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41 ANNUAL REPORT ' OF 'I'VE .. · ·biR~CTOR, LAND 'RECORDS·1~ND ' ' . ·AGRICULTURE. .' . ' . '{ 'FOR THE' YEAR 1890~91 \ I .. ·- iaombnl]: PJUNTED .AT TilE GOVEH1"J.IENT CENTRAL PRE~S. 1892. • CONTENTS. Para, Page, Introductory . ... ... 1-4 1·2 Divisions of Report.. I.-ORGANIZATION AND MAINTENA~CE OF VILLAGE RECORDS- Introduction of Circle lnspector'Staffin Southern Division· trai~ ing of Circle· Inspector~; Departmental Rules; equip~ent of head-quarter offices; dut1es of Divisional and District Inspectors; accommodation for Survey Records; routine of Circle Inspectors' duties '" ... ... _ ... ... .. 5·14 2-4 Review of Circle Inspectors' Crop, Waste and Boundary mark In· spection in Dharwar and Bijapur ; check exercised by District In spectors !1n<l Sub-Divisional officers .,, .. : ... 15-17 4-5 Check Census of population !Lnd liv~·stock; village sanitary forms; complete boundary-mark mspect10n and measurement · · ,.;, 18-21 5-7 Head-quarter office work · ,., 22 7 H.-ANALYSIS OF DlSTRICTS WITH REFERENC.E 'l'O SECURITY FROM ' FAMINE- .• ' . Form of Circle Book under consideration; ... ... 23 7 Ill-SYSTEM OJ!' COLLECTION \:)Jj' REVENUE AND l\ENT.U. IN PRECARIOUS TRACTS- No special measures needed .... ... ... 24 7 lV,....::.MEASURES 011' PROTECTION ; Babhul pla.ntations not progressing .... • ... 25 7 . , V.-AGRICULTURAL EXPERIJrU:NTS INCLUDING FARMS-. ~ I ' a A.-·ExperimentaZ .lilii'VIS.:-; < • ~ ': :. • Detailed scheme· fori extension of Experimental Farms, for a. cattle a.nd sheep firm a.nd for imp:9.vement of the Poona Farm submitted to Government; Mr. A¥>1lison's appointment .... 26 Bhadgaon- . ·· '· • ·.. ·, · ' • ·. · Season and financial results ; experiments on cotton, sugarcane, ma.nures, fodder crops, ensilage, cattle . ••• .,, 27 8-9 ' . • •· Poont.t- · Financial results; area. Under culti;ation; 'sugarcane; dairy •· . herd ; Ganesh Khind Gardens · . · .. • .. , .... 28 9 ,Padiad- An agricultural passed 'Student in charge ; seed dep6t use!ul; • cropping scheme foJ; 6 years drq,w;n up. · 29 9-10 Sind (Hgderabad)- · . l!'arm a.bout to be abandoned by the Loc!l-1 Board ... 10 Empress 'Gardens- . , . .Financial results; sales of seeds, vegetables, and forage. plants .. 31. 10 ·B.-Experiments on various Indigenous and Exotic Product~- Wheat- , • , Distribution of selected Jl'[uzaffarnagar seed in Sind and its results 32 10 · Cotton • Arrowroot; Coffel; Borneo Tobacco; Strawberry ; Indigo; . ])at:-palm; Di~i-Divi; Potato Disease in the Poona District... 33-41 10-11 C.-Utilization of bones for manure- Export trade; experiments with bone meal_at the Poona and Bhadgaon Farms , .. ... • .. •.. 42 12 '' D.-Takavi Advances- : · Large demand in the Karnatak ... 12-l:l E.-Locust attacks of the year- Date of their appearance and the district!! visited; detection of a new locust enemy in the shape of a parasite... • .. B 1092-a '. II C'O:i'TENTiil, rara. r •.,. F.-Imp 1"0 t•cd Ag ric ul tum l !111 plem cnts- The Phmet Jr. hoes ; an Amuricau ·grll.SS mower and rake 45 13-J.I. U.-TI"ade in u•hcat- .A.bnorn~al increase in exports H H.-Cotton-· · ·" Proposed lt>.,.islation · conference at Poona to discuss hybriJiza- . 0 t • t1on . · ·· ••• · ·· ··• -17 14-15 1.