6 60 Editorʼs letter Follow Me photography Gianuzzi & Marino 8 Mauro Di Roberto 70 10 Twist Your Time Mireia Lopez Montoya photography Alexander Beckoven 12 still life Gianuzzi & Marino 98 16 Roman Nights Brighter than Light photography Glen Luchford photography Antonio Barrella photography Laziz Hamani 104 24 Festa Fairy Fear photography Laziz Hamani collages Luca Artioli 32 112 Master Piece Valenza, the New Manifattura photography Michele Gastl photography David Atlan photo-reportage Marcello Mariana 40 Shape & Texture 118 photography Gianuzzi & Marino Events 52 Shifts 122 photography Michele Gastl Product Summary


EDITORIAL AND CREATIVE DIRECTION Carlo Mazzoni ART DIRECTION Giulio Vescovi/itsallgood TEXTS Cesare Cunaccia GRAPHIC DESIGN Susanna Mollica MANAGING DIRECTION Emanuela Giacca PRODUCER Marta Mazzacano ILLUSTRATIONS Lulu* SPECIAL THANKS Carolina Fusi, Costanza Maglio, Valentina Tedone

TRANSLATIONS Tdr Translation Company photography Guido Mocafico With the official opening of its Manufacturing Workshop in Va- lenza on 17 March, Bulgari achieved an ambitious goal, a project that blends together not only an industrial investment, but first and foremost a cultural one, with what is now Europe’s largest jewellery Manufacturing Workshop. A real architectural chal- lenge, as the Workshop had to respond to the demands of high quality craftsmanship while reflecting the image and style of an international, highly creative Italian brand like Bulgari. The Jewellery Academy will be a fully-fledged in-house goldsmithing school where new employees, up to 300 over the next three years, will be able to refine their skills and put their talents to work, exploring our brand’s specific techniques and methods. The heart of the project will be the ‘intelligent hands’ of our goldsmiths who will project into the future a craft that is performed with patience and dedication, creativity and passion. A goldsmith is indeed a contemporary artist: a person who uses ancient tech- niques to propose innovative solutions. With the new Manufac- turing Workshop in Valenza, Bulgari brings together the love of beauty and traditional skill that have made Italy the world leader in jewellery and goldsmithing.

At the end of June, in the charming allure of Venice, Bulgari pre- sented Festa, the new 2017 High Jewellery Collection, celebrat- ing the joyful side of the Italian Art de Vivre. Bulgari’s excellence in craftsmanship and its iconic codes redefine exuberance. Jew- ellery masterpieces more daring, more colourful, more Bulgari than ever. A faithful interpretation of the Larger than Life theme that drives Bulgari from the past to the future in a contemporary way of being.

In the wake of this new sign, Lily Adridge and Bella Hadid, with their fresh and magnetic beauty are the perfect Ambassa- dors able to interpret the Bulgari essence. Belonging to the most in-demand and influential models of the moment, as well as Ins- ta-stars with millions of followers, they radiate a multifaceted al- lure and disposition that few women can boast, a striking mix of effortless joie de vivre, bravado and a timeless polished elegance.

A successful mix and a journey into the future, never forgetting the consolidation of the Maison as an emblem of Italian excellence.

Jean-Christophe Babin CEO of BVLGARI GROUP «Credo fermamente che non si figurando una verticalizzazio- una scuola orafa che ci permet- Mauro Di Roberto feels that an architectural point of view, making. Objective: invest- 待越来越高,需要品质和手工达到 珠宝事业部总经理继续谈 possa essere innovativi se non si ne più spinta per gli anni a ve- terà di formare le nostre nuove icons such as B.zero1, Tubo- the aim was to renovate a mod- ment in an area that has al- 最高水准”。Mauro Di Rober- 到:“Francesco Caramora建 considera l’aspetto storico e la nire, in base a una domanda risorse per i prossimi anni, gas and Serpenti are as total- ern building that embodied the ways played an active role in to认为,�、Tubogas和 于1817年,开创了瓦伦扎作为全球 tradizione – afferma Mauro sempre crescente. Rispetto a dando più credibilità al nostro ly linked to evolution in crea- brand’s heritage, in a central the world of gold jewellery, Serpenti等标志经典产品与创意 重要金匠区之一的历史。在设计新 Di Roberto, Jewellery Busi- prima avremo finalmente tutte essere gioiellieri. Obiettivo: tivity and quality as they are to location for Italian gold jewel- despite recent stagnation 与品质发展息息相关,同时也取决 工厂的时候,我们希望将注意力放 ness Unit Managing Direc- le funzioni sotto lo stesso tetto. l’investimento in un territorio the wake of the inimitable Bul- lery production. “The Mani- due to recession in small 于其他人无法仿效宝格丽的工艺经 在环境和效能上,确保环境和生态 tor Bulgari – che nel nostro Questo ci permette di migliora- da sempre attivo nel mondo gari savoir-faire. In the fifties, fattura,” comments the Jewel- and medium-sized enter- 验。上世纪五十至七十年代,宝格 系统的健康,同时确保工作人员的 caso ha radici profonde legate re e ottimizzare al massimo le dell’oreficeria, malgrado la re- sixties and seventies, the com- lery Business Unit Managing prises. The Academy will 丽非常符合当时潮流的风格。如 卫生条件和安全”。Di Roberto all’italianità del nostro brand sinergie». Da un punto di vi- cente stagnazione dovuta a pany had a very up-to-date Director for Bulgari, “stands help us recruit young peo- 今,宝格丽已成为珠宝领域领导的 总结时回忆起宝格丽学院的重要 che è segno distintivo del nostro sta architettonico si voleva una crisi delle piccole-medio on the site of the first Casci- ple who want to learn this 品牌之一。当今世界变化的脚步非 性:“我们建立了一所金匠学校, DNA». È proprio grazie a riproporre una struttura imprese. L’Academy ci aiuterà na dell’Orefice, built in 1817 craft following the Bulgari 常快速。“之所以在瓦伦扎建立新 培育未来优秀人才。我们的目标是 queste salde radici che Bul- moderna che incarnasse a reclutare giovani che voglio- “With by Francesco Caramora and modus operandi. And,” he 工厂”,Mauro Di Roberto介 这片长久以来活跃于金匠界的地区 gari può proseguire a evol- l’heritage del brand, in una no imparare il mestiere in base marking the start of Valen- ends by saying, “there are 绍说:“是因为我们需要从根本上 尽管近期因中小企业危机而出现发 vere e a proiettarsi nel futu- zona centrale per l’oreficeria al modus operandi Bulgari. ever-higher za’s vocation as one of the more than you can imagine, 改善生产过程,应对不断增长的市 展迟缓,但是我们依然坚持在此投 ro. «Per noi – aggiunge ancora italiana. «La Manifattura – E – conclude Mauro Di Ro- expectations most important goldsmith not only in the Valenza area, 场需求,通过更加完善的垂直整合 资。本学院将以宝格丽的经营模式 Di Roberto – la qualità è un osserva ancora il Jewellery berto – ce ne sono più di quan- districts in the world. In our but throughout Italy.” 应对未来的挑战。和之前相比,我 招募更多学习珠宝工艺技能的年轻 assoluto must e punto di forza. Business Unit Managing Di- to si possa immaginare, non we need to keep plans for the new Manifattu- 们终于能将所有的生产动能集中到 人。”,Mauro Di Roberto总 Le aspettative diventano sem- rector Bulgari – sorge dove solo nel Valenzano, ma su tutto ra, we wanted to especially • 了同一个屋檐下。这样能让我们获 结道:“这些年轻人的数量比我们 pre più elevate e bisogna man- c’era la prima Cascina dell’O- l’ambito nazionale». quality and focus on aspects of both en- 得更好的改善和优化”。从建筑角 想象的还要多,不仅来自瓦伦扎地 tenere gli aspetti qualitativi e refice, costruita nel 1817 da manufacturing vironmental and energy effi- “我坚信,如果不重视历史和传 度而言,宝格丽期望在意大利金匠 区,还来自意大利全国。” manifatturieri al massimo li- Francesco Caramora, inizian- • ciency that aim to guarantee 统,就无法实现创新”,Bulgari 业的中心区域重建一个现代化结 vello». Icone quali�, do la parabola di Valenza at top levels” respect for the environment 珠宝事业部总经理Mauro Di Ro- 构,成为品牌传统的化身。“新工 Tubogas e Serpenti, Mauro Di come uno dei più importanti “I firmly believe that you and the ecosystem, but also berto说:“就我们而言,宝格丽 厂所在地之前曾是最早的Cascina Roberto le sente totalmente distretti orafi al mondo. Nel cannot be innovative if you style. Today it has one of the ensure the wellbeing and 品牌植根于意大利文化,这是我们 dell’Orefice”,Bulgari宝格丽 collegate all’evoluzione cre- progettare la nuova Manifat- do not take into account the most contemporary looks in the safety of our employees. The 与其他品牌与众不同的DNA所 ativa e qualitativa, quanto al tura abbiamo voluto prestare historic aspect and tradi- jewellery sector. The dynamics Manifattura Bulgari is also 在”。正是凭借着这样浑厚的底 solco del savoir-faire inimi- particolare attenzione sia agli tion,” says Mauro Di Roberto, have changed because today’s an interesting hub from a 蕴,Bulgari得以继续发展并走向 tabile di Bulgari. L’azienda aspetti ambientali e di efficien- Jewellery Business Unit Man- world sees continual, rapid production process point of 未来。“对我们而言”,D i negli anni Cinquanta, Ses- za energetica volti a garantire aging Director for Bulgari, transformation. “The new view. Like the ‘islands’, a Roberto继续说:“品质极为重 santa e Settanta aveva uno il rispetto dell’ambiente e “which in our case, are manufacturing unit in Va- very innovative concept that 要,也是我们的实力所在。市场期 stile estremamente attuale. dell’ecosistema, ma anche al deeply rooted in the Italian lenza,” says Mauro Di Roberto, sees an item enter as a Oggi ha un segno che è uno benessere e alla sicurezza dei style of our brand, a distinc- “was set up because basical- semi-finished product and dei più contemporanei nel dipendenti. La Manifattura tive mark of our DNA.” It is ly we needed to improve our exit as the finished article.” settore della gioielleria. Bulgari costituisce inoltre un precisely due to these strong production activity, with Di Roberto closes by recalling Cambia la dinamica perché polo dagli aspetti interessanti roots that Bulgari can continue configuration of a more ag- the importance of the Bulgari il mondo odierno si trasfor- dal punto di vista del processo to evolve and move forward gressive verticalisation for Academy, “We have set up a ma di continuo e assai rapi- produttivo. Come le ‘isole’, un into the future. “For us,” Di the years to come, based on school for goldsmiths that damente. «La nuova manifat- concetto molto innovativo, dove Roberto continues, “quality is increasing demand. Unlike will allow us to train our tura di Valenza – racconta il prodotto entra come semila- an absolute must and one of previously, this would finally new resources for future Mauro Di Roberto – è nata vorato ed esce finito». Di Ro- our strong points. With ev- bring all our divisions under years, lending more credi- perché fondamentalmente ave- berto conclude ricordando er-higher expectations we the one roof. This allows us bility to our art of jewellery vamo bisogno di migliorare la l’importanza della Bulgari need to keep quality and to improve and optimise nostra attività produttiva, con- Academy «Abbiamo creato manufacturing at top levels.” synergies to the max.” From

