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World Bank Document Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized 35340 i I i i I i i i i i i FORETORD This glossary has been prepared by the Terminology Unit of the Language Services Division for internal use within the World Bank. Its Puroose is to assemble some uncommon terms relating to various asDects Df tropical agriculture. Some of the terms have been taken from existing specialized glossaries, some drawn from multilingual oublications, and others contributed by the Bank's language staff. It is honed that this mini-glossary, by providing ready access to these terms, will help reduce the time spent by the translators on individual research. Although the glossary will be expanded from time to time, its scope is intentionally limited, partly because many terms are simply too obvious or can readily be found in dictionaries and nartly because some crops, such as coffee nd cotton, are already adequately covered by existing specialized glossaries. 4ost crops and species imported into the tropics from temperate climates have lso been omitted. For the sake of convenience, the contents are listed under several hear(y,Frs e.g. grasses, trees, products), while terms that do not readily fall into anv )articular category will be found under Miscellaneous. All entries have been fully authenticated by reliable sources. Suggestions for improvements and additions are welcome and should be addressed to the erminologist, Language Services Division. April 1976 Washington, D.C. i I TABLE OF CONTENTS Cultivation and crops 1 Grasses 5 Trees 7 Fruits 13 Products 16 Miscellaneous 21 English index 25 French index 32 Spanish index 38 *** C U L T I V A T I O N A N D C R O P S 1i abaca; Manila hemp abaca; chanvre de abaca; cnfiarno de Manille Manila C2 african cucumber; margose; pomme de calabaza africana balsam pear; merveille balsam apple C3 attoto yam igname de Cayenne niame amarillo; guinea amarillo; congo amarillo bambara nut; bambara voandzou; pois bambara bambara; guisante de groundnut; earth tierra; guands'u pea C5 bread millet; proso millet commun; mil mijo comun; mijo mayor; millet; proso; borona de Filipinas; broomcorn millet proso CD canaigre; tanner's canaigre canaigre; cania agria dock CT canaigre root; racine de canaigre ralz del Indico indian root (root rich in tannin from Northern Mexico and S.W. USA) C3 cardamom; cardamon cardamome cardamomo - 2 - C9 catjang; catjang pea haricot kunde; dolique jud•a catjang; caup• mongette (vigna sinensis, vigna catjang) CIO coca shrub; cocaine coca; cocaler coca plant Cll (coleus dazo) impombo Cultivated locally (Congo and Sudan) for its edible tubers C12 cotton; cotton cotonnier algodon; algodonero plant C12a cotton plantation cotonnerie algodonal C13 cotton abroma; abrome abroma ramie sengat vaca C14 cowpea niebe caup•; frijol de (vigna unguiculata) C15 dasheen; taro; taro; colacase; colocasia; malanga; old coco-yam colacasie malanga islefia (Cuba); taro (Arg.) C16 edible canna achira; adeire C17 finger millet; ragi; eleusine cultivee mijo africano; coracan coracana millet; african millet C18 henequen hennequen henequen blanco; henequen de Cuba; fique - 3 - Cl jack bean, sword bean haricot-sabre; pois- judia sable; fr•jol de sabre; haricot de playa; judia de puerco; Madagascar judia esp•a, judia de caballo; mate de costa (Cuba) C2C jute; tossa jute; jute (m); jute tossa; yute; yute tosa; yute white jute jute blanc blanco C2 kudzu; kudzu bean kudzu; vigne japonaise kudztu tropical; kudzu comun C2 Lima bean; haricot de Lima haba de Lima; frijolillo; butter bean ayacote; poroto de manteca (Arg.) C2 melissa; balm melisse-citronnelle melisa; citronela; toronjil C24 peanut; ground nut arachide; pistache cacahuete; cacahuate (Mex.); de terre; cacahouette; mani cacahuete C25 pearl millet; millet a chandelle; millet mijo perla; mijo negro african millet; d'Afrique; mil chandelle bulrush millet C26 Queensland arrowroot; fecule de tous les mois; arruruz de canna; canna arrowroot; arrowroot du Queensland; fgcula de Toloman canna starch fecule de Toloman C27 quinoa quinoa; anserine quinoa quinua C28 ramtil; niger guizotia oleifere; niger ramtilla C29 rape; summer rape; colza colza colza C30 sisal; true sisal sisal; agave d'Ame'rique agave; sisal C31 sesame; benne s6same sesamo; ajonjoll C32 sunn hemp; san hemp; sunn; chanvre de Bengale c'aniamo sunn; c'ahamo san; sun; Bengal hemp canamo sun C33 velvet bean; dolique de la Floride; frijol de terciopelo; Florida velvet bean haricot de Floride frijol aterciopelado C34 yam bean; manioc bean dolique tub6reux; jicama; jlquima pois patate C35 ramtil seeds; niger seeds graines de niger raratilla C36 rapeseed; coleseed graines de colza semillas de colza C37 turmeric plant; curcuma; safran des Indes curcuma; camotillo; common