-Cotton Sate-Gins at ])lu.irwar- Increase in steam-gins,., ; Go\·ernment repairing factory ·IS 15 J.--Forec11sts- • Their degree ofaccuracy; Forecasts for oil-seeds furnished ... .: K.-A!]ricultural Shou·s cpul Ezldbition.s- . Poona, RBjkot, .A.hmll.llnagar, Sind and Alunadabad shows; .Mababa.leshvar Horticultural Exhibition ••• ... 50 'lti-18 Vl.:..._HonsE. AND CATTLE B&EEDING. L'\D. VET£RlNARY EsTnLISUllE:st- Civil Veterinary Department- OrFization of the Department ; duties of Veterinary Gra duates in charge of dispensaries ; conference at Poona to discuss the ·conduct of Baeteriological Laboratory anJ ~ Veterinary and Horse-Breedin.z operations; re\;ew of th8 .A.rmual Report of the Horse-Hreeding Department by the' Director .•• .,_ · 51 18-19 Veterinary Dispenaariea- Brief notice of. the working of Veterinary Dispcn~ ... Cattle Disease- • - I Year tolerably healthy; rinderpe~t in two districts only ••• 53 . :~o Bacteriological Laboratory- Constitution of the Laboratory and Bacteriological Survey ••• 20 Vli.-AGRICULTURAL AND FISCAL STATISTlCS- ..d..-AgricuZtural- General remarks; comparison of the area of Available Statistic; Cultivated and Uncultivated area ... ... 55-63 20-:!4 Variations under principal crops; details of kharij and. rabi; · Percentages. of Food and other crops; Outtum of crops ... 64-G7 24-29 Fruit-trees ..• ••• . .• . 68 29-30 Irrigated area .•. •.• .... .• C9-70 30-81 Agricultural Stoek-.General remarks; Cattle, Sheep a.nd Goats; Ploughs and Carts 71-73 31-32 B.-RainfalZ- ·' • Scope of Director's duty extended and registration improved ; Seasons, 1890-91 and 1891-92 74-76 32-33 C.-Crop Experiments- Number ofexperiments conducted 77 . 34 J VIII.-TRADE AND TRADE STATisncs- • Rail-borne traffic for the Presidency Proper and for Sind. ... .78 IX.·-ARcu.EoLOGY__: ' No reports received 79 .. 3-' X.-MINEUL STATIS:OCB- Two returns submitted ... 80 34 CONCLtlSION 81 34 43 • OOXTESTS. lll Fag•. Statistics- A.-Ag,·icultu ral- 1.-Arca of Available Statistics Ill H.-Area, Cultivated and Uncultivated IV·V II I.-Crops vi-xiii IV.-Irrigation XlV-XV V.-Agricultural Stock xvi·xvii III-A.-Detail!! under Khar!f ami Rabi ... xviii-xxi III-D.-Principal Fruit-bearing Trees xxii B.-Rainfall- .: '·. Explanatory Rt-marks XXIV Synopsis of Rainfall Summary l[XV District Tables ... · xxvi-xxxv Appendix-' A.-Dairy Experiments xxxvi-xxxvii B.-Exports of Indian wheat from Bombay and Karachi xxxviii (4 No. 1043 oF 1892. FitoM E. L. CAPPEL, EsQUIRE, C. S., Director, Land Records and Agriculture, Bombay; To Tn CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT, Revenue Department, Bombay, Poona, 9th May 1892. SIR, I have the honour to submit the eighth Annual Report of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, for the year ending 31st October 1891. 2. The office of the Director was held as under :-' N arne of Officer. From and to what date. Total period. M . d. • Mr. E. C. Ozanne . ... 1st November 1890 to 7th April1891 5 7 Dr. T. Cooke ... 8th April to 31st May 1891... ..; 1 23 Mr. E. L. Cappel .... ... 