Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA

June Vol. 636 , 1 2018 Junie No. 41664



ISSN 1682-5843 N.B. The Government Printing Works will 41664 not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes 9 771682 584003 AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 2 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The GovernmenT PrinTinG Works Will noT be held resPonsible for any errors ThaT miGhT occur due To The submission of incomPleTe / incorrecT / illeGible coPy. no fuTure queries Will be handled in connecTion WiTh The above.

Table of Contents

Legal Notices

BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ...... 12 KwaZulu-Natal...... 13 Limpopo...... 13 Mpumalanga...... 14 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 14 COMPANY NOTICES • MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS Gauteng...... 15 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 16 LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Gauteng...... 17 Mpumalanga...... 19 ORDERS OF THE COURT • BEVELE VAN DIE HOF Gauteng...... 20 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 26 KwaZulu-Natal...... 38 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 41 GENERAL • ALGEMEEN Gauteng...... 44 Limpopo...... 52 Mpumalanga...... 52 North West / Noordwes...... 55 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 56


Form/Vorm J297 ...... 57 Election of executors, tutors and curators Verkiesing van eksekuteurs, voogde en kurators Gauteng...... 57 Form/Vorm J295 ...... 57 Notice of curator and tutor Kennisgewings van kurators en voogde Gauteng...... 58 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 58 Free State / Vrystaat...... 58 KwaZulu-Natal...... 58 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 59 Form/Vorm J193 ...... 59 Notice to creditors in deceased estates Kennisgewings aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels Gauteng...... 59

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Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 72 Free State / Vrystaat...... 74 KwaZulu-Natal...... 76 Limpopo...... 82 Mpumalanga...... 83 North West / Noordwes...... 84 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 86 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 86 Form/Vorm J 187 ...... 96 Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae lê Gauteng...... 97 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 116 Free State / Vrystaat...... 119 KwaZulu-Natal...... 122 Limpopo...... 133 Mpumalanga...... 134 North West / Noordwes...... 136 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 137 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 139


Form/Vorm J 28 ...... 151 Estates or companies sequestrated or wound up provisionally Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is Form/Vorm J29 ...... 152 First meetings of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of sequestrated estates, companies being wound-up or placed under provisional judicial management Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuld-briefhouers van gesekwestreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur Form/Vorm J 29CC ...... 157 Close corporations: first meetings of creditors and members of close corporations being wound up Beslote korporasies: eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers en lede van beslote korporasies in likwidasie Form/Vorm 1 ...... 159 Appointment of trustees and liquidators and proof of claims in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 2 ...... 165 Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 3 ...... 169 Extension of time within to lodge liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Verlenging van termyn vir indiening van likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 4 ...... 170 Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 5 ...... 176 Payment of dividends and collection of contributions in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 6 ...... 184 Application for rehabilitation Aansoek om rehabilitasie Form/Vorm 7 ...... 186 Notices of trustees Kennisgewings van kurators Form/Vorm 9 ...... 187 Notices of surrender of a debtor’s estate Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ‘n skuldenaar se boedel

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Closing times for ORDINARY WEEKLY LEGAL A, LEGAL B and LEGAL C 2018 The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:

➤ 28 December 2017, Thursday for the issue of Friday 05 January 2018 ➤ 05 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 12 January 2018 ➤ 12 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 19 January 2018 ➤ 19 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 26 January 2018 ➤ 26 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 February 2018 ➤ 02 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 February 2018 ➤ 09 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 February 2018 ➤ 16 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 23 February 2018 ➤ 23 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 March 2018 ➤ 02 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 March 2018 ➤ 09 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 March 2018 ➤ 15 March, Thursday for the issue of Friday 23 March 2018 ➤ 22 March, Thursday for the issue of Thursday 29 March 2018 ➤ 28 March, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 06 April 2018 ➤ 06 April, Friday for the issue of Friday 13 April 2018 ➤ 13 April, Friday for the issue of Friday 20 April 2018 ➤ 19 April, Thursday for the issue of Thursday 26 April 2018 ➤ 25 April, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 04 May 2018 ➤ 04 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 11 May 2018 ➤ 11 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 18 May 2018 ➤ 18 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 25 May 2018 ➤ 25 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 01 June 2018 ➤ 01 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 08 June 2018 ➤ 08 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 15 June 2018 ➤ 15 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 22 June 2018 ➤ 22 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 29 June 2018 ➤ 29 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 06 July 2018 ➤ 06 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 13 July 2018 ➤ 13 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 20 July 2018 ➤ 20 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 27 July 2018 ➤ 27 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 03 August 2018 ➤ 02 August, Thursday for the issue of Friday 10 August 2018 ➤ 10 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 17 August 2018 ➤ 17 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 24 August 2018 ➤ 24 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 31 August 2018 ➤ 31 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 07 September 2018 ➤ 07 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 14 September 2018 ➤ 14 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 21 September 2018 ➤ 20 September, Thursday for the issue of Friday 28 September 2018 ➤ 28 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 05 October 2018 ➤ 05 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 12 October 2018 ➤ 12 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 19 October 2018 ➤ 19 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 26 October 2018 ➤ 26 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 November 2018 ➤ 02 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 November 2018 ➤ 09 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 November 2018 ➤ 16 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 23 November 2018 ➤ 23 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 30 November 2018 ➤ 30 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 07 December 2018 ➤ 07 December, Friday for the issue of Friday 14 December 2018 ➤ 13 December, Thursday for the issue of Friday 21 December 2018 ➤ 19 December, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 28 December 2018

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List of tariff rates for pubLication of LegaL notices in the government gazette commencement: 1 apriL 2018

(LegaL notices from sources other than government Departments)

Pricing for Fixed Price Notices Notice Type New Price (R) J158 - Setting aside of Provisional Orders 37.82 J297 - Election of executors, curators and tutors 37.82 J295 - Curators and tutors: Masters’ notice 37.82 J193 - Notice to creditors in deceased estates 37.82 J187 - Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection 37.82 J28 37.82 J29 37.82 J29 – CC 37.82 Form 1 37.82 Form 2 37.82 Form 3 37.82 Form 4 37.82 Form 5 37.82 Form 6 75.66 Form 7 37.82 Form 8 37.82 Form 9 75.66

Sales in execution, Orders of the Court, General Legal, Public Auctions, Company Notice, Business Notices, Liquidators Notice) is priced based on the amount of page space the notice takes up at a rate of R151.32 per quarter page.

Pricing for Variable Priced Notices Notice Type Page space New Price Sales in execution 1/4 151.32 Orders of the Court 1/4 151.32 General Legal 1/4 151.32 Public Auctions 1/4 151.32 Company Notice 1/4 151.32 Business Notices 1/4 151.32 Liquidators Notice 1/4 151.32

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The Government Printing Works (GPW) has established rules for submitting notices in line with its electronic notice processing system, which requires the use of electronic Adobe Forms. Please ensure that you adhere to these guidelines when completing and submitting your notice submission.

Closing Times for ACCepTAnCe of noTiCes

1. The Government Gazette and Government Tender Bulletin are weekly publications that are published on Fridays and the closing time for the acceptance of notices is strictly applied according to the scheduled time for each gazette.

2. Please refer to the Submission Notice Deadline schedule in the table below. This schedule is also published online on the Government Printing works website

All re-submissions will be subject to the standard cut-off times. All notices received after the closing time will be rejected.

Publication Government Gazette Type Publication Date Submission Deadline Cancellations Deadline Frequency

National Gazette Weekly Friday Friday 15h00 for next Friday Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 days prior to publication Regulation Gazette Weekly Friday Friday 15h00, to be published Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 days the following Friday prior to publication Petrol Price Gazette As required First Wednesday of One week before publication 3 days prior to the month publication Road Carrier Permits Weekly Friday Thursday 15h00, to be 3 days prior to published the following Friday publication Unclaimed Monies (justice, January / As Any 15 January / As required 3 days prior to labour or lawyers) required publication 2 per year Parliament (acts, white paper, As required Any 3 days prior to green paper) publication Manuals As required Any None None State of Budget Monthly Any 7 days prior to publication 3 days prior to (National Treasury) publication Legal Gazettes A, B and C Weekly Friday One week before publication Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 days prior to publication Tender Bulletin Weekly Friday Friday 15h00 for next Friday Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 days prior to publication Gauteng Weekly Wednesday Two weeks before publication 3 days after submission deadline Eastern Cape Weekly Monday One week before publication 3 days prior to publication Northern Cape Weekly Monday One week before publication 3 days prior to publication North West Weekly Tuesday One week before publication 3 days prior to publication KwaZulu-Natal Weekly Thursday One week before publication 3 days prior to publication Limpopo Weekly Friday One week before publication 3 days prior to publication Mpumalanga Weekly Friday One week before publication 3 days prior to publication Gauteng Liquor License Monthly Wednesday before Two weeks before publication 3 days after submission Gazette the First Friday of the deadline month Northern Cape Liquor License Monthly First Friday of the Two weeks before publication 3 days after submission Gazette month deadline National Liquor License Gazette Monthly First Friday of the Two weeks before publication 3 days after submission month deadline Mpumalanga Liquor License 2 per month Second & Fourth One week before 3 days prior to Gazette Friday publication

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exTrAordinAry gAzeTTes

3. Extraordinary Gazettes can have only one publication date. If multiple publications of an Extraordinary Gazette are required, a separate Z95/Z95Prov Adobe Forms for each publication date must be submitted.

noTiCe submission proCess

4. Download the latest Adobe form, for the relevant notice to be placed, from the Government Printing Works website

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8.1.1. An electronically completed Adobe form, specific to the type of notice that is to be placed. For National Government Gazette or Provincial Gazette notices, the notices must be accompanied by an electronic Z95 or Z95Prov Adobe form The notice content (body copy) MUST be a separate attachment.

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13. Quotations are valid until the next tariff change.

13.1. Take note: GPW’s annual tariff increase takes place on 1 April therefore any quotations issued, accepted and submitted for publication up to 31 March will keep the old tariff. For notices to be published from 1 April, a quotation must be obtained from GPW with the new tariffs. Where a tariff increase is implemented during the year, GPW endeavours to provide customers with 30 days’ notice of such changes.

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15. Form Content notices must be emailed to the eGazette Contact Centre for a quotation.

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16.1. GPW Account Customers must provide a valid GPW account number to obtain a quotation.

16.2. Accounts for GPW account customers must be active with sufficient credit to transact withGPW to submit notices.

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1 7. 1. Cash customers doing bulk payments must use a single email address in order to use the same proof of payment for submitting multiple notices.

18. The responsibility lies with you, the customer, to ensure that the payment made for your notice(s) to be published is sufficient to cover the cost of the notice(s).

19. Each quotation will be associated with one proof of payment / purchase order / cash receipt.

19.1. This means that the quotation number can only be used once to make a payment.

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Copy (sepArATe noTiCe ConTenT doCumenT)

20. Where the copy is part of a separate attachment document for Z95, Z95Prov and TForm03

20.1. Copy of notices must be supplied in a separate document and may not constitute part of any covering letter, purchase order, proof of payment or other attached documents.

The content document should contain only one notice. (You may include the different translations of the same notice in the same document).

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Page size = A4 Portrait with page margins: Top = 40mm, LH/RH = 16mm, Bottom = 40mm; Use font size: Arial or Helvetica 10pt with 11pt line spacing;

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2 1. Cancellation of notice submissions are accepted by GPW according to the deadlines stated in the table above in point 2. Non-compliance to these deadlines will result in your request being failed. Please pay special attention to the different deadlines for each gazette. Please note that any notices cancelled after the cancellation deadline will be published and charged at full cost.

22. Requests for cancellation must be sent by the original sender of the notice and must accompanied by the relevant notice reference number (N-) in the email body.

AmendmenTs To noTiCes

23. With effect from 01 October 2015, GPW will not longer accept amendments to notices. The cancellation process will need to be followed according to the deadline and a new notice submitted thereafter for the next available publication date.


24. All notices not meeting the submission rules will be rejected to the customer to be corrected and resubmitted. Assistance will be available through the Contact Centre should help be required when completing the forms. (012-748 6200 or email [email protected]). Reasons for rejections include the following:

24.1. Incorrectly completed forms and notices submitted in the wrong format, will be rejected.

24.2. Any notice submissions not on the correct Adobe electronic form, will be rejected.

24.3. Any notice submissions not accompanied by the proof of payment / purchase order will be rejected and the notice will not be processed.

24.4. Any submissions or re-submissions that miss the submission cut-off times will be rejected to the customer. The Notice needs to be re-submitted with a new publication date.

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ApprovAl of noTiCes

25. Any notices other than legal notices are subject to the approval of the Government Printer, who may refuse acceptance or further publication of any notice.

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governmenT prinTer indemnified AgAinsT liAbiliTy

2 7. The Government Printer will assume no liability in respect of—

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liAbiliTy of AdverTiser

28. Advertisers will be held liable for any compensation and costs arising from any action which may be instituted against the Government Printer in consequence of the publication of any notice.

CusTomer inQuiries Many of our customers request immediate feedback/confirmation of notice placement in the gazette from our Contact Centre once they have submitted their notice – While GPW deems it one of their highest priorities and responsibilities to provide customers with this requested feedback and the best service at all times, we are only able to do so once we have started processing your notice submission. GPW has a 2-working day turnaround time for processing notices received according to the business rules and deadline submissions. Please keep this in mind when making inquiries about your notice submission at the Contact Centre.

29. Requests for information, quotations and inquiries must be sent to the Contact Centre ONLY.

30. Requests for Quotations (RFQs) should be received by the Contact Centre at least 2 working days before the submission deadline for that specific publication.

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pAymenT of CosT

3 1. The Request for Quotation for placement of the notice should be sent to the Gazette Contact Centre as indicated above, prior to submission of notice for advertising.

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34. Where there is any doubt about the cost of publication of a notice, and in the case of copy, an enquiry, accompanied by the relevant copy, should be addressed to the Gazette Contact Centre, Government Printing Works, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001 email: [email protected] before publication.

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3 7. The Government Printing Works reserves the right to levy an additional charge in cases where notices, the cost of which has been calculated in accordance with the List of Fixed Tariff Rates, are subsequently found to be excessively lengthy or to contain overmuch or complicated tabulation.

proof of publiCATion

38. Copies of any of the Government Gazette or Provincial Gazette can be downloaded from the Government Printing Works website free of charge, should a proof of publication be required.

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Contact person for subscribers: Mrs M. Toka: E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012-748-6066 / 6060 / 6058 Fax: 012-323-9574

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BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ALIENATION, SALES, CHANGES OF PARTNERSHIP, NAME, ADDRESS, ETC. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intended transfer in terms of a contract of businesses, and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of the relevant advertisements. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.

VERVREEMDING, VERKOPE, VERANDERINGS VAN VENNOOTSKAP, NAAM, ADRES, ENS. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome oordrag in terme van ‘n kontrak van besighede en/of klandisie, goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensies. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.


ROODEPOORT. (2) WIID FAST FOODS CC, Registration number 2008/044627/23; (3) WIID FAST FOODS CC trading as Steers Town Square and Steers Featherbrooke Village, Shop no. 31 Town Square Shopping Center, c/o Hendrik Potgieter - en Albert Street, Weltevreden Park, and Shop No. 6 Featherbrooke Village Shopping Center, c/o Hendrik Potgieter en Peter Drive, Ruimsig, Roodepoort.; (4) SALE OF BUSINESS.; (5) MELO ENTERPRISE (PTY) LTD, Registration number 2018/046086/07; (7) DE JAGER ATTORNEYS, 1018 FREDENHARRY AVENUE, STRUBENS VALLEY, ROODEPOORT.


GAUTENG. (2) WHITE OCEAN TRADING (PTY) LIMITED (Registration No: 2016/035471/07) (herein represented by P Perikli); (3) Sale of Business: 2.12.1 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 as amended that White Ocean Trading (Pty) Limited (Registration No: 2016/035471/07 (herein represented by P. Perikli carrying on business under the style of Ocean Basket Springs Mall (the business) at L52A Springs Mall, Cassedale Extension 4, Springs, intends subject to fulfillment of certain suspensive conditions to sell and transfer to T. Moodley (Identity No: 8601155032086 (in his capacity as Trustee for a company to be formed) in its entirety, as a going concern with effect from the date upon which this notice expires; (4) Sale of Business; (5) T. MOODLEY (Identity No: 8601155032086) (in her capacity as Trustee for a Company to be formed); (6) Shop Number: L52A Springs Mall, Cassedale Extension 4, Springs; (7) CHRISTELIS ARTEMIDES ATTORNEYS.

Pretoria West. (2) K2013194330 (South Africa) (Proprietary) Limited (Registration Number 2013/194330/07); (3) Cash Crusaders Quagga, Shop 1, Quagga Shopping Centre, Corner of Church and Quagga Roads, Pretoria West, 0183; (4) Sale of Business; (5) Cash Crusaders Quagga (Proprietary) Limited (Registration Number 2017/438032/07); (7) Ashersons Attorneys, Ashersons Chambers, 34 Plein Street, , 0214616240, 2018/05/22.

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Kempton Park. (2) D.M.Brushware Proprietory Limited; (3) DM Brushware Supplier of Brooms for road building street and runway sweeping, 19 Hadida Crescent Birch Acres Kempton Park; (4) Selling of its business to new owners; (5) Ultra Sweepers Proprietory Limited; (7) HJ Moller Attorneys 21 Bond street Ferndale Randburg.

Irene. (2) Saphotonica (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 2011/104247/07; (3) Income-generating business conducted on the premises situated at: 109 Sovereign Drive, Route 21 Corporate Park, Irene Extension 72, Pretoria; (4) Sale of immovable property, Erf 3300 Irene Extension 72 Township, also known as 109 Sovereign Drive, as a going concern and is inclusive of the rental agreements and all the equipment and infrastructure as may be deemed to be a part of a commercial office building; (5) Mednucam (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 2013/213971/07; (7) VJO Attorneys, 111 Retief Ave, Lyttelton Manor, Centurion, 22 May 2018.

Gauteng, South Africa. (2) DCD Group Proprietary Limited (registration number 2006/03761/07); (3) Business of designing, manufacturing, refurbishing and servicing a complete range of rolling stock products under the name and style of “DCD Rolling Stock” operating from 57 Victor Street, corner Bain Street, Boksburg East, Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa; (4) Sale of business to be effective at the month-end following the later of, inter alia, the date on which the Conditions Precedent are fulfilled and the 31st day after the publication of the last of the statutory notices contemplated in section 34 of the Insolvency Act. The sale is conditional on approval by the Competition Authorities in terms of the Competition Act, No 89 of 1998.; (5) TMH Africa Proprietary Limited (registration number 2017/660393/07); (6) Additional notes

Sale as a going concern of the the business conducted by the seller under the name and style of “DCD Rolling Stock” relating to the designing, manufacturing, refurbishing and servicing a complete range of rolling stock products, including the goodwill and all goods and property forming part of such business.; (7) Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc, 1 Protea Place Sandton, 2196, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

RANDJESPARK EXT 100. (2) TECHSURGE (PTY) LIMITED (Registration No: 2015/359700/07); (3) Techsurge (Pty) Ltd,; (4) Sale of Property - Unit 9, Summit Square (879/2007), 219 Roan Crescent, Corporate Park North; (5) ES ENERGY (PTY) LTD, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2017/384722/07; (6) Unit 9, Summit Square (879/2007), 219 Roan Crescent, Corporate Park North; (7) Chen & Lin Attorneys Inc..




Austerville, Durban. (2) Charles Smith Superfoods Proprietary Limited; (3) St Georges Spar Austerville and Austerville Build-IT, 5 Alabama Road, Austerville, Durban; (4) Sale of business to new owner; (5) Gentrade Investments Proprietary Limited; (6) St Georges Spar Austerville and Austerville Build-IT, 5 Alabama Road, Austerville, Durban; (7) Shepstone & Wylie Attorneys, 24 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga.

Austerville, Durban. (2) Soterakis Ionni Stavrinou; (3) Austerville Liquor Store, 5 Alabama Road, Austerville, Durban; (4) Sale of business to new owner; (5) Gentrade Investments Proprietary Limited; (6) Austerville Liquor Store, 5 Alabama Road, Austerville, Durban; (7) Shepstone & Wylie Attorneys, 24 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga.

Darnall, KwaZulu-Natal. (2) G Supramanien Sugar Estate CC, Registration No. 2004/095583/23; (3) G Supramanien Sugar Estate CC, Registration No. 2004/095583/23, carrying on business at PR3 Prospect Estate, Darnall, KwaZulu-Natal (described as Portion 4 of the Farm Prospect Three No. 17875).; (4) sale and transfer of business.; (5) Class A Trading 228 (Pty) Ltd, Registration No. 2001/016923/07; (7) Garlicke and Bousfield Inc., 7 Torsvale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, Umhlanga, 4319, 01/06/2018.



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Vaalwater. (2) Johannes Benjamin van der Merwe, Identification number 6108225240089 trading as Driehoek Voere; Centuria 0075 (Pty) Ltd, Registration number: 1999/022023/07; and TF van Der Merwe (Pty) Ltd, Registration number: 2013/137947/07; (3) The assets and immovable property comprising a feed mill business. Address: Farm Goedehoop, Vaalwater, Limpopo; (4) Each of Johannes Benjamin van der Merwe trading as Driehoek Voere, Centuria 0075 (Pty) Ltd and TF van der Merwe (Pty) Ltd are selling the assets and immovable property comprising the feed mill business; (5) RCL FOODS Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd, registration number: 1947/026583/07; (7) Eversheds Sutherland (KZN) Inc., 3B The Ridge, 8 Torsvale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge, Durban, 4019. Email: [email protected].



BABERTON, MPUMALANGA. (2) OASIS SERVICE STATION CC, Registration Number 1997/047018/23; (3) Quick Shop and Petrol Filling Station trading under the name and style of Sheba Motors at 38 General Street, Barberton, Mpumalanga, 1300.; (4) Sale of Business; (5) EASTERN BLUE INVESTMENTS 178 CC, Registration Number 2002/101003/23; (7) Riaan Bosch Attorneys, P O Box 76271, , 0040 or Suite 5 Monpark Building, 76 Skilpad Street, Monument Park, Pretoria - 25 May 2018.



Melkbosstrand. (2) Rengen Trading CC met Registrasie Nommer: 2008/054263/23, ‘n Geslote Korporasie opgeneem in ooreenstemming met die Wette van Suid-Afrika; (3) Drankhandeleaar geleë te 6de Laan, , Kaapstad, 7441; (4) Verkoop van Besigheid as ‘n lopende saak. Effektiewe Datuum: 4 Junie 2018; (5) A & G Waters Holdings (Pty) Ltd met Registrasie Nommer: 2013/091793/07, ‘n maatskappy opgeneem in ooreenstemming me die Wette van Suid-Afrika; (6) A&G Waters Holdings (Pty) Ltd is ‘n beheermaatskappy met geregistreerde adres te Piazza Inkopiesentrum, hoek van Link en Parklands Hoofpad, Parklands, Wes-Kaap, 7441 ; (7) HEROLD GIE ATTORNEYS, duly authorised to act on behalf of the A&G Waters Holdings (Pty) Ltd.

Melkbosstrand. (2) Rengen Trading CC with registration number: 2008/054263/23, a closed corporation incorporated in accordance with the laws of South Africa; (3) Liquor retailer situate at 6th Avenue , Melkbosstrand, Cape Town, 7441; (4) Sale of business as a going concern. Effective Date: 4 June 2018; (5) A & G Waters Holdings (Pty) Ltd with registration number: 2013/091793/07, a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of South Africa; (6) A&G Waters Holdings (Pty) Ltd is a holding company with registered address situate at Piazza Shopping Centre, Cnr Link and Parklands Main Road, Parklands, Western Cape, 7441 ; (7) HEROLD GIE ATTORNEYS, duly authorised to act on behalf of the A&G Waters Holdings (Pty) Ltd.

Cape Town. (2) Southern Shows and Expositions CC; (3) Ambiente Luce, 7 Boundary Road, George Park Industrial, Strand; (4) Intended sale of lighting manufacturing business; (5) Ambiente Luce (Pty) Ltd; (6) Ambiente Luce, 7 Boundary Road, George Park Industrial, Strand; (7) Rose Attorneys, 12 Hertzog Road, 7945, 2018/05/24.


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ACT, 24 OF 1936, THAT DEVCO WESTERN CAPE PROPRIETARY LIMITED, HAS SOLD THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY KNOWN AS ERVEN 3431, 3433, 3457, 3458, 3459, 3460, 3461, 3462, 3463, 3464, 3563, 3564, 3574, 3575, 3576, 3577, 3578, 3579, 3580, 3581, 3558, 3559, 3560, 3561, 3562, 3600, 3601, 3602, 3603, 3604, 3536, 3637, 3549, 3550, 3551, 3552, 3553, 3554, 3555, 3556, 3530, 3531, 3532, 3533, 3538, 3539, 3540, 3541, 3542, 3543, 3453, 3454, 3455, 3456, 3529, 3534, 3535, 3544, 3545, 3557, 3546, 3547, 3548, 3493 KLAPMUTS TO TUNIMAX PROPRIETARY LIMITED AND INTENDS TRANSFERRING THE PROPERTY TO THE PURCHASER AFTER 30 DAYS FOLLOWING THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT.; (5) TUNIMAX PROPRIETARY LIMITED, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2017/031175/07; (7) BOSHOFF NJOKWENI INC, 10TH FLOOR, VUNANI CHAMBERS, 33 CHURCH STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8001.

Cape Town. (2) Theo Bentley Carpets CC (Registration No. 1995/035797/23); (3) trading as Bentleytex Carpets at 75 Roeland Street, Cape Town; (4) Sale of Business as going concern, effective 1 July 2018, whereafter the purchaser will carry on business for its own account and benefit; (5) Carpet Purchasers (Pty) Ltd (Registration No. 2004/008328/07); (6) Bentleytex Carpets, 75 Roeland Street, Cape Town; (7) Pincus Matz Attorneys, Pincus Matz House, Wynberg Mews, Brodie Road, Wynberg, 2018/05/23.

Montague Gardens, Cape Town. (2) MTU South Africa Proprietary Limited (registration number: 1952/001250/07); (3) The business of selling and supplying diesel engines and activities ancillary thereto, carried on at 36 Marconi Street, Montague Gardens, Cape Town; (4) Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, as amended from time to time, to interested parties and the creditors of MTU South Africa Proprietary Limited (registration number: 1952/001250/07), with registered address 36 Marconi Street, Montague Gardens, Cape Town, that the company intends on selling immovable property and movable assets to Propeller Propco Proprietary Limited (registration number: 2018/099020/07); (5) Propeller Propco Proprietary Limited (registration number: 2018/099020/07); (7) Eversheds Sutherland (SA) Inc, 3rd Floor, 54 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg. Ref: Michael Peters/MAT13122.






THE BACKPACKERS RITZ OF JOHANNESBURG CC (Reg. No: 1995/032499/23) (Master’s Reference: -) NOTICE OF A SPECIAL RESOLUTION OF CREDITORS VOLUNTARY WINDING UP In a meeting of Members held on 30 April 2018 it was resolved that the Close Corporation be placed in voluntary liquidation by creditors in terms of Section 67 of the Close Corporations Act No. 69 of 1984, read with Section 351 of the Companies Act No. 61 or 1973, as read with Item 9 of Schedule 5 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008. The CM26 Special Resolution for Voluntary Liquidation in terms of Section 352(2) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 was duly registered on 18 May 2018. Stowell & Company Incorporated, John Douglas Michau, P O Box 33, Pietermaritzburg 3200, Tel: (033) 845 0526, Fax: (033) 342 2976 , Email: [email protected]. t

This gazette is also available free online at 16 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 80 of Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008, read with Section 356(2)(b) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, that a meeting was held on 22 September 2017 at which the undermentioned resolution was duly passed: “That the company be wound up voluntarily in terms of Section 80 of the Companies Act, No.71 of 2008, as a Member’s Voluntary Winding Up.” PricewaterhouseCoopers, Henrita Sauls, 4 Lisbon Lane, Waterfall City, Jukskei View, 2090, Tel: 0112870818, Fax: 0110196818 , Email: [email protected]. t

RUSPROP WAREHOUSE (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 1969/006624/07) (Master’s Reference: G354/2018) SPECIAL RESOLUTION OF MEMBER’S VOLUNTARY WINDING UP It was resolved: The company be wound up voluntarily as a members’ voluntary winding-up pursuant to Section 356 (349 & Section 350) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as amended / section 79 read with section 80 of the Companies Act 2008 as amended. Statucor (Pty) Ltd, Deidre de Carvalho, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041, Tel: 010 060 5502



SIDEREAL (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 1977/002106/07) (Master’s Reference: C127/2018) COMPANY IN LIQUIDATION AND NOMINATION OF LIQUIDATOR Notice is hereby given that in terms of section 356 (2) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, as amended, as read with section 66 of the Close Corporation Act No. 69 of 1984, as amended, that a resolution for the voluntary winding up of the aforementioned company was passed by the directors on 24 January 2018 and duly registered by the Registrar of Companies and Close Corporations on 18 May 2018. Johann Lambrechts Krynauw has been nominated to be appointed as Liquidator BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, Karin de Brauwere, P O Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599, Tel: (021) 880 5400 , Email: [email protected]. t

FILM AFRIKA BB (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 2015/345185/07) (Master’s Reference: C94/2018) NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND UP VOLUNTARILY (PURSUANT TO S80 OF THE COMPANIES ACT 2008) Notice is hereby given that on 05 February 2018 at an extraordinary meeting of members of the above mentioned company, the following resolution was passed: That the company be wound up voluntarily by its members, that Harold Trevor Jedeikin be and is hereby appointed as Liquidator, that his remuneration be fixed at a maximum of R20 000.00 excluding VAT and disbursement, and that he is not required to furnish security for completion of his duties in terms of the Companies Act 2008. HARRY JEDEIKIN, HARRY JEDEIKIN, 11 IMAM HARON ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708, Tel: 0216711643 , Email: [email protected]. t

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FILM AFRIKA LAND FREE (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 2016/84135/07) (Master’s Reference: C96/2018) NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND UP VOLUNTARILY (PURSUANT TO S80 OF THE COMPANIES ACT 2008) Notice is hereby given that on 06 February 2018 at an extraordinary meeting of members of the above mentioned company, the following resolution was passed: That the company be wound up voluntarily by its members, that Harold Trevor Jedeikin be and is hereby appointed as Liquidator, that his remuneration be fixed at a maximum of R25 000.00 excluding VAT and disbursement, and that he is not required to furnish security for completion of his duties in terms of the Companies Act 2008. HARRY JEDEIKIN, HARRY JEDEIKIN, 11 IMAM HARON ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708, Tel: 0216711643 , Email: [email protected]. t

CONSTANTIA UITSIG FARMS (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 1980/009524/07) (Master’s Reference: C172/2018) NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND UP VOLUNTARILY (PURSUANT TO S80 OF THE COMPANIES ACT 2008) Notice is hereby given that on 19 January 2018 at an extraordinary meeting of members of the above mentioned company, the following resolution was passed: That the company be wound up voluntarily by its members, that Harold Trevor Jedeikin be and is hereby appointed as Liquidator, that his remuneration be fixed at a maximum of R17 500.00 excluding VAT and disbursement, and that he is not required to furnish security for completion of his duties in terms of the Companies Act 2008. HARRY JEDEIKIN, HARRY JEDEIKIN, 11 IMAM HARON ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708, Tel: 0216711643 , Email: [email protected].



LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors, of appointments, meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc. LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes soos eksekuteurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees, kurators of voogde, van aanstellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eise, verlof, vrystellings, ens.


ALFRED TEVES RETIREMENT FUND Reg. No: 12/8/35013 DISSOLUTION OF ALFRED TEVES RETIREMENT FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the ALFRED TEVES RETIREMENT FUND will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. THE COMMISSIONER, FINANCIAL SECTOR CONDUCT AUTHORITY, Riverwalk Office Park Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Pretoria, South Africa; 2. THE FUND at Alfred Teves Brake Systems (Pty) Ltd, Cnr Kent & All Black Roads, Boksburg North, South Africa, 1460. Please ask for Mr. Johan Cronjé. 3. THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE – BOKSBURG, Boksburg Magistrates Court, Cnr Trichardt & Adderley Streets, Boksburg, 1460. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Commissioner, Financial Sector Conduct Authority, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 14 days after expiration of the abovementioned 30 day period.

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JEREMY ANDREW, 14 KINGS STREET, NEWLANDS, CAPE TOWN, 7700, Tel: 0216830276, Email: jeremy@jgandrew. t

Harvilog (Edms) Bpk Reg. Nr: 2010/020463/07 Meestersverwysing: T350/18 KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN LEDE GEHOU KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 386(1) VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET EN REGULASIE 8(1) VAN BYLAE III VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET Kragtens Artikel 386(4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ‘n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria op Maandag 18 Junie 2018 om 10:00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386(4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamlaan 1207, Queenswood, 0186, Tel: 0123336162, E-pos: lizette@tshwanetrust. t

Khumama Platinum (Pty) Ltd (in Voluntary Liquidation) Reg. No: 2002/017272/07 Master’s Reference: G396/2018 MEMBERS VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 375(5)(b) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, that Henrita Sauls has been appointed by the Master of the High Court as Liquidator of the undermentioned company which is being wound up as a Members Voluntary winding up: Khumama Platinum (Pty) Ltd, Master’s Certificate of Appointment Number G396/2018 dated 14 May 2018. H Sauls, Liquidator, c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers, Private Bag X36, Sunninghill, 2157. PricewaterhouseCoopers, 4 Lisbon Lane, Waterfall City, Jukskei View, 2090, Tel: 0112870818, Fax: 0110196818, Email: [email protected]. t

La Vida Douce (Pty) Ltd Reg. Nr: 2016/087736/07 Meestersverwysing: T3482/17 KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN LEDE GEHOU KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 386(1) VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET EN REGULASIE 8(1) VAN BYLAE III VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET. Kragtens Artikel 386(4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ‘n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Meester Van Die Hooggeregshof Pretoria , Maandag, 25 Junie 2018 om 10:00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386(4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. Tshwane Trust Co. (Pty) Ltd, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria 0186, Tel: 0861 874 926, E-pos: Elmarie@ t

Watercooled Cables and Flexibles (Pty) Ltd Reg. No: 2009/021817/07 Master’s Reference: G87/18 KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN LEDE GEHOU KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 386(1) VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET EN REGULASIE 8(1) VAN BYLAE III VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET Kragtens Artikel 386(4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ‘n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg op 18 Junie 2018 om 10:00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386(4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen Tshwane Trust CO (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, Tel: 0861 874 926


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VA Group T/A JL Plant Hire Reg. Nr: 2014/213148/07 Meestersverwysing: T1567/15 KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN LEDE GEHOU KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 386(1) VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET EN REGULASIE 8(1) VAN BYLAE III VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET. Kragtens Artikel 386(4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ‘n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Landdros te Secunda, Vrydag 22 Junie 2018 om 09:30 Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386(4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. Tshwane Trust Co. (Pty) Ltd, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria 0186, Tel: 0861 874 926, E-pos: leah@


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HAVING HEARD counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The abovementioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. A rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this court at 10:00 on 3 SEPTEMBER 2018 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. This interim order must be served upon the respondent’s registered address by way of Sheriff. 4. The interim order must be served upon the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Service by way of filing notice, by hand. 5. This interim order must be served upon the employees of the respondent, if any by way of Sheriff. 6. This order must be served upon the Trade Union/s, if any, by way of Sheriff. 7. This order shall be published once in the local newspaper and once in the Government Gazette, before the return date. t

ANNEXURE “A” (DRAFT ORDER) Case No: 2015/37237 14 Northcliff IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) Johannesburg, 9 May 2018, Judge Mudau In the matter between: Visnenza, Franco Carlo N.O., In his capacity as a trustee of The Visnenza Family Trust, First Applicant, Dannhauser, Johann N.O., In his capacity as a trustee of The Visnenza Family Trust, Second Applicant and Partners Consolidated Investments (Pty) Ltd, Respondent In re: N/A EXTENSION OF PROVISIONAL LIQUIDATION ORDER (LEGAL NOTICES) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG, CASE NO: 2015/37237, P/H NO: 0, JOHANNESBURG, 9 May 2018, BEFORE THE HONOURABLE JUDGE MUDAU In the matter between:- VISNENZA FRANCO CARLO N.O., In his capacity as a trustee of The Visnenza Family Trust, First Applicant, DANNHAUSER JOHANN N.O., In his capacity as a trustee of The Visnenza Family Trust, Second Applicant, and PARTNERS CONSOLIDATED INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, Respondent, HAVING read the papers filed on record, and having heard submissions by counsel and having considered the matter:- IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. This return date is extended to 18 June 2018.

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2. The costs are reserved. t



In the result the following order issues: (a) the order of this court under case number 50356/16 granted on 29 June 2016 by Madam Justice Khumalo, sanctioning an order of compromise under s.155(7) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 in respect of the first respondent, is rescinded and set aside. (b) it is declared that the aforesaid court order is not final and binding on the persons who were secured, preferent and/or concurrent creditors of the first respondent as at 29 June 2016 and, in particular, not binding on the applicant. (c) The first, second and third respondents are directed to pay the costs of this application on the scale as between attorney- and-client, jointly and severally, the one paying the other to be absolved, such costs to include the costs of two Cousel (d) The first respondent is placed under provisional winding-up in the hands of the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, and a rule nisi hereby issues, returnable on 27/06/18, calling upon all interested parties to show cause why the rule should not be made final. (e) This order is to be – (i) Served on the first respondent; (ii) Served on every registered trade union that, as far as the applicant can reasonably ascertain, represents any of the employees of the first respondent; (iii) Published once in the Government Gazette; and (iv) Published once in the Citizen newspaper t

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DRAFT COURT ORDER Case No: 0011473/2018 N/A IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) 24 April 2018, 24 April 2018, Judge Adams In the matter between: APPLICANT: WAYNE DE BEER and RESPONDENT: HOMESTEAD INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES CC In re: None NONE ______DRAFT ORDER ______

Having heard Council for the Applicant and having considered the matter, an order is made on the following terms:

1) The Respondent is placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the High Court 2) A rule nisi is issued, calling upon all persons who have a legitimate interest to put forward their reasons why this court should not order the final winding up of the First Respondent on the 19th of June 2018 at 10:00 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. 3) The Applicant must file a valid Master’s certificate of security on or before the return day. 4) A copy of this order shall be served on the First Respondent at its registered address. 5) A copy of this order shall be served on all known employees at the Respondent’s registered address. 6) A copy of this order shall be served on the South African Revenue Services and Master of the High Court Johannesburg. 7) A copy of this order shall be published in the Government Gazette and the Citizen newspaper. 8) A copy of this order shall be served on all known creditors by registered post to their registered addresses. 9) Costs of this liquidation application are costs in the liquidation. t



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Case No: 3047/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 30 April 2018, Honourable Madam Justice Teffo In the matter between: Jacques Jan Hendrik Wildenboer t/a Wildenboer Legal Services, Applicant and Johannes Jacobus Cornelius Fourie, Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The estate of JOHANNES JACOBUS CORNELIUS FOURIE be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi issue calling upon the respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this court on 7 AUGUST 2018 at 10:00 why a final order of sequestration should not be made against his estate. 2. The provisional order be served upon the respondent personally. 3. The provisional order be published in the Government Gazette and the Citizen Newspaper. 4. The costs of this application be costs in the sequestration of the respondent’s estate. BY THE COURT, REGISTRAR Attorney: Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Address: 876 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria t

Case No: 83043/2017 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 15 March 2018, Honourable Mr Justice Msimang AJ In the matter between: Rosemary Matladi Sadiki. 1st Applicant, Madzidza Griffith Sadiki, 2nd Applicant and Sellmore Homes CC, Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT: A provisional liquidation order is granted with return date of the 27 June 2018 BY THE COURT REGISTRAR Attorney: HES Address: 876 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria t

This gazette is also available free online at 24 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018


HAVING read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and considered the matter: IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The registration of the defendant close corporation in the main action, Ritima Seven CC, with registration number CK97/3327/23 be restored of the provisions of Section 26(6) as read with Section 26(7)(b)(iv) of the Close Corporations Act No. 69 of 1984 (hereinafter referred to as “the old Act”), alternatively in terms of the provisions of Section 83(4)(a) of the Companies Act No. 71 of 2008 (hereinafter referred to as “the new Act”). 2. It be declared that the immovable property of the defendant close corporation, Ritima Seven CC, with registration number 97/3327/23, known as ERF 472, DENEYSVILLE TOWNSHIP, HEILBRON DISTRICT, FREE STATE PROVINCE, is no longer bona facantia and are revested in the close corporation. 3. A copy of this order be published in the Government Gazette and in a daily newspaper. BY THE COURT REGISTRAR Attorney: VAN HEERDENS INC. t

Case No: 1721/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 23 March 2018, Honourable Madam Justice Molopa-Sethosa In the matter of: Etienne Jacques Naude N.O, Applicant and Desto (Pty) Limited Reg No 1994/001962/07, First Respondent, he Master of the High Court, Second Respondent, South African Revenue Services, Third Respondent ADDRESS: 40 OLD WARMBATHS ROAD, , PRETORIA Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record it is ordered that: 1. The first respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. A rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any , to this court at 10:00 on 28 June 2018 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. Service of this rule nisi be affected upon the respondent company at its registered office and by publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and in the Citizen and the Beeld newspaper. 4. A copy of this order be forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post. By Order of Court - Court Registrar Attorney: W Niedinger & Ass Address: 477 Falda Street, cnr. Windsor Road & Falda Street, , Pretoria t

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 25


HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record. IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The respondent be placed under provisional liquidation returnable on the 24th of July 2018. 2. This respondent is called upon to show cause on or before the return date hereof, why this order should not be made final. 3. This interim order be served upon the respondent at its registered address by way of sheriff. 4. This order be served upon the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Service by way of filing notice, by hand. 5. This interim order be served upon the employees of the respondent, if any, by affixing a copy of this order against the principle door or gate of the premises of the respondent, at the respondent’s registered address, by way of the sheriff. 6. This order be published once in the Citizen Newspaper and once in the Government Gazette, before the return date. 7. The costs of this application be costs in the liquidation. BY THE COURT.-REGISTRAR. AM t

Case No: 2018/13256 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG) JOHANNESBURG, 7 May 2018, JUDGE SIWENDU In the matter between: MULLER, DANEEL, Applicant and MILESTONE GRANITE CC (Registration No: 2011/08153/23), Respondent

Having read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and having considered the matter:- IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. The respondent is hereby placed under provisional winding up. 2. All persons who may have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this court should not order the final winding up of the respondent on 18 JUNE 2018 at 10h00. 3. A copy of this order be served on the respondent at the respondent’s registered address. 4. A copy of this order be published forthwith once in the government gazette. 5. A copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post or by electronically receipted telefax transmission. BY THE COURT.-REGISTRAR, DDP ATTORNEYS - 011 447 1790

This gazette is also available free online at 26 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018


NO Case No: 1836/2018 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, PORT ELIZABETH) PORT ELIZABETH, 22 May 2018, Before the Honourable Justice Chetty In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions Applicant In re: R1 030 cash seized on 17 March 2018 and held by SAPS under Bethelsdorp CAS 227/03/2018 and SAP 13/464/2018 (the property)

Annexure a NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth) on 20 March 2018 in case number 916/2018 in relation to:R1 030 cash seized on 17 March 2018 and held by SAPS under Bethelsdorp CAS 227/03/2018 and SAP 13/464/2018 (the property) (the property) (a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.) This notice is addressed to Fazel Abrahams and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth. Tel: 041-585 7921. Email: [email protected] t

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 27

NO Case No: EL 99/17 ECD 399/17 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EAST LONDON CIRCUIT LOCAL DIVISION, EAST LONDON) EAST LONDON, 31 January 2017, Before the Honourable Madam Justice Hartle In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions Applicant In re: Toyota Corolla 160i with registration number HTX 650 EC (the property) seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) in Fynbos, East London on 25 November 2016

Annexure a NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (East London Circuit Local Division, East London) on 31 January 2017 in case number EL 99/17 ECD 399/2017 in relation to: In re:Toyota Corolla 160i with registration number HTX 650 EC (the property) seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) in Fynbos, East London on 25 November 2016(a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.) This notice is addressed to VUYOLWETHU DALINYANI and to all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: State Attorney, Fleet Street, Quigney, East London. Tel: 043-706 5100. Email: [email protected] t

This gazette is also available free online at 28 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

NO Case No: 4286/16 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, MTHATHA) MTHATHA, 29 November 2016, Before the Honourable Justice Notununu AJ In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: R14 000 in cash (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service members (the SAPS) in Dutywa on 1 September 2016

Annexure a NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Local Division, Mthatha) in case number 4286/16 in relation to: In re:R14 000 in cash (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service members (the SAPS) in Dutywa on 1 September 2016 (a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.) This notice is addressed to all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: State Attorney, 94 Sisson Street, Fort Gale, Mthatha. Tel: 047-502 99 00. Email: [email protected] t

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 29

NO Case No: EL 514/17 ECD 1414/17 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EAST LONDON CIRCUIT LOCAL DIVISION, EAST LONDON) EAST LONDON, 25 April 2017, Before the Honourable Justice van Zyl DJP In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions Applicant In re: R10 458 in cash (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service members (the SAPS) in Beacon Bay, East London on 21 March 2017

Annexure a NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (East London Circuit Local Division, East London) in case number EL 514/17 ECD 1414/2017 in relation to: In re:R10 458 (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service members (the SAPS) in Beacon Bay, East London on 21 March 2017 (a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.) This notice is addressed ZANDILE MANCOBA and to all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: State Attorney, Fleet Street, Quigney, East London. Tel: 043-706 5100. Email: [email protected] t

This gazette is also available free online at 30 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

NO Case No: 2295/17 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, MTHATHA) MTHATHA, 30 May 2017, Before the Honourable Justice Mbenenge ADJP In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: Mazda 323 with registration number CF 162 986 (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) in Mount Frere on 19 March 2016

Annexure a NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Local Division, Mthatha) in case number 2295/2017 in relation to: In re:Mazda 323 with registration number CF 162 986 (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) in Mount Frere on 19 March 2016(a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.) This notice is addressed to Masijonge Pula and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address:

State Attorney, 94 Sisson Street, Fort Gale, Mthatha. Tel: 047-502 99 00. Email: [email protected] t

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 31


annexure a NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (East London Circuit Local Division, East London) on 15 May 2017 in case number EL 549/2018 in relation to: In re:CASH IN BANK ACCOUNT NUMBERS 10100257117 AND 10092659223 HELD AT STANDARD BANK SOUTH AFRICA (SBSA) AND BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER 4093252260 HELD AT ABSA WHICH IS PROCEEDS OF MONEY TRANSFERRED FROM EASTERN CAPE PARKS AND TOURISM BY FALSE PRETENCE AND FRAUDULENT MISREPRESENTATION (the property) (a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.) This notice is addressed to to all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: State Attorney, Fleet Street, Quigney, East London, 043-706 5100, [email protected] t

This gazette is also available free online at 32 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

NO Case No: 4152/16 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, MTHATHA) MTHATHA, 22 November 2016, Before the Honourable Justice Mbenenge ADJP In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: Colt Mitsubishi 2.8 TD Club Cab with registration number DDV 668 EC (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service members (the SAPS) in Mount Frere on 23 July 2016


The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Local Division, Mthatha) in case number 4152/2017 in relation to: In re:Colt Mitsubishi 2.8 TD Club Cab with registration number DDV 668 EC (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service members (the SAPS) in Mount Frere on 23 July 2016(a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.)

This notice is addressed to AWONKE MTSI and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: State Attorney, 94 Sisson Street, Fort Gale, Mthatha. 047-502 99 00. [email protected] t

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 33

NO Case No: 4304/17 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, MTHATHA) MTHATHA, 19 September 2017, Before the Honourable Justice Mbenenge ADJP In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: Nissan Hardbody 2.0 SWB SC 4X2 bakkie with registration number ND 777 018 (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) at Kwaaiman Administrative Area, Mthatha on 7 April 2015


The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Local Division, Mthatha) in case number 4304/2017 in relation to: In re:Nissan Hardbody 2.0 SWB SC 4X2 bakkie with registration number ND 777 018 (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) at Kwaaiman Administrative Area, Mthatha on 7 April 2015(a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.)

This notice is addressed to MAXHEGO WISEMAN NTLANGANISO and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: State Attorney, 94 Sisson Street, Fort Gale, Mthatha. 047-502 99 00. [email protected] t

This gazette is also available free online at 34 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

NO Case No: 1380/2018 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE DIVISION, GRAHAMSTOWN) GRAHAMSTOWN, 15 May 2018, Before the Honourable Madam Justice Mfenyana AJ In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: Mazda Drifter bakkie with registration number HPT 156 EC (the property) seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) at Kleinbulhoek, Whittlesea, on 20 January 2018


The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown) on 15 May 2018 in case number 1380/2018 in relation to:Mazda Drifter bakkie with registration number HPT 156 EC (the property) seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) at Kleinbulhoek, Whittlesea, on 20 January 2018 (a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.)

This notice is addressed to all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: Dullabhs, 5 Bertram Street, Grahamstown (Mr. Wolmarans). 046-6226611. [email protected] t

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NO Case No: 4153/16 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, MTHATHA) MTHATHA, 21 November 2017, Before the Honourable Justice Ndzondo AJ In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: R7 214 cash and Nissan Skyline 2.0 GLEX with registration number NX 16036 (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service members (the SAPS) in Dutywa on 10 September 2016

Annexure a NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Local Division, Mthatha) in case number 4153/2017 in relation to: In re:R7 214 cash and Nissan Skyline 2.0 GLEX with registration number NX 16036 (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service members (the SAPS) in Dutywa on 10 September 2016(a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.) This notice is addressed to BONGANI MYEZA and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: State Attorney, 94 Sisson Street, Fort Gale, Mthatha. Tel: 047-502 99 00. Email: [email protected] t

This gazette is also available free online at 36 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

NO Case No: 3277/2017 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, MTHATHA) Mthatha, 25 July 2017, Before the Honourable Justice Dawood In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions Applicant In re: Opel Corsa bakkie with registration number DSZ 550 EC (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) in Mount Frere on 2 July 2017


The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth) on 25 July 2017 in case number 916/2018 in relation to:Opel Corsa bakkie with registration number DSZ 550 EC (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) in Mount Frere on 2 July 2017 (a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.)

This notice is addressed to THULANI WANI and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: The State Attorney (Mr Makalima), 94 Sisson Street, Fortgale, Mthatha. 047-5029900. [email protected] t

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 37

NO Case No: 5352/17 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, MTHATHA) MTHATHA, 21 November 2017, Before the Honourable Justice Ndzondo AJ In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: R1 700 in cash and a Toyota Hilux 2200 DLX LWB bakkie with registration number NCW 14735 (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) in Zitapile Location, Matatiele, on 14 March 2017

annexure a NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Local Division, Mthatha) on 21 November 2017 in case number 5352/2017 in relation to: In re:R1 700 in cash and a Toyota Hilux 2200 DLX LWB bakkie with registration number NCW 14735 (the property) that was seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS) in Zitapile Location, Matatiele, on 14 March 2017(the property)(a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.) This notice is addressed to MZUVUKILE MBANGULA and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days’ notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days’ notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days’ notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: State Attorney, 94 Sisson Street, Fort Gale, Mthatha. 047-502 99 00. [email protected]

This gazette is also available free online at 38 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018




Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicants and upon reading the NOTICE OF MOTION and the other documents filed of record, IT IS ORDERED 1. A rule nisi be and is hereby called upon the Respondent and all other interested parties to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on the 22nd day of June 2018 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard why the Respondent should not be finally Wound-Up; 2. That this Order operates with immediate effect as a Provisional Order for the Winding-Up of the Respondent. 3. That a copy of this Order be served by the Deputy Sheriff of this Honourable Court on:- 3.1 the RESPONDENT at it’s registered office at SUITE 11, FIRST FLOOR, 14 PALM BOULEVARD, UMHLANGA; and, 3.2 the EMPLOYEES OF THE RESPONDENT at its principal place of business situated at SUITE 11, FIRST FLOOR, 14 PALM BOULEVARD, UMHLANGA 4. A copy of this order is to be furnished by the Applicant’s Attorneys to:- 4.1 The MASTER of the High Court at 2ND FLOOR DEVONSHIRE PLACE, DURBAN; and, 4.2 The SOUTH AFRICAN REVENUE SERVICES at ALBANY HOUSE, VICTORIA EMBANKMENT, DURBAN. 5. That a copy of this Order be published on or before the 04th day of JUNE 2018 once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published and circulating in the greater Durban area. t


On the 9 May 2018 an order has been granted in the following terms:

1. THAT DAILY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES CC, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2004\7872\23 (hereinafter referred to as the RESPONDENT), and all other parties be and are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on the 20TH June 2018 - at 8h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard why the Respondent should not be wound - up. 2. That this order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the Respondent. 3. That this order and copies of the papers in this application shall be served forthwith on the Respondent at its registered office and a copy of this order shall be published on or before the 1st day of JUNE 2018 once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published in Durban and circulating in Kwazulu Natal. t

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UPON the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the NOTICE OF MOTION and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED 1. The First be and is hereby placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the High Court, Durban 2. A Rule Nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon the Respondents and all other interested persons to show cause, if any, to this court on or before the 25th day of June 2018 at 09h30 so soon thereafter as Counsel for the Applicant may be heard 2.1 Why the First Respondent should not be placed under final liquidation; and 2.2 Why the costs of this Application should not be costs in the liquidation 3. A copy of the provisional winding-up Order be: 3.1 Published in the government Gazette and in a daily newspaper published and Circulating in KwaZulu-Natal on or before the 08th June 2018. 3.2 Served in compliance with the provisions of Section 346A of the Companies Act, 1973 on or before the 08th June 2018.


Case No: 10708/2017 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWA-ZULU NATAL DIVISION, DURBAN) DURBAN, 23 April 2018, HONOURABLE JUDGE MASIPA In the matter between: AFRICAN DYNAMICS GROUP (PTY) LTD [Registration number: 2004/023060/07], Applicant and SOUTHERN SPIRIT PROPERTIES 194 (PTY) LTD [Registration number: 2006/023504/07], Respondent In re: PROVISIONAL LIQUIDATION

UPON the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the NOTICE OF MOTION and the other documents filed of record:


1. The Respondent be and is hereby placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the High Court; 2. A rule nisi do hereby be issued calling upon the Respondent and all interested parties to show cause, if any, to this Court on 18 JUNE 2018, at 09H30 or soon thereafter as the matter be heard why the Respondent should not be finally wound up; 3. A coy of this Order shall be served forthwith: a) on the Respondent at its registered office; b) at the residential address of the only remaining director of the Respondent at 7 Bauhinia Crescent, Marais Steyn Park, Edenvale; and

This gazette is also available free online at 40 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

c) on the South African Revenue Service. 4. A copy of this Order be published on or before 31 May 2018 once the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published circulating in KwaZulu-Natal. 5. Costs of the liquidation application are costs in the liquidation. t



1. A Rule Nisi is hereby issued calling upon all interested persons to show cause on the 07th day of June 2018 why an order should not be made in the following terms: 1.1. Declaring the dissolution of Summer Sun Trading 99 (Pty) Ltd (Registration number 2005/001539/07) (“the first respondent”) to have been void in terms of section 83 (4) of the companies Act 71 of 2008. 1.2. Directing the second respondent to restore the first respondent’s name to the register of companies. 1.3. Declaring that the assets of the first respondent no longer be bona vacantia and are re-vested in the first respondent. t

Case No: 11940/2011 & 04330/2011 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN) DURBAN, 10 May 2018, Her Ladyship Madam Justice K Pillay In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Applicant and SUMMER SUN TRADING 99 (PTY) LTD; COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION, Respondents

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. A Rule Nisi is hereby issued calling upon all interested persons to show cause on the 07th day of June 2018 why an order should not be made in the following terms: 1.1. Declaring the dissolution of Summer Sun Trading 99 (Pty) Ltd (Registration number 2005/001539/07) (“the first respondent”) to have been void in terms of section 83 (4) of the companies Act 71 of 2008. 1.2. Directing the second respondent to restore the first respondent’s name to the register of companies. 1.3. Declaring that the assets of the first respondent no longer be bona vacantia and are re-vested in the first respondent. t

Case No: 11940/2011 & 04330/2011 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN) DURBAN, 10 May 2018, Her Ladyship Madam Justice K Pillay In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Applicant and SUMMER SUN TRADING 99 (PTY) LTD; COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION, Respondents

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. A Rule Nisi is hereby issued calling upon all interested persons to show cause on the 07th day of June 2018 why an order should not be made in the following terms: 1.1. Declaring the dissolution of Summer Sun Trading 99 (Pty) Ltd (Registration number 2005/001539/07) (“the first respondent”) to have been void in terms of section 83 (4) of the companies Act 71 of 2008. 1.2. Directing the second respondent to restore the first respondent’s name to the register of companies.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 41

1.3. Declaring that the assets of the first respondent no longer be bona vacantia and are re-vested in the first respondent. t

Case No: 11940/2011 & 04330/2011 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN) DURBAN, 10 May 2018, Her Ladyship Madam Justice K Pillay In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Applicant and SUMMER SUN TRADING 99 (PTY) LTD; COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION, Respondents

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. A Rule Nisi is hereby issued calling upon all interested persons to show cause on the 07th day of June 2018 why an order should not be made in the following terms: 1.1. Declaring the dissolution of Summer Sun Trading 99 (Pty) Ltd (Registration number 2005/001539/07) (“the first respondent”) to have been void in terms of section 83 (4) of the companies Act 71 of 2008. 1.2. Directing the second respondent to restore the first respondent’s name to the register of companies. 1.3. Declaring that the assets of the first respondent no longer be bona vacantia and are re-vested in the first respondent.



THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS, Vyfde Respondent, THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, Sesde Respondent, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN, Sewende Respondent In re: BEVEL NA DEURLEES VAN DIE DOKUMENTE OP REKORD GELIASSEER EN NA AANHOOR VAN ADVOKAAT NAMENS DIE APPLIKANT, WORD DIE VOLGENDE BEVEL GEMAAK: 1. Die aansoek is aangehoor as `n dringende aansoek en die nie-nakoming in verband met die kennis gee en tyd periodes voorgeskryf deur die Reëls, word hierby gekondoneer. 2. `n Reël nisi word hiermee uitgereik waarkragtens Respondente en alle ander belanghebbende partye opgeroep word om redes, indien enige, aan te voer by die Agbare Hof op Vrydag, 15 Junie 2018 om 10:00 waarom: 2.1 die maatskappy bekend as GRAND HOTEL (LAINGSBURG) BK met registrasienommer 1986/004046/23 (“die maatskappy”), se ontbinding nie ongeldig verklaar moet word in terme van Artikel 83(4) van die Maatskappye Wet 71 van 2008 nie; 2.2 Eerste Respondent nie die Maatskappy se naam in die rekords moet herstel nie; 2.3 Die bates van die Maatskappy, soos tans en onmiddellik voor die ontbinding, nie langer bona vacantia is en daarom hervestig in die maatskappy nie; 2.4 Die verpligtinge van die Maatsklappy, welke onmiddellik voor die ontbinding bestaan het, nie weer herstel moet word in die Maatskappy nie; 2.5 Die koste van die aansoek nie deur die Maatskappy betaal hoef te word nie, wie daarvoor verantwoordelik sou wees wanneer die maatskappy se naam herstel sou word in die rekords van die maatskappy se register; 3. Die Voorlopige Bevel moet soos volg beteken word: 3.1 Deur die Balju of sy Adjunk op die Eerste tot Sewende Respondente; 3.2 Op al die ander betrokke partye, deur publikasie van `n verkorte vorm van die Voorlopige Bevel in: 3.2.1 die Staatskoerant in en engels; 3.2.2 `n Afrikaanse Nuusblad en `n Engelse Nuusblad welke sirkuleer in die Wes-Kaap ten minste tien (10) dae voor die keerdatum.

This gazette is also available free online at 42 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018


Case No: 7808/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (, CAPE TOWN) CAPE TOWN, 14 May 2018, Honourable Justice Papier In the matter between: ERIC WARNER N.O, Plaintiff and THE COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION, First Respondent, SOUTH AFRICAN REVENUE SERVICES, Second Respondent, THE MINISTER OF FINANCE, Third Respondent, THE MINISTER OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LAND REFORM, Fourth Respondent, THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS, Fifth Respondent, THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, Sixth Respondent, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN, Seventh Respondent In re: DRAFT ORDER HAVING PERUSED THE DOCUMENTS FILED ON RECORD AND AFTER HAVING HEARD COUNSEL FOR APPLICANT, THE FOLLOWING ORDER IS MADE: 1. The Application is heard as an urgent application and the non-compliance in respect of notice and time periods prescribed by the Rules is hereby condoned. 2. A Rule nisi is issued whereof Respondents and all other interested parties are called upon to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on Friday, 15 June 2018 at 10:00 as to why: 2.1 The company known as GRAND HOTEL (LAINGSBURG) CC with registration number 1986/004046/23 (“the Company”), dissolution should not be declared void in terms of Section 83(4) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008. 2.2 First Respondent should not restore the Company’s name to the Companies Register. 2.3 The assets of the Company, as of and immediately prior to its dissolution, should no longer be bona vacantia and therefore revested in the Company. 2.4 The liabilities of the Company, which were incurred immediately prior to its dissolution, should not be revested in the Company. 2.5 The costs of this application should not be paid by the Company, who will be liable for same, once the Company’s name has been restored to the Companies Register. 3. Service of this Provisional Order to be effected as follows: 3.1 By the Sheriff or his lawful Deputy on the First to Seventh Respondents; 3.2 On all other interested parties by publication of a shortened form of the Provisional Order: 3.2.1 in the Government Gazette in English and Afrikaans; 3.2.2 as well as in an English and Afrikaans Newspaper circulating in the Western Cape at least 10 (ten) days prior to the return date.


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Case No: 7808/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) CAPE TOWN, 14 May 2018, Honourable Justice Papier In the matter between: ERIC WARNER N.O and THE COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION, First Respondent, SOUTH AFRICAN REVENUE SERVICES, Second Respondent, THE MINISTER OF FINANCE, Third Respondent, THE MINISTER OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LAND REFORM, Fourth Respondent, THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS, Fifth Respondent, THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, Sixth Respondent, and MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN, Seventh Respondent In re: DRAFT ORDER HAVING PERUSED THE DOCUMENTS FILED ON RECORD AND AFTER HAVING HEARD COUNSEL FOR APPLICANT, THE FOLLOWING ORDER IS MADE: 1. The Application is heard as an urgent application and the non-compliance in respect of notice and time periods prescribed by the Rules is hereby condoned. 2. A Rule nisi is issued whereof Respondents and all other interested parties are called upon to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on Friday, 15 June 2018 at 10:00 as to why: 2.1 The company known as GRAND HOTEL (LAINGSBURG) CC with registration number 1986/004046/23 (“the Company”), dissolution should not be declared void in terms of Section 83(4) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008. 2.2 First Respondent should not restore the Company’s name to the Companies Register. 2.3 The assets of the Company, as of and immediately prior to its dissolution, should no longer be bona vacantia and therefore revested in the Company. 2.4 The liabilities of the Company, which were incurred immediately prior to its dissolution, should not be revested in the Company. 2.5 The costs of this application should not be paid by the Company, who will be liable for same, once the Company’s name has been restored to the Companies Register. 3. Service of this Provisional Order to be effected as follows: 3.1 By the Sheriff or his lawful Deputy on the First to Seventh Respondents; 3.2 On all other interested parties by publication of a shortened form of the Provisional Order: 3.2.1 in the Government Gazette in English and Afrikaans; 3.2.2 as well as in an English and Afrikaans Newspaper circulating in the Western Cape at least 10 (ten) days prior to the return date. BY ORDER OF COURT, REGISTRAT OF THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN, DE VRIES DE WET & KROUWKAM INCORPORATED, c/o HEYNS AND PARTNERS 158 t



, MINISTER OF FINANCE, 2nd Respondent


RE - REGISTRATION OF ZEINTEC AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LTD 2005/030091/07 IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. A rule nisi is issued returnable on 25 June 2018 calling upon all interested persons to show cause why an order should

This gazette is also available free online at 44 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018 not be made in the following terms: 1.1 The dissolution of Zeintec Automotive Technologies (Pty) Ltd with registration number 2005/030091/07 (“Zeintec”), which dissolution occurred upon Zeintec’s deregistration as a private company on 28 February 2015, is set aside in terms of section 83(4) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 on the basis that it is just and equitable to do so; 1.2 Directing the first respondent to reinstate Zeintec on the register of private companies; 1.3 Directing that upon reinstatement as set out in paragraph 1.2 above: 1.3.1 The assets of Zeintec immediately prior to its dissolution on 28 February 2015 shall no longer be bona vacantia; 1.3.2 The assets of Zeintec would vest in the company with retrospective effect to 28 February 2015 (the date of final deregistration) as if Zeintec had not been deregistered; 1.3.3 All liabilities of Zeintec immediately prior to its dissolution on 28 February 2015, shall continue and be enforceable against the company, provided that Zeintec shall be free to raise the defence of prescription of any other defence in respect of any claims which may be instituted against it by any of its creditors; 1.3.4 All steps taken by Zeintec in the action instituted by the applicant against Zeintec under case number RCC/WYN 15/2010 in the Wynberg Regional Court, and all process exchanged during the period of deregistration of Zeintec, shall be valid and in full force and effect as if Zeintec had not been deregistered; 1.3.5 Zeintec shall be liable to pay the costs of the applicant in bringing this application; 2. This rule is to be served on: 2.1 The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission; 2.2 The South African Revenue Service; 2.3 The Minister of Finance; 2.4 The director of Zeintec, to wit, FRIEDRICH CHRISTOPH ZEINECKER. 3. The rule is to be published once in: 3.1 The Government Gazette in English and Afrikaans; 3.2 An English daily newspaper circulating in Cape Town; 3.3 An Afrikaans daily newspaper circulating in Cape town. Lihle Magodla. Tel: (021) 410 2200. Email: [email protected]




LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer Number T101790/2007 dated 31 July 2007 passed by FLY HIGH TRADING CC, REGISTRATION NUMBER 2003/035026/23, in favour of: MARTHINUS ANDRE VAN ZYL, Identity Number 620728 5053 083, Unmarried

in respect of certain

PORTION 2 OF ERF 104 JORDAANPARK TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.R., PROVINCE OF GAUTENG, MEASURING 372 (THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY TWO) square meters which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication hereof in the Gazette.

Dated at PRETORIA on 9th May 2018.


This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 45 t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer Number T101791/2007 dated 31 July 2007 passed by FLY HIGH TRADING CC, REGISTRATION NUMBER 2003/035026/23

in favour of: MARTHINUS ANDRE VAN ZYL, Identity Number 620728 5053 083, Unmarried

in respect of certain PORTION 3 OF ERF 104 JORDAANPARK TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.R., PROVINCE OF GAUTENG, MEASURING 372 (THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY TWO) square meters which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication hereof in the Gazette.

Dated at PRETORIA on 9th May 2018.


DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT/PENSION FUND MULTI LINKED PROVIDENT FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Multi Linked Provident Fund will be open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof, at the offices of: 1.The registered office of the fund, c/o Calibre Wealth Managers, 16 Denton Place, Kibler Heights, Mondeor, 2.The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashley Gardens Ext 6, Pretoria. 3. The Randburg Magistrates Court, Shepherd Avenue, Randburg. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may, within a further period of 14 days following expiry of the aforementioned period of 30 days, lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, P O Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. Len Marinus, 16 Denton Place, Kibler Heights, Mondeor, 2901, Tel: 011 433 1395, Fax: 086 551 8838, Email: len@ t

DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT/PENSION FUND FUNDSATWORK UMBRELLA PENSION FUND P/E THOMAS MAXWELL KITCHENS (PTY) LTD Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the FundsAtWork Umbrella Pension Fund p/e Thomas Maxwell Kitchens (Pty) Ltd will be open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof, at the offices of: 1.The registered office of the fund, Momentum, 268 West Avenue Centurion; 2.The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashley Gardens Ext 6, Pretoria. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may, within a further period of 14 days following expiry of the aforementioned period of 30 days, lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, P O Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. Len Marinus, 16 Denton Place, Kibler Heights, Mondeor, 2091, Tel: 011 433 1395, Fax: 086 551 8838, Email: len@ t

This gazette is also available free online at 46 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

FORM OF PUBLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT , 1937 (NO 47 OF 1937 Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds registries Act , 1937 I the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer Number T 66736/2007 passed by Michael Jusczkiewicz in favour of Gillian Juszkiewicz in respect of certain: Erf 303, Vanderbijl Park Central East No 2 Township Registration Division I.Q. Province of Gauteng Measuring: 694 ( Six Hundred and Ninety Four ) square metres , held by Deed of Transfer T 66736/2007, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue if such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within 6 (Six) weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Thus done and executed at the office of the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria on 8TH MAY 2018. Assistant Registrar of Deeds EG Odendaal Jaco HIll & Piet Voges Attorneys, 5 Rossini Boulevard Vanderbijlpark 1911, Tel: 0169322598, Fax: 086562 3499, Email: [email protected]. t



Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (47 of 1937) I, the Registrar of Deeds Gauteng at Johannesburg intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T37169/2014, Passed by MGBE AGOZIE NNABUIKE, BORN IN 17 NOVEMBER 1983, In respect of: ERF 117 KENSINGTON TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.R. PROVINCE OF Gauteng, MEASURING 495 (FOUR HUNDRED AND NINENTY FIVE) Square metres, HELD BY Deed of Transfer T37169/2014, Which Title Deed has been lost or destroyed. All persons having an objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with MANGERA & ASSOCIATES, 77 10TH AVENUE, MAYFAIR, JHB, Tel: 0118374596, Fax: 0118374951, Email: [email protected]. t

IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR BENONI MAGISTRATE RIO RIDGE 1198 CC MOSEME CONSTRUCTION CC Dissolution of MOSEME CONSTRUCTION CC a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/1182. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of MOSEME CONSTRUCTION CC a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) PF 12/8/36438/1182 will be open for inspection for the period 2018-06-01 to 2018-07-01 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court, 68 Harpur Avenue Benoni 1500 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2018-07-16 Liberty Life, 25 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, 2001, Tel: 0114085491, Email: [email protected]. t


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Dissolution of HLENGIWE NGUBANE GROUP OF COMPANIES (PTY) LTD a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/2654. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of HLENGIWE NGUBANE GROUP OF COMPANIES (PTY) LTD a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) PF 12/8/36006/2654 will be open for inspection for the period 2018-06-01 to 2018-07-01 at the offices of: 1.The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2.The Magistrates Court, 41 Van Riebeeck Ave, Alberton 1449 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2018-07-16. Liberty Life, 25 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, 2001, Tel: 0114085491, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: N/A


NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST / DESTOYED DEED OF TRANSFER Notice is hereby given in terms of the provision of regulation sixty eight made under the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, that it is the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer ST78703/2007 passed in favour of: DIALINA ANN KOCH (PREVIOUSLY VORSTER), Identity Number 370412 0016 08 8, Married out of community of property in respect of certain: Property Description: A Unit consisting of (a) Section No. 20 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS 454/2003 in the scheme known as VILLA EMMERINE in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at ERF 3016 NOORD EXTENSION 19 TOWNSHIP, LOCAL AUTHORITY: CITY OF TSHWANE METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 99 (Ninety Nine) square metres in extent and (b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. HELD BY Deed of Transfer Number ST 78703/2007, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PRETORIA within three weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at CENTURION this 18 day of May 2018. VAN DER WALT & HUGO INCORPORATED, 126 WILLEM BOTHA STREET, , CENTURION, 0157, Tel: 087 232 1351, Email: [email protected] // [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: 13093/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division, Johanneburg) In the ex parte application of: Evangelou // Evangelou Evangelos Evangelou // Chresoula Evangelou (born Nicolopoulos), Applicant In re: Application for leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to the marriage of the Applicants NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE THAT EVANGELOS EVANGELOU (whose identity number is 671005 5094 08 8) currently residing at NR. 6A TALISMAN AVENUE, BEDFORDVIEW, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG, and CHRESOULA EVANGELOU (nee NICOLOPOULOS)(whose identity number is 710314 0057 089), currently residing at NR. 6A TALISMAN AVENUE, BEDFORDVIEW, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG (“the Applicants”) intend making application to this Honourable Court on TUESDAY, the 26TH DAY OF JUNE 2018, AT 10H00 or so soon thereafter as the application may be heard, for an order in the following terms: 1. Granting the Applicants leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage, by the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is Annexure “EE1” to the First Applicant’s supporting affidavit and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system; 2. That the Registrar of Deeds be:

This gazette is also available free online at 48 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

2.1 authorised to register the notarial contract; 3. That this order - 3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 2 (TWO) months of the date of the granting of this order; and 3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract; TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that any creditor whose interest will be prejudicially affected by the proposed change of marital regime, is entitled to appear at the hearing to oppose the granting of the order. JURGENS BEKKER ATTORNEYS, Attorneys for the Applicants, Nr. 22 Plantation Road, Oriel, BEDFORDVIEW. Tel: (011) 622 5472 / 5445. Fax: (011) 622 5482 / 086 627 3018. Email: [email protected], Ref: MS. C. VAN GREUNEN/S1808/ B5927 Jurgens Bekker Attorneys, Nr. 22 Plantation Road, Oriel, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, Gauteng, Tel: 011 622 5472, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: N/A LOST DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER T 83336/1998 Notice is hereby given that, under the provisions of Section Thirty Eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of lost Deed of Transfer Number T 83336/1998 in favour of ND MAHLANGU, Identity Number: 590606 6428 08 0, Unmarried; in respect of the following ERF 2982 PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD EXTENSION 22 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION J.R., PROVINCE OF GAUTENG; Measuring: 580 (FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY) SQUARE METRES; which said Deed of Transfer Number T 83336/1998, together with the registry duplicate thereof, has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of such Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of a lost Deed are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks from date of first publication in the Government Gazette. COETZER DE BEER ATTORNEYS, 19 FRIKKIE DE BEER STREET,ATTERBURY ESTATE,BLOCK 2,GROUND FLOOR, Tel: (012) 348 2401, Fax: (012) 348 2402, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: N/A NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCALLATION OF A LOST /DESTROYED BOND Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of B167302/2007 passed by ELIZABETH LEFENTSE RATSELA(PREVIOUSLY MONAGENG) ID NO.670808 1255 08 7 UNMARRIED,for the amount of R960,000.00 (NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY THOUSAND RAND) in favour of FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED (REGISTRATION NUMBER 1929/001225/06), in respect of certain ERF 90 DORANDIA EXTENSION 3, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of such Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of a lost Deed are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks from date of first publication in the Government Gazette. COETZER DE BEER ATTORNEYS, 19 FRIKKIE DE BEER STR,ATTERBURY ESTATE,BLOCK 2,GROUND FLOOR,MENLYN, Tel: (012) 348 2401, Fax: (012)348 2402, Email: [email protected]. t

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCALLATION OF A LOST /DESTROYED BOND Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of B144396/2007 passed by NHLANHLA DUNCAN MAHLANGU ID NO.590606 6428 08 0 UNMARRIED,for the amount of R918,000.00(NINE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN THOUSAND RAND)in favour of FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED(REGISTRATION NUMBER 1929/001225/06),in respect of certain ERF 2982 PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD EXTENSION 22,which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of such Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of a lost Deed are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks from date of first publication in the Government Gazette. COETZER DE BEER ATTORNEYS, 19 FRIKKIE DE BEER STREET,ATTERBURY ESTATE,BLOCK 2,GROUND FLOOR., Tel: (012)348 2401, Fax: (012)348 2402, Email: [email protected]. t

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 49

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCALLATION OF A LOST /DESTROYED SECTIONAL TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of SK7770/2006 passed by MILESH BHANA ID NO.791016 5241 08 7 UNMARRIED,for the amount of R490,000.00(FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY THOUSAND RAND)in favour of STANDARD BANK LIMITED(REGISTRATION NUMBER 1962/000738/0),in respect of certain SECTION 184 SILVERSTREAM SOUTH,which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of such Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of a lost Deed are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks from date of first publication in the Government Gazette. COETZER DE BEER ATTORNEYS, 19 FRIKKIE DE BEER STREET,ATTERBURY ESTATE,BLOCK 2,GROUND FLOOR., Tel: (012)348 2401, Fax: (012)348 2402, Email: [email protected]. t

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCALLATION OF A LOST /DESTROYED SECTIONAL TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of SK7770/2006 passed by MILESH BHANA ID NO.791016 5241 08 7 UNMARRIED,for the amount of R490,000.00(FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY THOUSAND RAND)in favour of STANDARD BANK LIMITED(REGISTRATION NUMBER 1962/000738/0),in respect of certain SECTION 184 SILVERSTREAM SOUTH,which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of such Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of a lost Deed are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks from date of first publication in the Government Gazette. COETZER DE BEER ATTORNEYS, 19 FRIKKIE DE BEER STREET,ATTERBURY ESTATE,BLOCK 2,GROUND FLOOR., Tel: (012)348 2401, Fax: (012)348 2402, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: 16260/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) In the ex parte application of: Gordon Murison Moller, 1st Applicant, Renette Moller (nee Naude), 2nd Applicant In re: Gordon Murison Moller, 1st Applicant, Renette Moller (nee Naude), 2nd Applicant NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF THE MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY ACT NO 88 OF 1984 Kindly take notice that the above mentioned applicants intend to apply to this Honourable Court, on 11 June 2018, for an order in the following terms: 1. That the applicants’ marital regime be amended from one in community of property, to one out of community of property, with exclusion of the accrual system as provided in Chapter IV of the Matrimonial property Act, 88 of 1984; 2. That the Registrar of Deeds be authorized to register the Amendment of the Matrimonial Regime entered into by the parties, attached to the founding affidavit as Annexure “D”; 3. That this court order shall lapse in the event where the Amendment of the Matrimonial Property Regime is not registered within 3 months from the date of this order; 4. That the Applicants will pay the costs of this application; 5. That such further and/or alternative relief be granted to the applicants, as this Honourable Court may deem fit. Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Eastwood law Chambers, 876 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, Tel: (012) 342-4241, Fax: 086 548 0663, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: 26010/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION) In the Ex Parte Application of: NADIA LIZAMARIE KELLY (BORN MYBURGH), 1st Applicant and SHANE KELLY, 2nd Applicant In re: POSTUPTIAL CONTRACT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF THE MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY ACT, ACT 88 OF 1984 In the ex-parte application of NADIA LIZMARIE KELLY (Identity number: 890219 0021 088), First Applicant and SHANE KELLY (Identity number: 8305305034089). Take note that on the 18th day of July 2018 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, the above-mentioned applicants will apply to the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, Cnr Madiba and Paul Kruger streets, Pretoria

This gazette is also available free online at 50 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018 for an order in the following terms: 1. The Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system, including marital power, which applies to their marriage, by the execution or registration of a notarial contract, will regulate their property system: 2. The registrar of Deeds is authorized to register the notarial contract: 3. This order 3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two months of the date of the granting of this order; and 3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at date of registration of the contract. HEFFERMAN ATTORNEYS, 1007 SAXBY AVENUE, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION, Tel: 012 653 1048, Email: nicaela@ t

ONTBINDING VAN G.A.M UMBRELLA PENSION FUND: SABCOOL CC (12/8/36494/101) ONTBINDING VAN G.A.M UMBRELLA PENSION FUND: SABCOOL CC (12/8/36494/101) Kennis word hiermee gegee, kragtens Artikel 28(7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (Nr. 24 van 1956), dat `n voorlopige likwidasierekening, `n voorlopige balansstaat en `n voorlopige verdelingstaat van die G.A.M UMBRELLA PENSION FUND: SABCOOL CC (12/8/36494/101) vir insae beskikbaar sal wees gedurende die tydperk 1 Junie 2018 tot 1 Julie 2018 (30 dae) by die kantore van: 1. Die Financial Sector Conduct Authority, Riverwalk Besigheidspark, Blok B, Matroosbergweg 41, Ashlea Gardens, Uitbreiding 6, Pretoria; 2. Die Kantoor van die Hooggeregshof, 66 Hollard Gebou, H/V Marshall en Sauer Straat, Johannesburg; 3. Die Geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds, Office A3, Willow Crest Office Estate, Van Hoofstraat 655, Willowsbrook, Roodepoort. Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 Julie 2018 (14 dae na die laaste dag van inspeksie) asseblief skriftelik sy/haar besware indien by: Die Financial Sector Conduct Authority, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102 ARGEN Actuarial Solutions, Block B, Westend Office Park, 250 Hall Street, Centurion, Tel: 012 643-0222, Email: [email protected]. t

CANCELLATION OF LOST BOND 1. Missed submission cut-off time. Next: 2018-06-08 Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 I, the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS at PRETORIA intend to consent to the Cancellation of Mortgage Bond SB167829/2007 dated 11 October 2007 in favour of OLUSOLA OLUGBOLAHAN SEGUN, Born on 2 June 1962, Married, which marriage is governed by the laws of Nigeria, in respect of Section Number 27 VILLA D’ALEGRIA , according to the said Sectional Plan is 98 (Ninety Eight) square metres in extent; which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS at PRETORIA within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice in the Gazette MACROBERT ATTORNEYS, MACROBERT BUILDING, CORNER JAN SHOBA & JUSTICE MAHOMED STREETS, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA, Tel: 0124253552, Email: [email protected]. t

DISSOLUTION OF THE G.A.M UMBRELLA PENSION FUND: SABCOOL CC (12/8/36494/101) DISSOLUTION OF THE G.A.M UMBRELLA PENSION FUND: SABCOOL CC (12/8/36494/101) Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of the G.A.M UMBRELLA PENSION FUND: SABCOOL CC (12/8/36494/101) will be open for inspection for the period 1 June 2018 to 1 July 2018 (30 days) at the offices of: 1. The Financial Sector Conduct Authority, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6, Pretoria; 2. The Master of the High Court, 66 Hollard Building, Cnr Marshall and Sauer Street, Johannesburg; 3. The Registered office of the Fund, Office A3, Willow Crest Office Estate, 655 Van Hoof Street, Willowbrook, Roodepoort.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 51

Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his/her objection in writing with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority no later than 15 July 2018 (14 days after last day of inspection) at P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. ARGEN Actuarial Solutions, Block B, Westend Office Park, 250 Hall Street, Centurion, Tel: 012 643-0222, Email: [email protected]. t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the deeds Registries Act, 1937. I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Title Deed No. T7939/1964 dated 11 March 1964 passed by VANDERBIJL PARK ESTATE COMPANY in favour of the late Anna Susanna Pretorius in respect of certain: ERF 912, VANDERBIJL PARK SOUTH WEST NO 5 EXTENSION 2 TOWNSHIP, Registration Division IQ, PROVINCE GAUTENG, in extent 1 409 (ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NINE) Square Metres, which has been lost. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette (being 1 JUNE 2018). ABEL BESTER INC., 83 VRY STREET, VRYBURG, 8601, Tel: (053)927-5773, Fax: (053)927-5012, Email: lm@ / [email protected]. t

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 38 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT 47 OF 1937 I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Certificate of Registered Sectional Title Number ST1022-144/2007dated 4 November 2005 issued in favour of E I E PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTS PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number 2005/010888/07 In respect of certain A Unit consisting of (a) Section No. 144 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS 1022/2007 in the scheme known as VORNA VILLAGE in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at VORNA VALLEY TOWNSHIP, Local Authority: CITY OF JOHANNESBURG METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 95 (Ninety five) square metres in extent and (b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. HELD BY Certificate of Registered Sectional Title Number ST 1022- 144/2007, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Denoon Sampson Ndlovu Inc ref ACB Smith/BR, 1st Floor, Block B, Sandton Close 2, Norwich Close, Sandton, Tel: 011 666 9600, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: TL148316/2006 LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, l, the Registrar of deeds at PRETORIA intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer Number TL148316/2006 DATED 9 November 2006 passed by ARIANO 124 CC in favour of SANDILE ISAAC ZITHO, Identity Number: 410208 5225 084, Unmarried. In respect of certain ERF 938 SEBOKENG UNIT 6 EXTENSION 2 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.Q., PROVINCE OF GAUTENG. MEASURING 270 (TWO HUNDERED AND SEVENTY) Square Metres. Held by Deed of Transer Number TL148316/2006 which has been lost. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within 6 (six) weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. DATED at PRETORIA on this the 24th day of APRIL 2018 REGISTRAR OF DEEDS PRETORIA E.G. ODENDAAL Assistant Registrar JOHAN VAN DER MERWE, PO BOX 74224, LYNNWOOD RIDGE, 0040, 13 STAMVRUG STREET, VAL DE GRACE,

This gazette is also available free online at 52 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

PRETORIA, Tel: 0124813602, Fax: 0866732396, Email: [email protected].


LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the deeds registries act,1937,I the Registrar of deeds at the deeds office Limpopo at Polokwane intend to issue a certificate of registered title in lieu of title deedT64743/2007 dated 16 May 2007 passed by the Trustees of the Oldreive Trust, Registration Number: 7198 in favour of the National Government of the Republic of South Africa in respect of 1) certain Remaining Extent of Portion 2 of the farm Boschkopje 315, Registration Division:L.S.,Limpopo Province, Measuring:358,2360 (three five eight comma two three six nought) hectares 2) The Remaining Extent of Portion 4 of the farm Boschkopje 315, Registration Division: L.S., Limpopo Province, Measuring: 226,4984(two two six comma four nine eight four) hectares, 3) Portion 11(a portion of Portion 4) of the farm Boschkopje 315,Registration Division:L.S., Limpopo Province, Measuring: 9,6289(nine comma six two eight nine) hectares, 4) Portion 12 (a portion of Portion 4) of the farm Boschkopje 315,Registrasie Division:L.S., Limpopo Province, measuring:8066 (eight nought six six) square metres, 5) Portion 13(a portion of Portion 2) of the farm Boschkopje 315, Registration Division: L.S. Limpopo Province, measuring: 115,6318(one one five comma six three one eight) hectares which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of deeds at the deeds office Limpopo within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the gazette office of the state attorney(pta), salu building 316 thabo sehume street pretoria, Tel: 012 3091600, Fax: 0865071802, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: CC-20180524-0220 LOST TITLE DEED APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT 1937 Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo intends to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer Number T790079/2007 dated 18 June 2007, in favour of Mogomane Communal Property Association CPA/07/0990/A, in respect of certain Remaining Extent of Portion 4 of the Farm Gruysbank 5 which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.

Dated at Johannesburg this 1st day of June 2018



Case/Application No: 1381/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA (FUNCTIONING AS MPUMALANGA CIRCUIT COURT, MIDDELBURG)) In the matter between: RICHARD HENRY KILFOIL (ID NO: 630511 5028 083), First Applicant; MARIA ELIZABETH KILFOIL (NEE BOSHOFF) (ID NO: 700916 0016 089), Second Applicant and THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, MPUMALANGA, Respondent NOTICE OF APPLICATION Take notice that application will be made in behalf of the First and Second Application on the 18th of June 2018 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. That leave be and is hereby granter to Richard Henry Kilfoil and Maria Elizabeth Kilfoil (nee Boshoff) to vary their matrimonial property regime from a marriage in community of property to a marriage out of community of property without the application of the accrual system. 2. That Richard Henry Kilfoil and Maria Elizabeth Kilfoil (nee Boshoff) be and are hereby authorized to execute within two (2) months of the date of this order, before a notary public, a notarial contract in the same terms as those set out in annexure

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“RHK3” to the First Applicant’s founding affidavit. 3. That Richard Henry Kilfoil and Maria Elizabeth Kilfoil (nee Boshoff) are hereby ordered to tender the said contract to registration to the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga, the Respondent herein, within two (2) months of the date of this order. 4. Subject to Richard Henry Kilfoil and Maria Elizabeth Kilfoil (nee Boshoff)’s compliance with paragraphs 2 and 3 hereof, the Registrar of Deeds for the Province of Mpumalanga, the Respondent herein, be and is hereby authorised and directed to register such post-nuptially executed contract, subject to the terms and provisions of the contract, complying with the other requirements of the Deeds Registries Act, Act 47 of 1937. 5. That the rights of creditors shall not be affected by the granting of this order. 6. That there be no costs awarded in favour of the Applicants herein, save in the event of opposition hereto. 7. Granting the First and Second Applicants such further and/or alternative relief as the above Honourable Court may deem necessary and/or appropriate. Take notice further that the accompanying affidavits of the First and Second Applicants annexed to the application will be used in support of same. Take notice further that the Applicants have appointed Van Deventer & Campher Incorporated of 48 Walter Sisulu Street, Middelburg, 1050, as their attorney and at the said address they will accept notices and service of all processes in these proceedings. Dated at Middelburg this 20th day of April 2018. Van Deventer & Campher Inc, First and Second Applicant’s Attorneys, 48 Walter Sisulu Street, Middelburg, 1050 Ref: R NORTJE/TN/R01194 VAN DEVENTER & CAMPHER INC., 48 WALTER SISULU STREET, MIDDELBURG, 1050, Tel: 013 282 4675, Email: [email protected]. t

LOST TITLE DEED [Form of publication in terms of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (No. 47 of 1937)] Notice is hereby given under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at Nelspruit intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Certificate of Consolidated Title T35835/2000 dated 05 April 2000 passed by: JACOB COENRAAD STEYN, IDENTITY NUMBER: 2304055007086 AND MARIA SUSANNA MARGARETHA STEYN, IDENTITY NUMBER: 2204010003008, MARRIED IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY TO EACH OTHER In favour of: JC STEYN TESTAMENTERE TRUST, REGISTRATION NUMBER MT13793/2006(G) In respect of: ERF 347, SABIEPARK TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION K.U., PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA, IN EXTENT: 1,6182 (ONE COMMA SIX ONE EIGHT TWO) HECTARES, HELD BY CERTIFICATE OF CONSOLIDATED TITLE T35835/2000, Which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at Nelspruit within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. DATED at NELSPRUIT on 14 day of May 2018. REGISTRAR OF DEEDS Southey Attorneys Incorporated, 65 Victoria Street, Pioneer Park, Newcastle, Tel: 0343151241, Fax: 0865305866, Email: [email protected]. t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, that I, the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga at Nelspruit intend to issue a Certificate of Registered title in lieu of Deed of Transfer Number T16867/2008 dated 20 October 2008 passed by 1. JOAO DE SOUSA GONSALVES, Identity Number 3407195026087, Married out of community of property 2. MANUEL DA SOUSA CALDEIRA, Identity Number 6109285202084 and TERESA CALDEIRA, Identity Number 6704160101086, married in community of property to each other in favour of PAUREB FRESH PRODUCE CC, Registration Number 1993/025383/23, in respect of Erf 146, DELMAS TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.R. Mpumalanga Province, MEASURING 991 (NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY ONE) SQUARE METRES First Transfer by Deed of Transfer Number T6541/1911 with diagram relating thereto, and held by Deed of Transfer Number T16867/2008, which has been lost or destroyed.

This gazette is also available free online at 54 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the DEPARTMENT: RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LAND REFORM, OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS MPUMALANGA AT 25 BELL STREET, NELSPRUIT, 1200. TEL: 013 756 4000. FAX: 013 756 4092. JP BARNARD ATTORNEYS, 3 HOLDING ROAD, PETIT, Tel: 0119650130, Fax: 0866136951, Email: [email protected]. t

NOTICE OF LOST BOND DEED Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for cancellation of the Registration of B105298/2007, registered on 29 June 2007, passed by PUDIESOANA ALFRED MABELANE, Identity number 6504035372080 and GWENDOLINE CYNTHIA MABELANE, Identity number 6802060304089, Married in Community Of Property to Each Other In favour of THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED, Registration number 1962/000738/06 In respect of PORTION 10 OF ERF 1205, LYDENBURG TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION J.T., PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA, EXTENT: 1560 (ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY) SQUARE METRES, which bond has been lost or destroyed, and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Nelspruit at 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit, 1200 or Private Bag 11239, Nelspruit, 1200 at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after the date of first publication hereof in the Gazette. JOHAN COETZEE INCORPORATED, 42 PLUMER STREET, WITBANK, 1034, Tel: 0136533500, Fax: 013 - 653 3525, Email: [email protected]. t

MATTHEW JOHAN AND DEBRA-LEIGH STRATTON / FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED REGISTRATION NUMBER 1929/001225/06, Applicant and MATTHEW JOHN STRATTON, 1st Respondent and DEBRA- LEIGH STRATTON, 2nd Respondent In re: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF REGULATION 68(11B)(a) OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937, IT IS THE INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF B111734/2007, PASSED BY MATTHEW JOHAN STRATTON, IDENTITY NUMBER 6907195651187 AND DEBRA-LEIGH STRATTON, IDENTITY NUMBER 7203280184089, LOST BOND DEED. REGULATION 68(11B)(A) OF THE REGULATIONS UNDER THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT 47 OF 1937 Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Regulation 68(11b)(a) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of B111734/2007, passed by Matthew Johan Stratton, Identity number 6907195651187 and Debra-Leigh Stratton, Identity number 7203280184089, for the amount of R1 500 000.00 (One Million Five Hundred Thousand Rand) in favour of Firstrand Bank Limited, Registration number 1929/001225/06, in respect of certain PORTION 23 OF ERF 1470 SONHEUWEL EXTENTION 1 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION JT, PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA, IN EXTENT 1528 (ONE FIVE TWO EIGHT) SQUARE METRES, Held by Deed of Transfer number T89733/2007, which has been lost, destroyed or became incomplete or unserviceable and of which the registry duplicates has also been lost, destroyed or became incomplete or unserviceable. All persons having objection to the cancellation of such bond are hereby required to lodge their objection in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at the deeds registry in which the Bond is registered, within 6 weeks after date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Nelspruit, Signature of person who purports to be the mortgagee. DU TOIT SMUTS & PARTNERS, LAW CHAMBERS, VAN NIEKERKSTREET, NELSPRUIT 1200, Tel: 0137454788, Fax: 0137527079, Email: [email protected]. t

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MATTHEW JOHAN AND DEBRA-LEIGH STRATTON / FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED, REGISTRATION NUMBER 1929/001225/06, Applicant and MATTHEW JOHN STRATTON AND DEBRA-LEIGH STRATTON, Respondent In re: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF REGULATION 68(11B)(a) OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937, IT IS THE INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF B111734/2007, PASSED BY MATTHEW JOHAN STRATTON, IDENTITY NUMBER 6907195651187 AND DEBRA-LEIGH STRATTON, IDENTITY NUMBER 7203280184089, LOST BOND DEED. REGULATION 68(11B)(A) OF THE REGULATIONS UNDER THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT 47 OF 1937 Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Regulation 68(11b)(a) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of B111734/2007, passed by Matthew Johan Stratton, Identity number 6907195651187 and Debra-Leigh Stratton, Identity number 7203280184089, for the amount of R1 500 000.00 (One Million Five Hundred Thousand Rand) in favour of Firstrand Bank Limited, Registration number 1929/001225/06, in respect of certain PORTION 23 OF ERF 1470 SONHEUWEL EXTENTION 1 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION JT, PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA, IN EXTENT 1528 (ONE FIVE TWO EIGHT) SQUARE METRES, Held by Deed of Transfer number T89733/2007, which has been lost, destroyed or became incomplete or unserviceable and of which the registry duplicates has also been lost, destroyed or became incomplete or unserviceable. All persons having objection to the cancellation of such bond are hereby required to lodge their objection in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at the deeds registry in which the Bond is registered, within 6 weeks after date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Nelspruit, Signature of person who purports to be the mortgagee. DU TOIT SMUTS & PARTNERS, LAW CHAMBERS, VAN NIEKERKSTREET, NELSPRUIT 1200, Tel: 0137454788, Fax: 0137527079, Email: [email protected]. t

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST BOND NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST / DESTROYED BOND Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of SB 170648/2007, dated 17 OCTOBER 2007, passed by SUSANNA MARIA BARNARD (Identity Number 8206280037081) for the amount of R545 000.00 (Five Hundred and Forty Five Thousand Rand) in favour of THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED (Registration Number 1962/000738/06), in respect of certain SECTION 7 INNISON, MPUMALANGA, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bonds are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the registrar of deeds at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within three weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. LGR INCORPORATED, 27 GRAHAM STREET, 1ST FLOOR, SILVER WELLS OFFICE & RETAIL PARK, SILVER LAKES, 0081, Tel: 012-8174610, Fax: 08663523300, Email: [email protected].