MAURO DI ROBERTO illustrations Lulu*

8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 «Le collezioni accessori trag- ca interpretazioni sempre lanciato nella campagna con 2017. “We looked to jewel- wonderful hand-painted ex- id as its Ambassador. “Bella 经理Mireia Lopez Montoya如 大吃一惊”,Montoya介绍说: gono ispirazione dal mondo più contemporanee, «un’ico- , interpreta il lery in the seventies: stars, otic skins.” Garments in silk fully embodies today’s diva 此介绍2017秋冬Bulgari配件系 它们由为我们独家工作的艺术家手 dei gioielli Bulgari», così Mi- na che sa cambiare pelle e mondo Serpenti con audacia graphic signs, stripes, an ex- and eyewear round out the col- attitude and the glam spirit 列:“灵感来自七十年代的珠宝: 绘而成,每一件产品都独一无二。 reia Lopez Montoya, Manag- mantenere la sua unicità». La ed è stato accolto con successo plosion of multi-pointed el- lection. “The manufacture from the seventies,” says 如星星、抽象图形、条纹,点状元 此外,眼镜系列则通过多个经典元 ing Director della Accesso- nuova Serpenti bag arricchi- da stampa e clienti». Energia ements. All teamed with a that goes into our scarves Montoya, already looking to 素,此外还结合了Bulgari五光十 素体现宝格丽品牌精神。最新款式 ries Business Unit, introduce sce il mondo Serpenti con è la parola chiave della col- palette of colours taken from and ties always manages to future collections: “There is 色宝石的丰富色彩”。如果说灵感 Serpenteyes由Lily Aldridge la collezione accessori di una creazione complemen- lezione, per cui è stata scelta the chromatic universe of surprise me,” comments Mon- art in the air. Andy Warhol 来自过去,那么,目光则是聚焦于 担任广告代言人,大胆重新诠释了 Bulgari per l’autunno-in- tare alla classica Serpenti come Ambassador Bella Bulgari stones.” While inspi- toya. “Hand-painted by an used to say that visiting the 未来:Serpenti 新手袋是Ser- Serpenti的精神,成功受到媒体 verno 2017. «Abbiamo guar- Forever, la chiusura con mo- Hadid. «Bella incarna appie- ration comes from the past, eyes artist who works exclusively Bulgari store was like walk- penti 系列新品,在经典Ser- 和顾客的欢迎”。能量是该系列的 dato ai gioielli degli anni Set- tivo a scaglie è impreziosita no l’attitudine delle dive di are firmly set on the future: for us, they become unique ing into a contemporary art penti Forever基础上做出创新, 关键词,因此Bella Hadid是最合 tanta: stelle, grafismi, strisce, da smalto e pietre di colore. oggi e lo spirito glamour anni Serpenti Forever seeks in- pieces. While eyewear are museum. It is a mosaic of 采用具有鳞片图案的包扣,釉层和 适的品牌大使。“Bella是当今女 un’esplosione di elementi pun- La vera novità della stagione Settanta», osserva Montoya, creasingly more contemporary totally Bulgari in different inspirations that we will 彩色宝石,令其愈显珍贵。本季全 神姿态和七十年代魅力精神的完美 tiformi. Il tutto è combinato è però la DIVAS’ DREAM, già proiettata verso le pros- interpretations, “an icon that looks. Launched in the cam- continue to explore. We will 新配饰系列DIVAS’ DREAM, 化身”,Montoya介绍说:“空 che si rifà all’omonima col- sime collezioni: «C’è arte knows how to change skin paign with Lily Aldridge, look ahead, without forget- 重新呈现了同名珠宝系列:“我们 气中到处都是艺术的气息。Andy lezione di gioielli: «Il segno nell’aria. Andy Warhol diceva while preserving its unique- Serpenteyes is the latest mod- ting the brand’s values or its 重新诠释旗下标志性元素,体现在 Warhol曾说,进入宝格丽精品 “It is a mosaic che la caratterizza è reinter- che visitare il negozio Bulgari ness.” The new Serpenti bag el, a bold interpretation of history.” 更加珍贵的包扣上。2017年秋季 店,就如同走进了当代艺术博物 pretato nella chiusura, ancora era come entrare in un museo enriches the Serpenti range the Serpenti world that has 系列将推出多个款式,Quilted 馆。它像是一副充满灵感的镶嵌 of inspirations più preziosa. La collezione per di arte contemporanea. È un with a creation that comple- been very successful with • Studs款采用印花岩石,此外还有 画,我们将会不断探索。我们将继 that we will l’autunno del 2017 lancia più mosaico di ispirazioni che con- ments the classic Serpenti the press and clients.” Ener- 采用珍贵手绘皮革的款式”。本系 续向前迈进,同时坚持品牌价值观 varianti, dalla Quilted Studs tinueremo a esplorare. Guar- Forever, the scale-pattern fas- gy is this collection’s buzzword, “配件系列从Bulgari珠宝首饰的 列还包括丝巾、领带和眼镜:“丝 及拥抱其历史”。 explore. We will di imprinting rock a quelle re- deremo avanti, senza dimenti- tening is embellished with hence the choice of Bella Had- 世界中汲取灵感”,配件事业部总 巾和领带系列的创意每次都能让我 look ahead, alizzate con preziosi pellami care i valori del brand e la sua enamel and coloured stones. esotici dipinti a mano». I capi storia». However, the real new entry without in seta e gli occhiali comple- this season is the DIVAS’ forgetting the tano la collezione: «La crea- • DREAM, which copies the col- zione dei nostri foulard e cra- lection of jewels by the same brand’s values” vatte – osserva Montoya – mi “The accessories collections name: “Its distinguishing sorprende ogni volta. Dipinti a draw inspiration from the feature is reworked in the con una palette di colori che mano da un artista che lavora world of Bulgari jewels,” is fastening, which is even arriva dall’universo cromatico in esclusiva per noi, si trasfor- how Mireia Lopez Montoya, more precious. The 2017 au- delle gemme Bulgari». Se l’i- mano in pezzi unici. Gli oc- Managing Director for the Ac- tumn collection launches spirazione viene dal passato, chiali, invece, leggono Bulgari cessories Business Unit, intro- several variants, from Quilt- lo sguardo è rivolto verso il attraverso diversi segni. L’ulti- duces the Bulgari accessories ed Studs with its rock im- futuro: Serpenti Forever cer- mo modello, Serpenteyes, collection for autumn-winter printing to those made in


