w i awl tomorrow. Ihtmday, partly cloudy. Hfeh (o- 25,475 aliy, tomorrow and Thursday In Red Bank Area j the Tti. Low tonl|ht, A to «. • V7 • , , Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., IMS. Sea weather, page I. DIAL 741-0010 HON.MOUTH COUNTY'S HOME^ NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS

tautd duly, Uoniar tbreuw Friday, ticond Clut PMttst PAGE ONE VOL 88 NO "SO PlU1 „ fa i^ MJ « AddltloMil MUlinl OHICM. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1965 7c PER COPY Middletown Police Arrest 12 at Big Beer Party MIDDLETOWN-Police yester- Bay Ave., Highlands; Henry C. V. Taylor, 20, of Ihe University Police said the wooded hang- mids of beer cans at the scene, The 12 arrests were made by and then ran back into the woods, day broke up a beer party in the Hartsgrove, 19, of 12 Miller St., of Tennessee; Andrew D. Ness, out, which is about half a mile possibly two or three thousand Detective Capt. Joseph M. Mc- the chief said. Hartshorne woods. Locust, ar- Highlands; Robert C. Hartsgrove, 21, of Shore Dr., Highlands; Den- from Portland Rd. and the same cans, and that youths, both boys Carthy and Detective Sgt. Robert Highlands police said there are paths and even sofas at the hang- rested 12 persons and Impounded 20, of 12'/j Miller St., Highlands; nis McCarthy, 24, of 48 Wilson distance from the Henry Hudson and girls, have named the place Letts. About a dozen quarts of "Iron City," after, a brand-name beer and several six-packs were out. five cars. An estimated 40 es- Craig A. Bahrs, 18, of 79 Port- PI., Belleville; Thomas Corson, Regional High School, on the Mid- dletown-Highlands border;" has beer. taken to police headquarters Municipal Court hearing date caped by running through the land Rd,, Highlands, and Henry 31, of 76 Center Ave., Atlantic along with those arrested. for those arrested has been set woods to cars parked in nearby DeAndrlco, 17, of 20. Ralph St., Highlands; James DesBlens, 38, been the scene of fights and other A large "Iron City" sign was trouble for several weeks — one for Thursday, Sept. 16 at 9 a.m. areas. Highlands, all chargld with pos- of Roger St., Highlands, and Ro- up when police raided the place While the two policemen were The chief said one man claimed land Eldridge, 30, of 25 Valley youth reportedly had to have 30 yesterday. leaving, some of the youths who Acting Police Chief Raymond session of alcoholic beverages, stitches from a fight. he was in the wooded area bird- T. Walling listed these arrests: and Walter J. Shermond, 22, of St., Highlands, all charged with The chief said seven youths had run into the woods came back watching and others said they Edward M. O'Nell, 18, of 225 191 Bay Ave., Highlands; Gary trespassing. ' The chief said there are pyra- were posted as lookouts. to get some of the left-behind beer were on nature hikes. Committee to Be Formed Today County Industrial Unit To Administer U.S. Aid By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON FREEHOLD — The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders will appoint an Industrial Develop- ment Committee today to admin- A Friendly Letter — But ster county participation in the U. S. Economic Development Act FREEHOLD — It was only a friendly letter. But wowl know what he's talking about." of 1965. Happy about passage of the new Economic Development While the congressman was waiting publication today of Freeholder Director Joseph C. Act, in which he had had a featured role, Rep. James J. _his rebuttal, that indeed Monmouth had no such program, Irwin disclosed the plan in Howard, the freshman Democrat, wrote about it last week to Mr. Irwin last night Issued a three-page statement prepared statement last night Monmouth County Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin, the veteran Republican. In it he set the record straight but ignored without men- which was part of his exchange tion the fact that his latest information contradicted his first with Rep. James J. Howard over "Dear Joe," it started. And it was signed, "Sincerely, report. .-...» recent county history in federal Jim." "Insulting," said Congressman Howard of the first Irwin economic aid. In between the congressman noted that the freeholders statement. "A guilt complex," he charged in describing the The Democratic congressman had not enacted an Economic Development Program under second. ' A BEVY OF BEAUTIES — Four of the candidate! for Wit title of Mi« Am&rrca got to- touched it off when he wrote to 19S1 federal legislation, and would now need one with a com- mittee to administer it. Initially Mr. Irwin.pointed to a number of public works gether thorHy after they registered with Pageant headquarter! in Atlantic City yester- Mr. Irwin to discuss county par- projects, notably seawalls and bridges, built with federal ticipation in the new federal pro- Even though, as of last night, he said he hadn't read' the day. They are, left to right, Mi«s New Jeney, Kathleen Holmes of Toms River; Miii letter, Mr. Irwin had a rapid-fire double barreled reaction. money, as proof of the existence of an Economic Development gram, signing the letter with one Program. . P*nnsyljri'nia, Judith McConnell of BVtiel Park; Mi» Delaware, Kathleen Gr«nde!L.of of the pens President Johnson He told The Register last Thursday the county had an Wilmington, «nd Miss New York, Marlena Butcfivrof Hamburg. AnoMtr"ph^O'.bn^s+ had used in signing the bill. Economic Development Program and that Mr. Howard "didn't (See LETTER, Page 3) , . . . page of lecond section. - (AP'Wirephato) Rep. Howard had been floor manager for passage of one sec- tion of the legislation in the House and attended the bill-signing cer- emony In the White House). The Republican, freeholder di- rector at first said Mr. Howard wai wrong about the county not having hid in Economic Devel- opment Program and said such Become Asbury Park 'Admirals' things as: A Royal Welcome I don't think he knows whal By WILLIAM HENDERSON Mayor Frank Rowland said, con- Gov. Hughes strolled the going to vote .for you because he's talking about . . . How ASBURY PARK-Gov. Richard sists of eight lifeboats, 16 oars boards Sunday greeting children you. are against Communists ATLANTIC CITY - (AP) Kathy Holmes, also received a miniature size swim suit simi- does he think we qualified for J. Hughes and his Republican and some beautiful girls for in- and adults alike. A regatta he teaching our children in school." 19-year-old Toms River native who will repre- lar to those worn by the city's life guards, and federal assistance for seawalls rival, Sen. Wayne DujnSnt,' Jr.; spiration. Sen. DUmont received was to review was canceled due Reference . was to the recent sent in the Miss America Pageant, a large bouquet of red roses. and bridges .'. . We know how resorted to old. fashioned poli- the same honor yesterday at the to. rough seas. Rutgers university . Incident In- arrived in Atlantic City yesterday to a royal Most of the other 49 candidates for Miss to run the government, of Moh- ticking to win vates over the same place on the boardwalk, Gov. Hughes, a familiar figure volving Professor Eugene- Geilc- Welcoming committee. America are met only by a hostess and their mouth County ... (The) county holiday weekend. here. The candidates were pre- in Monmouth County, drew large vese, which has became a po- ,On hand at Batter Field, where her plane is in the front line of so many The candidates kissed babies; sented with' admiral's hats. crowds. So did Sen. Dumont, who litical football. official car. • • . • . < • . 1 (ran Lakewood landed, were her mother and .Kathy's traveling outfit was a brown, with things it- would make his head shook hands with visitors; ate Other notables who have been campaigned along the boardwalk Sen. Dumont received a warm father, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes,' mem- a touch of beige, double breasted knit cuit.' iwim." hot dogs and ice cream cones, appointed admirals in Asbury from Convention Hall south. reception on the sands, then bers of the Toms River Jaycees, who spon- She wore a burnt orange pillbox hat, with Another Program and; reached the real corny stage Park are Joe McCarthy, former Earlier, the GOP hopeful Journeyed to Asbury Park. With by munching pop corn. manager of the N.Y. Yankees him' were Assemblyman Willii J sored her, about 20 newsmen and photogra- brown gloves, brown shoes and brown pocket It developed that the count) walked in the sand at Sandy Hook phers, and six members of the Dover Township book. , Both men received equal hon- whose team trained here during State Park, introducing himself. T. Hiering, Toms River, cantlf doesn't have a program and that ors during their campaign chores World War 2; the late Vice Pres- date for the state Senate and Police Force who provided an airport escort The plane ride, which lasted less than half it got the aid Mr. Irwin men- The climax of Sen. Dumont's for her. an hour, was Kathy's first. n Monmouth. On Sunday, the ident Alvin Barkley; Francisco appearance there was when a Joseph Azzolina, Middletown, tioned under another program. governor was made an admiral Belucci, mayor of Rome, and running for a GOP seat in the Atlantic City Commissioner Richard S. She flew here in a single engine red and To Mr. Irwin's first statement woman approached him and said: Jackson also met the plane and presented in the Asbury Park navy which, former Gov. Robert Meyer. "I don't know you, but I'm Assembly. He brought his six- white Piper Cub which bore the inscription Mr. Howard replied on Sept. 3 year-old son, Mark, with him. Kathy with a certificate making her an honor- "A world of luck to Kathy Holmes, Miss'New "Today. I immediately recon- ary member of the resort beach patrol. She Jersey 1965." Sen. Dumont walked slowly, tacted the Area Redevelopment speaking mostly to people seated office in Washington to jdoubl on the benches. This prompted check my statement, hoping thai Hughes Says Republicans one lady to ask a newsman for may have been mistaken and The Register:. . that Mr. Irwin is correct and Long Branch Councilman 'Do I have to sit down to that the municipalities may now shake hands with him?1 . ; apply for assistance under the ' The candidate visited restau- . . .act of 1965. Blocked Labor Legislation rants, orange juice stands, "Unfortunately I was informec Could Succeed Roosevelt CLIFTON — Gov. Richard J. will cover almost every working which will not say no to every amusement concessions and oth- by phone by Mr. Harold Wi man in this state. er spots. He traveled some dis- By SANFORD R. STAROBIN Mr. Roosevelt, liams, the deputy administrator Hughes in his annual Labor Day positive and responsible labor chief admini- fused to disclose the investmen speech yesterday charged that the 2. The use of every resource request." tance eating an ice cream cone LONG BRANCH - In the strator here for slightly more firm's name he claimed his . . . that my statement was cor- in his right hand and taking a wake of City Manager James F. Republican-controlled Legislature to guarantee that, even in times 4. Strong support for a com- than two years,, 'resigned his salary would be doubled. The rect and that Mr. Irwin was had blocked bills designed to help bite of a frankfurter, held in Roosevelt's surprise resignation $15,000-a-year position Friday of the highest economic pros-pletely revised state unemploy- firm is said to have its head wrong. the 500,000 organized workers in perlty, government, in harmony ment insurance system "while his left. A "group carrying signs Friday, two city coundlmen have evening to accept a position in quarters in New York. "The "fact remains that thi v reading National Negro Repub- . emerged as potential successors the state. with business and labor, will use continuing to urge the federal Switzerland as an investment Trial ballonshave been lofted Area Redevelopment Administra- its full resources to maintain con- lican assembly—voting Repub- to the post. representative. Although he re- Speaking to members of the government to establish a na.< and minor boomlets engineered tion still does not have a Mon- Retail Store Employees Union, tinued full employment. tional minimum rate of unem- lican all the way, followed Du- on behalf of Councilman Henry mouth County Economic Devel Local 1262 AFL-CIO, the governor 3. Press hard for a .meaning- ployment benefits." mont. R. Cioffi and Edgar N. Dinkel- opment Plan and has not sine said: ful revised workmen's compensa- 5. "Take a new, hard look at Dumont introduced himself spiel. Both said yesterday they 1961. "For four years we have fought tion law, "with a Legislature (See HUGHES. Page 3) (See ADMIRALS, Page 3) , were not actively seeking . the "My letter to Mr. Irwin was for the adoption of a minimum Hikvoird Expects post, but would, accept it If of- a friendly letter, requesting thai wage law realizing, with some fered. ' Uie county officials and I work shame, that this great industrial Freehold Man Among Road Victims A special caucus of City Coun- together to assure that our coun- center of America is still one of Monejr for Inletcil has been called for tonight ty will be-able to benefit from those remaining states which to. discuss the city's administra- this important and far-reachin does not have on its statute books tive future. • : . federal act. an over-all minimum wage law. FREEHOLD- — Federal-funds House, Public Works-bill, and Is . In.'the meatime, if the gov- "I hope that Mr. Irwin will 1 But, our efforts were blocked by Death Toll Nearing Record for the *B,180,000 Sandy Hook In expected to; be approved when erning, body fails to select a suc- the future put aside petty part; a legislative majority living in let proposal probably will be ap- the House considers the whole cessor, by Oct. 1, the. effective politics so that we can worl the dead past... The nation's traffic deaths over holiday patrols. The troopers ana, , North Carolina and pointed by the end of the current bill in,a week or two, it is nk date of Mr. Roosevelt's resigna- co-operatively for the people o: the extended Labor Day week- were aided by two helicopters West Virginia. S! congressional session later this included in a companion Senate tion/'James T.' O'Neill, public Revision Sought, Monmouth County. end, with a rash of accidents and hundreds of local policemen. The nation's worst accident month, Rep. James" J. Howard rivers.and harbors bill. works director, will assume' the "If he won't, then I'll jusl "Year after year, we have rec- (D-M-N.J.) predicted yesterday, causing multiplp e fatalities, app- Nationwide, the National Safety during the holiday' period killed Mr. Howard said he has re- post on a temporary basis a have to do the best that I ca ommended a complete revision of d hdd d seven persons, all under 21, near Actual construction will then ceived indications that House and prescribed by the city's admin- by myself . . the workmen's compensation sys- peared headed to near the record Council had . estimated that 500 wait on state and county sources loll of 557 for the holiday. to 600 persons might lose their Madison, Wis., Sunday. , Senate conferees, who will con- istrative code. .•..,. "I am astounded that this le' tem, only to have to fight during With belated reports expected lives in traffic accidents during Among the New Jersey vic- which are obligated to pay half • It is considered highly un- the last legislative session to the bill. sider both bills for compromise ter should have provoked sue! to boost the final total, the count the holiday period. A spokesman tims: prevent our opponents from en- said the heavy toll yesterday and Congressman Howard said that (See HOWARD, Page 3) (See LONG BRANCH, Page 3) (See COUNTY, Page 3). for the 78-hour period which Hightstown—Eduard L. Marti- acting a law which was a mock- ended at midnight showed 538 late reports of deaths could set nez, 45, of Elizabeth, was struck Army engineers, supporting the ery of the principle of workmen's a record toll. inlet plan before the house Public persons killed in traffic acci- and killed by a car Monday as compensation. dents. The record high for a In other accidents over the he stood behind a disabled ve- Work* Committee this summer, 'And, I would, nqte that my op- aald they have been assured that Labor Day weekend was set in weekend, 25 persons lost their hicle on the right shoulder of ponent (Sen. Wajrne Dumont) in 1963 and last year's total was lives in boating mishaps and 41 the New Jersey Turnpike near the "local" participation will be Chargethis campaign was four-square forthcoming. 531. persons drowned for an over-all Exit 8. (or the counterfeit version." Eight persons died on New total of 604. Laurelton—Richard Ebert, 22, Congress has had inlet pleas The governor told, the union before It since Initial resolution!, Jersey roads over the weekend Several multiple-death acci- of Manhattan Ave., Carteret, members that his administration dents were reported in Wlscon- was fatally injured Sunday night iponsqred by Rep. Howard's e Bills "worked diligently in these past —three less than the 11 traffic predecessor, Rep. James C. fatalitics predicted by the state sin, Pennsylvania Texas, Indi- (See TOLL, Page 3) MIDDLETOWN - Two youths will be ar- out a squad car call which was heard by Fire four years to help establish New Safety Council. Auchindoss, were adopted in 1949 Jersey Industry, expand invest- raigned today In the Commiss- Chief John Dashkavlch, driving on Rt. 35. However the final death toll and 1050. ioner's office in Aabury Park on charges of From previous information, police already ments and plant facilities, and to Favorable Study bring new Industry here even climbed to 12 for the last holi- possessing and passing counterfeit money. had the car. license number of the auto being day weekend of the summer. Mr. Howard's request for 14,- Acting Police. Chief Raymond, T. Walling being used by the pair. though a short-sighted opposition Today's Index party denied us minimal funds Three men who drowned after 090,000'for this year followed on reported the arrest yesterday of'William J. .: The fir? chief spotted the car and motioned abandoning their damaged fish- Page Page, the heels; of a favorable feasibil- to do the jobi" Banzaca, 19, of 594 Hopping Rd., Belford, thpyduths to pull to the side of the road. A ing boat and a man who per- AHcn-Scott , J Events of Years Ago . _ I " ity study from the Army Corps and William Angelo, 18, of 250 Creek Rd., ished in a fire also were among Antiuementi ...: 21 llerblock ....'. of Engineers last December, moment later. Patrolman Foster arrived and 7-Polnt Plan Keansburg. The youths are being held in jail made the arrest. • Gov. Hughes pledged that his the victims during the 72-hour Jim Bishop • Movie Timetable ..J1 Though the authorization was here in lieu of $5,000 ball each. ' period between 6 p.m. Friday added (o the original omnibus • 'Investigation is being handled by Detec- next administration—the people Bridge' S Obituaries 1 They are charged with pasting $10 counter- tives William Halliday and Walter Monahan wllling-wlll tight hard for a and midnight Sunday. John Chamberlain I Sylvia Porter ;.. I Swedish Mauaga feit bills at Pantry. Pride, Shop Rite, and Two aqd.' tf.>: 8,, Treasury Department agents. seven-point labor program of new Thousands of homeward vaca- Classified 17-M Sports ...: M-ll Reducing Equipment Guya, all St. 3S stores. "'• .•'/>• ; _,The chief reported that the youths, at the and unfinished < -endeavors. Hetioners, clogged the highways Comics M Successful Investing ....'. 1 Call 74HM1 , The arrest was made by Patrolman Robert time of their arrest, had $630 in counterfeit Hated them .it: Sunday night as more than 700 CroMword Puule ...... 5 ft 7 Television .:....- _.._.....;Jl Adv. Foster, after Patrolman Michael Mahoney put bills. 1. A minimum wage law which state troopers continued their Editorial* 1 I Womens News' 8 ft It f A Z-TWay, %»t 7, 1965 OBITUARIES XU% DAILY REGISTER India, Pakistan Conflict Norbert Turek, NEW DESJHI, India (AP) - gong, on the other side of India creasing resistance." Pakistan Lahore, Pakista n's . second MRS. FERDINAND KARL MRS. JAMES CORRAIGE MRS. EMMA SHEPHERD Indian and Pakistani bomber: in East Pakistan. claimed it had halted India's largest city 15 miles from the MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. Elsbeth MRS. PIETRO ANASTASIA KEYPORT — Mrs. Emma carried the war to large cities in An official Indian announce. tank-infantry invasion of West frontier, appeared to be the tar- Shepherd, 68, of West Thorton, Publisher, Karl, 78, of 83 Truex PI., died LONG BRANCH - Mrs. Jame: both countries early today as ment said Pakistani planes hil Pakistan which crossed the-in-: get of the Indian invasion. Sunday in Riverview Hospital, Corraige, 73, of 27 Woodrow Wi! N. H., a former resident of this the war spread 1,000 miles "civilian areas" in Amritsar, ternational frontier at dawn borough, died in West Thnrton Pakistani paratroopers Red Bank, after a long illness. son Homes died Thursday in Mon Dies at 43 across the subcontinent to areas largest city, in Punjab State, and Monday. dropped' deep behind the Indian Born in Germany, she was the Sunday. mouth Medical Center after RUMSON - Norbert E. Turek,' along the border between India Kalaikunda airbase at Calcutta lines in Punjab during the night, daughter of the late Edward and long illness. Born in Philadelphia, she had 43, of 184 Rumson Rd. died Fri- and East Pakistan. New Delhi claimed its fight, and more followed them this Helene Kubash Palme. Mrs. K-arl Weather Her cousin, Mrs. Pietro Anas lived in New Hampshire for the day in Riverview Hospital, Red India said its bombers at- ers beat Pakistan's air force In | morning. Their mission ap- had lived in Leonardo 25 years tasia, 85, of 320 Hillside Ave past 15 years. Bank, after a short illness. tacked Chaklala airbase at R« air battles over wide areas 61 NEW JERSEY - Fair througgh peared to be destruction of before moving here four weeks died in her home Friday. Mrs. Shepherd is survived by the subcontinent and destroyed Wednesday. High He was owner and publisher of jv/alpindi, Pakistan's capital, bul today < androads and communication lines ago. Both women came to this coun her husband, Edward Shepherd; nine American - made planes Wednesday 75 to the Legislative Index of New a Pakistani spokesman there 80. Low to- 100 miles or more behind the She was a retired chef. try from Italy, where they wen four daughters, Mrs. Mary Short, flown by Pakistani pilots — two night in mid 50s to low Jersey in Elizabeth and was said no bombs fell on military 60s, | frontier, perhaps in preparation Surviving besides her husband, born, 65 years ago. Their fa- Mrs. Joseph Booket and Mrs, F104 supersonic jet fighters, six Marine counsel to the Satisfactory Sav- areas. c. for a massive conventional Ferdinand, are two step-sons, thers were brothers. John Pocsaji, ill of Matawan, American Sabre Jets, and one Cape May to Block Island — ings and Loan Association, Eliza- Pakistani radio broadcasts ground attack across the bor- Walter Karl, of this place and Mrs. Corraige was the daughte and Mrs. Edward Collins of B57 bomber, North to northeast winds 10 to beth. said the Indians also hit Kara- Ider. Henry Karl, with whom she of the late Joseph and Mari; 15 knots today and 10 to 15 Wayne, Mich.; a son, Robert chi, the nation's biggest city and India said it lost eight planes In New York, U.N. Secretary- lived; a brother, Hugo Palme of Mazza Perri. Mrs. Anastasia wa: Shepherd of Woodbridge; a sis- He had suffered a stroke while knots tonight. Variable winds 10J the major seaport in West Pak- but had turned back many Pak General U Thant made plans to Fort Worth, Fla.; two grand the daughter of the late Mr. am ter, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson of he and his wife were visiting in to 15 knots on Wednesday. Vis- stan, and Dacca and Chitta- istani attacks. fly to both warring countries on children; a great grandchild Mrs. John Perri. Falls Church, Va.; 10 grandchil- Juno, Alaska, and, after a period ibility five miles or more. Fair In ground combat, India ac- a peace mission. The Security and several nieces and nephews Both women were communi dren and nine great grandchil- of convalescence, returned east today through Wednesday. by air. HARRY N. THOMPSON knowledged it was meeting "in. Council repeated a cease-fire Services will be held tomorrow cants of Holy Trinity Catholi dren. High during the past 24 hours, at 11 a.m. in the Scott Funera Church, here. Mr. Turek was born in Eliza- RED BANK—Harry N, Thomp- appeal and asked Thant to help 72. Low, 56. Ocean temperature, Home, Belford, with Rev. C Surviving Mrs. Corraige an Requiem High Mass will be of- beth, son of Mrs. Julia Belchek ;on, who would have been MRS. JULIA W. ROCHE end the war. 65. Roger Burkins, pastor of King ol two sons, Joseph Corraige o fered in St. Joseph's Catholic Turek and the late Joseph J. Sept. 15, died yesterday at his GUILFORD Conn; - Mrs Kings Lutheran Church, here Bradley Beach and Thomas Perri Church, here, at 9 a.m. Thursday. Turek. home, 132 South St. Julia W. Roche, 74, of 453 Whit- TIDES Burial will be in St. Joseph's Sandy Hook officiating. Burial will be in Bay of Long Branch; four daughters, He moved here four years ago Mr. Thompson, a retired Jersey field St. died Aug. 31 in Yale Cemetery, under the direction of TODAY - High 6:32 p.m. and Roundup ville Cemetery, Leonardo. Mrs. Susie Sanlanello, Mrs. An from Westfield. In addition to Central Railroad locomotive en- University Hospital, New Haven Day Funeral Home, here. his Rumson home, he and Mrs. low 12:16 p.m. gie Merriman and Mrs. Lena Tor- gineer, was the husband of the Born in Paterson, N.J., she was chia of Long Branch and Mrs Turek have maintained a former Bloomfield, N.J., resi TOMORROW - High 6:59 a.m. Of Suspects MRS. HELEN W CONROW late Mary McEvoy Thompson. and 7:14 p.m. and low 12:52 a.m. Mary Mazza of Oceanport; a sis DANIEL LUNDY dences in Lavalette and Palm dent. She had lived here two RED BANK — Mrs. Helen W Beach Shores, Fla. He was a member of Amity and 1:02 p.m. tcr, Mrs. Angie Grande of Lon; EAST NEWARK — -Daniel F. years. She was the widow of Conrow of 63 Fisher PI., widow He was a graduate of Alliance Lodge, F&AM, Jersey City; the For Red Bank and Rumson Continues of Leon W .Conrow, died Satur- Branch; 20 grandchildren, and 1 Lundy, Jr., 61, of 26 Searing John C. Roche. great-grandchildren. She wa: Academy in Cambridge Springs, Scottish Rite of the Valley o! Surviving are two sisters, Mrs bridge, add two hours; Sea NEW SHREWSBURY — The day jiight in Monmouth Medica: Ave. died Aug. 30 in Beth Is- Lehigh, Allentown, Pa.; and the the widow of James Corraige. Pa., and the Rutgers University Irma Baum of keyport, N.J., andBright, deduct 10 minutes; Long roundup of suspects ii nearly Center, Long Branch. rael Hospital. Central Railroad Level Club, and school of law. He was admitted Mrs. Germaine Roohe, here. The Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- complete following last week's Born in Little Silver, she was Mrs. Anastasia is survived b; had been for many years an Born in Fall River, Mass,, he to practice before the Suprem funeral was Saturday in the Me lands bridge, add 40 minutes. cracking of a series of breaking the daughter of the late J. Abbot her husband, Pietro Anastasia elder of Lafayette Reformed was a former Harrison resident. Court last fall. Union, and entering cases. and Emma C. Worthley. four sons, Amerigo A., Frank, Pe- Church, Jersey City. Cracken Funeral Home, He had lived here since 1954. An Army veteran of World Wa A Requiem Mass was offered JOSEPH FRESCHI With the initial arrest of. .six Mrs, Conrow was a member ter and Victor Anastasia of Loni He was employed for 26 years II, Mr. Turek was a retired Arm; He is survived by two sons, FREEHOLD - Joseph Fres- local juveniles, I whose names of Trinity Episcopal Church and Branch; three daughters, Mrs, in St. Michael's Catholic Church, at the Otis Elevator Corp., Har- Reserve major and judge advc W. Maurice Thompson of Belle- chi, 74, of 21 Hudson St., died were released to\the press last was active with the Red Cross. Mary Dorsett of Asbury Park Union. rison, cate of the American Legion Bav ville and Harry N. Thompson, Sunday at the Golden Age rest week, police said they suspected She had been a member of the and Misses Ann and Rose Anas- Surviving are his wife, Mrs. way Post. Jr. of Spring Lake; two daugh- home, where he had resided th< a ring of 13 youths responsible Deal Country Club and the Union tasia, at home; 11 grandchildren SGT. ALBERT RAITT Margaret Taft Lundy; his father, He was a member of the Pn ters, Mrs. Lillian Carroll, with past year. for at least 32 /break-ins here League of New York, and and five great-grandchildren. ASBURY PARK - A third Daniel F. Lundy, Sr. of Fall Riv- fessional Golfer's Association, th whom he lived, and Mrs. Eveline Born in Brooklyn, Mr. Fres and in Red Bank and Shrews- vice president of the Society for The funerals were today from Shore area Marine, the second er; two sons, Daniel F. Lundy, Navesink Country Club, the Sub Gibson of Toledo, Ohio; five chi was a son of the late Georg> bury. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. the Damiano Funeral Home, from this city, has been killed 3d, of Long Eranch and John urban Golf Club of Union and th grandchildren and five great- and Mary Giglib Freschi. He ha< Her late husband was a former here. A Solemn High Mass in recent action in South Viet Subsequently, three more Palm Beach, Fla., Country Cl grandchildren. lived in Keansburg most of hi Requiem was offered for Mrs, Lundy, at home; two sisters, Mrs, Nam. juveniles and a youth were president of the Atlec Company and the Colgate University Alum life. His wife was the late Lu- Corraige at'9 a.m. in Holy Trin Catherine Connelly of Fall Riv- The Donald Wood Funeral Gunnery Sgt. Albert Raitt, 38, arrested, and a warrant Is out of New York. ni Association. cille Ranson Freschi. ity Church, and burial was i er and Mrs. Elizabeth Zelinski of Home of Jersey City is in charge formerly of Central Ave., was for another youth. The police in- Surviving are a son, Leon W, His wife, Mrs. Janet Harri Mount Carme! Cemetery, Wesl Flushing, N.Y.; a brother, Wil of arrangements. Burial will be killed in a battle with Viet Cong Mr. Freschi was a retired car- vestigation cleared the final two Conrow of Little Silver, and a Turek, has been his close associ Long Branch. A Requiem Higl liam Lundy of Newark, and three in Easton, Pa. forces in the Chu Lai area of penter. He was a member of St. suspects of implication in local sister, Miss Florence E. Worth grandchildren. ate in the publication of the Legi: Mass for Mrs. Anastasia South Viet Nam. Rose of Lima Catholic Church. break-ins, but one of that pair ley of Red Bank. lative Index. She told The Reg celebrated in the church at 10:31 MRS. ALMA MEIER He is survived by a brother, is wanted in Red Bank. • The funeral will be this after- Services were in the Fay Fa Ister last night that she will con Previously reported killed a.m., and burial was in Woodbin EATONTOWN — Mrs. Alma J Sylvester Freschi of Wesl noon at 2 o'clock in Trinity Epis neral Home, Kearny. A Requiem tinue her work on the book. action were Lance Cpl. Thomas Here is the score of the police Cemetery, Oceanport. H. Meier,.80, of 5 Elm Dr., widow Keansburg. copal Church, with Rev. Canon Mass was offered in Holy Cross Besides his wife and mothe: E. Firth, formerly of Little Sil- roundup. Catholic Church, Harrison. of John Meier, died Friday in A Requiem Mass will be of- Charles H. Best officiating. Buri he is survived by four daughter: ver, and Cpl. Charles E. Iannuzzi, Originally arrested and EUGENE FAUST Monmouth Medical Center, Long fered at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow ji al, under the direction of the Leslie, Allison, Ginger and Jan< formerly of this city. charged with Juvenile' delin- NEW MONMOUTH — Eugen Branch. Sgt. Raitt had served about 19 St. Rose of Lima Ohurch by Rev Adams Memorial Home, will be MORRIS M. LONG Turek, all at home; two son; quency were Ronald Valentine, Faust, 79,. of 4 Elinor St., diei Mrs. Meier was born in Ger- years in the Marine Corps. He John B. Szymanski, pastor. Bur- in Woodbine Cemetery, Ocean- LOCH ARBOUR - Morris M. Peter and Norbert Turek, Jr 17, of Peach St.; Robert Thomas Saturday in Monmouth Medical many, daughter of the late Mr, was stationed in South Viet Nam ial, directed by the Higgins Me- port. Long, 69, of 409 Euclid Ave. died both at home, and a sister, Mrs 17, of Kpringdale Ave.j William Center, Long Branch, after a lon; and Mrs. Friedrich Uhlenhut morial Home, will be in Mt. Oli- Friday in Monmouth Medica] L. Craydon Carpenter of Sa: with the 3d Marine Division snd Payne, 16, of Peach St.; Doriald illness. . ., She moved here a year ago from vet Cemetery, Middletown. LAWRENCE I. HALSETH Center, Long Branch. Leandro, Calif. was there about six months. He Leonard, 16, of Clinton PL; He was born in Germany, soi Long Island. was also a veteran of Warld EATONTOWN — The body of He was a former teacher and The funeral was Sunday in Si Robert Stanton, 17, of Cherry Of .the late George and Emma Surviving are a step-daughter, War. II and the Korean War. LEONARD F. LEMING aM Asbury Park man was found coach at Neptune High School, George's Church with Rev. Rob St.; and Samuel JoneS, 16, of Kunz Faust. A two-year residenl Mrs. Margot Soderberg, with JACKSON TOWNSHIP — Leon In the wooded area behind Mon- retiring seven years ago. He was ert Baker officiating. Burial wa, He formerly was stationed in Steven Ave. here, Mr. Faust was a membei whom she lived;, a daughter, Mrs ard F. Leming, 45, of Fairfield mouth Shopping Center Saturday. intercollegiate wrestling champion private and under the direction o Hawaii where his widow, Haruko, of the Christadelphian Church Lucy Silva of Long Island; a Rd., Howell Township, was pro- Of the three subsequent Juve- He was identified as Lawrence in 1918, when he was captain of the Worden Funeral Home, Rec and three daughters reside. South Orange. son, Henry Meier of Toms Riv- nounced dead on arrival at Pau nile arrests, police did not re- I. Halseth, 66, of 321 Sewell Ave, the Pennsylvania State Univer Bank. Also surviving are two sisters, Surviving are his wife, Mrs er; five grandchildren, and five Kimball Hospital, Lakewpod, af- lease the names of two since Police, who got the call at iity wrestling team, and coached Mrs. Edna Kislowski of Ocean Eva Shaw Faust; two sons, Eu great-grandchildren. ter an accident here Sunday night they had not been in trouble be- 1:55 p.m., said the body was football and baseball at Neptune MELVIN J. NEPPER Grove and Mrs. Mabel Ravagoia fore. The third was Jessie Mor- gene E. Faust of Matawan anc Services were last night in the Mr. Leming's vehicle collided found by the employee of one High. LONG BRANCH - Melvin J of Oceanport, and three brothers, ris, 16, of William St., charged George Faust of Kearny; twi Robert A. Braun Home for Fu- with an oncoming car on Siloam of the shopping center stores Nepper, 61, of 4 Wardell PI. diet Arthur Raitt of Point Pleasant, with two counts of breaking and daughters, Mrs. Carol Oleksik of Mr. Long also advised Neptune nerals. Cremation will be today Rd. The other driver, Mrs. Bar- while he was on his lunch break. Friday in Monmouth Medical Cen William Raitt of Neptune City and entering. this place and Mrs, Ethel Cona' High's Checker Club and pub- ter. 'i Rosehill Crematory, Llriden Walter Raitt of Long Branch. bara Lembo, '30, of Bedford Rd Dr. C. Malcolm B. Gilman, han of Newton Center, Mass.; 1 lished a guide called "The High One arrest was in Middletown county physician, said death was He lived here 32 years. Mr, Sgt Raitt was buried yester- was admitted to the hospital in grandchildren and two greal School Checker Player." HARRY T. CONNELLAN Saturday when Benny Hill, 19, due to exposure. He estimated Nepper worked in the shippin; day in Arlington National Ceme- fair condition, and her three chil- grandchildren. He was born in Annville, Pa., MONMOUTH BEACH - Harry of Magnolia La., Middletown, the man had been dead seven to department of the Bendix Corp. tery, Va. dren, Mary, 13, John, 12, and and served iri World War I as a F. Connellan, 67, of 24 Ocean gave himself up. nine days. Services will be held tonight al Eatontown, and was a membe Donna, 3, were treated for minoi second lieutenant in the field ar- Ave. died Saturday at his home. He is charged .with entries, at Mr, Halseth leaves no known 8 o'clock in the Day Funeral of Local 417, International Electri DR. JESSE E. PROCTOR injuries. tillery. He was the first president He was a retired fishermai the KinkeUKnttinp Mill. Apple jurvivors. He was born in Min- Home, Keyport. cal, Radio and Machine Worker: NEWARK - Dr. Jesse E. Mr. Leming owned a trucking of the village board of trustees and a veteran of World War I St., and the'Airport inn, Shrews- nesota and was, a retired em- Union. (or, 85. of 15 North 13th St; business. He was a veteran o: fc v ! r .- There a County, 0.116 milt, will-In rt- The authorization bill, Mr. layed because tile governor has peared ready to risk the political of this attention,,Mr. Irwin hat pole. The Impact sheared .the ealtr«4 by ttit Btate Highway Com- Howard said, will be followed la- ic development, we areforced yet to appoint the three men he pole in two, the chief said. • • -••-» In tt» Catatwla, SUM Hljh into accepting the .entire pack' consequences which might have not yet read my letter whlcli In Accident lei Buildln«, 1035 Parkway Ave ter this month by actual appropri- is supposed to place on the com-arisen 'roni a motion to dismiss was delivered to his.,office it No summons was issued pend- , Trenton, N«w I*ri«r, on THtJKR ation legislation. This is the mea- mission. The Legislature has SEA BRIGHT - Paul Hor- DAT, SIPTfcMBER 1« IMS, at 10:01 «««• the manager. It is understood Freehold on Wednesday, it rea ing further investigation by Pa- sure that puts the money for- named Ihelr representatives." lacher, 18, of 11 Laurel Dr., Ut- VlltX. Tn« readlns ot acceptable bid 'No Justification' that, it the event of an ouster ly was a friendly letter." trolman Charles O'Connor. will take pUce Immedlttely Ihereattei ward. "Despite the facts that the rec- To the majority of voters on the manager is entitled to cal tie Silver, is reported in fair , Bid! wlU be accepted only from bit condition in Monmouth Medical tftri prtQDallded In accordance wit . To Review Plans ord clerly indicates, there is no the boardwalk the big issues in for public hearings. After Mr. . K. I 53:35. Tilt rliht It reierved the campaign appear to be the Youth's Condition Fair Center, Long Branch, where he GOOD CONDITION tviaei any or all bfdi. Before a contract is finally let, justification for the use of fed- Bowen's dismissal Feb. 9, 1963, . Propoul Quarantee mi other blddini said the congressman, army entn- eral funds to finance indus- water crisis in Northern Jersey three of the six councilmen who After Cycle, Car Crash was admitted with a fractured LONG BRANCH - Robert rfqutremeati are itated In tna tttnd and the statement by Professor leg and fractured elbow after a Presley, 23, of 735 Greeni Ave., art and •uppleramtary epeelflcaUon gineers will review the present try or commercial' establish- voted for the manager's dis- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - lor-Un prolacl. Bid, contract and bom plans from two aspects: ments which would compete i who said he welcomed missal were not returned to-of- motorycle-auto collision on OceanWest End, is reported. in good forou, eluu and vptoltlcatlMu may One youth was injured and p?Ave./ , near the Trade Winds laiptctM or obtained at Room 1 Whether a higher inlet bridge, fairly with existing concerns fi- a pending victory in Viet Cong. fice by the voters. lice are seeking three btliersxwfi condition In Monmouth Medical Soil Hlthway omci , Bulldinf. 1036 or a lower one with a draw-span, nanced by conventional methods Sen..Dumont let Asbury Park 1 Beach dub, at 5:45 p.m. yester- Center where he was admitted X*a Buanlnftui XablUstd Bui courae, 6" On Friday, The Register learned Taken to Riverview Hospital TtUek: SOO ton* Pavement, Typi use the inlet. ord he could, note that bank de- with a dislocated left .hip wasof • Rumson Rd.; Rumson. Mr.. Presley received emergency, I-A-BC; 1.000 J.Il.(. . 9"xW» " Wait* 6m posits have increased over .SO from Charles M. Pike, Mon- No other details on the acci- treatment at MiUville (N. J.) , tartlol Curb. . The second point Is effects to Craig Waitt, 20, of 74 LeedJviUe 1 tl HIGHWAY OBPARTHKNT be encountered by the new rushper cent during the pjut fj mouth County Planning director, dent were availiable this morn- Hospital before being admitted JO, Sapt. 7, 13 »s. that the county did not have an Dr., Lincroft. He was unaiile to of water the inlet will produce in years. § Hughes ing. . . .•; ..'.,- here..-.:- .'•••••••' . '• , ~~UEOAL NOTICE Economic Development Program be questioned last night but hos- PROPOSALS FOR CONCESSIONS the Shrewsbury River and Sandy "We are going into this pro- pital officials report he is now The Fort Uonmouth Exchange (Continued) but had qualified for the federal •dllcIUng proooaala* for'thaoptrfttlon Hook-Raritan Bay and lower New gram to enable the county gov- the possible abuse of the work- in good condition and will be in- U) *ltch repair conceiulon, (b) ihoi York Bay. ernment and the various munici- aid listed by Mr. Irwin under repair conctlilon at Fort Monmoutti, ing man by unethical high pres- another program, the Accelerated terrogated today. N. 1: Further detail! may be obtained At the request of the U.S. Pub-palities to get funds "for badly sure credit and lending agencies. Patrolman Algie Drinkwa- fiom Mr. nab, conceailona iiipervlaor, lic Health Service, engineers did needed capital Improvements Public Works Program. Ulaphma are» code J01, S32-M05. Th< And a promise to take a closer Mr. Irwin also contacted Mr. ter reported that the car, regis- 4aadllna far receiving propoafcll le 4-.00 study the possibility of polluted However, we consider it unfor- look -at some of the so-called tered to Thomas Dorsey, Wes! DESIRING ABSENTEE BALLOTS o'clock P.M. EDSTT, October 1, mi. water from New York harbor be-tunate that We are forced to Pike on Friday and got the same TrU (Xxchanfa Service reiervea the loan shark operations against information. Keansburg, had not been report- ~"w. to reltet* any or all propoitli. ing drawn Into relatively pure make all of the provisions of th ed stolen. It was driven through {f you are a qualified and registered voter of pt.,T, %,<»•'] 110. act operative in the county,. ? which there is no specific law.' It seems that the county Plan- the State of New Jersey who expects to be absent coastal waters and decided they 6. A study of the feasibility of he wall at 10:20 p,m. and near- would not. ning Board in 1963 (Mr. Irwin outside the State on Nov. 2, 1965 or a qualified "Iwant It definitely under- a portable pension system for said it happened four years ago) by residents reported" seeing Mr, Howard said he has been stood by Congressman the; worker in private industry weighed advantages of qualifying three youths, at least one of and registered voter who will be within the State assured this will be reviewed and the public at large that his "similar to the one now In useas a loan area for private Indus- whom is injured, fleeing through on Nov. 2,1965, but because of blindness or illness again. news release insinuating that mu- for public employees." try under the Area Redevelop- adjacent woods. or physical disability or because of the observance nicipalities of Monmouth County 7. "Harness the great potential of a religious holiday pursuant to the, tenets of were deprived of receiving ~ ment Act of 1961, and decided ***• of the electronic computer for theagainst it. your religion, or will be a resident attendant at eral funds for public works ver <> service of the working man, in- In a memorandum at that time, No Injuries school, college or university, will be Unable to cast the past five years Is a diator- dustry and the people. The com- '•'.' - - (Continued) .tion of. the truth. Mr. Pike discussed the subject In Accident your ballot at the polling place in your district on j when he was struck by a car puter would match people with pro and,, con, along with effects said date, and you desire to vote in the General > driven by Robert Pugllese, 31, "For the information of CQrii jobs; match new firms with avail- of the county's longstanding iden- SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP - gressman Howard, the. county of able, labor and match locations Two cars had to be towed away Election to be held on Nov. 2,1965, kindly WRITE of Nutley. Police said Ebert had tification as an area of. "sub- to the undersigned at once, requesting that a just stepped out of a car andMonmouth'received federal funds with a new manufacturer." stantial and persistent" unem- from an accident at Shrewsbury started across Manalokln Rd, infor the following projects: Gov. Hughes also stated the ed ployment. and Barker Aves. Sunday, but nc civilian absentee ballot be forwarded to you. Brick; Township when be was •'. . . Seawall, ; Sea Bright, ucatlon cycle would be expanded He concluded, and the Planning one was injured. SUCH REQUEST MUST STATE. yOUR HOME struck. $790,650; ... Gooseneck 'Bridge "not Just for.the rich or the Board subsequently agreed, that Capt. Dayton Wilton said the ADDRESS AND THE ADDRESS TO "WHICH $714,96*; . . . Pleasure Bay well-to-do, but for every citizen qualifying as a loan area would