FORM K (FORM OF PUBLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF THE ACT) LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act 1937, I the registrar of deeds at Vryburg intend to issue a certificate of registered title in lieu of deed of transfer T108/1997BP dated 6 February 1997, passed by Mafikeng Local Municipality in favour of Rebecca Ofetotse Goitsemang Digoamaje, Identity number 5606201098083, Unmarried, in respect of certain Erf 3638, Mafikeng Extension 34, situate in the Mafikeng Local Municipality, Registration Division JO., Province North West, in extent 595 (five hundred and ninety five) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the registrar of deeds at Vryburg, within 6 (six) weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Vryburg on this 11 day of May 2018 Registrar of deeds, VRYBURG Chris Maritz Attorney, Private bag X2103 Mafikeng 2745, Tel: (018) 3813925/57, Fax: (018) 3810901, Email: maritzcj@

This gazette is also available free online at 56 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018


Case/Application No: Section 27 of Act 51 of 1992 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) In re: NONTOBEKO ESTHER SKWEYIYA NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 27 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act 51 of 1992 that Nontobeko Esther Makuzeni, identity number 3611210272085, has resumed her previous surname of Skweyiya pursuant to her divorce. Africa & Associates, 54 Argyle Sreet, Woodstock, 7925, Tel: 0214485913, Fax: 0214485915, Email: conveyancing@ t


OLD MUTUAL SUPERFUND PROVIDENT FUND: PARTICIPATING EMPLOYER: JESU DESIGNS CC T/A RUGALIA DESIGNER RUGS (PF NO. 12/8/20246/11997) DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT FUND. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Jesu Designs CC T/A Rugalia Designer Rugs will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria; and 2. Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Jesu Designs CC T/A Rugalia Designer Rugs: Orion Services, Block 5L, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (Fund’s Registered Office); and 3. Master of the Western Cape High Court, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town, 8001. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102 not later than 14 days after expiration of the above mentioned 30 day period. GM Hendrickse, GQH Acccounting and Administration Services CC, 27 Moses Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, 7600, Tel: 0218872343, Fax: 0866198909, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: 9080/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) In the ex parte application of: LUIGI RAYMOND PILLAY (ID No. 8108095060086) , First Applicant and LYNNE VERONIQUE PILLAY (ID No. 8104040151085), Second Applicant In re: The amendment of their marriage regime in terms of Section 21(1) of the Matrimonial Property Act No. 88 of 1984 (as amended) NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF ACT 88 OF 1984 Take notice that application will be made on behalf of the above named applicants, jointly, to the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town), Keerom Street, Cape Town, on the 26th day of JUNE 2018 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the legal representative for the applicants may be heard, for an order in the following terms: 1. That the applicants are given leave in terms of Section 21(1) of the Matrimonial Property Act, 88 of 1984, to change the matrimonial property system that applies to their marriage, by execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the first applicant’s founding affidavit, and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system; 2. That the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town, is authorised and directed to register the notarial contract within two (2) months of this order being granted, subject to any statutory requirements that may be applicable to such registration; 3. That the terms of this order will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at date of registration of the contract;

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4. That such further and/or alternative relief be granted to the applicants as the Honourable Court may deem fit. A copy of this application, together with the intended notarial contract will be kept open for inspection at the offices of the Registrar of the High Court, Keerom Street, Cape Town, and at the offices of the applicants’ attorneys of record, for two (2) weeks prior to the hearing of this application. KELLERMAN HENDRIKSE INC., First Floor, 98 Dorp Street, Stellenbosch, Tel: 0213008660, Fax: 0875507115, Email: [email protected].



Form/Vorm J297


Interested parties are hereby given notice by Masters of the High Court of South Africa that meetings will be held at the places, dates and times specified for the purpose of selecting persons for approval by the respective Masters, as fit and proper to be appointed by them as Executors, or Tutors or Curators as the case may be, in regard to the matters listed below. Particulars for each matter appear in the following order: (1) File number, (2) surname and first names of deceased or minor or curatorship, (3) home address, (4) date of death, (5) place, date and time of meeting. Meeting in a place in which there is a Master’s Office will be held before the Master, elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Belanghebbendes word hiermee deur Meesters van die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika kennis gegee dat byeenkomste op die plekke, datums en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doel om persone te kies vir goedkeuring deur die onderskeie Meesters as geskik om deur hulle na gelang van die geval aangestel te word as Eksekuteurs of Voogde of Kurators, ten opsigte van die gevalle hieronder vermeld. Besonderhede vir elke geval verskyn in die volgorde van: (1) Lêernommer, (2) familienaam en voorname van oorledene of minderjarige of kuratorskap, (3) woonadres, (4) datum van oorlye, (5) plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms. In `n plek waarin in ‘n kantoor van die Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekke voor die Landros.



Form/Vorm J295


In terms of section 75 of the Administration of Estates Act No. 66 of 1965 (as amended), notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as Curators or Tutors by Masters of the High Court, or of termination of such appointment (their having ceased in their respective capacity) The information is given in the following order: (1) Number of matter; (2) person under curatorship, or minor, and address; (3) curator or tutor; name and address of curator or tutor; (4) whether appointment or termination (cease in capacity), and date; (5) Master of the High Court.

This gazette is also available free online at 58 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018


Ingevolge artikel 75 van die Boedelwet No. 66 van 1965 (soos gewysig), word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as kurators of voogde deur Meesters van die Hoë Hof, of van die beëindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van saak; (2) persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en adres; (3) kurator of voog; naam en adres van kurator of voog; (4) of aanstelling of beëindiging daarvan, en datum; (5) Meester van die Hooggeregshof.


MC181/16—(2) CHRISTINA MAGDALENA GROVÉ, Curatorship; 285 VAN RIEBEECK AVENUE, LYTTLETON MANOR X01; (3) Curator: JACOB JACOBUS DE KLERK OF ROSS & JACOBSZ ATTORNEYS, 457 RODERICKS ROAD, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA, 0001; (4) Appointment; 15 November 2017; (5) PRETORIA. MC733/16—(2) DANNHAUSER KRITZINGER, Curatorship; Po Box 75216, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040; (3) Curator: Hester Benson, 33 Leslie Street, Murrayfield, Pretoria, 0184; (4) Termination; 22 December 2017; (5) Pretoria. -—(2) SIPHO MOSES NGUBANE, Curatorship; BLOCK 105, ERF 60, ALEXANDRA, 2090; (3) Curator: SENZENI MAUREEN NGUBANE, BLOCK 105, ERF 60, ALEXANDRA, 2090; (4) Appointment; 12 April 2018; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG. MC76/2011—(2) JEANNETTE MOLLY SIDLEY, Curatorship; 4 PRIMROSE PLACE, 330 SURRY AVENUE, FERNDALE, RANDBURG, 2194; (3) Curator: LOLA REVA LIVNI, 3 CUNENE ROAD, EMMARENTIA 2195 (Postal: P.O.BOX 3070, SAXONWOLD, 2132); (4) Termination; 26 January 2018; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG, MARSHALTOWN, 2017. MC13359/99—(2) Claudio Alves Barreiros, Curatorship; Unit 1, The Phoenician, 2 OS Street, Bassonia, Extension 1, 2091; (3) Curator: Jonine Meadon, Cnr Tyrwhitt & Cradock Avenue, Rosebank, 2196; (4) Termination; 4 August 2017; (5) Pretoria. MC602/2015—(2) STOPFORTH ALETHA CATHARINA, Curatorship; Po Box 75216, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040; (3) Curator: Hester Benson, 33 Leslie Street, Murrayfield, Pretoria, 0184; (4) Termination; 16 April 2018; (5) Pretoria. MC602/2015—(2) STOPFORTH ALETHA CATHARINA, Curatorship; Po Box 75216, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040; (3) Curator: Hester Benson, 33 Leslie Street, Murrayfield, Pretoria, 0184; (4) Termination; 16 April 2018; (5) Pretoria.


MC61/2015—(2) Raymond Phelan, Curatorship; Nazareth House, Upper Dickens Street, Central, Port Elizabeth; (3) Curator: Michael Jonathan Scheckter, 75 Second Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; (4) Termination; 28 November 2017; (5) Port Elizabeth. FREE STATE / VRYSTAAT


CR020045/14 dbn—(2) MTHOKOZISI COMFORT XULU, Curatorship; R 614 BHAMSHELA; (3) Curator: SURENDRA APPALSAMY NAIDOO, SUITE 1417, 14TH FLOOR, DURDO CENTRE, 460 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN; (4) Appointment; 2 April 2015; (5) DURBAN. CR51/2011/PMB—(2) Sonke Samkelisiwe Shoba, Curatorship; c/o Suite 1103, 11th Floor, Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) Curator: Anesh Maharaj, c/o Suite 1103, 11th Floor, Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street, Durban; (4) Appointment; 10 April 2018; (5) Pietermaritzburg.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 59


MC16462/98—(2) DICK BOS, Curatorship; 6 COMMAILLE ROAD, MELKBOSSTRAND,; (3) Curator: VANESSA GRUNDLINGH, 86 BUFFEL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920; (4) Appointment; 12 April 2018; (5) GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA. CR20258/2014—(2) Petronella Elizabeth Syfert, Curatorship; Elcare, Klaradyn Retirement Home, , Cape Town; (3) Curator: Arno Botha, 1 Bloemhof, Bloemhof Street, Tygervalley, 7530; (4) Termination; 1 May 2018; (5) Cape Town. 126/2015—(2) Nonnie Hendrika Catharina Groenewald, Kuratorskap; Heritage Manor 220, Hazeldenrylaan, Somerset- Wes; (3) Kurator: Riana Lemmer, Posbus 9, Strand; (4) Beëindiging; 18 Mei 2018; (5) Kaapstad. CR104/2013—(2) VIRGINIA WILSON, Curatorship; 5 Faure St, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001; (3) Curator: Jacobus Nicolaas Johannes Pieterse, Bisset Boehmke McBlain, Po Box 76, Cape Town, 8000; (4) Termination; 29 April 2018; (5) Cape Town. CR317/2016—(2) PIETER BOUWER BAARTMAN, Kuratorskap; ROBIN TRUST, ALEXANDRA WEG, PINELANDS, 7405.; (3) Kurator: JOHANN FRANCOIS VOS, VISAGIEVOS, 181 VASCO BOULEVARD, GOODWOOD; (4) Aanstelling; 12 Desember 2016; (5) CAPE TOWN. CR317/2016—(2) PIETER BOUWER BAARTMAN, Kuratorskap; ROBIN TRUST, ALEXANDRA WEG, PINELANDS, 7405.; (3) Kurator: Johann Francois Vos, VisagieVos, 181 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood; (4) Beëindiging; 5 Maart 2017; (5) Kaapstad. CR3/2014—(2) BLANCHE LOUISE WARD, Curatorship; Communicare Centre, 2 Roggebaai Square, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8001; (3) Curator: Erlise Loots (previously Kruger), Bisset Boehmke McBlain, Po Box 76, Cape Town, 8000; (4) Termination; 18 February 2018; (5) Cape Town.

Form/Vorm J193


All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number, (2) surname and christian names, date of birth, identity number, last address; (3) date of death; (4) surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identity number; (5) name and address of executor and authorised agent; (6) period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than 30 days.


Alle persone wat vorderinge teen die onderstaande boedels het, moet dit by die betrokke eksekuteur in dien binne 30 dae (of soos aangedui), van die datum van publikasie hiervan. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Boedelnommer, (2) familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres; (3) datum oorlede; (4) nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; (5) naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent; (6) tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae.


14563/2017—(2) Tyszkiewicz, Jaroslaw, 19 January 1945, 4501195114080, Gdansk (80-176) At Ul. Przytulna 38 Apt. 4, Poland; (3) 13 November 2014; (4) Teresa Maria Tyszkiewicz, 11 October 1950, 5010110176082; (5) Cronje, De Waal - Skhosana Incorporated, Cronje, De Waal & Van der Merwe Building, Lurgi Plaza, CBD, Secunda, Mpumalanga; (6) N/A. 9518/2018—(2) MC DERMOTT, ANGUS RORY MC DERMOTT, 6 Julie 1976, 7607065102084, 12 CON JOUBERT STREET, EIKEPARK, RANDFONTEIN; (3) 20 April 2018; (4) DESIREE MC DERMOTT, 6 Julie 1979, 7904060035082; (5) CHRISTO JOHANN OOSTHUIZEN, NASHET BUILDING, UNIT 4, KENNETH STREET, GREENHILLS, RANDFONTEIN. 003415/2018—(2) MOSIANE, MANTIKI MARTHA, 9 September 1949, 4909090201086, KOTEDI STREET 3076, IKAGENG, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) 15 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SANET RAS ATTORNEYS, 101 PETER MOKABA AVENUE, POTCHEFSTROOM. 003773/2018—(2) TOMS, ANGELA MARGARET, 22 November 1925, 2511220019081, G59, WILLOW HAVEN, 139 HARTE STREET, , PRETORIA; (3) 15 February 2018; (5) ELMA DEPPE, MACROBERT INC ATTORNEYS, CNR. JUSTICE MAHOMED & JAN SHOBA STREETS, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA, 0075.

This gazette is also available free online at 60 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

001112/2018—(2) CHINEEMESTRY, UITRAVATHI, 1 August 1949, 4908015098080, 8 BANARAS STREET, ROSHNEE; (3) 2 November 2017; (4) SUNTHALLA CHINEEMESTRY, 9 July 1955, 5507090016089; (5) SANET LOUW, 162 GENERAL HERTZOG ROAD, THREE RIVERS, VEREENIGING. 004983/2018—(2) MAAKE, ERNESTINA NONDYEBO, 21 September 1937, 3709210226083, 1134 ZONE 1 GARANKUWA 0208; (3) 26 March 2017; (5) MR SP MAAKE, 1234 PHOKO STREET ZONE 1 GARANKUWA 0208. 001084/2018—(2) MERTS, LINDA, 9 October 1955, 5510090029086, 349 TREVOR GETHING STREET, GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA; (3) 15 June 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) WERNER PRINSLOO, WERNER PRINSLOO PROKUREURS, 32 GARSFONTEIN OFFICE PARK, 645 JACQUELINE DRIVE, GARSFONTEIN. 6322/2013—(2) DU PREEZ, MIRIAM, 18 April 1965, 6504180037082, UNIT 2, WILLOW GREEN, 471 FURROW ROAD, EQUESTRIA, PRETORIA; (3) 15 October 2012; (4) N/A N/A; (5) RENIER WILLEM DU PREEZ, UNIT 2 WILLOW GREEN, 471 FURROW ROAD, EQUESTRIA. 001105/2018—(2) ROSSOUW, MAGDALENA JOHANNA, 30 October 1942, 4210300001089, 2010 WEKKER RD, , PRETORIA; (3) 17 June 2006; (4) CORNELIUS JOHANNES ROSSOUW, 6 October 1941, 4110065023080; (5) WERNER PRINSLOO, WERNER PRINSLOO PROKUREURS, 32 GARSFONTEIN OFFICE PARK, 645 JACQUELINE DRIVE, GARSFONTEIN. 005176/2015—(2) ELS, JOHANNA MAGRITA, 12 November 1941, 4111120071080, 10 GRAAF STREET, VENTERSDORP; (3) 3 May 2015; (4) N/A N/A; (5) LOERITHA SAAYMAN, WERNER PRINSLOO PROKUREURS, 32 GARSFONTEIN OFFICE PARK, 645 JACQUELINE DRIVE, GARSFONTEIN. 3929/2013—(2) MERTS, ANDRE, 25 August 1960, 6008255061084, 349 TREVOR GETHINGH STREET, GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA; (3) 6 January 2013; (4) N/A N/A; (5) WERNER PRINSLOO, WERNER PRINSLOO PROKUREURS, 32 GARSFONTEIN OFFICE PARK, 645 JACQUELINE DRIVE, GARSFONTEIN. 012392/2017—(2) LONGHURST, DEREK MICHAEL PAUL, 25 May 1961, 6105255221088, 43 DEVALERA STREET, HARTBEESPOORT; (3) 18 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) WERNER PRINSLOO, WERNER PRINSLOO PROKUREURS, 32 GARSFONTEIN OFFICE PARK, 645 JACQUELINE DRIVE, GARSFONTEIN. 001082/2018—(2) PRINSLOO, MERCIA, 15 January 1948, 4801150092085, 168 HIGH STREET, ASHLEY GARDENS, PRETORIA; (3) 20 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) WERNER PRINSLOO, WERNER PRINSLOO PROKUREURS, 32 GARSFONTEIN OFFICE PARK, 645 JACQUELINE DRIVE, GARSFONTEIN. 2241/2017—(2) NAUDE, MARIANE MATHILDA, 30 December 1966, 6612300128085, FIDDES STR 58, , GAUTENG, 1020; (3) 6 January 2017; (4) NA NA; (5) ALBERTUS JACOBUS VAN DER LINDE, 1 JOUBERT STREET, MADELIEF COMPLEX, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT. 0000010030/2018—(2) Dawson, Eric John, 10 January 1956, 5601105014088, 62 Nicolas Smit Avenue, Monument, Krugersdorp, 1739; (3) 2 March 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Inc nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road, Kempton Park, 1620. 009160/2018—(2) KARANTONIS, ANASTASSIOS, 30 September 1934, 3409305053084, 4 , 1 KLOOF ROAD, MINDALORE NORTH, KRUGERSDORP; (3) 12 April 2018; (4) JUDITH MARIAN KARANTONIS, 24 December 1952, 5212240068086; (5) RICHARD FRANK REED, RICHARD FRANK REED, 1 PENELOPE AVENUE, CNR GORDON ROAD, FLORIDA NORTH. 001082/2018—(2) PRINSLOO, MERCIA, 15 January 1948, 4801150092085, 168 HIGH STREET, ASHLEY GARDENS, PRETORIA; (3) 20 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) WERNER PRINSLOO, WERNER PRINSLOO PROKUREURS, 32 GARSFONTEIN OFFICE PARK, 645 JACQUELINE DRIVE, GARSFONTEIN. 009540/2018—(2) MARICICH, AUDREY, 29 December 1923, 2312290018081, 87 - THIRD STREET, LINDEN, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 12 March 2018; (5) IAIN MARICICH, 517 KEURBOOM PLACE, BRENTON ON SEA, KNYSNA 6571. 3226/2016—(2) PHIRI, JOB JOHANNES PATRICK, 5 October 1968, 6810055663088, 11 PIETERS AVENUE, THE ORCHARDS EXT 13; (3) 5 October 2015; (5) GERRIT VAN DEN BURG, BLOCK C, EQUITY PARK, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN. 14217/2006—(2) Simelane, Zandile Daphne, 10 June 1953, 5306100540083, 2861 Matla Street, Tokoza; (3) 12 February 2002; (5) Mduduzi Phillip Simelane, 2861 Everest Matla Street, Tokoza. 005224/2018—(2) Mears, Andrew, 12 June 1962, 6206125039088, 41-21st Street, Menlopark, Pretoria; (3) 30 April 2018; (5) Anna Catharina Mears, 41-21st Street, Menlopark, Pretoria. 016376/2017—(2) JACOBS, DANIEL JOHANNES, 17 Junie 1937, 3706175105088, 481 BERG AVENUE ; (3) 24 November 2017; (4) JOHANNA ELIZABETH JACOBS, 14 Augustus 1943, 4308140031082; (5) FRITS SNYMAN ATTORNEYS, 561 RACHEL DE BEER STREET, PRETORIA NORTH. 002415/2018—(2) Le Roux, John Andries, 15 Julie 1962, 6207155012086, Jansenstraat 7, La Hoff, Klerksdorp, 2571; (3) 16 Maart 2018; (4) Yolanda Le Roux, 16 Januarie 1969, 6901160048081; (5) Absa Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 009541/2018—(2) Wheeler, William John, 28 April 1938, 3804285052082, 8 Swawel Road, Birch Acres, 1618; (3) 10 March 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 9741/2018—(2) Steenkamp, Jaco, 25 March 1972, 7203255037080, 3 Foursome Flats, Princes Street, Windsor-West, Randburg; (3) 25 February 2018; (4) Carolyn Yvonne Steenkamp (born Biggs), 4 March 1970; (5) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 004007/2018—(2) Backhoff, Eugen Georg Wilhelm, 29 Augustus 1938, 3808295026085, Woonstel 1018, Bronberg Aftree-Oord, Midaslaan 47, Olympus, Pretoria; (3) 1 Januarie 2018; (5) Mev AC Jendrzejewski, Postnet Suite 89, Privaatsak X25723, Monument Park, 0105.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 61

5074/2018—(2) Van der Merwe, Pieter Carl, 29 September 1960, 6009295006089, 204 Theo Street, Wierdapark, Pretoria; (3) 31 January 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 005178/2018—(2) JONKER, JOHANNES JACOBUS, 19 August 1934, 3408195019080, 53 GLEVERA HAVEN, 480 VIEW STREET, RIETVALLEIRAND; (3) 18 November 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) WERNER PRINSLOO, WERNER PRINSLOO PROKUREURS, 32 GARSFONTEIN OFFICE PARK, 645 JACQUELINE DRIVE, GARSFONTEIN. 009911/2018—(2) Buchalter, Hyman, 6 May 1929, 2905065030080, 213 Oaklands Place, Block B, 2nd Floor, 66 Oaklands, Orchards, 2192; (3) 10 April 2018; (5) NFB Finance Brokers Gauteng, C/o NFB House, 108 Albertyn Ave. Wierda Valley, Sandton 2196; (6) 30. 010522/2018—(2) VAN NIEKERK, SCHALK, 24 October 1939, 3910245007080, 55 BROOKE LANE, STONE RIVER ESTATE, WILLIAM NICOL DRIVE, BEVERLEY EXT 65; (3) 14 January 2018; (5) KAREN MAYBERY-VAN NIEKERK, 55 BROOKE LANE, STONE RIVER ESTATE, WILLIAM NICOL DRIVE, BEVERLEY EXT 65. 026233/2017—(2) Van Staden, Riaan Nico, 5 September 1973, 7309055047086, 36 Lawn Avenue, Arcon Park, Vereeniging; (3) 9 August 2017; (4) Theresa Merel Van Staden, 5 September 1973, 7309055047086; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 008578/2018—(2) Schnetler, Johannes Fredrik, 22 September 1936, 3609225046080, SAVF Dienssentrum, Suiderkruis 1, Fochville, Gauteng, 2515; (3) 28 January 2018; (5) FWC Estate & Related Services duly represented by Anthonie Michael Fourie, Unit 45 Willowbrook Office Park, Van Hoof Street, Willowbrook, 1724; (6) 30 days. 009750/2018—(2) Hagspihl, Heinrich, 18 April 1933, 3304185042085, Waterfall Village Frailcare, Cor Hendrik Potgieter and 3rd Street, Florida Glen, 1724; (3) 19 January 2018; (5) Smith van der Watt Inc, 258 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp, 1739, Smith van der Watt Inc, 258 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp, 1739. 004865/2018—(2) MILES, MARGARET, 31 December 1939, 3912310073088, 430 Rhine Avenue, Eersterus; (3) 24 October 2017; (5) The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Standard Trust, Hillcrest Office Park, Ground Floor Barbet Place, Cnr Dyer and Lynnwood Road, Lynnwood, 0081; (6) 30. 004867/2018—(2) DE JAGER, PIETER PIETERSE, 17 July 1925, 2507175016080, Huis Herfsblaar A212, Webweg, Queenswood; (3) 27 March 2018; (5) The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Standard Trust, Hillcrest Office Park, Ground Floor Barbet Place, Cnr Dyer and Lynnwood Road, Lynnwood 0081; (6) 30. 010519/2018—(2) DU PLESSIS, DIEDERIK JOHANNES ROBBERTZE, 19 May 1952, 5205195044086, 3 DE VILLIERS CRESCENT EXT 2, KEMPTON PARK, 1619; (3) 4 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) SMIT & BOOYSEN ATTORNEYS, 65 LINKSFIELD ROAD, DOWERGLEN, EDENVALE. 009723/2018—(2) Mkwanazi, Sehloko Abram, 10 August 1948, 4808105529087, House 17951, Zone 14 Sebokeng, Vereeniging; (3) 27 January 2018; (4) Lilly Maria Mkwanazi (Born Mbangeni), 22 February 1950, 5002220709084; (5) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 23907/2014—(2) GILLESPIE, MAUREEN MAIRE, 7 May 1942, 4205070120085, Plot No. 3 of Portion 61, White River Estates, White River; (3) 24 June 2014; (4) LEONARD PHILLIP GILLESPIE, 3 September 1939, 3909035136083; (5) The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Standard Trust, Hillcrest Office Park, Ground Floor Barbet Place, Cnr Dyer and Lynnwood Road, Lynnwood 0081; (6) 30. 1936/2007—(2) SMIT, WILLEM WOUTER, 1 Oktober 1938, 3810015026080, ROETSSTRAAT 79, RENSBURG, HEILDEBERG; (3) 12 Oktober 2006; (4) CORNELIA JOHANNA CATHARINA MARIA SMIT, 30 September 1964, 6409300036081; (5) LIEBENBERG MALAN LIEZEL HORN INC, 20 UECKERMANN STREET, HEIDELBERG,1441. 712/2018—(2) ALDERSON, BERNARD WILLIAM, 11 April 1939, 3904115044083, UNIT 1, 544 E-KOOF, SAALSAK CRESCENT, PRETORIA; (3) 3 Januarie 2018; (4) ANNA CATHARINA ALDERSON, 8 Maart 1941, 4103080011081; (5) WF BOUWER ATTORNEYS, 1225 JUSTICE MAHOMED STREET, MENLO PARK, PRETORIA. 009745/2018—(2) Reyers (Born Brolich, Previously Hagerman), Tatjana Evelyn, 1 January 1930, 3001010011182, 111 Village Walk Retirement Village, 24 Kirschner Road, Brentwood Park, Benoni; (3) 10 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 005714/2018—(2) Ntelekoa, Modiehi Monica, 26 June 1926, 2606260232089, Moroka, Soweto, Johannesburg; (3) 21 November 2017 Kramps; (5) Linda Nienaber, FNB Fiduciary, 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045. 019034/2017—(2) VAN ZYL, MARIA ELIZABETHA PETRONELLA JOHANNA, 19 Januarie 1929, 2901190060084, Weeromkeer Straat 13, Die Hoewes, Centurion, Gauteng; (3) 8 Desember 2016; (4) nvt nvt; (5) Adriaan Johannes van Zyl, PO Box 8134, Birchleigh, 1621. 4137/2018—(2) KÖSTER, HANS-RICHARD, 24 July 1928, 2807245012089, 64 PORTEBELLO STREET, HIGHVELD X 7, 0169; (3) 16 March 2018; (4) HEIDE KÖSTER, 12 February 1941, 4102120013081; (5) VOLKER HELMUT JOHANNES KRÜGER, Van Velden-Duffey Incorporated, @Office Building, North Block 04, 67 Brink Street, Rustenburg; (6) 30. 006189/2016—(2) Bata, Mahomed Ismail, 30 June 1935, 3506305095088, 18 Jeeva Street, Sakhrol, Klerksdorp; (3) 11 January 2013; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA. JHB010429/2018—(2) SIBIYA, MPHUMUZENI JOAKIM, 14 June 1962, 6206145451081, 36 OXPECKER STREET, CRYSTAL PARK 1515; (3) 29 April 2018; (4) MANGALISILE ABEGAIL SIBIYA, 22 June 2018, 7306220362085; (5) M.L. MATEME ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 2105, BENONI 1500. 9207/2018—(2) COVERDALE, LORETTA NOREENA, 15 November 1955, 5511150211085, 42 John Pop Road, Eldoradopark; (3) 20 February 2018; (4) IVAN PETER JOSEPH COVERDALE, 21 September 1953, 5309215006081; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston.

This gazette is also available free online at 62 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

1904/2018—(2) HATTINGH, ALETTA SUSANNA, 7 August 1933, 3308070036086, 57 - 3RD STREET, GREYMONT; (3) 20 November 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 9213/2018—(2) TROSKIE, LINDA LORRAINE, 2 August 1951, 5108020107088, 27 Wandsbeck Road, Westville, Durban; (3) 2 January 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 007465/2018—(2) MTSHAZO, LEFOLESELE NURSE, 16 November 1948, 4811160534083, 366 Likole Section, Katlehong; (3) 2 March 2012; (4) N/A N/A; (5) VB Tshabalala Attorneys, 107 Albertina Sisulu, Elephant House, 1st Floor, Suite 116, Johannesburg, 2001. 009753/2018—(2) Meyer, Philippus Theunis, 27 Augustus 1964, 6408275053089, Bosleigh Lodge, Fase 2, Tigerstraat 13, Birchleigh, Kempton Park; (3) 7 Maart 2018; (4) Maria Elize Meyer (Gebore McLachlan), 20 Februarie 1965, 6502200050085; (5) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. 4031/2018—(2) SCHUTTE, CHRISTIAAN ERNST, 27 February 1942, 4202275013082, UNIT 183, PROTEA RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 205 GLOVER AVE, LYTTELTON, 0157; (3) 24 January 2018; (4) MARGARETHA CECILIA SCHUTTE, 22 November 1939, 3911220054089; (5) NELINE LE ROUX, 296 KILLARNEY AVE, BRONBERRIK, CENTURION, 0157. 004154/2018—(2) VAN RENEN, JANE MARY, 21 July 1965, 6507210220081, 30 EQUITY DRIVE, BLAIRGOWRIE, RANDBURG; (3) 30 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) GRETCHEN BARKHUIZEN-BARBOSA, C/O CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INC., 1 PROTEA PLACE, SANDOWN, SANDTON. 0000005228/2018—(2) Tlammama, Machaba Levy, 14 May 1943, 4305145144084, Erf 412, Soshanguve; (3) 11 February 2018; (4) Motsei Tabea Tlammama, 2 June 1947, 4706020506083; (5) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated as nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road, Kempton Park, 1620. 002498/2018—(2) MC DERMOT, YVONNE, 4 September 1950, 5009040111086, 341 MINNESOTA STREET, , PRETORIA; (3) 14 November 2017; (5) TRUST LTD (MVG), SANLAM TRUST, PRIVATE BAG X137, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. 023412/2017—(2) Van Tonder, Frederick Johannes Nickolaas, 30 September 1946, 4609305067088, 6 Jan Smuts Avenue, Florida Park, Roodepoort; (3) 23 August 2017; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 003100/2018—(2) BONEHILL, LEE BRENTON, 2 October 1992, 9210025363082, 4 UYS STREET, BIRCHLEIGH NORTH, KEMPTON PARK; (3) 24 January 2018; (5) ALICIA LUNDALL, WILSENACH VAN WYK ING (PRETORIA NORTH), 311 BEN VILJOEN STRAAT, PRETORIA NORTH, GAUTENG. 005455/2018—(2) De Jesus, Joao, 12 February 1936, 3602125045088, 17 Aberfeldy Road, Kensington; (3) 19 January 2018; (4) Maria Da Conceicao De Jesus, 14 February 1936, 3602140025081; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 002609/2018—(2) Van Rensburg, John Charles, 3 October 1938, 3810035032084, 3 Putter Lane , Glendower Golf Estate; (3) 16 August 2017; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 009540/2018—(2) MARICICH, AUDREY, 29 December 1923, 2312290018081, 87 - THIRD STREET, LINDEN, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 12 March 2018; (5) IAIN MARICICH, 517 KEURBOOM PLACE, BRENTON ON SEA, KNYSNA 6571. 009154/2018—(2) Greenberg, Leon, 3 May 1947, 4705035036086, 12 San Jerez, Seaward Estate, Ballito; (3) 17 March 2018; (5) Richard F Reed Attorneys, 1 Penelope Avenue, Cnr. Gordon Road, Florida North. 976/2018—(2) SNYMAN, MATTHYS GERHARDUS, 12 Mei 1931, 3105125037089, COUNTRY LIFE RETIREMENT CENTRE, BRENTWOOD PARK, BENONI; (3) 10 November 2017; (5) PSG Trust pty ltd, 298 Glenwoodweg, Lynnwoodpark. 2547/2017—(2) RAMASWIELA, MPHELETSHEDZENI MACKSON, 4 May 1951, 5105045454081, STAND 60047, TSHAVHAKOLOLO KHUBVU VILLAGE; (3) 4 August 2017; (4) NTHUSENI FLORENCE RAMASWIELA, 28 June 1960, 6006280391088; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST LIMITED, Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus,Cnr Aramist Avenue & Constellation Street, Glen Ext2,Pretoria,0181. 009137/2018—(2) NAICKER, BALAKRISHNAN SUBRAMONY, 14 August 1958, 5808145133089, 1579 AZALEA STREET, LENASIA SOUTH, 1828; (3) 7 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) NAICKER OONI WADIA INC. ATTORNEYS, 91 HARRY STREET, ROBERTSHAM, 2091; (6) 30 DAYS. 28336/2011—(2) NARE, RICHARD, 26 June 1975, 7506265560085, UNIT 24, COM2671 COMPLEX, DOBERMAN; (3) 9 July 2011; (5) GERRIT VAN DEN BURG, BLOCK C, EQUITY PARK, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN. 005055/2018—(2) LUCOUW, MAARTEN, 13 September 1949, 4909135027082, 6 DEL MONTE; 33 KOIANNABERG ROAD; WATERKLOOFHOOGTE PRETORIA 0181; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 010040/2018—(2) VALENTE, NELSON MANUEL GONCALVES, 25 November 1966, 6611255168088, 19 MOUNT PROSPECT AVENUE, GLENVISTA, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 5 March 2018; (4) FERNANDA MARIA DOS SANTOS VALENTE, 19 February 1964, 6402190117087; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 007733/2018—(2) SIBEKO, AARON ZIGA, 28 October 1946, 4610285291086, 9925 ZONE 7B SEBOKENG; (3) 4 November 2017; (4) FABAZANA AGNES SIBEKO, 8 September 1959, 5109080527082; (5) FABAZANA AGNES SIBEKO, 9925 ZONE 7B SEBOKENG. 009728/2018—(2) Thain (Born Warden), Margaret Jean, 24 December 1933, 3312240043188, 14 Botes Street, Parkdene, Boksburg; (3) 15 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 009733/2018—(2) Viljoen, Cornelius Hermanus Herculas, 3 Augustus 1930, 3008035008085, Proteahuis Nr. 33, H/V Churchill & Tulipstraat, Primrose, Germiston; (3) 11 Februarie 2018; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 63

002012/2018—(2) ZEELIE, DAVID BENJAMIN, 9 January 1928, 2801095001086, 10781 MIDDLEBURG, EXT 1; (3) 29 January 2018; (5) SANLAM TRUST LTD (MVG), SANLAM TRUST, PRIVATE BAG X137, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. 005164/2018—(2) Ndala, Onica Nadlambili, 28 February 1966, 6602280590081, 198 Savannah Country Estate, Pretoria East; (3) 7 April 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 1803/2018—(2) KRITZINGER, DANNHAUSER, 8 December 1946, 4612085008082, BLYMOEDIG CLINIC, NIESHOUTLAAN, ROODEPLAAT; (3) 22 December 2017; (5) ESTELLE ANNETTE KRITZINGER, P/A 33 LESLIE STREET, MURRAYFIELD 0184. 000949/2018—(2) De Sousa, Amelia, 12 September 1930, 3009120033087, 11 Ewing Street, Rynfield, Benoni 1501; (3) 19 October 2017; (5) Rita Macedo Faria, P O Box 785879, Sandton City, Sandton 2146. 005425/2018—(2) ISMIAL, NAZEER AHMED, 15 January 1967, 6701155051086, 27 ASMET CRESCENT, AZAADVILLE, KRUGERDORP; (3) 24 February 2017; (5) BARNARD PATEL INC, 17 IVY STREET CLYDESDALE HATFIELD PRETORIA 0028; (6) N/A. 009569/2018—(2) Romelfanger, Cheryl Jane, 18 December 1946, 4612180148080, 59 Northwold Terrace 2 Janine Road Northwold Johannesburg; (3) 3 March 2018; (4) Brian Lee Romelfanger, 4910065189181; (5) Rekha Chetty, PO Box 52297 Saxonwold 2132. 002148/2018—(2) ZULU, MANDHLENKOSI NICHOLAS, 25 April 1934, 3404255127087, 57 NKAU STREET ,DIEPKLOOF; (3) 19 September 2017; (4) RUTH VANGILE ZULU, 28 May 1965, 6505280428089; (5) PHALENG-PODILE ATTORNEYS, NOTARIES AND CONVEYANCERS, 208-212 JEPPE STREET 2ND FLOOR MARBLE TOWERS JOHANNESBURG 2001. 001384/2018—(2) BARNARD, ISABELLA CATHERINA WICKENS, 12 June 1924, 2406120034084, FRAIL CARE UNIT, FEATHERBROOKE HILLS, FEATHERBROOKE, KRUGERSDORP, 1739; (3) 15 January 2018; (5) MARIE-LOUISE KRITZINGER T/A ELECTUS TRUST, 133 NICOLAS SMIT STREET, MONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP, 1739. 006617/2018—(2) LISI, GUIDO, 16 March 1940, 4003165023185, 29, 3rd AVENUE, HIGHLANDS NORTH, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 31 October 2017; (5) RACCANELLO ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 753041, GARDENVIEW, 2047. 008962/2018—(2) Mdeni, Malieepetsana Annah, 29 August 1934, 3408290171083, 361A Zwane Street, Zola 3, Soweto; (3) 13 December 2017; (5) Isabella Fuduka Mdeni, 361A Zwane Street, Zola 3, Soweto; (6) 29. 010163/2018—(2) Chaba, Lesetja James, 24 September 1959, 5909245581084, 11410 Umqaquli Street, Vosloorus Extension 14; (3) 2 May 1993; (4) Wilheminah Maria Chaba, 5 May 1961, 6105050596080; (5) Wilheminah Maria Chaba, 11410 Umqaquli Street, Vosloorus, Extension 14; (6) 29. 006621/2018—(2) PADAYACHEE, PATRICK GEORGE, 27 August 1970, 7008275108088, 29, 3rd AVENUE, HIGHLANDS NORTH, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 4 September 2017; (5) RACCANELLO ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 753041, GARDENVIEW, 2047. 3697/18—(2) VAN DYK, FRANS JOHANNES, 30 November 1952, 5211305046086, 364 PRESIDENT STREET, SILVERTON, PRETORIA, 0184; (3) 1 March 2018; (4) EMMARENTIA MAGRIETHA VAN DYK, 18 August 1955, 5508180029081; (5) HENDRIK JACOBUS KLOPPERS, HB FORUM BUILDING, 13 STAMVRUG STREET, VAL DE GRACE, 0084. 13799/2009—(2) Mahlangu, Elias, 16 December 1980, 8012165682086, 1193 Pumen Street, Cultura Park, Bronkhortspruit, Gauteng; (3) 28 June 2009; (4) Lerato Mahlangu, 22 June 1978, 7806220276086; (5) IGNATIUS MARTHINUS BESTER, SBP ATTORNEYS, 181 ALLCOCK STREET, SUITE B, COLBYN, PRETORIA, 0083. 026221/2017—(2) Karouz, Cecil John Anthony, 26 April 1921, 2104265032084, Arbor Village, Corner Smith and Bradford Roads, Bedfordview, 2008.; (3) 28 April 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) Sheelagh Maureen Zock, 281 Evergreen Road, Tunney, Germiston, 1429; (6) N/A. 006711/2016—(2) Tikly, Faisual, 24 November 1953, 5311245206087, 243 Kimberley Road Evans Park Ormonde Gauteng 2091; (3) 30 January 2016; (5) Rookayya Abubaker Tickly, 243 Kimberley Road Evans Park Ormonde Gauteng 2091. 004707/2018—(2) Komane, Girtz Mokgoetsi, 22 April 1928, 2804225151086, 31 Matseke Street, ; (3) 22 December 1998; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 16554/2017—(2) PHAMBANE, PAULINE KHADILE, 9 May 1964, 6405090698080, 61 BAST CRESCENT, , PRETORIA; (3) 8 November 2017; (4) MADIMETJA KIBENT PHAMBANE, 1 March 1965, 6503015286088; (5) MATSHABO GLECIA MABUNDA, 61 BAST CRESCENT, LOTUS GARDENS, PRETORIA; (6) 30 DAYS. 006189/2016—(2) Sandi, Xolelwa Gladys, 4 April 1954, 5404040635087, 16 Riverside Drive, Amsterdamhoek, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape; (3) 13 March 2016; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 1475/2015—(2) NEMAKONDE, GIVEMORE, 15 April 1971, 7104156241080, 1520 KENNETH WILLIAM DRIVE, EXT 1 GELUSKDAL; (3) 21 December 2014; (4) LEBOHANG MONICA NEMAKONDE, 4 December 1978, 7812040565088; (5) KG MASHIGO ATTORNEYS, 58 MARSHALL STREET, MARSHALLTOWN, JOHANNESBURG. 943/2018—(2) SELAHLA, MOYAHABO JANET, 2 July 1972, 7207020529081, 616/34 MARA CRESCENT, ZANDSPRUIT; (3) 25 October 2017; (5) THABISO JOSEPH SELAHLA, 616/34 MARA CRESCENT, ZANDSPRUIT; (6) 30 DAYS. 008435/2018—(2) KLUG, SYLVIA, 24 March 1930, 3003240026089, 47 BATH AVENUE, ROSEBANK, JOHANNESBURG,2196; (3) 2 April 2018; (5) SHAPIRO - AARONS INC. ATTORNEYS, P.O. Box 11107, JOHANNESBURG. 016559/2017—(2) KGOMO (MOGOSWANA), KGOLOPO JOHANNES, 16 February 1960, 6002165769084, ERF 1083 SANDARATO ESTATE, HALFWAY GARDENS, MIDRAND; (3) 24 November 2017; (4) LEGOBANE VINEGAR KGOMO (MOGOSWANA), 16 December 1970, 7012160671085; (5) LEGOBANE VINEGAR KGOMO (MOGOSWANA), ERF 1083 SANDARATO ESTATE, HALFWAY GARDENS, MIDRAND; (6) 30 DAYS.

This gazette is also available free online at 64 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

002689/2018—(2) MOSTERT, MARTHA CATHARINA SUSANNA, 22 August 1954, 5408220031082, 10 FRANCOLIN AVENUE, RUSTENBURG, 0299; (3) 27 October 2017; (5) MERISE MONTEZ VAN WYK as Executor of SANLAM TRUST LTD, SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD, LYNNWOOD PRETORIA. 005530/2018—(2) Mathadisa, Madikana Jonas, 2 May 1967, 6705025299080, Ptn 7 of Erf 8996, Protea Glen Ext 11, Soweto, Gauteng; (3) 24 May 2017; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 29619/2009—(2) Nyandeni, Spiwo Daniel, 28 August 1939, 3908285323086, 2618 Phiri, Soweto 1818; (3) 23 August 2009; (5) Emmanuel Nyandeni, 2618 Phiri, Soweto, 1818. 000694/2018—(2) Manning, Gloria Heather, 14 February 1937, 3702140039080, 19 Bowen Park, Drama Street, , 7130; (3) 1 November 2017; (5) André Christo Du Toit, 73 Beyers Naude Drive Cnr Preller, Roosevelt Park, 2195; (6) 30. 4903/2018—(2) Gaddin, Jeffery Kenneth, 5 Maart 1941, 4103055025082, Smithstraat 200, Pretoria; (3) 18 Oktober 2017; (5) Jan Pretorius, Posbus 499, Pretoria, 0001. 026048/2017—(2) Tolk, Reginald Vusa, 2 July 1957, 5707025779088, 4927 Chiawelo Extension 2, Soweto; (3) 16 October 2017; (4) Catherine Dipolelo Tolk, 22 July 1957, 5707220769082; (5) Catherine Dipolelo Tolk, 4927 Chiawelo Extension 2, Soweto. 019692/2017—(2) POTGIETER, THELMA JOYCE, 1 Oktober 1950, 5010010063083, Gedeelte 4, Plaas 102, Goudvlakte Wes, Carletonville; (3) 1 Augustus 1998; (4) Jacobus Augustus Endzart Potgieter, 7 Augustus 1950, 5008075040087; (5) Piet van Staden Prokureurs, 62 Eggo Janstraat, Oberholzer, Carletonville, 2500. 007622/2018—(2) Janse van Rensburg, Renier Christoffel, 28 Mei 1937, 3705285004082, 36 Fontein Ave Edleen Kempton Park 1620; (3) 5 April 2018; (4) none none; (5) Marius Johan Janse van Rensburg, 36 Fontein Ave , Edleen Kempton Park 1620; (6) 30 dae. 003386/2018—(2) Van Zyl, Jakob Francois Cronje Van Zyl, 30 October 1954, 5410305118081, , Blymoedig, Pretoria; (3) 20 May 2017; (5) Yolindi Barnard, 373 Kinross Avenue, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0081. 010810/2017—(2) NTSARA, MOSONYANE ADAM, 5 July 1952, 5207055689083, ERF 745 SOSHANGUVE- GG TOWNSHIP; (3) 3 July 2017; (4) SUZAN MOLOKO NTSARA, 6 April 1955, 5504060776081; (5) SUZAN MOLOKO NTSARA, ERF 745 SOSHANGUVE- GG TOWNSHIP; (6) 30 DAYS. 16730/10—(2) XABA, BETTY PINKIE, 22 September 1973, 7309220735086, 38 SECTION C, - C; (3) 5 September 2010; (4) PETER MANDLA XABA, 27 November 1960, 6011275486083; (5) PETER MANDLA XABA, ERF 38, EKANGALA - C; (6) 30 DAE. 026596/2015—(2) van der Berg, Elizabeth Johanna, 19 Julie 1951, 5107190084085, Plot 8, Goudvlakte Wes, Carletonville, 2500; (3) 7 Desember 2014; (4) Marthinus Johannes van der Berg; (5) Piet van Staden Prokureurs, 62 Eggo Janstraat, Oberholzer, Carletonville, 2500. 003679-2017—(2) Pale, Phadishe Phineas, 8 March 1963, 6303085789081, 113/1082 Rabie Ridge Extension 2, Rabie Ridge, Midrand; (3) 23 January 2017; (4) Mmamidi Monicca Pale, 4 January 1971, 7101040754086; (5) Nkangala Attorneys, 412 Works@market, 83 Albertina Sisulu Road, Von Brandis Street. Johannesburg 2000; (6) 30 days. 4195/2018—(2) Tulloch, Barbara Louise, 1 March 1959, 5903010041085, 474 Iowa Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria; (3) 28 December 2017; (4) Keith Terence Tulloch, 25 August 1957, 5708255099080; (5) DANIEL FRANCOIS ARNOLDUS DU TOIT, NOMINEE OF THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LTD, HILLCREST OFFICE PARK, cnr LYNNWOOD & DYER STREETS, HILLCREST PRETORIA; (6) 30. 007562/2018—(2) Motsoeneng, Dipou Julia, 23 February 1965, 6502230350083, 10878 Protea Glen Extension 12; (3) 26 August 2011; (4) Modise Abraham Mosia, 1 August 1961, 6101085638088; (5) Ferhana Jada Attorneys, 272 Rose Avenue, Extension 5, Lenasia. 004124/2018—(2) Otto, Alta, 1 December 1950, 5012010078087, 78 Botanica, Pitts Avenue, Weavind Park,0184; (3) 20 February 2018; (4) Douw Gerbrand Otto, 11 January 1957, 5701115034082; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P O BOX 2763, Westway Office Park, 3629. 7800/2018—(2) RICKARD, ASHTON JOHN, 4 April 1948, 4804045058089, 22 BEL-VUE GARDENS, PRESIDENT BRAND STREET, RYNFIELD; (3) 1 December 2017; (5) LAUREN ROSE HEAN, POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801. 000588/2018—(2) THABETHE, THOMAS ELFAS, 19 November 1951, 5111195429089, 1440 MHLUZI MIDDELBURG; (3) 11 December 2017; (4) MEISIE SARAH THABETHE, 9 February 1948, 4802090532081; (5) BONANG MASHABELA ATTORNEYS, 190 THABO SEHUME STREET,SUITE 201,2ND FLOOR,BANK TOWERS BUILDING,PRETORIA.0001. 9435/2018—(2) Mohelepi, Tshidi Daphne, 29 September 1929, 2909290387083, 7591 Sibeko Street, Daveyton, 1520; (3) 10 May 1995; (5) Andrew Lishivha Incorporated, 8th Floor Samancor House, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 003834/2018—(2) Mnguni, Tayi Joel, 13 November 1957, 5711135416086, Stand 6258, Ekangala 1021; (3) 20 February 2018; (4) N/A; (5) DUMELENI MNGETSJANE JOHANNA MNGUNI SIBANYONI (JB) ATTORNEYS, 40 Lanham street Maakmaar Building Office 2 Bronkhorstspruit 1020. 8220/2018—(2) Wilkinson, Margaret Ann, 5 February 1948, 4810210098081, 48 Bob street, Regentspark Johannesburg; (3) 5 February 2018; (5) Trevor Bouwer, 59 7th Avenue, Parktown North, Johannesburg. 017222/2017/JHB—(2) Mahlangu, Sonnyboy Patrick, 4 March 1949, 4903045691087, 43 Sibanyoni Street, Dobsonville, Gauteng; (3) 3 June 2017; (5) Sally Ann Buitendag (Rogers), Ground Floor, Building 10 Panorama Office Estate, 971 Kudu Street, Allens Nek, 1737. 010021/20180000—(2) Heyneke, Lynette, 25 Maart 1963, 6303250035088, Esperanza nr 48 Albertina Sisulustraat Florida 1709; (3) 25 Februarie 2018; (4) Marthinus Johannes Dewet Heyneke, 30 Maart 1961, 6103305080083; (5) Joubert Scholtz Ingelyf as genomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk, Heideweg 11, Kempton Park, 1620.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 65

019692/2017—(2) POTGIETER, THELMA JOYCE, 1 Oktober 1950, 5010010063083, Gedeelte 4, Plaas 102, Goudvlakte Wes, Carletonville; (3) 1 Augustus 1998; (4) Jacobus Augustus Endzart Potgieter, 7 Augustus 1950, 5008075040087; (5) Piet van Staden Prokureurs, 62 Eggo Janstraat, Oberholzer, Carletonville, 2500. 2857/2018—(2) Stone, David John, 9 October 1952, 5210095150082, 13 Joseph Street, Northcliff, Gauteng; (3) 28 September 2017; (5) Sally Ann Buitendag (Rogers), Ground Floor, Building 10, Panorama Office Estate, 971 Kudu Street, Allens Nek, 1737. 007174/2017—(2) RATSELA, AGNES MMAKGOADI RATSELA, 16 June 1983, 8306160697085, STAND 7262/15, SOSHANGUVE EAST EXT 6, 0152; (3) 26 April 2017; (5) NOKO RAMABOYA ATTORNEYS, 401 OLIVETTI HOUSE, 237 SOPHIE DE BRUYN STREET, PRETORIA. 0000005170-2018—(2) Swanepoel, Henry Edgar, 15 Junie 1951, 5106155095086, Adcockstraat 615 Gezina Pretoria 0084; (3) 21 Mei 2014; (4) Eurika Swanepoel, 20 Mei 1959, 5905200037088; (5) Joubert Scholtz Ingelyf as genomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk, Heideweg 11, Kempton Park, 1620. 026596/2015—(2) van der Berg, Elizabeth Johanna, 19 Julie 1951, 5107190084085, Plot 8, Goudvlakte Wes, Carletonville, 2500; (3) 7 Desember 2014; (4) Marthinus Johannes van der Berg; (5) Piet van Staden Prokureurs, 62 Eggo Janstraat, Oberholzer, Carletonville, 2500. 007308/2048—(2) MOODLEY, ASHNEE, 28 August 1979, 7908280032084, 6 CASTELANNO ESTATE CEDAR ROAD WEST MAROELADAL 2021; (3) 13 October 2017; (4) PATRICK MOODLEY, 1 October 1978, 7810015088086; (5) NTOMBIZODWA CATHERINE NKOSI, FNB Building 3rd Floor Corner Cradock & Tyrwhitt Avenue Rosebank 2196. 0156572017—(2) COETZEE, ELIZABETH JOHANNA CATHERINA, 30 January 1937, 3701300036084, SOLANA 9, 97 CLUB AVENUE, WATERKLOOF HEIGHTS, PRETORIA, 0181; (3) 27 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) CHRISTIAAN ANTON FREDERIK MORKEL, 172 BRONKHORST STREET, NIEUW MUCKLENEUK, PRETORIA, 0001. 002284/2018—(2) Mthembu, Nomsa Patience, 13 April 1961, 6104130286085, 217 Fern Hurst Avenue, Mondeor; (3) 26 November 2017; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 008491/2018—(2) MADEBELE, BAFANABOELWA PETER, 4 July 1968, 6807045814086, 1922 MAYFIELD EXT.5 DAVEYTON; (3) 25 March 2018; (4) THENGIWE LINAH MADEBELE, 21 May 1966, 6605210563086; (5) NTETETE REBONE KOMANE, STAND NO 8 CONNATION STREET, 002189 FLEURHOF EXTENSION 26. 010362/2018—(2) LOOCH, MICHAEL JOHN, 4 September 1943, 4309045068088, 6 MAGALIESPARK, AMPLIFIER STREET, RADIOKOP EXT 7, ROODEPOORT, 1724; (3) 11 February 2018; (4) SUSANNA FLORENCE LOOCH, 11 June 1942, 4206110042081; (5) REKHA CHETTY, FNB BUILDING,3RD FLOOR, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK, 2196. 010359/2018—(2) SITHOLE, JEREMIAH NTSHEBANE, 27 July 1966, 5906115700083, 197 MAKHAYA STREET, PROTEA NORTH, 1818; (3) 11 February 2018; (4) THOKOZILE MITTAH SITHOLE, 27 July 1966, 6607270511088; (5) REKHA CHETTY, FNB BUILDING,3RD FLOOR, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK, 2196. 931/2018—(2) Venter, Maria Agata, 22 Augustus 1923, 2308220009083, Keistraat 1, Stilfontein, 2550; (3) 12 Januarie 2018; (5) Andries van Tonder, Scottstraat 9, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp. 5037/2018—(2) KRUGER, PHILIPPUS PETRUS, 19 Januarie 1944, 4401195044082, 46 EDWARD STRAAT, WITFIELD, BOKSBURG, 1459; (3) 25 April 2009; (4) HYLETTJE MARIA KRUGER, 21 Februarie 1963, 6302210003087; (5) ADRIAAN BOOYENS, C/O ADRIAAN BOOYENS PROKUREUR, PRINGLE PLACE, 1056 PRETORIUS STRAAT, HATFIELD, 0083. 0000003408/2018—(2) Van den Berg, Dina Elizabeth, 23 Augustus 1953, 5308230023089, Unit 10 Randpoort Villas Randfontein 1766; (3) 23 Julie 2015; (5) Joubert Scholtz Ingelyf as genomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk, Heideweg 11, Kempton Park, 1620. 009838/2018—(2) Steenkamp, Johannes Albertus, 11 August 1938, 3808115047089, 2 Graphite Street, De Galdery 18, Wilropark; (3) 24 October 2017; (4) Emmerentia Marlene Steenkamp, 3 February 1949, 4902030043080; (5) Matt Larkins Attorney, 6 Comet Street, Helderkruin, Roodepoort; (6) 30. 00252/2018—(2) MCLAREN, ELIZABETH WILLEMINA HENDRINA, 7 June 1929, 2906070083080, HUIS EMMANUEL, SANDVYGIE STRAAT, SINOVILLE.; (3) 14 December 2017; (5) WOUTER VAN WERKHOVEN, PO BOX 75455, LYNNWOOD RIDGE, PRETORIA, 0040. 004975/2018—(2) SEBOLAI, MODISE JOEL, 25 August 1956, 5608255847084, 51 PLEIN STREET 23 SHELL HOUSE BUILDING, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 22 February 2018; (4) BUSISIWE ELLEN SEBOLAI, 27 February 1965, 6502270389082; (5) NTETETE REBONE KOMANE, STAND NO 8 CONNATION STREET, 002189 FLEURHOF EXTENSION 26. 9288/2018—(2) NEL, ELIZABETH JOHANNA, 27 March 1943, 4303270056082, 9 Amos Street, Colbyn; (3) 12 December 2005; (5) JACOLEEN DE SWARDT, PO BOX 4077, SECUNDA 2302. 010146/2018—(2) HADZHI, TSHILILO PETER, 9 October 1966, 6610095732087, 2714 DOORNKOP, PERI-URBA, GREENVILLAGE; (3) 31 March 2018; (4) TSALENG ANDRONICA HADZHI, 10 June 1975, 7506100353084; (5) NTETETE REBONE KOMANE, STAND NO 8 CONNATION STREET, 002189 FLEURHOF EXTENSION 26. 010110/2018—(2) EVANS, MARGARET JULIA, 29 November 1935, 3511290051088, 10 KILLARNEY PARK, 5TH STREET, KILLATNEY; (3) 15 March 2018; (5) JEFFREY BLOOM, 15 SUNNYSIDE ROAD BIRNAM 2196. 003171/2018—(2) Pohle, Walter Friedrich, 26 July 1932, 3207265008084, 95 Rennie Road, Benoni North; (3) 11 January 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) K E Bornebusch, P O Box 346, Bedfordview. 2008. 10436/2018—(2) Ambrose, Robert Sydney, 11 January 1949, 4901115070083, 61 Beverley Hills Estate, Leonora Drive, Ballito, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 9 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Heather Robyn Lane c/o Gavin Mostert Attorney, 114A Boeing Road East, Edenvale; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 66 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

12451/2017—(2) Matlakala, George, 5 October 1964, 6410055830082, 2561 Block B Mabopane; (3) 30 May 2017; (4) Grace Ouma Makhosazana Matlakala, 12 December 1968, 6812120323086; (5) Savage Jooste & Adams Inc, 141 Boshoff Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk. 009493/2018—(2) HAASBROEK, SAREL FRANCOIS, 22 January 1951, 5101225050088, 5 CHRISTIAAN DE WET ROAD, CONSTANTIA KLOOF, ROODEPOORT 1709; (3) 26 April 2018; (4) GETRUIDA MARIA MAGRIETA HAASBROEK, 11 April 1952, 5204110047084; (5) AJ Janse van Rensburg, Prokureur, PO Box 1566 Florida Glen 1708. 002217/2018—(2) Motlhaudi, Tsietsi Thabo Victor, 11 February 1955, 5502115763088, 471 Lekgele Street, Ikageng, Potchefstroom, 2539; (3) 27 February 2018; (4) Lydia Dikeledi Motlhaudi, 16 June 1959, 5906160741081; (5) Absa Trust Limited, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 010793/2018—(2) Molomo, Malesela John, 15 December 1926, 2612155167083, 28 Ingedezi Street, Meadowlands, Johannesburg; (3) 27 March 2018; (4) Mmabusi Jane Molomo, 10 November 1943, 4311100327086; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 009642/2018—(2) RAMOABI, BATHUSI LENAH, 4 August 1927, 2708040155083, STAND 0153-A NALEDI; (3) 8 October 2016; (5) NTETETE REBONE KOMANE, STAND NO 8 CONNATION STREET, 002189 FLEURHOF EXTENSION 26. 010791/2018—(2) De Nysschen, Carel Johannes, 28 May 1941, 4105285002088, Esda Retirement Village, Springs, Johannesburg; (3) 31 March 2018; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 005341/2018—(2) Dreyer, Martha Magdalena, 27 August 1944, 4408270046080, 8 Windsor Heights, Hartbeespoort, Brits; (3) 4 April 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Limited, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 8786/2018—(2) VENTER, HEILA MAGDALENA, 11 Januarie 1945, 4501110056085, THORPSTRAAT 7, WESTONARIA, 1779; (3) 19 Februarie 2018; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T., N.V.T.; (5) H C VAN QUICKELBERGE, POSBUS 13524, HATFIELD, 0028; (6) 30 DAE. 031067/2009—(2) Rule, Michael Robert, 5 April 1952, 5204055157088, 3 Alisinda, Ferreira Court, 13 Avenue, Delarey, Roodepoort; (3) 18 November 2009; (5) Matt Larkins Attorney, 6 Comet Street, Helderkruin, Roodepoort; (6) 30. 013505/2017—(2) VAN TONDER, JAN HENDRIK, 13 Junie 1943, 4306135003082, 47 DRIEDORING AVENUE, KEMPTON PARK; (3) 25 Augustus 2017; (4) ANNA VAN TONDER, 4 Januarie 1946, 4601040001084; (5) MARIUS WILHELM NEL, 14 OUBOS AVENUE, GLEN MARAIS, KEMPTON PARK, 1619. 009855/2018—(2) MODISE, MANAKO ESTHER, 22 December 1949, 4912220600086, 19772 KAGISO, KAKISO EXT.11; (3) 17 April 2018; (5) NTETETE REBONE KOMANE, STAND NO 8 CONNATION STREET, 002189 FLEURHOF EXTENSION 26. 010466/2018—(2) TLOUBATLA, MAFUNA PHINEAS, 10 May 1927, 2705105114088, STAND 1452 CENTRAL WESTERN JABAVU, JABAVU, 1809; (3) 31 March 2018; (5) NTETETE REBONE KOMANE, STAND NO 8 CONNATION STREET, 002189 FLEURHOF EXTENSION 26. 003007/2018—(2) MAREE, LOUWRENS STEPHANUS, 7 May 1966, 6605075058081, 11 LOBELIA LANE, FLORA PARK, POLOKWANE; (3) 14 February 2018; (4) MARIANA MAGDA MAREE, 18 October 1971, 7110180026080; (5) MERISE MONTEZ VAN WYK as Executor of SANLAM TRUST LTD, SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD, LYNNWOOD PRETORIA. 009700/2018—(2) Dhlamini, Bekezela, 24 August 1985, 8508245618081, Johannesburg; (3) 11 January 2018 Kramps; (5) Linda Nienaber, FNB Fiduciary, 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045. 010095/2018—(2) Glover, Samuel Joseph, 14 September 1929, 2909145050084, 1 Haarlem Street, Gerdview, Germiston; (3) 29 March 2018; (4) Iris Margaret Glover, 2 January 1931, 3101020033083; (5) Sandra Loots, 14 Seventh Avenue, Gerdview, Germiston. 002342/2018—(2) Lindeman, Helena Fransina, 27 December 1958, 5812270106084, 564 Sandsteen Street 564, Elarduspark, Pretoria; (3) 22 January 2018; (4) Ronald Lindeman, 23 October 1941, 4110235017087; (5) Johann Jordaan c/o Hereditas Trust, PO Box 11392, Queenswood, 0121. 2991/2018—(2) ERASMUS, ANDRIES BARTHOLOMEUS, 19 October 1933, 3310195021084, 130 ANNA WILSON STREET, KILNERPARK, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, 0186; (3) 8 February 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) EBEN GRIFFITHS ATTORNEYS, P O BOX 52115, WIERDA PARK, 0149. 007722-2018—(2) BADHUR, RAVILA, 17 May 1979, 7905170097086, 23 MAXWELL CLOSE, NORTHRIDING, GAUTENG; (3) 18 November 2017; (4) NIKLESH BADHUR, 17 July 1975, 7507175145082; (5) NERISHA RAMGOOLAM INC., STONERIDGE OFFICE PARK, BLOCK C- GROUND FLOOR, 8 GREENSTONE PLACE, GREENSTONE HILL, 1616. 23720/2014—(2) JANSEN, HENDRIK HERMANUS, 13 February 1954, 5402135134081, 59 5TH STREET, CULLIINAN, GAUTENG; (3) 1 July 2017; (4) SOPHIE MARGARET JANSEN, 29 August 1946, 4608290110085; (5) WF BOUWER ATTORNEYS, 1225 JUSTICE MAHOMED STREET, MENLO PARK, PRETORIA, GAUTENG. 010825/2018—(2) MC INNES, EDITH, 12 September 1930, 3009120034085, 51 DANIE THERON STRAAT, EASTLEIGH, EDENVALE; (3) 4 November 2017; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 005420/2018—(2) Suliman, Yunus, 6 October 1950, 5010065100087, 278 Tagore Avenue Extension 11, Claudius, Pretoria; (3) 17 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Fiona O Hassim & Co, PO BOX 55726, Wierda Park, 0149. 005463/2018—(2) BOSMAN, ANNA CATHERINA, 20 Desember 1935, 3512200037084, EMILY HOBHOUSE AFTREE OORD 305, MALHERBESTRAAT, CAPITAL PARK, PRETORIA; (3) 22 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PSG TRUST - J TERBLANCHE, POSBUS 11073, HATFIELD, 0028; (6) N/A. 16548/2017—(2) MBATHA, MFANA CHARLES, 15 September 1940, 4009155303081, ERF NO: 1714 LEKOKO STREES MHLUZI MIDDELBURG 1055; (3) 8 March 2016; (4) ELSIE DUDUZILE MBATHA, 4 February 1949, 4902040581087; (5) JT PULA MATHEBULA ATTORNEYS, 04 AVIANTO COMPLEX AERORAND, MIDDELBURG, 1050.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 67

005473/2018—(2) HANEKOM, REINETTE, 23 April 1972, 7204230162084, 31STE LAAN 856, VILLIERIA, PRETORIA; (3) 27 April 2018; (4) FREDERICK PETRUS HANEKOM, 28 Junie 1972, 7206285003089; (5) JACOBUS TERBLANCHE, POSBUS 11073, HATFIELD, 0028; (6) N.V.T. 005478/2018—(2) THORNE, BURNETT JOHN, 28 September 1951, 5109285128082, SPIEONKOPSTRAAT 786, WAVERLEY, PRETORIA; (3) 17 April 2018; (4) GRIESELDA HENRIETTE THORNE, 25 Februarie 1954, 5402250131086; (5) PSG TRUST - J TERBLANCHE, P.P. BOX 11073, HATFIELD, 0028; (6) N.V..T. 5797/2018—(2) MILLER, CALVIN BRIAN, 28 June 1975, 7506285111083, 13 ROBINS NEST MEYERSDAL; (3) 25 February 2018; (4) CATHLEEN WILHEMINAH SABINA MILLER, 13 July 1975, 7507130344085; (5) NGL ATTORNEYS- AGENT, 53 PHILIP ENGELBRECHT AVENUE, MEYERSDAL. 005275/2018—(2) BUYS, PIETER HENRY, 1 August 1931, 3108015066085, HUIS JANRI, 12TH AVENUE 585 ,UNIT 1 ESTEAN, GEZINA, PRETORIA , 0031; (3) 27 March 2018; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, ABSA TRUST 337 PETROLEUM STREET,BARCLAYS ABSA CAMPUS,WATLOO, PRETORIA. 003507/94—(2) Bann, Phillippus Cornelius Snyman, 3 November 1948, 4811035056080, 27 Gibson Street, Triomf, Johannesburg; (3) 22 February 1994; (5) Matt Larkins Attorney, 6 Comet Street, Helderkruin, Roodepoort; (6) 30. 003507/94—(2) Bann, Phillippus Cornelius Snyman, 3 November 1948, 4811035056080, 27 Gibson Street, Triomf, Johannesburg; (3) 22 February 1994; (5) Matt Larkins Attorney, 6 Comet Street, Helderkruin, Roodepoort; (6) 30. 8031/2018—(2) DE VILLIERS, MATTHYS JOHANNES LOURENS, 31 Mei 1968, 6805315019089, 10 Vuurvink Street, Birch Acres, Kempton Park; (3) 8 November 2017; (5) ESMERALDO PROKUREURS, Suite 49, Private Bag X1866, MIDDELBURG, 1050. 004722/2018—(2) OOSTHUIZEN, RYNHARDT, 6311235013088, 670 VAALKOP STREET, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA, 0043; (3) 31 March 2018; (4) SUZETTE OOSTHUIZEN, 15 August 1964, 6408150125085; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 10289/2018—(2) DHLAMINI, SONNY BOY ANDRIES, 21 November 1933, 3311215109081, 523 KUTLWANO STREET, DIEPKLOOF, ZONE 1; (3) 28 November 2016; (4) SEIPATI SOPHIE DHLAMINI, 11 February 1939, 3902110316084; (5) NGL ATTORNEYS- AGENT, 53 PHILIP ENGELBRECHT AVENUE, MEYERSDAL. 10548/2018—(2) VIVIERS, ANNA FRANCINA, 3 June 1951, 5106030091086, 18 QUANTOCK STREET, SOUTH HILLS, JHB; (3) 25 September 2010; (4) PETRUS JOHANNES VIVIERS, 8 September 1947, 4709085099085; (5) NGL ATTORNEYS- AGENT, 53 PHILIP ENGELBRECHT AVENUE, MEYERSDAL. 002699/2018—(2) HAVEMANN, OTTO SALVINIE, 17 July 1965, 6507175120086, 18 ELFDE DE LAAN, LICHTENBURG, 2740; (3) 15 February 2018; (4) MARICHA HAVEMANN, 17 February 1972, 7201290167086; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS, WALTLOO, PRETORIA. 002700/2018—(2) HAVEMANN, MARICHA, 29 January 1972, 7201290167086, 18 ELFDE DE LAAN, LICHTENBURG ,2740; (3) 15 February 2018; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS WALTLOO, PRETORIA. 009322/2018—(2) MINDERS, LODEWYK FREDERICK GODLIEP, 23 September 1943, 4309235070084, CHRISTIAAN DE WET STRAAT 22, DUNCANVILLE, VEREENIGING, 1939; (3) 18 March 2018; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN, PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001. 010001/2018—(2) TER STEGE, JENNY GHISLAINE, 30 May 1948, 4805305036087, 42 GROVE STREET, ORANJEVILLE, 1995; (3) 19 March 2018; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN AS NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED, ABSA TRUST LTD, ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0001. 010245/2018—(2) VENTER, MARTHA MAGDALENA, 10 October 1942, 4210100026088, 40 CALCITE CRESCENT, CARLETONVILLE, 2499 ,; (3) 3 March 2018; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, ABSA TRUST 337 PETROLEUM STREET,BARCLAYS ABSA CAMPUS,WATLOO, PRETORIA. 010236/2018—(2) VENTER, SAREL PHILIPPUS, 9 March 1934, 3403095036086, 40 CALCITE CRESCENT, CARLETONVILLE, 2499 ,; (3) 24 November 2017; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, ABSA TRUST 337 PETROLEUM STREET,BARCLAYS ABSA CAMPUS,WATLOO, PRETORIA. 008887/2018—(2) HAVEMANN, VANETAS, 27 September 1940, 4009270058081, CHELSEA HOME FOR SENIORS, JAMES ROAD, FAIRLEADS, BENONI; (3) 25 March 2018; (5) LEON GARFIELD HAVEMANN, 60 REID STREET, RYNFIELD, BENONI, 1501. 010902/2018—(2) HADEBE, NTOMBIKAYISE SELINA, 26 February 1937, 3702260196082, 2335A MATSHAYA STREET, ZOLA, EXT 02; (3) 20 April 2018; (4) WIDOWER; (5) MZAYIFANI ISRAEL RADEBE, 2335A MATSHAYA STREET, ZOLA, EXT 02. 010702/2018—(2) NAIDOO, VENJENDREN, 5 October 1963, 6310055249087, 173 RIFLE RANGE ROAD, ROBERTSHAM, 2091; (3) 9 November 2017; (4) BELINDA MAGDELENE NAIDOO, 7 December 1959, 5912070061081; (5) AR Mahomed Attorneys, 233 Rose Avenue, Lenasia; (6) N/A. 010139/2018—(2) VAN DER LINDE, DAWN LOUISE, 11 November 1943, 4311150064084, 28 HAWKS CRESCENT, 30 DURING ROAD, HONEYDEW MANOR EXT 21, ROODEPOORT; (3) 26 March 2018; (5) DYKES VAN HEERDEN INC, P O BOX 21755, HELDERKRUIN, 1733. 010952/2018—(2) Vermeulen, Hermanus Kirsten, 30 September 1942, 4209305051081, Dallystraat1, Marlands, Germiston; (3) 26 April 2018; (4) Anna Johanna Alberta Vermeulen, 24 Oktober 1946, 4610240070088; (5) Crest Trust Holdings Ingelyf, Posbus 11808, Centurion, 0046. 9796/2018—(2) TARAJIA, RABEA, 10 April 1938, 3804100078080, 3 SITARA AVENUE, AZAADVILLE, 1754, GAUTENG; (3) 29 December 2017; (5) ZIYAAD EBRAHIM PATEL, C/O ZIYAAD E PATEL ATTORNEYS, 19 THIBAULT STREET, EXT 1, FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT PARK, PO BOX 291 397 MELVILLE, 2109.

This gazette is also available free online at 68 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

007322/2018—(2) Andresen, Marguerite Rorich, 11 July 1953, 5307110057084, 45 Wildebraam Street, Weltevredenpark, 1715; (3) 22 January 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 002324/2018—(2) Deane, Clement Barnett, 7 June 1928, 2806075040087, 6 Bealy Street, Riverlea, Johannesburg; (3) 6 November 2017; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 007809/2018—(2) Strydom, Yvonne Elizabeth, 16 January 1943, 4301160079081, 54 Currie Street, Roodepoort, 1724; (3) 2 February 2018; (4) Marthinus Johannes Strydom, 30 October 1941, 4110305093083; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 010949/2018—(2) Adams, Maria Albertha, 26 September 1931, 3109260080086, Geluksoord, Tarentaallaan, Stellenbosch; (3) 6 Mei 2018; (5) Crest Trust Holdings Ingelyf, Posbus 11808, Centurion, 0046. 10083/2018—(2) Smit, Susanna Johanna Elizabeth, 13 May 1945, 4505130051084, Plot 16 Modderfontein; (3) 8 June 2015; (4) Martin Johannes Smit, 19 April 1953, 5304195004081; (5) Rynhart Kruger as Director of Rynhart Kruger Attorneys, 54 Hesketh Street, Moreleta Park, Pretoria, 0044. 7121/2018—(2) Otto, Martha Maria Ferreira, 26 September 1921, 2109260059081, 62 Oscar Street, Birchleigh North, Kempton Park; (3) 20 December 2017; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Rynhart Kruger as Director of Rynhart Kruger Attorneys, 54 Hesketh Street, Moreleta Park, Pretoria, 0044. 3258/2018—(2) Sangweni, Qoqokwakhe, 4 December 1948, 4812045202086, 10844 Gumede Street Kwa-Thema Springs 1576; (3) 10 July 2014; (4) Tshongane Regina Sangweni, 2 November 1952, 5211020689087; (5) Tshongane Regina Sangweni, 10844 Gumede Street Kwa-Thema Springs 1576. 010003/2018—(2) DEMETROPULO, CONSTANTINE, 14 April 1934, 3404145047081, Plot 12, Jacomina Steet, Avalonia, Randfontein; (3) 17 April 2018; (4) Maria Cornelia DEMETROPULO (Nee Reynders), 28 Februarie 1936, 3602280033085; (5) Hanke Fourie, Posbus 36007, Menlopark, Pretoria, 0102. 6472/2018—(2) DE WET, HESTER SOPHIA, 15 February 1926, 2602150083088, 15 VAN STREET, OLIFANTSFONTEIN; (3) 30 December 2017; (5) PHILIPPUS RUDOLF DE WET C/O SANDENBERGH VOSLOO ATTORNEYS, 64A KROM ROAD, BRYANSTON, 2191. 005520/2018—(2) Groenewald, Adriaana Magdalena, 22 May 1984, 8405220061082, 293 Mark Street, West Village, Gauteng; (3) 31 July 2016; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 010852/2018—(2) Safi, Abdul Samed Mahomed, 24 March 1946, 4603245084089, 14 Woodpecker Street, Lenasia Extension 1, Johannesburg; (3) 9 March 2018; (4) Sabirah Safi, 8 December 1944, 4412080159083; (5) Sabirah Safi, and Riyaaz Safi, 14 Woodpecker Street, Lenasia Extension 1, Johannesburg; (6) 30. 001411/2018—(2) Manganyi, Lawrence Mkhulu, 17 April 1956, 5604175813082, 668 Block D, Mandela Village, Pretoria; (3) 20 November 2017; (4) Modiegi Pitse, 28 June 1969, 6906280975089; (5) Olivia Gavhaza Ramadikela, 7 T.V Rambau Street, , Pretoria. 10170/2010—(2) Grundling, Johannes Lodewikus, 4 August 1948, 4808045153089, Unit 3, SS Sea Haven, Kingsburgh, Kwazulu Natal; (3) 29 March 2010; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 6472/2018—(2) DE WET, HESTER SOPHIA, 15 February 1926, 2602150083088, 15 VAN STREET, OLIFANTSFONTEIN; (3) 30 December 2017; (5) PHILIPPUS RUDOLF DE WET C/O SANDENBERGH VOSLOO ATTORNEYS, 64A KROM ROAD, BRYANSTON, 2191. 1803/2018—(2) POTGIETER, EVERT MICHAEL, 11 Februarie 1967, 6702115103082, 392 DENNEBOOMSTRAAT, DOORNPOORT; (3) 14 Desember 2017; (4) PETRONELLA POTGIETER, 4 Maart 1973, 7303040024086; (5) PETRONELLA POTGIETER, P/A 33 LESLIE STREET, MURRAYFIELD, 0184. 008481/2018—(2) Venter, Dennis Hollet, 15 Augustus 1944, 4408155134084, 7 Sandpiper Street, Florida Lake; (3) 14 Maart 2018; (5) Jan Hendrik Vermaak, B1 White Thorn Office Park, 606 Kudu Avenue, Allensnek, Roodepoort, 0157. 3519/2018—(2) DIBAKWANE, LERATO EMELDA, 2 July 1982, 8207020409085, 6064 Block VV, Soshanguve East, Ext 6; (3) 1 March 2018; (5) Couzyn Hertzog & Horak Ing (A Booysen, Middelstr 321, Brooklyn, 0181. 009526/2018—(2) MAUREEN CYNTHIA, NGCOBO, 17 August 1962, 6208170438082, 17 PROTEA STREET PIET RETIEF 2380; (3) 27 March 2018; (4) MBHEKENI PARTY JUNIOR NGCOBO, 15 February 1964, 6402155318084; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 010165/2018—(2) MACHATE, MAFASE ZOUNTRIOS, 8 August 1966, 6608085783086, PORTION 156 OF ERF 15049 KAGISO EXT 6 TOWNSHIP; (3) 23 December 1991; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 009283/2018—(2) KGOSIMANG, MATSHAI PATRICK, 15 March 1961, 6103156027084, 11244 EXT2 DOBSONVILLE SOWETO 2000; (3) 19 October 2017; (4) ABUENG DORAH KGOSIMANG, 11 October 1967, 6710110494083; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 010629/2018—(2) TSOTETSI, SAMUEL, 1 January 1961, 6101017316084, 3197 NDUNGWANE ROAD VOSLOORUS 1475; (3) 21 April 2018; (4) WITNESS VELILE TSOTETSI, 30 November 1964, 6411300486084; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 005113/2018—(2) HARTEL, GABRIELE, 28 November 1955, 5511280176182, 1 DRAKE PLACE, DOORNPOORT 0017; (3) 20 January 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, P O Box 6287 PRETORIA 0001; (6) 30. 019294/2017—(2) SEJAKE, MOTLALEPULA SIMON, 1 November 1945, 010120184526, 1750 THOMASLETIHAKE DRIVE SIMUNYE EXT 1 1779; (3) 4 May 2017; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 008053/2018—(2) Coetzee, Dirk Jacobus, 13 March 1924, 2403135018087, Abbey Cross Lodge, 442 Felstead Road, North Riding; (3) 5 April 2018; (5) N O Davies C.A.(S.A.) 304 Waterfall Hills, Private Bag X5, Sunninghill 2157, -.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 69

010323/2018—(2) LYONES, ZINKI RAYMOND, 21 April 1958, 5804215841081, 1960 STRETFORD TOWNSHIP; (3) 25 December 2017; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 008883/2008—(2) LEGWALE, DITSEBE PETRUS, 11 February 1938, 3802115280089, 3501 PIMVILLE ZONE 1 SOWETO, JOHANNESBURG, 1808; (3) 30 November 2007; (4) LEENETJE PAULINA LEGWALE, 23 December 1943, 4312230359080; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 4241/2018—(2) BLIGNAUT, PIETER VERWEY, 1 July 1959, 5907105080080, 1778 EREMOMELA AVE , TWEE RIVIERE AFTREE OORD, MONTANA TUINE, PRETORIA; (3) 5 March 2018; (5) HEIN BEZUIDENHOUT AND JAN PETER ROMP, NO 6 KIKUYU STREET, GROUND FLOOR WEST WING (REGUS) SUNNINGHILL. 003631/2018—(2) Beetge, Willem Gerhardus Beetge, 10 January 1948, 4801105070087, 1005 Frederik avenue, Eldograine, Centurion; (3) 31 December 2017; (4) Johanna Elizabeth Beetge, 28 March 1949, 4903280050080; (5) Bezuidenhout Lak Attorneys, 1126 Pretorius street, Hatfield, Pretoria. 005248/2018—(2) Venter, Andries Johan Jacob, 22 June 1951, 5106225149087, 15 Street, South Hills, Johannesburg; (3) 16 December 2017; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, Identity Number 2809220017083 as Nominee for Standard Trust Limited, 02nd Floor, Rosebank Cnr, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue Parktown North, 2193.. 0101552/2018—(2) DUMA, WILLIAM, 5 October 1973, 327418, 199 NGEMA SECTION, KATLEHONG; (3) 27 March 1901; (4) WIDOWER; (5) EMMA NONCEBA NOZIBA KHUMALO, 199 NGEMA SECTION, KATLEHONG. 009881/2018—(2) SIDLEY, JEANNETTE MOLLY, 18 March 1924, 2403180035085, 4 PRIMROSE PLACE, 330 SURRY AVENUE, FERNDALE, RANDBURG, 2194; (3) 27 January 2018; (5) PATRICIA ROSEMARY SIDLEY (AGENT LOLA REVA LIVNI), 3 CUNENE ROAD, EMMARENTIA, 2015. 13334/2015—(2) MANAKA, AGNES MALEHU, 29 July 1972, 7207290412083, , GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) 1 August 2015; (5) MARISA MOREIRA RICCO, HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS, STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS, 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE, PRETORIA. 004949/2018—(2) MARITZ, ANDRIES SALAMON, 3 October 1951, 5110035139080, 6 WILGE STREET, STILFONTEIN; (3) 26 September 2017; (4) CHRISTINE SOPHIA MARITZ, 21 June 1954, 5406210148080; (5) MANONG BADENHORST ABBOTT VAN TONDER ATTORNEYS, SURREY CIRCLE OFFICE PARK, BLOCK B, 337 SURREY AVENUE, RANDBURG, 2125. 5108/2018—(2) Zimba, Maria Winnie Basetsana, 9 December 1961, 6112090616084, 35 Gwangwa Street, Atteridgeville, 0008; (3) 28 March 2015; (4) Tebogo Jacob Zimba, 20 July 1960, 6007205843088; (5) Franco Jacques de Wet, The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; (6) N/A. 32360/2011—(2) VAN ZYL, CELESTINA, 27 September 1949, 4909270091083, 12 FERRERA STREET, DISCOVERY, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 17 October 2011; (4) DIRK ERNST HENDRIK VAN ZYL, 22 April 1945, 4504225062089; (5) SALGADO INC., 2ND FLOOR VASCO DA GAMA HOUSE, 26 ENERST OPPENHEIMER AVE , BRUMA LAKE , JOHANNESBURG.. 4241/2018—(2) BLIGNAUT, PIETER VERWEY, 1 July 1959, 5907105080080, 1778 EREMOMELA AVE , TWEE RIVIERE AFTREE OORD, MONTANA TUINE, PRETORIA; (3) 5 March 2018; (5) HEIN BEZUIDENHOUT AND JAN PETER ROMP, NO 6 KIKUYU STREET, GROUND FLOOR WEST WING (REGUS) SUNNINGHILL. 008372/2015—(2) KLINGLER, JOSEF WALTER, 19 February 1934, 3402195018085, 33 TALALLA CRESCENT, NOORDWYK, MIDRAND, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) 21 May 2015; (4) IRIS ENID KLINGLER, 27 April 1943, 4304270012085; (5) RAUTENBACH ATTORNEYS, 625 WINDSOR AVENUE, GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA, GAUTENG. 7225/2017—(2) VUYK, PIET, 21 August 1934, 3408215055080, 22 DANN AVENUE, GLEN MARAIS EXT9, KEMPTON PARK, GAUTENG; (3) 11 February 2017; (5) CHRISTIAAN MOSTERT, 21 CHEVIN GARDENS, KEMPTON PARK, GAUTENG. 9790/2018—(2) HAWKINS, RACHEL STRAW, 14 July 1926, 2607140035080, 21 HERPO ROAD, CRAIGHALL PARK, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG; (3) 5 April 2018; (5) DAVID GOYEN HART, 5 NINTH AVENUE, PARKTOWN NORTH, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG. 010456/2018—(2) LAHER, AMINA, 24 November 1939, 3911240101084, UNIT 13 BERKLEY CLOSE HOUGHTON MANOR; (3) 24 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) CACHALIA & LOONAT ATTORNEYS, 69 8TH AVENUE, MAYFAIR, JOHANNESBURG, 2092; (6) 21 DAYS. 025022/2017—(2) DAVIDS, VIVIAN CHRISTOPHER, 6 August 1945, 4508065079087, 160 Berrymead Avenue, Mondeor, Johannesburg; (3) 17 September 2017; (4) VELDA ISABELLA DAVIDS, 16 January 1951, 5101160086089; (5) AGENT - COPPIN ATTORNEYS, 41 BERT LACEY DRIVE, SUNEWARD PARK. 18525/2017—(2) Reid, Colina Margareg, 12 May 1930, 3005120053083, Nestpark,Bronkhorstspruit,Pretoria; (3) 6 May 2017; (4) Not applicable Not applicable; (5) Gishen Gilchrist Inc on behalf of Margaret Christina Mayers, 209 Elston Avenue, Western Extension, Benoni, 1501. 007754/2018—(2) Diggle, Jacqueline, 28 October 1948, 4810280081181, 101 Maria Street, Fontainbleau, Johannesburg; (3) 6 January 2018; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021. 010226/2018—(2) Steenberg, Petrus Johannes, 16 March 1954, 5403165095085, 43 Vyfdestraat, Maraisburg, Johannesburg, 1709; (3) 22 March 2018; (4) Veronica Steenberg, 25 April 1956, 5604250081084; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, PO BOX 2174, DURBAN,4000. 009077/2018—(2) RAMAILE, SEPONONO MAREA MAGDELINE, 13 March 1966, 6603130680080, 2487 DETROIT STREET, BEVERLEY HILLS,1984; (3) 1 April 2016; (4) ISAAC RAMAILE, 11 March 1960, 6003115314088; (5) JOSHILA DESAI INC, 373 KENT AVENUE, FERNDALE, RANDBURG.

This gazette is also available free online at 70 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

005503/2018—(2) MHLANGA, MASETJHABA ASHLEY, 5 September 2002, 0209051289087, 12th Adam Tas Street, Observatory, 2198; (3) 21 November 2017; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) SIBONGILE ANNAH MHLANGA, 63 BENJAMIN ROAD ROBERTSHAM. 003185/2018—(2) THOMAS, ELIZABETH, 1 April 1951, 5104010069081, 506 LOUISIANA STREET, FAERIE GLEN, 0047; (3) 24 February 2018; (4) SELWYN DENNIS WILLETT THOMAS, 11 November 1947, 4711115032086; (5) KLAGSBRUN EDELSTEIN BOSMAN DE VRIES REPRESENTED BY ALAN ROBIN, P O Box 178, 0027. 16733/2010—(2) FERREIRA, THOMAS PHILIPPUS, 12 September 1959, 5909125076080, 10 MADLEY STREET, BENONI, GAUTENG; (3) 3 September 2010; (5) WILLEM ADOLF FREYSEN, 2 EBONY DRIVE, NORTHCLIFF, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 30 DAYS. 010787/2018—(2) DAYA, PARSHOTTAMDAS, 11 January 1920, 2001115054088, 68-13TH AVENUE, MAYFAIR; (3) 23 February 2018; (5) NALIN DAYA & SADHNA DAYA, C/O- 190 BARRY HERTZOG AVENUE, GREENSIDE, 2193. 13712/2017—(2) VAN NIEKERK, LOWINA URSULA, 13 August 1954, 5408130108087, 19TH AVENUE 807, RIETFONTEIN; (3) 16 June 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) HEINRICH CASPER BADENHORST, CASTLE WALK CORPORATE PARK, KUISEB STREET, , PRETORIA. 008462/2018—(2) Lehman, Alan Clive, 12 March 1956, 5603125036083, Erf 287, Oranjeville,Heilbron; (3) 25 October 2017; (5) Nicolene Botha, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 006773/2018—(2) Boyes, Lorraine Marjorie Winifred, 8 May 1932, 3205080011085, Cottage 2 St Michael’s Village, Cornelius Street, Weltevredenpark Ext 63, Randburg; (3) 19 September 2017; (5) DH Hall (Agent for Executor), 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196. 10653/2018—(2) PATEL, FIROZ YUSUF, 9 April 1956, 5604095095083, 1329 LAKEWOOD ESTATE, ORMONDE , GAUTENG; (3) 16 March 2018; (5) FIROZA PATEL, 63 AVENUE ROAD, CNR DOLLY RATHEBE & PINE ROAD , FORDSBURG. 010806/2018—(2) Botha, Sarah Lindiwe, 13 February 1977, 7702130859089, 3 Addie Street, Selection Park, Springs; (3) 19 April 2018; (4) Jan Willem Jacobus Botha, 25 March 1965, 6503255148089; (5) Bham and Dahya Attorneys, P.O. Box 2413, Benoni. 010809/2018—(2) Alvan, Alfred Anvor, 22 February 1955, 5502225190081, 45 Elizabeth Eybers Street, Dalpark, Extention 11, Brakpan; (3) 25 July 2017; (4) Elaine Jennifer Enid Alvan, 13 February 1964, 6402130057088; (5) Bham and Dahya Attorneys, P.O. Box 2413, Benoni. 8312/2018—(2) SHORTER, CRAIG TERENCE, 20 February 1967, 6702205067080, 28 BIRCHWOOD CRESCENT TAURUS DRIVE FARRARMERE BENONI; (3) 15 February 2018; (5) KAREN SHORTER, BENTO INCORPORATED 620 KUDU STREET ALLENS NEK ROODEPOORT; (6) 30 DAYS. 6587/2018—(2) FALCONER, JOHN BURNS, 16 March 1953, 5303160086081, 2 BRUSHWOOD MEWS DRYSDALE ROAD SUNDOWNER GAUTENG; (3) 5 January 2018; (5) BENTO INCORORATED ATTORNEYS, 620 KUDU STREET ALLENS NEK ROODEPOORT; (6) 30 DAYS. 023088/2016—(2) Claesson, Robin Eric, 5 August 1943, 4308055076080, 112 Roseneath Road, Roseacre, Johannesburg; (3) 22 August 2016; (5) DH Hall (Agent for Executor), 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196. 008462/2018—(2) Lehman, Alan Clive, 12 March 1956, 5603125036083, 41 Frangipani Street, Winchester Hill South , Johannesburg; (3) 25 October 2017; (5) Nicolene Botha, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 009854/2018—(2) Forshaw, Marguerite Ann Colleen, 1 October 1942, 4210010103084, 18 State Road, President Park, Midrand, Gauteng; (3) 12 March 2018; (5) DH Hall (Agent for Executor), 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196. 000559/2018—(2) Grobler, Cornelius Johannes Muller, 15 Mei 1946, 4605155007083, 55 Barkly Road, Nigel, Gauteng; (3) 5 September 2017; (4) Christina Elizabeth Grobler, 21 Augustus 1946, 4608210001083; (5) Christina Elizabeth, Grobler; (6) 30 days. 009858/2018—(2) Naidoo, Ganasen, 17 July 1944, 4407175088080, 189 Middel, Unit 12M Midway Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria; (3) 26 March 2018; (4) Ravathi Naidoo, 19 August 1950, 5008190076081; (5) DH Hall (Agent for executor), 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196. 005564/2018—(2) LE ROUX, SUSARA JOHNNA CATHERINA, 23 December 1959, 3701280005083, 16 BACON STREET, VAN DER BIJL PARK, 1911; (3) 2 May 2018; (5) ARTHUR CHANNON, 693 RUBENSTEIN DRIVE, MORELETA PARK, PRETORIA, 0044. 10229/2018Jhb—(2) Terblanche, Cornelus Johannes, 25 December 1938, 3812255036084, Van Griesan Street 66, Nigel, 1491; (3) 3 February 2018; (4) Johanna Hendrina Terblanche, 30 November 1941, 4111300008084; (5) Sherine Jansen, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319. 000703/2018—(2) Msiza, Thembisile Gwendoline, 15 January 1961, 6101150536084, 24 Kafue Road, Selcourt, Springs; (3) 11 October 2017; (4) Pawmoroy Alfred Patrick Msiza, 12 January 1958, 58-1125865085; (5) Pawmoroy Alfred Frederick Msiza, 24 Kafue Road, Selcourt, Springs; (6) 30 days. 8723/2018—(2) Jordaan, Corneluis Frederik, 31 July 1956, 5607315017084, 49 Lorgo Road, Strubanvale, Springs; (3) 17 January 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, P O Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000; (6) 30. 8390/2018—(2) AUBE, WARREN PETER ANTHONY, 5 March 1970, 7003055735085, 4 PLEASANT WAY, SOUTHDALE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 15 January 2018; (4) DELINA AUBE, 27 June 1975, 7506270093080; (5) GAVIN WAYNE JOOSTE, PO BOX 39598 BOOYSENS 2016, 16 KAREN ROAD, BASSONIA, JOHANNESBURG. 896/2018—(2) Riviere, Patrick Gerard Joe, 10 February 1957, 5710025017087, Plot 41 Cyfret Crescent, Eikenhof, 1872; (3) 16 September 2017; (4) Loretta Riviere, 24 February 1961, 6102240033082; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, EDBANK BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR BLOCK H, 135 RIVONIA ROAD, SANDOWN, SANDTON, 2196; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 71

7007/2018—(2) Nontolwane, Aloysius Martin, 25 March 1961, 6103255299089, 98 Pooe Street, Rockville, Soweto; (3) 31 December 2017; (4) Hluphekile Bella Nontolwane, 29 May 1968, 6805290495080; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, EDBANK BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR BLOCK H, 135 RIVONIA ROAD, SANDOWN, SANDTON, 2196; (6) 30. 9082/2018—(2) Vorster, Maria Cornelia, 14 August 1930, 3008140052085, Verwoed Weg 184 Meyerton; (3) 4 November 2013; (4) Jan Havenga Vorster, 13 October 2032, 3210135001081; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, P O Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000; (6) 30. 005471/2018—(2) SEAFIELD, FRANK, 7 September 1937, 3709075074082, 315 HERBERT MCKENZIE STREET, , PRETORIA; (3) 28 October 2017; (4) N/A; (5) NATHAN IVOR EUGENE SEAFIELD, PGL TRUSTEES , 85 DOREEN STREET, COLBYN, PRETORIA. 003170/2018—(2) SCHNETLER, LEON, 27 November 1943, 4311275050086, 207 BASDEN AVENUE, LYTTELTON, CENTURION; (3) 18 February 2018; (4) N/A N/A, ------; (5) FREDERIK RUDOLPH BOTHA, 273 CRADOCK AVENUE, LYTTLETON, CENTURION, 17232, LYTTELTON, 0140. 005472/2018—(2) SEAFIELD, MAGRITH FLORANCE, 12 July 1939, 3907120363083, 315 HERBERT McKENZIE AVENUE, EERSTERUST, PRETORIA; (3) 9 June 2016; (4) FRANK SEAFIELD, 7 September 1937, 3709075064082; (5) NATHAN IVOR EUGENE SEAFIELD, PGL TRUSTEES , 85 DOREEN STREET, COLBYN, PRETORIA. 4230-2018—(2) MOKOENA, MASIA SAM, 30 August 1949, 4908305379083, NO. 672 KHUMALO STREET, THOKOZA, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) 10 March 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SECHABA JOHANNES MOSIA (EXECUTOR), NO. 17624, MONAMANE STREET, EXT. 25, VOSLOORUS, 1475; (6) 30 DAYS. 022845/2017—(2) MOKWEBO, GLADNESS, 20 March 1971, 7103200590086, 305 ITALENI AVENUE , LINOHAVEN EXT 2 ROODEPORT; (3) 12 September 2017; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 002451/2018—(2) DHLAMINI, MTHEMBENI PERSY, 4 November 1953, 5311045403082, 46 SIPHETWENI SECTION, TEMBISA, 1632; (3) 15 January 2018; (4) FUNANI LUCIA DHLAMINI; (5) SHUMANI. F SILAMULELA ATTORNEYS, 14 WEST STREET, OFFICE 25/26 , SECOND FLOOR, SELWYN COURT, KEMPTON PARK. 4221-2018—(2) MOKOENA, MAJANE LETTIE, 8 March 1925, 2503080160089, NO. 672 KHUMALO STREET, THOKOZA TOWNSHIP, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) 28 January 2007; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SECHABA JOHANNES MOSIA (EXECUTOR), NO. 17642, MONAMANE STREET, VOSLOORUS, 1475; (6) 30 DAYS. 009025/2018—(2) NGEWANA, NOMFUNIDO DORCUS, 13 April 1981, 8104130463088, 9 PLEASING PROSPECT, HILLSHAVEN, WESTONARIA, 1779; (3) 22 February 2018; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 007615/2007—(2) MANGANYE, MASHASHA KLEINBOOI, 10 December 1943, 4312105289081, 3437 CHLOORKOP EXT 53 TOWNSHIP; (3) 2 December 2006; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 14716/2017—(2) PHAHLANE, MALIMUNI ESTER, 16 December 1950, 5012160625083, 5728 SECTION Q, MAMELODI WEST; (3) 7 March 2017; (5) MOLOSI ATTORNEYS, BULDING 250 PRETORIUS STREET, 5TH FLOOR, OFFICE 507. 016652/2012—(2) PRETORIUS, SHERLOCK HOLMES, 4 October 1994, 4410045042089, 33POPS PLACE FREEZIA DRIVE; (3) 7 April 2010; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN, KHOTSO HOUSE, 9TH FLOOR. 010601/2018—(2) NHLENGETHWA, SIPHO EPHRAIM, 30 May 1951, 5105305311088, 3310 MOLELEKI SECTION, KATLEHONG; (3) 14 May 2018; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 026806/2017—(2) MLANGENI, PIET BUTIKI, 14 December 1960, 6012145637087, 16787 SELELEKELE, EXT 5 TSAKANE; (3) 17 August 2008; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN, KHOTSO HOUSE, 9TH FLOOR. 4221-2018—(2) MOKOENA, MAJANE LETTIE, 8 March 1925, 2503080160089, NO. 672 KHUMALO STREET, THOKOZA TOWNSHIP, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) 28 January 2007; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SECHABA JOHANNES MOSIA (EXECUTOR), NO. 17642, MONAMANE STREET, VOSLOORUS, 1475; (6) 30 DAYS. 5161/2018—(2) NGOBENI, BETTY TEBOGO, 6 February 1981, 8102060542087, 414 EXTENSION 23, GA-RANKUWA; (3) 3 May 2018; (5) MOLOSI ATTORNEYS, BUILDING 250 PRETORIUS STREET, 5TH FLOOR, OFFICE 507. 004756/2018—(2) TAU-BLAY, SETLHONYANE CONSTANCE, 4 September 1958, 5809040926080, 10 AVRIL STREET, BIRCHLEIGH NORTH, 1618; (3) 21 January 2018; (4) JOHN EDDIE BLAY, 7 October 1943, 4310075478080; (5) SHUMANI.F SILAMULELA ATTORNEYS, 14 WEST STREET, OFFICE 25/26, SECOND FLOOR, SELWYN COURT, KEMPTON PARK. 9697/2018—(2) MCKAY, SEAN JAMES, 5 February 1970, 7002055083082, 42 Stockenstroom st., BOKSBURG SOUTH; (3) 30 November 2017; (5) WESSEL NICOLAI MARIUS VAN DEN BOSCH, -; (6) 30. 3951/2018—(2) MALULEKA, SOLOMON, 4 January 1953, 5301045631089, 17459 RETHABILE STREET, MAMELODI EAST; (3) 31 March 2018; (4) MUSA CONSTANCE MALULEKA, 11 December 1966, 6612110321086; (5) MOLOSI ATTORNEYS, BUILDING 250 PRETORIUS STREET, 5TH FLOOR, OFFICE 507. 026906/2017—(2) MAGGI, ANTONIO, 4 November 1957, 5711045010086, 15 KEURHOEK LAAGTE AVENUE, PETERSFIELD, EXTENSION 1, SPRINGS; (3) 13 September 2017; (4) LORRAINE MAGGI, 25 April 1957, 5704250019082; (5) Jan L Jordaan Inc, P.O. Box 3434, BENONI, 1500; (6) 30. 007174/2018—(2) Spinazzola, Maria Giuseppa Spinazzola, 16 September 1925, 2509160027080, 31 - 9th Street Orange Grove Johannesburg 2192; (3) 6 October 2017; (5) Isidore Bronstein, 102 William Road Norwood Johannesburg 2192.