turmeric; yuquilla; azafrgn indian saffron de Indias C38 yam family dioscoreacees; ignamnes dioscareaces; ?iames C39 yautia; new coco-yam chou caralbe yautia; rascadera; tiquisque (Mex.); oto (Panama); mafafa (Col.); ocumo (Ven.); ucuncha (Peru) G R A S S E S G african love grass; eragrostis courbe pasto lloron weeping love grass G Bahia grass paspalum notatum pasto Bahia; gramilla blanca; jengibrillo; grama dulce; pasto horqueta; cafnamazo G Bermuda grass; gros chiendent; grama; creeping finger grass chiendent pied pasto de Bermuda de poule; herbe de Bermudes G bluestem; beardgrass barbon; andropogon andropogon G citronella grass citronnelle citronela G cogon; cogon grass imperate cogon; cisca blady grass G7 ginger grass, rosha grass palmarosa G8 Guinea grass grand mil; hierba de Guinea; herbe de Guinee pasto Guinea; guinea G9 kikuyu grass kikuyu pasto kikuyo; hierba kikuyo; pasto africano GA lemon grass; barbon nard; sontol; hierba de limon; ginger grass nard indien zacate de limon; limoncillo - 6 - Gll molasses grass herbe a miel; hierba gordura; herbe de melasse pasto gordura; hierba de melado; calingueiro G12 Napier grass; napier; pasto napier; elephant grass herbe a el6phant pasto elefante; pasto gigante; merkeron G13 Natal grass herbe de Natal; pasto Natal tricholene rose G14 Para grass herbe de para yerba de Par&; pasto de Parg; hierba de Par'a; gramalote (Peru) G15 Pangola grass Pangola grass pasto Pangola G16 Rhodes grass herbe de Rhodes grama Rhodes; hierba Rhodes G17 teff grass; teff teff tef G18 teosinte grass teosinte teosinte, teosinto (Euchlanea mexicana) Gl9 vetiver; khuskhus vetiver; vetiver; chiendent des Indes grama de la India - 7 - T R E E S 1l akee tree akee; ris de veau aki; seso vegetal vegetal 2 annatto tree; anatto rocouyer achiote; achote tree 3 areca palm; betel palm; arequier bonga; areca; betel nut palm palma catecu ashanti pepper; poivrier africain; pimienta de Africa african cubeb poivre des Achantis; pimienta negra poivre du Kissi de Guinea n5 avocado tree avocatier aguacate ..5a avocado grove (plantation) aguacatal T6 babassu babassu babasuf (palmera silvestre) t 17 bamboo; bamboo cane bambou bambu r18 banana; banana tree bananier; bananier pl'atano; banano bananier des sages guineo; cambur 8a banana plantation bananeraie bananal, platanal 19 bito; bito tree dattier du desert mirobalano de Egipto 10 Brazil nut tree bertholletie; chataignier castafio de Para. du Bresil - 8 - Tll cabbage palmetto; sabal palma enana common palmetto; cabbage palm Tl2 cajeput tree; cajuput tree; cajeputier; bois blanc; cajeput; cayeput paperback; white tree m6laleuque a bois blanc T13 candle nut tree; varbish babcoulier lamban; arbol de barniz; tree; lunbang nogal de la India Tl4 Cape gooseberry groseillier du Cap; alquequenje coqueret du Perou T15 carob tree caroubier algarrobo T16 carbauba nalm; wax palm carnauba; caranda carnauba; caraidai Tl7 cashew nut tree anacardier anacardo; acaju; marafion; merey T18 cinchona tree; peruvian cinchione; quinquina; quino; arbol de la quina; bark tree arbre a quinquina cascarillero Tl9 clove nutmeg arbre aux autre epices ravensara T20 clove tree; arooahic giroflier clavero clove tree T21 cocoa tree; cacao tree cacaotier; cacaoyer cacao; cacaotero T22 coconut palm; coconut tree cocohier cotcotero T22a coconut nlantation; palmeraie a cocotiers cocotal coconut field T22b cohune; cohune palm cohune (... a conmercially important Central and South Anerican palm valued for its oil.) T 3 cola nut tree; kolatier; arbre colatero, arbol Sudan cola nut tree a cola de la cola T 4 copaiba; copal tree copayer; capahier copayero; copaiba T?5 cube; cube cube; timbo; nicou barbasco; cube; cube; tirmbo T 6 date palm dattier; palmier palmera de datiles; dattier palma datilera T 7 dragon's blood palm dragonnier T28 dwarf fan palm palmier nain; palma enana; palmera palmette enana; palmito T 9 gomuti palm; palmier 'asucre gumuti; palma de sugar palm az'ucar T 0 guava; guava tree goyavier guayabo; guayaba (Pto Rico); hurapo (Chile); luma (Arg.); arrayana (Mexico); arrayan (Guat.) T 1 Indian butter tree arbre a beurre arbol de manteca T 2 jack; jack tree; jaquier de Malaisie jaqueira, jaquero Jack fruit tree T 3 jaggery palm; bastard caryote bralant; faux palmera de sagu de sago palm; toddy palm sagoutier de l'Inde Malabar T 4 kaki persimmon; chinese plaqueminier kaki kaki; caqui; caqui persimmon tree del Japon T 5 macaw palm; macaw tree, mocaya; palmier-canne macoya; mocaya; palma macahuba palm macasu; macahuba - 10 - T36 mango tree manguier mango T37 marmalade tree; sapote sapotier; sapotillier zapote (Mex.); mamey mamey colorado (Cuba); zapote de carne (Col.) T38 nutmeg tree muscadier moscadero T39 palm oil tree; oil palm palmier a huile palma de aceite; palmera
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