> \ 1 K 4-1Wty, Sept. 7, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER Becker Back From Lawn Care Omk "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean KB> MNIC — A«J*ur W<*-| owner of Becker Hardware, 19 from a lawn care, clinic it the t/m'M Jew*it&tut, ftelSirewsfcwy Ave.. has returns University of Rhodt Island. y, September I A' sophomore «t Lehigh Unl verslty, he attended classes and >r«wnt-For You «nd YOUM • • *> *» may field research experiments on fed the need to spend some time »Ion«. which » a Aluminum NOTICE new and old strain* of grass, good idea. Original thoughts can be turned into chemical effects In disease and hard c»»h If applied property- Self-analysl$ may Window AH pre$cript!©n* of Scott Drug Store, weed control, and testing tech' krlnj the solution to » pWlinj question that's been 76 Broad St., art now tamporarily niques at the clinic. lAibeonseiowly plaguing you of lite, and Door btln* filled «t PARKE DRUG STORE Both Arthur and Joseph Beck- er are graduates ol the Scott Th» Day Under Your Sign SI Broad Straat, Rtci Bank Lawn Counselor Institute, Afl...»»r«M«f.?H. Apr.ll Libra. $>pt. 13 »• Oct. 22 ALUMINUM by Patrick Trlmboli, R.P., Owner ville, Ohio. Avoid antatiflinf rcmaiine alt- Ctruin cbar.pi iwr IK.* ne. valiau, Kae» ]rW mini) on and Sam Margulies, R.P. tuiineia. WINDOWS Win, April 20 4« M«y 10 Scon>i«. Oat. 13 to Nov. II St. Mary's Go out ef TOUT way te prsroole Ba metieiikMa in all you 4a, prtt Delivery and Charge Account lirmonr lit bock tame and job both in pmmtl ami kunnaia tnrircamenta. INSTALLED &»mini. M.y II ». JUM 21 S«am«r!ui,Nov,22»»D.c.3l Choir Seeks 7acc «Utadea ulmlr. Vour M- AchifTemcnt il alraiud at ba- nnlry will infltMAee othari I* nefie tsMCU HimulfH all Slf- react likewise. itt&rians native iKiu. Members C«n«fr, JUM Ii t« July ! I Capricorn. Dtc II t» Jan, 10 The lituatiw ulla f°r mfk- Thia la a b«t1«r.UunonMnai7 Windows NEW MON'MOUTH-St. M«ry' werk but ymi'rc not In a to- day, but you'll find tamalnim MI A to complain aJiouL Camolic Church adult choir is For la.. July » U Au*. 51 . Jan. 21 to F«b. \1 conducting its annual campaign Gaina will not aurue 1' IW domi, ta tu 5 (or new members. . don't let down lo twima* w4 nuka your mm, The goal this year is to in. Normal Installation Vlr,.. Auaj. 21 U S.pt. II Pliui. Fab. 20 to March 20 crease the roster to SO. Mem- A miileadinfi; factor cauld ftf. You ««n turn facts witlt eeur. feet mir daciijm, at ntloau ate without undue neklaufiMa. Fits itzci up to 34xl7>lnch window w up bership is open to all 'parishion- Chart a. iw<) WK er* IS years and over who hsve •raylklnf larefullj. (0 101 UnlUd Inch«|. N»ap*p>r Sjndicat* Hinging ability. A particular ap- Beautify your homo and at the tsma peal is being made to the 1063 graduates of Middletown Town time reduce your heating bills, ship High School and Mater Dei High School. windows tilt for eaty iniid* cleaning. Rehearsals are held every Change instantly from storm to'soreen Tuesday In the church (rom 1:19 windows. Aluminum construction. to 10 p.m. On Sunday, the ohoi Successful sings tha High Mass at 10:43 a.m. Let your savings be Emphasis will be on prepar. Man Carries A Cemplata Una Of ing a four-part Mass in English Aluminum Windows And Doors. your umbrella! together with new Christmas and Investing I Whit* Available, Lenten hymns, In addition to sev- Male* tura you're protected against eral secular arrangements. {Roger E. Snetv By ROGER E. SPEAR] tht kind of "rainy days" that a Rev. Charles Kelly, js spiritua Q) "I.am 68 and r«tir«J, W«xmds, $1,800 in savings and the financial amargtney can bring. moderator and Mrs. George Gu have Social Security, (50,000 in following shares) 70 American ALLALUMINUM ba Is director-organist. •wings and loans, and the same Telephone, 12 Aanconda, 57 Col- Optn * Saving* Account with Ui.it A reception for new members amount in real estate mortgages, gate, ten each General Electric IiiiuUtiiig DOOM will be held In the church base- paying lix per cent, I feel un- and General Motors, 27 Socony ment, Tuesday, Sept. M, »t !:30easy About inflation, since I ownMobil and 58 Consolidated Edi- p.m. Anyone interested in Join- no stocks, Please advise me howson. My Income after retirement ing the choir is invited to at»best to inveit 530,000 in good will be low. Should I reduce my 34 tend. stocks which will afford me tome cash balance to buy stocks for ImttlltMan aatlml protection." L,R. increased income?" F, G. *NO . thick at jamb, wool pile weather- A) I am glad to see that you In my opinion, you have a SYRACUSE, N,Y, - Airman are in a financially strong posi- sound and well balanced MONEY stripping for comfort both in winter Mainstay Federal Savings Second Cl#|»; Wry L, Moore, tion during retirement. It is per-ist and a good backlog in cash and and summer. Push-button key-locking aon of Mfi! «nd; Wrs. Francis fectly true, of course, that your Series E bonds—which are (he Moore o( 7^ Grwui'Ave., Lous present investments are fixed as equivalent of cash. At the pres- DOWN hardware. Welded corners for strength and Loan Association Branch, NJ*,-his armed for to principal and do not offer you ent relatively high stage of the and durability, FibergUt® screening. any protection against inflation nver v 36 MONMQUTH STREET duty at Hano&qk fMdi N.Y, market, you could B«' '" Airman Md&e/ >p»viously —which may be accelerated by tie higher income by putting part Full-length piano hinge. TELEPHONE 741-0663 served 8t Perrin'IAFB, Tex, Hethe war in Viet Nam. Only well of your cash asset* into stocks. Red Bonk, New Jer$ey is a member of thi/Air Defense situated real estate or stocks I don't advise you to take such Insured Saving* — Mortgage Loam Command which ia tft#;Air Force growing faster In earnings, divi- action, but would wait for a component of the U&'Canadjan dends and price than dollar de- more favorable time for inveat- Phone Sav* by th» IOth, earn from tht lit. North American Defstwe Com. valuation can give you such pro- ment yields, or hold your cash CALL SEARS FOR mand protecting the continent. tection. until retirement and then look 671-3800 The airman is a graduate o For you I would suggest is- into the subject of an annuity FREE ESTIMATE Long Branch High School. suei in those groups with some which at age 65 might well bring Ext. 264 defensive characteristics: I adyo- u a guaranteed income above •ix p«r cent, . Nllhaw SS vise* equal dollar amounts ol tlM. thru Sat American Electric Power; Corn 10 'III «!» (Mr. Spear cannot answer all SEARS-MIDDLETOWN i ne «7! WOO - Products;. Consolidated Foods: mail personally but will answer Merck & Co., Safsway Stores and all questions possible in his col- Marshall Field & Company. umn.) Q) "I iyn,;» 50-year-old widow, presently wqrking. My asseU USICU1! consist Jpf J1O.O0O in Series E •lUfCRO5HlVESHIIlD,B(ix 420, Newark, New jMiyenoi

Q Pluie send mt details «nd an application far STUOINT Coverage. • | jm not eligible for Student Coverue. Please send ma the REGULAR p Ihie Crow-Hue Shield application. HS-A-I» college NAME. Surveyors

AODMS Dine Tonight wardrobe EATOrfTOWN-the first 1965- OTY OH'TOWN. .STATE. i dinner meeting of the Mon- mouth Society of. Professional guide Ermin»er« and Land Surveyors, Inc. take*- place at 8 o'clock to- night in the Colonnade Restau- ... fall '65 rant, Monmouth Shopping Center, here. •'. No trip lo be undertaken Guest speaker will be Nell lightly, in tha Proprietor's Ross, district manager of the Clay Sewer Pipe Association, view. Correct attire ii el- His topic will b» "The Key to tential to a bright future Progress," for the University man, and 'Harry Christie, Jr., unit presi- dent, has announced that Hart' only the best of such will ley G. Smith, Penelope La., Mid. be found, in this Establish- dletown,- and Ray j. Cocbrane ment's stocks. An early of 407 Seventh Ave., Aibury For Low Cost Student wardrobing l» Imperative. Park, hava applied for member ship in the society. An Important reminder.-.-. irl planning for school this Fall, don't forget Mrs,1 Harry Christie announces that full-time students in accredited schools of higher learning can have th« Womens' Auxiliary of the so- the year-round protection of Blue Cross and Blue Shield coverage at ciety also meets here tonight. subjtanrfa/iy reduced rates—only $3.93 per month; No waiting period or health statement Is required. Navy Copter Students who already have an Individual contract or are covered by a • club, rtpp, chqllis family contract and are about to reach age 19, when family protection Aids Army tin, 2.50 ro 4.00 no longer COVars, can transfer to thlsJower-cost Student protection. Any LAKEHURST - Helicopter Student in a New Jersey college or recognized trade or technical school, Combat Support Squadron 2, • vested cheviot suits, or» New Jersey resident who attends any qualified institution, can apply. based at the Naval Air Station here, serves not only the Atlan- 75.00 This offer applies iri scores of New Jersey institutions of higher learning tic Fleet, but tht Atlantic coast which ire on our Approved list. Part-time students, or young persons as well. • rtvenlbltond A rescue crew from the squad' over age 19 who are employed full-time, are invited to look into regultr f»«m by Canterbury, ron, acting on a call from fat- Blue Cross-Blue Shield.... the finest protection available! tenon Army Hospital, Fort Mon- 4.00 mouth, Aug. 30, flew a critically Send (he coupon I)QW for lull details and in ipplicuion. Do it now ,.. and injured soldier to St. Albans Na • stretch (ocki, 1.50 be covered whan school iltrtsl val Hospital on Long Island for specialized treatment. ... the clastic Fort Monmouth officials said • buttondown shirts the patient, Pvt, Michael Wit- by Gout, e.50 v-neck sweater fcowsKi, 17, of Stratford, Conn., imported Umbswool with stationed at Hazlet with D, Bat- • worsted fkmntl stacks • uddle shoulder. tery, 3d Missile Battalion, 51st By AUn Paine Artillery, was listed "seriously ly Corbin, 21.00 ijl" from a chest wmnd suffer- ed when he was accidentally hit • fhmntl bkmrt, 37.10 15. by i projectile from a cement stapling gun. . . . bait weejuns • rip-out rglncMtt tht campus favorite Reserves Decision by London Foe;, 42.10 16.95 MIDDLETOWN — Magistrate Richard E. Burke reserved de- cision Thursday after hearing testimony In the casa of John Cahlll, »17 Clinton Ave., Belford, optn dally 'til 9, Saturday 'til 4 eharged by Patrolman William Brunt with- drunk driving, July 9, The magistrate requested briefi from opposing attorneys, Philip Blanda, Raritan Township, rep- fair university resenting the defendant, and Stan- BLUE CROSS*BLUE SHIELD ley Yacker, • Matawan, for the fflt H0IMTJII 81118 FOR DOCTOR IIIU state.. . , .. .. «0lrlTilHI»l0tn»0rillWJl«!tr In another matter, Ronald V, for men, women and boys CUMDEN NEWARK TRENTON 1 Ashey, Irving St., received a sus- pended $50 fine for a violation of Route 35, Wanamassa / (on* mile north of Asbury Circle) KE 1-4949 the sewage ordinance, He'd been

charged by township sanitarian ,1. ' •',.••••!> John W, Greenham. Testimony disclosed that tha violation has i-; IV been corrected. Mr. aod Un, DtsUd Ht&sivtw, Unit, VA h tot fc*r tmm,.#&toat, Mr*. THE DAILY. EEG1SIEH - 17 Meredith Dr/Me*tk»ed , MoC«rtn*y: fodujd WilliB, M Owtrd DAtlY CROSSWORD a week' at Franconia Notch, Cir. Gueiti included Mrs. Har- lAtingr 3S.Xgattat N.H., and other parti of New vey G. Miller, Mri. Joseph Over- to Shinto ZT.nxfe 'Mir. and Mrs. James Y. Dun- p anuua U Shrewsbury England. Their daughter, Bar- bar arid children, 75 Riveredge man, Mn. Edward Hill, Mrs. tempi* Hits uu u'li-ia bara, spent a week In Nova Sco- Curt Colby, Mn. Ronald Russo, cam •f. Japanese adUdU A son, Patrick Cozens, 'was Rd., are home after a two-week testa kimono tia, tour of national parks in the Mrs. Lawton Cox, Mrs. Anton § bom to Mr. and Mrs. William Litvak and Mrs. John Malone. GOING TO 11 Ancient ISurpawea print West. The tour included visits to Omk (.Sheltered, Si Put Cozens, Ridgefield, Conn., Aug. aaBHaa 17. Mr. and Mrs. Cwens are Bill Steele, son of Mr. and Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, coins 10. Italian 88. An- osii aa SCHOOL OPENS THE CITY? U. Greek former residents of New Shrews- Mrs. Henry Steele, 96 Stratford Grand Canyon, Brice, Zion, ootns esthetic aaana Rocky Mountains National Park MATAWAN — Classes at the letter I*. Grogshop 34. Partly maaaa bury. Rd., is home after spending the summer in Washington, D. C. and Estes Park. Regional High School will begin HMeUoww brw open tomorrow. The schedule will be 19. Imitative US. Sweat girt 36. Rail Saturday's lumi Mr.' and Mrs. Charles W. as follows: 7:30 to 11:55 a.m., t 90. Common bird Mrs. Paul C. Knauff, 41 Mer- Thome, Jr., and son, Douglas, grade seven; 8:40 a.m. to 3 p.m., 18. Sloth •ufflx 58. Recognize 42.PeerGynt'f Mr. and Mrs, Vincent, D. edith Dr., has returned from a GO BY BUS! 17. Observe 59 Reeds Rd., and Miss Mary grades nine to 12, and noon to 2t Comfort 59. French mother Roadie, 253 Riveredge Rd., have 17-day holiday in Las Vegas, l&Oeitie Rielly, drove to New London, 4:55 p.m.. grade eight. Airport Plaza, Hwy. 36, Hazlet, N. J.. 22. Greek river 43. Exclama- returned from taking their son Nev., and San Francisco, Calif. language letter 40. Get- tion v Conn., ;o visit Robert Thome, a JlBxptr* Paul to Mason City, Iowa, where House Hunting! It's open sea- and Keansburg Terminal 23. Loiter togethers, «. Common, cadet at the Coast Guard Acad- he will major in physical educa 24.AHM or prof toe: son in the Daily Register Classi- R.T. Fart $2.10 N.Y.C. 25. Spirit of country emy. tion at Mason City Junior Col- Maria Richards, daughter of 28. Potato: chivalry style Haw. fied now. dill. lege. Their daughter, Rosalie, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Richards, R.T. Fart $1.59 Newark 15 Carlton Dr., celebrated her ADVXRTIMiMBNT ». Weird Miss Marie Rose Djevahird- visited Mr. and Mrs, George 1 Z 4 5 •> 7 B 9 10 sixth birthdaj! recently.' Her 264-9828 —787-0066— 7B7-967* M. Grows old jian of Marseille, France, spent Mazzoni, Morristown. guests included Grade Renshaw, MartCoitifortWtarfng SLWuni II 12 three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Free Parking Sinigbtot Robert Tegnazian, 35 Carltpn Dr. Terri and Kathi Miller, Leslie Conklin, Kim Wickberg, Diane MohamrawJ 16 14- Mrs. Eldon Seley, 15 Apple Or- FALSE TEETH M Christopher, Linda Hofford and Her* is % pleaunt way to overcome j Mr. and Mrs. Richard Madsen chard Dr., was guest of honor at loose pUte discomfort. FASTEETH, X7.IV>w*rd IS a and family, 20 Devon Ct., have a farewell luncheon given re- Roberta Ewald. Betsy Miller and an Improved powder, ipxinkled on Ltonardo Ttrminal *8. Jack to Janet Nelson assisted the host- upper and lower plates bolde them Going to erlbbigt returned from their summer cently by her neighbors at Lin- firmer so that they leel more com- RX Fart » » cfoft Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Seley ess. fortable. No gummy, gooey, puitj Hta home in Fairlee, Vt. taste or feeling. It't alkaline (nor.- World's Fair? ^ % are moving to Naperville, III. 291-9623 25 acld). Don not sour. Check! "plate 40 bates Entertaining were Mrs. Roy Rob- odor breath". Get FASTEETH today ^ Mr, and Mrs. Richard. Calla- Mrs. John'Kappmeier, 95 Clov- at druc counter* everywhere. $2.30 N.Y.C. lehedtfkal 48. Stood up ison, Summit; Mrs. S. M. Ne- Ib ghan and family, 3« Willow Rd., erdale Cir., gave a coffee recent- olly direct t« ville, Mrs. David Kinscherf, Mrs. $2.00 Ntwark are home after a week traveling 1 Timei Squar* «7.Orader 50 up the New England coast. Walter Trillhaase, Mrs. Rich- 291-1300 4& Stage 7 1ffl At Science Shrinks Piles Free Parking actnta % % #5 • DOWK 54 51 JIA 4» OMIT , • LATERAL & New Way Without Surgery IBojr. DRY WELL iOrtrtch- M 41 44 10W COST CESSPOOL k CONSTRUCTION 10m Urd 4S* 4d SERVICE Stops Itch—Relieves Pain tPapal H.» Y.rk, N. Y. (Sp.cl.l) -For the so thorough that lufferers made • BACK-HOE NEW YORK • KEANSBURG 4-OldHMte 47 4« Ccupash . ScpHc Tmks flnt time science his found a new aitonisklng itatementi like "Files DIGGING healinj substance with the aiton- have ceased to be a problem!" fclfe Pumped and Clamed Ishing ability to ihrink hemor- . The ucret ia a new healing IUO- LONG BRANCH BUS LINE rhoidi, stop itchint, and relieve' atance (Bio-Dyne*)—discovery of •717-0064 • 7S B*achway, Ktoaiblif • 7I7-N7« CHARLES H.WILSON pain—without furgery. • world-famous research institute. In case after caie, while gently This lubitancs is now available Jf KACH STRUT relieving pain, actual redaction in tuppotitory or ointment form NIW SHREWSBURY 741-1846 {shrinkage) took place. under the name Preptration H*. Bridge Column Moit amazing of all—molts wen At all drag eounUrs. Advertise In The Register, There is usually a reasonable play for game when you have 26 point* in high cards between your own hand and the dummy. The play Is usually simple if you have severe! high cards In each hand. South won the king of hearts and three high diamonds in hit own hand. He then led a dia -, i, ,t, -,- ,s mond to dummy's ace and re turned the ten of clubs for a fi nesse: Vest took the queen of clubs and forced out the ace of hearts South led the ace of clubs hope fully, but the king failed to drop, and the net result was 200 points to the opponents, South would have made the contract easily if some of his Si. . . i ; i high cards had been in the dum my. He could have led clubs ,.,,1 three times from dummy for re- peated finesses with enough easy entries to dummy. .* *• , i; » » Hard Entries Even with the actual hand >l - >' there were enough entries in dummy, but they were hard en- tries After winning the first heart South should ta&Lthe king and *. i > ,•" * -. " . queen of- diamonds.' When both opponents follow suit, South know* that only one diamond is out He can afford to over take the jack of diamonds with dummy's ace to lead * low dub for a finesse. West takes the queen of dubs and knocks out the ace of heart*-. Now South leads the five of dia- monds' to. dummy's six.. This puts aG. E. Custom Hectric Stkw^&a^er him in position to lead the ten of clubs from dummy. "siifce East cannot afford to yours free if you buy a new, AQ7 * «4 5 QJMJJ 0 109* *Q4 cook. It's so precise you

VAX 4KQ1S don't need a double boiler • AJ9» _ Weat North Zarf 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pas Opening lead —• ^? Q for delicate sauces. Vege-

DAILY QUESTION tables cook in less water, Partner opens wibhsZ NT, and the i\ext player passes. You hold; Spades-* 6 4 3 2. Hearts taste better. Meats shrink -8 4. Diamonds—7 4. Clubs—K 7 5 2. What do you say? Answer: Bid three spades. You would need 4 points to respond less, turn out juicier. Perfect without favorable distribution but Hour 3 points are enough when you have nine cards in two baking becomes a habit All suits, •• because you can regulate elec- Church-Going Driver Fined tric cooking heat much more LONG BRANCH - "This man accuratelythanflame.Buynow had a great zeal to go to church so he got in his car and went." This,', explained defense attor- ney Solomon Tepper of Long from the dealer who displays Branch,' was the mitigating cir- cumstance that caused 30-year- old Francisco Velazquez of 38 this seal and get your bonus gift. Branchport Ave. to drive, with- out a\ license on Aug. 25. On his Way -to church, Mr. Velar- quez also. received a summon* 'This offerisgoodmlywith for going through- a stop sign at UnJ&ti Ave. and Liberty St. Magistrate Stanley Cohen Us tened silently to the story and Imposed a $1$ fine for falling to heed the stop sign and a $5 as lessment for driving without a PoUowtheTow«rofUjht license, — Jerefey Ceritral Power &Ii«ht/New Jersey Power & light totheN.Y.Worid'»F»ir Need: Money? Sell those things you really don't need with a Daily - Register Claimed Ad. Call now. .