This gazette is also available free online at 72 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

009182/2018—(2) Farkas, Zdenka, 19 July 1946, 4607190098085, Erica Gardens, Kensington Retirement Village unit 20c, 11th Avenue, Kensington; (3) 10 January 2018; (5) Caldeira and Associates, 1 Allum Road, Kensington, Joahnnesburg. 9489/2018—(2) Witchell, Edward Harry, 3 July 1930, 3007035050089, 18 Vista Place, Randpark Extension 5, Randburg; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) Nevan John Witchell, Peter F Caldwell Attorneys, 74, 5th Avenue, Linden, Johannesburg. 016370/2017—(2) Genis, Leonhard, 17 October 1944, 4410175024089, 5 Houtkapper Laan, Kleinfontein Distrik Reyton; (3) 5 November 2017; (5) Richardt Lubbe, 90/92 Sixth Street, Springs, Gauteng, 1559. 002604/2015—(2) Joubert, Elizabeth Maria, 5 Maart 1940, 4003050009083, No. 20 Zambesi Retirement Village, 531 Sefako Makeatho Drive, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) 8 November 2014; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Pienaar Naudé Joubert, P.O. Box 832/180 Hlobane Street, Vryheid, 3100. 7454/2018—(2) BREDENKAMP, ZACHARIAS BENJAMIN, 2 March 1942, 4203025061082, VANDERBIJLPARK SOCIETY FOR THE AGED, PASTEUR BOULEVARD, VANDERBIJLPARK, 1911; (3) 8 February 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) HERMAN JANZEN VAN RENSBURG, FIRST FLOOR, SENTIO BUILDING, C/O FRIKKIE MEYER BOULEVARD & F.W BEYERS STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK, 1911. 010595/2018—(2) Mtshali, Bova Sipho, 28 April 1942, 4204285507087, 1395 Thakedi Avenue, Wattville; (3) 26 March 2000; (5) c/o B.P. Ndaba Incorporared, 1st Floor Central House, 81 Ampthill Avenue, Benoni, 1500. 010589/2018—(2) Mtshali, Mphikiseni Irene, 7 September 1946, 4609070479088, 1395 Thakedi Avenue, Wattville; (3) 19 March 2005; (5) c/o B.P. Ndaba Incorporared, 1st Floor Central House, 81 Ampthill Avenue, Benoni, 1500. 18769/2009—(2) MALINDISA, johannes, 1 January 1897, -, 651 EVATON 1984; (3) 20 May 1988; (5) GARY SEGAL, P.O. BOX 29374, SANDRINGHAM, 2131. 23464/2017—(2) WARRIES, WILFRED JACOB, 7 September 1941, 4107095073085, 8 RUBEN CRESCENTNEWCLARE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 23 July 2017; (5) GARY SEGAL, P.O. BOX 29374, SANDRINGHAM, 2131.


4177/2017MTH—(2) GODLIMPI, NDUMISO SAMUEL, 22 April 1935, 3504225181088, 989 Kunju Drive, Bhongweni Homes 2000, Kokstad; (3) 15 January 2016; (5) Elliot & Walker, 71 HOPE STREET, KOKSTAD, 4700; (6) 30. 001675/2018—(2) LE ROUX, ELIZABETH ELLEN, 19 December 1949, 4912190077083, 76 LEYONG STREET, KRUISFONTEIN, HUMANSDORP, 6300; (3) 23 January 2018; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) ROLAND MEYER & CO ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 4422, KORSTEN, PORT ELIZABETH, 6014; (6) 30. 1211/2018—(2) ESTRIE, PIET, 27 May 1939, 3905275109087, 28 HOMESTEAD CRESCENT, BUFFALO FLATS, EAST LONDON; (3) 8 August 2017; (4) SARAH ESTRIE, 26 November 1947, 4711260156086; (5) M A FREDERICKS & ASSOCIATES, 7 GATELY STREET, SOUTHERNWOOD, EAST LONDON. 506/2018—(2) Du Preez, Cornelius, 26 March 1956, 5603265030086, 1 Coligny Street, Burgersdorp; (3) 14 June 2017; (5) Andries Adriaan Bester, 6 Church Street, Burgersdorp. 002090/2018—(2) SASS, CATHERINE, 25 June 1940, 4006250057083, 34 PELICAN STREET, ROSEDALE, UITENHAGE, 6229; (3) 16 December 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) KARSANS INCORPORATED, 235 CALEDON STREET, UITENHAGE, 6230. 5800-2017—(2) Swanepoel, Johannes Petrus Swanepoel, 12 Augustus 1929, 2908125058083, Huis Uitvlucht, Piet Retiefstraat, Montagu; (3) 8 September 2016; (5) Willem Burger Muller Swanepoel, Abeliasingel 23, Sunridgepark, Port Elizabeth. 003487/2017—(2) PRESTON, HILLARY ANN, 11 February 1952, 5202110083083, FLAT 5, KINGSGATE, ST JAMES ROAD, SOUTHERNWOOD, EAST LONDON; (3) 29 July 2017; (4) N/A; (5) TRESZAL SYLVIA RICHTER, C/O WEBB INCORPORATED, 22 JARVIS ROAD, BEREA, EAST LONDON. 513/2018—(2) Lock, Thelma Dorothy, 31 December 1922, 2212310034086, Echo Foundation, South End Frail Care, South End, Port Elizabeth; (3) 24 December 2017; (4) Not applicable Not applicable; (5) Daryl Burman, 214 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth. 001849/2017—(2) Schreiber, Raymond, 9 January 1952, 5201095086087, 21 Banbury Streeet, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth; (3) 1 April 2017; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited, PO Box 27726, Greenacres, 6057; (6) 30. 0008/2018—(2) BLOM, MARIA MAGDALENA, 4 April 1938, 3804020023083, PARSONAGE HOME, GRAAFF-REINET, EASTERN CAPE; (3) 28 November 2017; (5) JOHN ARTHUR WALTER SCHULZE, 80 Frere Street, Cradock, 5880. PE 2080/2018—(2) KOTZE, ABRAHAM PAULUS, 15 Maart 1927, 2703155004085, SEEBRIES LAAN 3, PARADYSSTRAND, JEFFREYSBAAI; (3) 31 Maart 2018; (5) ADAM JACOBUS BOSHOFF, PO Box 273, Jeffreys Bay. 000000021472018—(2) Deysel, Alice Patricia, 8 September 1947, 4709080158084, 33 McLuckie Street, Francis Evatt Park, Port Elizabeth, 6025; (3) 16 March 2018; (4) John Henry Deysel, 12 June 1939, 3906125067087; (5) Wynand du Preez, P O Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055. 001946/2017—(2) ISAAC, MNYAMEZELI ZELLUD, 21 May 1965, 6505215232085, ERF 16213, MOTHERWELL; (3) 22 February 2017; (5) NOSIKHUMBUZO DORIS ISAAC, C/O WEBB INCORPORATED, 22 JARVIS ROAD, BEREA, EAST LONDON. 001083/2018—(2) Gerber, Carolina Maria Franciska, 19 September 1926, 2609190007084, Elizabeth Jordaan Te Huis, Cradock, 5880; (3) 21 Februarie 2018; (5) Nelmi Uys, 18 Glatthaarlaan, Middelburg Oos-Kaap, 5900. 003795/2017—(2) Heiberg, Daleen, 14 July 1967, 6707140011085, 13 Tenth Ave Gonubie East London; (3) 2 November 2017; (5) Albert Christiaan Heiberg, 13 Tenth Avenue, Gonubie, East London.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 73

002316/2018—(2) MZILI, TEMBISA BIZANA, 18 February 1963, 6302180059085, QHETSI LOCATION, COFIMVABA; (3) 2 April 2018; (5) N.C. MJAMBA ATTORNEYS INC, 22 DURHAM STREET, ASSUMPTION CONVENT, MTHATHA. 20751/2014—(2) MAMVE, ALFRED MLUNGISI, 8 June 1948, 4806085683080, 217 SOTSHANGANE STREET, NTABANKULU; (3) 3 July 2013; (4) NOMPUMELELO BUTU MAMVE, 29 August 1950, 5008290740081; (5) CHRISTO JOHANN OOSTHUIZEN, NASHET BUILDING, UNIT 4, KENNETH STREET, GREENHILLS, RANDFONTEIN. 1487/2018—(2) Weaving, Alan James Shelley, 22 March 1938, 3803225096183, 48 Kingsview, Miles Street, Grahamstown; (3) 2 March 2018; (5) RA Laing, P O Box 2812, Port Alfred. 002024/2018—(2) UYS, PETRUS FRANCESCUS MELGIOR, 14 May 1939, 3905145030083, 51 LA VISTA, BERNARD ROAD, LOVEMORE HEIGHTS, PORT ELIZABETH, 6070; (3) 21 March 2018; (5) DEREK RYAN PUCHERT, 20 DONALD ROAD, VINCENT, EAST LONDON, 5247. 000376/2017—(2) KENTE, GOODMAN MLULAMI, 3 March 1960, 6003036478087, BEYELE ADMINISTRATIVE AREA NGCOBO 5050; (3) 28 December 2016; (4) MAVIS NODINWA KENTE, 19 May 1967, 6705190595080; (5) MAVIS NODINWA KENTE, BEYELE ADMINISTRATIVE AREA NGCOBO 5050. 002261/2018—(2) Melville, Janet, 23 March 1940, 4003230004087, 37 Patrick Road, Charlo, Port Elizabeth; (3) 16 April 2018; (4) NA NA; (5) Thomas Frank Lawrence, 214 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth; (6) 30 days. 001483/2018—(2) Kriel, Hildburg Anneliese, 14 May 1938, 3805140006080, Flat No 2, Service Centre, Jameson Street, Barkly East; (3) 14 April 2018; (5) Greyvenstein & Spence, 15 Cole Street, P O Box 13, Barkly East, 9786. 002091/2018—(2) POTO, ELMOT MZENZI POTO, 14 June 1928, 2806145140081, SIKROBENI LOCATION, MTHATHA, EASTERN CAPE; (3) 20 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) KAYALETU POTO, SIKROBENI LOCATION, MTHATHA, EASTERN CAPE. 4079/2017—(2) MEIRING, LEA MAGDALENA, 20 April 1925, 2504200065083, ACVV ELDORADO, 54 ST PETERS ROAD, SOUTHERNWOOD, 5201; (3) 19 Julie 2017; (5) GERHARD FREDERICK CORNELIUS LOOTS, GKL OUDITEURE, LUDORFSTRAAT 97, BRITS, 0250. 5399/2015—(2) MSILA, JONGILIZWE, 9 June 1954, 5406095738088, ESIHLABENI A/A, NGQAMAKHWE; (3) 7 December 2015; (5) Z.N DUMALISILE ATTORNEYS, NO.7 CRAISTER STREET, MTHATHA; (6) 30 days. 162/2018—(2) Gamede, Jongithemba, 17 March 1963, 6303175980087, Isikelo administrative area , Bizana; (3) 12 February 2018; (5) Gamede Attorneys, No .55 Madeira Street, Mthatha 5099. 005342/2015—(2) De Witt, Huibrecht Susanna Cornelia, 23 July 1944, 4407230019088, 39 Dr. A.D Keet Street, Wavecrest,Jeffreys Bay, 6330.; (3) 1 August 2015; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Bhika Calitz Incorporated, 28 Convent Road, Greenhills, Randfontein, 1760. 001757/2018—(2) MSWELI, SANDILE CYPRIAN, 28 November 1950, 5011285747087, KAMBI ADMINISTRATIVE AREA, MTHATHA; (3) 20 March 2018; (4) VERONICA THOBEKA MSWELI, 15 March 1971, 7103151028086; (5) N.C. MJAMBA ATTORNEYS INC, 22 DURHAM STREET, ASSUMPTION CONVENT, MTHATHA. 1304/2000—(2) TIMOTHY, SAVANDALAI, 6 July 1947, 4707060517089, 37 SHASTA STREET, BRAELYN HEIGHTS, EAST LONDON; (3) 7 January 2000; (5) GARY STANLEY GRAVETT, C/O GRAVETT SCHOEMAN INC. THE HUB, BONZA BAY ROAD, BEACON BAY, EAST LONDON. 3389/2017—(2) Lepile, Papeyi John, 2 September 1953, 5309025317082, 29 Mbundwini Street, Port Alfred; (3) 9 October 2017; (4) Funeka Mavis Lepile, 12 July 1956, 5607120548083; (5) Grant Johannes Marais, P O Box 76, Port Alfred. 3073/2015—(2) MANKAYI, TERENCE NQABA, 10 February 1955, 5502105300081, 876 MBUSI STREET,MLUNGISI, QUEENSTOWN, 5319; (3) 12 September 2015; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) MICHIEL JOHAN BESTER, BOWES, McDOUGALL INC, 27a PRINCE ALFRED STREET, QUEENSTOWN 5319. 002053/2018—(2) Nelson, Francina Johanna, 19 March 1957, 5703190019087, 7 Toulouse Street, Kragga Kamma Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) 18 May 2016; (4) William Thomas Henry Nelson, 1 May 1956, 5605015079081; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust Limited, P O Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057; (6) 30. 808/2017—(2) BENJAMIN, GHANAAN DESMOND, 30 May 1934, 3405305081083, 45 BONAVENTURE CRESCENT, SALSONIVILLE; (3) 16 December 2017; (4) AMINA BENJAMIN, 21 May 1939, 3905210124084; (5) AMINA BENJAMIN, 45 BO0NAVENTURE CRESCENT, SALSONIVILLE, PORT ELIZABETH, 6000; (6) 30 DAYS. 000757/2018—(2) WEYER-HENDERSON, BERTRAM DAVID, 8 Augustus 1945, 4508085008082, 14 ARCHERSTRAAT, SOMERSET OOS, 5850; (3) 30 Januarie 2018; (5) RP BOTHA - GERBER BOTHA EN GOWAR TRUSTEES SOMERSET OOS (EDMS) BPK, NOJOLISTRAAT 21, SOMERSET OOS, 5850. 004118/2017—(2) Pletschke, John Carl, 13 February 1925, 2502135047085, Woodholme Retirement Centre Cnr Rhodes & Esplanade Street East London 5201; (3) 14 November 2017; (5) Malcolm Campbell, The Hub, Bonza Bay Road Beacon Bay East London 5205. 005617/2017—(2) ZINGXONDO, NANDIPHA, 24 December 1976, 7612241513089, CENTULI A/A, MTHATHA, EASTERN CAPE; (3) 25 October 2017; (5) POYO SIWAHLA INCORPORATED, NO.66 STANFORD TERRACE, MTHATHA. 001412/2018—(2) Marais, Pieter Terblanche, 19 Maart 1951, 5103195023087, Die Plaas Pekelfontein, Alexandria; (3) 14 April 2018; (5) Floris Johannes Lordan, Posbus 1100, Hartenbos. 1198/2018—(2) RUDMAN, MAGDALENA FRANCINA, 11 Julie 1945, 4507110035086, Hoofstraat 3, Despatch, 6220; (3) 13 Februarie 2018; (4) Samuel James Rudman, 23 Augustus 1941, 4108235023089; (5) Kitchings Incorporated, 48 Cannon Street, P O Box 136, Uitenhage, 6229. 1014/2018—(2) LUEHRING, HERMANN HEINRICH, 9 May 1935, 3505095060187, 55 Boom Street, Uitenhage, 6229; (3) 13 February 2018; (5) Kitchings Incorporated, 48 Cannon Street, P O Box 136, Uitenhage, 6229.

This gazette is also available free online at 74 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

004028/2017—(2) MASHIYA, VUYISILE KENNETH, 6 February 1959, 5902065868087, 1272 Block G, Aliwal North, 9750, EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) 11 November 2017; (4) PULUSE PAULINA MASHIYA, 4 November 1959, 5911040606082; (5) PULUSE PAULINA MASHIYA, 1272 BLOCK G, ALIWAL NORTH, 9750, EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE. 2285/2018—(2) Gxotiwe, Princess Pumla, 18 February 1969, 6902180397086, 112 Dabadaba Street, NU-5 Motherwell, Port Elizabeth; (3) 29 November 2015; (4) Tamsanqa William Gxotiwe, 8 March 1952, 5203085407083; (5) Zonke Budaza Attorneys, 192 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth. 1301/2018—(2) SMITH, GRAHAM LINDSAY, 18 August 1936, 3608185008080, 21 LA ROCHELLE DRIVE, STUTTERHEIM; (3) 18 March 2018; (5) DANIEL WILFRED GRAHAM FLEMMER, 18 STEWART DRIVE, BEREA, EAST LONDON, 5241. 003919/2017—(2) Tungata, Nombeka Beatrice, 14 February 1949, 4902140729081, Qumbu Village, 268 East Street, Qumbu; (3) 20 June 2017; (5) Norma Jones, Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 002036/2017—(2) Mc Arthur, Isabell Marriott, 9 March 1925, 2503090028086, 9 Villiers Road, Port Elizabeth; (3) 5 April 2017; (5) Nicolene Botha, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 5549/2015—(2) ILGNER, INGRID ANNA MINNA, 23 December 1936, 3612230104183, 10 LAZY WAVES STREET, KINI BAY PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 21 October 2015; (5) ERNST JURGEN UWE ILGNER, 10 WEYBRIDGE DRIVE, WEYBRIDGE PARK, PORT ELIZABETH. 3106/2017—(2) Boekkooi, Jacob Elzinus, 2 October 1931, 3110025108089, 31 Troon Road, Emmerentia, Johannesburg, 2000; (3) 7 July 2007; (5) J Louw Attorney, PO Box 7115, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6055.


005555/2016—(2) SETLOGELO, MOTSHIDISI SARAH, 15 April 1936, 3604150466080, 810 MOROKA LOCATION, THABA’NCHU 9780; (3) 23 May 2016; (5) ETIENNE BLIGNAUT, 4 KAPTEIN PROCTOR STREET, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN 9301. 4285/2017—(2) SEBOKA, JOSEPHINE MATSIETSI, 5 Oktober 1961, 6110050280081, 9 THOMAS STRAAT, KROONSTAD 9499; (3) 16 Desember 2007; (5) WYNAND JOSEPH BOTHA, DU RANDT & LOUW INGELYF, 25 PRESIDENTSTRAAT, KROONSTAD 9499. 1812/2008—(2) SEBOKA, TEBOHO JACOB, 2 April 1959, 5904025802081, 9 THOMAS STRAAT, KROONSTAD 9499; (3) 29 Oktober 2001; (4) JOSEPHINE MATSIETSI SEBOKA, 5 Oktober 1961, 6110050280081; (5) WYNAND JOSEPH BOTHA, DU RANDT & LOUW INGELYF, 25 PRESIDENTSTRAAT, KROONSTAD 9499. 2939/2018—(2) KOTZE, JOHANNES BURGER JACOBUS NEL, 29 Julie 1930, 3007295035085, HUIS MORIA KERKSTRAAT 15 THEUNISSEN PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) 10 Maart 2018; (5) F COETZER, VAN HEERDENSTRAAT 45 THEUNISSEN; (6) 30. 2335/2018—(2) MDAKANE, MKHOLO ENOCK, 17 April 1949, 4904175670081, 436 TWALA STREET, BOHLOKONG, BETHLEHEM, 9700; (3) 21 January 2018; (5) MICHAL WENTZEL MULLER, 12 UNION STREET, BETHLEHEM, 9700. 001218/2018—(2) Benson, Adriaan Jacobus, 1 March 1931, 3103015025082, 8 P De B Kock Street, Universitas, Bloemfontein; (3) 19 December 2017; (4) Helena Catharina Benson, 31 December 1937, 3712310034084; (5) Fathima Rahim (ID 7310230178085) as a nominee of Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324; (6) 30. 3444/2018—(2) O’Brien, Shaun Peter, 25 Februarie 1964, 6402255136089, Schumannstraat 15, Riebeeckstad, Welkom 9459; (3) 9 Maart 2018; (5) Lammert Hendrik Arie Stavast (Agent), Presidentstraat 41, Kroonstad 9499. 2950/2018—(2) ferris, netha, 28 March 1952, 5203280120085, 41 gousblomsingel, heidedal, bloemfontein; (3) 24 January 2018; (5) absa trust limited, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, bloemfontein, 9301. 3219/2018—(2) Lombard, Margaret Magdelene Sophia Lombard, 30 November 1938, 3811300040083, Kareelaan No. 6, Noorderbloem, Bloemfontein; (3) 11 Maart 2018; (5) JMM Verwey, Collinsweg 7, Arboretum, Bloemfontein. 495/2018—(2) Mokoena, Mohapi Piet, 29 August 1948, 4808295571089, Perseel 7655, Extension 2, Bohlokong, Bethlehem, 9702; (3) 17 December 2017; (4) Mmadipuo Maria Mokoena, 10 August 1954, 5408100700087; (5) John Frederick Human, PO Box 563, Bethlehem, 9700. 021862/2014—(2) MOLT, FANA HERMETH, 16 December 1928, 2812165156080, 888 NDLONDLO STREET, ROCKLANDS, BLOEMFONTEIN, FREE STATE PROVINCE; (3) 14 March 2014; (4) LESABANE WINIFRED MOLT, 10 April 1934, 3404100165084; (5) GOODMAN LUTHANDO TSHANGANA, 54 LOUW WEPENER STREET, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN, FREE STATE; (6) 30 days. 007478/2017—(2) DE LANGE, JOHANNA ETHRESIA, 10 September 1929, 2909100031087, VOLKSWEG 13, WELKOM, 9459; (3) 16 Junie 2017; (5) MATTHYS JOHANNES STRYDOM, POSBUS 592, WELKOM, 9460. 01069/2015—(2) MPOQANE, NTSWAKI ANNASTACIA, 7 March 1958, 5803070244084, 497 TURFFONTEIN, WITSIEHOEK, FREE STATE PROVINCE; (3) 16 December 2014; (4) N/A N/A; (5) GOODMAN LUTHANDO TSHANGANA, 54 LOUW WEPENER STREET, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN, FREE STATE; (6) 30 days. 002073/2018—(2) Hanekom, Susanna Francina, 10 March 1948, 4803100056087, 41 Grens Street, Parys; (3) 25 August 2017; (5) Ellen Julia Nel (ID 6408060042081) as a nominee of Standard Trust Ltd, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 75

003067/2018—(2) Pieterse, Aletta Maria, 28 May 1942, 4205280068082, 11 Jan Kemp Crescent, General De Wet, Bloemfontein; (3) 26 February 2018; (5) Fathima Rahim (ID no. 7310230178085) as a nominee of Standard Trust Ltd, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324; (6) 30. 3580/2018—(2) ESTERHUIZEN, HENDRIK ERENS, 17 Januarie 1942, 4201175092089, SONDELA SOONSTEL NR. 4, VAN DER BANKLAAN 10, PARYS, 9585; (3) 1 April 2018; (5) EBENHAèZER KRIEK, P/A KERKSTRAAT 17, PARYS, 9585. 003432/2018—(2) BUCHNER, JOHAN LINDO, 10 October 1935, 3510105026087, 7 RAYTON CLOSE, LEO VAN DER HEEVER STREET, HEUWELSIG BLOEMFONTEIN 9300; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) HENRY LINDO BUCHNER, HONEY ATTORNEYS, NORTHRIDGE MALL KENNETH KAUNDA ROAD BLOEMFONTEIN 9301. 003080/2018—(2) Steenkamp, Herman Tjaart, 14 June 1936, 3606145023082, 63 Oldsweg, Spitskop, Bloemfontein; (3) 14 January 2018; (5) Fathima Rahim (ID 731023 0178 085) as a nominee of Standard Trust Ltd, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324; (6) 30. 3396/2018—(2) MOKALODISE, JOSEPH THABO, 29 October 1967, 6710295592081, 21710 BERGMAN SQUARE, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 7 April 2018; (4) NTSWAKI FRANCINA MOKALODISE, 15 September 1973, 7309150886081; (5) HENDRIK JOHANNES BOOYSEN, 87 KELLNER STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN. 02371/2014—(2) MPOQANE, YANGAPHI JOHANNES, 10 March 1966, 6603105322080, 15161 PHASE 6, BLOEMFONTEIN, FREE STATE PROVINCE; (3) 2 February 2014; (4) NTHATUOA AUSTEN, 10 March 1978, 7803105322080; (5) GOODMAN LUTHANDO TSHANGANA, 54 LOUW WEPENER STREET, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN, FREE STATE; (6) 30 days. 7932/2017—(2) Mei, Konelo Johannes Mei, 30 Augustus 1943, 4308305389085, Forelsingel 40, Bloemside; (3) 22 Februarie 2017; (4) Kebogile Ruth Mei, 26 Januarie 1950, 5001260616084; (5) CHRISTIAAN JOHANNES RAATH, 121 PRESIDENT REITZ AVENUE, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN. 2377/2018—(2) mokete, mathabi malefetsane, 2 June 1952, 5206025998087, 14 nyala street fauna bloemfontein; (3) 13 February 2018; (4) kedinetse emily mokete, 1 October 2001, 5907170670088; (5) ngwane sihlongonyane inc, 63 aliwal street, westdene, bloemfontein. 000705/2018—(2) TYWILI, EDITH IMAMELENG, 14 May 1959, 5905140781084, 16 A Vels Street, Hilton, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 9 March 2018; (5) AYANDA PHINDIWE BELOT, AP BELOT ATTORNEYS, 4 CAPTAIN PROCTOR STREET, BRANDWAG. BLOEMFONTEIN,9301. 2282/2018—(2) ADOONS, MOTLATSI FLIP, 4 August 1967, 6708045536085, 12 HENDRIK STREET, ZASTRON; (3) 1 January 2018; (4) PUSELETSO ELIESA CHABELI, 3 February 1970, 7002030642085; (5) HENDRIK JOHANNES BOOYSEN, 87 KELLNER STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN. 000908/2017—(2) LETEBELE, LORAH, 17 August 1939, 3908170250089, ERF 6276, CHIEF MOROKA STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 24 December 2016; (4) PHALATSI ADAM LETEBELE, 5 August 1937, 3708055219088; (5) ANDRIES LOUIS VISSER - AGENT, 24 BARNES STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN. 001958/2018—(2) MOTAHANE, MOLONGOANE ADAM, 30 November 1963, 6311305439080, 319 N BLUEGUMBOSCH PHUTHADITJHABA 9870 FREE STATE; (3) 31 January 2018; (4) MAMOCHINE ELIZABETH MOTAHANE, 8 March 1968, 6803080506083; (5) CC HARRINGTON, 01 PLEIN STREET P O BOX 255 BETHLEHEM 9700 FREE STATE. 4192/2010—(2) VAN NIEKERK, PIETER MICHAEL, 21 July 1939, 3907215048086, 39 NERINA AVENUE, ODENDAALSRUS, 9480; (3) 2 January 2010; (4) CATHARINA ELIZABETH VAN NIEKERK, 7 May 1950, 5005070003086; (5) CATHARINA ELIZABETH VAN NIEKERK, MEVROU PRESIDENT HOME FOR THE ELDERLY, WEEBER STREET, ODENDAALSRUS, 9480; (6) 21 DAYS. 002877/2018—(2) MOKGELE, GALETSHAJWE ELIZABETH, 17 November 1932, 3211170118087, 17928 JEREMIA MOALAHI, PHASE 2, BLOEMANDA, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) 31 August 2017; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, ABSA PROVINCIAL BUILDING, C/O NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY STREETS, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 001791/2018—(2) PHAKOE, PULENG ALITTA, 23 October 1956, 5610230792088, 18908 MERITING, ROCKLANDS, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9323; (3) 7 December 2017; (4) MOLAHLEHI ISAAC PHAKOE, 2 August 1951, 5108025191087; (5) WERNER VERMAAK, NO 7 WALDORF GEBOU/BUILDING, ELIZABETH STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. 3644/2018—(2) Joubert, Anna Elizabeth, 13 Julie 1916, 1607130023089, Gascony Singel 84, Bloemfontein; (3) 7 April 2018; (5) CHRISTIAAN JOHANNES RAATH, 121 PRESIDENT REITZ AVENUE, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN. 3842/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, PHILLIPUS JOHANNES, 23 Desember 1940, 4012235082006, MARKSTRAAT 16, VREDEFORT, 9595; (3) 22 Maart 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN. 3409/2018—(2) STRYDOM, MARIE, 31 Augustus 1950, 5008310005085, DE VILLIERSTRAAT 81, FICKSBURG; (3) 6 April 2018; (4) LOUIS HENDRIK STRYDOM, 22 Februarie 1949, 4902225013088; (5) DANIE DU PLOOY, 32B PRESIDENT BOSHOFFSTRAAT, BETHLEHEM, 9700. 001236/2018—(2) Moleko, Khau Daniel, 23 August 1969, 6908235322086, 34 Theunissen Crescent, Bloemfontein, 9301; (3) 24 November 2017; (5) Kogilan Arumugam, FNB Fiduciary (Pty) LTD, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 001227/2018—(2) Haasbroek, Pieter Jacobus Gabriel, 18 Julie 1949, 4907185077080, Fabriekstraat 13,Henneman,9445; (3) 15 Oktober 2017; (5) Rynhart Kruger Van Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Postnet Suite #631,Privaatsak X10,Elarduspark,0047; (6) 30 Dae. 3730/2018—(2) STEYN, PIETER WILLEM, 14 Augustus 1940, 4008145060082, DAVID ROUXSTRAAT 4, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) 29 Maart 2018; (4) CORNELIA ETRICIA STEYN; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN.

This gazette is also available free online at 76 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

006706/2017—(2) Ramatlapeng, Molato Pont, 12 August 1961, 6108125434089, 650 Riverside, Phuthaditjhaba; (3) 27 July 2013; (4) Motatsana Francina Ramatlapeng, 14 April 1960, 6004140766086; (5) Ramatlapeng Culistus Ramatlapeng, 8203055937082, Standard Trust Ltd, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324; (6) 30. 2935/2018—(2) Mokoena, Tokonye Petrus, 1 Maart 1964, 6403015540081, 4186 Mopelistraat, Bohlokong, Bethlehem; (3) 4 Februarie 2018; (4) Mmalejaha Feitjie Mokoena, 5 Junie 1965, 6506050301084; (5) Marius Stoffberg, Posbus 2689, Bethlehem, 9700. 3259/2018—(2) JANSE VAN RENSBURG, JACOBUS ELIAS, 19 September 1963, 6309195062087, FLAT 1, KNIGHTS HOUSING, 2 HAMLET ROAD, ST HELENA, WELKOM, 9460; (3) 29 March 2018; (4) NICOLETTE JANSE VAN RENSBURG, 30 April 1967, 6704300044089; (5) MANDIE JANSE VAN RENSBURG, 38 PROSPERO STREET, BEDELIA, WELKOM. 3161/2018—(2) JOUBERT, DANIEL STEPHANUS BURGER, 17 Julie 1942, 4207175001087, 90 HARRIS STRAAT, COLBYN, PRETORIA; (3) 10 Maart 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Elizabeth Karoline Joubert, p/a du Plessis le Roux Ing, 33 Steyn straat, Kroonstad, 9499. 11486/2015—(2) HLAPANE, MANTSOPA ANNAH, 11 Junie 1963, 6306110569089, 2335 MOKOENA STREET, PHUTHADITJHABA, 1966; (3) 27 Junie 2015; (5) AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc, NJ VAN DER MERWE SINGEL 13, SASOLBURG, 1947; (6) 30 dae. 3732/2018—(2) Jase, Mohanoe David, 29 May 1964, 6405295250083, 166 Walvis Avenue, Mangaung, 9323; (3) 30 January 2018; (4) Pulane merriam Jase, 8 January 1964; (5) ABSA Trust Limited, cnr Nelson Mandela and Donald Murray Street, Bloemfontein, 9301. 10112/2016—(2) SITOE, CARLOS, 1 January 1968, ZOMA00897, 14 NAMAQUA, SAAIPLAAS,; (3) 15 November 2015; (4) ELA SILVESTRE MATSIMBE, 2 June 1973; (5) MARISA MOREIRA RICCO, HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS, STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS, 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE, PRETORIA. 3649/2018—(2) MALEHO, KEDISALETSE LIESBET, 20 July 1971, 7107200297089, 6896 K8, ODENDAALSRUS,9480; (3) 13 March 2018; (5) MERRIAM JOYCE HORING, NO 933 MBELE STREET, VALSPAN LOCATION, JAN KEMPDORP, 8550. 8220/2009—(2) NKHAHLE, NTATOLENG ALBERTINA, 16 January 1956, 5601160721080, 276H QWA QWA FREESTATE; (3) 20 January 2009; (5) DANIEL MATLHO, 06 OFFICE PARK, 149 PRESIDENT REITZ STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN.


2473/2018—(2) Burn, Beverley Roy, 21 June 1936, 3606215033086, 2 Cherry Tree Mews, 8 Cherry Tree Close, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) 20 March 2018; (5) Doreen Jacoba Coetzer, 57 Hereford Circle, Meadows, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 004966/2018—(2) VISAGIE, LUKAS ANDRIES, 3 August 1944, 4408035055087, Lot 52, 15 Hillside Crescent, Oslo Beach; (3) 4 February 2018; (5) PHG STOPPEL & COMPANY, 3 BAZLEY STREET, PORT SHEPSTONE, 4240. 004782/2018—(2) OOSTHUIZEN, CHRISTOFFEL JOHANNES, 4811045004088, 4 ROBIN ROAD, PINETOWN, 3616; (3) 18 October 2017; (4) VALERIE JEANNE OOSTHUIZEN, 8 October 1952, 5210080066087; (5) LIEBENBERG MALAN & LIEZEL HORN INC, 61 VAN DER WALT ROAD, DALVIEW, BRAKPAN 1541LI. 2822/2018PMB—(2) LAWRIE, ALEXANDER GRANT SEYMOUR, 17 June 1946, 4606175192186, 35 DENNIS SHEPSTONE DRIVE, HILTON, 3245; (3) 9 April 2018; (5) CLIVE ANTHONY WILLS, 307/309 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 006292/2018—(2) Mortimer, Marc Steven, 26 January 1966, 6601265142082, No. 1 Chaceley Estate, 54 Inanda Road, Hillcrest; (3) 5 January 2018; (4) Linda Ronel Mortimer, 30 December 1966, 6612300004088; (5) Christopher Stuart Finlay, 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia, 4051. 4509/2018 DBN—(2) RAMCHARAN, EENDHREDAW, 10 April 1951, 5104105181080, 230 Castlehill Drive, Newlands West; (3) 30 May 2017; (4) VIDWANTHIE RAMCHARAN, 17 August 1953, 5308170207080; (5) RAMIAH & ASSOCIATES, 1 CAISTER COURT, 4 CAISTER CRESCENT, MUSGRAVE, DURBAN, 4001. 16137/2013 DBN—(2) DUMA, CARISTUS SIFISO, 22 August 1983, 8308225629087, 14 CUTMAN ROAD CLARE ESTATE; (3) 29 October 2009; (4) N/A; (5) JUSTICE REICHLIN RAMSAMY ATTORNEYS, Suite 1403,14th Floor, Metlife Building,391 Anton Lembede Street, Durban. 014742-2016DBN—(2) MUNSAMY, AMARDHUMA, 20 October 1955, 5510220127081, HOUSE 218 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE DRIVE, CHATSWORTH; (3) 24 October 2016; (4) JAYASEELAN MUNSAMY, 16 January 1949, 4907165156089; (5) LIEVEN ARUMUGAN, 218 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE DRIVE, CHATSWORTH, DURBAN. 005538/2018—(2) Thungo, Joseph Nhlanhla, 14 May 1964, 6405145595083, Nkonjeni Reserve, Mahlabathini District, Ulundi. KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 17 April 2018; (4) Tholakele Joyce Thungo, 10 January 1969, 6901100976086; (5) Tholakele Joyce Thungo, P. O. Box 7036, Ulundi, 3838; (6) 30 (Thirty). 005124/2018—(2) Ndlovu, Halalisani Proffessor, 12 February 1970, 7002125679083, Sishwili no. 1, Mahlabathini District, Ulundi, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 30 July 2017; (4) Sithulisiwe Theodorah Ndlovu, 8 November 1972, 7211080628080; (5) Sithulisiwe Theodorah Ndlovu, P O. Box 7036, Ulundi, 3838; (6) 30 (Thirty). 005944/2018—(2) MKHIZE, THEMBANI FRIEDAH, 12 November 1973, 7311120365089, 07 CARNARVON PLACE, DURBAN NORTH, 4051; (3) 7 March 2018; (4) MPHAKO JOSEPH MKHIZE, 25 November 1950, 5011255442081; (5) Anthony Whatmore & Co, ANTHONY WHATMORE AND COMPANY INC, 45 ADELAIDE TAMBO DRIVE, DURBAN NORTH, 4051; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 77

7854-2015—(2) Thathia, Theagajara, 22 December 1944, 4412225118085, 2708 Park Station, Greenwood Park, Durban Kwa- Zulu Natal; (3) 12 December 2014; (4) Muniamma Thathia, 16 March 1947, 4703160113035; (5) Seelan Thathia, 437 Rooibos Street, Thatchfield Glen, Centurion. 014730/2017—(2) Latham, Walter Oldnal, 13 March 1944, 4403135141085, 11-13 Clarke Avenue, Eshowe, 3815; (3) 8 September 2017; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Shirley Louise Stanley and Julienne Elaine Tyack, PO Box 4, Eshowe, 3815; (6) n/a. 28940/2015—(2) GOVENDER, GOPAUL, 19 March 1948, 4803195104081, 2 HERCULES STREET LENASIA EXTENSION 9; (3) 18 October 2017; (4) NA NA, NA; (5) RAJEN LEON GOVENDER, AM3. 5286/2017—(2) Lindsey, Wendy Margaret, 5 November 1951, 5111050005081, 12 Kurume Flats, 3 Highlands Road, Mount Michael Pietermaritzburg; (3) 19 June 2017; (5) MARGARET MARY McCULLOUGH as nominee of J LESLIE SMITH & COMPANY INCORPORATED, PO Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3200; (6) 30. 006374/2018—(2) Innes, Patricia Gladys, 9 September 1948, 4809090539081, 31 Maasbanker Avenue, Newlands East, Durban, 4037; (3) 28 October 2014; (4) - -, -; (5) Penny Hellen Innes, 34 Hugo Road, Sydenham, Durban; (6) -. 004882/2018—(2) SMART, THOMAS IRVINE, 29 April 1944, 4404295083083, 33 Shepstone Road, Athlone Park, 4126; (3) 4 March 2018; (5) Christopher Stuart Finlay, 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia. 003136/2018—(2) MTHEMBU, MATHUSELA PHINEAS, 9 September 1928, 2809095179083, FLAT NO 257B MEADOWLANDS MADADENI; (3) 15 February 2018; (4) SIBUSISIWE VICTORIA MTHEMBU, 5 January 1944, 4401050516083; (5) DBM ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 117, NEWCASTLE, 2940; (6) 30. 00101732018—(2) Yaganathan, Anne Monica, 20 February 1970, 7002200099082, 62 Woodlawn Crescent Rosehill Durban North; (3) 5 November 2017; (4) na na; (5) Phipson De Villiers, 74 Madeline Road Morningside Durban; (6) 30 days. 4936/2018—(2) Steenkamp, Yolandi, 15 March 1980, 8003150113088, 111 President Street, Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal, 3100; (3) 1 October 2017; (5) Elmarie Magrietha Richards - As nominee of Serfontein & Richards Incorporated, 220 Simbithi Office Park, Simbithi Country Club, Shakas Rock Road, Ballito, 4420. 1585/2018—(2) MAOME, VUYELWA CHARLOTTE, 26 September 1947, 4709260565082, MPHARANE LOCATION, MATATIELE 4730; (3) 18 December 2017; (4) BENJAMIN NDLALA MAOME, 16 September 1934, 3409165180084; (5) McLEOD & ASSOCIATES, 110 MAIN STREET, MATATIELE 4730. 7880/2015DBN—(2) MTHETHWA, PRAISEGOD MUHLE, 11 April 1974, 7404115421080, 21 KIWI CLOSE NEWLANDS WEST 4037 KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 18 April 2015; (5) RAJESPREE NAIDOO (In her capacity as attorney and/ or nominated executrix), 15 TWILIGHT DRIVE UMHLANGA RIDGE; (6) N/A. 005134/2018/DBN—(2) CHUNDERDURI, RATILAL, 25 September 1949, 4909255144089, 6080 MTHOMBOTHI DRIVE, LAMONTVILLE, DURBAN; (3) 1 December 2017; (4) DHANPATHI CHUNDERDURI, 10 October 1959, 5010100129083; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 009247/2017—(2) MASEKO, PHUMZILE PATRICIA, 19 October 1965, 6510190469082, ERF 3984 WESSELTON EXT 3 MPUMALANGA; (3) 1 July 2017; (4) n/a n/a; (5) K M CHETTY ATTORNEYS, 98 HARDING STREET NEWCASTLE. 8778/2008 DBN—(2) NAIDOO, AMARAVATHY, 10 May 1939, 3905100076089, 31 Road 743, Montford, Chatsworth; (3) 31 March 2008; (4) SRIRAMULU NAIDOO, 27 December 1937, 3712275083084; (5) PRAVISHA RAMNARAIN ATTORNEY, 151 CROFTDENE DRIVE, CROFTDENE, CHATSWORTH. 001380/2018/PMB—(2) Ntshingila, Sipho Ambrose, 16 August 1953, 5308165266083, 01 Burford, Ladysmith, 3370; (3) 9 December 2017; (4) Jabulile Francisca Ntshingila, 19 May 1958, 5805190329083; (5) Justin Heunis & Associates, 05 Poort Road Ladysmith 3370. 6016/2018—(2) Hurford, Shelagh Mavourneen, 15 December 1943, 4312150057086, 2 Northwood Park, 29 Anthony Road, Umgeni Park; (3) 14 April 2018; (5) Mooney Ford Attorneys, P O Box 442, Durban. 6012/2018—(2) Hill, Laureen Muriel, 2 December 1948, 4812020002089, Amanzimtoti, KwaZulu Natal; (3) 8 November 2016; (5) Mooney Ford Attorneys, P O Box 442, Durban. 000750-2018-PMB—(2) PORTSMOUTH, Eileen Joan, 8 September 1925, 2509080008087, Hopewell Farm, Loskop Road, Estcourt, Kwazulu-Natal; (3) 26 September 2017; (5) John Henry Batchelor, Batchelors, Attorneys & Conveyancers, 1A Loudon House, Loudon Park, 8 St. Mary’s Road, Kloof, 3610. 002811/2018/PMB—(2) Van Jaarsveld, Maatje Maria, 21 April 1930, 3004210013081, 57 Erika Avenue, , Newcastle, 2940; (3) 3 October 2017; (5) N.T Oosthuizen, c/o Lee Oosthuizen & Smith Inc, 60 Gemsbok Avenue, Hutten Heights, Newcastle, 2940. 3959/2018—(2) BASSA, AYSHABIBI EBRAHIM, 3 May 1935, 3505030287085, 8 DUNNATOR AVENUE, SYDENHAM, DURBAN; (3) 18 April 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) AYOUB KADWA & COMPANY, FIRST FLOOR, 579 FELIX DLAMINI ROAD, OVERPORT, 4091`. 006228/2018—(2) Humphreys, Llewellyn Francis, 4 March 1935, 3503045004082, 7 Glen Avon Place, Waterfall; (3) 5 January 2018; (4) Freda Judith Humphreys, 28 December 1946, 4612280004084; (5) Faith Humphreys, PO Box 941 LinkHills 3652. 005993/2018/DBN—(2) LIMALIA, DAWOOD, 13 August 1936, 3608135113089, 132 FAIRWAYS, DURBAN NORTH; (3) 11 June 2017; (4) RABIAH LIMALIA, 24 April 1939, 3904240100081; (5) ITI ADMINISTRATION TRUST, SECOND FLOOR, LORNEGREY MEDICAL CENTRE, 280 DR. YUSUF DADOO STREET, DURBAN. 005589/2018DBN—(2) JOHN, GONASEELAN, 14 December 1973, 7305285189086, 05 ARNHAM PLACE, WESTHAM, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 26 July 2005; (4) ZELDA JOHN, 10 January 1975, 7305285189086; (5) MITEN NARAN AND ASSOCIATES, SUITE 9 RAZA ORIENTAL PLAZA, 59 PANDORA STREET, PHOENIX, 4068, P.O.BOX 60375, PHOENIX, 4080.

This gazette is also available free online at 78 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

2943/2018—(2) FELDMAN, ANNA CATHERINA ELIZABETH, 17 March 1924, 2403170047082, 7 EDGEHILL ROAD, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 12 April 2018; (5) Hay & Scott, 3rd Floor, Alexander Forbes Wing, 3 Highgate Drive, 1 George McFarlane Lane, Pietermaritzburg 3201; (6) 30. 1349/2017/DBN—(2) SHAWE, FANIFANI, 15 May 1952, 5205155332083, 745 E KwaDabeka,Clermont 3610; (3) 20 January 2017; (5) SHAWE CYNTHIA DUDUZILE, 745 E KWADABEKA, CLERMONT 3610; (6) 30. 4061/2018DBN—(2) PILLAY, THANAPALAN, 30 July 1939, 3907305087085, 188 GOLDEN PROPPY CRESCENT, CROSSMOOR, CHATSWORTH; (3) 30 September 2017; (4) ADIRUBY PILLAY, 7 February 1950, 5002070090080; (5) THAMENDRIE MOSES, C29-16 PHOENIX VIEW ESTATE, 14TH ROAD, NOORDWYK, MIDRAND. 001732/2018—(2) MCHUNU, FANA STHEMBISO, 31 May 1991, 9105316007085, E 262 ISAGWACA AVENUE, NTUZUMA; (3) 12 December 2017; (5) NSIZWA MSELEKU, E 262 ISAGWACA AVENUE, NTUZUMA; (6) 30. 002715/2018 DBN—(2) GOVENDER, SOONDARIAMAL, 2 February 1938, 3802020501082, 86 ROCKBURY PLACE, EASTBURY, PHOENIX; (3) 26 August 2013; (5) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2 Cranbrook Crescent, Cranbrook Park, La Lucia Ridge, Durban; (6) 30 Days. 24504/2014DBN—(2) NYATHIKAZI, SIMON, 6 June 1940, 4006065578083, KWAZULU-NATAL NONGOMA; (3) 1 November 2012; (4) THOKO CATHERINE NYATHIKAZI, 25 January 1943, 4301250272083; (5) RAJESPREE NAIDOO & ASSOCIATES, 15 TWILIGHT DRIVE UMHLANGA RIDGE; (6) N/A. 014586/2017DBN—(2) RAMIAH, MORGANA PERUMAL, 21 November 1962, 6211215047082, 33 SOL HARRIS CRESENT ,NORTH BEACH ,DURBAN; (3) 23 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) DEVAROSHINI RAMIAH - 6701170201088(ID), RAJESPREE NAIDOO & ASSOCIATES 15 TWILIGHT DRIVE UHMLANGA PO BOX 20790 DNB NORTH 4016; (6) N/A. 5616/2018—(2) Sambo, Sibongile Evidence, 21 May 1966, 6605210545083, Nqopheni Area, MTUBATUBA, 3935; (3) 30 March 2018; (5) Lindokuhle Cyril James Sibusiso Sambo, Nqopheni Area, MTUBATUBA, 3935. 3335/2016—(2) Josiah, Carol Evangeline, 30 December 1934, 3412300068081, Unit 3, 4B Kentley, Morrison Road, Queensborough, Durban; (3) 18 February 2016; (4) Douglas Hillary Josiah, 7 October 1933, 3310075082081; (5) South Coast Executors & Administrators CC, P O Box 1513, Manaba Beach, 4276 / 11 Cypress Avenue, Manaba Beach, Margate, 4275; (6) 30. 2373/2018(DBN)—(2) BERLEIN, VEENA, 12 September 1961, 6109120225084, 906 OLD MAIN ROAD, DRUMMOND, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) 14 December 2017; (4) BRIAN WALTER MCCLUNG BERLEIN, 7 October 1956, 5610075830084; (5) JANICE SELLICK ATTORNEYS, SUITE 3, DA GAMA HOUSE, 4 ST MARYS ROAD, KLOOF, 3640. 2835/2018—(2) GOVENDER, SOOBRAMONEY, 20 January 1937, 3701205100084, 25 WILLOW CRESCENT, TONGAAT, 4399; (3) 8 August 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MAAJIDA HUSSAIN, 25 WILLOW CRESCENT, TONGAAT, 4399. 3399/2018—(2) Retief, Esther Johannes, 27 September 1922, 2209270047082, Branberg Aftreelandgoed 36 Ajux/Midas Street 47 Olympus, Province of North Gauteng; (3) 18 February 2018; (5) Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, 27 Wooley Street Port Shepstone 4240. 006222/2018—(2) NAIDOO, SUDESH KRISHNASAMY, 27 October 1966, 6610275147080, 15 ALROE COURT, 88 RONALD ROAD, MONTCLAIR, DURBAN; (3) 25 February 2018; (4) RANJINI NAIDOO, 19 March 1965, 6503190220084; (5) RANJINI NAIDOO, 15 ALROE COURT, 88 RONALD ROAD, MONTCLAIR, DURBAN. 4768/2018 DBN—(2) KHAN, SHAHEEDA BANU, 30 April 1961, 6104300248089, 57 Royal Hill Road, Hillgrove, PHOENIX; (3) 11 September 2016; (4) BASHIR KHAN, 2 January 1955, 5501025070089; (5) RAMIAH & ASSOCIATES, 1 CAISTER COURT, 4 CAISTER CRESCENT, MUSGRAVE, DURBAN, 4001. 2896/2018—(2) Dawood, Rehimat, 10 November 1927, 2711100242080, 27 Olive Crescent, Newholme, Pietermaritzburg; (3) 14 April 2017; (5) Asad Ameen and Company, 368 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg. 000592/2018—(2) MKHIZE, MILDRES NOMUSA, 13 June 1949, 4906130371085, C 298 MPUMALANGA TOWNSHIP HAMMARSDALE; (3) 14 July 2017; (5) -, -. 002955/2018—(2) LE ROUX, MARIA MAUD, 3 February 1943, 4302030025080, 3 FARBULL COMPLEX, 73 FARQUHAR ROAD, LADYSMITH.3370; (3) 3 December 2017; (5) BERNICE MCMASTER, 8 WINDSOR DAM ROAD, LADYSMITH, 3370. 005754/2018—(2) Marks, Allan Roy, 17 November 1938, 3811175020087, Unit 24, Pinehaven Lodge, 26 Manors Road, Pinetown, 3610; (3) 19 March 2018; (5) Roger Anthony Dale Adkins - Authorised Agent, Unit 6 Lakeside, 6 Derby Downs Office Park, University Road, Westville, 3629. 5933/2017—(2) JOSEPH, AMOORTHAN, 16 May 1933, 3305160213088, 77 SPOORLYN AVENUE, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 18 May 2012; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) COLLEEN CHERYL PADAYACHEE, c/o GOUNDER AND ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 48408, QUALBERT, 4078. 13047/2007 DBN—(2) MQADI, XOLANI PEACEMAN, 21 April 1973, 7304215762088, LOT 1235 VERNUS DRIVE, MARBURGH, PORT SHEPSTONE, 4240; (3) 12 October 2003; (4) NOMFUNDO EVERITE - NOW DECEASED MQADI, 14 February 1968, 6802140415087; (5) SIZA KHUMALO ATTORNEYS, 379 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, SUITE 307 DOONE HOUSE, DURBAN, 4000. 7009/2018—(2) BILLES, GAIL MARY, 21 September 1940, 4009210089089, Unit No. 36 Gleneagles, Boundary Road, PORT EDWARD, 4295, Province of KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 9 May 2018; (5) CRAIG EDWARD BILLES, Executor, c/o BRERETON ATTORNEYS, 140 Gloucester Road, P O Box 48, PORT EDWARD, 4295. 016571/2017DBN—(2) DAYARAM, MAHARAJ, 19 September 1946, 4609195088087, 40 GLENVILLE GROVE, GLENWOOD, DURBAN, 4001; (3) 1 November 2017; (4) URMILLA MAHARAJ, 23 April 1960, 6004230145084; (5) Zain Fakroodeen and Associates, Suite 19 Croftdene Mall , 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 4092; (6) 30 DAYS. 1796/2018/PMB—(2) Williams, Cecilia Daphne, 22 November 1948, 4811220647081, 104 Les Van Wyk, Glenwood, Pietermaritzburg, Kwakiutl-Natal; (3) 7 March 2018; (4) Paslaline Madondo, 14 December 1967, 6712140406087; (5) Tenza Attorneys, MRT HOUSE, 11 STRANACK STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (6) 30 days.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 79

006722/2018/DBN—(2) Christison, Donald Barrie, 28 September 1948, 4809285172086, 245 Flame Lily Parj - Old Age Home, Durban; (3) 25 March 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 5896/2017/DBN—(2) CHOWTHI, SABITHA DEVI, 15 January 1948, 4801150090089, 17 RUSTON PLACE, ROCKFORD, PHOENIX; (3) 12 July 2016; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) RENU SEWPERSAD, 94 COWEY (PROBLEM MKHIZE) ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN; (6) N/A. 002690/2018—(2) Belshaw, Ewart, 1 February 1923, 2302015012188, 44 Jacaranda Lodge, 107 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) 23 March 2018; (5) Craig Clark, PO Box 11281, Dorpspruit, 3206. 2404/2018—(2) Shakoor, Abdul, 25 January 1942, 4201255071086, 118 Balhambra Way, Newholme, Pietermaritzburg; (3) 21 December 2017; (5) Asad Ameen and Company, 368 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg. 6582/2018 DBN—(2) DENMAN, EDWARD DENNIS, 12 March 1937, 3703125023081, 4 MOONY POOL, MEERENSEE, 3901; (3) 22 November 2013; (4) STELLA MILLICENT DENMAN, 1 July 1939, 3907010028085; (5) STELLA MILLICENT DENMAN, PO BOX 30287, RICHARDS BAY, 3900. 1925/2018—(2) Shakoor, Ayesha, 14 September 1943, 4309140099087, 118 Balhambra Way, Newholme, Pietermaritzburg; (3) 7 December 2016; (5) Asad Ameen and Company, 368 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg. 006190/2018—(2) RAMOUTHAR, RESHMA, 29 November 1974, 7411290232083, 20 TANGERINE GROVE, 13 CUCKOO LODGE, ORIENT HILLS, ISIPINGO, 4133; (3) 25 May 2018; (5) STANDARD TRUST LIMITED, PRIVATE BAG 54319, DURBAN, 4000. 3383/2018 DBN—(2) MZOLO, THOKOZANI EMMANUEL, 24 September 1965, 6509245645084, AA 1484 SIGANANDA ROAD, UMLAZI TOWNSHIP, 4066; (3) 18 October 2017; (4) BRANETT THANDI MZOLO, 1 January 1972, 7201011169080; (5) THOKOZANI BRANETT MZOLO, AA 1484 SIGANANDA ROAD, UMLAZI TOWNSHIP, 4066. 006773/2018/DBN—(2) Gold, Maynard Nivison, 1 January 1942, 4201015068083, 4 Mount Road, Amanzimtoti; (3) 11 March 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 10329/2011/DBN—(2) MANQELE, MVELI ALBERT, 16 August 1956, 5608165229084, -; (3) 26 June 2011; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) RENU SEWPERSAD, 94 COWEY (PROBLEM MKHIZE) ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN; (6) N/A. 7610/2017 DBN—(2) CHILIZA, HYPESIA ZAMILE CHILIZA, 22 May 1971, 7105220368088, 448697 NKANGALA AREA; (3) 31 March 2017; (5) SIZA KHUMALO ATTORNEYS, 307 Doone House, 379 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000; (6) 30 DAYS. 4512/2018—(2) MORCOM, PETER JOHN, 8 January 1930, 3001085042088, FLAT 230, GARDEN GROVE RETIREMENT CENTRE, 211 ST THOMAS ROAD, BEREA, DURBAN; (3) 16 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PRISCILLA LESLEY PATERSON, 1 INYANGA, 194 STEPHEN DLAMINI ROAD, BEREA, BURBAN, 4001; (6) N/A. 005622/2018/DBN—(2) SINGH, ROSHAN, 20 April 1965, 6504205215085, CLAIRWOOD, DURBAN; (3) 5 March 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 3103/2018—(2) Swanepoel, Jan Abraham, 30 December 1927, 2712305001081, Number 18 Golf Course Road, Uvongo, Province of Kwazulu Natal; (3) 19 January 2018; (5) Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, 27 Wooley Street Port Shepstone 4240. 003628/2018/DBN—(2) NEL, GLENDA ETHEL, 29 July 1943, 4307290064083, 25 PINEDALE ROAD, MALVERN; (3) 1 December 2016; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 005366/2018/DBN—(2) HOFFMANN, LEWIES PIETER, 2 October 1966, 6610025120080, 18 EDINBURGH CRESCENT, WESTVILLE; (3) 2 February 2018; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 3098/2018—(2) Du Plessis, Lodewikus Johannes, 20 May 1941, 4105205012084, 12 Columbia Street, Ramsgate, Province of Kwazulu Natal; (3) 21 November 2016; (5) Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, 27 Wooley Street Port Shepstone 4240. 5625/2018/DBN—(2) DORASAMY, PUSHPAVELLIE, 20 December 1962, 6212200161086, 26 BUXDALE GARDEN, 21 QUAIL STREET, KHARWASTAN; (3) 29 January 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 3104/2018—(2) Hirschler, Werner Alfred, 23 January 1955, 5501235130186, 3 Jan Smuts Drive, Extension Number 3, Margate, Province of Kwazulu Natal; (3) 13 April 2018; (5) Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, 27 Wooley Street Port Shepstone 4240. 14661/2007DBN—(2) XULU, SIBUSISO WISEMAN, 31 October 1967, 6710315517084, INANDA AREA, DURBAN; (3) 20 June 2007; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BULELANI MAZOMBA, SUITE 605, PERM BUILDING, 343 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4001; (6) 30. 005972/2018—(2) NAIDOO, ADINARAYANA KAMALA, 24 January 1948, 4801240065083, 22 CHARDALE CRESCENT, NEWLANDS WEST; (3) 25 April 2017; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 005624/2018—(2) DEE, ROBERT GERALD, 29 January 1937, 3701295001085, 23 IMPALA PARK, 29 ALMOND ROAD, WARNER BEACH; (3) 27 January 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 3097/2018—(2) HYLAND, MAJORIE HILDA CONSTANCE, 28 November 1928, 2811280296185, 8 FALCON GLEN, 21 DREW AVENUE, HOWICK 3290, KWAZULU-NATAL.; (3) 9 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MURRAY GORDON OLDFIELD, 52 MAIN STREET (P O BOX 323) HOWICK 3290.. 5610/2018/DBN—(2) Hicks, Hester Johanna, 30 May 1922, 2205300119081, 757 Main Road, Queensburgh, Durban, 4051; (3) 8 March 2018; (5) Shanoj Ishwarduth Ramdhani, 2nd Floor, FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive, Umhlanga, 4320. 5945/2018/DBN—(2) Summa, Hertha Erika Ilse Marianne, 25 August 1928, 2808250100082, 5 Michwood, Umtentweni, 4235; (3) 26 February 2018; (5) Shanoj Ishwarduth Ramdhani, 2nd Floor, FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive, Umhlanga, 4320.

This gazette is also available free online at 80 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

008795/2017/DBN—(2) WRIGHT, JEANETTE ANN, 7 October 1954, 5410070101080, 20 ELGRO, 37 WORLDSVIEW ROAD, DOONSIDE, DURBAN; (3) 26 May 2017; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 006010/2018—(2) VAN HEERDEN, MAUREEN CAROL, 22 January 1941, 4101220022083, UNIT 47 CORMORANT 2, 16 KITEFISH STREET, MEERENSEE, KZN; (3) 13 November 2017; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 2641/2018 DBN—(2) NAIDOO, MOONSAMY, 22 May 1941, 4105225145088, 175 MADRONA DRIVE, TRENANCE PARK, VERULAM, 4340.; (3) 19 October 2013; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) MERVIN NAIDOO, 175 MADRONA DRIVE, TRENANCE PARK, VERULAM, 4340.; (6) 30 DAYS. 8304/2017/PMB—(2) Thwaites, Lynda Ann, 22 May 1958, 5805220114083, 61 Howick Road, Athlone, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) 26 September 2017; (5) Candice Moore, 15 Welcome Way, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 012659/2017—(2) SINGH, MANCHAND, 20 June 1950, 5006205637087, 20 GEORGE SEWPERSADH STREET, VERULAM; (3) 30 July 2017; (5) DHIREN SINGH, 20 GEORGE SEWPERSADH STREET, VERULAM. 015702/2017 DBN—(2) RAMSAMY, VYTHILINGAM, 5 March 1952, 5203055105089, 15 UNIFERN PLACE, REDFEREN, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 27 October 2017; (5) MAGANATHAN RAMSAMY, 15 UNIFERN PLACE, REDFERN, PHOENIX, 4068. 006003/2015/PMB—(2) ANDREWS, DOUGLAS ST PATRICK, 1 June 1939, 3906015145084, 20 NAGPUR ROAD, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 3 July 2015; (5) NAGESH MAHARAJ ATTORNEYS, SUITE1, MOOSA ALLEE BUILDING, 225 HOOSEN HAFFEJEE STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, KWAZULU-NATAL; (6) NOT APPLICABLE. 2891/2018/PMB—(2) Acutt, Janet Mary, 30 May 1948, 4805300033089, Lot 294, Douglas Road, Glenmore; (3) 28 January 2018; (5) ECKHARD VOLKER CA (SA), P O BOX 1086, Wandsbeck, 3631. 10976/2017 DBN—(2) HARIPERSAD, SHAMA MOONALAL, 9 December 1944, 4412090092084, 48 ROSEMARY DRIVE, BRINDHAVEN; (3) 28 July 2014; (4) N/A N/A; (5) RAJIV ISHWAR, 14 GREENSTONE RIDGE, EMERALD BOULEVARD, GREENSTONE HILL. 3107/2018—(2) REEVES, MICHAEL REGINALD, 9 October 1930, 3010095249187, 20 UMGENI AVENUE, HOWICK 3290, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 12 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MURRAY GORDON OLDFIELD, 52 MAIN STREET (P O BOX 323) HOWICK, 3290. 278/2018—(2) BOMPAS, GEORGE GWINNETT, 31 May 1931, 3105295016087, KITCHENER ROAD, CLARENDON. PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 10 February 2016; (5) HEPBURN INCORPORATED, P O BOX 11324, DORPSPRUIT, 3206. 15338/2017 DBN—(2) SOBHA, DHANESARIE, 12 December 1958, 5812120016087, 43 FICUS ROAD CHELMSFORD HEIGHTS; (3) 21 July 2016; (5) VENI MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES, 6B RUSSOM STREET BRINDHAVEN VERULAM. 002692/2018—(2) HOLMES, JOAN MARIE, 16 April 1920, 2004160027181, VILLA ASSUMPTA, TANNER ROAD, WEMBLEY, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 9 April 2018; (5) DEBRA ANN AMY WOODROFFE, P O BOX 1368, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3200. 6620/2018—(2) STEELE, OLGA, 6 December 1928, 2812060012081, 42 Beaumont Road, Bluff, Durban 4052; (3) 6 May 2018; (5) D R Kneebone CA(SA), Box 1267, Kloof, 3640. 16475/2017 DBN—(2) LATCHMANPERSAD, RAMPERSAD, 5 June 1939, 3906055435080, 186 BATONMORE CRESCENT, GROVE-END, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 9 July 2013; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) SURESH RAMPERSAD, 89 GREENBURY DRIVE, UNIT 2, PHOENIX, 4068. 003687/2018DBN—(2) SIBISI, BUSISIWE EUNICE, 5412100734088, BB 75 UMLAZI TOWNSHIP, MANCINZA ROAD, 4066; (3) 28 December 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) JUSTICE NZIMANDE & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS, DOONE HOUSE, SUITE 102, 1ST FLOOR,379 ANTON LEMBEDE (SMITH) STREET, DURBAN 4001; (6) 30 DAYS. 004357/2018—(2) Shaw, Edwina Margeurite, 30 November 1920, 2011300019085, Durban; (3) 29 January 2018 Kramps; (5) Linda Nienaber, FNB Fiduciary, 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045. 14661/2007DBN—(2) XULU, SIBUSISO WISEMAN, 31 October 1967, 6710315517084, INANDA AREA, DURBAN; (3) 20 June 2007; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BULELANI MAZOMBA, SUITE 605, PERM BUILDING, 343 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4001; (6) 30. 006231/2018DBN—(2) NDAMASE, MAKHAYAKUDE ELIAS, 9 September 1935, 3509095232085, J1937 MDONI ROAD, P.O UMLAZI, 4031; (3) 13 July 2015; (4) N/A N/A; (5) L MTHEMBU & ASSOCIATES, SUITE 413, TOWER B, SALISBURY CENTRE, 347-351 DR PIXLEY KASEME STREET, DURBAN, 4000. 007028/2018DBN—(2) DE BEER, JAN DU PLESSIS, 16 April 1961, 6104165057088, WATERBOK ST 10, PANORAMA EXT 18, EMPANGENI, KZN; (3) 3 May 2018; (4) SUZETTE DE BEER, 28 December 1969, 6912280265083; (5) SUZETTE DE BEER, P.O BOX 30287, RICHARDS BAY, 3900. 006369/2018/DBN—(2) APPALSAMY, RADHA, 31 December 1949, 4912310045085, 53 FIONA STREET, MOBENI HEIGHTS, DURBAN; (3) 8 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) DALWYN NARANDRA, 53 FIONA STREET,MOBENI HEIGHTS,DURBAN. 006703/2018—(2) Human, Dawn, 15 March 1939, 3903150109082, 34 Frenoleen Flats, 551 Mahtma Ghandi Road, South Beach, 4001; (3) 7 December 2017; (5) Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; (6) 30. 3405/2018PMB—(2) BLORE, DIANA HELEN, 15 February 1934, 3402150012081, MOUNT CURRIE COTTAGES, HAWTHORNE STREET, KOKSTAD; (3) 7 May 2018; (5) Elliot & Walker, 71 HOPE STREET, KOKSTAD, 4700; (6) 30. 006476/2018—(2) BARKER, DENIS WALWYN, 25 June 1930, 3006255022083, 24 BEEFWOOD ROAD, PENNINGTON; (3) 26 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) COLIN ELSWORTH, AITKEN LAMBERT ELSWORTH, P.O BOX 5214, RYDALL VALE PARK,4019.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 81

9464/2011/DBN—(2) SITHOLE, SIPHIWE ENOCH, 10 April 1952, 5204105161080, R718 UMLAZI DURBAN; (3) 8 June 2011; (4) DELISILE TALIA SITHOLE, 19 July 1955, 5507190375088; (5) DELISILE TALIA SITHOLE, R 718 UMLAZI TOWNSHIP DURBAN. 009348/2017/PMB—(2) NTSHANGASE, MOSES SIYABONGA NTSHANGASE, 5 July 1976, 7607055406081, 11 CHALET DRIVE HILTON, HOWICK; (3) 29 September 2017; (4) PRISCILLA KHANYISILE NTSHANGASE, 21 July 1983, 8307210309085; (5) PRISCILLA KHANYISILE NTSHANGASE, 11 CHALET DRIVE HILTON, HOWICK. 4997/2015/PMB—(2) OVENSTONE-SMITH, ALAN RICHARD, 19 August 1927, 2708195009085, 6 FIR TREE AVENUE, CLELAND, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 2 July 2014; (4) PHILIPINA UNIS SMITH, 10 September 1927, 2709100101082; (5) PHILIPINA UNIS OVENSTONE-SMITH, 6 FIR TREE AVENUE, CLELAND, PIETERMARITZBURG. 15483/2017DBN—(2) SAMUEL, SHAUN WISTON, 3 April 1986, 8604035162081, 3 LOWFERN PLACE, REDFERN, PHOENIX; (3) 28 September 2017; (4) SUMASHNI MOODLEY, 16 April 1978, 7804160172084; (5) SUMASHNI MOODLEY, 3 LOWFERN PLACE, REDFERN, PHOENIX. 006724/2018—(2) Streatfield, Linda Ann, 29 September 1954, 5409290207180, 13 Seaward Villas, Seaward Estate, Ballito and 93 Villiers Drive, Clarendon, Pietermaritzburg; (3) 31 March 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Standard Bank Centre Durban, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; (6) 30. 1212/2014/DBN—(2) Sharp, Harold Bremner, 4 May 1921, 2105045036089, 21 Monaco Village, Le Domaine, 100 Acutts Drive, Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 30 July 2013; (5) J V Hart CC, P O Box 13571, Cascades, 3202. 006186/2018—(2) SWANEPOEL, ABRAHAM JACOBUS, 3 March 1929, 2903035025082, 1005 EDEN HEIGHTS, MORRISON STREET, DURBAN; (3) 20 May 2017; (4) N/A; (5) TEES ATTORNEYS, 45 STEEL ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, 4001. 002925/2018/DBN—(2) COOPER, JOYCE ZILLAH, 11 December 1928, 2812110033087, ESSENWOOD RESIDENTIAL HOME, 246 STEPHEN DLAMINI ROAD, DURBAN, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) 9 February 2018; (5) ROY QUINTON BECK, 19 LYNTON ROAD KLOOF KWAZULU NATAL. 31343-2014-DBN—(2) DASS, MANORMONEY, 18 July 1943, 4307180455086, NO. 644, ROAD 706, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 6 February 2005; (4) GOPALAN DASS, 17 September 1938, 3809175299081; (5) GOPALAN DASS, NO. 644, ROAD 706, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH, 4092. 5907/18Dbn—(2) De Bruijn, Elizabeth Maria Dialina, 3 September 1928, 2809030070082, 24 Ballerina Terace,Treasure Beach,Bluff,4092; (3) 31 March 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, C/O Absa Trust, 4th Floor, Building 33, Richefond Circle, 4319. 006064/2018—(2) MOODLEY, SAGADEVAN, 7 November 1950, 5011075062085, 14 TWICKENHAM CRESCENT, WESTHAM, PHOENIX; (3) 25 February 2018; (4) LUTCHMEE MOODLEY, 25 July 1955, 5507250171088; (5) LEON PILLAY & ASSOCIATES, SUITE 150B MANSION HOUSE, 12 JOE SLOVO STREET, DURBAN. 006701/2018/DBN—(2) ANTHONY, DENISE, 27 December 1979, 7912270021081, 12 LAPWING AVENUE, ARENA PARK, CHATSWORTH; (3) 27 March 2018; (4) MICHAEL ANTHONY, 27 August 1983, 8308275211083; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 5599/2018DBN—(2) Allerston, Samuel Jacobus, 9 March 1962, 6203095141085, 65 Moberly Road, Empangeni, 3880; (3) 28 February 2018; (4) Marijke Allerston, 18 August 1962, 6208180117080; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 005994/2018—(2) MASALAMONEY, HANSEN, 29 June 1957, 5706295174087, 20 EMERALD DRIVE, EVEREST HEIGHTS, VERULAM; (3) 29 January 2018; (4) PRISCILLA MASALAMONEY, 6 November 1962; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 6682/2018DBN—(2) Mkhize, Mjaji Nivard, 1 July 1951, 5107015682089, 129 Tern Way, Woodhaven, 4004; (3) 4 April 2018; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 6681/2018DBN—(2) Groenewald, Eldrick, 4 April 1946, 4604045074080, 27 Bendigo Road, Southport, 4230; (3) 4 April 2018; (4) Yvonne Louise Groenewald, 26 October 1946, 4610260009081; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 14679/2006 PMB—(2) KHUMALO, BONGANI JOSEPH, 3 July 1962, 6207035693089, 45 BHOQOBHOQO STREET, ESIKHAWINI H, EXT 01; (3) 22 October 2006; (4) MELTA SHOLONI KHUMALO, 29 May 1972, 7205290415080; (5) MELTA SHOLONI KHUMALO, P O BOX 30287, RICHARDS BAY, 3900. 011598/2017—(2) MOODLEY, MAGALINGUM MUNSAMY, 20 November 1963, 6311205178085, 28 WEST END DRIVE, KWA DUKUZA; (3) 17 April 2017; (4) ANILLA MOODLEY, 20 December 1970, 7012200246088; (5) NIRVAN KAWULESAR & COMPANY, 20 GIZENGA STREET, KWA DUKUZA. 006594/2018 DBN—(2) MAHOMMED, REHANA, 20 May 1973, 7305200001085, 35 FISH TAIL ROAD, BRACKENHAM, RICHARDS BAY; (3) 5 April 2018; (4) EBRAHIM MAHOMMED, 26 March 1966, 6603265204086; (5) EBRAHIM MAHOMMED, P O BOX 30287, RICHARDS BAY, 3900. 6728/18Dbn—(2) Angamuthu, Munidevi, 25 January 1952, 5201250084083, 73 Fairydene Avenue, marble ray, Durban, 4037; (3) 3 February 2018; (4) Narainsamy Angamuthu, 18 December 1949, 4912185164052; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319. 3066/2018/PMB—(2) Ramjewan, Roopchund, 11 April 1942, 4204115116083, 96 Hibiscus Way, Cool-Air, Dalton; (3) 5 April 2018; (4) HEEMAWATHI RAMJEWAN, 14 April 1947, 4704140085088; (5) Herbert Helmut Schulz, Box 33, Wartburg, 3233. 014897/2016 DBN—(2) GOVENDER, LYNETTE JOHN, 29 December 1969, 6912290117, 72 BLUEBONNET CRESCENT CROSSMOOR CHATSWORTH; (3) 30 September 2015; (4) RAJHAN GANESAN GOVENDER, 28 July 1971, 7107285152084; (5) K.DURAI AND ASSOCIATES, 331 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW CHATSWOTH..

This gazette is also available free online at 82 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

6678/18Dbn—(2) Kaloo, Mahomed Faruk, 3 February 1949, 4902035091084, 41 Vanlen Close, Lenham, Phoenix, 4068; (3) 3 February 2018; (4) Halima Bi Kaloo, 10 July 1952, 5207100017508; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319. 672918Dbn—(2) Nareen, Keith Matthew, 20 September 1964, 6409205164087, 18 Evergreen Terrace, havenside, Chatsworh,4092; (3) 1 May 2016; (4) Theywanthee Nareen, 8 September 1957, 5709080219083; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319. 672918Dbn—(2) Nareen, Keith Matthew, 20 September 1964, 6409205164087, 18 Evergreen Terrace, havenside, Chatsworh,4092; (3) 1 May 2016; (4) Theywanthee Nareen, 8 September 1957, 5709080219083; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319. 6730/18DBN—(2) Mostert, Petronella Johanna, 25 August 1942, 4208250046088, 1 Coronation Park, 20 Coronation Road, Malvern, 4093; (3) 16 April 2018; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, PO BOX 2174, DURBAN,4000. 6763/2018DBN—(2) Cebisa, Mbuyiselo Stanley, 7 January 1946, 4601075160086, Baphehle, Ananzimtoti, 4126; (3) 1 January 2018; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 6676/18DBN—(2) Posthumus, Susanna Elizabeth, 2 December 1925, 2512020007086, 15 FIF ROAD Manor gardens , durban 4001; (3) 1 June 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL;, 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS ,291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001. 6669/18DBN—(2) De Beer, Johannes Christoffel Samuel De Beer, 7 June 1954, 5406075054084, 60 Inyoni Rocks Cabanas, 91 Beach Road, Amanzimtoti, 4126; (3) 27 March 2018; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, PO BOX 2174, DURBAN,4000. 6426-2018DBN—(2) LUSHOZI, THEMBINKOSI, 9 January 1946, 4601095341088, ERF 2556, ESIKHAWINI H, 3887, KZN; (3) 9 April 2018; (4) PURITY LUSHOZI, 10 September 1962, 6209101065085; (5) BUTHELEZI ZUNGU INC., P O BOX 2213, RICHARDS BAY , 3900. 006021/2018—(2) ZOBOLO, BUIKWE MECCA ZOBOLO, 17 August 1955, 5508170728080, Gcilima Location, Ward 7, Margate, 4275, kzn; (3) 22 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Chantel Elliott and Co, PO Box 805, Shelly Beach, 4265; (6) n/a. 002712/2017—(2) Moodley, Devanayaki, 20 December 1943, 4312200117088, 35 Naik Road, Kharwastan, Chatsworth; (3) 30 December 2016; (5) Santhuri Pillay, 35 Naik Road,Kharwastan, Chatsworth. 16266/2013 DBN—(2) PHASHE, MOSES, 8 August 1963, 6308085624089, 1183 ROAD 25 CHESTERVILLE 4091; (3) 23 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) DORAH DORICA PHASHE (EXECUTOR ) M.D. XAKUSHE ATTORNEYS (AGENT), SUITE 201C, 2ND FLOOR DOONE HOUSE 379 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001; (6) 30. 002712/2017—(2) Moodley, Devanayaki, 20 December 1943, 4312200117088, 35 Naik Road, Kharwastan, Chatsworth; (3) 30 December 2016; (5) Santhuri Pillay, 35 Naik Road,Kharwastan, Chatsworth. 006383/2018—(2) MACHIANE, DAVID, 21 May 1962, 6205215779082, KWANDABA AREA, MAPHUMULO; (3) 14 April 2018; (4) SIBONGILE FAKAZILE MACHIANE, 10 March 1966, 6603100793087; (5) ATTORNEYS PILLAY, NAIR, SRINEEVASSAN & PILLAY, SUITE U20, FIRST FLOOR, ADAMS MALL (CITI MALL), 69 WICK STREET, VERULAM. 002920-2018-DBN—(2) HOWARD, JOHN ABRAHAM, 18 July 1950, 5007185069085, 20 TAMARAN PLACE, 43 GUS BROWN ROAD, KINGSBURGH, 4123; (3) 12 January 2018; (4) SUSARA MAGARETHA JACOMINA WILHELMINA HOWARD, 23 May 1952, 5205230061087; (5) RIKA JACOBS, C/O Brogan & Olive Attorneys, 7 Ibis Lane, Amanzimtoti. 005336/2018/DBN—(2) SAYED, MOHAMMED IQBAL, 6 May 1962, 6205065196080, 63 Road 706, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092; (3) 15 March 2018; (4) KHAIROON NESA SAYED, 25 August 1962, 6208250005082; (5) M.Y.BAIG & COMPANY, 84 CROFTDENE DRIVE, CROFTDENE, CHATSWORTH.


8542/2017—(2) STEYN, JOHANNES JACOBUS PHILLIPUS, 28 June 1964, 6406285164086, 1 VILLA HARBOR, AQUA LANE, TZANEEN, 0850; (3) 23 December 2016; (5) Charl Naude Attorneys, 28 Rhodesdrift Street, Rhodesdrift Office Park, Hampton court, Bendor, Polokwane. 000894-2018—(2) PANDEKA, OSCAR CECIL BENNETT, 8 December 1938, 3812085238082, SECTION A, MALAMULELE; (3) 8 March 2018; (4) GLADYS SARAH MONICA PANDEKA, 8 April 1942, 4204080354081; (5) JOHANNES FREDERICK STEYN, METROPOLITAN CENTRE, SHOP NO 4-G01, THOHOYANDOU; (6) 30. 002669/2018—(2) Masilela, Joseph Baas, 8 May 1973, 7305085522080, Stand 2767 Kopano Street, Tubelihle, Kriel, 2271; (3) 6 May 2017; (4) Busisiwe Bellah Masilela, 12 April 1974, 7404120754087; (5) Busisiwe Bellah Masilela, Stand 2767, Kopano Street, Tubelihle, Kriel, 2271. 002226/2018—(2) Strydom, Gert Roelf Johannes, 12 Desember 1932, 3212125033082, 11de Tweede Straat 5, Palaborwa, Limpopo; (3) 28 Oktober 2017; (4) Marthina Carolina Strydom, 25 Mei 1939, 3905250024087; (5) Marthina Carolina Strydom, 11de Tweede Straat 5, Phalaborwa, Limpopo. 0000003503/2017—(2) Nkadimeng, Hollo Simon, 16 December 1954, 5412165429087, 50342 Mmakgape, Phokoane, Nebo, 1059; (3) 11 May 2017; (5) Joubert Scholtz Inc nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road, Kempton Park 1619. 003502/2018—(2) Claassens, Michael Philip, 13 Desember 1952, 5212135112080, Ellisstraat 64, Lephalale; (3) 28 Februarie 2018; (5) Standard Trust Beperk, Privaatsak X25, Hatfield, 0028.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 83

003005/2018—(2) JAMES, KAREN LESLEY, 6 February 1962, 6202060037088, 631 KIERRIEKLAPPER ST, HOEDSPRUIT WILDLIFE ESTATE, HOEDSPRUIT, LIMPOPO; (3) 8 February 2018; (4) RICHARD IVOR JAMES, 29 June 1960, 6006295045083; (5) BARRY KALMIN, P O BOX 650363, BENMORE, SANDTON, 2010. 002999/2018—(2) SMALLEY, EILEEN ELIZABETH, 3 August 1942, 4208030046184, CA11 MACADAMIA @ THE ALOES, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO, 0699; (3) 15 January 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) JOHANN ANDRÉ LIEBENBERG, 20 Watermelon Street, Platinum Park, Polokwane, 0699; (6) -. 8419/2017—(2) NELSON, ROBERT HENRY, 3 February 1938, 3802035051081, 33 MINDALORE VILLAS, MAIN REEF ROAD, MINDALORE, KRUGERSDORP,1754; (3) 25 August 2016; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) SCHALK JACOBUS BOLTMAN, 127 RUITER ROAD, MOKOPANE, 0601. 3230/2018—(2) LANDMAN, LODEWYK, 15 April 1932, 3204155073088, BAUHENIA HOF SS 3 BELA BELA 0480; (3) 15 March 2018; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA 0001. 3745/2018—(2) Horak, Gertrude, 17 December 1933, 3312170014084, Engo Old Age Home, Ds Olivier Street, Senekal, 9600; (3) 24 April 2018; (5) Polokwane EstatePro, 24 Lanatus Street, Cycad Estate, Polokwane, 0699; (6) 30. 3794/2018—(2) Mamabolo, Mantlala Prescida, 22 November 1946, 4611220515084, Stand 45, Zone B, Mankweng; (3) 29 April 2018; (5) Polokwane EstatePro, 24 Lanatus Street, Cycad Estate, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699; (6) 30. 007335/2016—(2) Pretorius, Cornelius Johannes, 5 March 1954, 5403055062088, Acaciastraat 267, Marble Hill, Limpopo, 0450; (3) 29 December 2015; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd , PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 1265/2015—(2) Modika, Ramathithi Phillip, 3 October 1970, 7010035414087, Stand 316, Unit B, Toronto, Mankweng, 0727; (3) 7 January 2015; (5) Polokwane EstatePro, 24 Lanatus Street, Cycad Estate, Bendor, Polokwane; (6) 30. 1095/2018—(2) Phahlane, Getrude Mamphongwe, 28 March 1971, 7103280380085, 5 Tortoise Street, Serala View, Polokwane, 0699; (3) 3 February 2018; (5) Sherine Jansen, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319. 1750/2018—(2) HUDSON, SANDRA EVELYN, 16 May 1946, 4605160019081, UNIT NO 7 CASABLANCA, 65 HOOG STREET POLOKWANE 0699; (3) 2 February 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) IAN OSWALD JANNASCH, 25 WATERMELON STREET, PLATINUM PARK, POLOKWANE 0699.


8493/2018—(2) JANSE VAN RENSBURG, JURINA MULLER, 24 March 1933, 3303240002084, STANDERTON TEHUIS VIR BEJAARDES WOONSTEL NO 11A; (3) 20 February 2018; (5) RICHARD BOER - Van Heerden Schoeman, KERKSTREET 6E, STANDERTON; (6) 30. 8497/2018—(2) BOTHA, SUSANNA DIRKIE, 4 March 1934, 3403040009089, KOSMOS OLD AGE HOME, FLAT NO 7, STANDERTON; (3) 13 March 2018; (4) PHILIPPUS RUDOLPH BOTHA, 5 March 1934, 3403055019080; (5) Richard Boer - Van Heerden Schoeman, KERKSTRAAT 6E, STANDERTON; (6) 30. 1964/2018—(2) DU PLESSIS, EMMA FRANZISKA, 2 March 1965, 6503020022080, 5 ROSE STREET, BARBERTON 1300; (3) 24 February 2017; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Jaco van Rensburg Konsult, Suite 3, Mabuza House, 99 Jacaranda Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. 001587/2017—(2) Reyneke, Frederick Jacobus, 19 December 1959, 5912195026084, 35 Fig Tree Street Nelspruit; (3) 29 January 2018; (4) Irene Claudine Reyneke, 28 December 1967, 6712280007083; (5) Isabel Pieterse, Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 001313/2018—(2) TSHEHLA, PATRICIA NALANE, 27 April 1986, 8604270674089, ERF 11210 MIDDLEBURG X 35 MPUMALANGA PROVINCE; (3) 11 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES JANSE VAN RENSBURG, 221 GORDON ROAD HATFIELD PRETORIA. 001466/2018—(2) MASEKO, BHUSUMANE WILLIAM, 21 December 1959, 5912215523086, NO.60 EVEREST PARK ,ERMELO; (3) 22 November 2017; (4) GETRUDE SAKHEPHI MASEKO, 26 May 1963, 6305260434086; (5) P.L RADEBE, 22 E CLERCQ STREET (OFFICE 3) ERMELO 2350; (6) 30 DAYS. 000606/2018—(2) NDABA, JUNE, 5 June 1956, 5606055777089, NO.73 EVEREST PARK, ERMELO; (3) 18 October 2017; (4) HLALELENI ELINA NDABA, 16 December 1960, 6012160546080; (5) P.L RADEBE, 22 DE CLERCQ STREET (OFFICE 3) ERMELO 2350; (6) 30 DAYS. 009378/2018—(2) Van der Westhuizen, Sabrina Sharman, 24 May 1959, 5905240195086, 4 Apiesdoring Street, Baberton; (3) 13 July 2017; (4) Willem Rocky Van der Westhuizen, 22 November 1958, 5811225050082; (5) Sanlam Trust Limited, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 001709/2016—(2) MYEZA, POPI LETTIE, 30 November 1956, 5611300336087, STAND 6821 MATHUNZINI STREET, EXTENSION 4 MHLUZI; (3) 5 January 2012; (5) ELIJAH THEMBA, STAND 6821 MATHUNZINI STREET,EXTENSION 4 MHLUZI. 1717/2018—(2) Venter, Nicolaas Frans, 16 March 1939, 3903165009087, 81 Acacia Cres, West Acres, Herfsakker Old Age Home, Nelspruit; (3) 27 August 2017; (5) Franco Jacques de Wet, The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; (6) N/A. 3822/2012—(2) SIBAMBO, ZOLO ERNARD, 16 January 1961, 6101165363086, STAND 4298 EXTENSION 2, PHOOFOLO STREET; (3) 24 February 2014; (4) NOMZWAYO LINAH SIBAMBO, 12 June 1963, 6306120413080; (5) NOMZWAYO LINAH, STAND 4298 EXTENSION 2, PHOOFOLO STREET.

This gazette is also available free online at 84 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

000168/2018—(2) Mashiqa, Stella Nombulelo, 10 October 1978, 7810100227086, Bagdad Centre Suite Cd2B Whiteriver, 1240; (3) 30 November 2017; (5) Thobela Attorneys, 15 Paul Kruger Street, Belmont Villas Building Office No.207, Nelspruit, 1200. 1743/2018—(2) Venter, Mara, 3 September 1943, 4309030008081, 84 Mostert Street, Sonheuwel, Nelspruit; (3) 13 April 2016; (4) Nicolaas Frans Venter, 16 March 1939, 3903165009087; (5) Franco Jacques de Wet, The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; (6) N/A. 16709/2016—(2) MADONSELA, JULY ALFRED, 7 July 1957, 5707076120083, 1545 HLOBISA STREET STANDERTON; (3) 26 June 2016; (5) NONHLANHLA VIRGINIA MADONSELA, 597 RDP HOUSE AZALEA EXTENTION 1. 1112/2017—(2) VILAKAZI, SELBY MACALENI, 14 August 1963, 6308145500089, Stand 6730 Extension 6 Emadamini Wesselton 2350; (3) 27 January 2017; (4) NOMVULA LINA VILAKAZI, 10 March 1967, 6703100497083; (5) PWG ATTORNEYS, 20 TAUTE STREET, ERMELO 2350. 16699/2016—(2) MADONSELA, JEANETH THANDI, 24 March 1957, 5703240818082, 1545 HLOBISA STREET STANDERTON; (3) 15 July 2000; (4) JULY ALFRED MADONSELA, 7 July 2057, 5707076120083; (5) NONHLANHLA VIRGINIA MADONSELA, 597 RDP HOUSE AZALEA EXTENTION 1. 004786/2017—(2) MBOKANE, REDCANE SIPHO, 15 August 1973, 7308155505084, 7 GIRAFFE STREET, BELFAST, MPUMALANGA; (3) 18 August 2017; (4) BOSHIWE ELSIE MBOKANE, 19 February 1969, 6902190297086; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES BADENHORST, 34 DUGAN STREET, BELFAST, 1100. 020883/2014—(2) VERMAAK, FRANCOIS GYSBERT JOHANNES, 6 Desember 1947, 4712065028082, NELSPRUIT- MPUMALANGA; (3) 6 Desember 2012; (5) VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS MALELANE C/O CLEA HATTINGH ATTORNEYS WHITE RIVER, 30 ALLIE VAN BERGEN STR WHITE RIVER 1240. 002153/2018—(2) STEVENS, BRIAN JOSEPH, 4 April 1951, 5104045158081, PLOT 2 HAASBROEK PLOTTE, WHITE RIVER MPUMALANGA; (3) 21 Mei 2017; (4) JEANETTE JOANY STEVENS, 22 Junie 1957, 5706220012089; (5) CLEA HATTINGH ATTORNEYS, 30 ALLIE VAN BERGEN STR WHITE RIVER 1240.


