Farm. Garden, and Household, THE MASSACRE NEAR PARIS. (Jalignani’s Messenger, of Paris, of the evening of the L'stl, of September, supplies 111) isy Pl'INAM MM ON TON. the following report relative to the Pantin .murders: 44 Our lriemls who may have communications, ob- A carman vations, tacts, suggestion*, or anything of interest, named Ungues, living at :J9 1*« rlnining to this department, are requested to coinmu- ltoute d’Auhervilliers, at Pantin, while walk- "icate the same to Or. Putnam who Simonton, Searsport. about tin field, like the rest of will prepare the same for publication, if of sufficient im- ing the per- portance sons attracted by motives of eurinsitv, suil- '——« '.—I- —- ™-, ■ | f a --- __ denly it clod of earth sink beneath his loot, lie WALDO COUNTY FAI R. NATURAL SCIENCE. Written for the Journal. thought, as he afterwards describ- already .satisfied was insufficient. Their be- face. Tn answer to an tie said A BALLOON ing inquiry, ADVENTURE. ed Ins that he could hear a sub- 1 11! 11:t- talu u notice of tin- annual <>\y<;kn. This is one of the ele- AUTUMN. no doubt in their own impressions, paper already simple organic ing minds, they were lie had come for the of the “deceased,” From tin- body Saginaw, Micing'.n, Iu11111 : and tin. ai ions n polls of t hc (deck words I"! Autumn now comes with her splemlorous willing give prisoner the benclitof any if il was all the same to the committee. He ot his On the occasion of Prof. La Mountain's re- footsteps. Without versed in •mmittces w ill furl In 1 ak cmcei it: hula to make -our,—because treasures. that exist. Secure in the didn't being -pi ning .-ignilyiug oxygen uniting might hypothesis wish to lie could u- lie To in tlu* of the fast “hurry anything,” cent balioon tie met ph\-ies, mode011, remarked to the (.'om- will) other the cause pile lap waning year; that he to he on i ascension from Lay City iieral -um\ of the ihing. and a notice of some tiling- of about all the -our To ought hanged, general prin- “wait." lie was not that and ot cover it over, ami lade it with beauty,— working day; with a terrible niissary Police, In that lie was " him adventure, and narrowiv imagined more to thi- than those things in the world: ns. uniting with new cider in The sad, and the funeral bier ciples, they indulged with more latitude when the were done with the very belonging depart- gloomy pall, gentleman death. walking a hollow which onirhl t to In: of defence than hi-, reckless hardiness seem- “deceased” lie escaped oyer ment-, lie not without intin -i to our -mall quantities it make- the juice sour, and in would take him. “Ef that- is there. may agricul- That hideth the summer whose is Being resolved to see if Ids- i- glory paling— ed to ask. The to T!ie balloon wr. to ispi, amounts if into sour Ii- judge appeared bo more any present,” he added in his serious Idled fore tarting its were tural Haulers. larger changes vinegar. Passing away like the gray mist of morn— simple, correct, he ..l..,I down I com- anxious than the otherwise “as care utmost ten ion. but. n> m ait r natura! form i> that our like tlowcrs that were cherished. prisoner, who, way, would to tliel’im'l owing •pair-, menced remov h> general it maybe remarked that though the of invisible gas. is never Dying tenderly jinein -they ing the earth with hi- ngem. Now and torn the storm. unconcerned, evidently took a grim oleasure kin come.” it was from a sense o't leaked badly, so that after one or two titi -11- « trailing by pitiless He w at her w a* had a portion of the time, tin* exhibi- l'oimd y itself, hut always unbilled with oilici Perhaps presently came on apart of a c in the he had humor, eessful v, urn -~kirt, responsibility created. "1 don’t which I have intimated was a attempts. Mr. IL ia. to on ■ Yes. low lie bud.-that wore already adley, and then a '"■11 with one.-: tin* tiling-, as wi’h nitrogen to form air. and with hy- the fostered in sunshine. corpse, lying with its face down- oni)iared favorably previous take any hand in this had been feature ot have Prof. I,a was And watered with dew, from the fountains of air: yer game,” Sandy Liar; perhaps ii was from accompanied Mountain. ward.., the arms extended Ht-ikdatice \\.i- all officials seemed anxious drogen to form wafer. but and the tinkers good: Whose incense no more shall he watted to meet u>. his invariable good-humored to all even better than two- to out of the ear. Mr. 11. had reply something that; hut obliged get contracted. To the was "• \nd in a!! the aid* science lias to man. f< \v right hand stilTat- thi ii duly; good order and harmony prevail- given Nor bright colors that have beamed rich The was also his thirds of the the instruments of glance, questions. Judge—who loungers accepted the invitation eatables, observation and 'tached :i tul! of black liair. <■ Tlu* authorities ■ d ..long ih«- line-. xcced the *\ >tcm it ha* adopted for naming the and rare. a moment that at once. tissue used to ascertain the captor—for vaguely regretted j paper ascending were inibnneil of this ** immediately 1 -• counties* made the union of he not shot him "on discovery, t *M-K. f: a V roll Id e alld learil fl'olll compounds by oxygen Put the verdure of siinny-hm d Miminer lias faded. had that morning I Il was noon when the of Tennessee and descending hirer ol the balloon, and as sight” body and M. lembcl, of I'olice at ■ with other so that t\\ ■> or ideas Pike the of a'dream. or the of but dismiss cd this wa> he Commissary "'ll" are hi a 11 r nidge-. the tarm -toek tliis tiling-: three* ami spell magic song. presently human weakness : delivered into the hands of his partner. stepped i>il( of (lie ear, before he could That dielli ere we sweet 1‘antin, proceeded to Hie wit!i M. Al- woids lx conn the io thousands, menial away catch the meaning. as of the mind. As the earl transter the articles spot, -lio\\oI a off in anmunl. but an im- key saving unworthy judicial Neverthe- drew up to the fatal tree, we named, those who had tailing Yet still, w hen the echo is tonsi, bis secrelarf. and M, the labor in that lingereth gone. when lhere e as a at. hold ol the ear lei Lugauie, ■•'• lmnt 111 i- proportion: and as these names are less, tap the door, and nolieed that il contained a Ih>\ go, and I In- balloon shot quality whi- h tin tight thing— rough, oldoiig medical mall who bail been called lo esamilie • winter come, and the 1m it was said that Teiine- with a -- Though may fragrance Partner \\ a- made a sect up it \ that, carried it to an dm and -- •very moment ueouvmg in hooks, in the papers, on (her.- -apparent ly from ion of shliei rapid altitude not mtn hm being' tin law of all banished. lig- ihe bodies on Hie previous Monday. Before on behalf of the he w as and half ol two miles within a lew A « medicine-, Ad*., could heller than lot prisoner, admitted Idled with hark and the tassel-, of minute-. per- llio.-c proeiv-. umiiing pay 1 bat breathed from the fern nestling low on the gentleineii laid arrived, a man, in mov- at once without \ fect of wind was one not in to re- question the ouiig- pine. The earl was further decorated with gale at the time, id lat.. -l' of tann w 1. M. '•very already \ersed 1hc matter hill. Perhaps blowing a -lod ol earth win hi- slock by Mr. er a ing foot, found some (lowers he all wit hen d. and roses all faded member.- of the jury, to whom the of and made with and moment after rain and sleet commenc- member thi-: Ox it wiih other Though proceed slips willow, fragrant dark brown *tw **f m ai -1 r!, b head. many of tin m old y g< combining things ed hair, which the people shared The iver he chained, and the silver hmed rill. mgs were becoming irksomely thoughtful, buckeye Ido soms. When the was de- tailing, l lie balloon wa< still ascending !*e. n I 'feeds—Imrt 11-■ 1 making tic Iwo compounds called acids and ox- body between them. I lie news hr-e\- I h .-ford.-. hailed him as a relief. when lost to got circulated Yet the mhmical measure that chimed in the in tin box, Tennessee's Partner drew sight in a cloud IVof. La Ai sour it is posited with Wonderful which <.t wimith e- will ides. ff the aitii !• has proprieties called and in a lew min- prehahly report- l or he was not, an over it a of Mountain, in his snvs rapidity, brooklet. e\idenlly. imposing piece tarred canvas, and gravely relating experience, ut, noli, e ill detail. ail acid, and alwav- take- tin* name ol tin thiitir in- probably per-ons were collected The perfmm that crept from the fern on th< hill, .Short and .-lout, with a the narrow seat in with ids thill il became all ill once intenselv cold. The tlgure. square face, mounting front, 11,1 the ! t.» which the oxygen nter-; a*, w ith car- And the odors of roses and lilies all blended, pot. A detachment of infantry of 1 next m amount, bin superior in quality, \ve uniting sunburned into a il redness, clad feet the the little cloud he entered was one mass ol Shall haunt us and still in our memories thrill. preternajjin upon shafts, urged donkey swimming about 1-jo — is moil, from the Fort 1- a bon (lie carbonic acid; with in a of Aubervil- , .Na. "I Po-ton, from his is- sulphuric phosphorus, phosphoric Po-ton. Oct. 1st, 1 Stilt. Spin bed with ivd'Vod. his un- decorous which was -habitual with formed a frost work on the of the bal- a.-pcct puce netting new a with malum (an ) malic arid or so der grave wide oierle, in the midst of alid fa 1 til in Veal-port allium.1 them a vending apple eider,—and any eiremm tanre- would have been even under less solemn circumstan- loon. I he cloud u ilh the snow Make fonu- “.Jenny” " hie 1 the authorities on thow and of r-m li word-. The other continued the search. -:•'■ bora I. lit .Old env through quaint, and was now even ridienlou-. As he ces. The half and living hither and thither a-he \eral Tun of the bleed, | men, curiously, half jestingly, j ing had, I lii- barrier, — From th»* Overhaul strlieient to t liiiiL* i \v hen unite w it h which Monthly. to at hi feet a all Ihr being hardly doin*- in 1 l’ei -ian h< 1-1-. di -i im d to do -ei oxygen any thing stooped depo.-it heavy carpet- hut good be- | expressed it, appearance of a cloud of keep good Immoredly—strolled along hack tin crowd, was strengthened bv four i- mi he was it became steam I u lm i ■< w. by that union acid, tin* compound is called TENNESSEE’S PARTNER. bag obvious, side the earl ; some in some a little hrough ii he si could Hoi in thi- line of anirn.d*. n among hi- lot. carrying, advance, gin pen- on hor trom etrate. geinl.miles ehaek. A man wi'li a ■■ oxide: is. oxide of ru.-t-mean* ox-' and in the rear if the The earth was lost to view Mi 1* a Oi 1 11 ■« nn an* and culture, iron,—iron a ni' < ai.ihuinia i.ii i:. partially developed legends inscrip- Hut, By gentleman ktoiiy homely catafalque. -pade volunteered his aid. and -lien was wit- n and iron united: oxide «•{' zinc, ol of tions, thill the material with which his trows- whether Iro n the of the or tearing up his handkerchief and throw ing' oui net -pn.-- neither pain* nor inoin-y to get and dif- yg< copper, j narrowing road, j nessed a scene nt er- had been shreds he excitement impossible to lea 1, alid on thrum. Ii thousand.- of other wolds, all ! I do Uni know that we ia'i'i' knew hi real patched had been originally in- sonie present sense of decorum, as the cart became eonseiou llial he wa pa-s- e til t lun.l ittaiiiatn. 111 tin- and other describe. The immense crowd tended for a stood hreatli- 1 name. Oin of it never us less ambitious on the I with wonderful and explain tlionise!\e- w itiiout the 1 rouble of learning ignorance gave covering. Vet passed company fell lo the rear in ing upward rtpidiL less wih mini ri« he expectation, in tile in- social for at liar advanced with after and as- with tin* current of the air ea-tward fin-group 1 b\ n ri»«;: one any inconvenience, Sandy great gravity, uni, couples, step, otherwise along ■ hem,»« this idea that keeping I'li. M' now ..mini1' info bMir, wn well siniph | ( terior (it the ei rrie consisted oil IV ol’ tin com- in 18ul most men were christened anew. having shaken the hand of each person in the smiling the external show of a formal ■ toward the lake. Nothing wa diseernable .. he wan d ox ide aiw a\. means the union of pro- his 11. iil- .l \ Mi I,*. W l.llis. ol' Northpnrt. an-! oxyi'cn miss,ary secretary, M. (hilVov de Biwil- Sometimes these appellatives were derived room with labored cordiality, lie wiped hi- cession. .Irek Polinshee, who had at .the out- !I I'tit the tliiekeuing misl, and overhead his ■ w itli tin- of. In fact an aeid is an lie. !*. w !•■•■!. oi ar-port. And a- Iln* tiling spoken only | depity substitute to ,M Doiiet ij.i from some distinctiveness of dress, as to the serious perplexed lace on a red bandana set, a lum-val march in dumb show I balloon, which, as the air became lighter, d'Areg, ■ played ■ so j « heine called to di«liimuish sour the eartnan ,.»t * -. i.i m-i w il tinder mud the merits ot this \ide, thiny- examining judge, the ease of ‘•Dungaree .lack,” or from some handkerchief, a -hade lighter than his com- upon an imaginary trombone, desisted, from had expanded the thin cloth covering |o its Ungues, in-ni those that arc not so. laborer with his -cade, and the doctor. 1 he Me as. in l. i.l ui very little about it,— of as show'll in “Saleratus plexion, laid his hand the a lack of and utmost Fearful that lie be peculiarity lialiit, powerful upon sympathy appreciation—not strength. might was soon I here is also a host of' eiidin." in ate body tineovt'red and M iii;.i:- ai-. "pen to an; w lio call reliable j so called from an undue of table to himself, and thus I true carried into the and without a of completely give i>i]I,” proportion steady addressed having, perhaps, your humorist's capaci- lake, pound on w most placed it- hack. In the neck was seen m.i'ion on t-tin- inak< 111' I. ‘rouble peoph—as sulphate, phosphate. that chemical in or till' : to he eon ballast to his lie that -ubje. history and his daily bread; lrom Judge ty lent with the enjoyment of his own regulate descent, reached lor tearful 1 wound, to -e a m large enongii introduce ! tin animal it-merits, whether for milk.butter Ac. but ail lb- !ia\i little key also which opens some infelicitous slip, as exhibited in “Iron “I J*:t-« of the whole lli»«• 1. : T in- acids Pirate." a mild, inoHen-ive man who earned ‘-anil 1 I'd in The led himself fo hi- Ihe \ ah e •.i n. b. invitation extends also to :dl ailing just | apology, thought just step and way through drizzly Canon—by gradually. surprise fuelled the head trom (lie body, tint! e j of unite with other ami form new that baleful title his sen how was wilh this lime clothed in would not Tin rain and sleet aiviiinu- positiv lb. o i.e\\ and b")Tai-ed •vi-.—to-bow wherein spoken things I by unfortunate mispro- things gittin’ along Ten- funeral drapery and open. Iv laid open the vertebral column. A com- a new name, as nunciation of the term “iron nessee lhar It's a hot shadows. The on the the task, lie ■ III. i- a far better thing. expresses i Putting -I.length and clotted blood which had adhered to it. that rested his own teering any other bier. A hare, into gave a on lie • a mum ; carbon-lime i- liort, but is a a- day, solely upon unsup- meteorological recollection, passing surprised helpless strong pull rope, out lie I lore .i: \ Of th<-se 1 here was not a large show. deception, ; In- pulling upper lip no traces of a mustache, ported statement. again had recourse to his pocket-handker- inactivity, sat upright, and in the.i the iron the to the I if ral -peeinieiis wlii' li indicated that Maine not expie-siii;' all the things w lif-b make tin eom- pulsating staples attaching rope and the chin had never been shaved. The lint to return to Tennessee’s w chief, and for some moment his face terns the as the nurtt tit' went bv valve. I Partner, hom mopped by roadside, ! In' rope falling dow n the ear. The Ih'sh. ..If in ra;-» wheat as w< II a- oats. j'Oiiml, the oxygen ot the carbonic acid bcinir let! ! however, peeled and the hair good we never knew other name than this hastened to a secure outlook I balloon was drop- "lit. Now by any diligently. Squirrels gain mounting up faster than ever, I rent the head on \\ •• noli, ed >onn* oat- all chemists everywhere have ped being touched. The very good looking Fnglish agreed] relative title That he had ever a> a “1 lav e to in behalf of from and the blue 1 existed you any thing say the higher boughs ; illj had the >lorm cloud, which wa-a was w of jays, spread- passed doctor to and litO'iaii wheat, Mr. (b-o I', iba. kett, » I that hen any the acids ending in ie unite with eotiso<|uent!y obliged by and distinct we onlv said the their fluttered belorc 'them like lllile and were suspend separate individuality prisoner?” judge, dually. ing wings, below, lie* heaven- above as the lint not ibis Wm. Mi of had fine an \ -ul'-lam e t" form a new the ie i examination, before Ik had re- eity. iilvery. Searsport. ••oinpound. learned later. It seems that in 1 he hit Idiot's il.” said Tennessee's P.iiliier, in a outriders, until the outskirts of liar clear, and the -uu as as at Sandy -Inning brightly, 111:irki .I tli. which was iiin ot i i- two acre- it shall be changed into ate,—so tliat the name tone of corpse, hnn'ildv -p." wheat. simple j Poker Flat to go to San Francisco, ostensibly relief. “1 eome yarns Tennessee’s were reached, and tin* cabin of Ten- in dune, lint the air w. cold, solitary midday very distigured, ln>re traces of a Three carbonate of lime means all this—carbon and ox- to a on nessee’s struggle. blit W" To Jo en.-e procure wife. He never farther pan!ner---knowing him four otf Partner. and La Mountain wa- !■ numbed uiiiieohl. Wish rail speeird attention tin* got any nigh year, deep wound w.-re t-unid in the of tlie maki earb.mie aeiil ami this with lime than and wet and in or o’ more region ot Mr I. Iiii of lielmonl. Jle exhibited two ygen make- j Stockton. At that place he was attract- on, dry, luck out luck. Viewed under favorable circumstan- But little lime wa h»-i in If- knell, speculation. heart, and at the hack of the head a carbonate of linn. Ami so with the word ed a who waited Ilis ain't allers but it would not have been a a deep \ phos- by young person upon the. ways my ways, lhar ain’t ces, cheerful place. had attained of over three miles. :.ii-1,• 1- o| ry goo.1 looking Italian wheat, live height hole, no doubt prod iivd a blow from a so at in The by plmtes common in medical ami agricultural table the hotel where lie took his meals. any p’int that young man lhar aiu t impicluresque site, the nub and I The balloon could not Imrsl. for win n the ex- fo.-t |i op ‘n the -In a' -, and \ elding, lie stated, ‘J.'* any unlovely pickax, A beet wa-thrown over the < as lie’s been body, Works: the \a ry name show's at a the hie morning he said something to her which liveliness up lo as 1 don't know. outlines, the unsavory details, which dis- became too tin could es- t.ushol-, t«. the aere. II. was |Ve< to state ail 1 h*• glance ingre- pansion great gas md a market gardener'-, cart, at the bottom caused her to smile not to And sez to sez the I dient" of tin* '1 he common articles, unkindly, some- you me, -confidential-like, tinguish of the California cape mm I lie line nr valve below, which was ot ! m. fining the soil. mod. -it culture, »A« the compound. nest-building wliieli >lraw bad been laid, was what break a of toast over and between man and man -sez you, Do hi i miner, were all In re, with the dreariness of but he was fearful of carried brought of lime, of of of ., eixpiettislily plate open ; being to iff. k wbi. ii information w. of in a phosphate soda, pola-li, boh, A« the spot. On tlie removal of the bodv the eompluim-d his re- know in his sez A or all -lew tin-ir upturned, serious, simple face, and to anything behalf?' and 1 to decay supcradded. few paces from the into over the lake without hu\ made doctor remarked i«•••«•»11 article, and which renders Hies.- lair- and composition by their name--phos- ing the -i/.e of tlie feet, which treat to the kitchen. He followed and Sez 1 eonlidellee-like as between man cabin there was a in tor such an event. phate acid which is her, you, rough enclosure, which, preparations Mounting were no doubt tor lli. ia miums b. -toWed of but little advan- meaning' phosphoric phosphorus tumened, they appeared }■ publie a few moments later, covered w ith and man- -vvliat should a man know of his the brief ol Tennessee’s Partner’s ma- the overhead he reached for Ills knile uni S<- also all the emerged days hoop ot enormous size, lie had read some Foi as w e stated in that artcle, the ob- oxygen. sulphates, nitrates, in tage great more toast and victory. That day week pardner ?’’ trimonial li-lieity. had been used as a garden, only to iiml that lie had left il on the "ilieates. borates, and a host of other ales. so they ground. journal that Gustave Ixinek had those extrem- ject n tin State bounties, ;,nd the pr. miunis of all per- were married a Justice of the “I- that all have ." but was now As we to by Peace, and you to-ay asked the overgrown with fern. Clinging the ropes with one hand, wilh the ities M. plex in!.' to most reader-, an* and nunc unusually large. I.ugague then ex- •Us, p. not so mtleh to beg a ivwaid for the pa 1- a-simple returned to Poker Flat. I am aware that a it, we were to tied lh:.‘. and hi- nfier some Judge, impatiently, feeding perhaps, that approached surprised other, teeth, exertion, he amined the bodv more «• learned Ilian the letters of the sim- clo.-ely it, was that of oi o thing \liibited. a- for ihe information eon- oil) alphabet, more be made of this of humor was what we had taken for a recent all succeeded in a rent in something might epi •dangerous sympathy bee-inning attempt tearing Ihe balloon man about l\ reinemberin*' the two or young eighteen, wearing trou- erninii it w liirli shall enable olht r- to d*. the same I by three principles sode, but 1 to tell it as it was current to humanize the • burl. cultivation wa the broken soil about an i troni the bollom leu or lifleeu feel prefer open upwards -ers of a y, Ihuv i-li color with a hlack above fated. Of machines we km>w at rooms e. '1 stripe, thing Mi llnkm-ll -tat.-d that the-oil on which labor—avinj' liar -in the and liar “Tliet's so," continued Tennessee'-, Partner. gra\ lien sen ing the ide Ihe -ame wav, a Sandy gulches j opposite uai-teoat of tlei same hind, a coat of dark s that this he v. h< .it ..-row w grav. and somevvii;11 : U"thin-i!iealion of facts, Hiis w here all the sentiment was modified by a “It ain’t for me to say The cart was halted before the lie ileeeinled to the ear to watch the re -. ily stony anything again’him. enclosure; prog brow fancy stuff, with a side all ox immeli-e in. -t. ri m of .-1 sense, ? tlie I pocket, that he broke ii last harrowed in new the load to knowledge. rung of humor. And now, what’s the east Here' Tenues-! and rejecting oiler of assistance, with the tills tin ends ot the lin- of spring, hiring operation aetiy corresponding with the description of I ’-i-s of ox\ :'eu next Week. t >f their married hut little is see wants want’s il and dosen't '■ante air of self-reliance lie had dis- Ol both hand hail h'-ei lie- 1 la• a-u. For bai l: ii Old Wed the wheat till-’.’Ttll of May. felicity known, money, bud, simple ger' the elder sou I he ot brown and velvet ■ cap for the reason that Tennessee, then like to ask il of his old Well, vv h.ul throughout, Tennessee’s Partner lifted a tew minutes the halloon i- o it sea 'ehed for anil found in the hole, m: \im*i with his one chav took occa- does I’enuessee do? lie lav for a tile ratlin on his and ami a- the it r* aehe-1 an a u: i. o«-i. *20, living partner, stranger, rough back, deposited then, gas 1 no le id. .y known and had 1 he facts on escaped, here could longer he any doubt that this I 'J:. m.