••' *'• «!Kr. IWuWFN The Register's Opinion Jim Biihopt Reporter Haiti Weeds U. S. Help PORTANPJMNCE, Haiti - Thi pallet ji a white merbigue School Days Here Again cake which hit been Indigestible to ivtryone but Doctor taxation, to a great extent, rests with Franoeli Duvilltr. It ttindi on a big browned-off platter m it will be iwhllt brtbri autumn tht mlddlt Of tht city, For candles, (hire are toldltn With its official entry, but for thou- him. bayonets ilttming fire in tht sun, Tht Preiident a Vft works Hopefully, but not too optimistical* in a dark cool office on tht second floor, unds of Monmouth County young- ly, we say that the day may come in Ht is short, 58, intelligent and cofflplw. sters the lummer is over. In the next He iptaki like a priest In conftsiien. Ht New Jersey when our governor. »nd has nttn in this ptltct tight yean, and It few days they will be going back to our legislators developed enough now prtsldent for lift. He leans towsrd tht sjchools and colleges. courage to put before voters a broad- United States, jn (he tame proportion U Fidel Castro leant awiy. " From the looks of thingi, it will based tax. They have been talking Dr. Duvalier nicest to work in ptjimas. be a record enrollment for most school about this for a long time—but, in He showed his dlitruit of me by dretiing this, an election year, the prospect* do in t black formal suit, and placing flowtrl systems in the county. But this is no not look too bright. tround tht office. Whtn I said thtt i «me surprise. We are living in a growing at i leeker of truth, not a friend ol Haiti. Thus, tht homeowner will have to ht meditated md whispertd: "I think of ypu area — and with more houses come suffer tax wise until New Jersey of- at a friend of my country," more children. ficials realize they arc shortchanging SI3HOP Once, ht was a student at the University of Michigan it Ann Arbor! Later, ht btcimt Fortunately, most county school all of us by their failure to take the a physlclin and wtnt homt to work among the poor. Dr. districts have anticipated the popula- necessary steps to adopt a sales tax or Duvalier conctntrittd on ytws, a crippling diseatt tndimic incom* tax. to Hiiti. Ht eradicated the illness) with tht same mtrelltii tion growth and are ready with ad- concentration ht now applies to his political enemlts. equate classrooms to meet the start- On another subject, to those who Tbt black, peasants elected him to hit present office for of-»chool onrush. But there are other begin classes again, we Implore them life in gratitude to "PaptDoc" for making them well. Thty districts where public apathy and lack to take advantage of these fruitful rtmtmbtr Hie soft Creole Frtneh, tht nttdles, tht maglcil curt where voodoo had failed. For 150 years, tht mullttoe* of concern have resulted in conditions years. The value of an education be- hid rultd. They were few In numbtr, hid Ug housit uid many where crowded classrooms and double comes more and more important — (ervintf. Duvilltr, threwd and fttrleu, ltd the black ptumts sessions will be the order of the day. and we do not limit this strictly to the to victory over tht hybrids. t told him that tome peopli ftel that ht wants to bt kUic . It is important that our citizens monetary area. ol Haiti. It was calculated to arouse the man. It didn't. "Whit realize that we must provide the best The world yearns for educated men further tmbltteni can I hive?" he said. "President tor life possible education for our youngsters. and women to meet the challenges not In a constitutionil government is more than enough. To lake another title — king, for example — would be like hiving tht With New Jersey's tax structure u only of the present generation but of samt position with a different name. Also, it would uptaj tht antiquated as it is, this is a costly the future. It is imperative that those Haiti national constitution. We have a chamber of deputies proposition. who can continue their formal training numbering 56 representatives, and they mutt aisume som* of the burdtn. This year, for example, they wint a budget of It if the homeowner who is forced for as long as possible do so. And from $19,000,000, and I cannot operate on less than $24,000,000. to pay for new schools and Increasing this will come the desire for more. "Haiti never has an unbalanced budget. They are going to t municipal services brought about by It is the truly educated person who. have to show me how to run the government on $l ,000,0tt. knows that learning never ceases. Sylvia Porter: Your MoneyV Worth I say it cannot be done." He talked on, ilwtyi Whliptrlng, population increases. The burden of always trying to mentally trsnilatt Mi French mind iMO precise English. "What does Haiti need? It needs everything. My ptopl* tell me that you have been in tht remote vllllgM. Will?" Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott; Inside Washington | Upsurge in College LoCUlS I said rh/rt India appeared rich compared to Haiti. Mart tbM Just one decade ago, U.S. college students lege, it rises to $2,370, with many colleges 60 per cent of all people are unemployed. Tht roads art nitttd. borrowed a grand total of $14 million a year charging $3,000 or more a year. This brjngs Along the waterfront, thousands of familiss Uvt in shacks to finance their educations, nearly all of it the four-year cost to as much as $12,000 for . made of sugar cane stalks and tarthen floors. On their belt from sparse college loan funds. This past each child. Only five years from how, the ' dayi, they eat Jon-Jon, a mixture of rice tod bttnt. On. their GOP Group Takes Firm Stand school year, student borrowing through a yearly averages are due to climb to $1,840 wont, they eat the sugar cane will*. WASHINGTON-The starkly jarring spec- has a long way to go on'this matter, but it wide variety of new fed- for a public college, to $2,710 for a private .' Duvalier says he cannot understand how the United Stttti ter of Los Angeles' savage riots had a deci- is making progress. eral, state and individual institution. can lend money to questionable friends (ir away, but rtfuie sive bearing on a key section of the 11-page "I am wholeheartedly for Civil rights. And -'JssssssssssssssW' college lending programs Clearly, such sums an beyond the reach • true friend in the Caribbean. "Your State Department says position paper "Equality in America: A I am equally emphatically for law and order. soared past 1290 million. of millions of families who would like to send It wants to help us, but with tht mosey they want to stud Promise Unfulfilled" issued by the Republican They go hand in hand. There ean't be one Just one decade ago,.- their, children to cq|l«g«-«nd it'i estimitld technicians to spend it. The roads you complain about wtre Co-ordinating Committee commercial bank loans for that 150,000 to 300,000 high school graduates built by American technicians. This time, we would like to without tht other. If we art to have equality employ our people to do the work. last week. in civil rights, then we mutt bt strong and college education wert vir- who art qualified and want to go on to college I It was this grim shadow firm." . , . tually unknown. This pest each year do not go primarily beetust of "We built the new jet airport. We CM build roads, tlte- that caused the deletion of After unanimously eliminating the crit- school year, »tt-5 million financial reasons. trlctl generators, housing projects, tourism — wt need u sharp criticism, of the South icism of the South, the committee took up in commercial bank loans to Another major factor behind the boom injection of dollars to cure our sickness. We art frank about and insertion instead of the law-and-order statements submitted by Vice college students and their in college borrowing is tht mounting demand this. Haiti does not pretend to bt something it isn't." forceful declaration on law President Nixon and Rep. William McCulIoeh, parents was in force — SO for college graduates in the job marketplace, I said that perhaps he pretends to be something ht iin't and order. per cent above' last year'* a demand which still far outstrips the na- — a dictator disguised as a president. Doctor Duvalier almost O., chairman of the task force that prepared MRTER Significantly, author of the draft version of the position paper. Nixon figure. tion's supply of diploma-bearing Job.seekers. bristled. The people need a strong man, and demand out. this stern pronouncement was not present, but had'sent his proposal Add in other sources—savings end loin - A college education is, in fact, becoming a It isn't democracy, but the feeling at the United States em- was 's senior Sen. by mail. associations, credit unions, insurance com- new minimum for a good job, in contrast to bassy is that true democracy is impossible now because (1) Thomas Kuchel, who hastily panies, private non-profit agencies—and total yesterday's minimum of a high school the people do not understand It; (2) would abuse it With ALLEN improvised it on a pad of While the two alternatives were clearly private lending comes to $100 million in 1965. diploma. intermittent revolutions. "I am not a dictator," ht said. "I substitute for two milder preferred to the original version, neither This is on top of the $250 million from public read the term in newspapers. My government optritu com- paper as aroused much enthusiasm.- Thus, we are witnessing an unprecedented statements. and college funds. This is also on top of an scramble, to get Into college. College enroll- pletely within the constitution. A true dictator make* hit «wa And It was Thomas Dewey, the party's It was atr this point that Stn. Kuehel estimated $1 billion—plus of mortgage loam ments hive doubled in the past decade done, laws." • ,..•(„ I two-Ume • presidential ctandard-bearer, who presented his hastily-written ringing deelara- now outstanding and representing borrowing to this} year's 5.4 million. By 1979, «.9 million ' He thought it over. A little smile showed-gold fee*. vigorously protested the jab at the South on tlmr**^**"*^,*™ h,t, • for coBege edueaiion. ws . ^rf^A studeifirare slajfd. to. b£,enrolled in colleges •'Still)" he said, "I say that there Is no m*a in this country the civil rights issue, and Behind the upsurge ia. college bdtfowijv and diversities. And the steepest rise in who can stand against me. Not one." "Bigotry"Is not indigenous to any one if the fact that while scholarship aid and numbers will be from the "lower income then enthusiastically moved race, color or creed," s.aid the Californian. 1 asked how much money would put his country oa It* college work-study ^programs have been leap- brackets who must have big-scale outside fi- feet. "Seven hundred million dollars," ht said. He hit na adoption of Kuchel'a law- "All have bigots, and all bigots are to be and-order enunciation—with ing forward, competition for such financial nancial help. The pressure and competition hope of getting it, but that would make Haiti I strong iraa.ll the equally fervent support condemned. And by the same token, we can- assistance never has been stiffer. Most scho- for all forms of student aid will become ever nation, put shoes on its teet, food in its belly, education In its of Governors Romney, not condone or tolerate violence and dis- larships continue reserved for the brilliant, more intense. head, and money in its pocket. . Mich., and Scranton, Fa. order. We cannot permit lawlessness on any needy student. Still beyond the scope of fttf- Spurred by these facts and challenges, the "Someday, our big friend, thi VSX\ "will understand grounds. To be weak on law and order is eral, state and university special help for federal government has drastically expanded Haiti,", he said. We may also have to understand this man. . Gov, Robert Smylie, special students are millions whose schools- chairman of the GOP Gov- to be un-American. We must speak out clear ' its student loan programs.'Since 1959, student I talked to some of his political ehtmiti, and thty admit tbit and strong on that. This is no time or place grades are ordinary and whose families are.. loans under the National Defense Education he has stopped Haiti's trend downward. Tfcty alto admit Uut ernors Conference, played middle-class. the leading role in another to hestitate." Act have jumped from $9.5 million to nearly he does not want to enrich himself. " ' dramatic episode shortly Instantly Dewey shouted, "Mr. Chairman, Financing a college education today, even $150 million a year. The new Federal Higher Living in that meringue cake is enough. Hi HU it, Md SCOTT before the wind-up of the I move We adopt Sen. Kuchel's superlative for the family in the $10,000415,000 income Education Act of 1965 would add tens of mil- has it too . , , ' " Co-ordinating Committee's two days of closed- statement." Governors Scranton and Romney bracket, can be a staggering expense—espe- lion's to this total. States, universities and door deliberations. cially if two or three children hit college age private agencies also are multiplying their did tht seconding, and adoption was un- in the same three to five year period. More loan reserve* for worthy but needy students. The Tdalioan hat been one of the most animous. and more families, confronted by high and But for millions of average, not particu- outspoken foes of "splinter groups," particu- Events of Years Ago Crux of Kuchel's stirring pronouncement rising costs of college education for their chil- larly needy students, the commercial interest- larly the Goldwater element. But out of the is as follows: "Respect for law and order dren, are falling into a new "Impoverished bearing loan will be the only foreseeable "out" clear blue, Smylie astonished his fellow party middle class." from the burden of soaring college costs. in our society ij basic to our survival as a v leaden with an ardent plea for harmony and nation. Violence, illegal breach of the peace The average price tag for on* year at • Tomorrow: - unity, asserting, "Our tent is big enough to of any kind of mob, weaken the fabric of this public college is now $1,500. At a private col- Shopping for a College Loan. 50 Years Ago hold everybody, and It's time it did." nation, and undermine the American goal of Frank Blaisdell, son of E. Thurston Blaitdell of Long equal opportunity under law for all our Branch, ran an ice cream parlor which he built himsilt. frtnk Amid stirring applause, h» proposed that people. Indeed, to be achieved, this goal must was U years old. "splinter groups" and their relation to the rest unswervingly on respect of the law — John Chamberlain: These Days party be made the principal topic of the com- all the law — of the land. We believe in The Ladies' Aid Society of the West Long Branch M**od- mittee's next meeting. and pledge ourselves to vigorous law enforce- ist Church served 754 suppers at their harvts home. ' While no data for that has been set, it ment at every level of government — local, state, and national." Potato bugs were reporttd a - great pe POXY. Gwl M* "" W™' **"" they got In, might let the labor unions have the now famous "German miracle," has an higher wages, which would mean more infla- 11, ty •»«*» iaiuf wOBa» *». Saadftra aad Artlwr & Kamla edge on Willy Brandt in popularity polls. But tion." She and Robert laugh at the way the the bickering among Christian Democrats has ftMk W. HtibMV touiMm tint* nr. Charles A. JohsutM mtktit tami list. two partita steal each other's slogans. But been Intense, and Konrad Adenauer, "der nuances'are still important, and there Is the alte" who was chancellor before Erhard for Member af the Attwdated Vrets lingering fear that the socialists' "sicher ist (t tt* is* tor tt|ntU«MMti tt an ts» Mtl i 14 years, never made any bones about his sicher," or "sure is sure," would make a feeling that Erhard, an economist, would not good education In Germany just a little less make a good leader. Adenauer Is now scram- Metubtt el American Newspaper Publishers Association advantageous than it now is. That wouldn't be "sicher" for the Vollraths. . bling to repair the damage he has done; Member Audit Bureau of Circulation i the posters quote him as saying that his life J ,, -, -;-- nouetii ruioulbmUM lor inn la Robert Is a chemist who has put in 10 work for Germany's peace, freedom and se- "If you hod ony q«t-iip-oM-, #McB majr »omi! years of study at his profession. He capped curity is In Ediird'i hands «i his anointed his graduate school experience with two years follower. Invent o *oy for !o«tjrpnoi>t> %• ^l-—- tMnmm m nttoutmuv tat «m»n»nu »t «plnHp to littin fm in num. on a fellowship in the United States. His sal- But the repair work may have come too In apoce and wok* a.f»ftwfl1! ary in marks comes to about 500 dollars a late. Willy Brandt is given a good chance isssztiX month In American terms. Five hundred in of winning. , - 6-Tuuiiy, kept. 7, 1965 organize* JfytttoBfotii . It, tMt tmtd St *!• 14 LWea,fl. um w«re o« the ap- . tfat \uA tumfatd of I16/K0 Reduction y was assfssed tt U* gUto «Wng « reduction peals of; M IW oer cent of tt* ixriMbtg. of tTSSJO on properties valued.at Martin pg, fclyW MulU-sensory Production, Int.. T ... to the land and »M,«00 Sell Futl The OaOjr atag»ater (or the building, which was re$215,10- 0 at Wharf Ave. and Front two Riven, HI.JM to »10,«» on 12 Broad St., $1,880 of an equip. ln\ Assessments in 3 Boroughs cently expanded. The club seeks St., 1, 3 and S Broad St. and 8-10building assessment. nent assessment of $4,908. Tne Jastlfied. . ' - , ' 100 par cent reductions u a fra-East Front St. Mrs, Guisie Wlnkelman, Ten- ippeal was for a $1,811 reduction. *JU> BANK - Lovatl'f Nur.milter, ia!d the Und "cannot $317,100 with a »1M,I1O reduction ternal and chsrltablt orianW- Jesse and Marcla Greenberj, nis Court la., $0,900 to $5,000 on The estate of James Bruno, genr \1 appealing lor i $403,168 qualif"iy ii an agricultural urns- requested. ' ' (ton. $10,000 to $6,800 on land at Uthe land and $21,060 to $15,000 on 100 per- cent of tht $44,600 assess. NduetlM tt tht Mitiimint of ment In tha absence of a timely Among the Red Bank appeals The board' reatrved decision West Front St. and 89,000 to $8,he- r aumrncr home. ment on the former Riverside W.% ictn of land In Rumion, filing." To qualify, tht nursery heard - Friday, two organisations and the club's attornty, Arthur 300 on land at 117 East Front St, Besides the casts .heard, the bowling alleys, which Mr Havenand Little Stiver. muit submit an application each claimed tax exemption, They Siegfried, wii'aiked to submit a The estate of David Cronhelm, board took under advisement burned down at 21-23 East Front Tin Monmbuth County Board o( year bafor« Oct. t, he uld. were Xlverview Hospital and theniemorindum citing cuts. $88,000 to $30,000 on land at 123stipulate- d agreements between St. last year. Taxation Nerd assessment sp- assessors and appellants In the Mr. D*Rldd«r uld that because Mystic Craftsmen's Club, 192Largest appeal heird Friday 127 Broad St. and $38,000 to $15,- Abraham H. Ctrchmtn, Mill from texpiyeri In Red following cases. The board must of a change In tha statute , in Maple Ave. was that of Stephen J. Gross, 000 on the building. Broad St., $4,500 off a land as. link, Rumson, Fair Haven and approve the agreements. May, \m, and the unavailability Overview's attorney, Joseph T. Inc., plumbing contractor of New- Saul and Gertrude Tessler, $8,. Hiremebury Friday In borough In Red Bank: tessment of $24,900 and 8)2.900 off of proper formi, the application Qrauit, said two former doctors'man Springs Rd., Shrewsbury. 400 to $6,000 on land at 12-14 Mon- Edward Cordes, 37 Broad St., building assessment of $32,800. was neceswlly late, but wai «*•properties between Elit Front Mr. Gross sought to have his mouth' St. and $18,100 to $14,000 $1,000 off a land assessment of Agreements wera stipulated in Th* three tovett appeals wara mltted without delay when the St. and Union St., both now used business inventory assessment on the building. $41,900 and $700 of a building as Rumson for Raymond and Mir- eontolldated and adjourned to formi were, In. by the hospital for parking, reduced from 1516,225 to (11,014. Edwin and Jean trwin, $8,000 sessment of 129,700. The appeal jorle Ruwell, 167 Blngham Ave,, ' Oet. U •«« Raymond B. DeRld- He allied the board to use ju-should be tax free, to $8,100 on land at 276 Harding 5,000 off a building assessment dar, attornty for the nuritry, dicial discretion, and waive the Due to HI error in Information was for $5,000 off the land and The borough assessed the 52supplie- d Shrewsbury Assessor Rd. and $28,400 to $21,000 on the$9,700 oft the building. A $35,000, and for Rocco and Ann 'mid* Initial argumente with re- filing deadline. building. T foot lot at.W East Front St, atBtrasrd J. Mirx, tht figure,In Entitle G. Tlllon, 23 Monmouth :ioffi. River Rd. and Parmly St., tard to Lovatt i Fair Havan Paul KierMD, bmtrd president, $15,M0 and the 41-foot lot at f Among the Fair Haven ap- 100 per cent off tha $8,850 assess- folding!. Mid the bolrtJ would give eluded not, only stock In the St., $3,650 off a land assessment East Front St. it $14,700. firm's warehouse, but materials peals, the board reserved deci- ment of a building that his been In Fair Havtn. the nuritry thought to the requef^ and hold of $30,900 and. $2,950 off a build- TOIHT TANK IAU Acting Borough Attorney Sam- delivered to jobs by vendors with sion In the case ,of Dr, Charlei raied. >-• • win four Iracli on Ridge Rd. to- *consolidated hearing for lov- ing assessment of 131,200, The uel Carotenuto said tha two lots out crossing borders into Shrews Lupthutz, 44 Glllesple Ave., who The only stipulation In Shrews- tiling M.I acres. Thay were ai- ett'Pi three appeals Oct. 18. appeal was, for $10,900 off the were assessed, because they did bury; he said. Decision was re-sought a reduction of $19,160 to >ury was for Delacama, Inc., itised at 1111,480 and Lovett In Rumson, the nursery owns land and $11,200 oft the building. not adjoin Rlvervlew'a main, Jract served/, - $16,000 In his house, which hi Shrewsbury Ave., $4,000 off the staki a reduction of $160,288. 27 acres on Ridge Rd. It has Or. William Heatley, 29 Drum- on- the north side of Union St. had a kitchen with fireplace wilding assessment. Mr. DeRJdder aiked for in as-been aliened tt $8S,M0, and Lov- Other Red Bank iiiesimehts raond PI., $3,059 off an equipment The board reserved decision. added, The board postponed to assessment of $4,24«. sesimerit bated on tha 64.8 acrai ett teeki a reduction of $58,290. heard, and the declnlons re- Oct. 18 a hearing foe Wllllarn ai an agricultural or horticultural In Little 'Sliver, where tha nur- Albert F. Stuer, president o! served, Included: Leonard Delner, 45-50 Broad Spreen, owner of the Wlllowbrook St., $15,700 off a land assessment uN, but Maurice Potter, repre- sery owm three parcelt totaling the Mystic Craftmen'a Club, said The Ten Realty Company, ask' Inn, because Assessor W. Rayo-f $143,300 and $6,000 off a build- seating tne borough In the Lovatt 85.48 acre*, the aifeument ii that building Ii put only to »onIng a reduction of }7f ,000 on prop- mond Van Horn had not been no- ing assessment of $59,600. The erties valued at $209,500 at 29-35 titled of the appeal. , ppeal was for $83,300 off the land and $19,000 off the, building. DAILY CROSSWORD The Vanedda Company, 90 ...IS OUR ear wvojvf >•.•••• —j^^^ A. Broad St., $5,900 off a land as- (•vim •uaaan hunt ap to &«xp«rt HAnuaea IUSINESS $10,000. Sea as teoayl Lladts- AOodoim from tessment of $72,900 and $3,300 off ft. British s.Uikewara •leep the building assessment. The ap- dandy B.Crew t6, Hu- peal was for $32,900 and $38,300 4«/o ANNUAL DIVIDEND LEADERSHIP D. Am. play- member rt reductions. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY , wrffbt 7 •traU- William and Margaret Jones, 10. Nobleman 8. Dealer In HMMH HMMHUH fled 103311130 1 Bridge Ave., total assessment SAVINGS * LOAN lLFlowen flower* . rock Dtvtlop Poise, Confidence, WSriktene* 11. Conare#«- f $9,500 on the building, which 36.Bkiuaa has been razed. MARINE VIEW l«.T»lU|kt mea: aibr. Indiana n. Ability to Deal With People KLOreek IS. CoVronts S&Sow Morria and Noglotvi Sealty Hlajrwar «. MIMhtewa I letUr IS. Torrid JftVen- ompany, 65 Monmouth St;, J2,- •71-2400 I 291-0100 Take the 17, Sun 19. Creek tures 500 off a building assessment of god physician 11. Pocket- 35. Shape I8.K«brnr JO, Uneven book 37. Compete lotUr SI. Sediment 12.Cap« M.Ntwt

DALE 2i Storm center Mass. parrot taclln* i. 9 > i 34. Handle a CARNEGIE p n.—at ft 7/< C3«VM It K SS.Ttnae * COURSE ».Ooldnj»h (5 1 /Q-QM:PAi-N-Y. territory $ 3L Father: H a MO MANAGEMENT RECOGNIZES eoUoq. % Improvement taemployee s who have SMndoneda; $ taken the DALE CARNfcCIE COURSES gbf. • SfcMatrimeat w % JIM J&Cnt w * 7? demonstrations! p K™ 4XFitnJent I in Effective Speaking, Human O. Affected , manna!* ~r Relations, Memay Training: 4S.Anran(ee M-Identieal H MDIANK MoDy Pitcher Im I P. M. Tuts., Sept. 14th 41 tl h LOopplee Roura 3$ •' Tue**, Sept. 21st X French 41 .a 14 % ASMRY PARK Hotel itrkeley Ctsrtare* • P.M. Wed., Sept. 15th Wad., Sapt. 22ml

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NINE OF THE TEN debutantes who will be presented tonight at the Sixth Annual Debutante Ball in the Sea Bright Lawn Tennis and Cricket Club, Rumson, are lejt to right, seated: Miss April Ferris, Miss Meryl Smith and Miss Nancy Lenlhe, all of Rumson; standing, Miss Judith Chamberlain, Miss Christie Ramsey, both of Rumson; Miss Mary-Gale Scudder, Locust; Miss Elizabeth Jane Woodman, Rumson; Miss-Margo Marusi, Middletown, and Miss Evelyn Tulp, Rumson. At the time of this preview, Miss Elizabeth Scudder of Navesink, who will make her bow to society tonight also, was in Europe,

FORMAL GOWNS of the debutantes are white. Miss IN A TRADITIONAL SETTING — Miss Margo Marusi, Elizabeth Jane Woodman, Rumson, left, is wearing a Middletown, left; Miss Judith Chamberlain, center, and Dr. Gross to Preside at Introductions sheath of pure silk tvith V-back accented with a Dior bow Miss Meryl Smith, both of Rumson, are pictured el the By ELEANOR MARKO Individually styled, the gowns art in a wide range erf ma- with streamers forming a panel back. Miss Christie Ramsey terials and shades of white. , doorway oj the horn* of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sloan, 3d, RUMSON — Dr. Mason W. Gross, president of Rutgers is gowned in peau de soie with leaf detail of velvet on the Miss Chamberlain has chosen a Grecian-style sheath of Navesink River Rd., Middletown, where the debs met the University, and a resident here, will formally introduce 10 young scoop neckline and V-back. women tonight at the Sixth Annual Debutante Ball. . silk worsted with pleated soutache square neckline and modi- press in a preview for their ball. The debutantes will then be presented by their fathers in a fied panel back. traditional ceremony here in the Sea Bright Lawn Tennis and Miss Ferris, in a modified sheath of silk brocade fashioned Cricket Club. Dinner will be followed by dancing under a color- with a scoop neckline, will wear an heirloom brooch accessory ful marquee. at the scoop neckline. Seven of the debutantes are from Rumson. They are Miss Miss Lenthe will be wearing one of the few gowns designed Judith Catherine Chamberlain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- with a modified bell, skirt. It is of silk organdy fashioned with a ville Perrine Chamberlain; Miss April Alison Ferris, daughter short-sleeved fitted bodice paneled with Alencon lace on the oE Mr. and Mrs. Morris Douw Ferris, Jr.; Miss Nancy Elverson skirt and matching panel back set off by a bow. Lenthe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel James Lenthe; Miss An Empire-styled sheath of peau de soie is the choice of Christie Carnegie Ramsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miss Marusi. Itjs'detailed with floral embroidery on the fitted Carnegie Ramsey; Miss Meryl Crooheron Smith, daughter of bodice and is designed with a sweep panel back. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert DeWitt Smith; Miss Evelyn Sheffield Tulp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tulp; Miss Elizabeth Miss Ramsey's gown is of peau de soie with leaf detail Jane Woodman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Spring in velvet on the scoop neckline and V-back and fashioned with Woodman. a modified sweep to the bell skirt. Also to be presented are Miss Mary Gale Scudder, daughter Miss Mary Gale Scudder's choice is a gown of gros de of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wallace Scudder, Jr., Locust; Miss londre (ribbed faille) designed with a square neckline with high Margo Victoria Marusi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Empire waistline'and back detailed with a double bow. Raymond Marusi, Middletown, and Miss Elizabeth Hollifield Her cousin. Miss Elizabeth Scudder, who just returned from Scudder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Betts Scudder, vacationing in Europe throughout the summer, will be wearing Navesink. a gown of peau de soie with sleeveless bodice outlined on the Receiving Line of 20 neckline with floral lace and full skirt scalloped on the hemline and edged with matching floral lace motif. There will be a 20-member receiving line with 350 guests Miss Smith's gown is a modified sheath of satin with Watteau attending. This significantly predicates some two hours of panel from a V-back. .handshaking for the debs. The high |ashiOft,Ejnpire-stylf ,is1»^ Choice of Miss Tulp Music will be to the Meyer Davis orchestra, with Emory ; in her gown at peau de soie with scoop neckline arid Dior bow Davis conducting. The debutantes' first dance will go to their at the back waistline. fathers. Each girl will have two escorts. Miss Woodman is wearing a sheath of pure silk with V- The decorative theme for the ball is "A Garden in Ver- back accented with a Dior bow with streamers forming a panel sailles" with tones of pink and red predominating. back. The bateau neckline has a beaded detail. The young women have chosen elegantly simple white All the gowns are floor-length and worn with lS-button gowns in keeping with the tradition, and will carry pink carna- opera-length gloves. The hair stylings of the debs are modishly tions in tight round bouquets accented with ivy streamers. simple. . . •, Outlook b To College The bow to society filled with pomp and finery, gaiety and laughter, also marks the end of the summer hiatus for the debutantes. Closely following in the next weeks is the serious business of becoming college freshmen. Miss Chamberlain, a June graduate of Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., will be entering George Washington University, In A QUIET MOMENT during the pre-ball activities Washington, D. C. which included sitting for formal portraits are Miss Nancy The private schools from which the other debutantes were graduated and the college they will attend are as follows: Elverson Lenthe, left, and Miss Evelyn Sheffield Tulp, both Miss Ferris, alumnae of Miss Hall's School, Pittsfield, of Rumson. Mass., entering Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; Miss Lenthe, alumnae of Germantown Friends School, Philadelphia, entering Hood College, Frederick Md.; Miss Marusi, Dana Hall, Welles- ley, Mass., entering Simmons College, Boston, Mass.; Miss Kaster-Siegler Nuptials Ramsey, The Ethel Walker School, Simsbury, Conn., entering Wellesley (Mass.) College. CONFERRING over the acceptances and regrets list for Also, Miss Scudder of Locust, Westover School, Middlebury, In Holy Family Church Conn., entering Bennett Junior College, Millbrook, N, Y.; Miss tonight's ball are Miss April Alison. Ferris, Rumson, and Smith, Miss Porter's School, Farmingdale, Conn., entering Pine . UNION BEACH - Miss Shirley Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., Miss Mary Gale Scudder, Locust. Manor Junior College, Wellesley, Mass. Ann Siegler, daughter of Mr. and New Brunswick. Three of the debs who will be freshmen at Colby Junior Mrs. Joseph M. Siegler, 909 Har- They will reside in the Bay- College for Women, New London, N. H.. are Miss Scudder of ris Ave,, Union Beach, became Navesink, alumnae of Garrison (Md.) Forest School; Miss Tulp, shore Mobile Manor, Rt. 38, Key- the bride of William H. Raster, port, following a wedding trip to Elise Mattox Is Bride alumnae of Emma Willard School, Troy, N. Y., and Miss Wood- 57 Koenig La., Freehold, Satur- New York City,. man, alumnae of The Vail-Dean School, Elizabeth. day in Holy Family Catholi Church. In Freehold Wedding The bridegroom Is the son ol Mrs. Elizabeth Raster, Portville, List Plans FREEHOLD — Freehold Meth- Pa., was best man. Alfred am Patricia Noon Is Bride N.Y. - r odist Church was the setting here Fred Lease of Baltimore, Md. Saturday for the wedding of Miss ushered. BELFORD — The marriage o Rev. Robert Wright officiated. Rev. Joseph G. Fox, pastor, ForWSCS Elise Elizabeth Mattox, daughter The bride is a June graduati Miss Patricia Ann Noon, daughtei Mrs. Dora Barnes was organist, performed the ceremony. of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diem of West Virginia Wesleyan Col of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noon The bride was escorted -by her The bride was given In Mattox, 75 Lake Dr., to Jack lege, Buckhannon. She was Moran PI., Keansburg, and Den- father. She wore a floor-length riage by her father. She wore a Anniversary nis Edward Healey, son of Mr. Ronald George of Baltimore, Md. member of Zeta Tau Alpha so MISS ELIZABETH II. SCUDDER of Locust, in a formal gown of white organza and Chan- champagne crepe street-length OCEAN CITY — Methddlst and Mrs. Edward Healey, Willow He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. rority and of the band, orchestra portrait. She is among the 10 young women wfto will be till}; lace made with long sleeves. dress with three-quarter-length women of the Southern NeW Jer- St., Port Monmouth, took plac Frank J. George of that city. and musical organizations. Her fingertip veil was attachei sleeves and a matching sleeve sey Conference'of the Methodist presented tonight at the Sixth Annual Debutante Ball. Saturday in die Methodist Church Rev. John D. Merwin officiatet The bridegroom is a studen to a crown of seed pearls am less full-length coat. A short veil Church will observe the 25th an- at the double ring ceremony. Or- at Boston University School flower petals of organza and she was attached to her matching niversary of the Woman's Society ganist was Miss Sally Jane Bis- Theology where he is a membei carried a cascade bouquet of flower hat and she carried a of Christian Service on Friday, hop and soloist, Mrs. Joan Lease ot the Seminary Singers. He is white carnations. nosegay of white carnations and Sept. 17 at 10:15 a.m. on the Mu- 1963 graduate of West Virginii Janice Ward Wed to Robert Keller Mrs. Joseph Grzelka, High yellow roses. sic Pier, Ocean City. A reception followed in the Wesleyan College, He was a mem IRBD BANK - The marriage of Mr. Ward escorted his daugh-piece was a matching bow wit lands, was matron of honor. He Mrs. Edward Koteclii, Stoats church social hall. Mrs. Donald E. Struohen wilf be her Uiere of Theta Xi fratcrnit; Miss Janice Ellen Ward, daughter ter. She wore a floor-length gow veil. She carried a cascade ol gown was of blue silk shantung, burg, N.Y., was matron ot honor. the speaker for the morning ses- Mr. Mattox escorted his daugh and the Chapel Choir. of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter J. Ward, of silk organza appliqued will white carnations, street-length, with a chiffon over- Her sleeveless crepe strefctlength sion.. Mrs. Struchen, a leader in ter. She wore a gown of peau d After a wedding trip to Whit< 61 Alameda Ct., Shrewsbury, to Alencon lace at the waistline an skirt. Her headpiece was a veil Bridesmaid was Miss Diane dress was in dark green and she spiritual life cultivation, has writ- soie styled with a round neck- Mountains, N.H., the couple wili Robert Steven Keller, 169 Branch fcn the chape! train. The bodio Duckworth, Fair Haven, who wa trimmed in bows and she car- carried a nosegay of light grew ten many articles and planned line and long sleeves. The bell- Ave., took place Saturday in St. was designed with a bateau neck- : reside at 52 Waverly St., Ever gowned in identical fashion and ried a half cascade bouquet ol carnations and dark green roses programs that have been iaed shaped skirt was bordered with James Catholic Church. ett, Mass. line and ths skirt had a fronl carried blue and white carnations. blue carnations. She wore a headpiece of thn throughout Methodism. • • lace at the hemline. panel of the lace. Kathy, Jean Bower, Leesport, Miss Lynn Healey, bride- same flowers. A veil of Belgian lace was held Rev. Will jam C. Anderson cele- Her veil was held by a crown Pa., was junior attendant for he groom's sister, wai bridesmaid Mrs. Joseph Mangles, Hazleli) Work of the Deaconess Home by a matching cap. >Tho bride brated the Nuptial Mass and of- ficiated at the double ring cere- of orange blossoms. The bride cousin. She wore a floor-length and Denis Noon, bride's sister, sister of the bride, was the bridal and Community Center, and of carried shasta daisies, Party Marks the Frances Nelson Scholarship mony. carried white rosebuds In gown of white silk organza was junior bridesmaid. They wore attendant. Her light green crepe Miss Alice Mattox, at home, will be a part of the morning cade. trimmed with blue. She also won pink dresses styled like the othe street-length dress was identira was her sister's maid of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Keller, program. 50th Birthday Miss Kathleen E. Lanigan a blue bow headpiece with veil, attendant's and carried pink car- to the honor attendant's. She car- Attendants were Miss Nancy Woodbridgc, are parents of the FAIR HAVEN - Marvin Bern- Shrewsbury, was maid of honor. and carried white and blue car- nations. Jill Healey, another sis ried a nosegay of light green The afternoon session will con- Creel, White Sulphur, W. Va., and iridegroom. stein, 1137 Hfrpe Rd., Wayside, She wore a floor-length blu nations In a cascade bouquet. ter of the bridegroom, was flower carnations.and dark green roses vene at 1:15 when Ronnie Avalon, Mrs. Lawrence P. Mallory, Buck was given a surprise 50th birth- A reception was held in the sheath of silk organza embroi- George Kovacs, Woodbridge, girl. and wore a matching flower head- a form$,r star °*the Metropolitan hannon, W. V.a day party recently In the Willow- Molly Pitcher-Inn. dered with blue flowers. Her head- was best man for .his cousin Joseph Grzelka was best man Opera Company, New York City, They wore floor-lcnglh poau de piece. brook Inn here. Robert Kucen, Shrewsbury, and Dennis Noon was junior usher now a gospel tenor, will sing, M>le gowns with the maid of Edward Kotecki, Sloatsburg, Guests were his wife and chil Also, Mr. and Mrs. James Me- Mrs. Walt Worden, Mr. and Mr«. Kenneth J. Ward, at home, broth- and Stephen GIHespie, Keinsburg Rev.' Dr. Franklin Buck, execu- honor in champagne color and .Y.i w« best nan and Joseph dren, Nancy Ann, Ralph, and Grath, Miss Josephine Christo- Doug Byrnes, Francis West, er of the bride, ushered. , was adult usher. : •. '• tive' secretary of the Board of ' the others in gold. ;les, Hazlet, brother-in4aw of son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and pher, Mrs. Virginia McCormlck, Richard West, Owen Layden, The bride is a graduate of Red A reception Was held In Andy's Missions of the Southern New They also ware wreaths of rus the bride, wag the usher^ Mrs. J. F., Madure, grandsons Jo- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shibla, Mr. Miss Edith Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bank Catholic High' School and Shore Bar, Highland!. The couple Jersey. Conference, will bring a •et chrysanthemums as head- seph and Frank Madure, and also nd Mrs. Stanley Schodowski, Mr Ernie We3slcr, Mr. and Mrs. Gil Stuart School of Business Admin- eft afterwards on a wedding trip A reception followed In the Idle message on the missionary pro- .pieces and carried the Hour Inn, Leonardo. same his mother, Mrs. Clara Bernstein md Mrs. Edward Simmons, Mr Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. William istration, Asbiiry Park, and is a to .Lake George, N.Y. gram of the church. Mrs. Har- flowers, . of Burfalo, N.Y. Als9 present ind Mrs. Frank Phoebe, Mr. and Thorne. legal secretary. The couple were graduated The bride was graduated from vey Winn, Dr. Hooker Davis and Elise Skalwold, Rome, N.Y., . Walter H. Bowerman, Ricky were Mr. and Mrs. John White, Dr. and Mrs. Erich Hafner, Mr. The bridegroom is a graduate from Middletown Township High Prospect Heights High School Rev. H, W. Bland Detwiler will was flower girl for her cousin. Jagavarian, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carabranti and Mrs. Joseph Stanley, Mr. and of Woodbrldge High School and School. The bride was employed Brooklyn, and is employed by report on changes that hive She wore a long frock ol white Emily Garabrant, Mr. and Mrs. ipalghts and William Washing- Mrs. Jack Fulton, Mr. and also ot Stuart School of Business In the A & P store, Keansburg, J.'M. Huber, New York City. taken place In the cities of/the pylon with a' gold jacket. She Robert Rick, Mr. and Mrs. War- on. area, "• Mrs. Arthur Ballato, Mr. and Administration. He is employed and the bridegroom li employed Th.e bridegroom was graduated also wore chrysanthemum ren Hibbits, Mr. and Mr«. Lou Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brycem, Mrs. Donald Peacock, Dr. and by Frequency Engineering Labo- by' the J. N, Bearmore Com- from PorWille High School and Mrs. Albert T. Stretch, Jr. con- jwrcith «nd carried * baiket of Szejg, Mr. and Mrs. William An- AT. and Mrs. Joseph Danielion, Mrs. B«ckmann, Mr. and Mn. ratories, Farmingdale. ' , pany, Asbtiry Park, derson, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank served four years In the U, S, ference president, wijl praflda At. and Mm, Jerry Havel, Mr. rfllltrd Tlmm, tod Mr. and Mn. Tii* coupl* will retid* at IMF h will (wide on Middle Rd., .Jit. •«-- || J^ «• _ f r*mjnmv Navy. Ha I* employed by toe with,Mn,.Msrl ( Repaid* «t* 'mm-. MUfoird, nd Mrs, Lou Nelson, Mr. and Vlnc«t Kublln, Br*nd),|*ve., R*d Bank.' Had* E. R. fiqutt* * Sons IXvUlon Olcon»ol«. ' .... X. WffN P. AYMOND, Jr* Uft tkt former *• MM, WILLIAM J, VJLWUCHBY, Lift, Lucy L. Wheeler, was nwrUd Saturday in ike U th* jormtr Mi*t Donna ]v/ Adam*, fit it Methfiditt Church, Rfd Bank. 5% it fiaufhur of Col, and Mu. Dondtt I, Aim* . Ihe'daufhter of Mr- ipeeJitty GUARANTEE this. Fall, when bridal fash- We will put it in writing and ion* are breathtaking In guarantee you a specific Inch and weight loss. Ask their iovetlnen. May we , about It today. you ouri? PMOUBTTSI . pmomm ratM »ias> TO »IBOO $99 10 NO MONiY DOWN 11.SO Wukly "IUY THI IASY Reussilles' Physical Control for B.tttr Living • REEDS WAY" REEDS 747-S400 • No MM»y Down II w. front it. V^5r red bonk HI I. Newmaa Sprjti Rag • toy Wt' ID IROAD-ST., RID BAMK Registered Jewelers—American Gem Society MwthlV 717 COOKMAN AVI., AMUiTfAMl (Nt»l Is AtP-rf rat Parkins) f ll.MMItht !» P«» OHM .WIQ...4 f%\, Nt«Ntt mt*M wteJ, «M| fri.-til 36 BROAD-AT THE CLOCK » utftMteta Dtiiitrr Oleg dassim Stay in Tune With the Times This little essay should really an anachronism, something out line, every detail', the very pur- ing over the ears and down to be titled "Oh Looking Bizarre," of place in time. It may be too pose of the Courrege dress is vio- the nape of the neck. Some of or "How to Stop Traffic by Try-dated and quaint' for meaning in lently different from that 18th them with visors, and others ing Very, Very Hard." I refer, the present, or ft may be too century woman's garb. have goggles to cover the eyes, o( course, to far-out clothes, and advanced, Jarring the fashion This same idea works back- leaving just the lower part of the'.facV-'that there is someone lines that we're accustomed to. ward in time, too. The young the face exposed. Some offer peculiar fenough ;to wear virtual- Consider, for example, how ec-lady of 1965 who clothes herself the contrast of frothy veiling l jnythihg, no matter how' bi-centric a Courreged lady would to the teeth in haute couture, vin- with a heavy textured helmet, rre. have looked to an 18th century tage 1925, looks equally eccen- while still others are beaded, Bizarre is a relative thing. To lady. That's what I mean about tric or bizarre. This is the lat- feathered, gilded, or made of my eyes, a bizarre garment is jarring an aesthetic value. Every ist fad fascinating a small seg- lace. The few that have chin ment of the fashion world. straps may be less flattering If the extremes of flapper dress to the average face. happen to flatter you, okay. You So, if you're a hat-weanng can Charleston your way through woman, put away your hair fall and winter looking very au- rollers and enjoy the freedom thentic. You can also have the of the soft short hair that can advantage of long-torso look, fit under these new hats. straight-across necklines with spaghetti straps or lingerie FASHION TIP straps, and the frequent skillful Newest of fur fashion novel- use of bangles and beads. ties is a specal process for im- printing which can overlay on- There's nothing wrong per se to short-haired furs an actual with these little dated dresses, pattern — paisleys, plaids, but the attitude of the wearer whatever. requently is trouble. To em Hardly for use on formal oc- balm the dress in all the details casions, these patterned furs of a by-gone day — taped bo- soon may be considered the ul- soms, unnatural make-up, quaint timate in casual luxury, since Mrs. Richard Berandino and unflattering shoes — this is their usefulness is limited by (The former Gloria M. Woodward) :o court the bizarre. It suc- the need to coordinate colors ceeds primarily in attracting at- and by the number of occasions tention to the wearer no small at which this kind of garment end in itself for many people. Mrs. William Wormley, Jr. would be appropriate. (The former Julia C. Kent) Community Church Just remember one thing. You Their usefulness is also lim- will be stared at, but not ad- ited by their availability, which miringly, for your flamboyant ap- will be confined to New York pearance. No man in his right City for openers. Dr. William Wormley Is Setting for Nuptials senses actually prefers the look EAST KEANSBURG - In a The bride is a graduate ol of an absolutely flat-chested ceremony at noon Saturday in Middletown Township High Schoo woman, particularly when the the Bayshore Community Church, and is employed by Bendix-Jfolm woman is suppressing her natural Weds Alumna of NYU curves to attain, the flatas-a- Professed the marriage of Miss Gloria del. The bridegroom attendee CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, Ohio best man. Ushers were Saul John Middletown Township High Schoo! board look which those 1920's Marie Woodward to Richard Ber- dresses require. — Miss Julia Carlyne Kent and son, Washington^ D. C, and Paul ardino was solemnized by the and is employed by Centurj Dr. William Wormley, Jr., son Cheeks, Cleveland. Welding Company, Belford. Rev.; Richard R. Schwartz. That same man may also dis- of Mr. and Mrs. William Worm- Mrs, Wormley attended Temple like chopped-off masculine hair- ley, t Central Ave., Red Bank, The bride 'is the daughter o! cuts, stark make-up, and other University, Philadelphia, and was Mrs. Melvin S. Card, Sr., of N.J., were married here yester- graduated from Parsons School details of the period. So, if you day. Millers Crossing, Navesink, and To Honor wear a 1920's dress, don't be a )f Design, New York City. She the late Harry S. Woodward. The purist. Keep at least some de Rev. W. Chave McCracken of- •eceived a BS degree from New bridegroom's parents are Mr. and tails of your appearance in tune ficiated at the double ring cere- fork University. Mrs. Albert Berardino of Green Garden Club with the times. You'll look less mony, in St. Paul's Episcopal She is an instructor in clothing Ave.; Belford. Church, A reception followed at Mrs. Anthony J. Infante bizarre and more attractive. Just instruction and a fashion design- Mefvin Card gave his step- ask any 1960's man. Sherwin's Party Center here. r for the Cleveland Job Corpi, Presidents (The former Sheila Flannelly) , daughter in marriage. She wore She chose an ivory floor-length Center for Women. a floor-length gown of rosepoint WEST ORANGE — "Our Fal; gown of Brussels lace designed Ladies" is the theme of the fal FASHION MIRROR Studied at Howard lace ^ver taffeta with long point- with a high neckline, elbow-length Dr. Wormley is a graduate of ed sleeves, a square jeweled conference if the Garden Ck)b o Miss Shelia Flannelly Hats are making yesterday's sleeves and a modified bell skirt. neckline and a cathedral train New Jersey to honor the club teased hairdos obsolete, as vari- Red Bank High School and re- The hemline and bodice were ceived a BS degree from Muhlen- caught at the waist by a lace presidents Jor 1965-60 • Sept. 15 ations of the helmet are com- enhanced by scallops of the same rose."' Her bouffant veil of ne ere in the Mayfair JJarros. Mts, ing off many a designer's draw- lace. «rg College, AllenWwn, Pa. He was attached to a princess ttara Elwood .P. Snyder of, W«ti Or Is Married at Mass ing board. The degree to which received his doctor of dental sur- and accented with rhinestone tear nge, ,pre,sident of the st'ajq. Or- .— Miss Sheila Mary cousin of the bridegroom, was the head is covered by these A chapel cap of matching lice ;ery degree from Howard Uni- drops. She carried a colonia ii, ^, will welcome..' suess] Flannelly .and Anthony James In- the ring bearer. head-huggers varies, but many completed her attire.' She car- versity College of Dentistry, nere ried white orchids on a prayer- nosegay of roses, carnations and rom the 1677 clubSjlb , incTudiiTdin Jatf lyere married on Aug. Reception Follows of the hats are very deep, com- Washington, D.C., and did post- :lubs from the shofe'area. book which once belonged to the graduate study at Research , stephanotis. 28 in St. Joseph's. Catholic Church. A reception followed in Buck The all-day conference whicl LAZY PEOPLE ALWAYS bridegroom's late grandmother. Hospital, , 111. Mrs. Georgia-Ann Perry, Bel The bride is the daughter of Smith's Restaurant, East Keans- segins at 9:30 a.m. will include Mr. and Mrs, John j. Flannelly, Sister Attends Her ford,'was maid of honor and Miss v burg. •' FIND AN EXCUSE Sister Pierre Marie Dr. Wormley waj formerly an rorKsh'ops' on. parliamenja;ry pro- K T Miss finne Wormley, at home, associate of Dr. William E. Jean'Sigler, Port Monmouth,'was :edure, awards and "appllcfttfdns P#4? yp > The couple left afterwards on OWENB0R0, Ky. (AP) — Be- MIDDLETOWN — Sister Pierre sisttr 'of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. Glen Quesada, Mid- ^JegrpQm, is, , {h.{h.ee son of Mrs, fore Ann Brislow left for Girl Wright of Red Bank and is now hat win, (lower stiow'evaluation' te, 1J0 a motor trip to Canada. Marie of the Franciscan Order maid of honor. Attendants were on the staff of Brecksville (0.) dletown, was best man. Ushers nd horticulture solutions. ames fnfante, 1J0 Bethany Rd. The bride and the bridegroom Scout camp, her mother in of Penance and Charity was pro-Mrs. Paul Cheeks,, Cleveland, were John Perry, Belford, and Hazlet and the late Mr. Infante. structed the 10-yearold girl to Hospital, He is a member of the Mrs. William H. Benson of Car are graduates of Keyport High fessed at Stella Niagara, the or- and Miss Jeanne Wall, Washing- American Dental Association. Walter .Rogers, Port Monmouth. sle, Pa.y.CentFalAlliotlQ, Re- Rev. Edward Strano performed School. Mrs. Infante is employed label her clothes. der's motherless in Niagara ton,. D. C. After, a reception at the Allan- gional director for the National the double 'ring ceremony and by The Prudential Insurance Departure day arrived and AnnFalls, N.Y. She i» the daughter They wore floor-length gowns He also served as a captain j tic highlands Yacht Harbor, the Council of State Garden^ Clubs celebrated the Nuptial Mass. Mrs. Company, Newark. • still hadn't carried out orders. of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson J. Make- styled with Empire bodices of n the U; S. Air Force -assigned coiiplte left on' ft trip to Atlantic ill be guest speaker. "A' se- Mii)hai)l: Gfx vips sol ist and sh 1 ly, 24 Stephenville Blvd. to the 392d Aerospace Medical 1 on thf The bridegroom attended Colo- "f call her spice color velvet. A bias corded City :and 'the New York World's al feature will be demonstratio 5 A 1962 graduate of Red Bank Gp. at Vandenberg Air Force by NNJiss, Loretta Durante. rado State University and 'hasexpla fe.^ bpw^prming an asymmetrical de- Fain They'will reside at 22 Main •>( Victorian flower arranging b served three years of a five-year found out they're mmarking their atholic High School, Sistei slf>n'iccented the waistlines. The Base., Calif. St., Port Monmouth. Mrs. Lawrence P. Gait, Nationa! The bride was given in mar enlistment in the United States clothes. So I figured I wouldn't Pierre Marie will continue her eggshell color crepe skirts were After a wedding trip to Canada, :ouncil judge, teacher and' lee-riage by her father. She wore a Marines. studies at Rosary Hill College, slightly gathered across the back. the couple will reside at 4836 Le? -.ADVERTISEMENT have to mark mine because the tiref." Mrs. Joseph C: Bevis ol floor-Jength. .goivn designed with They will reside at 120 Bethany clothes with no names in them Buffalo, N.Y., where she is ma Eugene Booth, Foxboro, Mass., Rd., Cleveland. ^wrenceville is conference chair a Chantilly laoe bodice with seal Rd., Hazlet. are bound to be mine." joring in elementary education. formerly of Red Bank, N.J., was CTUTTHINfr loped,neckline and long tapered *«ICH CORRECTION ,5jeeye5.,A chapel-length train ex- DRUG FACTS 1 COURSES FOR When Eddie Arcaroi now> rfe- tended, from, the. satin skirt with ClUlS and IUSINESSIS' matching lace panels. Her four- WISH I HAD LIVED IN red,- rode Kelso to victory i 1 "SPEECH WRITING? - tiered bouffant veil of illusion was Claire Bloomberg Married to Biologist THE GOOD OLD DAYS. >OR rUILIC SPEAKERS he- 1961- Brooklyn Handicap. marked the rider's stoth-victorj jeld'.iby. af crown of crystals and REDIANK SPEECH CENTER pearls art3' she carried a missal (RED BANK - Miss Claire An >erg, Glen Ellyn, and Richard anda qunrtac-lace. Bloomberg, daughter of Mrs / BUT THINK.... . adorned*'with1 ' a white orchid and Slama of Dorchester, Neb. dItifeariers.'"11'"- Henry F. Bloomberg, 230 Mechan Mri. Capel was graduated from NO WONDER DRU6S. Maid .of Honor ic St., and the late Mr.. Bloom Red Bank High School in 1961 THEN UKE THE ONES IN EMERGENCY SERVICE Miss'tuciile ;De!la Pietro, Key- berg, became the bride of Ste and attended MacMurray College .YOUR PRESCRIPTION phen W. Capel, son of Mr. am in Jacksonville, III. She was grad WHY PAY port, was maid of honor. She YOU HAD FILLED AT ON wore a floor-length gown styled Mrs. Wallace D. Capel of Glei uated this June from the Univer- with a whjte.chiffon bodice, ap- Ellyn, 111. sity of Missouri School of Jour- MORE? pliqued with multi-colored flow Rev. C. Roger Burkins of Kini nalism with a bacheler of jour- FAMILY WATER HEATERS ers, an Empire waistline and of Kings Lutheran Church, Mid nalism degree. She was a mem- deep' blue chiffon sheath skirt. dletown, officiated at the doubli ber of Theta Sigma Phi, profes- PHARMACY CALL A circular Veil was attached to ring ceremony Saturday here i sional fraternity for women in her cluster of matching crushed the Holy Trinity Evangelica journalism. MUM rtses and she carried a colonial Lutheran Church. Kenneth .Clay Mr. Capel attended DePauw bbutjuet 'of blue carnations and ton, Point Pleasant Beach, wa: White babies'-breath. University,, Greencastle, IndM and organist. A. reception followed 1 was graduated from Utah State FOR 24-HOUR The bridal attendants, Mrs. the church parlors. University at: Logan, with a bach- James'Nicora, Keyport, sister of The bride was attended by Mis; slor of science degree. He re- INSTALLATION the bride, and Miss Louise In- Barbara 0. Jones,' Red Bank vived a master of arts degree fante, at home, sister of the maid of honor, and Miss Phyllii n zoology last month from the bridegroom, wore identical gowns May Bloomberg, Red Bank, hei and headpieces in light blue. They Jniversity of Missouri. At Utah MIDDUTOWN carried colonial bouquets of blue sister. le was a member of Sigma pi carnations anil white babies'- The bride wore a long-sleeved •octal fraternity,-and at Missouri ; Route 35 and /VXoNT&OMERV breath. gown fashioned with a lace bodice was a member of Gamma Al- New Monmouth Ri Four-year-old Antoinette Delia with sabrina neckline and Frend jha graduate society. He is em- WARD Pietro, Keyport,'was flower girl. nyjon tulle skirt extending in ployed as a big game biologist She wore a floor-length gown with cathedral-length train. Her match with the Kansas Forestry, Fish New Shrewsbury] white chiffon bodice, round neck- ing veil was cathedral style anc ind Game Commission. MONMOUTH line, puffed sleeves and light blue held in place by an appliquec at Route 35 crown. She carried a cascade o The couple has left on a motor SHOPPING CENTER chiffon skirt. She wore a crushed rip •: through the Midwestern Shrewsbury Ave. rose cluster headpiece and car- ivory roses and ivy. EATONTOWN, N. J. itates and will reside in Man-, ried a miniature colonial bouquet The attendants wore floor lattan", Kan. . ' of blue carnations and white length gowns of petal pink anc babies'-breath. snood headpieces held in plac< Joseph Mocti, Keyport, was with pink bows. They carriet best man. Ushers were John pink and white roses and ivy ir Flannelly, Jersey City,"brother of cascade bouquets. Grand Opening the bride; Kirk Neilsoh, Hazlet, Bruce Capel, at home, brothe and Thomas Leohardis,' Keyport. Mrs. Stephen W. Capel of the bridegroom, was best man SATURDAY SEPT. 4th Robert Foti, New York City (The former Claire Ann Bloomberg) Ushers were Robert Mecklen- BEAUTY FEMINIZE SALON PUT YOURSELF IN THE SPOTLIGHT! DID YOU KNOW 263 MAIN ST. DANCE CLASSES KEANSBURG That Shrewsbury Decorators REGISTER NOW FOR Featuring an carries all the latest deco- Innovation in • THE NEW SEASON! : Keansburg rating innovations, such as . WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8-9-10-11 "CONTINENTAL -10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.— window beads? That we have MUSIC pRYEft" available any type of winijow LAST WEEK OF HALF-PRICE SALE- For your comfort and pleasure BALLET •J^P»T(^E • BATON shade you might desire in- COLD WAVE PLUS SHORTCUT, OPENING SPECIALS ACROBATICS • MODERN JAZZ cluding fabric laminated SHAMPOO AND SET SHA»|1PO0 ;AM>; " 5 /TOTS --f.tN^ "— ADULTS, shades? Thi $•»!• Ui|«t STYLE,' "•'"'"' '" to tm Amiricm Room 1 1 «15O • WALK:to;;; ,,. DANICEOUT! ' . Con* Into oar MO el our alr-condltionta Chontrty t SHOP-AT-HOME-SERVICE Saloni with or without an aipolntmtnt j CkMtroy iMury talon, Upper Laval, lamborair'i Monmeu* j GIFTS ANb' 747 • 4422' LEAH MAUER SCHOOL OF DANCE 1 I DAILY 9 to 5:30—FRI. "TIL 9 PHONE: 747-9552 '"* , Liberty 2-1212 ! ; CWH MOM.-SAT. f.» — THUR5. A FRI. EVE 37 East Front Street;', '' / %*4 Bank ,468 Broad St.,,Shrewsbury '

