Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

62 30 05/07/1962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Loie Gaunt. Re: Endorsement by Independent Voters League of . 4pp. w/ attachments

62 30 05/16/1962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Rose Mary Woods. Re: Suggestion for "very innocuous" endorsement of Ray Arnett. 1pg.

62 30 05/02/1962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Rose Mary Woods. Re: Arcadia Good Government League. 1pg.

62 30 05/07/1962 Letter to Jack Myhill. Bcc: H.R. Haldeman. Re: Thanks for endorsement. 1pg.

62 30 n.d. Other Document Cross-reference sheet.

62 30 04/09/1962 Report Summary of phone message from Alan Nichols. Re: Civic League of Improvement Groups - San Francisco, Ca. 1pg.

Thursday, September 06, 2007 Page 1 of 2 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

62 30 04/09/1962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Alan Nichols. Re: C.O.P.E. 1pg.

62 30 03/23/1962 Letter Alan H. Nichols to Richard Nixon. Cc: H.R. Haldeman, Alice Leopold, Henry Rolph. Re: Speaking at C.O.P.E. convention in San Francisco. 1pg.

62 30 04/07/1962 Memo Loie Gaunt to Dorothy Wright. Re: Sherrill Corwin. 3pp. w/ attachments

62 30 03/29/1962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Richard Nixon. Cc: Loie Gaunt, Sandy Quinn. Re: KEZY endorsement of RN. Includes postscript to Sandy Quinn: Send material to Dan Russell at KEZY. 1pg.

Thursday, September 06, 2007 Page 2 of 2 lob Bald•• IDdora..t by ~t Voter...... of Cal:l.fomia

1 would a letter alOBl tile l1De. of tt. attacbecl draft be ..t to VoocS Wl1aon.

.­ draft of letter to Wood Wil.on

I was indeed pleased and grateful to receive your letter of April 30th.

May 1 expre.. to you and _hers of the

Independent Voters League of California my sincere appreciation for the action taken at your special meeting of the Board of Directors in endorstna .,. candidacy for the office of

Governor of the State of California.

Your friendahip and support over the a. well as this evidence of your continued support, mean much to _.

Thi. acknowledgment carrie• ., gratitude and my warm regard. to you and to the -"rs of the




To: Bob Haldeman Date: 5- May -1962 From: YYO~ Subject:


Bob - I do think it would be nice to write Wood Wileon with

ft,N. signature.

.. Independent Voters League of California, Inc. 1203 EAST 33RO STREET LOS ANGELES 11. CALIFORNIA PHONE ADAMS 4.3144 OR ADAMS 4·3656 WOOD WILSON. FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT. FOUNDED IN 1928


