Nechako Canyon Excavations I ·

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Nechako Canyon Excavations I · a 11-IE Publication of the Archaeological Society of British Columbia ISSN 0047-7222 Vol. 30, No. I - 1998 FjSf-61:87 FjSf-61:48 -Q- 0 2 3 FjSf-61:103 centimetres SERIALS SERVICES FjSf-61:107 RECEIVED SEP 2 3 1998 UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA McPHERSON LIBRARY Fj Sf-61:129 Nechako Canyon Excavations I · ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF a MIDDEN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published four times a year by the Archaeological Society of British Columbia Dedicated to the protection of archaeological resources and the spread of archaeological knowledge. Editorial Committee Acting Chief Editor: Heather Myles (274-4294) President [email protected] Helmi Braches (462 -8942) Field Editor: Richard Brolly (689-1678) [email protected] [email protected] News Editor: Heather Myles Membership Pu.blications Editor: Robbin Chatan Sean Nugent (685-9592) [email protected] [email protected] .ca Editorial Assistant: Erin Strutt Annual membership includes I year's subscription to Production & Fred Braches (462-8942) Subscriptions: [email protected] The Midden and the ASBC newsletter, SocNotes. Membership Fees SuBSCRIPTION is included with membership in the ASBC. Non-members: $14.50 per year ($17.00 USA and overseas), Individual: $25 Family:$30 Seniors/Students: $I 8 payable in Canadian funds to the ASBC. Remit to: Send cheque or money order payable to the ASBC to: Midden Subscriptions, ASBC ASBC Membership P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station Vancouver, B.C. VSC 2N3 Vancouver, B.C., V6C 2N3 SuBMISSIONS: We welcome contributions on subjects germane to B.C. archaeology. Guidelines are available on request. Sub­ ASBC on Internet missions and exchange publications should be directed to the http://home. appropriate editor at the ASBC address. Affiliated Chapters Nanaimo Contact: Rachael Sydenham Copyright Internet: Contents of The Midden are copyrighted by the ASBC. Programme Chair: Lorrie Lee Hayden It is unlawful to reproduce all or any part, by any means what­ Meetings the second Monday of the month at Malaspina Uni­ soever, without the Society's permission, which is usually gladly versity College, Department of Social Science. given. Contributors this issue Victoria Contact: Tom Bown (250-385-2708) Diana Alexander, Arne K. Carlson, Robbin Chatan, Bruce Internet: Dahlstrom, Heather Myles and Sandra Zacharias. Meetings on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30pm at the Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria. ASBC Diary The British Columbia Heritage Trust has provided MEETINGS featuring illustrated lectures held on the second Wednesday of each month (Except July and August) at 8:00 financial assistance to this project to support conservation of pm. Meetings are usually held at the Auditorium of the our heritage resources, gain further knowledge and increase Vancouver Museum at II 00 Chestnut Street in Vancouver. New members and visitors are welcome. public understanding of the complete history of British Columbia .. September 9 - Speaker: George P. Nicholas Archaeological Prospects and Aboriginal Concerns in British Columbia ft THE IDDEN Table Of CULTURE LIBRARY Contents UPDATE As reported in the Winter 1997 issue of The Midden, Culture Library Update budgetary cutbacks within the Ministry of Small Business, Internet Resources & BC 2- 4 Tourism and Culture have left the Culture Library without Archaeology funding. by Bruce Dahlstrom At this time, the Ministry is undertaking financial and A Plateau Horizon Site on the 5 - 9 administrative procedures to transfer theCulture Library Nechako Canyon collection to the BC Archives. Until the closure occurs by Arne K. Carlson the library is operating as usual. Individuals can contact Romi Casper via phone (250 356-1440), fax (250 356- The Separation of Home and 7796) or email ([email protected]) with the Workplace Review by Sandra Zacharias 1 0 loan requests and limited photocopying is still available. The tentative closure date for the library is this Autumn. Labouring to the Changing 11 - 12 Upon transfer to the BC Archives the Culture Library Rythms and Motions of Industry collection will be part of the Closed Stacks attached to the Review by Robbin Chatan Reading Room. While the collection will still be Re-evaluating Historical Ar- 12 - 13 accessible, it will become a reference only collection. chaeology Requests of photocopied material from the collection Review by Diana Alexander will still be possible, but the time between request and arrival of the photocopies may be quite lengthy (i.e. three Look for .... 