Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-6-2001 The BG News November 6, 2001 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 6, 2001" (2001). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6870. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6870 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. State University TUESDAY November 6, 2001 SWIMMING: SUNNY Falcon swim teams fall men 571 i.ow 30 to Toledo, Eastern www.bgnews.com Michigan; PAGE 6 independent student press VOLUME 92 ISSUE 48 USG discusses Union plans by Chasity Lester open next semester, loel ing more blue lights behind the the Aviation building on Poe use, has discussed directing made aware of the problem from tut BG NfWS Freimark, off-campus senator, Union. The lights would illumi- Road. these funds, but has not yet an editorial in The lit; New-. At last night's meeting, the said the Union is on schedule and nate the parking lot and assist the Other safety issues were raised decided il the organization will be Dortch went on to explain that Undergraduate Student will open in sections, beginning Sober Sister Program. Sororities concerning the campus. USG has responsible for the funds. arts are an important part of lite Government approved a Dec. 28. members near the Union have discussed raising security around lustin Dortch, off-campus sen- University curriculum, He said he Diversity Day for Feb. 9. The day Plans for the Union food court used the parking lot to park their campus during special events but ator, addressed the issue of gen- would support any measure that will feature a lewish wedding cer- were also announced. National cars late at night and this raises has had problems allocating eral fee allocation. Dortch. a var- would bung money to the .ills emony sponsored by llillel, a chain Wendy's, as well as Steak security issues for the sorority money for the job. The surplus "as long as it doesn't lake awa) fashion show, art gallery and liscape and Freshen Frozen members. Freimark said. funds from the Pepsi contract sitj swimmer, said he would sup- other events that encourage and Yogurt and Pretzel Shop will He also is concerned with that was signed last year was port more funding for the arts. money from athletics" Olliei support diversity on campus. operate in the Union. Freimark sorority members receiving tick- noted as one of the possible "I think that it is disgusting that senate members would not com- The eyents will l>c held In the also said that the Union will begin ets for parking in the area at night. sources. Heightened security more of the general fee money ment on Dortch's statement Ilowen-Thompson Student scheduling regular events in May. I le also asked that USG look into could attract larger acts in cam- isn't going toward the arts," he The next list, meeting is can- Union, which is scheduled lo Freimark also discussed plac- funding to place a crosswalk near pus, according to USG. said. Dortch said he was first celed due to Veterans D.iv Falcons ELECTION DAY get new Union feathers by Craig Gilford opposes T HI 80 NlnS The University falcon mascots revealed their new costumes at proposed the football game this past week- end. The new costumes are more charter cartoon-like, with the falcons smiling and Frieda donning a ponytail. change "We were looking for some- thing that was a completely new by Kimberly Oupps look," said Michael Ginsberg, THE BG NtWS adviser to Freddie and Frieda. If a proposed chattel The old falcon costumes had Michael IcImkuhleBGNews amendment on today's ballot been used for the last 15 years. CITY COUNCIL: From left. Bowling Green City Council members Bill Culbertson, John Mura, B.J. Fischer, Sandy Wicks and Patrick Ng. is passed, police and lire chiefs Ginsberg said now was a good There are currently only two at-large council seats on the city council. II the proposed charter amendment passes, all seats will be could be hired from outside time to replace them, because at-large. their respective departments. they had become old and worn. The amendment would A majority of the money used to affect how chiefs for the pay for the new costumes was f Howling Green Police from private donations and for- ■ STOP Department and Howling mer mascots. (WRONG SIDE) Green Fire Division are' hired, According to Ginsberg, the Students may lose Currently, the fire and police money that came from former TURN CARD OVER chiefs are promoted to the OFFICIAL BALLOT mascots was a sign of unity within position from within their the organization, Bowling Green City respei rjve departments, The "I think it obviously shows we lire duel iniisi be a captain lo Connected to them as students representation in city Elections be considered tor the position. and they wanted to help further a Council-at-Large The liie division hierarchy is tradition they weie involved in," chief, deputy chief, captain, he said. byleflHindenach Currently, the city is divided The lawsuit which started in William T. Culbertson (R) IHE BG NtWS lieutenant, and firefighter. Freddie and Frieda's former up into four voting wards. Fach 1994, was brought against the BJ Fisher (D) duds will be placed in University If history repeats itself, stu- ward accounts for 25 percent of city because University stu- archives dents max lose any hold they the vote. Hut the populations of dents believed the way die city Ward Council CHIEF. PAGE 3 had on city government. the wards are not divided even- was broken into wards was According to First Ward rep ly. Approximately 45 percent of unconstitutional, Currently, Sarah Tomashefski (D) Gregory Paul Amend (R) lesenlalive Sarah Tomashefski, the population lives in the liisl Ward |, which the University is PROPOSED CHARTER the proposed charter amend- ward, bin only counts for 25 in. has a population of 12,674. AMENDMENTS ment to change Howling percent of the votes. On the Ward 3 only has .'(,199. But each Local Option Meiier Green's current ward system to odier hand, the third ward has gets only one representative, • Change qualifications for an all at-large system needs to only 12 percent of the popula- which goes against the Sunday Alcohol Sales Dance elected officials be voted down in order for stu- tion living in the third ward, but Constitution's equal represen- SPECIAL ELECTION dents to have a chance lo be has an equal say in the vote. tation 11 lie • Change organization of involved in city government. If In March of 1995, two If the city does go to an all at- president and council Marathon student voter turnout is any- University students asked large system, it will be harder Wood County. Ohio • Election to fill council thing like the pasl, this could be Rodney Fleming lo file a lawsuit for students to be elected to city vacancies a problem. against the city because they council for several reasons, • Give electors power to plans "I hope that there is an over- felt the way the wards were according lo Tomashefski. remove officials from office whelming turnout of voters," apportioned was unconsiiiu- "If the amendment is voted • Adopt a civil service com- Tomashefski said. "We tried to tional. According to the equal for, il will have a very large mission lor the city continue educate the campus about the protection clause of the U.S. impact. Four-year terms would • Change numbers, selec- issue so that there would be an Constitution, there should be by Lisa Lynch tions, and terms of elections 1HI BG «t*S increased voter turnout." one vote per person. AMENDMENT, PAGE 3 Matt IvsyBG News for all offices The Dance Marathon steering committee, which was selected only two weeks after last year's event, formulated a number of goals at the annual summer retreat. The top priority of the steering Speaker comes to U. to define Muslim religion committee this year is to educate University students and the com- by loanna Hammer Islam is a religion that nate that bin laden is being munity on the true meaning of THE BO ntws . believes in one god. Muslims, associated with Islam, a religion the event. Toledo mosque religious which is the name given to fol- which devotes itself to peace." "We are striving to educate the leader Iman Farooq explained lowers of Islam, also believe in The Islamic religion is based campus and the community the meaning of the Islamic reli- the day of judgment and the on five pillars that followers about Children's Miracle Network gion to University students and accountability for one's actions. have to practice. The first pillar and the number of benefits the faculty last night in room 115 in The direct meaning of Islam is die declaration of faith. This is organization has, as well as edu- Education Building. The event, is peace. Followers of such radi- a two sentence declaration in cating the students on the chil- sponsored by the University cal groups as the Taliban, are which Muslims say: "There is no dren living with a terminal ill- Muslim Student Association contradicting Islam, according deity but God, and Mohammed ness," said Allie Koscho, director was part of an effort to raise to Farooq.
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