•' A. eH SOB of Mr. tut Wn. William Wyitt, Wettflity and Mm Ctr-to Stafiabwtt AfttrtOLtati, Y., *b> i/t viiltot **n tt ** KU*y b*me wtrt THE Tuttdty, Sept. 7, Freehold ?. OIlwartt,*r, 32 JrinfcertwM ol &frd, CUftatb Tfkt y^lBf la- bait. ,. - 1% htr mothtr, MM, ffcttsw Ave., was notified latt »*ek that dle, w«r« with tfat New Jersey Kilty, S Point Rd., Colts Mr, and Mrs. Sidaty Oeliatuvi Bonnie Gelunan, daufht«r Mrs. Helen Preatqdjl, Broad- he placed, ninth ins.the science Council of Churchei. tumraer Margajtt Mary Gibson, -Id- eck, was. christened Sunday tf- way, Mts. Peacl Dugtn, Rob- contest he entered wMle at theworker* with Jhe mJarairt min-year-oW daughter of Mr.-and Rote Mary Ricks, sevan-year. Menmnith Ave., FnetWld. Wl«f Mr. •» Mrs. Sidney OslL World's Fair In August. The con- srnoon at the St. Row of Una Mr. and Mrs. Jim K. Box and mair, Monmouth Ave., recently ertsvills Rd., ami Mrs. Walter istry..< Also house guest at theMrs. Fred K. Gibson, Fulton St., G m n> G. Kelsey, Bennett St., recently test, based on the science ex- VanDerveer home was Mrs. Ad- celebrated her birthday with a atholic Church. Rev. Joseph A. daughter, Julie, Freehold, and *" * celebrated her 11* birthday at vacationed at Lake George, N.Y. hibits, was for students> in theelaide Parseil, Holy Croat Mon- barbecue at her home. Guests ord officiated. The baby's gcd- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bailey and Asbury Park, spent the weekend a theater and dinner partyt .He Her 50-mtle radius of New York. He astery, Weit Park, N. Y., lor 10were Kathji Argento, Debbi* Mil irenta are Mr. and Mrs.. Rich- at the Concord, Kiamesha Lake, fuaatr were Brabara NUai. »» received a prize of $50. days, .- ler, Delores Barkalow, Kerry rd Tonachel, Providence, R. I. na Koenlg, Lee BlateMay.jaisa Raymond Ollwerttier, 15-y»»r- daughters, Anne and Janet, Ntp-|| N Hlggins, Elaine Perro, Cindy ,lso attending a dinner that fol-bine City. Baltowiu, and Mtrgurlts Pars Friedman, Lynn Bernrwelj, Ka- Miss Denz Hochberg, daugh- Mr. and lSrs;1 Iiwmaj George, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin thy Jones, Christine Gib**! and 10 Stokes St., had as guests last Linda Gibson. Hochberg, 7 Morris St., has rewee- k Mr. and Mrs. Andrew turned home after a visit of sev-Micklow and daughter, Brenda eral weeks with Mr. and MrsBirmingham. , Ala. Mrs. John Kalinauskas, Schi- ADDITIONAL REGISTRATION FOR VOTERS Sidney Rosen and family, De- verea Ave., entertained mem' NEW SHOWER VALVE troit, Mich., formerly of Free- bers of her social club. Attend- ONI NANBU OOB WORK Of TWO hold. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Geigering were Mrs. Bernard Henley, and children, James, Patti, Su- Point Pleasant, Mrs. William Cor DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION FOR 1965 GENERAL ELECTION IS SEPT. 23, 1945. san, Karen and Christine, 89 rie, Mrs. Carlton Dunn, Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, Judson Post, Barkalow Ave., have returned William Cullen and Mrs. Charlei For ths wnv«r»ianee *f those wko are unable to register during ths dsy fe* the purpaie of votino in the) 60A Monmouth Ave., celebrated home after a week's vacation Brrickson, Freehold, their' 20th wedding anniversary with Mrs. Gelger's parents, Mr.old daughter of Staff Sgt. am! General Election to bs held November 2, It65, the municipal clerks of alt municipalities in the County of Aug. 25 at a dinner in the Amer- and Mrs. E. F. Welch, Miami, Mrs. Richard Ricks, was honor Monmourh have sehsduled additional evening periedi. Unless otherwiie noted below, ragiitrations will bs ican Hotel. Also attending were Fla. Mlsj Kathy Gelger, who ed at a birthday party recent!) their sons, George and Gregory; jpent the summer In Florida, re- at the home of her maternal taken at ths munieipil hall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sproul, turneed home with her parents. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed' Engtishtown, and Mrs. Christie mund Jerolis, 62 Wayne Ave. Mr Dufford, South Amboy, and Mrs. Ricks, who are visitinj Mr. and Mrs. William Karol here after spending three yean AU1NHURST Sap'- "» 9 Midland Ave., and children STEPHEN J. GROSS, INC. Mr. and Mrs. .Edgar VanDer- in Hawaii, will make their horni Marsha and Robert, and Mr Seat. XI-22-11 Ms* Plumbing aid Heating veer, Dutch Lane Rd,, had as in Falls Church, Va. Sgt. Rick' ASIURV PARK and Mrs. Gus Fisher and son, If Ntwmai Saritias Rd. recent guests Miss Helen Moehl, is assigned to Che Pentagon, At Barry, Spring Gardens Apart- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Sasr.U*lt.» *-•»«•. rhoM 747-3300 Allen Park, Mich! Miss Carolyn tending were her brothers and ments, Saturday attended the sisters, Richard Edmund, Ther Star, MM» (Awe Patllt Sttael, Uateja aad HM Avat.1 ' 7.» shai Bar Mitxvah ceremonies for theesa Marie, Brian Keith and Car AVON 2 LITTLE words '}•< Fishers' grandson, Philip Stein, ol Denise, Miss Debbbie Jerolis, mumim son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stein, •RADLIY IIACH Seat. ll*iM» 7'tp.m. Brooklyn, at *e Seaview Jew- ish Community Center. The Elizabeth Anne Gaenslen, in- COLTS NICK TOWNSHIP Se.pt tl-U-24 7?t s».»- Steins and iona, Philip and Bert, fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, moved tMi week from Brooklyn J. Anthony Gaenslen, Miiea, DIAL Sept. 11-11 7-» P M.

IATONTOWN Sept. t-ls-ll (Temetrerr Itrt Halt, 41 Tl Ave.)

With N.wb.rry1. ftmhrlni Chart* WAC C. O. PAIR HAVIH Seat, li-ll.il , 7-t +*.' Acaunl, VMI MM flm and (Htrl NEWBERRY'S ... II moK«i ihtpplnt H raiy, 7-tf.sa. M (ml ffliil im bow wtwt y«u PRIIHOLD IOXO Sept. 1*4141 DOWNTOWN RID SANK Is Named HALL OP RICORDS Sept. T-M4.I4.21.2MJI • tM. • * PM. OpM Wed. Md Prl. Ive 'HI • FORT MONMOUTH - Capt. PRIIHOLD TOWNSHIP Sept, 1141 Jacquelin Joan Kelly has been f•••••••••••••••••• named commanding officer ol the HlftHLAHDi RORO 7-t p.*. WAC Detachment, to succeed Capt. E.J. Metcaif, Linoroft, who HOLMDIL TOWNSHIP leaf. 14*1.141 retired from active duty last All Satirdayt 9tM.lt i month. SCREENS As commander of the unit, INTIRIAKIN Saaktl' .. • Capt. Kelly is responsible for the welfare of 89 members of the We reglai* and repair KIANSRURO Sept-114141 7'ta.n. Women's Army Corps stationed all types of sereem at Fort Monmouth, with duty KITPORT ,-'' Sept. S-t-ll-M4141 assignments in the U.S. Army t tavit ate. Electronics Command and ten- «a»». ".11 ant agencies. linn SIIVIR . Seat. 1M1-H4I Venetian Blinds An amateur swimmer. Kelly holds the 1958 New Jersey senior LOCH ARIOUR Saat. 11 (Mnritlaaf Offlte, 3S4 Mata 1»* AMMnr) We retape and re-cord freestyle championship in the 200 and 400 yard competitons. Prior LOM» MARCH Saal. t (Wet* lad laalta Ct.. Ifl Saaaa 7>t p.* any type of Venetian blinds to entering the service she was 7-t B.M. active on the Newark Athletic last, t (Staler Hlifc ItkMl. Wtstwetfl Aw.l Club swimming team and was a Sapt. II (Aawrlie VtsiMMl Use., tit WIBew Art.) 7'tp.M. t IOM« TUMI e RH piUVUT member of the junior national last. 14 (lasestsstat Ptr* Heist, it TIM Atetta) MBJSU tatitr t AJMiM fM. 400 meter freestyle relay team. lash IS (•crtleM Cr. Mm. Wfi, Rttawtll Avtaael 7-tauti. II w— tad PiMtT -HI f tM. last. !* (PMI Pair Heat Ct.. II SttMtj Are.) , 7-tp* Since her arrival at Fort Mon- Capt. JJ. Kelly mouth, Capt. Kelly has organized last. IMI a post Amateur Athletic Union Jersey CityiEliiabeth area, en< swim team for dependent chil tered service in 1960. After com' MARLIORO TOWNSHIP last. 7 (Meifltwrlll* PJrtr AM Ui%., Ttitetl M., Mtristwlltol 7-t dren, age 9 to 16, and lias started pleting WAC basic officers' train- last. 14' (Rekemwlll* Vel. Nrt Haste, Rt. 111. R.I. I. IsilMtswa) 7<1 lest. 21-21 (Cltrt't Offlt*. Melt St.. Mertktrel 7*t 32 BROAD ST. 741-7500 RIDIANK training the boys and girls for ing at Fort McClallan, Ala., the statewide \comp«ttion. became assistant poet adjutant Capt. Kelly, previously a high of Fort Meade, Md. MATAWAH IOIO Saat. 1*1.1ISO Ml -U-U Mast. I school teacher in the Newark- Under the Army's "Operation MATAWAH TOWNSHIP Seat. 1-I-1MMI ISttwhiatr* llwMtttn Saaaall . I •).«.-1» f-st. Bootstrap." she entered the Uni- Saar. 1*1 111 IM«ttw« Twt. Hr»t AM aad R*nta Stjaai. CIIHwaad) ,.«;a.". .,U:t*. versity ol Maryland in 1W1 and saat. T-i-TMt-ll'ITtwitNa Hani' ". . ' I auak .!•*.«. earne^er JflA\>»#a,ln his- mCHAMTS IS Wit tory. Saat. II (TtwatMs Hall) 1S-11I*M Capt. Kelly, the daughter of . ONLY PEOPLE MAKE A GOOD BANK Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, Spring- MIDPUTOWN TOWNSHIP laat. T (Nawsltk Plr. Httst, MamatatlrAlt, HtvHltk) ?•• a.tk field, is a graduate of the col Seat. I (Rmwtt Park atd Utterae Ptrt Heata, etattr Art., latattdt) MM.. lege of St. Elicabeth, New Jer- Sapt. t (savvint. Schtal, U»»«W»lll« M., Itlftrd) 7-t p.m. sey, with a BA in history. She Saat. U (Pen MtaM««tt SUttl, Malt St., Part MattMaia also attended the University of Ssjst. 13 IPMrvltw Stketl, Cetatr Rd., Mldaiattnril y.«^tt Alabama while assigned as chief Sapt. 14 lint Ktwotin fin Httte, Tktmtstt Art., last Ktaatkarfl 7.» p.m. of the; WAC School's clerical Saat. IS (Htrmtar Stlatl, Hartwiry aaa* Mirakf Hit., MKlletewa) training Branch of Fort McCle!' Saat. 14 (Rhrtr Plata Stattl, Htasarf Aw., Rim Plaaal Ian, pursuing graduate studies laat. 17 (Utttaft Sctaat, Nawnaa Sarlaat M, Uettefti . • 7-t p.n. toward her MA in education. She Sapt. » (MlddltHwa Hlflk Stttel, VMall RtL. Mldfletaw ' 7.tpji. plans to completes those studies shortly at New York University. Sapt. 2I-2MI (TtwmlHt. Halt, Klaat Hwy-. MlsaTawmi)' MIllSTONI TOWNSHIP Sept. 2M11Z (Clerl't OWtt, Swet»> Ctr., Rf. Port MOMMOUTH StACH Stpr. 14.21 7-t p.m. Monmouth NIPTUNI CITY Sept. IMt-ll 7-t p.m. NIPTUNI TOWNSHIP Sept. I (SptrtMtn'a Clak. MO Oraea trava Rd., Ktptaaa) ^ ,' 7-t p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Beaver, Stpt. I (Uatftr Plr* Haatt, Mttrt* A«a.l ' 1* p.m. Campbell Ave., has returned Sapt. It (HaalAea Pint AM Htm, Nn, HI \ 1* p.*. from a 12-day visit with Mr. and Sept. 14 lOttaa «raw. Catip Mtwtlai Aatatiarita, , 1-4 p.m." Mrs. Clayton Cassell 'of Bunker Matt Aw. aid Pilfrfiii Patfewar. Oaeaa «rawl Hill, Pa. Mrs, Hattie Moyer of Stpt. IS (Neplw* Htasltf Aitktrlty Offlaas, 1» RWft Ave, Ntpttttl . 7-t p.m. Sellersville, Pa., and also visited Stpt. It (Ttwasklp HMdaaarttn, ,117 St. Mala St., Ntptaat)' f «J». • IS tttt in Lebanon and Herahey. Sapt. 21 (Shtrfc Rlnr Hllb Nrt Haasa', Irlfkrat Av*H Ntpraat) , 7-t p.tt, ••pr. «<•» iiawmiip ntaa^arnnHtafiiarttnn, 117 St. Mala St., Nepfastl 7-t p.n. Miss Kathy St. John, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond NIW SHRIWSIURY Star. U t «as.-lS aata St. John, Mercer Ave., celebrat- Sept. 20-21 -11-11 7-»p.a.. ed her 16th birthday Aug. 30 with friends. Present were Misses Ann OCIAN TOWNSHIP Stpt. 14.21 7-t p.m. Wilton, Joyce and Diane Etzkorn Sept. 11 tt»-»M: and Patricia Coyle. OCIANPORT Stpt. 2*41-22

The fourth birthday of Edward RAMTAN TOWNSHIP Sapt. M 4.1440414241 7-t p* Freibotl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sept. 11*11 II MM. • 11 aeea aad 1-1 p.m. George Frelbott, Mercer St., was celebrated Aug. 39. Attending KID SANK Stpt. ••14.2241 ! 7-fpja. were John Murphy, Michael Er- in, Maureen and Kathleen and RUMSOM . Sept. 1141 Mary Callanan, Bronco and Bar- A First Merchants Bank Loan bara MacDonald. Debbie and SIA IRICHT Sept. 11424I 7-t p.it. Donna Frelbott. SHRIWSIURT WR0Ut)H Star. 10 7-lp.M. ... is BEST for any MAJOR PURCHASE! Miss Shirley Richardson, Stpt. 11 • ; - II ta.at.-1Z aata daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Stpt. 11 7-t P.M. mond Richardson, celebrated her NOME FURNISHINGS -APPLIANCES • AUTO • TELEVISION • HI-FI 18th birthday with members of SHRIWSIURT TOWNSHIP Stpf. 2041 (CtiaaiMlty Halt IMf.) 74 p.tt the family Aug. 29 arid friends, Pvt. Howird Howard of San UNION IIACH Stpt. 1141*11 7-t p.n. There are many good reasons for borrowing money. Even with the Francisco, Calif., and Gvis Rit- most careful budgeting, there are times when an emergency or sche of New York City. WRIT ION* IRANCH Stpt. 21.21 7-t p.tv major expense calls for nuirre cash than one has on hand. Star. 21 atlLt BJa. James and.John Chesek, twin sons of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas NOTE: , Every week First Merchants makes hundreds of loans. Why do «o Chesek, Gordon Ct, born July many people with money problems come to us? Because they know 29, were, baptized Sept. 4 in the Any rtgisltrad votar whs hai changed hit er her nama dua to marrlaqa, ra-marriaflt, divorce or by court, . Church, Middletown, by Rev. must rt-rtgist»r. that onr Loan Officers are PEOPLE too, who live in the area we Harold Burkins. Mr. and Mrs. ; serve, and have lots of experience in solving financial problems. Loulg Hennlnger,' Newark, are Naluraliitd eWitns must preitnt thaif naturalizttien paptrt whan ragattaring. the sponsor!. A reception was Whenever YOU need money for any good reason, just come in to held at the home of Mr. and Any ragisterad vattr whs bat navaa*, within tha county, within the district, or from ana distrre|)to ano+htr > the First Merchant* off ice nearest yon. Low cost bank interest rate* Mrs. Louis Gruikoj of Ocean' on w befora Saptambar 23, 1^65, must sign a changt-of-eddress form with his municipal cfsrk or notify port. ' and conveniently arranged repayment terms are always available. tha office ef tha Commiuioner of Registration in writing. AH change of addrssi mutt ba poatmarktd not later than Saptambar 23, 1945- NAVY1* IWJTSUNK RED BANK — Th» U, S. Navy Any parson who, dua (a illnais or dlfabitity, is untbla to appaar bafora his municipal dark or at tha Hah1 of Recruiting Station at 19 Mon- Records, Freehold, New Jan ay, on or btfero the 23 rd of Saptambar, to raojttar, may apply in writing to mouth St. Is still doing business tha Commiulontr of Registration, Hall of Racordi, Frteheld, Nsw Jtrsty, on or bafora Sapttmbar 23rd, at the samt old stand. An error 1 In a photograph caption In the 1965, for regiitrati»n at hit reiidsnca. In order that tha necessary form* ba proetsstd bafora tht registra- Aug. 20 edition of The Register tion deadline, namely, September 23, 1945, we request that you apply ior registration at your residence KINI CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFtlCtS stated that the Navy office was at soon at possible. Such partont'will be ragittartd by a representative from the office of the Cornmit- ru* • *•* "•»" • »••••«•» • '••rn iitirr run a ftb stana put 9111 of action by the Scott ••tain • kritiii • c.Hi k-k'i i»M-N.»t«.» air tionar of^ Registration and vote an absentee ballot at their home. • H«»4 omct: «01 Uattiton Apt., Album Park -' drug store fire. The Army and Air Force recruiters had to tMvt-ln *r Wtlk-Up FotllltlM •irfblmM Hnn At All OHfctt If in doubt at to whether or not you are an active Voter or re^istertd from your present addteit, — tela> Mtmbt rtdtal JKMTV* Myfm, /«UnlOlfMll twr**t* move to the former Red Bank post office, but the Navy qutr- phone— 4aZ« 1940 •—Eieteniien 193. ' " Mrs weren't touched by the fir*. li can win a RED BANK REWARD D

JAMES F. HUMPHREY! JOHN OARRUTO TERENCE H. OOONNILL MEL LOWENSTIIN JOHN ACIRRA SAM L1B0VSKY IRWINVOOEL AII rum Wt have the.most.complete and styl- When you think ol tint furniture It Visit tht Sheldon Cord Shop ond see Toyi. greeting cards, party goods, The little store with the choln lion mnmouth County's iwmt bund start For a trip to Florida or around the Ish selection of f(nt quality apparel Is only natural thai you should think Gals ot a,H sizes and ages art check- 'heir wide assortment • of greeting flogif home safes, stationery and of- and acceitorles for boys* girls, in- prices, feoturlna prime meals and ot Acme, for strvlee, sotUfoetlon, cards from Hallmark, Ruskrolt, and fice supplies, art: and .drafting ma- far men and boyi. J»hn DonUII tt world the proper place to Mgln your fanti and toddlers . . . ond chubbles end selection. ing Vogel'i for Fall's ntw "total toe I freth produce delivered to you free others, .for, all occasions. Sheldon's ttrlols. , ' • . ' truly tht Ploce H • t» fW Hie tr(p U O'Dennell's, where Iht lervlci look." In'.ullds and heather tones. also features party goods and social In our refrigerated truck. brand* you know. meets yeur desire. stationery.

•'."."I fYOUTH NEWMAN SPRINGS MARKET ACME Vogels SHELDON JOHN DANIELS CARD SHOP IC ENTERS 54 Newman Spring! Rd. Tht County'i laroflit select ion of MEN'S WEAR TRAVEL AGENa, INC •furniture company • nodi rote I y priced ladles' iporiiwear, Social Stationery—Party Ooods Red fianlc—747,9310 Rentals ' Boys' and Student Depirtmint "Fine Children's Wear" * Sinct I'M dreuei> coats. Eitebliih.d IM4 Complete Travel Service Across Irpm Monmputh County 137 MONMOUTH ST. 741-4212 22 Monmouth St. : 24 Broad St. Corner Braid and Wallace Sts. 741-0001—'l 7 Iroid St. H\-iOU Broad and Reckless PI. 747-0149 20 Broad St. National Bank (747 5104—FOM Parking »

IALVAITI SALLY SMIOLER R. W. ANGLE J. BEVERLY ANDERSON ANNABELLE KESSLER R01IRT D. HOPI MCK STIPHIN IKAKANOY Wt hovt the loraest selection ef lug- C. H. TtNDALL Fashionable underfashlom for prt- For over'31 veors Sol's has been thi gage, handbags, trunks, wallets, brief Featuring footwear of distinction . . . Pianos, color TV, guitars, stereo, Your future It tur buslnttl. Whether When buying, o home or silling a It be for college education funds or coses, lewel 'boxes, travel accessories, Red Cross, Socialites and Cobbles Item, lunlors, misses, and women. Stelnbadi, Red Bonk, fie leader In plan to meet and tat. A family at- musical Instruments, tape recorders, retirement Income, come tn and let desk .accessories :and unusual gifts for women . . . Florshelm tor men homi, It payi . to think of Ttndoll. from all parts ot the world. Mono- . . . Sfrlde-Rlte for children . . . radios, and everything In music. fashions, offers a line selection tar mosphere prevails always. us help you. "Serv|ct It our most Im- ; portant product." gromlng free. Sandier Casuals fer the teen set. Lei us assist you with your Insurance, you, your family and home. Con- at well, home, auto,- life. We Just Look Expensive veniently located, ample free parking. FIRST EASTERN JUS. CHARLES H. IHVESTMENT'CorporaHon SHOE CO. AND RESTAURANT Mutual Funds TINDALL AGENCY Since 1933 Rtd Cross, Stride-R.t* Your Music Center ^ J COMPANY ' Italian' Cuisih* - Saatooo* Stock* — Bondi leather Goods - Quality Gifts Florshiim Realtor-Insuror Waist Front Straat 121 Broad St. 141 Shrewsbury. Avanut 741.1300 141 BROAD ST. 125 BROAD STREET 741.1264—18 Broad St. 19 East Front St. 747-0825 30 Broad St. Mon. thru Sat. ? to 5

The Winner

Miss Ann Maria Cleardin, 7 Parmley St., Rumson, ii IRVIN* RITTIRMAN PANNY DORN, JR. REVA WOLFF DRUIILLA H. UIID presented with a gift cer- "You always rnvts friend at Abbe/' We have a large selection of good Monmouth County's prestige, children's ' I used cameras, movie or still, at prices store since !«». Children who visit tificate for four frae clati Irv or Women- will be.happy to show Our "Linen and Both Shoo" abounds 1 with all tint Is etile ond correct that will surprise you. Please stop In us find we at Baby F6lr' love them. you the latest.fashions. Servlu ts from Madeira, Ireland, arid Paris. and have a -look. Girls to slit U. boys to slit 12. lessons and one freapri- From me smollnt- towel! stand to our policy. frit grandest trousseaus, you oan be vate lotion at the'Arthur sura to find It ot China and Class. The New Murray Studio, 12 Broad -duv CHINA Monday. Dick Wilson, an

presented the gift certifi-

* * cata. : •'':•.' JIAN JWANIOH PIRCV (HMMAN JIM ROQNEY SAM COTENOFF Sntrmon'a- ha« catered to the tilt- U-S. ROYAL TIRES Personal service and attention . . . vfc. Jfc. J Tht shop with distinction. Gifts «nd criminating tealB.of Monmouth Coun- plus well known nsrnt brand man's tioma decorator accents tor evtry ty women for mart than 3t years. May wt serve your For ahop of . Fisk Tires—Retreading apporel at moderate prices, havt You May Be Next Week's Winner! taslt. Come ond sat—you'll be delight- Horn* « 'ct coll W1-K44. Brakt t Front End Service made Goldln's o favorite place for ed. men to shop since 1913. Read each advertisement! Concealed in one of these advertisements are the the NIGHE C&R names ef three Red Bank Shoppers ... If you are the first to telephone the 40 Monmouth St. Custom Boudoir. BdthrBom and Clostl Accessories, Llntns, Mono- TIRES, INC. merchant in whose advertisement your name* appears, you'll win a valuable gift. Had Bank grammlna. Custom Tabtt Pods. Dlltlndlv. Gifts. 165 Monmouth St. MEN'S SHOP Open »:W-!:»— Friday «:3M:00 Red Bank 741-6666 741.TOSS—25 troe

BOB SPECTOR 1MANUIL RUBIN, R. P. HAROLD RO1INIIK0 EDWARD STRAINS BUD NATELIOH VERNA L RUSSELL NUNII1 RAINIf R We're Shirley In .Albert tht shot 37 business Glllesple-from Ave. "A" to All your Bockto-Schoot n«dt ... To be sure ot getting a prompt In- Rad Bank's larqast Don't cheat: Ul shaping determine 24 Hour Prescription Service stallation,-call us todayl Our crews Jolne the "Over 40" Club and stay "Z" Gertrude. For Cooper almost 40 Sportswear, Dresses, Coats> Bagi man's stora. Medium prices SO Cloverdole. years Circle Tafsun's your hairstyle. The * hair shaping Flnt Cosmetics of .Installfrs; of aluminum putters, 103 years of service to the communi- young. Arthur Murray It starting .,, All ot popular- prices. combination windows, doors, siding, and up. Emphasis'o*n- P. name h,as Hoaflland been Jr. synon- should create the hair style and ~ tht ymous 41 with, women's finely War- Hallmark Cards awnings, etc, art booked quite heavi- ty. Woimn's and children's fashions traditional natural shoulder special claiset featuring the ballroom shaping of your hair Is tht seertt of ly. ' ' ,- •, .. •; • dell mode shoes. It we Ave. don't clothing. dancing woy. Come and loin. your satisfaction at Vogue. and home lurnlshlnos. stock it—we'll make It. Stcond floor'far boys. Corner shop for ladies, PROFESSIONAL PROWN'S ARTHUR MURRAY VOGUE PHARMACY HAS EVERYTHING J. YANKO STUDIO BEAUTY SALON Prompt, frea Delivery Quality Aluminum Products 747-0646—0647 741-5288 37 BROAD STREET Houstwiras • Lamps - Paints Established 1863 12 Broad St.—741-5858 115 Broad St. JIM 741-9608 747-4241 16 WHITE STREET 134 Broad, opp. Sttinbach's 741-7500—32 Broad Strait 30 Broad St. 2 BROAD ST. * 74I-S300

ROBERT BASKIN ALFRED J. OEILINO, JR. BARRY SHhKWOOD IUSENB MAC!I ROBERT J. BATTISHIY JOHN HUME PAUL JOY Quality, service, selection, repair, Floors ol linoleum, vinyl, rugs, wall Founded In 1915 by Robert Boskin, The finest men's and boys' wear can Service is our motto. For the finest Jewelers and silversmiths since 1683. Red Bank's leading varlfty depart- Air conditioning specialists. Sales, In- Ihls popular store sptclallus In cus- restringing,' fret tngrqvlngv Ttom, to wall carpets, formica counter tops quality paints, hardware, small ap- tom slipcovers, draperies, upholstering, league and municipality- servlcesi be found here, with quality, courlf and mil tile tiperlly Instollid t mtnt start wtisre' It Is-bur pleasure stallation, service far General Elic- and decorative and dress fabrics ol Jewelry, wolcnes, silver, china anil product, knowledge, and.much more flus service and dependlblllty our our own factory trdlned mechanics. to serve you. Our policy'ti tht bell pliances, ami tools, see us. Irtc, Prillco, Ktlvlnator. all types by-ttit-yard. crystal. Exclusive ogints for "TM- quality of Hit lewest potslMt price. can be found at Sherwood's. Feel watchword, A lona established itora free to come In arid browse.. RED BANK Better Housekeeping 747.3o50 lany sttrllng." wllh modern Ideas. \- \ BASKIN'S Sherwood's Sporting Goods Baynton's HARDWARE Shop FABRIC FAIR Clayton & Magee WILBUR'S It pays lo ploy'wllh quality equipmtnl "Just os tar away as your telephone" Fomoui Namf Fabrics for Every Man's and toys' Outfitters FLOOR COVERINGS "we service everything we sail" Purposi, Custom Sllocovers, Drapftrlcs 747-004? "Free Delivery" ' JEWELERS ^inca 1146 Since 1935 741-4310—46 Monmouth St. IS BROAD STREET 7 Broad St.; • Wist Front St. 747-3(76 Downtown, Red Bank 747-2222 30 Monmouth St. IISlBroad St. ! 19 IROAD ST. . RED BANK

JOIIPH H. *f RPICO NORMAN SEIOEL P, A. TRIMBOLI, K. P. JOHN D'AMICO LlWlt MtOAHtV nqRA'ALLAIRI DAVID BURNt As one ot the leading liquor retollera Flora's ' hat' established Ilielf aver M/th«el tips, baen exclusively stioplna : Posfur Lint provides ptrsonallied cart Ttmpllng'old world treats lo suit any Cdlerlng fo Mcnmbulti County's oen- the yeors gi thk qualltr tadln' fashion Strvng iVlofirnovtfi County with dt- Parkt Drug Co.' carries many flnt In Ntw Jersey you will find a com- lo Insure thai shoe and child go. well hair for tht past 10 Vtors, Keep up fancy. Prepartd dally - In our tpolltss Hi in for Jl vtori. Creollng naw «ort t« shop tot- tht lo|«sr and flntst. ptndgble^vfce m all mokes type- Iraaronce linn tuch as Guerlaln. pete and vo)|. assortmenl of your together. Fashion to pltost tht child, to dott oh fot latest nigh .styles ond kitchen In tht «irlcl»t ol ' formulas techniques: and Implements for styling favorltt beverage!. III.ond quality for parent! opprovol. writers ono" jUAnti jnbchlfits, of txpert colotlAp tKhnlgua Mth mod- far your toting'pleasure. > Chanel and many others. _ lOpen^ mllody's. vholr... . . Cajl for appoint- ern facilities Alto a ctWioltti wig modest nlaa.k every night ot tht v»r until 10 p.m.) menl todoy- \ ,. •ervlce It aMIIable V yon' TABATCHNKiK'S RED BANK OLIVER'S SERPICO'S . Appetiitri 4 Delhcatesttn John^s Beauty Salon Distributer;' Royil Typtwrlter Co, MICHAEL'S LIQUORS Catering for, All Occaiioni Parke Drug Co. •'«• Hous. »» BEAUTY SALON Gourmet Shoo-Borfon's ionbonnlert Str»tt 741-9810 Ou«l!)y Drugs tod Prescriptions Craafivi/Hjilr'Stylrnj" Flnt Fathltnt tor, SmarfSophlitlcfltei 101 21 MONMOUTH STREET i . RED »ANK , 741-07?J 141 Broad St. 747-3784 51 Broad St. 741-1615 136 Broad St. , 747-1134—J4 Bread, Jtr#t» 141 Broad St. Copyright—The Red Bank Register,. Inc., 1865.


