Europass Academic Profile curriculum vitae Personal information Surname(s) / First name(s) Katsounari Ioanna E-mail(s)
[email protected] Tel. 99-099619 Nationality Cypriot Education Dates September 1996-June 1999 Title of qualification awarded BSc Psychology Name of awarding institution University of Derby (UK) Dates January 2000- June 2002 Title of qualification awarded MA in Clinical Psychology Name of awarding institution Illinois School of Professional Psychology Key features Thesis Title: A cross-cultural study of the relationship between self-esteem and depression with eating disordered attitudes: comparison between Cypriot and British samples. Dates September 2002- September 2006 Title of qualification awarded PsyD in Clinical Psychology Name of awarding institution The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Key features Dissertation Title: A Methodological Review of MMPI and Rorschach findings assessing PTSD in Vietnam Veterans. Work Experience Dates September 2020-December 2020 Employer Name Cyprus Technological University Occupation or position(s) held Special Teaching Staff Main activities and Delivered lectures in the Nursing Department (Health Psychology, Communication responsibilities in Nursing) Dates October 2007-January 2020 Employer Name Frederick University, Cyprus Occupation or position(s) held Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology 1 Coordinator BSc program in Psychology (2018-2020) Main activities and Delivered lectures in Social Science subjects (Introduction to responsibilities Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychopathology I & II, Developmental Psychopathology, Interviewing Skills, Crisis Intervention, Basic Principles of Psychometrics, Psychotherapy Processes I & II, Clinical Psychology, Applied Psychology Lab) for the Psychology and Social Work (BSc and MA programs) programs. Coordinated BSc program in Psychology. Supervised students’ theses for the BSc degree in Psychology, MA and PhD degrees in Social Work.