MR. AND MRS. CITIZEN OFFICERS As our American society grows mora complex, the mere task of safeguarding life WOOD WILSON PRESIDENT and property demands more and more public authority. JOHN W. HAYDEN 1ST VICE.PRESIOENT THE CITIZEN must look to himself to make sure he is informed. REV, J. H. FORD THE CITIZEN must learn to make wise choices. 2ND VICE·PRESID£NT PROF. C. A. BIGGERS THE CITIZEN will jeopardize his own rights as well as those of others if he votes EXECUTIVE SECRETARY blindly. MRS. MAIDA WILLIAMS ASSISTANT SECRETARY THE CITIZEN must also learn how and when to protest or give support. MRS. C.E. McDOWELL SECRET"RY·TREASURER THE CITIZEN needs to become a politician in the best sense of that term. REV. C. P. WlLLlAMS CHAPLAIN EFFECTIVE CITIZENSHIP IS MUCH MORE THAN A CIVIC DUTY, IT IS ALSO AN JESSE SPEARS OPPORTUNITY FOR SERVICE RICHLY REWARDING IN HUMAN SATISFACTION. SGT, AT ARMS THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA, INC., AFTER CAREFUL LEGAL ADVISORS SCREENING AND CONSIDERATION URGE THAT YOU VOTE FOR THE FOREGOING ATTY. IVAN JOHNSON CANDIDATES AT THE DI~ECT PRIMARY ELECTION, JUNE 5, 1962. ATTY. JAMES GARCIA THE MOST WASTED OF ALL DAYS IS THE DAY YOU FAIL~D TO VOTE. BOARD OF DIRECTORS WOOD WILSON Senate Judicial Offices PROF. C. A. BIGGERS Thomas Kuchel (X) Judge of the Superior Court IVAN JOHNSON til Office No. Two REV. C. P. WILLIAMS Governor MRS. ocre HINKLE Donald C. Bodwell (X) MRS. DORIS PENLAND Richard M. Nixon (X) Office No. Forty-four JOHN W. HAYDEN Lieutenant Governor George L. Hecker IX) George Christopher ~.(X) Office No. Forty-seven Donald E. Dunbar (X) Secretary of State Frank M. Jordan (Xl Judge of the Municipal Court Los Angeles Controller Office No. One Bruce V. Regan IX) Gerald D. Lenoir (X) Treasurer Office No. Two John Busterude (X) Billy G. Mills IX) Office No. Three Attorney General ____ (X) Richard J. Dolwig (X) School Office Member State Board of Equalization Superintendent of Public Instruction Fourth District ...... (X) James L. Flournoy (X) County Offices Representatives in Congress Sheriff 21 st District Peter J. Pitchess . (X) Herman T. Smith (X) Assessor 30th District Delbert V. O'Brien (X) Gordon L. McDonough (X) 3 Jst District Republican Central Committee Gordon Hahn (X) 53rd District - Vote for Seven 1. Cyrus Williams S. Ode Hinkle State Senator. 38th District 2. Pearl Barrett 6. Afue McDowell Pat McGee (X) 3. John Hayden 7. Charles Williams 4. Charles Biggers Member of Assembly 55th District - Vote for Seven 53rd District Louis V. Cole (X) 1. Ida Crite S. Ella Vee Belfon 55th District 2. Armond Bradford 6. Dick McGriff Robert A. (Bob) Greene (X) 3. Jean Webster 7. Ben Peery 56th District 4. Ray Lundy Chet Wolfrum (X) 56th District - Vote for Three Vince Monroe Townsend Augusta L. Glover Emily A. Johnson POLLS OPEN 7:00 A.M. ­ CLOSE 7 P.M. JUNE 5, 1962 I.o.e Mary Wood. 5-16-62

Bob Hal~ lay Arnett

Fred Haffner ba. bad an ind.irect requelt

for an U letter of encouragement to by Arnett, C&Ildidat.

for Cenar•••, UDC01lt.ltecl, in Kern County.

Because of the many probl_ .... have in

Item and Itay·. Itrength in that area a. ...11 a. II'•

• troua reaard for him, I thiDk .uch a letter would be in order.

wiah1Dg him very be.t of luck in the forthcOIIl1na campaip, etc.

; lob Bald__ Your __ of April 17th - Arcaclia Goo4 aov....t Leaau-

You will be baPPJ to 1r.DDw that _ have a "lUDt... wbD will be 1D tM headquarters nery Saturday- Ria ahlp ast will be to work iDto the ceapaip as "1' people

.. we can reach. Be will be contactlaa p-oup.. 1DcludiDa dle one 1D Arcadia which "r..&1 ...... ,..."Ill 'fbi. wluateer 18 curreDtly head of branch operat1olla ••• for Security rhst kticma1 1aDk, ad .. f..l he will be ac.llnt at th1a job.

~ b <.

.­ May 7. 1962

Dear Mr. Myhill:

Your letter of May Z. telling of the endorsement given to my candidacy for Governor by the 50th Di.trict Republican Assembly (North). could not have been more

I-+, welcome or appreciated. 1 as.ure you. 1-" I-' (l) My constant efforts: wUI be devoted to continuing to merit the coDfidence and support you and your member.hip have 80 expressed. 1 am indeed pleased to I be working with all of you for victory in November. With every good wish, I ~ Sineerely. (l) 00 0 I-' ~ M­ 1-'­ 0 ~ >< 00 I ~ o>< 0 M '"0 ~ '< p.. 0 Mr. Jack Myhill. Secretary lot 00 50th Di8trict Republican Assembly (North) (l) P. O. Box 944 S (l) La Puente. California ~ M­ tn I-' ...0 0"­ N bee: Bob Haldeman - FYI

,0 .. 4-9-6% 5:45 P.M.