IT'S UP TO COUNCIL — The photo-drawing at top shows what me Humble Oil and Refining Co. would like to do at White St. and Maple Ave., Red Bank. New gas stations are banned in the borougii, but a pending ordinance would allow conversion of a public garage, such as the Goodyear tire center, shown in bottom photo, into a gat tfa'fon. The ordinance hai been approved by the Planning .Board, and could get the attention of Borough Council tonight. George E. Sincox, Mumble's real ettate representative, said the firm's colonial gas station would be a $150,000 investment. Y/aldman's Gulf Station behind the tire center on West Front St., is shown in bottom photo. The Gulf station has been the chief opponent of the conversion plan.

WIND-UP — The 112 high school .and college students, ending their summer employment at Fort Monmouth under the President's Youth Opportunity Program, received congratulations from &\ F. W. Moorman, commander of the U. S. Army Electronics Command, who also conveyed a special congratulatory message to them from President Johnson. AH of the students, ranging from 16 to 21 years of age, were placed in positions to match qualifications, , as clerical workers, laboratory helpers, or labor assistants. Here, some students talk to Gen. Moorman and Charles M. Clark, civilian personnel officer, about their job experiences. Left to fight are Ruth Quinn, Raritan Township High School senior; Fred Jotimon, Red Bank High School senior; Linda Cason, Asbury Park High School sentor, and James Papwon'h, Christian Brothers Academy senior. ,

AMPHICAR — Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 8. Mooney and children of HartsWtie La., Rum- FROZEN ART — Robert ICrug, manager of the Bamm son, avoid Labor Day traffic. They spent weekend cruising local waters in their am- Hollow Country Club in Middle+own, is shown creating phibious car, launched Saturday from ramp on Shaheen property on Ward Ave. a swan.from ice for'display at a buffet in his club's dining room. This is one of many works of art he has created. He does his sculpturing in the Seaboard Ice Co., Red Bank". " • •

WELL TAILORED—Councilman Michael G. CelM, left, congratulates John Ceppalunj onthe opening of his tailor shop a? 515 Atlantic Ave., Long Branch, as Councilman Edgar N. Dinkelspiel, right, and Elmer F. Lawyer, executive director of the Greater Long Branch Chamber of Commerce look on. Mr. Ceppaluni fs formerly of Saks Fifth AVe,, New York. MORE 'BURGERS, PLEASE — Samuel Maniscalco, Mata- wan Township Recreation Commission chairman, tends the grill as Lisa Grossmann, 4, of 93 Idlewtld La., and Shelley Berg, 8, of Rt. 34, watch Thursday's barbecue HOSPITAL BEDS —County Freeholder Marcus Daly, right, observes a* first of 12, at Cambridge Park, Lloyd Rd. Even! marked dose of hospital beds from Monmouth County Welfare : Department, is prepared for delivery summer recreation program sponsored by' commission. to county Association of First Aid Squads; Left to right, Dr. Harold H. Freednian, superintendent of the John L. Montgomery Medical Home; Mrs. C. M. Founlain, as- sistant supervisor of nurses at the honie,, and Richard Pomphrey, president o{the asso- ciation, look on..Beds will be used in first aid squad headquarters buildings.

QUEEN KATHY — Miss Now Jersey, Kathy Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes, Toms River, lake's her place tonight in Boardwalk parade at Atlantic City as the Miss America Pageant opens. She hopes to win the crown Saturday in Convention Hall. FOR TEAMWORK — ^aansburg New Point Comfort Fire Company, sponsors of Blue She is shown in New Jersey title gown which it being Jeans! Little League, held awards cerernoniei Friday in firehouie, Carr Ave. Fire Chief remade for her final presentation on Saturday by S!»in- SUMMER TRAINING —Several MiddletQwn Township High School students recently Wifliam A. O'Brien, left, presen'* plaque for most Improved player to Kenneth Bov». bach Co. Her father is manager of The Maple Shop, Mon- participated ift a summer work-study program financed by the federal government Man«g*r Wally. Wall, far right, presents sporHmartship, trophy to Richard Tr*es»- mouth Shopping Center, Eatontown. Win or lose she's under the Vocational Act of 1963. They received on-rhe-|ob secretarial training assht- kowiki. Blue Jeans Leagua includes 15 teams In Ke«nsbu'rg ,«nd part of East Keaniv, already .made, her dad happy and, he says, 'Vary ing'the high school office staff. Left to right are Barbara Crokent Virginia O«Uviii)V proud." ' Y Eileen'Schwartz and Linda Saracino. >..>...- Kingston Captures SSYC Event; Johnsen Is Rumson Y. C. Champ TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1965 SHREWSBURY - Dave King- win the over-ill dub sailing club i. p«u Bonn >. o»«ri« Con- ston, sailing a fiberglass cruising championship at the Rumson will, 3. ArUmrt-Poola. Sunday CkunptaMUr StriM cat boat, won the past commo- Yacht Club. 1. lUmpion Brown. s. Cornwall, dore's rice at the Shrewsbury John B«rtlflon, t. Tool: Jotmsen also finished fourth in Labor pay Haw Sailing and Yacht Club yesterday. one race and failed to complete 1. Borehard. BLUE JAYS Kingston, who was commodore in the other to compile 23 points. Saturday S»rt«l On the Gridiron in 1957, had his wife. Caroline as A. L. Register, who won the 1. any Htltam, 3. lll*n DtvUion. 1. Day Yorkt. By Col. Earl H. Blalk crew. There were 10 entries to Arrow c'.ub championship, placed Suaday Ckunplouklv SWIM the race. 1. Allc« Roblmon. 2. Hallora. I. John second 'n the round robin club Cocktr. I. BUI Beck. Scoop Hudgins, the tireless pub- his first year with Notre Dame. Kingston also won the cruising championship with 20% points, Ltfaar D»y KM* licity director for the South' Ara had won 75 games at Miami 1. Back. class title by winning Sunday's while Bassett Winmill was third TURNABOUTS eastern Conference, has and Northwestern before taking race for the handicap class boats. with 18V4- Register and Winmill Saturday SariM up with his IMS edition of the over the portfolio under the Gold He won the Memorial Day and were responsible for the other 1. Jonathan Wyt, I. Ann Million, ). Suaan Stilling!ng!. Top-Twenty, the biggest winners en Dome. July 4 races. two first place finishes. Sd fh I Wyt. i. Meltioir, J. Qteft Hou among active major college With Dr. Eddie Anderson's re- Talbot Ingram took the spot- Elaine McDonnell (11 points), 4. Laurll a AymonlirAyl . coaches. Scoop started the project tirement, Jess Neely, of Rice, be- f.abor Day Baca light in the club's regular week-, Louis Kleinhans (10) and LeRoy 1. Aymonlir. in 1958 at which time the group comes the senior member in end races by winning all three Bunnell (9) were the other com- BVMSON YACHT CLUB was topped by Bud Wilkinson, terms of coaching seasons, 38. races in the Comet class. petitors.. YfilerdYld u Bobby Dodd, Woody Hayei and riNNS Jess's record shows 203 victories Pete Botchard and Johnathan Miss McDonnell won the Blue 1. Charlti tllnalufff. 3. BuilU Win- myself. mill, J. Wllliim Httblir. and 159 losses and 20 ties for Wya both won two races. Bor- Jay club championship while ARBOWR Since then there has been, o 16th place. He and Woodson are chard scored his double in the 1. A. L. RltllUr, J. NaUl Jahuan, I. Winmill took the Finn title. John Atwood, (. Edwin SMwart, Jr., S. course, a wholesale shuffling of the only members of the major Wood Pussy class by winning SHREWSBURY SAILING and Don lumraa. places. Johnny Vaught, of Old coaching fraternity showing 200 Saturday, and yesterday's races. YACHT CLUB BLUE JAYS Saturday g«rl«s 1. Ellin. McDonnell, I. Allca Robin- Miss, is on top with a percent- victories. BEFORE THE MATCH — Finalists in tha men's doubles competition at tha Dom Santelle Wye's two victories came yester- 1. Talbolt Insrun, 1 GUnn Ro|«n, 3. son. ]. Flip Hatblir. <• Barry Bunnill, age of .778 for his 18, years; Dar- At least four coaches will hit day and Sunday. Don stivci. S Miry Mitcalf, (. Klbon Htrvty, Jr., tennii tournament meet over the net before tha title ma'ch Sunday. Left to right are Sndur Ouuntlmihlp »««•• T. Don Lawn, s. Babo ChamHtlaln, t rell Royal, of Texas, is second the 100-victory plateau this year Wins Four of Six 1. Ina-ram, 3. Lelrhton Waters, S. Dr. Dan Wlntirt. with .748 in 11, years, and Bear Harold Potter, Lyn Abbot, Bill Berkenmeier and Al Pailcoe. Tha Potter-Abbot duo Ed Witeri ( Htnry Mllunberftr. TURNABOUTS barring some catyclysmic upset. RUMSON — Neils Johnsen won Labor Day Rac« 1, Leslie Conway, 2. Porly Hoatland. Bryant, of Alabama i» third with 1, Ingram, 3. cm Tompkina. 4. Louii KUInham, They are, together with their vic- won, dethroning the defending champions, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2. four out of six races Sunday to .736 for 20 years. Woody Hayes tories, Jordan at Auburn, WOOD rcssu.8 5. Brocan Duffy, at Ohio State, however, has Frank Camp, it Louisville (96); stuck in there and it in fourth. Len Cassanova, at Oregon (97); This is a record I consider'al- and Coach Parker most remarkable. That first year, when Woody Quits Steelers was third he had a percentage of worthy of universal acclaim, but .752. He has dropped a few points PITTSBURGH (AP) - Ray- mond K. "Buddy" Parker started to .735, even though the compe- nlause should be directed toward the National Football League sea- tition in the Big Ten, if anything, Woody Hayes for his ability to son looking for a quarterback. has become even tougher. make this group from the Big Now the Pittsburgh Steelers are I wish to take nothing from Ten. looking for a new head coach. Scoop's leaders, but I should put Parker, frustrated over four in a word for coaches in the Big idea. straight exhibition losses — the Ten, and elsewhere, who invari Stanford last one Saturday to San Fran- ably play tougher schedules than schedule cisco 23-9 — resigned Sunday. most. Murray Warmath, at Min- Indians will meet all three ser- nesota, is one. Murray doesn't He said he was quitting in the vice academies. As far as I can best interest of the team. appear in the Top-Twenty, but rec'afl, this is the first time any His abrupt departure leaves the he is as fine a coach as any. The team has attempted this interest- Steelers just two weeks to find same goes for Jack Green, whose ing triangle. Since the Air Force a head coach before the start of Vanderbilt teams find few 10ft has been operative only the NFL season. The Steelers spots each year. years there haven't been many open the campaign Sept. 19 at The top-ten lines up with opportunities Pittsburgh against Green Bay. Vaught, Royal, Bryant, arrangement. Hayes, Most likely the Steelers will Pie Vann, of Southern Missis- Navy and the Air Force Acad- reach within their present coach- sippi; Bob Blackman, of Dart- emy follow on successive Satur- ing staff for a successor to Par- mouth; Dodd; Shug Jordan, of days on the Stanford list while ker. A good bet is Mike Nixon, Auburn; Ben Schwartwalder of Army's West Coast' trip, Oct. 23, Parker's top aide, and former Syracuse, and Bill Murray, of will be to Palo Alto. head coach of the Washington Duke. Whatever Stanford's Redskins. In the second-ten group we football fortunes this year, This is the second time Parker have Warren Woodson, of New things are certain. Their players has left an NFL club before the LEADING PAST COMMODORES — Diva Kingston arid wife, Carolina, tailing tha Mexico State, who has won the and fans will see a lot of march start of a' season. He did it In boat at right, lead tha fleet in Shrewsbury Sailing and Yacht Club'i past commodofa'l most games (217) and Ara Par- ing and hear a good deal of mar TO THE WINNER — Bill Long, canter, winner of the 1957 at Detroit before coming to seghian, who was so successful in ial music. raca yastarday on Shrewsbury River. Kingston, commodore in I9S7, won tha avant. man's tingle* championship in -the Red Bank Open Tennis Pittsburgh. Parker, 51, notified club offi- Sailing boat in middla it Warren Ayraj whi la Ed Ryan skippart tha boat at laft. Jersey Shore Loop Tournament Saturday at Marine Park courh, receive* cials of his action after the team Harold L. PoMer trophy from Parks and Recreation De- returned from Providence, R.I. to partment representative John Arnone while Lyn Abbot, its training base at Kingston, R.I. He told owner Art Rooney: Giants Nip Dodgers in 12 loser to Long, views presentation. Long gained permanent 'I came to Pittsburgh eight possession of the trophy by winning the title for the years ago to win. I haven't won Five Wins Give Associated Press 'Rico.Carty swung the big bat in the fourth inning of the open- so I feel it is. in my best interest third time. He won also in 1962 and '64. Tfia scores ware for. the Braves In the opener er when Julian , Javier tingled to quit. I also feel it is best for Tension {tiled Ihe air as th< and Bob Tolan doubled, then put 6-2, 3-6, 6-2, 6^3. the team." San Francisco Giants and Lo against the Mets, rapping out Angeles Dodgers met for the three hits, including a homer it out of reach with a six-run Howell Nine 2d and a two-run double. In the seventh built on Lou Brock's first time since the Juan Mari- Howell Youth Organization cap- ty and completed the circuit on chal-John Roseboro bat-swing- nightcap, the Braves got the Job three-run homer and Phil Cagli- tured second place in the Jersey Paul DeAngelo'a sacrifice fly. Chicago Meads for Twins ing incident. done on Joe Torre's two-run sin- ano's two-run shot. . Shore Baseball League by winning Belmar had blanked Middleto#iftJ,w- However, the only thing that gle in the third inning. The Phillies came back In the nightcap behind rookie ' Adollo its last five games over the on Saturday, 2-0. Plsforperinant, Pascual and for Burgess, who set the major ,", ' ",;•._.". ai.-the end was Phil Niekrt) finished up both Phillips, who smashed a homer weekend, including doubleheader Yeiterdai'a Keiulti Problem. league record earlier in the sea- in eight innings of relief. cushions. And

Prlctd oi shown nt Flrtttuna ittrai; rsmpatlllv.lir »rl»d al FlrtitM* Datitrs md dt Mi MnW* ttqllens dliployltii rh. Flmtont itgn.

Dally owl, . and Fri Evenings til 9 p.m. Sat.'HI 6 p.m.

»ALL WORK GUARANTEED •FREE TOWING SERVICE »LARGE STOCK OF where your dollar buy* MILES more TRANSMISSIONS STORES ON HAND Maple Avt. at WhlW St. $•• Professionals Red Bank—747-5700 1000 Atbury Avt. Atbury Pqrk'1 775-8700 T1NNIS CHAMf*f6Ni — Fair Haven Reeraation official, issued t«nnit certificate, to winners of It* tournamtrit which concluded recently. Left to right «r* S#orge Conley, ALSO AVAILABLE AT YOUR TEXACO, STAN'S» 14, Church $*., rurinir-up In rh» »»nlor 18-and undsr division; Tom Standtr, 14, Fair ISSIO H«van Rd., th» unior diviiiqrt winner; Richard fsitt, 10, winntr of the |unior division SHELL AND CROWN SERVICE STATIONS 431 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS I under 12), and wnnar-up in the junicr division, Bruct Faitt. 16—Tu«d«y, Sept. 7, 1565 TOE DAILY REGISTEB Freehold Results Tire 9 Is Ousted JocfeVhde Gets uPay (ALL JUCKS OUt VUL.U lST-rF«.c«; U.M0; Tim* !*9.3. . / O'd Tlm« O'lle 'Whit) ..1O.» 4.S0 J.M Mtrry Mel (W»rrlo|ton) 4.J0 I.M Freehold Entries in Qk^C Kill vliw Fit (Lubtr) 100 Alio-Shtdydtlt R»ck«l. Vlck» Chip. Nth RACING DAY Fifth Race-Trot Cond. Purse $1,100 From Tournameti OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla, (AP))Ml day to finish with a 284 total, Succeli Vtn, Bette C, Frtnk Mclnn. —Jack Rule, Jr., a husky, crew- four under par and good for $6,' 2ND-P»«i 11,000; Tlml 2:10.1.. Dally Doubles 1st «nd U EvenU (-•Henry's Pride H. Palladino 1M Red Bank Tire Company's itay last to dent the dish the res Chipper II (Lonr) .....«00 12.«0 7.00 cut ' Iowin who looks younger 000 In second place prize money, UMs M«rU (Dlion) ... " «.4O 5.SO Also Eligible: of the gsme for Red Bank. Twin DouUtt «lh and 7th • ttb tod 10th in the State Baseball Tournament than his 26 years, took home his Thlrd-r,ound leader Phil Rod- Oruk St«r (Myir) 4.40 White R. Pulti of Champions was shortlived as Nick Marino settled down AHo — Yuiktt Todd. QltlUlt Dukt, - Pott Tlm«. 2:00 P.M. - largest check in (our years on gers of La Jolla, Calif., took two Nivy Blue, Bherty Furdui, tplo eti;. pitch three hit ball for the Me it was handed two losses over the Professional Golfers Associa- bogeys on the final nine holes (All Rtcei 1 MUe) Sixth Race—Pace Claiming Purse $1,000 cer County champs while Lc DKlIx Doutl* It P«l« I17S-10 the weekend, forcing Its ouster tion tour Sunday ind pronounced and had to settle for a third place First Race—Pace Maiden Purie $1,000 7—Dan Congress V. Cowgtr J- Allyne smacked two home rui from the event sponsored by himself ready to return to the tie with Randy Glover, a 23-year SRD—Tiol; 11,100; Tlm« J:O7.<. 5-2 4—Corporal Adios L. Tulino 4-: and a double which were got Johnny'i Choice (Young) 7.40 4.W 1.80 5—Captain's Daughter C. Chappell Baseball. Inc. corn country. old newcomer from Florence Bnapfly Loulat !M«rtynl«k) (.80 3.00 H. Camden 7-2 5-Mr. Streak W. Hubbard 5-: for five runs batted in. Bob Mile iWtrrlnron) .. 320 1—Sandy Leo The South Orange Colts started Rule collected. $10,000 for first S.C. 7—Little Patty Sue B. Long >-2 2—Ozark Pride E. Garey 5- Nell Boyle wai tagged with Alan — Lull watt r Spud, Ht|ey 80y. 6—Brenda Diamond F. White C-l the Tiremen on its road down place;in "jShY S85.000 .Okjahoma •JRodgers shot a one-over par Smoky Jim, Komaetretch K«ne&, Betty 2—Adamoi Angel W. Bain 5-1 pitching loss. 73 and Glover closed with an MoBlerf. •• 8—King Volo C. Howard «- with a 4-1 win Sunday while B. B. Tlir (I) South Oraose 0 City Open which wound up Sus- 8—Jet Jimmie J. Btallon* 6-1 Ewing Township won yesterday, AB R H AB.B.R even-par 72. giving them identica acntdhtd—Atlintlc Soni, 1—Erina Hanover R. Lubosio 8-: I Wlnn ir ' '*?••,".:.,'. • .• • '. ' ' 4—Adoras Blackbird J. Quinn 8-1 Ekolm,2b (. totals of 285 and enabling them 4TH—PtMi 11.100: Time 2:09. 3—Zif Zif H. Fuller 10- Crowley.cf 3 1 J.WIe'r-ak.rf "That $10,000 is nice," the «l«ady Fellow (Kachrl) .7.60 4.00 4.SO 8—Valwyn K. Interdonato 8-1 South Orange, Essex County Bland.lb « 0 Ylnjllng.el 4 1 to take home $3,850 each. •htmndoih Tom (Hubbird) 1.19 9.00 W. Gower 12-1 AIso Eligible: Phillipi.c < 0 1 D.W['£ak,3b r4 0 foot-10, 180-pounder said, "but Boy C Woollen (Sowaah) 7 20 »-Ima Nimble Rip 0 0 0 Vonderrh,ai Johnny Pott, of Gulf Hills Lizzy Lind H. Palladino chXmpion, got a strong pitching cutmo now thtt I've won some money, Alao—Robert* Captllti. . Vicky Mel-' Also Eligible: « ClouiMb burn, M«ry K Wlllon, AdlM l«ulie, performance from Ken Calabrese McKfl'y.31 * O 0 Jonai.lb maybe Lean afford to go home Miss., took fifth place at 286 and J. M. Camlllt M. Severlno Donegal Bay R. Shllei Ruppert.rf 3 0 0 Mauro.c Fl«"hy Ul|ht. while Ron Truex hurled 5% In- for a week," Rule, who plays out won $3,100. ' . 5TH—Pice S1.100: Time S:O8.3. Favorite Sue C. Dean Flynn.lf 3 01 0 Calabrege^p. Seventh Rac Pace Cond. Purse $1,000 nings of one hit relief for RedGruca.88 1 0 of Cedar Rapids, Iowa! but lives Tom Aaron, at 287, wai the only Car Crest Hope (M'leu) 16.W 6.40 4.60; am. •• o o 0 other golfer1 to finish under par Mountain Maater i Marih) . i.SO 3.W Purse $1,000 1—Jo wen Discovery Bank but It came too late. Rooney,p 2 a in Waterloo, said. "But then I'll Outk Rod (Ruaeelll i J.00' Second Race—Pace Cond. M. Martynlak 5- for the tourney as the . Qilai Alio — Victory Holmfa, Sea.KAlvlit, . 5-1 2—Everett Pick South Orange sent starter Don Truex.p be ready to head back on the 2—Janle Cash I. Lubar R. PulU 7 !) 1 t !9 4 Creek course, made tougher by Heather Men, Clroiil Oandy, Tt)*nt.' - 7-1 (-Dolly Gatty Rooney to an early exit by scor- Reii Bank Tlr« Ml 000 OOtt—1 tour," he added. BTH-Pice: 11.000: T)m« J;07.i ; S—Star Barnes R. James J. Adamo » South Orange .„ 033 O0O Wx—4 gusting winds and Intermittent D«l> Charm (AbbatKlln) 3.IO 1M 3 «n 1-2 4-See Tee High ing two runs in each of the sec- 2B-Ekho"m. 3»-Von Ewlng Two. <9) first_ tournament -since, the. 1963 Adios, Prince Allen, Sonny Clnco,,. ,'- 7—Helens G. Marrlner 6-1 A. Tinder 7 a double and triple. An AH AB R Defending chatnp'lon Arno|d 7TH—Peo«: S1.100: Time 2:07.1. S-Chess Time P. Hubbard 8-1 7—Canton Hanover R. Myer 10-1 GUI,18 4 1- - " 1 , Rule said, "I've Mlla Olrdlelrae (Th'ae) 4.10 5.40 t.ao" Red Bank's lone run in the Ekholm.:b 0 Beckttl.aa ' 1 Palmer came through with a 70 Indian Itochet tSowaah) (.40 300 10-1 8—Jarrettown Chuck j. Quinn i -» been in a real slump. It don't lnipatt Frelsht (Bain) .... 4.20. 1—Bonny Brook Judy V. Cowger 1M third sliced the margin to 2-]. Crowley.cf 0 Walte.lb 2 Sunday, but won only $1,058 and PMllipi.c' i o 1 Allyne.Jb 3 think I've m«de more than, 10 Alao — Dutch Candolt, Spot Pclntet, 4—Tonkawaicon • B. Long 1M 3 O finished In a six-way tie for 16thBeach Head, Parky. Mr !l Ah < John Gruca and Rooney worked Hanson.3b 1 cuts all year." AP Also Eligible: Eighth Race-Pace Claiming Purse $1,100 San born,3b 3 O OM attao 1 place at 293 after earlier rounds STH-Pac.i ll.soo; Time 3:06.1. t Calabreie for bases on balls and McK'v.y.lb 1 O0 rick,5b 0 LltUe Nipper (K'bardl 10.10 ».» 4.40 Shadydale Sprite W. Zendt 2-MUiion Lad V. Cowger Dean Ekholm'i double got Gruca Cutillo.lb 0 O awytr.rf 0 But he! added, "I'ypfound a of;7J-70-78. Coait Patrol (Martynlak) I.M S.oo Aceway Angel J. Flrettl J-Marry'j Pride S. O'Nell Ruppert.rf 0 O [arlno,p 0 new grip now and I think I've Jack Rule Jr., 110,000 ...73-72-70-7O—913 Buah Hill (Bralth Jr.) 7.00 home. Calabrese was able to re-Flynn.l! a I Bobby Nlchola. Sf.000 ... 71.74-71.«s-384 Alao — Art Mir, AmQuon'a SUle, 1—Splcea Bud B. Long tire the side without further dam Boyll.P o o broken my slump. I've won $7,'Phil Ttwiferj, 13.850 72-71-BB-73—2IJ I»le Kllnka. Indian Beauty. Third Race—Trot ClaiminnlnEg Purse $1,000 7—Jane Blackitone Rooney.p 0 O 100 in the last two weeks • andRandy Olover, 13.«» 73-KI-71-72— 285 Scratched—Cfcptaln Defender. C. Welch i-i age, however. Truex. p 0 0 Johnny Pott 13,100 72-71-71-72-2M OTH-Pace: 11,200: Time J:6J.I. 8-Victory Frost J. Quinn 5-2 ft—Vernon's Express this $10,000 runs It on up a lit Tommy Aaron. »2,soo ...71.7J-72-72—2S7 Senator Rocket (Th'u) 6.60 4.00 3.80 M. Thompson 8-1 Leadoff batter George Gill Camden Star lUanilleldl' t.SO S.2O 18 1 3 32 9 tie." Chuck Rcilar. 12.200 71-7S-72-AO—2«R 4—Carlo* Hanover C. Howard 7-2 5—Chief Richard P. Casey 8-1 scored for Red Bank against Rttl Punk Tire 100 000 000 n»vs Hill. $2,200 74-60-72-73—28S Patom Boy rWarrlnfton) 4.20 P. Hubbard 4—Mr. Tell EMlnR Tw|) _ .O0J 020 50* His largest previous check was Tommy Jacobs, 12,200 ...76-70-70-72—2Si Alao—Porgle Darna, Exmore Ker- 7—Darn Near Mine t-2 M. Martynlak 10-1 Ewing Township, but he was the ;B—Allynf. HR—Allyne (2) D«V« Murr, 12.200 71-60-74-74—288 valdo. Yankee Bhndow, Bl( Thlnklni. ,6—Candy Boot B. Long 5-1 •—Peggy Oregn E. Mansfield 12- $5,300 for the St. Paul victory. Dean Retrain, J1.80O 72-72-71-74—289 10TH— Pac«: 11.000: Time 2:00.4. Steady Rounds Bob Battlorft, 11,500 74-74.72-72—202 Crafty K (Warrlntton) 13.00 5.10 4.60 2—Mar Vern C. Warrlngton 6-1 Also Eligible: Georije Archer, SI.5S0 ... 74-T2-T2-74—292 Adnella Son (Kachel) .... 3.80 3.KO 5—Lucky Sue R. Interdonato 8-1 Adios Tony S. O'Nell Rule, who had steady rounds of Don January. SI.550 73-72-72-75—295 Dynamite Direct (Fercuion) S.60 AFL Launches Grid Seasor Ernl« Vosiler 11.550 70.77.72-73—202 Al«o— Hiih Bandit, Raw Hide Jim. 1—Proud Elliott C. Hatchell 10-1 72-71-70-70-283, five under par onMllltr Barber' >1,OM.3< .7»-l»-7B-71—293 Lucknowe Frlaco, Kelly Boy, Buddy the rugged 7,173-yard, par 72 Arntvld Palmer, I1.OSB.34 75-70-7I-70-293 Purdue. J—Malomar H. Camden 12-1 Ninth Race-Pace Cond. Purse $1,000 TWIN DOUBLE 3-1-4-S FAm S>SM«. Quail Creek course, barely held P. Thompion, »l,0M.33 75-72.75-71-293 Also Eligible: 8-Mlss Mejestys Lady No Driver 3- Jim Ferrlell. I1.05B.SS 7O.7J-7I-73—293 ATTKNDANCE I5.MS. BAJiDlE •&• . Saturday With Two Game off a surge by 1964 PGA ch«nv Charl.l Coody, S1.0H.33 71-7S-7O-74—293 10J. Royal Reaper E. Looney 2—Justagem J. Dvoracek The American Football All 14 NFL teams are in acti pion Bobby Nichols to win by a Hardy Hero G. Taylor 7-Antlqua W. Hubbard League has launched its final this weekend as that loop wine single stroke. * (-Mecca Mine L. Bartellonl s-i Fourth Race—Pace Claiming Purse Jl.OML countdown prior to kicking off up its exhibition schedule wil Nichols, from Corona, Calif., 3-1 1-Castle Pride H. Sowasb t-i its sixth season Saturday night, seven games. The league passi 4—Solemn Hanover H. Camden 4—Duchess Jerry C. Welch 8- fired a lour-under par 68 the 8-Miss Kent I. Lubar 3-1 while the National Football the one million marie in exhit 5—Madow Susan No Driver 8- League just keeps counting. tion attendance for the fou: Need back'toschool 2—Grattan Express G. Garey . K J-Buslness Like E. Myer . 10- consecutive year over the wee] 5—Robs Roy J. Glddls H Professional football's regula Also Eligible: end with five weekend gam< Freehold 7—Spencie W. Zendt H season begins Saturday as the Junette W. Zendt pushing attendance for 29 dat money? 1—Happy Day Time J. Adamo 8-1 younger AFL gets a week' Bernle M. A. Dlxon headstart on the NFL with twi to 1,114,724. The record for S-MIss Rosedale K. Huebscb 8-1 Raceway games. In the Saturday nigh dates set last year'is 1,191,8 J—Betty Land No Driver 10-1 Tenth Race-kPace Claiming Purse $1,ON openers, Boston visits defending Trackman's Selections Get an HFC Also Eligible: Los Angeles and PJiiladelph champion Buffalo and Denver is • Tuesday G. Rusell 5—True Guinea F. Dlglrolamo 5- drew 26,609 "to the Coliseum Sui Oxark Rita at San Diego. Stopper's Loan Maverick H. Fleming 1—Bambl Demon No Driver 7 day as the Rams scored a'ID- Captain's Daughter 8— Reed's Creed S. Josloff »- On Sunday, New York plays victory. Adamoi Angel If you need more money for Fifth Race—Trot Cond. Purse 51,100 2-CalC. V. Grots „ -V at Houston and Kansas City it ;r-i; Sandy Leo your youhgatera* back-to- W P. Hubbard - at Oakland, completing the first Bill Munson guided the Ram 4-Dr. Macbeth C. Hoard I-Coldwel! Lou V: attack on both Los Angele: school needs, get it now— 7-1 J—Counsel Dale F.Jaeger 8-: weekend of action. Star Barnes 1-Gwen Hanover A. Tinder scoring drives, going 00 ysr Janle Cash with an HFC Sbopper'a Loan. 7-Jeff K. R. Cotton 1-2 4— Frank Flame No Driver•,:•[•: B. Lochenour for;ji touchdown, and 68 for 2 Senator Sattle With cash from Household B-Royal Add R. Collins 5-1 7-Frlsky Dillon field goal. you can cover the costs of 6-1 Also Eligible: Carlos Hanover 2-J. T. Hennessy L. Btrtellonl Unlimited Race The Rams host San Francis^ tuition, books, trans- J-Edna Regent R. Jjunes 8-1 Sandy Jo McHal J. Galloway Darn Near Mine MOHTHW MYMINT ftANt Parker Man G. Marrlner in one of six games scheduled Victory Froat Yea eM portation—anything. 8—Peter J. Tag E. Looney 10-1 Saturday winding up the 'NFJ I! 6 ToTahoeMiss Hymh fvmn Then repay conven- exhibition slate. Others .^ai •Grattan Express 1 t MADISON, Ind. (AP) — Tahoe iently at the oldett. The first ace ever iltot in the Baltimore playing Philadelphi Happy Day Time (6.97 $ 9.75 S18.16 Miss and the driver, Chuck $iao 13.93 19.50 36.31 annual Palo Atlo hole-in-one Malicious Wins Aqueduct; St. Louis at Green Bay, Clevi Solemn Hanover ' Targe«,con.panyofit» Thompson Of Detroit, won the $16.77 20.90 29.25 54.46 tournament came 18 years ago land taking on Pittsburgh, Chi Joe icind-HFC. • Governor's Cup race for unlim- Gwen Hanover 21.94 27.47 38.59 72.14 when a shot by Del Bocdgnone cago meeting Dallas and Nev 4M 26.77 33.69 47.62 89.53 ited hydroplanes Sunday as Miss Dr. Macbeth struck a backstop 30 feet be Kelso 4th Before 68,558 York playing Minnesota. 5 5H Bardahl and driver Ron Musson Jeff K. limp it !H% tm awell M M- Ask about credit m \' yond the pin and rebounded into NEW YORK (AP) — Mai: Pluck returned $7.80 and $6.2C of Seattle, Wash., were penalized Detroit and Washington pi; Umf% insurinoejnloana, .s the hole. cious, a speedy 4-year-old fror and Raman Brother $4. Mr. Streak at Canton, Ohio',Sunday;in thi •t aroup r«te>t the Greentree Stable, spoil Kelso, running out of the moiv Ian on the final heat. . Corporal Adios annual Hall of Fame game. 6 Kelso'i bid to reach the $2 mi ey for only the ninth time In 81 Driver Bill Cantrell of Detroit King Volo WORLD'S LARGEST was thrown from Miss Smirnoff Saturday's NFL action wa lion mark in earnings yestei races, never was in contention Jowen Discovery day with a front-running victor He broke fifth under Ismael Val- in the first turn on its second concentrated in Cleveland wher HOUSEHOLD H Automatic Trcmimiulen 83,118 fans watched Detroit top Greentre* Boy Specialists in the $108,200 Aqueduct Stab enmela and passed only the tired heat. He was taken to Kings! 7 Dolly Gatty . at Aqueduct. ' ' Horses' to 4he< stretch. Daughters Hospital with three New York 2Ml.jwKgrjeeii Ba whack Clevelartd^)|(BP«inl. •> Fourth was worth $5,140 and broken ribs and was listed in sat Splcea Bud In fact, the grand old man fourth annual exhibition .doubl Hi. 35, Monmoufh Shopping C«nf«r boosted his bank account to $1,-isfactory condition. Vernon's Express the thoroughbreds couldn't evei header at Municipal Stadium. 8 Miss Bardahl and Tahoe Miss Mission Lad Fhemt Ubtriy 2-1340 break Into the money as llghtl; 959,554. After winning Hone of the Year honors five straight each won two preliminary heats In other games, San Franciscc MIDBUTOWN regarded Pluck from the C&l Justagem years, the 8-year old gelding and went into the final heat even. defeated Pittsburgh . 33-9 and Hoy Stable wound up second Mecca Mine MiddMewn Shopping Centar from Mrs. Richard duPont'i Bo- Musson grabbed the inside lane Baltimore outlasted Wasbingto 9 Miss Majesty's Lady the field of seven and little R 1107 Highway 33-OSbom. 1-14OO , hemia Stable now has a 1965 at the start and led all the way,33-23 man Brother crossed the finis! record of two victories, two but referee Bill Newton ruled In the AFJL's vfinal exhibitio 1 f\ Bambl Demon line in third place. Kelso ra games, Oakland whacked Den IU True Guinea thirds and a fourth in five races. that he had forced Thompson in. Reed's Creed fourth. Malicious, ridden by Bobby Us- side the course after their lanes ver, 30-20, Houston surprised Sa Malicious, beaten a nose 1 Diego 13-10 arid Kansas Cit — Best Bet — sery broke on top—as usual—and had been established. The loss JUSTAGEM - 9th Race Kelso in the recent Whitney set all the pace en route to a 1.49 of the lap dropped Miss Bardahl handed Boston its 16th striigi Saratoga, hit the finish line clocking under 118 pounds. Kelso to last place In the five-boat fi exhibition setback, 34-7. the end of the V/t miles with carried 130, Pluck 118 and Ro-nal< heat, but she still finished three-length advantage o v e man Brother 121. second for the day on the Pluck, Roman Brother- wa strength of points accumulated in • « i« ,.i whipped by a no«e for runnel the previous heats. Technicality iip honors with Kelso another si: Notre Dame and driver Rex lengths back. Then came H i 75-1 Shot Wins Manchester of Seattle finished Rise, Smart and Teriacle. Almost Ruined second in three heats and took 1. ' ''.'S\ • Corth $70,330 third, in total points, 27 points .» $113,600 Race behind Miss Bardahl. The victory was worth $70,3! CHICAGO (AP) - Montel! Hammer Mark Miss Bardahl took first place ' i OSMI * A.M. to 5 P.M. to the British bred son of Hel Stewart's Chicago-owned Taki BUDAPEST (AP) - Hungary' in the national standings, edging cope and Blackball. With Keli Over at 75-1, the longest price in lyula Zsivotzky, who broke th 193 E. Newman Springs Rd. eight points ahead of Notre the even money choice of t! the field of 11, won the $113,600 world hammer throw record b: Dame. Tahoe Miss moved into 101 Helipad Avenue Washington Park Handicip at Ar- more than- 10 feet Saturday, al crowd of 68,558, fifth largest third place, ahead of Miss Madi- AibBry Park—Call 774-.800 lington Park yesterday. most didn't get credit because New York history Malicioi son, the hometown entry, which a technicality. R«d Bonk—Cflll 842.2500 p'aid $10.20, $5.60 and $5.21 A holiday crowd of 39,287 saw blew a supercharger in its first Organizers of the meet at D Take Over, rid«n by Larry Kumi- heat and failed to qualify for the brecen weren't prepared fop sue take, charge from well back to finals. defeat Chieftain and Gallant Ro- a heave as Zsivotzky's 73.14 mi COMPLETE meo in a three-horse photo fin- ters — 241 feet, 11 inches. The ish. Swimming Meet had only a 50-meter tape to me, FARM Two noses separated the three sure it and under internatiom ,' y"4 horses. Qulta Dude, a 72-1 shot, Held at Camp regulations a hammer thro came from last place to take mark is recognized only if it MARLBORO — Camp Arrow. fourth money in tho 38th running measured with a 100-meter tape. SERVICE lead has held a swimming meet of the one-mile race. After an hour's search, the of- for children who completed the Frank Porter's _ Native Diver, the famed Call ficials found the longer tape swimming lessons sponsored by forna bred horse, and favored al the office of the East Hungariai Cub Pack 80 of Keyport. Red Bank Tire Co. 2-1, led for about one-half mile Water Board. and then faded to finish sixth. The results of the various The listed world record is 241 SHREWSBURY AVENUE 747-3404 events were: Twenty-five yard Native Diver carried 128 by America's Harold Connoll) Optn Monday thru Friday—8 to » p.m.; Sat. to 3 p.m. crawl for fish group, Eddie Zieg- pounds, while Take Over had 110 Zsivotzky said Sunday he is cor ier, first; Mike Ziegler, second, up. wt Ttaf, t PM Tired of ipending money for neediest repairs 7 Lar, illsworth in California, was pur Navar,- chased by insurance executive let, third, ally Dtntlt, 1iH«|wl* MM, Till changed. But not so you'd notice us tait your ear in gear on our dynamometer under How could we? - The 6,000-odd change; we've mada road driving condition*. With our Uteit electronic Stewart for $15,000 at Arlington Minnow walk or swim across Park last summer. pool, Charlie Guisti, first; Brian We brought th» VW into the world, since '48 don't do a thing to the Volks- test equipment we can diagnose your trouble ac- Bowman, second and Daniel Ber and save li th* bait yeon of our life. wagen except make it Work better curately and fait. TEST DON'T GUESS I • .'. . a.irtMIS.U • tml»M,H. J- Raritan-Holmdel ry, third. : , When people laughed al itt looki, wa ' A few purists feel we're killing th* bug • IGNITION •• CARBURETOR • TUNE4JP helped It moka friends oil over the world. each time wa improve If. But wa simply League to Meet 8 million of them. have no choice And wa promised them that this was We've got to keep killing the bug RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The call today for a complete Winter Boat Storage One car that would never go out of •very chance we get Raritan-Holmdel 8-15 League will Itylf (much l«ss our of sight) IN0INE ANALYSIS meet Monday, at 8:30 p.m. in MAKI YOUR MSIRVATIONS MOW That's the only subway to keep It W« won't deny that the bug's bean Airport Plata Lanes, Hazlet. • Inilda Covarad • Outtld* Pry «r Wat from dying 747-1549 Nominations for officers for the coming year will be held at the • WORK YOURSILP ARIAS Jet. meeting. • CQMPLITf RirAIR HRVICI SHREWSBURY MOTORS, INC. DOUGLAS AUTO ELECTRIC CO. Plans forth* awards night for he baseball champions of 1965 Cor. Btrgtn PI. & Maple Avt. ill b« announced at a later PLEASURE BAY MARINA late,. Ml fATTAN AVINUI ION* IMNCM RED BANK Pop Warner division games will ilia funday. rae«« UMUI REGISTER AUTOMOTIYI AUTOS TOE AUTOS fOKIAUC AUTOS arm im tax, MOTUJCIWHES 1 Wtt AND AUTOS m SALE trove four-door etdeai, iiftf VOUUMtJliM — Itxrdtof, u*f voe.rj — cnuary Hiire. ttattw mom TSJJIXB.X >. KaCABtfcr Chevrolet m extras. Price reduced. Call 94e> heater, sean-belts. 13,750 miles. Perfect TRIUMPH 1962, TR-4-Soft top.Ton -Perfect condition. Many extras, Call 8473. , condition. New car warranty. Willing n»u. Four Mlohelins. Two spares. 291-206O, 1858 LUHRS — 22' Shelter oaWn flslff. to sacrifice, no longer netd third csr. 4,500 miles. One owner. 11,<00. 542- Reaaonabie. Call Call 741-250g before 9 l.m. or evening!. ibn. 1B58 LAMBRJTTTA — 150 LD Fair CREDIT by PHONE condition. |90. Call after 6 p.m. 741- 741-6627. 1913 CADILLAC Sedan DeVllle, black, 1959 TRIUMPH TH 1 265S. 14' BOAT AND TRAtLEIt — Includes air conditioned, all power, 13,095 lie- Qood condition $650. accesiories. Reasonable. Call ONLY "THE COUNT" OF BRADLEY OAIUhy ChevroIM 291-1101 264-8674 871-31M. TWO MOTORCYOIJBS — Herley DavM- lon, 74. and flervlcecycle. Call 787-7038. Creole* miracles, vour cradll I* 00*1 and 1989 JEDP — CJ-5. Four-wheel drive 1901 GAIJAXIX! — B cylinder, heurdtop, Tilt Count Tru»t» Youl 284-8D3S HARDTOP COAST SKIFF — 145 CC hydraulic plow, 20,000 miles, tl.200 or automatic, power, whltewalU. Excel- outriggers, cushions. Fully equipped, NO CASH NEEDED best ower. 671-M67. lent condition. 1760. 671-8U1, many extras. Very row conaioon. 300 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM MOBILE HOMES Must sell. Keasonable. 741-6341, CASH BACK FOR YOUR TRADE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 1980 ABC -10i50. with wau-to-wall car- (More Classified Ada pet In llvlnr room. Two-bedroom, front kitchen, lar« oath. When new, »S,000. On The Next Page) Asians; »,500. M2-8786, FACTORY FRESH Down Paymenr PAY PER MONTH 988-0222 AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOB SALE Weekly Paynwrti VALIANTS _. *• £-11.91 Ktmtmborll If yw I'M CHEVY I1U0 work you con Impakj Hordtop DRIVE WITH PLYMOUTHS |lf\UV S44,24 | W FORD *11W MO CASH DOWN 11 1 NOW AVAILABLE I If You Are About to Country Sadon CHRYSLERS HU*' * S60.54 Station, Wojon •MFORD ».*> •M BUICK JU.60 Galcxl* Sedon Wlldnt |m I V5MUSTANO J1M0 •63 FORD 17.70 Automatic, Fully •MPontioc 110.30 WAGONS S53.55 Invest In A Mercedes-Benz Cotallru CohvirtlUe 2-dr. H.T. 1966 Equipped '64 PONTIAC S1130 •H BUICK U.ffl '45 CHEVY I10.90 Bonnevllle Convertible LeSabre H.T. BAYSHORE Chevelle Hordlop 'U BUICK SU.tO •62 MERCURY 17.40 a PLYMOUTH ».» Riviera. Full Power 2-dr. H.T. CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH •6! LINCOLN tlO.B CALL 462-5300 . Belvedere, Full Powsr •43 CHEVY DM •iS FALCON H.90 Bel Alri» pan. Continental now take 64 Chavrolet ImpaU 64 ValW 1 Itnpolo. 4 dr,«.T. •el BUICK MM your car overseas "1500" SUPER STATION WAGONS •M CHEVY »W.» llectro tB Sedan financed anywhere 64 Dodge Coronet 63 Ford Gafaxle 500 MURPHY & . BelAlreStottonWon. 'MCADIkl>C ai.M In the world. $2345 •*J CADILLAC tOM Coupt DeVllle 43 Chrysler Newport Convertible 62 Plymouth Fury 62 Ford Galx. 500 NO HIDDEN CHARGES! 462-5300 62 Chevrolet Hdtp. 61-Chevrolet Hdtp. ORDER NOW AT HWY«V FREEHOLD BRADLEY 62 Rambler Wagon 60 Oldi DISCOUNT Many More New Cars, No Down Payment (JUST NORTH OF FREEHOLD CIRCLE) I CITY ICOCK OF'TOP QUALITY CARS' RT. ]t (Corner of Springwood i> Milton Avei.) NEPTUNE, N. J. NO MONEY DOWN — UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY AUTOPORT U.S.A. 872-0500 BAYSHORE RT. 36 and SCENIC DR. HIGHLANDS CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 7:00 P.M. 1st Are. 291-9200 Atlantic Highlands 4 TO 6 WEEKS DELIVERY KITSON CHEVROLET THE SHOWPLACE OF CHEVROLET11 J U M B 0 jgp OFFERS" YOU FABUtOUS DEALS YEAR-END SAVINGS NOW! ON OUR REMAINING 1965 MODELS HUSTLE TO RUSSELL FOR



