The Faculty of Grad.Uate Stud.Ies And, Research University of Manitoba
THE ROI,E OF T}IE CISTERCIAN ORDER IN THE THIRD CRUSADE A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Grad.uate Stud.ies and, Research University of Manitoba In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts by Thomas Michael Prymak Septemberr l9T2 L l. i: it n0c3flIl¡rc trAMIË-, T BATOSI 7+'/, 'i ': -'€É1'.i 'tt. É.-J.J^€¿ \ J.'i ?i7; \ i,* I.ii, d.' El .À r# t-'ìi¿ ¡l n .'- r'i ,lçt S:ri't Iler^rrrcl prôch,rrrr ì \rú;r.l.rr,, l.r .ì.'rr r iùr,e (' After G. Serbanesco, Hlstolre de lrOrdre des Templlers et les Croisades, vol. I, Parls, 1969, p. 380. It j-s an act of Christian piety to vanguish the proud and al-so to spare the subjected-. Bernard" of Clairvaux PREFACE The aim of this stud.y is to tell the story of the involvement of cistercian Monks i-n The Third crusade. The nature of their partleipation is revealed" in the narration and consists of three more or less distinct categories: Prayer, preaching, and actual participation as warriors or pilgrims. There is l-ittle d.oubt, however, that the Monks' most significant contribution to the effort ray in their success as preachers and recruiters, and it is this sub- ject which occupies the greatest space in the present work. \then this study was begun, the question of whether the cisterclan Ord,er had a singJ-e unified. attltude toward the crusader or whether opinion was as d.iverse as in the secular society of the day, seemed paramount.
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