\ In the las! \o. ol‘ 1 Ik* Journal sion to say something to the bride on his own and he fetches that stranger. \nd you lav it. unaided, within the shallow grave, lie etplipoise, ami a moment after eouuneueeil tile 'hi i iii iiii things on exhibition war. produced. j wa- body of Gu.-lave Ixinek, and if any at it not for and letches that then nailed down the as to to I notin' you make a rail for new kind account, which, is said, she smiled him, you him; and the board which served gradually dea-i-ud tin- earth K\ erv in- -lap ike maun, and »e«-n -imt abroad. of-rooking-j uncertainly had remained it would have been and retired- this time as honors is And I it to -bein’a a lid : and the little mound of earth stant increased its downward The utensil—:i double bottom kettle to < 111 unkindly chastely easy. put you mounting |.d. removed oil tlie i- nu ceardot agrieulture is desirous it should be. pics burning seeing light blue knitted vest | far as where Tennessee followed fail -minded man —audio beside it, took oil' his hat, and slowly Frolic or lie heard the cloth the the rood -whirh I dioiild think a Marysville, you, gentleman, all, mopped says fearing, and the In ml* t >1 and ol all the great advantage ribhed stocking-, like those worn hy agrieulture people her, and where went to as fair-minded men, eftlii- isn’t so?” his lace with his handkerchief. This the!I rents until, w ith era-h which in tin- art ; and a* I < annul to they housekeeping enlarging, the other children. Al ill ! II >dv e.j a thousand fold. \ot culinary helpvou that half past three the without the aid of a justice of the “Prisoner,” said the crowd loll was a to and sounded like a deal h-kliel I, the cloth article 1 wiii [ peace. Judge, interrupting, preliminary speech, gate cart set out for the ! i*.j•.!:iil tie- law aoutitii'- in all Ms inform your reaper.- of a very useful Morgue, passing re-p.-elmg Tennessee’s took the loss of his wife “have you any questions to a. k this man ?" themselves w av I" the a cam on both through partner they disposed variously-on slumps j pressure, opening' I’anlin, escort, ,| Ihe of i. dish 1 -aw lew years in India, tnd hy piquet infantry and om at A!r lb-hi" d failed <"1 t!ie premium ago I'.ombay. and seriously, as was his fashion. Hut “No i no!” continued Tennessee’.- ami and sat. sides from the liottom to the -e; amply Partner, bowlders, expectant. top. Flic tlie < which would he miieli more useful in thi.- eli- ■ ■ reeoinpanied by of a h Ii. w think his w heal \\ a ntii led. eold to when Tennessee one “1 this hand alone. To W hen a Tennessee’s i a mu a onunis-ary I’oliee, everybody’s surprise, hastily, play yer man,” began Part tier, escaped instant ly. han ing not 11 ml cu- M Ixoubel i In Wa- a 1‘uris the sol,lier-t ttiaii It plate for meats, gravies, eome down to the "has been I bic 1 a I- nearing > vegetables, ! returned from without his bed-rock, it’s this; free all what’s pel, while ilr air bed ill. Ii 11 ill I lie i, A t" lIna in tin how the ingenious day Marysville, just slowly, running day, up reluriu I to tlo ir boy .v< qii arters. thenudan- made double, with a -pare between. W lileli, hr" wife, -.-he smiled and rc- Tonne -re, lhar. lie, it the natural for him to do? W to vacuum the halloon as a leaving w. ham s.iin.-where heard ol ought partner’s having played pretty rough j thing hy, acting parachute. | havi stood j eliolx cortege reduced to the Strict! X iiil tilled with boiling water, the food nie< 1\ treated with else—Tennessee’s and on a and on lid.- come home. And if lie ain’t in a condition The Professor it •; ni that at persons e »-4 kept j somebody expensive-like stranger, gives o;liniou nee, maid piMaii"’: \ man s« eiiig him "ary. i’ll, spot where his was warm t < er was And to body during he meal. I ha\ ue\ ecu t In* a rt ie k* ; Partner the lirst to shake his hand and yer camp. now, what’s the fair thing? go home, what can his best friend do?; the height of two utile- there ua. not a foot i-- h 'eing me poor iookin" orn -aid Youreorn situ, led about mi Iwav between the w I him with affection. The who had Some would more: some would less. W him home ! And here’s Tonne— l ol ill the t r'olf i atiy her. else, thougii have bmi in many ronn- I greet boys, say say hy, bring gas balloon. ile tiellvil-p tnd < •I- lath' -Iliad. Ill> "'Yes. j r ; you se. larger grave h-mm-Vert bis ix feet irir- : and think that dealer- in that of 1 in the canon to see the Here seventeen hundred dollars in coarse sec has been free, and we him out. formed a strong re.-i Ian--- ;- tie atmo kind goods gathered hooting, running brings long, inch, x\ w. planted small eovn. \i—but it looks twenty Ide and of little yel- were Their and a watch —it’s .about all and home from his lie au.-ed. and ih ere, and retarded the de a at IF- enieiii- depth. iniiot do a better thing tor themsrlvr- and !Ti> naturally indignant. indignation gold my pile wandering.” | ] t his -ex exit low is w ell a- -an ill." "A> .-ii se< puh- 11 corps,- had areelv been found you w.-ph.nt- have found vent in sarcasm, but for a call it And before a hand could be a of rubbed it hers a and h than to get Ibis useful thing. might square!” picked up fragment quartz, distinctly pas -ing through cloud, "hen the d \ell..w ■••I'; Aii did. ? W < 11— i t looks population 'stakes with bey certain look in Tennessee’s Partner’s that raised to prevent him, he had the on hi sleeve, and went on : "It the sensation on of the earth. brought Yours, i:. m. n. eye emptied thoughtfully ..aiuiiig sight \x hieli they lornn d a il respectfully, railing around the you wouldn't have more Ilian hall a .Top." indicated a lack of humorous contents of the tin table. ain't the lir-l time that I him to this lie had an almost indistinct r< ol' -pot ; appreciation. carpet-bag upon brought e..Ileeliou also fixed in thank, as douhtir- our they the earth a cross, w ith an In.n't it n\ fdher it al halves." many readers will, In he was a with a Fora moment his life was in (hie cabin when lie couldn't it -poet ]»lauted fact, grave man, steady jeopard, help himself; ain't approaching the earth's surl'e-• y dull ol the \ the who lias image irgiu and a wreath of im- 1*01 U'O The collection of these was intelligent lady kindly furnished the to detail which was un- or two men to their feet, a-v oral hands i the first lime that I and have waited like I he at of the wavi gr. t quite application practical sprang •jinny’ moaning rainy, mortelles. Mowers were al-o abo\r information. It would Ik* the for for thrown into -•"d. Mi la.lw aid 1'ariridge. of slorktoii, hail s just thing pleasant in a difficulty. groped for hidden Weapons, and a him on yon hill, and picked him up and ing his ears, the Happing of the cloth became sugge--| the enclosure by the bystanders. But the ■ thi- r.,|d climate." a- die a Ten- lion to him from the so I etched him when a riel ie- not very -how v, but doubtless one -ay>. Hav ing it not Meanwhile popular feeling against “throw window” was | home, he couldn't speak, ionder, and ujoment after lie hi line tin good ; sentiments of pity were with the so and mingled "! them her- where niurli needed, hut in burning India nessee had grown up on the Bar. lie was only over-ridden by a go-l tire from the didn’t know me. And now that it’s the conscious. Oil hi- -viis-s In- fm ul from hi!., oval in form, red; late, good Judge. regaining idea- of vengeance, and did law exist known to be a was to Tennessee And -he himself in and hi hall.. lynch flavor. tie. lrom r where ire i- th* great nerd, i- a lair of gambler—he suspected laughed. apparently oblivi- linn—why" paused,and rubbed the quartz the woods -t, pr Mm-livc. Mr. 1*. -fates. specimen lying in l ranee, Tratipmamt w ould be torn to be a thief. In these Tennessee’s ous of the Tennessee',- Partner on his sleeve —"you see it's sort of was some distant. Several Hon. \\ III Mei i!\, of (» \ the world's ‘‘on-i-tciiey and reminds us of the suspicions excitement, gently yards pei-.ui.- if the ry Sear-pelt, bad nifties piece-, people could only hands on Partner was his con- tin to hi, face on his And now, who had seen tin- halloon de-eeud iia• I eomc lay Irishman w ho, -peaking of a I'nm h dinner he had equally compromised ; improved opportunity mop rough pardner. gentleman,’' I <■' ■t imu-nally nan !->• ne potato. -: among them the him. ite oxvd cenie, 1 p,-r-it-aded tliat an ** tinued with Tennessee after the af- with hi- handkerchief. he added, his to the scene and were tie t u -1 ■ ateli, said- the VV ill.* wa- the V at!. Is \\ a- intimacy again abruptly, picking Up long-han- standing hey I ariy lb'-. Which were reei-iit!y notieed: the K\- .1 hot, eighth hotly, that ■»I .lean Ixinek, must also fair above could be accounted W hen order was and the man dled shovel, "the fun is over ; and afterward assisted him. Hi- arm- anil I. v* Id. in*I our hul the v quoted only restored, my thanks, be buried in I i o a ,( Hina fiolu the old State of Mailte wiry thing. anigar." the field, xvhieli the al po- on and Tenness-ee’s people for the hypothesis of a copartnership of was made to understand by the use of forci- thanks, to vmi fur vour wine badly lirui-eil, and him elf stunned, call ll '■ !lie Kariv leto.iri li, bu-ln-l- to ready Trattpmami Cemetery A ter yielding crime. At last Tennessee’s became ble and rhetoric, that 1 ennessee* of- trouble.” hill no hones were broken, or internal in- guilt ligures t ier hax sei ate.icii the tie acre. 1‘hilbriek's in GATHERING SEA WEED. *'; dog ing earth at short Farly While, day- earlier One he overtook a fence could Hot be condoned bv mnilov. his I * * i s 1 <>1 Ik1 Ik*- sustained. The where he fell i- flagrant. day stranger in;;' any prollrr Hs.sistamv, jury pot distance Irom tie* second t! Hill the >el)ee>. eooks White all.I W >■ have -ru ral lime- shown the n'raxe, pickaxe- dl\,\ifld- JlU value of-ea- on his way to Bed The after- t'ace look a more serious and hue. gnu I.) lill in the his hark seven miles from t’ilv. Ih--t Dog. stranger sanguinary grave, turning upon Kay ippedover w ere and several men commenced to W' *1 a- '• rtili/.i'i : and a produced bushel- the aere. I »irigo. Thi- la-i, hav ing ha.I sekloui day that some* one wards related that Tennessee beguiled the and those who were nearest to him noticed the rnnvil, lint alter a tew motnents’ hesita- nigh! at alarm house near h\ and ve-tci'dav turning up the ground, but without result ; the pleasure of < (ling -utile of lie line follows <1* • mi! -ound it- praise-. And now w hen the late time with interesting anecdote and reminis- that his rough hand trembled -lightly on the tion grailuaih withdrew As they crossed morning returned to Ka\ t in. The time the dog went lurther on tiud ree.nnmeneed wln.h did duty to tic lair, we eaii pioimume tin wales have torn mii. li of it from its parent heals is cence, but concluded the intern iew table, lie hesitated a moment as he tiie little ridge that hid liar front view, that he was in the air was I,--- than min- illogieally slowly Sandy smelling again and again, the worker* 1,-1 ieate-t potato w. liav ever eaten, not m .-i/.e ail excellent time to gather it. The usual way of in the following words: “And now, returned the gold to the as it' he mie, looking hark, could see utes, and the reason lie was not carried fur only young carpet-bag, thought they lowing him until live excavations had been ennessi c’s was nll w hich is monstroic iu form, eolor. some re- it- a forkful here and there—is somew hat man. I’ll trouble tor knite, had not yet the elevated sense '1 1‘arluer. itis work done, ther | he aeeoiint of --in 1 In nigh A<•., getting you your your entirely caught silting pa made. No new Was made, and see of ilu* discovery the old 4’hen eat -low ami tedious. In where the sur- pistols, and Ton which .-waved the tribunal, and upon grave. Ids shovel between his knees dilVerent currents of air. -eiubliug ngo,—but in ing qunl it ie- many places your money. your justice darkness at length forced tin searchers to ■ into trouble in Bed was with the belief that he had and his taee Imrii d in his red bandana handker- .. .. !i tit olden -o|or. mellow and mealy face admits of it. tin* horse-rake i- used in the -aim* weapons might get you perplexed abandon their task. It eleven o'clock, how- and a to the not oll'ered Then lie turned to the chief. But il was others that to tin ; w :is w ith man Dog, your money’s temptation argued by you ie.U;:b -:di-t'y taintiesl epii'iire y ields a> raking hay, great advantage—one* enough. AN AWFUL OLD MUSKET. ever, a small lire *hoicl and a pickax, wliich I think ou said ad- and “This is a lone couldn't tell his lace from his handkerchief a! as evilly disposed y your Judge, yer hand, e : i- to tile aen Ho not I'd a- V el. Some gen- gathering it fast as ten by the hand method. saying, had no doubt been used in tin- murders, were dress was San Francisco. I shall endeavor played alone and without any pardner,” lie thal distance, and this point remained unde- Mark Twain tells the following story, re- ii' i.e n of Seai siimiit. who-, names < anted be de- I’liis i- worth making a note* oi by persons w ho i, mid cover, ,1 with earth in a furrow b. tween to call.” It be staled here that Tennes- iiowed to the and was about to vv ithdraw cided. a fellow ban- may jury lated who, -. •.pin- from oiu* pen. il note-, bad al->» line eol- leave the places suitable for by passenger, being the two grav, Those implements are not raking. see had a line (low of which no busi- when the called him back. “If Ii, the reaction I hat followed the feverish ■ humor, judge you i"< iolH of t hese tuber-. tered about his timidity, -aid he had never the -ante as t hose pur, has- d of M Bella ness could subdue. hav e to to Tennessee, had excitement of that Tennessee's Partner tiger, preoccupation wholly anything say you day, the iron in the Hue do Ac- Ammai.< s. been seared sinee In- loaded an dd monger, Mat dr--. 1 ’i mI'KI >• am* >ip Asm Thi> the ar of i.i If sonic hay I placed in :i g|u tniiskel lor ins tat in-r w lady daugh- l.ibilct fur 1 ht iii. I h< greatest ight w<‘ vi*r >aw Sandy Bar made common cause against the evening the eyes of the prisoner and his had cleared him of any complicity iuTennes- once, iieruiipon •Inysi ill a sunny place, and if it he then removed, ter while crossing the Mold, remarked a tuft aa a ol — j was hunted in met. Tennessee Iseeks and loti a in* !i«-' aa a h«r< one aa ■*! the water will he a Tennessee very strange advocate smiled, guilt, of his lie the eighing found, under powerful micro-i highwayman. only suspicion gave following': ol hair in the earth, and the sp,,| having been and aa a' '» led in circimifetviirc famed hv scope, to contain many very small moving tliiiWs, much tli same fashion as his showed his white teeth, and saying. “I just general entity. Sandy Bar made a point of prototype—the Von see the old man was try ing to learn searched the shovel and we found. which are ‘-ailed from their in a- to -<-<• and pickax Mu-bi I;• *uI»t*n 1 l infusoria, being pro- As the toils closed around him. he I was how upon him, various un- Sihl. y Fr< duin. ag* d Id years— grizzly. dropped passin’ things calling proffering me to shoot and beasts tlint tore The same journal adds that the rv ot duced after the Tie* w blackbirds, -li.-.e.ivi infusing hay. eggs hich wane made a dash the was let the hand couth, hat well-meant kindnesses. But from 111* lha-1* and n<*! tin AA deperate through Bar, gettin’ on.” passively tall, ! so I Hjiumh, hu ll AVeight d once on the hay bred there myriads <»i' small up the young corn and such things, that ihe hotly of Gustave Ixinek was due to tin things, his revolver at the crowd before and that “il was a warm that his rude health and » as a- w e a 1 night,” day. great strength of some use ii*‘i halt much the person aa In* raised it. hich often ha\ very beautiful coat of transpa- emptying adding could be about he farm, because butcher's dog, which dragged up a piece of rent Hint or silieia. If is the Arcade Saloon, and so on his face vv itii hi- handkerchief, seemed to and wlu'tt the '■ > the water clean, and up drizzly again mopped visibly do'dine; I wasn’t to do much. the lh«■ you nr fellow avIio can raise such a big kept big enough My gun coat. is not allowed t" or Canon: but at was rainv season set and the decompose smell, generation its further extremity he and without another word withdrew. fairly in, liny grass was a shot and tin- -dd I a dt lulls! have idea-* and the I after single-barrelled gnu, ability Input generation of the infusoria live, die, and fail a met blades were to stopped by small man, on a gray horse. The two men nev er again euehother beginning peep from the rocky man carried an old Amie mii-kel that l.i in 'Hi so it he lias nut dune ->» tothecom- to the bottom of the The\ form a verv ddi- Queen papel | glass. The men looked at each other in silence. alive. mound above Tennessee’s he took A NOBLE HOD CARRIER. eale tilin and minute grave a Ion, made a like a thunder- Ulitlf' on A ables. he sholllt! IniA't* tlune. we there, portions of it, w hen ex- weighed report eget Both were both and For tin insult ol a tn'ilic of- Ids bed. r Fiom tlie a familiar til > tli« *»l aa heft it grew : tin* kind and amount .remainsof'infusoria,and very example is been called in the mind ot that slender over the roof, and the roar and heroic, but, in the nineteenth, lixeil mythical lingers and so 1 took her to the hired man, and iiient at his olliee, postmarked “Vienna," the Tripoli-powder, from the polishing slate of —firmly down, <11 di« s"ing used: the kind and amount of eultiva- “reckless.” “What have any determination of rush f tiie swollen river were heard below, and directed to “llerr Carl Von Ililin, in liohciuia. A single grain of Tripoli-pow- simply you got personage wavering asked him how to load her, because it w as Veehter, send it to S I., Saeo. there?- 1 said Tennessee’s fate; anil at tile break of lie Tennessee’s Partner lilted his head from the ■ Knox State tiun. At and (Joodale, Kstp, dei contains no fewer than I s7,000,0<>0 of the trans- call,” Tennessee, quietly. day j out in the Held. lliram,” said he, do yon Calesburg, county. of Illinois, skeletonsot dead “Two to meet at “it is time to to Tennes- Ah the .see retar a of tin- Hoard ol Agriculture. parent llintv animalcules; yet tin- bowers and an ace,” said the stran- was niarehed, closely guarded, it pillow, saying: go see these marks on the stock, an X and a V, Luited Stales of North America Know- layers of earth which are made tip of them at Ililin as a I iili. 1 must in the and aa hos< it i" to reecia e. and into his ger, quietly, two revolvers and the of Marley’s see; put ‘Jinny’ earl;” on each side of the crown;' that the massive letter must he of duty put reports extend for miles. In the harbor of in the showing top Queen’s Well, ing impor- Wisenar, bowie knife. “That lakes met, il. how cool he was, how he would havt risen from his bed but for the re- ill inlormaliuu ot thi- as it even me," returned How he that, means ten halls and live that’s her tance from its crested seals and general offi- on, mtheduty of llaltie, they increase and multiply at a great rale, lug Tennessee; and, with this refused to how wcrelhe straint of his allendanl. Struggling, he still eial lie Air \\ illiam person ie« eia ing a pr* iiiium to semi it t«< him thro’ for 17.-107 cubic feet of mud are formed every year gamblers’ epigram, say anything, perfect load.” appearance, despatched he threw his useless and rode ol the committee, were all Itis “There now— ■ of the in search of the there, and every grain of it contains 1.000,000*000 of away pistol arrangements duly pursued singular fancy: I >ut non niiu'li i>iorder Post, chief clerk olliee, awarding committees. In this way he ami all old dark the beautiftil sihcious remains of the infusoria. In back with his captor. the addition of a warning steady ‘Jenny’—steady, girl. Ilmv hr “iL don't mat ter: in Herr \ on Veehter. Air. Post made a tiu aa ill do likt*AA ise aa ill not raise reported—with “Oh,” says, pul diligent only liigartieles the island of Itarbadoes there is a thick mass of the to it is ! Book out for the ruts—and look out Ibr It was a warm night. The cool breeze moral and example all future eyil-iloers— llii'i'i' or four haiulfuls.” of several, hut could not find any 11 ■ but into the of most beautiful sea animalcules, and are inquiry premiums, get way raising big llinty they which with the Clarion, its who him, too, old Sometimes, know, of the individual wanted until lie met he usually sprung up going down in the lied Dog by editor, gal. yon “So I loaded her that ami il was trace which, if followed out whither in Hiidi numbers that it must supposed the dead up way, they lead, may of the sun behind the moun- was and to whose I when lie's blind drunk, he down Mr. John l.oi.s, the well known saloon minute things were constantly falling in show* rs ebapparal-erestod present, vigorous Knglish drops right an awful I ha 1 sense to see with hie s charge enough tliemselvt and the world. tain was that withheld from refer the reader, lint the in the trail. on to the on tic east side of from 11 u' sea to the bottom. evening Sandy I cheerfully beauty Keep straight up pine that—and started out. I levelled her on a keeper the square. Air. V im j ns. iu this line tin* season did not all'ord a liar. The little canon was with heat- midsummer the blessed on the of the hill. Thar--I told you so— Loos knew a Veehter; he was work- stilling of that morning, top got id many I dark birds ; hut every I ime I went Charley '.e at* < Ink lit i< in. As usual.f ol. II. ( liase.of this ed, resinous odors, and the drift- of earth and air and the awakened lhar lie is coming this way, too—all hint- on the new hotel and both city, An American chemist has been demonstrating decaying amity sky by to pull the trigger, 1 shut my eyes and wink- ing building, I'"1 1 t‘,h '■bow »»t ever wood on the liar sent woods anil and Ids fare Tennes- grapes, ami a lot of peaches raised that Dame Nature is faithful to her green robes, forth faint, sickening life of the free hills, the joyous sell, sober, a-shining. ed. 1 was afraid of her kiek. Toward-, sun- walked over there, where they found Veehter 1 and that whenever assume an autumnal see ! l’ardner!’’ 41111 ^ l ^ l" the apple tribe, if the native they tinge exhalations. The feverishness of day, anil renewal and promise ol Nature, and above down 1 fetched at the house, and there about to asei nd a ladder, with a hod on his of red, it is from the chemical action of an up was merely its tierce still the that thrilled Air. Post *uppl\ holt, tin dearth was somewhat mili- passions, tilled camp. Lights all, the serenity thlough was the old man on the shoulder. When handed him the acid. lie has proved this, by placing under a re- resting porch.