muslim observance eaqh reasons are sometimes the one who knows you very or to America? year is Ramadan. Muslims well. This need not be an special greetings. Be your- also celebrate Eid al-Adha attributed to religion. self, and let them be on the last day of the hajj Fairness and accuracy either-or issue. Arab themselves. If they are mean attributing political 6. The person you named in Americans have dual loyal- -- the pilgrimage to Mecca 6 is your lucky star. ties. While they may be practicing Muslims or - and Eid al-Fitr, at the actions to the group, gov- recent immigrants, watch end of Ramadan. ernment or party responsi- closely tied to their coun- for cues. A smile, a nod ble, and not to a religion, 7. The song in 8 is the song tries of origin, most Arab and a word of greeting are Depending on the makeup which may have millions that matches with the per- Americans were born in of your area, these are son in number 3. the United States, and an appropriate in most situa- worthy of consideration as of followers around the tions. Some Muslims feel news events. There are world. Avoid constructions even larger majority have it is inappropriate for like "Muslim bomb." 8. The title in 9 is the song U.S. citizenship. This is other holidays, as well, for the person in 7. reflected in the expres- unrelated men and women but do not assume that a sion, "Truly Arab and fully to shake hands. Wait until holiday or practice 94. Is Islam a vio- the other person extends observed at one mosque is lent religion? 9. The 10th space is the American. his or her hand before you song that tells you most observed by all. The Quran Teaches nonvio- about your mind. 30. Who are some extend your own. lence. Throughout history, 79. Have Arab political groups and lead- well-known Arab 56. Do most Arab ers have used Islam and 10. And 11 is the song Americans? Americans belong Americans won other religions to justify telling you how you feel Christa McAuliffe, the to the same reli- major political many things, including about life. teacher/astronaut who offices? violence. died aboard the space Sion? Yes. In 1998, for example, ~ Send this to 10 people shuttle Challenger; Indy ost Arab Americans are 12 Arab Americans cam- 98. Are there within the hour you read 500 winner Bobby Rahal; Christian, though this Eaigned for the U.S. this (via email.) Heisman Trophy winner varies by region. In many ongress in 10 states. issues about the and NFL quarterback Doug communities, Muslim and way Arab ~ If you do, your wish will flutie; creators of radio's Christian Arabs live side 92. Are Arabs fre- Americans are por- come true, American Too 40 Casey by side with each other trayed in the Kasem and Don Bustany; and with non-Arab reli- quently involved in ~ If you don't It will gious communities. Most media? become opposite! Mothers Against Drunk terrorism? Yes. In some cases,jour- Driving founder Candy Arab countries are pre- No more so than other dominantly Muslim. groups of people. Many nalists seem to prefer to Bloody Strange, but it Lightner; Jacques Nasser, publish or air images of president and chief execu- types of people have com- seems to work!!! mitted acts of terror. people who look different, tive officer of Ford Motor 57. Is Islam mostly or exotic. In trying for a Co., and Helen Thomas, ■ However, news accounts an Arab religion, seem to more often stress more interesting image, former dean of the White then? they may emphasize the House press corps. Arab connections than No. Only about 12 percent they do for terrorism com- difference between Arab of Muslims worldwide are mitted by other groups. In Americans and non-Arab 47. Why do some Arabs. There are more addition, there have been Americans. Most Arab Arab women wear Muslims in Indonesia, for highly publicized cases Americans do not wear garments that example, than in all Arab when Arabs were singled traditional clothing. News cover their faces or countries combined. Large out, early on and erro- organizations whose col- populations of Muslims neously, as suspects. The lective reports give the heads? also live in India, Iran, Oklahoma City federal impression that Arab This is a religious practice, other parts of East Asia building bombing in 1995 Americans generally dress not a cultural practice. It and sub-Saharan Africa. was one such case. differently than non-Arab. is rooted in Islamic teach- Islam has a strong Arab Americans are being inac- ings about hijab, or mod- flavor, though, as the reli- curate. esty. While some say that gion's holiest places are in ObSlQiAN Page 12

O I ttL activists do sweatshop labor or air or water pollu- COMMON queens, TI must makeakc meet anger tion. mention of the last song "Living a conscious life is being an Continued from Page 6 from others Continued from page 8 0n your album -"A Song for expressing activist, he said. For Assata." I had always their views, he suggested that they stay Mary Myers agreed with many of Steel's heard of Assata Shakur's story. However, I became calm and politely explain their position points. Myers, fne president of Amnesty encouraged to learn more about her struggle, hearing to take the anger out of the situation. International, brought several members her voice on this song. I learned more about the for- "In most cases, it's effective, but it of the group to the speech to get ideas mer Black Panther in six minutes and forty seconds doesn't always work," said Steel, who for organizing events on campus. She then I had ever known in my 26 years of existence. has been arrested several times. addedthat Steel motivated her to stick She's still in political asylum in Cuba, correct? But no matter how activists get their with her cause, which is human rights, In closing, give my best regards to D'angelo. His message to others, the process can be even if other people refuse to partici- musical voodoo on tracks 1, 8, 11, and 14 cast a spell frustrating at times, so Steel offered pate. on me. Respect due to the all-star production team— ideas to keep it fresh. Other activities "More than anything he taught me how The as well. The next time ya'll visit give activists a break from constant to keep going wnen people don't want to Detroit we can all arrive stylish in LAXMODE Urban organizing and campaigning. get involved, Myers said. Vines at the next 4WARD MOTION experience. Common, Remembrance of reasons for caring can Steel addressed about 35 students at if you're reading this letter, then I've won the battle! also motivate them to stay involved. He the Business Administration Buildingon If this letter prompts hip-hop consumers to add Like urged students to stay active even when October 8. EAG, which has organized Water For Chocolate to their list of CDs to purchase, others refuse to participate. peaceful anti-sweatshop demonstrations then I've won the war as well! If I've achieved neither, "When people do want to get involved, and recycling campaigns on campus, then I'll be strengthening my arsenal for the next have things to do for them and welcome sponsored the event. urban music review. them," Steel said. The 90 minutes it took for me to format this letter to There are other ways to make a differ- you I'd been patiently waiting for the maintenance ence besides lobbying politicians or lead- man to come unlock my apartment door. Forgetting my ing large rallies. They include potluck keys had my back against the wall like a life size dinners, letter-writing campaigns, or Conscious Wear logo. Yeah, I know. ... and I gladly simply changing buying habits in accept my RicharaCranium Award. I guess it was meant response to issues sucn as world hunger, for me to get locked out of my apartment. Furthermore, the lobby of my complex provided the peace and quiet I needecf to compose this letter. Luckily, I had a Swisher! One love. -incogni [email protected] Gospel Choir is sponsoring a Gospel Play: LORD WHY ME! FRIENDLY REMINDER Friday, December 3rd 8:00 pm Class Doors open at 7:00 pm registration Cost: $ 10 for all students and Senior Citizens $ 15 for all other guests for Spring 2001 Refreshments will be served in the Green Room afterwards. began this week Gospel Explosion Fall Concert December 9th in 101 Olscamp Cost: FREE (times TBA at a later date)