10 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Bella Hadid, combinazione miratrice della Maison, che model of the moment, with over member the name Bulgari 的优雅气质。”Bulgari 宝格丽 di sensualità e talento in Bulgari fosse simbolo di ele- eleven million followers on Ins- was constantly mentioned at 首席执行官Jean-Christophe chiave contemporanea, sarà ganza. Era una immagine ri- tagram. Her Dutch mother home, in our afternoon con- Babin 说道,正是他决定聘请贝 testimonial per il profumo corrente, quanto eterea e supe- was a former model, her father versations.” In Terry Richard- 拉作为全新代言人。贝拉的魅力既 Goldea The Roman Night di riore, tra i ricordi d’infanzia: was originally from Palestine son’s campaign photo shoot, 精致细腻,同时又不乏简约纯粹之 Bulgari e ambasciatrice per ricordo che il nome Bulgari ri- and her elder sister is Gigi Ha- Bella Hadid will present 美,是我们所处时代的理想讲述 gli accessori autunno-inver- correva nei discorsi in casa, did. Bella had several years of bags from the new DIVAS’ 者,代表着千禧时代的花样风 no 2017/2018. Isabella, alias nelle conversazioni il pomerig- experience as a professional DREAM line, eyewear and 貌。“能成为如此奢华的品牌的全 ‘Bella’ Hadid, nata a Los An- gio». Nella campagna scattata equestrian and studied pho- silk garments from the Ser- 新代言人,绝对是令人惊喜的一大 geles nel 1996, è la supermo- da , Bella tography at the Parsons School penti collection bearing the 幸事。”贝拉·哈蒂德说道。“在 del del momento, con più di Hadid presenterà borse del- of Design in New York. In Au- Bulgari brand, while in the one 我心中,Bulgari 宝格丽一直都 undici milioni di follower su gust 2014, she signed a contract produced by Glen Luchford, 是优雅的代名词,这与我的母亲息 Instagram. Madre olandese, with IMG and made her debut she will present the Goldea 息相关——她一直都是品牌的仰慕 ex-modella, padre di origine “I remember on the New York catwalks. In The Roman Night fragrance. 者与追随者。正如虚幻空灵的影 palestinese, sorella minore 2016 she was voted model of 像,宝格丽反复出现在我的童年记 di , Bella ha alle the name the year winning the Daily • 忆中,定义着经典与卓越:我记 spalle una carriera da pro- Bulgari was Front Row Fashion Los An- 得,宝格丽是家中午后聊天时的热 fessionista nell’equitazione geles Award and, later, also 贝拉·哈迪德(Bella Hadid), 门话题。”在由特里·理查德森 e studi di fotografia alla Par- constantly she was awarded the same title 集当代感性风情与卓绝才华于一身 (Terry Richardson)掌镜的 sons School of Design di mentioned at by, while in Sep- 的超模,将成为 Bulgari 宝格丽 大片中,贝拉·哈蒂德将代表宝格 New York. Nell’agosto 2014 tember she cemented her status 最新香水 Goldea The Roman 丽展示全新 DIVAS’ DREAM firma un contratto con la home, in our by gracing the cover of Vogue Night 的代言人,以及2017/2018 系列皮件、Serpenti 系列眼镜。 IMG e approda sulle passe- Paris pictured alongside Tay- 秋冬配饰系列形象大使。伊莎贝 此外,在由格伦·卢琦福德 relle newyorkesi. Nel 2016 è conversations” lor Marie Hill. “Bella is quite 拉·哈蒂德,又名“贝拉”·哈蒂 (Glen Luchford)创作的大片 eletta modella dell’anno dal young but very elegant,” 德,1996年生于洛杉矶,作为风 中,贝拉将也演绎 Goldea The Daily Front Row Fashion Los la nuova linea DIVAS’ commented Bulgari CEO 头正劲的超模,她在 Instagram Roman Night 香水。 Angeles Award e, in seguito, DREAM, della collezione Jean-Christophe Babin, who 上拥有逾1100万关注者。贝拉的母 da, mentre in set- Serpenti, occhiali e capi in wanted her to perform the role 亲是荷兰人,曾担任模特。她的父 tembre s’impone grazie alla seta firmati Bulgari e in as testimonial. She has charis- 亲是巴勒斯坦人,姐姐是吉吉·哈 cover di Vogue Paris accanto quella girata da Glen Luch- ma that is both sophisticated 蒂德(Gigi Hadid)。贝拉拥有 a Taylor Marie Hill. «Bella è ford presenterà il profumo yet simple at the same time, ide- 多年的专业马术骑师经验,并曾于 giovane ed elegante», osserva Goldea The Roman Night. al to narrate our current era 纽约帕森设计学院修读摄影专 il CEO Bulgari Jean-Chris- and to represent the millenni- 业。2014年8月,贝拉与 IMG 模 tophe Babin, che l’ha voluta • als. “It’s amazing to find my- 特经纪公司签约,在纽约献出了 come testimonial. Uno char- self being the new face of 首次走秀。2016年,通过投票评 me insieme sofisticato e sem- Bella Hadid, a contemporary such a luxury brand,” states 选,贝拉夺得了洛杉矶时尚大奖 plice il suo, perfetto per rac- combination of sensuality and Bella Hadid. “I have always (Daily Front Row Fashion contare il nostro tempo e talent, will be the testimonial considered Bulgari to be a Los Angeles Award)“年度模 per rappresentare i millen- for Bulgari’s latest fragrance synonym of elegance, espe- 特”的桂冠。之后,她获得了由 nials. «Mi sembra pazzesco ri- Goldea The Roman Night as cially thanks to my mother 颁发的同名奖项。 trovarmi a essere il volto di un well as the ambassador for its who has always been a great 同年9月,贝拉与泰莱·玛丽·希 marchio così di lusso», afferma 2017/2018 autumn-winter ac- admirer of the Maison. It 尔(Taylor Marie Hill)共同登 Bella Hadid. «Ho sempre pen- cessories collection. Isabella, was a recurring ethereal im- 上《Vogue》巴黎版封面,进一 sato, soprattutto grazie a mia alias ‘Bella’ Hadid, born in Los age of excellence in my 步巩固了她在时尚界的地位。“贝 madre che era una grande am- Angeles in 1996, is the super- childhood memories: I re- 拉虽然非常年轻,却拥有超凡脱俗


12 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11

BRIGHTER THAN LIGHT photography Antonio Barrella photography Laziz Hamani

Choker, 1989 , Brooch, 1966 High Jewellery bracelet, 2012 "Flower" brooch, 1969 Gli immaginari di Roma e di armoniche che accostano alone—Rome and Bulgari also City, revealed in a universe of Bulgari sono pieni di caratte- tessuti e carta da parati o da share the peacock, sacred and symbols and inspirations, of rizzazioni, reali o fantastiche, pacco, intrecciando astrazio- profane, borrowed from paleo fragments and allegories bor- di animali. Legati alla secola- ne e ricerca figurativa in un Christian mysticism, six- rowed from literature, poetry, re denominazione di vie, di narrativo solco animalier. teenth-century opulence and archaeology and architecture. edifici e luoghi topici Bulgari è Roma e Roma è art nouveau stylisation. A pea- dell’Urbe, compaiono nelle Bulgari. È un gioco cangian- cock whose fanned tail is iri- • araldiche insegne patrizie o te che apre territori onirici, descent with dense colours like nel dialogo di marmi, di tra- delineando dimensioni di the stones in creations by Bul- 在罗马和宝格丽的想象里,充满了 vertino e acque scintillanti suggestione. Una reciproca e gari. Plus the majesty, nobility 关于动物的影子,或真实、或奇 delle numerose fontane ri- profonda appartenenza, and strength of the lion, the 幻。数个世纪以来,罗马的街道、 nascimentali e barocche che quella tra la Maison romana ever-present monarch of this 住宅、地名里都会用到动物的名 animano il tessuto della città. e la Città Eterna, che si rivela fantastic, symbolic bestiary. 字,它们的形象也出现在贵族纹章 Il serpente rappresenta l’e- attraverso un universo di This specific theme has been 上、或无数文艺复兴和巴洛克喷泉 ternità e la forza della sedu- simboli e di ispirazioni, di 里,让大理石、洞石和闪亮的水滴 zione, dà il nome a una stra- frammenti e allegorie prove- 之间出现了生动的对话,也因此点 da non lontana da Piazza del nienti dalla letteratura, dalla Bulgari is Rome 缀着整座城市。蛇象征着永恒和吸 Popolo. Un segno remoto e poesia, dall’archeologia e 引力,同时也是Piazza del Po- atemporale che unisce Roma dall’architettura. and Rome is polo广场不远处一条街道的名 e la Maison Bulgari, che si Bulgari. It is 字。这个遥远且永不过时的标志, rivela di continuo attraverso • 将罗马和宝格丽品牌连结在一起, pittura e arti decorative, af- an iridescent 不断通过绘画和装饰艺术现身,以 fiorando ipnotico e capzioso Symbols for Rome and Bulgari 催眠而梦幻的方式出现在马赛克、 nei mosaici, negli affreschi e are filled with real or fanciful game that leads 湿壁画以及古典雕塑里。除了蛇之 nelle sculture della classicità. images of animals. Linked to to dreamlike 外,罗马和宝格丽共同拥有的另一 Non solo il serpente – Roma centuries-old names for streets, 个动物是孔雀,它既神圣又凡俗, e Bulgari condividono il pa- buildings and important mon- territories 在古基督教奥迹、炫丽的十六世纪 vone, sacro e profano, tra mi- uments in Rome, they feature 艺术和新艺术风格抽象作品中都能 stica paleocristiana, opu- on heraldic patrician shields or ably interpreted with a series 找到它的身影。孔雀开屏时,展现 lenza cinquecentesca e in the dialogue between mar- of multi-material collages by 出彩虹般浓艳的尾羽,就像宝格丽 stilizzazione art nouveau. Un ble, travertine and splashing Luca Artioli, the artist and de- 创意作品所用的宝石。此外,还有 pavone la cui coda a venta- waters in the many renaissance signer from Lombardy, who 尊荣、高贵、强有力的狮子,这个 glio iridescente di colori and baroque fountains that has turned the animal world 奇幻而具有标志性的动物是无处不 densi come le pietre delle provide the soundtrack for into his main poetic muse. Skil- 在的国王。伦巴第大区艺术家兼设 creazioni Bulgari. Ancora: la everyday life in the city. The ful, harmonious textures that 计师Luca Artioli将动物王国当 maestà, la nobiltà e la poten- snake represents eternity and team fabrics and wall or wrap- 作其最主要的诗意灵感源泉,通过 za del leone, onnipresente the power of seduction, and ping paper weave abstraction 一系列材料拼接画诠释这个特殊主 monarca di questo bestiario lends its name to a street not far and figurative research in an 题。在由动物纹理构成的故事中, fantastico ed emblematico. from Piazza del Popolo. A dis- animalier narrative trend. 加入了抽象和形象探索。宝格丽就 L’artista e designer lombar- tant, timeless sign that unites Bulgari is Rome and Rome is 是罗马,罗马就是宝格丽。 do Luca Artioli, che del Rome and Maison Bulgari, Bulgari. It is an iridescent 在这个虹彩的游戏中,向人们打开 mondo animale ha fatto il continually revealed in paint- game that leads to dreamlike 通向梦境的通道,描绘美轮美奂的 proprio principale ambito ings and the decorative arts, territories where awesome di- 空间。这个罗马品牌与永恒之城互 poetico, ha saputo interpre- hypnotically and cunningly mensions take shape. A recip- 相归属、连结深厚,通过来自文 tare questo tema specifico emerging in mosaics, frescos rocal and profound sense of 学、诗歌、考古和建筑领域的丰富 con una serie di collage poli- and sculptures from the classic belonging shared by the Ro- 的标志、灵感、碎片、寓意而得以 materici. Texture sapienti e period. But the snake is not man company and the Eternal 体现。