Hwy. 36 (Next \o Motor Vehicle Inspec+ior. Sta.) Eafontown Open Evenings'til 9:00 " •-.,•'.-'",';'... '4J6 BOAZS AMD ACCESSORIES BOATS AND ACCESSORIES BOATS AND ACCESSORIES BOATS AND ACCESSORIES BOATS AMD ACCESSORIES tusums L*-TW»y, Sept. 7. WS TOE NBW CATAMARAN Sy 1VM PT 8TTUED tPBCD BOAT HJJUNK UjrriJMX U BOUT 4» k... ATTtO*. OBUAM CUUMMD - U If OLOrOKW MOW—iKMllenl con- Ev»i7tnini (or Uw Boatman. No J«r- WIU> iklr, cuiulona. etc. MM. HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED itloa. a H.p, motor. Tnllir. Full; Slttten toot. Dacron will. Fll>artlu«4. 32S h.p. Chrytltr marina CDdDt. liw. rn« utimtiM. Call tittr t •ttulMd Xn mtir. Can daraonatrata. laj'a UrfMt mtrln. aupply noun 741-UM. CM 2*1-3014 nndtr. Raid; to to. M400. nr-MM, Bvlnrale Saltl »nd Bcrvlc. p.ra., all day laturtay. lunteir. tn-KKB. W. Call 787-CW1, THE BOATMAN'S (HOP STARCRAfT MCA •CAMP — II', MM H Whirl Ave. 741-5780 Red Bank Mercurr IB h.p. and trailer. aaauif OLBAH OTt-LAM, i-ARDt, OARAOU (Open lunuiyi ltd noiidayi » > m two. 222-M73. Call eiur 6 p.m. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE to I p.m.> - Hay. track. Ulht taiullai. Cm aft™ t p.m. Ill-nil. THREE WOMEN BAIL BOAT BALES AND RENTALS BUSINESS NOTICIS MONMOUTH MARINA Monmouth Bpact\. N. J. 222 34H2 FIREPLACKS A IPBCIAWTT - AU EXPKHT CARPENTRY WORK — Spi typn of muonrr. CRARLS1 HOWMt. Attractive, with theatrical or modeling background, to present OUTBOARn — If. 4(1 h.n. Elntrlc clnllainf In ftniahltiK. Cablneta, MD.1- Contractor. Call 74T-I4U. starter. $400. See Ed, Slmmunn. Barley in(. etc. Cull 7414310. program to various groups, such as women'j orgMixttlonJ, tervice Pt., Kuniann. FURNITURE REFIHIBHINQ — Cabinet ANTIQUES clubs, etc. for large, well established, local company. SUPER SAILFISH — Kit mm: »«»c