“ ; ated moved the bank of the was not as not ol' The letter and he had read it the of the by -ingle specimen, some 15 inches in eir- ceiver shreds of Nature’s robe which have been restlessly along river, each, reported, being apart Portland Press relates the funny liiian- Been out hunting, have ye?” delight no ‘' no • icm * tanned and sunned to a brown or red; reflection from its the social lesson. And ycl, when the weak and eial of one of their hodman knew hounds. He threw his hod uinf* from far-otl Oregon, kindly put into ruddy rosy striking answering experience subscribers. Yes, sir,” says 1. and the aid of ammoniaeal the brow ns current. the was and a its and Hi air a by vapors tawny blackness of the foolish deed done, life, with while in Califor- kill ?” full of brick away embraced Mr. Post, }’ bv young lady of Sea report, just return- Against Judge Kingsbury, What did you and reds have disappeared, and have given place the windows of the old loft above the and hail traveling him his dearest friend. The letter from, to shoAV the wonderful pines possibilities responsibilities, passed nia. Silver and gold are current in the mar- Didn’t kill sir—didn't shoot calling product ions of that to the original verdant hue. anything, cilice stood out ; and out ot the misshapen that be- ket, and unknown— -was afraid she would kiek knew contained a draft tor $7,.at Ml oil the First Na region. express staringly bright thing dangled scrip comparatively her off (I their the and the birds the Hank ot on For air and exercise too through curtaiulcss panes loungers tween earth sky, sang, “The wanted to a of blamed well she would.) timed (Ihieago, and he insisted i he un ions other eatables, and articles of handi- Hint on Hkaltii. Judge buy couple below could see the forms of those who were the sun shone us as Mr. Post for the hearer of many young ladies resort almost exclusively to the flowers bloomed, cheerily newspapers and asked the news-boy the (iinime that gun!” the old man said, as paying tJoiK) being work—such as only the Fair can contribute to the then the the Red . even deciding fate of Tennessee. before; and possibly, Dog Clarion “Two bits” the The mad as sin. such as the document contain Fair—cannot he noticed for price. says boy. judge joyful tidings here want of time and And above all etched on the dark firma- this, was right. pulled out a twenty-five cent currency and And he took aim at a sapling iny the other ed, which, of course, Mr. Post refused. -pace, but aa ill live in the imperishable records of rose the Partner was not, in the IN of arrest and indictment. The the venerable and the use lor the colonel of his DlUNt;. Soak in the same sometimes, add to them while stewing as much soda irregularities “Jenny” two-wheeled, money.” The boys gathered around j hark was torn oil'from that sapling like there at a levee by regiment. way bread eruinhs in milk until perfectly soft, iisin# as you can pick on the of a law of liar was but not cart as the ol Tennessee’s Partner- and discussed it, and the was was a hail storm. The old man’s Proud and he resented the in- '»nl\ up point penknife. Sandy implacable, property Judge hoping shoulder high spirited, enough milk to soften them, add throe beaten dirt was vengeful. The excitement and personal feel- used by him in carrying loin his claim ; that tilts boy would conclude not to take it, was set hack three inches and his turned Milt. and a challenge passed between the e^>/s with salt and a little it should be True wealth jaw soda; quite consists in virtue, and not in the id' the chase was with Tennessee and a few distant the owner of the the officers. at ten till: laisins are an ing over; paces when newsboy turned to him and said, black and blue, and he had to tin three two They met—pistols paces agreeable addition; boil in a possession of great estates; and wisdom consists lay up * lotti «»t safe in their hands, were to listen himself, sitting under a bui Well, 1 Pll to Cholera nor and the ('oloiiel fell. With three-quarter an hour, and serve with hot in and not in 'flu* wisest of they ready eipiipage keye- guess keep this, it’ll do give days. nothing else can scare great difficulty wine understanding years, satire. men is he who ha- the to any defense, which were tree, wiping the perspiration from hi-, glow to some of relations.” me the l was seared that Veehter eluded the authorities, and at most civility for others. patiently they my poor I way time. length to escaped There he remained but half a ot England. century Democratic ascendan cy— An Decision. CALIFORNIA ELECTION. LETTER a short time, and, ! Important FROM BOSTON. finding'no suitable employ- splendid pageant of last t 3 o uniat while four years of radical rule sufficed ha- An election was held in this State on Wed- June, ment. he embarked for the United States, and iiqmbikan j The Foundation of Radicalism Knocked Out. Correspondence ol tlic journal. \ <'1V in-igniiieant aii'airs. Wand! rh’’- ils arc upon his to lie destruction. Still there many who see Out. 20th, lbr two of the Su- An the arrival, proceeded ('hieago. The celebrated Ycrger case, which has oc- nesday, Judges Episode of a Strong Minded Female— among deserted aisles and m,' arrived in that on the the OCTORER 1801). more to admire in the of war preme Court and for several District Working Woman’s Convention—-Miss Jennie seats, at the city day intelligence! THURSDAY, 28, conflagration cupied the courts and attention of the coun- Judges. looking battered -id- ol the kill of Ecu't Sumter dashed Collins—The mantled roof through the which destroyed our than in the pa- The Democrats have elect- Coliseum-Democratic Rally of the partial; shipping for a or more has been de- again triumphed, — building, country, and hi mt a ns •< ing c\ halts-, try year past, just Du Choillu and his Adventures—Olive Lo- ed with eanvas.-. and thinkiii"- nearly riT.usur.n tiicusdav mokxini;. tient labor and wise which' their of ted. statesmanship cided ing by overwhelming majorities candi- mense he enlisted in the Ninth Illinois, then by the Supreme Court of the United gan—Hon. N. G. Hichborn. thorns, the powerful on-h- — built it up. dates for both of Hie and being organized. The man who had worn —in States. The facts briclly are these: Col. Judges, Supreme (M. -j:>, ltsfjtJ. great organ, the eannon. the bell-, the of ■’The that tiled the the epaulets an Austrian officer for move recldiyouth Ephesian dome, District Courts. this election the Demo- Boston has had a in decorations, the XV11AAAM II. SI Outlives in lame the soul that it.” Ycrger, a prominent citizen of By genuine sensation the thundering than three carried a in M1USON, pious reared Mississippi, the years nuishel the ranks crats assembled thousands, the :l, in an a get a of the Court, shape of a Woman, all the lrmn l»7-\ "1 that EDITOU AND l’Kol’KIETOU. And all that lias been affray with “reconstructed” official, majority Supreme way Kansas, balallinn, and was severelv wounded: notwithstanding said, pri-ing newspaper men, the d'i-t so that will now have control of dtessod in and ii’ at tin battle oJ S»us, Kti'iiox Tkiois. lu $2.00 a we desire here to record our that killed his lie was arrested they every tight pants close tit?inig coat. and sanguinary 'Pittsburg Land-! advance, year; prediction antagonist, by gtie-;- everything else that w< m • w it bin the year, $2.00; at the expiration of tue year $0.00. branch of It is ing. 1: heii lie w as mu-tered out he. obtained for the the tried a and the government of that State. perhaps needless to add that site was of up the Ai>vi:r. isin. I'kkms. Eor one square, (one inch oi nothing relief of the shipping interest military, by military tribunal, happy, glorious .Jubilee—lion of various kinds, and endured I in column.. $1.20for three and 20 cents tor Grant carried the Slate last about the tend and far employment. length weeks, will lie done at the session ot sentenced to death. Application was made year by strong-minded persuasion, and was, [ away—one couldn't h, vicissitudes e icli subsequent insertion. A traction ol ;> -•quare charg- approaching for a return many incident to the lot of ai 500 The some sort a ing of the old da\ ed a lull one. his friends to the majority. Democratic now believe, of < >f good man. lie Congress. by Supreme Court for a majority spiritual preacher. laboring feared to write to hisr. 1- such another reunion. Mv ticket u is not but will no doubt reach course the weaker of the sex f, mi'e~. as the Austrian writ of habeas corpus, to him before reported 15,000. portion „,j, and 1 if government s bring really that 1 might A N istk A runs, E\( t Tui and (ifAKDiANa de- AL!. ABOUT A BREAKFAST. hoped didn't leai n hi- Wien-ea'iouts and the were dutifully shocked and held their ( oli -euni i cause hi- appre- siring their advertisements published in the .Journal, Court in order that the question might bo up might draw a (la• sr ,, lieiision under tlie extradition and so will please so state t<> the Court, as all not so Sonic persons hold that a man’s The Commissioners for the war hands in horror at or a uaii as treaty, advertising feelings determined whether or not he was equalizing holy such an outrageon something a menieni he stiilered and directed is- withheld from this paper. legally toiled in silence, until finally! lor the day are inihienced by the .surround- debt of the cities and towns of the state will innovation. the past. But the eoiumiltee te| lie found tried, condemned, and held in A Nevertheless, woman, who- j ooni]>li himself in (lalesbnrg. earning a! and custody. <■'1 my claim. For which bad ings associations of his morning meal— soon their labors to a and be ever she was, scented in no j hod on the decision was reached on bring close, way east down, m new hotel. SlT.SCKliiFKS desiring to haveilu* address ot papers Monday last, and is Inline let da m, and the Imildiiir must stab1 the !’•>-? Oliice to which the that if Ho sit down to a laid table, with to It is a document that will Iml strode oil' as 1 he pack: he received contained changed, paper, neatly as follows: ready report. majestically as if she had alone. So live, dear eMerday | has h*vn sent as well as that to which it is to go. good old ('oli lull under the manual of the snowy cloth, ware, be looked for with interest. A corres- been grand pardon sign bright cutlery, shining Washington. Oct. 25. Chief 4uslicoChase read great always used to that sort of thing. If happy, joyoii Jubilee. f|M ( ohme! had been severe- dishes and nice an on tlie The lists ot Emperor. only fragrant eoifee, elaborate opinion to-day Ycrger case, to of the Portland Advertiser, she had trimmed iter 1 posted voters annon. M. I’ki i:n».)!.i. I'n.. !• .Stale SI., Poston appetising pondent wilting hair and added glossy | ly wounded, and that the effect that 11n- Supreme Court of the I nitial jI election is fast lively acknowledged | amiPark Kow, New 'i ork, are our authorized Agents butler, that the and from heaver day approaching in a he laid been in genial soothinginlhienees states lias jurisdiction under the Constitution and Augusta says— and slender rattan to her toilet, -Ik fault and that the due! had for procuring subscription and torwarding advert isc- ; ehn.-etts. to that oe. thereof will follow him even the j Preparatory unto Act of 17sh. and that the Act of re- The ■ b> e:i el ai- own ments. going Judiciary ISliT, report will show that the work ot the would have mad; as noble, a -eeking. liy the death of! swell :1- or of Boston held t A^'S. K. Nii.i No. 1 Pudding, Court pealed that of Jstis, does not to take democracy grand Ids mieh \h'ii \ eehlei Scollay's St., down of tin- sun, sweeten his by operate commissioners will show itself to have been a inherits a rich estate Poston, is authorized to rcceiv« auvertiseiueiits lor this disposition, the of the Court in the came down Beacon street. Fauetiil Hall on away jurisdiction matter of matter ot the Wednesday"en'i.i, and tl:i- till; »t 'baron. Thus has the paper. hoheus greatest to the The humble his toil, promote his and corpus, which is among our most valuable consequence In connect ion meeting was addressed the ASPliiio. P. llo'Vi.u. & 10 Park Niw lighten amiability, smaller towns in the with this by h >d carrier been elevated and restored to his Co., Kow, York, rights, and which is guarded both by the Constitu- way of a sublime lift episodenfa strong- candidate for will receive advertisements lor this paper, at the lowest make him as much of an as frail hu- minded (lovernor, lion. John a- angel tion and the statute. The merits of the ease were out of the where ‘war times’ left toinale, I am reminded to av tied P)',lll|,r pi.ev. at the -anie time lie lands in rates. 1 heir orders will always receive prompt attention. slough them, .\iiam-. and other can until his couch invites him to not involved in the Mr. of the but distinguished Ii- he, opinion. Phillips, will be a sorrowful exhibit for the there ■ nati\ country lie will receive his com- manity’ larger has been guite an influx ol -ueh into Mail Hamilton Von counsel for Ycrger, remaiked that bo bad invited a communities. It says, can in I mission as colonel of his old We. note this fact for the benefit of is not fair to in ad- our regiment. Subscribers are to take notice ot the date on repose. conference to-morrow with the speak the week, drawn here i|,e your arm eliair and describe the ■ re.ji-ested morning Attorney vance of its city during |,y I’ivviou so his on the :A> train the colored attaciied to the It is the our (tenoral before further action in the ease. promulgation, but the report V departure slips paper. only lady readers—a sort of a for pro- The mo- V, 'Woman's esuvius, hut you rau’t from v mi form of now recipe has orking Convention, which was '< la from whence lie will to New receipt used. For instance, lf> May 68, tion for a writ of habeas corpus is pending. evidently been most laboriously and elab- tumble into ago go means that the humor the (rater ,,f \'esn\ in subscription is paid to that date. When moting good well worthy their consid- in session in Faneuil on '*,n .. civ and will be the theme of Hall, anti lie will embark for anew is the date will be It will lie soon that this decision at orately prepared Thursday this demonstration. I Europe— payment made, immediately eration. Some wise slays can, from l! ae nee e to and thus a in lull is sent observer of human nature elaborate discussion the The he generous to who had changed correspond, receipt one very by public. Friday. Happening to in the Hall at the of presents many with blow tin' whole brood of reconstruction inff reports the papers, deseri! ii nmhd him here. in- every piper. Subscribers in arrears arc requested says the to a man’s heart lies his bonds to be issued to the towns that Captain Emrieh to forward the sums due. way through receiving conclusion of Friday afternoon's session. I the music was the acts, with all the false, foolish and have not enlivening, im ni a that a in stale TH F oppressive stipends yet been and il marriage high life will Aij'ln sending money, POST OFFICE to stomach, and that site who would preserve prepared, took ol large, the enthusiasm tin wliieh the is sent. will be some advantage the occasion to have nine great,' take ;n Vienna shorth after the Patron's paper ;i proceedings that have grown out of them. probably time yet before their lint 1 phtet her husband's love must see that his food is eloijuent. can't tell you how V| arrival The issue. The bond are on and conversation with .Mi-. Jennie Collin- and there question at issue was simply, has Con- twenty year-, aim in,,fei!. ere -e,|. ai.a well cooked. We saw in a Now York bear interest at six • ripp(»ai'ed daily percent, semi-annually. ouht S«■; t I i»» lc < >1 t In* ( Mu vent it n Mi-- gress the to overturn at will the spirits nr how Mayor Slmi l Ictf. ( of (in MR. HIGHBORN IN THE GARB OF A DEMO- that a man whose breakfast right govern- paper recently is not old in Inn — l "thee lieston ment of a State and establish in its stead a very year thin.: dignitarie- presided. A NEW ENGLAND EARTHQUAKE. CRATIC MISSIONARY. was killed bis LETTER FROM CENTRAL NEW YORK. wasn’t tliere to see. The badly prepared deliberately sharp, cadaverous and sallow as can he im- [ gallerie- the ■ reserved Consistency is nn admirable quality, to wife. Some men will no! military despotism, suspending great SviLWTSE, Del. 12, i«<;y. |in-litly for ladie- ,,'n -m l, >n Friday morning last, at ’about half long sttlVering agined. And not over attentive to past to the habeas or tiie of the being iuit in lid- case Here nut. which men never reuse to pay It blame him. Who can tell what the man’s right corpus, right .\h Dkai: Jot t:\Ar.: So little has trans- they v.o oViiM-k. in tips were homage. matters ol dress is no! In persii.:- vicinity Courts to very attractive in her tin1 way oi leetui'es this win i. so commends itself lo the native sense ol inquire why a citizen is belli in homed iv a stomach had endued—what horrible since 1 last wrote to of in- had Dll < leu, and continuous rumbling repasts pired you, especial personal appearance. In her eonvi-r ation haillu, the finiliv l'Tnnhm honor and wliieh abides in the bos- custody? And to this the highest tribunal in "and. like the ,,f ., honesty he had made—what cindered steaks, what terest, that you have lost littlf tbe inter- "he is -till less Vomig America tin passing heavy team, by ven rap- course,'telling oms ot tin' country has ami answer- engaging--talking in his al! men, that he who gives public ex- leaden what of he clearly distinctly < >nr summer lias been purer, peculiar style, all al.oiu ’.hb a lasted a I out a minufi and was aeeom- bread, tophets dyspepsia regnum. exccpliona- idly in a thin, voice close ed—NO. high, wiry keeping tere-ting travels in \lriea, the killer of it, under ti ing is : cool e a motion that hook amples circumstances, had suffered bly and the licet of which we to no I'anb'd !.y beds, rattled To damp, subject under consideration, but ex- animals his the at once invested with the white robe of in- the conservatives of the and to cap!lire hy natii do,i But this is Wc had a country, have felt in a reduction of about in and window-, and iii some instances digressive. purpose twenty per pending her time in altm li- mistake him a man not a eating between n supposing spirit f. and the crown of esteem, lint every mad revolutionist, this • tegrity public to about a break- cent, in the of with an his •vertbrew 1*. mlcs. Are. It was unmistakably say something particular yield corn, compared man’s wrongs anil man's oppression, and •»"«'»; experiments before them it be no or triumph of right and reason is most electrie die must fustian, -boddv, r pretence least. which, without merit of its gratify- but the of and battery, mu-ir-box and magi, hock ot an earthquake, and far more any special average crop; yield wheat, hurling the most terrible invective- again i Tiie was so many otIn r I 11ni numerous to m —but the article. own. has become a matter of com- ing. country drifting rapidly indeed all lias lungs cv i'o than ey< r before genuine public kinds of grain, been most pro- the sex. any felt in this opposite, all ot winch was \,■ in i region. When our away from the observance of laws and con- amusing neighbor, the Hon. 1\. (I. liich- ment. The lias the lific. Fruit lias al-o been and so 11 i to be that Uiis disturbance and the Brog. Age following— abundant, 1 spoke ot the small audience which had The ace-.unis show that the and brother.” 'flic other lie have tiling yield quality 1 v no means,’’ she ‘-.Most all lut'd oil “r*ret these, and is her-, phenomenon different localities— are to sec this evidence that dcino- having compete very place come to. It certainly glad those who have taken in is a song— ratio shaking among part not with the grand and graceful woman, and b'oNconn. X. II.. Oel, 22. A -hock of an hatred to the negro i« turned to love. only dull times, but with rail- was down here in the .Market n and with \ ■u tiie of cry and ■ ■ i|i, who an tell wlull licriii as illegal imprisonment citizens, and the writer and !< tin the < we < entertaining a.rtliquake, pronounced -everest ever fell mlmardy take our meals in at road combination for low and then accommodation lor seals, and a- vet w>- When all hut life and honor's lo-t quiet ten freights, poor field and Charles Sumner havi a 1 -• in < oin-oi'd, oeenrred hero at thousand kindred outrages perpetrated half-jiast live, the far end of Church street. On have been 1 lit his letter the this par- many breakages in the canals, men wouldn't renounce comforts tor tin- ;ake here during the week. I,m m-ltln r lailrood tin this morning. Il pas.-od from accepting gubernatorial by those in power. ticular circumstances induced ns to caused which have of truth.” have I chanced to hear. north oi south and lasted about seconds. nomination, and for morning, by heavy rains, delayed thirty declaring separate po- i’ have was seek refreshment at the American House. for at a time. Hotli To the going people been i|. damage done although beds and litical action, for the reason that the THE GOLD navigation days parties en.|uirv --Why did von come her-- republi- GAMBLING ADMINISTRATION. this a eek with the variet v of cut ‘’dear articles oi inrniture ■ great and even AVe were accosted on the steps a in their recent conventions pn~ edt resolutions she said. Iieea u-e neu idea or buildings can party had bcc.into reeri an! to torapernnee, by Fangor The muss in New York is every prin- incut iftered them. The Museum r themselves were shaken. t'hildren generallv gold gambling I friend, aforetime a resident here, who lias in favor of the canals and increas- of has e \, sue, e- were he said— some rich sustaining ciple liberty—every truly reformatory ry fully [day. persuaded a fortune out of the silver hills of their and no doubt we shall measure, has had its birth in 1 uncoil Hall." Ruin," -lv, elm and London Vssu eral instances adults were seized with terror. TrmptTur.i ■'in. tbcl tli.u Hi.- tno-l valuable pro- was in the is a ex-Metho- ing cllieieney: *• ring, sleek, canting Selwvns lUn lion :: slab’ or nation i- i!- men: and die Xevada. see have given the Nightie : The shock was sensible al “Hold on!” said he go slow— some legislation applied to preserve them lint”—she continued it is a verv hard very Lancaster, "route-: dist minister, who married an old maid sister line old where (lestauction dial rail befall any people i-the comedy oi she Would buildings were considerably shaken. dc-inietimi of its manhood. they nr cooking a late breakfast to order. from railroad and to render place for a woman to in. for this ,v:v And tin1 surest and of the President’s, and undertook to rich conspiracies, speak WOllld Not.'’ and the ■•Road to Urn: It lasted there lb seconds. -wifte.