FAIRY FEAR collages Luca Artioli

24 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11

MASTER PIECE photography Michele Gastl

32 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Serpenti Incantati watch CARILLON TOURBILLON ULTRANERO watch; opposite page: DIVAS’ DREAM watch BERRIES watch; opposite page: PAPILLON TOURBILLON watch Serpenti High Jewellery watches

Photographer’s assistant Francesca Imperiali; Postproduction Adamo Moses; Set designers Studio Tiche SHAPE & TEXTURE photography Gianuzzi & Marino

40 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 “Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag “Serpenti Forever” flap cover bags DIVAS’ DREAM flap cover bags “Serpenti Forever” flap cover bags "Serpenti" top handle bag; opposite page: DIVAS’ DREAM flap cover bag "Serpenti" top handle bag

Stylist Carolina Fusi SHIFTS photography Michele Gastl

52 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 OCTO watches OCTO FINISSIMO AUTOMATIQUE watches; opposite page: OCTO FINISSIMO TOURBILLON watch OCTO ROMA watches OCTO FINISSIMO TOURBILLON watch opposite page: OCTO ROMA watches

Photographer’s assistant Francesca Imperiali; Postproduction Adamo Moses; Set designers Studio Tiche FOLLOW ME photography Gianuzzi & Marino

60 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Serpenti band rings Serpenti band rings Serpenti bracelets; opposite page: Serpenti necklace Serpenti band rings; opposite page: Serpenti earrings; Serpenti necklace Serpenti band rings

Stylist Carolina Fusi; Body painter Ginevra Daniele; Models Angelica, Taina @ The One Models TWIST YOUR TIME photography Alexander Beckoven still life Gianuzzi & Marino

Serpenti watches; 70 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 top Alessandro Mensi Serpenti watches Serpenti watches; jacket Redemption, shirt Corneliani Serpenti watches; opposite page: Serpenti watches; top Wolford, gloves Sermoneta Serpenti watches; dress Wunderkind; opposite page: Serpenti watches Serpenti watches; bodysuit Intimissimi Serpenti watches Serpenti watches; top and skirt Trussardi; opposite page: Serpenti watches Serpenti watches; opposite page: Serpenti watches; top Trussardi Serpenti watches; opposite page: Serpenti watches; dress Alcoolique Serpenti watches; jacket Vivienne Westwood, dress David Ferreira Serpenti watches; opposite page: Serpenti watches; jacket Vivienne Westwood, dress David Ferreira Serpenti watches; dress Daniele Carlotta; Japanese Screen ‘Dancing Pines’ Oriental Art Serpenti watches

Still life Gianuzzi & Marino Stylist Carolina Fusi; Body painter Ginevra Daniele; Manicurist Jessica Iaquinangelo @ Face to Face; Hand Models Angelica, Taina @ The One Models

Editorial Alexander Beckoven Photographer’s assistant Riccardo Ferri; Digital assistant Luca Trevisan; Postproduction Up Studio Milano; Fashion stylist Costanza Maglio; Hair stylist Gabriele Trezzi @ Close Up; Make-up Silvia dell’Orto @ Face to Face; Manicurist Jessica Iaquinangelo @ Face to Face; Model Ellen Burton @ Womenmodels; Special thanks to Helena Markus Goldea The Roman Night, come diamanti, palpitanti vaguely oriental night-time is one of the queens of the inter- l’ultimo nato tra i profumi sulla coltre blu cobalto del flowery nuances, in particular national runways, standing out femminili Bulgari, segna un cielo. La donna, padrona tuberose, jasmine and peony. for her aesthetic and commu- capitolo inedito nelle pagine delle proprie idee e del pro- Its bouquet has a marked, al- nicative style, for the charisma della narrativa olfattiva. È prio destino, s’immedesima most hypnotic sensuality, like she emanates. un’eccitante, complessa ed nell’epopea della Città Eter- the eyes of a snake with mul- euforica composizione di na, ne abbraccia e ne riassu- ti-coloured scales, slithering • note cipriate, con opulenti, me la carica di tentazione e out of ancient poems and leg- vagamente orientali accenti di mito, venata da un pizzico ends. Goldea means goddess 全新 Bulgari 宝格丽女士香水 floreali notturni, in partico- di mistero. La magia della and gold. Its name embraces a “Goldea The Roman Night” lare di tuberosa, gelsomino e notte non basta a Goldea, message of prodigious beauty, 以前所未有的方式,揭开嗅觉传奇 peonia. È un bouquet dalla che con il suo charme riesce the force and energy of excit- 的新篇章。西普香调完美组合,带 spiccata sensualità, quasi ip- a trasformarla in spazio oni- ing radiance, in a game of re- 来繁复精细、振奋人心的欣快芬 notico, come lo sguardo di rico, in un’avventura fanta- vealing then hiding from a to- 芳,以晚香玉、茉莉及芍药为主的 stica. Bella Hadid, una delle tal fatal attraction, like 夜间花卉释放出拥有朦胧东方韵味 figure femminili che più spreading wildfire that refuses 的丰裕气息。 独有香气尽展感性 “Goldea means rappresentano l’epoca che to be put out. It is a journey by 情怀,宛若古老史诗与传说中拥有 stiamo vivendo, dal prossi- a woman of our times through 千色鳞片的灵蛇,神秘的眼神拥有 goddes and mo settembre sarà la testi- a Roman night studded with 近乎魅惑人心的魔 gold. Its name monial di Goldea. Ne inter- stars as bright as diamonds, 力。“Goldea”象征“女神” preta la portata sensuale flickering against the cobalt 与“黄金”。透过香水之名,惊艳 embraces a intrisa di luce e di charme, ne blue blanket of the sky. A wom- 之美得以传达,来自炽热耀光的魄 incarna l’intera tavolozza di an who controls her own ideas 力与能量得以传递,无法抗拒的奇 message of sfumature che si mescolano and destiny, who can relate to 幻吸引力若隐若现,恰似剧烈燃烧 prodigious e intrecciano come altret- the epic tale of the Eternal City, 的烈火般势不可挡。香水将一位当 tante nuance caratteriali di embracing and distilling its 代女性的罗马夜之旅娓娓道来,在 beauty” una donna di oggi. Bella, emotionally charged tempta- 钴蓝色的夜空中,群星如钻石般熠 vent’anni, americana, tra le tions and legends, tinged with 熠闪耀。这位女性颇有主见,她将 un serpente dalle scaglie di regine delle passerelle inter- a hint of mystery. The magic of 命运掌握在自己手中,在永恒之城 mille colori, uscito da anti- nazionali, si è imposta per la the night is not enough for 的伟大与壮丽中看到自己,从中汲 chi poemi o leggende. Gol- sua cifra estetica e comuni- Goldea, whose charm turns it 取流露些许神秘气息的魅力与传 dea significa dea e oro. Il cativa, per il carisma che into a space of dreams and 说。Goldea 的夜之魔法不止于 nome racchiude un messag- emana. fantastic adventure. Bella Ha- 此,她的无尽魅力足以将夜晚变成 gio di prodigiosa bellezza, la did, one of the females who best 唯美梦境,上演奇幻动人的探险之 forza e l’energia di una lumi- • represents our era, will from 旅。作为最能代表我们所处时代的 nosità appassionante, il gio- this September be the face en- 女性之一,贝拉•哈蒂德(Bella co a svelarsi e a nascondersi Goldea The Roman Night, dorsing Goldea. She interprets Hadid)将从9月起担任 Goldea di un’attrazione assoluta e the latest of the Bulgari fra- its sensual charge steeped in 代言人。贝拉将倾情诠释糅合光芒 fatale, come un fuoco che di- grances for women, marks an light and charm, she embodies 与魅力的感性风情,全方位演绎彼 vampa e che difficilmente si unprecedented chapter in the the entire range of its nuances, 此交织、相互融合的万千情怀,展 spegnerà. È il viaggio di una pages of the olfactory narra- merging and interweaving, as 现当今女性的个性风韵。20岁的 donna del nostro tempo at- tive. It is an exciting, complex numerous as the characteristics 贝拉来自美国,是最受国际 T 台 traverso una notte romana and euphoric composition of of today’s woman. This beauti- 青睐的超模之一,因极具魅力与表 trapunta di stelle, vivide powdery notes, with opulent, ful, twenty-year-old American 现力的惊艳外形而备受肯定。