Alan Nlchob called.

NOTE: He wUl phoa. "011 tOlllOrrow ad adv18e whether followla. rec:ommead.4 eolltaet .hould be carded thr01i.h.

Re: Civic Le...... of Impl'OYemeDt GrMlp. - Saa I'l'aaclaco. C.emHrMlp heavily aep\lbUcaa - compo••d of polltlcl_s• ••lae..... - cOIl.ervatlft type, Pel' Nichol. -- '1'_. perhaps hal more lmportaac...... attaduul to it thua it .hould ..- actaaU., 18 a 'tp!loay eadorn•• IItCNp" - - but put. oat bil mall..... etc.

- .aid Leagu i. coatl'oUeel primarB., by tbJo•• mea .. Be. Swi, (Dem. ­ .....n .... BroWil - perhaps pa••iaI moMy arfNDdh StaperYl.or Hall• ., (who h••aiel the bu. h.. m.t aad. kilo...); ud former Ma.,or Robiu.a CPr.c.d.d Chrbtopher). - Hall• ., i. with u. Ilobl••oa 1. r.,..d to be ..alast aN - Nlcbob said probably beea... RN hadn't paid aay aue.loa to hbn& abo la aD. of Clu-latopurtt•

.. DOD.thele•• -- it .... Nkhal8 recoJlUlMtadatloa tbat aN coaact l\obluoa ­ peru.. by te1epboae - uk ht...... t - ,e' him _ overall "D.UIl." oaly committ.e type of tblal - .tc. etc. Nleho18 1. lDYltlaI him for S. F. - ALSO, a wiJo. from RN .beNld be ad4r....d to Robiae. - who 1. Hoaorary CUlrmaa of the Le..... - - GJW•••lra,-H.r.' he caaot atteD.d SCr..... Committe. me.u.a ApJOU 11th -- wile•• Caad1clUe will be .adora.d. -The SCr..... Com.rnlttee ..... It. recommeadattoa ­ aDd _.ber dlaMr..m••tlal 18 held ApltU 11th -. aad Nichol•••,I••t.d aN' he cutt Blake .ith.r •• - ...." Bl"OWIl la auead" 'botll.

- it waa Nichola f.eUaa aN .beNld •••k ••or••m••••••••

- lat.r eaiel (after taJkI.. oa ..oth.r • __ with he.Cpt.rter. office) two other people weI'. world.aa oa Robtu_ - .... to hold off CoatacUaI him \UltU u CIIlchol.) called Y01l tomol'row aad advi••d ......

Rob__.'. coatact polDt: addre••: nood BalWbaI S. F. au. phoD.e - GA 1-6636 Home" - PR 6.3231

.. Alaa NicWa 4-9-6.1


))ear Alaa: I am ave ,ou. haft had a ..nat reptlrt &ora

... DOt fe11owecl.

The ...... al declalea was tbat it weald 'be uwt•• Ia the priDlUy for Dick to ••ek eM COPE .ado......

W. P", If .. all, la * I ••era! c.-palp wU1 1M e....6I1l,.

.. NIXON FOR GOVERNOR Northern California Office Suite 619-620, 525 Market St., San Francisco 5; DO 2-5576

March 23, 1962

Mr. Richard M. Nixon Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los An@eles, California

Dear Dick: As you know san Francisco COPE will endorse candidates by 2/3 vote at its March 28th convention. In my opinion you probably would not re­ ceive their endorsement. However, if they do endorse for the Republican and Democratic primaries, they might be more likely to endorse you rather than Assemblyman Shell.