-t of naliounow get di-lmycr sull'ered to exist, Si1 down and take a chance with me.” them more to that vast of son : there have been so iioston George on Wall St reel profitable body many meetings here ol Theatre lias had 1 >ion I! : II is to have been severe at is da- -eiing and drinking of liquor-! by operating in and stocks, reported very intoxicating is a gold wicked A I with these convictions. good man to follow in such a ease, as we men whoso subsistence is derived from their coarse men, that the walls have play, ‘'Formosa, or the It:. bi- 111\a-r. \ ;.. and that person- were near- Impress' Temperance wit!) the of a great, strong, moll seel: tirst the sai; atioii of die nianliood of the advantage petticoat telegraph 1 Ruin" mi the hoards, li intrudin'. ly thrown from their beds. found. The meal was really excellent, and navigation. become saturated with their lives stale: feeling that this secured, and al! else follows to the White House, Uutterlield, the Assistant perfectly I maleli between the Oxfords and II The -hock was was ( ing s-nisil,!y felt at Nashua. as a natural result. And to this end will liscus-i d, with the >nr Stale eleetion occurs on tin' 2d and influences—which they ask leisurely together l-. S. with millions in proximo, controlling woni'-u.ln | ‘j'thii* 1 i11, mill (»|r 'scene in Arti. les ol tnrnitmv and the entire Treasurer, gold at his were shak- abolition of the Ira Hie in alcohol io the lull there is little as buildings lii|iiur- weather, coming horse-trot, and a little political activity shown weaker than man, i and i- considered so immoral tli .i en. Il was also at as a beverage. This will -eek ail moral command, was in the interest of the ing physically naturally experienced Manchester, they by ol gamblers, < llristol and means, aided by whatever of legal force tie politics—for our friend is a yet. This is owing to two main causes, one draws to herself, as cidd hand draw heat i hicago wotilduT have it jday< d in : Littleton. exigen- republican, retained a ice of 810,000 and a share in cies of die ease may by tfl’S. XKWUI K'l l’oitT, Oct. 22. A severe require. who rolled up his sleeves to some in of which is, that several of the candidates from a stove.” j shock of purpose the He was to use his Mr. As ft matter of lie could not do profits. official position llii hhorn. the late !. an earihquako was lell tin’s about principle, tiiu Hamlin Senatorial placed on the ticket would not “Do lind this distiugui through city light. Republican you intluenee didale for Movere a' n •ad1' this And to aid this gigantic controlling of Maine, mo--,ing. were jarred differently. whether he received lew or Our meal was gambling speculation, by | this the lluildings about when of the ■ concluded, the stick,” delaying completion very annoying ?’’ With a quick. upwa d. ile l the first of till week, in route n. v. and lie vibration continued a of vote- t.nt taking, at the moment, millions quite length many did ii' was j right twenty c < signify, principle side-door opened, and there appeared a ticket and ommeneing of the canvass for it. tiant at Webster's he Vingrrs-iona! < 'ommitti. on tin- d, time. negro, (820,000,000) of government gold from the glance pictured form, preserved. his eves in The other reason that there i- si, manifest —“ shipbuilding and eoiumcree. If a 1’.n.Axii, Oel. 22. A rolling hungry anticipation, and is, said Yes very iinuoying I m t w uit to -light earthquake in N'ew York, over which he !I’at'ki r Holt shock was i, lint all this has for the ;IV, Sub-Treasury a -'e, and a a lm h here at o’clock this m irn- present passed Ins shirt-collar alter the conviction that all elforts in the be controlled or huge Republican men, whether d. ad a protruding, and it U\e market — by living land il ilie iron ot defeat I, re. anti wc presides, throwing upon smiting mg. Keporis ,'ived show that it was felt iind the late candidate for Governor manner of the Slate will be futile to elect the ticket, that burlesque ministrels. He was Do you P” entered bis -mil, bill victory in as far east as St. north and again and it. He was | John: as far as Ken- before the with oilier arguments buying replacing have not the to again public followed by another colored individual, and they heart waste time and Gentle reader, me! i didn't wan! to liet'i'lied ipimi bis banner. I, dall’s Mills: and south a- far as Paris. also to furnish to the information pity —tiic substance ot which we to our ring early gave lie another, and another, until we to money upon it. The ticket was hut a doom- tell a and Li-.wi.-ton. Oet. 22. A slight shock oi an by began of lhmtwcH’s orders to sell falsehood, here in the eneinv's readers lad week. And wc find that it gold. arthounke wa. lelt here this which again think that Africa itself was in- ed thing from the first, but the successive I didn't dare tell the morning, being emptied Mrs. Grant was also camp truth. Sol iid GENERALITIES. -hook houses. Ai the of the trying her fortune in p, lasted, about half a persistent opposition radical party to the hall. The ended with the declinations of names upon it gave it further “No—that procession and received is—well really 1 don't know. minute. to the true interests of the that lie speculation, 820,000 profits at country thirteenth o! “God's carved blows winch the lit- I haven’t Tv hih in Lnyli- h Hi Oakmx'ki!, (i :. 22. The specimen image one apparently extinguished thought much about it." Oh, v, hat r:;viuaii \va nr siioek was o.\- But litis time it is the time, through Corbin. exposes. in and tle of left to it. The first to decline -rnn..11. <» ;. I. a her-■ at b.Jil A. M.. strangulation ivory,” that specimen led by a strimr, vitality a scornful, and she ea-i yam woman v.alU- perieiieed which lasted Linked with these and innocent yet pitying glance, of the interest that mnvi him to interesting was (feo. 11'. the .Tinmill Iml.liii:;' a linin', inform* two minutes, i he door-belis were rang by shipping not a poodle, but a female in a Curtis, the head of ticket, me as if from immeasurable up huge dog, doves were such financiers as upon then, the motion. We from the Jay Gould. for of ! speak. quote report— high stab of maternal solicitude ! Secretary Stale—a polished penman, she looked down a James lisk and others. When heights upon poor, pnnv, Watkkyh.i.i. Oet. 2.. 'J'hc shock lasted Mr. Ilichboru asked the ■ eiiiinitti e to Jr., tin'ma- A (.. inan <‘4»niiiiilli 11 earnestly Our who was his but never for >iii< ai.- in ilx | iind some friend, lining codec to his distinguished any profundity weak trembler, whom -lie crush with about half e minute, and -hook doors and method for the restoration of American chinery was all ready they set it tit work. It might Ni-w York, mi Sunday. all*a lir.-l -i\ in commerce. w( when Ibis column either as a statesman or but in this live mill- i windows. Twenty-live years ago lmilt ships lips, of free Americans oi politician, a torrent of word-, bill niagnaninnnislv fore- liny In 111*M ill lit. pn|i* ,• Hi |l |,. 1 worked well--too in t'aet. heaper than am other nation. (H i! 1 >1EEK VL- well, 'They raised instance to t of in «lr«>\\ ii liim-uir. Kl.SliAU.'- Mil ls. Oct. 22. A -ev< hock African descent eomme need to held perhaps entitled he credit some bore. TIKs Ii ill AN WITH Tin: WAit. THE I US. move, a deal titan oi oil was if-lt !u*i < at A.:;.- HAVE to. I) went as to out of al- -a in- for !,< 'he BBoKEX IS H(i\YX. high go sight, (ieil as tin* leader of a forlorn yin I*!aulalinn i:> interrupted eolim. it and untasted back hope. The next ter the of women. She wa- ■ j of the Now we a-k to laws ;l- are Setting slowly condition cam •• morning naps people. Congress pa-- jn-( most. 1 lie scheme and came to the Mim-Iv ! I li*' itafiliau- nl' Hi.' I r.v mu i.. to collapsed declination was Thomas ns can- j < >■•!. 22. granted other nation- by ihi-ir L.-gishlturc.-. ()ur to its he freed his mind. Isn’t a Ililllumse. and to tell me her a liAM.oif. Quite a lieavv shock oi place, this ready plan and from the tlrai|< 'l 111! Ill ala I Ml il. cost dollar-a ton. Across with it the fortunes of i oi an -liips seventy-eight the ground, bringing many didate lbr and the third of was i'e!) her- -u ri.iie A. M. ( little on the while ?” Comptroller, that abundance of her remark-, and the int< i eai1h<)ti::!;. line in 1 anada they only eo-t aiioiit fort',’ dollars a rough population My an Win ii !,' a. a l nini! II..I. ! ,i. Sa: at..?*- X■ > <1< me. operator. damage ton. And then the two are into (Jen. for State Such a I v. I.*- •. brought competi- Iriend, we “Do not disturb course Robinson, Engineer. in a of ,M r-. and Dan!' I -. ! pli-li 'l ill il,. Lii -! in tin- w ..t !.| replied, If. As ti ro.suit oi explanations Lyman Si. dunx. X. tion in Now York If the whole so (him- l.a\. a .a 11., lie'. 22. A shook ol an ports. emigre— will unfetter business, was never IV..iil;»• nm- Him:-.uni an.I tin\ or in is scampering before seen, in I out woman was a us and allow u- to inm, At., we lam indulge conjectures why this thus. It except found that very much i ‘-tori*■ I:. eailln|i|:ike w.w experienced In re this morn- import build aging to the public welfare, the Grand 11i• .as heap as other nations. We are more inventive is what have all been to Jury the proverbial case of rats a abused creature—trodden ing. you voting deserting dilapi- down into the very Mr. I >- and lime better mechanics. j bring has made an examination into the matter, j »rlm»m. u .1 11:i\: m |: Oct. A for lo! dated The Horace Kocki.anh, 22. shock of [about, these it is for ship. polished (Jrceley dust the iron heel of l!u! i was slight many years, and lias ioiitid Dills of indictment by oppression. that hol-.od ami r<»I i» .I nl' !.\ tin. earthquake was fell here at 1-2 o'clock this This is as true as the gospel. But the this that John against has been in the vacated ques- Frown's soul went marching placed position by anew era was about to dawn for her, and < Iilit.r .-ula a doors, the to the rally hardships windows and very party and the very men who perpe- churches sent exceedingly interesting public. am I l'mirlmi nu lliun dollar- in mm furniture. missionaries south, which re- ley's accustomed defeats. (Jen. Frank Sigel all her neglects- tor all her sufferings. In Ai oi It is about (lie most scandalous of -ia, uet. 2a. This at b trate and sustain this It is tour nr piece is in Curtis’s in the at i.ilm Momw I,.i ra\ i -la -I mi mm dm morning 1-2 wrong? sulted in a big crop of molasses colored put place, hope, ion fact she was to lie what she had never been, 0 clock a shock of an business of even this *■ : arthquake. more five since this ims been the burden of scandalous administra- late an hour, to conciliate the < Ivrmun cle- AI \ .i (...I,. I: \\ ali; I lasting years babies. .For this Futler cleaned the man. I \erv Ihan a minim v. im out all the of began to be much fell in this x tion. It is so bold and bald that few of (lie ment,” and win over whoever have equal la> i-i !. ! I ••'■in'--- ! Hi< i;;. nilyXear- his song, and during that tin., lie has never in may i\ o\er\ one was awakened, door ran°- spoons Louisiana. For this Lincoln made mil in a maze, to look bewildered and bells lu-lple U ui. I,. Iv in 'air\ an failed to tariff men for administration organs have the courage to fought Sigel.” -1 .1 :nn- i» n and were shaken. Tiie support high Congress his and a to a buildings shock cv proclamation, the The Constitution framed and wonder how I was to heal lvln-at « * in Congress passed a and those that do make by Republican V•.i• 11 hill iia n.liarir haw Uni l»,i|!i tended all '.lie river. this district. this difference in hi-; attempt detenee, Convention about a at along Why ci\ ii rights la.w. All these labors have borne partisan year ago, such from the sound of their On gu W iseassirr the cll'ort leave it -harp Lin ; liiv! upon Iia- hmidi. (let. 22. Quite a severe >hock action as between temperance and ? only worse. But it crim- great cost to the purses and patience of the niaplr of tonnage their fruits—and here are two white i have an idea that angels al e -in.! I he r< <1 iia in ..I 1 hr r.» ! earthquake warn felt here at minutes denounce gentle- sons with shame the cheek of American is to be submitted to the at this ly twenty Why toddy and support tariff? men every people, people I hi ! lirr ! l.y i»uniinar u no<|!.in. pa-t live o'clock this breakfasting with thirteen and a several of it- while, grand, and very beautiful Hut mine morning, lasting nearly i he niggers citizen. election, provisions separately: d’hr rolfa:-'. r-H.j' i i--. | ! three minutes. improper and excessive use. of rum is bitch pup! Itlamo not the landlord. He but it is so dead already, that the ballots east came on this occasion in the form ..I a big. Tin- hill- air hid l»\ -innly Iiaw destructive, and so are the exactions of un- it in November will lie inscrib- L'.nU ! 11m\v tla rnad'idr Ulna, h- l»l can t help it. He is liable to suit and if upon merely er lhadlcv whoentei tine, We notice that Daniel burly negro—the lawy A lid mi !ir v\ ilia a d a V |t»\\ reasonable taxation—but if we are to die Jones, of Brooks, a Hie Jacet". Yours, (.. NAVAL ENGAGEMENT NEAR he interferes. Doubtless tie ing—“ ed with a Ibr Mi < ■ 11 i11- to I ia I'allrn 1 -:i\ c- likt- l.onliit ■!..s ! CAPE HAYTIEN. held back these ot the paper relative from one cause or the* member Society of Friends, lias a com- other, perhaps it would sons ,\i w A < of Ham as as the li had tin- A Ilian hi M a a hll-rtf- la ha ■ oi:k. >ct.22. Advices Iromllavli to hungry long possible. in the to 1’uison \ Family. We Working-woman's League. be bettor to take too much than to took munication Prog. Ago to Attempt learn if"' oih uist. punch seeking justify <-rr- l»v a -al\ 1' inadr n|' llir have been received here via St. .And lie is powerless ii insist on that (he latter of la I week a effect to throw them into considerable ex- fnii ol'-ma, on they coining I he town of Brooks in its aid voted during portion idle and ■ 1 our belts <• llamas N'cws has reached Port au shipyards lighten over to repudiating do'Vn. Til:' all. r|- W a- In i|. d ali i n Prince any table. Fut there is one. to tie gentleman of this city received from a neigh- citement, and not waiting to -ei how tin ..I an thing to the Railroad, which Daniel lias engagement between Salnave's two empty stomachs. repudiation a box a Snillr rlilripn-ihy l'n in 1.. -k a -air |'|..|ii -aid about this particular lot of boring city by express, containing would end their I made strainers, the Salnave and the negroes_ labored to quarrel, my e-eape it Mail, la r> >j j, ,| Alexandra J’e- One is verv certain, however. Mr. produce. Thee should take a dif- small quantity of granulated sugar and a pnt j, tion. tiling are smart a the of ;lie out ami the rebel steamers they looking, good deal more through gathering gloom hall, hall'. 1 in n ra V- d il Ii!.. a (Quaker City and whether lie continues his ferent course, Friend Daniel. Thee should number of oranges. The man at first sup- mil and |n..|, mu 11 on II., present so than some da. in the oft I lien. party white members of it to In' an from tin' pavement'. Ami walking neighborhood 'ape lay your parly. labor with thy blinded townsmen to convince posed agreeable surprise upon quickly l’lu“ 1 u-p« rlm -hip at aind.-u i.• i». 1 lie two former vessels were associations or not, now appears before the I steering East at will lay a wager that one of them can some kind friend. In examining the fruit home under the I tried to think b any them ot their Thee moonlight Lphraiui M. Wood mourn- l In J.» .1 o'clock in the morning, when discover- public in the character of a Democratic mis- injustice. knowest very however, his wife discovered that the they put more brains into the of a oranges what man of all hail ever \ car. ed the others. On management well that thee cannot sustain my acquaintance' arriving within dis- Wc don’t want to see the such a course in I had been This aroused a shade hailing sionary. position than does the editor of punctured. tance the of the Salnave paper the A«-o injured or ill-treated me: or tried in wav All A H il-1 :i 'I. -a> llial the lain ('aptaiu ordcred'thcm of the l’rog. thy conscience. Neither the inner of suspicion and the gentleman conveyed a any |*:it«-l: lo more stated than light” ainl < M..k» r.-a.-li of * 1111 show their colors. The Democracy strongly —and include the bitch in the to me feel I promi Quaker City, with- pup lot. Let nor of the sugar to a seientilic chemist, make myself his inferior. And in the above divine impulse” will thus thee. portion he t ie.| al \ Upii ! a l hi- term. n. w l: out not wing the demand, doubled round extract. Every Democrat in the us guide quick- go.” stating the circumstances and requesting an haven't of one hi ell ordered b\ I he < Mill I. 1 Ml 111. I..; and ran into the Thee hast confounded Fox with rey- thought yet. ly Salnave, her star- country will endorse every word of it. The George I he ill'. Mi'- Law iv ii.v r. n\. it i striking That is the true of the analysis. The Convention had a deal In plaint hoard paddle wheel. history breakfast. nard the fox. Thee should great say ss.'iOO. Simultaneously both confession comes reluctantly from him, how- remember the sim- The chemist proceeded with the necessary vessels tired, and an in about woman’s under-paid and not engagement ensued, both like a ple of William Penn and Elisha process and discovered about two ounces being A '•latlle .! foil land, ! \\ in. I’ i he t loriila and ttie ever, person tortured by thumb-screws The great anti sensation in New honesty Alexandre Potion reigning of tiie of to kill live time to read and Now I am a joinin'^ of Hicks. sugar strychnine enough having study. talked ML in. 1 he Quaker that she his own contrivance. \oi]\, last week, was the arrival Irom City seeing c-ould France men. I as and return a' 1:11■ not sink tin- and working girl. go early The I s. steamer .Mamm:' diehi, Hi d w Salnave, finding the lire too “TIIE DISABILITIES IMPOSED BY of Father Ilyaeinthe, the Barefooted Carme- It was undoubtedly a deliberate at A been started in attempt ■ backed to a project has Boston, and from as in d <|tiartt Ml a mile inland the eartl deadly, give but did so the most of of my daily employment .my girl by broadside, CONGRESS HAVE BROKEN US DOWN.” lite Friar, whose has stir- dastardly crimes—the murder without cil'eet. eloquent preaching is sustained some of the l hoii, !'. The Salnave, in a sink- by newspapers, for a whole A tea lloston. My work also is of the most Ini'keen "I ntV. and mix ed : though This is excellent. Here is a veritable Dan- red the family by poison. single spoon- condition, a tire which religious heart of France as it lias ing kept up compelled purchasing by subscription, the farm on ful in a of tea would doubtless have caus- nature—but 1 to find linn A Ik link'. o| 1 udian. -mi* d i..i iel come to cup hausting manage impri the Quaker City lo draw oil the .judgment. No more talk about not been before stirred for a time. But ed death. during light. long which old John Brown lived, and to read the daily papers, all of tin newly ■ad in lihodi I land SI it. IVi'oii I: -1 w ! The Pet ion tired a hundred 'vliat the war erecting pound solid shut No more his has not been so much No cll'ort should bo to ferret out the destroyed. imputing great eloquence thereon a monument to his The spared to attend lecture-, concert-, the which in the memory. published hunks, The Kennel*. '.i> til. I'll her through Quaker City lodged this to rebel cruisers. is excused. the as a monster who could lie of a crime like England sensation, resolve made and acted old a a thief guilty married in Aumela. Iliad, his dan Salnave. A shell tired from the Pet ion burst reprobate was traitor, and a this. theatres, and to write my weekly letter to the ly lady hat the and [Portland Argus. \en hand'cnie bridal '< nt of a on war, rebel cruisers, and to discuss the relations of pr» liiieh the deck of the with terrible Eng- upon the French for which he was 1 am Quaker City murderer, justly and Journal. perfectly and house and live thoiicud dollar' in moiiev lish hatred failed to hung, healthy happv olieet. The rebel steamers retired the do, Congress has accom- government to the Church of and to hrid and having Home, il is difficult to see he deserves a monu- A (Jkeat Stoioi. Every low years have as a I care for—-wouldn’t bridegroom. Alexandre The why brings many rights Petion towed the Salnave to the plished. ship builders are broken down. call attention to abuses in about some unusual condition ol‘the alleged the church ment more than other elements. Nathan IL I'ohkins, o| I Uiou. an in a any any dead and a tig to well and >.(., Cape sinking condition The lion. N. C. A of a never known give vote—sleep o'night', and Hichborn says it—and who itsclt. It is certain that no so bold Hood height before occurs pr<*min< nt eiii/en of that town.died language buried murderer. If Boston has to thank (hid that 1 shall him ? any money in one tides in and a get up every morning 'Hire, say nay has been uttered in a Catholic for locality; higher another, country to it would be much better for in still another. were am a woman. As for the I 'lho Cincinnati spare, given tornado tVe time—why step t oil. ol low a. I I he new >..!■ Enquirer lias a word or two Inconsistent as Mr. II. we incline The recently lielknap, to appears, many years. result has been the con- the widows and reminded of this fact while in conversation say about the recent State election. relief of the orphans of into the horse-ears with W ar. II" has not been known to fame in Not- to think that lie can be of every morning my more service to us demnation of bis in the with an old of unusual now all the adverse superiors church, and those who were killed when Brown made his lady intelligence, Herald and And 1 have withstanding influences, it daily Host in hand. A child in Iow a Ini' -wallowed a screw v sn where he than lie should in in this State. It is Mrs. -ay-, is Mr so is, though leave the exile of the bold What- residing Unity strong Pendleton’s name, involuntary preacher. murderous assault on the to set', of the therein dot tors can't extract. th< \ let it i, • lo oted peaceful community Chase. She stated that she was born yet many working girls Sipposc are the to so radical If he is to ever in Nancy Democracy him, great party altogether. going may happen the future, he is now the at make a of him is the Harper’s Ferry. in Canton, Mass., on Nov. 11), 17.SG. seated, one intent on gleaning information propeller respect for his character and thus turn their on their own Sunday, high-toned guns camp, put great object of interest witii the next talents, that lie has run newspapers The morning it commenced front a similar source. I admit that are \ Frenchman P Sed In wife*.- ail.. lion Ilayes to the girths, matches snowing girls and almost to their magazines, and dig mines in New York, to bo in turn the has and continued to snow till the next inp; from a New York I. ti n boat, Saturd.i\ defeated him, in this displaced by Ex-President Johnson failed of an elec- Saturday. often -and so are men. immensely under inadequately paid now perfect Ij salisiicd. Her aile.iion >: hepubhcan State. He has their forts, he had better continue to next or native sensation. tion to States The snow was so deep that her father made a every reason to lie imported the United Senate, four Hut that men or are to blame that test without a murmur, and he aid, I of the lacking tunnel beneath the snow to reach his society proud excellent race he has dwell in the tents of wickedness. neigh- —lie's all old tool.1' made, and votes of the number at the read ami know is oi the noble manner lie lias requisite highest bors, a portion of which remained till the next girls don’t more, false. It been sustained lo- The connection which Mr. II. avows will The democratic readers of the Journal should The \\ hiir mention' theox ins 1 fiends, point of the ballot that he reached. The suc- A near was is then their own fault that do not ertuniiuijraud political ft him we forthwith demand the of those roosters. April. n«gro family living by they better wasowingto beheading | of whiskex a- result in the case of man who buried in the with nomeans of bottle ail aeliieVt’lll* carried Hamilton County and saved the Leg- inevitably any [Prog. Age. cessful man is Hon. Henry brother completely snow, their time. Cooper, improve in Pcineor. islature. No other ctindidalc the causes of our com- of egress. Iler lather, whose name was As- earthtjuake would have honestly investigates Having furnished a Democratic opinion of to the President’s son-in-law. The new Sena- The Coliseum is at last of, and like the vote succeeded in them out, and disposed The Hartford 'Limes “r. Louis has AN oman s Rights. Our advertising columns : One of the few really successful enterprises of the kidneys—the kidneys a HE TWO in a situated d THOUSAND CASES 01 GOODS i. s,,|\, ,i in favor of remo\al of the number, ::t rDo r* tD«* loin sur- ■ seat of gov- contain an essay on this and one day i> Paukkr & Co.