ROMAN NIGHTS photography Glen Luchford

Serpenti bracelet

98 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Serpenti bracelet; Corona earrings; opposite page: collage Davide Parere Serpenti Tubogas necklace; opposite page: collage Davide Parere Festa di Bulgari, così la Mai- gonista dell’età del barocco, jewellery—who confides that Festa,这就是宝格丽即将于六月 son annuncia la nuova colle- Anna Maria Mancini, moglie “designing it was an abso- 底在威尼斯推出的2017高级 zione di High Jewellery 2017 del principe Lorenzo Ono- lute joy”—the collection in- 珠宝新系列。该系列令人想起具有 che verrà presentata a fine frio I Colonna. Ecco rivivere cludes some one hundred piec- 摇滚精神的公主以及意大利的 giugno a Venezia. Un mondo il suo gusto nel sautoir Royal es and celebrates the one 节庆传统。在此次活动中,人们还 che rievoca principesse Pearls. A Paolina Bonaparte, hundred and sixtieth anniver- 将有机会提前预览《The Joy of dall’animo rock e la tradizio- la ‘Venere Imperiale’, si rife- sary of the birth of the founder Gems》(珠宝的快乐),这本书 ne delle feste italiane. In oc- risce invece il necklace Il Sotirio Bulgari. A mosaic of 将率先专门介绍高级珠宝系列、贵 casione dell’evento anche Magnifico, con l’omonimo gems that have come to the 宝石以及让这些产品享誉全世界的 l’anteprima di The Joy of zaffiro ‘pain de sucre’ di 180 Bulgari atelier from every part 手工技艺。超越过往的鲜艳色 Gems, primo libro dedicato ct, incastonato in una catena of the world. Sapphires, emer- 彩:Larger than Life(超越平 alle collezioni High Jewel- di diamanti. La regina Mar- alds—including the 57 ct. Il 凡生活),就像涵盖宝格丽哲学理 lery, alle pietre preziose e gherita di Savoia, consorte Grandioso from Colombia— 念的这句箴言。该系列由本品牌珠 alla manifattura che li hanno di Umberto I, amava una rubies, like the one surrounded 宝产品创意总监Lucia Silvestri resi celebri in tutto il mon- lunga catena doppia compo- by diamonds on the ring that 设计——她透露说:“制作该产品 sta da nodi in diamanti. Ben homages Piazza Navona or 系列令人非常欢喜”,该系列共有 otto pezzi della collezione the other 12.10 ct. one from 一百多件产品,纪念品牌创始人 A mosaic of High Jewellery 2017, fra i Mozambique, which decorates Sotirio Bulgari诞辰一百六十周 gems that have quali spicca la triplice cate- the Cuore di Roma choker. 年。各式各样的宝石,从全世界各 na di perle con due fermagli One section of the collection is 地来到宝格丽的工作坊。蓝宝石、 come to Bulgari a nodo in zaffiri e diamanti, dedicated to princesses who 祖母绿——其中包括57克拉的哥 guardano a questa simbolo- lived in Rome at various times 伦比亚宝石Il Grandioso(至 from every part gia, mentre al disegno esa- in history, starting with the 尊)、红宝石,比如做成戒指,被 of the world gonale della Sala da Ballo most exciting character from 一圈钻石所环绕,以纪念Piazza rococò di Stupinigi rimanda the Baroque period, Anna Ma- Navona广场的那一颗,或者另一 do. Più colorato che mai: il pendente in smeraldo co- ria Mancini, wife of Prince 颗来自莫桑比克的12.10克拉宝 Larger than Life, secondo il lombiano a cuscinetto di 59 Lorenzo Onofrio I Colonna. 石,为项链Cuore di Roma(罗 mantra che racchiude la filo- ct, fulcro della collana Royal Her taste lives on in the Royal 马之心)平添风采。该产品系列中 sofia Bulgari. La collezione, Ball Room. Pearls sautoir. Whereas Paul- 的一部分用于纪念曾在不同 creata da Lucia Silvestri, di- ine Bonaparte, the ‘Imperial 时期在罗马生活过的那些公主们, rettore creativo della gioiel- • Venus’, is honoured by the Il 首当其冲的是巴洛克时期最具 leria della Maison – che con- Magnifico necklace, with the 冒险精神的女主人公Anna Maria fida «realizzarla è stata una Festa by Bulgari is how the 180 ct. ‘pain de sucre’ sapphire Mancini,是Lorenzo Onofrio I gioia assoluta» –, consta di Maison announces the new of the same name set into a Colonna王爵的妻子。现在可以 circa cento pezzi e omaggia i 2017 collection of High Jewel- chain of diamonds. Queen 通过Royal Pearls(皇家珍珠) centosessant’anni dalla na- lery, to be presented in Venice Margherita of Savoy, wife to 项链来重温她的品位。 scita del fondatore Sotirio at the end of June. A world that Umberto I, loved a long double Il Magnifico(绝美)项链则是 Bulgari. Un mosaico di gem- evokes princesses with rock in chain made of diamond knots. 为了纪念被誉为“皇家维纳斯” me, approdate negli atelier their soul and the tradition of This symbolism features in no 的Paolina Bonaparte,镶有180 di Bulgari da ogni parte del Italian festivals. The event will fewer than eight pieces from 克拉凸圆形蓝宝石,项链本身采用 mondo. Zaffiri, smeraldi – also feature presentation of the High Jewellery 2017 col- 钻石制作。Umberto 一世的妻子 tra cui Il Grandioso, colom- The Joy of Gems, the first lection, including the outstand- Margherita di Savoia皇后则喜 biano di 57 ct –, rubini, come book dedicated to the High ing triple pearl chain with two 爱长款双链项链,由钻石结组 quello circondato da dia- Jewellery collections, to pre- knotted sapphire and diamond 成。2017年高级珠宝系列有八 manti dell’anello omaggio a cious stones and the crafts- clasps, while the pendant with 款产品与这一标志相关,其中最令 piazza Navona o l’altro, mo- manship that has brought its 59 ct. cushion-cut Colombi- 人瞩目的是一条三链珍珠项链, zambicano di 12,10 ct, che them fame the world over. an emerald on the Royal Ball- 带有两个由蓝宝石和钻石构成的蝴 impreziosisce il collier Cuore More colourful than ever: room necklace copies the hex- 蝶结夹,此外,作为Royal Ball di Roma. Una sezione della Larger than Life, according agonal design of the rococo Room(皇家舞厅)项链核 collezione è dedicata a prin- to the mantra that embraces Ballroom at Stupinigi. 心的59克拉垫式切割哥伦比 cipesse vissute a Roma in the Bulgari philosophy. De- 亚祖母绿吊坠,其灵感则来自 varie epoche, a cominciare signed by Lucia Silvestri, crea- • Stupinigi宫殿中洛可可式舞厅的 dalla più avventurosa prota- tive director of the company’s 六角形设计。

FESTA photography Laziz Hamani on this and following pages: Festa High Jewellery necklaces