IMM.OYMINT HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE YOUNG IAD* - tot g»nMM ot«« work. Illlll achool (riduttl. type Ml STOP'N'SAVE KXPHR'-S.NCKD gAIJEBLADY - App! wordi per minute. Apply In pKion. Surra? Luitaie, us Broad n. Be BeneNalal F Mice, Jl Broafl »!.. n*> 4k Bmfc Aak tor Mn. Kaplta. HEOISTERKD AND LICENSED PRAI MOTHIR'8 HEUPIR — Llva-ln. Lov ATAFORDDEALER rpVDSEDCARLOT country horn* in Kolmdel. »tu*i 1'ICAL NURSES NBEDEU - Evanii 4tid nltht t^ltta full .uid n.rt-llm< aaant and like children. 5*7099. Differential t».y. evenlni ahlft. Altrn tlva p.rionntl pollclta. Apply Allant! BWITOHBOAFtD OPERATOR»-Sl«Kiy llllhllnda Nunlnc Home, i Mlddli work, lull or part-tlml. Irailablllty town Avt., Atlantic Ulfkludi. lmporUnt. 141-4760. FOUNTAIN MANAOER - Tor JOatonl •63 MERCURY Mont»r»y 1550. unit. Must have MPirlenca In Duality '61 FORD Fairlane 595. DRESS MAKERS food preparation, aervlce, coit tens, Two-do or c«d«n, FOM, on* ownir. Four-door, MOM, pow.r tr.aring, SAMPLE MAKERS ana Inventory control. Apply to Foun- tain Manager "B.B." Bo* 520, IWd OPERATORS Hank autlng qualHtcatlons. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS - OVBtt •61 FORD Galaxie 795. "63 MERCURY Monterey 1595. Pleasant, fulltimc, itridy work. 18. APPLV MAM WAN DINBn. HWY. Tour-door hardtop, FOM, fS. 34. MATAWAN. Two-door hardtop, MOM, pow.r it..ring. EATONTOWN DRESS MFG, IBM KEYPUNCH •60 CHEVROLET V8 850. '63 OLDS Sport Coupe 1595. RHONE 542-3555 OPERATORS '^Impala four-door tiardtop, Pow«rglid«. CHOul. DAVsJ—Mean mtilca rxpens Cutlau, Hydramatic, powtr storing. i'urii your spare hours itilu profilnl MIPS with AVON'S «-.<•.!'. Custdinei NIG HI'S: I p.m. to 1^:30 a ftcri>ptaiu:e higlifst In hlslory. Call 71 '62 FORD Galaxie 1150. t;n;i or wrlli* Airs. Mnrtfiret Gulotl Immediate openings it our -Perth ' P O. Box 656. Rod lUuk. Am boy pi ant. Applicant! thould "500", four-door, MOM, powtr stttring.' '64 OPEL Kadett 795. have experience on alpha-numeric WA1TRE8SK8 — 11 a.m.-3 p.m iN board. We offer modtrn ofFlcei, Two-door, four-ipaed. Apply In. person, LAM Restaurant, 61 company cafeteria and liberal bent> '62 MERCURY Monterey 1195. River Rd., Fair Havpn. _ (MB. FF.K9II SILKS — KsedH uukaf a& Cuitom four-door, MOM, pow.r ii.tring. peapte to titl til* fr«at liacnand on 01 Call VA 5-1OW, Sir, Warner SPECIAL PURCHASE •64 JEEP J3I0 1495. complete line ot Bportswpar for tl State Street Pnrth Amboy BRAND NEW entire family, hark to school buy I Ati equal opportunity employer Pickup, four-wliti! drivt. li now. Christmas Is around the conic DIRECT FROM '63 FORD Custom 1250. No aamplr Investment, collection WAITRESS — Full time, eiptrienctd. Four-door, f-OM, powar storing. dfllrery. Fret lupplto. Be the Apply la pertoa Paul's Cofhi Shop. dretaed "f*V In town, i^lllnf dl Prospect Ptasa, UtUa flllv«r. 1965s FORD MOTOR CO. '64 FORD Galaxie 1850. or party plan. Call be for* 13 or art* H. MM3S6 or 29MMM. WAITRESS WANTED — rant. Red Bank. Call "500", 2 dr. hardtop, FOM, PS. SECRETARY — Must havg J«js.t •: •63 FORD Galaxie . 1195. 741-HM. perltne*. Salarr open. Call &-cyl.r two-door hardtop, *t«nd. 1r«ns. 747-3TM PAHT-T1HE COUNTER OIRL — For G.T.J - CONVS. luncheonette. Over ig. Call 747-2714 tor O1RI« — Ueliabltt. Pnrt-tline supei detain. "63. UNCOl^N-CONT. 3350. v In Ion or eight yeur Did school child '63 FORD Fairlane 1350. Five-day week, 3:30 lo 5:30. Colt* Hec CbBANINo WOMAN — 9 to C:3tt p.m FASTBACKS $ Four-door, air conditioned. irea. Call 916-8*73. Apjily 10 tu 2 p.m, lUvercrvnt Nursli-.x Dtluxa Station Wagon, FOM, pow.r itaar'g. nf, :u Chapln Av«,, Red BanH. $ NURSES1 AIDES - Apply In p HARDTOPS Ocean drove Nursing Home, 63 Clai PAJtT—TIMJC VVAJTiIE3S«S WANTED '64 THUNDERBIRD 2750. Av#., Ocean Grove. Oibl>s Hull Fart Monmouth Officer* '63 FORD XL Hardtop 1495. Club. Pleaie call after 4 p.m. for Ap- Whit., lull powtr. pointment. 5321 m 99 54 Four-doer, FOM, pow.r storing. SEAMRTltEBS ~ Wanted. Experienced. OPERATORS itlfi needle Hewing machine operate) To work on alteration* and custom 3 Minuti t» work on lartlen1 coats and car coat .de dresses. Full-time only. Appb: "64 CTRY. SQUIRE 2095. 6HORB COAT CO.. INC., 22 Hrld] iiU'* Greationa, <72 Proaptot Avc. Bank Financing '63 PONTIAC Catalina 1495. Ave.» Red Bunk {El.inpr Buildln Uiltic Silver. DOWN PER. MO. Two-door, Hydr*m*tic, power stasring. Wagon, black, 9-pan. com., PS. COUNTKIt (illth — Part-time emplov- rrRESSBa ~ Four, all sliift mpnt. 1'2 to 6 weekdays, all day Satur- Applly in person, Mtrmald Diner, It' day, App1)' OomiM's Lminttry. N>trin^'i 38, Leonardo. Springs Rd. nml 3. Bridge Ave,, Red KXPERIENCKI) WnEB Bank. Telephiine 741-980H, OFFICIAL 1965 CLEARANCE SALE.! WANTF3D -- Munt apnly In Shore Point Inn, Hw/. 35 and I BALB9UADY — Experience preferred. Rd, Haslet. 5;30 to 9:30. Five nights. Sat., 12 to 6. Apply Four Seasons Gift Shop, Mon- WAITRESSES, BXPEIUENCKD ONW mouth Bhopplnc Center. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. ALPIN KROLL FORD MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST FORD DEALER WAlTR£afi£3 FOR DININO ROOM - MANOR. 872-1773 And coffee ihop. Interview! between 671 BROADWAY SALES 222-3600 WANTEH — Secretary for medical 10 and 4 p.m. No phone c*ll*. Ask f«r office. Experience not nect'spary Typ httsi Bauer. Holiday Inn, Monmouth ing, aharlhand, dictaphone. Mint bt J Parkway ami droadfrar, West Long LONG BRANCH" SERVICE 229-3800 ypars of age or older Oall fJTI-TIM 9-: Branch. KITCHEN' HELPEIt - Pantry. 2 WAITRESSES WANTED — 12 noon tn fttTJ) p.m, No Sun ilny*. Permanfi 8 p.m. Apply la perion Tt Cottaii, 119 Will train. Colonnmle Restaurant, Mi W. Front Bt.. Keyport. mouth Shopping Center, Eatontown MOUNT-ENGLISH BOOKKEEPER — Full charrt DRY CLEANING — Counter girl, OIRL FRIDAY , Sine* 1904 Monmouth tnd Mapl. Av.., Red Bank 741(000 experience necesnnry. Six days. 8te 'or woman capable of dlvarsliicaLlnn. employment. TOP HAT CLEAN ER£ Excellent aaUry, pletMtnt •urrauntHnK5.1 Hwjr., 35, Mlrtdletown, BANDY HOOK 1 ' MARINA. <»7M,;A WAITRESSES WANTED — Day*. Appl LKGAL BKORITABT - WrHl atitlnit J Pliisriiit Valley Inn, Hwy. 3), Holmtlel ase. experlenca and qualineatlom ti> i Bus 5J0, Red Bank. HAMBERMAIh — Apply In pf EXPERIENCED KICK—PRllM -Ani a*-Hill Motel. Rt. 38, Welt Keim nachln^ npcrntnr (or Jlfhl 'BSHHVV 1966's ARE JUST f bur*. ork. Apply In perion. Crown Engineer. Ing Corp., Locust Bt., KCyport, stH'Sa&H. AUTOS FOR SALE CONTINUING OUR SECRETARIES AND STENOS SEE HOW AROUND THE CORNER Several vacancies for flrla havlnt go(Ki nleno and tltctrlc typing YOU CAN •kills. Modarn tttrtcUva ofllcea and CLOSEOUT SALE liberal benefit* Including Company cafeterl.. openiniti in bolh Parti Araboy tat Port Reading planta. SAVE CaJl VA 1-1000. U. Warner HESS OIL ft $ CHEMICAL CORPORATION 800 State Street Pirth Amboy TWIN-BORO RAMBLER An eqtin) opportunity employer ON THE FABULOUS LAW OFFICB — Red Bank area. Desires akilled, experienced itenograph- On '65 models. Yes, we are now receiving the last shipments of h RAMBLER r. No legiil fX]iPT.cnce required, Sal- iry commeniiurate with ability. Cajl '65 models and now is definitely your best time to buy a new car MARLIN v '41-3900. .AbKSWOMAN — Experienced worn- HURRY! . HURRY! fn'r. arcesftoriM Permanent position. Apply FASHION FAIR, 87 Broad St., SO ... BECAUSE . . . HURRY! ftexl Bnnk (More Classified Ads •k YOU can (till find ths model of your choice in our large inventory (over 50 TWIN-BORO RAMBLER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR new cars) , On The Next Pftgi) 747-0040 •k YOU can purchasa your naw car »f closeout price (the lewatt of tha year) AUTOS FOR SALE •k Your uied car is worth mora now. (All used cars drop in value just prior to YEAR-END PRICES new modal introduction) AUTOPORT U.S.A. Your old car will never be worth more than it is right 1964 MGB $1925 RIGHT NOW! now when you trade for a 1962 Volkswagen Convertible $950 beautiful Rambler Classic! 1961 Volkswagen Convertible $850 ONLY A FEW LEFT... Monmouth County's Oldest Rambler Dealer 1963 Rambler American $700 1965 Volkswagen 1200A $1475 '64 RAMBLER like new • 1962 STUDEBAKER $ 995 HURRY DOWN NOW Classic hardtop, automatic, radio, hattar. Wagon, Radio, haaUr. V-8, automatic, ^ MANY GOOD USED CARS WAY BELOW RETAIL '64 RAMBLER . $1695 power ifaen'ng. • 330 four-door station wagon. 1962 JEEP : $1250 ON THE FABULOUS 100,000 Automatic, radio, heater. Wagon, two-wheel drive. 872-0500 •64 RAMBLER $,1650 1962 RAMBLER $ 875 RT. 36 * SCENIC DR. HIGHLANDS, N. J. 440 two-door hardtop, automatic. Clanic two-door stdan, Radio, heatar. MILE DURABILITY CHAMPION. 1962 OLDS 88 .., $1850 '64 RAMBLER $1450 4-dr. ita. wgn., auto., tl&H, power steering. 220 four-door tedan, automatic. Power brakes, power rear windows. WANT A GOOD USED CAR? Radio, heat«r. 1961 RAMBLER ....$895 "64 OPEL KADETT $1350 Ambanador, 4-door. automatic. , THESE ARE GOOD USED CARS! Two-door itation wtqon 330. Radio and h.atar, full pow.r. '64 RENAULT DAUPHINE $1095 COMET 1963 FIAT $ 875 1961 RAMBLER $ 695 '64 MG 1100 (||95 4-dr. 1100 moJ.I, lil« naw. Am erica n four-door wtqon, rtdio, h»ei*r. Two-door stdan '63 RENAULT R-8 $1050 1963 FORD $1275 I960 OLDSMOBILE ...... $ 950 '63 VOLKSWAGEN $1095 Fairlan. "500", automatic. Four-door Supir SB itdan, automatic, i TwO'door 1965 Radio and htatar, Ilka naw, radio and h.at.r, powtr storing, brakti. '63 VOLVO 544 $1495 1963 PONTIAC $2250 1959 CHEVROLET '....% 750 Two-door Sport Sadan, four-spaad. Grind Prix, automatic off fh. floor. Imp.l* four-door hardtop, automatic, '63 MG 1100 $ 995 Radio tnd htattr, full pow.r, radio and httttr. Two-door Sadan. '61 FIAT 1100 1 495 TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET '62 RAMBLER $ 950 JEEP CJ-5 $1250 Convarlibla 330 two-door itation wagon, radio, h.at.r. With mow plow tnd full cab. DOMESTIC I960 FORD FALCON—$395 •64 TEMPEST $1495 COMET - MERCURY - CONTINENTAL Four-door Sadan, lix-cylindar Cuitom automatic, Radio, h.atar . . . this wttk'l iptciall '63 BUICK JI895 Convartible LaSabra, all powar, '62 CHEVROLET $2095 Corvatti Conv.rtlblt, 127 .tick. '58 BUICK . $495 ENGLISH MOTORS TWIN-BORO RAMBLER Four-door hardtop Suptr, powir.lmmacuiaU. 34-36 MAPLE AVENUE 747-4545 RED BANK NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 747-0040 RED BANK RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS II? E. Nawnim Springi Rd. 741.5116 Rod lanlc Monmouth County'i Import Laadar HQUtES FOB MIX THE DAILY REGISTER HOT WA-WEB-MALE HELP WANtEtMAA • F«miJiHEU» WANTED-KW* -> Fswult WOU MX POUALE COMMERCUL HEWTAL8 Ttttwtty, ftspt 7, 1965—J 9,000 $9. FT. >uM floor ivann SDtce, In Lwg >rlvate dock on KEYPORT STORE ONLY n*. Csll Uter t p.m. 621*700. ull dlnlDi room, KELP WANTED FEMALE aWS GENERAL ASSEMBLY WORKERS larig*, wood-naming VOUNO MARRIED MAN — For as- MODERN OrnCE* FOR RSNT — .bis loumdlately. Low WOMEN AND 0IJIL8 sistant muager. Apply In ptraon. Bena FULLTIME PERMANENT EMPLOYMEN F YOU NEED FURNITURE • AND MONEY n Red Bank. Call 747-M20 or Work psw-t-Ume In newly establish Car Wait, Hwy. M, kliMletown, '• 741-0331 LWCROIT HUM department of Uu 8r«n. jght orf Parkway •ntrance. efllce. Iiortlut starting salary to Community Theater Eatontewn FULL BENEFITS IS A PROBLEM — VISIT FIELD FURNITURE FFIOES - M0 sq. It. Dignified, pro- iree-bsdroom ranch, on w UIOM Mis quality. Hours a*l j.i-n, Foi WANT* VOUNO MAN tsslonal, centrally'iocsted DulldlAK- Off indscaped !i-acrs. U*i« ,- Interview, call Mr. Amhtny it Maai At Ulher, Bvanlnn. All day lat. ami 9road St. next to first Merchants prlnkler system. Attaene* _tw •unlay, FIRST OR SECOND SHIFT WAREHOUSE DEPT. lauonal Bank. Call 747*3730. utomstically controlled garage* B9NTAL AttMTANT - Previous e Apply In pereon.. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED a% horn, two tiled bslhl. IMU perlenes not ntCHiary. Mutt htv Save! .ppraisal. »27,SO«. relerenue. Write "O.O.1' Box JJO, Be. HOUSES FOR RENT PLANT IN LINDEN Bank. MATERIAL HANDLERS — Uttd — Tradt-ini — Fleer Simplti DOMESTIC HDLP - In Red Ban Prefer him school graduate, will BUS TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED fS6 to >17fi Per Month SHOREWAY on but lias. Three days per week, Goo« train. Must be at least u and Factory Clon-outi — Returned — Odd Stock IRQ AOINCY salary. Housework, aoms laundry, semi capable of physical labor. APPLY IN PBRBON it! U tm si:-- MlddletOK-n REALTY, JNC. chlld-slblng. Must be under . 38 am «71-1000 bavs recent references Call for Inter Then position! offer steady work, • Odd Bads Priced from $ 5 $10 DEPOSIT view aMer »*80. I41-t(U7. N. J. STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVJCE-- WIDE SELJSCTION "F RENTALS - five-day week, regular raises, paid • Living Roomi Furnished and unfurnished. Immeril. OPERATORS — «ln«w Machine! vacation an! holidays, paid Insur- MO 8UHMERFIEU5 AVENUE, A8BURY PARK, K. J. !J| AND PAY AS its occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHLK 264-7010 9.1 Wednesday, Thursday, and" Friday. • Sectionsli IOENCY. Ocennport Avs.. Oceanport. Stead/ work, union shop. Little Wesl ance and other excellent btneflts In- Mil. Co., 1% J»nsr-*on St., Peril; e> Badroom Suiiet j75 LITTLE AS K2-390O. cluding union shop- Ambey. NO FEE CHARGED • DlneH.l SUMSON RANCH HOME — Unfur- NEWLYWEDS OR RETIRED Day Shift: 7:S0 to 4 ?25 $l.25Weskly EDO HANDLERS — FtnuJe. Expel • Inntrspring M*,tr«sias $19 nished, three bedrooms, two baths, den, rop value and location dssorlbe tjll lenc«d or heflnntr. Steady job. Mo, Evening Shift: 4:30 to 12:39 :wo Dreplaces, la.rKe paneled -*ame- xcellent thrte-bedroom Oldef home. anville Fsraia, Morganvills. Call " HELP WANTED MALE FOR SALE • Bunt Badi, ealc er mspla H9 CHOOSE FROM 10 LOVELY room In basement, two-car garane. Estate area very private. Lovely run ha-fment, new heating •!"'""• J132, Apply In perion to our Personnel Of- • Odd Dreiien 25 :a.age. Deep lot. (MS «.), with many fice, Monday through Friday, » a.m. to CAB WASHER and a stock deliver * Canc.ll.d and Uted grounds. One year lease. September RBOMTSBBD AND UOBNBBD PRAC boy needed. Excellent working cone EXTERIOR PLYWOOD • 9 x 12 Rugt $19 icciipancy, $300 per month. Williar- rultbearlng bushes and ev«r»r«eM. Bee •nOMj NURSES NEEDED — Bvenlni lions. Apply In perion at. RueseU Olds- Is for boats. Exterior fir plywool • Studio Couchfi t Sofa Bedi $59 3 Room Outfits tlsll, 741-7886. his today. $13,300. and night shifts, full and part-time Pm mobile-Cadillac Co., 100 Newman very reasonable. Call tin (or prlc. Differential pay, evening eMH. Attrac • Hollywood Bedi $39 Priced from $175. LOCUST — Hartshorne Woods. Attrac- ' MATTEL INC. Bprlnis Rd., Red Bank. Ask (or Mr. Ve stock; 2("x46", 38"x4S" md 48" tlve farmhouse on lovely thr«e-aere tive personne* polities. Apply Atlantic Grieg. ' -' W. We stock It In tnlcknesies of M1 • Refrigerstori $59 LAWLEY AGENCY HKMvidl Nursing Home. II Middle WILL HOLD . . . wooded site, borders private pond, over- town Aye., Atlantic HIgUe-ldl. TOY MAKERS MACHINISTS and DRILL PRE« • Odd Chain $10 looking beautiful NaveBirik River Sev- Established 1932 Hwy. 3S Holn OPERATORS RED BANK LUMBER SAVE up to 60% ;n rooms, two b*ahs. modern convenl Realtor-Insurors GROWINO CONCERN. ALL BEIJJJFITI AND MORE — LOTS MORE prices, reeently redecorated. Ideal for HELP WANTED MALE Joyal Manulacturlni Corp, 741-5M0 jtecutlvs with small family. Immediate EXPERIENCED SHORT ORDER occupancy with one or two year lease. COOK — Apply Matawan Diner, Hwy, Weatwood Ave,, LOM Branch, N.J Corner Pearl and Wall Red Bank Multiple Listing! AltOHITECTORAI, DRAFTSMAN - SI. Matawan. FREE DELIVERY FIELD FURNITURE For Appointment S275 monthly. References. Contact own- iipertincid only, Full or part-time. AUTOMATED CAFETERIA WALLPAPER your room (or J19.7L err'ss aagenagentg ,, MMr. Carton HI days at !91 Phone Jirard A. Barb*, architect, 74' CAR WABHERS-Eiperlsnoed Driven. irw ambltlo'M man to aarvlca vend labor snd materials complete. Prlo edroom two-bath home. Uvlni room, Will traJn. Must be bordlble, Cal Ifninr room, modern kitchen, family Duct work, and fabrication. PI 8-0800 for appointment. louth Bt, Red Bank. T47-883S. Open Monday «nej Friday — f A.M. *» « P.M. Apply Ml Brotawty, Loni Branch PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES room, basement, garage. Sewers, Paro- 332-SOU. Must Be High School Graduate RETAIL BEDDING 8ALBSMAN-An WE BUY AND SELL Tueid.y, Wedneidsy and Thur.day — 9 A.M. to « P.M. chial school. THB McOOWAN AOEN PAUL P. BOVA CV, 747-3000. Excellent Employee Benefits you * top notch »ale«m»n? In & rut? COMPLETE CONTENTS OF HOME Saturday — 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. 671-2544 Hospltalltatlon Flan Not geitfng any pla«T TYien this Is CLEAN, USED FUNITURE. 384-255: RENTALS MEN Qroup Insurance Plan your goidtn opportunity to locate your- FECIAL TERMS TO: JT. A. OEHLHAUS. HEAL ESTATE Retirement Income Plan «el( with th« nation's faitMt frowlr* TYPEWRITERS. AOD1MO machines 3B1-0488 REALTOR-INf UROR Apply At. bedding chain. Ouaranteed aalary. All makes new or used. Guaranteed. • World Wir II Veil TRADE YOUR BOVSB W UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Many comiumy banvftta and l&rcf com Low as »25. Serplco's. 101 Uonmouta MONMOUTH BEACH — 2-3 bedrooms, ARMSTRONG CORK mtsslonn. We eetl all nation si bran St. Next to thsater. MJ-04II. • Korean War Veil nicely lurnlshed, fireplace, line heat, Leave THe yinanclnf To Ui merchandise at \ unbeatable rtiscoun • Sarvicomen and Ex-Servicemen liraSB. To June 15, 7U-2O08. DESKS J15 up. FILES, tallies, chairs, CALL • COMPANY prices, Work Inside In beautifully ah COLONIAL — 8p"l-level on beautiful, conditioned Bhowroom. For appoln adding machines, typewriters, offlci See Mr. Johnson — Veterans' Adviier ONE ACRE PLUS JB*«H and Francis Street! equipment, etc., at bargain prices. Nevt andscaped property, stockade-fenced ment, call Mr. BUlar, 77«-5WSO, Krevi back. Three bedroom*, living room, out In the country. Privacy at It's 531-3200 Keyport. N. J. A Hann. Rt. 35. Neptune. or used. AAC DESK OUTLET. We- besr Excellent landscaping. Three bed- An Xquil Opportunity Employer 3d, oaknurst. 531-3990. dining area, kitchen. Wall-to-wall car- KENNEL MAN — dood salary: excel FOR SALE APARTMENTS peting, putlo, den, rocr^ntlAn room •ooms, dining room, llvtnf roorn, en* MANAGERS waBher and dryer. Available fiept, 7, zluseii porch, full basement, patio, iwo- lent working condltloni. Mutt havt HELP WANTED-Male • Femali :ar garage. Don't delay. Phont now driver's , licence. Write Box 93, Eaton- A man In our Organisation is nlmoat SEVEN PIECE MAPLE LIVING room JJ6S per month. 871-0721. town, N.'J. In buslneoi for himneir. No experience RENT A TV RED BANK'S FINEST or an appolnlment, 119,500. , needrd, Will train on the job. Excellent BARB EMPLOYMENT AOKNCH Portable day, week. BAYSH0RH TV Bet. Playpen and bassinet. All In good RENTALS — SEASONAL -— YEARLY MECHANIC — Mount English Salei opportunity with fant frowlng, conven- Qualiricd Personnel For Quality Ordei 38 Church Bt., Keansburg. 787-44OD. condition. Call 566-2072 after B:3O p.m,Well-kept garden "apartment*, two bed- ELLA WILTSHIRE, Realtors FnEEHOLD-LAKEWOOD JVRIA Co., Ford Dealer, Red Bank, Five da] ient atore chnln. Fust promotions, pro- 210 Broad Long Branch 22M74" room*; ample free parking; complete (80 Ocean Ave., Sea Erlebt. 842-00O4. Best buy. Tour-bedroom colonial. Two kitchen with dirtettes or dining room week. We pay hospital, eurftca), eni (It-sharlng plan, commiailons, paid Blue TREMENDOUS SXVlUaS — On a MIDDLETOWN—Three-bedroom ranch, years old. 2!4 tiled baths, lull cellar, pension. T41-8OOO. Crow and Hlue .Shield, and .bonuscp. ACE EUFLOIMJONT AQiONCK doors and windows. Call 586-9080. MACHINERY FOR SALE tile bath; spacious rooms and closet* formal dining toom. attathed garage, Every order, A applicant our speclallt! exceptional value; Immediate or tvtui Nice location for children, Near fausei Six daya paid vacation! paid lift in- Alter 5 p.m. 2G4-1S76 »150. Call 842-2537. dishwasher, teoo down 10 qualified KILN FIREMAN — Dependable persoi surance, paid hoiiriayn. ParM.me help 23 White Bt. Bhrambur; T«7-Mi MISCELLANEOUS — Service station occupancy.. 283 Spring gt. 741-5672. ' buyeriuyer. No closing costs. Should be willing to work shifts. Will be trained TV — 21". New tube, used little. Aleo Liberal benefit!. Apply ATOO CERAM also wanted for nlghtt, ud Bundtyi. CIVIC ORGANIZATION — Wants ma! :qudpment and parts. Call THREE BEDROOM RANCH — Rec-leen. Full prlc? (18,B0O. CalHull l 7J1.Ofl1»;741-9835 or woman with car for Mght dtlivery, as refrigerator. Excellent condition, 264-8938 THREE ROOMS — Unfurnished. Nei reaUc-a room. Fenced-ln yard. Roaeon- ICS OORP., Rt 31!, Keyport. must know Rtd Bank and aurroundlm lest offers. 229-0136. railroad (tattoo. Call abli rental. BEACH AOENCY, HIM Weitgold & Krupnick, Inc. TRACTOItTRAILEIt DRTVBR&-T«nk ar»a. Phone Mr. Taylor, 4«2-«6T6 FW- 741-7092 Hwy. 30, Middletown. 671-2737 dally to AUTO MECHANIC experience preferred. Apply In perion. day, Tuesday and W«dneaday_M M" RCA COLOR SET - Also OE MERCHANDISE WANTED 8 pm. Baturday and Sunday to 6 P.m. Broken "Experienced wltli foreign cars. Good Kappl Trucking Corp., Uorrlatown Rd,, •V. both table models, call 21)1-0762 THREE LARGE FURMBHED ROOMS Open 7 days. letween 9-11 a.m. or 6^7 p.m. — Residential. Private entrince. 487 2215 Hwy. 9 Lakewood 36)4080 •alary, frlngsp benallti. MONMOUTH MEN/WOMEN ACT NOW! TOD dollar wld [or electric Bath Avo., Long Branch. 229MM FURNISHED — Five-room house, MOTORS. 543-3414, Hwy. 35. Baton BUPCOVER CUTTER — Fatt-tlmt. and all pre-llMO trains and toy catalogs. September 16 to June 15. Hast Keans town. Appljr Bhrewabury Decorators, *W Hen full-time nlchta and wonun part' RED BANK — Three rooms, bath, DUTCH COLONIAL Urn* nlchta. OMJcc cleanlns and Jan I 771-3710. bure. Call 787-3889. 1 QUAUTT CONTROL WORKER — Pro.Broad St.. Wtrewibury. 747-4423. HAMMOND nicely furnished, two-car Barege. t>e. Want charm? Comtort? Mother * ayes to rial work In Middletown bulldlnr CASH for old toy trains, trolley cars sirable location. No pets. Adults. 741' ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Four bed will light at the first glance of the ceil eontrcl work. Experience not nee-FIRST CLASS — Auto body repair- Good pay, advancemtnt. We will train. 2008. rooms, two baths, attached garage, •iiary. Hut be dependable and high man. Beneflti, paid hoUdayi, vacation, and cast Iron toys made before 1M0, attractive eat-In kitchen, 20' living Muat havfl car Bring Birth or Baptli td-lOTO after II p.m. nice section. 5/175 per month. Call aftei room, plus IS' family room. Three gchool graduate. Apply ATCO CER- major medical hotpltaliuLtlon, lllc in- mal Certlflcat* to lnt«rvf»w. Applj KEYPORT APJ3A — N«w 3^-roora » p.m. 2W-3OM. AMIC! CORP., Rt. M. Keyport. surance. Top wagea for right man. ORGAN apartment. All utilities paid except elec- large bedrooms, full bassmtnl, at- Wed. Sept. 8. 6-8 p.m. Harmony Borrl PIANOS and musical Instruments tached over-sized garage. Asking S22,* (HOB SALESMAN WANTED — Ex- Apply Sam Wilson's Auto Body Works, Ht. 35. Middletown. OF ASBURY PARK wanted. R. Tenzer, SOS Main St.. Lake- tric. Call Wed. thru Sat. 9-5. 264-2893. FOUR—BEDROOM HOME — Attrac- Hwy. :i6 Leonardo. 291-1400. e/ood. 5fl3-21M. tive section Fair Haven. Walk to Reboot 600. Call today. 110L8T0N WATER- nerlence preferred, but not necessary. HAVE OPENINGS for full and part THE LARGBBT ORGAN AND PIANi AIR CONDITIONED — Modern three, churches. |16O a monlh. Call 671-0731, BURY, REALTOR. 18 W. Front St., Write to Box 6W, Red Bank. N.J. AUTO MECHANIC time men and women. Earn |3 DISPLAY IN THI SHORE AREA. WANTED — Barbell set, 110 lb. Must room furnished apartment, all utilities R(d BanK. 747-8500. AUTOMOBIlii. MECHANIC — -Expert hour. InUreeted, cal] 717-B44& or 787- be In good condition. Call Bra4 Noyea Included, S110 per month. Call before SIX—ROOM RANCH HOUSE — Mod- Experience on Imports preferred, but 741-2902. 9:30 a.m. or between 6-8, 291-9033. ern kitchen and heat, storm windows, KED UANK-KUMSON and mnes tnce In Chryiler producti prefsrrei not neceiaary HoapIUUzation, lift in- BEAUTICIAN — Inter«it«d In makln NEW AND USED large yard. 169 Hwy. 3D, Belford. 787- around. Complete listings, hones, Call Freehold Dodie, IIMM, good italary. Mum have five vear DINING ROOM TABLE — 60", chairs, NEW LUXURY 2Vt ROOM APART- larma, businesses. Member multiple surance, paid vacation!. Also other Use our rental-purchase plan B648. ' EXECUTIVE SALtS benefits. Apply Red Bank Aulo lm- experience with high styling. Bhimp* china closet. MENT — Fully air conditlontd, near lstlng service. Larie private parking Nationally known company Interested porti, 118 E. Newman Sprlngi Rd., RedKlrl also wanted. Apply at TONV'I lor pianos and organs. 322-1769. all transportation. 21 Leroy Flaw, Bed ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Log cabin, Bank. Call 741-1063 or 747-6366, nicely furnished. Large fireplace, threi In ambitious man desirous of hlgti Bank 7I1-5H88. Aik for Dick Matthewa. HOUSE OP BEAUTY, Ung Branch, WANTED — ANY KIND Of camping paying career, Plean submit reiuroe From $12 per Month bedrooms, two baths, lots of atmo- """RAY STILLMAN, Reaftor CAR WASHERS WANTED — With »- equipment. Tent, sleeping bag, air mat-OCOBJANPORT—Untarnished 3Si rooma sphere. Available until June 30. $129 fo "A.N." Box 820. Red Bank. tress, cookfitove, etc. 671-3209, or 7B7- and hath, second floor. He&t lupplled. "Our 47th year" perler.ce, $1,211 and up according to ti' SmJATIONS WANTED-Female monthly. Please call for appointment 648 Hwy. M Shrewsbury r41-8«O0 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION MEN —parlenct. Apply in person, Ben'a Oar Open dally til » p.m. Sat. til » p.r 6096. Call 747-1681 days, H2-&21B nlgbta, afttr kept red beauty. Fully powered. 11786. 281-0488 or 281-1471. FA. OEHLHAUB, Rebuilds™. Experience with all typea waih, Hwy. 55 Mlddletown, PART TIME BOOKKEBPING - Ex 6 p.m. Real Estate, Leonardo. of automatic transmission. Top wa|ee. Corner of Main SL 6 Hattlion Av COLTS NECK EXPERIENCED — Linoleum mtchanlc perlerceo. call 542-4H9, t to S p.m Long Branch FOUR-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT — Excellent opportunity for advancement. MM2M after fl p.m. SWAP OR EXCHANGE NEW HOMES — 537,900 UP Call In person, Aamco Tranemllllon, Steady work, steady Income, Write PR 5-9300 FORT MONMOUTH Couple and s-nall child. T29 Eighth m., 3: D, ROCHB,.' Realtor Ke Railroad Ave., Aabury Park. "A.R." Box 520, Red Bank. HOUSEWIFE — .Will care lor imr WILL TRiAOE Insulated baby carriage Union Beach. $90. per month. One morttr, Long Bridge Rd.' Colts Neck NMISI children In my home, dayti. Ns GRAND PIANO — Completely rebulli for stroller. Trade beige stjratolounger PERSONNEL WELCOME security required. Inquire- house nexl Multiple Listing Service TV TECHNICIAN — Black and whit. HYDRAULIC PREB3MEN - Experi- and reflnlihed. Also modern console floor. ence unnecessary. Apply 7 Peach Vt., Shrewsbury area. Call T47JH140. leather TV chair for gas dryer or RIVSR PLAZA — Blx-room Cape Ood. and color TV. Study work. Call Ntw Shrewsbury. 747-2606. radial arm saw. All In eicellent con- 471-2M0 dition. 672-0851 after i. NO RENT FIRST 30 DAYS F1VK—HOOM HOUSE IN NAVESINK— Needs work, 17,500, Call PREBBHAN — Hvldsltwg and Uttl* BROWNING AUTOMATIC SHOT OUN- Check thai* extras: Garage, grounds, bus line. Availabl 741,9163. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Giant prtiHi. Expirlenc* necmiry, FINANCIAL Must sell; no longer needed; newiy- Oct. 1. Call 671-3W5, For new ear agsney. Call wed. Call after «, 747-5344. '£ large roomi FOR BALD OR- RCNT - Riverside Bttadr work for reliable man. COM* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PETS AND LIVESTOCK Two mock* from public beach ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Small V)t HeighU, tbree-bedrooin, iu*b*ath. neat MERCIAL PRESS, call 747-MU. ILLSTATE UTILITY TRAILER - Science kitchen tftge. Two bedrooms, modern kitchen home. Near Rt.' 35. 747-3&S. a POLISHER AND LOT MAN 1,000 In capacity. Hardly used. Co One-slt« parking One wooded acre. $85. Lease. No Chi EMPLOYMENT AGENCY — Well ei TOY FRENCH POODLES — AKC. ATOUMN U1AVBS IN MAONIPICrN new car agency. Call tablfshed. Need, personnel backgrouni .125. Call 2C4-8S0O. White apricot, .silver grey, Male. Call rtren, 291-1750. after 6. M4-4OOO. EUIWOOD GARDENS SPLENDOR — Cosy Colonial fireplace MODEL MAKERS to obtain Kate License. 232-1747. 7S7-1598. ' THREE---R0OM BUNOALOW —• MS,aurrounded by paneled bookcases EXPERIENCED SPRAY PAINTER - GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Z40 Long Branch Ave. (Corner Joline; PART—TIME (dayn) Rental of Ele TRAIN YOUR DOG flupt. 229-5655 neat included. FOUK ROOMS and warms tns peaceful fall nights In this For production work with overtime and Architectural trie Instruments. Well established, n SHOES Bayshore Companion Dog Club, Inc. bath, (70, supply own heat, 566-8573, dellgntTu. country ranch home. Three other benefltj. Also helpen for finishing sollcitlnR, business comes over th Obedience training classes. 480 W. Front bedrcfomB, two, tiled baths, dining room, and inlying department. Apply In MAfiSAR-SILVKR LITTLE SILVER — Lovely, residential lovely paMo, two-car garage. Full base- Work In plaitici, wood, metal, clay ihone. IdesJ for seml-reLlred. Car re Closing day Bept. 11 Bt,. Red Bank. Starts Sept. 8 and >. ForAsbury PaPrt 774-4300 Convenient transportation, Mops, school. person. KleJ Meial Product!, l Oath- and platter. Lay out and build to lulred to deliver Ihrouittout N.J. 119,000 Information, call 747-4176 or 2S4-4672. ment with play area. Transferred own- arine St.. Red Bank. scale architectural modal* ol In- Investment back In two years. 3S3-0S73 Women's and children's. (.89 to 11.119 Eves, and Bun., Mare Majiar, 531-291 Flvs*room, two-bedroom. Modern kltch er must sacrifice at»2S,500. THBUJW T Plats, heels, and wedges. Men's shoes en. garage, fireplace. Private yard, MACHINIST HELPERS dustrial plants, office oulldlnft, etc. a Brlelle. • OOINO AWAY7 EATONTOWN — Tivs-room «pa-rtm«nl AGENCY, Realtors, 636 Htver Hd., I'alr 4,99. . Boarding, bathing, grooming. ratio. 747-1478. Haven. 741-4i7T, Knowledge of lathe, milling machlnn Ability to rsad blueprints, operate 42 Church St. Keanshurg, N. J Two bedroom*, sorcn, Un(urnl|lied. Al and drill press. Vocational tralnlni hand and powtr tools, perform MILK ROUTE' FOR BALE - Local BRlaOSON KENNELS, 741-3110. utilities. J1K uer month 747-2020. untl! FURNISHED HOME In charming Utt areiti excellent opportunity. Call Across From Boro Hall. 5:30 p.m. WATERFRONT RANCH — Four large conlldered. Liberal benefits. ilmplt drafting duties. AKC REGISTERED HERMAN SHEP- Silver, ideal for teach«rs, Linens, Threi bedroomi, 2S' paneled living room with 2(4-7429 RCA WHIRLPOOL — Two-cycle drys HERD PUPPIES — Champion sired. RUMBON - Second St, Three roomi bedrooms, two baths. After B p.m. fireplace, formal paneled dining room, ELECTRICIAN HEWERS GOOD STARTING SALARY GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET - "ear and a half old. 1100 TV Recline Bll weeks old. Reasonable. 2H4-8SM furnished, heat and utlVitlei, Near bus. day Saturday. 8*2-3383 two baths, den, large kitchen with cook PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS !ather, MS. 873-0305. One to three yean experience pre- Centrally located. Good, business oppor- OBEDIENCE—Clans snd Private. Pro i&O per month. Call after 5 p.m. 74; RUMSON — Five room houss. Fill and laundry area, two large porchet, ferred. Will consider vocation*! train' tunity. Write "A.Li," Box (30, Rei RE8TAWUNT EQUIPMENT — _ (esslonal Instructor. Specializing In 47D9 ttllhtd. »» a month...Call- (aragsj, dog kennsls, dssp water. Very lnr Liberal benefits. Apply Atco Cera< Call 4SM0 or ppolntm Rink. stools, double Pltco frver, 21 colum: 1 ?:' 7W-689S v private sad exclusive area. School bus: mil's, Hwy. 33, Keyport. mil resume to J. B. If91 your Individual dog proble&is. Start REp BANK — Tnree-roorn furnliihn: GULP SERVICE STATION FO r.lisrette machine, display frss^sr case, Bept. « Call 402-2137. apartment^ P&ttta ftnftanler Biufneu •tops at doer. *U500. Calf 220-3598. charcoal broilers, griddle, etc. 74;- m SALESMAN — To lell building mi LEASE — PaliUtalnlnf. ElMilint V> BCHNAUZERS — Miniature puppies, couple. Call 741-6421 or E42-227T. Nt-AT AND NICE — Three-bedroom. t • M' for large central New Jerstl ENGINEERS ^did tentlal lor NjMTifrV HliMft; S-l 7227* ajso 741-8M1. WANTED TO RENT Male and female. HcmS-breJ. AKC, RED BANK AREA — UnfurnUhL Colonial in Fair Haven with a delight* lumber and mrilwork company. Incen- CONBULTINO INOINJUSjU P.m., or M4-M39 nllhts and weekends SURFBOARD — Mallbu custom. Gooi Call 741-0102 itil back yard.qulet area and nice street. tive hails. Reply to "A.o.," Box 530,20 HI Pleastnt Avs., Newirk, N. J. condition. Blus apartment. Near playground. Thr«< FURNISHBD HOUSE — For uccupanc; Is being offered by couple who have Red Rank. HORSE — Gray, four-year eld Pet. bedrooms. Two years old. Redecorated, between June 1 and Labor Day fo: given IS years ot tender loving cars 741-8792 Kentucky bred. Riding privileges In Ground floor. Pull basement, drytr, approximately 30 llfe-ruardi from Sand; MEN WANTED MORTGAGES and It 111 shows. Only 134,000. THE PRODUCTION WORKER! HO MODEL RAILROAD - Ferfecl exchange for stall, etc. Will sell to H5Q monthly. C»I1 8*2-3000. Hook State Park. Call «72-1234 betwl.il LOW AQSNCY, Realtors, 038 River We need nine man with varloui lot ' Intervimint FIRST AND slECONU MORTOAOEB condition, hardly used. Complete s right buyer. 747-2606. 8 a.m. and « p.m. dally. experience to start work immediately, For MODERN — 1 or 3 bedroom npajt Kd,, Fair Haven. 741*4477. IVAILAELE - Edwin 8, Stark. Real - Individual units, 711-7711 alter menu, furntshsd or unfurnlitied/ »t*rt- full time, We also have vacancies foi Several openlnfs. Geners] factory ex- C-229-*lto mornings only, AKC. black, silver and tan, FURNISHED ROOMS opportunity u> learn Ufa time training. Ganie, Prospeot Ave., Cllirwood. Bnots and wormed. 971-2M0. Brick buildings, lawns, trees. Foui 747-9244. Call 3»l-0t00 for appointment. ENROLL NOW FOR BABY CARRIAGE — 117. Crib, mat- rooma and bath. J85O0; excellent Invest SM1IS9 BKAQLK BEAUTIFUL LARGE ROOM — For LAKEWOOD VICINITY—One-year old tress, $12. Combination stroller-high ment; $34 mo. Include* maintenance, Colonial, four twdrooms, 3M baths, A8SISTANT MANAGER — Young mar OPBNING8 FOR TENORS — And FALL CLASSES IN :halr. $10. All good. 741 (513. Ten months old. AKC. heat, water, taxes. Owner transferred. double or single. All new furnishing! to manage otf:ce of auto service chain Busses In Church Choir, Liturgical re- Call 291-3834 Adults only. No pets. Call 747-3433, Adults only. Call 741-2057. fireplace In den, corner plot, screened excellent opportunity for advancement numeration. Call 843-0394 Tuesday or IR COMPRESSEP. — With lank, $20 in porch, two-car garage, storms and Adding machine, 130. Cash register HO^MDEb TWP, — To senior pltlsc>» ROOM tOR BUSINESSMAN — Flv screens, many e*lras. Relocating. Sacrl- Call In person before 12. Aamco Trans- Wednesday hetween 9 a.m. end 4 p.m. IBM COMPUTER wlndowe two cloaetR, running water mission, 10) Railroad Ave., Aabury $20, Portable bar with glasses, partabl REAL ESTATE FOR RENT single or married, three-room farm llce. $27,000.. 3S4U53. Park. FLORIST delivery truck dlrver,' Tom record player, etc. 787-6180. apartment, furnished or unfurnished, retrlgeramr. 20 Waverly PI Hl-OT Desn Florist, «7 Broad It., Red ail utilities povtdedpovtde,, dote to shopping CONVENIENCE IN THB COUNTRY PANASONIC TURNTABLE — Ampli APARTMENTS FURNISHED ROOM — Close to tow Four bedrooms, 2S4 baths, formal din- Bank. PROGRAMMING centercententrr,, WritWrit e e'vlnr ayeaye, reftreocei to and owes. Call aft^r » B.m. all al [ler; two large speakers Like new, B.A.111 Ing room, large kitchen, basement, HELP WAVTED-Msle • Femili PAINTERS AND HANDYMAlN falue $550. Best offer. Jimmy Pbeffer, RED BANK BA Box 520, Red bank. day Sunday 7M-I923. family room, garage. Walk to commu- Call Bill Graham IBM KEYPUNCH IM Main St., Keansburg: BEAUTIFUL, — itt-roora unfurnlstuil OOLTB NECK — Furnished rooms to: ter service. Liberal terms. $33,650, Call o42-{67fl Immediately alter ft p.m. Enter a World of apartment. Air conditioned, ultra mod refined young ladles. 5(2-0920 or writ 871*3311 NOW! WALKER & WAITER, CONVERTIBLE SOFA — Sleeps tw ern. Near Uonmouth College, 322-4S10, Re-altos, Wddletown-Hotmdel. Multiple YOUNO NAN — 18 to 30 yean, lor Nylon upholstered. Very good condition ELECTRIC LUXURY "B.O." Box 520, Red Bank. ilock, salet and delivery. 5V4 divi [or Listings and Trade*lns. Send for cata- CoHtgt Graduate AUTOMATION Maple table with extension leaves. 54 RED BANK — four larse rooms FURNISHED ROOM - Kitchen prlv! log. 611-3311. retail paint-wallpaper and artists' ma- 7471. Modern kitchen, fine residential neigh' leges. Private family. Bwlntss Tad' terials. HUM bt alert, honeit and ac- CANNON POINT borhood, $128. M William* Bt., second Red Bank. 741-8338. FOR, MR. FIXIT BUSINESS, LIBERAL ARTS curate. Reply In your own handwriting BARCA LOUNOER — Like new, mapli floor. Shown fl to 9 p.m, weekdays. TYPING desk, kitchen set. living room wing Four-bedroom house on U*acre. Needs to ' A.W." Box 520 Red Bank. Pay Mo day Sat. TWIN.BBDROOMv-sming room, bat! decorating and some minor repairs. week. back chair. Cal 747-3313 after 1 p.m VILLAGE Ons or two gentleman, Csnlrally Ic Finest residential neighborhood. Ask- 23D SPRINQ ST. TWO FURNISHED — Rooms and bath. cated. Middletown Twp. Call 7»7*33tt ing m.ooo. FINANCE, MATH UNOLEUM WECHAN1C — Sheet JOOJS ZENITH TV-21' console, various tables, Private. 31 Shrewsbury Av«., Re< COMPTOMETER like new double mattress and bo] B R. BNYDER & CO., REALTORS and tile man. Year-round Job, Call Day & evening olasses. Co-ed. STUDIO Bank, PmiUntliJ h*J openlngi for college Anderson 7U-M51 between »•». iprlng and frame, sectional bookcases, 135 First: Ave. Atlantic Highlands tritntii In mtny Vkrldui career FREE PLACEMENT 8ERVICE two dressers, five-piece maple dinette ONE & TWO BEDROOM CHAPEL HILL — Four-room and bath REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 291-0000 , ftriu. Invtitljtt* thi p&Mlbllltles wool broadloom rugs with pads, crib, untarnished apartment. Call 291-0360 Members of -Multiple Llitlngs bar* ol putting your collect educa- Call 747-5345 Simmons hide-a-bed and refrigerator. APARTMENTS after 8, anytime weekends. HOUSES FOR SALE 1 DON'T CRAMP YOUR BTYW. — tion to work, Exceptional opportune SHIPPING CLERK SCHOOL OK BUSINESS MACHINEI CUI 142-3171. tlei exlit tor all coll eg* rnajori to from HIGHLANDS — Thre«-room apartment 53x437 lot. entrant!! foyer, J4U1 living rtaeh top admlnlitratlv», technical Permanant position for dependable man. M Broad Bt Rsd 1 CONTENTS OF HOME—Colonial and $97 furnished. All utilities. Call 872-UF92, $66 MONTHLY room, fireplace, three bed-rooms, hot or itiei poaitfom. Duties Include miking up cartons and Iscellaneous Items. Reasonable. Cal! "" Naveulnk Ave,, IU. 36. If you can afford to pay W a montl water heat, detached three-car garage, inatrtt, and packing finished goods for I71-3154. PlameleM electric heating and cooking, and only need two bedrooms, this Full basement. Close to shopping and shipments.. May bt assigned to store MERCHANDISE plenty of off street lurking. for you. No money down, no clOBln bus line. *22.500. A FRED MAFFEO, Ban itartlnf aalary la 1500 month* SONY TAPE RECORDER —Model 5C9 River Hd.i Fair Haven. 741-9333. ly with aalary MVUWB at ft monthi, room. Requires good physical condi- FOR SALE 500A and Fender tremolux amplifier. MODEL PHONE 74I-39S3 GREEN GROVE costi. Subject to qualified buyer. TH 13 month), and annually thereafter, tion and good memory for numbers. Both In excellent condition. 74I-898r KIRWAN CO.. Realtors. 7S7-5500. Uomt related experience helpful. FIRST TIME OFFERED — Secluded KINO LOUIS — Dining table. SI STATEWIDE MANAGEMENT JAKBWOOD — Threa bedroom ranch Uncroft ranch home on well-lsndi-er-M Pleait apply In pinon to: BATHTUB GARDENS 9 years old. 75x150 plus lot. targe acre plot. Threa bedrooms, large llv* • Three-day week, I a.m.*! :30 p.m. chairs. All oak. Seats ten. $150. 74! 687-2700 Ing room with fireplace, 18' dining ProiresBlve wage Increaite, and food Enclosure 129.65. Folding doors 13,99 0810 Venetian Blinds 2 for 15 W. Wood room, sunroonvhot water heat, fun company benefits. Pleaie apply at. ONE SAW—TABLE — 5 h.p.thre LONO BRANCH — Modern, furnished, basement, two-car garage. Excellent THE PRUDENTIAL shutters, wood window shades 93.68. four rooms and bath. Newly decorated. MIDDLBTOWN - Spacious iear-bT Aluminum door grills S1.39. Msny morf phase Weallnghouse motor with 13" am value at 119,500. HALL BROS,, REAL. lmurance Company of America 18" saws. »100, CaJl 291-0827. Private beach. Heat and water nup- $95 UP elghl-room Colonial split Four-bei TORS, aij River Rd,. Fair riaven. 741. 213 Washington Street WHEELOCK SIGNALS, INC. Items you've been looking for st thi plied. Yearly or winter rental. 229-1553. room, pallo off flreplaced paneled 373 Branchporl Ave. Long Branch prices you'd like to psy. Free delivery. Newark, Niw Jersey DON'T BE BASHFUL MODERN. F1VE.ROOM APARTMENT. BWO< CLUB FOR TENANTS •ameroom. JH baths, deluxe kitchen 1 Two bedrooma, heat, hot water, cook, wseboard heat, basement, over-slaet IUIET CHARM AND PRIVACY — in Bm ploy mint Burtau open 8:30 «,m, PROWN'S Plt*» ui« our atom as an &ll«y. frolm in gas included, 787 SOI. FRttE HBAT. COOKINO Oil, BO/ 'wocai sarags. Undscaped. Walk t •Ms peaceful residential neighborhood to 4:40 p.m., Monday through Friday ROUTE MEN 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-790 ihi parking lot to Broad St. or from WATER AND AIR C0NDITI0NINO school, 125,800. Owner. 787-7087. oilers ejcluilve family living This at- Broad fit. tb the Parkin* lot We are3',i ROOMS — Attractively furnished. tractive ranch nestled among tall Dines FUIL AND PART-TIME STEADY WC0MB BIVBRFRONT — Three hou. An Equ« Opportunity Employer KITCHEN CHAIRS EECOVERID — l id to be ot service, Tiled bath, private entrance. No pets. TV. snd phons oulleU, 13 cu. (L rs- and holly tress, Is Ideally locatsd In YUAR-JtODND WORK NO LAYOFFS. ilnette seta and bar stools, Monmouth Inquire 59 Prospect Ave., Red Bank, 'rlgerator, parking and walk*!n itarsis es, three acres. 124 Leonard Avo, beautiful River Oaks, Living room with DARN S102. CAR AND PHONE RE- >lnette. HI Ilonmoulh St., Red Bank. PROWN'S 'acuities. Spaolous rooms. Iar(s elosets, Oceanport. 51.300 income plus vacan dnln roonl QUIRED. CALL 462-1074 741-SSU. 0 TWIN QABUBS - iW Riverside Ave., waterfront land, approiilmats 700' roai "fjf *»"li * ' ""XtMT kitchen, 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-750C Red Bank on river, SU and tour Walk to shopping plaxa, busss, ichooli, frontage yH.WO. Call 741-3JJS. bath, full basement with 14x21 game- rooms unfurnished, nv3-rcom office. room, large brick patio, garaga. Ex* JO NEW FURNITURE BARGAINS -•41-2398. DIRECTIONS: os'rden Btsts Exit 117 JIDDLJOTOWN—-Thrse-bedroom ranch WORTH NOW o 36, cut on 38 to Airport Shopping Ivlng room, dining area air condltlonec HDD HANK - Broncn ana Madison Plaisa, lurn left, than two blocks to Jodern built-in kitchen wltb It cu, SS^SSSTMl Wte 38.IB Maple Captains' Chain S 10 741*4°7rP 119 Bunk Beda complete,, maple .. I 77 Ave.. spacious one and two-btdroom model apirtment. From 35, (J. U. ft. refrlgerator-freexer, Must sea tc 89 Desk and bookcase, knotty garden apartment, starting at $110. Ap-fields) to Haslet Ave., turn left on -^rsolats. Asking m,2W. Owner. T«T* 9 ply apt. 24. Molly Pitcher Village Court UNOROFT BBAUTY _ With many pine • -> Ulddle Rd., straight ahead, 251-1IH. trtes. A fins two bedroom house with CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1» Walnut Coirse Tables -...S or call Mr. Sam Lomazr-o, 741-9115. 'HRBE BEDROOM RANCH — Nei 319 Bedroom, Provincial JIM IVATEIIFRONT APARTUBNTB — New SEA BRIGHT — Pour-room d\tplei. three-room (umlshsd garden apart* Jonmouth. Wall-to-wall carpeUrt A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS I 75 Walnut bookcase ...» 3BYear round. On beach, Vt block to ments. fatlos, air conditioning and TV.throughout, patio with fireplace Qm 218 Provincial llvlnt room sola ... JIM stores. N.Y. Buses. Adults. 843-3139. Weekly or monthly rates. NAVTJLUI hlrd acre. Excellent condition, lit.800, 39.B5 Mirror, 30140 S 10 APARTMENT*. ^lal 842-0506. Call 56A-S307. $79.80 Mattresses, samples _ t 1 THREE MODERN ROOMS — Tur. nlstied. All utilities. 5135 per month. WiTwi *WAlSSS*'WAlSSStt ™R«fR«f.. 2M Maple living room - $17 KEVPORT — Three big rooms and THREE-BEDROOM RANCH — Llvln tors, hy,.;». Shwwsbuw7«.521Jwb7«52J , Adding Machines — Typewriters General Contractor! Fainting and Decorating 39 Walnut step tRfoles - $ h Call before 11 a.m. 2S1-O778. Security bath, on bsy. Center of town, Kefrl- room and paneled family room. Boll !4-Hour gervice. 59 Inn-r!pr!ni Mattresses, required. ' Eerator-freeier combination and stove; with llrsplacea. Beechwood Dr. ADDINO HAOUriEa - Typewriters L SMITH BUILDERS - Patios, al- SLATE * BRYEH sll sizes * EATONTOWN All utilities. Year-round occupancy. No Shrewsbury. 2JB-346J. (Old, rented, repaired, lerplso's, 101 terattons, additions, carana. Cell 3D1< Fainting and Decoratlna IDS Maple J piece b-droom _...«!! children or pals. 264-1403, IU5 or 741-7330. A TRULY "CUSTOM BUILT" - Four- LOTS AND ACREAGE Hnnmouth »L, Red Bank. 747-O4H Fully Insured 741.(336 7I7-0J1I 6B.8J Hollywcotl Bed —t 4! -COUNTRY CLUB USD BANK — New 3!{, and i'-i room isdroom Dutch Colonial In one ol Colts Free Estimate 119 Colonial sectional — 4221 garden spartment, No lease required. FLORIDA—Klve acres business prop- 79 Psnlsh couch, foam -....-..I 41 AJ-ARTMENT9 « IWtU CLUB Necks best areas. Many outstanding Home Improvement) BBIOHTEN YOUR HOME OR OF- Agent on premises 10-4. located at endfeatures, gales price 138,000. J p erty on west coast. Sacrifice *lfooa Air & $<• Travel Reservatlorn 111) guein site hox DAY envies — Oct. it on Nkw renovations, Interiors and exteriors. 99 MtUI her), hox-sjirlni lions, sjldllloni. pilntlm, masonrr. and mattresi ,.~ I 3(] Swlmmlni In your own private swim 8 White Bt. Red B.nk UVi TAIR HAVBN -- Three-bedroom ranch, Amsterdam to Bsrrmida and St, gmall jobs too. IttWU. Bprajr or brush. For free estimate Thomas. Petsnen Travel , Service. call OARRL 2J4-«lt3. Member ot 59 Maple Trundle-bed —.1 2! club rliht on the alts ... . only minutes TMRffiF HOOM FURNIBHSD APART- RBnUOED to 141,500. Central air con-f'OHJ ACRM - Ideal for horses, M Hardlnt Rd.. Red Bank. 741-1MO A.I.Q. aervlns all Weir Jer.ey, 200 Danish living room, Hi plecal S13! away from ocean bathing, while sandy itWNV - «« W. Bsrgen Hsoa, Red ditioning, paneled basement, Chambsn 17.500. J, D. ROCHB, REAWOR, Loni baiohsi, boatitif, fishing and Monmouth "ink, kltohsn esulpnunt, 747-0094. u N mm S Iniurance IRWIN'S Shopping Center , . . one block Irom ??'A£° ' "" * > " the west Oate ol Fort Monmouth , . , RED BANK — Furnished apartment NEW iHRBWSBURY - Seven-room Aiphilt Paving. ABIUTirUmVICa — Oependlblllty Plumbing & Heating JT Monmouth St ReJ Ban! raneh, two baths, A-l condition. Ful IIIOIOB RlVBRfRONT PROPERTY — when you Insure your HOME, AUTO, within walking distance el expriis Living loom, bedroom, Itltohen, bath, Approximately five acres on the 747-O011 Air utilities, Adulls. 190 monthly. 7(1 cellar. Lot 1.8»212. TJ1-1M7. lir w b UI V M ln OErlERAL ASPHALT PAV1NO INO. or other lines cf Insurance UirouKh PLUMBINO — Heattn< and cattlroom buses to Newark and New York City. ? .l * . 7 **' , Wumwij, N.J. For Blaektop driveways and parking lot*. ARUsTTRONa AOENCY, 741-IJM. remodeling OOCKTTAIL RING — Diamonds an e KJJJ—Electric kitchens with O KM. NEW BHRBWSBURV COLONIAL-Ex. further Information, call in-im. week* Call for tree eitlmitt lU-Uti, sapphire. Delicate, but bsaullful range. OB retrlgerator. OB AIR Cr~ lIIDt)LBTOWN — Furnished bachelor cellent condition, Four bsdrooms, three days. Weekends, il)l-i33». CORRIGAN'S ting, 741-3347. Reasonable. •ITIONINa. Ample olf-sireet ' apartment. Country setting. Private *—iths. large rooms. U7.500;- 747-6I80, Moving and Storage psrklnl aitsi. entrance. SM n month. 201-0140. TINTON FALli - Wooded, Auto Body Repair 181 Oakland 81. Red Bank 7«-J70B (21 R08BW00D VICTORIAN CHAIRI (DANRBURO — Modern, twofamll site: also aoreage available, L1UHT KAULWAUWOO — FurnlshlFurnlshlnNn , — Excellent condition, $121) each- Ni IH-RUUM APAHTUENTS n excellent conrlltlon Near everything MUMP. EXTORT PAIHTINO and body re. rtinierstorsniets, , Frasiu items. Win nsunsl dealers. Call !{H-0290. (ONEBIDKOOM) •'•e modirn kitchen, Two large bed any»7lMre7l . CalClll 512.1405121401 Roofing, Siding and Insulation COMMEKCIAL RENTALS is, Large living room. Tiled bath: pair. Moderate prices, MoCARthv WINO CHAIR — «th Century style, PJ3 MONTH ich apartment. Electric basabosn Chevrolet, Atlantic Hllhliitfls. 2S1-OS09. OLSBN CO. JNO. Itoollnr jldlns •% U, Call IF YOU ARII INTHRBiTED—In i»at. Larss lot with sewers. Reduced t BUSINESS PROPERTY lns[allei| and 414-ROOM APARTMENT •H.tOO, Chitenu Ren-I Bslate, 215 Car Nursing Home Iniulatl —-- -jaramesj 142*1444 (TWO BXDROUMS) brand niw modsrn ofllca ipaoa, wtll for 10 years's. 775.07^[05", "591-olHO* . locatrd ir "le center of Red Bank, con* Aye,, Keansburg. 787-58B4. DAIRY QUHBN BU1LD1NO — For Auto and Truck Rental IIOLUDBL nUItBINQ HOME - Ac I1H MONTH tact us for further Information. THS sale, $500, To be moved away. Ray oredltsd lor skilled nurilns home HIDING — Allco, Dupont Tedlar and COMMERCIAL RENTALS DOW8TKA A3BN0T. 741-8700. Stlllman, (49 mate Hwy. 35. Shrews* AVIS Itant a new oar er truok. Low care, tttry, 14, Holmiel. MeIMO Alcoa. Work fuarantco, nUBK IIBAT * HOT WATBB bury. 741-86110 rates. Maple Ave., Red BinlL T47- iBimABUii nivBR rnoxT suits. HOUSES FOR SALE Not. 714-»5l4. Dally 1 e,m.-io p.m. PROWN'S Besting Office on Fremlsu, on first floor in tht Tuliar Building. Odd Jobs 81 Broad St. Red Bank 741-IM0 ClCalll T47-34«lT4734l, (More Cluiin-Kl Ad* TBbl MMfM MAIUNRT -jfatloa, steps sldeoalks. HUD BANK - Kwy 35. near Uollr MORE LISTINGS SHOWN Building Contractor Pltchsr Inn, ons or two rooms, witl On The Next Pigo) HOUSE PAnmNO, carpentry, Aes> Rugi Cleued-Sbampooed OFFICE D1RECTI0NI; Krom Red Bank, Routs sonabla Raits. 117-1912 or 7114287, sarking lultahla (or prcfssstonal ol* MORE LISTINGS SOLD BUILDIJR — Nsw homes, room ad- 2ft to Tlnton Avs.. turn right pn Tin* Flos, flo uit flea cro^ysll Agency, 63 ditions, basement and attic rooms, twioRTlJtiANBD WAXED - in ton Ave., approximately 1,000 ft to niv«rslfl> Avs., 741.40W, REAL ESTATE WANTED kUehini, nrtie. repairs and filers,- your nome or ofllce. Call *1-!4S7 lit SPACE Country Club Apsrtmtnts and Hens. Herbert TOlienrauon, 741-H0I, Painting and Pecorattog appointment- Work Insured. Oliib. a.ooo £9. FT, UOlIT nanufaciuring Modern Offices ]ust completed. Cen- lofts fo leass Can be isuad separate- L. II, HILL — Painter interior and tral Rid Bank Business District. RSD BANK—Button Park Apartments. ly, containing about J5W in, li par exterior. No Jobs too laria or too Branch Avenue. 8 A 3tf room apart- WE NEED YOUR small. Very reasonable. Catl #79-1313. Tel. Answering Service Hour 7(M1«I piamonds Bought or Reatyled • Centrsl Air Conditioning ment, fltnl Includti all utilities except INTMlon AND BXTEBIOR p.lnt- ltrMty, Call supsrlntenilent. 7«7-2685. UCABH OR RAIj; TOilM. Ressoi), HOUSE TO SELL • SeU Service Blevatifr able, auiniile and lontd lor any busi- (uy th» Olanonds you don't InK, Also decorstlns. Our prlois ars • Private Parking Ipscs LEONARDO—Lovely three-room apart- wm or IIII uuii rsstyls them lor you cheaper than theirs OsTlfHseli Paint. suvicn ,74i-47ua • Rent Ressbnsble , ness. Thrss bit overhead doors, amp) •ersonellly HsusslllesHsus . li siroall It ment, on second floor, Furnished, larking a»a Oall 8711713. LIST WITH tr« On for Ires .sllm«W l»W»fii • Inspect snd compare Sentemner to June 80. Teachers or Thru Th« Rtd B«nk Araq couple with one child welcome. 774-5M7 ONB sWORB IN MimiLKTOWN SHOn Wet Watch Repair - Hwy 31, «i -nils north of Rsd Bant Enttrtalnmurt Painting mid Dtcerallng itKU BANK - One and two-bedroom Next to Pharmacy, Biautlclan, Phyal' MulllpU Lilting Servic* ppltbrook Afmcy 747-1100 apartments In ntw apartment house olan. 741-5OW. quiet Jesr)-end street, on river, tee P.|« 214 In ih* tlO HWY. U MIDDUTOWN 14 lr«id St. Rid Bank X...JIM. "nil Ancy, Realtor, -^AUTIFUL, SROAD if. -• JUt «-»• Jtt-OTOO. AlH .. Jlltonsjd ollly. i,ooB so, it, i« v»ui Yilltw •T14I00 . Imntjtuu w, a order. Ked Bank, M7.UM. no answer, call 3. By GEORGE SlXfd .THE DAILY REGISTER PROPOSAL l Ht wtetAt If ii**m*4 to ti* ijt IINCROFT DINNER RIVETS ice i* h&ttoy *•**« thai 20—TW«y, Sepu 7, 1.965 will b# received in tfae ftfcepurjn eucceecfuJ bW4# urtU be rtq.>Jr«6 1<-J MIDDLETOVH - R««*t beef of tij« Ofttce of the Director, lurntefc *uxny bond in ttie tuJl crooum hm of Purctut.se and Property, tf the contract, of a. company au- will be tine featured item on the 2nd floor. Room 232-2 State House, thorised to do business In the State erf UAL ESTATE WANTED Sew Jersey. menu of tte^annual harvest din Trenton, N>w Jersey. 066Mt on Septem- ber 23, 1965 at 2;00 P. M. and will be Plnns and specifications, form or hid. ner to be served by the Lincroft WI NEJM> — Fiv* or six, 2-3 bedroom opened and read immediately there- contract and bond for the proposed bonus fonUhed or unturntthed, from alter, for the following: vork are on file and may he obtained Fire Company Saturday, at the SK to &7S per month for incoming •jpon application to the Director, Di- MTMcaeL THE BBRO AGENCY, Rt. CONCRETE WAH, KKPAIKS vision of Purchase and Property. State fire house, Newman Springs Rd. U UMdlttoara. 6TM0Q0. Repair* to Security Wall House, Trenton, New Jersey 08625, on N J, Slate I'rlHnn Farm Ipposit of twenty-rive marie on the Ktan- •)lririer upon return <>r such documents HELP us; our 12 salespeople need a lard proposal form, <2> enclosed In in Rood condition within 30 days after 5 to 8 p.m. listing on your home. Ihe Mteaal Addressed envelope, t3> ac-he award t>f the contract. ACTION i« our moUo-protfSsional ser- companied 1'y a certified check drawn DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY John R. Hofrmeier and John vices are just a phone call sway. •'> the unirr of llie Treasurer of the Division f>t Purchase and Property Tra.de-Ins -Exchanges State of Nt?w Jersey, or a bid bond, Fowler are general co-chairman Commercial and Investment pr»pprtirs iny of which shall' lie In tlie amount CHARLES P. SULLIVAN, Director jl«mber Two Multiple Listing Services if s^ nf the. bid. and ii) delivered Sept. I 34 J26.6* of the dinner. Mrs. Robert G. I thn ni>ove nlar.p on or lie fore thr WALKER- * WALKER mur nampit as no bid will be sr- Happe informal and will be rejected. The Pi-. Lincroft Fire Co. Auxiliary. T41-6312 671-311 .•prior reserves tlie right to reject anyj fied now. WALT KELLY POGO By WALT KELLY i—.— - /CMCHf CO VOU "T MOTHIM-POIM'/ I y WATCH WWVS SO WANV PEOPut Y SOM,Vt)U K£6P ©OIW'ON LIKE 7WMJTMIS5 MA!M'S£0E5 1 we WOUUP BB AtXIRUMaUAIt ...... i. . .. - ..« * LAP^R WITH" 1 K6CIP6 TO 01KH / SUPPOK\\H-M0tf- . TO IHe ©ROUNP? /\. UNION UABOK- JOM THE BUCKET JJ^~\ AMP OH L •WAPSMj^jl LABOR m'