*$ One Dollar Sale. Their The upper rc important subject, I; rounded l it and id thrv vi/. I^niiTYshipped from '. iiiiKHi from to tlu system offers a for the by consisting par:.-, the ik-.s cubs and Washington Mississippi valley. which we think will inteiot all our readers in |; greater opportunity purchase the Interior, and the Ext* rior. merchants it. very ...a tin v lady of Anterior, liom Maine to j the thousand and one useful articles, at a price Laliiornia, amount in" i:. ulu> to mu \ lu -ii thi> AN e The anterior absorb.-. Interior consists -t tissue-; or in Iv di'unL lad., led dollars vicinity. publish and call attention to it comes ninety-eight that within the reach of all classes, than any which serve as a tor t he urine and i’i :'!• ■ nhaek.s to veins, deposit, convey hi> ni\v last week, a mis- because we believe it is other. The through mainly really for the interest [ it to the exterior. exter'er a. conductor also, ONE MILLION DOLLARS. tak* tip' upon < and some nubbins of ,,ni in i< in a c being of our fair readers to It a well understood fact, that certain classes of terminating single tube, I did the l rote r. The Our facilities tor trans this ii s;,m« understand and put in ting lm, use bu sin. file pocket. practice ureters are connected with the build r. arc better than ever the ideas goods pay the dealer a very large percentage of heicr,. w,. therein set forth. Th is oI various or cities to THE wo j This almost bladder composed coverings ti-- principal pt.rcbas...... !- T /. WHEELER & 1 >teauier>, tip- < ■ : protit: appears necessary, especially j[ WILSON and H >rm i. collid' d divided into viz the i t!i«■ !- i ii« AN in Goods. Silver Plated Ware, Are., sues, p.- troit on the of tin iMth. ashing Nervous, and Thenp;*«i a [.a-• 1 -, the low*: ininun-.1 -aeriiieo ?rom tin- > SILENT FEED LOCK STITCH night and both went of which a dealer does not sell sufficient of one original o.-t '•oluinns, are for any retains. Many a desir. to'urin mc without the Our stock eon.-i-din ot ikt 1 to the 1 sale by J. }). AVadlin. AVe can Inyo pari, 'A! locket' ol apt. 1 >a\ .Joip >. art Vie to make it an of trade, and is urinate wish* it Object obliged ability; others bility to retain. Cv SEWING MACH1N E ! ■ v'Uie our reader.' that th.-v do the *»Isa»!v EJi.iuki <£ti-fr*. < work 'plchdid- to purchase in small quantities: and when the This fr- quontly oc.urs in e!i*!.?in-n. ri M;. l’« k ot Missouri, go? into n «*!' trouble that the Ladies are en- liaUlv aJl**^*! (GU)ih. fl. !'<»%> "!• r Ij.iulv .!;.•) w Iri. li<> peek lv. goods are sold three or four different clashes of To cure these affections, w< mu-t t; in.: into action the Believing- fU. by Hosifrr. ^kii tfr. nrM‘;<>. Oi v ,\4 MAHIINt; in u- Th.-v sti r i?i-1» of A which are in tin n v.iiious tuncib j-r:- ,,j..T;?«*<-•,tu!lv by taking Uniiie id .piiniue. pint of merchants, and each a the muscles, engaged n-. Silvn*P. u''* 1,1 charge very large prolit. Vr-.ooMi nn v.iii'.-ty !!..;!»•'ia! .ir. ::ot to NV«* set a >tat< ment in the that Il they are mgkete I, Drawl or Drop-;. may eintte. titled the of melted lard cured him Bangor Whig John price becomes double the original cost of manufac- light purchasing .Hit'kfl *i!v«»r. ES,*•>■=»**:•; S-'oi!.*. tit v-ln>itl<< £' ( pur a*ut 1 cull < formerly city, died reaching pcoph 1" the attack, it is sure to he*, the b-.dilv M.U'UIM-:, and \ olll |eef i 111 1 TO \ »l|l ! lit 1 \ took i- slight may W a TT i* S •*' an.1 I'm'lo 'Til :if tit. .! ‘wr'lrv >(i with P 1 l! ism such < A pio Summer 1 ■ in .:*■<* .it in S'-nora. Mexico. Mr. >and»-i good." Parker & o..qs health and m* utal powers. our : h and ! d their DRY GOODS where luiSriy. Mormon Id. r. at wlmv tabloix wives ''inly belonged in -u;’- vari«*f >. presided Si., ltoston. deal most extensively. Their sales are from these source-. # j and tw. am illi*. when now ported Kte-.iiit S Si aatl <»•'rr.i.u: ISAAC nt s->e\,11 eiiikli 11 lani'o e.| his father live*. » E'.tno ALLARD tor molasses ; immense tin y make each article a speciality, of- Doi t, <»:; ltiiiu matism. l*:;in orcurrii g in tlK mins Agent, on can obtain the kiKuIi. SE«*a?itifti! '?iur((iu5;5;»l! iltnian. their bread. ten can Their is indicative ot the above disease-. 1r r. they •. e all amanufaetimr produce. j„ newe-fr ■ ‘'■only Attorney Hie and M r -. Staph*'and buying and ti i. .id \ e,v. universal satisfaction. Read their son- disposed to acid -tomai li ami ch cynerL-tior,-. I’ll- Lllglisli the * III.:.11 M l‘ii>> system gives ings. captured nlilel l/ilian, "! the Knox bar- are attending 1 li Tin: Di: \ VF.i.. 1’he grave! umm- ti »i;. yogi, ct or im- | best present advertisement. 1ml 6 bargains, .fSin niu-o SraveL:.: : Si -,: i.SI.jsnhuncJiiff took Ipt to proper treatment .1 the kidney**. !:■ organs being Nassau, and let her go. term of our court. rd,:; p fjiJM" u< the water is n.-t ex- !!•••; y .up. 1m: .1- i have recci\* d I weak, :.h-r, -* How many despairing invalids liglit aiid ? ii*, 3 < f;. i'f j's »j>iv«v-.r "1 »n. .‘I tile lowid to remain; H -m- n a dime it t ml• n.-lfast Journal, ediis a ; per During the < shock a man in this and fmm the <4 Dr. A. 11. •jf irtlnjuake city hope periisiil Hayes' thi< •• vvl“rl» •- forms. It is from Ge-p th .t *\ tonne.;, ! credit to u Lastei Maim wlu» he' medi< il \\i»rk' it would be to estimate. ♦V t- !:•!'.'*• !■ .r ;n ••> ;\*;; [IP,-n01 lia^ ll ’••libied with agile, thought he had impossible and gravel ensue-. I i- r i!. !DY< it a i;' ■: hank Sueh a AVIiib- in an extensive and most lucrative '••>!. ... -. ■»' idillg you. eomplimeiit from ihe !, :oi engaged Di;ol*SV is ecticli n| r e *.,•• ;>■*' !:• .,ding attack, and t" »k a do-, of t he -Man.-.rd an l 1 A- -1 work* h i A (piiniin-. he has found time to write a series of and bear- ihib rent u .;m •=. u. i.. t }»• i 44 H i; i-ap- r <*i New practice yet body, parts •1 a Liigland i- about O In it til t ’: 1 1: I’. in >■ duly appreciated. treatises that will confer him re- viz when generriiv tliliu -e..i «>\ er the pi >\. M >K1 The new < o«-a will 'ail thb week for upon imperishable all'vied, body, it I!.i.» 'hip New Itrr.N M n and I'i.nm Mi.Nk in : ::1 -1"s. *rl* ii'. and is load' d with AA'ni. Ritch- ot the 1 j being hay by of I*, a Medical Institute.) dm 10 chest, llydrothorax. arrange "mart body A.’ ,v I'niwii. who an d dug a g*-ner-d insurance r A s-on. Tkxat.mkm Helinbubi'- Ilia'll^ .nunfru-l com- | THESE AND EVERYTHING ELSE FOR (amaii'i131nkinu' Extract Huchu i d« .:-{ < cm ot lu‘j>niriiui. "1 A returned. he* tin best b' < Mid, ’: Missionary just says regards pound PRICES on their ! !• I. K. “siaart is si-nim diseases >.f t '. GOODS : l >. He-nl wa- in tin iti on .M-iii'isv. ■•Johnson's Anodyne Liniment" as beyond all price, rernedi* for Id. r, kidney gravel One Dollar for Each pall le*l dropsical -u' hirg-. rheumati-m, ani gout) ’aslection--. Article. DO YOU WANT Wini is Mu' and efficacious other medicine, it \- j WV- .io not Mil'tT a sinub* ■•{' ONE ! victim now beyond any I mler t!ii-head we hav. .a ran:' ID arte i no '.an-Mo j mi.;.or •.'illiculti vherbv their custom- A 1' A a lo a of ea-o-u and i> e.m be .-old d.-ab. r- at >ur \V- new W m or a new c "i i' v-mi n? ti < a ml'i in I onus o- that lapted great variety special itii! in sing w secreti | by regular privn. do Sleigh. We in suit vou. We (in-. i pai pa ty ire r. A n l, r-. in i ill in;. ,v,, i. a, nir ii. a-k lull to 1 •. r am thing in our I •_'«>. -..I! o| I < :• 11equen tenpin c!i-: I lie .it-,- ']m|!;'1i. \\ er.; can save than } on m obtain : b in miv otin r o :- invit. ,1 to 111 ,,n n- '[ ale! !--->!. illy |-Iii:n'i.:ili!\ well. water flem turia, or bio D<> t and lihot na- illy anil 'Vhi’f tin* ut.v o work in i ■ «;r. p a t our y -a a ndd a !...*’ ,-,ni Il, *>' 1 in 'M !'i-- of at lisni of the kidneys, with*m; a.n s c h oy. in pi.-.iil it v, but :,ri,-,-. ,,airing .imm iip-ettin; j ...'•*r- I riee* 1-1 -lilt t lie I.s. I ! un Mi iin n -mi. :i'c. t 1ti. ul .Mr-. 11 ■ j-rii-t 11 all. It E LF A ST lMtirCN (IHllEtT, Increase >| color. «»r dark wab-r. It w:»- a I warn 111' -1,1,1 ,,er ( “,l iu>, ||juh!\ A! \ X A 1 X >[, lb A It. " I' s|||.j„,- ,| another er-oii j Y I’ll. b, 1 j <•«»!:!:k(.'tki> wkkki.y for thk joiknai.. recommemled t.y the l.»t»• Dr. tie .it. thing ol tn! hi- anil lallina from a tn c. j 0:ie-Hai! the Rates. 1' 1 l.y •":l- a, In.." " it Ii 1«i i.:. •; ip ■ !• a Regular le.ia, .| ,.. 1 i In \ i i.! -n re* o\ er- tions. sU|,er...r October 1KG9. want r.-li ms in ,.v,-rv ,.r; „f 11 ■ 11 ■" 11 .at.. Hklfast, ■ SOO.-I | tli. *.iti-l to Wednesday, This medicine inert t!, a .-r ■ >[di ; ..:i..,i our en-toiiiei-. ■ .1 \ a-ant full weather in i now --mi. lint j> -ti.ia. md \om i‘> t'l' ouutry. By implovinj: span 1 iu..- to luriu t-lul ■ ‘■“•iti'ge m ml I lnur, $7 to 12 Round Ilo?, 14 to 15 excites the absorbent into ii- .» l.v which '•1 !•"' iking: rejiliring line net [ aimy r«_-i-«•, «*»! ns ur.l.-rf, »..« .-an il»- anil vim Corn 1.20 to O.Oo Clear Salt ;5 tod.'.UO wn-liitB ill.,;-.: •*'. .. liltr.lhle mtim 1.1 .1 ,e| ie |iti-.i-mii liiny Ural, l’ork, $ tiio or caieareou-, idii and all unnatural e< j ,1 1 l« -< ‘Sue! I' !!“ < «-! 1*1,ill ill hi MTV * il li' | watery, deposit until! o,- t-.tli. ;■ in t';»*»!» or ",.. 111 Rm OloOO .IS«*rciiiiiuliHt*. li"ni e .Mai. 2.oo to 0.00 Mutton per lb, ! a- web a and iutlamat ar ,. V.‘- iekiy. Cal mi „> „ enlargements, p-tin ion, n all m nt ns will he a-J .p ''I >1 J d ■ tr. T III la• i- :: rush of ladie- to simnnt‘111 |V >• good- l-y rep w m 11 t,.n sir: Il lie' ll -old I-M.,.''iM 1. j, „.,j I J.( I,,. i great R>i 1.75 to O.Oo Lamb per lb, to 10 and it is taken I»v in. 11. and Imif et, in the r. ml I' j dtieed, w.omeji, children. ant‘a sat i -Motion •» e\ ei one w -• Oo y ileali u;r ii ii on }i -i-. ^ !" re IV 1.20 to o.0o; lb, to Oo frank • Ill’ll lilrir 11. steel,. Corn, I’urkej s, per > ■-• pfrkins co. \s “I :!i o\ r 1 •l,iM)>t to to Aye-- h n; !■ 1 enileel tell O- it ! r- ... -p & j.nil ]>it Itai i< y, la o to o.oo Chickens, per lb, is to 2u i'll11. \r>i:t.t*u r \ ,b h. ia, and forward to n> in adv.tnc •, i-.r I>-. .riptis. Leans, 2.2 to 5.25;Ducks, per lb, Oo to ou 11. T. II t;i. a ! A ••lina “1 M ir- lloltoli. of Ualiyor. in- ttoi.ii, Diuggi the goods we sell. Oafs. 00 to H $ 15 to 10 I — 1 70; uy |..-1 ton, l>J:a 1: S11: I have lie, n a mill a r, be- id n < ■ m'iip d To Id- i.r.J riphf u ••••!•:'. and had Ida- THE SHIPPING INTEREST. upward We have the LARGEST ASSORT- t lie holders o'.‘1 he f'lieeivS hsvi t1" iiinr Potatoes, 5o to oo;Lime, $1.50 to 00 with bladder and I 'Up.!, twenty year gravel, alii c the :o ! iele Unfailing Preservers. on a- kidney-', theieon ilesei :!m o! Eye •i" upon hi l.-y .-unf of an injury r« Dried 15 to Washed 10 to 1.7 jum-h.i'-mg :1. < • Apples, 15, Wool, which 11 me 1 have used ration- j,\ Tin ( 1111niitii of jm esliga- tions, during jindieinal mg tor an v ur: ieit> mentioned on .n:ri p ,n* -t rif.k w it !i a ha*.- hall. I: i- tea re. i nugr..ioiial do. 5oto 50 to 55 | dogu u,,.•• Cookin?, 75;Unwashed Wool, ami lu en mult r the treatment ol ilie m<»>: 1 preparaiions, MENT in over -.Ti *• •• ! i. ■' 'p i 11 I" * the itig ditteivnt article-, ii »t 11• oI v, hn h (. .>,i111: d iiu,:. It’ tll into the eaie nt the ili-i line ot Ameri- Rutter, 47to 40; Pull 'd Wool, 45 to Oo eminent but iittle relict. City. phy-icians, expciieiicin.g hast 1 ! I A .• 11m: l'. if 'I' .1 '.t ia \\ p1 foil e 111 s 11 ses- antuge tir-t .<•■aiding [.-i h.« k :n ) li} lid -towed 1 i i i- -till t! work. It ltai I a 55 to (Hi Cali 20 to oo I o j j Kggs, Skins, consulted with my t a; in to "• ■' *■ »-'!• -• "S* !» family regard icing -taut: mad nt v. r: .j„ p.rd !I• m K tin 'i> a hi.-li iri i\«-d at 22 to 21 Skins, 50 to 75 Extra*! buying j ■ Lard, Sheep your Huciiu. goo iwhieh ar. mu < i 11 in I’ll 1st 111, where it wa- mhlresseil «*it ui'ili-: .Vi t. > Haiia Ii. "n rd• m:. -. \ u a by 10-el. 0 to 12 G.OutOS.OO ‘.:n hal" .i pn- Wood, hard, I -lid this beeau-e I b el u d .11 kind ol ad\ert«.-.-d w-' i'-ae check- til* all arc -old; I id- in < 1 11 1.25 -Loo to 5.0o *1 d a ip p\ r<1 I ale. ;, loin r uni-' Apple-:. Raldwin, to non; Wood, soft, and had loiind them \v elide and uim- J lie a; ain nl‘ the leading lniTelnints anil remedies, .;uit« el ah n will eheek- to: W \ t < <>i shipping BRIGHT. GREEN'AND BLUE pin ••!;.-. tin ., |; \m. e. N to 10 Dry 5 to 0 ■ •lid I'- I j S! “1 tip eal, j Pollock, injurious; hi tact, 1 d d «-v.r and i.‘ -• > Oi.Tl de.-pair getting weli, > Dm I’a -fine «dh- r ‘..rt. ,a' i ,.\ >: builder:. anil u Is la t Week al I’ni llailil. Cod fsto 10 determined to use no ivm de lr. r«a;lter Mil's iV MOI! I i !"■ Dry | tube- I j,ne\\ > r. tfiriny iu-mt i/i' >!; ,, I n in. o| the ■ 1M thiul. ip has .|i o\. r. d the ingredient-. It wa- thi that me 1.1 use .. ■ \V<- the remarks of s,nne of the huildcrs piojnpted rh.i.'iiny an arii 'ln ,'d. ;■ » i I I ; I K > enpi A :i rt i- i 1 d A 1 I I your remedy. y. a*lv« it:rt was ! IP 31* Jk. ii> order an., "i composed IDS, os• "l' '(lip \ “i! 1 .nth of the equator. every inning -m; -p. 1 BOSTON PRODUCE ol and berries. it occurred io me s of the latter city ami vininily. made liefnre MARKET. imchii, cuhehs, jump j the cash, tli \ tain j •! 11 mi ! in d»“ he iony I ill the world. and lay physician as an excellent combination,and, with ; £ rfe c i e d Monday, Oct ‘St. his el e .; common do ddadGc; Western COIllllHtlCCil its use ! i( iu eight liemlhs ago, at" which! >Sl' 1' 'll ,! Til is oiler \i more a !,• .lid. ilnl !>)o!i/' .-1 .a 11 'I J. I., 11 \\ i» ll)|- -•'.idle; bakers’ and interior Western at vto.i'Jdc; and Can- time i was contimal to inv ioom. 1 rom tin-tir-t bottle that the customer cannot especially ir fh< W*—«« rn and ."-oitihci n *••• * a well known in ada at do.idda lb. 1 was State-, hut \ p| n; f, r ili- nt «A I.V IN II ■ v ,n Ih.. n la -I \\ t'k. (apt. Dyer, shijilmililer per a-toni>lied and gratili d at the * !!-vt, and KH\ i.V \ <‘IIKK.SK- ers. ‘"r conucetion with the interest of Kaetory is selling at 17 l-ditls l-L’c per lb alter using it three week-, w a-aide to walk out. I h It KMKUY..I. in I- r, Ut. ,( shipbuilding ■and lias sold tail to be suited both in f G »S B .*>•*» I O % * I !i tllp'ii -I H in O' ; Inl ine' a Old fair something lancy been at 10c; dairy .sell at much like writing you a mil statement ol my case at thi- State, was uevl introduced. Hi- answer Calx- tor >• choice, and common at 1G title per lb. that time, but he Agent- VS ill he paid ten eent, in ('.,>!> ..M ati- d N'.O'omhe -a thought my improvement might only j., Hall. KHHS -There is no to note in t lii-* TS/t A. 1ST Hi O 01.3 I whether he was in favor of a ili’.aw hark change market, and temporary, and therefore concluded to deter and -a e ,i it j dise, when th. y i- tt.i. i* tm »■; p\ n::s u a, tie* sales continue to be ht e a made at doadilc for Kastern, and would died a cure, knowing then it would he >| PRICE AND STYLE, low We gis a !> A l.i-i ••{ v .- nd i..n- S‘2.Ji Bolifioii. I 'A'" men .'o' into a o\'e » 1:i \\' |ii on was lie we eonhl with perfect j .|U:liT«*| yi". thought eimipete dd id4c tor but at these the de- value t-. nune ord.w o» 1 ^ perdoz. Northern, prices greater you. and -ati-I.ictory to me. I’or <$».*!O. fjoiu ;:!• „( diniv e in!i o ». rain in K• -iit il oi ^ i" u.-ky, oid on.-killed 1 millhrs in some classes nt md i* not brisk. am will -’ll-, \ I. !•. \ i>n In- "an -, and r;u I foreign building of I now able to that a cure b- etiVcbd ufbT the ennui:- i'ti.v J:.-.a ,,, 1’i'i‘ina- tin report lyiv •il,v 1,1 lie HI \NS—We Western Pea THIBETS, I Me. died '!! M th. MV iliut of 11.. \ sseh l iie increase in quote lleans at $1 Si, and using the remedy tor tb month Siu'etiiig. t.ond >i l*.it: \\ .. >,..ii!V •’I' IiM I 1 successfully. prices Kastern at 1 not '-haw!. Hen *. t';p-i:m re s \ i i i t V\. ! -nil of s < met" 1 hand-picked 8d Go; mediums at 8- Gong :■>; have used any now tort hr*- months, md fe. 1 Pant nd •, i;. -1 n n oi In- r<- mi. I P. li ip> mu!'.' lime iiutd for labor v. ■ one that had increas- j Ini act. paid thing 8 S7 bush. well hi all els as I large \Y hit 'ouutt I a n 1 : e.. -1 pi yellow yes per respi overditi. OTTOMANS, p te., ,, VKK 1 or lie;- is no number ol -orb v l.v le- |»i i' 1 -ali-l.e tor\ ed lie e.el of a res el. 1'roiil ISA.? to 1 Xt>0 TA11LKS -The receipts of Potatoes are sutli- Votir Huciiu being devoid ol any and ta-te and! ■ ;in mahw of' vr.un a ;•! t whom this |,ook unple.i.- will ii'.'i ei'-iit to the demand at 70 i7Gc a the ('oil*. Hi; H-und iisel i!, a ledher -u. >on add- the to supply per bush. Sweet odor, nice tonic and invigorator ot tin-system, 1 do i'.;y Agent,;;: v | III- ip, p Ic at hi- from Si.An ss.yiin, now 1 i‘ 11 I'll. I 'oi land \d\'<-rl i-i• r ! ri,■> I.* make t v. o Id paid yard Potato*'-? are dull at 8 >ad Go bid. for and not. mean to be occ ! EPPiL r Wool IMauke' I >■ \ •, nt, I‘m ptin- in inail.” Mr.Peal in- per Virginia without it whenever •.‘bon may jv- NES, heavy !*•.jilin ,, |j nd I 1 lint-.- ml Li. lie nail l Ii "in •S-’.on to s.t.if davv .b i'-eys. onions continue firm at 81 '-‘G per bid. ils use in such al Vctions. U. Mi a '< »i: A! 1 * Soilie Wool tl'e S v\ Si!\ « \ ■!•.« l"'lie\ 111 .! tin' Ian a ■• .•! pay per quire K. j .*'•;!! I, ai' up drain ( art is oh Manhood' !.. Imt even Hi it in rease did not mu Klii.'l I S Western Apples are tn better supply and ^Should any *i*mht .Mr. McCormick'- t.-dement, lie or .v'.gio in c ish. houh in th. hand' ot m:i< in prevent re-j nd old.” that ••!{>'. prices have declined GOe per bbl; good lots are selling to- ters to t lie following genthumm : EPINGLINLS, I’or an «v:•«!«*r i%i' ^300. |,:;n- Chronicle. with r a- M.ii.d i. tie nations, American at Go common dre « ,1,’ itr. Cart I-., is oin ot the |e\\ "mpelin;;' d-:y .fl per bbl. and Apples at $dad Go. lion. Win. liigler, ernor, i Vnr.-. i\ .ids. 1, we will iiay th< A. .• •, by hooks 1 le a he. ii Oi 'M ■ •! Which e li. lav d lim to -idel'.lhie »d k 0,!' :;l't*lllld <>L!i< of are S!: ■- U .- u .r the chin.her o| Inin- workmen could accomplish more in a dav descriptions fruit without change. lion- 1 hoc H. Florence. 1 ’!ii 1:««F■!>>!u ■. LYONS good | f ». strictly I’ortlai d 1 POPLINS, Ac., .- u. lie moral hi month. \ d\ HAY We » pioic--ion and nu'dic il in eri i-er. quote Kastern cargo prime at 8-Mav'l, and Hon. .1. C. Knox, .Judge, l'hii;Mle||•id.*.. w.ateh, Kirh t\ i, :--o; ;il U >! !•*=-, m j.•vc.p: it nai- than ineelianies. lielore tile war in" ’; ler it inv foreign Vermont and Kastern the car load at Hon. d. S. ( mere, or :• in e !i. ihiahle. Lama t. 1 li t! \\ oinaii In n't l»r. *).•• :: wilt: prime by 8--M'-'G per I'd.ifk, ,Ju‘L:e. Uhiladelpld-i. h- r pi-t< i iii’ii mi an each •• M la’-o'od.' idle built -hips average year. tun ; inferior qualities sell at 31G.il7, and swale Hay at Hon. i). It. L'orter. ex-- .overnor, 1 ’em:-\ tvami:i. /;, 1/1-1 lit 1,0 IP «. W«' do not empl.n m.v ir.i.-::. \ -p and experience and reputation of l>r. /<,•/• * nrti' in •rentm. ■Main, ha- -he? t ton. New York ii >\ th- ni ot tin th. | (on I lien lie could a ion I ton from SAA.ttiil) 8i per .Straw baled sell' M 8do 00 per Hon. Kllis Lev is, .Judge, t’LiI adelphi i. totiii'rs shotild of p H. to p. Ji|,i .... ;.: in th ship licie is 1 ton. Hon, li. (iiier, .1 udge, I ni'ed si lie I'.mri. be our agent'-', unless i; mil on lit.ti d. pamphlet la-jiaticnt trit ir.iniee, and \v> d d. ’I'll' Hath I 'll!- :\ M to since tie war il eo.-.: from r\ s tor -.111 ten I w.-i\. fe,-i ill yvo.ooii. s7A,lino lion. (L \\ tin- Work it.' iniim n e eireulation. l*.ti!v '• Woodvvard, ,Jedge. 1 ’hiludelpliia. \ s. \ h m siE'f.i*. 'll \\ a- op. lied '!•..? Ol \\ al.lohnro l.\ lie if tic was re- I mtes. .ssii.ilitil. navigation law Hon. W. A. l’orter, City S..iieii<>r, lMiil.a ielphia. ’S’Kasiciae fl.a'/r. * in*. ait- IIS,Adi ALPACAS. s -‘i hv til on r, ot hi.viits. Addle—the An i-arlh<|Uakt it would not benefit the interest anv. CATTLE MARKETS. Hon. .John I tig ler. ex-< iovi new, C dihwnia. voipt pealed l-'ol* lllll i.'S «| d t W o !l|i i>; ! !.* n,:. l; an — lion. F. llanks, Auditor . C. parteli: rh.tjuii Street, lloston Mi In New lirun-Wek the eraek.-d lie believed that ii' the AT BlilCUTOX, CAMBBIDUK AND MKDFOUD. W'a.-'iiugton, 1 H cutii.jiiak.- tli« (irmly government And many others, i; necessary. y in this con- I V \ i v i Y I i vV ( ) ili "I not Oct. isod. Sold ev The rush ln*li-' and tlii- u du\vn «• 11ilune*\ -. did do s,nnething for relief ol the inl.eiv-1 Wednesday, 20, hy Druggi-t- and dealer -y where, Beware ol Department, 93 & 100 Sum.dp :• Si.. Ma* trom its it At .Market tin week, 5171 cattle, ls052 and lambs, eounterh its. Ask tor I!« Imhohi''l ake no ether, Boston, SAVE THE CHILDREN. h- ■ would drive sheep J a-lii' r of tiie Merchant I’.aiik Ikxton. in. present depressions *•' Hum $ l.v.'i hot tie, or c. I.olth-. {or >■ a, .•. } >«*! v .*r- 1)1'u k_ ;<» t i* hogs, 25 veals. Last week 2175 cattle, 12122 sheep pei tinues unabated. is Multitude ot them "iiii'er, linger, ami die, becaa-c ot the out of tin; od to add re I». serihe in :i|j eommuni Every quality Mia M «‘d * 11» t l*i \:Ullt n si*i*)i i'i'! \ lid h, r-.nldnd it ship carpenter country. and 1 nub'', dsu fat bogs, 25 veals. any symptoms oian 'Hie onl> remedy lor these most njifii cat ions. I>. w is asked it' hi'could not M’oitoV om< sin! daiia* ron> of ill worms, in children or lc\t daV ('apt. easily rmcKs. Notice of of his nun! Address 11. T. II KL M H< )LI) from (o Assigneo Apponh 1 id >, i» Inumi in lML ».i M i'S make a out oi a house l.i 1*1 \ -\V< »ILM 111 I*. ship carpenter (milder, llEE.VE Kxtra a 12.00 Per 100 lbs. on and ('Inmil*..! presented 30 $L00- ipial $12.50 iMug \\ ..rehoa e. N i‘.\>KUI l-1 ( •« Distr.rt 1 .M Al I.' '. Mai-’ v -r late, -ate end certain. \ valuable eat liar \l“*Him a\ ill' \\ tie. It; la 1 i!a doWll tile and he answered In First .... 12.50 a 12.00 the total V.' 1 Hr I aed m that he would rather to ijual $ weigh! .ad.vvay, A. 'i 1 l.iiul, the fourth tl of <*• !••!■• r, A. D. deial to health. c. IP a >i> \v 1 \ \ Second do .... a / til Iv < *1 111. la molls mil- ll.'.o 12.25 of hide, tallow & < tl !i<1!'i•!:v ol II tin! and a.I tint oVerwljcllil.'d till make one out of a person who was perl'cellv ON K AUK 11A UIN ! i l A ’. Fm |>ONK 1 F i A The !lilil< ni'. liolie. !>'. :j,> oint- drueoM'is. Third do ... 