005216/2017—(2) MKHWANAZI, MVULA PRINCE, 7 September 1971, 7109075695082, RETSOGILESTRAAT 22, IKAGENG, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) 22 November 2016; (4) TSHOLOFELO CONSTANCE MAKHUTLE, 1 September 1976, 7609010636083; (5) SANET RAS PROKUREURS, PETER MOKABALAAN 101, POTCHEFSTROOM. 1803/2018—(2) JONKER, PETRUS JOHANNES JONKER, 3 Desember 1932, 3212035002086, NR 2. 4 SEISOENE, PIET RETIEF STREET 15B, WOLMARANSTAD; (3) 16 September 2017; (4) ANNA SOPHIA JONKER, 14 Desember 1939, 3912140002083; (5) ETIENNE BLIGNAUT - BLIGNAUT ATTORNEYS, 4 KAPTEIN PROCTOR STREET, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. 9132/2011—(2) HOTSELE, BANTSHANG LEBINA, 1 Augustus 1934, 3408010368084, HUIS NO: 976, MARUPING; (3) 9 September 2010; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) GJS VAN ZYL, POSBUS 63, KURUMAN 8460. 001800/2018—(2) MOTSHEGARE, RACHEL MOTSHIDISI, 15 May 1963, 6305151079081, House no 10206, Rampudu section, Motlhabe, 0300; (3) 25 August 2017; (5) The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Standard Trust, Hillcrest Office Park, Ground Floor Barbet Place, Cnr Dyer and Lynnwood Road, Lynnwood 0081; (6) 30. 002223/2018—(2) VISSER, SUSANNA MARIA EMERANTIA, 4 November 1940, 4011040041082, STILFONTEIN, NORTH WEST; (3) 29 January 2018; (5) DANIEL JACOBUS PIERNAAR, 1014 FRANCIS BAARD STREET, HATFIELD, 0083. 006777/2017—(2) KGOTLENG, ELLEN MOJABENG, 16 Julie 1944, 4407160187087, 225 SEKHUTESTRAAT, IKAGENG, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) 7 November 2015; (5) GS MOGASHOA, DU PLOOYSTRAAT 78, POTCHEFSTROOM. 5911/2017—(2) Dippenaar, Lourens Marthinus, 13 Augustus 1946, 4608135040083, Landbergstraat 4, Potchefstroom; (3) 4 Augustus 2017; (4) Memory Magdalena Dippenaar, 20 Augustus 1947, 4708200040081; (5) Dewald Pretorius as nominee of Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 1944/2018—(2) Van Niekerk, Martha Maria Petronella, 23 September 1954, 5409230044081, Vosloostraat 406, Stella, Distrik Vryburg; (3) 29 Januarie 2018; (5) Frylinck & Walker, Posbus 26, Vryburg, 8600. 00524/2015—(2) MOTHA, THOBEKA EUNICE, 26 June 1960, 6006260592085, 6/9014 TSWELELOPELE STREET, IKAGENG, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) 22 September 2014; (5) GEERT LAMPEN, RETIEFSTREET 34, POTCHEFSTROOM. 2425/2018—(2) CALITZ, MARIA MAGDALENA, 5 Augustus 1945, 4808050015088, ROSEMARYLAAN 11, KLERKSDORP, 2571; (3) 30 Oktober 2017; (5) SANLAM TRUST, PRIVATE BAG X137, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. 2674/2018—(2) Moagi, Montsho Thomas Lazarus, 3 March 1901, 1901-03-03, 1153 Motlhabeng, Gopane, Zeerust; (3) 7 August 1975; (4) Megalane Adelina Moagi, 4 May 1911, 1911-05-04; (5) Smith v/d Watt Inc. (Henning Johannes Rykaart de Villiers), 258 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp, 1739. 2669/2018—(2) Moagi, Megalane Adelina, 4 May 1911, 1911-05-04, 1153 Motlhabeng, Gopane, Zeerus; (3) 9 April 1983; (5) Smith v/d Watt Inc. (Henning Johannes Rykaart de Villiers), 258 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp, 1739. 001801/2018—(2) SMIT, LILY GRACE, 17 Maart 1951, 5103170028085, LOUWSTRAAT 37, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) 31 Januarie 2018; (5) LINDIE VAN DYK, DU PLOOYSTRAAT 78, POTCHEFSTROOM. 0000003033/2017—(2) Pedro, Simon, 11 June 1968, 6806115803086, 10 Du Preez Street, Zeerust, 2865; (3) 23 May 2017; (4) Karla Baptista Pedro, 6 June 1973, 7306060290081; (5) Johan David Van der Merwe, 39(b) Church Street, Zeerust, 2865.

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001116/2018—(2) ABBA, ISMAIL OMAR, 23 August 1934, 3408235044080, 84 KARLIEN STREET, ZINNIAVILLE, RUSTENBURG, NORTH WEST PROVINCE; (3) 14 October 2017; (4) JUBEDA ABBA, 27 September 1937, 3709270055083; (5) CHITOO NARAN ATTORNEYS, 176 BEYERS NAUDE DRIVE, UNIT 7 WATERKLOOF CENTRE, RUSTENBURG. 001317/2018—(2) VERSTER, WILLEM CAREL, 6 October 1952, 5210065004087, 16 GERRIT MARITZ STREET, ZEERUST; (3) 7 December 2017; (5) MICHAEL DENNIS FRASER, 282 FIFTH AVENUE, PUMULA, KWAZULU-NATAL, 4225. 002184/2018—(2) SKWARSKI, EWA ELZBIETA, 16 December 1953, 5312160772186, 227 KERK STREET,RUSTENBURG,0299; (3) 17 January 2015; (4) GRZEGORZ ROMAN SKWARSKI, 28 February 1951, 5102285632187; (5) JOHANNES FRANCOIS GROBLER, CNR BEYERS NAUDE & BRINK STREET,RUSTENBURG,0299. 2771/2018—(2) LAUBSCHER, RUPERT, 25 Februarie 1972, 7202255041084, Markstraat 2, Vryburg, 8601; (3) 9 Mei 2018; (5) Jakomarié Bester, Vrystraat 83, Vryburg, 8601. 010148/2017—(2) SMITH, MARIA ELIZABETH, 6 July 1930, 3007060013085, A20 HUISE RING, RUSTENBURG; (3) 4 June 2017; (4) N/A; (5) PIETER NICOLAAS ESTERHUIZEN, NO 6 KIKUYU STREET, GROUND FLOOR WEST WING, SUNNINGHILL, JOHANNESBURG. 350/2014—(2) JOBLING, CHARLES BERESFORD PRETORIUS, 3 Augustus 1956, 5608035082085, E; (3) 2 September 2012; (4) N/A N/A; (5) ERNST JORDAAN BURGER, E.D. RAS, BURGER & VENNOTE, P O BOX 5, BRITS, 0250; (6) N/A. 3552/2017—(2) Mokgethi, Keotshobile Africa, 19 March 1948, 4803195310084, 800 Serame Riekert Street, Ipelegeng, Schweizer-Reneke, 2780; (3) 19 February 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Liese Pelser as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited c/o Schumann Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 002540/2018—(2) KAGISO, RAPULA EPHRAIM, 2 February 1952, 5202026269081, STAND NO E170 SERIBE SECTION, LEKGOPHUNG, NORTH WEST,2884; (3) 5 August 2016; (4) PONATSHEGO EVELYN KAGISO, 28 October 1953, 5310280838085; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN, ABSA TRUST LTD, ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0001. 009809/2017—(2) VAN ZYL, ANDRE STEFAN, 1 September 1959, 5909015005082, Plaas Platrand 464, Frankfort, Vrystaat; (3) 2 September 2017; (4) Martie Van Zyl, 10 Desember 1962, 6212100119085; (5) Pieter Schoeman Prokureurs, Short Straat 5, Potchefstroom, 2531. 002206/2018—(2) NIEMAND, MARTINA JOHANNA HENDRIKA, 22 September 1927, 2709220012086, LANGSTREET 67, LICHTENBURG, 2740 ,; (3) 15 December 2017; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN, ABSA TRUST LTD, BARCLAYS PRETORIA CAMPUS, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0001. 000754/2018—(2) Da Silva, Manuel Pinto, 14 February 1958, 5802145112086, Unit 8 , Waterfront , Xanadu Eco Park, Xanadu, Hartebeespoort, North West Province; (3) 14 November 2017; (4) La-Salett Maria Ferreira Da Silva, 2 February 1959, 5902020060085; (5) Orlando Wenceslau Morna Fernandes p/a Struwig Attorneys, PO Box 82, Alberton, 1450; (6) 30 Days. 001441/2018—(2) Smit, Jurgens Jacobus, 19 June 1937, 3706195077085, Orkney Vaal Tuiste Aftreeoord, Oliver Golfsmith Street, Orkney; (3) 20 December 2017; (4) Martha Johanna Smit, 26 August 1941, 4108260043085; (5) Johan Wilhelm Christiaan Nel, The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; (6) N/A. 001852/2018—(2) Mangope, Lucas Manyane, 27 December 1923, 2312275105085, Motswedi; (3) 18 January 2018; (4) Nomgwaqo Violet Mangope, 1 July 1950, 5007010698082; (5) Kogilan Arumugam, FNB Fiduciary (Pty) LTD, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 004863/2017—(2) MALESA, NORAH MMAMULE, 9 May 1960, 6005090837082, 3171 MACHIDI SECTION MATHIBESTAD; (3) 10 March 2017 SOPHY GOITSEMANG MALESA, 12 May 1989, 8912060672084; (5) SOPHY GOITSEMANG MALESA, 3171 MACHIDI SECTION MATHIBESTAD; (6) 180 DAYS. 2374/2018—(2) VAN STADEN, WILHELMINA HERMINA SUSANNA, 1 Junie 1941, 4106010069087, PIENAARSTRAAT 5, STILFONTEIN; (3) 17 Desember 2017; (5) DU TOIT MANDELSTAM, DOLFSTRAAT 63, PARYS, 9585. 004051/2017—(2) MTHEMBU, MADIGONKI TRYPHINA, 5 June 1961, 6106051079084, 3469, VERONICA , UNIT 10, MAHIKENG; (3) 24 June 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) RONNY MOKALE MOSHIDI, 2280 MOLEBATSI STREET/ UNIT 1 ,MMABATHO 2735. 001807/2018—(2) BALATSENG, ONTHATILE JOSEPH, 12 December 1976, 7612125629084, 6 Villa Jason Flat, 109 Stella Street, Vryburg, 8601; (3) 3 September 2017; (4) AGISANANG MARY BALATSENG, 11 February 1984, 8402110602083; (5) AUTHORISED AGENT: ETIENNE DE HEUS ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 521134, SAXONWOLD, 2132; (6) not applicable. 002200/2018—(2) VAN ZYL, CHRISTOFFEL JOHANNES, 28 Januarie 1932, 3201285013083, LORAIN STRAAT 1 , HARTBEESFONTEIN , NOORDWES PROVINSIE , 2600; (3) 22 Maart 2018; (4) ANNA JOHANNA VAN ZYL, 1 Augustus 1937, 3708010014087; (5) ANNA JOHANNA VAN ZYL, EENHEID STRAAT 24, POSBUS 24, HARTBEESFONTEIN, NOORDWES PROVINSIE , 2600. 002617 / 2018—(2) MEITJES, ARDIAAN WILLEM, 21 Februarie 1951, 5102215066001, 16 VERMAAS STRAAT HARTBEESFONTEIN 2600 NOORDWES PROVINSIE; (3) 10 April 2015; (4) JOHANNA ELIZABETH SUSANNA MEINTJES, 19 September 1949, 4909190046084; (5) JIHANNA ELIZABETH SUSANNA MEINTJES, EENHEID STRAAT 24, POSBUS 24, HARTBEESFONTEIN, 2600. 001807/2018—(2) BALATSENG, ONTHATILE JOSEPH, 12 December 1976, 7612125629084, 6 Villa Jason Flat, 109 Stella Street, Vryburg, 8601; (3) 3 September 2017; (4) AGISANANG MARY BALATSENG, 11 February 1984, 8402110602083; (5) AUTHORISED AGENT: ETIENNE DE HEUS ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 521134, SAXONWOLD, 2132; (6) not applicable.

This gazette is also available free online at 86 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018


0000001680-2017—(2) Mouers, Hendrik, 27 September 1956, 5609275180084, Koerajongstraat 331, Van Wyksvlei, 8922; (3) 4 Februarie 2017; (5) Dina de Carvalho, Venter & Vennote, Mc Ivorstraat 24, De Aar 7000. 1515/2018—(2) Deetlefs, Stephanus Johannes, 2 February 1964, 6402025008089, 47 Milner Street, Kimberley; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) Suzette Rautenbach, 1 Halkett Road, New Park, Kimberley. 000987/2018—(2) SNYDERS, CORA, 5 Oktober 1939, 3910050021085, ERF 136, DIE ERWE, DOUGLAS; (3) 14 November 2017; (5) UYS FOURIE, 123 MEADE STREET, George, 6530. 1331/2018—(2) DOS SANTOS, CARLOS AMERICO, 2 November 1969, 6911025254089, 21 TRUTER STREET, KIMBERLEY; (3) 7 April 2018; (5) FRANKEL ENGELBRECHT, 80 DU TOITSPAN ROAD, KIMBERLEY. 3489/2017—(2) Enslin, Susanna Maria, 30 Augustus 1924, 2408300023085, Eenheid B2, Heuwelsig Aftree-Oord, Kuruman; (3) 20 September 2017; (5) Eugene Venter, Moffettstraat 16, Fichardt Park, Bloemfontein, 9301. 1251/2015—(2) Douw, Suikerbossie David, 25 May 1939, 3905255321082, 35 Kgopisho Street, Mankruwane, Kimberley, 8345; (3) 28 April 2015; (4) Siena Douw, 5 July 1943, 4307050370084; (5) Booysen Macleod Inc., Ground floor, Chapwood Chambers Building, 15 Chapel Street, Kimberley, 8301. 1532/2018—(2) VORSTER, NICHOLAS WILLEM VORSTER, 28 Augustus 1948, 4808285010080, FARM MAMATHLUN; (3) 3 April 2018; (4) HELENA PETRONELLA VORSTER, 18 Oktober 1954, 5410180016087; (5) HELENA PETRONELLA VORSTER en PIETER THOMAS SWEETNAM, VAN RIEBEECKSTRAAT 24, OLIFANTSHOEK, 8450; (6) 30 DAE. 1546/2018—(2) Bolton, Karel Christiaan, 6 July 1980, 8007065069087, Hospice, 156 Du Toitspan Road, Kimberley, 8301; (3) 30 April 2018; (5) Booysen Macleod Inc., Ground floor, Chapwood Chambers Building, 15 Chapel Street, Kimberley, 8301. 1497/2018—(2) Katz, Shirley, 19 November 1928, 2811190055085, 10 Edgar Davis street, Kimberley; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) JEFFREY KATZ, Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, 6 th Third Street, Bloemfontein. 1513/2018—(2) Du Plessis, Charl Jacob, 4 Januarie 1940, 4001045029083, Golden Gate 15, Kimberley; (3) 3 April 2018; (4) Elisabeth Lambertina Hendriette Du Plessis, 26 Junie 1942, 4206260092084; (5) HJC Du Plessis & QF Brekelmans, Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, 6 th Third Street, Bloemfontein. 1246/2018—(2) GEORGE, FRANS, 8 January 1960, 6001085167080, 10 TWEEDE LAAN STASIE, POSMASBURG, 8420; (3) 13 March 2018; (4) SHIRLEY GEORGE, 8 November 1968, 6811080234085; (5) SHIRLEY GEORGE, 10 TWEEDE LAAN STASIE, POSMASBURG, 8420. 539/2018—(2) MODIRAPULA, LENTIKILE ERNEST, 2 March 1951, 5103025609089, NO. 5 ROUX STREET, STATION, WARRENTON, 8530; (3) 7 February 2018; (4) MATSHEGO GRACE MODIRAPULA, 7 April 1955, 5504070250085; (5) MATSHEGO GRACE MODIRAPULA, NO. 5 ROUX STREET, STATION, WARRENTON,8530. 1439/2018—(2) Van der Westhuizen, Jacobus Johannes, 23 Mei 1935, 3505235009086, Frieda Kempen Tehuis, Commercialstraat 5, Victoria Wes, 7070; (3) 23 Februarie 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; (6) 30. 001330/2018—(2) De Beer, Maria Catharina, 15 Julie 1934, 3407150070088, Kokerboomoord, Kakamas; (3) 4 April 2018; (5) Jacobus Cornelius Nel, Nel en Vennote, Posbus 1331, Upington, 8800. 156/2012—(2) VAN WYK, JACOBUS JOHANNES, 27 May 1948, 4805275084083, 8 SWALLOW STREET, PESCODIA, KIMBERLEY; (3) 17 December 2011; (5) ALTHEA ELIZE KIEWIET, P/A 80 DU TOITSPAN ROAD, KIMBERLEY. 1476/2018—(2) Coetzee, Johannes Hermanus, 28 Mei 1959, 5905285003088, Rondefontein Plaas, Garies, 8220; (3) 10 Maart 2018; (4) Cornelia Johanna Coetzee, 7 Mei 1967, 6705070512080; (5) Jacobus Daniël Swanepoel, Dorpstraat 3, Vredendal, 8160. 1453/2018—(2) ROY, CLAUDE PIETER, 9 December 1981, 8112095253089, 22 BOUVADIA STREET, ROODEPAN, KIMBERLEY,8309; (3) 17 January 2018; (4) JASMINE ISOBEL ROY, 9 July 1985, 8507090204088; (5) c/o TOWELL AND GROENEWALDT ATTORNEYS, 28 ROPER STREET, KIMBERLEY, 8301; (6) 30 DAYS.


4900/2010—(2) GORDON, GERALD, 7 Januarie 1948, 4801075055084, BRAHAMSTRAAT 11, GROENHEUWEL, PAARL, 7646; (3) 11 Januarie 2010; (4) HESTER GORDON, 16 Maart 1952, 5203160130089; (5) HESTER GORDON, BRAHAMSTRAAT 11, GROENHEUWEL, PAARL, 7646. 006107/2018—(2) BOUGAARD, ABRAHAM, 16 Januarie 1934, 3401165042083, MURRAYSTRAAT 10, CHARLESTON HILL, PAARL, 7646; (3) 6 April 2018; (4) GRACE SUSANNA BOUGAARD, 28 November 1939, 3911280117081; (5) EDGAR RICARDO HASLEY, 3DE VLOER, JFC GEBOU, HOOFSTRAAT 367, PAARL, 7646. 004343/2016—(2) ABRAHAMS, SUSANNA ANETTA, 20 Januarie 1949, 4901200140080, GOETHAMSTRAAT 20, PAARL, 7646; (3) 5 Februarie 2016; (5) WILMA CORNELIA STEMMER, GOETHAMSTRAAT 18, PAARL, 7646. 004343/2016—(2) ABRAHAMS, SUSANNA ANETTA, 20 Januarie 1949, 4901200140080, GOETHAMSTRAAT 20, PAARL, 7646; (3) 5 Februarie 2016; (5) WILMA CORNELIA STEMMER, GOETHAMSTRAAT 18, PAARL, 7646.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 87

4900/2010—(2) GORDON, GERALD, 7 Januarie 1948, 4801075055084, BRAHAMSTRAAT 11, GROENHEUWEL, PAARL, 7646; (3) 11 Januarie 2010; (4) HESTER GORDON, 16 Maart 1952, 5203160130089; (5) HESTER GORDON, BRAHAMSTRAAT 11, GROENHEUWEL, PAARL, 7646. 20461/2017—(2) Meyer, Angeline, 28 Februarie 1950, 5002280175085, Juanitastraat 12, Scottsdene, ; (3) 15 Julie 2015; (4) Wilfred Willem Meyer, 8 Maart 1950, 5003085192085; (5) Renzo Muller, 21 Oewerpark, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600. 001742/2015—(2) Samuels, Gamiet, 13 October 1941, 4110135125089, 62 Korvette Street, Strandfontein, Cape Town; (3) 26 December 2014; (4) Mariam (subsequent deceased spouse) Samuels, 5 December 1945, 4512050060086; (5) Moosa, Waglay & Petersen Inc Attorneys, First Floor, Medical Centre, 85 Klipfontein Road, Rondebosch, 7700. 21095/2017—(2) Schoombee, Andries Du Preez, 28 Maart 1932, 3203285020084, Versveld Straat 42, Stilbaai-Wes, Kaapprovinsie; (3) 21 Oktober 2017; (5) AG Schoombee, Schoombee Prokureurs, 33 Bloukeur Straat, Newlands, Pretoria, 0049. 019031/2017—(2) Samuels, Mariam, 5 December 1945, 4512050060086, 62 Korvette Street, Strandfontein, Cape Town; (3) 5 December 1945; (5) Moosa, Waglay & Petersen Inc Attorneys, First Floor, Rondebosch Medical Centre, 85 Klipfontein Road, Rondebosch, 7700. 13417/2013—(2) LINDES, NICOLAAS BAREND, 5 Julie 1949, 4907055053088, DE WETSTRAAT 13, VRIJZEE, GOODWOOD; (3) 13 Julie 2013; (5) PIETER STEENKAMP, RYNEVELD PLAZA 28, RYNEVELDSTRAAT, STELLENBOSCH, 7600. 007619/2017—(2) Present, Francina Elizabeth, 16 Augustus 1938, 3808160107085, 32, 26ste Laan, Elsies Rivier; (3) 1 Julie 2016; (5) Gideon van Dyk, PO Box 5764, Tygervalley, 7536. 011358/2017—(2) Fredericks, Benjamin William, 4 May 1945, 4505045110081, 38 Seafarer Drive, Bayview, STRANDFONTEIN, 7786; (3) 21 December 2013; (4) Olga Maria Fredericks, 25 February 1952, 5202250051080; (5) E.W. Domingo of E.W. Domingo & Associates, 10 Market Street, , 7941. 017428/2017—(2) Rossi, Bruno Herman Herwig, 10 February 1962, 6202105028084, A604 Emeraldene, Aliwal Road, Wynberg; (3) 23 May 2017; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000 Creditors in Deceased Estate; (6) 30. 013818/2017—(2) Fredericks, Olga Maria, 25 February 1952, 5202250051080, 38 Seafarer Drive, Bayview, STRANDFONTEIN, 7786; (3) 15 July 2015; (4) Not Applicable Not Applicable; (5) E.W. Domingo of E.W. Domingo & Associates, 10 Market Street, Grassy Park, 7941. 7314/2018—(2) RABIE, ROELOFINA ERASTINA, 13 December 1948, 4812130019080, 8 IMHOFF STREET, WELGEMOED, BELLVILLE, 7530.; (3) 18 November 2017; (5) ELFRIEDE MARIE MULLER, SUITE 201 PIAZZA ON CHURCH SQUARE, 39 , CAPE TOWN, 8001.. 5607/2018—(2) Geldenhuys, Willem Abraham Lotriet, 12 July 1940, 4007125005083, 3 Winchester Close, Jagtershof, Kuilsriver; (3) 24 March 2018; (5) Assent Legal Solutions (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 51288 WEST BEACH 7449; (6) 30. 12387/2016—(2) Van Cappellen, Juliaan Jan Maria Leo, 30 December 1926, 090008017304, Bloklaan 54 1730 Asse Brabant Belgium; (3) 4 December 2015; (5) Geesje Maria De Wet, 53 Willie van Schoor Drive Tyger Valley 7536. 17245/2017—(2) VAN ROOYEN, FRANCES, 12 December 1937, 3712120075087, 24 LARK COURT, BRIDGETOWN; (3) 15 July 2017; (5) Velile Tinto Cape Inc., The Greenford Office Estate, Building XG01 & XG02, Punters Way, Kenilworth, 7708. 6847/2018—(2) ARENDSE, ARTHUR, 2 Augustus 1951, 5108025061082, SKOOLSTRAAT 23, ; (3) 3 Maart 2018; (4) SARAH SOPHIA ARENDSE, 18 September 1949, 4909180068080; (5) SARAH SOPHIA ARENDSE, SKOOLSTRAAT 23, BISHOP LAVIS. 3072/2018—(2) LOUW, CHRISTINA JOHANNA, 28 November 1936, 3611280048084, 107 AZALEAHOF, 11 VAN RIEBEECK RD, STELLENBOSCH, 7600; (3) 8 February 2018; (5) ANTON MARIUS VOS, 23 OEWERPARK, ROKEWOOD AVE, DIE BOORD, STELLENBOSCH, 7600. 004632/2018—(2) Kennet, Anita, 1 June 1925, 2506010026189, 6 College Road, Rondebosch, 7700; (3) 13 February 2018; (5) JOHANN DE VOS as nominee of SENTINEL INTERNATIONAL TRUST (Pty) Ltd, n/a; (6) 30. 006013/2018—(2) Coetzee, Christo, 4 November 1947, 4711045054085, 41 Strand Meadows, Vredehoek Street, Strand, 7140; (3) 3 December 2017; (5) Johann De Vos - Nominee of Sentinel International Trust, PO Box 44774, Claremont, 7735; (6) 30. 002866/2018—(2) van der Veen, Gerald Anthony, 26 September 1946, 4609265001085, 32 Forest Avenue, Tokai , 7945; (3) 6 January 2018; (5) Johann de Vos - Nominee of Sentinel International Trust Company Limited., P O Box 44774, Claremont, 7735; (6) 30. 006156/2018—(2) MIDGLEY, PENELOPE ANNE, 19 June 1948, HG034828, 25 GLADIOLUS CRESCENT, WELGEDACHT, BELLVILLE, WESTERN CAPE, 7530; (3) 16 February 2018; (5) LEANDRI KRUGER, 8 VREDE STREET, DURBANVILLE, 7570. 14887/2017—(2) COCKIN, GORDON HENRY, 23 March 1933, 526311125, Hohenweh 595, Oberwinkel 8692, Grobming, Steiermark, Austria; (3) 6 May 2016; (4) Susan Cockin COCKIN, 28 November 1975, 707128249; (5) IAIN GRANT COCKIN, Cluver Markotter Building, 1st Floor, Mill Street, Stellenbosch 7600; (6) 30. 000496/2018—(2) Greeff, Anna Maria, 25 Augustus 1925, 2508250021086, Plumrus 1, Birmingham Road,Plumstead; (3) 6 Desember 2017; (5) Heyns en Vennote Ingelyf, 168 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood, 7460. 007294/2018—(2) RAIKES, EMIL MORRIS, 26 September 1934, 3409265097089, WYNBERG; (3) 25 November 1995; (4) ERNA MILDRED RAIKES, 12 December 1943, 4312120561084; (5) CARL RANDALL RAIKES P/a Hennie Oosthuizen Attorneys, 28 Bella Rosa Street, 7 Mountain View Office Park, Bellville.

This gazette is also available free online at 88 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

5987/2018—(2) Fayo, Tobile, 25 September 1949, 4909255592089, 42263 Qheela Crescent-Makhaza; (3) 24 December 2017; (4) Fayo Chuniswa Octavia, 9 September 1968, 6809091086080; (5) Pinini Attorneys, Suite 708,7th Floor. 47Strand Street-Cape Town. 006493/2018—(2) Crofton, Svendsen, 26 August 1946, 4608265101085, 10 Dawn Close, Eversdal, ,7550; (3) 27 January 2017; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited, Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd , PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 4428/2018—(2) MOTSHEHWA, DAVID MATLI KOOS, 10 July 1971, 7107105822080, 146 NCGWALAZI DRIVE, LITHA PARK, , 7784; (3) 18 December 2017; (4) PHINDILE ANNA MOTSHEHWA, 18 February 1975, 7502180862086; (5) DARROLL MARTYN GOLDBLATT, 75 WILLIAMS STREET, PAROW, 7500. 6635/2018—(2) James, Denise Valorie, 18 October 1948, 4810180134080, 37 Hanlyn Crescent, Newfields Estate, Lansdowne; (3) 24 March 2018; (5) Davids & Partners, 5 Spring Street, Woodstock, Cape Town. 014361/2017—(2) LANDMAN, SAMUEL JACOBUS, 23 June 1941, 4106235012086, ELOFFSTRAAT 3, RAWSONVILLE, WESKAAP; (3) 27 July 2017; (5) HA CONRADIE & PARTNERS INC, 23 STOCKENSTROM STREET, WORCESTER, 6849. 5772/2018—(2) Parkerson, Rita Joan, 25 January 1942, 4201250076080, 41 Renfrew Street, ; (3) 19 March 2018; (5) Davids & Partners, 5 Spring Street, Woodstock, Cape Town. 019290/2017—(2) Freebury, Christopher Charles, 29 November 1949, 4911295092187, 27 Porterfield Road, , 7441; (3) 23 August 2017; (4) NA NA, NA; (5) Carianne Lee de Wet, 3 Braeside Road, Green Point, 8005, Cape Town. 006410/2018—(2) SETZER, FRED LESLIE, 4 January 1942, 4201045023082, 18 SLUYSKEN STREET WELGEMOED BELLVILLE 7530; (3) 13 April 2018; (4) N / A; (5) QUOIN TRUST (PTY) LTD, PO BOX 2275 CAPE TOWN 8000. 18144/2016—(2) JACOBS, SULAIMAN, 14 April 1933, 3304145085083, 49 COLERIDGE ROAD, SALT RIVER, 7925; (3) 21 April 2016; (5) M S NACERODIEN ATTORNEY, 6 OSBORNE ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708. 003829/2018—(2) VAN DEVENTER, PETER HAROLD JOHN, 20 September 1952, 5209205093083, FLAMINKE VLEI PLAAS, VELDDRIF, 7365; (3) 19 Januarie 2018; (5) TIAAN VAN DEVENTER, RICHMOND GROVE 6, BUH-REIN, 7450. 016699/2017—(2) SAMSON, JOHANNA ELIZABETH CATHERINE, 5 September 1938, 3809050061085, SAULS STRAAT 13, BEROMA, 7530; (3) 10 Junie 2017; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 1575/2018—(2) Rauch, Madeleine Mary Theresa, 4 September 1935, 3509040024082, Ladies Christian Home, 20 Vrede Street, Cape Town; (3) 21 October 2017; (5) Jason Freel & Associates Inc, PO Box 255, Cape Town 8000. 007094/2018—(2) SMITH, MARTIN, 23 July 1969, 6907235014081, 23 SAPHIRE WAY NOORDHOEK/ABEK FARM HAZYVIEW; (3) 25 March 2018; (4) SASHA SMITH, 29 March 1969, 6903290480085; (5) LEON SMITH and RENETTE HENDRIKS AS NOMINEE OF PERSONAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, P O BOX 476 RONDEBOSCH 7700; (6) 30. 7162/2018—(2) SHAW, ELSIE JOAN, 22 June 1921, 2106220008083, E18 ANCHUSA ANNEXE, HOWARD DRIVE, , 7945; (3) 14 March 2018; (5) BARBARA JOAN GAYLARD and PERSONAL TRUST PTY LTD and CAROL ANNE RODGER, P O BOX 476 RONDEBOSCH 7700; (6) 30. 20477/2017—(2) Cripps, Annemarie Eleonore, 23 July 1928, 2807230149185, Brenton Lodge Nursing Home, Brenton Road, Plumstead, Western Cape; (3) 30 October 2018; (4) .N.A.; (5) Tanya Nockler Attorneys, Tanya Nockler Attorneys, c/o Broekmanns, Piazza on Church Square, 39 Adderley Street, Cape Town. 019929/2017—(2) GREEN, ERIC KINGWILL, 15 May 1928, 2505155028087, 206 OLDBRIDGE EAST SOMERSET OAKS SOMERSET WEST; (3) 4 November 2017; (5) ALISON PATRICIA GREEN, P O BOX 237 PRINCE ALBERT 6930. 006174/2018—(2) Fargher, Margaret Maud, 24 October 1924, 2410240048081, H 2 Village, Bakerskloof Road, Somerset West; (3) 22 December 2017; (5) Elsie Cathrine van der Merwe, as nominee of Maitland Executors Ltd, Maitland House 1, River Park, Gloucester Road, Mowbray. 004138/2018—(2) Lindsay, Elizabeth Hazel, 11 July 1931, 3107110019080, 21 Riverside Park, Off Lourensford Road, Somerset West; (3) 9 January 2018; (5) P R Heideman, P Box 13169, Vincent, 5217. 006421/2017—(2) Wewers, Jeanne Roelien, 15 May 1993, 9305150128084, 50 Rossouw Street, Franserburg; (3) 7 February 2017; (5) Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (6) 30. CA004859/2018—(2) TEIXEIRA, LUIS DE GOUVEIA, 13 May 1949, 4905135064182, 16 LA PROVENCE, WELGELEGEN, PAROW 7501; (3) 19 February 2018; (5) MINITZERS Attorneys for Executors, 3rd Floor Arcade House, 45 Lady Grey Street, Paarl, 7646; (6) 30 days. 002406/2018—(2) SIEVERS, GEORG FERDINAND, 17 September 1955, 5509175265185, 43 NAUTILUS BAY, DANA BAY, 6510; (3) 29 July 2017; (4) KAROLA SIEVERS, 24 May 1956, 5605240279183; (5) KOBUS WOLMARANS, P.O. BOX 1195, GEORGE, 6530. 6148/2018—(2) HARDING, BARBARA, 29 December 1952, 5212290283189, V103 BUSHBUCK DRIVE, SIMOLA, KNYSNA, 6570; (3) 30 March 2018; (5) BRYONY LINDIWE MATTHEE, 20 WOODMILL LANE CENTRE, MAIN STREET, KNYSNA, 6570. 006086/2018—(2) ENGELBRECHT, BABARA DIANA, 8 September 1938, 3809080073084, 19 SUNBURY ROAD, ELFINDALE HEATHFIELD, CAPE TOWN; (3) 20 December 2017; (5) MARK ENGELBRECHT, 19 SUNBURY ROAD, ELFINDALE HEATHFIELD, CAPE TOWN. 18761/2017—(2) JEACOCKS, FREDDIE, 17 October 1943, 4310175080083, 8 JOSEPH AVENUE, SCOTTSDENE, KRAAIFONTEIN, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 21 October 2017; (4) KATRINA JEACOCKS, 24 February 1952, 5202240149085; (5) DANIEL ANDREW BARNES, FIRST FLOOR, LEISURLAND BUILDING, 11 ROBERT SOBUKWE ROAD, BELLVILLE. 17186/2017—(2) NEL, SALOME, 3 April 1952, 5204030106085, 9 MOOIVERWACHT ILLINOIS STREET STELLENRIDGE 7530; (3) 11 September 2017; (5) MATHEUS W KEMP, 24 BIRKENHEAD DRIVE PLATTEKLOOF GLEN 7460. 006389/2018—(2) Beneke, Susanna Jacoba, 15 August 1922, 2208150022082, Tuniqua Versorgins Afdeling, Kerkstraat, George; (3) 3 March 2018; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, Standard Trust Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 89

11569/2017—(2) ARNOLD, SHEILA MAGDALENA, 27 August 1938, 3808270134086, 81 (B) DISSEL ROAD, , 7764; (3) 3 October 2011; (4) NONE NONE; (5) DESMOND TROUT, 42 HEALY ROAD, MAITLAND. 7045/2018—(2) Pheiffer, Margaret Magdalena, 5 Desember 1946, 4612050084084, Awendrus Tehuis, Africastraat, Worcester, 6850; (3) 18 Februarie 2018; (5) Charl Stephanus Cilliers, P/A: Guthrie & Theron Prokureurs, Hoopstraat 19, Caledon,7230. 013518/2017—(2) BLOM, DANIEL JOHANNES, 21 Mei 2018, 5806055021088, HOOPSTRAAT 56B; (3) 25 Junie 2017; (5) AJ DE WET, POSBUS 764, BREDASDORP, 7280. 006803/2018—(2) BOTTCHER, ALLAN, 7 November 1956, 5611075128081, 13 BONTEBOK STREET, DURBANVILLE, 7550; (3) 8 March 2018; (5) JURGENS JOHANNES TUBB, C/O MHI ATTORNEYS, 295 DURBAN ROAD, BELLVILLE, 7530. 15578/2009—(2) FITZPATRICK, MICHAEL JAMES GEORGE, 24 September 1955, 5509245147082, 120 NELSON STREET, GOODWOOD, 7460; (3) 22 October 2009; (4) MARCIA JUDITH FITZPATRICK, 20 September 1957, 5709200169085; (5) ESI Attorneys, P O Box 5122, Tygervalley, 7536. 11569/2017—(2) ARNOLD, SHEILA MAGDALENA, 27 August 1938, 3808270134086, 81 (B) DISSEL ROAD, BONTEHEUWEL, 7764; (3) 3 October 2011; (4) NONE NONE; (5) DESMOND TROUT, 42 HEALY ROAD, MAITLAND. 005319/2018—(2) SOOMERS, HELENE JEANNE, 15 March 1930, 3003150087188, 32 WAVEREN AVENUE, SOMERSET WEST; (3) 2 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) JAN HARM VAN ZYL, PARC DU LINKS, 9 NIBLICK WAY, SOMERSET WEST; (6) N/A. 10708/2017—(2) BURGER, JAMES THOMAS, 23 May 1941, 4105235060087, LEWENSRUIMTE NASORG VIR DOWES, 30 DE LA BAT ROAD, WORCESTER, 6850; (3) 15 October 2014; (5) GASCOIGNE RANDON & ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 31, EDENVALE, 1610. 4715/2018—(2) O’BRIEN, ANTHONY DENNIS, 10 June 1939, 3906105166081, 25 MERSA STREET, RYLANDS, CAPE TOWN; (3) 11 September 2017; (4) BEATRICE JOYCE O’BRIEN, 4 July 1940, 4007040030083; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town, PO Box 44774, Claremont, 7735; (6) 30. 5844/2018—(2) NEWTON, CHRISTOPHER JOHN, 16 October 1932, 3210165038086, 61 EVERGREEN VILLAGE, HOMESTEAD AVENUE, BERGVLIET; (3) 16 March 2018; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town, PO BOX 44774, CLAREMONT, 7735; (6) 30. 006461/2018—(2) Basson, Hendrik Albertyn, 11 Februarie 1955, 5502115040081, Bamboesweg 18, Strandfontein; (3) 5 Maart 2018; (5) African Mutual Trust Company (Edms) Beperk, Van der Lingenstraat 25, Paarl. 006902/2018—(2) DE FROE, HENRIETTE MARIE, 12 November 1952, 5211120069081, 117 ALBATROSS ROAD, PRINGLE BAY; (3) 29 March 2018; (5) Legacy Fiduciary Services and Estate Planners (SA), C/O LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES SA, P.O.BOX 36218, GLOSDERRY, 7702; (6) 30. 005109/2018—(2) Wessels, Andries Bernardus Havemann, 13 June 1937, 3706135036084, 133 Kendal Road, Eversdal, Durbanville 7550; (3) 19 January 2018; (5) Wynand Wessels, 262 Loveday Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria 0002. 4692/2018—(2) LEAK, CHRISTIAN THOMAS HENRY, 10 August 1953, 5308105103081, 16 Waterberry Close, Kleinmeer Estate, Plattekloof, 7500; (3) 27 January 2018; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town, PO Box 44774, Claremont, 7735; (6) 30. 007087/2018—(2) DE JAGER, JAN WILHELM, 8 Augustus 1934, 3408085053082, BROOKSIDE VILLAGE 40, SCHAPENBERGWEG, SOMERSET-WES; (3) 9 April 2018; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) JAN HARM VAN ZYL, PARC DU LINKS, NIBLICKWEG 9, SOMERSET-WES; (6) N.V.T.. 002248/2018—(2) ERASMUS, WILLEM ABRAHAM, 27 June 1951, 5106275153088, 77 DE TUIN ROAD, BRACKENFELL, CAPE TOWN; (3) 17 August 2017; (5) RACCANELLO ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 753041, GARDENVIEW, 2047. 4950/2018—(2) DISNEY, JOHN LILLIS, 28 April 1931, 3104285141187, 72 Main Road, Paarl; (3) 7 December 2017; (4) Maureen Disney, 12 June 1951, 5106120635180; (5) Gideon Jacobus Truter, 20 Monte Vista Boulevard, Monte Vista, 7460. 2432/2018—(2) Bell, Hugh Frederick, 21 August 1934, 3408215039183, 28 Mont Blanc, 3 Flufftail Close, Somerset Ridge Western Cape; (3) 14 October 2017; (5) Tracy Unsworth as Nominee of FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd (formerly known as First National Asset Management & Trust, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 007093/2018—(2) DITCHFIELD, MAUREEN LYDIA, 26 February 1936, 3602260061080, 151 MILNER ROAD, CLAREMONT, CAPE TOWN; (3) 11 April 2018; (5) Legacy Fiduciary Services and Estate Planners (SA), C/O LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES SA, P.O.BOX 36218, GLOSDERRY, 7702; (6) 30. 006281/2018—(2) Moot, Walter George John Merriott, 1 September 1923, 2309015065181, 444 Helderberg Village, Bakkerskloof Road, Somerset West, 7130; (3) 2 April 2018; (5) Andries Havenga, 208 Main Road, Somerset West, 7130; (6) 30 dae. 5734/2017—(2) Abrahams, Muriel Joan, 3 February 1953, 5302030087089, 69 Commerce Way, , Western Cape; (3) 17 January 2017; (4) Edward John Abrahams, 15 February 1951, 5102155095085; (5) Jon Greg Wilson Attorneys, 18 Benjamin Road, Wynberg, Western Cape. 006700/2018—(2) Spagnoletti, Ann Patricia, 24 February 1942, 4202240073088, 5 Kestel Close, Erinvale. Somerset West.7130; (3) 23 April 2018; (5) W T Naudé, PO Box 2788, Somerset West.7129. 011109/2017—(2) Welgemoed, Barend Matthys, 27 Julie 1930, 3007275064089, Fouriestraat 4, Westcliff, Hermanus, Kaapstad; (3) 12 Mei 2017; (5) Leandri Spies, C/o FNB Fiduciary, P.O.Box 135, Cape Town, 8000. 003818/2018—(2) Deelman, John Jacobus, 27 June 1950, 5006275153080, 11 Gousblom Avenue, Uitsig, Ravensmead; (3) 27 June 2017; (5) HMM Terblanche, P O Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.

This gazette is also available free online at 90 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

007213/2018—(2) Vladislavich, Mark Gavin, 2 July 1958, 5807025770085, 19 Granula Place, Sunset Beach, , 7441, Western Cape Province; (3) 28 February 2018; (4) Esmé Marlene Vladislavich, 3 January 1958, 5801030093088; (5) Freegro Financial Management CC (Attention: - Mr. W. Bierman), P. O. Box 221, Cape Town, 8000, Western Cape Province. 006164/2018—(2) MORTIMER, ROGER STRANGE, 6 June 1930, 3006065856183, 34 OAKLANDS VILLAGE c/o FANCOURT AND MONTAGUE STREET, BLANCO , GEORGE,6531; (3) 5 April 2018; (4) DAISY MORTIMER, 5 January 1930, 3001050495188; (5) JACQUES DU PLESSIS, 132 MITCHELL STREET, GEORGE, 6529. 000371/2018—(2) MOLTENO, VICTOR HENRY JOHN, 13 July 1928, 2807135006084, 15 BRENDA HORWITZ OLD AGE HOME, GRAAF REINET; (3) 22 October 2017; (5) JOHAN LOUBSER, 132 MITCHELL STREET, GEORGE, 6529. 6678/2018—(2) FIORAVANTI, MAURO, 21 December 1929, 2912215090188, HUNTERS HOME, 4 HOPE STREET, KNYSNA, 6570; (3) 13 March 2018; (4) LIVIANA FIORAVANTI, 1 September 1948, 4809010037182; (5) ANTON HART, 19 EVAN STREET, KENRIDGE, CAPE TOWN. 006391/2018—(2) BEW, ERNEST EDWARD ALFRED, 7 April 1935, 3504075023083, 2 HONNET WAY, , 7441; (3) 11 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) CRAIG GRAHAM STANSFIELD, NOLANDS INC., NOLAND HOUSE, RIVER PARK, RIVER LANE, MOWBRAY, CAPE TOWN, 7700; (6) N/A. 003949/2018—(2) Francisco, Michael Constantino, 19 March 1966, 6603195220087, 4 Wagtail Close, Tokai; (3) 21 January 2018; (4) Cindy Francisco, 1 May 1982, 8205010012083; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 7th Floor, Standard Bank Building, Heerengracht, Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 015704/2017—(2) WEBSTER, ALAN, 17 February 1935, 3502175042086, 153 THOMAS, BOWLER AVENUE, EDGEMEAD, 7441; (3) 7 July 2017; (4) MURIEL JEAN WEBSTER, 22 June 1936, 3606220042080; (5) CRAIG GRAHAM STANSFIELD, NOLANDS INC., NOLAND HOUSE, RIVER PARK, RIVER LANE, MOWBRAY, CAPE TOWN, 7700; (6) N/A. 16486/2017—(2) DU PLESSIS, HENRI LINDENBERG, 3 Januarie 1926, 2601035085086, 23 Duncan Street, Parow Valley, PAROW, 7500; (3) 4 September 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) HENRI LIONEL DU PLESSIS, PO BOX 132, BELLVILLE, 7535. 003792/2018—(2) Kotsaftis, Grigorios, 1 January 1944, 4401015096080, 6 Thornhill Road, Rondebosch, 7700; (3) 1 June 2017; (5) Daniel Johannes Smit of SDK Professional Services (Pty) Ltd, 22b Church Street, Durbanville, 7550. 005495/2018—(2) Brown, Hampshire, 6 June 1970, 7006065079089, 20 Mars Street, Kleinvlei; (3) 16 February 2018; (4) Wendy Brown, 7 December 1968, 6812070156080; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 16070/2017—(2) KIRBY, GEOFFREY ANDREW, 20 June 1948, 4806205253186, 54 STRAWBERRY LANE CONSTANTIA; (3) 31 August 2017; (5) MARK TREVOR SCHÄFER, 31 HEERENGRACHT ROAD, BERGVLIET. 003998/2017—(2) Lewis, Richard Alexander, 6 November 1930, 3011065003083, 10 Syringa Road, Bergvliet, l 7945; (3) 12 January 2017; (4) Natalia Leonadovna Lewis, 16 December 1959, 19591216; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 005177/2018—(2) De Kock, Johan Andries, 30 March 1934, 3403305027081, 80 Forest Glade, Tokai; (3) 22 February 2018; (4) Ena Elizabeth De Kock, 29 July 1938, 3807290029086; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 019832/2017—(2) KLEIN, KATHERINE, 13 July 1928, 2807130047083, 17 LYNBURG ROAD, HANOVER PARK, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 13 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) LAMARA HENDRICKS ATTORNEYS, 132 KLIP ROAD, GRASSY PARK,7941,WESTERN CAPE. 22077/2014—(2) Mbovane, Nowest Vinolia, 11 June 1952, 5206110774088, 15 Avocey Lane, ; (3) 10 January 2013; (5) Jolandi van der Merwe, c/o Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc., 301 Durban Road, Bellville. 004813/2018—(2) VAN BAKEL, LESLEY ILVA, 24 January 1944, 4401240089082, 54 PINEWOOD VILLIAGE UNIVERSITY DRIVE PINELANDS; (3) 23 February 2018; (4) ADRIANUS CORNELIS MARIA VAN BAKEL, 29 June 1943, 4306295073180; (5) ADRIANUS CORNELIS MARIA VAN BAKEL (executor) / ADAM VICTOR PITMAN (agent), C/O TANNERY PARK, 21 BELMONT ROAD, RONDEBOSCH. 8921/2017—(2) HOHO, WANDILE CHARLES, 4 November 1946, 4611045260080, 35 FILBERT STREET, THE LEAGUES, ; (3) 28 January 2005; (4) MILDRED NONTOMBI HOHO, 8 June 1955, 5506080791081; (5) MILDRED NONTOMBI HOHO, 35 FILBERT STREET, THE LEAGUES, MITCHELLS PLAIN. 006583/2018—(2) Stenger, Vera Christina, 1 August 1932, 3208010040083, 123 Lympleigh Road, Plumstead, 7800; (3) 17 March 2018; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000; (6) 30. 006973/2018—(2) Browne, Beucer Garrett, 27 April 1932, 3204275040082, 989 helderberg Village, Somerset West; (3) 18 March 2018; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 005747/2018—(2) Gopalsamy, Mervyn Narinsamy, 16 July 1948, 4807165553086, 3 Crane Crescent, Pelican Park, 7941; (3) 12 August 2016; (4) Maria Magrieta Gopalsamy, 19 January 1952, 5201190117084; (5) Basson and Petersen Attorneys Incorporated, 5 Floor, 36 , Cape Town, 8001. 006605/2018—(2) VISSER, NICOLAAS CECIL, 7 July 1944, 4407075057086, 50 Mossie Street, Kraaifontein; (3) 12 November 2017; (4) JEAN HEATHER VISSER, 11 March 1948, 4803110068080; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; (6) 30. 005728/2018—(2) Valentine, Winston Andrew, 27 October 1951, 5110275139089, 92 Michigan Way, Portlands, 7785; (3) 13 January 2018; (4) Florence Valentine, 5 June 1953, 5306050020086; (5) Basson and Petersen Attorneys Incorporated, 5 Floor, 36 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001. 2753/2018—(2) Kloppers, Derika, 10 Junie 1928, 2806100012085, Huis le Roux, Barrystraat, Robertson 6705; (3) 5 Januarie 2018; (5) Anna Maria Nel, Hoopstraat 91, Robertson 6705. 005883/2018—(2) UPFOLD, CLARKE DANIEL CORNELIUS, 11 November 1949, 4911115049086, 59 TOBRUK LINK, STRANDFONTEIN, CAPE TOWN; (3) 21 December 2017; (4) SANDRA MAY UPFOLD, 6 September 1947, 4709060113083; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 91

6768/2018—(2) VAN ZYL, JACOBUS ALBERTUS, 26 November 1935, 3511265005085, WEENENLAAN 2 HARTENBOS 6520; (3) 28 Maart 2018; (4) RACHEL ROSINA VAN ZYL, 12 Oktober 1941, 4110120069086; (5) DANIEL JACOBUS PRETORIUS, OOSTHUIZEN MARAIS & PRETORIUS ING POSBUS 206 MOSSELBAAI 6500. 6694/2018—(2) DIKINYEKA, ZWELINZIMA ELLIOT, 28 January 1936, 3601285220085, -; (3) 8 September 2009; (4) CHRISTABEL NOMAKAYA DIKINYEKA, 16 June 1954, 5406160872085; (5) CHRISTABEL NOMAKAYA DIKINYEKA, 43 MENDI AVENUE, LANGA, 7455. 5334/2018—(2) Kelz, Sandra Joyce, 31 May 1960, 600531003186, 39 Grandiflora Street Protea Valley Bellville 7530; (3) 22 November 2017; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X 19 Durbanville 7551. 007129/2018—(2) KALDEK, JOACHIM RUDIGER, 6 September 1940, 4009065095181, 16 GREENFIELD CRESCENT, PROTEA HEIGHTS,BRACKENFELL ,CAPE TOWN ,7500; (3) 12 April 2018; (5) PJ BLANCKENBERG - BUTLER BLANCKENBERG NIELSEN SAFODIEN INC, TANNERY PARK ,2ND FLOOR ,21 BELMONT ROAD ,RONDEBOSCH ,7700 ,CAPE TOWN. 13447/2017—(2) BEUCKERT, EVA-MARIA, 9 February 1947, -, 35 GILMOUR HILL ROAD, ; (3) 31 December 2003; (5) MANDY LYNNE CUPIDO, 9TH FLOOR, VUNANI CHAMBERS 33 CHURCH STREET CAPE TOWN 8001. 6190/2018—(2) ADAMS, GEORGE JOHN, 19 June 1955, 5506195046082, 26 HARDEPEER STREET, BONTEHEUWEL, 7764; (3) 14 February 2018; (4) CHRISTINE CAROL ADAMS, 2 March 1964, 6403020131082; (5) CHRISTINE CAROL ADAMS, 26 HARDEPEER STREET, BONTEHEUWEL, 7764. 006853/2018—(2) VAN ZYL, MARIA HENDRINA, 20 May 1932, 3205200064089, 419 SHANNON STREET, L’AGULHAS; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) RENIER VAN ZYL, PO BOX 487, BRACKENFELL, 7561. 002608/2018—(2) RAVEN, KENNETH RAYMOND, 1 April 1959, 5904015130089, 92 JASON STREET, WORCESTER; (3) 15 December 2017; (4) AMANDA SYLVEINIA RAVEN, 27 November 1956, 5611270135089; (5) RENIER VAN ZYL, PO BOX 487, BRACKENFELL, 7561. 5260/2017—(2) GOBA, PERCIVAL THULASIZWE GOBA, 17 July 1963, 6307175924086, 105 BLOCK Q2,GATEWAY, LANGA; (3) 1 November 2016; (4) Unmarried; (5) MBEKO VENFOLO,, 6 FLOOR, 36 ON LONG BUILDING, NO. 36 ;ONG STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8000. 17328/2017—(2) GORDON, MARGARET CANADA, 31 July 1942, 4207310014086, 18 VAN ZYL STREET, RIEBEECK WEST, 7306; (3) 4 September 2017; (5) ROWAN STUART GORDON, 35 BRICKFIELD ROAD, SALT RIVER, 7925. 1960/2006—(2) BARNES, ALBERT, 9 July 1942, 4207095517084, 393 BONTEHEUWEL AVENUE, BONTEHEUWEL; (3) 12 August 2002; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700. 366/2018—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, PHYLLIS, 19 May 1948, 4805190089084, 22 Adderley Street, Robertson; (3) 18 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Emil Botha, 1st Floor, Garis Business Centre, 27 Willie Van Schoor Avenue, Tyger Valley Chambers 3, Tyger Valley, Cape Town. 012196/2016—(2) MAJIET, YASMIENA, 20 December 1961, 6112200187083, 17 DUIKER ROAD, ATHLONE,WESTERN CAPE; (3) 18 June 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) LAMARA HENDRICKS ATTORNEYS, 132 KLIP ROAD, GRASSY PARK, 7941, WESTERN CAPE. 007310/2018—(2) BROZEL, INGE, 13 March 1937, 3703130089184, 18 GREENACRES ESTATE, N=VILLA MONT WAY, SOMERSET WEST; (3) 23 April 2018; (5) RENETTE HENDRIKS AS NOMINEE OF PERSONAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED and GUNTER HEINZ BROZEL, P O BOX 476, RONDEBOSCH, 7700; (6) 30. 5260/2017—(2) Sidindi, Nontombi Gladys, 3 September 1952, 5209030733085, No. 17 Gardenia Crescent, Thornton; (3) 17 March 2000; (4) Unmarried; (5) Monica Tembisa Sidindi, No. 17 Gardenia Crescent, Thornton. 5421/2017—(2) NGCATSHE, SYDNEY MTHETHO, 20 April 1953, 5304205694087, 16 LOUW ROAD, MANDALAY; (3) 23 February 2017; (4) NOKUZOLA BEAUTY NGCATSHE NOKUZOLA BEAUTY NGCATSHE, 15 March 1956, 5603150765085; (5) NOKUZOLA BEAUTY NGCATSHE, 16 LOUW ROAD, MANDALAY. 006278/2018—(2) GARDNER, PETER EDWARD, 12 June 1946, 4606125629188, WIGHT MISCHIEF, BEACHY HEAD ROAD, PLETTENBERG BAY, 6600; (3) 3 March 2018; (4) N/A; (5) WILLIAM BRUCE GIBSON, P O BOX 181, PLETTENBERG BAY, 6600; (6) N/A. 006222/2018—(2) Mgoqi, Solomon Silumko, 22 June 1957, 5706225880084, 16 Brahms Circle, Mandalay; (3) 4 January 2018; (4) Margaret Nonkuleko Mgoqi, 14 June 1960, 6006140872087; (5) Jolandi van der Merwe, c/o Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc., 301 Durban Road, Bellville. 007039/2018—(2) De Villiers, Wrensch, 24 Januarie 1950, 5001245014082, Elizabethlaan 9, Port Owen, 7365; (3) 1 April 2018; (5) Francois Hamman, Markstraat 13, Vredenburg, 7380. 7019/2018—(2) Brand, Johannes Hendrik Frederik, 18 September 1931, 3109185030083, Koraalboomstraat 20, Heiderand, Mosselbaai, 6506; (3) 4 April 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 14342/2013—(2) DAMONS, AYSHA, 27 January 1955, 5501270057088, 24 BUICK CRESCENT, BEACON VALLEY, MITCHELL’S PLAIN, CAPE TOWN 7785; (3) 26 July 2013; (4) SULEIMAN DAMONS, 15 April 1954, 5404155010084; (5) FAZLOODIEN ABRAHAMS & ASSOCIATES, 104C WELKOM STREET, PORTLANDS, MITCHELLS PLAIN. 028960/2014—(2) Clarke, Lionel Vivian, 26 Januarie 1930, 3001265045083, Lausanne Singel 15, La Rochelle, Bellville; (3) 9 September 2014; (4) Elizabeth Clarke, 10 Julie 1935, 3507100066084; (5) Werner Greeff, Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood, 7460. 019284/2017—(2) DE BRUYN, JAN HENDRIK, 7 Februarie 1951, 5102075077080, LANGSTRAAT 1, VREDENBURG, 7280; (3) 1 Augustus 2017; (4) WILMA ALBERTA DE BRUYN, 21 Mei 1959, 5905210141086; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 92 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

7008/2018—(2) Skaparas, Margot Magdalene, 12 November 1942, 4211120601082, 9 Van Zyl Street, Riebeek West, 7306; (3) 29 March 2018; (5) TSP Prokureurs, 8 Truterstraat Malmesbury, 7300. 6777/2018—(2) ESTERHUIZEN, EBEN, 25 September 1960, 6009255049087, Albatroslaan 48, STILBAAI, 6674; (3) 15 Februarie 2018; (5) Johannes Frederick Smit, Voortrekkerstraat 11, STILBAAI, 6674. 006089/2018—(2) PETERS, ALANNAH MARY ELIZABETH, 18 March 1945, 4503180029083, 4 Morgenson, Sleigh Crescent, Somerset West; (3) 17 November 2017; (4) JOHN KEITH PETERS, 8 June 1937, 3706085068087; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; (6) 30. 020938/2017—(2) Kruger, Louisa, 20 August 1923, 2308200049083, 128 Industria Ring Road, Ravensmead, 7493; (3) 24 November 2017; (5) RP Rosant Inc., PO Box 313, Sanlamhof, 7532. 006481/2018—(2) FORTUIN, EDWIN SAMSON, 29 Augustus 1957, 5708295110087, 59 TOBRUK LINK, STRANDFONTEIN, CAPE TOWN; (3) 22 Februarie 2018; (4) MURIEL DOLORES FORTUIN, 19 Augustus 1958, 5808190088089; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; (6) 30. 006896/2018—(2) Koegelenberg, Renier Adriaan, 27 Oktober 1942, 4210275082080, Middelstraat 15, Vredendal, 8160; (3) 17 April 2018; (5) Loretha Koegelenberg, Middelstraat 15, Vredendal, 8160; (6) n.v.t. 005694/2018—(2) Pfuhl, Peggy Mavis, 15 April 1931, 3104150049085, Sering Straat 15, Panorama; (3) 31 Desember 2017; (5) Werner Greeff, Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood, 7460. 006829/2018—(2) HAARHOFF, JOHN THEODORE, 25 January 1934, 3401255048081, 10A STANFORD ROAD, RONDEBOSCH, 7700; (3) 16 April 2018; (5) FAIRBRIDGES WERTHEIM BECKER ATTORNEYS, 16TH FLOOR, SOUTH TOWER, THE TOWERS, HEERENGRACHT, CAPE TOWN, 8000. 007311/2018—(2) Young, James Richard, 9 September 1928, 2809095005080, 53 Pringle Road, Tygerhof; (3) 28 April 2018; (5) Miltons Matsemela Inc., P O Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443; (6) 30. 18026/2017—(2) PULVERMACHER, CAROLINE, 30 October 1949, 4910300068182, 30 EARL STREET, WOODSTOCK, W.CAPE PROVINCE; (3) 13 October 2017; (5) DICHMONT & THOMSON, PO BOX 18521 WYNBERG 7824. 5830/2018—(2) Pillay, James Xavier, 12 September 1957, 5709125223082, 191 Riley Street, Parow Valley, 7500; (3) 17 May 2017; (4) Charlene Brigitte Pillay, 5 October 1965, 6510050216086; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76, Private Bag X19, Durbanville, 7551. 7220/2018—(2) DAVIDS, SAID, 18 March 1961, 6103185059082, 10 KIPLING AVENUE MANDALAY; (3) 1 January 2016; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads Claremont 7700. 6229/2018—(2) CORBETT, MARGARET MURRAY, 29 August 1924, 2408290038085, 18 LADIES MILE EXTENSION, CONSTANTIA, 7806, CAPE TOWN; (3) 10 March 2018; (5) FAIRBRIDGES WERTHEIM BECKER ATTORNEYS, 16TH FLOOR, SOUTH TOWER, THE TOWERS, HEERENGRACHT, CAPE TOWN, 8001; (6) 30. 6856/2018—(2) MALHERBE, WILLEM DANIEL FRANCOIS, 1 Februarie 1930, 3002015031084, 8 Thibault Street, Stellenbosch 7600; (3) 31 Maart 2018; (5) WILMA MALHERBE, Cluver Markotter Building, 1st Floor, Mill Street, Stellenbosch 7600; (6) 30. 7461 / 2018—(2) VAN NIEKERK, PETER WILLIAM, 20 May 1937, 3705205068084, 19 COLWYN ROAD SILVERTOWN; (3) 4 June 2015; (4) ANTHEA JEAN VAN NIEKERK, 1 June 1939, 3906010492085; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads Claremont 7700. 6881/2018—(2) Venter, Classina Johanna, 11 Maart 1934, 3403110001081, Serenitas Aftree-oord, Altenaweg, Strand 7140; (3) 16 April 2018; (5) Christiaan Heystek, Humanstraat 30,Caledon 7230. 005668/2016—(2) Jass, Hilton Adwen Eric, 23 April 1958, 5804235162088, No. 28 Orchid Street, Protea Park, Atlantis, 7349; (3) 1 March 2016; (4) Katrina Jass, 7 November 1960, 6011070205084; (5) Chantal Manuel, Office 110, 33 On Strand, , Voortrekker Road, Bellville, 7530. 006105/2018—(2) HEYDENREICH, ADRIAAN BEKKER, 15 August 1933, 3308155053089, 7 EMERALD VIEW, LITTLE HAMPSHIRE, HERDERVUE, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) 21 February 2018; (5) Carin-Gretna Grobbelaar, 9 Thibault Avenue, , Somerset West, 7130. 007195/2018—(2) PHILLIPS, HESTER DOORTJIE, 24 April 1933, 3304240049083, LE GRANGE STREET 4, STRAND,7140; (3) 19 October 2016; (4) ERIC MAURICE PHILLIPS, 21 January 1935, 3501215063086; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 14 STRAND ROAD, BELLVILLE,7532. 007126/2018—(2) DU PLESSIS, GERHARDA FREDERIKA, 20 March 1946, 4603200021084, MALVA WEG, 116, DANABAAI, MOSSELBAAI,6510; (3) 4 January 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 14 STRAND ROAD, BELLVILLE,7532. 012686/2017—(2) Young, Frederick John, 31 August 1927, 2708315048187, P55 Imhoff Caravan Park, , Cape Town; (3) 6 July 2017; (5) Stanley Joseph Kelly, 120 Kommetjie Road, , Cape Town. 019863/2017—(2) BLAKE, WARWICK LAYTON, 4 Oktober 1949, 4910045084080, 5 EIKENHOF CLOSE, RIEBEEK WEST, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 26 Oktober 2017; (5) ELIZABETH MAGDALENA VAN COLLER, 30 VAN ZYL STREET, RIEBEEK WEST, 7306. 007126/2018—(2) DU PLESSIS, GERHARDA FREDERIKA, 20 March 1946, 4603200021084, MALVA WEG, 116, DANABAAI, MOSSELBAAI,6510; (3) 4 January 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 14 STRAND ROAD, BELLVILLE,7532. 007002/2018—(2) SMIT, CHERYL, 13 Januarie 1965, 6501130043087, BARBARASTRAAT 9, EERSTERIVIER, 7100; (3) 22 Maart 2018; (4) JIM SMIT, 28 September 1967, 6709285187084; (5) JIM SMIT, P/A HICKMAN VAN EEDEN PHILLIPS INGELYF, VAN RIEBEECKWEG 96, KUILSRIVIER, 7580. 006277/2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, JAMES LEONARD, 8 Januarie 1959, 5901085112088, 6 RUSSELL STREET, , 7580; (3) 9 Maart 2018; (4) MARANDA VAN DER MERWE, 4 September 1961, 6109040062088; (5) ANDRE PHILLIPS, P/A HICKMAN VAN EEDEN PHILLIPS INGELYF, VAN RIEBEECKWEG 96, KUILSRIVIER, 7580.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 93

6827/2018—(2) BOOYSEN, JOSEPH CHARLES, 20 September 1969, 6909205123082, 19 HUGO NAUDE STREET, CAFDA; (3) 7 January 2016; (4) CHRISTINE BOOYSEN, 22 June 1962, 6206220204082; (5) CHRISTINE BOOYSEN, 19 HUGO NAUDE STREET, CAFDA; (6) N/A. 7279/2018—(2) De Jager, Anna Catharina, 29 July 1926, 2607290029081, Room 37 Serenitas Altena Street Strand 7140; (3) 22 April 2018; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X19 Durbanville 7551. 17686/2012—(2) Lottering, Simon, 8 June 1945, 4506085023085, 33 Freesia Street, Kleinvlei, 7100; (3) 12 May 2011; (5) Virgil Simone Lottering, 33 Freesia Street, Kleinvlei, 7100. 17690/2012—(2) Lottering, Panie Winnie, 3 February 1948, 4802030043082, 39 Freesia Street, Kleinvlei, 7100; (3) 22 September 2008; (4) Simon (subsequently deceased) Lottering, 8 June 1945, 4506085023085; (5) Virgil Simone Lottering, 39 Freesia Street, Kleinvlei, 7100. 7730/2018—(2) Bishop, Lynette Kempthorne, 20 April 1944, 4404200021087, 30 Nutwood Gardens, Somerset West; (3) 18 January 2018; (5) Riana Lemmer & Schoonees Inc, PO Box 9, Strand. 010976/2016—(2) Kontyo, Nomaphelo Cynthia, 25 March 1950, 5003250689089, 51C Lansur Road, Hanover Park, 7780; (3) 19 June 2016; (5) Mtawi Alfred Kontyo, 51C Lansur Road, Hanover Park, 7780. 7727/2018—(2) Bishop, Leon Alan, 19 October 1942, 4210195033080, 30 Nutwood Gardens, Somerset West; (3) 24 December 2017; (5) Riana Lemmer & Schoonees Inc, PO Box 9, Strand. 3125/2011—(2) DYKE, SARA JEANET, 13 Oktober 1950, 5010130140084, Botterblomstraat 20, Blompark, Gansbaai, 7220; (3) 22 Julie 2010; (4) AARON JOHANNES DYKE, 28 Julie 1951, 5107285147086; (5) CHARL CILLIERS, HOOFWEG 25, GANSBAAI, 7220, POSBUS 35, GANSBAAI, 7220. 7735/2018—(2) Groenewald, Nopnnie Hendrika Catharina, 22 Desember 1925, 2512220008082, Heritage Manor, Hazeldenrylaan, Somerset-Wes; (3) 18 Mei 2018; (5) Riana Lemmer & Schoonees Inc, PO Box 9, Strand. 16839/2011—(2) DE JONG, THORA ELAINE DESIREE, 1 March 1930, 3003010065085, 15 TIPTOL STREET, SEDEFIELD,6573, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 2 February 2011; (5) Anton Jordaan, Jordaan, Van Wyk Attorneys, P O Box 471, Sedgefield, 6573; (6) 30. 14023/2017—(2) STRYDOM, CLIFFORD, 23 May 1959, 59052310025, ERF 1358 CROYDON VINEYARD ESTATE, SCORPIO LANE, SOMERSET WEST; (3) 24 December 2016; (4) YOLANDI BADEHORST, 6 December 1979, 79120610491; (5) CHARLES NICOLAAS HICKMAN KOEGELENBERG, TYGER VALLEY CHAMBERS ONE, 27 WILLIE VAN SCHOOR DRIVE, TYGER VALLEY, 7530. 007290/2018—(2) Fourie, Jane, 13 Februarie 1928, 2802130053082, Piccaroon Singel 16, Sunvally, 7975; (3) 4 April 2018; (5) Susanne Rall-Willemse, Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600. 005783/2018—(2) MEREIS, LEONIE, 29 June 1924, 2406290076089, 48 5th AVENUE, BOSTON ESTATE, BELLVILLE; (3) 11 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) HERMAN THEODORUS HENDRIKSE, 30 BLOEM STREET, BOSTON, BELLVILLE, 7530. 6804/2018—(2) BIRD, RUSSELL SCOTT, 18 June 1966, 6606185224084, 10 ORCA CLOSE, KOMMETJIE 7976; (3) 30 March 2018; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town, 6th Floor, Mariendahl House, Newlands on Main, Newlands 7700; (6) 30. 007418/2018—(2) Miller, Charlotte Margaret, 17 September 1951, -, Titchbourne Farmhouse, Redlynch, Salisbury Wiltshire, England; (3) 3 January 2017; (5) Miltons Matsemela Inc., P O Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443; (6) 30. 006462/2018—(2) BRINKMANN, JOAN, 19 July 1928, 2807190027181, 52 Brookside Village, Schapenberg Road, Somerset West; (3) 5 April 2018; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; (6) 30. 005890/2018—(2) BRONN, FREDERIK WILHELM, 26 Februarie 1938, 3802265024089, VAN DER STEL STRAAT 12, ROBERTSON, 6705; (3) 6 Maart 2018; (5) WILHELM LODEWYK VAN DEVENTER, VAN REENEN STRAAT 30, ROBERTSON, 6705. 006010/2018—(2) Soyka, -Joachim Gerhard, 16 June 1948, 4806166002184, 29 South Bay Road, Bellville, Western Cape Province, South Africa; (3) 5 August 2017; (5) MARINA ELISABETH SOYKA, 3RD FLOOR, 71 LOOP STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8001; (6) 30. 14023/2017—(2) STRYDOM, CLIFFORD, 23 May 1959, 59052310025, ERF 1358 CROYDON VINEYARD ESTATE, SCORPIO LANE, SOMERSET WEST; (3) 24 December 2016; (4) YOLANDI BADEHORST, 6 December 1979, 79120610491; (5) CHARLES NICOLAAS HICKMAN KOEGELENBERG, TYGER VALLEY CHAMBERS ONE, 27 WILLIE VAN SCHOOR DRIVE, TYGER VALLEY, 7530. 007272/2016—(2) Appollis, Vincent John, 8 February 1947, 4702085075080, 24 Riversdale Close, Portland, Mitchells Plain, 7785; (3) 15 March 2018; (5) Mornè Andrè Van Niekerk, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 007114/2018—(2) Cheong, Young Suk, 29 April 1965, 6504290308183, 21 Eldorado Street, Durbanville, 7550; (3) 30 March 2018; (4) In Taek Cheong, 9 April 1961, 6104095246181; (5) Mornè Andrè Van Niekerk, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 6696/2018—(2) BOTHA, RACHEL JOHANNA, 5 November 1928, 2811050027083, 51 Church Street, Riebeek Kasteel; (3) 24 November 2017; (5) Juluana Meredith, 51 Church Street, Riebeek Kasteel, 7300. 14292/2017—(2) Tennant, Paul Arthur, 8 March 1956, 5603085105084, 68 East Lake Island Way, Marina Da Gama, , Province of the Western Cape; (3) 6 August 2017; (5) Johannes Hermanus Jacobs (Agent to Executrix), 11 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, 8001. 006984/2018—(2) Van Niekerk, Elizabeth, 25 August 1941, 4108250049084, 6 Zambezi Way, Portland, Mitchells Plain, 7785; (3) 14 May 2017; (5) Mornè Andrè Van Niekerk, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 94 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

006969/2018—(2) Giani, Louisa Jacoba, 24 Desember 1939, 3912240060080, Klaradyn Retirement Village, 5 Leeukop Street, Brackenfell, 7560; (3) 3 Maart 2018; (4) John Clarke Giani, 8 November 1940, 4011085025081; (5) Sanlam Trust, Pobus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 007196/2018—(2) Relling, Sherlock Martin, 25 October 1945, 4510255170080, 56 Meath Street, Bellville,7530; (3) 7 April 2018; (4) Elsie Johanna Relling, 9 August 1948, 4808090078082; (5) Jean Le Roux, 18 Altona Street,Oakglen, Bellville,7530. 004392/2018—(2) SNYMAN, GERHARDUS JACOBUS, 8 June 1951, 5106085026086, 21 WALLERS WAY, BETTY’S BAY, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 25 February 2015; (4) SUSANNA JOHANNA DORATHEA SNYMAN, 17 March 1954, 5403170078084; (5) JUNE ROSE THERON, 2ND FLOOR, BUCHANAN’S CHAMBERS, CNR WARWICK STR & PEARCE RD, CLAREMONT, 7708. 7053/2018—(2) VAN DER SCHYFF, SULIMAN, 3 May 1937, 3705035067082, 50 CHAVONNE STREET, WELGEMOED,7530; (3) 19 March 2018; (4) ZARINA VAN DER SCHYFF, 10 April 1934, 3404100062083; (5) ANWAR VAN DER SCHYFF, 50 CHAVONNE STREET, WELGEMOED, 7530. 10229/2016—(2) KUHN, DENZIL JOHN, 30 Maart 1961, 6103305036085, 37 PINE CREEK, SOMERSET WEST, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 12 Junie 2016; (5) JACQUES DYLAN KUHN, 32 CYPRUS STREET, SOMERSET WEST, 7130. 5657/2018—(2) CLACK, ROSEMARY MARGARET, 7 August 1935, 3508070047088, 155 ST KILDA RD, CRAWFORD; (3) 18 February 2018; (5) DORRINGTON JESSOP, 28 DRAPER SQUARE, DRAPER STREET, CLAREMONT. 007282/2018—(2) Erasmus, Absalon, 25 October 1951, 5110255099089, Pooleweg 36, Wellington, 7655; (3) 25 May 2017; (5) Mornè Andrè Van Niekerk, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 007127/2018—(2) Pulito, Robert Emilio, 30 May 1955, 5505305119086, 59 Bosman Street, Peerless Park Noord, Kraaifontein, 7570; (3) 21 March 2018; (4) Charmaine Mary Pulito, 25 July 1962, 6207250067084; (5) Mornè Andrè Van Niekerk, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 007127/2018—(2) Pulito, Robert Emilio, 30 May 1955, 5505305119086, 59 Bosman Street, Peerless Park Noord, Kraaifontein, 7570; (3) 21 March 2018; (4) Charmaine Mary Pulito, 25 July 1962, 6207250067084; (5) Mornè Andrè Van Niekerk, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 20037/2017—(2) ROHLAND, ELIZABETH ROSE, 8 March 1935, 3503080018088, 10 SCHRIENER STREET, TABLE VIEW, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) 2 August 2015; (5) SALVATORE PUGLIA ATTORNEYS, UNIT 302, 3RD FLOOR, THE COLOSSEUM BUILDING, NO. 3 ST GEORGES MALL, CAPE TOWN, 8001. 002375/2018—(2) MATHEWS, DANIEL DAVID, 15 July 1928, 2807155088087, No. 23 SOUTH AVENUE , GLEEMOOR, CAPE TOWN; (3) 4 December 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) JONATHAN ANDREW MATHEWS, 18 BALINTORE ROAD, RONDEBOSCH, CAPE TOWN. 7028/2018—(2) Alexander, Dennis Pieter, 12 Julie 1955, 5507125019082, Sterlingstraat 50, Bergsig, Caledon, 7230; (3) 21 Februarie 2018; (4) Elsabe Johanna Alexander, 10 Januarie 1954, 5401100109086; (5) Charl Stephanus Cilliers, P/A: Guthrie & Theron Prokureurs, Hoopstraat 19, Caledon,7230. 006460/2018—(2) Katts, John Paul, 3 February 1946, 4602035092088, 10 3rd Street, Firgrove, Western Cape, 7130; (3) 7 December 2017; (4) Angela Lorraine Katts, 17 October 1950, 5010170092088; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 006457/2018—(2) Lindgren, Cynthia, 13 October 1946, 4610130088083, 26 Rue Montpellier, Somerset West; (3) 8 March 2018; (4) Gustaf Harman Lindgren, 2 September 1943, 4309025097081; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 000736/2017—(2) Leukes, Estelle Penelope, 19 August 1973, 7308190072082, 10 Newport Close, Belhar, 7493; (3) 9 January 2017; (4) Nico Leukes, 5 December 1971, 7112055041087; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 006458/2018—(2) Peter, Sylvia Angus, 20 December 1927, 2712070087182, 4 Farmersfield Village, Farmer Field Road, Edgemead, 7441; (3) 24 March 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 003085/2018—(2) SAMUELS, ROSLIND, 7 May 1963, 6305070221087, 5 CINSAUT WEG, NEDERBURUG HOOGTE, PAARL, 7646; (3) 24 February 2013; (4) BERNET ADAM SAMUELS, 11 February 1958, 5802115149084; (5) WILLEM JACOBUS VAN WYK, 296 MAIN ROAD, PAARL, 7646. 5598/2018—(2) OLIVER, HELEN WINEFRED, 28 March 1942, 4203280074085, 19 KENT WAY, MATROOSFONTEIN, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 21 December 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) A J TAPPENDEN & CO, A J TAPPENDEN & CO - 18 McINTYRE STREET, PAROW, 7500. 19871/2017—(2) Cloete, Jacobus Johannes, 9 January 1938, 3801095049084, 15 Alwyn Street, Wellington; (3) 7 June 2017; (4) Salome Cloete, 17 September 1944, 4409170130081; (5) Clarence Le Cordeur, 51 Rand Street, Newton, Wellington. 007265/2018—(2) Meintjes, James Frederick, 28 January 1937, 3701285067088, 9 Koper Cring, Vanguard Estate; (3) 31 July 2017; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 005793/2018—(2) Fienies, Martin Matheus, 1 February 1960, 6002015086085, 20 Park Road, Montclair, Mitchell’s Plain; (3) 11 February 2018; (4) Dawn Elizabeth Fienies, 7 January 1963, 6301070123084; (5) Basson and Petersen Attorneys Incorporated, 5 Floor, 36 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001. 006789/2018—(2) Wildschut, Aletta Maria, 15 December 1930, 3012150295089, 40 Edward Street, Avondale; (3) 27 June 2017; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 95

007015/2018—(2) Hulme, Gwendolene Patricia, 1 Augustus 1960, 6008010085089, 23 Elana Circle, De Kelders, Gansbaai; (3) 3 Januarie 2018; (4) Hercules Wilhelm Hulme, 22 Julie 1955, 5507225138089; (5) Cindy Debra Barnard as nominee of Old Mutual Trust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 57972018—(2) Siebrits, Sarah Johanna, 21 November 1953, 5311210088080, Wit Elslaan 9, New Orleans, Paarl, 7646; (3) 14 Desember 2011; (4) Daniel Siebrits, 5 Mei 1947, 4705055117089; (5) Faure & Faure Ingelyf, Hoofstraat 227, Paarl, 7646. 3351/2016—(2) BONTHUYS, MICHAEL JOHAN, 18 Januarie 1956, 5601185070083, DEURDRIFTSTRAAT 20, PRINS ALBERT, 6930; (3) 9 Augustus 2015; (5) RINNIE BENADE ATTORNEY, KOCKSTRAAT 63, KLERKSDORP, 2571. 006665/2018—(2) Duminy, Magdalene, 25 Mei 1956, 5605250066082, 36 Hamilton Heights, Brackenfell; (3) 20 Maart 2011; (4) Peter Duminy, 15 Desember 1952, 5212155010008; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Old Mutual Trust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 006471/2018—(2) Louw, Suzan Maria, 12 Mei 1964, 6405120203083, 3 Berguitsig Street, Elfindale, Cape Town,7945; (3) 29 November 2017; (4) Colin Percival Louw, 9 Maart 1961, 6103095187080; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Nedgroup Trust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 3797/2018—(2) Rosenstrauch, Wilhelm Julius Carl Johann, 25 Januarie 1942, 420125506608, Seemeeustraat 2, VERMONT, 7201; (3) 18 Januarie 2018; (5) L C V Beyleveld, Posbus 444, SONEIKE, 7583. 006476/2018—(2) Kleintjies, Dolphina Dorothea, 14 Desember 1933, 3312140233087, 1 Erica Close, Summerville, Kraaifontein, 7570; (3) 17 Desember 2017; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of NedgroupTrust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 7670/2018—(2) BAILEY, BARABAR JOSEPHINE, 31 May 1929, 2905310001084, 13 CAPUCHINE STREET ATHLONE; (3) 27 February 2018; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700. 006473/2018—(2) Lewendon, Maureen Beryl, 8 April 1937, 3704080051083, The Eleanor Murray Residence, 9 Clyde Street, Woodstock, 7925; (3) 14 Januarie 2018; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of NedgroupTrust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 003788/2018—(2) STEFFEN, RAYMOND PAUL, 22 October 1936, 3610225065088, HELLEN KELLER SOCIETY, LINKS DRIVE, PINELANDS, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 21 November 2017; (4) AILEEN STEFFEN, 4 January 1943, 4301040061085; (5) JUNE ROSE THERON, 2ND FLOOR, BUCHANAN CHAMBERS, CNR WARWICK & PEARCE ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708. 007278/2018—(2) Booysen, Catherine, 26 Oktober 1938, 3810260230080, Lamodernstraat 38, Paarl, 7646; (3) 26 November 2017; (5) AbsaTrust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 18819/2017—(2) Collins, Moses, 31 October 1937, 3710315062084, 82, Lily Street, Bellville; (3) 21 January 2014; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Morake Inc, , 62 Strand Street, Matador centre, 3rd Floor, Suit 304. 3797/2018—(2) Rosenstrauch, Wilhelm Julius Carl Johann, 25 Januarie 1942, 420125506608, Seemeeustraat 2, Vermony, 7201; (3) 18 Januarie 2018; (5) L C V Beyleveld, Posbus 444, SONEIKE 7583. 007018/2018—(2) Jacobs, Sydney Jacobus, 11 January 1956, 5601115092082, 33 Tortelduif Crescent, Robinvale, Atlantis; (3) 3 January 2018; (5) Morne Andre Van Niekerk, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 007012-2018—(2) DE WET, HELENA, 22 February 1959, 5902220122081, 15 NEDERBURGH STREET, WELGEMOED, BELLVILLE; (3) 7 September 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BOOTH ATTORNEYS, 1 BLOEMHOF, cnr BLOEMHOF- & EDWARD STREET, BELLVILLE 7530. 007265/2018—(2) Meintjes, James Frederick, 28 January 1937, 3701285067088, 9 Koper Cring, Vanguard Estate; (3) 30 July 2017; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 006659/2018—(2) DREYER, JACOB CLARIS, 15 November 1921, 2111155002085, SERENITAS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, ALTENA RD, STRAND, 7140; (3) 9 April 2008; (5) JACQUES DREYER, 46 JONKERSHOEK RD, STELLENBOSCH, 7600. 007269/2018—(2) Meintjes, Constance Clare, 11 December 1932, 3212110241088, 9 Koper Cring, Vanguard Estate; (3) 22 September 2016; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 006080/2018—(2) LUYT, CARL SCHUBERT, 31 Desember 1943, 4312315034087, 68 HARTENZICHT LOUIS FOURIE STRAAT, HARTENBOS; (3) 3 November 2017; (5) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS, PO BOX 56, MELKBOSSTRAND. 006317/2018—(2) VAN DER BERG, JOHANNES PETRUS, 12 Oktober 1945, 4510125077085, ALFA WOONSTELLE NR1 NUWESTRAAT TULBAGH; (3) 16 Maart 2018; (5) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS, PO BOX 56 MELKBOSSTRAND 7437. 002318/2018—(2) KERSHOFF, DANIËL JACOBUS, 11 April 1934, 3404115034085, GARSFONTEIN, CERES, 0042; (3) 20 Oktober 2017; (5) P L CARSTENS, POSBUS 470, WORCESTER, 6489; (6) 30 DAE. 7559/2018—(2) Steyn, Josefus Johannes, 6 January 1934, 3401065013085, Langebaan Retirement Village, Suffrens Street, Langebaan, 7357; (3) 30 March 2018; (5) Petrus Arnoldus Matthee, 8 Mahogany Crescent, Bellville, 7530. 005847/2018—(2) Morgan, Sean, 4 Augustus 1967, 6708045154087, Van Riebeeckstraat 4, Saldanha; (3) 2 November 2017; (4) Annemie Morgan, 16 Julie 1969, 6907160001087; (5) Karen Lotter as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532, Sanlam, Hoofkantoor, Strandweg 2, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 006317/2018—(2) VAN DER BERG, JOHANNES PETRUS, 12 Oktober 1945, 4510125077085, ALFA WOONSTELLE NR1 NUWESTRAAT TULBAGH; (3) 16 Maart 2018; (5) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS, PO BOX 56 MELKBOSSTRAND 7437.

This gazette is also available free online at 96 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

007276/2018—(2) Manuel, Ruth Christina Magdeline, 1 September 1924, 2409010171081, 60 Astra Avenue, Riverton, Elsies River, 7490; (3) 24 May 2017; (5) Mornè Andrè Van Niekerk, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 7561/2018—(2) Bester, Pieter Gert Wessel, 2 October 1954, 5410025026085, Fynbos Avenue, De lange Ext, 20 Vogelsangpark, Grootbrak River, 6525; (3) 28 March 2018; (4) Margaret Bester, 21 February 1958, 5802210041087; (5) Petrus Arnoldus Matthee, 8 Mahogany Crescent, Bellville, 7530. 007141/2018—(2) PRINS, OWEN PATRICK, 5 May 1961, 6105055232087, MOMTAGU, DENNELAAN 3, 6720; (3) 18 March 2018; (4) FRANCINA KATRIENA PRINS, 8 March 1965, 6503080183087; (5) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS, PO BOX 56 ,MELKBOSSTRAND, 7437. 3183/2017—(2) GROENEWOUD, WOUTER ANTONIE, 14 May 1952, 5205145046082, 39, DISA ROAD, BLOUBERGRANT, 7441; (3) 19 December 2016; (5) R J MEYER, 1 DEVON VALLEY WAY, TABLE VIEW 7441. 195998/2012—(2) VAN WYK, CHRISTINA JACOBA, 7 Februarie 1957, 5702070114083, 45 VAN RIEBEECK STRAAT, GOODWOOD ,7460; (3) 18 Februarie 2018; (5) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS, PO BOX 56, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7437. 5827/2018—(2) SCHOLTZ, MARIETTE OLIVIA, 10 Desember 1944, 4412100077083, ENDSTRAAT 10, SANDBAAI; (3) 12 Februarie 2018; (5) MARIUS VORSTER, FHBC REKENMEESTERS, POSBUS 899, WELLINGTON, 7654. 006966/2018—(2) COETZEE, ANNA ALIDA, 6 April 1929, 2904060060085, 8 MARINE COURT, MARINE DRIVE, HERMANUS, 7200; (3) 10 April 2018; (5) SYBRAND SMIT, OPTIMUM SENTRUM, HOOFWEG 10, ONRUSRIVIER, 7201. 003574/2018—(2) Louw, Jacobus Christiaan Joachim, 10 November 1933, 3311105047086, 30 Cevet Street, Langebergdrif, Kraaifontein, 7570; (3) 23 October 2017; (4) Antonie Johannes Louw, 10 December 1939, 3912100039083; (5) Mornè Andrè Van Niekerk, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 006986/2018—(2) Otto, Elizabeth Christina Jacoba, 19 March 2007, 5409300125083, 25 Malherbe Street, Goodwood, Cape Town; (3) 19 March 2007; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 019436/2017—(2) Kitching, Marius, 16 Julie 1959, 5907165004087, Villa Flamenco 2, Kokerboomstraat, Brackenfell, 7560; (3) 9 Oktober 2017, ***; (5) Susanne Rall-Willemse, Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600. 6061/2018—(2) WATSON, CHRISTOPHER IAN, 5 January 1950, 5001055073087, 31 CECIL SHEPHERD STREET, MOSSEL BAY, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 18 March 2018; (5) JUNE ROSE THERON, 2ND FLOOR, BUCHANAN CHAMBERS, CNR WARWICK & PEARCE ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708. 007118/2018—(2) Horn, Marlene Irma, 13 Maart 1948, 4803130056081, Lodge 69 Pinnacle Point, Mosselbay, 6506; (3) 28 Januarie 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 015109/2017—(2) Kotze, Catharina Johanna, 25 April 1944, 4404250396082, Sunset Laan 34, Llandudno; (3) 23 April 2017; (5) Elene Goosen, Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood, 7460. 017017/2017—(2) DAVIDS, MARTHA, 26 July 1946, 4607260528086, 11 KUNICK STREET, MAMRE, 7349; (3) 18 May 2014; (4) PETRUS JOHANNES DAVIDS, 27 March 1942, 4203275052088; (5) THOMAS DAVIDS, 11 KUNICK STREET, MAMRE, 7349; (6) 30. 6662/2018—(2) MATTHEE, WESSEL JOHANNES, 19 February 1961, 6102195094089, 3 CHANTA CLAIR, BAARTMAN STREET, SOUTHFIELD, CAPE TOWN; (3) 7 April 2018; (5) ELIZABETH HACKING, 11TH FLOOR, 1 THIBAULT SQUARE, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (6) 30 days. 013035/2017—(2) DAVIDS, PETRUS JOHANNES, 15 May 1942, 4203275052088, 11 KUNICK STREET, MAMRE, 7347; (3) 15 May 2016; (5) THOMAS DAVIDS, 11 KUNICK STREET, MAMRE, 7347; (6) 30.

Form/Vorm J 187


In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number, (2) surname, christian name(s), identity number, last address, (3) description of account other than first and final; (4) if deceased was married in community of property the surviving spouse’s names, surname and identity number; (5) period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrate’s Office; (6) Advertiser details.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 97


Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van die Boedelwet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie en distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indien spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter insae lê van alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings. Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: (1) Boedelnommer, (2) familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, (3) beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; (4) indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; (5) tydperk van insae (indien korter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor; (6) Adverteerder besonderhede.


023815/2017—(2) Geel, Carel Jacobus Daniel (3705235082089); 151 Vergeet-my-nie street, Elandspoort, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) Smartryk Geel (3710290061085); (5) 21; (Pretoria, Johannesburg). (6) Legatus Trust; P.O Box17, Pinegowrie, 2123; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861722626. 5277/2015—(2) Malatji, Simon Ronnie (7707275385089); 35 Alfonzo Avenue Protea Glen Extension 16 Soweto; (3) First and Final; (4) N/a; (5) (South Gauteng). (6) Derrocks Attorneys; P O Box 38048, Booysens, 2016; Email: admin@derrocks.; Tel: 0118388103. 34663/2014—(2) PAICE, ALIDA (3709190058084); NO. 3 THEMAS COURT, 55 ESCOMBE AVENUE, BRAKPAN; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (BRAKPAN, GAUTENG SOUTH, JOHANNESBURG). (6) LIEBENBERG MALAN LIEZEL HORN INC. (BRAKPAN); 61 VAN DER WALT ROAD, DALVIEW, BRAKPAN; Email: lmlhtransfers@telkomsa. net; Tel: (011)744-1962. 17277/2016—(2) CARDOSO, ANTONIO LESLIE VIEIRA (6703295169083); 40 JOHAN MEYER STREET, LINMEYER, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) JACQUELINE HAYLEY CARDOSO (6906020178085); (5) 21 DAYS; (JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH GAUTENG). (6) TJ BOTHASPANGENBERG ING; POSBUS 393, ALBERTON, 1450; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 907 2004. 2983/2017—(2) BODENSTEIN, ANNA DOROTHEA (3102040026081); GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) Foster Prokureur; Otto straat 12, Ottosdal, 2610; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 018- 5710031. 010868/2016—(2) MDLETSHE, XOLANI MARVELLOUS MBONGELENI (7412065338089); 343 Pongola River Drive, Norkem Extension 2, Kempton Park, 1631; (3) First and Final; (4) CHARIY NOTHANDO DEREMADICE MDLETSHE (8109180874084); (5) 21; (KEMPTON PARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) UBERRIMA PHOENIX TRUST LTD; 389C ONTDEKKERSROAD, ROODEPOORT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-7914838. 019578/2015—(2) Makhanye, Fanyana Phanuel (3009185133087); 6032 Motloung Section, Katlehong; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) TMatubatuba Attorneys Inc.; 247 Standard Towers Building, 6th Floor, President Street, Germiston; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118251161. 017104/2016—(2) STANGL, NORMA (5009110103088); 25 BERKLEY AVENUE, BRYANSTON, GAUTENG, 2021; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) M.G.K. MAHER; P O BOX 84583, GREENSIDE, JOHANNESBURG, 2034; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116462155. 22011/2017—(2) Lotter, Helena Johanna (3210200022087); Greenfieldlaan 32, Libradene, Boksburg. 1459; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) N.v.t. N.v.t.; (5) (Boksburg, Johannesburg). (6) Brooks Wepener Prokureurs; Posbus 19139, Sunward Park 1470; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 893 2851. 008529/2009—(2) SPEAR, ELIZABETH (2504100028082); Farm Ivaura Estates, Hectorspruit; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (N/A, PRETORIA). (6) Standard Executors and Trustees Ref: D Greeff; Private Bag X25, Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123660326. 2346/2016—(2) CRONJE, WILLEM CHRISTIAN (3411235017080); 202 ZAMBEZI RETIREMENT VILLAGE, SINOVILLE, GAUTENG, 0129; (3) First and final; (4) ANNA ALETTA PETRONELLA CRONJE (3609050032080); (5) 21 DAYS; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PHILLIP VENTER ATTORNEYS; 426 KING’S HIGHWAY, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA, 0181; Email: kari@; Tel: 0861007669. 37045/2014—(2) VAN DER MERWE, JOHN GODFREY (5607085032081); NO. 26 VAN DER STEL STREET, ALBERANTE, ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MURRAY VAN RENSBURG INC ATTORNEYS; GROUND FLOOR, ABERDEEN HOUSE, PETER PLACE PARK, 54 PETER PLACE PARK, LYME PARK, BRYANSTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 - 7064253.

