

Journal of the International Research Association

Volume 33, Number 1, 2000


From the Editors...... i

Acknowledgments ...... iv

Contributors...... v


CHRISTINE ANTON Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach und die Realismusdebatte: Schreiben als Auseinandersetzung mit den Kunstansichten ihrer Zeit...... 1

The term "Poetic Realism” reflects the basic thrust of nineteenth-century German realist theory and its attempted synthesis of the two predominant poles of aes- thetics, Idealism and Realism. Prose narratives about artists and their creative work show the balancing act between an idealized outlook and representing em- pirical reality. This study elucidates the interrelationship of Ebner-Eschenbach’s aesthetic theory and its reflection in the literary text.

AGATA SCHWARTZ Zwischen dem “noch nicht” und “nicht mehr”: Österreichische und ungarische Frauenliteratur der Jahrhundertwende ...... 16

This analysis of texts by selected Austrian and Hungarian women writers from around 1900 discovers an interplay of Bakhtin’s “authoritative” and “internally persuasive” discourses that elucidates the Doppelexistenz (Sigrid Weigel) of the MODERN AUSTRIAN LITERATURE

“new woman,” between traditional gender patterns and anticipated images of emancipation.

LAURA A. McLARY The Incestuous Sister or the Trouble with Grete ...... 29

Brenner-circle members’ wish to make Georg Trakl reappear through his sister Grete Trakl conflicted with their perception of Grete as Georg’s distorted femi- nine reflection. Weininger's equation of the feminine with lack and the masculine with substance became a vehicle for divesting Trakl of his feminine, “negative” traits by placing them on his sister, who emerges as Trakl's diabolically femi- nine double.

JÖRG THUNECKE “Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom”: The Conflict of Art and Politics in Gerald Szyszkowitz’s Play Servus Du oder Mister Stolz Goes to Israel...... 66

Szyszkowitz’s documentary drama Servus Du oder Mister Stolz Goes to Israel (1991) thematizes the conflict between art and politics in the private and public life of the Austrian composer Robert Stolz (1880-1975) and shows that artistic considerations—in certain historical circumstances—must not prevail over con- science.


GISELA ROETHKE Lilian Faschinger im Gespräch...... 84

This interview with Lilian Faschinger was held in December of 1998, while she was Max Kade writer-in-residence at Dickinson College. The interview focuses primarily on formal aspects of all of Faschinger's published works and how they relate to the feminist content of her texts. Contents

Book Reviews

Guiseppe Farese, Arthur Schnitzler. Ein Leben in Wien 1862-1932. DONALD G. DAVIAU...... 105

Karin S. Wozonig, Die Literatin Betty Paoli. Weibliche Mobilität im 19. Jahrhundert. DAGMAR C. G. LORENZ ...... 107

Leena Eilittä, Approaches to Personal Identity in Kafka's Short Fiction: Freud, Darwin, Kierkegaard. SANDER L. GILMAN ...... 109

Max Zweig, Gesammelte Werke in Einzelbänden. Ed. Eva Reichmann and Ar- min A. Wallas. CHRISTOPH HAACKER...... 110

Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger, ed., Out from the Shadows. Essays on Contempo- rary Austrian Women Writers and Filmmakers; and Allyson Fiddler, ed., “Other” . Post-1945 Austrian Women's Writing. ANDREA CAPOVILLA ...... 113

Gerald Sommer & Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler, eds, Erst bricht man Fenster. Dann wird man selbst eines. Zum hundertsten Geburtstag von . MICHAEL BACHEM...... 116

Fritz Kalmar, Das Herz europaschwer. Heimwehgeschichten aus Südamerika. HORST JARKA...... 118

Walter Lindenbaum, Von Sehnsucht wird man hier nicht fett. Texte aus einem jüdischen Leben. Hrsg. von Herbert Exenberger und Eckart Früh. HORST JARKA...... 120

Thomas Eicher, Bettina Gruber, eds., Alexander Lernet-Holenia—Poesie auf dem Boulevard. WOLFGANG NEHRING ...... 122 MODERN AUSTRIAN LITERATURE

Hans A. Neuzig and Ingrid Schramm, eds., Hilde Spiel: Weltbürgerin der Lite- ratur. BARBARA ZEISL SCHOENBERG...... 124

Helga Kasper, Apologie einer magischen Alltäglichkeit. Eine erzähltheoretische Untersuchung der Prosa von Friederike Mayröcker anhand von “mein Herz mein Zimmer mein Name.” BETH BJORKLUND...... 127

Ursula Töller, Erinnern und Erzählen. Studie zu Ingeborg Bachmanns Erzählband “Das dreißigste Jahr”. ULRIKE VEDDER ...... 128