10.50 a 11.25 ■ dressed beet. ment :i- \--isin-o oi \Y i I I.1A M Fb'i i of < thill 1 ^ lalinl v Ui ! >Tli st» l-eii'/rave«l wrapper, with 1 e -iie.ile o: inv ei,l‘. n, in New I alii] i-hin- 1,1 \. ,1* ;ii/n. green about the Use of tools. We must Poore, cows, bulls, ,tc., $s 5o a y 5 ». keep grades Lie-mica! warehouse, and -ieiien WATERPROOFS the < u Uoi Iwiox. .. in! Si,;, oi \i:mi,. v.iii'ia ml our men at Wopkinc Oxen Kxtra, $25o a $225; 15o a ill- Atlantic home or we cannot build up the ordinary, it. II LLMHnL! >. 1 *i>tl it *, who !t,.s ii inijiitiyetl .• 1‘. luhnip!. u;.«n i! li'IcaTiph nnii.nine. tin death ..{ 225 ; a 125 > handy -deers, $150 per \ NI ■ interest Of late it was the custom of pair. petition oi Is er< i trie! < % u i! .. t -o' years Milch Cow a a < lhi Karl nt l).-rl-\ -! 7n. -Kxtra, $s5 115; ordinary, $50 so. OIWtllUjdiOM. District. 1 ! L. MV. »v f, i\ v- u. new \ e.-mels to on the other side of the •Stocks. —$25 to 55 t<> two copper per head, yearlings $is 2>; 1 >:'. Sl'ili-NCu’s l'l I.MONH SYiS !• |or (lie rare o ItiV 1 I tUhleM, ■ « 1’!'- -> > obis $2s to 15; 2 olds to ... I;«• ; Im min nh»n\ in K! I 'm a.k I water a-it was a deal unless year year $15 Cough-, Coltie ami Consumption. great cheaper, Siiei’.i* and Lamps—in 2 oo lots, $2 oo, 2 50, a a 5o for l>it. ,S» iiKNi.'K'.w I ii.M: »or{he Mire ol 1 > v Minty. ( alilmnia. where the was L intended for the eommon ones extra and selected 4 5u a C 0 ; 5 15 ■ AiKIITGS. perhaps ship per head, pepsia ami all the 1 h-bilit-.b .1 Comliiion -; «•. t'n- Mom- s ~'w^/ IIiI Xa sjj_> or 1 iiubs, $:! 00a5 00, or from 2a7c per lb. I hilt, riitdd. tin N-w \ m A -i-tai.i '1 South American Pacific trade. ach. BELFAST ivasmvr. I2al5 Swine--Spring pigs, wholesale, lie, retail, per Du. H< 'Hr.Nt’k's M\ni»i:aui: 1 *; lor Di c.i-r- ol nupli ih .} in mid ;• iinhlina. ha- r \ \rr. ( ,w. i>ayid i:i-:.M UiKS. lb; Store wholesale llalSc 12aif.e cut signed. pigs, per lb.; retail, tile Liver, or to act a- gentle Purgative. We Ogarments Sliui.tle Se Machine! fat lo 2-lal 1c lh. wing i mi- *. \\ h-t*a -aid in the <-l. peril*, hogs, per Ali ol these three im-dieim's are .dton in cur- f i»ratt -1 K inn ivqaired napp 11 n> -.s -Brighton,y 1-2 a lo ; y id l-2e lb. li liegg-'d h ave to ilill'er with ('apt. Kvan Country, per ing (’on su nipt ion, though tin- Pulmonic S. a tip .ilone ha-, S'11 Is to <>F CHARGE Dye ni'fli I/./A'/.' o.Y /.’"/'// dcr ilia lit i ^onse! “llir nil'. i. cured mans e.t.- a to cause- desperate Mu Se.nvvd ionic and in the of deterioration in the — gard S i\ > s skins, 75 cell!:; Lamb Call i' Sheep Skin-,'..' Mandrake Pills assi-t in r. abating ;!:• Stomach anti I that \ n ih Ian nil |. -nil i" t in- 20 a 22 cents lb. when the Goth is at the la of American seamen. We must fur- Skins, per > .ij.-ni go Liver, and help the c: e.;> t■ .ii -; and e.ircli purtdiascd S .. — Nr.wcli of -X”3 JL jl“ j&j s.. C2 X tOl £“£ '' Pori.TPY ls.t2ne Ihsul -11 i. •. a -1 la Id Kxtra, per lb.; 17al7e. the blood ill- !.- nr vidiW !-. j l.nt tin n- ther back. We are to make medium, through vessel1 wiiieh aC'.tlrC Mills, Ulr, wanting ships p > or liiat»i 2- lo per lb. efleeted. t STORE. S iolmd. 'amen on. (Jive us them and the i; V. I, l’1 A ’s '. 1 M int ( > n > ! > discipline These medicine iiveon-ci.-ninni-ly d ;o lhr pub- 111 >oll;i .-. < >i.! !■• i-fiv e«l ;ii ini- i • Y K i 11 >i ;., ■ ; on our w ill rise in Some- lic a.*? the sale, c< rl.uiu mid reliable n uietl;. f.»;• Pul- |i. i 11 *' * *1' a *1 in <»i t ii liip proportion. only 70 •/•///•; /.o;.s/• / 1/ Itihih-i ha- hern dt in and llonr.u. v xuhr.r. p-mile.I ■ lor all Ihnv Dye must I done for we can't monary ..iisumprion, moibid .mudi- thing compete SPECIAL NOTICES. tern lixo. < Mil. e. vh- IV ;!' •; ,!• \Vi!I J i:t I > K.n.-nil Hall. tions ol the body which lead to il> i.-q.d disease. Liver ; j i i 1,10 i, 11 i: n s i; >. with foreign builders. At (Kucher lie can ami are ...Men idiennnier- cd Con- teil'leii io. Complaint Dy pepsia ■ 1 he lv ni.--!.- .! l’ .rl < in l1!,. |. Mft oi ; n ..tub i rnai mn. to u- eiilaiy, d and have a lli'iit Ion built for -SdS in sumption, and when llley 111 uiie-t t ’ c! \ e they re- hip gold per todT IhibiH moist. ( Menus, o out o! i! .,i r .: v .• OH EXITIHITIOH AT the most M town, ri., I. t! •• "I -juire prompt allenth-H. 'i n-' -Iniirnai i and •' i»- well midimt- Ion. if we had the drawback allowed w Wharfage Inive >ucii woi!; .iot:o ;; 'o i i ! 11111 ■»i; in .. Storage, l lie Pulmonic a medicine .s 1 Syrup which li had a a aid.:. ;'- nii.D , and \ niueli eon id then hold our own with nation. Oa the principal Whirl in the harbor, at reasonable long probation beloro the 11< value iias been > :iii) pivtt any pubiic. ■' -• ■ ■> 1 Woolen Under- I.:. i.-' D!o:iI. i.M S i. ,|| i.:!.• 11 ■: » .5 in. i.i term 1 ot the thousands of cures it h i- m .-he Goods, Flannels, ■' III at a Iievv paper hold d "■ \ *1 ill it tiie demand for ve-s.eis is less nquire proved by thr.>ugli a pniil ir Although eh-iii 1 or i■ .1 :uoi v iih !.; ! t ill Vi Kl. ftl.UPMMT. period ol more than thirty-li-. e in ail ol which than it has hcen, we would continue to Imild time il- has mid tin iv n.-n * '; Am i. \ reputation!y iiiejvn-cd, garments, Braces, Stockings, \ * wlm mad. tii a -jiiaintali-. of a I i• Ji<■ el\ ».; j• i■, | s .1; V Mile, re, as before the war if wa could do u as | most obstinate skepticism can no hm:;er doubt it i- eliaap- tie I me! ( ■ ; > oi !. •< i- •!' .,,'i ’v 'l -rk h. ii- nt >• Turner'll Veiia'al^hi ■•’ill: 1 he great remedy tor a which be e •••■• Wool, N- V\ |-nlt. Mill! -i alii. 1 remedy may used u ith .nil In, in all c Scarfs, Collars, and Xi 1 tb.« ti ;tinl he e, Mini; !y. urtilf/iu and all X< rrou-i More than luO.ouO which admit oi a ciire. Paper eii, 1 1 I to a low Hull i. lidulM r. jm-k.-V lie a d himself a in fat or of cured by it in the last two years. Price mail, 1 pack- If the will billow 'in- .Invelion- n 1 /•' c.xprc repeal- by puticnl per-evrringly an endless of Mn /’ /•;/ 1/ \ \ Ml- r. age ssd.nn, -ti $5.37. ce: ;■ mini \\ ith hardi> a -♦-.•on.: h;,'t to hi ha- k. we packages I which accompaii) each buttle, h>-will inly b--i uia d, variety ing the navigation law, :othat could pur- The Loriiiine Catluirtir Vegetable ■•ill;— i( his lungs are not too much wasted in hi ;i nnv pc- chase in and then with the Tin be.-t known tor all Diseases of the e WOOLEN AND mm mw EYED markets, lilood, siblt*. JO Veil ill a -Vs I! ! ^ 'ii .% '. toreign remedy Iippo-. d to be ill. able, w 11. a so ; pniiiar-i \ ni k. n Im vva• i. !•. md ear- articles, cheap ui -j our builders could Stomach,, Kidneys: lor Headache, Rheumatism, friends and physician- ha\e de-pdied, tin a. •>( this Mere!; in: h.e. he r 1«; •• draw back allowed compete HHiv n l I h\ and in all cases where a is 1 e hi irl ni-. 11.n,-. .-dli d cathartic required. Price by mediciiKJ has .-.:vvd tin1 liie oi tin rest onI st> I. \\ i‘i f.n.l it t til.:! IO ;• ... j, with olliei but not be successfully nations, mail, 1 box 31 c!s -5 boxes $1,18,—13 boxes $3.(14. him to health. that e -I i111i-' 11!! lIi Dr. Ham’s Aromatic 1“ I" I and nt h- all I.. perfect ready Invigoiator |a how ie TURNER t .1e ■ able to control the market and tin- &(;<>., 13) I’kk.mon St., Boston, Mass. i Dr. Sehenck ldiu -«• 1 f wa eun d in surli cir- ( ol iIi t.■'.1 i■ .;; 1 ., i■ n n .11. .hi m cany pieciseiv iDiiivf. from l!i> m. fm tic ill t: mum .’ !>■. t h* < knife. 3 m 1.’ such -I.lili Inn. •«»!-. >'\ in. i> n e. cumstances, and other- lime been tortu me.i hi ■ > above those on the other side. litany equally no VC t»! .ali'iul.- I' 11 u* Ill'I i! ot Ha II V «i t •* sale of them is :S ; he ie J ir t I 11 prices nalc jinlicioii-1\ a u *d Dr. Scheuck's mystery. pntl'il, n,l pub; w 111 ■ by >• ••• II making line-,) :: :u •. -t i t l> «i. to i-M'f 1. I-,'. Mill In the r.'i -nil fa mil \. Wooden we could the demand be ir, .! Si tie i: ! mu ships supply remedies, ji )• '::' t 'ii lirl I llilu Inatti I1 ii rill', mill "111 ■' ■K dl < ahin, .. r six tax was l)r. ‘Soie-nek does not that all ow ol s\ inf hmt her-in-lau “:i ku:iv .• for within months, and if the ASK Wilt Hit. FLAMS SHERRY WING HITTERS, soy Pulmonary t *1 n. ! 11 !*«•!•;. - 'no 1 In all lit u! ooi, ion arc within the reach of medicine, bill lie I. <;. a i i j :x Consumpl Oi.Mi. \ a ';i in- i Mini > < ii- and a idol." u ididrawn. and the laws •jiiirlc .Mil..I :n navigation repealed, And take no other. See that the of Dr. Clarke a u portrait a-serls, that otb Inn patents h:\e the In- Mli i-1 a- < .>t s emphatically Fea, I». •;>»-,• ., l\ in r.-m label tliers, >•.- we could ultimatelv in both, wood is upon the ot each bottle. No other is genuine, a a t[.-j N A:• I.. ■: r.i.. x rr.iii;, •. !•• 11" '"Id compete most alatming symptoms, sucii \tob-nt cough, creep- pl.iii t ami ..! o’. In i»or:ingcmiMit of tin SiomnVh mui -pe< illation iTeale- .\eiieim-n: atWheh- l in y are purely vegetable and will not intoxicate, <111111. tlsp and general even 10 •: and iron ing chills, night sweats, debility, I»o\v**!s in t ;n i!y m.iutno 1 <•!i• mi i. ;. ,i n>i slops. ill 1 AH Ih- nlli. that are ! to lie in and I lire- i | ipei; •!. 1 in I lit ■ ial-:. ill.-In.lill: tin- I’r- id«-nl, such a degree they oblige bed, pul liM'-sto .ii lit t> -t ot v. ars, A w im--gl is. I:•.i I■ t lie was net in favored' those I.• n re-admitting are their m:i\ Tickings, orbrina! oi nni-.ti. :. > when m, -1> w *• an- emr.M'ed ni < they given up by pity.-tri they iny ill ur. m.l ii:*n I j>17 ut :i:; ;n xplaiiiin--.'' r s can create m n v 1 built iii the l hiiled States and now stall be cured. No medic tl treatment fr oil iiuii.M j ! ...>ti. o| \v. I. ml >!> in' ,! t it a mmn medical institutf. but when llielumr- i-- diseased, and 1 ““ i" 1’ ‘'lhn "i ‘A ml in t.-d n.indholdi-r illidi'i a as were not what lungs, bully Bed limis !;o iM t.>|;. tin I nv ipoir il thru. t ;iiH :i <1 i• A toreign Hag, they eatv d to some extent oy D.-. Spreads, ■>v full > ici u v. i.lin nr -wn. t ,ini r. 1" extent To the lUtbl-e destroy .-d, PHOBA I £ mu-;'!. rutiriiu; tin* ..I Ill,-am Ih. !«. ,,f th. ln i.\ w a watili'il. In the lullural course of events iMOT1CFS. Scheuck's medicine.- If -’iiii All the proprii-tor i- •• t iul, I t>> :u< e in Scrofulous di tie-- mcb. ale i > > theft. tin ", were old, and ill fact there wa not a Wo h:u recently noticed “going the rounds” in the Also, equal Linen in •lilt’s1 in' 1. put u;> I In- 1 ii ;pi,.; t- efficient. Dr. Srheuck iias oi a number Towelling, •*> 'I : 1 »• .'1 to mi ly photograph- |U.1-0 rtitl.Mi: 1 ”, at of them now alloat. Maine a eerliticate from DR. of :i < 11 'on m I 1.11' V in papers covered with At Prob.ti 1 the ilmn nt Ih tide w nnt. .| at •'■ all many BUCHANAN, of persons who have been neai by running •\ .ii. II -i •>!.. Solti ! .1,1 tlni::r. the ot \\ tMo, t h. -11.:, e! »«'.»! :-. Philadelphia, purport of which is to holster up Dr. and now healed up. Ihi- -how h- pa: dying i'! Hie aim h -lit wig 1,11.1- I.OltlM.'s UKMAltlvS. ioivs, Toilet with the to b-.d < i i in tin- Quilts, A. l». P i'1.1. earlh.Hiake i.. A. SHAITI CJ\, of Justice to ourselves which mud be done in-!o,>'.(o:;. .snosa^ *b. wa tiirs »\ Augusta. properties, S ! I-.I*.i < P«;n\V N .• 11u; ! ralri■ d t hee-1;;;. .>i imek in N. w I ii”lalld. \ 1 U S >a 55 t. 2.5.. -eiinii- .1; :iii*hane. n Mi n Yarmouth said and the the lungs. i: Lining, shipbuilder, ptihlio requires following explanation of this in treatment. ol i: i ot tin ulmo-t 1 llenjamin llrow u. late ot r. -i' t,iu id Count ot \ I the r.»n.-ump:ion. "*tHl leriea i to have !;d >| ;| i,1 Mill' In' I'uulil lln Hemp ie-an!i .! her c. n I and it. u Mlppn-e.i , Hull before till' get frame "f! ailair, which speak- lor itself. In a letter dated, importance to gi\e vigor an 1 a in all by lorn to tin sy.-- Carpetings, Waldo, dn-ra-ed, having ; account el administration m dd l.d- lor ;! *wam il.'ln ereil limn ( nii.ulii for >'10 to sl.'i Piiir.Ahi.i tem. is necessary to lengthen the appctiie ol HOME SHUTTLE imiia, 1SG9. ■ < all- la 1111> Kept. 38, an ox- a ■: < .■ *t s !■ ha-l I'nm inch «,t !m\\ m, Til- r. d; a -1 a. nourish- be found in and Ordered, Thai tin-- ,:d lmim drm all d 44 the patient and improvi the th-.ipcr May Stock, inn! uoi\ il I limn win to -:J:t DR. IUJCH AN We received inlf! sti d e:.u i a r »1 M.: :■ e> pi ion, per AN, says him, (Khat. ment. is wit it -ueii mein wilt make persons ny iyg ,p> ;..r required, together Ih. tin-eaten- tn -wallow < harle him as three necks -an er- i\el. in tin P. i.uM'eaii lip lnwn. loll. tuck) ai d treated a gentleman on account ot DR. tile lood easy digestible. i h uni s m..-t ••nimble tor piddi-lnd animation of and t tr •: m.i\ !' | n-.- in Dr. price quality .loiirnal,printed licit.i-i, !! aj p. .r :.t I h' a: one reason no more (< KEENE; as he informed us tint he had been with Dr* the diet ot consumptive patient.- design:.ted li»-di al »|. that was hjou p in lie lielii",eil IImt be a •• « epl. down why are di -1 r 1 D:i d-d i I on -1 bate (’- ,-|m ate \vi Imilt was that could In the most nutrition- n iicle- are it' be is ty, Tuesday Sewing I. ships capitalists general, highly solicited. earnestly clock before and slew cau it .; t ha\ u h !. sili. <1 "int the hi-t SI WIM. M.\< HIM. m lest lIn ir in bonds and special attention from us. After he went home to An preterred ; but the dige.-d i»v organ-melie streugtheard noon, uy !;cy you money government !•«• 11"- M il k' l< .! Call .1: ! !:<* in make either food c medicine -er\ice. hie. !b" aim- should no! allowt 1. j• he wrote for the enclosed we order to a rate of interest without the lax gu.-du, certificate, which A V lilt 111,'Hof!. dud e. gel higher This is met the Sea V. ed an tor requirement I>y Ionic, 1 I O gave with the clear understanding that It was to be Siiiioiiiuii Bros, k (m. A t rue Alt' !'., P. ! >, !'egi t• ;-. \\ I STRAW SHOP CAL n E MS, & c. and risk when put into shipping. this purpose it was designed. copy. lor his office and not for me .t» cod orilt r. the lie also asserted that of our best car- framed circulation. .Several Win-n the digestive powei pat Of S. A. BLACK A CO.. St.. Belfast, many Hie-\ sle:;i ol P •• pd i- iii in- High in Maine ha\e written me re* and I food has its proper elfect, To tbe ilonorabl. dud "1 i’».ho- :!i. < min* 5.1 thoi .m.;M v a t tie BS0 7RB-'. SB3S I’- * I \ \ \\ A1: > -lAiwa had left Maine and was ol' I he parties aiding this, o.\nvi.-r their TO LET. ••iiulyof MN.M i;\ S. rin- ut\ >torim penters opinion vigorated, amt the lungs begin to luaelion.- i i.i: 71 4 rss a n «: as it W aide ■ silent; hut involves our a manner. 1 In-ii the *' v 1 all if was invariably kept respected in normal and y ■ « I \ 11 (i •.! ! 111 attendance of' that would ex untuully go something healthy healing- A House, Well to ;l 11 U iiu.lia l,i «uanlia a of I d \\ Ih r.min ot will lhe cure. situated, genteel friend DR. (.KEENE, I aril not to be so powers the Pulmonic- .Syrup complete i. I I t- ■■! t ni in ad -.. \ not done soon to the business. disposed any family, who will boaid the lady owning 1 or heir of Preem;-e r\\w 11, would oil).•rwi'.i lu\i- t..,•11 a ver\ large au- help i- aline, t always complieati 1 LOCK STITCH I wrote to DR. K1I ATTL'CK and Pulmonary Consumption tin- and her child. Or looms will County, il C« a d, IV -prt 11 idly repre -cuts 1!:'T ad toluol lie held the same views on (In1 drawback longer. regarding it, with and Liver Foinplainl. mdieuc Man- house, El .4 'B’a&SI TiU^a OS' 71 r< 113 &4SS7J !'11 " 11! I lay ward’s I Vi-ouat imi Mutcrtuiu- Dyspepsia ~bc let to a and wife. is seized and posse- cd ol c« rt a in real e-1 ai. ;; r»i -11»• in he answers me that it will be taken out and used as drake Pills are intended to remove ob-l r:i;-tions .nun the IIIIIM gentleman Apply as the other only an uudi\ idc-.i fourth ol I he In u. ii;io- all the appointed obtaining Jir.-t intended, I this but the entire healthy they an on oiler <•: :!iiitv I1> arrasttei! fair iite 4 we were regret exceedingly, Belfast, Oct. 25. 3w hi of said deceased ; t hat advant.;g< If protected for a lew wliicli is ascribed to c doe.n-l or “him- hi.: ai d 1 !."■ U oil. all- a r !iad in-.!) »•./in jai led for. M 11 a v- years by in etlicacy seven do- ton dollar i.-as bn*a u;ad' -t ii ll.’l'i .u, mistake was my appreciating Dr. Dr. (j KEENE’S a iele ot mincial by ,s\ .1. H/ the law we would therenfle.r fur- are warranted not. to contain part any all con- .\ri\\ u navigation ot said l nity, which otier it i- lor the interest ot I'll'!" It I hi III I a here nil confidential and him as such.” These cure the nm.-i on.-t mate .{mil Tllc.-daV, student, treating poison. pills costivemv-s, EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE cerned to h* <-d till le d to be nish to at the same .oid ill >t!ier immediately accept, pro 1 superior ships foreigners sick headache, biiiou- :ii.-ci.on-, ilis- l ‘i: laughter. rendering bal- built wen- also of Hie black- l’ills invaluable auxiliary Mr. CIIA IlLPS 1 ri! \ N 1*1.1.11. a ■• 1 • pathetic they many ment referred to in the certificate was the treatment of SIIACT & lllllliVN, lieu. Agents, (’anul.n. Hi. tuidi-r aiii-l, li iti" } 1 nine \.;ir- in tin- bn-, the ot the u it i-'iit and assi.-t the Pulmonic I i> ai-o tine, in into a- interest sinterings m.sot MAM I \rn 1:1:K and IHiAl.I.K 111 very fusing them, he does, smiths, riggers and litters; lienee the Dr. who has become have been loam! imetul ii. (ireeue, favorably known through- Syrup in effecting a cure. They No other Alt 'H AL COAIl’ANY ha- ever made so At a Court of 1*: >! »;i t «*, held at !’•- lia-t. w dhiu ml lor tin- II aider and i- ill this when affected in ol here the lungs w ere al- touching pathos which quite irre- depressed everybody out the a of more than 35 advanced stages Consumption,w rapid progress i a the same pe riod ol existence, aud this ot the second Tiii-hv ot O : »b« :-. country during practice years and ail to County Waldron BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS, i-tit'lt I the same most, entirely destroyed, symptoms, according is’destined to become the most company in A. 1). InV.i. lie audience were especially plca-ed with way. in Boston. death. Un- popular the ot indicated speedy America. T I hat the i- to I he judgment physicians, PON the fori .going Petition, ordered. pet I.oatker and Shoo that heautiful gem, **c..ine this lie was very nmeh opposed eight We would advise Invalids and who were in a c.nm.htnn. | Findings, way. Father,” writ- all Interested to send lives oi patients actually dying U/j A tew agents of character and energy wanted, ap- tinner give notice to all persons interested, by months Hie use ot ScheiiekD V_j ’• ( hour as it. have been for by as above. with this order thereon, ii hv ol. A. \\ Wilde-, and founded on a loueh- system adopted by government, for Dr. (.reene’s medical book (sent free) and learn the preserved ply causing a copy id -aid petition, remedies. !•:. K. KM ¥alises, to i-.ill some of our best work- three great VIST, to be published three week- successively in tin- llepuhli- Trunks, «&c,, domestic l.ereavinent which he It helped away true means of cure and not trust their lives with Almaii ic, a full treatise on experienced. young l)r. Schenckbs containing tflii J. W. HltOWW, cati a at that they ma. iiis Journal, paper printed Ilella-t, men to the and create dissatisfac- and Doctors. various forms ot disease, mode ol treatment, and be at the Probm.- ha-hetna- read and admired as navy yards inexperienced the appear a! a Probate Court, to held 13 widely anything how to use his medicine, can b< bad At Plicenix Row, tion to the of labor ill our yards. Address R. general directions Ollicc in llell'a-t af'or»*said, on tlit' second Tuesday ot 11 tin price DR. (.KEENE, his WANTED. /JU’i* lakes pleasure In returning Ins thanks hi.s language. We tru-1 that Mr. Hayw ard nia\ „ratis or sent by mail by addressing Principal Dfuee, November next, at ten o’clock in the loreuo.*n, and In w Uvll Iriends anti the tor their and is 1. n -i to MU. JOHN K. SIMPSON'S liKMAlfKS. 34 Temple Place, Boston. 15 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. COAT AND VKST MAKKUH. Best same should m>t be public favor-, j '•"it u- and more No. /^I'.STOAI cause, if any they have, why tin* again, under favorable eireiim- and S- a Wei d -how and sell at low and small Price of the Pulmonic Syrup 'Ionic, V.y prices and steady work. For further particulars ap- AS \ i M P 111,01 < 11i, Judge, very prices pr-uit- any or granted. kind ol > in the above line. talies. some statistics hot tie, .Oh the halfdo/en; Man- to or .1. A. Ale. dwl good Mr. Simpson gave showing ouch $1.00 per ply address BliKidS, Belfast, A true copy. Attest II. P. Piki.i*, llegi.-der. Mrs. CLARA A. go cents per box. For sale by all druggists ::wl(>k 'O Most (’ountrv trad. 1 r'" of metals within a few SLEEPER drake Pills, r*r r* -"iftT espeeiallv Ki:< «u.i>. The rose on tlie 1 l> m (Hand Jury Satur- great appreciation d dealers. >'1 o .O# and il,, r. OF r 11 !•; subsen h r lien by gives public not ice to :ill con- .tfjg? 1/1 11\ llelbre the war our docks were over- rpiOACIIKlt PIANO FORTH. Residence at Mrs. p. with all kinds ol Sto.-k, rinding--, Ian.i si\ indictment for were found, years, 1 that he ha- been and taken supplied liquor selling \ lli'MMRLL'H Congress Bellas!. FOR SALE. corned, duly appointed ami Bl« ItlEk a! now are idle, lie vindicated Street, IttMH s HfioaiS Jobber*/ •n: taxed ; they tier attention to upon himseli 'the Iru-t of Fxecut». .situated in Norfhport, one mile from Sat- character of our and Benj miin i'homas, late ot Morrill, in the County ot priees. Hoad the mechanics, urday Cove, on tin; lleech Hill road, containing 3Kkk>T’» mi *3 to 7|and Sl<*(»w«iing time iudietnieiit wa re found against the of good \FARM Waldo, deceased, by giving bond as the law duvet'; he city are made in New York about one hundred acres of as good land us there is in with 7i«•*»If»<**»** ami I*. stated when repairs W’iinl K«'«'cli<*r 011 Mr. J.mies A. of Monroe, and then Imv all who an1 indebted to said Bellasi, and the towns of Brooks, ftwan- Bla'iary i Ki >. for use of the Will be sold on reasona- 111,1 "ll,‘ for felonious and In The by powers give it the most wood the place. 3PORrP3L-A.lNT3D breaking entering. work is $1 in Portland it is!?:!. unqualified praise, and to pronounce it an ble terms with stock and farming tools, if desired. Ap- !1" per day; indispensable • lt| B. Robinson and held in lios- part of the machinery of on DAVID I (h'orge others, strikes had affected the rate of wages housekeeping. Obituary notices, beyond the date, name and, aye,must ply, premises,to NOTICE [ Northport, Oct. 25, 1809. tflO •■■nispiraey against F. W. Berry, a bill of indict- ton and New York—increasing them, lie be paidJor. I rpil F(’opartnership horofofon existing hel ween S. 1 >111 ment w as June 7.r, A_ S. and George I*. Pole, nmh r the found. said he had some of building iron I K IIIMLEII In Northport, .'!th, Kingsbury Duncan,aged away,\V. hillaway knowledge > of iiIuiHoeier SPECIAL, NCITKJJE name and style ot 1 Mllaways & Pot e, is this day dissolved 1,1 1 *|,‘ 1 of facilities we 1)E lliitoano yo Imre by years. vs and with proper Oct. Mrs. wife of diaries Brad- mutual consent. Thanking the public tor past favors Northrop Northrop, involving ships, thought hi Knox, stli, Louisa, by one or ms: !l' the Gricat Spiritual MUM. Boston onr Mr. Geo. P. Pole, u ill he to se e his title to land in Palermo, on which the could with the Clyde. Remkhy, ttPEYOG’N ford, aged 00 years. [ papers pleas.