Jaunty Sport Coats Diers) in Our Camp
_________________--..:T:...H~E~J:~E::....'.W~I!-'S~H PO S T Page Five Thursday, July 6, ~944 Thursday, July 6, 1944 , --~----------------------------------~~~--- Page Four THE JEWISH POST dress with the hope that the innate I Silver, of Hudson Bay Junction, ...~~~----------------------------------- '.t_."_~_,,-_.-,,,-".-""-""-"'-.IIIl-"'-a.-a, Dower Expresses Confidence In Ultimate justice of this cause, aided by the Icontributed $50 which was credited M. J. FinkeLstein, K.O. t'D...... o ........ ft. -- -- ----- -- .. - C. E. Finkelstein .ft ..•• m.·•• -.'·.- ..... ••.. ········ft ..... Under the auspices tremendous mfluence of the Pro- to this community. D. A: McOormick COME AND PAY TRIBUTE TO THESE TWO GREAT ZIONIST LEADERS Justice For Jewish Cause In Addressing Palestinian Christian Council, would . of the . .ftft-·-·~ft.-. Closing Meeting Of Edmonton Hadassah soon result 1n the abrogatlOn of the· AIR COOLED A. M. Shinbane Zionist Organization White Paper and the resumption Fmkelstein &Company of free immigration into Palestine in OLLEGE of Canada Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Etc. K.C. John. D. Dower, western vice-, faith and confidence in British ideals, C THEATRE sufficient time to aid the remnant.s HERZl -FREIMAN ME DRIAl Midwestern Region MAIN at TELEPHONE president of the Zionist Organization justice and fair play, the Jewish of war-torn European Jewry. * 218 PORTAGE AVE. WINNIPEG Principal CHURCH 53696 TUESDAY - 8.30 p.m. - TALMUD TORAH AUDITORIUM of Canada, was the guest speaker people have gone ahead with' a Speaker Mrs. Henry Bloomfield was re _. _ ...o __ cue.vo & u ow_. U 45;' U _ U _ • ..."...... __ U wo u W & •• _. at ·the annual meeting of Edmonton tremendous project in the re-estab elected president for the coming =----'F~R"I.":,c:'s"A~·r".,~M~O:oN~.,~JU~L~Y_7~,_'8"-,-'1'.!!O_ ~ ".IIII""."''iII.'''.III''.-''.''''''''1-'''''''•• '' .............
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