13 to four weeks). Therefore, anyone in urgent need of Annual Index to the Midden 14 - 16 Culture Library loans should make plans to visit the library Vol. 29, 1997 or contact Romi Casper as soon as possible. by Heather Myles Permits 17- 20 Field Notes 20 Exhibits Inside back cove Front Page News Items Inside back cover Artifact illustrations by Lesley Mitchell. Tools recovered from the Conferences Outside back cover excavations at FjSf61 in the vicinity of the Nechako Canyon, BC. Figure 3 of "A Plateau Horizon Site on the Nechako Canyon" on pages 5 -- 9, Arne K. Carlson. The Midden 30/1 INTERNET RESOURCES & BC ARCHAEOLOGY by Bruce Dahlstrom search engine. Some engines specialize in Most web pages as a rule, can be usenet sites4 and others are designed to accessed free of charge using a web The internet has become increasingly 5 find e-mail addresses • There are also spe­ browser. Currently, free web browsers are important as a way to cost effectively dis­ cialized indexes and search engines which available from Netscape10 and Microsoft11 seminate information. A great deal ofma­ provide information about particular sub­ among others. Choosing a web browser is terial about archaeology is available on jects. ArchNet6 has detailed information a matter of personal preference, however the internet. For example, two recent web on archaeological topics including web you may fmd that some sites work more searches revealed between 53,033 and pages sorted by geographic region and reliably with a particular browser. Many 488,380 web pages mentioning archae­ subject. This index is particularly useful people find it useful to use more.tha n one ology: This article highlights a selection for older and more established resources. browser. ofthese resources which have particular A detailed list of archaeology and preser­ Commercial Sites - Several corpora­ relevance to archaeology in British Co­ vation resources is provided by the Na­ tions maintain web sites including soft­ lumbia. tional Center for Preservation Technology ware vendors and equipment suppliers. Of The internet resources can be broken 7 and Training . particular relevance to archaeology are down into four classes: web pages, e-mail Beyond the scope of this presentation, field equipment suppliers such as Neville discussion groups ( li sts), usenet considerable information on First Nations Crosby12 instrument suppliers like Fisher newsgroups, and interactive discussions is available through the Native Web8 Scientific13 and educational equipment (chats). They each have different struc­ which is a good starting point for such suppliers such as Edmund Scientific14• A tures and degrees of formality and research. The province also supplies a list number of archaeological consulting fmns interactivity, as illustrated. For purposes of First Nation governments.9 also have web pages. In British Columbia, of this discussion, formality is defined as the BC Association of Professional Con­ the ability to structure and present infor­ sulting Archaeologists (BCAPCA) pro­ mation, and interactivity is the ease with IW>b Page s! vides a list of member consulting firms, which different individuals can participate 0' several of which have their own web 15 in a discussion. Fom1ality has the advan- ~ !Mailing lists! pages . The American Cultural Resource tage of allowing for the presentation of '<"" Association 16 has a similar list in the complex and detailed information, while !Newsgroup I United States. interactivity allows for the maximum Government Sites - All levels of gov-. number of individuals to participate with Chat ernment are well represented on the web. the minimum expenditure of effort. Many towns and small communities have nteractiv~y Internet resources are in a continual web sites which provide local maps and state of flux, and although this informa­ lists of hotels and other local businesses, tion was up to date at the time of publica­ (this can usually be found by doing a Web Pages tion, changes may have occurred. I fa web search of the town name). The province Web pages have a high degree of for­ page link is not active, a variation on the also has information on accommodations mality in that the structure and content of 17 link or a search may be effective. A and travel • the pages are designed in advance, and number of search engines are available Material on provincial heritage legisla­ 1 2 cannot be changed by the user. There are including the popular Excite and Yahoo • tion is available from the Queen's Printer18 some exceptions where the web page's These engines search through submitted including the Heritage Conservation designer allows users to participate or 19 lists of pages, and are often useful for re­ Act • Currently, the Archaeology Branch comment on the site. ln most cases how­ sources which have a high degree of vis­ does not have a web page, but unofficial ever, these sites resemble journals or mu­ ibility and organization such as corpo­ copies of Branch directives are available seum displays in which information is pre­ rate web sites. Another type of browser, from theBCAPCN° The Ministry of For­ sented by the designer, and accessed but often called a web crawler\ looks through ests has a web page with contains details not altered by the user. Web sites here are the web and provides longer lists of links.
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