This gazette is also available free online at 98 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

20230/2017—(2) MALIEHE, MALEKGOOA MARTHA (4604020421082); 2829 (22) NALEDI EXT KWA XUMA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KG MASHIGO ATTORNEYS; 58 MARSHALL STREET, MARSHALLTOWN, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921215. 01704/2017—(2) NORTJé, HENDRINA CECILIA (8801150127085); 517B COEGA STREET, ERASMUSKLOOF, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) WEAVIND & WEAVIND INC.; P O BOX 34, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123463098. 7436/2018—(2) BURGHARDT, HEINRICH-RUDOLF (4803025139182); 8 ELEVATION AVENUE, MIDRAND; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ROBIN TWADDLE & ASSOCIATES; FIRST FLOOR, UNIT 6 , 546 SIXTEENTH ROAD, MIDRAND; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113470300. 1017/2018—(2) Chapman, William James Bushnell Roome (4101015004080); 3 Klapperhout Straat, Bela-Bela, 0480; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bela-Bela, Pretoria). (6) Aletta van Goeverden; Posbus 12129, Aston Manor, 1630; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0828257135. 2509/2018—(2) van Wyk, Martha Johanna (3506120004083); Eenheid 028, Palm Renaissance, Silverton; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Aletta van Goeverden; Posbus 12129, Aston Manor, 1630; E-pos: altavangoeverden@vodamail.; Tel: 0828257135. 009607/2017—(2) KHAN, ABDULLA (4404195141080); 26 Wessel Lourens Drive, Brackenfell, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Centurion, Pretoria). (6) VEZI & DE BEER INC; 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123615640. 29267/2016—(2) Von Berg, Daphne Ann (5003120034086); 1 Unwin Road, Moffat View, 2197; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: MEL; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: Melanie.Matthee@standardbank.; Tel: 0112831163. 012711/2017—(2) Carpenter, Kenneth James (3408235023084); WILLOW VILLAGE 9, SPITSKOPWEG 321 DIE WILGERS, PRETORIA; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Snijder & Associates Ref: 122; Po Box 31061, Totiusdal 0134; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123297209. 029582/2014—(2) Mavuso, Dinah dimakatso (2906160277089); 966 sandile street, zone 1, diepkloof; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a; (5) (South Gauteng). (6) DERROCKS ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 38048, BOOYSENS, 2016; Email: eustine@derrocks.; Tel: 0118388103. 005669/2018—(2) PIETERS, GENE JOHANN (5612135037080); 18 BOTHA STREET, BRENTHURST 1541; (3) First and Final; (4) SUSANA JACOBA PIETERS (5803280035082); (5) (SPRINGS, PRETORIA). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354 4860. 1870/09—(2) Oliver, John William Roonald (5402035041089); 15 Fiona Street, Discovery; (3) First And Final; (4) Aletta Oliver (5709010183086); (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: MEL; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831100. 9303/2012—(2) BELE, MZIWAKHE HENRY ALEC (6703115286083); 16 NEW KLEINFONTEIN AVENUE, LEACHVILLE EXTENSION 3; (3) First and Final; (4) CAROL AMANDA CINDI (7312290285081); (5) (BRAKPAN, MARSHALLTOWN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) HJ JOUBERT ATTORNEYS; 309 TAMARISK ROAD, BENONI AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0105906140. 8259/2018—(2) KLEINHANS, COLSTON ARNOLD (3707075043080); AVOND REST OLD AGEHOME, VEREENIGING; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VEREENIGING, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NOLTE INC. ATTORNEYS; 1ST FLOOR, ROYAL PALMS BUILDING, C/O LOCH & PIERNEEF STREET, MEYERTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0163624108. 004841/2017—(2) HAMILTON, JOHN MACHIEL (4911275005084); 62A CAMBORNE STREET, NEWREDRUTH, ALBERTON; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Sanlam trust; Privaat sak x 45 Lynnwood 0040; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700333. 006650/2017—(2) STEYN, JACOBUS FILIPPUS STEYN (2710315033086); 16 GOUDPARK, SILVER STREET, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, 1020; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNA HELENA MARTHA STEYN STEYN (3701220044085); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) MACHOBANE KRIEL INCORPORATED; 179 LYNNWOOD ROAD, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-362-1678. 002268/2018—(2) Daude, Nasser Juma (6706025281185); 10 St Joseph Street, Hurleyvale, Edenvale; (3) First and final; (4) Stela Degraca Ye (7212160741181); (5) (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) Rina Hageman; FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355709. 006866/2018—(2) De Vos, Johannes Nicholas (5101035134080); 81 Maude Street, Sandton; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: yvette.ramsunder@fnb.; Tel: 087 736 6991. 002871/2018—(2) Woodward, Carole Ann (4204230022182); 2 Christina Crescent, Northwold Gardens, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Rina Hageman; FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355709. 007659/2018—(2) MC WILLIAMS, TERRANCE (5105010042085); 41 BENAVELA PLACE, BENAVELA AVENUE, RANDPARK RIDGE, 2169; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY)LTD; PO BOX 52297, SAXONWOLD, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873358213. 001698/2018—(2) MACDONALD, JOHN NEIL (3304115034087); 14 ANTON WOUW ROAD, ELMA PARK, EDENVALE, 1609; (3) First and final; (4) PAMELA MACDONALD (4212250047088); (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY)LTD; PO BOX 52297, SAXONWOLD, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873358213.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 99

20009/2017—(2) MANQANA, HAROLD (4203115605087); 278 REV FS MODISE DRIVE MEADOWLANDS SOWETO; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) LOUW AND HEYL ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 360 ROODEPOORT 1725; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114755090. 015268/2016—(2) HUNDRIESER, MARIA DOROTHEA (2508170076186); 73A OATES STREET, GROENKLOOF, PRETORIA.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) DRW ATTORNEYS; 86 14TH STREET, PARKHURST,2193.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112681513. 07182/2018—(2) HOMANN, ELIZABETH MAGDELENA CORNELIA (4511110062082); VOORTREKKER STREET, BRAKPAN, 1541; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BRAKPAN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 002051/2018—(2) HORN, MARTHINUS JACOBUS PETRUS (4909145035083); 161 CARLO STREET, SINOVILLE.; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) CHRISTINA ELIZABETH HORN (4703030192087); (5) (PRETORIA-NORTH, PRETORIA). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 016747/2017—(2) MEYER, MARK WILLIAM (5906105053089); 25 NARTJIE AVENUE, GREENHILLS, RANDFONTEIN.; (3) First and Final; (4) HELEEN MEYER (6309100007086); (5) (RANDFONTEIN, PRETORIA). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 001070/2017—(2) MOKHINE, MARGARET (4611040376089); 6538 MABANDAL STREET, KAGISO, 1754; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KAGISO, PRETORIA). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: Info@; Tel: 012-3482665. 007901/2018—(2) PRKOSOVACKI, NIKOLA (5008235035084); 34 SIEMENS STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 016754/2017—(2) ROULSTON, ALLAN (6602255211085); 370 JAN VAN RIEBEECKSTREET, PRETORIA-NORTH, 0182; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA-NORTH, PRETORIA). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 004267/2018—(2) STRYDOM, ANNA SOPHIA MARIA MAGDALENA (4409060012084); MAHONIES STREET 1176, MOREGLOED, PRETORIA, 0186; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 15756/2012—(2) VAN SCHALKWYK, LOUIS (5301095008089); FARM LOSKOP 110, GROBLERSDAL, 0470; (3) First and Final; (4) CORNELIA MARGARETHA VAN SCHALKWYK (5804150155083); (5) (GROBLERSDAL, PRETORIA). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 5210/2014—(2) Maharaj, Vidyanand (3710255073083); 124 Desai Crescent, Kenville, Durban; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Pretoria). (6) VEZI & DE BEER INC; 319 ALPINE ROAD, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA; Email: jabulile@vezidebeer.; Tel: 0123615640. 011591/2017—(2) Brill, Penelope Helen (5308210113082); 7 Shaw Road, Blairgowrie, Johannesburg, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) N/a N/a; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Trevor John McGlashan; P O Box 412341, Craighall, 2024; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113257414. 023626/2017—(2) BADENHORST, JAN HENDRIK (2212255011081); 892 MARLOWE ROAD, HENLEY-ON-KLIP, GAUTENG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MEYERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: AAISHAH.DANIELS@WARWICKWEALTH. COM; Tel: 0800 505050. 20414/2017—(2) Da Mata Frizado, Maria Bemvinda (2611100033085); 33 Second Avenue, Melville, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) GIUSEPPE FIZZOTTI - ATTORNEY; P O BOX 751900, GARDENVIEW, 2047; Email:; Tel: 011-622-5530. 018633/2012—(2) MAKHUBELA, SIMON (4405065446087); ERF 1461 GA-RANKUWA UNIT 1 TOWNSHIP, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) THEMBI MARY-ANNE MAKHUBELA (3804230274088); (5) (Pretoria, NORTH GAUTENG, PRETORIA). (6) Geldenhuys Botha INC.; 180 Vinko Street, Sinoville, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0125433235. 016685/2015—(2) Retief, Willem Johannes (4304105116083); 66 Jan Fiskaal Ave, Helikonpark, Randfontein.; (3) First and final; (4) Valerie Ruth Retief (4702030118084); (5) 21 days; (Randfontein Magistrate Court, Johannesburg). (6) Chantal Mellett; 131 Kenneth Avenue, Greenhills, Randfontein; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114123533. 10315/2013—(2) Vosloo, Willem Stermberg Otto (4407205039087); No: R127C, West Village, Krugersdorp, 1739; (3) First and Final; (4) Catharina Magdalena Vosloo (5002060081081); (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) BHIKA CALITZ INCORPORATED; 28 CONVENT ROAD, GREENHILLS, RANDFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116935346. 018633/2012—(2) MAKHUBELA, SIMON (4405065446087); ERF 1461 GA-RANKUWA UNIT 1 TOWNSHIP, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) THEMBI MARY-ANNE MAKHUBELA (3804230274088); (5) (Pretoria, NORTH GAUTENG, PRETORIA). (6) Geldenhuys Botha INC.; 180 Vinko Street, Sinoville, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0125433235. 011037/2016—(2) Quebo, Ngwanyana Martha (5312150498081); No 21096, Mamelodi East, Pretoria, Gauteng Province; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) Thindisa Attorneys; 460 Johannes Ramokhoase Street, 2nd Floor Project Literacy Building, Arcadia, Pretoria 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123236013. 6847/2018—(2) Morgan, Alfred James (2812015005081); 9 Green Street, Brenthurst, Brakpan; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Brakpan, Johannesburg). (6) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd - Mrs A. Strydom; Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195. 002607/2018—(2) Ramsamy, Moonsamy (4909085127080); 36 Old Crescent, Tongaat central; (3) First and Final; (4) Amurtham Ramsamy (5310250132085); (5) (High Court - Johannesburg). (6) Ferhana Jada Attorneys; 272 Rose Avenue, Extension 5, Lenasia; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118524809.

This gazette is also available free online at 100 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

21492/2008—(2) Phalama, Makhudu Dugmore (1711115160088); 872 Mamelodi Gardens Extension 2 Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Pretoria). (6) Stopforth Swanepoel & Brewis Inc.; 729 Park Street Arcadia Pretoria; Email: property01@; Tel: 012-343-7437. 80962017—(2) Antonello, Nicola Pasquale (3305175048180); 078 Glendower Heights, Marais Road, Bedfordview, 2007; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Germiston, Pretoria). (6) Elio Francesco Mario Banchetti; 42 Morsim Road, Hyde Park, Johannesburg, 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0764738297. 8738/2018—(2) Robinson (born Lindsay), Maureen Ann (6308150031087); 17 Savannah, 12 Vincent Avenue, Eden Glen, Edenvale; (3) First and Final; (4) Douglas Charles Robinson (5608305210085); (5) (Edenvale, Johannesburg). (6) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd - Mrs A. Strydom; Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195. 011688/2017—(2) Ladenis, Angela Maria (3306250043187); 8 Bryanston Hills, Kensington “B”, Randburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Pretoria). (6) Maree & Partners; P O Box 123, Virginia, 9430; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 057- 2123101. 6397/2016—(2) PILLAY-MARION, HAZEL (6808030013080); 25 GREENSLEEVES, 437 CORLETT DRIVE EXT, CORLETT GARDENS, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) KENNETH CLIVE MARION (6905035214083); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) GASCOIGNE RANDON & ASSOCIATES; P.O. BOX 31, EDENVALE, 1610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114531077/8. 016126/2017—(2) Fisher, Fabian frederick (7903105148082); Unit 6 sonwaba, oklahoma road, cosmo city; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a; (5) (Randburg) (6) DERROCKS ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 38048, BOOYSENS, 2016; Email: eustine@derrocks.; Tel: 0118388103. 16144/2017—(2) White, Hazel Claire (8307220076088); 155 Inyati Sands, Lesley Road, Douglasdale, Fourways, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) GIUSEPPE FIZZOTTI - ATTORNEY; P O BOX 751900, GARDENVIEW, 2047; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-622-5530. 027832/2016—(2) POLLOCK, PATRICIA EVELYN (4304180070080); 10 ALLEN WELLS ROAD, DISCOVERY, GAUTENG,1709; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: AAISHAH.DANIELS@ WARWICKWEALTH.COM; Tel: 0800 505050. 004386/2018—(2) NAUDE, PIETER SCHALK (5601015015084); 809 CASCADES ROAD, LITTLE FALLS, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST LTD; NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124367128. 030791/2015—(2) Naidoo, Clint (8501015040081); 20 Crawford Drive, Norscot, Sandton, Johannesburg; (3) First And Final; (4) Karishma Beharie Karishma Beharie (8411170054085); (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: NJ; PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012334. 026452/2017—(2) VAN HILLO, PIET (3402025059184); UNIT 38, HARVESTON RETIREMENT VILLAGE, PENCHARTZ ROAD, HONEYDEW RIDGE, GAUTENG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: AAISHAH. [email protected]; Tel: 0800 505050. 3518/2017—(2) Globisch, Reinhard Anton (4002195034188); 47 Chrissie Street, Brackenhurst, Alberton; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (Palm Ridge Magistrates Court, South Gauteng High Court). (6) Gavin Mostert Attorneys; 114a Boeing Road East, Edenvale; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-453-3020. 23197/2010—(2) POTELWA, LWAZI (7607015707081); 60 TUCKER STREET, TRIOMP; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) RORICH WOLMARANS & LUDERITZ INC.; BLOCK C, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3628990. 006132/2017—(2) Van der Merwe, Ellen (4103250034087); Parkel 63A, Boeing Str 462, Elarduspark, 0159; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys; 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: mandie@; Tel: 0123481088. 2239/2018—(2) Koch, Denise-Ann (7809220210089); 1048 Boven Street, Little Falls, Roodepoort, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) Riaan Koch (7708165091084); (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 009454/2017—(2) Mahlatsi, Mmabojane Dillys (3409030253082); 7631 Makheta Street, Soweto; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: samisha. [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 18143/2016—(2) Mabula, Modiegi Lenah (4702270592089); Unit 142 Saffron Gardens, Setter Road, Roodepoort, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) Mothokasagagwe Mabula (4304065501084); (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 015714/2017—(2) Tredoux, Gideon Albertus Francois (3504145034086); 2 Igumbo Complex, 30 Milkwood Road, Krugersdorp, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) Jeanette Elise Tredoux (3404200025089); (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 006098/2017—(2) BUYS, ELMARIE (6803090096083); 79 Villa Dine, 534 Denmar Place, Garsfontein East, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Du Plessis and Kruyshaar Incorporated; Office no 2, 118 Sovereign Drive, Route 21 Corporate Park, Irene, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861000779. 14661/11—(2) Blignaut, Cornelius Hermanus (6010135009085); 21 Villierstraat,Kenmare Uitbreiding 4,Krugersdorp,1739; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Rachel Elizabeth Blignaut (6108010103088); (5) (Krugersdorp, North Gauteng). (6) J vd Westhuizen; 4 Contour Rd, Kenmare,Krugersdorp,1739; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0824652400.

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8459/2018—(2) Andrew, June Mary (3008100094085); Trans 50, Witfield Retirement Park, Boksburg; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Boksburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: samisha. [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 11690/2017—(2) Grobler, Hester Wilhelmina (2608190024081); Montana Retirement Village, 1735 Bougainvilla Drive, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Mazars Administration Trust; P O Box 285, Port Elizabeth; Email: frances. [email protected]; Tel: 041 - 5019712. 24494/2017—(2) Wolmarans, Jan Jacobus (3703205018084); 40 Assegai Street, Three Rivers, Vanderbijlpark; (3) First and final; (4) Elizabeth Margaretha Wolmarans (4308100052086); (5) (Vandebijlpark, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 4862/2018—(2) Molobye, Matlhatlho Anna (3004150380086); 15 Morutlhare Street, Zone 3, Meadowlands, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 2265/2018—(2) NAPIER, NEIL WILLIAM (5312265107080); 2 DIKKOPLAAN, ROOIHUISKRAAL - PRETORIA; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD (MVG); PRIVATE BAG X137, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685; Tel: 012-470-0106. 2230/2018—(2) Swan, Beverly Sandra (5310160064083); Unit 6, Penny Lane, Pinotage Street, Alberton; (3) First and final; (4) Kenneth Alexander Swan (4811025092087); (5) (Palm Ridge, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 25148/2017—(2) Bertasso, Giovanni Romano (3503145013181); 6 Elmwood, 1 Juniper Drive, Dowerglen, Germiston, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) Hilda Sheila Bertasso (3910170039082); (5) (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 02/2015—(2) SMITH, HANNAH JOSEPHINE (4108300073084); 23 PINELANDS STREET, CORONATIONVILLE; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) CECIL ERROL SMITH (4206035144087); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KEITH WHITAKER ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 2024, JOHANNESBURG, 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0837083972. 021770/2017—(2) Grocock, Neil (5112135187183); 22 Cum Laude, 130 Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 9481/2016—(2) Botha, Jan Andries (3410105025082); 224 Oom Jochem’s Place Erasmusrand Pretoria 0181; (3) Second and Final; (4) Catharina Maria Botha (3610220071081); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Corban Olivier; Private Bag X25, Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123660308. 2380-2018—(2) MILES, SIDNEY RODWAY (3410215067081); EENHEID 1051, WILGERS AFTREE-OORD, 130 VIVIAN STREET, WILLOW PARK MANOR, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) RAMONA HEFER; EHLERS FAKUDE INC. 379 QUEENS CRESCENT, SUNWOOD PARK 3A, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123617102. 013881/2017—(2) Finken, Eleonora (3311040045088); 464 Diane Road, Olivedale, Randburg, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 003027/2018—(2) Gaffney, Carol Sandra (3606260347084); 18 Hamilton street Coronation Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) Barnard Leon Gaffney (3506065006085); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Limited; PO Box 52297 Saxonwold 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877306500. 18911/2017—(2) Pieroni, Geoffrey Mark (6012295128085); 31 Glen Street, Krugersdorp, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877369713. 8214/2017—(2) Mavuso, Piet Nvula (8004115678082); 1468 Polokong Extension 2 Sebokeng; (3) First and final; (4) Masabata Gladys Mavuso (8709091117083); (5) (Sebokeng, Pretoria). (6) Nicolene Engelbrecht; 14 Glenvista Close Woodhill Estate Pretoriuspark; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)993-5520. 007845/2017—(2) Sithole, John Tasheka (3602055217087); 53 Masakhane Street, Radebe Section, Katlehong, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Palmridge, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Limited; PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877306500. 022440/2015—(2) Kaiser, Sheila (3905290031084); 128 Midhill, Crown Gardens, Johannesburg; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) Orphee Peter Kaiser Kaiser (3612175020089); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 6991. 003021/2018—(2) Swart, Anna Catharina (3805030043086); 62 the Carraige Gate cnr Rile and Grobler Road Bedfordview; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Germiston). (6) FNB Fiduciary(Pty) Limited; PO Box 52297 Saxonwold 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877306500. 007648/2018—(2) Jarvis, Ernest Gresham (4608215105087); 3 Corte Castillo, Mooifontein Street, Birchleigh North; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Limited; PO Box 52297, Saxonwold; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877306500. 002272/2018—(2) Sithole (Born Dube), Ntombizodwa Elizabeth (4810210292080); 53 Masakhane Street Radebe Section Katlehong; (3) First and final; (4) Tasheka John Sithole (3602055217087); (5) (Palmridge, Johannesburgn). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Limited; PO Box 2297 Saxonwold 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877306500.

This gazette is also available free online at 102 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

1025/2017—(2) VAN DER MERWE, CELESTE LORRAINE (5101210006087); 62A CHARLES STREET, MUCKLENEUK, PRETORIA; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) STEFANUS PETRUS VAN DER MERWE (4909075021087); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) VAN DER MERWE & BESTER INGELYF; WATERKLOOFRAND CORPORATE PARK, BLOCK A, 358 BUFFELSDRIFT STREET, ERASMUSRAND; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 087 940 3536. 000246/2018—(2) Doman, Saied (7410215121082); 1239 Sender Turn, Radiokop, Roodepoort,; (3) First and final; (4) Amber Chrystal Doman (8103150055089); (5) (Roodepoort, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 021744/2017—(2) McCallum, Barbara Jean (3010010073183); Anchusa-The-Annex, Howard Drive, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 004931/2018—(2) Ndlovu, Ellen Dimakatso (6504050339089); 2537 Horn Street, Riverlea, Johannesburg.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 013900/2017—(2) SMITH, JONATHAN SUTCLIFFE (6206245082083); 11 Castille, 30 Ley Road, Victory Park, Randburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 016384/2017—(2) Malatse, TEBANE PHILEMON (2912155187085); 7407B Mahlatsi Street, Diepkloof, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 008627/2015—(2) Pisanello, Giovanna (3803130091089); Olivdale Retirement Village Cnr Olive & Lima Road Olivedale; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Pretoria). (6) Papilsky Hurwitz; P.O Box 46319 Orange Grove, 2119; Email: bkubelun@; Tel: (011)728-7433. 003794/2018—(2) Thompson, Neville Blake (4509055099085); 4 Grove Road, Gardens, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Fairbridges Wertheim Becker; 33 Fricker Road, Illovo, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-2680250. 025942/2017—(2) SMIT, JOCHEMUS JOHANNES (4708105015089); 11 GOTWANI STREET, MIDDELBURG, 1055; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (MIDDELBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SF; Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 004290/2018—(2) Steytler, Douglas (4603045091086); 12 Gloucester Road, Kensington, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Rina Hageman; FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355709. 01478/2015—(2) Uys, Paul Johannes (6104245038082); Plot 36, Rissie Klein Plasie, Risiville, Vereeniging; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) 1 JUNIE 2018; (Vereeniging, Pretoria). (6) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (EDMS) BPK - Mnr. A.L. Smit; Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kent Laan 265, Ferndale, Randburg; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195. 021732/2017—(2) De Vos, Johannes (5510165041081); 27 Crossberry Street, Vandykpark, Boksburg; (3) First and final; (4) Elizabeth Helena Wilhelmina de Vos (5408200132082); (5) (Boksburg, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 025150/2017—(2) McCall, Daphne Hope (2602100032086); 24 Lawley Avenue, Northcliff, Johannesburg.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 000235/2018—(2) Wells, Margaret (2609220028084); 31 Sunrise Estate, 5th Road, Northwold, Randburg, Johannesburg.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 002758/2018—(2) Hlatshwayo, Thandi Gladys (2707310120082); Site no. 381 Nhlapo B Section, Katlehong, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Palm Ridge (Alberton) Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys; 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123481088. 014018/2017—(2) SEKOTLONG, NIMROD MOLOSE JOHANNES (5505085596081); PRETORIA; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) EMILY MMAPITSO SEKOTLONG (6902080873087); (5) (N.V.T., PRETORIA). (6) SPIES BESTER POTGIETER; Posbus 13220 HATFIELD 0028; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 342 2933. 012250/2017—(2) JOUBERT, LILO (6608080031085); NO.7 FRANK TOWNSEND STREET, WITRIVIER, 1240; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (White River, Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: EJ/AL; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 5663/2016—(2) MINNAAR, ANNETTE (5211210018089); 124 CORONATIONSTRAAT, CARLETONVILLE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARTHINUS STEPHANUS MINNAAR (5107265030088); (5) (OBERHOLZER, CARLETONVILLE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PIET VAN STADEN PROKUREURS; 62 EGGO JANSTRAAT, OBERHOLZER, CARLETONVILLE; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0187886528. 023071/2017—(2) Hawson, Meredith Mary (3811260314080); Potion 528JQ Lindley, Willowstream Farm, District Krugersdorp; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) Rina Hageman; FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355709. 008458/2017—(2) Delport, Jacobus Arnoldus (2509145033088); Protea Retirement Village Frail Care, 250 Glover Street, Centurion, Gauteng; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Jessica Marler; 50 Coetzer Avenue, Monument Park, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123476328.

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3598/2017—(2) TURNBULL-KEMP, CHRISTINE LESLEY (5804030242184); 12 FIRST STREET FOCHVILLE; (3) First and Final; (4) ADRIAN COLIN NICHOLAS TURNBULL-KEMP (5805165219186); (5) (FOCHVILLE, PRETORIA). (6) VAN DER MERWE PECHé ATTORNEYS; 40 VREDE STREET, FOCHVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0187713775. 001470/2018—(2) Schulze, Heather Doreen (4802020001082); PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, North Gauteng). (6) Jurien Jordaan; 213 Braam Pretorius street, Wonderboom, Pretoria, 0182; Email: janien@jordaanadvisors.; Tel: 0125431113. 023545/2017—(2) Eve, Mark Louis (5403020206083); 1137 Olivewood Estate, Christo Avenue, Olivedale, 2158; (3) First and Final; (4) Elizabeth Louise Eve (5403020206083); (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Crest Trust Holdings Ingelyf; P O Box 11808, Centurion, 0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 643 1049. 004632/2017—(2) MARE, PETRUS IGNATIUS (3212045021084); Portion 37 Hermansburg; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, PRETORIA). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: C Rammego; PO Box 6287, Pretoria 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124367132. 009352/2018—(2) Winkworth, Anna Sophia Martina Winkworth (3901300069081); Kidrook 11, Uraanlaan 9, Georgina, 1724; (3) First and Final; (4) John Henry Winkworth (4002055023081); (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Crest Trust Holdings Ingelyf; P O Box 11808, Centurion, 0046; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 643 1049. 7029/2010—(2) CINGO, SONWABO DUFFIELD (4007275202084); 114 TSIMELI STREET, EMNDENI EXT 2, SOWETO; (3) First and final; (4) PHOEBE DIPOU CINGO (4803300186080); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KG MASHIGO ATTORNEYS; 58 MARSHALL STREET, MARSHALLTOWN, JOHANNESBURG; Email: zama@kgmashigoattorneys.; Tel: 0114921215. 001161/2018—(2) MBUYANA, GOSHI DAVID (5411075398085); 1217 MOTLOPI STREET, HOUSE 8961, MAMELODI EXT 2, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First; (4) EMILY LEBEKWA MBUYANA (5706080804088); (5) (TSHWANE CENTRAL, PRETORIA). (6) BRIGHT RIKHOTSO; Huurkoor Hatfield Building, 347 Hilda Street, Hatfield, 2nd Floor, Office 2 C; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123531514. 26303/2014—(2) MASHABA, EDWARD (4002015398086) (N/A); 1018 MOOKA CRESS LUFHERENG; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 DAYS; (RANDBURG, JOHANNNESBURG). (6) RAMAITE NESENGANI ATTORNEYS; 248 KENT AVENUE, RANDBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 083 942 2329. 027744/2017—(2) MORAKE, MOKOPANELO JOSEPH (5702085316087); 13140 MADELA STREET, DAVEYTON; (3) First and final; (4) DORCAS MORAKE (6007070908081); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET, KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR, JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: ADMIN@ KOMANEATTORNEYS.COM; Tel: 011-492-1288. 014618/2017—(2) MTHOMBOTHI, MCABANGO PHILPOS (3502055131082); 501 LEBOENG SECTION, TEMBISA; (3) First and final; (4) NOMANGISI SELINA MTHOMBOTHI (4410270403089); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET, KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR, JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-492-1288. 028035/2016—(2) MKHABELA, VONGANI HENNY (8405155740080); PO BOX 1576, ELIM HOSPITAL, 0960; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-492-1288. 019837/2015—(2) MBATHA, ZANDILE JOYCE (8009101106089); 750 LUVUYO STREET, ROODEKOP, EXT.21; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET, KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR, JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-492-1288. 009034/2017—(2) Lubbinge, Koob (4410045030084); 845 29th Avenue, Rietfontein, 0084; (3) First And Final; (4) Willemina Lubbinge (5509090108080); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Snijder & Associates Ref: 111; Po Box 31061, Totiusdal, 0134; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123297209. 1240/2017—(2) HAVEMANN, MERWIN LEON (3506275051087); GAZALA STREET, POLLAR PARK, SPRINGS; (3) First and Final; (4) VANETA HAVEMANN (4009270058081); (5) (SPRINGS, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BURN REYNOLDS & CO; 30 OAKLANE OFFICE PARK, GRIPPEN ROAD, BARTLETT, BOKSBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0832607135. 20858/2017—(2) Abrahamson, Julia (2804060048082); Unit 430 Elphin Lodge , 222 Modderfontein Road , Lyndhurst; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Johannesburg). (6) Chamber Administrators cc; P O Box 246 , Shelly Beach , 4265; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0393151081. 015913/2017—(2) MEYER, DENIS ADOLPH (2306185002085); 16 PADDOCK AVENUE RUIMSIG ROODEPOORT; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MOSS COHEN & PARTNERS; 23 WEST STREET HOUGHTON ESTATE JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117285277. 013875/2017—(2) CHIPA, NUKO JUNIA (3304010435082); PRETORIA; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) (N.V.T., PRETORIA). (6) SPIES BESTER POTGIETER; Posbus 13220 HATFIELD 0028; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 342 2933. 008554/2018—(2) MAKHURA, NTOME REBECCA (6104050722085); 418 KOPANONG SECTION 20 METIS STREET TEMBISA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Janneke Fourie; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s C/O and South Street Centurion; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 028771/2017—(2) Pieterse, Debbie Linda (7203280235089); 18 Tenth avenue, Northmead, Benoni, 1501; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Benoni, Gauteng). (6) Absa Trust Limited; Absa House, 2nd Floor, cnr william Moffet & Overbaakens Road, Fairview, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3906396.

This gazette is also available free online at 104 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

007432/2018—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, LODEWIKA STEFINA CORNELIA (4105230015086); 7 GRANDEUR, 71 TULPE LAAN, BERGSIG, HEIDELBERG; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) GERT PIETER BEZUIDENHOUT (3902245072081); (5) (HEIDELBERG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) HUMAN PROKUREURS; 31 DEVON STRAAT, DALVIEW, BRAKPAN, GAUTENG; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011-740-3448. 012571/2016—(2) Mengel, Mary Elizabeth (4205120011086); Residentia Old Age Home , Troy Street , Sunnyside , Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, PRETORIA). (6) SONNEKUS ATTORNEYS; 59 HF VERWOERD ROAD , HEIDELBERG , 1441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0163413525. 027653/2017—(2) Ramahama, Noloyiso Bellina (6603140706081); 21883 Ibhabhathane Street, Etwatwa, Daveyton, 1519; (3) First and final; (4) Masilo Phineas Ramahama (6312085400086); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Andrew Lishivha Incorporated; 88 Marshall Street, 8th Floor, Samancor House, Marshalltown, 2107; Email: mandisa@lishivhatrust.; Tel: 011-838-9110. 21236/2011—(2) Kidson, Anna Susanna (3712150037080); 10 A Park Street, Middelburg, Gauteng; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Middleburg, Pretoria). (6) Mariska Kotzé; FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350807. 006040/2018—(2) Van Heerden, Percy Cawood (4203105103085); 20 Montagu Gardens, Fiskaal Street, Glen Marais, Kempton Park; (3) First and final; (4) Mariana Elizabeth Van Heerden (4508040080085); (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Sanlam Trust Limited; Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700069. 018467/2017—(2) VOIGT, JOHANNES FREDERICK (5011225037086); NO 9 GLENIFFER COURT, GILLSTRAAT 8, LAMBTON, GERMISTON; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) NVT NVT; (5) (GERMISTON, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) PETRA LABUSCHAGNE; PGL TRUSTEES, DOREENSTRAAT 85, COLBYN, PRETORIA, 0083; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 3421240. 18511/2015—(2) MOGALE, SEITATOLO JOHANNA (6606220602088); 43 SEIBERT STREET, FOCHVILLE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-492-1288. 005763/2018—(2) Camp, Leonie Edwina (5601050097088); 150 Gordon Road, Kibler Park, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) Nigel Christopher Camp (6101075023085); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Rina Hageman; FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355709. 001831/2017—(2) Hobe, Ndlokweni Robert (2208165104081); 16 Mthetwa Street, Mofolo Central, Soweto; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys; 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123481088. 026900/2017—(2) DOS SANTOS, VERONIKA (7101250015087); 41 JERSEY ROAD DINWIDDIE GERMISTON; (3) First and Final; (4) CARLOS FERNANDO DOS SANTOS (6508195029083); (5) (GERMISTON, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. 19331/2017—(2) GREEN, DANIEL JAKOBUS (5307145050088); 2 KOTZE STREET, LODEYKO, SPRINGS, 1559; (3) First and Final; (4) MARTHA CATHARINA GREEN (5405260002082); (5) (SPRINGS, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BRUCE MORRISON & ASSOCIATES; P O BOX 1233, SPRINGS, 1560; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118122546. 14131/13—(2) RAMOSHABA, MOTSEOA SYLVIA (5905140816088); 102 PARK STREET, RANDFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) NOKO RAMABOYA MASON ATTORNEYS; 401 OLIVETTI HOUSE, 237 SOPHIE DE BRUYN STREET, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123237777. 002263/2018—(2) JANTJIES, MARIUS JESIAH (6411175223083); 871 BERGENDAL STREET, SUIDERBERG, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) JUNE JANTJIES (6306030863083); (5) (PRETORIA, Pretoria). (6) Karen Van Niekerk Attorneys; PO Box 102260, Moreleta Plaza, 0167; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-997-4865. 004929/2018—(2) SCHULTZ, AUDREY CYNTHIA JOYCE (3911190023080); 16 BELHAMBRA ROAD PRIMROSE GERMISTON; (3) First and Final; (4) JOSEPH JEREMIAH SCHULTZ (3609205063089); (5) (GERMISTON, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. 008784/2018—(2) Marshall, Carol-Ann (4809190099085); 66 Amajuba Street, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp; (3) First and final; (4) Roy Alexander Marshall (5901270705084); (5) (Kurgersdorp, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 008466/2017—(2) BRISTOT, BRUNO (4010085065188); 129 LOUIS BOTHA AVENUE FELLSIDE JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. 009551/2018—(2) OLWAGE, HAROLD FRANK (4404145075081); 6 POORT STREET GLEN MARAIS KEMPTON PARK JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) JOAN MARY OLWAGE (5104160073081); (5) (GERMISTON, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. 003902/2018—(2) VAN NIEKERK, HENDRIK ERNST (4501225033086); 14 Observatory Road, Observatory, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) HLB BARNETT CHOWN (PTY) LTD; 12 Bradford Road, Bedfordview; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-8565300. 014212/2017—(2) BINSWANGER, HANS PETER (4306095193188); STAND 543, WILLOW ACRES, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, Pretoria). (6) Karen Van Niekerk Attorneys; PO Box 102260, Moreleta Plaza, 0167; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-997-4865. 2065/2018—(2) OOSTHUIZEN, LINDA ALETTA JOAN (3408120002086); Huis Herfsblaar, Queenswood, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) Couzyn Hertzog & Horak Ing (M Steenkamp); Middelstraat 321, Brooklyn, Pretoria; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 460 5090.

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001319/2018—(2) Ndamse, Faith Xoliswa (7605060586087); 41 Hilton Sands, Buccleuch, 2090; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Pretoria). (6) Snyman De Jager Attorneys; C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-663-1680. 021028/2017—(2) Breed, Reginald (3405085075081); Totiusstraat 5, SW1, Vanderbijlpark; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Vanderbijlpark, Johannesburg). (6) A Viktor; Boreaslaan 22, Bedworthpark, 1940; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0797390274. 026187/2017—(2) Netshongolwe, Masindi Thomas (5712235311086); 3035 Chris Hani Road, Chiawelo, Soweto; (3) First and final; (4) Alanga Elizabeth Netshongolwe (5901270705084); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 003645/2018—(2) Westergaard, Christian Emil (3310305043184); 23 Beaufort Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Rina Hageman; FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355709. 015163/2015—(2) MOSHOELA, VIOLET (2604030257189); 105 MARALO STREET, 1191, MOROKA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-492-1288. 003297/2016—(2) NDABA, GODLAGODLA NEPHAT (5703265750087); 26 ATHENA STREET, 001242 ENNERDALE EXT.1, 1830; (3) First and final; (4) FROSSY NDABA (5405050768080); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: ADMIN@ KOMANEATTORNEYS.COM; Tel: 011-492-1288. 014882/2017—(2) MKENTANE, XOLISA MAKEPEACE (4906135691081); STAND NO. 13501 PROTEA GLEN EXT.13, 1818; (3) First and final; (4) KOLEKA CORNELIA MKENTANE (5310290682085); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: ADMIN@ KOMANEATTORNEYS.COM; Tel: 011-492-1288. 004714/2018—(2) SEREMA, NTSHIMANE ISAAC (5801095346082); 188 MALTA ROAD, NATURENA, 2064; (3) First and final; (4) SIBONGILE SEREMA (6001120924081); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: ADMIN@ KOMANEATTORNEYS.COM; Tel: 011-492-1288. 027345/2012—(2) MAHANYELE, MOHALE (3904305300089); 476A SHAMROCK ROAD, BREDELL, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Second and Final; (4) SANKIE DOLLY MAHANYELE (5103230626084); (5) 21 DAYS; (KEMPTON PARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) EDWARD NATHAN SONNENBERGS INC.; 150 WEST STREET, SANDTON, 2196; Email: P.O. BOX 783347, SANDTON, 2146; Tel: 011 302 3153. 030027/2015—(2) NKOSI, MDELELWA EPHRAIM (5005155437084); STAND 248 EZAMOKUHLE, 2490; (3) First and final; (4) THEMBENI MITA NKOSI (5407270841085); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: ADMIN@KOMANEATTORNEYS. COM; Tel: 011-492-1288. 5160/2017—(2) Jansen Van Vuuren, Paul (4311255016088); 1034 Darter Street, , Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) VEZI & DE BEER INC; 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA; Email: samantha@; Tel: 0123615640. 018374/2016—(2) MBONGO, MKHABANYONI SOLOMON (6401215547088); 18874 ZONE 14 SEBOKENG, 1983; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-492-1288. 028028/2017—(2) Moseki, Makelo Dorothy (3901140290087); 3871 Moepeto Street, Dobsonville, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 5157. 008508/2018—(2) MULLER, ANTHONY MICHAEL (4601075043084); 42 FOURTH ROAD, GREYMONT JOHANNESBURG; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Standard Executors and Trustees Ref ST; PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-2831100. 008731/2018—(2) COOPER, GEORGE ALEXANDRIA (5606015030082); 18 PAUL KRUGER STREET ALBERTON; (3) First and Final; (4) JOAHANNA JAKOMINA COOPER (5603130012087); (5) (PALM RIDGE, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. 18208/13—(2) GENIS, NOEL (3406235011083); 4 DRILL STREET, BABERTON, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and Final; (4) ELIZABETH CYNTHIA GENIS (3704280009089); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) MACHOBANE KRIEL INCORPORATED; 179 LYNNWOOD ROAD, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012- 362 1678. 016051/2017—(2) Prinsloo, Jannie Laurence (3803060011081); Alan Woodrow Park Ouetehuis, Jubileeweg 48, Boksburg-Suid, Boksburg; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) 1 Junie 2018; (Boksburg, Pretoria). (6) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (EDMS) BPK - MNR. A.L. SMIT; Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kent Laan 265, Ferndale, Randburg; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195. 003519/2018—(2) DOS SANTOS, JOAQUIM PEREIRA (3811015040188); 16 NORTHRIDGE AVENUE SUNNYRIDGE GERMISTON; (3) First and Final; (4) MARIA CLARA ASSUNCAO DOS SANTOS (5106220529184); (5) (GERMISTON, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178.

This gazette is also available free online at 106 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

012426/2015—(2) TLHAGWANE, MALEFYANE FLORAH (2503170221080); 5072 NYAOKANE STREET, ORLANDO EAST; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KOMANE ATTORNEYS; 62 MARSHALL STREET KHOTSO HOUSE 7TH FLOOR JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011- 492-1288. 10190/2011—(2) Jansen, Erns Louis (1806275014081); 29 College Avenue, Baileys Muckleneuk; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Pretorius & Wilsnach Attorneys; 386 Orient Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123429505. 008402/2018—(2) CHLADEK, IVO MARIAN (3402205012086); 25 DROMORE STREET KENMARE KRUGERSDORP; (3) First and Final; (4) ZDENKA CHLADEK (3705110023083); (5) (KRUGERSDORP, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. 001682/2018—(2) Broeders, Walter Anthony (5002185014082); 18 Timbavati 2 St Christopher Road Bedfordview Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. 026859/2017—(2) BOTHA, LYNETTE MARGARET (5208020014084); 8 COOK STREET KLIPSPRUIT WEST JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. 5778/2015—(2) JEFFERIES, VICTORIA-ANNE (8205080227082); 24A STIRLING AVE, BUCCLEUGH, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) F MCLACHLAN; 2 NORTHWOLD DRIVE, SAXONWOLD 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116461854. 012793/2017—(2) CHALMERS, GREGORY ALEXANDER (6604065201082); 3 TOPAZ LINCOLN STREET, KHYBER ROCK, SANDTON; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MASTER JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) Karen Van Niekerk Attorneys; PO Box 102260, Moreleta Plaza, 0167; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-997-4865. 002225/2018—(2) KRYNAUW, STEPHANUS JOHANNES (2606135009084); 301 PRESTIGE PARK RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 314 SCHEIDING STREET, PRETORIA; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: EW; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 007451/2016—(2) Arbee, Nasima Dadoo (6712150028086); 1 Dinska Street, Eldoglen East, Centurion, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) Aslum Arbee (6309305066085); (5) (`, Pretoria). (6) Minnaar Attorneys; 104 A Queens Crescent, Lynnwood, Pretoria,0081; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0824555688. 21236/2011—(2) Kidson, Anna Susanna (3712150037080); 10 A Park Street, Middelburg, 1050; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Middleburg, Pretoria). (6) Mariska Kotzé; FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350807. 001161/2018—(2) JIYANA, SUHLA JOSEPH (5908225350080); 412 BLOCK BB SOSHANGUVE, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) BRIGHT RIKHOTSO; Huurkoor Hatfield Building, 347 Hilda Street, Hatfield, 2nd Floor, Office 2 C; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123211514. 7617/2013—(2) MIYA, NOKUWASE LIZZY (3601050201088); 5586 ZONE 12, SEBOKENG; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (SEBOKENG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) GOVERNMENT PRINTING; 149 BOSMAN STREET, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-748 6200. 001533/2018—(2) ROUX, MARGARETHA FRANCINA (6008300052088); 164 ASTRID STREET MEYERSPARK PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, Pretoria). (6) Karen Van Niekerk Attorneys; PO Box 102260, Moreleta Plaza, 0167; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-997-4865. 8369/2018—(2) DE LA GUERRE, ALETTA STOFFELINA JOHANNA CORNELIA (2410200001088); AVONWEG 4, IMPALA PARK , 1459 ,; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1728. 009439/2010—(2) Kidson, Frederick Dodd (2908285004083); 10 A Park Street, Middelburg, 1050; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) Anna Susanna Kidson (3712150037080); (5) (Middleburg, Johannesburg). (6) Mariska Kotzé; FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350807. 4271/2018—(2) BREYTENBACH, PHILLIPUS CAREL (6202275035083); 22 SPRINGBOK STREET, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT , 1020 ,; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1728. 002675/2017—(2) DE BEER, CATHARINA ALETTA (3204270032084); EENHEID A306,HUIS HERFSBLAAR,WEBBWEG 1244,QUEENSWOOD,PRETORIA,0186; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) HENDRIK PETRUS JOHANNES DE BEER (3110035046089); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) FOURIE & BOTHA; POSBUS 74960,LYNNWOODRIF,0040; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0123611172. 007241/2018—(2) GERICKE, ENGELA FRANCINA (2106280035083); 29 INVER AVENUE, CROSBY, 2092,; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258409. 007408/2018—(2) BUYS, LLEWELLYN HERBERT (5707215099081); 74 WILHELMINA AVENUE, NOORDERKRANS, ROODEPOORT, 1724; (3) First and final; (4) YVONNE BUYS (5708070127082); (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PONTSHO MATSAPA; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS, WALTLOO, PRETORIA; Email: pontsho. [email protected]; Tel: 0112251725. 14226/2017—(2) CHILIZA, GIRLIE BONGIWE (4806290598081); 198 PHASE 2, ALEXANDRA , 2090; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (ALEXANDRIA, PRETORIA). (6) PRETTY MAAKE; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8184.

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2263/2018—(2) DE JAGER, ISABELLA MAGRIETHA (3903180007082); DERTIENDELAAN 21, LICHTENBURG , 2740; (3) First and Final; (4) DANIEL FREDERIK DE JAGER (4010015014082); (5) (MAFIKENG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: LYNETTE.WENTZEL@ ABSA.CO.ZA; Tel: 0112258431. 013463/2017—(2) DUVENHAGE, JEANETTA HENDRINA (3106030025086); 59 JACARANDA RETIREMENT VILLA, 820 HANS ROAD HONEYDEW ,2170; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, PRETORIA). (6) PONTSHO MATSAPA; 337 PETROLEUM STREET ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112251725. 5744/2018—(2) HABIB, TREVOR JOHN (6005135116088); 40 NAHOON STREET, BRACKENDOWNS , ALBERTON , 1449; (3) First and Final; (4) ROELINE ELIZABETH HABIB (7707030043080); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) PRETTY MAAKE; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8184. 002754/2018—(2) JORDAAN, ADRIAAN (2707275013082); UNIT 105 GOLD REEF VILLAGE 26 LOWER ROAD SUNAR PARK 1541; (3) First and Final; (4) ALETTA WILHELMINA JORDAAN (3802120029083); (5) (BRAKPAN, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112251727. 015501/2017—(2) MATHUNJWA, MAUREEN (5008260696081); 15646 MNYADE STREET,DAVEYTON,1520; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BENONI, PRETORIA). (6) PONTSHO MATSAPA; 337 PETROLEUM STREET ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112251725. 217/2018—(2) KUSCHKE, SIEGFRIED (5806095095084); 2 SABIE AVENUE, WIERDA PARK EXT 2 , CENTURION , 0157; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) SHELDON MEINTJIES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258413. 000255/2018—(2) KEMP, PHILLIPUS CHRISTOFFEL (5208125033088); FOSTERSTRAAT 16 SPRINGS 1559; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SPRINGS, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112251727. 4814/2018—(2) GROENEWALD, FRANCES (2712090045087); HUIS HERFSBLAAR 213, WEBBWEG 1244 , PRETORIA , 0186; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258431. 4667/2018—(2) HERBST, CHRISTIAAN (6104215024088); FARADAY BLVD 180, VANDERBIJLPARK , 1911; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SHELDON MEINTJIES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258413. 002854/2018—(2) KRUGER, EILEEN (3409290039080); CAMELOT 6, TALASTRAAT 5, ELDOGLEN , PRETORIA , 0184; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST; P O BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001/ 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-225-1753. 007167/2018—(2) MERTZ, FREDERICK JUSTUS (3401065021088); PIETERSE AVENUE 18, EDEN GLEN EXT 6, EDENVALE, 1609; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (EDENVALE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258402. 4800/2018—(2) SEYFFERT, HELENA ALETTA SUSANNA (4808180053086); 157 4TH AVENUE, EDENVALE, 1609; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EDENVALE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SHELDON MEINTJIES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258413. 007234/2018—(2) STRYDOM, MURIEL CYNTHIA (3306090035088); 10 IMMERGROEN 7 WESSELS STREET GLENMARAIS 1619; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KEMPTON PARK, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: FHATUWANI.MULANGENI@ ABSA.CO.ZA; Tel: 0112251727. 7142/2018—(2) RADEMEYER, COERT FREDERICK (5111275078087); 31 CAMELFORD ROAD, NEW REDRUTH , 1449; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SHAUNEES PERUMALSAMY; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 2258396. 2314/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, JOHANNA CATHARINA (4712130075084); 986 ROAD TWO ROAD, 18 ALICE SPRINGS , ALLEN’S NEK, 1709; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1728. 6950/2017—(2) STEENEKAMP, PETRUS STEFANUS (3305095022083); KLERKSTR 30 C, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2531; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, PRETORIA). (6) SHAUNEES PERUMALSAMY; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 2258396. 002154/2018—(2) SMIT, CATHARINA (6002170134084); 9 WHITEFIELD STREET,SONGLOED,2571; (3) First and final; (4) LEON SMIT (6108255067089); (5) (MIDDELBURG TVL, PRETORIA). (6) PONTSHO MATSAPA; 337 PETROLEUM STREET ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112251725. 1561/2018—(2) VAN DER VYVER, DAWID ANDREWS (4605045151083); BLESBOK STRAAT 42, BETHAL, 2309,; (3) First and Final; (4) SUSARA JOHANNA CATHARINA VAN DER VYVER (4910060166085); (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) SHAUNEES PERUMALSAMY; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: shaunees.gerson@; Tel: 011 2258396. 7162/2018—(2) MINNIE, JACOBUS JOHANNES (7201025108082); 1 RHODES STRAAT, GEDULD, SPRINGS, 1559; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, SPRINGS). (6) SHAUNEES PERUMALSAMY; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 2258396.

This gazette is also available free online at 108 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

6049/12—(2) VAN HUYSSTEEN, ROMOLA ELIZABETH (5607120055089); Address: 5607120055089; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; E-pos: gerrie.coetzee@absa.; Tel: 011 225 8430. 7992/05—(2) VAN WYK, WILLEM ROEDOLF LEWIS (5902265125080); Address :EENHEID 5 THE ALOES, MONTBANK STREET, KIBLER HEIGHTS, 2091; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) ELIZABETH GESINA VAN WYK (560814012708); (5) (ALBERTON, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8430. 6385/2018—(2) VAN ZYL, GERT PETRUS (5812255042080); ALOE STRAAT 3, VAN DYKPARK, 1459; (3) First and Final; (4) LORRAINE VAN ZYL (6311040136082); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRETTY MAAKE; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8184. 7910/2018—(2) SORSBY, IAN (4503195134183); 29 ZIRCON AVE, WALDRIFT , 1939; (3) First and Final; (4) EILEEN SORSBY; (5) (VEREENIGING, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; Email: tumelo. [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1728. 014580/2017—(2) VENTER, JAN HENDRIK (3106125057085); 07 THE RETREAT HAZELDEAN 0081; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) TANYA BECKER; PO BOX 383 PRETORIA 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8391. 9805/2017—(2) VENTER, JACOMINA HENDRINA (4811290008081); LEEUSPRUIT ST 5, SECUNDA , 2302; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258431. 003200/2018—(2) VAN TONDER, JACOBA WILHEMINA (5204120016087); IRISLANE 5 IRENE 0169; (3) First and Final; (4) MARTHINUS CHRISTOFFEL VAN TONDER (5008255193086); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: FHATUWANI. [email protected]; Tel: 0112251727. 2970/2014—(2) MEINTJIES, JOHANNES WILLEM PETRUS (3204045022089); Address :68 NAOMI STRAAT, ANNLIN, PRETORIA, 0182; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) : EVA MAGDALINE MEINTJIES (3402110011082); (5) (PRETORIA - NORTH, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8430. 016725/2017—(2) VITTONE, LIVIO (3311125022184); 11 FLEISCHER ROAD,TURFONTEIN WEST EXETENSION 2 JOHANNESBURG,2190; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) PONTSHO MATSAPA; 337 PETROLEUM STREET ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112251725. 4815/2018—(2) VOS, ANNA ELIZABETH (6105060051084); 30 MARAIS STREET, MUCKLENEUK , 0181; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258431. 005498/2018—(2) VENTER, JACOBUS JOHANNES (4605315029084); 38 NERINA AVENUE, VERWOERDPARK , ALBERTON , 1449; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNA CATHARINA VENTER (5104270032084); (5) (ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST; P O BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001/ 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-225-1753. 3231/2016—(2) WILSON, GERALD JAMES (4003165047085); 7 KAREE STREET, WILRO PARK, 1724; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS,337 PETROLEUM STREET,WALTLOO PRETORIA,0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258402. 016130/2016—(2) CLARK, WALTER EDWARD (2907255003083); PROTEA AFTREE-OORD 121,GLOVERLAAN 205,CENTURION,PRETORIA,0157; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) BERYL JOY CLARK (3211280001082); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) FOURIE&BOTHA OUDITEURE; POSBUS 74960,LYNNWOODRIF,0040; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012- 3611172. 9127/2017—(2) SWANEPOEL, PIETER JOHANNES (5105095055085); 39 KUDU STREET, CARLETONVILLE; (3) First and Final; (4) ELIZABETH MARIA SUSANNA SWANEPOEL (5101270061089); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) JJ DEALE; 1150 PRETORIUS STREET, HATFIELD, 0083; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0123423736. 015356/2017—(2) ERASMUS, JOHANNA (4406180090081); ALLAMEINSTRAAT 4, RUSTERNBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) PETRUS JACOBUS ERASMUS (4211115028085); (5) (BELA-BELA, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: FHATUWANI.MULANGENI@ ABSA.CO.ZA; Tel: 0112251727. 12254/12—(2) JONES, ODETTE (4608090040086); 1417 COLLINGHAM CLOSE, DAINFERN, FOURWAYS, 2055; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, PRETORIA). (6) GRANT THORNTON JOHANNESBURG; PRIVATE BAG X5, NORTHLANDS, 2115; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0105907468. 001850/2018—(2) WAGNER, WILHELM GUSTAV NAPOLEON (2905025015080); MAROELALAAN 26, RUSTENBURG, 0299; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAFIKENG). (6) PONTSHO MATSAPA; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS, WALTLOO, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112251725. 012259/2016—(2) De Kock, Yvonne Lorraine (4510200097081); 11 Drysdale,Verwoerdpark,Alberton; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Alberton, Johannesburg). (6) L D Ramsay Attorney; Post Net Suite # 174,Private Bag X51,Rivonia,2128; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0832511783. 004487/2017—(2) LOMBARD, JACOBUS JOHANNES (4305165043083); 5 Elias Place, Ravens Avenue, Beyerspark, Boksburg; (3) First and Final; (4) JULIETTE ROSA LOMBARD (4401070092081); (5) 21; (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) A C FORD; P O BOX 4517, ATLASVILLE, BOKSBURG; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0722360010.

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025356/2016—(2) MITCHELL, PHYLLIS DOREEN (2004200046084); 344 CARLINGFORD, RANDJES ESTATE, RANDJESLAAGTE ROAD, HIGHLANDS NORTH, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RUPERT GUSH INCORPORATED; 242 ACACIA ROAD, NORTHCLIFF EXT 2, JOHANNESBURG 2195; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-678-1155. 9127/2017—(2) SWANEPOEL, PIETER JOHANNES (5105095055085); 39 KUDU STREET, CARLETONVILLE; (3) First and Final; (4) ELIZABETH MARIA SUSANNA SWANEPOEL (5101270061089); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) JJ DEALE; 1150 PRETORIUS STREET, HATFIELD, 0083; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0123423736. 4386/2016—(2) Molefe, Rakgomo Joseph Molefe (4703055565084); 17488 Chapman Street , Ext 12, Kagiso; (3) First and Final; (4) Semakaleng Doris Molefe (5407040734081); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Reshaad Tarmahomed Attorneys; PO Box 6039 Lenasia-North, 1838; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828178636. 7181/2017—(2) Kambule, Samantha (7802090426083); 450 Rifle Range Road, Rosetenville, Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Reshaad Tarmahomed Attorneys; PO Box 6039, Lenasia-North, 1838; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828178636. 027040/2017—(2) STANDER, HENDRIK CHRISTOFFEL (4804105104088); UNIT 83 EASTLAND ESTATE ZESFONTEIN; (3) First and Final; (4) BRENDA JOYCE STANDER (5104060004087); (5) (GAUTENG, MASTER OF THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT(48)). (6) GIDEON JOHANNES STANDER; 37 3RD STREET, DELMAS, 2210; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0136652311. 007411/2018—(2) WHITE, MAUREEN ANNE (3210150047084); DOUGLASDALE RETIREMENT VILLAGE UNIT 208, 28 GALLOWAY AVENUE DOUGLASDALE 2190; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MARSHALLTOWN, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1ST FLOOR CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010624. 24473/2016—(2) Farquhar, Johanna Catharina Jakoba (7809110009088); Maddison Straat 6, Risiville, Vereeniging; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Vereeniging, Johannesburg). (6) De Klerk, Vermaak & Vennote Ing; Orwell Park, Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 016-454-0222. 13108/2016—(2) NA TAKUATUNG, PHONGTHEP (6212245250183); 2336 BLUE VALLEY GOLF ESTATE KOSMOSDAL EXIT 37; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc Ref: LL/YH/ MAT24545; PO BOX 471, SASOLBURG 1947; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0169760506. 1162/2017—(2) Naude, Jan Jurgens Roets (3507295022082); 6 Landman Street, Paulkrugers Village, Springs; (3) First and Final; (4) Maria Johanna Naude (4206280050088); (5) (Springs, Pretoria). (6) Rynhart Kruger Attorneys ob Sanlam Trust; 54 Hesketh Street, Moreleta Park, 0044; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 997 4669. 015027/2017—(2) HEAL, PAULINE GAIL (4608100098082); 1 Sinclair Road, Bedfordview X192, Gauteng, 02007; (3) Second and Final; (4) N/A; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Erna De Villiers; PO BOX 11287, Harfield, 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123495176. 021472/2017—(2) GALLUS, MANFRED (3908155011183); 7 Holt Street, PARKHURST, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (PTY) Ltd (Previously Executor Services (PTY) Ltd); Landmark West Building, 3rd Floor, Menlo Park, 13 Umgazi Street, Menlo Park, PO Box 11287, Hatfield; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123495176. 1699/2018—(2) Falleyn, Ivan Karel Paul (5505275219189); 26 Awie Wessels Street , Aqua Park, Tzaneen , 0850; (3) First and final; (4) Violet Brigette Falleyn (6106010252087); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd.; Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 003053/2018—(2) Weideman, Johanna Sophia (2509050004082); Huis Herfsblaar, Pretoria, 0001; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 4735/2018—(2) Hietkamp, Elisabeth (4206250339180); Plot 24, Pretoria, 0001; (3) First and Final; (4) Sibbele Hietkamp (4707285537185); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: tshamano. [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 6457. 004725/2018—(2) Puckey, William Anthony (3605085044082); 288 Sitte Laan, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186; (3) First and Final; (4) Suzanne Puckey (4003200040087); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 027040/2017—(2) STANDER, HENDRIK CHRISTOFFEL (4804105104088); UNIT 83, EASTLAND ESTATE, ZESFONTEIN; (3) First and Final; (4) BRENDA JOYCE STANDER (5104060004087); (5) (GAUTENG, MASTER OF THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT (48)). (6) GIDEON JOHANNES STANDER; 37 3RD STREET, DELMAS, 2210; Email: secr@; Tel: 0136652311. 6279/2018—(2) Breytenbach, Louis Karel Bernardus (5104095098088); 58A First Avenue, Westdene, Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) Emmerentia Breytenbach (5103240026085); (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Rynhart Kruger Attorneys OB Merise Montez van Wyk as Nominee of Sanlam Trust; 54 Hesketh Street, Moreleta Park, 0044; Email: simone1@; Tel: 012 997 4669. 12044/2016—(2) Den Heyer, Elana Helena (7409160239089); 841 32nd Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 19342/2011—(2) Marshall, Aubrey Vincent (5001245103083); No 8 Tugela Gardens Webb Street, Benoni, 0001; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Benoni, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457.

This gazette is also available free online at 110 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

24473/2016—(2) Farquhar, Johanna Catharina Jakoba (7809110009088); Maddison Straat 6, Risiville, Vereeniging; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Vereeniging, Johannesburg). (6) De Klerk, Vermaak & Vennote Ing; Orwell Park, Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 016-454-0222. 013676/2016—(2) James, Judith (4106080052187); 31 Pennington Pennyweight Avenue, Strubenvalley, Roodepoort; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort, Pretoria). (6) Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs; 54 Hesketh straat Moreleta Park; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0129974669. 023890/2015—(2) Khan, Sabara Bee Bee (5702280026085); 19 Chandale Crescent, Briardale, Newlands West, Durban; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Wadee Attorneys; 51 Rifle Range Road, Ridgeway, 2091; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116801075. 015151/2016—(2) CERONIO, CHARLES STEPHEN (4106165094088); 533 MEYER STREET WONDERBOOM-SOUTH; (3) Amended Second and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (N/A, PRETORIA). (6) JACQUES ROETS ATTORNEYS; 404 DIANA ROAD LYNNWOOD 0081; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123613341. 5026/2016—(2) ASH, HELENE RACHAEL (3006130063088); COSMOS, DEMENTIA CARE CENTRE, JACARANDA LODGE, 5 MURRAY STREET, WAVERLEY, JHB, 2090; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) GRANT THORNTON; PRIVATE BAG X5, NORTHLANDS, 2116; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (010)590-7470. 016852/2015—(2) VALENTE, SECONDINO (2204215031184); 65 ROVERE, 173 ZEEDERBERG STREET, ARCADIA, PRETORIA; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) REA VIOLA; P.O. BOX 28548, SUNNYSIDE, 0132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123426186. 11939/2017—(2) BOTHA, PHILLIPPIENA DOLPHIENA JANSE (5102250036083); 222 BREE STREET, AMERSFOORT, 2490; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (AMERSFOORT, MARSHALL TOWN). (6) AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc Ref: MAT26754; PO BOX 471, SASOLBURG 1947; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0169760506. 027362/2014—(2) HELLET, LILIAN (3111050026089); UNIT 1 OXFORD GARDEN 188 OXFORD ROAD ILLOVO JOHANNESBURG 2190; (3) Second; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RSM SA CONSULTING (PTY) LTD; P O BOX 1734 RANDBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-329-6000. 020054/2017—(2) Roets, Francina Jacoba Magdalena (6309220168081); 23 Stoffberg Avenue, Brakpan, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Brakpan, Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (R20021); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 013852/2017—(2) NKOALA, TISITSO PHILLEMON (5206115535088); 11403 ORLANDO TOWNSHIP; (3) N/A; (4) ELIZABETH NKOALA (6305300294086); (5) N/A; (MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SONKOSI & NGALONKULU INC. ATTORNEYS; 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 492 0327. 023593/2017—(2) MOHLALA, NTHABISENG FRANCINA (6207280370086); 9420 LERATO CRESCENT IVORY PARK EXT 9 TOWNSHIP 1632; (3) N/A; (4) —; (5) N/A; (THEMBISA MAGISTRATE COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SONKOSI & NGALONKULU INC. ATTORNEYS; 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 492 0327. 11552/2015—(2) NTIMANE, JEOFFREY (5301285683089); STAND NO 833 SAUSVILLE TOWNSHIP, 80 MAUNDE STREET,0008; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) NONE; (ATTERIDGEVILLE MAGISTRATE COURT, PRETORIA). (6) T SIKHALA ATTORNEYS; SUITE 302,3RD FLOOR, PREMIUM TOWERS BUILDING CNR VAN DER WALT AND PRETORIUS STREET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-323-6020. 16818/2009—(2) Lorentz, Maria Elizabeth Johanna (2509100083086); Esda Frail Care Community Centre, Boyes Street, New State Areas, Springs, South Africa; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Springs, Pretoria). (6) D’Arcy-Herrman & Co Inc; PO Box 397, Tzaneen,0850; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0153071161. 023712/2017—(2) MTIMKHULU, PHUMLANI STANLEY (5705165612085); 24778 MEADOWLANDS TOWNSHIP; (3) N/A; (4) —; (5) N/A; (THEMBISA MAGISTRATE COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SONKOSI & NGALONKULU INC. ATTORNEYS; 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: petunia@; Tel: 011 492 0327. 18854/2017—(2) DUBE, DHLOKWAKHE PHILLIP (2911255139087); 1911 KHAYA STREET, SENAOANE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PROTEA, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SEKATI RALEPELLE ATTORNEYS; OFFICE 6, MOLAPO OFFICE PARK, 245 MOLELE STREET, MOLAPO; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119861182. 615/2012/PMB—(2) MAKHUNGA, MONDI MLANDULWA (4412285403088) (N/A); 1776, TSHEPISONG TOWNSHIP, ROODEPOORT, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) SIZAKELE ANITHA MAKHUNGA; (5) (ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATE COURT) (6) FOUT ATTORNEYS; 58 MARSHALL STREET, MARSHALLTOWN, JHB; Email: FOUTATTORNEYS@ GMAIL.COM; Tel: 0104923831. 003026/2018—(2) Blignaut, Ann Margaret (6206050172086); 22 Yellowstone, Narcissus Street, Weltevredenpark; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Nel & De Wet Attorneys; The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-809-3057. 006645/2018—(2) Coetzee, Joey (5405260075086); 6 Generaal Alberts, Randhart, Alberton; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (Alberton, Johannesburg). (6) Nel & De Wet Attorneys; The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-809-3057. 020496/2017—(2) Sanders, Anthony Paul Louis (4501175004087); 46 Whispering Winds, Lincoln Street, New Market Park, Alberton, 1450; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Alberton, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: EB; PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117621327.

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008684/2017—(2) Mennega, Roseline Florence (2308170025089); Frail Care, Harmoniehof, Mears Street, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) J A Habig c/o Bert Habig Attorneys; P O Box 11136, Hatfield, Pretoria, Gauteng.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3301177. 10042/2012—(2) Viljoen, Pieter Daniel (5404045003083); 21 Close, Anchorage Park, Gordons Bay, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Strand, Kaapstad). (6) VEZI & DE BEER INC; 319 ALPINE ROAD, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123615640. 007000/2018—(2) Woodburn, Derek Ronald (3806085027081); 20 Savanah, 12 Vincent Avenue, Edenglen; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) Crest Trust Holdings Ingelyf; P O Box 11808, Centurion, 0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 643 1049. 19066/2013—(2) MODIKWE, KOOS MORALE (5309035621085); SOSHANGUVE, PRETORIA, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SOSHANGUVE MAGISTRATES COURT, PRETORIA). (6) M Ricco, Hack Stupel & Ross Attorneys, EL19; 2nd Floor Standard Bank Chambers, Church Square, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123254185. 1636/2011—(2) MXIKI, KAWUTA (8301195391085); 49 CALCIUM ROAD, CLAYVILLE EXT 26, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (TEMBISA MAGISTRATES COURT, PRETORIA). (6) M Ricco, Hack Stupel & Ross Attorneys, NN48; 2nd Floor Standard Bank Chambers, Church Square, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123254185. 11841/2016—(2) van Jaarsveldt, Jacomina Elizabeth (3008080010085); Blymoedig Clinic, Plot 42 Nieshout Street, Kameeldrift East, Roodeplaat, Pretoria, 0035; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Pretoria). (6) EY Stuart Inc. Attorneys; Suite 202 Waterkloof Gardens, 270 Main Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3462302. 1738/2017—(2) Chetty, Morgan (4107215052084); 13 Irene Woods, Centurion, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Indera Chetty (4203060036080); (5) (Pretoria). (6) EY Stuart Inc. Attorneys; Suite 202 Waterkloof Gardens, 270 Main Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3462302. 16138/2017—(2) Botes, Paula (4312010067085); Portion 15 of the Farm Roodepoort, Bronkhorstspruit; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) EY Stuart Inc. Attorneys; Suite 202 Waterkloof Gardens, 270 Main Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3462302. 6421/2017—(2) Alberts, Dorathea Anna Maria (3305240040089); 104 Klipkoppie, Bontrokkie Straat, steiltes.; (3) First and final; (4) Johannes Godlieb Alberts (3203305030089); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Joshua Strydom; 97 Avignon, Whitehills Boulevard Lonehill; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0847791617. 16818/2009—(2) Lorentz, Maria Elizabeth Johanna (2509100083086); Esda Frail Care Community Centre, Boyes Street, New State Areas, Springs, South Africa; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Springs, Pretoria). (6) D’Arcy-Herrman & Co Inc; PO Box 397, Tzaneen,0850; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0153071161. 3605/2018—(2) STANDER, PATRICIA CAROL (5105130117080); UNIT 11 TANYA, DOLLIE STREET, ELSBURG, GERMISTON, 1401; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) G&C VD MERWE ATTORNEYS; 225 RONDEBULT ROAD, FARRAR PARK, BOKSBURG, 1459; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011913-2035. 001505/2018—(2) MBASA, KUKUNUNU ELIZABETH (2611070166089); 717 ZONE 1 MEADOWLANDS GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SENTINEL INTERNATIONAL TRUST COMPANY (PTY)LTD; P.O. BOX 91 AUCKLAND PARK 2006; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116562722. 024249/2017—(2) JACOBSZ, VALERIE DAPHNE TELMA (4006010032087); UNIT 5 VILLA MAROELA ONDERSTE STREET KRUGERSDORP NORTH; (3) First and Final; (4) BAREND PETRUS JACOBSZ (4008095070081); (5) (KRUGERSDORP, JOHANNESBURG). (6) DURRHEIM LETLEY INCORPORATED; PO BOX 1724 NOORDHEUWEL 1756; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0105918165. 020654/2016—(2) MBHELE, HLANGABEZA INNOCENT (7910075455082); 13897 NHLAMVANI STREET, PO BOX 5501 EZAKHENI 3381; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 30 DAYS; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MOSUNGWA ATTORNEYS; 6th FLOOR, 112 MAIN, CNR MAIN AND ELLOFF JOHANNESBURG,; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 331 0058. 2301/2013—(2) WILLIAMS, WILLIAM ALEXANDER (1601195016088); RYNPARK 1, BENONI, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BENONI, JOHANNESBURG). (6) A S Steijn Attorneys; 64 4th Avenue, Northmead, Benoni; Email: steijn@; Tel: 011-4253205. 12707/05—(2) VAN BUUREN, JULIA JOHANNA (2702210177084); 13 SIMONSBERG AVENUE, BOSMONT, JOHANNESBURG, 2093; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ALK Executors and Fiduciary Services Trust (Pty) Ltd; Suite T1, Cats Corner Building, 39 Kroton Street, Roodepoort, 1715; Email: mary@alkexec.; Tel: 010 596-7161. 020012/2017—(2) Sarang, Ebrahim (5105105120085); 41 Fifth Avenue, Mayfair, 2092; (3) First and Final; (4) Munira Abdulhuck Sarang (5409300245188); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CHIBA-JIVAN INC.; 190 BARRY HERTZOG AVENUE, GREENSIDE, 2193; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118372468. 4045/2018—(2) Comrie, Peter William (3812175030084); 478 Iowa Street, Faerie Glen, 0081; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011- 5095913. 009259/2018—(2) WESSELS, JACOBA EVERDINA (2504230088089); ROODEPOORT CENTRE FOR THE AGED; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) STRYDOM ATTORNEYS; 479 ONTDEKKERS ROAD, FLORIDA HILLS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114729908. 001035/2018—(2) ISAACSON, ESTHER (3008240056085); 42 MACKIE STREET, NIEUW MUCKLENEUK, PRETORIA, 0181; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) GRANT THORNTON PRETORIA; SUMMIT PLACE, BUILDING 2, 221 GARSTFONTEIN ROAD, MENLYN, PRETORIA, 0181; Email: [email protected] / tina.nel@; Tel: 0123461430.

This gazette is also available free online at 112 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

20192/2009—(2) STREET, ALLEN WINTERTON BOOTH STREET (704156593); 5 ASTONWAY, LONEHILL UPPER EAST, LONEHILL; (3) NONE; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 01/06/2018; (RANDBURG MAGISTRATE’S COURT, ROOM NUMBER D26, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SCHOONEES BELLING & GEORGIEV; 4A MILLWARD ROAD, MARAISBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 284 2905. 12563/2016—(2) DE SOUZA, ANTONIO (4603275144084); 45 HUGENOOT STRAAT, WITPOORTJIE, ROODEPOORT, 1724; (3) First and final; (4) MARIA MAGDALENA DE SOUZA (4805080137084); (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BVB ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 21644, HELDERKRUIN, 1733; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823824386. 13142/2017—(2) ENGELBRECHT, SUSARAH JOHANNA (6402020096089); BLUE CRANE LAAN NO 186, NEWLANDS X 1, PRETORIA GAUTENG; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (GAUTENG NORTH). (6) WESSEL OOSTHUIZEN PROKUREURS; SAXBY WEG 1018, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-6541438. 001001/2018—(2) NARAN, MANJULA GOVAN (4607310056088); 55 PLOVER STREET, LENASIA EXTENSION 1; (3) First and Final; (4) RAMAN NARAN 55 PLOVER STREET, LENASIA EXTENSION 1 (4111175084087); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CHIBA-JIVAN INC.; 190 BARRY HERTZOG AVENUE, GREENSIDE, 2193; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118372468. 4062/2018—(2) Van Der Merwe, Dirk Gysbert (3602085057081); 45 Yellow Wood, 1090 Fouriesburg Street, Rooihuiskraal Noord, 0157; (3) First and final; (4) Maria Magdalena Aletta Van Der Merwe (3601300050087); (5) (Pretoria). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669463. 007109/2018—(2) ANNANDALE, HENRY PETER (5708245021087); 21 TANYA STREET, WINCHESTER HILLS X3, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) JACQUELINE MARIE ANNANDALE (6001140070089); (5) (SOUTH GAUTENG - MARSHALLTOWN). (6) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited; IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-684-4168. 6970/2017—(2) NAUDE, LEON (6812055009080); 23 KAREE STREET, GENERAAL ALBERTSPARK, ALBERTON; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PALMRIDGE, ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SCHOLTZ & SCHOLTZ; 12 ALICE STREET, BRACKENHURST, ALBERTON, 1450; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118675963. 21288-2017—(2) ALLEN, CHARON ESTELLE (5403010140086); 14 DRAKENSBURG ROAD, THE HILL, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) GEORGE WILLIAM ALLEN (5101275066083); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ETIENNE CLOETE; P O BOX 82591, SOUTHDALE, 2135; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 680 6402. 014155/2016—(2) Bier, Horst Franz (4210035084186); 302 Waterfall Hills, No 2 Waterfall Hills Lane, Sunninghill; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Pretoria; PO Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123495176. 33088/2014—(2) Ahnie, Debra (5604160106088); 180 Sheffield Street, Kenilworth, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Arnold Charles Shapiro; c/o Hogan Lovells (South Africa), 140 West Street, Sandton; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 775 6373. 014398/2017—(2) MALULEKA, WILSON (5708305605084); 23368 MAMELODI X4, MAMELODI EAST, 0122; (3) First and Final; (4) PATIRONI JOHANNA MALULEKA (6204190743080); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) ANNAH CHABA; Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus,Cnr Aramist Avenue & Constellation Street, Ext2,Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 436 7124. 8325/2013—(2) Fichtner, Gerd Rainer (4310215032185); Kursang Residenz Hamburg Ernst - Mittelback - Ring 47, 22455, Hamburg, Germany; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Arnold Charles Shapiro; c/o Hogan Lovells (South Africa), 140 West Street, Sandton; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 775 6373. 21497/2012—(2) MASHAU, DOVHANI GRACE MASHAU (4911050142086); BUITEN STREET, WEGEDACHT, SPRINGS, GAUTENG PROVINCE, 1560; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (SOWETO, GAUTENG). (6) NEMAVHULANI ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 392, TSHIAWELO, 1818; Email: [email protected] / [email protected]; Tel: 0113331189. 7416/2018—(2) Nel, Benjamin Johannes (4702115114081); Witteboomstraat 2, Brackendowns Ext 1, Alberton, 1448; (3) First and Final; (4) Anna Sophia Nel (4512010144087); (5) (Johannesburg). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 26945/2014—(2) Moyo, Eliot (6306025208187); Stand 147 4th Street, West Rand Agricultural Holdings, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Pretoria). (6) VEZI & DE BEER INC; 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123615640. 007197/2018—(2) RIVAS, CHRISTINA CATHARINA (5912230004088); 16 BACON STREET, VAN DER BIJL PARK, 1911; (3) First and final; (4) ALAN RIVAS (5803035043084); (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, PRETORIA). (6) ARTHUR CHANNON INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; 693 RUBENSTEIN DRIVE, MORELETA PARK, 0044; Email: ISABEL@ CHANNONATTORNEYS.CO.ZA; Tel: 012 997 37 47. 007196/2018—(2) JANSEN VAN VUUREN, ROEDOLF JACOBUS (4311265053089); PLOT 145 MANASCOL, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, PRETORIA). (6) ARTHUR CHANNON INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; 693 RUBENSTEIN DRIVE, MORELETA PARK, 0044; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 997 37 47. 7399/2018—(2) Treacy, Anthony Richard (5010165161187); 20 Beyer Street, Krugersdorp, 1739; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Suvarna. [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913.

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019981/2017—(2) Jacobs, Johannes Valentine (5604135075097); Prima Vista Estates, 24 Dereham Drive, Mulbarton, 2190; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (N/A, Johannesburg). (6) EState Late JV Jacobs; DH Hall (Agent for Executor); Email: halldn@ and [email protected]; Tel: 011-3254858. 016735/2017—(2) Schulze, Patricia Anne (4201310083084); Portion 426 of the farm Hartebeesfontein, Hekpoort, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) DH Hall (Agent for Executor); 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196; Email: [email protected] and [email protected]; Tel: 011-3254858. 003206/2018—(2) Norman-Smith, Jack (2305195024089); Pembury Lodge, 83 Wierda Road East, Sandton; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) DH Hall (Agent for executor); 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-3254858. 024719/2017—(2) SINGH, BIEM (3602065054082); 49 CANARY AVENUE EXTENSION 1 LENASIA; (3) First and Final; (4) OUERMELLE SINGH (4403310394087); (5) 21; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) COOVADIA ATTORNEYS; 175 PROTEA AVENUE EXTENSION 7 LENASIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-852-4900. 2771/2017—(2) PHALA, VICTOR MAKGOROPANE (6303315442089); STAND NO 9 ,DIKGALAOPENG VILLAGE, BOLEU, GROBLERSDAL, 0474; (3) First And Final; (4) SEGODI DAPHNEY PHALA (6206080512087); (5) (Groblersdal, POLOKWANE). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: D Sinclair; PO Box 6287, Pretoria 0001; Email: DorkasS@; Tel: 0124367123. 9343/2017—(2) SMITH, HYACINTH (4209170270089); 152 VIVIERS STREET, DANVILLE 0183; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PRETORIA, NORTH GAUTENG). (6) DEON LOMBARD; 775 FRANCIS BAARD STREET, ARCADIA, PRETORIA, 0083; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123430849. 6096/2017—(2) Raath, Rene (5404150010089); 8 Helen’s Walk, La Provence, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp,2571; (3) Second And Final; (4) —; (5) (klerksdorp, Johannesburg). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: N Moerat; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112958664. 004042/2018—(2) Tack, Reinold Victor (3406045019086); 141 Twelfth Street, Parkhurst, 2193; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: P Moodley; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112958861. 6889/2013—(2) HUGHES, ROBERT ALBERT HALLIDAY (621089550); PALM SPRINGS, SECOND AVENUE, DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) KWA ATTORNEYS; 24A GRANT AVENUE, VICTORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117287728. 26162/2015—(2) CORDIER, DEON FRANS (5904015091083); 365 STALLION RD, RUIMSIG; (3) SECOND AND FINAL; (4) MARIANA CORDIER (6211290032080); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) MALCOLM CORDIER; 24A GRANT AVENUE, VICTORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117287728. 027288/2017—(2) BARTLETT, TREVOR HORNSBY (4901145061086); 25 CECILIA AVENUE, RISIDALE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Pretoria; PO Box 11287, HATFIELD 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123495176. 003941/2017—(2) CELESTINO, RENATO FLORENCIO AGRELA (5104145077181); 18 CHAMPS DU LAC , SUNNY ROAD, LAKEFIELD EXT 58, BENONI; (3) First and final; (4) EVA FATIMA CELESTINO (5801130134188); (5) (BENONI, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PETRA LABUSCHAGNE; PGL TRUSTEES , 85 DOREEN STREET, COLBYN, PRETORIA, 0083; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123421240. 025795/2017—(2) STOFFELS, RACHEL PASCALINE (7707070413086); 17 OUDERBERG ROAD, RANDFONTEIN; (3) N/A; (4) CHRISTOPHER HILTON STOFFELS (6612245130089); (5) N/A; (JOHANNESBURGQ). (6) RAMAKOBYA ATTORNEYS; THUSO CHAMBERS, 101 HUMAS STREET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116654535. 6504/2017—(2) Van Staden, Jan Frederick (3412285019083); Hendrik Potgieterlaan 14, Duncanville, Vereeniging; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Vereeniging, Pretoria). (6) De Klerk, Vermaak & Vennote Ing; Orwell Park, Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 016-454-0222. 5458/2018—(2) MASEKO, MOOKHO JERMINA MASEKO (4002160324085); 2832 B ZONE, MEADOWLANDS, SOWETO, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Chunilal & Tanna; P O Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-839-4357. 022637/2015—(2) JANSE VANR RENSBURG, GERHARDUS THEODORUS (4912025011083); 7B GOETHE STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK, CW6 X1; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) 21; (VANDERBIJLPARK, MARSHALLTOWN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CLAUDEEN COETZER INCORPORATED; 9 ORANGE DRIVE, THREE RIVERS, VEREENIGING; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0164235203. 021890/2017—(2) MBATHA, FIKELEPHI CYNTHIA (6908280798081); 4483 UJEJANE STREET, PROTEA GLEN, 1819; (3) First and final; (4) DANIEL MANDLA MBATHA (6411185732081); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE, 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655. 10564/2017—(2) DREYER, MARTHA MAGDALENA MARIA DREYER (1701030023081); FLEURENVILLE RETIREMENT HOME, PRETORIUS STREET, ARCADIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA). (6) LORIA SMIT; HAYES SMIT ATTORNEYS, OFFICE 401, 4TH FLOOR, NORTH TOWER, HATFIELD PLAZA; Email: L.SMIT@ HAYESSMIT.COM; Tel: 012-342-7911. 023311/2015—(2) DIPHAPO, KGOTLAEKAE HARLEY (8008185408080); 28520 TEAL CLOSE, PRETORIA GLEN EXT 24; (3) First and final; (4) THATO MOEKOA (8509231519085); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655. G23275/2013—(2) Taljaard, Louise Hermanus (5302026002084); Erf 783, Ramsgate; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) G.D Ficq Attorneys; 11 Dieperink Street, Roodepoort; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117602558.

This gazette is also available free online at 114 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

010846/2017—(2) THUTHU, FEZILE MOUNTAIN (5712315065081); 2044 BHALALANDINDI STREET, ORLANDO EAST; (3) First and final; (4) SYLVIA SINDISWA THUTHU (6209100402081); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE, 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655. 4515/2018—(2) DIPPENAAR, ERICA LOUISE (7208130098082); 15 Rautenbach st., Mimosa park, Lambton, GERMISTON; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Malherbe Rigg & Ranwell; PO Box 26873, EAST RAND 1462; Tel: 0119184116. 8017/11—(2) GREEN, PHILLIP EDWARD (5201035060085); 2 Hammerkop St., Daggafontein, SPRINGS; (3) First And Final; (4) ANNE JANE ALICE GREEN; (5) (SPRINGS, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Malherbe Rigg & Ranwell Ref: JENNIFER VENTER; PO Box 26873, EAST RAND 1462; Tel: 0119184116. 002745/2018—(2) NKOSI, ENOCK (5111295258081); 4078 SISULU STREET, MAMELODI, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First; (4) JULIA NOBESUTHU NKOSI (5607170536087); (5) (TSHWANE CENTRAL, PRETORIA). (6) BRIGHT RIKHOTSO; 259 PRETORIOUS STREET, 615&616 JSL TO; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123211514. 009873/2017—(2) Zitha, Nqaba Job (6203125860084); 13 Paardeberg Street Helderwyk, Brakpan; (3) First and Final; (4) Thandeka Linah Zitha (7512270513085); (5) 21 days; (Brakpan, Johannesburg). (6) Selomo Cavendish Mopeli - Mopeli Attorneys and Conveyancers; PO Box 136395 Alberton North, 3rd Floor, Suite 304D, J S Centre, No 1 Fore Street, Alberton; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-869-0024. 002594/2017—(2) GERICKE, ANNA MAGDALENA (4911280081088); DANA TEHUIS, WAKKERSTROOM; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) P M MCDONALD ATTORNEYS; 1 JANAHOF, 9 ROGERS ROAD, SELECTION PARK, SPRINGS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 365 0101. 5458/2018—(2) MASEKO, MOOKHO JERMINA MASEKO (4002160324085); 2832 B ZONE, MEADOWLANDS, SOWETO, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Chunilal & Tanna; P O Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-839-4357. 20699/2017—(2) LE ROUX, BAREND BARTHOLOMEUS (5006215015084); 30 PORTER AVENUE, BRAKPAN; (3) First and final; (4) ELIZABETH LE ROUX (4906040119080); (5) (BRAKPAN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Chunilal & Tanna; P O Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-839-4357. 013568/2017—(2) KILBURN, PAULINE CYNTHIA BERYL (2303060037088); 45 KNIGHTSBRIDGE VILLAGE, 1 EILEEN ROAD BRYANSTON EXT 34; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg). (6) SPELLAS LENGERT KUEBLER BRAUN ATTORNEYS; 64 4TH AVENUE MELVILLE 2092; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114821431. 3302/2018—(2) VAN STRAATEN, LOUISA MARIA (2404160059087); 4 REGENTS AVENUE, ANZAC, BRAKPAN, 1541; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BRAKPAN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Chunilal & Tanna; P O Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-839-4357. 4401/2018—(2) BARNARD, BAREND JACOBUS (5605255039084); 12A Kingston Avenue, Selection park, SPRINGS; (3) First And Final; (4) SUSSANNA MARGARET BARNARD (6305260088080); (5) (SPRINGS, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Malherbe Rigg & Ranwell Ref: JENNIFER VENTER; PO Box 26873, EAST RAND 1462; Tel: 0119184116. 023941/2017—(2) HUMPHRIES, HAROLD MARTIN (5009265118089); BLOCK 4 FLAT 3 , EXT 3 ELDORADO PARK; (3) First and final; (4) CHARIS LUCILLE FELICITY HUMPHRIES (5412230187082); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655. 3280/2018—(2) BUDLER, FREDERICK GUSTAVE (3704205035086); WITFIELD RETIREMENT VILLAGE, MIRRANDA STREET, RAVENSKLIP, BOKSBURG; (3) First and final; (4) ISABELLA HOPE BUDLER (4001020011080); (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Chunilal & Tanna; P O Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-839-4357. 006021/2018—(2) BELL, ANNA ELIZABETH (4401310062084); 90 JAPIE NESER STRAAT, BLOEMFONTEIN en 111 STEGMAN STRAAT, RANDGATE, RANDFONTEIN; (3) DIE EERSTE LIKWIDASIE- EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENING; (4) —; (5) (RANDFONTEIN en BLOEMFONTEIN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, POSBUS 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1E VLOER, HOEK VAN NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY LANE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: joey. [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010637. 001753/2018—(2) SWART, ERNA (5002230054083); EFTON SQUARE 2, DF MALAN DRIVE, WINDSOR; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI, 1500; Email: tanja@; Tel: 0117484500. 026989/2016—(2) GOLDA, MARIA (4501270124087); #3, SECTION 2 HIGHNOON II, DEBORAH ROAD, BEDFORDPARK EXTENSION 4, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON MAGISTRATES COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MICHELLE CHAVKIN ATTORNEYS; 1ST FLOOR, ILLOVO MUSE, 198 OXFORD ROAD, ILLOVO; Email: michelle@; Tel: 0101404700. 016632/2017—(2) MILLS, MARTIN (5405035069083); 989 NICO SMITH STREET, VILLIRIA, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) RIKA EVETTE MILLS (5708060031088); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) BONGIWE MUDAU; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street Bryanston, 2191; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5753633. 023451/2017—(2) STEYN, MAUD LOUISA (4812290046089); 23 RYANGLEN, LESSING STREET, BENONI; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (BENONI, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI 1500; Email: tanja@; Tel: 0117484500. 004873/2018—(2) BUYS, IZAK STEFANUS (4612305068080); 24 MAIN REEF ROAD, COMET, BOKSBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) SULITA JO-WIIDA BUYS (5310260090087); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI 1500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117484500.

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018389/2017—(2) KEOKGOTSITSE-KOTANE, VIOLET KERENG (5011270768080); 20 HELIODORE CRESCENT EXT5 , ENNERDALE 1830; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655. 15061/2013—(2) GROBLER, PAULINE JOAN (5512140147082); 12 HAVENGA STREET, MAFIKENG; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MAFIKENG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CARTER SMITH ATTORNEYS; BLOCK B, GROUND FLOOR, CLEARVIEW OFFICE PARK, 77 WILHELMINA AVE, CONSTANTIA KLOOF; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-764- 3630. 9836/2017—(2) Florindo, Lidia Jose (4109160065087); 39 Fourth Street, La Rochelle; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Caldeira & Associates; 1 Allum Road, Kensington, Johannesburg; Email: dominique@; Tel: 0116159241. 015778/2017—(2) BOSHOFF, ANDRIES (4309135055086); 40 MOONEY CRESCENT, HIGHVELD, CENTURION, GAUTENG; (3) First and Final; (4) CECILIA JOHANNA BOSHOFF (4201100042084); (5) 21 days; (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) RUDOLPH BOTHA ATTORNEYS; 273 CRADOCK AVENUE, LYTTLETON, CENTURION, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0126640656. 0022995/2017—(2) KLOPPERS, HENDRIK BALTUS (5008145065080); 25 Welpie Street, Rant en Dal, Krugersdorp,1740; (3) First and Final; (4) SUSARAH MAGRIETHA MAGDALENA KLOPPERS (5206110056080); (5) (KRUGERSDORP, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BONGIWE MUDAU; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street Bryanston, 2191; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5753633. 002760/2018—(2) REKHOTSO, MPHEPHU REBECCA (5412180349088); 4958 CHIAWELO, TSHIAWELO EXT 2, 1818; (3) First; (4) MBAZIMA SAMUEL REKHOTSO (4309155351084); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) BRIGHT RIKHOTSO; Huurkoor Hatfield Building, 347 Hilda Street, Hatfield, 2nd Floor, Office 2 C; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123211514. 025013/2017—(2) DIAS, NARCISO MALHEIRO (2208025038180); 4 ELLADOON COURT, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI, 1500; Email: tanja@janljordaan.; Tel: 0117484500. 003534/2018—(2) VAN RYSSEN, JOSEPH LEON COLETA (4109285082181); 67 GENDOWER HEIGHTS, MARAIS RD, BEDFORDVIEW; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI 1500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117484500. 003534/2018—(2) VAN RYSSEN, JOSEPH LEON COLETA (4109285082181); 67 GENDOWER HEIGHTS, MARAIS RD, BEDFORDVIEW; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI, 1500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117484500. 001753/2018—(2) SWART, ERNA (5002230054083); EFTON SQUARE 2, DF MALAN DRIVE, WINDSOR; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI, 1500; Email: tanja@; Tel: 0117484500. 004675/2017—(2) PRATT, JAQUELINE MARGARET (6408040010083); 36 HEINE ROAD, LOMBARDY EAST, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI, 1500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117484500. 001127/2018—(2) FOX, JOHN (4801115145085); 3 MILTON STREET, FARRARMERE; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Benoni, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI, 1500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117484500. 22708/2017—(2) MARSHALL, DAWN ELAINE (4704080035085); 10 AVIMORE, 428 CORK AVENUE, FERNDALE, RANDBURG, 2194; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PATRICK LANDER ATTORNEY; 13A HOPSON ROAD, COWIES HILL, 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312671626. 005451/2018—(2) ANNANDALE, HAZEL (2903150062084); 21 MADELEY STREET, RYNFIELD, BENONI; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI, 1500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117484500. 006072/2018—(2) MAREE, DOROTHY LILLIAN (3303270053080); UNIT 2003 COUNTRY LIFE ESTATE, BRENTWOOD PARK, BENONI; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI 1500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117484500. 017732/2016—(2) KOTZE, JACOBUS JOHANNES (4103205028085); 166 HADEDA STREET, MONTANA PARK, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA NORTH, PRETORIA). (6) Emily Chauke; Sanlynn Building; Block B; Ground Floor; c/o Sanlam Street & Lynnwood Road; Lynnwood; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)470-0351. 028069/2017—(2) Xaba, Simon Mvulane (6004066121084); 2144 Mandisa Street, Tokoza; (3) First and Final; (4) Polao Lenah Xaba (6912050476084); (5) 21 days; (PALMRIDGE, Johannesburg). (6) Selomo Cavendish Mopeli - Mopeli Attorneys and Conveyancers; P O Box 136395 Alberton North, 3rd Floor, Suite 304D, J S Centre, No 1 Fore Street, Alberton; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-869-0024. 014340/2016—(2) NTSHANANA, KERUTLANG ALBANUS (6504225694087); 10853 MTHANGAYI STREET, EXT3 , DOBSONVILLE; (3) First and final; (4) MARGARET DIMAKATSO NTSHANANA (6807060724087); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: info@; Tel: 0114632655. 025578/2016—(2) RAPOO, EMMA (7809260479081); 35 BELGRADE CRESCENT , COSMO EXT9; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655.

This gazette is also available free online at 116 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018


000603/2018—(2) Jordaan, Nayma Marilyn (5609180092085); 594 Van Vuurenstraat, Bethelsdorp, Port Elizabeth, 6059; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Alistaire John Jordaan (5601035145085); (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Absa Trust Limited, private Bag X60571, Greenares, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906406. 3867/2015—(2) VAN ZYL, PIETER (6810295238089); 8 SKIPPER ROAD, BUFFALO FLATS, EAST LONDON; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) M A FREDERICKS & ASSOCIATES; 7 GATELY STREET, SOUTHERNWOOD, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437431357. 004641/2017—(2) TERBLANS, DORATHEA JOHANNA TERBLANS (3612130050080); 61 DE GAULE CRESCENT, LORRAINE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) NETARIE VERWEY; PO BOX 153, ALIWAL NORTH, 9750; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0716892115. 14392017—(2) Harcombe, Gilbert Byron (2503025057085); 2 Newcastle Street, Bedford; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bedford, Grahamstown). (6) FJ Potgieter Attorneys; 14 Marais Street, PO Box 20, Adelaide, 5760; Email: fjplaw@bosberg.; Tel: 0466840012. 001949/2017—(2) JACOBS, PIETER JACOBUS (3902265007082); 12 Louis Botha Avenue, Levyvale, Uitenhage; (3) First and final; (4) SHIRLEY AVICE JACOBS (3911290008080); (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Johan Cronjé Attorneys; 25 Upper Drostdy Street, Uitenhage; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (041)922-0541. 005464/2017—(2) Pretorius, Joachim Frederik (3408285011088); Jeffreys Rus Retirement Home, Jeffreys Bay; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Humansdorp, Port Elizabeth). (6) FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350826. 3064/2017—(2) VAN DER MERWE, ERFRAIM SLABBERT (4208315061080); HUIS WELVERDIEND, JANSENVILLE 6265; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (JANSENVILLE, GRAHAMSTAD). (6) SID FOURIE & KIE; POSBUS 31, JANSENVILLE 6265; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044-923 1010. 240/2015—(2) Purdon, Anthony Neville (3909215017087); 2 Kenilworth Close, Stirling, East London; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Neave Stötter Inc; P O Box 76, Port Alfred; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 046 624 1163. 000785/2017—(2) WEWEGE, EDWARD CHARLES (5702185033087); 57 13TH AVENUE, GONUBIE, EAST LONDON; (3) First and final; (4) GLOUDINA WEWEGE (4208250056087); (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) Webb Incorporated; 22 Jarvis Road, Berea, East London, 5241; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043 721 3360. 3132/2017—(2) Collett, Meryl Ann (5411270081080); Grassridge Farm, Cradock, 5880; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Cradock, Grahamstown). (6) Gerber Botha & Gowar Chartered Accountants Ref: ZZMAC; P O Box 1, Cradock 5880; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0488811678. 000000012582018—(2) Robson, Harry (5406225086085); Plaisire de Merle 3, Lawn Avenue, Arcon Park, Vereeniging, 1939; (3) First and final; (4) Nelmarie Robson (5601010006088); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Wynand du Preez; P O Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (041)-3916129. 3128/2017—(2) VORSTER, HANNAH ELIZABETH IRENE (2410050026086); 30 NAUDESTRAAT, MIDDLEBURG, OOS-KAAP, 5900; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) ILZE DALEEN NEL; MINNAAR & DE KOCK ATTORNEYS 18 LOOP STREET, P.O. BOX 19, MIDDELBURG EASTERN CAPE; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0498421123. 003598/2017—(2) Ndiya, Mkhululi (8601155544080); Unit A Kaplan Location, Mthatha; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Mthatha). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350812. 4476/2017—(2) ANDREWS, QUINTON (7709145025085); 401 SAN MICHELLE, 40 CAPE ROAD, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) MOMENTUM TRUST LIMITED; IPC90A, 268 WEST AVENUE, CENTURION, PRETORIA, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0722759409. 000276/2018—(2) Mc Lachlan, Wallace Rodney (3708315047089); 43B Kennington Road, Nahoon, East London, 5241; (3) First and final; (4) Susan Dorothea Mc Lachlan (5008010630083); (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Norma Alison Langtree; 43C Kennington Road, Nahoon, East London, 5241; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437011245. 3420/2015—(2) DURANT, MAVIS MARIE FRIEDA (2808060041088); 65 SMITH STREET, WEST BANK, EAST LONDON, 5201; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) Webb Incorporated; 22 Jarvis Road, Berea, East London, 5241; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043 721 3360. 5467/2017—(2) PARKER-NANCE, MAUREEN MONA (3404140061087); 2 MIMOSA, ALBERT ROAD, WALMER; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ESTATES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 505050. 5304/2017—(2) SCHUPP, VIVIANE BERNADETTE (3312300080187); 20 WALTON PARK, AMIRALITY WAY, SUMMERSTRAND; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ESTATES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 505050. 004928/2017—(2) VENTER, ANNA WILHELMINA (3003290006080); WESTSIDE RETIREMENT CENTRE, HEILBROND STREET 1, PORT ELIZABETH 6045; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) PHILLIPPIENA JACOBA STRODE; PO BOX 236, DAMDORYN, 0280; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0829251236.

