Siemens Railcom and Model Driven Architecture Success Story
Success Story: THE IT-ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONALS Success Story: Siemens RailCom and Model Driven Architecture Siemens builds Product Line with MDA Siemens Transportation mation screens (CIS), closed-circuit TV End Customers Systems (CCTV) surveillance equipment, help- point intercom (HPI) emergency call The main customers of the RailCom Siemens Transportation Systems is a di- stations, supervisory control and data Manager are global and regional mass vision of Siemens AG, the world’s largest acquisition (SCADA), and related facili- transit operators, such as train and sub- manufacturer of electrical and electron- ties. way operators. The organization Siemens ic equipment. Siemens Transportation Transportation Systems Rail Commu- Systems has many years international nication supplies rail communication experience in building large-scale tran- RailCom Manager offers: projects of diverse complexities all over sit systems. the world, including success stories in Berlin, Hanover, the Netherlands, New • Real-time timetable information, con- York, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Malay- tinuously available to passengers RCM – RailCom Manager sia. These projects include passenger in- • Up-to-date information and entertain- formation systems, public address, clock Siemens RailCom Manager communica- ment in stations via electronic media systems, video surveillance, emergency tion management system is a standard call, telephony solutions, communica- • Readily accessible emergency tele- product, which provides access to all tion networks and SCADA – leveraging phones and information terminals information, communication and moni- the full bandwidth of the RailCom Manager toring systems via a single, integrated • Surveillance cameras in stations which functionality. user interface. The product integrates provide active protection of passengers public address (PA), customer infor- and property RCM is a Product Line Solution Siemens RailCom was facing a huge challenge when moving from offering a service towards the development of a standard product.
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