104 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11

A Valenza, in Piemonte, nel ca fucina di meraviglie. La lery par excellence. Designed distinctive vocation. Top prior- territorio del Monferrato, Glass House, che per Bulgari by the Open Project firm of ity has been given to the crite- città orafa per eccellenza, in avrà funzioni rappresenta- architects, the complex com- ria of sustainability and envi- soli diciotto mesi è nata Ma- tive e di ospitalità, sia a li- prises eight units with com- ronmental impact, and to nifattura Bulgari, il nuovo vello di architettura che di pletely different characteris- health and safety in the work- avveniristico stabilimento interior design, tramite moti- tics that house eighteen place. This further aspect of del brand romano. Un com- vi e materie simboliche, ri- laboratories, each one corre- pursuit of innovation aims to plesso pensato dallo studio flette l’inconfondibile con- sponding to a separate stage achieve international LEED di architettura Open notazione stilistica della in the creative process of a certification (Leadership in Project, che si compone di Maison. Il secondo edificio, jewel. Manifattura Bulgari is Energy and Environment De- otto corpi di fabbrica con articolato su tre piani e in- an unprecedented creation sign) by the end of 2017. caratteri completamente torno a una luminosa corte that ideally, even at the design differenti, in cui sono situa- interna, miscelando esteti- stage, provides a bridge be- • ti diciotto laboratori corri- ca ed efficienza high-tech tween tradition and innova- ha invece una destinazione tion. The starting point was 宝格丽珠宝工坊利用18个月的时间 prettamente produttiva. La the Cascina dell’Orefice, a 建造,位于皮埃蒙特大区孟菲拉托 “Manifattura nuova Manifattura per Bul- building dating back to 1860, 地区内知名的金匠城瓦伦扎(Va- gari non è soltanto un inve- the first real goldsmith’s work- lenza),它成为宝格丽未来珠宝 Bulgari ideally stimento industriale ma, shop in Valenza. With huge 的发展基地。整体建筑群由Open provides a oltre al profondo significato historic and symbolic value, Project建筑工作室设计,由八栋 di tradizione, riassume in sé this farmhouse was rebuilt 建筑构成,各具特色,共分为十八 bridge between il senso di un’identità, del and expanded with a techno 个工作室,与珠宝创意工艺的十八 tradition and DNA sia del marchio che di texture entirely conceived in 个步骤相呼应。这座工坊前所未 un luogo con una spiccata steel and glass, a modern-day 有,在设计风格上融合了传统和创 innovation” vocazione. Grande attenzio- copy of the original outlines of 新。Cascina dell’Orefice工坊 ne è stata prestata ai criteri that ancient birthplace of 的历史可追溯到1860年,这是瓦 spondenti ad altrettante di sostenibilità e impatto wonders. The Glass House, 伦扎第一家真正的金匠作坊。这个 fasi del processo creativo di ambientale, benessere e si- which will be used by Bulgari 建筑群具有鲜明的历史和标志性意 un gioiello. Manifattura curezza delle maestranze. for reception purposes and 义,通过采用钢材和玻璃的技术材 Bulgari è una realizzazione Un ulteriore aspetto di ri- hospitality, features motifs 质重新构建和扩充,以当代手法重 senza precedenti, che ideal- cerca di innovazione volta a and symbolic materials in its 新描绘了这个古老的奇迹熔炉的本 mente, già nelle sue linee perseguire il raggiungi- architecture and interior de- 来轮廓。Glass House(玻璃 progettuali, getta un ponte mento della certificazione sign, a reflection of the unmis- 房)用来接待外宾并代表宝格丽, fra tradizione e innovazio- internazionale LEED (Lea- takable style personality of 无论是建筑本身还是室内设计,都 ne. Punto di partenza, la dership in Energy and En- this Maison. The second build- 通过标志经典图案和材料彰显宝格 Cascina dell’Orefice, che vironment Design) entro la ing, three storeys set around a 丽独特出众风格特质。第二栋建筑 risale al 1860, primo vero fine del 2017. light-filled inner courtyard, 分为三层,围绕明亮的内庭而建, laboratorio orafo valenza- mixes aesthetics and hi-tech 将美学与高科技效率相混合,用来 no. Una struttura dotata di • efficiency and is destined 生产珠宝作品。宝格丽全新珠宝工 un forte valore storico e purely for production. The 坊不仅是产业投资,同时具有深厚 simbolico, che è stata rico- In Valenza, in Piedmont, new Manifattura is not just an 的传统意味,本身更代表宝格丽浓 struita e ampliata con una eighteen months was all it took industrial investment for Bul- 厚的DNA以及在这个地区鲜明的 texture tecnologica intera- to build the Manifattura Bul- gari as, beyond its deep signif- 身份定位。宝格丽不但关注可持续 mente concepita in acciaio gari, the futuristic new factory icance in terms of tradition, it 发展标准和环境保护,同时也重视 e vetro, che in chiave con- belonging to this Roman jew- embodies the sense of an iden- 手工艺匠的健康和安全,更持续努 temporanea ricalca i con- ellery brand, located in Mon- tity, of the DNA of both the 力在2017年底之前获取LEED能 torni originari di quell’anti- ferrato, the city of gold jewel- brand and a location with a 源与环境设计认证。

VALENZA, THE NEW MANIFATTURA photography David Atlan photo-reportage Marcello Mariana

112 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11


Jasmine Sanders B.zero1 Design Legend Launch Jon Kortajarena Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty Faena Hotel Miami Beach B.zero1 Design Legend Launch 89th Annual Academy Awards – Hollywood & Highland Center Faena Hotel Miami Beach Alicia Amanda Vikander 89th Annual Academy Awards – Hollywood & Highland Center

Rosaria Dawson B.zero1 Design Legend Launch – Faena Hotel Miami Beach

Elton John and David Furnish Paz Vega Academy Awards Viewing Party at Academy Awards Viewing Party at EJAF – West Hollywood Park EJAF – West Hollywood Park

Toby Huntington-Whiteley Lottie Moss and Jon Kortajarena Madonna Academy Awards Viewing Party at Academy Awards Viewing Party at Josephine Skriver B.zero1 Design Legend Launch – Faena Hotel Miami Beach B.zero1 Design Legend Launch – Faena Hotel Miami Beach EJAF – West Hollywood Park EJAF – West Hollywood Park Academy Awards Viewing Party at EJAF – West Hollywood Park

118 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Issue 11 Life in BVLGARI 119 MILAN BASEL

Anna Cleveland Jolin Tsai Bulgari Party at Bulgari Hotel Bulgari Party at Bulgari Hotel Milan – Milan Fashion Week Milan – Milan Fashion Week

Jasmine Sanders and Caroline Vreeland Bulgari Press Event at Baselworld

Bella Hadid Xenia Tchoumi Kris Wu Bulgari Party at Bulgari Hotel Milan – Milan Fashion Week Bulgari Party at Bulgari Hotel Milan – Milan Fashion Week Bulgari Press Event at Baselworld


Jon Kortajarena Bulgari Press Event at Baselworld Bulgari Press Event at Baselworld

Nicolò Rapone The New Manifattura Bulgari Valenza

Sergio Chiamparino, Romilda Tafuri, Gianluca Barbero, Nicola Bulgari, Isabella Ferrari, Mauro Di Roberto Jean-Christophe Babin, Carlo Calenda, Toni Belloni, Maria Rita Rossa The New Manifattura Bulgari Laura Harrier and Jean-Christophe Babin The New Manifattura Bulgari – Valenza Valenza Bulgari Press Event at Baselworld Bulgari Press Event at Baselworld

120 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Issue 11 Life in BVLGARI 121 16 Choker in gold with emeralds and diamonds, 34 left page: right page: 1989. CARILLON TOURBILLON ULTRANERO DIVAS‛ DREAM watch. Quartz movement. watch. 48 mm titanium case with black 39 mm 18 kt gold case set with brilliant-cut DLC treatment. Numbered crown and diamonds, corals and onyx. Snow-set pavé dial. transparent case back. Black alligator strap with 18 kt pink gold bracelet set with brilliant-cut titanium 3-blade folding buckle. Limited diamonds, onyx and coral. edition of 10 pieces.

18 Brooch in gold and platinum with rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds, 1966.

36 left page: right page: BERRIES watch. Mechanical manufacture PAPILLON TOURBILLON watch. 45 mm movement with automatic winding tourbillon, 18 kt pink gold case with transparent case back. BVL 313 caliber. Sapphire bridge and 22 kt gold 18 kt pink gold crown with black sapphire oscillating mass, set with diamonds. 40 mm insert, engraved with a unique number. 18 kt pink gold case, set with 63 brilliant-cut Black lacquered dial with opening above the diamonds and 7 color gemstones: 1 pink tourbillon cage and papillon system. Brown tourmaline, 2 brilliant-cut emeralds, alligator strap with 18 kt pink gold folding 1 brilliant-cut pink sapphire, 2 mandarine buckle. Limited edition of 30 pieces. garnets, 1 tsavorite. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a tourmaline. Aventurine dial with 20 High Jewellery bracelet in yellow gold with hand-applied pink gold plated numerals. Pink round shaped amethsyts (44.55 ct), round gold plated hands. Blue alligator band with shaped garnets (45.35 ct), round and oval shaped 18 kt pink gold 3-blade folding clasp, set with peridots (126.10 ct) and round brilliant-cut brilliant-cut diamonds. Limited edition of diamonds (2.34 ct), 2012. 30 pieces.