In line with your principle of facing directly those who might be op­ posed to you, I recommend that you make yourself available in the event we can obtain clearance for you to address the general convention on Wednesday next. Our San Francisco Endorsements Chairman, former Super­ visor Henry Rolph, heartily concurs in this recommendation.

We are making this recommendation in view of the strong labor union sentiment and support in San Francisco.

We understand that Mrs. Leopold is fully aware of the situation and undoubtedly she is making a recommendation regarding this COPE meeting. My own recommendation is based not on the overall statewide labor vote strategy but upon the strategy of importance in San Francisco.

You are certainly waging a fighting campaign and enthusiasm for your candidacy is high in San Francisco.

Sincerely yours, (1!au- Alan H. Nichols, Chairman San Francisco Nixon for Governor Committee CC: Mr. H. R. Haldeman Mrs. Alice Leopold Mr. Henry Rolph

~I .. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Nixon for Governor

To: Dorothy Wri-Zht Date: April 7, 1962

From: Lo1e Ga~'?r

Subject: attached correspondence - Sherrill Corwin


Radio Station is listed in the Orange County telephone book as being located at the Disneyland Hotel in AHSBiB! Anaheim. There is no listing in the Orange County book for a Sherrill Corwin. There is a Sherrill C. Corwin listed in the Central Los Angeles book with Metropolitan Theatres Corporation, 122 South Robertson Boulevard. Is it the same Sherrill Corwin and is that where RN 1tr to him should be sent. Please call me -- am holding the 1tr from mailing until I hear from you. Tks. RICHARD NIXON POST OFFICE BOX eD39 LOS ANGEL.ES lIlI. CAL.IFORNIA

April 7, 1962

l Dear Mr. Corvin:

1 wo deUpted to lean from lob Balclewlan J of the UZ! Board deeision to erador.e -r caadidacy for Govenaor.

You _y be aure it will be my COD.Stant a1.

to cootinue to juetify the support u.d eoafidace you

and your eolleagues have expre••ed by thia action.

It •• a areat plea8\Jt'e tG be v1th you at Stanley reception laat .nth, aDd 1 eha11 be looking fonud to the tiM __ our paths will ero••

1Jl the __tiM, ., appreciaUOIl aDd very

but wishu,


/s/ Dick Nixon

Mr. ~err1l1 COnlin W South l.obert8Oll Boulevard I.os ADael••" Califenia

. /' ,.~ info-­ copy for DWright ( HRH files - ltr requested by him) Bob Haldeman cc: Lole Gaunt V Sandy Quinn

WI'. SherrUl Corwin. • part owner of KEZY In Or_ae

County. Informed me at lunch yesterday that this statloot a Board has met and haa decided to eadorae Nixon foJ' Oovernor aDd !Cuchel for U. S. Senate.

The atation will broadcast editorials during the Primary. annouucinl thelr eudorseme1lt and r ...oftS therefor.

Thia eudorsement reaults primarUy from Col"Winls attendance at the Stanley I"reemaa party lut week where your measage completely

CODverted him. from Pat BroW'Q to you.

1 am aakiua Lole to prepare a letter for you, thanJdl'll him for ht. aupport.


.. I

80-':' Halde__

ees Loi.o..... SMd, o.alDa

Mr. SberrW Corwla. a part 0"'81' of ItEZY I.. Or....

Co...,.. lDfor_eel .. at laac:h ,.stercla, tlul& tId. natl_'. Board

for U. S. SeDate.

TIM .tatioa wUl broa4cut .c.UtorW. d..l... the Primary.

r,) I Tilt.. cnaGer...... reault. prlmarU, from. Corwla'. _" at UM Staal." Fr.....pan, last week where yOU' ...... completel,

COIl'ftrtod b.lm fro. Pat Br... to yoa.

I un aakla. Lola to prepare _ letter £01' "oa. thaDki.. IdJIl

for hi. IN1IPOn.

blind P. S. -- to Sandy Quinn

Corwin has asked that we send all available literature and other material to Dan Russell at KEZY. He should get any brochures that we publish and anything you feel will be helpful to him in preparing editorials for broadcast. This is obviously a real asset and should be properly handled.