* copy. successor, happy Jury compete 0:1 of friends at our ohl stand in HA\FoRh\S where us as the En- hi this city, Oct. -M, .Sherry A., youngest BI.Of’K, disagreed at the last term, a new trial was had. If will POSITIVE 1HO RELATIVE 1*0 U- VFSI business. Alter government protect George R. anil Hattie Carter, aged 1 year, months and he will continue the ■ we s. nil.I.AW A\ mg out till I o’clock in the their builders, II Hit*. If * A. the E. morning, the glish government protects your druggist hasn’t send a f or full Jury of Powders, Oct. -1th, Anna 1*. Emerson, go DURHAM, w. S. hi 1.1, \W \ ’i information address in aged cpai alcd, unable to can with them building ships IiVVirooksville, At the old stand, cor. of Main and agree. Subsequently the parties compete lirief of your disease to Prof, Payton s months. Washington Streets, llwir, GIOO. P. POTK the same description years and and iitted his store is to L. A. •‘•tiled the material, lie had compared Having enlarged up prepared GRAY, A, M., case and w ithdrew it from Court. any Bo< furnish his and the with Principal, and American work and was Spun* k, M. !>., 5817, Nuw York City, and those patrons public generally every- POUTL4XII. .Hulnr class of English in the Reader, did ever out in a dark SHIP NMWS. thing you go night, and satisfied of this. ni.mliM’ioiM, niniili'r'worklng Pomlert wi FRANK F. PARKER lias e sudden gimt of wind blow out your lantern ? are of Eu- OF 1IIF PI A NO, proposes to locate in He also showed that we ahead be mailed to you, 1 Inn O litixen Or FISH & GROCERY LINE ! rpKACUKIt TABLES. post paid. <^1. POUT BELFAST. JL this city. BILLIARD It i Mr. J. B. Wadliu, of lie was His stock consists of terrribly aggravating. ropean mechanics in docking ships, tf-EIsp ARRIVED. FLOUR, CORN, MEAL, He respectfully solicits the patronage of those dc ana this PORK, LARD, BUTTER, CHEESE, eity,oilers for sale a newly invented lantern that a of the laws. MOLASSES, instruction. TIE opposed to repeal navigation Oct. 21. Sells Gen. Meade, Cunninghanr, Boston; Ida SUOAlt, TEAS, TOBACCO, &c., &e. .NT PLY HEIMS, • annul he on materials blown out, neither will it smoke—two It are repealed and duties Morton, Cottrell, fishing. liti< l< ‘ii<*< \ <»■'-> 1 I i it Si. they YOlllfi MA Y on WOYlAX, 2d. Sells Kate Walker, Warren, In addition tohis stock of UROrERlEM he with Eu- Oct. Philadelphia; keeps 1WW. 10G SUDBURY STREET, highly desirable qualities. We have tried the in- removed, we cannot yet compete Z. Port- a assortment of FISH of all kinds. 11 ALIBI! l'\S Belfast, Oct. t*», hvi:P if you wish to avoid the destructive maladies which are Empire, Eurgnson, Boston; Snow, Thorndike, good and are we could do it in live HEADS, NAPES and at wholesale or retail. vention, know that it works well. They rope ; but thought caused by errors committed in or would be land. FINS, Boston, INTass- early life, MACKEREL in half old for freed from the chains of disease in- SAILED. W put up kits, quarters and only 1 .at) each. years. forged by youthful bhls. to suit customers. Manufacturer of 1M f.1.1 Alll> TAIU.KS, with the discretions, peruse to works of Dr. KKMAKICS. Ilayes, Consulting Oct. 20. Sell Banner, Curtis, Salem. tent Combiiiiition CiiNhiou, superior fhe tow ns and are their CAI’T. OYltllS STUUinVANT’S Physician of the Medical Boston. cities of our state making Peabody Institute, Oct. 20. Soli Adaline. Ryan, Stockton. MORTON’S GOLD PFNSI to any now in use, at reduced prices. “THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, or SELF-PRESERVA- DRY CODFISH & POLLOCK ! orders attended arrangements for the lecture From the lor re- Oct. 27. Sell Mary, Gilchrist, Bucksville. Tin: hest pj:.\ /v mi: iromn i Qjgr All promptly to. r.mosl J season, Sturdivant earnestly TION treats upon nervous and physical debility, re- Capt. argued Smoked HALIBUT and &c. Turns present without on Hie storation of manhood, &c., in a manner, and It SALMON, Quick I have received a and indications, Belfast will have to do and coal would lie list. masterly small is just complete splendid assort- lief, hoped put had become the most, medical work of the Oct. 20. Schooner of Me., and profits the word. ot the above eelebrati d Gold Pens NOTICE. a popular day. Boston, Mary .Jonesport, ment in a great variety course the winter. another season the showed the burden of taxation which Chatham coming By Me lay The Peabody Medical Institute publish it, ami also, bv was towed into to-day, having been found FRESH CODFISH every Tuesday Thurs- of Holders for desk and pocket. A small and beautitul persons arc hereby notified not to trust or har- on ^ railroad w ill that the same eminent abandoned and full of water Nantuek. t shoals. The • and on one bor C. be completed, and we can have lec- our commerce, and said pre the author, “SEXUAL PHYSIOLOGY 13 day Saturday Morning the arrival si/e lor ladies. Any wanting the luxury of a good \l.I• my wife, Margaret Spear, on my account. upon AND HER of a dead man was found lashed to the the Steamer of left bed and turers : the OF WOMAN, DISEASES.” See the ad- body rigging, of City Richmond, pen should not tail to call and examine them at the Having my board, 1 hall pay no hills ot lur from abroad. There is no u c in to diction of the rebels had been realized arm the trying vertisement of the Peabody Medical Institute in another bearing on its left initials “J. D. K." All the tfi* Goods delivered in any part ol flic ci> y free. Jewelry Store ot « UKIIVCV. contracting a1t« r date hereof. li. p. SPKAU. im a ■ in ol the crew were lo-t. l\ cum without a railroad. grass i growing our ship-yards. column. jrest Belfast, Oct. IS, 1869. lw 15 I Sole Agent for Belfi t, and vicinity. fnvlJ Warren, Oct. Is 18f»U. :wh.* 1 MY LITTLE WIFE. The cautious chieftain did not like the idea Qfir/ W1I.L UK FORFKITKD UY Du. I..DIX I of the his DUNKLEE’S V7* / if failing to cure in less time than any Tlio new intrusting of lovely following exquisite love story is by u poet, happiness gctu 'Jbbcrtiscments. other physician, more effectually and permanently, with in to the care of a celebrated the .July number ot Jilackwood—David daughter volatile, head-strong less restraint from occupation or less exposure’ to ail WEED! WEED! WEED. Wingfe, a collier from his ninth Golden Furnace with safe and year youth, however Haltering his prospects and $100 in Gold paid to an Agent with Com- Eagle weather, pleasant medicines. My little wile oil n round the church hill. his ]Je must lirst slacken his missions ! BLACK SELF-ABUSE ND SOLITARY HABITS, THE WEED possibilities. v Sweet dear little, neat-footed Jane. little, pace to the sober rate, a steady-going Their effects and consequences; Walked slowly, ami lonely. and thoughtful until befitting married man. lie refused his consent to the SPECIAL AILMENTS AND SITUATIONS, SEWING Tie- afl< moon lu 11 eliimed it- < all o’er the plain : j MARK TWAIN’S Incident to Married and Ladies- MACHINE And nothing seemed sweetei marriage, and forbade all communication be-1 Single rPiiK YKW BOOK. SECRET nEaT. To me than to meet her tween them. He did not even allow them a AND DELICATE DISORDERS; | '* Mercurial Affections- And to tell her what weather *twa> likely to l»e; parting, but himself escorted the young man The Innocents Eruptions and all diseases of the My heart the while glowing. j Abroad,’’ Skin; Ulcers of the Nose, Throat and body; Pimples on to the New York boat, and saw him take his the Face; Swelling of the .Joints Nervousness; Constitu- The -olli-li wi-h growing. With ail its humor, ami all its richness, is for ; coasts. ready tional and other Weaknesses in youth and the more ad- That till her affections were centred in me. departure irom these The whole of the is agents. press country praising it, vanced, at all ages, ot | to the house hornet Cornelia up- and every person who has read it is kuown by his cheer- My life once fti- hut true), Returning ful looks. One at BOTH SEXES, SINGLE OR MARRIED. -trange. the veranda, and her pale, sail face uttered agent Rochester took 74 orders in one Sweet little, dear little, love-troubled .Jane, |on day. We have reports like this constantly. Wo pay the I keener than words could have i»o. jl. deeply absorbed in her day dreaming grew. reproaches largest commissions and extra piomiumsas above. .Send to us for our Thi bell chimed and e a-ed. though -lie heard ! removed, lie believed, however, that she! explanatory circulars, and sample which is PRIVATE MEDICAL OFFICE, sent free, and judge for yourself. AMERICAN PCB- not it- -train: of wise on a 21 Etiiiicott Street. Holton. ! was incapable judgment subject LI SUING CO.,' Hartford, Con:'. .lSaN*. And 1. near Ipt walking of so much and was determined is so arranged that patients never see or hear acli other love ever | importance, M:i> cheer her. her in of herself. He Recollect, the only entrance to his office is Xo. 23. bas- to make, happy spite no Who think- all -iieh wandering ut -in void and ing connection with his residence, consequently no ! seen the evil of anti so free t, had imprudent uneipial family interruption, that on no account can any p< V-oo hesitate ft his otllce. strove hard to Ii« r and in those times the distinctions applying persuade | marriages, 1>R. D1X That He who had made her of rank were as here as in the old % impassable it Had i'a -tilled her no on* but me. in boldly asserts, (and cannot bo contradicted, except by lwart-lovt for world, lie never could allow a child of his "“FORTUNES From 80 <-tx. to is the result of thirty years* practical experience $1.00 who will or do per punt. the Furnace and not Fur- quacks, say anything, even perjure them hi the West and .South. How. why and where to lind business, only combines in one to My little wife—well, thi- wa- wrong— to hersell into ruin. He was not nac'1 all valuable and in selves, impose upon patients,) that he perliap- precipitate them. The wondeiful anil resources of the well tried principles, but steps .Jam*. progress 1 IS THK ONLY KKGI'I.AU Gil A III’A TIC PHYSIi IAN Swu et little, dear little, warm-hearted an austere man but him- | We a LARGE STOCK advance with new strictly natural naturally, esteeming country. Irmh. int< ie.-ting and popular. line illus- plans,following by ADVhUTISlNG IN "at mi her shadow keep however IJOSTON. the hill-ide till grew long. trations, A rare chance to make .Send for cir- laws, simple they may be. Viz: self tin1 side and rightful arbiter of her des- j money. SIXTEEN N >r i let I of tile pivaeluTthat till!- eollld detail!. cular to By exposing a very large surface directly to a small | YEARS he had former a resolution that amount of fuel. in treatment of a fact -we!! I trailed-o neatly. tiny. nothing l’i:oi‘i.i s Pitilisiiing Co., .Springfield, Mass. of these and make engaged Special Diseases, | goods a amount of air known to m my Citizens, Publishers, Hotel V ud proved -o completely, could bend. It never occurred to him that By making large atmospheric impinge Merchant, directly upon this large surface, so as at once to take the Proprietors, &c., that Jo- is much recommend* d. anil par- t, ...a- tail Andrew her husband eould he. offer IKMMi ACiFXTS WAXTESI FOB poor gentle and yielding Cornelia could op- heat to the rooms to be warmed. ticularly fo she smiled when I hle-sed her. of them a to his will. By taking advantage of comparative expansion and \n*l blushed w hen 1 kis-ed her. position ST RAN Cl KltS ANl) TRAVELLERS. “Come in the he said, and led the STRl thiLKS AM) TIMMS (IF construction of metals in the combination of its parts, An I ow le d that -lie loved ami would wed none library," SPECIALTY ! so as to prevent the escape of gas. To avoid .ad escape imposition ol foreign and native fire and more numerous in Poston m HERSEY & but mo. way. By preserving day night, by the modern mode quacks, than otln-r large WOODWARD , His daughter followed, and seating hersell' of mounting doors and regulators. cities, By rejecting all lire-brick, and non-conductors, substi* DR. DIN 54 Main in an attitude of | Street, BANGOR CENTENNIAL HYMN. deep dejection, wiped away P. T. BARNUM Good Linen tutinga very heavy tire pot, ^ 1-J inches thick at the proudly refers to 1’rolessors and respectable Physician? Towels, have just received another lot ot t ho- < at intervals the tears that left her eyes fin- points oi combustion, thus saving the heat hitherc ab- many of whom consult him in critical cases, because ot bis Jfucliiiu** «■ nv mt. < \. .idkpan. want of accommodation then'. WllITTKN r.V II IMSKT.r. IN O.M LAUGH Od’AVo sorbed by brick, and as melted coal will not adhere to acknowledged skill nnd reputation, attained through jually good for tin. or lien\\ u VOLCMK—NKAKI.Y SUO l’A: Promise mo to have nothing heivatlov you disobey tiHTTiNG.with Business,lor evaporated, only of const ruction. nee advertising in name- of tho-m ins. ru-d in the .simplicity eonw-ni. <>| “1 mean I cannot lie was ollered .fo.Ooo. We oHVr extra inducements to BEST QUALITY in the Market pints are now. diploina-q nothing; simply bind, but to furthe- their imposition assuim- names of other cel- uess ot arrangement, Ike. «*ur < radle owned thy constant « are : Agents, Send for page circular, with Specimen Kn- It is a law ol nature that the higher the temperature, -nch as name, and ebrated physicians long since dead. Neither be deceived 'i ex by any pledge you and terms to the more water air will and must contain. It Furnace Full instructions and mr tilth ulted in Thy love: myself gravirg Agents. at 30 ots. bv given satisfaction yu n i will not." .it. a. ass n» «& pop air be not proper will be ( Mir Maiidood watt- to Thee, above. co., yard. supplied by apparatus, thesupplv IIFJiSl V v \\ m )|• \\ Piil>li<»li(>rs. Klurlforri. Conn. drawn from any and all sources. Fvcn fron of QUACK NOSTRUM-MAKERS, I'lie ineen-e of it- warmest Astonish'd, and General the‘lungs false certificates and and prayer. excited, angry. those respiring it. If to be weak so much through references, recommend- they happen ations of their medicines the 4t4»a,Kenieinhcr that at *4 Main t ordered ids to go to her Ono wide the worse tor the lungs. lo/ dead, who cannot expose all the < and -hade-— Schuyler daughter Brown or contradict them; or who, to further their im- 1 Weed F.imilv Favorite H.rough enturyV light- and remain there until she was JUST NOW ! yard Cottons, It is a well known fact, that the Sirocco winds of the besides, It' and lurid blaze. apartment positions, copy from medical book-., much that is written golden gleam- Sahara ami Arabian deserts, become the air of It- lor on its installments or on the w Tin: rrr.i.[sm:i:s oi the r. \k<;f dotir.h weuki y balmy ofthe cash, ik | O of to ask his for her undutiihl 3ver qualities and ell' ets of diHeron* herbs and I’liv -leeple-- l!ye. Prince l>ay-! prepared pardon 1-2 Ots. aly, by passing the Mediterranean sea. after fif- plants areea.- and ascribe all the same to their Pills, Extracts, y ami the Machine the 1; l i. Benignant, watehed tin- Meet decade-. conduct. ing- lifatf«l, and taking up a proper and healthful per Specifics cent, of &e., most ot which, if not all, contain Mercury, because lhdfast, July gs, isd.i. .Morton was not the man lo he humidity. of the Washington lienee we claim ancient belief of its "curing but now The- \oeal streams, sing New York Observer this Furnace to be the most powerful, everything!” Thy glories known to kill more than is turned from his obstacle. All Linen Table 75 cts. as well as the most economical heater at in ex- cured.,'’’ and tin. a.* not \nd liill-. w-iih cot and crow nrd : purpose by any slight Cloths, present temple The oldest :u:d Hast Xt are it to killed, lor life. Instead of the of his true Family mspapcr, ottering istence, and will warrant our No. seven to do the work ot constitutionally injured \\ bile voices loud rc-omnl staying progress new subscribtr*s on favorable terms. Folsoms Patent myriads very Maniple “ “ any No. eight of any older pattern ever ollered to the HINDRANCE OF Ql.’AClv DOCTORS AND Improved events it run to Imp* rial honor- to their King! love, the just recorded made pie* with circulars, sent free to any address. public. NOSTRl M-M AKERS. per annum. All Wool 87 cts. the faster, lie soon found a to As to durability, wc will come under bonds that ! the of the way smuggle SIDNEY E. & they Through ignorance Quack Doctor, km wing Dental I’lai MOUSE, dll., C’O., ahull last as as reasonable man into the hands a in which long any expects any no other he relies upon Mkiu ky ami it Atmospheric THE BALLAD OF A BAKER. young lady’s letter, 47 Park II-Ni.w York. Furnace to last. remedy, gives to all his patients, in Pills. Drops, Sec., so the Nostrum- II tving pur.-I, I-* d ,,t I>K. | n all a lover's fond and blissful And will warrant one to | doc Brown, lie was a baker man. hopes expecta- Remnants M(‘nimae Prints II cts every give perfect satisfaction. | maker, equally ignorant, adds to his so-called Extracts, KCllI pi Jlordentomu X. ./ — 'Stove and Furn ice work ol all kinds and A Maker man was doe: tions were depicted in colors. lie C«I.a.E43E, promptlv Specific, Antidote, &c., both relying upon its etlects in nicitt in Waldo •.'ount take p|* glowing Hoard and tuhion Fur executed. *. *. II RltKiRY A [ was to wani rEMALE $2"S pr. year. catalogues faithfully Mki. a few in a hundred, it is in various olhring it to tin- putilu a a 1. lb- ne'er known for naught. also her the of his future course of GmoslS curing trumpeted gave plan address llev. .Iuiin II. A. 51., Pres’t. Yo. Tlaiu Street. groat merit. Thousands ot i-on- n \ ct Hi:aki.Lr,\', ways throughout the land; but, alas! nothing is said of p A nd he kneaded dough. asked for her convenience ol action, and approval. Best 200 Enamelled the balance, some of whom die, others grow worse and ha\ingt!uii plat* diup at mv at yd Spool are left to and sulh-r for months or until re- etl moment, while eating **i and i, And be was rugged, hearty, too. She responded once, and promised linger years, .-peaking, herj lieved or il cles of food, berry seeds, &c .collect under then And had a long life leased. fheeTthe MmStt cured, possible, by competent physicians. co-operation. Linen Collars ami use ot this improvement, all ditlicuItN is ma A nd all because lie rose with Cotton 3 cts. Cray’s HUT ALL QUACKS ARE NOT KIN’ORANT. up stars were forth from a cannot throw the hunt its hv an* The shining cloud- hll.LLSj m s- P.USI our HOI N. per Spool, plate pi lli- early yeast. *>YTOn- the facts are known to or pressure ot the tongn. Ned h. du \.. h, rising less The hour was The 11 JESi”, .1. W. MAsriiV, Cl., 220 p., $1.50. CUFFS AT Notwithstanding foregoing sky. midnight. lights Hy some doctors and to them in Free b mai! of 3I.ysi;i:y & Win quack nostrum-makers, yet, regardless keep their plaer. We n■ t on!-, To newr cheat hi- customers had since been in the ele- on’receipt price. tox, ol th< lilt-ami health ol there are long extinguished N. \ others, those among tlie Atmospheric prcs-uiv over th<-rutin rid- man w;i- H. L. LORD’S. them who even early taught: gant mansion of General Philip .Schuyler. Linen Finish Cloth Lined perjure themselves, contradicting giving And yet his loavc- were alway- lie lit. Papei mercury to their patients, or that it is contained in their 4#-Any dentist in this county infring'n •* The the silence that reigned so that the ‘‘usual fee” be obtained for or w. a lli- pie-crust rather short! deep throughout Call at No. 10 nostrums, may right, any person ring -ne'ii plat. .. (l .f of wa- unbroken voice or High St prolessedly curing, or "the dollar,” or fraction of it,” ol me, will he d< all nn ith as the law -//.'■ tr city Albany by Collars 1(> cts. Tiox. is And he was gciiTou- hearted, too. New Scale . per | may be obtained lor the nostrum. It thus that many Certain mischievous persons have rep.o' footstep. left And kind unto the needy. are deceived, also, and spend large amounts for experi- Holla t. Niinuraie living wit lit s-e- w I .'17Hi iron From-., Orerstrang Grass and tgrape Hridge, ments with such is not the And neat and ta.-t\ in hi- div--. Two gentlemen wrapped in cloaks walked Goods are in- quackery. ea-e. 1 have no intenh >n itIelwdeonH *kn«I ( iiblnH Ociini. j continually arriving DR. DIN’S Ami I will give public* noth'. when I «!... Although hi- cakes were seedy! and the deserted The best manufactured. Warranted tor (> Phthisic! Phthisic ! quickly cautiously along years. charges are very moderate. Communications sacredly tf : Al.\ IN Mi m *Kl, ! Pianos. .71t>lo4l<‘oin» a ml Prices LEWIS’ for the- Willi him non* dared to streets. Arriving in front of the house above Organ-* INHALANT, l’hthisie, confidential, ami all may rely on him with the strictest bandy jokes. reduced for ('ash. New 7-octavo Pianos LARGE QUANTITIES at our es- over greatly $275 secrecy amt confidence, whatever may be the disease, con- Wln-iie'r he -ought the mart-, named, sprang the and New Ilelievcs [1 they paused, lightly upward. Cabinet Organs $15 and upward. Always (litfou or situation of any om married or single. l ur w< I! they knew his repartees the of Second-ham! instruments and tin1 most cases picket fence upon velvety turf the yard, $10 upward. Monthly Distressing ot l’hthisic in a lew minutes. | Medicines sem by Mail and Kxpiv- to all part of the STEAM BOILER WORKS W'-re than hi- tarts. Inhaled -harper and a which must have been instalments received. Warerooms, -*S»1 Kroadway, N. tablishment in Hayfork’s with the breath, it goes directly to the Lungs! United States, gave signal, Block, and air I.l. kinds o| steam IJoiler*. f.ocoui !i Y. Horace Waters. cells, and lelief is immediate and certain. All letters requiring advice must contain om- dollar to And while I -ay hi- skill was great preconcerted, fora window above wa- Flue, Marti ( sottly lsf.b. insure an answer. s In a mullin. 1’ATENTED, May is, clo ai the\ an he m id* in I*.ostott or « ! * g« tting up and the outline of a was Til sC ISEST TYPE < AS553TITS. and we Address E. No. "1 Hndic.dt St. Ma raised, figure dimly all the novelties in l)u. l)ix, lioston, boilers taken in tor m d- Hi- pa-try tilled the mouths oi all. keep Price 7G cts. P»y Mail $1.00. part payment w; discerned from it. as if to PIJ ESSES unci PR 1 STEMS M ATEMIALS Uoston Jan. I lN'.u—1 .yi tanks, iron door.- and shuttermoke stack. /• And needs no further bending seeking J. C I EIVIM. pulling. Made and lurnished by PropriHor. iron work *lone to orchr. It* id allkin' discover who stood beneath. 11G0 llelfan. bailie, pairing YANDERIUKGH. WELLS & CO., New Yhkk, DRY & FANCY GOODS, at line prompt ly attend* d to. "li- -aid lie wa- a tempTaneo man : prices One of the gentlemen threw up a rope, Good Second Hand Cylinder tor Sale, CAUTION 1 AN II’.!. Ml I |\ If so. I can't tell why « which was A rope ladder was drawn > Corner of Washington N >ak S’ Hang M lb- mixed with wheat and corn meal too. caught. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! EVERY 51 AN for ever of a unprecedented cheapness To Females in Delicate Health. A i riil« of the rye. up, and after the lapse few minutes was o CO Who has a House to Paint. P lowered. It was pulled at IMMV. and No. 7 Kmm- Win n age at last o'ertook the man. again forcibly by offered to .w Physician Surgeon, > the Ladies of Tins Coun- >> < FURNITURE! FURNITURf those below to ascertain that it was REA I Y-MADE COLORS. © nu'T S .. lh >n, is consulted lbr all di-eas- Hi- Irani* grew bent and -ore, securely ’Sc D12. daily Known as ‘'Mailrond" Colors. Guaranteed to be bC es incident to the female system. Prolapsus fieri or An*l like the cake In- used to bake. fastened, and then the taller and more athle- o more economical, more durable and more convenient £ Falling ot the Womb, Fluor Albus, Suppression, and FIELD d MATHEWS His head wa- frosted o'er. ty. >1 tic of the two ascended into the apartment than any Paint ever before ottered. other menstrual derangements, are all treated mi new A book entitled “Plain Talk with Practical Q and relit t guaranteed in a No. I’lIF.NIN And v\ lien he died all mourned hi- l**— into which the window opened, and gave his Painter*/' pathological principles, speedy II, 10 bv mail on 8 lew So certain is this new moth with samples, snit tree application. o very days. invariably With no sectarian bias. assistance in the ladder The Please us a call and we will that most obstinate under fastening Jirmly 3! AS UK Y & Will TON. give p cc of treatment, complaints yield BELFAST, T**r In- had been a friend to all— moment for all her had Globe White Lead and Color Works, © it, and the alllicted person soon rejoices in perfect health. summoning energies >1 [Have a Splendid A -1 *rt tin nt ol > ii A cood man and a pie-ous. 111 Fulton St., New York, Dr. Dow has no doubt had greater experience in the a; at last arrived, and Cornelia Schuyler, aided demonstrate actions the truth of £2 I’A KI.OU miM l l 1; l;, uwr. .1 with II of Imitations. Established 1835. by cure of diseases ot women than any other physician in lb Slc., Dinin*.' Uo.iiu i-urniture. .,r L in- KmAPir. by her companion, stepped upon the ladder o Host on. pps, W I Furniture Kxtra Hair Matt re--e and the descent in She © 03 Hoarding accommodations tor patients who may wish Beneath thi- crust, of *'arth accomplished safety. IkTlsteatl' Chairs ol all variel11. upheave*] this advertisement. ►"2 W to in Hoston a lew da) under his treatment. | was so overcome with fear that she stay the ot Furniture. A well-bred baker li*-; was near- t Mead This! P Dr. Dow, since 1M5, ha\ ing contiiied hi- whole ntten- way Agents P u We manufacture mo t ol our .. .j And. like the rolls he used to mould. but the strong arm of her lover k w a il « tion to an office practice for the cure of Private Diseases ly fainting, s, a* a y a <-1: ats a a la it l P- o best ol which o o ack now no in the workmen, enable-u- W «* at last lie'll rise. < and Female Coni -, Iedg« -uperior hop*- and a walk them jfV of $.'IO week and xpenst s. or allow a o plaint •must to all w lio U mi supported her, rapid brought per Urge r. ally p... I ... commission, to ii our new & wonderful Simonton Bros. A Co. p. l oiled States. Inventions. All (F ot our . FIKLD. tl .. A I! MU' the earth at the The A NEW LOT OF For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, by York oily of their day than .Jacob and Wash- ing impatiently landing. was lifted on one of them, her M. A. IIOU CM A C O. Morton. They were both lawyers, trembling girl GOLD, SILVER, ington cavalier mounted the other, and GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC ti:ir Belfast, Maine. with an honorable at the bar of the biddingadieu UELtPAST place to the friends who had lent their aid in the in the most brilliant of its TEA COMPANY, metropolis, period — ami rode :*o. » ( EiriU lI STHEET, T1JK LADIES. The celebrated DR. L. DIX Coin, Bruits Bonds, The elder brother was for scapade, tliey rapidly away. rpo history. thirty JL particularly invites all Ladies who need a Medical or It was some miles over roads P. 0. Sox 550C. NEW YORK CITY. lJought and sold a in l highest price paid by CITY BONDS wars or more. Major (feneral of the First thirty rough Surgical adviser, to call at his Rooms, til Kndicott St., to Stock bridge, Mass. Thither the runaways An organization of capitalists for the purpose of im- Boston, Mass., which they will lind arranged lor their Division of the State Militia of New York. and to FEATHERS! S. A HOWES & CO. porting Teas distributing them Merchants special accommodation. in all haste, before nr During the war is 12 he was mustered into proceeded arriving day- throughout the country at Importer's prices. Establish- DU. DIX having devoted over twenty years to thi Theodore was the ed Send Price 1 he service of the 1 'nited States, and appointed light. Judge Sedgwick lsot*. fr>r List. JUST RECEIVED AT particulai branch ol the treatment, ol all diseases peculiar common intimate friend of both their families to females, it is now conceded by all, (both in this coun- V A I >MCI8fON t th Coi commander of the He was the military city. a man one or try and that he excels all other known practic- > feet i d. 11. -■ Ion: <<■ it was countenance and TI T’ANTEI), in every town of thousand Europe,) ]> Keveuue, just and counsel that ioners in « immediate predecessor of (fen. Sanford, who they >\ more inhabitants to manufacture (and employ the sate, speedy and ellectual treatment ol all to the internal revenue t o «■! ! I\ 1 IT i; an female complaints. railroad or bond.- t ei d.t f r i'-e of about the same duration. He was a Deprived forty morning by of all such as un- needed upon every building. Patent run out, j recto alt. diseases, debility, weakness, company. the excellent natural ol the also all 1 hi eou-iih < a ■ hospitable, dressed, well-bred gen- singular apparition, magistrate Write full directions upon full common size stamped suppressions, enlargements womb, ration ^five-. 1:. J f. if ity I. \ faultlessly ■ which llow state of the blood. A 1 > \ AN < ■ ■> listened to the romantic story with a smile envelope, told the ends together and enclose lor particu- discharges from a morbid I A 1‘, over ’he ? •»n I ,: of the and school of (ion. ■ tleman, polities The Doctor is now fully prepared to treat in his peculiar are 'Object to this tax III ! inuk. flu in •' E and a for the handsome before lars to REA BKADSTKEKT, Box tTA, Boston, Mass. Washington, and universally esteemed by blessing pair style, both medically and surgically, all disease-ol the IMPROVED. desirable in\i .dlilelit in II.e m .i K• i. him. female six, and they are respectfully invited to call at N early littv t!. a-and I.. I! n u WAITED. to contcinpornric'. $Tfs $300 per Waterproofs, The & best WRINGER in the Market. bl'lol'e the deci-ioli ol tin Cfinini 11« a Of course was but one Strongest i some there thing to do. month to sell the and Com- Xo. £1 Cmlicott MtreH. lioxtitn Washington Morton was his AC*BITS original improved ixn am. out r.i.r-. i*t:i l:i and iuved. i-s u ill tin.1 it to. tt, ,• ad\aut.ij*. years mon Sense Machine. All for The was sent and twain made one Family Sewing i Milt'i it a s lie at in parson for, complete l it /ii, lit a 11 a li e. eaiih. '...ill!, a ., junior, graduated l’rinceton 17*2. > It will braid and embroid- All letters advice must contain one dolhr to i lie with i.on'«; U"i i-.i.i: hh;s and tin $1 fell, requiring only Wringer ■ tlesh with all convenient hem, stitch, bind, more t ban ti linn’ iinouti! 111 t •• lie was a man of speed. er ‘“Lock Stitch.” Caution.— Do not Machines insure an answer. i• At i-;n vine to prevent the cogs from 11-p* young extraordinary pow- buy disconnecting rates. f I \lt I. I III #1: N l«11 It was some time before (leneral under the same name as ours from one those Boston. ,Jan. 1 1809—lyr when wringing large articles. er- of mind and of Na- Schuyler any except Hemp Carpetings tllO to I great strength body. certificate ot as are sensible per-on can understand that a Wringer could bring himself to be Hut at having Agency, signed by us, they Any ture had lavishly endowed him with her best forgiving. worthless cast-iron Machines. l or circulars and terms, having cog-wheeN which can play apart or disconnect last lie with tolerable to gifts. lie was strikingly handsome, elegant yielded good grace address or apply to C. BOWERS & < 0., l:.>> Spruce Vossol for Sale. when a large article is passing between the rolls, is little what it was evident he could not Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Fishing ! it any better than one without any cogs at all, becau-n in his manners, and a rare fascina- very help. Selling Very Cheap. when SE LEI ISI O' O U' I possessed TIIE schooner SEN ATOU, ::i tonsO.M. the cogs tail to boot service most needed, l'be t'niv4*i-«;il has not this fatal hut is liar- tion and tact in conversation. ‘‘TTIXT* OS liOVSK PAIsriSC." Is in good order and well lound in ails, objection, liy ■,. evening $ODUU')> Avenue,Baltimore,Md. No. 4 BULFINC1I STREET, Spool 200 >ds for Sets li is said that when he had finished his with her went out to saddle Cotton, company sister, Koverc BOSTON. ANK your Doctor or Siniggist for (Opposite House,) 12 and 11 cts \ walk, and thereby won his wager, that lie up her horse, which was hitched to the fence 1 Prints, !), 10, per SWEET* it equals (bitter) (Quinine riTHE Trustees of this Institution take pleasure in an- look a bath and made his and then a toilet, with rope halter, and having a kind of slip- M't'd by Stkakxs, Fai:u & Co., Chemists, New York I nouncing that they have secured the services of the spent the remainder of the night with some noose on the end, through which she put her eminent and well known Dn. A. H. 11 AY ES, late sur- A and well -a U. S. N ice President ot Columbia College large selected Philadelphia choice spirits, and the friends hand lor the purpose of the horse rnilE best TOOTH DOW DEM in the world. geon Army, holding JL. Send for to Dentist, Xcuadu, Iowa. of Physicians and Surgeons, &c. who had him from New on stamp sample ARRANGEMENT FOR TIIE SEASON OF 18(H). medical accompanied York while putting the bridle. Not holding his This Institution now publishes the popular DK V GOODS to lie rim t ,| Pklsi.k- on horseback, over a supper table which had head high she gave the horse a Two Steamers on the Route! book entitled* Tin. S< ikm k «>i- Lii k ok Sell nearly stmam to.hi. enough, slap, written Dr. Hayes. It treats upon tlm been in his honor, where the conviv- which caused him to raise his head Aromatic VATION,’, by spread suddenly, Vegetable Soap- Errors of Youth, Premature Decline of Manhood, Sem- is now established a WONDERFUL SUCCESS. before t tetober, at iality was probably more answerable to the thus tightening the rope around the wrist of Tlnw Per Week! inal Weakness, and all Discuses and Abuses ot the Gen- Trips erative Thirty thousand copies sold the last OVER NOW IN greatness of the occasion of a a,ro Mrs. At the same time oc- -00- Oryans. 40,000 USE, century Cap]). something year. It is indeed a book for every man—young men in than at the FREIGHTS REDUCED! and most of sold w mon- present time. Kverybody knew curred to him. and he startedolf on a Price only $1.0». them ith the guar.mte. that the llotail or Wholts.tit frighten particular. would be refunded it not liked. in those The convenient! run. the unfortunate with him This Institute has just published tlie most perfect trea- ey everybody days. dragging lady ON and alter June 7th, the New and Steamer If not. foil ni I for sale hi town, and vour -tor- ■ Elegant tise of the kind ever offered to the public, entitled any keep and Democratic of re- one system over-crowded for nearly half a mile, a N ine- “Sexual Physiology mi Woman and Hek Dis- er refuses to get tor you. l ireiglit, alter a imperfect obligations get found by her For the Delicate .Skin of Ladies and Children. KATAIII Mystery of Life,— Beautiiul Offspring,—Buauty, its value ISTo. 13. ISTo. S3 )IN, mouth's trial according to directions. as once or twice a brother-in-law and another man, Mrs. to Woman,—Marriage,—General Hygcineot Woman,— charged imperfectly year Cap]) SOLO HI ALL HlllJOGDTI. CAPT. HENRY S. will run us follows : Liberal discount to the trade RICH, Puberty,—Change ot Life,—Excesses of the Married,— everywhere. < > was unknown to the of metro- was dead her neck broken, and her head and Circulars sent tree on t’ttr.MX i,’ \v. gentry early Leave BELFAST for BOSTON. MONDAYS, WED- Prevention to Conception, &c. In beautiful French cloth, application. Dinner well fre- bruised and and FRIDAYS at 2 full >0. Either of these polis. company, chosen, body terribly cut, her clothes OF WISDOM tor Young Men on the Rul- NESDAYS, o’clock 1*. M. $•.£.00; Tut key Morocco, gilt, on GEO. n. HOOD, Gonl. Ant quent and elegant, was the style of the time. nearly all torn from her body, her long and WORDSing Passion in Youth & Early Manhood, with ItETI ItXITO, books are sent by mail, securely sealed, postage paid, (iciiiil selling it Small I’ 'tit alt Mrs. Alexander self-help for the erring and unfortunate. Sent in scaled* receipt of price. Hamilton was one of the beautiful liair malted with cockle Leave BOSTON for BELFAST, WED- docks lor then- 97 Water Street, Boston. completely letter free of charge. Address Howard As-. MONDAYS, Thouglitlulclergymen recommend these Mf I.HSS than ( tsi. leaders in the envelopes, NESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 0 o'clock P. M. and all eminent and skilful acknowledged polite and fash- burrs, weeds, &e. Mrs. Capp was about SOCiation, Box P, Phila., Pa. high moral tone, physicians to To recommend them to the as the ionable world, and no one entertained her of been married Farp IloDton, Ijill.SO, Lowp11.)|i4.50. earnestly public only eh ( mlenolil lit \ < itt- eighteen years age, having scientific and reliable treatise of the kind published in *3“A11 freight must be accompanied by Steamer’s re guests with more grace. She about two months. America. NOTICE. charming might only In bills must be on de- AFFLICTED RESTORED ! ceipts duplicate. Freight paid on Adveutisinc; Doctors and almost have been said to have maintained a ot Goods. “Avoid alt.ack ‘TTT’ILL1 AM I’.. SWAN A CO., having purchased the livery These Popular Journal court of her own. Iler luiiorance Kx;»OM€Mi ? Fallitden I'nmaiikeii ! Orders received at No. 15 Phenix Row. I Gkt 1»ooks.”—[Anar. of VV Stores, Storehouses ami Wharf ol II. .1. AN family connections Medical Science. The Niciiols Case. And now conics the Highly important to both sexes,married and single, in OFFICE ON THE WHARF. ( ] DKl’SON, J i:., are now opening an entire new stock. I 1,00k! 1,00k!! I.ook were numerous, of and The “Peahody .Jofrnal oe Health,” l>r. great influence, her last of life in New York in the of a health and d isease! lkr. JLarinmit'*, Paris, London GEO. G. WELLS Hayes, consisting in part ol the following article^. shape one a Mv -1 .-i husband was in the zenith of his phase and New York, Medical Adviser, Marriage Guide and tl-18 Editor. Terms, dollar year in advance. Address entire k ot Belfast June 7,1800. Agent. CORN, OKANULATKD SI O A R, JAVA COI-H.K. popularity. most extraordinary divorce case in which a lor nil. 81st edition. 500 and as above. Her sister, Cornelia Physician Nearly pages, FLOUR, COFKKK RIO younger Selmyler, spent 100 Gleet, 4QF*Alrert II. Hayes, M. I)., Resident and Con- respectable party linds himself minus a wife, Engravings, upon Gonorrhea, Strictures, Sy- PORK, HAVANA JAPAN I LA much of her time with Mrs. Hamilton. She Seminal Inflammation of sulting Physician. ami without how or the philis, Weakness, Impotcncv, BKFF, ST. JACO OOLoNi, Buggies Wagoii' knowing why, through Bladder, Disease, &c., See. Elaborate treatment N. H.—Dr. H. may be consulted in strictest coniidence was not a belle in the brilliant circles of that Bright’s MI SCOVADO RAISINS Alter thi:- date at n> I r,-l I connivance of officials and law- amt Easiest Route to Boston! on all diseases requiring skill, secresy and experience. LARD, reduced pric lor outrageous With recipes and certllicates of cures. Price $1. Mailed Quickest \« tor her was ol the sott and Inviolai.le Secresy and Certain Relief, lyrl TOBACCO, SPICKS, SALT, OATS, FISH, to the j.ut.lie that this i.- tin l.e-»t lot ot e ,.n period, beauty who untie of matrimo- free. Ofliee, 89rt Ilroadwav. Now York. Direct letters— yers, thegordian-knot which w< that 1 have ever built ill touching kind, which wins gradually upon Box 844, New York Post office, Steamer & A lull and complete assortment ol Orocenes, ny with their teeth w hich he had so securely Through by Railroap invite purchasers to call and examine, ami we will the heart, rather than strikes the senses, satisfactory. Portland like] tied with his tongue. The lady in the case, it —STEAMER- ! make prices My Buggies that ol' the more order. She Save Your WM. 15. S\\ AN cannot be m it* bed lor jut tern, U and lim dazzling usually would a Money st) appear, applied to confidential DSlOlIOMAYCYorKOlLCHAlinim A. < IJ 1 l T.R SILO KV. wore her dark brown hair in waves legal Jtr A wonderful book; it shows how either sex can parted limb of the w ho CITY OF t law, took the required steps fascinate any one they wish, instantly. (All possess this RICHMOND, Belfast, May 1, Hd<). tf I Business Wagons over a low, white forehead, and her complex- based upon her affidavit of desertion (which power.) It teaches how to get rich. Alchemy, Dr. Dee’s but will suit anyone. All warranted W,.rk ion was of that clear which better and Allen’s Caballa, Bindings, Sorceries, Incantations, and made M I.N not It* s. I took paleness by the way was merely a temporary absence) took, by (he of than Demonology, Magic, Mesmerism,Spiritualism, Marriage INSURANCE, ol making a change in my hu-dm t interprets varying phases was Loss or FIKE or ef- THE GREAT CAUSE feeling and the notified the Guide, aud a thousand other wonders. Sent by mail for against Damage by LHJIITNINC, ad\ » ti i- above. a gentleman through more brilliant color. Iler eyes were dark 25 cents. Address T. WILLIAMS & CO., Publishers, N A t 11 A N V\ 11 It I 1 eolums of an obscure paper (wdiiclf lie never fected in reliable Companies at lair and equitable OF but so shaded and shadowed lashes South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Iteltast dune 1 Sit'd. grey, by read or heard and upon failure" to show Can. WSI. E. DEXXIMOX. that seemed black in the of), BA TBS PREMIUM. they imperfect divorce should not of light. cause why the be granted, TITHE STEAMER CITY OK RICHMOND, having HUMAN MISERY. Her small, mouth had a Notice to rosy slight compres- the was done. The case is a been in order the past winter, will Just in a Sealed Price sir rents. Lumbermou sion coveted untying X put complete Published, k'nvclopc. of the lips, that betokened determination commence her thrice weekly trips between Port- No Board Combinations one, and shows what a bad woman, regular Treiitmeiit ami f 1^1 IK copartnership existing muter th. significant G. P. on the Penobscot River and A Lecture on tlie Mature. and of will. The curve of LOMBARD, land and landings Uav, X “HALLS & CHOl’KK" expiring Im strength superb aided an can at 10 Radical Cure ol Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrlnea, by her by unprincipled legal adviser, leaving Portland on Monday, April Pith, o’clock, next month— oiler tor sale their j roperty neck, and the of her of the Train from induced Sell-Abuse; Involuntary emissions, Impu- they rounding shoulders, a husband’s 1*. M„ or on the arrival Express hy » 1 about one thou.-and do toward destroying confiding ami to Last Sullivan, consisting would have enchanted a na- lloston. Belfast on Monday, and tency, Nervous Debility, Impediments Marriage statuary. Her The affair a SURGEON DENTIST Leaving Wednesday and timber land, three stavt mills, a circular saw m, for life. gives fearful at 9 o’clock. generally; Consumption, epilepsy, Fits; Mental ture, too soft and for happiness Friday mornings some other machinery, a wharf, sluices, ami clinging the role of into the looseness to Boston and all and See. -By ROB. J. ( l l.\ KK- and revolting insight with OFFICE OVER II. II. JOHNSON’S STORE, Passengers will be ticketed through Physical Incapacity, needful belonging thereto. All tt.« leader in in which so the same M. Autin r ol the (Been Book,” &c. appurtenances society, well became arc intermediate stations, arriving evening. WKLL, D., is in running order, ttml uillbi -..Id a! which divorces MAOE. The world renow ned author, in this admirable Lecture, good her sister, had a granted. liOW, KELFAKT, Returning will leave Portland every Monday, Wednes- most liberal term- in order tod-- yet firmness that own that and on the promised and at 10 o'clock. clearly proves from his experience the awful -oo- day Friday evening, concern the coming I all. I n piire at the n .d n full development whenever called into action the and boats s of Sell-Abuse may be removed The Richmond is one of strongest safest consequent'- effectually <*t the on the a bought out dr. burgess, he and without Cooper, IUlla-t,or proprietor* pi. her affections. A smart old at Portland few ever oi remarkable speed, clean and comfortable. without medicine, dangerous'surgical opera- COOI'M through lady days will be to wait on Ills old customers and the built, or tin HALLS 4 Having lmppy are assured that every will be taken to tions, bougies, instruments, rings cordials, pointing Morton was often a ;i/ro was soon on a railroad track a short dis- Teeth filled and restored to Passengers pains Washington fiiest in public generally. their orig- NO SM TO LOCAL TARIFFS, out a mode ol cure at once certain and effectual, by which ensure their comfort and safety. home of the whis- inal shape. Teeth with exposed nerves treated and filled. no matter what his condition 1he hospitable anil tance before the train. The engineer 7,180‘J. tCW every sullerer, may be,ma> Ilamiltons, Artificial teeth of the best inserted at reasonable Belfast, April such rates ol as will tlx1 This much into the no She quality Only premium asked, equalize cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. lee being thrown of the tled and rang the bell, but to purpose. rates. and Silver Plate taken in All PHILO CHASE. society Gold exchange. lure will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. on was work if burden between the Company and the assured. beautiful girl above described, it is not sur- continued to walk until she uneere-i warranted. Teeth extracted without pain desired. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, G. P. LOMBARD. prising that they should have fallen in love monionsly seated on the cow catcher. When on receipt ot six cents, or two postage stamps, by ad- SIlIItT the with each other. train she and REFERENCES. PATTERNS dressing publishers. Counsellor and at ta» the completely stopped alighted Call Before Elsewhere. Also, DR. Cl' LY KRWKLI/S “Marriage liuido,*’ price Attorney M iss returned to her father’s said to the I heard —CUT AT— Insuring Schuyler house very pleasantly engineer,“ JOHN D. M. Brunswick; J. II. LOM- 25 cents. LINCOLN, D., the in her who at but it was from a BARD, Brunswick: A. V. Mer- F. H. BEALE, Address publishers, 14 WALL STREET. Albany accompanied by lover, your whistle, thought tug Dentist, METCALF, Agont. 4'll AM. ,1. C. I4I.IAK A CO.. once an interview with General am much to for chant, Brunswick; A. G. TENNEY, Editor Brunswick II, L. LORD'8 sought Schuy- boat. 1 obliged you ^top- HAYFORD BLOCK, Belfast, Maine. 1*11 Bower.v.Kew l oik. Post Office Box 4,:»*44l. Now York. Telegraph: R. II. CUNNINGHAM, M. D., Wiscaseet; stf 'er, and asked (or her hand. ping.” OWEN St. C. O’BRIEN. M. D.. Bristol. tf32 Mo. lO Hig-li St. lyrSO