38 left page: right page: Serpenti High Jewellery watch. Quartz Serpenti High Jewellery watch. movement. 40 mm 18 kt pink gold curved Quartz movement. 40 mm 18 kt pink gold case and dial set with brilliant-cut diamonds, curved case and dial set with brilliant-cut mother-of-pearl and coral elements. 18 kt pink diamonds and coated with beige lacquer. 18 kt gold bracelet set with brilliant-cut diamonds, pink gold bracelet coated with beige and pink coral and mother-of-pearl elements. Eyes in lacquer. Eyes in rubies. sapphires. “Flower” brooch in platinum with emerald, 22 Serpenti High Jewellery watch. colourless and fancy yellow diamonds, 1969. Quartz movement. 40 mm 18 kt pink gold curved case and dial set with brilliant-cut diamonds and and coated with green lacquer. 18 kt pink gold bracelet set with brilliant-cut diamonds and coated with green lacquer. Eyes in malachite.

40 “Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in warm shade pony stardust and black calf leather. Brass light gold plated snake head closure in black and white enamel, with 32 Serpenti Incantati watch. Mechanical eyes in black onyx. manufacture skeletonized movement with manual winding tourbillon, BVL 208 caliber. 41 mm 18 kt pink gold case set with brilliant-cut diamonds. Alligator leather strap with 18 kt pink gold deployant buckle set with diamonds. Special engraving: limited edition of 50 pieces.

122 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Issue 11 Life in BVLGARI 123 42 left page: right page: 52 OCTO watch. Mechanical manufacture OCTO watch. Mechanical manufacture “Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag featuring “Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in silver movement with automatic winding, movement with automatic winding, a “Quilted Scaglie” motif in linen agate calf python skin in silver. Brass light gold plated BVL 191 caliber decorated with côtes de Genève, BVL 191 - Solotempo caliber decorated with leather. Brass ruthenium ultrablack plated tempting snake head closure in black and silver chamfering and snailed finishing. 42-hour côtes de Genève, chamfering and snailed tempting snake head closure in hawkʼs eye glitter enamel, with eyes in black onyx. power reserve. 41 mm steel case treated with finishing. 42-hour power reserve. 41 mm steel and black shiny enamel. black Diamond Like Carbon, crown set with case treated with black Diamond Like Carbon, ceramic and transparent back case. Lacquered crown set with ceramic and transparent back polished dial with hand-applied red indexes. case. Mat black dial with hand-applied black Integrated rubber strap with steel ardillon indexes. Integrated rubber strap with steel buckle treated with black Diamond Like ardillon buckle treated with black Diamond Carbon. Water-resistant up to 100 metres. Like Carbon. Water-resistant up to 100 metres.

44 left page: right page: 54 left page: right page: DIVASʼ DREAM flap cover bag in black nappa DIVASʼ DREAM flap cover bag in linen agate OCTO FINISSIMO TOURBILLON watch. OCTO FINISSIMO AUTOMATIQUE watch. leather featuring a “Quilted” motif. Brass nappa leather featuring a “Quilted” motif. Brass 40 mm (5.45 mm thick) with platinum case Extra-thin caliber with small seconds palladium plated hardware and iconic foldable light gold plated hardware and iconic foldable with bezel set with 60 baguette-cut diamonds (2.23 mm thick) and microtor. Mechanical DIVASʼ DREAM pendant closure in black DIVASʼ DREAM pendant closure in linen agate and transparent case back. Platinum crown manufacture movement with automatic winding shiny enamel. shiny enamel. with black ceramic insert. Black lacquered (platinum microrotor) and small seconds. dial with opening above the tourbillon cage. BVL 138 - Finissimo caliber decorated by Black alligator band with platinum ardillon hand with côtes de Genève, chamfering and clasp. 52-hour power reserve. Water-resistant perlage finishing. 40 mm extra-thin titanium up to 30 metres. Limited edition of 25 pieces, case (5.15 mm thick) with transparent case back. engraved on the backcase. Titanium crown set with ceramic. Titanium dial. Titanium bracelet with folding clasp. Water-resistant up to 30 metres.

OCTO FINISSIMO AUTOMATIQUE watch. 46 left page: right page: Extra-thin caliber with small seconds “Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in jazzy “Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in “polka (2.23 mm thick) and microtor. Mechanical tourmaline calf leather featuring a “Star Studs” dots” cold shade sea snake skin. Brass light gold manufacture movement with automatic winding motif in gold and silver brushed metallic plated tempting snake head closure in black and (platinum microrotor) and small seconds. leather and black elements. Brass light gold white enamel, with eyes in black onyx. BVL 138 - Finissimo caliber decorated by plated chain and tempting snake head hand with côtes de Genève, chamfering and closure in tone on tone matt enamel, with perlage finishing. 40 mm extra-thin titanium eyes in black onyx. case (5.15 mm thick) with transparent case back. Titanium crown set with ceramic. Titanium dial. Alligator strap with titanium ardillon buckle. Water-resistant up to 30 metres.

48 left page: right page: 56 left page: right page: DIVASʼ DREAM flap cover bag in antique “Serpenti” top handle bag in cold shade OCTO ROMA watch. Mechanical OCTO ROMA watch. Mechanical bronze mottled python skin. Brass light psychedelic python skin and black smooth manufacture movement with automatic manufacture movement with automatic gold plated hardware and iconic foldable calf leather. Brass light gold plated hardware, winding, BVL 191 caliber decorated with côtes winding, BVL 191 caliber decorated with côtes DIVASʼ DREAM pendant closure in linen stud closure in black shiny enamel and iconic de Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. de Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. agate shiny enamel. "Scaglie" design with green malachite stones. 42-hour power reserve. 41 mm 18 kt pink gold 42-hour power reserve. 41 mm 18 kt pink gold and steel case with transparent case back. case with transparent case back. 18 kt pinkg 18 kt pink gold crown set with ceramic. gold crown set with ceramic. Lacquered Silver dial with hand-applied indexes. polished dial with hand-applied indexes. Alligator strap with stainless steel ardillon Alligator strap with 18 kt pink gold ardillon buckle. Water-resistant up to 50 metres. buckle. Water-resistant up to 50 metres.

OCTO ROMA watch. Mechanical manufacture movement with automatic winding, BVL 191 caliber decorated with côtes 50 “Serpenti” top handle bag in cold shade de Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. stripes and black smooth calf leather. Brass light 42-hour power reserve. 41 mm steel case with gold plated hardware, snap closure in black transparent case back. Crown set with ceramic. shiny enamel with iconic "Scaglie" design and Lacquered polished dial with hand-applied lateral push buttons in green malachite stones. indexes. Alligator strap with stainless steel ardillon buckle. Water-resistant up to 50 metres.

124 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Issue 11 Life in BVLGARI 125 58 left page: right page: 66 left page: right page: OCTO ROMA watch. Mechanical manufacture OCTO FINISSIMO TOURBILLON watch. Serpenti band ring in 18 kt white gold with Serpenti earrings in pink gold set with pink movement with automatic winding, 40 mm titanium case with black DLC treatment pavé diamonds (0.71 ct), width 6 mm. tourmalines and pavé diamonds (3.63 ct). BVL 191 caliber decorated with côtes de and transparent back. 18 kt pink gold crown Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. with black ceramic insert. Black lacquered dial Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with Serpenti necklace in pink gold set with 13 pink 42-hour power reserve. 41 mm steel case with hand-applied polished indexes. Black carnelian and pavé diamonds (0.43 ct), width tourmalines and pavé diamonds (7.29 ct). with transparent case back. Crown set with alligator band with titanium ardillon clasp. 6 mm. ceramic. Silver dial with hand-applied indexes. Water-resistant up to 30 metres. Alligator strap with stainless steel ardillon Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with buckle. Water-resistant up to 50 metres. mother-of-pearl and pavé diamonds (0.43 ct), width 6 mm. OCTO ROMA watch. Mechanical manufacture movement with automatic winding, BVL 191 caliber decorated with côtes de Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. 42-hour power reserve. 41 mm steel case with transparent case back. Crown set with ceramic. Lacquered polished dial with hand-applied indexes. Steel bracelet. Water-resistant up to 50 meters.

60 Serpenti band ring in 18 kt white gold with Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with 68 Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with demì pavé diamonds (0.25 ct), width 4 mm. mother-of-pearl and pavé diamonds (0.25 ct), mother-of-pearl and pavé diamonds (0.43 ct), width 4 mm. width 6 mm. Serpenti band ring in 18 kt white gold with pavé diamonds (0.71 ct), width 6 mm. Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with mother-of-pearl and pavé diamonds (0.43 ct), carnelian and pavé diamonds (0.43 ct), width Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with demì width 6 mm. 6 mm. pavé diamonds (0.43 ct), width 6 mm.

Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with carnelian and pavé diamonds (0.25 ct), width 4 mm.