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612/2018—(2) KEYSER, GABRIEL ADELBERT (4205245004081); FIRETHORNLAAN 16, WAVECREST, JEFFREYSBAAI, 6330; (3) GEEN; (4) —; (5) GEEN; (JEFFREYSBAAI, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) Citadel Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; Markgraaffstraat 35, Bloemfontein; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4004129. 002094/2017—(2) Drennen, Debra Darlene (6312100028086); 73 Alice Street, King Williams town, Eastern Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Loyiso Dayimane; 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355280. 002820/2017—(2) Mac Ewan, Ian Campbell (2206195013082); 71 Somerson, Admiralty Way, Sumerstrand, Port Elizabeth; (3) Second And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: NJ; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012334. 006343/2017—(2) Van Der Merwe, Jacobus Hendrick Francious (3409065020083); 49 Compton Road, Cotswold, Port Elizabeth.; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) 21 DAYS; (n/a, Port Elizabeth). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877362570. 005714/2018—(2) Ntelekoa, Modiehi Monica (2606260232089); Moroka, Soweto, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Loyiso Dayimane; 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045; Email: loyiso. [email protected]; Tel: 0873355280. 00522/2017—(2) SPENCELEY, SIDNEY (5609045188086); 39 SAUNDERS ROAD MORNINGSIDE EAST LONDON 5201; (3) First and final; (4) DENISE YVETTE SPENCELEY (6202080052083); (5) (EAST LONDON EASTERN CAPE, GRAHAMSTOWN EASTERN CAPE). (6) Webb Incorporated; 22 Jarvis Road, Berea, East London, 5241; Email: tracey@; Tel: 0437213360. 001774/2017—(2) Maguire, Jacoba Catharina (3901200031082); Plot 105, Upington; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Upington, Kimberley). (6) Loyiso Dayimane; 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355280. 619/2018—(2) LE ROUX, Harriet Mary Ann (3702110005087); Middelstraat 16, Kirkwood, 6120; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KIRKWOOD, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) NEL ATTORNEYS INC; 1st Floor Bankfin Building, 76 - 78 Caledon Street, Uitenhage, 6229 / P O Box 1152, Uitenhage, 6230; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041 -8201448. 003452/2017—(2) Drennen, Anthony Peter (4508125038081); 73 Alice Street, King Williams Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (King Williams Town, Grahamstown). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057; Email: nicky. [email protected]; Tel: 0873350819. 001921/2018—(2) Barnard, Corris (4808025010085); Mc Callumlaan 10, Lovemore Heights, Port Elizabeth, 6070; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Absa Trust Limited; Absa House, 2nd Floor, cnr william Moffet & Overbaakens Road, Fairview, Port Elizabeth; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3906396. 4516/2017—(2) ANDERSON, ELLEN (2610020053082); 6 PARK DRIVE VILLAGE, 34 PARK DRIVE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (N/A, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) CA TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD; WATERFRONT BUSINESS PARK, POMMERN STREET, HUMERAIL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0418201130. 001033/2018—(2) Rossouw, Hendrik Frederick (5101165094088); 22 Kruger Street, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth; (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350819. 739/2018—(2) Strydom, Wendy Mavis (5211060092085); 103 Aalwyn Drive Strelitzia Park, Uitenhage; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Tracy Unsworth as Nominee of FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd (Formerly known as FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 27521, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350827. 5256/2017—(2) Bird, David Alan (2712275088183); 56 Summerdunes, Richards Road, Summerstrand; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: EF; PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; Email: Zaahir.simon@; Tel: 0214012611. 000886/2018—(2) MARSHALL, KENNETH LEONARD (6608165116082); KHULA DHAMMA, HAGA HAGA, EASTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD; P O BOX 27511, GREENACRES, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355157. 002476/2017—(2) Du Preez, Helgard Muller (3608195012080); 57 SHERWOODRUS, AMOS STREET, SHERWOOD, PORT ELIZABETH, 6025; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Goldberg & de Villiers Incorporated; 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0415019812. 5443/2015—(2) WOPHULA, SIKHUMBUZO CALLMAN (6504135765084); JAMBENI ADMINISTRATIVE AREA, LUSIKISIKI; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (LUSIKISIKI, MTHATHA). (6) F.T.TAYI & CO; ERF 111, MAIN STREET, LUSIKISIKI; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 039 2531899. 001248/2017—(2) Richards, Gillian Ann (1944-03-13) (4403130089081); 68 Water Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Gary Jon Richards; 31 Moresby Landing, Mitchell Street, South End, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0836783556201. 004868/2016—(2) VON DER MARWITZ, MANFRED UDO HEINRICH (3701315015081); 19 PATRICK ROAD , CHARLO, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD; P.O.BOX 27511 GREENACRES 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355157. 006371/2017—(2) Swanepoel, Anna Carolina (4702100054086); Andrestraat 3, Valleisig, Uitenhage, 6229; (3) First and Final; (4) Adam Swanepoel (4607115080085); (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & Overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906406.

This gazette is also available free online at 118 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

006371/2017—(2) Swanepoel, Anna Carolina (4702100054086); Andrestraat 3, Valleisig, Uitenhage, 6229; (3) First and Final; (4) Adam Swanepoel (4607115080085); (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & Overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906406. 004074/2017—(2) GOTTSCHALK, HENDRINA MAGDALENA (3111050017088); COOKSTRAAT 8, GONUBIE, 5256; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (OOS-LONDON, GRAHAMSTAD). (6) LEON VERMAAK PROKUREUR; JAN BRANDSTRAAT 10, LANGENHOVENPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4363751. 762/2017—(2) Soka, Ethel Nzimeka (5403010267087); Kweterana Location, King Williams Town, 5601; (3) First And Final; (4) Shillook Xolile Soka (5207165731080); (5) (King Williams Town, Bisho). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: EF; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012306. 003760/2017—(2) Mc Dermid, Elaine Mary (3301260007082); 13 Crewe Road, Selbourne, East London, 5201; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenares, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906397. 002226/2016—(2) Hulley, Claude Vernon (4403115050082); 57 High Grove Estate, Beverley Grove, Port Elizabeth, 6070; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited Ref: Lynne Louis; P O Box 27528, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413988027. 6146/2017—(2) Niemandt, Gerturida Martina (4205100036087); 120 Goferhout Crescent, Edenglen Retirement Village, Jeffreys Bay; (3) First and final; (4) Jacobus Johannes Niemandt (3212215001080); (5) (Humansdorp, Port Elizabeth). (6) PSG Trust Pty Ltd; PO Box 6111, Walmer, 6065; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413926900. 003711/2015—(2) Worthington, Walter Wardlaw (2010285018088); Fernglen Frail Care, Stella Londt Drive, Fernglen, Port Elizabeth, 6045; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Goldberg & de Villiers Incorporated; 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0415019812. 024835/2015—(2) Somsam, Selphina Zuziwe (6002280833088); Birch Acres, Kempton Park.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Loyiso Dayimane; 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045; Email: loyiso.dayimane@fnb.; Tel: 0873355280. 000476/2017—(2) Lochhead, Thomas Duncan (2805125046086); 6 Erith Street, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Loyiso Dayimane; 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045; Email: loyiso. [email protected]; Tel: 0873355280. 000952/2017—(2) TERBLANCHE, WILHELMINA HENDRIKA JACOBA (1806160024088); ACVV AANDMYMERING OUETEHUIS, WODEHOUSESTRAAT, UITENHAGE, 6230; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (UITENHAGE, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) PATRICIA DAVEDA SMITH (EKSEKUTEUR); POSBUS 3173, RIEBEECKHOOGTE; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 041-9333667. 000613/2016—(2) CAMPHER, CAROL ROSEMARY (4311020148083); 18 ELKANA STREET, KORSTEN, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) CR Hall; 26 St Stephens Street, Richmondhill, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0415822309. 1524/2017—(2) FLUGEL, NORMAN STANLEY (3310015023088); 13 SUNNINGDALE AVENUE, SUNNYRIDGE, EAST LONDON; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) CLARK LAING INC.; 18 STEWART DRIVE, BEREA, EAST LONDON, 5241; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043 721 1556. 002358/2016—(2) Haupt, John Charles Cedrick (5212065758084); 9 Groenewald Street, Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and final; (4) Evelyn Rose Haupt (4506150520080); (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Goldberg & de Villiers Incorporated; 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0415019812. 02697/2007—(2) ZAKE, TOZAMILE HARISON (3606045131084); S13198 ASIJIKI STREET, VEEPLAAS, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) NOTITI ROSY ZAKE (4001060357088); (5) (PORT ELIZABETH - MASTER’S OFFICE, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) MOORE STEPHENS; 15 OOSTERLAND STREET, JEFFREYS BAY, 6330; Email: asaayman@hd.; Tel: 042-293-4010. 005789/2017—(2) Viviers, Susara Johanna Catharina (2205160034081); Noordstraat 71, Mosel, Uitenhage, 6229; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Absa Trust Limited, private Bag X60571, Greenares, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906406. 3980/2013—(2) BAK, JOHAN PAUL (4907145158186); 29 PLYMOUTH DRIVE, NAHOON MOUTH, EAST LONDEN; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDEN, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) CITADEL FIDUCIARY LIMITED; 35 MARKGRAAFF STREET, ARBORETUM, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514004049. 0054/2017—(2) HAW, PETER JOHN (4707255635084); 27 ALBERT ROAD, WALMER, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) MANDIE HAW ATTORNEYS; 27 ALBERT ROAD, WALMER, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0415811465. 001013/2017—(2) WILLIS, KATRINA MARIA LOUISA (3811220244088); 28 Ash Avenue, Steytler Township, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) Hugo Trust Services; Postnet Suite 90, Private Bag X0002, Sunridge Park, 6008; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (041) 3602119. 000210/2018—(2) Woolgar, Esme Florence Amelia (3101160169184); Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Adelaide, Grahamstown). (6) Yongama Mvinjelwa; Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906404.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 119

001199/2018—(2) Stoltz, Salomina Cornelia (4011130021085); Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) First and final; (4) Stoltz Raynard Johannes (3404015010086); (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Yongama Mvinjelwa; Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906404. 004060/2017—(2) Kruger, Willem Adriaan (5411085151086); Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) First and final; (4) Kruger Audre Barbara Christine (5709080209084); (5) (Humansdorp, Port Elizabeth). (6) Yongama Mvinjelwa; Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906404. 000718/2018—(2) Campher, Christian (4301255078089); Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) First and final; (4) Caroline Margaret Campher (3906140079083); (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Yongama Mvinjelwa; Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906404. 005299/2018—(2) Toba, Wilson (4110175403081); Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) First and final; (4) Boniswa Linah Toba (4705310531082); (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Yongama Mvinjelwa; Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906404. 003775/2017—(2) Futter, Brian Nygel (4906245086081); Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Yongama Mvinjelwa; Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906404. 002702/2018—(2) De Jager, Jacob Cornelius Carolus (4401045072085); Bloemstraat 39, Oudtshoorn, 6625; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Absa Trust Limited, private Bag X60571, Greenares, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906406. 3910/2017—(2) DE FROE, DIRK HENDRIKUS (4811205136084); 4 SPARRMAN ROAD, FRANCIS EVATT PARK, PORT ELIZABETH 6001; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) KAPLAN BLUMBERG ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 27028 GREENACRES 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0722759409. 3339/2017—(2) Laurie, Noel Forbes (4710125018085); 15 Ferreira Street, Ben Kamma, Port Elizabeth.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) J Louw Attorney; P O Box 7115, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413643577. 000111/2018/GHT—(2) Moloto, Komape Hosia (5401305670080); 2 black Rock Bend, East London; (3) First; (4) Motlase Bertha Moloto (5610230753080); (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: RS; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315651037. 000814/2017—(2) FERREIRA, PETRUS JOHANNES (2701275027085); 10 TUSCAN VILLAS, MACON ROAD, LORRAIN, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Lessing, Heyns, Keyter & van der Bank Inc.; 14 Baird Street, Uitenhage; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (041)-9951636. 6405/2017—(2) Botha, Aubrey Peche (2611185005081); Huisgenot,Despatch; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) J Louw Attorney; P O Box 7115,Newton Park,Port Elizabeth 6055; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041 3643577.


21709/2014—(2) Rautenbach, Anna Martiena Johanna (4109050016083); Andries Lubbestraat 7, Fauresmith, 9978; (3) Geen; (4) —; (5) Geen; (Fauresmith, Bloemfontein). (6) Van Zyl, Beyers Rautenbach; Posbus 972, Florida Hills, 1716; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0824420086. 006392/2016—(2) Kruger, Cornelis Petrus Johannes Marthinus (3312015019082); Ons Gryse Jeug, Sasolburg; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Sasolburg, Bloemfontein). (6) de Beer & Claassen Prokureurs; NJ van der Merwe Singel 15, Sasolburg, 1947; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (016)976-0800. 8400/2016—(2) MOROKE, PASCALIS SEAHLOLO (6412205617088); 44 BEN MERVIS STREET, KROONSTAD, 9499; (3) First and Final; (4) PELAELO WILHEMINAH MOROKE (7307030913083); (5) N.A.; (KROONSTAD, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) GRIMBEEK VAN ROOYEN & PARTNERS INC; P O BOX1282, KROONSTAD, 9500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0562125197. 5531/2016—(2) SEPHIRI, MOTSHIDISI LYDIA (5307071052082); 3164 SELOSESHA; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MOTLAENTWA GOLIATHA SEPHIRI (4807095665083); (5) (THABA NCHU, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) STEYN-MEYER INC; 68 GOVAN MBEKI ROAD, THABA NCHU, 9780; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-8751290. 9365/2009—(2) NKALA, SEPHEKA ESAIAH (4311015462085); 6827 CONSTANTIA MAOKENG KROONSTAD 9499; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) N.A.; (KROONSTAD, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) GRIMBEEK VAN ROOYEN & PARTNERS INC; P O BOX1282 KROONSTAD 9500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0562125197. 11020/2016—(2) van Zyl, Pieter Steyn (3008015024086); Aftree-Oord, SENEKAL; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Senekal, Bloemfontein). (6) Marais Crowther G.R. (S.A.) Ing.; Pres. Boshoffstraat 32, Posbus 221, BETHLEHEM, 9701; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0583035696. 08548/2016—(2) Mokone, Nomvula Beslina (5501290730086); 17 Voltra Street, Vaalpark, Sasolburg 1947; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bloemfontein). (6) R.M Makhalemele & Associates Inc; No7. Riemland Cornerpark, Riemland Street, Sasolburg 1947; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0169733384. 8240/15/B—(2) Motaung, Johannes Sello (6204175878083); 11 Vels Street, Sasolburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bloemfontein). (6) R.M Makhalemele & Associates Inc; No.7 Riemland cornerpark, Riemland Street, Sasolburg 1947; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0169733384.

This gazette is also available free online at 120 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

8458/2009—(2) Morajane, Jacob Sonnyboy (5201235279089); Kuhnstraat 53, Vrede, 9835; (3) Aanvullende Eerste en Finale; (4) Nomathemba Catherine Morajane (5601200788081); (5) (Vrede, Bloemfontein). (6) De Waal & van Rooyen; Posbus 36, VREDE, 9835; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (058)913-1036. 9716/2017—(2) MAPUTLA, MABAFOKENG JUSTINA (7911160386083); 17595 HILLSIDE VIEW, BLOEMANDA, MANGAUNG; (3) First and Final; (4) TSHIAMO JUSTICE MAPUTLA (7406025700081); (5) (N/A, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) BEZUIDENHOUTS INC; 104 KELLNER STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-448-9755. 3005/2018—(2) moleme, dinah (5605140789083); 3641 thabe street, rocklands, bloemfontein, 9323; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 21; (kimberley). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630. 3009/2018—(2) malgas, motlhaodi william (4202095544084); 14 lynette street, riebeeckstad, welkom, 9459; (3) First and final; (4) bontleeng evelyn malgas (4404190456087); (5) 21; (bloemfontein). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630. 11640/2015—(2) STEYN, PETRUS PAULUS JOHANNES (4811075080081); 21 OPPERMAN STRAAT, JAN CILLIERSPARK WELKOM; (3) First and Final; (4) VERONICA-ANN STEYN (5111110113081); (5) 21 DAE; (WELKOM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) BRITS EN WEIDEMAN ING H/A KRUGER VENTER PROKUREURS; 11 REINET STRAAT, REINET GEBOU, KAMER 102 WELKOM 9459; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0573525140. 10647/2017—(2) Victor, Marck Alexander James (7309175107083); Aandblomstraat 3, Gardeniapark, Bloemfontein, 9301; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bloemfontein). (6) Old Mutual Trust; P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324; E-pos: dewaldp@; Tel: 0514005920. 11071/2017—(2) Mare, Jacob Philipus (3102125011081); 28 Ednau Lane, Bloemfontein; (3) First and final; (4) Anna Maria Mare (3809230013089); (5) (Bloemfontein). (6) Old Mutual Trust; P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324; Email: pikkiev@; Tel: 0514005927. 9856/2017—(2) ROOD, ELIZABETH EUREKA (3309050028085); HUIS SORGVRY, REITZ, PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (FRANKFORT, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) CORNE BOSHOFF ATTORNEYS; 17A MARK STREET, FRANKFORT, 9830; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 058 8131068. 713/2018—(2) Vosloo, Stephanus Marthinus (5005235022088); Goewermentlaan 41, Virginia, 9430; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Virginia, Bloemfontein). (6) Piet Haasbroek Attorneys; Supreme Finance Building, 21 Herdenkingstreet, Virginia, 9430, P O Box 876 Virginia 9430, Docex 25 Welkom; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0572129833. 1961/2018—(2) BARNARD, HENDRIK JOHANNES (8608285147080); HUIS STOOR EN W WINKEL, OP BLAAUWKOP FARM, BETHLEHEM, 9701; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Bethlehem, Bloemfontein). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1ST FLOOR, CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010820. 011459/2017/BFN—(2) Truscott, Dina Johanna Adriana (3307080027085); Eliza Liddell Tehuis, Biddulphstraat 33, Harrismith; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (Harrismith, Bloemfontein). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Naomi Steyn; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357531394. 007560/2017—(2) Schutte, Catherina Sophia Adriana (2603310048089); Ons Woning ouetehuis, Petrusburg, Vrystaat; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Petrusburg, Bloemfontein). (6) Schutte Prokureurs Verw: BS25; Posbus 137, Hopetown 8750; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0532030264. 005962/2016—(2) Mokoko, Molefi Fairbridge (5003175387082); Site 1866, Meqheleng, Ficksburg, 9730; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Ntsotiseng Violet Mokoko (5808170929088); (5) (Bloemfontein, Ficksburg). (6) Mr B J Du Toit, Du Toit Louw Botha Ing.; P O Box 11, Ficksburg, 9730; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051933-2351. 5087/2017—(2) Crause, Maria Sophia Magdelena (6302010090086); Huis Bron van Heil, Heilbron, 9650; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Heilbron, Bloemfontein). (6) Human le Roux Meyerowitz; PO Box 563, Bethlehem, 9700; E-pos: rika@; Tel: 0583070300. 8533/2017—(2) FOURIE, ANDRIES JACOBUS (3112105027080); 137 GAWIE THERON WEG,VIRGINIA, 9430; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) HESTER DORETHIA FOURIE (3808150050089); (5) (VIRGINIA, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) VOSLOO EN KIE; NEGOTIUM GEBOU, EENHEID 3, H/V DE KAAP EN BUITEN STRAAT, WELKOM, 9459; E-pos: GVOSLOO@ GLOBAL.CO.ZA; Tel: 0573527633. 3270/2015—(2) Campanella, Gerda Johanna (3509120018087); Die plaas Rendevouz, distrik Clarens; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bethlehem, Bloemfontein). (6) Human le Roux Meyerowitz; PO Box 563, Bethlehem, 9700; E-pos: rika@; Tel: 0583070300. 2945/2018—(2) POTTAS, GLOUDINA GERTRUIDA FAKCULYN (5507110154084); ROOIWALSINGEL 23, UITSIG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) AMENDED; (4) ADRIAAN JACOBUS ALBERTUS POTTAS (5108265086088); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010643. 1959/2017—(2) JOHNSON, DARRYL CHARLES (5003255005083); 9 RAAFF STREET, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN, FREE STATE PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) STRAMPE DU PLESSIS ATTORNEYS; 24 PRESIDENT STEYN STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-430-0841. 464/2015—(2) Kok, Stephanes Gerhardus (3507155011084); Die plaas De Rust, distrik Clarens, 9600; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) Maria Elizabeth Kok (3812160038084); (5) (Bethlehem, Bloemfontein). (6) Human le Roux Meyerowitz; Posbus 563, Bethlehem, 9700; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0583070300.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 121

10589/2011—(2) MOGAECHO, MOSELA SUSAN (5401280210084); 114 STEENBOK STREET, MARTINDAL, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) AUBREY SHADDY BOY MOGAECHO (4907045073089); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) VAN DEVENTER & THOABALA INC; 99 GENERAL HERTZOG STREET, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: bonolo@; Tel: 0514003400. 1272/2017/B—(2) ALBERTS, EMELY (2507010012088); BAYSWATER RETIREMENT VILLAGE, ALSACE STRAAT, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and Final; (4) NVT NVT; (5) 21 DAE; (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) GIDEON JOHANNES DöHNE - DöHNE & FOURIE PROKUREURS; RHYNEVELDSTRAAT 7, POSBUS 211, COLESBERG, 9795; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0517531562/3. 205/2018—(2) GROBLER, JOSINA WILHELMINA (4311210050081); PASTORIESTRAAT 43, BULTFONTEIN, 9670; (3) AMENDED; (4) —; (5) (BULTFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010643. 10591/2009—(2) PLANK, MALESHOANE DINAH (4710070521083); 373 SEEISOVILLE, KROONSTAD, 9499; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KROONSTAD, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) WERNER VERMAAK PROKUREURS; WALDORFFGEBOU 7 ELIZABETHSTRAAT, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4471517. 001848/2018—(2) BLIGNAUT, ALWYN JACOBUS (2901125022084); LORRAINESTRAAT 55, BAYSWATER, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) ELSIE MARIA CATHARINA BLIGNAUT (3208130023084); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) LEON VERMAAK PROKUREUR; JAN BRANDSTRAAT 10, LANGENHOVENPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4363751. 002029/2018—(2) SEKHALO, DINEO JULIA (6309240355080); 2760 SECTION H2, BOTSHABELO, 9781; (3) First and Final; (4) CHOANA PIET SEKHALO (6101055620082); (5) (BOTSHABELO, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) WERNER VERMAAK PROKUREURS; WALDORFFGEBOU 7 ELIZABETHSTRAAT,BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4471517. 000742/2017—(2) Coetzer, Pieter Willem (5003275034089); 89 King Street Dagbreek Welkom; (3) First and final; (4) Saliome Coetzer (4810040077081); (5) (Welkom, Bloemfontein). (6) B L Kretzmann Incorporated; 167 Constantia street Dagbreek Welkom; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 057-3527412. 010634/2017—(2) Magadla, Zwelomteto Anthony (3905035296083); 4428 Leutluilening Street, Thabong Welkom; (3) First and final; (4) Musawenkosi Priscilla Magadla (4410130408088); (5) (Welkom, Bloemfontein). (6) B L Kretzmann Incorporated; 167 Constantia Street, Dagbreek, Welkom; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 057-3527412. 2563/2018—(2) Pretorius, Francois Daniel (3807105011089); 50 Wessels Street, Excelsior, 9760; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) — (6) Kogilan Arumugam - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 3510. 010804/2017—(2) Bebington, Janet Patricia (5307150048084); Farm Quovadis,Harrismith; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Harrismith, Bloemfontein). (6) kogilan Arumugam - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 343 1814. 001236/2018—(2) Moleko, Khau Daniel (6908235322086); 34 Theunissen Crescent, Bloemfontein, 9301; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bloemfontein). (6) Kogilan Arumugam - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: vinette. [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 3510. 1237/2018—(2) Pretorius, Fredrik Jacobus (5711085002084); 54 Denyssen Street, Viljoenskroon, 9520; (3) First and Final; (4) Lydia Pretorius (6104160012088); (5) (Viljoenskroon, Bloemfontein). (6) Kogilan Arumugam - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 3510. 007028/2017—(2) Barnard, Aletta Clundra (2909230027088); Serenicare, Serenitas, Bloemfontein, 9301; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (N/A, Bloemfontein). (6) Vinette Kock - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: +27873431814. 01170/2017—(2) Saaiman, Elouze Saaiman (6002280025081); Farm Begiinssel, Boshof; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Boshof, Bloemfontein). (6) Vinette Kock - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: Vinette.Kock@; Tel: +27873431814. 2950/2018—(2) Ferris, Netha (5203280120085); 41 gousblomsingel, heidedal, bloemfontein, 9306; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 21; (kimberley). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630. 7310/2017—(2) Moletsane, Nicolette Zelda (7712290164089); 10 Ladybrand Villa, Ladybrand, 9745; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Bloemfontein). (6) ABSA Trust Ltd; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; Email: jose.els@absa.; Tel: 0514010630. 3732/2018—(2) jase, mohanoe david (6405295250083); 166 walvis avenue, mangaung, 9323; (3) First and final; (4) pulane merriam jase (6401080660081); (5) 21; (kimberley). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630. 277/2016—(2) MONTSIOA, MOSUOANE JONAS (6501155619084); HARTLEYSTRAAT 41, MOREWAG, KROONSTAD, PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) DIKELEDI MARTHA MONTSIOA (7607271049087); (5) (KROONSTAD, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) NAUDé-THOMPSON ING; POSBUS 932, KROONSTAD, 9500; E-pos: anelise@ntlaw.; Tel: 0562122477. 894/2018—(2) steytler, edward philip (4105135015082); 151 General dan Pienaar Drive, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, 9300; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 21; (bloemfontein). (6) absa trust ltd; ABSA Trust, P o Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630.

This gazette is also available free online at 122 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

2505/2018—(2) Wiehahn, Johannes (3310295059083); 20 Welgedacht Afrtee-oord, Kolonel Blake straat, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Maria Christina Wiehahn (3005300037086); (5) (Bloemfontein). (6) Eugene Venter; Moffettstraat 16, Fichardt Park, Bloemfontein; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0515229186. 011074/2017—(2) DELPORT, ANNA WILHELMINA CHRISTINA (2309020019082); ONS WONING OSSEWA STREET; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PETRUSBURG, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) CHRISTELLE LOURENS; 163 NELSON MANDELA DRIVE, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514078012. 002543/2018—(2) TALJAARD, ALWYN JOHANNES (3107065029084); BERGPRAG 22, BETHLEHEM, 9700; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BETHLEHEM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) CHRISTELLE LOURENS; SANLAM BUILDING, 163 NELSON MANDELA, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514078012. 002543/2018—(2) NEETHLING, DANIEL JACOBUS (4309235014082); 4 SKOOL STRAAT, REITZ, 9810; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (REITZ, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) CHRISTELLE LOURENS; SANLAM BUILDING, 163 NELSON MANDELA, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514078012. 006058/2016—(2) PRINSLOO, DAWID SMITH (5804075142083); 30 SCHOLTZ STREET, UNIVERSITAS, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) CHRISTELLE LOURENS; SANLAM BUILDING, 163 NELSON MANDELA, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514078012. 008760/2017—(2) VAN JAARSVELD, THEODORUS ERNST (3812285009085); WILGERUS, FRANKFORT, 9830; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (FRANKFORT, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) CHRISTELLE LOURENS; SANLAM BUILDING, 163 NELSON MANDELA, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514078012. 003494/2017—(2) COETZEE, FREDERICK GIDEON HENDRIK (4902055047081); KROMHOUT STREET 41, KATHU, 8446; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KATHU, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) CHRISTELLE LOURENS; SANLAM BUILDING, 163 NELSON MANDELA, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514078012. 003136/2017—(2) VORSTER, GIDEON PETRUS (2006215001087); ONS HUIS AFTREE-OORD, ADRIADNE SINGEL 8, KIMBERLEY, 8301; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) CHRISTELLE LOURENS; SANLAM BUILDING, 163 NELSON MANDELA, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514078012. 4898/2016—(2) MOKOLUTLO, REBECCA PULENG (5704290712084); 2125 PHEKO STREET, KGOTSONG, BOTHAVILLE; (3) First and Final; (4) TAOLE ZACHARIAH MOKOLUTLO (5611035727089); (5) (BOTHAVILLE, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) KRAMER, WEIHMANN & JOUBERT INC.; 24 BARNESSTREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514114000.


006054/2016/DBN—(2) YOUNGLESON, ROBERT EDWARD BOWDLER (4211035026086); 450 STEPHEN DLAMINI ROAD, DURBAN; (3) THIRD AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) E R BROWNE & SONS; 310 COWEY PARK, 3RD FLOOR, 91-123 PROBLEM MKHIZE ROAD, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-2027122. 05649/2017/DBN—(2) VARACHIA, KHATIJA BIBI SULEMAN (4208100121081); 803 JAN SMUTS HIGHWAY, SHERWOOD, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) E R BROWNE & SONS; 310 COWEY PARK, 3RD FLOOR, 91-123 PROBLEM MKHIZE ROAD, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-2027122. 747/2018 dbn—(2) Pillay, Govindasami (4512285009080); House No 2, 736 Clare Road, Clare Estate; (3) First; (4) Sarasvathie Pillay (5504180177087); (5) Durban; (Durban, Durban). (6) Anand Jayrajh & Associates; P O Box 48302, Qualbert, 4078; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313060264. 5571/2017—(2) MOOLLA, YUSUF EBRAHIM (5204275092081); 6 ZAKIR ROAD, LADYSMITH, 3370; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (LADYSMITH, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Efficient Board of Executors (Pty) Limited; 3rd Floor, Terraces, Tyger Waterfront, P O Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219140835. 0143522017—(2) Naicker, Arunachellam (2412235062085); 22 Aylsham Place Reservoir Hills; (3) First and Final; (4) Logabathy Naicker (4307260101089); (5) 21 days; (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Phipson De Villiers; 74 Madeline Road Morningside Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313033740. 006310/2017 DBN—(2) Moosa, Abbubakur Ebrahim (2904295078084); 15 Fighaven Place, Forest Haven, Phoenix, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) Barkers; 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315807400. 9038/2016DBN—(2) WISEMAN, EUGENE SYLVAN (3108275077087); LOT 17 MARBURG SETTLEMENT IZOTSHA ROAD MARBURG DISTRICT OF PORT SHEPSTONE; (3) First and final; (4) THORA ROSE WISEMAN (3108280079086); (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, DURBAN). (6) MOORS & DLAMINI ATTORNEYS; 8 BEREA ROAD, PO BOX 73 PORT SHEPSTONE 4240; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0396822403. 00817/2017—(2) NAIDOO, PRAGASAN (7405215220082); 8 OTTER STREET AMAJUBA PARK NEWCASTLE; (3) First and Final; (4) VENI NAIDOO (6408040030081); (5) 21 days; (NEWCASTLE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) K M CHETTY ATTORNEYS; 98 HARDING STREET NEWCASTLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343152588. 10469/2017DBN—(2) Naidoo, Kistamma (4308260090082); 62 Golden Poppy Crescent, Crossmoor, Chastworth; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Chatsworth, Durban). (6) Marlan Naidoo and Partners; 489 Arena Park Drive, Arena Park, Chatsworth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314040234.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 123

001507/2016/PMB—(2) Mpungose, Thamsanqa Basil (7711025567087); 04 Munga Road, Ladysmith, 3370; (3) First and final; (4) Makhosazana Linda Mpungose (8206220811082); (5) (Ladysmith, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Justin Heunis & Associates; 05 Poort Road / P. O. Box 387, Ladysmith, 3370; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (036)637-6690. 1304/2010/PMB—(2) DLAMINI, THOKOZANI APPOLINARIS (7401175401085); EMAZABEKWENI LOC (IXOPO), P. O. 335 HIGH FLATS, 3306; (3) First and Final; (4) NTOMBIFUTHI DAPHNEY DLAMINI (BORN MHLONGO) (8109121292081); (5) (IXOPO, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) MARIAM CASSIM AND ASSOCIATES; SUITE C111, WAKEFIELDS HOUSE, 79 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; Email: [email protected] or [email protected]; Tel: 0317022786. 016247/2017—(2) Crowther, Pamela Hope (3010310018086); Room E19, Flame Lily Park Frail Care, 565 Stella Road, Malvern, Queensburgh,Durban; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Limited (formerly known as FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 27521, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350827. 7424/2017—(2) JUCKER, DIETER (4301165051184); 13 Four Seasons, 11 Winsor Avenue, Margate; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Margate, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Du Toit Inc; PO Box 59, Mtunzini, 3867; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0353401351. 19422/2012 DBN—(2) SAUFJUA, MOHAMED SAEED (4707065544088); 15 BANDSIDE CLOSE, CANESIDE, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and final; (4) SARAH BEE BEE SAUFJUA (5507250730081); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) SHIREEN AMOD & COMPANY; SUITE U4, KOHINOOR CENTRE, 108 WICK STREET , VERULAM; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0325337912. 13861/2015—(2) Beckett, Thomas Graham Bernard (2510025048089); Riverside Park Home, Bulwer Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg, Durban). (6) Kingsmead Trust (Pty) Ltd; No.5 Arundel Close, Kingsmead Office Park, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0872886520. 2098/2016DBN—(2) Raju, Thegendran (7709265010081); 45 Grosdale Close, Briardale, Phoenix; (3) First and final; (4) Shanaaz Raju (7507230233089); (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) Marlan Naidoo and Partners; 489 Arena Park Drive, Arena Park, Chatsworth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314040234. 10594/2017/DBN—(2) Spratt, Diane Doris (2710190025082); The Mqobela Tribal Authority, Blackrock; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Eshowe, Durban). (6) Kingsmead Trust (Pty) Ltd; No.5 Arundel Close, Kingsmead Office Park, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0872886520. 12786/2007—(2) Boyd, Anne Casimira (1311210018081); Nazareth House, Mayville, Durban, 4058; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Kingsmead Trust (Pty) Ltd; No.5 Arundel Close, Kingsmead Office Park, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0872886520. 003565/2018 Dbn—(2) Williams, Beryl Joan (3608170075086); Alexander Home For the Aged, Scottburgh, South Kzn, 4180; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Scottburgh). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 265 3320. 9446/2017—(2) GURNEY, PETER ALBERT (3307165089083); 9 DOONE VILLAGE, 1 BEARE DRIVE, PADFIELD PARK, PINETOWN.3610; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) MARK ROWLAND WILSON; 94 DOONE VILLAGE, 1 BEARE DRIVE, PADFIELD PARK, PINETOWN. 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0837927577. 13247/2017/DBN—(2) Kathrada, Fathima Bibi (3109170059089); 19 Londonderry Crescent, Marino Heights, Durban; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) M Jagot; No.5 Arundel Close, Kingsmead Office Park, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0872886520. 006504/2017/PMB—(2) VAN ROOYEN, DENISE ROSINA (4903150081082); 149 WILLIAMSON STREET, SCOTTBURGH; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SCOTTBURGH, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) GERRIE ODENDAAL ATTORNEYS; 32 ARBUTHNOT STREET, SCOTTBURGH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0399760716. 1209/2018—(2) BROWN, PATRICIA MARGARET (3906240017082); UMDONI RETIREMENT VILLAGE, OLD MAIN ROAD, PENNINGTON; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (UMZIMTO, DURBAN). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ESTATES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 505050. 001786/2018—(2) SINGH, RAMKISSON MAHADU (4204288505088); 20 ASHNIKA CRESCENT SURRYAVILLE NEWCASTLE; (3) First and Final; (4) GOUMATHIE SINGH (4511220065082); (5) 21; (NEWCASTLE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) K M CHETTY ATTORNEYS; 98 HARDING STREET NEWCASTLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343152588. 4538/2017/Dbn—(2) GEIST, ELIZABETH CHARLOTTE (4910190086088); 19 Morewood Crescent, Westville, KZN; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Goodrickes Attorneys; P.O. Box 5244, Durban, 4000; Email: amf@; Tel: (031)301-6211. 012589/2017/Dbn—(2) Baker, Beatrice Elisabeth (5306230077188); 1057 Fishermans Drive, Leisure Bay, 4278; (3) Supplementary; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited; P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2653320. 6552/2011DBN—(2) DEWJEE, INDARJITH (3801075097087); NO 14 ROAD 709, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH, DURBAN, 4092; (3) First and final; (4) DROPATHI DEWJEE (4101070088085); (5) (CHATSWORTH MAGISTRATES OFFICE, DURBAN MASTER’S OFFICE). (6) ASHIEKA NAIDOO AND COMPANY; P. O. BOX 39962, QUEENSBURGH, 4070; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-4640075. 006358/2017—(2) MOORE, BRIAN JOSEPH (3910135074182); 17 JOHN NETTLETON PLACE, KLOOF, KZN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 505050. 006504/2017/PMB—(2) VAN ROOYEN, DENISE ROSINA (4903150081082); 149 WILLIAMSON STREET, SCOTTBURGH; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SCOTTBURGH, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) GERRIE ODENDAAL ATTORNEYS; 32 ARBUTHNOT STREET, SCOTTBURGH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0399760716.

This gazette is also available free online at 124 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

002788/2017DBN—(2) BURGER, NEIL (4605205028089); 53 DAN PIENAAR DRIVE, NORTHDENE, DURBAN, 4093; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 21; (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) HENDRIK ALBERTUS STEPHANUS MYBURGH; 4 JUDGES WALK, KLOOF, DURBAN, 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)764-6461. 005983/2017/PMB—(2) FORSYTH, SHEELAH ANNIE COULTER (3105300073180); 5 Whitebacked Way, Amber Valley, Howick; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Howick, Pietermaritzburg). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company - Howick Ref: MMM/LN/17DE1085; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Tel: 0333303360. 002203/2018 DBN—(2) MELLIS, IRIS THELMA (3010170002089); 41 DICKENS STREET, ESHOWE; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (ESHOWE, DURBAN). (6) MORROW AND MORROW INC; P.O BOX 30287, RICHARDS BAY, 3900; Email: sakkie.morrows@; Tel: 0357897246. 001366/2016/PMB—(2) Lakhi, Ahmed Abdul Kadir (3610175014086); 95 York Street, Greytown, Kzn; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Greytown, KZN, Pietermaritzburg, Kzn). (6) Attorneys Nel & Stevens; 117A Voortrekker Street, Greytown, KZN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0334131181. 3713/2016—(2) PILLAY, VISVAKANTHI (6605210142089); PHOENIX, DURBAN; (3) First And Final; (4) NADARAJ PILLAY (6010025148084); (5) (VERULAM, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Randles Incorporated; PO Box 12031, Dorpspruit 3206; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333928000. 1106/2002/PMB—(2) Naidoo, Gowinsamy (2904075064080); 30 Sheridan Street, Havenside, Chatsworth, 4092; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Moonsamy Naidoo (son/executor) Identity Number 621007 5187 08 9) Executor’s Address: 30 Sheridan Street, Havenside, Chatsworth, 4092; (5) 21; (Chatsworth, Durban). (6) Beharie and Company; 275 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth, 4092; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-400 8004. 000855/2017/DBN—(2) NAICKER, SARASWATHY (4506010077081); 25 PALM GLEN, 5, 2ND AVENUE, MALVERN; (3) First and final; (4) GOONASAYAGRAN PERUMAL NAICKER (5508315088085); (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) VINAY GOVENDER AND ASSOCIATES; P.O.BOX 31032, MEREBANK, 4059; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314646158. 5186/2007/PMB—(2) MICHAEL, JAMES BENJAMIN (5001125154081); 3 HOLLYHOCK AVENUE, LADYSMITH, 3370; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) ROMILLA MICHAEL (5301280192086); (5) (KLIPRIVER, LADYSMITH, PIETERMARIZBURG). (6) VISHNU MOODLEY AND COMPANY; SUITE 1, HILLSIDE PARK, 74 ALEXANDRA STREET, P.O.BOX 2943, LADYSMITH, 3370; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 036-631-1645. 16754/2017DBN—(2) PEAK, CHARLES WILLIAM GRAHAM (5206065212084); 16 WINDSOR DRIVE, DURBAN NORTH, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) ALLISON DORIS PEAK (5405010192082); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) ROBIN TWADDLE & ASSOCIATES; FIRST FLOOR, UNIT 6 CONSTANTIA PARK, 546 SIXTEENTH ROAD, MIDRAND; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113470300. 7508/2016—(2) JANSEN VAN VUUREN, GERHARDUS RENIER (3403115019088); 9 BEGONIA CRESCENT, VRYHEID, 3100; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VRYHEID, KZN, PIETERMARITZBURG, KZN). (6) ANDRE DREYER ATTORNEYS; P.O BOX 34, VRYHEID, 3100; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0349815001. 000943/2018/DBN—(2) Mbatha, Thula Leonard (4903195588083); 3 Savell Avenue, Glensashley; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: RS; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: Radhika.Sinayhakh@standardbank.; Tel: 0315651037. 17960/2010/DBN—(2) NCAYIYANA, MARK MVUBU (3001015574085); K 744 UMLAZI, UMLAZI, 4066; (3) First and Final; (4) PAULINA NCAYIYANA (3009280194083); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) BROWNE BRODIE ATTORNEYS; 5 SINEMBE CRESCENT, LA LUCIA RIDGE OFFICE ESTATE, LA LUCIA RIDGE, 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3104100. DBN015486/2017—(2) Ngubane, Simo (9712126527085); J2, 1152 Esikhawini, 3880; (3) First and final; (4) Mbali Vivian Ngubane (8802151463081); (5) (Esikhawini, Durban). (6) DM Govender Attorneys; P O Box 5528, Durban, 4000; Email: lindeni@; Tel: (031)3077911. 441/2018—(2) WIGHTON, YVONNE BUTLAND (2611230014088); WATERFALL GARDENS VILLAGE, WATERFALL, KLOOF, KZN; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN MAGISTRATE’S COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company Ref: MMM/Rona/17DE1124; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0338459700. 008552/2016—(2) RAMDHUNEE, REKHA (5004050081089); 33 DAWN VIEW, 32 CLAVESHAY PLACE, CLELAND, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) KALIDEEN; P.O. BOX 26447, ISIPINGO BEACH, 4115; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0837771152. 000955/2018/pmb—(2) NDLOVU, MANDLENKOSI DUMISANI (5206015633082); 29 INYALA ROAD, EZAKHENI, 3381; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KLIPRIVER, LADYSMITH, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) VISHNU MOODLEY AND COMPANY; SUITE 1, HILLSIDE PARK, 74 ALEAXANDRA STREET, P.O.BOX 2943, LADYSMITH, 3370; Email: vishnumoodley@; Tel: 036-6311-645. 006983/2017/PMB—(2) Chiazzari, Gertrude Laura (1910310032080); Lincoln Haven Retirement Living, R624, Eston, 3730; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Camperdown, KwaZulu Natal, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Spence & Peter; 16 Phipson Road, Scottsville, 3209; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-3860054. 008552/2016—(2) RAMDHUNEE, REKHA (5004050081089); 33 DAWN VIEW, 32 CLAVESHAY PLACE, CLELAND, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) SHEEDA KALIDEEN; P.O. BOX 26447, ISIPINGO BEACH, 4115; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0837771152. 19688/2009—(2) CASS, GLORIA KATHLEEN (3201180027089) (N/A); 103 MANORFIELDS ESTATE, DELAWARE ROAD, HILLCREST, KZN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN MAGISTRATES COURT, JOHANNESBURG MASTERS OFFICE). (6) CARMEN SEELE ATTORNEY INC; 38 GOWRIE AVENUE, GOWRIE VILLAGE, NOTTINGHAM ROAD 3280; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0332666083.

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111/2008 DBN—(2) NIEUWENHUIS, MARTHA TRIJNTJE (3001210057183); 6 Huberto Road, Westville; (3) Supplementary Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) —; (5) 21; (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes; 2 Cranbrook Crescent, Cranbrook Park, La Lucia Ridge, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315838060. DBN031273/2014—(2) HICKMAN, Brenda Mary Hare Hickman (4311070001083); 38B BEVERLEY DRIVE, WESTVILLE, 3629; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Morris Fuller Williams Inc.; 1 Knightsbridge, 16 Westville Road, Westville, 3629; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312677700. 1984/2018—(2) SPANO, SERAFINA (2806120047186); SHEPSTONE PLACE McFARLANE STREET ESTCOURT 3310; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (ESTCOURT, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Jordaan Geldenhuys; P.O.Box 865 ESTCOURT 3310; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 036 352 5813. 17905/2007/DBN—(2) PERUMAL, RAJAGOPAL (4806095158081); 83 HOSPITAL ROAD, TONGAAT, 4399; (3) First and final; (4) SELVARANI PERUMAL (4909100186087); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) YOGIS GOVENDER & ASSOCIATES; SUITE 4, FORESUM CENTRE, 314 GOPALALL HURBANS ROAD, TONGAAT, 4399; Email: sue@yogisgovender-attorneys.; Tel: 0329447876. 15188/2011—(2) MLAMBO, MICHAEL BOYIE (2806155277088); 43 HIGH STREET, NEW GERMANY; (3) Supplementary Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) PUMAPI SABATH MLAMBO (3003080193080); (5) 21; (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes; 2 Cranbrook Crescent, Cranbrook Park, La Lucia Ridge, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315838060. 9177/2008/DBN—(2) PERUMAL, SELVARANI (4909100186087); 83 HOSPITAL ROAD, TONGAAT, 4399; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) YOGIS GOVENDER & ASSOCIATES; SUITE 4, FORESUM CENTER, 314 GOPALALL HURBANS ROAD, TONGAAT, 4399; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0329447876. 5848/2017—(2) Pillay, Cynthia (5111120125083); 38 Cathcart Street, Greytown; (3) First and final; (4) LOGANATHAN PILLAY (4601125066085); (5) (Greytown, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Nel & Stevens Attorneys; 117A Voortrekker Street, Greytown, 3250; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-4131181. 007628/2016/PMB—(2) Romdass, Surujdhai (3507240078080); 20 Fourth Avenue, Estcourt, 3310; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Estcourt, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Lalparsad Inc; 31 Richmond Road, Estcourt, 3310; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0363526145. 002600/2018 DBN—(2) JELLEY, CHARLOTTE FRANCES (3906150021082); NO 2 FORESTVIEW, 59 TOWNSEND DRIVE, BALLITO; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KWADUKUZA, DURBAN). (6) MORROW AND MORROW INC; PO BOX 30287, RICHARDS BAY, 3900; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357897246. 002857/2017—(2) VAN DER MERWE, LEON JOHN (2407245029082); 51 SANDOWN VILLAGE, 27 HARVEY ROAD, PINETOWN. 3610; (3) First and final; (4) LUCY VAN DER MERWE (2809160025088); (5) (PINETOWN MAGISTRATES OFFICE, PIETERMARITZBURG MASTERS OFFICE). (6) CARMEN SEELE ATTORNEY INC; 38 GOWRIE AVENUE. GOWRIE VILLAGE. NOTTINGHAM ROAD. 3280; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0332666083. 537/2004—(2) Naicker, Colin James (5210195055082); 106 Kalbarri, 7 Bradley Road, Umgeni Heights, Durban, Kwazulu- Natal; (3) First and Final; (4) Eunice Devapushpum Naicker (4803130105086); (5) (Durban, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Prior and Prior Attorneys; P O Box 17338, Congella, 4013; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-2050239. 14949/2017DBN—(2) Anastasios, Felemengas (4204055068088); 742 Ridge Road,Morningside,Durban,4001; (3) First and Final; (4) Demetra Felemengas (5802130118080); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Logan Naidu Attorneys; 42 Roslyn Avenue, Asherville, Durban,4091; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823947964. 000815/2018—(2) Malla, Essop (2911305066082); 12 Burdwan Street, Merebank, Durban; (3) First and final; (4) Zora Bibi Malla (3512130070080); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Rina Hageman; 12 Burdwan Street, Merebank, Durban; Email: Rina. [email protected]; Tel: 0873355709. 012671/2017—(2) SIEVWRIGHT, CHARLES NEIL (4405015122085); ALEXANDER PARK, SCOTTBURGH, DURBAN 4180; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SCOTTBURGH, DURBAN). (6) J S MARAIS ING; POSBUS 1850, GEORGE, 6530; Email: [email protected].; Tel: 044-884 0409. 013486/2015/DBN—(2) Abdul Rahman, Yasmin (6501140224081); 12 Sanrose Avenue, Silver Glen, Chatsworth, 4092; (3) First And Final; (4) Ebrahim Abdul Rahman (6501105155080); (5) (Chatsworth, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Lisa Jivan; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741796. 001053/2017/PMB—(2) HATCH, ALLAN PETER (4001105065084); 33 STEVEN ROAD, SCOTTBURGH; (3) First and Final; (4) JEANETTE ANN HATCH (4201080043086); (5) (SCOTTBURGH, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) GERRIE ODENDAAL ATTORNEYS; 32 ARBUTHNOT STREET, SCOTTBURGH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0399760716. 15723/2017—(2) Eschdorf, Joseph William (2612045030087); Cottage 30, Hibiscus Retirement Village, Margate, 4275, Kzn; (3) n/a; (4) n/a n/a; (5) n/a; (PORT SHEPSTONE, DURBAN). (6) CHANTEL ELLIOTT AND CO; P O BOX 805, SHELLY BEACH, 4265; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0393150500. 415/2018—(2) SANDER, SHERALD ANNE (5607110081087); 2 BOUGHTON COTTAGE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company Ref: MMM/ Rona/17DE1139; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0338459700. 3077/2017/DBN—(2) Bromley, Ann Rosemary (4303080043080); 22 Burnham Drive, Somerset Valley Estate, Somerset Park; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Mooney Ford Attorneys; P O Box 442, Durban; Email: merryl@mfp.; Tel: (039)9732330. 12031/2010/PMB—(2) CARLYLE, REHANA BEE BEE CARLYLE (5508080170084); 80 LLOYD AVENUE, BLUFF, DURBAN, 4001; (3) First and final; (4) ALAN WINSTON CARLYLE (5409085082087); (5) (DURBAN MAGISTRATES COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) N. MOOLA ATTORNEYS; SUITE 1003, SALMON GROVE CHAMBERS, 407 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3014832.

This gazette is also available free online at 126 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

13699/2017-DBN—(2) Mdladla, Mtukeni Alson (5012285464087); Mabuyeni Reserve, ESIKHAWINI; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (ONGOYE, DURBAN). (6) SENGWAYO ATTORNEYS INC.; 30 JAN SMUTS AVENUE, OFFICE 1B, ORIOLE CENTRE, MTUBATUBA, 3935; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0355500430. 015928/2017—(2) SWART, JOHANNES JACOBUS (2604285063084); 12 Paula’s Place, 26 Chartwell Drive, Umhlanga Rocks; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) Gavin Gow Attorneys Ref: EST95/0001; P O BOX 610, UMHLANGA ROCKS 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315611011. 27064-2014DBN—(2) ZONDO, HLENGIWE ZIBUYISILE (7706060779084); ERF 9 ESIKHAWINI, 3887,KZN; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) NAMISANI ZONDO (7703195287083); (5) (ESIKHAWINI, DURBAN). (6) BUTHELEZI ZUNGU INC.; P O BOX 2213 RICHARDS BAY, 3900; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357892372. 012637/2017/DBN—(2) MOHUN, SARAS (5404170193089); 11 CLEARHAVEN CLOSE FOREST HAVEN KWAZULU NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) NIL NIL; (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) JESSICA GOUNDEN AND ASSOCIATES; 93 CROFTDENE DRIVE, CROFTDENE, CHATSWORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314012049. 001379/2017—(2) Leer, Jeannette (4112270019085); Victoria Memorial Home, 240 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Britz Blore and Associates Incorporated; 73 Villiers Drive, Hilltops Office Park, Block D, Clarendon, Pietermaritzburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333454804. 003838/2017 DBN—(2) HARIPERSHAD, HURDHAI (6402240606089); 8 ALOE PLACE, MILLVIEW SHAKASKRAAL, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) NOT APPLICABLE; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (N/A); (5) NOT APPLICABLE; (KWADUKUZA, DURBAN). (6) RAVIN, ASHEENA SINGH AND COMPANY; P.O. BOX 1236, KWADUKUZA,4450; Email: ravin- [email protected]; Tel: 032 5523505. 002520/2017/DBN—(2) Garbharran, Harichunder (3711235053088); 1809 Kensington, 311 North Ridge Road, Morningside, Durban; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) Leelawathi Garbharran (4305190061084); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Lisa Jivan; Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314020429. 011594/2017 DBN—(2) BAWANY, BIRBAL (4610085112086); 87 OLD MAIN ROAD, ETHETHE; (3) First and final; (4) DRAUPADI BAWANY (4608290107081); (5) (KWA DUKUZA MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE, DURBAN). (6) NIRVAN KAWULESAR AND COMPANY; 20 GIZENGA STREET, KWA DUKUZA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0325516213. 001127/2018/DBN—(2) PATHER, DHEVI (4607190096089); 35 HANGBERGER ROAD, NEWLANDS EAST, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 001859/2018/DBN—(2) VAN DER WALT, PETRUS JACOBUS (4409165031088); 2 WOOLEY AVENUE, WENTWORTH, DUEBAN; (3) First and final; (4) IVY MARY EDNA VAN DER WALT (4011260022085); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 010621/2017/DBN—(2) VECKRANGES, INEZ SHEILA (2804120232080); 12 MERIONETH, 158 RILEY ROAD, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 012707/2017/DBN—(2) BECK, STANLEY (2812285102089); 35 HANGBERGER ROAD, NEWLANDS EAST, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) YENTHIE BECK (3104110105084); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 003748/2018/DBN—(2) JAKOBI, LYNETTE MARY (5308280095086); SUB 1 OF LOT 49 KUDU ROAD DRUMMOND, CAMPERDOWN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAMPERDOWN, DURBAN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 003326/2017/DBN—(2) SINGH, VINESH (5001105011087); HOUMBORSH SUGAR ESTATE, NONOTI, NORTH COAST KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) WOOMAWATHIE SINGH (5404150850088); (5) (STANGER, DURBAN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 016412/2017/DBN—(2) DU PLESSIS, ANDRIES (5609055023082); 4A WEAVER WING, BIRDSWOOD, RICHARDS BAY; (3) First and final; (4) ALIDA ELIZABETH DU PLESSIS (6208090172084); (5) (LOWER UMFOLOZI, DURBAN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 2806/2017—(2) BUTHELEZI, DECEMBER (6809175618089); 15E ALBACORE CRESCENT, NEWLANDS EAST; (3) First and Final; (4) NONHLANHLA BUTHELEZI (7204030301080); (5) (NTUZUMA BRIDGECITY MAGISTRATE COURT, Durban). (6) Tembe Kheswa Nxumalo Incorporated; 62/64 Florida Road, Morningside, Durban; Email: khanyisani@tkninc.; Tel: (031)303-2022. 013500/2017/DBN—(2) BOHLELA, MDUDUZI PHILLIP (5309105784086); HOUSE 1894 GAMALAKHE TOWNSHIP, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) BOHLELA ANNA THULELENI (5404150749082); (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 003460/2018/DBN—(2) WEBER, ERIC ALFRED (4106225023085); 10 FAIRFIELD ROAD, NORTHDENE, KWAZUKU- NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) VALERIE VERONICA WEBER (4410180061084); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 2624/2018/DBN—(2) FOURIE, CARL HENDRIK (4910265641080); 22 SALT RIVER ROAD, ASHKEY, PINETOWN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 004214/2017/DBN—(2) TREDWAY, RALPH (2507185006089); 10 WHITECLIFFS, 43 BOHMER ROAD, PINETOWN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000.

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014157/2017/DBN—(2) KROOK, CLASINA ANDREA (3703160031189); UNIT 6 GREENDALE PARK, 11 PLANE CRESCENT, HERONS WALK, HOWICK; (3) First and final; (4) GERARD EMIL KROOK (3506085055187); (5) (HOWICK, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 006127/2017 DBN—(2) GOVENDER, AMARAVATHI (4612020509087); 19 PATRYS ROAD, MANDINI, KWA-ZULU- NATAL; (3) NOT APPLICABLE; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (N/A); (5) NOT APPLICABLE; (KWADUKUZA, DURBAN). (6) RAVIN, ASHEENA SINGH AND COMPANY; P.O. BOX 1236, KWADUKUZA, 4450; Email: ravin-asheenasingh@; Tel: 032 5523505. 31482/2014 DBN—(2) Mlanduli, Angeline Nonhlanhla (3208240237087); 27 Equerry Gardens, 49 Ronald Road, Montclair, Durban; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) Anthony Dolphin and Associates; 3 St. Stevens, 278 Clark road, Glenwood, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-2022013. 3088/2017/DBN—(2) MAKHATINI, MFANA EDMOND (3409175174085); ERF 1009, KWAMASHU E, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) NOMUSA REGINA MAKHATINI (3903190395089); (5) 21; (NTUZUMA, DURBAN). (6) MASEKO MBATHA INC.; 28 KENT ROAD, THE STAMFORD BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR SUITE 4, GREYVILLE 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-309-1691. 001096/2018/DBN—(2) GAIL FRANCES, STOTT (4608170095083); 9 LEMON TREE LANE, SUNNINGDALE, DURBAN NORTH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 002720/2017—(2) GOVENDER, ANNAMALAY (3412265074082); ROAD 701, HOUSE 328, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH; (3) First and Final; (4) PANJARUTHNAM GOVENDER (4707220080085); (5) N/A; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) MCKENZIE DIXON; 42 SHERWOOD, DURBAN, 4091.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312074443. 8966/2017/PMB—(2) Sacoor Mahomed, Hoorbee (3311300167085); 99 Essendene Road, Overport; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Eckhard Volker CA (SA); P O BOX 1086 Wandsbeck 3630; Email: penny@volker.; Tel: 031 2668858. 2261/2014 DBN—(2) LAIKRAM, ROY (5301095184088); 92 E DINA PUR ROAD, MEREWENT, 4052; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) DABIDEEN ATTORNEYS; 1 HOPEDENE GROVE, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 208 3910. 10217/2012/JHB—(2) Heyneke, Johan Koenraad (6303105149084); Flat 194, Sweet Waters, 16 Beech Road, Amanzimtoti, 4126; (3) First and final; (4) Nicola Marie Ginette Heyneke (6205180790189); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (PTY) Ltd; P O BOX 4130, The Square, Umhlanga, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 8835/2015—(2) Hyder, Zubbayda Sheik (2406080187088); 8 Swaledale Road , West Riding , Sherwood , Durban; (3) First and final; (4) N/a N/a; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Zayeed Paruk Incorporated; Suite 700 Nedbank House , 30 Ingcuce Street , Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313013398. 2790/2017/PMB—(2) Tyass, Patricia (2208310044083); 1 Golden Harvest, Frail Care Room 11, corner of Fourth and President Fouché, Randburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Eckhard Volker CA (SA); P O BOX 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2668858. 1220/2018/PMB—(2) Rowe, Charlotte (3412150078081); 16 Pin Oak Lane, Underberg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Howick, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Eckhard Volker CA (SA); P O BOX 1086 Wandsbeck 3630; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2668858. 14085/2016DBN—(2) NAIR, SARGONAN (4709025515083) (NA); 106 BRAESIDE ROAD , SEAVIEW; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) SYBIL NAIR (5108090148087); (5) 21DAYS; (DURBAN MAGISTRATE’S COURT, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT DURBAN). (6) HLATSHWAYO AND NAIR ATTORNEYS; SUITE 1705 NEDBANK HOUSE, 24/30 INGCUCE ( ALBERT ) STREET, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313062637. 2593/17 Dbn—(2) MARIEMUTHOO, SULEMAN (4105075471089); 26 Lawdale Place, Briardale, Newlands West, Durban; (3) First and Final; (4) none; (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) Eric Khan & Associates; P.O. Box 76794, Marble Ray, 4035; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315781492. 010961/2017—(2) MAKHANYA, ZANDILE PATIENCE (6003100749082); C 701 MSHADO ROAD, INANDA, NEWTOWN C, INANDA, 4310; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (NTUZUMA, DURBAN). (6) N.MASINGA AND ASSOCIATE; 379 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, SUITE 101B DOONE HOUSE, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313012509. 4949/2017—(2) METZLER, DUNCAN JOSEPH (4202275050084); MONTROSE REST HOME, NQUTU ROAD, HILLCREST 3610; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) THORNHILL & COMPANY; P O BOX 132, HILLCREST 3650; DX 7 HILLCREST; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317651984. 012443/2017—(2) MHLONGO, BHEKISISA MHLONGO (5101205403083); 38 MTHINI ROAD, KWAMASHU; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) THEMBILE EMILY MHLONGO (5407200724088); (5) (NTUZUMA, DURBAN). (6) N.MASINGA AND ASSOCIATE; 379 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET SUITE 101B DOONE HOUSE DURBAN 4000; Email: nomvula@nmasinga.; Tel: 0313012509. 001377/2017—(2) GOVENDER, JANAKI (3503270077084); 22 NEWGREEN CLOSE,GREENBURY, PHOENIX,KW- ZULU NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) PERUMAL GOVENDER (3411015093087); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) D.K SINGH, VAHED & PARTNERS; 88 HARVEY ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3039271. 012182/2017 DBN—(2) GOVENDER, NURSAMOOLOO (4006015080081); 14 KRISHNAPURI ROAD, SANDFIELDS, TONGAAT, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) GENGAMAH GOVENDER (4707133397088); (5) (DURBAN). (6) OMPRAKASH RAMLAKHAN ATTORNEYS AND CONVEYANCERS INCORPORATED; RAMLAKHAN HOUSE, 5A SUNFORD DRIVE, SUNFORD, PHOENIX, 4068; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5646395.

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1731/2018/PMB—(2) Pike, Brian Morgan (7008055210088); 25 The Palms, Launder Lane, Meer-en-see, Richards Bay; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Empangeni, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Eckhard Volker CA (SA); P O BOX 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2668858. 2057 / 2014 DBN—(2) CHINNIAH, PYDIAH (3307115053080); 11 VIEWHAVEN DRIVE, WOODVIEW, PHOENIX; (3) First and Final; (4) SITHAMMA CHINNIAH (3908230056088); (5) 21 days; (VERULAM, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT DURBAN). (6) RAJARUTHNAM & ASSOCIATES; 71/73 IC MEER STREET, 4TH FLOOR, 401 MAXWELL CENTRE , DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3094868. 15359/2017—(2) CROSS, BETTY YVONNE (2812290045083); 34 UNDERWOOD ROAD, UMGENI, DURBAN; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) NOT APPLICABLE; (5) 21 DAYS; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) JERUSHA CHETTY; 41 RICHEFOND CIRCLE, RIDGESIDE OFFICE PARK, UMHLANGA - 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315705639. 6998/2017—(2) HORNBY, GILBERT SHAUN (6306145180084); 26 FERNLEIGH DRIVE, PINETOWN, KWAZULU- NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) JULIE ANNE HORNBY (6401310200088); (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) HORNBY SMYLY GLAVOVIC INC; 15 ACACIA AVENUE, WESTVILLE, 3629; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0714806691. 001610/2018—(2) Newton, Cecil Donald (3111135047084); 2 Midmar Gardens, 12 Amber Avenue, Howick.; (3) First and final; (4) Mary Edith Yvonne Newton (3702040037085); (5) (Howick, Pietermaritzburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 13257, Cascades,3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350917. 1717/2017—(2) Doidge, Anthony Leonard (3601055019089); 4 SS Rehoboth Country Estates, Lincoln Meade, Pietermatirzburg.; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 13257, Cascades,3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350916. 007859/2017—(2) Mtembu, Jabulani Hezekiah (4203035757083); of 762 Njula Street, Bhekuzulu Township, Vryheid.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Vryheid, Pietermaritzburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 13257, Cascades,3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350917. 10217/2012/JHB—(2) Heyneke, Johan Koenraad (6303105149084); Flat 194, Sweet Waters, 16 Beech Road, Amanzimtoti, 4126; (3) First and final; (4) Nicola Marie Ginette Heyneke (6205180790189); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (PTY) Ltd; P O BOX 4130, The Square, Umhlanga, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 8539/2016—(2) Gcwabaza, Herbert Sithandwa (6104195162080); 238 Windmill Lane, Beacon Hill, Pietermaritzburg.; (3) First and final; (4) Nonhlanhla Ruth Gcwabaza (7103080293082); (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 13257, Cascades,3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350916. 2124/2017—(2) Bengani, Spurgeon Sonny (4004165495084); Ward 08 Buxedene Area, Nongoma, 3950.; (3) First and final; (4) Thandekile Elda Bengani (4304210112084); (5) (Nongoma, Pietermaritzburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 13257, Cascades,3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350916. 003461/2018/DBN—(2) Davies, Rowland Francis (2209065072089); Margate Retirement Home, Margate; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; 2nd Floor, FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive, Umhlanga, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 3289/2017—(2) Brand, Andrew Douglas (4912205011085); 31 Inanda Road, Hillcrest.; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Pietermaritzburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 13257, Cascades, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350916. 015027/2016/DBN—(2) Naidoo, Mangamma (4001200116089); 6 Lylapur Road, Merebank, Durban, 4052; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; 2nd Floor, FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive, Umhlanga, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 564/2018/PMB—(2) Els, Johanna Wilhelmina (3401120005084); 30 Woodlands Avenue, Hurlingham Manor, Sandton, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Eckhard Volker CA (SA); P O BOX 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2668858. 005797/2017/DBN—(2) MAHADEW, SHOBITHA (5702130110089); 76-27TH AVENUE, UMHLATUZANA, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) DHRUMRAJH MAHADEW (5508295102088); (5) (CHATSWORTH, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (PTY) Ltd; P O BOX 4130, THE SQUARE, UMHLANGA, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 12513/2016—(2) SPARON, KEVIN (6001055068086); 112 SAN REMO, 127 SNELL PARADE, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (PTY) Ltd; P O BOX 4130, THE SQUARE, UMHLANGA ,4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 26521/2014/DBN—(2) Chiliza, Jabulisiwe Joyce (3912290339087); 7 Summerwood, 2 Allandale place, Woodlands, 4004; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: RS; Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741807. 001944/2018—(2) ARMSTRONG, ATHOL LAWRENCE BRUCE (3108025007087); AMBERGLEN RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 3 ABERDEEN LANE. 31 KARKLOOF ROAD, HOWICK , KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (HOWICK, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) PC BARNARD ATTORNEYS; 49 WALTER SHORT ROAD, SCOTTSVILLE, PIETERMARITZBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333424228. 015024/2016/DBN—(2) MBATA, NTANDO ISAIAH (4211115641085); 2 DRANE STREET, ESHOWE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ESHOWE, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (PTY) Ltd; P O BOX 4130, THE SQUARE, UMHLANGA ,4320; Email: yasmin. [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 2909/2016—(2) Nteyi, Zanele Italia (5408300164084); 2242 Bobby Locke Road, Margate; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Annie Padayachee; Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741000.

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1272/2015/DBN—(2) Sevior, Peter Ewan (4910075592085); Unit 2 Williams Court, 36 Sidmouth Road, Bluff; (3) First And Final; (4) Charmaine Sevior (6101010043081); (5) (DURBAN, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Nomthandazo Gumede; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741798. 3011/2017—(2) Alarakhia, Halimah (2304180131082); 118 Balhambra Way, Pietermaritzburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) Asad Ameen & Company; 368 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg; Email: [email protected]. za; Tel: (033)345-1319. 002463/2018—(2) NADASEN, PERUMALL (5611115137084); 12 ORANGEWOOD GARDENS, WOODVIEW, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) STANDARD TRUST LIMITED; PRIVATE BAG 54319, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741000. 3996/2018—(2) Xulu, Nomusa Sylvia (5901220765089); 167 Mpangeli Drive, Kwandengezi, 3607; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 5889/2016/DBN—(2) BARRETT, ANN TREVERYAN (3808170100088); 61 NUNHEAD ROAD, MANOR GARDENS, DURBAN, 4001; (3) n/a; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) n/a; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC; 7 TORSVALE CRESCENT, LA LUCIA RIDGE OFFICE ESTATE, UMHLANGA, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031- 5705427. 4233/18Dbn—(2) Muniz, James Kingsley (2909055003081); 17 Elise Road, Mayville, Durban,4019; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; 4th Floor, Absa Ridgeside,Office 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319; Email: Hlekisile. [email protected]; Tel: 0313669460. 015329/2017—(2) WOOD, MYRNA CATHERINE (3109270021088); Haven Rest Home, 1 Old Main Road, Botha’s Hill, Durban; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Durban, Durban). (6) Garth Williamson Attorney; P O Box 202031 Durban North 4016; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0783212863. 840/18Dbn—(2) Burns, Peter (4208245064089); 10 Longares, Longwood Road, Kloof, Pinetown ,3610; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; 4th Floor, Absa Ridgeside,Office 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669460. 2784/18Dbn—(2) Moodaliar, Velliammall (4008270285082); House 4, Road 748, Hontford, Chatsworth, 4092; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Chatsworth, Durban). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; 4th Floor, Absa Ridgeside, Office 33, Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669460. 4832/18Dbn—(2) Thangamuthu, Marion (5511260153086); 55 Foresthaven Drive, Forest Haven, Phoenix,4068; (3) First and Final; (4) Doorsamy Thangamuthu (5111215124082); (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; 4th Floor, Absa Ridgeside,Office 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669460. 4682/2018DBN—(2) Meyer, Hester Magrietha (4908040032088); Meerensee Ext 12, 9 Moonfish, Richards Bay, 3901; (3) First and final; (4) Petrus Rasmus Erasmus Meyer (4806095044083); (5) (Richards Bay, Durban). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669463. 4001/18Dbn—(2) De Lange, Gerald Petrus (3103105025083); H16 Atherstone Place, Woodlands, Durban; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; 4th Floor, Absa Ridgeside, Office 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga, 4319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669460. 1770/2018PMB—(2) Thompson, Gloudina Jacoba (3909140039081); No 13 Uranus Crescent, Ward 20, Newcastle, 2940; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669463. 4230/2018DBN—(2) Langner, Ernst Johann (4008065023086); 31 Edwin Swales Road, Kloof, Durban, 3610; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669463. 5472/2017DBN—(2) Dhanraj, Kiran (5710205086084); 14 Kissoon Road, Ottawa, Durban, 4339; (3) First and final; (4) Manowtee Dhanraj (5902040776181); (5) (Durban). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669463. 3218/2018DBN—(2) Van Der Walt, Francois Alliven (5103045052088); 4 Venice Drive, Uvongo, 4270; (3) First and final; (4) Sannet Van Der Walt (6008180098086); (5) (Durban). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669463. 2779/2018DBN—(2) De Clercq, Elizabeth Annelie (3911280046082); 67 Siyayi Drive, Mtunzini, 3867; (3) First and final; (4) Johannes Louis Wilhelmus De Clercq (3810225022085); (5) (Durban). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669463. 7438/2016DBN—(2) Moffat, Edward St Elmo (2502255054085); 4 Amuthist Street, Newcastle, 2940; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031- 3669463. 4149/2018DBN—(2) Meyer, John George (4406025045084); 181 Lancaster Grove, Park Hill, Durban, 4001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031- 3669463. 12916/2008PMB—(2) Mthimkhulu, Ellicia (3804090306087); H747 Nyala Road, Kwa Mashu, 4360; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669463. 7835/2017DBN—(2) Crampton, Marjorie Montgomery (4802230098084); 8 Durham Place, Pinetown, 3610; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669463.

This gazette is also available free online at 132 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

4258/2018—(2) Field, Daphne Iris Field (3605180047089); 5 Magnolia Mews, Fine Lane, Pinetown, 3600; (3) First and Final; (4) Gordon Calverley Swan Field (3209075050082); (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 13852/2017—(2) Ngwenya, Pretty Cebisile Gugu (5811260789081); 25 Paddock Avenue, KwaZulu-Natal, 4000; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Suvarna.Maibchund@absa.; Tel: 011-5095913. 582/2018—(2) Ndlalane, Thembi Constance (5109070539089); 58 Bardia Avenue, Reservoir Hills, Durban, 4091; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Suvarna. [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 4002/2018—(2) Toth, Jozsef Sandor (3710075070087); 5 Tower Street, Saiccor Village, Umkomaas, 4170; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Amanzimtoti, Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Suvarna. [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 3461/2017—(2) Ntaka, Penelope Sidumisile (5411230617080); No. 2 Scotts Street, Port Shepstone, 4240; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Suvarna. [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 26891/2014/DBN—(2) Funk, Harry (3307185020084); 104 Nahana, Campbell Drive, Umhlanga; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: RS; Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000; Email: Radhika. [email protected]; Tel: 0313741807. 005293/2017—(2) Joubert, Cornelius Hendrik Arlow (2811205051087); The Nest 40 Lindup Road Scottsville Pietermaritzburg Natal; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) JOE VIVIERS BROKERS; P O BOX 11013, DORPSPRUIT, 3206; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0333422993. 2312/2018—(2) Minter, Sylvia Maria (2103090035080); 108 Edenroc, 117 Snell Parade, North Beach, Durban, 4001; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Suvarna. [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 3478/2018—(2) Bond, Elliott Ernest (5108235172182); 17 Owen Close, Waterfall, 3610; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 4009/2018—(2) Granier, George Edward (3305015057086); 14 Albers Road, Pinetown, 3610; (3) First and Final; (4) Janet Granier (4106220052089); (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 8727/2017—(2) Van Heerden, Stephanus Jacobus Johannes (4904305082082); 16 Hydra Way, Cato Ridge, 3680; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Suvarna. [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 4285/18DBN—(2) Garces, Helena Elizabeth (5306160051088); 44 Bauhinia Bend, Arboretum, Richards Bay, 3900; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) TARUNA GOVENDER (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 014821/17DBN—(2) Van Der Walt, Jacobus Carl (5202095036080); 7 Cherry Crescent, Empangeni, 3880; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) TARUNA GOVENDER (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 8586/2017—(2) Brierley, Catherine Maria (3902060017088); No.8 Villa Terblanche, Dorothy Street, Margate, 4275; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 2324/18DBN—(2) Mathenjwa, Moses Mfaniseni (5103165385086); 566 Angola Area, Inanda,4309; (3) First and Final; (4) Doris Hlengiwe Mathenjwa (5208130625084); (5) (DURBAN). (6) KASMEERA BUDHOO (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 009528/2017—(2) Erasmus, Susanna Maria (3201190002080); 17 Jacaranda Lodge, 107 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Howick, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Grant Andrew Clinton (nominated official by PSG Trust ); P.O. Box 848, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 566 2480. 3245/18DBN—(2) Mindry, Kathleen May (2309090035083); 712 Bluff Road, Bluff,4052; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, DURBAN). (6) KASMEERA BUDHOO (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 12103/2017—(2) Mile, Johannes Maibaibe (5904125888089); 88 Frere Road, Durban, 4001; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011- 5095913. 59/18DBN—(2) Govender, Sadaseevan (4509225120084); 96 Arena Park Drive, Chatsworth, 4092; (3) First and Final; (4) Govender Padmani (6008250245088); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) TARUNA GOVENDER (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 3985/18 DBN—(2) Harold, Raymond Bernard (4710255164089); 18 Haddock avenue , newlands estat durban 4037; (3) First and Final; (4) Constance Bernadette Harold (4606140141086); (5) (Durban). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD; 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS, 291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 7851/17DBN—(2) Byrne, Thomas William (3512065038086); 67 Hillier Road, 5 Satara Court, Durban, 4001; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) TARUNA GOVENDER (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 133

4823/18DBN—(2) Rathiram, Phoolwanthee (4902030102084); Road 706, House 432 Montford, Chatsworth,4092; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) KASMEERA BUDHOO (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 8837/2007 - Pmb—(2) Matshappa, Luvuyo Kennedy (7212055600088); Mpophomeni,; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (N/A, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Mischal Bhika and Associates; 192 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0827722290. 2470/2014 - Pmb—(2) Chetty, Poobalan (4705035159086); 7 Daffodil Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) First and Final; (4) Shona Chetty (6007110233086); (5) N/A; (N/A, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Mischal Bhika and Associates; 192 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0827722290. 1436/2014 - Pmb—(2) Ramesar, Monica (4403230149082); 78 Innes Avenue, Newholmes, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (N/A, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Mischal Bhika and Associates; 192 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0827722290. 6563/2017/DBN—(2) RADEBE, BHEKUMUZI NATHANIEL EMMANUEL (5611085723087); M775 UMLAZI, 4 NTOMBAZI STREET, UMLAZI M; (3) First and final; (4) THEMBENI ELIZABETH RADEBE (5703030885085); (5) (UMLAZI, DURBAN). (6) YUSUF CASSIM & ASSOCIATES; SUITE 1, DORSET COURT, 450 WINDERMERE RD, MORNINGSIDE, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313124793. 12702/2017/DBN—(2) GOVENDER, ROSE (5503110792080); 96 PALM ROAD, CROFTDENE, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) First and final; (4) POOANASUNGREN GOVENDER (5112285620082); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) M. Y. Baig & Company; 84 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314012345. 6905/2015/PMB—(2) HANUMAN, VEEKARAM (5107085028080); 27 FAIRFIELD AVENUE, SCOTTSVILLE, PIETERMARITZBURG, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) SANGHAM INCORPORATED; 188 RETIEF STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, KWAZULU- NATAL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333941807. 1903/2018—(2) Singh, Karan (5707245230086); 495 Bombay Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) First and final; (4) Premilla Singh (6201030249088); (5) (Pietermaritzburg, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Cajee Setsubi Chetty Incorporated; 195 Boshoff Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-3456719. 8813/2017—(2) Vadia, Abdur-Rahman (5011195050085); 147 Helston Road, Allandale, Pietermaritzburg 3201; (3) First and Final; (4) Zoolakha Vadia (5404300112082); (5) (N/a, Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu-Natal). (6) Shafee Khan and Company; 385 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333452536. 11382/2013—(2) MOODLEY, SHUNMUGAM (4208155181089); HOUSE 1, LOT 12, WELBEDACHT, 4092; (3) First and Final; (4) SILVAKANDHEE MOODLEY (4609140188081); (5) 21 days; (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) HALSE, HAVEMANN & LLOYD; 1st FLOOR, EAST-WING, DEODANT BUILDING , 12 PAYNE STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; Email: mdeokaran@; Tel: 0317011477.


001074/2018—(2) Joubert, Pieter (4111145181088); Plot 60, Myngenoegen, Polokwane; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Polokwane). (6) Legatus Trust; P.O Box17, Pinegowrie, 2123; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0861722626. 007892/2017—(2) NKWANA, MALEKA WILLIAM (6303115663082); 7827 Extension 6 BELABELA 0480; (3) First and final; (4) MASOTO EVAH NKWANA (7106160570089); (5) (BELA BELA, POLOKWANE). (6) MADIKELA MAKGABA; 338 MAKANYE, SOVENGA P O BOX 292 PALEDI 0892; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0761406878. 31033/2014—(2) Engelbrecht, Willem Abraham (4406245031088); PORTION 10, MARBLE HALL, 0450; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Groblersdal, Pretoria). (6) PricewaterhouseCoopers - Rene Swart; 4 Lisbon Lane, Waterfall City, Jukskei View, 2090; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0112870322. 3562/16—(2) NGOBENI, MHOSHENI EXON (4509245281080); STAND NO 498B, NKOWANKOWA; (3) First and Final; (4) MOLIBENG LOSINA NGOBENI (5112010294088); (5) (RITAVI, POLOKWANE). (6) HM MHLONGO ATTORNEYS; 10 MORGAN BUILDING, OFFICE NO 7, FIRST FLOOR, MORGAN STREET, TZANEEN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 2715-306-0499. 794/2017—(2) TSHIVHASE, NNDWAKHULU WATSON (4701215627083); 681 THOHOYANDOU -PWEST MT. LIMPOPO; (3) First and final; (4) PAULINA JANE TSHIVHASE (5108050598081); (5) (Thohoyandou, Thohoyandou). (6) MBADI NS CONSULTANTS; P.O Box 449 SIBASA 0970; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0833339474. 432/2018—(2) NETSHIYA, PHEDZISENI ELIAS (4303295424083); VONDWE,LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) NDIDZULAFHI EMILY NETSHIYA (5101050184085); (5) (THOHOYANDOU, THOHOYANDOU HIGH COURT). (6) MAKHUVHA E.M ATTORNEYS; MUREMELA MED-CENTRE THOHOYANDOU; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0159601488. 6910/17—(2) Elmes, Christiaan Jacobus (4306025011088); Plaas Leeuwfontein, Ellisras; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Ellisras, Polokwane). (6) Menno Glas; Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555; Tel: 0149400982. 1048/2018—(2) Prinsloo, Jeanetta Debora Susanna (5110030059085); Blinkkoolsingel 72, Onverwacht; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Ellisras, Polokwane). (6) Menno Glas; Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555; Tel: 0149400982.

This gazette is also available free online at 134 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

2508/2017—(2) MAKHERANA, TSHIVHANGWAHO BETHUEL (5610225199083); THOHOYANDOU E; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) TSHILILO TSHIFHIWA MAKHERANA (6202080885086); (5) (THOHOYANDOU MASTER’S OFFICE, THOHOYANDOU HIGH COURT). (6) MATHOLBO , RAMBAU & SIGOGO INC; 28 P EAST MPHEPHU DRIVE NEXT TO JJ MOTORS OPPOSITE SARS THOHOYANDOU; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0159620712. 1973/2017—(2) BREED, JACOB (4412105058088); PORTION 3 OF THE FARM GOEDGEDACHT 49, LIMPOPO; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (LOUIS TRICHARDT, THOHOYANDOU). (6) H LIEBENBERG INC; 124 PRESIDENT STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0155160124. 2741/2016—(2) Rademeyer, Joey (5411260053081); Plaas Sanddowns,Vivo,0924; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Wynand Frans Rademeyer (5508295033085); (5) 21; (Polokwane) (6) Alexander Heyns; 29 Outeniqua Straat,Denneoord,George,6529; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0448733009. 1197/2018—(2) Elmes, Leonora Debora Carolina (4408070014080); Plaas Leeuwfontein, Ellisras; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Ellisras, Polokwane). (6) Menno Glas; Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555; Tel: 0149400982. 125/2018—(2) MATAKANYE, NTUNGUFHADHENI JUSTICE (6610225284082); HOUSE 369, THOHOYANDOU, E; (3) First and final; (4) NKHANGWELENI BEATRICE TSHIKORORO; (5) (THOHOYANDOU). (6) MAKAMU MASWANGANYI MUNYAI INC; 103&112 OLD MUTUAL BUILDINGS, MPHEPHU DRIVE, THOHOYANDOU; Email: rivoningo.gwevani@gmail. com; Tel: 015-962-0223. 1699/2018—(2) Falleyn, Ivan Karel Paul (5505275219189); 26 Awie Wessels Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen 0850; (3) First and Final; (4) Violet Brigette Falleyn (6106010252087); (5) (Tzaneen, Polokwane). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 003343/2017—(2) Booysen, Sara Susanna (3203070030082); Portion 227 of Plot 24 of the Farm Ohrigstad, Limpopo Province; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Ohrigstad, Polokwane). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (B20855); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 2466/2018—(2) MARISHANE, CHRISTINA MAKATANE (6401110428087); NO 1058 TAFELKOP STADIUM, GROBLERSDAAL; (3) First and Final; (4) SENTSHO ERNEST MARISHANE (5108225451083); (5) 21; (Polokwane, Polokwane). (6) MS MOLOTO INC ATTORNEYS; 52 Landros Mare Street, Pioneer Building, 3rd Floor, Office no:303-304; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0152959421. 2466/2018—(2) MASALESA, MASILO WILLIAM (4009275194089); 11363 POLAR PARK, MOKOPANE, 0600; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (Polokwane, Polokwane). (6) MS MOLOTO INC ATTORNEYS; 52 Landros Mare Street, Pioneer Building, 3rd Floor, Office no:303-304; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0152959421. 9427/2017—(2) MALOKA, SEFURA EMILY (6603310286088); STAND NO 141, LASTEHOOP VILLAGE, GA MOLEPO; (3) First and Final liquidation account; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (MANKWENG, Polokwane). (6) RAMAILA MATJIE QUEEN; 53 Landros Mare Street, office 105, NBS Polokwane; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0609882579. 369/2017—(2) MAPHULA, KHATHUTSHELO (6506066443086) (N/A); TSHIFULANANI; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) TAKALANI MILDRED MAPHULA (6808101111086); (5) 21 DAYS; (THOHOYANDOU, THOHOYANDOU). (6) SHARDRACK MPANDELI ATTORNEYS; P.O BOX 504, SIBASA, 0970; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0159620263.


3263/2017—(2) GUTHRIE, ANN FAITH (4101180010086); 39 ANDREWS STREET, BARBERTON 1300; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Barberton, Mpumalanga, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga). (6) Jaco Janse van Rensburg; 99 Jacaranda Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0825684969. 003665/2016—(2) Van Aswegen, Gert (7708165273088); 4368 Lavender Crescent The Heads Lydenburg 1120; (3) Amended First; (4) —; (5) (Lydenburg, Nelspruit). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Isabel Pieterse; Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0796729863. 848/2013—(2) COETZEE, ELIZABETH MAGRIETA (5210170071088); 2041 RENOSTER STREET, MARLOTH PARK; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Barberton, Mpumalanga, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga). (6) Jaco Janse van Rensburg; 99 Jacaranda Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0825684969. 002752/2015—(2) MLANGENI, JOHANNES (7001135714088); STAND NO 776, KAMAGUGU; (3) First and final; (4) MAPHELA PAULINA MLANGENI (6503230427087); (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) KRUGER & PARTNERS INC; PROFORUM BUILDING, 5 VAN RENSBURG STREET, NELSPRUIT, MPUMALANGA PROVINCE; Email: pratau@kmprok.; Tel: 0137455300. 000632/2018—(2) TOM, MARIE (3603220013088); WHITE RIVER, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WHITE RIVER, NELSPRUIT). (6) ANNAH CHABA; Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus, Cnr Aramist Avenue & Constellation Street, Waterkloof Glen Ext2,Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 436 7133. 4110/2016—(2) MPILA, FAYI ABSALOM (5806045346082); PORTION 21 OF ERF 899 EVEREST PARK, ERMELO; (3) First and Final; (4) CATHRINE SPHIWE MPILA (6104140665088); (5) 21 DAYS; (ERMELO, NELSPRUIT). (6) BEKKER BRINK & BRINK INC; ABSA BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR, 60 CHURCH STREET, ERMELO, 2351; Email: litigasie3@bekkerbrink.; Tel: 0178112003. 003367/2017—(2) Mnisi, Madala Rodgers (5109175322084); 349 Zanthia Trust, Bushbuckridge; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Bushbuckridge, Nelspruit). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Isabel Pieterse; Private Bag X25, Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123660300.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 135

4437/2017—(2) Sutherland, Matthys Christoffel (4712035003082); 2 Kiepersol Street, Kruinpark, Secunda; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Secunda, Nelspruit). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Vanessa Hanekom; Private Bag X25, Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0126540661. 29517/2014—(2) VAN RHYN, ALETTA SOPHIA HESTER (5910110052086); THE FARM UITKOMST, MACHADODORP; (3) First and Final; (4) AURELIUS VERNOOIJ VAN RHYN (6106155010001); (5) (EMAKHAZENI, PRETORIA). (6) PricewaterhouseCoopers - Rene Swart; 4 Lisbon Lane, Waterfall City, Jukskei View, 2090; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0112870322. 021342/2014—(2) Steyn, Nadine (8108160032085); Neville 12D Reyno Ridge Witbank; (3) First and Final; (4) NVT NVT; (5) (-, Nelspruit). (6) Judy Pretorius or Etienne Booyens; 36 Linden Street, Model Park, Witbank, 1035; E-pos: booye@ or [email protected]; Tel: 013-656 4444. 377/2018—(2) SWANEPOEL, CONSTANCE MARION (4002040030084); GEDEELTE 50, THE REST, NELSPRUIT, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) EXECUTRUST FIDUCIARY SERVICES; 10 GERRIT MARITZ STREET, NELSPRUIT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137413148. 004055/2017—(2) MASOMBUKA, BONGI PATRICIA (8908081220085); 270 KWAGGAFONTEIN D, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KWAMHLANGA, NELSPRUIT). (6) ANNAH CHABA; Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus, Cnr Aramist Avenue & Constellation Street, Waterkloof Glen Ext2, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 436 7133. 4132/2017—(2) LUKHELE, NTOMBI ELIZABETH (5301120884082); ERMELO, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (ERMELO, NELSPRUIT). (6) BEKKER BRINK & BRINK INC ATTORNEYS; 60 CHURCH STREET, ABSA BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR, ERMELO, 2350; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0178112003. 001060/2017—(2) Kruger, Gert Van Schalkwyk (6808045047081); Gedeelte 72 van Plaas Cromdale, Nelspruit; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Nelspruit). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: VS; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: Zaahir.simon@; Tel: 0214012334. 000448/2015—(2) Mashaba, Fatma Ignatia (4005100501084); Erf 1860, Ackerville, Witbank; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Witbank, Nelspruit). (6) Sherine Jansen as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited c/o Schumann Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc; 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-394-9960. 1596/2018—(2) KLOPPER, ANSONET (6806250029083); PIEKAARLAAN 13, ERMELO, 2351,; (3) First and Final; (4) THOMAS FREDERICK KLOPPER (6812205008081); (5) (NELSPRUIT). (6) PRETTY MAAKE; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8184. 016990/2016—(2) NKOSI, GIBA JIMMY (6310105751082); STAND 359 10TH AVENUE RIETKUIL; (3) First and final; (4) HENDRIETA NKOSI (7011260382080); (5) — (6) TONY MAPHANGA; 73 WALTER SISULU STREET,PO BOX 22273, MIDDELBURG 1050; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0132431303. 002315/2017—(2) SCHOONBEE, ILZE (6207020020082); KIESERSTRAAT 18, BETHAL, 2310; (3) First and Final; (4) WILLEM LODEWYK SCHOONBEE (6112215020089); (5) (BETHAL, NELSPRUIT). (6) COHEN CRONJE EN VAN DER WALT ING.; CRONWALT GEBOU, DU PLOOYSTRAAT 59 , BETHAL,2310; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0176476427. 001733/2018—(2) SHOOBERT, ALAN (5909305099084); 14 DIRKSE STREET, DEL JUDOR , WITBANK , 1038; (3) First and Final; (4) JACQUELINE SHOOBERT; (5) (WITBANK, NELSPRUIT). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1728. 000988/2017—(2) SEWPERSADH, NASH (5810085246087); 34 GAZANIA STREET, PINE RIDGE, WITBANK, 1039; (3) First and final; (4) RAHHANA BEE BEE SEWPERSADH (6108180215084); (5) (WITBANK, NELSPRUIT). (6) M. DAVEL, C.o VAN RENSBURG KRUGER RAKWENA INC.; PO BOX 5, WITBANK, 1035; Email: marché; Tel: 013-656 9600. 1520/2018—(2) Damons, Alexander John (5008075086080); 06, Magpie Street, Kinross, Mpumalanga; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (eMalahleni, Nelspruit). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: machokoe.sodi@; Tel: 0877366457. 000895/2018—(2) POTGIETER, ANNA SOPHIA (5103310042087); FARM ISINQA NELPRUIT,MPUMALANGA.; (3) First and final; (4) PIETER ABRAHAM ALBERTUS POTGIETER (4504075061082); (5) (MPUMALANGA, MPUMALANGA). (6) PORTIA; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD & SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -012-663-1680. 000895/2018—(2) POTGIETER, ANNA SOPHIA (5103310042087); FARM ISINQA NELPRUIT,MPUMALANGA.; (3) First and final; (4) PIETER ABRAHAM ALBERTUS POTGIETER (4504075061082); (5) (MPUMALANGA, MPUMALANGA). (6) PORTIA; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD & SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -012-663-1680. 020193/2014—(2) DU RANDT, NEVILLE EUSTICE (3102225046086); RUSTIG OLD AGE HOME, WHITE RIVER; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WHITE RIVER, NELSPRUIT). (6) DöMAN WEITSZ ATTORNEYS; No 2A JOE HANNA STREET, WHITE RIVER, 1240; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 750 0216. 003408/2017—(2) VAN SCHALKWYK, GERHARDUS DANIEL JACOBUS (4711285056089); FARM KOLLENBRANDE 676, PORTION 5, BARBERTON; (3) First and final; (4) CORNELIA VAN SCHALKWYK (5105280012081); (5) (BARBERTON, NELSPRUIT). (6) Sanlam trust; Privaat sak x 45 Lynnwood 0040; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700333. 000544/2018—(2) HOFF, PHILLIP (3711045010088); FARM VLAKFONTEIN JQ 385 DISTRICT RUSTENBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAHIKENG). (6) ANNAH CHABA; Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus, Cnr Aramist Avenue & Constellation Street, Waterkloof Glen Ext2, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 436 7124. 003332/2017—(2) Botha, Lily Currlé (3009090021088); Lost Trailstraat 12, Nelspruit; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (-, Nelspruit). (6) EE POHL; SYMINGTON & DE KOK, P.O. BOX 12012, BRANDHOF 9324; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051 505 6668.

This gazette is also available free online at 136 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

2092/2016—(2) NEL, ANNA FRANCINA (3402010056088); 24 WALLY SCOTT STREET WHITE RIVER; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT). (6) CLEA HATTINGH ATTORNEYS; 15 MARLOTH STRAAT NELSPRUIT; E-pos: clea@; Tel: 087 985 0808. 000828/2016—(2) NKOSI, MANIKI VINCENT LAWRENCE (6103265668085); DIEPSLOOT WEST EXTENSION 1, GAUTENG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Mbombela, Mbombela). (6) NOMASWAZI SHABANGU ATTORNEYS; MBALISTO HOUSE NO. 17 BRANDER STREET MBOMBELA,1200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137526936. 1323/2013—(2) SMIT, HENDRIK JOSEPHUS (4903315116088); HOLDING 7, WHITE RIVER, AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS; (3) SUPPLEMENTARY FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (WHITE RIVER, NELSPRUIT). (6) WDT ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 1926, NELSPRUIT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137952119.


001310/2017—(2) Van Wyngaardt, Matthys Johannes Gerhardus (4606025034083); Uitnood dist Vryburg; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Maureen Van Wungaardt (5109060077082); (5) (Vryburg, Mahikeng). (6) Donnie Pietersen; Posbus 42, Vryburg, 8601; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0539271407. 4202/2017—(2) JANSE VAN RENSBURG, PIETER NICOLAAS (3510055051085); 17 OKKERNEUT STRAAT, CASA VALDE AFTREEOORD, RUSTENBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, Mahikeng). (6) VAN VELDEN- DUFFEY INC; Private Bag X82082, Rustenburg, 0300,; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145921135. 006064/2016—(2) WILLIAMS, EDWARD LYLE (3104285146087); EERSTELAAN 28, COLRIDGE, VRYBURG; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARINA MARGARET WILLIAMS (3612150329083); (5) (VRYBURG, MMABATHO). (6) SANET RAS PROKUREURS; PETER MOKABALAAN 101, POTCHEFSTROOM; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (018)294-8953. 2158/2018—(2) Mokgashane, Lekula David (6410065227089); House 318, Extension 6, Jouberton, 2574; (3) First and Final; (4) Manana Felicity Mokgashane (6406180619085); (5) (Klerksdorp, Pretoria). (6) Meyer van Sittert & Kropman; 5 Roma Avenue, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, 2571; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018 474 9200. 11143/2011—(2) Smit, Magrietha Johanna (4501210035088); Moffatstraat 53, Vryburg, 8601; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Antonie Christoffel Smit (4503185035085); (5) (Vryburg, Mafikeng). (6) Du Plessis - Viviers Ing; Markstraat 136, Vryburg, 8601; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (053)927-1045. 1458/2017—(2) THWANE, OLEBOGENG GILBERT (5108055655084); HOUSE NO. 10855, MOCOSENG VILLAGE, MAHIKENG, 2745; (3) First and Final; (4) GAONGALELWE MITTAH THWANE (6404280858083); (5) 21 DAYS; (MAHIKENG, MAHIKENG). (6) SEMAUSHU ATTORNEYS; 29 PROCTOR AVENUE, GOLFIEW, MAFIKENG; Email: bsemaushuattorneys@; Tel: 0183811116. 002548/2017—(2) Pereira, John Roderick Louis (3608075019080); 7 Flamwood Park, 87 Liza Street, Flamwood, North West; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Klerksdorp, Mmabatho). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: ECO; Private Bag X25, Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123660308. 6979/2016—(2) Mokgosi, Olebogeng Frank (5311185705080); 1771 Robert Sobukwe Street, Montshiwa, 2737; (3) First And Final; (4) Kelebogile Mercy Mokgosi (6004070995085); (5) (Mafikeng). (6) Smit Stanton Inc; P O Box 397, Mafikeng 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0183810180. 5175/2015—(2) PRETORIUS, GERT JACOBUS (4901135011083); 47 EVANS STREET, BLOEMHOF, NORTH WEST PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) CAROLINA MAGDALENA PRETORIUS (5104230008083); (5) (MAFIKENG, MAFIKENG). (6) BERGH ATTORNEYS; P.O BOX 12154, BENDOR PARK, 0699; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0152954449. 007002/2017—(2) VAN WYNGAARDT, JACOB JOHANNES (5606305008087); 6de LAAN 4, LICHTENBURG 2740; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARIA BEATRIX VAN WYNGAARDT (6112270006080); (5) (LICHTENBURG, MMABATHO). (6) JONKER EN VENNOTE; PRIVAATSAK X 12038, LICHTENBURG 2740; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 018-632 6061. 3439/2017—(2) SENNA, SIMON (4405115468081); BOSEJA SECTION, GOPANE VILLAGE, LEHURUTSHE, 2865; (3) First And Final; (4) KEBONEOPE SALLY SENNA (4505040500088); (5) (Mafikeng). (6) Smit Stanton Inc; P O Box 397, Mafikeng 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0183810180. 003753/2017—(2) ALBERTS, GEORGE (6408065024084); 25 HEUWEL STREET, EXT 5, RUSTENBURG, 0299; (3) First and final; (4) RONELL ALBERTS (6810120183088); (5) (RUSTENBURG, MASTER OF THE NORH WEST HIGH COURT MAFIKENG). (6) GROBLER LEVIN SOONIUS INC; CORNER BEYERS NAUDE & BRINK STREET, RUSTENBURG, 0299; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145979900. 1573/2018—(2) Mokopakgosi, Olefile Lawrance (7003256006088); 6003 Dipabi Street, Unit 14 Mmabatho 2735; (3) First and final; (4) Olivia Keabetswe Mokopakgosi (7607070706085); (5) (n/a, Mahikeng). (6) CHRIS MARITZ ATTORNEY; PRIVATE BAG X 2103 MAHIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (018) 3813025. 12622/2013—(2) SEPENG, MPINI STEPHENS (6907045783081); 71 SMITH STREET, TLHABANE WEST, RUSTENBURG, NORTH WEST PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) JANE MMAPULA SEPENG (8009251116086); (5) 21 DAYS; (RUSTENBURG, MMABATHO). (6) SETSHEDI MAKGALE & MATLAPENG ATTORNEYS; 167 KLOPPER STREET, RUSTENBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145920211. 007198/2017—(2) POTGIETER, JACOBUS DANIEL (5403015049084); ALLAMEINSTRAAT 4 RUSTERNBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) PETRONELLA MAGRIETA POTGIETER (6209060008084); (5) (RUSTERNBURG, MMABATHO). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112251727.