LET'S GO SEE AROUND JTHE OCD MA WHITETREB...WE lAOM A HOUft GOTTAi FIND A WAY IF THEY HADN'T BEEN •WE JLAKE SITE, WE. , WOULDN'T BE IN TROUBLE/ M." Many farrj feel as you very awefa of him &«• THEATER • MOYIES • MUSIC •DINING 0UT thwA this nr.ts but it's too to d worked. AFTfKNOON 2:00 II—Surprls* Show—CM!()ren Arthur From—1 hr., 3» mlB. doesn't seem to be pushing, it season of shows starting Friday, in early TV and on the stage. •-•*»' Answer — John Ericson is the II:* 2—Poll word—Gome 1:05 He is currently »pp*«ring on fer* LH»—Strlol 4—Moment ol Truth—Serial 11—Thret StoegM—Comedy J—Fllm-The Bride Comet Heme- September 17th. actor in question. He will show 4-Call my Iluff-Gom* 7-WBire Hie Action ll 11—etioriry toliiy—Chlldran Cloudetle Colbert—1 hr., 35 mln. Broadway in the revival of Ten- IVININ* up as a regular on the new ABC 7—Donna Rasd—Cuntdy I:» 1:15 nessee' Williams' "The Glass 11—Carteons—Children 2—House Party—uinklitter 4:H 4—Film—The Three Musketeers. 31 Men Question — "The Rogues" is series "Honey West," which H:l! 4—Doctorl—Slrlol 4-N«ws-MocNe1l, Prusmon Dan Amedie—1 hr, a mln. Menagerie." 7—A Tlml lor Ul—Slrlol 5—Sondy Becker—Ctilidren still my favorite TV series of all stars Anne Francis as a female J-N«W1 9-News-John Wlngate 1:40 0— Keyhole— Orama I—Film—My H.art Belonos to Boddy— and I am very sorry to see it detective. u:« 1—Blooraphy—Occumtntory 11—Newt-Mortln O'Horo Richard Corlson—90 mln. 2—SMreti for Tomorrow 1:11 13—Whals Ntw—Children 1 Woman will not be on next season. I (For an answer to yoq 4—I'll Bfl-Oorrn 4:10 S-New» CIS S-Fllm-Whol o Llfi- would like to know who played Question — I recently saw the tion about any TV program or t-Klns and OtMIt—Cartaeni 7—Ntwt-Morltm Somhn 11—Local News—John Tlllmon 7—Faltitr Knows Best Jacklo Coomr—1 hr., 3J mln. the part of "Tim," the young 1:00 4:15 Join Navy movie "I Want You" on TV and actor, write to Steven H. Scheu- II—01* Tr«ey—Cartoon WIDNESDAY 2-To Tell the Truth-Panel t—Walter Klernan—Comment girl, in the recent episode titled 11:45 I thought Farley Granger was er, Television Maitbag, In care 4-Another World-Serial 4:10 M0RNIN9 RED BANK - The U. S. Na- "Mr. White's Christmas"? I t-Gulldlno Light—Serial 5—Patir Ounn—Mystery f—Soorts—Clure Mosher 4:10 very good, I don't recall seeing of this paper.) 5—Cartoons—Cr)lldr«n 7-ouwral Hospital—Serial 4:11 7—News vy Recruiting Station, 19 Mon thought she waa very good.—T. 1I-»uckoroo SOO-Buck Wlovtr •—Film—Toll In lt» SorJdlt— 7—Weother—Ken Robot «:M mouth St., has announced the H., New Haven, Conn. 11:11 John Woynt—W mln. II—Wwmer—Vivian Forrar 2—Summer Semester 4-N«w«—Fronk McOtt II—Plonet Polrol-Ctilldren 4:10 4—Education Exchange enlistment of 31 men and one l:N Answer — Jill Haworth played 1:1) 2—News—Jim Jensen 7—Proiecl Know—Education woman from this area In Au- J-Lwv« II to Swver J—Nawi—Douglas Edwordl 7—Local Ntw»-Von Sickle 7:M the role of "Timothea" in the 4-PDQ—Gomf l:M •—Trails west—Droma 3—News ond Weather gust. 7—Rebut—Game 11—Superman off-beat comedy which was re- 3-Etfn el Night-Serkil 4—Today The WAVE enlistee, Miss Mary •—Film—GonB-Builert— 4-VKI.Don't Soyl—Some 1J—electronics ol Work 7—Ann Seuflurn—Comody cently repeated on "The Ro Myron Hmley-K mln. J—Attroboy—CorlMn 4:U 7:lS Irene Dibble, daughter of Mr. H—Film—Four In o Jaw— 7-Youno Mgrrledl—Serial 7—Kews—Peter — '•-rtings Vlvics Llhlort-M mln. ll-BBlo—ChlUrtn 7:90 7:J0 and Mrs. Edward Dibble, Hud- 2-News-Mike Wallace 4:M J— News—Waltar Cronklte 5—Survey of the Arts son Ave., Red Bank, is training 1-Stertt Slorm-StrUI 4-News-Huntley. Irlnkley Two Hurt 7—Gale Strom—Comad/ at the Recruit Training Com 1:11 4-Mateh Came J—Ssupy Solot—Variety Walter Raade-Steriing »-Ai Hi* World Tumi S-ChueK WcCann—Children 7—Passport 7—Travel 7:11 mand (Women), Bainbridge, Md. «-Ltta Mokl o DMI 7—Trillnwtter—WBlern f—Harrison ond Son—Cormdy 2—Local rlews t-FII n-TMi li My Alfslr— II—eighth Mon—Cartoon 11—Woody Weodpecker—Cdrtoens 1:00 Upon completion of 10 weeks' In Collision Kobtrt Toyl«r-1 hr., 15 mln. I—CaiJtaln Kanparoo 4:21 U—World Hlttory I basic training, she will return 7-Glrl Tolk-»anM 5—Cartoons—Children -T H E AT R E S-J 4-Ntwt—None/ Dlckeraon 7:M 1:11 4:» 2— Eve on New York 7—Cortooiis—Children home tor two weeks' leave prior *-S»a Hunt-Adventure t—American White Paper' 1:15 to her next assignment. On Rt 35 -AT Comfortably Air Conditioned ^r 4-Fllrrr-l Wot on Advcntureu- S—Rout* 66— broma S—KIno ond Odle-Cortoon* l:» OCEAN TOWNSHIP-TWO per Rlchard Crnne—to mln. 7—Combat!—Drama The men ire training at the •-Mike Douglm—varlaty t—film—On Dangerous Ground— J-Sondy lecker-CMIdren sons were slightly injured and 7—Little Roscals—Comedy Nival Recruit Center, Great H-taKhcemter Bill Robert Ryan-VO mln. one driver was issued a sum- 5:M 11—Bold Journey—Travel 11-Lour«l ond Hordy - I Lakes, III., where they will un- • STARTS TOMORROW * »-Fllm—The Secnt el SI. IVM- IJ—Antique*—Art t:00 iJ dergo jeven weeks of basic train- mons in the three-car collision Mchord Nty-W mln. 2—Love That Bob!—Comedy I:M 4-Blrthdoy House—Children at 8: IS p.m. Saturday on Rt. 35 at rantaN f-Poul Wlndielt-Oilldren J—J8«y Blihep-C«medy ing. 7-#llm-Along Mi Mohawk Troll- 7_pilm-mo Gronde- Stewarts' Drive-In. 11—Navy Log—Drama Jolin Wayne—} hrs, The enlistees are Lawrence u nm RAN IS—To Be Announced 11—Jack Ja Lonne— Exerclsa Patrolman Hildred Sexton in- 1:11 »:15 Daniel Lucisano, son of Mr. and 3—Talent Scouls 7—Newt—Bill Owen Mrs. Lawrence Lucisano, Bank vestigated the accident and re- MATINIE AT 2 5—Roques—Drama •:M ported that a car driven by Paul % fn*t's 7—MeHtle'i Now 7—Film—Continued St., Red Bank; Francis Louis EVENINGS 7 and t 11—Ftlm-Hcnnov«r Squort— Wilson, 50, of 93 Laurel St.. Long «:» Bernhard, jon of Mr. and Mrs. presents the George Sanders—N mln. 2—Jock Benny—Comedy Frank Bernhard, Holly St., and Branch; apparently pulled out of Swing: »:t0 J—Tower-Comedy the drive-in to head north on Rt. FEATURE OF THE WEEK 7—Tycoon—Comedy 11—Racket Sa.uad—Police Clinton Jefferson Silvers, son of a Llncrott 35 and struck a southbound car e—Second Mrt. Tanoueray 1:55 Mr. »nd Mrs. George Silvers, • Helmd»l Baked Double •:M 4—Nevys—Bob Wilson driven by Nicholas Van Schepen, J—Petticoat Junction 10:00 Third Ave., Rumson; Peter Al- a Motewin 58, of 21 Silverwhlte Dr., Little LAST DAY PORK CHOP J—Colt ,45-WHtern 1—1 Love Lucy—Comedy lan Moeller, son of Mr. and Mrs. • Sayre Woods 7-Feyfon Place 4—Truth or Conferences—Gome Silver. Mr. Wilson's car then Dirk Sogarda 10:H J—Film— Life Begin! at 1:30- Charles Moeller, Prospect Ave., a N«mik Airport v Boulangere J—Doctort/Nursei Monty Wooley-1 hr., 2S mln. veered Info the northbound lane "AGENT I—Eleventh Hour—Droma 11—Code Three—Police Little Silver; Thomas Frank and collided with a car driven •a mil* to Ntwuk hf ikt fameue Europaan ehtf, 7—Fugitive—Drama U:» Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Les- by Chandler Mapes, 39, of 47 Gaerga Vtro, who (leaped 11—Billy Graham Crmodo J-McCoys—Comedy 1^-Nows-Robert Potts 4—Whots This Songl-Ooma ter Smith, Swartzel Dr., River Clay St., Fair Haven. FnquMt teivjet. Low from behind the Iron Curtain. 11.11 Il-Cartaom—Children Plaza; Christopher Paul Kasper, Enjoy • varlaiy »f Amtriein U-lnoles Porct Todos 1»:« ton of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. Van Sdiepen and his wife, firti. Flit trip vit *n4 Continental ipaclaltiii in »:M 7-N«ws-Blll Owen Marge, were treated at Mon- f—Fireside Theater—Drama 10.U Kasper, Farm La., Eatontown; charming surrounding,!, erica a PirtanyindTumplkt 11:00 7—Film—Continued Frank Arthur Ravaglia, son of mouth Medical Center, Long I a n d m a r It of the Amtrictn i—Ntvn—Jim Jenion 11:50 Branch, for minor injuries. Revolution. 4—Newe—Prank—MeOee ft— Farm Report MM. Mabel Ravaglia, Main St., S-N>W1 Mr. Wilson was issued a sum- Atk hu opentor ilmt Ernie Mereurio at the piano 10:51 Oceanport; James Curtis Camp- 7—News-Bill Seulel 4—News—Edwin Newman mons for careless driving. low eoit 10-trip commu- •—Film-On Dangerous Sround— Wad., Frl.'ond Sat. Nlgtih f-Nevn ond Weothtr bell, brother of Roger Campbell, te tietot Robert Ryon—W mln. Union Ave., John Monty Chest • STARTS TOMORROW * AH .»hibit en display. Il-A*arv Griffin J—Andy Griffith—Comidy 11:11 4-Cencentratlen-oomo man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- Teenage Discotheque ROUTE 7» i , MATAWAN 4—Wtofher—Tn Antolne 7—Y«ng Sef-Vorlety mon Chestman, Woodrow Wil- Reserv.tions—Ss>.}]fl S—Film—The Mon I Love— •-Speak Upl-OlKusslon At Armory Saturday IJb Luplno—I hr., a mln. 11:15 son Homes, Raymond Edward 11:11 11—Mack and Myer—Comedy Shuda, son of Mr. and Mra. Ray LONG BRANCH — Two rock-n- 4—Lral News—Jim Hart: 11:11 r roll bands will provide sounds'(o 7-Nlohtllfe-Vorlefy S-News mond Shuda, Elm wood' Ave., and X shake to from 7 p.m: to midnight 11:M II: JO Richard Arthur Steets, son of bring the family t— Film—VIcM—Jrannt . 2-Dlck Von Dyke-comedy Saturday at the National Guard Craln-1 hr., 40 mln. 4—Jeopardy—&ome Mrs. Elizabeth Sleets, Cedar Armory, Ocean Ave. 11:M S—Romper Room—Children Ave., Long Branch. 4—Jflhrtny Carton—Variety 9-Vernory Lone—Joe Franklin The occasion will be the Teen- TO OUR »M U-Corol Corbett Richard Wayne Gormley, son age Discotheque, set up for the • LAST DAY* of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gornv enjoyment of fun-loving youths by ley, Hudson Ave., West Keans- the Long Branch Summer festi- WEEK NIGHT SPECIALS burg; John Robert Sullivan, ion val Committee. < of Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. At The Movies Port Monmouth Rd., Keansburg; TO GIVE LECTURE George Joseph Ince, son of Mr. KEYPOR.T •-..— • Martin N. RED BANK allow Rollt-Rayee 2:00: 7:18: »:25 and Mrs. George Ince, Irwin PI., Heater of Houston, Tex., will * Monday Special * CARLTON- BELMAR HazJet; Richard Alan Barnett, give a Christian Science lecture A»ent »». 2:00; 7:00: »:». RIVOLI- son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bar- Sunday, Oct. 3, at the First! EATONTOWN Th« ••ndolper 2:00: 7:00; S:16. nett, Edgewater Dr., and Wayne MANASQUAN Church of Christ, Scientist, 84 FRIED CHICKEN 139 COMMUNITY- Francis Spafford, son of Mr. and Broad St. His topic, wll^'be. "The Sone of Katie Elder 5:11; 1:13; f.ia. AtGONQUlN- Mrs. William Spafford, Atlantic r FRENCH FRIES, TOSSED SALAD | ... DRIVE D*- ilona ol KatU Elder 2:30; 7:15: 1:31 Great Ajjyakener.'' ^L^^^[* - Sons or. Math, Ave., Matawan; George Louis ^COMPLETE DINNER—l.W^; C:15; T:3«; (;M, STRAND- Gallina, son of Mr. and Mrs. At- mm FISH FRY 100 PARAMOUNT— Ti>» Sandpiper 2:10; 7:30; 10:00. TTJ« Bound of Music 2:30; 8:30. tilio Gallina, Columbia Ave., ST. JAMES— Union Beach; Joseph Allen Jen- ALL YOU CAN EAT 1• • «y F«Jr Liny J:30: e:J9. North of Red Bank nings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mi- PLUS AT COLUNQWOOD CIRCLE - chael Jennings, Greenwood Ave., DRIVE-IN ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS • THURSDAY SPECIAL SHORE DRIVE-IN- -/ Laurence Harbor; George O'Con- Jock Lemmoi Sti« »:0O; u:90: oollam ana tut TUr. ATLANTIC- "NOTORIOUS Barlan 9:50. What'a NiW Pussycit 7:00; »:10. nor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat- LANDLADY" CHOICE SIRLOIN NEPTUNE CITY HIGHLANDS rick O'Connor, Chamber Ct., NEPTUNE CITY- MARINE- Clifton; Thomas Patrick Barry, STEAK Th« Collector J:1J; 7:15: t;30. Cinderella; Tima Travelers. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 2 BRADLEY BEACH KEANSBURG Patrick Barry, Sr., Roger Ave., ATLANTITHf flTRE C FRENCH FRIES, SALAD PALACE- CASINO- Rand Allen Walser, son of Mr. Innlle II.I.IIIIM.1 T, I. Hilp 1:00: 1:30; 8:15; 10:00. and Mrs. Lawrence Walser, Ma- COMPLETE DINNER—3.25 MIDDLETOWN LAST TIMES TOHITE *•••••••••* jestic Ave., both Lincroft. TREAT THE FAMILY TODAY TOWN- "WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT" Bha 2:26; 7:26: B:tl. Louis Raymond Mandia, son of HAZLET Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Mandia, STARTS TOMORROW Assorted Rolls and LOEWS DRIVE-IN- West Highland Ave., Harry Beard F.nny Hill 1:15; 11:30; Winer Hoaes Murtha, Jr., son of Mrs. Flor- in paraiMduNl Butttr served with LOUNGE t:J0. PLAZA- ence Murtha, Third Ave., Atlan- "FAMILY JEWELS" * ASBURYPARK above items. RESTAURANT Uonkey'i UncU 2:33: 7:00: »:10. tic Highlands; Michael Nathan CAST BRUSWICK Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lew plus • Dave Clark 5 EXCLUSIVE SHORE AREA TURNPIKE- INDOOR—Monkey'l uncle COO; 7:30; Evans, Woodland Ave., Merrit "Gel Yeurulf a College Girl" ENSASEMRNT TONIGHT 11:00: Crack In the World 3:20: t:«0; Island, Fla., James Makemson 9:15- WINNER OF 8 ROMERSwHAMMERSTEIN'S, "Thi NbHlem" OUTDOOn — Monkey's Uncle 1:00: Williams, N. E. Sixth St., Pom- ACADEMY HOWARD 11:10. Crack In The World 1:50. pano Beach, Fla. SAYRE WOODS MARINE AWARDS Joseph P. Powers, boatswain NICKIE DON SAYRE WOODS- mate second class, son of Mr. ineludiag Short lubjecta 7:00; 9:15: Sons of BEST PICTURE Kills Elder 7:10: 9:30. and Mrs. Edward Powers, Port LAST TIMES TONITE Jounsorty MENU) PARK Monmouth Rd., East Keansburg, "CINDERELLA" and QUARTETTE CINEMA- re-enelisted for another six-year FEATURING Fanny Hill 2:00: 3:<5 »:45; 7:M; "TIME TRAVELERS" ROUTE 35 10:01. tour of duty. Boatswain Powers is at home on 30 days' leave JJACKIE HILL* PERTH AMBOY NOW at Ofmthi.. AMB0YS DRIVE-IN- awaiting Ms orders for his next Wed. "PSYCHO" MIDDLETOWN Irtjnk Carttons 8:00: She »:(*; U:0i: duty assignment. 2:30 & rices of Dr. Lao 10:22. 8:30 MAJECTIC- ah« 1:40; 6:15; »:55 Goliath ins Uie ••••••••••• Vtmt>lr. 4:15: 1:10. AIR CONDITIONED Smoking Section* WOODBRIDGE NOW at CkHdran Under 12 DRIVE-IN- lACMSOMMIPARKINtl No Extra Charge 2:30 & $1 Al All Time, SHe a:00; 11:40; War Oodi of 111! Deep 10:10. 8:30 Chslc* Rnervtd Swh Now an Sab I! —ARB AT ANY— AJUUUUUUV WALTER READS - STERLING THEATRES PLAZA •k Starts Tomorrow * Rex Harrison 2M44I4 Shirley Maelaino Inqrld Bergman J GUESS LAST DAY WALT back? Oillghtful vacation month, warm DIINIr'S It's ont of your tun and surf, thinned crewfe. Stay "THTYELLOW • favorite perform- at tht newly decorated Marlkorcu|h. "MONKEY'S UNCLE" ers and he will b« Blenheim... ocean-front sun dicki. back at The Union ROLLS-ROYCE" J House every week- private beach entrance, pool and TERENCE STAMP end starting Sep- Poolslde Cafe, alr-condillflnad wlnf SAMANTHA EGQAR tember 10th. Want u. with T.V. anil private terneit, eve- NEPTUNE CITY a hint? His first nine intertalnmant and delkkw name, begins with maals. R and ends with 7744171 Y and hta an O In Mtdtfili fur, Mod. fm. tr IMI. the middle. Plan ritat. Phone 609-345-UUi In Double Awenl Winner re Drive IN H.Y, MU 2-4849 or write. COUINGSWOOD * STARTS TOMORROW • FREEHOLD f PETER SELLERS URSULA ANDRESS PETER O'TOOLE 4U4M0 "SHE" LAST DAY "WHAT'S NEW WALT DISNUT! alto — — r>LU$ C0>HIT ~ "Montey's UncU" PUSSYCAT?" '" «fyClrilt4|' nMdwttnl "Goliath and the Barbarian "SIGNPOST TO MURDER" •i ,' - V, •. • 'A" a

.4 Js*rt**'S


If you're oge Urhru 20 ENTER STEINBACH'S SWEEPSTAKES WIN A MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE COME ALIVE! • in Youthcraft's "Young America? • "Honda" Motor Bilct Collection—look trim, streamlined • Surfboard • G.E. Top* Recorder as a Mustang! • RCA Stereo Portable MtJSTANG, right: Record Player Young, spirited look wi!'h the maximum in lightweight Lycra* • Sony Portable TV comfort. Open-weave waistline and leg cuff for all day, no-roll • Spanish Guitar comfort. • ; . ,6.00

• -"Go-Go" sheer bra with Fiberfill uplift, 4.00 and more, 30 prizes in all! SHIFT, center above: Shape up in "Shifh" . . . girdles'or panties with inner panels for all-around control and derriere shaping, Tummy "Flat-cry", Simply enter your name at above waist control, too! 8.50 any Steinbach's store, or Rice V Stretch lace bra. Piberfill shell 4.00 Fiberfill conW5.00 participating Ford dealer WORLD FAMOUS — that's all you do! Noth- TRIPLE TREAT, left: ing to buy! Sweepstakes, closes midnight September We wouldn't pull your leg. "Triple Treat" open-weave thi-cuffs BERKSHIRE STOCKINGS 18, 1965. Only one entry fold to three lengths for shorts,. dresses, slacks. Reinforced tummy control. 9.00 to-13.50 allowed per person. Not NOW THRU SEPTEMBER 11 open to employees of "Rise 'n Stretch Fiberfill contour.bra in daeron®-cotton wifh Stoinbach Co., its advertis- adjustable stretch straps. ' 4.00 Save up to $1.16 per box ing or publicity agents, participating Ford dealers Yes, they're really Berkshires—the famous stock- and their employees, the STEINBACH'S FOUNDATIONS, Str..t Floor judging group or their im- •Iso Aibury Park, Brick Town ings wi'h the Nyloc* Run-Barrier. Guaranteed not mediate families. - - +0, run from top to toe area—or you get • new pair free. Come in, phone 741-4000, rush your or- der, before the sale dates expirel GET ENTRY BLANKS AT THESE rao. SALE atria mi dttcrlptlon prlc. prlea pain FORD DEALERS SIAMLISS

West Side Garage, Asbury 154 (S.imltn Plain) US 1.09 3.19 Park ... Tom's Ford, Mat- La<* (Saamlait Maid) US 1.09 3.19 a wan ... Comeron-Rober- SOlt Co., Freehold ... Glg- 133 (Saamlait Suiinan Shaar) US 1.09 3.19 •r Ford, Belmar... Kontor Gold rush! Golden beads Agilan (Str.lchl 1.45 1.29 3.79 Ford, Farmingdale . . . Cantrace 400 1.45 1.29 3.79 Howard Height, Mana- (Saamlati Cantraca). squan . . . Kroll Motors, glitter at your neckline,

Long Branch ... Mount En- WITH HAMS glish, Red Bank ... Larson on dresses, suits, sweaters! Ford, Lak'ewood ... Conti 111 (Satmtd Buiinen Shear) US 1.09 3.19 Causeway, Manahawkin IS-60 (Stlfflad Shaar) US 1.09 3.19 ... Lakehurst Motors, Toms Here are the golden beads everyone wants. River ... Pt. Pleasant Mo- They're textured for extra glitter, tailored to Nylaca (Saamad Kantrun) 1.50 1.19 3.49 tor Co., Pt. Pleasant.. . go with most everything in your wardrobe! Modal (Saamad Ouhii.) I.6S 1.29 3.79 Necklaces in all Important lengths. Matching Arallabla in preporlion.J lano,ths • ihort, madium, lonj

bracelets, earings tool ' • • STEINBACH'S HOSIERY, Straat F|oor, Monmouth College alio Aikupy Park, Brick Town Fashion and Beauty Necklaces: One-row short 2.00 Seminar Two-row short . "What Makes A one-row matinee 2.50 Woman Beautiful" Three-row short, two-row matinee or rope sponsored by Steinbach's 3,00 Warn? and pretty way to sleep — and the Monmoutk College matching bracelet, dome earrings < 2.00 Library Association, Pollack StE^PCOAT with smock-like trim Auditorium, Monmouth ' STEINBACH'S JEWELRY, Street Fleer, die Aibury Pjrk, Brick Town College 6.00

Thursday, Sept. 16 So lovely, you'H w»er W lounging, tool Brushed Etfron». "How to Be Fashionable acetate-nylon is ^.cozy-warm . . . ha,s smacking effect on a Budget" with guest speaker, Edith Battles, trim et necWine end ileeves. Easy-care, drip.dry fabric Fashion Coordinator of comes in whi*e with |jlue or red. Sizes small, medium, Urge. Woodward & La+hrop, Washington, D. C.

Thursday, Sept. 23 Seton Leather Bags; STtlNBAO+S SIEEPWEAR, Str..» fl.,, "Fashion Today and Tomor- .trtAk P.rk, Brick Tew* row" with Bill Blass, de- signer and partner in firm young—practical, too! of Maurice Rentner, New York. 9.00 no tax Thursday, Sept. 30 "How to enhante your nat- ural beauty Jhrough prop- Here are the handbags with tfie er use of skin care and make-up" with Art Brooks, youthful, compact shapes . ,'. make-up artist for Motion Pictures, TV and Modeling. to carry over the arm or shoul-

Monday, Nov. i der. ' Smart seton leather gives "The Elegance of Simplic- you long wear, wipes clean, ity" with Mme. Ginetee Spanier, directress Fashion House of Balmain, Paris, looks expensive. Our collection France. Entire series, includes black, espresso, hay- • < V 10.00 SHOP Red Bank1 Wednesday, > Tickets Now Available stack end new colors I • Friday'til 9—Aabury Park

•VSTEINIACH'S SERVICE DESK Monday, Wednesday, .Fjrld»y, v R.d l«nk • A.bury Park 1 Irlcfc T«w* ' STEINBACH'S HANDBASS, Str..l Fleer 4I10 Aibury Park. Irick Town Y

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