1st June to .31st October 1891 5 0 12 0 Mr. Ozanne visited Dharwar, Belgaum and Sholapur .in November, and Bijapur, Kanara and Ratnagiri in January and February, to discuss with the Collectors measures for the accommodation of Survey Records. In March he again visited Dharwar and Belgaum to complete arrangements for the introduc tion and re-distribution of Circle Inspector staff and for the transfer of Survey .Records. From November to March, Mr, Ozanne visited Bombay eight times: once under Gov~rnment orders to. confer with Mr. Hallen, the General Superin tendent of Horse-breeding Operations, and Mr. Morgan : twice on business con· nected with the experimental dairy and at other times to confer with the officers concerned on matters relating to the winding up of the Survey, the establishment of a Civil Veterinary Department and the t.ra.nsfer to Poona of the Compiling Branch of the Trade Statistical Office. He also attended a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce at which Mr. James' proposals for the regulatio!l of the cotton trade were discussed. Mr. Ozanne paid one visit to the Bhadgaon Farm in January, and two visits to Nadiad in December, and in that month was in camp in the Poona District for purposes of special enquiry, Dr. Cooke visited Mababaleshvar twice; in April to confer with Government and in May to attend the Horticultural Show. In May he also made a short tour of inspection in Belgaum and Dh:irw:ir. I inspected the Bhadgaon Farm with the Superin tendent of Farms in August and went to Belgaum in October to discuss with the Collector matters regarding the gradation of Circle Inspectors in the district. · 3. Mr. :Mollison took charge as Superintendent of Government Farms in November. He paid occasional visits to Bhadgaon and Nadiad and has been · constantly present on the Poontt Farm. His time has necessarily been largely taken up in study of the Agriculture of the Presidency and of Native live-stock In December he made with the sanction of Government an extended tour in Upper India in company with :Mr. Hallen, visiting Ulwar, Hansi, Babugarh Meerut, Delhi, Ajmere and Kbandwa. He also visited Ahmedabad and Cutch to attend the local Sbows. B 1092-1 2 4• For tbe administration of tho .Agricultu~al staff in tho Southern Division, 1 have bad sinco May the assistance of an oxperJCnccd Survey. officer. ;'he first a ointment as Divisional Inspector, Land R~cords and Agr~eulturo, Soutl~ern &tsion was held by Mr. Francis and, on h1s transfer to llcrar, M~. Lusbmg- ' · t d Mr R T Win"'ate boldin"' charge for nn mtervnl of ~~n watsb appom.en; to th~se ~ha~"'es n;tour of insp~ction wr.s made by the officers ~ » mon s. 0 Wl o o d . th t "' named and they were fully occupied at hen -quarters m organiZing e new s au. I.-ORGANIZ.A.TION A.i.'W M.A.INTEN.ANCE OF VILLAGE RECOUDS. 5. As described in the last report, parai?rapbs 5-.7, .tho inspecting staff • bas been introduced mto the dJstrJcts of tho Southern Circle Inspectors. Division, except Kol~ba, where. owing to the non- completion of the re>ision survey the records \nil no~ bo r1.pe for trausfer. to ~ho Collector's charge until 1893. The staff was est.abhshed m tho otb~r d1str1~ts in April except in Ratn:igiri, where its introductiOn ~as ~eferrcd till ;A~gust. The number of Circle Inspectors now fixed in consultation w1t~ the CommiSSioner, for the five districts in which the staff has been introduced, 1s shown below :- NUIIUB ow Clacu: bsncrou. N urn ber of ohl Fonner JJ.hAfo K4rkllna now District. Number of Bh4g K4rk6.na len or M4mlatd.ira' ~hAg K4rk~na.