62 left page: right page: 70 Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with Serpenti band ring in 18 kt white gold steel curved case. Steel crown set with a mother-of-pearl and pavé diamonds (0.25 ct), with grey mother-of-pearl and pavé diamonds cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black width 4 mm. (0.25 ct), width 4 mm. lacquered dial. Desert quartz double-twirl calf leather strap. Serpenti band ring in 18 kt white gold with Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with demì demì pavé diamonds (0.43 ct), width 6 mm. pavé diamonds (0.25 ct), width 4 mm. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel Serpenti band ring in 18 kt white gold with Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. pavé diamonds (0.71 ct), width 6 mm. demì pavé diamonds (0.43 ct), width 6 mm. White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl Karung leather strap.

64 left page: right page: 72 left page: right page: Serpenti bracelet in 18 kt pink gold with Serpenti necklace in 18 kt white gold with pavé Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm mother-of-pearl insert and pavé diamonds diamonds (15.15 ct). pink gold curved case set with brilliant-cut steel curved case. Steel crown set with a (7.32 ct). diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. White lacquered dial. Desert quartz double-twirl Serpenti bracelet in 18 kt white gold with pavé mother-of-pearl dial. Brown double-twirl calf leather strap. diamonds (15.49 ct). Karung leather strap.

Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl Karung leather strap.

126 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Issue 11 Life in BVLGARI 127 74 Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel 82 Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm curved case set with diamonds. Steel crown steel curved case. Steel crown set with a steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. White cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. mother-of-pearl dial. Black double-twirl calf dial. Black double-twirl Karung leather strap. White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl leather strap. Karung leather strap. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 27 mm 18 kt pink gold curved case set with steel curved case. Steel crown set with a brilliant-cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. dial. White double-twirl calf leather strap. White mother-of-pearl dial. Emerald green double-twirl calf leather strap.

76 left page: right page: 84 left page: right page: Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt steel curved case. Steel crown set with a steel curved case. Steel crown set with a 27 mm 18 kt pink gold curved case set with pink gold curved case set with brilliant-cut cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered brilliant-cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a dial. White double-twirl Karung leather strap. dial. Black double-twirl Karung leather strap. set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Red lacquered White mother-of-pearl dial. Royal sapphire dial with guilloché soleil treatment. Red Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm double-twirl calf leather strap. double-twirl Karung leather strap. curved case set with diamonds. Steel crown steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. White crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel mother-of-pearl dial. Black double-twirl Karung White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel crown leather strap. Karung leather strap. crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Red White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl lacquered dial with guilloché soleil treatment. Karung leather strap. Red double-twirl Karung leather strap.

Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel curved case. Steel crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered dial. Black double-twirl Karung leather strap.

Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 78 left page: right page: steel curved case set with brilliant-cut Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel diamonds. Steel crown set with a cabochon-cut steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel crown pink rubellite. Red lacquered dial with crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Red guilloché soleil treatment. Black double-twirl White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl lacquered dial with guilloché soleil treatment. calf leather strap. Karung leather strap. Red double-twirl Karung leather strap.

Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt steel curved case. Steel crown set with a pink gold curved case set with brilliant-cut cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a 86 left page: right page: dial. Black double-twirl calf leather strap. cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Red lacquered Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt dial with guilloché soleil treatment. Red steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel pink gold curved case set with brilliant-cut double-twirl Karung leather strap. crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. White Karung leather strap. mother-of-pearl dial. Red double-twirl Karung leather strap. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel curved case. Steel crown set with a Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered pink gold curved case set with brilliant-cut dial. Black double-twirl Karung leather strap. diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a 80 Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Red lacquered dial steel curved case. Steel crown set with a Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel with guilloché soleil treatment. Desert quartz cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered curved case set with diamonds. Steel crown double-twirl calf leather strap. dial. Black double-twirl Karung leather strap. set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Red lacquered dial with guilloché soleil treatment. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Red double-twirl Karung leather strap. steel curved case set with brilliant-cut steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel diamonds. Steel crown set with a cabochon-cut crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. pink rubellite. Red lacquered dial with White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl guilloché soleil treatment. Black double-twirl Karung leather strap. calf leather strap.

128 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Issue 11 Life in BVLGARI 129 88 left page: right page: 94 Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt pink gold curved case set with diamonds. 18 kt steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel pink gold curved case. 18 kt pink gold crown pink gold crown set with a cabochon-cut pink crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Green rubellite. White mother-of-pearl dial. Emerald White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl lacquered dial with guilloché soleil treatment. green double-twirl calf leather strap. Karung leather strap. Green double-twirl Karung leather strap. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel pink gold curved case set with brilliant-cut 27 mm 18 kt pink gold curved case set with crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a brilliant-cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown White mother-of-pearl dial. Royal sapphire cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Red lacquered set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. double-twirl calf leather strap. dial with guilloché soleil treatment. Red White mother-of-pearl dial. Emerald green double-twirl Karung leather strap. double-twirl calf leather strap.

96 Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel curved case. Steel crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered dial. Emerald green double-twirl calf leather strap.

90 Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt 27 mm 18 kt pink gold curved case set with steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel pink gold curved case. 18 kt pink gold crown brilliant-cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Green set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl lacquered dial with guilloché soleil treatment. White mother-of-pearl dial. Emerald green Karung leather strap. Black double-twirl Karung leather strap. double-twirl calf leather strap. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm pink gold curved case. 18 kt pink gold crown steel curved case. Steel crown set with a set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Green cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered lacquered dial with guilloché soleil treatment. 98 Serpenti bracelet in 18 kt white gold with dial. Black double-twirl Karung leather strap. Green double-twirl Karung leather strap. emeralds and pavé diamonds (6.14 ct).

Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. pink gold curved case set with brilliant-cut 27 mm 18 kt pink gold curved case set with diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a brilliant-cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Red lacquered set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. dial with guilloché soleil treatment. Black White mother-of-pearl dial. Royal sapphire double-twirl calf leather strap. double-twirl calf leather strap.

92 left page: Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. steel curved case. Steel crown set with a 27 mm 18 kt pink gold curved case set with cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered brilliant-cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown dial. Black double-twirl Karung leather strap. 100 Corona earrings in white gold 18 kt with set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. diamonds (0.40 ct). White mother-of-pearl dial. Royal sapphire Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel double-twirl calf leather strap. curved case set with brilliant-cut diamonds. Serpenti thin bracelet in 18 kt pink gold and Steel crown set with a cabochon-cut pink demì pavé diamonds (2.86 ct). Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm rubellite. White mother-of-pearl dial. Royal steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel sapphire double-twirl calf leather strap. crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt Karung leather strap. pink gold curved case. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Green Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt lacquered dial with guilloché soleil treatment. pink gold curved case set with brilliant-cut Green double-twirl Karung leather strap. diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Red lacquered Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm dial with guilloché soleil treatment. Brown steel curved case set with diamonds. Steel 102 Serpenti Tubogas necklace in 18 kt pink gold double-twirl Karung leather strap. crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. with pavé diamonds (3.22 ct). White mother-of-pearl dial. White double-twirl Karung leather strap. right page: Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt 27 mm 18 kt pink gold curved case set with pink gold curved case set with diamonds. brilliant-cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown 18 kt pink gold crown set with a cabochon-cut set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. pink rubellite. Red lacquered dial with White mother-of-pearl dial. Emerald green guilloché soleil treatment. Black double-twirl double-twirl calf leather strap. calf leather strap.

130 Life in BVLGARI Issue 11 Issue 11 Life in BVLGARI 131 104 Festa High Jewellery necklace in pink gold with 25 yellow green chalcedony, 1 round brilliant-cut diamond (0.75 ct), 37 round brilliant cut diamonds (7.08 ct) and pavè diamonds (19.06 ct). PER 106 left page: right page: Back side of Festa High Jewellery necklace Festa High Jewellery necklace in platinum (page 105). with 1 cushion sapphire (19.31 ct), 17 South-sea pearls, 82 emerald beads (53.90 ct), 9 sapphire beads (31.62 ct), 40 fancy diamonds and pavé diamonds (13.87 ct). QUESTA PAGINA

108 left page: right page: Festa High Jewellery necklace in platinum Festa High Jewellery necklace in platinum with 1 cushion shaped cabochon cut sapphire with 1 cushion blue sapphire (36.45 ct), (180.98 ct), rectangular, trapezoidal step cut 1 certified diamond (0.90 ct D VS2), 249 buff-top diamonds and pavé diamonds (28.46 ct). cut sapphires (14.42 ct), 40 round brilliant NON cut diamonds (10.47 ct), 8 fancy shape, step cut diamonds and pavè diamonds (6.28 ct). ESTRARRE

110 left page: right page: Festa High Jewellery necklace in platinum Festa High Jewellery necklace in platinum with 1 round shaped emerald (53.57 ct), 8 pear with a Colombian cabochon emerald (26.10 PDF shape brilliant-cut diamonds (12.52 ct), 8 pear ct), emerald beads (41.98 ct), buff-top emerald and round shaped emeralds (8.39 ct), 31 pear (8,01 ct), 104 South Sea Akoya Pearls, diamonds brilliant-cut diamonds (11.98 ct) and round and (3.22 ct) and pavè diamonds (11.92 ct). pavé diamonds (23.47 ct).