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002030/2017—(2) LALLOO, SAVITA (4503300046082); 6 ANGELIER STREET, ZINNIAVILLE, RUSTENBURG, NORTH WEST PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) PARBHOO LALLOO (4001305080081); (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAFIKENG). (6) CHITOO NARAN ATTORNEYS; 176 BEYERS NAUDE DRIVE, UNIT 7 WATERKLOOF CENTRE, RUSTENBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145929399. 001285/2018—(2) Bergh, Matjan Johannes (6509055079085); 13 Silver Creek Gorge, Buffelshoek, Barnardsvlei Road, Mooinooi; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Brits, Mmabatho). (6) Kogilan Arumugam - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 343 1814. 5969/2017—(2) BEKKER, ANNA SUSANNA (5903110071081); 10 Parkwood Villas, 194 Joubert Street, Rustenburg, 0299; (3) First and Final; (4) Pieter Gerhardus Bekker (5004275105085); (5) (Rustenburg, Mmabatho/Mafikeng). (6) Kogilan Arumugam - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 3510. 25213/2014—(2) MAGANO, METHIHAKO FRANK (4703155601086); 2606 LEDIG SECTION PELLA VILLAGE MADIKWE; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) MMAPHIRI MARGARET MAGANO (5906030777083); (5) (MADIKWE, MAFIKENG). (6) CHRIS MARITZ; PRIVATE BAG X2103, MAFIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0183813025. 5437/2009—(2) DIRAPELO, MONEIEMANG MONICA (6710100994084); ORANJE 13, RANDLESPARK, KLERKSDORP; (3) First and final; (4) MOLAYAKGOSI THOMAS DIRAPELO (6807265785081); (5) (KLERKSDORP, MAFIKENG). (6) MEYER VAN DER WALT ATTORNEYS; 66 RETIEF STREET; POTCHEFSTROOM; 2531; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0182932901. 784/2017—(2) JOUBERT, IZAK JACOB (4710245017082); 22 KERVEL STREET, STILFONTEIN, 2550; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MMABATHO, MAFIKENG). (6) SCHOLTZ ATTORNEYS; 55 JAMES MOROKA AVENUE, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2531; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (018)293-2822. 784/2017—(2) JOUBERT, IZAK JACOB (4710245017082); 22 KERVEL STREET, STILFONTEIN, 2550; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MMABATHO, MAFIKENG). (6) SCHOLTZ ATTORNEYS; 55 JAMES MOROKA AVENUE, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2531; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (018)293-2822. 5685/2017—(2) KGOSITLOU, MATAOLE MARTHA (5804161115084); HOUSE NO. 1049. MANGOPE AVENUE. PAMPIERISTAD; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PAMPIERISTAD, MMABATHO). (6) MALUNGA ATTORNEYS; NO. 933 MBELE STREET, VALSPAN LOCATION, JAN KEMPDORP, 8550; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 072-8388-429. 6821/2016—(2) LANDSBERG, KAREL WILHELM CORNELUS (4708245018084); FARM JURISCA, VALLEIFONTEIN, ROOIGROND; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MMABATHO, MAFIKENG). (6) SCHOLTZ ATTORNEYS; 55 JAMES MOROKA AVENUE, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2531; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (018)293-2822. 0000009211/2017—(2) Nel, Gilliam Johannes (3201265030081); Nienaberstraat 6, Neserhof, Klerksdorp; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Klerksdorp, Pretoria). (6) Joubert Scholtz Ing genomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk; Heideweg 11, Kempton Park, 1620; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011-966-7638. 005057/2016—(2) BESTER, ANNA ALETTA (2205090031082); 12 SUZET AVENUE, KLERKSDORP, 2572; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (KLERKSDORP, MAHIKENG). (6) JACOBA ALIDA VAN VUREN & HENDRINA FRANCINA DE JAGER; PO BOX 7274, FLAMWOOD, KLERSKDORP, 2572; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0538329500. 0000009211/2017—(2) Nel, Gilliam Johannes (3201265030081); Nienaberstraat 6 Neserhof Klerksdorp; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Klerksdorp, Pretoria). (6) Joubert Scholtz Ing genomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk; Heideweg 11 Kempton Park 1620; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011-966-7638.


0000003565-2017—(2) Geldenhuys, Magdalena Joutya (5408170080089); Maraisstraat 25, De Aar, 7000; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (De Aar, Kimberley). (6) Venter & Vennote; Mc Icorstraat 24, De Aar 7000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 053-631-0846. 20882/2014—(2) MAITSEBOA, POGISHO BENNETTE (5410165717089); 2299 KWENASTRAAT, TLHAKALATLOU, DANIELSKUIL; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) KELATLEGILE SOPHIE MAITSEBOA (6301200828081); (5) (POSTMASBURG, KIMBERLEY). (6) LOFTY-EATON PROKUREURS; 20 BO STRAAT, POSTMASBURG; E-pos: GERHARDAMANDANEL@ GMAIL.COM; Tel: 0533130331. 001103/2017—(2) MOSTERT, CORNELIS ALBERTUS (4010225004089); WINDHEUWEL, GARIES, 8220; (3) n.v.t.; (4) CORNELIA MOSTERT (4203310001082); (5) (GARIES, SPRINGBOK). (6) ELRETHA HUISAMEN; SCHREUDERS, POSBUS 15, SPRINGBOK, 8240; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0277122051. 002114/2017—(2) FIELDING, LESLEY JAMES (4503305078080); KERKHOFSTRAAT 10, STEINKOPF, 8244; (3) n.v.t.; (4) IRENE JANE FIELDING (4701040065087); (5) (SPRINGBOK, KIMBERLEY). (6) ELRETHA HUISAMEN; SCHREUDERS, POSBUS 15, SPRINGBOK, 8240; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0277122051. 75/2017—(2) Kopang, Bokwarelo Benjamin (5512065652082); Erf 3704 Sesheng, Kathu, 8447; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Kathu, Kimberley). (6) Booysen Macleod Ing.; Grondvloer, Chapwood Chambers Gebou, Chapelstraat 15, Kimberley, 8301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0538331518. 2072/2017—(2) Schroeter, Heinrich Reinhold (5001245040087); Portion 54 of Farm Roode Pan Number 70; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kimberley). (6) Haarhoffs Inc; 1 Halkett Road, Kimberley; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0538325211. 22252/2014—(2) Du Plooy, Hendrik Cornelius (2907075017081); Stalstraat 8, Postmasburg, 8420; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Postmasburg, Kimberley). (6) Van Zyl & Groenewald Prokureurs; Hertzogstraat 14, Hartswater, 8570; E-pos: derks@; Tel: 0534740111.

This gazette is also available free online at 138 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

003244/2017—(2) MOHUTSIWA, MAKHULANG LIZA (4405030511080); HUIS NO: E370, GAMMOKWANE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) (MOTHIBISTAD, KIMBERLEY). (6) DUVENHAGE & VAN DER MERWE ING.; POSBUS 63, KURUMAN 8460; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0530300094. 003363/2017—(2) SANANE, MASIMOLOLE DAVID (5112255262089); HUIS NO: 108E, GADIBOE VILLAGE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) (MOTHIBISTAD, KIMBERLEY). (6) DUVENHAGE & VAN DER MERWE ING.; POSBUS 63, KURUMAN 8460; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0530300094. 2132/2016—(2) LOUW, NICOLAAS (3905015049080); SEWEJAARTJIESTRAAT 13, NIEUWOUDTVILLE, 8180; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N.V.T; (5) (LANDDROSKANTOOR CALVINIA, KIMBERLEY). (6) F J VAN DER MERWE ATTORNEY; 20 WATER STREET, CALVINIA, 8190; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0273411933. 003381/2016—(2) DIPHAKEDI, MOTHOWABATHO PETER (5207175302088); HUIS NO 429, BLOK L, SEODING VILLAGE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) NVT NVT; (5) (KURUMAN, KIMBERLEY). (6) KBVS PROKUREURS; POSBUS 565, KURUMAN, 8460; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (053)712-0570. 139/2016—(2) BARNARD, HENDRIK JACOBUS (4404055007082); VAN WYKSTRAAT 15, DELPORTSHOOP; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (BARKLY WES, KIMBERLEY). (6) HESTER JOHANNA CATHARINA DU PLESSIS; Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4474394. 000241/2017—(2) BESTER, DIRK JOHANNES PETRUS (5608125115084); 28 PARKDENE, ROYLGLEN, KIMBERLEY; (3) First and final; (4) ROSALIN HOPE BESTER (7407220291082); (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) DANIEL JACOBUS LIVERSAGE; 41 LAWSON STREET, NEW PARK, KIMBERLEY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0538312150. 109/2018—(2) RAS, ALBERTUS BAREND JOHANNES (6409195003089); PLAAS ARRBEES, KAKAMAS, KAKAMAS, 8870; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (KAKAMAS, KIMBERLEY). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1ST FLOOR CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010820. 654/2017—(2) MOUTON, DANIEL HENDRIK JOHANNES HANEKOM MOUTON (4108045035083); KLEIN KOOKFONTEIN, WILLISTON, 8920; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) INA MOUTON (4811010056089); (5) (WILLISTON, KIMBERLEY). (6) GB KEMPEN EN DE WET NEL; POSBUS 81, LUTZSTRAAT 7, WILLISTON, 8920; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0533913655. 747/2018—(2) RIGNEY, PURVIS AL JAY (8204085260081); 12 ALPHA STREET PRIESKA; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (KIMBERLEY, KIMBERLEY). (6) TP MUDZUSI; NORTHRIDGE MALL KENNETH KAUNDA ROAD BLOEMFONTEIN 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-403-6652. 021293/2014—(2) van Niekerk, Maria Magdalena (5701170043085); Heuningstraat 12, Jan Kempdorp; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Jan Kempdorp, Kimberley). (6) Schutte Prokureurs Verw: BW11; Posbus 137, Hopetown 8750; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0532030264. 2488/2017—(2) VAN NIEKERK, LOUIE JOHANNES (4601115097082); 12 THORN TREE ESTATE, KIMBERLEY, NORTHERN CAPE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) ENGELSMAN MAGABANE INC.; 80 DU TOITSPAN ROAD, KIMBERLEY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0538328134. 694/2018—(2) CLARKE, MARGARET ELIZABETH (3211040059081); UNIT B 22 MINERVA GARDENS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, KIMBERLEY, 8301; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: alidal@; Tel: 051-4010643. 640/2016—(2) MOSES, REGINALD ALEXANDER (3709185100081); 1 AMETHYST STREET, GEMDENE, KIMBERLEY; (3) First and Final; (4) MIRIAM MOSES (3703230100089); (5) 21 DAYS; (KIMBERLEY). (6) Towell and Groenewaldt Attorneys; c/o Towell and Groenewaldt Attorneys, Rugby House, 28 Roper Street, Kimberley, 8301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0538326851/2. 1287/2018—(2) FERNS, GERT FRANCOIS LOURENS (3703185037088); NIEUWOUDTSTRAAT 108, CAROLUSBERG, 8247; (3) First and Final; (4) MARIA ELIZABETH FERNS (3902070017086); (5) 21; (SPRINGBOK, KIMBERLEY). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1ST FLOOR CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010820. 1190/2018—(2) DU TOIT, JOHANNES JACOBUS (4103195074081); ENNORWEG 12, VERWOEDPARK, KIMBERLEY, 8301; (3) First and Final; (4) SARAH SUSANNA DU TOIT (4506270056080); (5) 21; (KIMBERLEY). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1ST FLOOR CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: Roxannec@absa.; Tel: 0514010820. 3732/2018—(2) mosegomi, lena nobesuthu (6308200466085); 63 mloyeni street, retswelele, mankurwane, 8345; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) keorapetse daniel mosegomi (5210075329086); (5) 21; (kimberley). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630. 695/2018—(2) Louw, Rensche Susanna (4001090007083); Borcherdstraat 31, Die Rand, Upington, 8801; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) —; (5) (Upington, Kimberley). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SC; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: Blanche. [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 003564/2017—(2) O’NEILL, RICHARD BENJAMIN (5011025106081); HOOFWEG 91, OKIEP, 8270; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARY EDITH O’NEILL (4806200146088); (5) (NAMAQUALAND, KIMBERLEY). (6) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS; PO BOX 56, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7437; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021 553 1238.

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4294/2018—(2) EKSTEEN, FREDA CATHARINA (3812230035086); SANTOS HAVEN NR. 47, SCHOEMANSTRAAT, HEIDERAND, MOSSELBAAI, 6506; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (MOSSELBAAI, WES-KAAP). (6) Rauch Gertenbach Inc Verw: JANEL KRUGER; Posbus 54, Mosselbaai 6500; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0446912515. -—(2) APRIL, BERTHA IRENE (3708240266085); JASON STRAAT 8, EUREKA ESTATE, ELSIESRIVIER, 7490; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, KAAPSTAD). (6) Legatus Trust (Pty) Limited; 3de Vloer, Imperial Terraces, Tyger Waterfront, Posbus 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219144925. 013987/2017—(2) Adonis, Douglas Bruce (1953-05-15) (5305155164088); 61B Grindal Avenue, Lavender Hill, Retreat, 7945; (3) First and final; (4) Angeline Adonis (5305010040085); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) E.W. Domingo & Associates; 10 Market Street, Grassy Park, 7945; Email: [email protected],za; Tel: 0217062873. 013987/2017—(2) Adonis, Douglas Bruce (5305155164088); 61B Grindal Avenue, Lavender Hill, Retreat, 7945; (3) First and final; (4) Angeline Adonis (5305010040085); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) E.W. Domingo & Associates, Attorneys; 10 Market Street, Grassy Park, 7945; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217062873. 020273/2016—(2) Rossouw, Johannes Jacobus (4401215025087); 20 Ficusstraat, Heldervue, Somerset-Wes, 7130; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Somerset-Wes, Kaapstad). (6) Bester & Kie Prokureurs; 10 Gardeniastraat, Heldervue, Somerset-Wes, 7130; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218553402. 13920/2002—(2) Gerstner, James Charles Anthony (4302275003081); 17 Heidelberg Street, Panorama; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys; Pincus Matz House, Brodie Road, Wynberg 7800; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217978191. 004165/2017—(2) Lewisohn, Pamela Muriel (2707120091085); 87 Church Street, Prince Albert; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Prince Albert, Cape Town). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys; Pincus Matz House, Brodie Road, Wynberg 7800; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217978191. 005363/2018—(2) Esterhuyse, Ernst Lodewikus (5506015129084); 34 Klipkers Street, Protea Valley, Bellville, 7530; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4811. 8760/2017—(2) BELL, NOELINE (3912250608083); 6 THELMA ROAD, CLAREMONT, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) WALKERS INC; PO BOX 254, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 464 1421. 9761/2017—(2) Jacobson, Julius (2105295008085); Cape Jewish Aged Home, 234 Upper Buitenkant Street, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN). (6) MAURICE PHILLIPS WISENBERG; P O BOX 39288, CAPRICORN SQUARE, 7948; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217887169. 20025/2017—(2) SWART, FREDRIKA JOHANNA (4210140135089); POPULIERSTRAAT 8, HEATHER PARK, GEORGE, 6529; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (GEORGE, KAAPSTAD). (6) RAUBENHEIMERS INGELYF; POSBUS 21, GEORGE, 6530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044 8732043. 000248/2018—(2) Abrahams, Edward Christian (4306015159087); 51 Sheldon Road, Crawford, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) Lorretta Abrahams (6510090077084); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Moosa, Waglay & Petersen Inc Attorneys; First Floor, Rondebosch Medical Centre, 85 Klipfontein Road, Rondebosch, 7700; Email: [email protected]; estates@; Tel: 0216899038. 14003/2017—(2) Reddick, Robert Laird (4510045078189); 5 Shiraz Crescent, Cumberland Avenue, Constantia; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys; Pincus Matz House, Brodie Road, Wynberg 7800; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217978191. 3359/2017—(2) Holland, Veronica Virgenia (6108240172085); 12 East Road, Grassy Park, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) James Gary (Subsequent deceased spouse) Holland (6510065232086); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Moosa, Waglay & Petersen Inc Attorneys; First Floor, Rondebosch Medical Centre, 85 Klipfontein Road, Rondebosch, 7700; Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; Tel: 0216899038. 8849/2016—(2) Cornelius, Ebrahim (7006175170083); 7 Stoughton Crescent Ottery; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Mukuddem Ahmed Kagee Attorneys; 247 Imam Haron Road, Claremont; Email: ca1@maklaw.; Tel: (021)671 4838. 3978/2018—(2) Liebenberg, Erna (5807040074083); 7 Zandzicht Close, Durbanville, Uitzicht, 7550; (3) First and Final; (4) Basil John Liebenberg Liebenberg (5508195058083); (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: ET; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 001037/2016—(2) VALENTINE, MOGAMMAD ASHRAF (7504255163085); LYNERSTRAAT 140, WORCESTER, 6850; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) FASIEGA VALENTINE (7909290054084); (5) — (6) MULLER TERBLANCHE & BEYERS INGELYF; KERKSTRAAT 66, WORCESTER, 6850; Tel: 023-348-6000. 4235/2016—(2) Daggie, Fowziah (3606220050083); 8 Fourth Avenue, Retreat, 7945; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Mukuddem Ahmed Kagee Attorneys; PO Box 36058, Glossderry, 7702; Email: shireen@maklaw.; Tel: 021-671-4838. 4234/2016—(2) Daggie, Achmat (3501205058088); 8 Fourth Avenue, Retreat, 7945; (3) First and Final; (4) Fowziah Daggie (3606220050083); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Mukuddem Ahmed Kagee Attorneys; PO Box 36058, Glosderry, 7702; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-671-4838.

This gazette is also available free online at 140 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

004683/2017—(2) JANSEN, INGRID (5701090034081); 69 EIGHTH AVENUE RAVENSMEAD 7493; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) L.A DALVIE & ASSOCIATES; UNIT 1 RABAT VILLAGE VANGATE CITY ATHLONE 7764; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216370103. 014743/2017—(2) WILSON, MARY PATRICIA (2809240037087); PINELANDS PLACE, LONSDALE ROAD, PINELANDS; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) LOR DEA TRUST CC; 8 PICARDY STREET, EVERGLEN, 7550; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219766902. 9741/2010—(2) RHODA, EBRAHIMA (4010255120086); 380 FOURTH AVENUE GRASSY PARK 7888; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) L.A DALVIE & ASSOCIATES; UNIT 1 RABAT VILLAGE VANGATE CITY ATHLONE 7764; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216370103. 018704/2017—(2) MacMillan, Duncan (2903065060082); 93 5th Avenue, Vrede Lust Estate, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Christine Kennedy; C/o FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 135, Cape Town; Email: christine. [email protected]; Tel: 0873356451. 015891/2016—(2) WEST, VERNON CYRIL (2804245044089); Unit 802, Libertas Retirement Centre, Wallace Street, Goodwood, Western Province; (3) First and final; (4) SHEILA VIOLET WEST (3402240028089); (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) ALISON LOUW & ASSOCIATES (PTY) LTD; SUITE 210 SOVEREIGN QUAY, 34 SOMERSET ROAD, GREEN POINT, 8005; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0824670809. 002767/2018—(2) SLEGTENHORST, VALERIE YVONNE (4812130040086); 33 M J Sinclair Crescent, Panorama, Parow; (3) First And Final; (4) Peter Johannes Slegtenhorst SLEGTENHORST (4411145063082); (5) (Bellville, CAPE TOWN). (6) Personal Trust; P O BOX 476, RONDEBOSCH 7701; Tel: 0216898975. 15312/2017—(2) Vollgraaff, Johanna Catherina Jacoba Cornelia (3105160025080); Kamer 220, Edelweiss Aftree- oord, Mountainview Rylaan, Stellenberg, 7550; (3) First and Final; (4) Not applicable Not applicable; (5) 21; (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) John Wilkinson; 546 Val de Vie Estate, Kliprug Minor Road, Paarl, 7646; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0825513308. CA57192016—(2) ANTHONY, DAPHNE (3512290066084); 17 BAMBERRY ROAD, CRAWFORD, BELTHORN ESTATE, 7764; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) BOLTERS ATTORNEYS; 8 MALGAS STREET, SOUTHFIELD, 7806; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217056742. 7337/2017—(2) SCAMMELL, DOUGLAS ARTHUR (3809125058082); 13 FRAZER STREET, SEDGEFIELD, WESTERN CAPE, 6573; (3) First and final; (4) GILDA PRISCILLA SCAMMELL (4710010079085); (5) 23; (Knysna, Cape Town). (6) Jordaan, Van Wyk Attorneys; P O Box 471, Sedgefield, 6573; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044-3432126. 3760/2012—(2) Christian, Francis (3401040091081); 26 Spitfire Road, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, Western Cape; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Herold Gie Attorneys; Wembley 3, 80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214644700. 18028/2017—(2) Mc Conney, Neville Anthony (3905315097086); 499B Bonteheuwel Avenue, Bonteheuwel; (3) First and final; (4) Joan Maria Mc Conney (3908040388085); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Davids & Partners; 5 Spring Street, Woodstock; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)448-5110. 7037/2017—(2) Thomson, William Matthew (3112280066085); 14 Church Street, Montagu, 6720; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Montagu, Cape Town). (6) AQB Financial Services; P.O. Box 270 Knysna, 6570; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044-3825150. 016456/2017—(2) FRANKEN, JACOBUS JOHANNES (3806295016080); GROENKLOOF SEKURITEITSOORD, GROOTBRAKRIVIER.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GROOTBRAKRIVIER, PRETORIA). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 2099/2018—(2) BOSHOFF, COENRAAD JOSEPHUS (3211095013082); MELKHOUTSTRAAT 114, GROENKLOOF, MOSSELBAAI, 6500; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) DAPHNE ESTER BOSHOFF (3701270019086); (5) (MOSSELBAAI, WES- KAAP). (6) Rauch Gertenbach Inc Verw: JANEL KRUGER; Posbus 54, Mosselbaai 6500; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0446912515. 12944/2017—(2) LOUW, STEFANUS FRANCOIS LOUW (2107265014085); SUIDEROORD RETIREMENT VILLAGE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BREDASDORP, CAPE TOWN). (6) GUTHRIE & THERON; 10 MAIN ROAD, KLEINMOND, 7195; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0282713031. 15805/2016—(2) Swanevelder, Jan Marthinus (3404055014089); Willowweg 40, George, 6530; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (George, Wes Kaap (Kaapstad)). (6) L Swanevelder; Bus 1377, George, 6530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0828230700. 019697/2017—(2) MAGILL, JOSEPH KENNETH (3806305240183); 52 MEENT STREET, GEORGE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GEORGE, CAPE TOWN). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 505050. 016138/2016—(2) Bowen, Florence (2012290043085); 320 Aloe Close Pinewood Village, Pinelands, 7405; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Paul Rainier-Pope; 24 Belvedere Road, Rondebosch, 7700; Email: admin@; Tel: (021)657-3940. CA2382/2017—(2) Hoffman, Maryanne (4607010051082); 601 Crystal Waters, Dover Road, , 8005; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (N/A, Cape Town). (6) MGI Bass Gordon; 17th Floor, 1 Thibault Square, 1 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)405-8500. 001754/2018—(2) Jones, Ronald Thomas (2109295071184); 23 Cape Willow, Hemel op Aarde Estate, Hermanus, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Hermanus, Cape Town). (6) Beulah Beck; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 6036.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 141

11918/2017—(2) BARNARD, MARIE HUMBLE (1701280042088); 96 SELBOURNE ROAD, WINDSOR PARK, KRAAIFONTEIN, WESTERN CAPE 7570; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) PKF(DURBAN) INC; PO BOX 1858, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315735000. 002808/2017—(2) Strauss, Susarah Johanna Susanna (3401130033084); De Rust Retirement Village, Durbanville; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 3335, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: ilonka. [email protected]; Tel: 0219150041. 16314/2017—(2) Riha, Peter (4106255103187); 31 Frangipani Park, 235 Frangipani Str, La Montange, Pretoria, 0184; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 23; (Knysna, Cape Town). (6) Jordaan, Van Wyk Attorneys; P O Box 471, Sedgefield, 6573; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044-3432126. 014194/2017—(2) Vorster, Catherina Jacoba (4410080025080); 82 Romilly, 1 Melkbaai Street, Strand, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Strand, Cape Town). (6) FNB Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd.; PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 6459. 015124/2017—(2) Schutte, Jesaja Jeremia (3805265015080); Urban Village 44,Palmiet Straat,George,6529; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (George Landdroskantoor, Kaapstad). (6) Alexander Heyns; 29 Outeniqua Straat,Denneoord,George,6529; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0448733009. 002263/2018—(2) Ontong, Michael Peter (6501105159082); Jamboestraat 6, Pniel, 7681; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Theresa Ontong (7101090088088); (5) (Stellenbosch, Kaapstad). (6) Absa Trust Beperk; Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5018134. 4649/2018—(2) Lali, Monwabisi David (5904165247089); No: 11 Jersey Street-Montana; (3) First and final; (4) Phumla Bridget Lali (5904165247089); (5) (Good-wood Magistrate Court, Cape Town). (6) Pinini Attorneys; Suite 708,7th Floor. 47 Strand Street. Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 8290 492. 013917/2017—(2) HUDSON, ADRE EUGENIE (2705310003084); PCH, LENTE STREET, TOKAI; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 505050. 009446/2017—(2) PENTZ, AMOREL ELLEN (2107070041083); HERMANUS, WESTERN CAPE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (HERMANUS, CAPE TOWN). (6) MOORE STEPHENS; 15 OOSTERLAND STREET, JEFFREYS BAY, 6330; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 042-293-4010. 014182/2017—(2) APPERLEY, CYNTHIA WINIFRED (3701260039086); UNIT 24 EVERGREEN LIFESTYLE VILLAGE, 30 HOMESTEAD AVENUE, BERGVLIET, 7845; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) CLIVE JOHN EDWARDS; 8A TANNERY PARK, 21-23 BELMONT ROAD, RONDEBOSCH, 7700; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216781499. 018852/2016—(2) Salie, Abdul Karriem (3712255079086); No.26, 13th Street, Kensington, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Shalene Schreuder Attorney; 7 Park Street , Corner of Koeberg and Park Street , Durbanville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-976-0585. 19420/2017—(2) Du Toit, Hendrik Christoffel (5008145095087); Barlinkastraat 7, De Doorns, 6875; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Worcester, Kaapstad). (6) Pieter Botha Steenkamp; P/a Peritus Trust, Posbus 593, Montagu, 6720; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0236143100. 009824/2017—(2) Basson, Tobias Johannes (2712025004084); 176 Serenitas, Strand; (3) First and Final; (4) Jacoba Hendrina Basson (3704280001086); (5) 21; (Strand, Kaapstad). (6) Malan Lourens Viljoen Ingelyf; 9 B Gardner Williamslaan, Paardevlei, Somerset Wes; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218531535. 16871/2017—(2) Smit, Gideon Jacobus Nicolaas (5801155153089); 4 Niewoud Street, Klawer, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) Nicoleen Hendrina Smit (5710180138082); (5) (Van Rhynsdorp, Cape Town). (6) Tracy Unsworth as a nominee of FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350827. 000577/2018—(2) BRAND, ANNA MAGDALENA (5412040003081); LEIPOLDTSTRAAT 8, SONSTRAAL, 7550; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354 4860. 018612/2017—(2) THIART, GERT PETRUS (3805185015087); WATERKANTSTRAAT 11, VELDDRIF, 7365; (3) First and Final; (4) RUTH WYNAND MARIA THIART (4301080011081); (5) (VREDENBURG, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354 4860. 013117/2017—(2) NEWTON, SUSANNA MARIA (2101070024082); HOUSE NO. 4 SCHONENBERG RETIREMENT VILLAGE, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) CLIVE JOHN EDWARDS; 8A TANNERY PARK, 21-23 BELMONT ROAD, RONDEBOSCH, 7700; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216781499. 18631/2017—(2) Joubert, Gideon Daniel (2804125015084); Huis Mimosa, De Doorns, 6875; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Worcester, Kaapstad). (6) Pieter Botha Steenkamp; P/a Peritus Trust, Posbus 593, Montagu, 6720; E-pos: peritustrust@; Tel: 0236143100. 8083/2017—(2) JACOBS, CHRISTIAAN ERENST (5401085141088); WEENENLAAN 21, HARTENBOS, DISTRIK MOSSELBAAI, 6520; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MOSSELBAAI, KAAPSTAD). (6) IAN ELLIS INGELYF; VERDINO HOF 5, MEDICROSS MEDIESE SENTRUM, H/V LOUIS FOURIEWEG EN MELKHOUTSTRAAT,HEIDERAND; E-pos: ianellisprok@; Tel: 0446931977. 009494/2017—(2) NIXON, STANLEY (2811015106089); 3 MUSCADELLE STREET, DIE WINGERD, SOMERSET WEST; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) Personal Trust; P O BOX 476, RONDEBOSCH, 7701; Tel: 0216898975.

This gazette is also available free online at 142 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

19117/2017—(2) Mizen, Cyril Edward Leslie (3307085029086); Santos Haven Retirement Village, Mossel Bay; (3) First And Final; (4) Martha Johanna Mizen (3807050021083); (5) (Mossel Bay, Cape Town). (6) Rauch Gertenbach Inc; P.O. Box 3, Mossel Bay 6500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0446019900. 003815/2018—(2) Rhodes, Ronald Johannes (5708055181088); Rossouwstraat 18, Colridge Uitsig, Oudtshoorn, 6625; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) Estelle Lucia Rhodes Rhodes (6002220123087); (5) (Oudtshoorn, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Bpk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 0181102016—(2) Guastella, Valerie (3604240054086); 93 Churchill Road, Plumstead, Cape Town; (3) n/a; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Wynberg, Cape, Cape Town). (6) Michele Taylor; 21 Chestnut Drive, ; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0833769870. 15637/2017—(2) HOFFMAN, FLIP JACOBUS (5105065183081); HERMITAGESRAAT 5, GROENDAL, FRANSCHHOEK; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) LENTJIE HOFFMAN (4809130190085); (5) (PAARL, KAAPSTAD). (6) WILMA VILJOEN PROKUREURS; CONCORDIASTRAAT 13, PAARL, 7646; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021 200 2520. 009196/2017—(2) Johnston, Jeanette Martha (4709010081083); 16 Tjigerhof street, Tygerhof estate, Milnerton; (3) First and Final; (4) Brian Johnston (4709010081083); (5) (Cape Town). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, T Heneke; Nedbank ClockTower, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021--4166248. 001035/2017—(2) Seaward, Neville Edwin (3609085082084); 9 Diaz Village, Orion Close, Somerset West, 7130; (3) First and Final; (4) Anna Francina Seaward (3901240080081); (5) (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, M Williams; Nedbank ClockTower, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021--4166358. 007870/2017—(2) Knott, Noleen Sheila (5808240065087); 10 Francolin Road, ; (3) First and final; (4) N/a N/a; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Private Client Trust (Pty) Ltd; 46 Main Road, Claremont, 7708; Email: trusts@privateclient.; Tel: 0216711220. 19151/2017—(2) BADHAM-THORNHILL, CORNELIA FREDRIEKA HELENA (3012110045087); TRIANON RETIREMENT VILLAGE, FRANCES ROAD, DIEP RIVER; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) SCHUR MARAIS DU PLESSIS ATTORNEYS; 39 RIEBEECK STREET, WORCESTER, 6850; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0233470807. 16932/2017—(2) Van Wyk, Daniel Wynand (2912115008082); Eenheid 41, Hartenrus Aftree-Oord, Hartenbos, 6520; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Mosselbaai, Cape Town). (6) Braam Deacon Prokureurs Prokureurs; Vincentstraat 8, Mosselbaai, 6500; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (044)691-1218. 013652/2016—(2) ZEBRA, AVRIL ELIZABETH (4608270023084); 10 RINE CLOSE, MITCHELLS PLAIN, PORTLAND; (3) First and final; (4) GEORGE ZEBRA (4608015203082); (5) (MITCHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) VELILE TINTO & ASS; C/O SOLOMON MAHLANGU DRIVE & DISSELBOOM AVE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0128073366. 19301/2017—(2) DE KOCK, IZAK STEPHANUS (2407095012089); AMETIS, STRAND, 7140; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (STRAND, CAPE TOWN). (6) Pieter Francois Mellet; PO Box 682, Robertson, 6705; E-pos: pfmellet2@gmail. com; Tel: 0833106471. 7597/2017—(2) Barnard, Jacobus Johannes (3908215057085); Herfsvreugde Outehuis, Bonnivale, Wes-Kaap; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bonnivale, Cape Town). (6) Maarten Meyer Attorneys; 56 Caledon Street, Somerset West, 7130; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218529129. 012180/2017—(2) DE VILLIERS, ELIZABETH MARIA (3111130004080); DE LA VIGNE STREET, RIVIERSONDEREND, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (HERMANUS, CAPE TOWN). (6) RICHARDS ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 1562 GANSBAAI 7220; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0283841255. 10551/2017—(2) SLABBER, ADRIAAN JACOBUS (2304125003081); HELDERBERG VILLAGE, SOMERSET WEST, CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE, CAPE TOWN). (6) DECEASED ESTATES TRUST; PO BOX 1100, DURBANVILLE 7551; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828220544. 000955/2017—(2) REID, ADELE FELICITY (2302200066080); 301 High Places, Quarry Hill Road, Tamboerskloof, 8001; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) —; (5) 21 day; (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) Personal Trust Ref: AMG; P O BOX 476, RONDEBOSCH 7701; Tel: 0216898975. 020874/2016—(2) LIEBENBERG, ADAM JOHANNES (2904185006088); COMMAILLEWEG 69, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7441; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, KAAPSTAD). (6) SCHOEMANS OUDITEURE; ANDRIES PRETORIUSSTRAAT 26, OAKDALE, BELLVILLE, 7530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 082-467-6126. 010202/2015—(2) Cheminais, Patricia Louise Margaret (5803120020088); 11 Agapanthus Street, Sedgefield, 6573; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (Knysna, Cape Town). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; 99 York Street, George, 6529; Email: ltheart@; Tel: 087 343 2304. 017835/2017—(2) Barnard, Hendrina Wilhelmina (5606070003081); Mann Straat 92. George, 6529; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (George, Kaapstad). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Edms) Bpk; Yorkstraat 99, George, 6529; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 087 343 2304. 666/2018—(2) Cutler, John Barry William (4202235070081); 22 Kings Road, Sea Point; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Cape town, CAPE TOWN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Y Nordien; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: yumnahn@; Tel: 0214166262. 011666/2017—(2) SPIEGEL, SARA (2204050053087); 211, PALM GARDEN RETREAT, 75 REGENT ROAD, SEAPOINT; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (The Cape, CAPE TOWN). (6) Legacy Fiduciary Services and Estate Planners (SA) Ref: CG /SK; P.O.Box 36218, GLOSDERRY, 7702; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216711438. 000318/2018—(2) Burger, Christo Johann (5305055023087); 5 Manchester Street, Hout Bay, Cape Town, 7806.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Francois de Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356468.

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011596/2016—(2) Fortuin, Daniël Gerald (5209185736081); 16 Tekoma Sreet, Malmesbury; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Malmesburty, CapeTown). (6) PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 3335, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219150041. 008552/2017—(2) THOMAS, PETER CHARLES (2712275027082); 2 Leisure Gardens, School Road, Leisure Isle, Knysna; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) 21 day; (Knysna, CAPE TOWN). (6) Personal Trust Ref: AG; P O BOX 476, RONDEBOSCH 7701; Tel: 0216898975. CA2659/2000—(2) Bradlow, Frank Rosslyn (1306195020086); 5 Shetland Road, Rondebosch, 7700; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town). (6) Abrahams & Gross Inc; P O Box 1661, Cape Town, 8000; Email: naailah@abgross.; Tel: 0214221323. 007528/2017—(2) PIENAAR, WILHELMINA (1408160014084); Silwerkruin Ouetehuis No. 9, Fonteinstraat 1051, Wellington, 7655; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Wellington, Kaapstad). (6) Hugo Trust Services; Postnet Suite 90, Private Bag X0002, Sunridge Park, 6008; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (041) 3602119. 5643/2015—(2) CAROLISSEN, HERBERT (3402165067088); 253 ROAD, VANGUARD ESTATE, ATHLONE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, Cape Town). (6) TNK ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 53046, KENILWORTH, 7745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 7129851. 19745/2017—(2) Van Kerwel, Abraham (4412205204087); 11 B Arnoldsstraat, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch, 7600; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Emelia Johanna Van Kerwel (4404130471089); (5) (Stellenbosch, Kaapstad). (6) CSM Attorneys; 21 Plein Street, Stellenbosch, 7600; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218838666. 16991/2013—(2) Pansegrau, Lutz (4105285070184); 82 Upper Duke Street, , 8001; (3) First And Final; (4) Violet Pansegrau (6011281036187); (5) (Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: LH; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012252. 012276/2017—(2) Boshoff, Michele (6111090094086); 102 Jacaranda, Protea Heights, Brackenfell, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsriver, Cape Town). (6) Beulah Beck; C/o FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 135, Cape Town; Email: beulah. [email protected]; Tel: 0873356036. 13993/2013—(2) HUME, RICHARD VAUGHAN (540195650); 9 ROCK COTTAGE, CHIDDINGSTONE HOATH, KENT,TN8 7BS, UNITED KINGDOM; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN). (6) SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS; 2ND FLOOR, BUCHANAN CHAMBERS, CNR WARWICK & PEARCE ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216734761. 009367/2017—(2) Potgieter, William Andrew (5201125042084); 130 Caledon Street, Goodwood, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Christine Kennedy; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 8345. 005253/2017—(2) Congas, Barbara Ann (4903150138080); 14 Worthing Way, Parklands, Table View, Cape Town, 7441.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Francois de Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356468. 010203/2017—(2) Van Der Walt, Juanita (7409130038082); 19 Kendal Road, Everdale, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Francois De Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 135, Cape Town; Email: Francois. [email protected]; Tel: 0873356468. 016677/2017—(2) Hartogh, Desmond Charles (5107225133089); 9 Ouberg Road, Heideveld, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) Shirley Rozalla Hartogh (5403020208089); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Andiswa Madolo; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356469. 671/2017—(2) DIXON, THOMAS ALBERT (3401235014088); 3 PINE STREET, FISH HOEK; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SIMON’S TOWN, WESTERN CAPE). (6) MANDY CUPIDO; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214222352. 11312/2017—(2) Heynes, Daniel Johannes (4909285168082); 51 Lackay Street, Tennantville, Stellenbosch.; (3) First and Final; (4) Levona Wilhelmina Heynes (5307210157081); (5) (Stellenbosch, Cape Town). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited : Cindy Debra Barnard; Nedbank Clocktower Building, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]. za; Tel: 021-4166358. 020590/2017—(2) Van Zyl, Johannes Jacob (4108285004088); Klaradyn Retirement Village, 17 Franschoek Street, Brackenfell; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsriver, Cape Town). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, M Williams; Nedbank ClockTower, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021--4166358. 13003/2017—(2) Viljoen, Judith Elizabeth (2708230008084); Sonkring 5, De Doorns en Huis Mimosa, De Doorns, 6875; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Worcester, Kaapstad). (6) Pieter Botha Steenkamp; P/a Peritus Trust, Posbus 593, Montagu, 6720; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0236143100. 11683/2016—(2) HOHLFELD, HANS JURGEN (4006295417185); 11 SCOUT ROAD, LANSDOWNE, 7780, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) FOXCROFT & ASSOCIATES; P O BOX 23549, CLAREMONT, 7738, CAPE TOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 02168334166. 7928/2017—(2) DEHAECK, BENONIE-JEAN (2212295042187); 43 Unie Avenue, Uniepark, Stellenbosch 7600; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Stellenbosch, CAPE TOWN). (6) Cluver Markotter Inc Ref: English; P O Box 12, STELLENBOSCH 7599; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218085600. 16439/2017—(2) OELF, CHRIS (6006285918083); 1 ROAD GEORGE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Oudtshoorn, Cape Town). (6) James King & Badenhorst Incorporated; 144 St John Street / PO Box 1 Oudtshoorn 6620; Email: patsy@; Tel: 044-272 0142. 014872/2017—(2) Miller, Heather Viola (4108160052186); 3 Skip Road, Greenhaven; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, M Williams; Nedbank ClockTower, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021--4166358.

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021038/2017—(2) Graham, Ann (2810260036082); 29 Fairtrees Retirement Village, Durbanville, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Francois de Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 6468. 006285/2018—(2) De Villiers, Ida Carolina (2106160033083); 14 Swawellaan, Stellenbosch; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Stellenbosch, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge way, Century City; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4673. 002230/2018—(2) Rushmer, Michael John (3311015057183); 6 Stromboli’s Retirement Village, Harkerville, Plettenberg Bay, 6604; (3) First and final; (4) Ann Rushmer (3911080042083); (5) (Knysna, Cape Town). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; 99 York Street, George, 6529; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 343 2304. 1924/2017—(2) JOHANNES, ELIZABETH (5210170395081); 724 RADEBE WAY, SIR LOWRY’S PASS, SOMERSET WEST; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) JOOSTE HESWICK INCORPORATED; 12 PAPEGAAI STREET, STELLENBOSCH, 7600; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218833043. 005916/2017—(2) Watkins, Jean Alison (2908210011088); Constantia Place, Southern Cross Drive, Constantia; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Y Nordien; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166262. 019377/2017—(2) Nell, Steve Jacobus (7503155152081); 13 Champagne Close, Klein Zevenwacht Estate, Kuilsriver, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsriver, Cape Town). (6) Francois De Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 135, Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356468. 010570/2017—(2) Swanepoel, Stefanus Phillipus (3707125019080); 29 Bishopslea, Bishop Damant Street, George, 6529; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (George, Cape Town). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; 99 York Street, George, 5429; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 343 2304. 12223 / 2017—(2) PETERSEN, AMANDA (8005150165083); 35 ANDREW STREET, VALHALLA PARK; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, Cape Town). (6) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys; Cnr of No 1 Alamien and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 683 74 37. 000668/2017—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, MARTHA HELENA (3701070008081); 1 DASSEN STREET, LANGEBAAN, 7357; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (HOPEFIELD, CAPE TOWN). (6) WJA BESTER; 16 EBEN DONGES AVENUE, ROBERTSON, 6705; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0764707977. 11505/2017—(2) POOLEY, RUPERT ROY PRESTON (2610145019083); 6 PLUMBAGO STREET, HELDERVUE, SOMERSET WEST, WESTERN CAPE, 7130; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) Lester Hall, Fletcher Inc; Private Bag X7016, Hillcrest, 3650; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861277727. 013503/2017—(2) Joubert, Lillian Elsa (4512080069081); 40 Montrose Avenue, Clovelly, Fish Hoek, 7975; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Fish Hoek, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST LIMITED Ref: Y Nordien; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166262. 32759/2014—(2) Williams, Fadiela (4811230004083); No. 18 Von Willigh Crescent, Oakdene, Kuils River, 7580; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) CL MANUEL ATTORNEYS; Office 110, 33 On Strand, Strand Street, Voortrekker Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 902 0202. 004159/2018—(2) FOURIE, JOHANNES JACOBUS (5712175035083); VREDENHOFSTRAAT 8, STRAND, 7140; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (STRAND, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: karenst@; Tel: (011)354 4860. 016354/2017—(2) Boonzaier, Jean Geraldine (3606080043087); Cottage 153E, Silvermine Village; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Simonstown, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST LIMITED Ref: C FESTER; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166604. 11671/2012—(2) ADAMS, HOOSAIN (5907185146082); 37 ST THERESA CRESCENT, RETREAT, 7945; (3) First and final; (4) WAHIEBA ADAMS (6009270217081); (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) STEPHEN BRINDLEY ATTORNEY & CONVEYANCER; 3 BENJAMIN ROAD, WYNBERG, 7945; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217617170. 003179/2018—(2) Webb, Reginald Frederick (5811045201089); 15 Range Road, Kenwyn; (3) First and Final; (4) Marianna Maryna Webb (6405020800282); (5) (Wynberg, CAPE TOWN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: C Fester; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166262. 016179/2015—(2) Bird, Steven Leslie (5805095242084); 14 Kotze Street, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town). (6) Francois De Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356468. 014361/2017—(2) LANDMAN, SAMUEL JACOBUS (4106235012086); ELOFFSTRAAT 3 RAWSONVILLE WESKAAP; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WORCESTER, CAPE TOWN). (6) H A CONRARIE & VENNOTE INC; 23 STOCKENSTRöM STREET, WORCESTER, 6850; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 023-3470996. 000941/2017—(2) Van Zyl, Pieter Ferdinand (4701255013087); Simon Van Der Stelstraat 7, Piketberg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Piketberg, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Y Nordien; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166262. 014361/2017—(2) LANDMAN, SAMUEL JACOBUS (4106235012086); ELOFFSTRAAT 3 RAWSONVILLE WESKAAP; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WORCESTER, CAPE TOWN). (6) H A CONRARIE & VENNOTE INC; 23 STOCKENSTRöM STREET, WORCESTER, 6850; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 023-3470996. 006418/2017—(2) Nielsen, Lynda Anne (5205190074088); 6 Herzlia Court, Ludlow Road, Vredehoek, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) not applicable; (Cape Town, WESTERN CAPE). (6) Johan Swart Attorney; 1st floor, Sedgwick House, 24 Bloem Street, CAPE TOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0210351110.

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16295/2016—(2) JACOBS, BRIAN RODERICK (5608285106089); 13B NELLIE SPILHAUS STREET, CAFDA VILLAGE, RETREAT, 7945; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) RILEY INCORPORATED; 212 ROSMEAD AVENUE, WYNBERG, 7800; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217977116. 000953/2018—(2) Bornman, Christina Johanna (3407270034089); Siekeboeg, Huis Protea Alicestraat 127, Goodwood, 7460; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Beperk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 008451/2017—(2) Klem, Mathys Gerhardus (3803215050083); 7 Nomandie Avenue, Diepriver; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: C Fester; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166604. 7931/2017—(2) KROUKAMP, DESIREE JACQUELINE (5506040114085); 54 ENSOR STREET, RETREAT, 7945; (3) First and final; (4) DANIEL KROUKAMP (5603135169080); (5) (WYNBERG, Cape Town). (6) ESI Attorneys; P O Box 5122, Tygervalley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219435111. 11753/2016—(2) Rhoode, Jan Johannes Jacobus (7301145033085); 12 Centaurus Street, Kuils River; (3) First and final; (4) Anthea Rhoode (8106080244087); (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) Jan de Jager; P O Box 7222, Welgemoed, 7538; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-9131867. 003179/2018—(2) Webb, Reginald Frederick (5811045201089); 15 Range Road, Kenwyn; (3) First and Final; (4) Marianna Maryna Webb (6405020800282); (5) (Wynberg, CAPE TOWN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: C Fester; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166262. 001923/2018—(2) Visser, Jacobus Johannes (1912175009088); 77 Main Street, Villiersdorp, 6848; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Caledon, Cape Town). (6) Francois De Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356468. 016088/2016—(2) Kerrod, Ramon (3401065046184); Bridge Water Manor, Somerset West, 7130, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) Beulah Beck; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356036. 011757/2017—(2) JEFFERY, JENNIFER WILMA (3710110035087); 8 Chippenham Court, Chippenham Road, Kenilworth; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, CAPE TOWN). (6) Personal Trust; P O BOX 476, RONDEBOSCH, 7701; Tel: 0216898975. 1141/2016—(2) KIRSTEN, DESMOND JOHN (6504275078082); 3 DONOUGH ROAD, TOKAI, 7945; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) McKENZIE GIBBERD ATTORNEYS; 3 BENJAMIN ROAD, WYNBERG, 7800; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 7973793. 011757/2017—(2) JEFFERY, JENNIFER WILMA (3710110035087); 8 Chippenham Court, Chippenham Road, Kenilworth; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, CAPE TOWN). (6) Personal Trust; P O BOX 476, RONDEBOSCH 7701; Tel: 0216898975. 001612/2017—(2) BEKMANN, ANITA MARIA (3905050164182); Cottage 10, Constantia Place, Southern Cross Drive, Constantia; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) NA NA; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Dennis Arthur Schwulst; 28 Dalmore Road Tokai, 7945; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217125410. 3873/2018—(2) GOUWS, JACOBUS STEPHANUS (4707125024089); STEADFRAYLAAN 25, STILBAAI 6674; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) CAROLINA ELIZABETH GOUWS (5107120056088); (5) (RIVERSDAL, KAAPSTAD). (6) S A HOFMEYR & SEUN; ROBERTSONSTRAAT 6, POSBUS 16, RIVERSDAL 6670; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0287132424. 30966/2014—(2) SALI, MZWANDILE MCDONALD (4607215484088); BLYTHSTRAAT 90, BEAUFORT WEST, 6970; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BEAUFORT WES, KAAPSTAD). (6) VAN NIEKERK PROKUREURS; BIRDSTRAAT 91, BEAUFORT WES, 6970; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0234142131. 003249/2018—(2) Carstens, Jeanette Henriette (4004020048086); Othello Retirment Village, Venicestraat 7, Brackenfell, 7560; (3) First and Final; (4) Barend Johannes Carstens (3905135069083); (5) 21; (Kuilsrivier, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4784. 016335/2017—(2) ROSSOUW, JOHANNES JACOBUS (5211105021081); SPIOENKOPWEG 13, HARTENBOS, 6520; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MOSSELBAAI, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354 4860. 18521/2017—(2) NOBLE, SOPHIA (4509050414081); 3 GEORGE STREET , MACASSAR , SOMERSET WEST; (3) First and final; (4) JOSEPH NOBLE (4903275579085); (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) JOOSTE HESWICK INCORPORATED; 12 PAPEGAAI STREET , STELLENBOSCH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218833043. 020349/2017—(2) NIEMANN, ALETTA JOHANNA (3806040009083); No 8 Saunders Close, FISH HOEK; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (SIMONS TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: CINDY BARNARD; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166124. 6678/2018—(2) FIORAVANTI, MAURO (2912215090188); HUNTERS HOME, 4 HOPE STREET, KNYSNA, 6570; (3) First; (4) LIVIANA FIORAVANTI (4809010037182); (5) NA; (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) ANTON HART; 19 EVAN STREET, KENRIDGE, CAPE TOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-914-0805. 13626/2015—(2) ELSKE, LORRAINE JOAN (3407180060083); 2 MOHR ROAD, TOKAI, 7945; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN). (6) Gunstons Attorneys; P O Box 31151, TOKAI 7966; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217027763. 008907/2015—(2) Ligthart, Maria Magdalena (3508080013088); 9 Moll Street, Malmesbury, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Malmesbury, Cape Town). (6) Ryan Rooza; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 2706.

This gazette is also available free online at 146 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

020346/2017—(2) Keizerwaard, Pieter Arie (4201185098084); 65 JS Marais Street, Kleinmond; (3) First and Final; (4) Sandra Lynne Keizerwaard (4308230023080); (5) (Caledon, CAPE TOWN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: M Williams; PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166358. 009498/2017—(2) WATTS, ETHEL MARY (2310110044089); 8 Murambi House, Wellington Avenue, Wynberg, 7800; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN). (6) Gunstons Attorneys; P O Box 31151, TOKAI 7966; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217027763. 013524/2017—(2) Richardson, Elizabeth (2604260093189); 6 Piet Retief Street, Riebeeck-Kasteel, 7300; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Malmesbury, Cape Town). (6) Francois De Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356468. 002376/2018—(2) Witbooi, Ragel (5203230003084); Hockenheimstraat 35, Silversands, 7580; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) Susanne Rall-Willemse; Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600; E-pos: aletta@; Tel: (021)887-1021. 004808/2018—(2) Van Breda, Ibraimham (6612295209080); 53 De Oliveira Street, Boland Park, Paarl; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Paarl, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge way, Century City; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4673. 006034/2018—(2) Visser, Catharina Johanna Jacoba (3208190064085); 8 Kweek Street, Paarl; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Paarl, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge way, Century City; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4673. 1199/2018—(2) Biccard, Magdalena Salomina (3207220023087); Huis Maudie Kriel, Ceres; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Ceres, Kaapstad). (6) Joubert Van Vuuren Ingelyf; Voortrekkerstraat 84, Ceres, 6835; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0233123152. 004916/2018—(2) Schroeder, Peter James (5102035064087); 12 Harold Way, Devon Park, Eersteriver; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge way, Century City; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4673. 002523/2018—(2) Olivier, Maria Johanna (3504090013085); B26 Welverdiend Aftreeoord, De Oewerstraat 1, Oakglen, 7530; (3) First and Final; (4) Jacobus Johannes Olivier (3211185029089); (5) 21; (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4784. 9925/2004—(2) Van Graan, Wynand Johannes Jacobus (3007295042081); 6059 Erinvale Estate, Somerset West, 7130; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) Hester Maria Van Graan (3706300028080); (5) 21; (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, ABSA West Building, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)501-8161. 23715/2014—(2) Gsell, Mavis Marion (2511090085089); 191 Kings Straat, Brooklyn; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Norman John Gsell (3408235056084); (5) (Kaapstad). (6) VisagieVos; Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7459; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)591-9221. CA012128/2016—(2) SMITH, EDWIN CHARLES (5609085047085); 4 BARDIA ROAD, STRANDFONTEIN, 7798; (3) First and final; (4) ANNE SMITH (5410200004089); (5) (MITCHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) C DE CERFF & ASSOCIATES; 1 KOFFIEPEER CLOSE, EASTRIDGE, MITCHELLS PLAIN, 7785; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0213973076. 7588/2013—(2) Gsell, Norman John (3408235056084); 191 Kings Straat, Brooklyn; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Kaapstad). (6) VisagieVos; Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7459; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)591-9221. 012416/2017—(2) BRAUER, FLOWER FREDA (1709280035085); SEA POINT PLACE, 183 MAIN ROAD, THREE ANCHOR BAY, 8005; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) CHARTAC INVESMENT TRUST (PTY) LTD; PO BOX 43, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214817091. CA001355/2016—(2) HOFFMAN, PRISCILLA MARGARET (5607130106088); 42 WELKOM STREET, BLUE HORIZON, PORTLAND, 7785; (3) First and final; (4) JOHN GLENVILLE HOFFMAN (5104145006081); (5) (MITCHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) C DE CERFF & ASSOCIATES; 1 KOFFIEPEER CLOSE, EASTRIDGE, MITCHELLS PLAIN, 7785; Email: CAROL@ CDECERFFATTORNEYS.CO.ZA; Tel: 0213973076. 18395/2015—(2) Swarts, Albertus (6007025172080); Bokmakieriestraat 30, Kleinvlei, Eersterivier; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) Susanne Rall-Willemse; Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600; E-pos: aletta@; Tel: (021)887-1021. 009980/2017—(2) WAGNER, RICHARD (5402275066085); 20 COSMOS STREET,LENTEGEUR,MITCHELLS PLAIN 7785; (3) First and final; (4) CYNTHIA CLARE ELIZABETH WAGNER (5510090084081); (5) (MITCHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) K.B GANGEN &CO; 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE HOUSE,5 SPIN STREET,CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214619702. 11360/2015—(2) MAPU, DENISE DIANA MAPU (5010280173083); 18 PRINCESS MARGARET STREET,RYTERWACHT 7460; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) K.B GANGEN &CO; 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE HOUSE,5 SPIN STREET,CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214619702. 12325/2017—(2) Mpame, Lundi (7610185502084); No: 28 Luntu Road.,Fish-Hoek; (3) First and final; (4) Nolusapho Ncumisa Mpame (8208160503083); (5) (Simons Town Magistrate Court, Cape Town). (6) Pinini Attorneys; Suite 708,7th Floor. 47 Strand Street. Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 8290 492. 003499/2016—(2) DE HAHN, WILLIAM JOHN (4105015485082); 36 CHELSEA STREET,RIVERTON,ELSIES RIVER 7490; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) K.B GANGEN &CO; 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE HOUSE,5 SPIN STREET,CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214619702.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 147

18857/2017—(2) STEVENS, MIEMIE (5411160094086); 16 KO-OPERASIE STREET, GAANSBAAI, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) (HERMANUS, CAPE TOWN). (6) CHRISTINE SMITH; SDS ATTORNEYS, 1ST FLOOR, OXFORD HOUSE, DURBANVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 976 1784. 4191/2017—(2) GRIFFITHS, NORMA DOREEN (DoB: 1924-01-24); 1 TERRACE GARDEN PARK, ST LUKES WAY, ASCOT, BULAWAYO, ZIMBABWE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE). (6) RFJ YEOWART ATTORNEYS INC.; 12027, MILL STREET, GARDENS, 8010; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021- 462 3041. 004150/2018—(2) Van Deventer, Gerbrecht Cornelia (3406140045085); 43 Bridgewater Street, Somerset West, 7130; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Somerset West, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 3544775. 010562/2016—(2) Gedye, Elizabeth Janet (6211300158083); 11 Annette Road , Claremont , Western Cape; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Lauren Haupt; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town; E-pos: Lauren. [email protected]; Tel: 0873356469. 9883/2017—(2) BELL, JOHN CLOUGH (2509225051083); 46 HUNTERS VILLAGE, KNYSNA, 6571; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (KNYSNA, CAPE TOWN). (6) Personal Trust Ref: AG; P O BOX 476, RONDEBOSCH 7701; Tel: 0216898975. 002723/2016—(2) SUMPTION, DOROTHEA (1412230032084); 2 ORCHARDS, UNIVERSITY DRIVE, PINELANDS, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) Bissets Boehmke McBlain; 4th floor, 45 Buitengracht Street, cnr Castle and Buitengracht Street, Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4419800. 004487/2017—(2) SMITH, MARGARET GRACE (3304220079084); 8 BRIDLEWOOD, BRIDLEWOOD CLOSE, CONSTANTIA, 7806; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) CONNOCK ALLAN & CO; P O BOX 87258, HOUGHTON, 2041; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114862302. 002738/2018—(2) Abrahams, Letitia Esme (6508260193087); 22 Adrian Road, Grassy Park , Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Leona Philander; 5 Cynthia Road, Grassy Park, 7941; Email: leona.philander@; Tel: 021 6867890. 010472/2017—(2) Giffard, Maud Mary (2806180032086); Helen Keller Society, 1 Links Drive, Pinelands, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Sheila Pollard Attorney; 17 Heather Way, Meadowridge, 7806; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)7151465. 15730/2017—(2) Steyl, William Henry (2902155003085); 66 Hofmeyerstraat, Strand, 7140; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N/A N/a; (5) (Strand, Cape Town). (6) Yvette Albertse; 7 Barrystraat, Dalsig, Stellenbosch, 7600; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218801221. 007369/2017—(2) Botha, Nicholas Johannes (2412045019085); 46 Gustav Preller Street, Parow North, 7500; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Beulah Beck; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 6036. 016889/2017—(2) Badenhorst, Johannes Gerhardus (4407165070080); La Ferme Chantelle, 3 La Vie, 191 Main Road, Franschoek, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) Rietta Badenhorst (4407165070080); (5) (Paarl, Cape Town). (6) Beulah Beck; C/o FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 135, Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356036. 13078/2017—(2) Robinson, Marlene (3608280057081); Libertas Retirement Centre, Goodwood, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Ben Roothman Attorneys; P O Box 288, Yzerfontein; Email: benman@; Tel: 082 321 0919. 017377/2017—(2) Abrams, Gillian (5501100063082); 303 Villa Rozalle, New Church Street, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Beulah Beck; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 6036. 001152/2018—(2) Croucher, Andrew Norman (5612175775185); 24 Sweetwater Close, Lake Michelle, Noordhoek; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Simons Town, Cape Town). (6) Guthrie Colananni; P O Box 22087, Fish Hoek 7975; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217826012. 13096/2006—(2) NGUBO, MONWABISI (5611265864081); D5404 ,KRAAIFONTEIN 7570; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) K.B GANGEN &CO; 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE HOUSE,5 SPIN STREET,CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214619702. 015448/2017—(2) Odell, Brian Claude (3404135004183); 35 Riverview Baviaans Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Beulah Beck; C/o FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 135, Cape Town; Email: Beulah. [email protected]; Tel: 0873356036. 004403/2018—(2) Muller, Johannes Hendrik (4006175021081); Hamiltonstraat 63, Goodwood, 7460; (3) First and Final; (4) Elizabeth Muller; (5) (Goodwood, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 3544775. 005777/2016—(2) Chagan, Tara (4301280083088); 14 Stuartfield Avenue, Trovato Estate, Wynberg, 7800; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys; Pincus Matz House, Brodie Road, Wynberg, 7800; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217978191. 010044/2016—(2) SHAPIRO, BELLA (411023); 49 Ordinance Hill, Westminster, London; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) ASHERSONS ATTORNEYS; 34 PLEIN STREET, CAPE TOWN; Email: jaryd@ashersons.; Tel: 021-461-6240. 010044/2016—(2) SHAPIRO, BELLA (411023); 49 Ordinance Hill, Westminster, London; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) ASHERSONS ATTORNEYS; 34 PLEIN STREET, CAPE TOWN; Email: jaryd@ashersons.; Tel: 021-461-6240.

This gazette is also available free online at 148 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

CA019400/2017—(2) ADAMS, CHRISTIAAN (3908135083088); BARDALE FASE 1, SPICESTRAAT 24, BARDALE VILLAGE, KUILSRIVIER; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (KUILSRIVIER, Kaapstad). (6) MPV Boedeldienste BK.; Posbus 4603, Tygervallei, 7536; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)913-5655. 10622/2017—(2) Steyn, Eduard Christiaan (5805185014088); 12 Barbarosa Street, Shirley Park, Bellville; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Belville, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: VN; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: Zaahir. [email protected]; Tel: 0214012611. 001648/2018—(2) KRETCHMER, JOAHN AUDREY (4006170039088); CARLISLE LODGE RETIREMENT, 116 KOMMETJIE ROAD, FISHHOEK, 7974; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SIMONSTOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354 4860. 4775/2018—(2) Downing, Reinetta Carolina (2901150030085); Heidehof Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Hoopstraat 17, Caledon, 7230; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Caledon, Kaapstad). (6) Guthrie & Theron Prokureurs; Posbus 17, Caledon; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (028)212-1060. 9860/2017—(2) Engel, Mina Francina (2605220055085); 20 Caledon Street, Bellville South; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Brits Dreyer Inc; P O Box 213, Bellville, 7535; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219461127. 012166/2017—(2) Ceko, Ntombomzi Deborah (5205170686083); Unit 3, Block 23, Pinnacle Point Golf Estate, Mossel Bay, 6500; (3) First and final; (4) Siphiwo Gideon Ceko (4610135523084); (5) (Mossel Bay, Cape Town). (6) Millers Incorporated; P O Box 35, GEORGE, 6530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0448741140. 019994/2017—(2) VERSTER, JACOBUS PIETER (7309125058089); 3 DE WETSTRAAT, BRANDWAGHT, STELLENBOSCH, 7600; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (STELLENBOSCH, CAPE TOWN). (6) SURIANNA THOMPSON; ABSA TRUST LTD, GROUND FLOOR, BRIDGE PARK WEST, BRIDGE WAY, CENTURY CITY, 7440; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0113544675. 003492/2017—(2) Ockhuis, Johanna (2506050039084); 9 11th Avenue, Elsies River, 7490; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 days; (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) James Ronald Barendse; 11 Robert Sobukwe Road, Leisure Land Building, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-828-9628. 019759/2017—(2) Faria, Aristides Baiao (4611235124187); 16 Marion Avenue, Southfield; (3) First And Final; (4) Enilia Rosa Ramos De Silva Faria (4810210092183); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: CV; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012484. 012599/2016—(2) GENIS, JACOB FRANCOIS VAN DER MERWE (5102205135089); 307 6th Street, Voëlklip, Hermanus, 6200; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (HERMANUS, CAPE TOWN). (6) Catharina Genis; P O Box 200, Hermanus, 7200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -. 25942017—(2) COETZEE, MICHAEL JOHN (3409125125088); 16 KORNE CLOSE, BELGRAVIA ESTATE, CRAWFORD, ATHLONE; (3) First and final; (4) ELIZABETH COETZEE (3608120064081); (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) MIKE STRYDOM ATTORNEYS; 1ST FLOOR, 44 OXFORD STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219753990. 3465/2017—(2) DANIELS, SYLVIA DOROTHEA (4508280154087); 118 SILVERSANDS AVENUE, PORTLANDS MITCHELL’S PLAIN, 7785; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (MITCHELL’S PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) GAIL MAART C/O N OPPELT INCORPORATED; 93 SILVERSANDS AVENUE, PORTLANDS, MITCHELL’S PLAIN 7785; Email: deliver@; Tel: 021 372 5388. 004943/2018—(2) Ellis, Gideon Jacobus (4701055020084); 14 Bergpypie Street, Paarl; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Paarl, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge way, Century City; Email: Francois.Helmie@; Tel: (011)354-4673. 949/2018—(2) Bester, Martha Johanna (3309070002086); Altena Aftree-oord 117, Altenaweg, Strand, 7140; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) —; (5) (Strand, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SC; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; Email: Blanche. [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 8979/2013—(2) AMERICA, DAVID (4111045112084); 1 JAKARANDA AVENUE, UITSIG, GOODWOOD; (3) First and Final; (4) CATHARINA AMERICA (4006010052085); (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) A J TAPPENDEN & CO; 18 McINTYRE STREET, PAROW, 7500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 - 9305060. 18793/2017—(2) Boois, Katrina (5403190150087); Bottlebrushstraat 15, Proteapark, Atlantis, 7349; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Piet Boois (5709145144086); (5) (Vredendal, Kaapstad). (6) Swanepoel & Swanepoel Ingelyf; Dorpstraat 3, Vredendal, 8160; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 027-2131011. 011362/2016—(2) VERMEULEN, LEONA (4705150054088); HERBERTSTRAAT 73, BELLVILLE, 7530; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) GERHARDUS ABRAHAM VERMEULEN (4611195034087); (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354 4860. 012200/2017—(2) Burger, Valerie Helen (3102160018082); 3 Trianon, Francis Road, Diep River, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Schnetler’s Incorporated; Suite 205, Foyer 3, Colosseum, Century Boulevard, Century City, Cape Town, 7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 552 4844. 0000/2018—(2) Adams, Nicholas William (2909175080084); 82 Linden Street, Ravensmead, 7493; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 days; (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) James Ronald Barendse; 11 Robert Sobukwe Road, Leisure Land Building, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-828-9628. 013568/2017—(2) ROSSOW, EBEN (5009065024081); 5 RADYN CLOSE, STRAND, 7140; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) ELIZABETH STORM ROSSOW (5404190032085); (5) (STRAND, CAPE TOWN). (6) SURIANNA THOMPSON; ABSA TRUST LTD, GROUND FLOOR, BRIDGE PARK WEST, BRIDGE WAY, CENTURY CITY, 7440; Email: SURIANNA. [email protected]; Tel: 0113544675.

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11031/2017—(2) GRANT, CYRIL ARTHUR CECIL GRANT (2803265021084); BROWN AND ANNIE LAWRENCE HOME, 7 BROADWALK, PINELANDS, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) WALKERS INC; PO BOX 254, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 464 1421. 014879/2017—(2) Olsen, Haakon Olaf Erik (2709195054089); 17 Coleford Way, Edgemead, Cape Town, 7441.; (3) First and Final; (4) Rebecca Olsen (2901070063083); (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Beulah Beck; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356036. 121082017—(2) Moritz, Johanna Wilhelmina Jocina (2306050053080); Hoofstraat 14A, Paarl, 7646; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Paarl, Kaapstad). (6) Faure & Faure Ingelyf; Hoofstraat 227, Paarl, 7646; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)8711200. 18793/2017—(2) Boois, Katrina (5403190150087); Bottlebrushstraat 15, Proteapark, Atlantis, 7349; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Piet Boois (5709145144086); (5) (Atlantis, Kaapstad). (6) Swanepoel & Swanepoel Ingelyf; Dorpstraat 3, Vredendal, 8160; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 027-2131011. 001218/2016—(2) HENNING, CECILIA EVELYN (5705010033081); 506 FORRES HILL, MAIN ROAD, MOWBRAY, CAPETOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPETOWN). (6) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited; IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-684-4168. 14120/2017—(2) Willemse, Petrus Carl (6409145280084); Rhodestraat 77, Worcester; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Katrina Petronella Willemse (5703010057085); (5) (Worcester, Kaapstad). (6) JJ Beyers en Vennote; Fairbairnstraat 26, Worcester; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (023)342-7499. 3044/2018—(2) Viljoen, Martha Magdelena (3010220006080); Suideroord Die Huis, Bredasdorp, 7280; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) —; (5) (Bredasdorp, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SC; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 6961/2017—(2) LOUW, GERTRUIDA ELIZABETH (6604190106081); 190 BOSCHENMEER ESTATE, WEMMERSHOEK ROAD, PAARL, WESTERN CAPE, 7646; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Paarl, Cape Town). (6) ADV SJ VERMEULEN & ASSOCIATES; PO BOX 1867, BELLVILLE, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219482365. 2179/2013—(2) VAN ROOYEN, NAOMI (4111010071083); END STREET 70, SANDBAAI, HERMANUS; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (HERMANUS, CAPE TOWN). (6) MARLENE SAAYMAN; 8 MAGNOLIA STREET, HERMANUS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0283131050. 013170/2017—(2) COCKRILL, HARRY THOMAS (6008075119088); 11ST PATRICK GREENS, SUMMER GREENS, 7441; (3) First and Final; (4) DEBORAH COCKRILL (6111160165089); (5) 21; (Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; GROUND FLOOR, ABSA REGIONAL OFFICE, ABSA WEST, BRIDGE WAY, CENTURY CITY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0115018467. 25042017—(2) COETZEE, ELIZABETH (3608120064081); 16 KORNE CLOSE, BELGRAVIA ESTATE, CRAWFORD, ATHLONE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) MIKE STRYDOM ATTORNEYS; 1ST FLOOR, 44 OXFORD STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219753990. 002791/2018—(2) Philander, Jan (5209245001088); Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) First and final; (4) Griet Philander (5803100145087); (5) (Oudtshoorn, Cape Town). (6) Yongama Mvinjelwa; Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906404. 16358/2017—(2) Van Greunen, Ockert Jacobus (4706125108082); 33 Keimondstraat, Chrystal Park, Benoni; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) Francina Luwisa van Greunen Van Greunen (5504110112089); (5) (BENONI, WES-KAAP). (6) Rauch Gertenbach Inc; Posbus 3, Mosselbaai, 6500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0446019900. 10342/2017—(2) Williams, Martin Noel (6202105980086); 41 Alacrity Road, Bayview, Strandfontein, 7798; (3) First and final; (4) Glenda Williams (7308240074088); (5) (Mitchells Plain, Cape Town). (6) L. Maart Attorneys; Shop No. 8 Wavecrest Plaza, Wavecrest Avenue, Strandfontein, 7798; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0213934000. 2696/2018—(2) Joubert, Jozia Daniel (5610025067084); Conroystraat 92, Kraaifontein, 7570; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) Louisiana Petronella Joubert (6012230119082); (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SC; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 009181/2017—(2) Whitear, Rowland Reginald (3108285007082); 8 Johanna Close, Plattekloof Glen, Goodwood; (3) First and Final; (4) Patricia Mary Whitear (3506270009080); (5) 21; (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Nedgroup Trust Limited; P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town; Email: desireele@; Tel: (021)416-7589. 000735/2017—(2) STRYDOM, JAN ROELOF (6109085080086); KAREEKUIL, REITBRON, 6450; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (REITBRON, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) CHRISTELLE LOURENS; SANLAM BUILDING, 163 NELSON MANDELA, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514078012. 18793/2017—(2) Boois, Katrina (5403190150087); Bottlebrushstraat 15, Proteapark, Atlantis, 7349; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Piet Boois (5709145144086); (5) (Atlantis, Kaapstad). (6) Swanepoel & Swanepoel Ingelyf; Dorpstraat 3, Vredendal, 8160; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 027-2131011. 004937/2018—(2) WEST, CHARLES (6303055149084); AALWYN STREET 31, VREDENBURG, 7380; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (VREDENBURG, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; GROUND FLOOR, ABSA REGIONAL OFFICE, ABSA WEST, BRIDGE WAY, CENTURY CITY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0115018467. 12107/2015—(2) Bingle, Victor Herold (5802165184080); Van Boschstraat 23, STRAND; (3) First and Final; (4) Juat Bingle (6104260139088); (5) 21; (Strand, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Beperk; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532 2 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)947-3712.

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00483/2018—(2) Burger, Eureka Zusara Burger (4802050112080); Van El Shaddai 2, Rawsonstraat, Knysna, 6570; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Knysna, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Beperk; P O Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532, 2 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)947-3712. 1709/2017—(2) HASTINGS, ANDRIEAS HOBART (2411025041002); 1 MUTUAL WAY, BERGVLIET, 7800; (3) First and Final; (4) NOEL MARY HASTINGS (3412030062081); (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) Mandy; PO Box 53046, Kenilworth, 7745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-712-9851. 017308/2017—(2) DE VILLIERS, MARGARETHA (2808310046085); AFTREE BY DIE SEE KWARTELSTRAAT 6, DANABAAI; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (MOSSELBAAI, KAAPSTAD). (6) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS; PO BOX 56, MELKBOSSTRAND; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0215531238. 001806/2018—(2) VERMEULEN, HENDRIK JOHANNES HERMANUS (6205225016087); TYGERBERGSTRAAT 45 GOODWOOD; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) ADELAIDE ELIZABETH VERMEULEN (6002090079088); (5) (GOODWOOD MAGISTRATE COURT, KAAPSTAD). (6) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS; PO BOX 56 MELKBOSSTRAND; E-pos: ADMIN@ GENISPROK.CO.ZA; Tel: 0215531238. 000634/2018—(2) MYBURGH, RENETTE (6108070075002); JS MARIAS STREET 19, PALMIET, KLEINMOND,7195; (3) First and Final; (4) PIETER ABRAHAM JACOBUS MYBURGH (6103105019083); (5) 21; (CALEDON, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; GROUND FLOOR, ABSA REGIONAL OFFICE, ABSA WEST, BRIDGE WAY, CENTURY CITY; Email: OSCAR. [email protected]; Tel: 0115018467. 001644/2018—(2) KOEN, MARIUS WILHELM (5706035020087); RIVERSTREET 7, BROOKLYN, 7405; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530, Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0115018467. 002170/2018—(2) Coetzee, Maria Catharina (4907210028082); 104 Union Street, Strand, 7140; (3) First and Final; (4) Christian Coetzee (4903195030086); (5) 21; (Strand, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Beperk; P O Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532 2 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)947-3712. 004569/2018—(2) Rabie, Bernice Loraine (4307270037083); Othello Aftree-Oord, Brackenfell, 7560; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Beperk; P O Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532 2 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)947-3712. 006447/2016—(2) Wampach- Todd, Therese Anna (5805280111086); 14 Saphire Way, Noordhoek, 7979; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Simonstown, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: Nontando. [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4784. 005665/2017—(2) CEDRAS, ANNIE MARY (6010230136080); 4 CARRA STREET, CONNAUGHT ESTATE, ELSIES RIVIER, 7490; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, KAAPSTAD). (6) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS; PO BOX 56, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7437; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021 553 1238. 017533/2017—(2) Rossouw, Alida (2501170019082); Oudewesthof Aftreeoord 37, Van Riebeeckshof, Bellville, 7530; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4784. 018850/2016—(2) Simpson, Catherine Margeret (5502020189080); 3 Boatard Lane, Grassy Park, 7941; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530, Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 3544775. 015596/2015—(2) Jordaan, Michael (4105195030187); Strathbreede House/Farm, Wolseley, Western Cape; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Wolseley, Cape Town). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd.; PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8000; E-pos: francois. [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 6459. 20425/2014—(2) Klein, Sylvia (5511200127083); 44 Naruna Place, South Field, 7800; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4784. 016571/2017—(2) Davie, George Mitchell (3103305063082); 904 Horizons, 6 Three Anchor Bay Road, Three Anchor Bay, Cape Town, 8005; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Francois De Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366371. 018667/2017—(2) ADONIS, SHEILA (3710210101086); 33 FOREST DRIVE, PINELANDS; (3) First and final; (4) DONALD FREDERICKS ADONIS (3504215087089); (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS; PO BOX 56, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7437; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 553 1238. 015846/2016—(2) Simpson, William Richard (3804195048089); 3 Boatard Lane, Grassy Park, 7941; (3) First and Final; (4) Catherine Margeret Simpson (5502020189080); (5) (Wynberg, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 3544775. 009126/2017—(2) BROWN, JOY ELLEN (4904270009086); 1 NEMESIA STREET, PROTEA PARK, ATLANTIS; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (ATLANTIS, CAPE TOWN). (6) MAY & ASSOCIATES INC; SHOP 3, JOLLY JACK BUILDING, CNR. ARION DRIVE & WESFLEUR, ATLANTIS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)572-7836. 005295/2018—(2) Bonse, Cheryl Anne (5112270054081); 14 Ascot Street, Kraaifontein, 7570; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KuilsrIver, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 3544775. 003669/2018—(2) Vivier, Rene King (3011285020081); 7 Delport Street, Erf Nr 6216, Kleinmond, 7195; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Caledon, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 3544775.

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001234/2018—(2) Waizenegger, Rolf (2911125037180); Livewell Suites, 41 Lourens Street, Somerset West; (3) First; (4) —; (5) 21; (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: Nontando. [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4784. 011739/2017—(2) CLARKE, STANLEY DAVID (3701245041082); 12 Atherstone Way , Edgemead, Cape Town; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Francois De Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356469. 002824/2017—(2) Whyburd, Everett Francis Whyburd (4812305042081); 10 Zinnia Street, Bellville, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd.; PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 6459. 002679/2018—(2) Basson, Dorothea Elizabeth (5607220040080); 42 Arum Estate, George Street, Strand, 7140; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Strand, CAPE TOWN). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530, Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 3544775. INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES/ INSOLVENSIEWET- EN MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS

Form/Vorm J 28


Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by the Masters of the High Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) date upon which and (4) division of court by which order is made and (5) upon the application of.


Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) datum waarop en (4) afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en (5) op die aansoek van.


This gazette is also available free online at 152 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

N124/2018—(2) MASIQHAME TRADING 938 (PTY) LTD (2013/035739/07), 110 HAVENSIDE DRIVE, CHATSWORTH; (3) 17 April 2018; (4) SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION N76/2018—(2) PAUL OBERHOLZER & MARITZA OBERHOLZER (760418 5108 083 & 820215 0023 087), 77 RUSHBROOK ROAD SOUTH, MOSELEY PARK, PINETOWN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 28 March 2018; (4) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG N123/2018—(2) GT SPORTS (PTY) LTD t/a GT AUTO (2013/033715/07), UNIT 10 DEVON CENTRE, 15 DEVON ROAD, PINETOWN, KWAZULU-NATAL,3610; (3) 3 October 2017; (4) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG N161/2017—(2) NJABULO NDLOVU (890717 6247 086), LOT 11987 STREET, RAINBOW PARK, AMANZIMTOTI, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 15 March 2018; (4) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG K4/2018—(2) Gregory James Austin and Lenie Leonora Austin (6510075227084 & 7109020264083), Adult male and female, married in community of property, residing at 7 Kameel Avenue, Kuruman, Northern Cape; (3) 6 April 2018; (4) Northern Cape High Court, Kimberley Division; (5) Nedbank Limited. C144/2018—(2) Patrick Wayne Power (790609 5076 08 0), 11 Dagbreek Street, Langebaan, Western Cape; (3) 25 April 2018; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Ex Parte Application . C180/2018—(2) Wilgerweg Trust (IT 8878/96), Cedersig Farm No. 661, Cederberg, Clanwilliam District, Western Cape; (3) 23 March 2018; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Jacobus Petrus Kriel. C208/2018—(2) PIVOTAL TRUCK CENTRE (PTY) LTD (2014/051105/07), UNIT 6B, 8 MOORSOM AVENUE, EPPING INDUSTRIA 2; (3) 16 April 2018; (4) GOODWOOD MAGISTRATES COURT; (5) CHANTAL VICKY LUBBE. C194/2018—(2) Trevor Erasmus Family Trust (IT 1328/2010), 1 Dickens Drive, Mandaly, Mitchell’s Plain, Western Cape; (3) 29 March 2018; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Trevor Joseph Erasmus. C709/2013—(2) JACQUI MARIA RENS (740306 0088 084), 9B WORCESTER STREET, , CLAREMONT; (3) 6 December 2013; (4) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE. C57/2018—(2) PIERRE JOHANNES OTTO (7510055116082), 36 LIBRA STREET, VREDENBURG; (3) 21 May 2018; (4) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE.

Form/Vorm J29


The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, or being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters of the High Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, the nomination of liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973 and considering the statement of affairs of the company, as the case may be. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) date of the provisional and date of the final order, and (4) special resolution and (5) division of court by which order is made, and (6) date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 153


Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer, of gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, of nomminasie van likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, en die oorweging van die verklaring van die sake van die maatskappy na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en (4) spesiale resolusie en (5) afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en (6) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

G48-2018—(2) SIYAZI HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (2005/02632/07), 37 BRAM FISCHER DRIVE ROBINDALE RANDBURG GAUTENG; (3) Final Order: 18 January 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G1063-2017—(2) SPAIRNET (PTY) LTD (1987/003351/07), REUNERT NASHU BUILDING WOODMEAD NORTH OFFICE PARK, 54 MAXWELL DRIVE; (3) Final Order: 10 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G312-2018—(2) JOHN CRAIG PROPERTIES SHAREBLOCK (PTY) LTD (1971/006139/07), 3 WANDERERS STREET JHB; (3) Final Order: 16 March 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G360-2018—(2) SODASOL TRADING (PTY) LTD (2007/028734/07), 11 LIMPOPO STREET, THREE RIVERS VEREENIGING GAUTENG 1935; (3) Final Order: 4 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 22 June 2018, 10:00, VEREENIGING MAGISTRATE. G311-2018—(2) SOUTHLINK INVESTMENTS SHAREBLOCK (PTY) LTD (1973/003283/07), 229 BREE STREET JHB; (3) Final Order: 16 March 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 21 June 2018, 10:00, ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATE. G210-2015—(2) TEAM CHAZ THE GYM (PTY) LTD (2013/115688/07), OLD PARKTONIAN SPORTS CLUB GARDEN ROAD, RANDBURG GAUTENG 2194; (3) Final Order: 23 February 2015 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G342-2013—(2) JACQUES FRANCIOUS BOTHA (7005295057089), 52 BLOEKOM TURN, TERENURE KEMPTON PRK; (3) Final Order: 4 November 2012 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, KEMPTON PARK MAGISTRATE COURT. G20139/2014—(2) Parkroad Restaurant cc (2009/114920/23), voluntary liquidation 149 Oak Avenue Ferndale; (3) Final Order: 1 November 2013 (4) Special Resolution: By Registrar of Companies.; (5) n/a; (6) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg. G784-2015—(2) MICHAEL JENKINSON (5405315060083), 5 SKALLIE STREET, REEFHAVEN, ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 29 May 2015 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATE. G1133-2017—(2) FIRE RAIDERS CAPE (PTY) LTD (2003/004692/07), 38 MICHELSON ROAD, ANDERBOLT, BOKSBURG; (3) Final Order: 23 November 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 21 June 2018, 11:30, BOKSBURG MAGISTRATE. G330-2018—(2) M AND P INVESTMENTS (1987/023536/23), 540 VOLKSKAS BUILDING, WOLFFSTREET, KEMPTON PARK 1619; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, KEMPTON PARK MAGISTRATE. G279-2018—(2) THE ADVISORS COLLECTIVE (PTY) LTD (2014/203945/07), 2ND FLOOR THE RESERVE, 54 MELVILLE ROAD ILLOVE GAUTENG 2196; (3) Final Order: 13 February 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 19 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G864-2012—(2) GADIFELE JOYCE SESWEU (8111170380080), 13253 DOCTOR AGGREY STREET, KAGISO, EXT 8, KRUGERSDORP; (3) Final Order: 26 June 2012 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 22 June 2018, 09:30, KRUGERSDORP MAGISTRATE. G20-2018—(2) CHAIRS 4U (PTY) (2016/337225/07), 1 SIMBA STREET, SEBENZA JHB; (3) Final Order: 27 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB.

This gazette is also available free online at 154 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

G389-2018—(2) MISABENI KHOSA AND ASSOCIATES (2010/013730/07), NO 55 KYALAMI BLVD, MIDRAND JOHANNESBURG 1685 GAUTENG; (3) Final Order: 3 April 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G233-2017—(2) DESKTOP MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES (PTY) LTD (1999/021523/07), 269 VOORTREKKER ROAD, MONUMENT KRUGERDORP 1752; (3) Final Order: 3 March 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 22 June 2018, 09:30, KRUGERSDORP MAGISTRATE. G20-2018—(2) CHAIRS 4U (PTY) (2016/337225/07), 1 SIMBA STREET SEBENZA JHB; (3) Final Order: 27 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. T3385/17—(2) CHEVON TRADING CC (1998/068055/23), CLOSE CORPORATION; (3) Voorlopige Bevel: 20 November 2017; (3) Finale Bevel: 20 November 2017 (4) Spesiale Resolusie: REGISTRATEUR VAN MAATSKAPPYE.; (5) GAUTENG; (6) 15 Junie 2018, 10:00, MEESTER PRETORIA. T1408/17—(2) DS SERVICES TAILING CC (1997/041354/23), CLOSE CORPORATION; (3) Finale Bevel: 16 September 2014 (4) Spesiale Resolusie: REGISTRATEUR VAN MAATSKAPPYE.; (5) GAUTENG; (6) 15 Junie 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF PRETORIA. G400-2018—(2) DALLON COURT INVESTMENT 21 (PTY) LTD (2013/198544/07), 1491 AUGUSTA DRIVE, SE 3 VANDERBIJLPARK GAUTENG 1911; (3) Final Order: 4 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 21 June 2018, 10:00, VANDERBIJLPARK MAGISTRATE. G461-2018—(2) REEFO WAY TRADE AND INVEST (2014/273342/07), 9-13 QUINN STREET, NEWTOWN GAUTENG; (3) Final Order: 26 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 22 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G462-2018—(2) ICON CARRIES (PTY) LTD (1991/003469/07), 43 HEIDELBERG ROAD, JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG 2001; (3) Final Order: 11 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 20 June 2018, 11:00, HEIDELBERG MAGISTRATE. M000089/2017—(2) Typhon Mining Services (Pty) Ltd (2012/096248/07), 21A Cuckoo Avenue, Safartuine, Rustenburg, North West Province; (3) Final Order: 6 September 2017 (4) Special Resolution: Special Resolutions: Voluntary Liquidation.; (5) North West High Court, Mahikeng; (6) 20 June 2018, 08:30, Magistrate Rustenburg. G20522-2014—(2) GRANT OLIVER SLABBERT (7805025225082), 34 AMBLE WAY PAULSHOF EXTENSION 3 JHB; (3) Final Order: 20 March 2014 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 21 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G260-2018—(2) COOL FABRICS (PTY) LTD (2013/160800/07), UNIT 27 DENVER MINI PARK 260 MAIN REEF ROAD DENVER; (3) Final Order: 13 March 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 19 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G530-2017—(2) ROY BITTON (8202215432083), 3 MAPLEWOOD SCOTT STREET WAVERLEY JHB; (3) Final Order: 9 June 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 18 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G611-2017—(2) MATULOR TRADING 22 (WESTERN CAPE) PTY LTD (2013/143534/07), 12 KINGFICSHER STREET, RHODESFIELD KEMPTON PARK GAUTENG 1619; (3) Final Order: 11 July 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, KEMPTON PARK MAGISTRATE. G159-2018—(2) CAPAMO CIVILS (PTY) LTD (2015/047121/07), NO 4 CHAPLIN ROAD, CHAPLIN CORNER ILLOVO GAUTENG 2196; (3) Final Order: 27 February 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 18 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G1160-2017—(2) SETESIZE (PTY) LTD (2013/187883/07), 201 KAMBULA 7 ALICE LANE, SANDTON 2146; (3) Final Order: 21 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G466-2018—(2) COETZEE: WILLEM JOHANESS (6201125036085), UNIT 13, 93 BELLAIRS DRIVE NORTHRIDING; (3) Final Order: 16 April 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G460-2018—(2) EMERALD PANTHER INVESTMENTS 111 (PTY) (2012/181336/07), 67 BALGOWAN ESTATE, WILLOWBROOK PLACE ROAD, SANDOWN 2196; (3) Final Order: 9 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G463-2018—(2) BONSAI TRSDING COMPANY (PTY) LTD (1985/004443/07), 1 TINIQUE BUILDING, FRANS ERASMUS STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 11 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) MASTER JHB; (6) 21 June 2018, 10:00, VANDERBIJLPARK MAGISTRATE. G460-2018—(2) EMERALD PANTHER INVESTMENTS 111 (PTY) (2012/181336/07), 67 BALGOWAN ESTATE, WILLOWBROOK PLACE ROAD, SANDOWN 2196; (3) Final Order: 9 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G1133-2017—(2) FIRE RAIDERS CAPE (PTY) LTD (2003/004692/07), 38 MICHELSON ROAD ANDERBOLT BOKSBURG; (3) Final Order: 23 November 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 21 June 2018, 11:30, BOKSBURG MAGISTRATE. G864-2012—(2) GADIFELE JOYCE SESWEU (8111170380080), 13253 DOCTOR AGGREY STREET, KAGISO EXT 8, KRUGERSDORP; (3) Final Order: 26 June 2012 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 22 June 2018, 09:30, KRUGERSDORP MAGISTRATE. G330/18—(2) M and P Investments C.C. (1987/023536/23), Investments and Farming; (3) Final Order: (4) Special Resolution: 22/03/2018.; (5) —; (6) 11 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T2817/17—(2) Nock Out Trading 18 CC (2009/007561/23), Liquidation; (3) Provisional Order: 16 August 2017; (3) Final Order: 16 August 2017 (4) Special Resolution: By Registrar.; (5) n/a; (6) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 155

G18/2018—(2) GOLDEN BAY PROPERTIES 47 CC (2004/024007/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) Final Order: 1 December 2017 (4) —; (5) High Court, Johannesburg; (6) 20 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE, ROODEPOORT. T0822/2018—(2) CONSMET CC (2009/172504/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) Final Order: 6 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) High Court, Pretoria; (6) 15 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE, WITBANK. E000011/2018—(2) JOHN FISH AGENCIES (PTY) LTD (1999/000465/07), registered office at 26 PEARCE STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON; (3) Final Order: 1 March 2018 (4) Special Resolution: by creditors.; (5) —; (6) 15 June 2018, 10:00, EAST LONDON. D183/2017—(2) DONISH LUGGAGE (PTY) LTD (1990/003535/07), 25 KRISHNA DESAI DRIVE, TONGAAT, KZN; (3) Provisional Order: 15 November 2017; (3) Final Order: 13 December 2017 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU - NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. D12/2018—(2) BAYVIEW EXPRESS LINER (PTY) LTD (2013/185107/07), 441 SOUTH COAST ROAD, ROSSBURG, KZN; (3) Provisional Order: 16 January 2018; (3) Final Order: 8 March 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU - NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. D178/2017—(2) VERONICA SUE DENNIS & PETER JOSEPH ALEXANDER DENNIS (6402210110088 & 5502215040080), 12 OLIVIER DRIVE, GLENWOOD; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2016 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 27 June 2018, 10:00, MASTERS OFFICE, DURBAN. D188/2017—(2) ROCCO MEIRING & ELANZA JAKOBA MEIRING (7610145037080 & 6902050227082), PORTION 1 VLAKSPRUIT FARM, NO 17783, BALLITO, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Final Order: 5 October 2017 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTERS OFFICE, DURBAN. D88/2018—(2) HENRY LEONARD HALVORSEN & ELSIE MAGDALENA ADRIANA HALVORSEN (5909095172083 & 6104190032080), 37 EBELING STREET, LA MERCY, TONGAAT, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Final Order: 7 July 2017 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTERS OFFICE, DURBAN. D37/2018—(2) FIRST WORLD TRADE (PTY) LTD (2013/127843/07), 181 GALE STREET, DURBAN, GONGELLA, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Final Order: 26 February 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 27 June 2018, 10:00, MASTERS OFFICE, DURBAN. N58/2018—(2) DAIRY DAY (PTY) LTD (2014/150139/07), Portion 6 of Allemans Drift No. 950, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) Final Order: 23 April 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 21 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, HOWICK. N146/2017—(2) KAVANDRAN DELOMONEY & ESAIVANI DELOMONEY (7206035205083 & 7109250133081), UNIT 21, SUNSHINE PARK, 135 BARVALE DRIVE, BAKERVILLE GARDENS; (3) Final Order: 7 February 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU- NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. N68/2018—(2) DEON SWART (6609105043089), THE FARM, TIERHOEK,D11 KAMBERG, MOOI RIVER; (3) Final Order: 26 March 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 21 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, MOOI RIVER. N108/2018—(2) DR.A.J. MAGAN INC (2013/117981/21), 91 PROBLEM MKHIZE RD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2018 (4) — SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION.; (5) —; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. N35/2018—(2) CHANTILLY TRADING 20 (PTY) LTD (2005/032644/07), Portion 6 of Allemans Drift No. 950, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) Final Order: 26 March 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 21 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, HOWICK. N57/2016—(2) SHOBA SINGH & RUGHUBAR SINGH (480718 0168 084 & 491029 5131 086), 8 GREYRIDGE ROAD, EFFINGHAM HEIGHTS, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Final Order: 4 February 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. N19/2018—(2) ZAINE KUDOOS & FADEELA KUDOOS (820720 5243 082 & 820427 0142 086), 27 VAUSEDALE ROAD, QUEENSBURGH, DURBAN; (3) Final Order: 18 April 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. N75/2018—(2) KHULEKANI MALCOLM SHABANE (920715 5444 088), 1337 NHLANHLA AVENUE, KWAMAKHUTHA, AMANZIMTOTI, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Final Order: 29 March 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 18 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, SCOTTBURGH. N161/2017—(2) NJABULO NDLOVU (890717 6247 086), LOT 11987 STREET, RAINBOW PARK, AMANZIMTOTI, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Final Order: 15 March 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 18 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, SCOTTBURGH. N76/2018—(2) PAUL OBERHOLZER & MARITZA OBERHOLZER (760418 5108 083 & 820215 0023 087), 77 RUSHBROOK ROAD SOUTH, MOSELEY PARK, PINETOWN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Final Order: 28 March 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 21 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, PINETOWN. N116/2018—(2) AERRO INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (2006/025522/07), THE MANOR HOUSE, 14 NUTTALL GARDENS, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, 4001; (3) Final Order: 19 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution: SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION.; (5) —; (6) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. N124/2018—(2) MASIQHAME TRADING 938 (PTY) LTD (2013/035739/07), 110 HAVENSIDE DRIVE, CHATSWORTH; (3) Final Order: 17 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution: SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION.; (5) —; (6) 22 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, CHATSWORTH.

