Virtual Camp: Possible Template Outline for each Day/”Unit” for a Week of 3-4 hour days.

Following the pace and rhythms of MOOC courses, to me, it pans out that a 4 hour class feels needed to prep for a Friday virtual competition. That seems too long for middle school, no?

What if we offer 3 hours in the morning, and an hour check in for the afternoon? Optional? This could buoy students less accustomed to unsupervised study time, whatever their parents’ wages. : )

Possible ex. for 1 week PF introduction course:

Pre-course self-survey ם My level as a reader/writer/researcher ם .My level as a debater ם

Overview of Unit 1/Day 1 Goals and Motivation: Argument vs. Opinions, So What? .Pre-learning Post: Quick-prompts to engage prior learning ם (Essentials of Argumentation CWI, (like Common Core’s CER or R-A-C-E x2 ם Reading or Powerpoint or Video/Guest Speaker or audio

(!Complete worksheet models (See pre-mailed Debater’s Power-Pack ם ?Break Out Rooms Activity: Pair share an arguments. Whose is stronger? Why ם Return to “classroom” and share-out best examples. Essentials of Speaking in a Civilized public forum: Growth Mindset vs. Fixed, Hostile Competing ם (We can vary these comparative videos of speakers based on age and course level! I have already found some online, but we might make our own for other leveled examples.) Reading Powerpoint Video/Guest Speaker Audio

.TRY IT! Handout Create a “Growth Mindset” rubric for yourself as a public forum speaker ם Use the grid graphic organizer in your Debater’s Power Pack! We will keep adding to this, too!

:KEY CONCEPTS TO UNDERSTAND ם The All-important Missing LINK: “You’re only as strong as your weakest links.” Essential to debate clashing refutation. Audio

TRY IT! Break Out Rooms & Debater’s Power Pack “practice topic playing cards” Sort the cards on the topic by side (pro/con), then by CWI. All call out and help each other as a ם group, then decide which argument has stronger links and why. What could make the link “chain” or “story” stronger?

?Optional: (Ex. Go to QUIZLET link. Play vocabulary game matching lesson’s terms. How fast ם Or, for higher level readers, instead of a pre-mailed argument sort, have a webquest to a link or 2 and have them find the CWI embedded in an article. Do 2 and compare in groups? Final Reflection Posts ם !Tasks for tomorrow ם

Marketing Pitch for VALUE ADDED of a Virtual :

Along with strengthening the priceless 3Rs of debate skills: reading/research/reasoning, the miracle of a virtual mode more than makes up for what’s lost by thwarted social contact.

 Smaller, more intensely-focused tutorial “labs” heighten monitoring and adaptation for each individual’s great leap forward—especially for research and writing skills.  We hew closely to the Common Core Standards for argumentation and critical literacy.  An immersive tech environment ramps up each students’personal “band width,” deepening competencies in media communications, increased source access, search skills, and more.  Most importantly, the ZOOM platform—with its break out rooms and chat messaging—enhances our ability to nurture socio-emotional learning: from self-management in organization and focus, to social-awareness and relationship-building. These vital skills build the resilience needed in this competitive, shame-prone world.

NYCUDL Debate Skills Curriculum Sequence

Topics Learning Outcomes Activities

Introductions community building Icebreakers, (Pair talk- 2 mins. non-stop on favorite activities, then switch, then debate’s benefits –all (Teachers model: speak of favorite without saying “um” or “like”) things, great debaters, why debate)

Introduction to Public Rhetoric: Pathos, Ethos, Logos Fun topics, assess baseline comfort & thinking styles. Speaking (ex. no dogs in NYC, free college.) Eye Contact, Gestures, Volume Emotion, Posture

Introduction to Claim, Data, Warrant, links, Impact Model CWI with theater games (car keys, bus seat) Argumentation Toulmin model Who should be allowed in the shelter during flood/ zombie apocalypse?(doctor, expecting mother IT, etc.)

Give CWI examples in pairs Role debate: “ Jack in the Beanstalk”

Links & Impacts Cause & Effect Fill in the link “story” for Links an link chains C=Permit dogs in apts. since they help us. I=Heart rate improvement extends life expectancy. C=increase biking lanes …. I=Global warming is causing species extinction

Introduction to Public Order/purpose of Speeches Practice Mini Round w/ fun topic (total 45 min) Forum Debate Pro Con Constructive speeches (ex. tell on a friend; uniforms, pay students for perfect school attendance) Split to 2 teams, 1 per speech (8). Rebuttal Speeches, Cross Fire 1/2 times & 1 min. prep for each speech. All . Summary Speeches, Final Focus

Introduction to the Rotates with -based focus or Discuss key terms in the resolution Topics text set units, student vote, final performance or tournament topic. Explain important background info on the topic Begin to brainstorm arguments

Introduction to Closed/Open Ended Questioning Skills and tips for effective cross-fire Questioning Using all your Questioning Time Game: Defend a Lie (Student chooses a lie. Other students ask them crossfire questions about it) Short & Simple Questions Socratic Method Practice crossfire using the next debate topic.

Research With each new debate topic, research Research will be scaffolded becoming gradually skills deepen. independent, from key evidence “cards” or quotes to sort and rank, to articles with pro and con evidence, to Key sources, primary vs. secondary, embedded pro & con in same article, sorting and finding own most relevant evidence in cite author/quoted expert credentials articles. Wikipedia tips, key sources, Search tips, card & tag, Block writing research is most challenging. It seeks specific evidence as an A2 or Answer to or Frontline Scientific studies & methodologies to very challenging counter claims. Peer reviewed

Case speech and Case speech writing v. writing a file Strong and weak models shown. file writing (A2 expected counterclaims) Practice note taking by listening to model speeches. Organization of speech (and music to warm up & for fun!) (hook, CW links to Impact) Sentence starters and template outlines for first case speech writing. Strong A2 Frontline defenses Match paragraphs to speeches and A2 cards to Pithy, catchy phrases: challenging Counter Claim blocks. Ex.Mend it, don’t end it

Clash & Refutation Clash v. 2 boats pass in the night! Game: Claim/Counterclaim Catch: offer offensive or defensive argument to a statement, claim or Attack, Outweigh, Not Root cause, counterclaim. Non-Unique “Turn” Offensive v. Defensive Arguments Yes, But… Block, Frontline, Extension. Signpost 90 second survival 4 Step Refutation - They Say, We Say, Because, Therefore prefer

Rebuttals and the Art Storytelling, Weighing, Impact Pair share practice, “Redos” of a round speech, of Storytelling Calculation, Crystallize, Framework games: car crash vs. meteor strike MRT Magnitude, Risk/Probability

Public Speaking Rotating throughout, drills to build Games: Students talk for 2-3 min. or more without confidence and skills of public filler words (um, like, uh) & goal setting speaking. Model video clips (Obama) Elicit good speaking techniques. Students give an alternate ending to a well-known movie/book, and other students try to distract them Model/celebrate debate goals they have met and will meet. Be specific! *Make a topic turn be on goals for themselves. These cannot be to “win” a round! Be specific.

Judging a round Speaker points criteria. Throughout, students will be handling self-reflection checklists on their own growth in debate skills. Round winning criteria. Contrast video clips of speakers, flow & score them. Judge RFDs Reason for Decision Watch just final speeches clip of a round and practice flowing, scoring speakers, discerning winner.