This gazette is also available free online at 156 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

N123/2018—(2) GT SPORTS (PTY) LTD t/a GT AUTO (2013/033715/07), UNIT 10 DEVON CENTRE, 15 DEVON ROAD, PINETOWN, KWAZULU-NATAL,3610; (3) Final Order: 14 November 2017 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 21 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, PINETOWN. T3073/17—(2) ZS RAFT FOUNDATIONS CC (2006/17797/23), LIQUIDATION; (3) Finale Bevel: 3 Oktober 2017 (4) Spesiale Resolusie: REGISTER OF COMPANIES.; (5) —; (6) 15 Junie 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE OF NELSPRUIT. T1319/17—(2) MAGONSO ELECTICAL CC (2010/036702/23), CLOSE CORPORATION; (3) Finale Bevel: 8 Mei 2017 (4) Spesiale Resolusie: REGISTRATEUR VAN MAATSKAPPYE.; (5) GAUTENG; (6) 15 Junie 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE OF NELSPRUIT. C144/2018—(2) Patrick Wayne Power (790609 5076 08 0), 11 Dagbreek Street, Langebaan, Western Cape; (3) Final Order: 25 April 2018 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 15 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Hopefield. C214/2018—(2) Tatis International (Pty) Ltd (2005/035576/07), Waterstone Village Office Block, First Floor Suite 6, Cnr Broadway Blvd and Main Road, Somerset West, Western Cape; (3) Final Order: 19 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution: By Registrar of Companies.; (5) —; (6) 14 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Somerset West. C180/2018—(2) Wilgerweg Trust (IT 8878/96), Cedersig Farm No. 661, Cederberg, Clanwilliam District, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 23 March 2018; (3) Final Order: 24 April 2018 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 18 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Clanwilliam. C709/2013—(2) JACQUI MARIA RENS (740306 0088 084), 9B WORCESTER STREET, HARFIELD VILLAGE, CLAREMONT; (3) Final Order: 6 December 2013 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 14 June 2018, 09:00, WYNBERG MAGISTRATES COURT. C99/2018—(2) UNION SPORTS RUGBY (PTY) LTD (2013/050060/07), OFFICE 3, CAVERSHAM CENTRE, 15 MAIN ROAD, BERGVLIET, CAPE TOWN; (3) Provisional Order: 2 March 2018; (3) Final Order: 10 April 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 15 June 2018, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN. C194/2018—(2) Trevor Erasmus Family Trust (IT 1328/2010), 1 Dickens Drive, Mandaly, Mitchell’s Plain, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 29 March 2018; (3) Final Order: 17 May 2018 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 14 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrates Court, Mitchells Plain. C162/2018—(2) The Thai Cafe Group CC (2001/093435/23), In Liquidation; (3) Provisional Order: 5 April 2018; (3) Final Order: 2 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Wynberg; (6) 14 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Wynberg. C207/2018—(2) AARHUS BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (PTY) LTD (2003/011452/07), 15 GREENWICH GROVE, STATION ROAD, RONDEBOSCH; (3) Provisional Order: 10 April 2018; (3) Final Order: 15 May 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 14 June 2018, 09:00, WYNBERG MAGISTRATES COURT. C57/2018—(2) PIERRE JOHANNES OTTO (7510055116082), 36 LIBRA STREET, VREDENBURG; (3) Final Order: 21 May 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 13 June 2018, 09:00, VREDENBURG MAGISTRATES COURT. C287/2018—(2) KURUMAN MOTORS (PTY) LTD (2013/229049/07), 94 MAIN ROAD, KURUMAN; (3) Final Order: 10 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 15 June 2018, 09:00, KURUMAN MAGISTRATES COURT. C307/2018—(2) NUDE MEDIA (PTY) LTD (2015/290453/07), 7 ORPHAN STREET, CAPE TOWN; (3) Final Order: 17 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) —; (6) 15 June 2018, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN. C133/2018—(2) CHIC SHOE MANUFACTURERS (PTY) LTD (2013/235384/07), 17 VAN DER STEL STREET, BEACONVALE INDUSTRIA, PAROW; (3) Provisional Order: 19 March 2018; (3) Final Order: 24 April 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT; (6) 15 June 2018, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE COURT. C207/2018—(2) Aarhus Building & Construction Company (Pty) Ltd (2003/011452/07), 15 Greenwich Grove, Station Road, Rondebosch East; (3) Provisional Order: 10 April 2018; (3) Final Order: 15 May 2018 (4) —; (5) Western Cape High Court; (6) 14 June 2018, 09:00, Wynberg Magistrates Court.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 157

Form/Vorm J 29CC


The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed in liquidation by order of the High Court of South Africa or the Magistrate’s Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section 78 of the Close Corporations Act, No. 69 of 1984, read together with section 40 (1) and 77 of the Insolvency Act of 1936 and sections 356, 375(5) (b) and 412 and 356 of the Companies Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that persons indebted to the under- mentioned Close Corporation are required to pay their debts to the liquidator forthwith unless otherwise indicated and that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the undermentioned Close Corporations will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for the following purposes: (i) The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged with the Master of the High Court; (ii) the proof of claims against the Close Corporation; (iii) determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment of a co-liquidator and, if so, the nomination of a person for appointment; (iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of Close Corporation; (2) name and description of Close Corporation; (3) name and address of liquidator; (4) date, hour and place of meeting and (5) period within which debts must be paid, if this is not done forthwith.


Nademaal die Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika of die Landdroshof wat bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 van die Wet op Beslote Korporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 356, 375(5)(b) 412 en 356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat persone wat enigiets aan die onderstaande Beslote Korporasie verskuldig is, onmiddellik die skuld aan die likwidateur moet betaal, tensy anders aangedui is en dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers en lede van die ondervermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die volgende doeleindes: (i) Die uiteensetting aangaande toestand van sake van die Korporasie wat by die Meester van die Hooggeregs hof ingedien is te oorweeg; (ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys; (iii) te besluit of ’n mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en indien wel iemand te nomineer vir aanstelling; (iv) opdragte of magtiging ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvang of te verkry. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van Beslote Korporasie; (2) naam en beskrywing van Beslote Korporasie; (3) naam en adres van likwidateur; (4) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (5) tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie.

T3446/17—(2) Aurora Private Nature Reserve CC (2006/044279/23), In Liquidation; (3) GM van Tonder & T Essop, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028; (4) 13 June 2018, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. G797/17—(2) MCT Marketing CC (1993/029425/23), In Liquidation; (3) GM van Tonder, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028; (4) 14 June 2018, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg. T817/18—(2) JS National Traders CC (1989/030471/23), In Liquidation; (3) GM van Tonder & J Stroh, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028; (4) 13 June 2018, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T3446/17—(2) Aurora Private Nature Reserve CC (2006/044279/23), In Liquidation; (3) GM van Tonder & T Essop, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028; (4) 13 June 2018, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T22974/14—(2) Penolea Construction CC (2003/029525/23), In Liquidation; (3) AW Van Rooyen & LM Moloto, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 6 July 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Soshanguve. T0556/18—(2) Master Interior (1989/035289/23), In Liquidatin; (3) AW Van Rooyen & R Leathern, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 5 July 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. C174/2018—(2) CLASSIQUE CUISINE CC (1998/032781/23), P.O. BOX 143, KYA SANDS, GAUTENG, 2163; (3) LIEZEL VENTER & MICHAEL TIMKOE, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter & Associates Pty Ltd P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449; (4) 13 June 2018, 10:00, THE MASTER IN THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG..

This gazette is also available free online at 158 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

T2052/17—(2) SA Mechanical Seal Importers CC (2001/018649/23), 876 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; (3) CA Starbuck & C Schroeder, Po Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, The Master Pretoria. T1085/18—(2) ILEGACY’I DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY SERVICES CC (2005/107180/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) MY KHAMMISSA, L LESOMO, PO BOX 11056, QUEENSWOOD 0121; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T3258/2017—(2) Lindenberg en Kempff CC, In liquidation; (3) DM Botha and MM Cloete, Corporate Liquidators, PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria 0132; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate Klerksdorp. 2004/06775/23—(2) CARLIGHT AUTO ELECTRICAL (2004/ 06775/23), CARLIGHT AUTO ELECTRICAL CC (IN LIQUIDATION); (3) NOKUFA JOHANNA NELUHENI, NOKUFA NELUHENI INC OFFICE 601, 6TH FLOOR SCHREINER CHAMBERS 94 PRITCHARD STREET JOHANNESBURG, 2000; (4) 11 June 2018, 10:00, MASTERS OFFICE PRETORIA 318 SALU BULDING PRETORIA. G1052/17—(2) Martyni Traders CC (2009/086957/23), In Liquidation; (3) B Keevy, 97 Michelle Avenue, Randhart, Alberton; (4) 12 June 2018, 10:00, Master Johannesburg. T20253/2014—(2) KOTEN CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLISHING CC (2007/003383/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) DAM MOHASOA & L VAN DER MERWE, 286 PRETORIUS STREET CENTRAL TOWERS BUILDING SUITE 111; (4) 18 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. S11/2016—(2) BRONCO TRADING 528 CC (007/034330/23), BRONCO TRADING 528 CC(in liquidation); (3) NOLWAZI PRECIOUS ZULU, 23 CHURCH STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG; (4) 27 June 2018, 14:00, PORT ELIZABETH (MASTER OF THE EASTERN CAPE HIGH COURT; (5) FORTHWITH. N91/2018/PMB—(2) MODA STONE CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (CK1993/011648/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) J W E MADDOCKS, POSTNET SUITE 47, PRIVATE BAG X01, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. D123/2017—(2) Tedsons Construction And Plant Hire CC (2007/251226/23), 3 Blesbok Boog Drive, Wilden Wiede, Richards Bay, 3900; (3) Cornelia Maria Cloete, C/O Xirimele Trustees, 74 General Kock Road, Maroelana, Pretoria; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court Empangeni. T20802/14—(2) Bosdraai Boerdery CC (2009/038038/23), In Liquidation // 135 Kroghstraat, Louis Trichardt, 0920; (3) Alta van Wyk & Ahmed Moosa Gani Suliman, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186; (4) 22 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Louis Trichardt. T0377/18—(2) Eagle High Protection Services CC (2007/132848/23), In Liquidation; (3) W Van Rooyen & NY Seriti, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 2 July 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Piet Retief. T3077/17—(2) Dogtail Investments cc (2007/097098/23), In liquidation; (3) CM Cloete, C Wilsnach and DC Starkey, 386 Orient Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; (4) 9 July 2018, 10:00, High court Nelspruit. C184/2018—(2) CHAPATTI TRADING 140 CC (2011/048876/23), PINEWOOD RANCH, PINEWOOD CRESCENT, LANGEBERG RIDGE, DURBANVILLE..7550; (3) LIEZEL VENTER & NANDIPHA VINQI, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter & Associates Pty Ltd P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449; (4) 15 June 2018, 11:00, THE MAGISTRATE BELLVILLE.. C161/2018—(2) WARLOCK CONSTRUCTION CC T/A SEAL PLUMBING (2000/061898/23), (IN LIQUIDATION); (3) R Pieters & M Baliso, BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Limited; (4) 13 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River. C139/2018—(2) Suprador 109 CC (2003/073553/23), 53 1st Avenue, Bellville; (3) Zaheer Cassim, Nicolaas Renier van Zyl & Daniese Elaine Steyn, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075; (4) 22 June 2018, 11:00, The Magistrate, Bellville. C270/2018—(2) Melissa’s The Food Shop CC (In Liquidation) (2007/173976/23), Restuarant; (3) CM Hathorn, TC Van Zyl and M Haywood, P O Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Stellenbosch.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 159

Form/Vorm 1


Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) name and address of trustee or liquidator; (4) date, hour and place of meeting; (5) period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal, tensy anders vermeld. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, tyd en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en (4) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (5) tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou; en op ander plekke voor die Landdros.

T1159/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: S G & R A RUSHMER (7902105083083 7510270046080); (3) YAS PATEL & ZAHEER CASSIM, PO Box 13461, HATFIELD, 0028; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KLERSDORP. G20139/2014—(2) Parkroad Restaurant cc (2009/114920/23) (In Liquidation); (3) L Naude, PO Box 4078 Rivonia 2128; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg. G1267/10—(2) FIXTRADE 760 [PTY] LTD (2001/019916/07) (In Liquidation); (3) GL WARRICKER and ZA DLAMINI, PO BOX 92795, NORWOOD, 2117; (4) 19 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG. G172/2018—(2) Secsyst Access (Pty) Ltd (2008 / 019 674 /07) (In Liquidation); (3) C.M. Hartzenberg & P. Q Naidoo, 20 Buiten Street, Krugersdorp North, Krugersdorp; (4) 12 June 2018, 10:00, Masters office Johannesburg. T817/18—(2) JS National Traders Cc (1989/030471/23) (In Liquidation); (3) GM van Tonder & J Stroh, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. G1102/2017—(2) SERENE SITE PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD (2013/001811/07) (In Liquidation); (3) CBStC COOPER & NU SEFANYETSO, c/o CK TRUST, PO BOX 3065, TYGERVALLEY, 7536; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER JOHANNESBURG. T1934/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: JAK BOREHOLE PUMPS AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY (PTY) LTD (2014/007684/07); (3) PHILIPPUS CHRISTOFFEL LESSING & MMAESHIBE PHUTI DIBETE, P.O BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at 160 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

G797/17—(2) MCT Marketing CC (1993/029425/23) (In Liquidation); (3) GM van Tonder, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028; (4) 14 June 2018, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg. T3385/17—(2) CHEVON TRADING CC (1998/068055/23) (In Likwidasie); (3) BARN TRUST, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310, RIETONDALE, 0083; (4) 15 Junie 2018, 10:00, MEESTER PRETORIA. T1092/16—(2) LOSBERG VOERE (PTY) LTD (M2007/005585/07) (In Likwidasie); (3) BARN TRUST, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310, RIETONDALE, 0083; (4) 15 Junie 2018, 10:00, MEESTER PRETORIA. T2995/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: NKOSINATHI DICKSON ZULU (870126 5316 088); (3) GL WARRICKER, PO BOX 92795, NORWOOD, 2117; (4) 20 June 2018, 09:00, MIDDELBURG MAGISTRATES COURT. T1131/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: MUNYAI KR (730213 5257 080); (3) BARN TRUST, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310, RIETONDALE, 0083; (4) 15 Junie 2018, 10:00, MEESTER PRETORIA. T1408/17—(2) MAGONSO ELECTRICAL CC (2010/036702/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JF BARNARD & K VAN NIEKERK, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310, RIETONDALE, 0084; (4) 15 Junie 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE NELSPRUIT. T5438/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Prout-Jones, Shane Douglas & Yolanda (6304245765086 & 7102100250080); (3) AW Van Rooyen & L Sibiya, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 2 July 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Brits. T2561/16—(2) MICHAEL LUKE CLOTHING (PTY) LTD (2006/018567/07) (In Likwidasie); (3) BARN TRUST, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310 RIETONDALE 0083; (4) 15 Junie 2018, 10:00, MEESTER PRETORIA. T0691/15—(2) Insolvente Boedel: ETTIENE EUGENE MARE (890323 5330 088); (3) J F BARNARD, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310, RIETONDALE, 0083; (4) 15 Junie 2018, 10:00, MEESTER PRETORIA. T2133/16—(2) Siyaghopa Trading 2013 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) A Poole, Unit B5, Clearview Office Park, 77 Wilhelmina Street, Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort; (4) 27 June 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2159/15—(2) DAJ EXECUTIVE INSURANCE BROKERS (PTY) LTD (2007/034704/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FRANS LANGFORD & SANDRA JOAN McKENZIE, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. G144/2012—(2) ALMAR ALUMINUIM (PTY) LTD (1984/070398/07) (In Likwidasie); (3) BARN TRUST, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310 RIETONDALE 0083; (4) 15 Junie 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE GERMISTON. G787/17—(2) Riverbend Trade and Invest 23 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) JA Fisher & ZH Ngogodo, PO Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075; (4) 20 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Randburg. T1408/17—(2) DS SERVICES TAILING CC (1997/041354/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JF BARNARD & K VAN NIEKERK, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310 RIETONDALE 0084; (4) 15 Junie 2018, 10:00, MASTER PRETORIA. T1119/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: WILKINS, GERHARDUS LUUS & ANNA JACOBA (690216 5259 087 & 650718 0143 081); (3) R Pieters, BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Limited, P O Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599; (4) 22 June 2018, 09:30, Magistrate’s Court, Secunda. T22974/14—(2) Penolea Construction CC (2003/029525/23) (In Liquidation); (3) AW Van Rooyen & LM Moloto, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 6 July 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Soshanguve. T1822/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: i/e Trewick, Anel (761107 0006 082); (3) AW Van Rooyen & VR Maharaj, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 6 July 2018, 09:30, The Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T0556/18—(2) Master Interior CC (1989/035289/23) (In Liquidation); (3) AW Van Rooyen & R Leathern, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 5 July 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G1089/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gary Anthony Peters (740201 5013 080); (3) JH du Plessis, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 12 June 2018, 09:00, The Magistrate Kempton Park. G1092/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: NONKULULEKO PATRICIA MTHEMBU (7201120371089); (3) Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever & Marguerite Roux, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716; (4) 20 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Ranburg. T2052/17—(2) SA Mechanical Seal Importers CC (2001/018649/23) (In Liquidation); (3) CA Starbuck & C Schroeder, Po Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, The Master Pretoria. T1279/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: GIDEON JACOBUS STEPHANUS ENGELBRECHT (8710065028082); (3) L VAN DER MERWE & M.A CHRISTIAN, PO Box 11063, Suiderberg, 0055; (4) 3 July 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1563/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: ASHLEIGH ROBYN VAN ZYL (7708010289081); (3) L VAN DER MERWE & E.J JACOBS, PO Box 11063, Suiderberg, 0055; (4) 29 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATES COURT GERMISTON. T2321/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: BUYS, MAGDALENA HESTER JACOBA (610926 0009 082); (3) L VAN DER MERWE & E.R SMITH, PO Box 11063 Suiderberg 0055; (4) 29 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATES COURT GERMISTON. T3305/17—(2) Innovative Inspection Services (Kwazulu-Natal) (Pty) Ltd (2002/027386/07) (In Liquidation); (3) GM van Tonder & CM Penderis, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028; (4) 13 June 2018, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T1028/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: TONY FRANCIS HILL (660910 5018 081); (3) L VAN DER MERWE & R. PIETERS, PO Box 11063 Suiderberg 0055; (4) 3 July 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T2172/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: TANJA VAN EEDEN (750126 0102 082); (3) L VAN DER MERWE & A. BARNARD, PO Box 11063, Suiderberg, 0055; (4) 28 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE COURT PRETORIA NORTH. G339/17—(2) Africa Bodies (Pty) Ltd (2016/110503/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Z Cassim, GLS de Wet & B Daya, P. O. Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G705/2017—(2) Autohaus Ost (Pty) Ltd (in Liquidation) (2007/003818/07) (In Liquidation); (3) C Murray & ME Symes, P.O. Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126; (4) 12 July 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T968/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: COETZEE, LOURENS STEPHANUS (670930 5140 089); (3) L VAN DER MERWE, PO Box 11063, Suiderberg, 0055; (4) 29 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATES COURT, GERMISTON.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 161

T543/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: MICHIEL DANIEL BIERMAN (780831 5068 089); (3) ME SYMES, GLS DE WET & EW PRINSLOO, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 26 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T2482/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: MARK DAVID & LORIAN MOIR (640315 5159 080 & 770707 0110 088); (3) ME SYMES & EZ FAKUDE (CO: JZH MULLER), C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 26 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. T2418/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: OCKERT JACOBUS & CHARLIEN SPREUW (730807 5047 084 & 760613 0024 087); (3) ME SYMES & YM HASSEN, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 27 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BENONI. M000113/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: LEE STETSON VENTER (810927 5238 088); (3) ME SYMES & LM MALATSI-TEFFO, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 27 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: RUSTENBURG. T2413/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: BLANCHE MARGARET NYMAN (580105 0157 086); (3) ME SYMES & MM MOGALE, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 26 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. M000053/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: JORENE FOURIE (831008 0010 080); (3) ME SYMES & L SIBIYA, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 27 June 2018, 08:30, MAGISTRATE: RUSTENBURG. T1214/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: HENDRIK CORNELIUS VENTER (751206 5024 082); (3) ME SYMES & C BICKMORE, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 26 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T3071/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: SHAUN & CHARLOTTE DU PLESSIS (7012285309082 & 8010250002087); (3) ME SYMES, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 25 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T108/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: ADELE DRAISBACH (710222 0067 083); (3) ME SYMES & WF PETERSEN, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 25 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BRITS. T3141/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: ROBERT & YVONNE FOWELS (6104035027089 & 6111260067086); (3) ME SYMES & P NAIDOO, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 25 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T511/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: PAULOS & GETRUDE MAHLANGU (720810 6223 086 & 700827 0617 083); (3) ME SYMES & JM DAMONS, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 25 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T2850/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: PATRICE STOLTENKAMP (790614 0201 089); (3) ME SYMES & D ISMAIL, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 29 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T3071/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: SHAUN & CHARLOTTE DU PLESSIS (701228 5309 082 & 801025 0002 087); (3) ME SYMES, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 25 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T1085/18—(2) LEGACY’I DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY SERVICES CC (2005/107180/23) (In Liquidation); (3) MY KHAMMISSA & L LESOMO, c/o Khammissa Trust, O.M.A. Corporate Office Park, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Pretoria; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T2406/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: BEKKER H (6911035255084); (3) NAG OMAR, c/o Khammissa Trust, O.M.A. Corporate Office Park, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Pretoria; (4) 13 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KLERKSDORP. T350/18—(2) Harvilog (Pty) Ltd (2010/020463/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Kobus van der Westhuizen & Elna Elsa Pohl, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186; (4) 18 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T20470/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Chase, Donavan Centlivres & Roxanne Nadine (850624 5023 08 8 & 840806 0097 08 3); (3) LF Kaaba, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni. T3482/17—(2) La Vida Douce (Pty) Ltd (2016/087736/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Johannes Zacharias Human Muller & Karen Keevy, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186; (4) 25 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. G87/18—(2) Watercooled Cables and Flexibles (Pty) Ltd (2009/021817/07) (In Liquidation); (3) A van Wyk & TS Mahomed, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria; (4) 18 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T3258/2017—(2) Lindenberg en Kempff CC (In Liquidation); (3) DM Botha and MM Cloete, Corporate Liquidators, PO Box 28675, Sunnyside, Pretoria; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate Klerksdorp. G1052/17—(2) Martyni Traders CC (In Liquidation); (3) B Keevy, 97 Michelle Avenue, Randhart, Alberton; (4) 12 June 2018, 10:00, Master Johannesburg. T2156/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Thomas Johannes Buckle and Johanna Elizabeth Buckle (68106315017083 and 7112090076080); (3) DM Botha and TS Mahomed, Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria; (4) 27 June 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate Klerksdorp. G203/17—(2) Red Robin Investments (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) B Keevy & SM Rasethaba, 97 Michelle Avenue, Randhart, Alberton; (4) 26 June 2018, 10:00, Master Johannesburg. T1217/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Andries Hendrik van Rooyen (6711285190084); (3) DM Botha and CS Bezuidt, Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675, Sunnyside, Pretoria; (4) 27 June 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate Klerksdorp. G 687/2017—(2) GNR RETAIL (PTY) LTD (2016/287245/07) (In Liquidation); (3) T MEDUPE - INSOLVENCY ACCOUNTING SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD, 5207 HAIL ROAD, BRAMFISCHERVILLE EXT 2, JOHANNESBURG 2000; (4) 13 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDBURG.

This gazette is also available free online at 162 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

T/363/2017—(2) CARLIGHT AUTO ELECTRICAL CC (2004/067775/23) (In Liquidation); (3) NOKUFA JOHANNA NELUHENI, 601 6TH FLOOR SCHREINER CHAMBERS 94 PRITCHARD STREET JOHANNESBURG 2000; (4) 11 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF HIGH COURT SALU BUILDING THABO, SEHUME AND FRANCIS BAARD STREET, JOHANNESBURG.; (5) PAID ALREADY. T0261/15—(2) Insolvente Boedel: TRYPHENA JOANNA CATHERINA DE LANGE (5411120171081); (3) JOHANNA WILLEMIA YZEL & RETHA STOCKHOFF, YZEL TRUSTEES, P. O. BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033; (4) 4 Julie 2018, 10:00, MEESTER VAN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF PRETORIA; (5) 2018-07-04. G330/18—(2) M and P Investments C.C. (1987/023536/23) (In Liquidation); (3) T. Hill, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore- North, Krugersdorp, 1739; (4) 11 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Johannesburg. G440/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Benett, Judith Maghareta Susarah; (3) B Keevy, R Rautenbach & JF Engelbrecht, 97 Michelle Avenue, Randhart, Alberton; (4) 18 June 2018, 10:00, Master Johannesburg. T2433/15—(2) Insolvente Boedel: MOKGETHOA DAVID MADISHA (7206065920080); (3) JOHANNA WILLEMIA YZEL, YZEL TRUSTEES, P. O. BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033; (4) 3 Julie 2018, 10:00, MEESTER VAN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF, JOHANNESBURG; (5) 2018-07-03. T2703/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: KARABO BALOYI (8203160370088); (3) Zintle VathiswaNgogodo & Lynette Hendrina Alers (Jansen), Suite 7, 1st Floor, Waterfall View, Waterfall Park, Bekker Road, MIDRAND, 1686; (4) 27 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T3390/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: LIEZLE NEL (9004090395081); (3) Zintle Vathiswa Ngogodo & Leanne Lombard, Suite 7, 1st Floor, Waterfall View, Waterfall Park, Bekker Road, MIDRAND, 1686; (4) 2 July 2018, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court, White River. G973/2017—(2) PAK ENGINEERING [PTY]LTD (REG NO 1965005842 07) (In Liquidation); (3) M M BALOYI AND V L MATIKINCA, 14 FLOOR MARBLE TOWERS CNR JEPPE AND WIELLIGH STREET JOHANNESBURG; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BENONI. T1770/16—(2) Grobler Service Centre CC (2010/003667/23) (In Liquidation); (3) A Moollajie, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Court - Witbank. T2361/16—(2) MCL CORPORATE RECRUITMENT CC (2001/023394/23) (In Liquidation); (3) A Moollajie, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court - Pretoria. T1770/16—(2) Grobler Service Centre CC (2010/003667/23) (In Liquidation); (3) A Moollajie, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Court - Witbank. T1752/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Louis Hendrik Claassen (6506125005082); (3) Johanna Petronella Voges, Hurter Spies Inc, 58 Union Avenue, Kloofsig, Centurion; (4) 27 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T0206/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gerhardus Jacobus Rontgen and Yvonne Rontgen (690530 5011 08 6 & 731022 0096 08 1); (3) Punithan Quentin Naidoo, 39 5th Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; (4) 12 June 2018, 10:00, Master’s Office - Pretoria. T20253/2014—(2) KOTEN CONSTRUCTION CC (2007/003383/23) (In Liquidation); (3) DAM MOHASOA & L VAN DER MERWE, 286 PRETORIUS STREET, CENTRAL TOWERS BUILDING, SUITE 111, PRETORIA; (4) 18 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T3269/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: JOHANNES HERMANUS FOURIE (6606215071083); (3) EDDY NKUNA, 286 PRETORIUS STREET, CENTRAL TOWERS BUILDING, SUITE 111, PRETORIA; (4) 18 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T3063/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: KENNETHE KENESI SIBANDA & FUNEKILE ETHEL SIBANDA (6608185475187 & 6612048056086); (3) DAM MOHASOA, 286 PRETORIUS STREET, CENTRAL TOWERS BUILDING, SUITE 111, PRETORIA; (4) 18 June 2018, 09:30, KRUGERSDORP MAGISTRATE. T2656/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: R & HB WEHMEYER (7006125095083 & 6805110188089); (3) R Stockhoff & J Muthanyi, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 21 June 2018, 10:00, Johannesburg. T0965/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: A HARICHANDRE (7011065106080); (3) R Stockhoff, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 20 June 2018, 09:00, Palm Ridge. T2817/17—(2) NOCK OUT TRADING 18 CC (2009/007561/23) (In Liquidation); (3) KS Mahlangu & TP Mudzusi, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Pretoria. T160/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: R SCHARNICK (8303230102088); (3) R Stockhoff & RE Maphaha, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Pretoria. T2952/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: MD MAKHELE (8602166188081); (3) R Stockhoff & K Titus, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 15 June 2018, 09:30, Krugersdorp. T2196/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: AE MOSTERT (6306150105083); (3) R Stockhoff & NF Nekmakwarani, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Pretoria. T780/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: MM BOTHMA (7806130068086); (3) R Stockhoff & MS Ramogotswa, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 18 June 2018, 09:00, Tzaneen. T2937/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: C PRINSLOO (7010275129080); (3) R Stockhoff & MM Mogale, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 15 June 2018, 09:00, Germiston. T20470/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Chase, Donavan Centlivres & Roxanne Nadine (8506245023088 & 8408060097083); (3) LF Kaaba, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni. T3029/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: JA VAN NIEKERK (8312085176080); (3) R Stockhoff & SAM Daneel, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 163

T3759/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: PHM & M JOOSTE (6006285052081 & 6507090034081); (3) R Stockhoff, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 21 June 2018, 09:00, Vanderbijlpark. T1287/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: CA VAN KRAAYENBURG (5710255019084); (3) R Stockhoff & JF Barnard, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Witbank. T20945/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: C SIMONS (7306130125085); (3) R Stockhoff & MP Raath, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Pretoria. T2180/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: M & JM VAN ZYL (730612511082 & 7301020149089); (3) R Stockhoff & S Marais, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 21 June 2018, 09:00, Randfontein. T2089/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: G ARROW (9112125081087); (3) R Stockhoff & MT Mawela, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 21 June 2018, 09:30, Vanderbijlpark. G18/2018—(2) GOLDEN BAY PROPERTIES 47 CC (2004/024007/23) (In Liquidation); (3) J M OELOFSEN, S I GANIE, 30 KINGFISHER STREET, HORISON PARK, ROODEPOORT; (4) 20 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE, ROODEPOORT. T0822/2018—(2) CONSMET CC (2009/172504/23) (In Liquidation); (3) J M OELOFSEN, F H SULIMAN, 30 KINGFISHER STREET, HORISON PARK, ROODEPOORT; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE, WITBANK. E40/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: I/E Darlington, Rowan Lynton & Lezel (810306 5175 089 & 820526 0012 080); (3) W Van Rooyen / SS Mohlomi, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 6 July 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate, East-London. B101/2017—(2) Barak Logistics (Pty) Limited (2016/365632/07) (In Liquidation); (3) M.J. Bekker and A.A.G. Khammissa, P O Box 8550, Pretoria 0001; (4) 4 July 2018, 10:00, Master of High Court, Bloemfontein. /16—(2) Sagekal Logistics CC (2009/178726/23) (In Liquidation); (3) LC Muller, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028; (4) 14 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Verullam. G464/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: DEBBIE POWELL (770608 0210 086); (3) NARAN MAHARAJH, P O BOX 30513 MAYVILLE 4058; (4) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG. N20/2018/PMB—(2) GRANGOLD INVESTMENTS CC T/A GRANGOLD LOGISTICS (2002/052866/23) (In Liquidation); (3) MARCEL NEL, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202; (4) 29 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - PIETERMARITZBURG. T20802/14—(2) Bosdraai Boerdery CC (2009/038038/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Alta van Wyk and Ahmed Moosa Gani Suliman, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186; (4) 22 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Louis Trichardt. T947/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Eugene Osmers Trust (IT11328/99); (3) JZH Muller & S Marais, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 28 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Phalaborwa. L12/2018—(2) MESSINA TRADE CENTRE (PTY) LTD (2015/297818/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MM MALOWA & VA TSOPOTSA, c/o Khammissa Trust, O.M.A. Corporate Office Park, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Pretoria; (4) 15 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, POLOKWANE. T3073/17—(2) ZS RAFT FOUNDATIONS CC (2006/17797/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JF BARNARD, SOUTPANSBERGWEG 310, RIETONDALE, 0083; (4) 15 Junie 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE NELSPRUIT. T0377/18—(2) Eagle High Protection Services CC (2007/132848/23) (In Liquidation); (3) W Van Rooyen & NY Seriti, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 2 July 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Piet Retief. T3077/17—(2) Dogtail Investments cc (2007/097098/23) (In Liquidation); (3) CM Cloete, C Wilsnach and DC Starkey, 386 Orient Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; (4) 9 July 2018, 10:00, High court Nelspruit. T1567/15—(2) VA Group T/A JL Plant Hire (Pty) Ltd (2014/213148/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Izak Johannes Boshoff & Irene Susan Ponnen, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186; (4) 22 June 2018, 09:30, Magistrate Secunda. C 719/2017—(2) GRASSY KNOLL TRADING 92 CC (2010/161323/23) (In Liquidation); (3) L van Zyl, c/o Peninsula Trustees, 21 Milner Road, Woodstock, 7925; (4) 13 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Strand. C698/2017—(2) Dummett Communications CC fta Dummett & Co (In Liquidation); (3) T C van Zyl & G H Philander, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Century City 7446; (4) 15 June 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C63/2018—(2) FLARE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (1997/005635/07) (In Liquidation); (3) GD WALLACE & LF KAABA, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 20 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE’S COURT, KUILSRIVER. C817/2017—(2) Radio Autosonic Cape Town CC (In Liquidation); (3) T C van Zyl & L Essop, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Century City 7446; (4) 19 June 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C732/2017—(2) Colour Finishes (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) T C van Zyl & M Timkoe, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Century City 7446; (4) 19 June 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C842/2017—(2) Classic Coachworks CC (1995/012617/23) (In Liquidation); (3) C F Bester, M Haywood & M Y Khammissa, Mazars Recovery and Restructuring (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City 7441; (4) 22 June 2018, 11:00, Magistrate Bellville. C423/2017—(2) ERONGO LOGISTICS (PTY) LTD (2015/377588/07) (In Liquidation); (3) PAULA ALEXANDRA F BEZUIDENHOUT, P O Box 10333, Fonteinriet, 1464; (4) 18 July 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Mossel Bay:Enquiry in Terms of Section 414(2)(a) & Section 415(2)(a) of the Company’s Act read together with Section; (5) 65 of the Close Corporation Act. C530/2017—(2) Njay Enterprises and Engineering (Pty) Ltd (2012/073733/07) (In Liquidation); (3) CB St Clair Cooper & DD Masilela, CK Trust P O Box 3065, Tyger Valley, 7536; (4) 15 June 2018, 11:00, Magistrates Court, Bellville. C304/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: I/E De Wet, Juan Pierre (6811085016081); (3) MR Benninghoff, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 13 June 2018, 09:00, The Magistrate, Kuilsrivier.

This gazette is also available free online at 164 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

C790/2017—(2) Homegrown Fresh Produce CC (2009/047134/23) (In Liquidation); (3) CB St Clair Cooper & AK Bikani, CK Trust PO Box 3065, Tygervalley, 7536; (4) 21 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrates Court, Wynberg. C394/2017—(2) RH Retirement (P ty) Ltd (2007/026340/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Johannes Jacob Theron and Renee Bernice Bailes, P O Box 323, Cape Town, 8000; (4) 14 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg. C139/2018—(2) Suprador 109 CC (2003/073553/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Zaheer Cassim, Nicolaas Renier van Zyl & Daniese Elaine Steyn, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075; (4) 22 June 2018, 11:00, The Magistrate, Bellville. C830/2017—(2) K2014121304 (PTY) LTD T/A THE DROS RESTAURANT (2014/121304/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MH RICCIARDI & AK HOOSAIN, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 14 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATES COURT, WORCESTER. C641/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Alewyn Jacobus Nel (750128 5253 084); (3) R Moollajie & P T Mudzusi, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 28 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Porterville. C136/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Uwe Weimann (820104 5086 085); (3) A Moollajie & S A M Daneel, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 29 June 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court - Cape Town. C231/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nyameko Andries Ngcolomba (820113 6107 089); (3) A Moollajie & Z Cassim, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 29 June 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court - Cape Town. C555/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gary & Jennifer Patricia Etson (7503055205088 & 7009200097081); (3) A Moollajie & O Moosa, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 29 June 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court - Cape Town. C598/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bevin Grantham & Sharonique Marchelle Jacobs (780915 5299 081); (3) A Moollajie & E G Sebastian, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 27 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Kuils River. C400/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christian Gerald Smith (800103 5128 081 & 850521 0116 083); (3) R Moollajie, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 26 June 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court - Cape Town. C481/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Garth Beck (630924 5120 083); (3) A Moollajie & P H Lebepe, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 27 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Kuils River. C254/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: John William Witbooi (790815 5091 082); (3) A Moollajie & R Cassim, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 27 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Kuils River. C764/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jeandri Hanekom (831021 0237 082); (3) A Moollajie & F I J Khan, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 25 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Paarl. C483/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mark Abduragman Schroeder (801013 5120 088); (3) A Moollajie & L A Loubser, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 25 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Paarl. C758/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Denzyl Mark van Niekerk (770810 5121 082); (3) A Moollajie & M A Tau, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 27 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Wellington. C557/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Maurice Peter & Colleen Ann Foo-Kwue (670108 5573 084 & 660428 0100 085); (3) A Moollajie & R Cassim, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 28 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Wynberg. C707/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Magdalena Elizabeth Cloete (720214 0298 089); (3) A Moollajie & C M Cloete, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 29 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Hopefield. C735/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: WJ & G JULIES (7202055072081 & 6801110469082); (3) R Stockhoff & ZH Ngogodo, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 20 June 2018, 09:00, Oudtshoorn.

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Form/Vorm 2


Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act of 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) the number of estate/company; (2) the name and description of estate/company; (3) the date, hour and place of meeting and (4) the purposes of meeting. (5) Any additional annexure or resolutions. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926,en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ’n byeenkoms van skuldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (4) die doel van byeenkoms. (5) enige additionele aanhangsels of resolusies. In ’n plek waar ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

T2042/15—(2) Insolvente Boedel: MIRON CYRIL BASSON (730120 5086 080); (3) 27 Junie 2018, 10:00, MEESTER VAN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF PRETORIA; (4) VERDERE BEWYS VAN EISE. T1435/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bianca du Toit (3) 20 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Special meeting to proof a claim. T2785/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: FRIKKIE LYONS (581030 5098 086); (3) 22 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE STANDERTON; (4) CONTINUATION OF INTERROGATION. G302/17—(2) EARTHTRONICS ELECTRICAL CC - IN LIQUIDATION (2016/374566/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 21 June 2018, 11:30, BOKSBURG MAGISTRATES COURT; (4) FURTHER PROOF OF CLAIMS. T397/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: HELENA CROUCAMP (6805080017085); (3) 13 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High court, Pretoria; (4) To prove further claims. G30/17—(2) ROSEBANK OPTOMETRISTS CC (2008/110836/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 21 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; (4) FURTHER PROOF OF CLAIMS. G1085/15—(2) AUTOMANIAC CC (2008/109029/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 21 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; (4) FURTHER PROOF OF CLAIMS. T2522/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gerrie Adolf Swanepoel (5609195014082); (3) 12 June 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria; (4) 1. Proving of Claims. T952/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Susanna Maria Flynn (670114 0019 081); (3) 5 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria; (4) To prove claims. G892/2015—(2) Brakeforce Properties (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (3) 21 June 2018, 11:30, The Magistrate, Boksburg; (4) To prove further claims. T2587/02—(2) 546 Jules Street Investments CC (1991/032955/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 21 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; (4) To prove claims. T8133/09—(2) South African Guarantee Exchange (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (3) 20 June 2018, 09:00, The Magistrate, Palmridge; (4) To prove further claims. T1876/17—(2) AMI Motor Cycles CC (2000/012364/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 13 June 2018, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg; (4) Proving of claims. G768/15—(2) Fastrak Trading 115 CC (2001/054914/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 21 June 2018, 11:30, Magistrate Boksburg; (4) Prove of claims. T23063/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: EAJ HORN (6209170165089); (3) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT

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PRETORIA; (4) To adopt resolutions 1, 8, 8a and 15; (5) 1. That the report of the Trustee(s) and his\their actions as referred to therein be and are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed. 8. That the Trustee(s) be and is\are hereby authorised to sell any movable or immovable property of the estate of whatsoever description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in such manner, upon such terms and conditions and for such amounts as he\they may deem fit. 8a. Ito section 82(6): The sale of the movable property shall be excepted the wearing apparel and bedding of the insolvent and the whole or such part of his household furniture, and tools and other essential means of subsistence as the creditors, or if no creditor has proved a claim against the estate, as the Master may determine and the insolvent shall be allowed to retain, for his own use any property so excepted from the sale. 15. That the Trustee(s) be and is\are hereby authorised and empowered in his\their discretion to compromise or admit any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or not liquidated, arising from any guarantee or any other cause whatsoever, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, at such amount as may be agreed upon between the creditor(s) concerned and the Trustee(s) provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors. T898/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: EM VAN JAARSVELD (7507100003083); (3) 15 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE MODIMOLE; (4) To Prove Claims. T2336/10—(2) THOMO DEVELOPMENT (PTY) LTD (2004/005217/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 21 June 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria; (4) GENERAL MEETING OF CREDITORS FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS: 9. THAT the Liquidator be and are hereby authorised to dispose of the immovable and movable assets of the Company by either Public Auction or Public Tender or Private Treaty. The mode of sale for any one or more of the assets to be at the discretion of the Liquidator, and all costs incurred in relation thereto to be cost in the liquidation.; (5) 13. THAT the Liquidator be and are hereby authorised and empowered in in his discretion, to compromise or admit any claim against the Company, whether liquidated or un-liquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of §78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors. 30. THAT all actions of the Liquidators to date be and are hereby approved and ratified. G396/17—(2) ABROAD SPECTRUM TRADING (PTY) LTD (2000/013512/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 13 June 2018, 09:00, The Magistrate Roodepoort; (4) 1. To prove further claims; 2. To take instructions from creditors. T4363/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: C-Nam Formworks and Construction CC (2003/063164/23); (3) 19 June 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Prove Claims. T2748/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Athur Lionel & Leutha Maria Elizabeth Westraadt (5208315078083 & 5811260095083); (3) 15 June 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Prove Claims. T1602/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Weyers, Jan Philip (5801245098088); (3) 19 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. B51/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Uys, Rudolf Johannes (5307265078083); (3) 13 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate: Parys; (4) 1. Adoption of resolutions

2. Enquiry; (5) 6. THAT the Trustees be authorised to engage the services of Attorneys and/or Counsel and/or Shorthand writers for the purpose of: a) taking any legal Opinion that may be considered necessary in the interest of the Estate; b) by instituting or defending any action in respect of any matter affecting the Estate in any Court of Law: c) instituting an Enquiry into the affairs of the Estate all costs so incurred to be treated as administration charges against the Estate; 7. THAT the Trustees be and are hereby authorised to dispose of all the assets in the Estate, by Public Auction, Public Tender or Private Treaty, as they in their sole discretion may deem fit; 11. THAT the Trustees be and are hereby authorised to compromise any claim by or against the Estate, without the necessity of asking Creditors specifically for confirmation thereof; 16. THAT all reasonable expenses incurred by the Trustees for their personal/employees’ transport and accommodation in the performing of their statutory duties as Trustees be paid as costs of administration additional to the Trustees’ fees as soon as funds are available in the estate. Such expenses include hotel accommodation, air transport, vehicle rentals and travel costs at AA-tariffs. T2735/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: D Pretorius (6402275077081); (3) 21 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate PRETORIA NORTH; (4) proof of claims. T0414/13—(2) Pitsong Investments (Pty) Ltd (2004/029430/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 13 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court: Johannesburg; (4) Proof of claims.

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T2392/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Esterhuizen, Gerhardus Petrus & Esterhuizen, Elizabeth Fay (630906 5121 08 8 & 610215 0071 08 0); (3) 15 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court Brakpan; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. T1570/16—(2) NTKB Trading and Projects CC (2010/011961/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 20 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Roodepoort; (4) Further proof of claims and adoption of Resolutions. (5) NTKB TRADING AND PROJECTS CC(IN LIQUIDATION) MASTER’S REFERENCE: T1570/16



1. THAT the report of the Trustee/Liquidator be hereby ratified, adopted and confirmed and that the actions of the Provisional Trustee/Liquidator and Trustee/Liquidator to the date hereof be and are ratified, adopted and confirmed. 2. THAT the action of the Provisional Trustee/Liquidator and Trustee/Liquidator in utilising the services of a representative for the purpose of tracing assets, taking stock and taking possession of assets be and is hereby confirmed, his fee to be paid by the Estate. 3. THAT the action of the Provisional Trustee/Liquidator and/ or Trustee/Liquidator in engaging the services of an Accountant for the purpose of investigating the affairs of the Insolvent and to complete Income Tax and other Government returns be and is hereby confirmed, his fees to be paid out of the Estate. 4.a) THAT the Trustee/Liquidator be hereby authorised to engage the services of Attorneys and/or Counsel and/or shorthand writers for the purpose of taking any legal opinion that may be considered necessary in the interest of the Estate, instituting or defending any action in respect of any matter affecting the Estate in any Court of Law, conducting an enquiry in the Estate. All costs so incurred to be treated as administration charges against the Estate. The costs so incurred need not be taxed, but may be approved or agreed upon by the Trustee/Liquidator. 4.b) THAT the Trustee/Liquidator be hereby authorised and that his actions be ratified, to act in terms of the provisions of Section 73 of the Insolvency Act. 5. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator is hereby authorised to obtain, in his sole discretion, legal advice and that all costs be treated as administration charges against the Estate. 6. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator is hereby authorised to settle all actions or claims against or in favour of the Estate in his sole discretion without the necessity of asking creditors specifically for confirmation hereof. 7. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator is hereby authorised to institute or defend any legal action. 8. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to hand over book debts of the Estate for collection by an Attorney, his fees and disbursements to be paid by the Estate and that the costs will coincide with the costs of the respective Court of Law. 9. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to compromise any claim by or against the Estate in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, after such claim has been duly tendered for proof at a meeting of creditors, without the necessity of asking creditors specifically for confirmation thereof. 10. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to dispose of the movable assets by public auction, tender of private treaty on such conditions and after such advertisement as he in his sole discretion deems fit. AND THAT the Trustee/Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to dispose of any property by public auction, tender or private treaty on such terms and conditions as he in his sole discretion deems fit. That the Trustee/Liquidator be authorised in his discretion to dispose of the immovable property to the said Mortgagee for an amount to be agreed upon in full settlement of the said Mortgagee’s secured claim against the Estate. 11. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator be authorised to surrender to the Insolvent or his next of kin all or any of his personal furniture, in his sole discretion and that the Insolvent or a relative can pay for his furniture in the Estate an amount equivalent to the amount at which the furniture was valuated by an appraiser. 12. THAT should costs incur for the use of a tape recorder where the State does not supply the service free of charge, the costs thereof and the costs for obtaining copies of the Court records will be treated as administrative charges against the Estate. 13. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator is hereby authorised to appoint a tracing agent should it be necessary to trace debtors of where he might find it necessary to make use of the services of a tracing agent, and that his fees be paid out of the Estate. 14. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to sell or abandon any book debts that he in his sole discretion considers to be bad or irrecoverable or that he considers do not warrant the expense of legal proceedings. 15. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to dispose of any of the secured assets in the Estate to the

This gazette is also available free online at 168 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018 secured creditors on such terms and conditions as he may in his sole discretion decide, in order to settle their claims. 16. THAT increased Insurance premiums to be paid by the estate. 17. THAT should the increased insurance premiums not be allowed by the Master, the increased premiums be deducted, pro-rata from the creditors dividends. 18. THAT the Trustee/Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to have the powers, enacted in Section 386 of the Companies Act Number 61 of 1973, as amended. 19. THAT the Liquidator/s be and is/are hereby authorized to engage the services of bookkeepers, accountants and auditors and any other advisers to investigate and write-up the books of the Company as may be required, and if necessary, to produce an audited balance sheet as at the date of liquidation, either for the purpose of investigating the affairs of the company, establishing the claims of creditors, or any other purpose as he/they in his/their sole discretion may deem fit, all costs incurred in relation thereto to be costs in the Liquidation. The Liquidators are authorized and instructed to pay the reasonable charges of those who rendered services in relation to the preparation and proof of creditors’ claims against the estate. The Liquidator/s, in his/their sole discretion, may agree the costs with the relevant Bookkeepers, Accountants or Auditors and other advicers on behalf of the Company. 20. THAT all reasonable expenses incurred by the Liquidators for their personal/employees’ transport and accommodation in the performing of their statutory duties as Liquidators be paid as costs of administration additional to the Liquidators’ fees as soon as funds are available in the estate. Such expenses include hotel accommodation, air transport, vehicle rentals and travel costs at AA- tariffs. 21. THAT the further administration of the Estate be left in the hands of the Trustee/Liquidator.


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...... …………………...... ………………… ...... ……………………. T2978/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: NC SERVICES AND SUPPLIES PTY LTD (2007/018901/07); (3) 20 June 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate Klerksdorp; (4) A SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD FOR PROOF OF CLAIMS; FONT-WEIGHT:bold;MARGIN:0px;TEXT-ALIGN:justify”> T3254/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: JAN ABRAHAM BESTER & RENEIT BESTER (671230 5078 089 & 730611 0254 087); (3) 22 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: KRUGERSDORP; (4) TO PROOF CLAIMS. G1040/2017—(2) FOGEL PRODUCTS CC (2003/047181/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 18 June 2018, 10:00, Master Johannesburg; (4) Further proof of claims. G510/15—(2) Baroka Technologies (Pty) Ltd (2012/142248/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 6 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni; (4) for the purpose of holding an enquiry. T2848/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gysbert Niesing (7601055034084); (3) 20 June 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate Potchefstroom; (4) A SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD FOR PROOF OF CLAIMS. T21086/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Janice Adele Branch (6007120016083); (3) 22 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Westonaria; (4) to prove further claims. T21258/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Natasha Jeanette van Rensburg (8602240584081); (3) 22 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) To prove further claims. T0020/14—(2) Insolvente Boedel: GERT & LEONIE MAREE (660524 5209 08 5 & 651018 0139 08 3); (3) 27 Junie 2018, 09:00, LANDDROSHOF PALM RIDGE; (4) VERDERE BEWYS VAN EISE. T1651/2006—(2) SHARESSA PROPERTY NO 3 CC (1995/040017/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE OFFICE, RANDBURG; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. T1849/16—(2) Insolvente Boedel: NICOLAAS CORNELIUS KEMP (750607 5142 082); (3) 29 Junie 2018, 10:00, LANDDROSHOF WITBANK; (4) VERDERE BEWYS VAN EISE. T2277/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: W GREYLING (6606225110087); (3) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims. T0103/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: DJ & W ERASMUS (6909245061086 & 7809130130088); (3) 15 June 2018, 09:00, Baberton; (4) Proof of further claims. E000041/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: V C REDDY (3) 15 June 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE EAST LONDON; (4) Proof of claims. S10/2016—(2) Speyers Construction (pty) Ltd (1954/001428/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 6 June 2018, 14:00, Master’s Office, Port Elizabeth; (4) Proving of Further Claims. S09/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Metate Construction Trust (TM3213); (3) 6 June 2018, 14:00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth; (4) Proving of Claims.

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B129/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Meintjies, Philippus Jacobus and Henrietha Cornelia (610406 5092 086 and 630101 0047 088); (3) 20 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate’s office, Welkom; (4) To prove claims. D16/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: ROSS STUART ROBBA AND NATASHA CARINTHIA ROBBA (8206185127086 and 860108004087); (3) 27 June 2018, 10:00, MASTERS OFFICE - DURBAN; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. D120/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: CLEOPATRA MKHWANAZI (700331 0483 08 3); (3) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg; (4) To prove claims. N142/2016—(2) LEBOTRON (PTY) LIMITED (2012/048432/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 15 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (4) Proof of further claims. D20058/2014—(2) N BELLSTEDT AND COMPANY (PTY) LTD (1949/035700/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 20 June 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE, DURBAN; (4) SPECIAL MEETING FOR FURTHER PROOF OF CLAIMS. D156/2016—(2) J C Liquors (Pty) Ltd (2015/076844/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 13 June 2018, 10:00, Master Durban; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. N20159/2014 PMB—(2) ESTEEM PROPERTY RENOVATORS & DEVELOPERS CC (1998/003139/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg; (4) To prove claims. T2216/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Petrus Nicolaas Booyse & Maria Hendrika Booyse (4401215030087 & 461100016008); (3) 15 June 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Court, Naboomspruit; (4) Further proof of claims. T3075/17—(2) B and R Hardware CC (2007/152852/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 11 June 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Nelspruit; (4) To prove claims and adopt resolutions; (5) 7. THAT the Provisional Liquidator / Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to dispose of the assets of the Company by public auction, private treaty or public tender in his sole discretion and that the mode of sale for any one or more of the assets shall be determined by the Provisional Liquidator / Liquidator and that all costs incurred in relation thereto, be costs of administration and paid for by the estate. 10. THAT the Provisional Liquidator / Liquidator be and is hereby authorised and empowered in his discretion to compromise or admit any claim against the estate, whether Provisional Liquidator / Liquidator of unliquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, provided that proof thereof had been tendered at a meeting of creditors. C265/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Eduardo Natividad Ureta (6103185285182); (3) 15 June 2018, 09:00, Master Cape Town; (4) Further proof of claim. C674/2017—(2) EDP Renewables South Africa (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (3) 14 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Wynberg; (4) PROVING OF FURTHER CLAIM. C745/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: MULLER - WARREN LIONEL AND LORET (7302025010086 & 7204180211089); (3) 13 June 2018, 09:30, THE MAGISTRATE KUILS RIVER; (4) FURTHER PROOF OF CLAIMS.. C671/2018—(2) KANIQUA MEAT (PTY) LTD (2015/446844/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 20 June 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE, MOSSEL BAY; (4) TO PROVIDE CREDITORS WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO PROVE THEIR CLAIMS. C723/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sandra Antionette (6111110258083); (3) 18 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Mossel Bay; (4) for the purpose of an interrogation to be held. C846/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sigamoney, Iris (700429 0132 08 8); (3) 14 June 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court Wynberg (Western Cape); (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. Form/Vorm 3


Pursuant to section 109 (1) of the Insolvency Act,1936, and section 404 of the Companies Act of 1973, and section 135 (1) (c) of the Companies Act,1926, notice is hereby given that after the expiration of a period of 14 days as from the date of publication hereof, it is the intention of the trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, of the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, to apply to the respective Masters for an extension of time, as specified below, within which to lodge liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) name and date of appointment of trustee or liquidator; (4) date when account due; (5) period of extension required and (5) to which Master application will be made.

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lngevolge artikel 109 (1) van die lnsolvensiewet,1936, en artikel 404 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, en artikel 135 (1) (c) van die Maatskappywet,1926, word hierby kennis gegee dat kurators of likwidateurs van die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld voornemens is om na afloop van ‘n termyn van 14 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, die betrokke Meesters om ‘n verlenging van die termyne hieronder genoem, vir die indiening van likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings te versoek. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy ; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) naam en datum van aanstelling van kurator of likwidateur; (4) datum waarop rekening ingedien moet word; (5) termyn van verlangde verlenging en (6) by watter Meester aansoek gedoen sal word.

C924/2016—(2) New Beginnings Maternity Holdings pty Ltd t/a Origin Maternity Hospital, (2013/148232/07); (3) Laurette van der Merwe, 654 Bremer Street, Claremont, Pretoria, 0082, 14 February 2018; (4) 14 August 2018; (5) two months; (6) Master of the High Court Western Cape.

Form/Vorm 4


Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later date. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/ company; (3) description of account; (4) account for inspection at Master’s and Magistrate’s office, (5) date, (6) period (if longer than 14 days).


Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 406 (3) van die Maatskappywet 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van skuldeisers of kontribuante sal lê te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ’n tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) beskrywing van rekening; (4) rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, (5) datum; (6) tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae).


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G1105/2017—(2) All Clutch and Brake (Pty) Ltd (2001/003397/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; n/a T2183/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: DANIEL LEBATI (6706195519083), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Germiston G617/2017—(2) Highland Night Investments 25 (Pty) Ltd (2001/023697/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; n/a T568/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: CHARLES KHAKALI MARINGO (PASSPORT NO: 560810), (3) AMENDED FIRST LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG T2003/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Frylinck, Gerhardus Fredrickus (760617 5221 081), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg T434/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobus Wilhelmus & Susanna Elizabeth OOSTHUIZEN (7309135138087 & 7608030096088), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Randfontein G574/2016—(2) Primakor Aandeleblok (Pty) Ltd (1972/006606/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) South Gauteng Master of the High Court; Magistrate Kempton Park; (6) N/A. T401/10—(2) Freightsolve (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) Fourth and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; - T3930/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Swanepoel Christiaan Hendrik van Ronge & Levina Catharina (7510205043087 & 7511130006082), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 01 June 2018 - 15 June 2018. T2181/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Oosthuizen Sonja (640701 0038 08 2), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Middelburg (MP); (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 01 June 2018 - 15 June 2018. T4578/02—(2) Insolvent Estate: JULIO COSTA DA ROSA & MARIA MATOS CONCEICAO (3901215063187 and 4108100057188), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Master of the High Court, Pretoria T2047/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: RYKAART, MICHAEL FRANCOIS & MARINA MARIA (5809025078087 & 6003140213081), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA; MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE KRUGERSDORP G29/2014—(2) Bravopro 97 CC (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; The Magistrate, Vereeniging; (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 14 days. T3156/2010—(2) Carisa Property Holdings (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) Third & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018 G1114/2017—(2) Manuscore (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Shortfall Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018 G346/2017—(2) Megatron Towers (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 14 days. T5405/2009—(2) Insolvent Estate: van der Merwe: Luctor Coenraad, (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 14 days. T2185/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: ANELDA HENDRIEN MARTIN (691015 0360 08 3), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 14. G929/2017—(2) BOKAMOSO COMMUNITY SOLAR (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; - G805/2017—(2) SIYAKHULA BOKAMOSO SOLAR (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; - G801/2017—(2) SUNE SOLAR (SP) (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; - T1627/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nicolaas Willem Meyer, (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; None T4038/15—(2) RSA Stone Art CC (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; None T291/15—(2) Zwelis Tourism & Transporation CC (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria and Johannesburg; None

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G799/08—(2) Balac Holdings (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; None T1491/13—(2) Direct-Heat CC (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Randfontein T4971/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: A S & S M Easton, (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Master of the High Court, Nelspruit G436/17—(2) Brand For All Trading Projects CC (2010/103839/23) (In Liquidation), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; Magistrate Randburg; (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 01 June 2018 - 15 June 2018. T85/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: R C & P I Klackers, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T806/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Homan Iain (771228 5101 08 8), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 01 June 2018 - 15 June 2018. T3402/11—(2) Stony River Properties 45 CC (2005/044435/23) (In Liquidation), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 01 June 2018 - 15 June 2018. T23062/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: R & J Feldtmann, (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T1878/00—(2) Insolvent Estate: Francis Gradus-Samson (5801110752082), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria and Johannesburg; N/A T783/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: J James, (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T1492/16—(2) Double Quick Properties 105 CC (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T2276/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: T D Chaka & M L M Mathikga-Chaka, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Sebokeng G811/17—(2) Exotec Auto Body Repairs CC (1999/021040/23) (In Liquidation), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; Magistrate Benoni; (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 01 June 2018 - 15 June 2018. T0661/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Snyders, Willem Jacobus Albertus & Rachel Catherine Louise (670726 5113 088 & 680125 0083 081), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Springs G804/2017—(2) FIREFLY INVESTMENTS 228 (RF) (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; - T1555/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: G Sebesho, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Modimolle T2781/10—(2) FST Networking (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T4681/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: A R Dadley, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T2551/12—(2) Dipalesa Flower CC (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T21183/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: L E & A Z Claasen, (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T3703/15—(2) Water Africa Systems (Pty) Ltd (2002/012139/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Second Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; - T22774/14—(2) VLAMTUR CONSTRUCTION TRANSVAAL (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (2003/000383/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; MAGISTRATE ERMELO T2471/17—(2) The Roofing Guarantee Company (Pty) Ltd (1970/008797/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court PRETORIA; N/A T220/16—(2) Boston Connect (Pty) Ltd (2010/021635/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court PRETORIA; N/A

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T3057/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: JG Potgieter, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master Pretoria; N/A T5609/10—(2) Ipithombi Logistics and Distributors CC (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master Pretoria; Magistrate Witbank T834/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: AMG Esterhuizen, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master Pretoria; Master Johannesburg T21319/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: LA Bakker, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master Pretoria; N/A T2154/17—(2) The Real Enterpreneur Institute (Pty) Ltd (2011/000450/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court PRETORIA; N/A T2406/16—(2) Pylon Gears (Pty) Ltd (2003/023112/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court PRETORIA; N/A T2670/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Liebenberg, Mageretha Christina & Liebenberg, Schalk Johannes (760820 0095 08 4 & 760227 5012 08 2), (3) First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Middelburg (Mpumalanga) T2454/2016—(2) Rommel’s Mobile Services CC (1998/055804/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master Pretoria & Nelspruit; - T302/2015—(2) SILBER FOURIE AND NEL INCORPORATED (2006/027959/21) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; BRAKPAN G63/2012—(2) LER Electro CC T/A The Forklift Company (2001/024015/23) (In Likwidasie), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; Boksburg T5716/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Cloete Catharina Sussanna Margaretha, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master Pretoria; . G331/2012—(2) THREAD LAB (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (2009/024754/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; NONE T3254/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: JAN ABRAHAM BESTER & RENEIT BESTER (671230 5078 089 & 730611 0254 087), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; KRUGERSDORP T2597/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: COETZEE DIRK JACOBUS & DORETHA FRANCINA COETZEE (7303085039080 & 7501080270085), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; KRUGERSDORP G291/2017—(2) HM STERLING PROJECTS [PTY] LIMITED (2010/019031/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) Master in the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate Roodepoort; (5) 1 June 2018 G54/12—(2) Siyaya Fuel Transporting (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First And Final Liquidation, Distribution And Contribution Account; (4) Master Johannesburg; None T2192/2017—(2) SQ CENTURION LIFESTYLE (PTY) LTD (2015/017872/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE T697/18—(2) Alloystream Holdings (Pty) Ltd (2007/030547/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T3474/17—(2) Anaboom Wildsplaas CC (1990/024872/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; Randburg T21346/14—(2) Andser Air (Pty) Ltd (2012/112294/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. G20267/14—(2) Best Projects 194 CC T/A Balega (2005/040913/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Johannesburg; Vereeniging T3662/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Frederick Barend Christoffel Kirsten (7004075240080), (3) Second Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; The Magistrate Wolmaransstad G728/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rickey Jacobs (790327 5096 08 7), (3) First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; - G359/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Tshililo Obed Managa (650415 6217 08 0), (3) First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; - G978/2017—(2) DUMAKA MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD (1978/001861/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; NONE

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T5060/2010—(2) Planisphere Properties CC (2004/108558/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria G786/17—(2) Lets Go Development (Pty) Ltd (2014/043660/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court JOHANNESBURG; Magistrate KRUGERSDORP T487/17—(2) Adzam Trading 143 (Pty) Ltd (2006/015491/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T2311/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: May; Natalie (7204090041089), (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; None T1889/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Winton, Tonisha Sian, (3) Amended First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master Pretoria; None G1169/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Steyn, Anton, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution And Contribution Account; (4) Master Johannesburg; Magistrate Palm Ridge G914/16—(2) Kumvest Capital (Pty) Ltd. (2012/076672/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; Randburg G499/2015—(2) SA FAST TRACK CC (2004/103232/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; N/A T2995/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: BOTHA RENIER (7708095273083), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; MAGISTRATE KLERKSDORP T21679/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Terrance & Lelani Bornman, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Vanderbijlpark; (5) 1 June 2018 G1085/2017—(2) SARIS INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (2010/024989/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG; N/A G1088/2017—(2) MERUS AFRICA (PTY) LTD (2011/125035/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; N/A T1421/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Victor Seaton Smith, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018 T613/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pieter Louis Stephanus & Cornelia Susanna Coetzee, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Witbank; (5) 1 June 2018 T1954/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Suzette Joyce Coetzee, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018 T22187/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobus Petrus Dauth, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018 T195/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gavin Adriaan & Aletta Johanna Catharina Diederiks, (3) Second Supplementary First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Phalaborwa; (5) 1 June 2018 T2849/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Maria Magdelena Els, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Middelburg; (5) 1 June 2018 T3041/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Edward Peter & Norma Jennifer Feiling, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Vereeniging; (5) 1 June 2018 T2861/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Henriette Goosen, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018 T1957/15—(2) CAPSTAN TRADING 313 CC (2003/019206/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; - T21414/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nicolaas Marthinus Johannes Grobler, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria & Johannesburg; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018 T431/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mzamadoda & Fanele Goodness Mkiwane, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018 T22600/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Carmen van Greunen, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Kempton Park; (5) 1 June 2018

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T12/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Siyavuya Sibonganjalo Gxothiwe, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria & Johannesburg; N/A; (5) 1 June 2018 T3650/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Thabelo Gerard Bakoro (710111 5830 08 2), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Johannesburg T1653/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ferreira Dirk Johannes and Brenda May (6606155086083 and 7005270199088), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Groblersdal T2328/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Strombeck Heinrick Schalk and Stephne (7705085022082 and 7908160138084), (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Fochville T3339/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: GHJ CRONJE (4903090043085), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Vereeniging T1408/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: AE EDDIE (6110080069082), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Vanderbijlpark T22979/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: G & L FABER (7912260241087 & 7906175028084), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Brakpan G815/2017—(2) ETTIENNE MARIUS TRADING CC (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; KRUGERSDORP G214/2013—(2) Dealcor Twenty Four CC (2000/041274/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; Palm Ridge E000021/2016—(2) NEW CREATION CONSTRUCTION CC (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) GRAHAMSTOWN; EAST LONDON E000021/2016—(2) NEW CREATION CONSTRUCTION CC (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) GRAHAMSTOWN; EAST LONDON B131/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Q VAN DER MERWE (7105045092087), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER BLOEMFONTEIN; MAGISTRATE PARYS B20038/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Erasmus Familie Trust (IT 475/2005), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Bloemfontein; n.a.; (5) 1 June 2018; (6) 14. B101/2016—(2) Hartman Holding (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Bloemfontein; Sasolburg; (5) 1 June 2018 D24/2015—(2) Randshelf Investments 7 (Pty) Ltd (1999/010341/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution; (4) Durban and Pietermaritzburg; N/A D112/2016—(2) Squirewood Investments 54 (Pty) Ltd (2006/014269/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution; (4) Durban; N/A N132/2011—(2) Kitchen Business CC (2008/203778/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution; (4) Pietermaritzburg; Empangeni N20064/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: LOGANATHAN MOONSAMY NAIDOO (6203105129088), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER PIETERMARITZBURG; MAGISTRATE STANGER D166/2013—(2) Anley Building & Developments CC (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master Durban; N/A D20079/2014—(2) Stedone Hazycrest Projects (Pty) Limited (2007/013232/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Durban; Magistrate, Pinetown D17/2014—(2) BIOTRACE TRADING 221 (PTY) LIMITED (2002/003804/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Durban; - D38/2011—(2) GOLD VIRTUE INVESTMENTS CC (2009/201109/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master, Durban; Magistrate, Verulam T.1887/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: INSOLVENT ESTATE: SARIEN AND CHARLENE WENTZEL (8602140207080 & 6808120139084), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; MASTER’S OFFICE NELSPRUIT M000041/17—(2) Namadox (Pty) Limited (2013/132851/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution; (4) Mafikeng; Rustenburg C79/2017—(2) AFRICAN DREAM PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD (2015/191188/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) CAPE TOWN; HOPEFIELD

This gazette is also available free online at 176 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

C14/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Wendy Heaney (6706180041085), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Cape Town; Somerset West C1038/2016—(2) NJ Gnobi Properties CC (2005/050252/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C322/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: HENDRIK JAKOBUS GERHARDUS VAN HEERDEN (5412075074080), (3) Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Hopefield; (5) 1 June 2018 C559/2015—(2) Security Wise Services CC (2001/013339/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C767/2009—(2) Edrei Investments (Pty) Limited (In Liquidation), (3) Sixth and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wellington C740/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: JAMES MATTHEW LILLICO (780325518085), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Strand; (5) 1 June 2018 C122/2016—(2) BANK ON ASSETS CAPE TOWN (PTY) LTD (2012/004447/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; None; (5) 1 June 2018 C747/2015—(2) Coalition Trading 839 CC (2006/058307/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Goodwood C107/2015—(2) Morgan Creek Properties 157 (Pty) Ltd (1980/003634/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C184/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: SIYABONGA JAMANGILE CITWA (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT CAPE TOWN; MAGISTRATE’S COURT, BELLVILLE; (6) 14 DAYS. C510/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rebecca Helen Smit, (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; n/a; (5) 1 June 2018 C20644/14—(2) Trace Holding Company (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; n/a; (5) 1 June 2018 C430/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: THE FORENSIC SCIENTIST CC (IN LIQUIDATION), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT CAPE TOWN; MAGISTRATE’S COURT, WYNBERG; (6) 14 DAYS. C1419/10—(2) Bizgistix (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Çontribution; (4) Cape Town; Bellville; (5) 1 June 2018 C1419/10—(2) Bizgistix (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Çontribution; (4) Cape Town; Bellville; (5) 1 June 2018 C534/2012—(2) Shoe HQ (Pty) Ltd (1997/022572/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Third Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town, Durban; Wynberg, Bellville C66/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jean-Pierre Van Zyl (8608075107088), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Kuilsriver

Form/Vorm 5


The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned, notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the address mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company and (3) account; (4) date when account confirmed; (5) whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and (6) name and address of trustee or liquidator.

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Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of likwidateur moet betaal. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy en (3) rekening; (4) datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; (5) of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ’n kontribusie ingevorder word, of beide, en (6) naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur.

C59/2016—(2) ANGEL FASHION ACCESSORIES (PTY) LTD (2001/015386/07) (In Likwidasie); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 20 October 2017; (5) None; (6) M MOHAMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA, 0081. T20384/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: RAUTENBACH - Emmerentia (7907020015086); (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution Account; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) LIEZEL VENTER, PO Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. t22306/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: BERTHOLD FOUCHE ALHEIT (8905155305081); (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) 3 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) DANIE ACKER & IGNATIUS CLEMENT MIKATEKO SHIRILELE, RAUCH GERTENBACH INC, P O BOX 3, MOSSEL BAY, 6500. T1890/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: MINYUKU JOHANNES TELELE AND FLORENCE MPOLAI (6202215686086 AND 7304200360088); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 5 October 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) TSAKANI GLADNESS HLUNGWANI, P O BOX 13972, THE TRAMSHED, 0126. T1890/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: MINYUKU JOHANNES TELELE AND FLORENCE MPOLAI (620221 5686 086 AND 730420 0360 088); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 5 October 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) TSAKANI GLADNESS HLUNGWANI, P O BOX 13972, THE TRAMSHED, 0126. T0331/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: MARLENE ASKEW (2005/025912/07); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 21 June 2017; (5) SHORTFALL ACCOUNT; (6) Jacolien Frieda Barnard, 310 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, 0083. T2554/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: SAMUEL VAN DER ROSS (790121 5144 082); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & SHORTFALL ACCOUNT; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) None; (6) GL WARRICKER, PO BOX 92795, NORWOOD, 2117. T1143/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Earl Warren Joseph (7306195265081); (3) First and Final Abatement Account; (4) 5 March 2018; (5) None; (6) M J Cronje, 88 West Street Pretoria North 0182. G703/06—(2) Rita Meininghaus Consultancy CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 28 March 2018; (5) None; (6) JF Klopper, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin 1733. G20965/2014—(2) Kamohau Estate CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 12 April 2018; (5) None; (6) A Poole, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin 1733. T216/15—(2) Focused Ore Resource Management CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 16 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) LDR van der Merwe, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin 1733. T3057/17—(2) BUTTS HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (1999/016464/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATIONAND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) None; (6) CAREL PIETER WOLHUTER, GREENPEN ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES (PTY) LTD, POBOX 1708, BROOKLYN SQUARE, 0075. T1915/16—(2) Vibrastop CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 23 March 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) MJB Maseko, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin 1733. T5426/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Daniel Motubatje Maphila (6405155596088); (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 18 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) R Steynsburg, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. G20493/14—(2) CANNISTRARO INVESTMENTS 205 (PTY) LTD (2006/003318/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JM DAMONS & B DAYA, PO BOX 12224, THE TRAMSHED, 0126. T3955/10—(2) White Wattle Investments CC (2008/227432/23) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 3 May 2018; (5) Paid Dividends Payable, Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / T Tylcoat, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T3364/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Van Der Schyf Michiel Fredick (761217 5187 08 2); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Contribution Account; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / V Naude (CO: CL Stander), PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.

This gazette is also available free online at 178 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

T561/17—(2) Taxi Home CC (2009/076697/23) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Contribution Account; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, Contribution Levied; (6) MR Benninghoff/ A Van Jaarsveld, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T490/12—(2) Sefako Capital Investments (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 3 April 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) LDR van der Merwe, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733. T3454/16—(2) Advanced Fastening Systems CC (2000/064202/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) None; (6) GM van Tonder & PL Seriti, PO Box 11343, Hatfield,0028. T779/09—(2) Abiela Trading CC (2008/210257/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 17 September 2012; (5) Shortfall to be written off; (6) CE Oosthuizen & Nano Abram Matlala, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T267/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Vermeulen: Snezana; (3) The Supplementary First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 20 October 2015; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) LDR van der Merwe, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733. T0167/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Adam Johannes & Elmarie Leonie Lidderd (4802165063087 4901200068083); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 19 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) M J Cronje & R Stockhoff, 88 West Street, Pretoria North, 0182. G949/15—(2) Best Made Auctions CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Conribution Account; (4) 11 April 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) A Barnard, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin 1733. G20748/14—(2) Vaal Transformers CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 10 February 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) LDR van der Merwe, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin 1733. G685/2016—(2) Wessels and Watson Steel (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 12 October 2017; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) LDR van der Merwe, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733. T2383/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobs, DJJ & M (550829 5189 010 & 610107 0182 084); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 26 February 2018; (5) None; (6) CE Oosthuizen & L Morake, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T0679/14—(2) HBL CONSTRUCTION CC (2005/080540/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) SHORTFALL ACCOUNT; (6) Jacolien Frieda Barnard, 310Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, 0083. T1123/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hendrik Johannes and Mariette Swart; (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 17 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JA Fisher, PO Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T6138/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nereena Singh; (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 17 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JA Fisher & M Roux, PO Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T1788/119—(2) Insolvent Estate: Charmaine Wiegand; (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 4 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JA Fisher & A Mahomed, PO Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T1463/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: E & A Bierman; (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 2 May 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) Anton Strydom, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T5221/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: P F P E Coetzee; (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 19 April 2016; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) J P Fourie, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T253/14—(2) Gavriela Dyers CC (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 22 April 2016; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. G1169/06—(2) Goldensky (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 16 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T21358/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: W Delporte; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 23 February 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2913/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: GERHARD KOEN (700416 5027 082); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 7 May 2018; (5) None; (6) JW YZEL & MC PIETERSE, PO BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033. T2308/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: JEROME JOHN & TERSA DEVRAJ DESAI (5612215035081 & 7005110127083); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 4 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JW YZEL & WF HARMS, PO BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033. T2120/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: RYON MAC DONALD (730120 5027 084); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JW YZEL & F GANI, PO BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033. T4626/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: YOLANDE HATTINGH (790211 0074 085); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 9 March 2018; (5) None; (6) JW YZEL & V NAUDE (CL STANDER), PO BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033. T36/16—(2) Automatic Transmission and Earth Moving Components CC (1999/066131/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 18 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) PJC Van Staden, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T5064/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: John Edward William Claassen and Marisa Claassen (6302185172081 and 7106260053085); (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 16 May 2018; (5) None; (6) M Haywood, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 179

T22356/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: C P Kok; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 2 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T357/17—(2) Corhan Finansiële Dienste (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 20 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) Anton Strydom, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T4045/10—(2) Discuss Fish World SA CC (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 3 May 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) Elsie Wagner, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T21736/09—(2) Business Harmony 29 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 18 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T20548/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: P H Badenhorst; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2013/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: I B Berning; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 7 May 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) Anton Strydom, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2845/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: P A Alberts; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 4 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) J P Fourie, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. G1156/2015—(2) Zero1 Systems Development (Pty) Ltd (2010 / 015 255 / 07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and final liquidation and distribution account; (4) 24 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) C. M. Hartzenberg & G. L. Bhikha, 20 Buiten Street, Krugersdorp North, Krugersdorp. T4265/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: C F Nel; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) Guardians Fund; (6) Elsie Wagner, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2677/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: B Pottas; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 9 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2565/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: A M Smith; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 23 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T345/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: E P Burger; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 20 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2579/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: C L de Jager; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 6 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T1076/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: D du Toit; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 2 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) J P Fourie, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T974/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: L Grundelingh; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) Anton Strydom, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T4758/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: G A & A-A Hayward; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 12 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) L Muller, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2952/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: M J & M E Kovuzela; (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 25 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Elsie Wagner, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T159/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: B & M J Marinovic; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 16 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) J P Fourie, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T5380/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: R le Roux; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 14 November 2017; (5) Shortfall; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T6459/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: J J & M C J Smit; (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 17 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T4799/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: M M van Wyk; (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 12 February 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) J P Fourie, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T1793/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: W A & H Venter; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 21 February 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) J P Fourie, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T20109/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: J & J Jansen van Rensburg; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and guardians fund; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2686/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: J J S Venter; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 2 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T3355/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: M Tait; (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 10 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T21529/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: C C Venter; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 16 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) Anton Strydom, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2779/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: M P C Minny; (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T807/08—(2) Leaderguard Holdings 14 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) Shortfall; (6) J P Fourie, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. T224/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: B S Prince; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 12 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) J P Fourie, 203 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at 180 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

G546/16—(2) North Cape Nutrition (Pty) Ltd (2008/023780/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Third Liquidation and Distribution Account.; (4) 9 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid to concurrent creditors.; (6) Terry Morrison & Associates CC, P O Box 2823, Saxonwold, 1293. G1113/15—(2) Evercool Trading (Pty) Ltd (2004/009271/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 26 March 2018; (5) Secured Award/Contribution; (6) T W van den Heever, T Medupe & S T P Kekana, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. G456/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bhamuza Manufacturing (Pty)Ltd (2006/025725/07); (3) Second Liquidation and Distribution Account.; (4) 23 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid to secured and preferent creditors.; (6) Terry Morrison & Associates CC, P O Box 2823 Saxonwold 1293. T2939/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: STAPELBERG B & A (7806155136089 & 7806050011082); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 22 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) AT Mbowane, PO Box 4373, Pretoria 0001. T1683/2015—(2) GEDEELTE 850, BOERDERY CC (2003/058258/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation, Distribution and Contributio Account; (4) 17 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) CA Starbuck & A Wagner (CO C Murray), PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001. T20540/14—(2) Maristo Building Suppliers (Pty) Ltd (2007/026764/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation,Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 17 April 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Jacolien Frieda Barnard & OJ Sithole, 310Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, 0083. T2732/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: JJ van Schalkwyk (7805265091087); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) Concurrent; (6) A van Jaarsveldt / HK Dlepu, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. G376/17—(2) Star General Services CC (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) None; (6) MJD Breytenbach / RG Brink, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T20072/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: R & SAL Kampman (8802165009086 & 8906270222085); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 8 May 2018; (5) Preferent /Concurrent; (6) A van Jaarsveldt / SJ Kalianjee, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T3132/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: GERICKE, MARTHINUS WILHELM (6109295056082); (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, 1459. T2367/13—(2) I S CARS CC (1999/029815/23) (In Liquidation); (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, 1459. T2790/2016—(2) Nedtex 50 CC (2009/062509/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 17 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) DE Steyn & SE Cook (co: MG Cowin), C/O Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495 Garsfontein 0042. T1959/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Grant, Gary & Jeanette Emerentia (630814 5104 08 0 & 631015 0206 08 1); (3) First And Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 21 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) Cornelia Maria Cloete & Michael Mmathoho Masilo, C/O Xirimele Trustees PTA, PO Box 495 Garsfontein 0042. T2425/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sello Klaas and Nomgidi Annah Mofokeng; (3) The Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 22 March 2016; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) DM Botha and PH Lebepe, Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria. G273/2016—(2) HENQUE 2179 CC (CK 2000/012130/23) (In Liquidation); (3) SUPPLEMENTARY FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATIONAND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, 1459. T 4500/12—(2) LITTLE RIVER TRADING 178 (PTY) LTD (2008/004901/07) (In Liquidation); (3) SUPPLEMENTARY FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 23 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) M.E. SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG. G496/2017—(2) TIPTOPBIZ (PTY) LTD (2013/168866/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION AND SHORTFALL ACCOUNT; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) None; (6) SAG KHAMMISSA & DL KHAN, c/o Khammissa Trust, OMA Corporate Office Park, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Pretoria. G1663/2011—(2) Ramdale Stud Pty Ltd (1997/009234/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Provisional Liquidation Account; (4) 8 June 2015; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) DM Botha and GM van Tonder and TI Maenetja, Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria. G176/2009—(2) Centurion Select Motor Holdings Pty Ltd (2004/028923/07) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) None; (6) DM Botha, Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria. G439/16—(2) Paulmic (Pty) Ltd (2001/005017/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 21 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) J Z H Müller, AW van Rooyen & MM Tayob, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T2404/16—(2) Pine and Balo Investments (Pty) Ltd (2005/037950/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 28 March 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) J Z H Müller & M Benade, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T1402/17—(2) Quickbus 127 CC (2009/208854/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 9 March 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & L van der Merwe, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria.

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T2533/15—(2) AC Ondernemings (Pty) Ltd (2013/004774/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 8 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) J Z H Müller & R Moosa, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T321/2017—(2) TOP CLASS OF PRETORIUS FAST FOODS (PTY) LTD (2013/060334/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 17 May 2018; (5) None; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, 1459. G966/2015—(2) DAVIFUSION (PTY) LTD (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 17 April 2018; (5) None; (6) G.I Smit & G. Govender, PO Box 21709 Heldekruin 1733. G226/2016—(2) KINNOR (PTY) LTD (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 11 May 2018; (5) None; (6) G.I Smit & B.B Mahlatsi, PO Box 21709 Heldekruin 1733. T713/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: G & LM Smith (7309175106085 & 7204230008089); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 17 May 2018; (5) Concurrent; (6) R Stockhoff / NG Patel, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. G770/2015—(2) NMS KITCHENS & WOODCRAFTS CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 6 March 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) G.I Smit, T. Medupe & R. Moosa, PO Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733. T1091/16—(2) PRETORIA PLASTIC BUMPER REPAIRS CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 10 April 2018; (5) None; (6) G.I Smit & M. Kuilder, PO Box 21709 Heldekruin 1733. T20564/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: WARRENER, ALAN ERIC (6510165737086); (3) First and final liquidation and distribution account; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) None; (6) A I Surmany / S M Ntsibande, P O Box 783601, Sandton, 2146. G103/2017—(2) WBS CONSULTANTS CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 26 March 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) G.I Smit & P.Q Naidoo, PO Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733. T6380/98—(2) Independent Business Finance Centre (Pty) Limited (90/07213/08) (In Likwidasie); (3) Fifth Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 20 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) James Robert Galloway, KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. T2342/15—(2) Dorethea Henrihette Otto (680828 0298 08 4) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 18 April 2018; (5) None; (6) B M Ngutshane, KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. G133/2015—(2) Serono South Africa (Pty) Limited (1996/008475/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Sean Christensen, KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. G1220/2016—(2) Dual Point Media (Pty) Limited (2006/037099/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall; (4) 3 May 2018; (5) None; (6) AH Jaffer, C/O KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. G1032/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Badroniesa Sodoms (7808200186087); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution; (4) 16 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) S Williams and P T Rabaji, C/O KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. G432/2015—(2) Tokoloho Import and Export (Pty) Limited (2014/24295/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 16 May 2018; (5) None; (6) S Williams and MJB Maseko, C/O KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. G20974/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ramotwsa Aselinah Nonkululeko (7709120477087); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 16 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Elizabeth Margaret Edwards,Patrick Dumisani Buwa and Reuben Miller c/o Xirimele Trustee PTA, P O Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T1419/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rupping Elmarie Denise (7001290031088); (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 17 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Elizabeth Margaret Edwards c/o Xirimele Trustee PTA, P O Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T1857/05—(2) Brilliant Security Solutions (pty) ltd (99/00377/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 18 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Elizabeth Margaret Edwards c/o Xirimele Trustee PTA, P O Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T3107/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: JAN HARM CHRISTIAAN & ANGELICA NIEMAN (850812 5007 082 & 850609 0034 080); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 4 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Macdonald Albert Lenka Chitja, P O Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. T3865/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: MOUTON CJ & EC (530728 5136 085/ 521019 0023 080); (3) The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 9 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Ranel Trust, 2 Riana Avenue, Northcliff, Ext 16. T3618/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: THOMPSON, RASHIDA (670920 0125 086); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 18 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (PREVIOUSLY PIETERSE) & SHIRISHKUMAR JIVAN KALIANJEE, 17 BOTTLE BRUSH AVENUE, ROODEKRANS, ROODEPOORT. T1329/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: RADINGOANA, PETLWANE SUPER (780304 5722 089); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 7 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (PREVIOUSLY PIETERSE) & SHIRISHKUMAR JIVAN KALIANJEE, 17 BOTTLE BRUSH AVENUE, ROODEKRANS, ROODEPOORT.

This gazette is also available free online at 182 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

G625/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: BELINDA GROENEWALD (8603275463084); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 17 April 2018; (5) DIVIDENDS ARE BEING PAID; (6) DAM MOHASOA & TC DLAMINI, 286 PRETORIUS STREET, CENTRAL TOWERS BUILDING SUITE 111, PRETORIA. G767/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: G and AE Investment Holdings CC (1995/025853/23); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) None; (6) S Williams and M Sibiya c/o Frans Langford, C/O KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. T0422/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: MOSOANE, NORMAN LETJULA & LESEILANE AVINAH (7709145611082 & 7706011028086); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 8 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (PREVIOUSLY PIETERSE) & FAHEEM GANI, 17 BOTTLE BRUSH AVENUE, ROODEKRANS, ROODEPOORT. S49/2013—(2) ALVOCRAFT CC (CK 2009/202496/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 30 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) DOUGLAS JOHN KLERCK, 81 MANGOLD STREET, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH. E000043/2016—(2) LC 3 SOLUTIONS CC (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 29 March 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MR G M VOIGT, MS L GROENEWALD, PO Box 432 East London 5201. S8/2017—(2) East Cape Air (Pty) Ltd t/a Errol Greene Airconditioning (In Liquidation) (1981/001207/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 17 May 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Werner de Jager, Donovan Majiedt and Mohamed Yaseen Khammissa, c/o 25 Retief Street, Alexandria, 6185. B10/2015—(2) SHOMENE 25 CC (2006/10343/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 11 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JE Saffy, Saffy & Associates, 121 Pres Reitz Avenue, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9300. B23/2016—(2) A E Payne Estates (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 17 April 2018; (5) Dividend to be paid; (6) A Poole, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin 1733. B66/2017—(2) DOME VLEISMARK P/L (2007/020844/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 4 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, 1459. N8207—(2) Insolvent Estate: Diesel Management Systems (Pty) Ltd in Liquidation (199601079107); (3) Second Liquidation and Distribution account; (4) 9 November 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Mr AJL Geyser, 23 Kew Gardens, 651 Town Bush Road, Chase Valley, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. N221/2012—(2) Bulkpro CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 10 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) LDR van der Merwe, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin 1733. D165/2016—(2) Warloc Investments CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 13 April 2018; (5) None; (6) LDR van der Merwe, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733. D101/2015—(2) Leopard’s Leap Properies (Pty) Ltd (2006/017275/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) FP Rampoporo, First City Katleho, PO Box 4078, Rivonia, 2128. D118/2016—(2) Allbud (Pty) Ltd (1995/009603/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Diagasen Naidoo, 29 Jesmond Grove, Overport, 4091. N85/2016—(2) B & R WHEELS CC (1999/036600/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 21 May 2018; (5) DISTRIBUTION TO CREDITORS; (6) MARCEL EDWIN NEL, PO BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202. T3288/13—(2) WITBANK DIESEL SERVICES CC (2009/050346/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 4 May 2018; (5) None; (6) SAG KHAMMISSA & PT RABAJI, c/o Khammissa Trust, OMA Corporate Office Park, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Pretoria. T3288/13—(2) WITBANK DIESEL SERVICES CC (2009/050346/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 4 May 2018; (5) None; (6) SAG KHAMMISSA & PT RABAJI, c/o Khammissa Trust, OMA Corporate Office Park, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Pretoria. C1230/2011—(2) Erf 1252 Marine Drive (Pty) Ltd (2003/022183/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 24 April 2018; (5) Payment of secured awards; (6) B N Shaw & H Daniels, c/o Mazars, P O Box 134, Century City, 7446. C612/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Geert Dirk Jurgens; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 8 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche and Mustafa Mohamed, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C637/2016—(2) Bos & Punt (Cape) (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 7 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Johannes Jacob Theron and Welcome Norman Jacobs, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C20157/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: The Basson Familie Trust (IT1198/1193); (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) S Moodliar, R Engelbrecht & L H Maphosa, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s, St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 183

C 804/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: FRANCOIS PETRUS VILJOEN (611228 5008 08 9); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution; (4) 16 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) L van Zyl, c/o Peninsula Trustees, 21 Milner Road, Woodstock, 7925. C 860/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: CORNELIA JOHANNA CATHARINA MARIA VILJOEN (6510120068087); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 16 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) L van Zyl, c/o Peninsula Trustees, 21 Milner Road, Woodstock, 7925. C440/2016—(2) R W Shepherd Investment Holdings CC (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 9 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Janetta Evelyn Carr, Michelle Pay and Johannes Jacob Theron, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C2063/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Karin Basson (7707230087084); (3) First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 10 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) S Moodliar & M Dowries, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s, St George’s Mall, Cape Town. C134/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jasan Trust (IT 4232/2008); (3) Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 16 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R Engelbrecht & S Moodliar, Planet Administrators CC, P O Box 1995, Cape Town 8000. C790/2016—(2) Fine Design Property Development (Pty) Ltd (2014/014962/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 7 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Sonja Lynne Plante Febure De Villeneuve, P O Box 15545, Vlaeberg 8018. C173/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: D G Wolvaardt; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 1 March 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) D Terblanche, c/o Mazars, P O Box 134, Century City, 7446. C651/2012—(2) A Million Up Investments 105 (Pty) Ltd (2003/006112/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Fourth Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 11 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) GC Gainsford, MP Walters and SM Gore, KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000. C950/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: INSOLVENT ESTATE: LIEZEL CHRISTINE KILIAN; (3) THE FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) None; (6) DS NDLOVU & M COWIN, P O BOX 675, CAPE TOWN, 8000. C474/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Insolvent Estate Petrus Johannes Engelbrecht (7010305262083); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 17 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) PICO FINANCIAL SERVICES, UNIT 4 TALLENT PARK, TALLENT STREET, PAROW, 7500. C85/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: FREDERICK GIDEON VAN NIEKERK (6808265177087); (3) First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 18 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) CB St Clair Cooper, c/o CK Trust, P O Box 3065, Tygervalley 7536. C7/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: LE ROUX FAMILY TRUST (IT2719/2006); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION; (4) 16 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Jochen Eckhoff & Aneesa Mahomed, Summit Trust, 7th Floor, Mandela Rhodes Place, Cnr Wale and Burg Street, Cape Town, 8001. C625/2016—(2) PENINSULA BRAKE & TRUCK SPARES CC (1996/017991/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 3 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Jochen Eckhoff & Johanna Thoriso Leso, Summit Trust, 7th Floor, Mandela Rhodes Place, Cnr Wale and Burg Street, Cape Town, 8001. C440/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: INSOLVENT ESTATE: CHRISTO CONRADIE; (3) THE FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 16 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) DS NDLOVU, C COOPER & M SCHUTTE, P O BOX 675, CAPE TOWN, 8000. C11/2014—(2) Eirenikon Beleggings (Pty) Ltd (2010/01696/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 10 May 2018; (5) Secured Dividend is being paid and Contribution is being collected; (6) R Pieters & N A M Tshivhase, c/o BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599. C687/2015—(2) Bitline SA 111 (Pty) Ltd (2004/015186/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 17 May 2018; (5) No awards; (6) R Pieters & A Bowes, c/o BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599. C944/2016—(2) Ruby Sands 10 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Shortfall Account; (4) 29 March 2018; (5) None; (6) A Poole, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin 1733. C749/2016—(2) WM GLOBAL SOURCING SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LIMITED; (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 5 February 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) KEVIN CHOW, P O Box 1671, Houghton, 2041. C169/2017—(2) IAN BADENHORST MOTOR INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (2009/008467/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 22 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) CB ST CLAIR COOPER, C/O CK TRUST, P O BOX 3065, TYGERVALLEY 7536. C306/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: SUSARAH JOHANNA MAGDALENA FOURIE (5903220063085); (3) First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 22 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) CB St Clair Cooper, c/o CK Trust, P O Box 3065, Tygervalley 7536. C9/2014—(2) Leonox Investments (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) Eighth Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 21 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) SM Gore, S Moodliar & MM Baloyi, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.

This gazette is also available free online at 184 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

C730/2016—(2) Levco Security Services CC T/A Levco Security And Cleaning Services (2005/062393/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 24 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) CM Cloete & NF Nemakwarani, C/O Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. C252/2017—(2) MARINE AFRICA TRADING CC (2009/130235/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION SHORTFALL ACCOUNT; (4) 9 April 2018; (5) None; (6) SAG KHAMMISSA & B QANGULE, c/o Khammissa Trust, OMA Corporate Office Park, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Pretoria. C142/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Karin Louise Wiese (530115 0039 086); (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 15 March 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Abdol Whaheed Badrodien and Amaanullah Ayub, P O Box 245, Athlone 7760.

Form/Vorm 6


Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for his or her rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite his or her name. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) number of estate; (2) full name and description of insolvent (including his date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; (3) date when estate sequestrated, and address, occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; (4) division of Supreme Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; (5) ground of application.


Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone hieronder genoem om sy of haar rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor sy of haar onderskeie name aangedui is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) nommer van boedel; (2) volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy/haar geboortedatum en identiteitsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; (3) datum waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en woonadres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; (4) afdeling van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; (5) rede van aansoek.

T6435/09—(2) PAULS, WERNER, 23 April 1982, 8204235045085, KETELMAKER, LEWZINE ESTATE, CULLINAN, 6 COETZEE STRAAT, RAYTON, GAUTENG, ONGETROUDE. PAULS, N/A, , N/A, N/A, 92 PLATTENBERG, EQUESTRIA ESTATES, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, SELF-EMPLOYED; (4) GAUTENG AFDELING, PRETORIA, 16 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (5) ARTIKEL 124(2)(a)., NONE. T6435/09—(2) PAULS, WERNER, 23 April 1982, 8204235045085, KETELMAKER, LEWZINE ESTATE, CULLINAN, 6 COETZEE STRAAT, RAYTON, GAUTENG, ONGETROUDE. PAULS, N/A, , N/A, N/A, 92 PLATTENBERG, EQUESTRIA ESTATES, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, SELF-EMPLOYED; (4) GAUTENG AFDELING, PRETORIA, 16 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (5) ARTIKEL 124(2)(a)., NONE. T3949/2012—(2) Nell, Denys Julian, 29 August 1987, 8708295033088, Project Quality Manager, Steenbokpan Road, Lephalale, 4 Coleraine, No 48 Trelawny Street, Alberton, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 6 March 2013, 16 Henry Van Wyk Road, Vanderbijl Park, Welding Inspector; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 11 July 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act. T0818/17—(2) Van Vreden, Esté Iman, 19 November 1972, 7211190015087, Consultant, 73 Skool Street, Marister Benoni, 73 Skool Street, Marister Benoni, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 26 April 2017, 73 Skool Street, Marister Benoni, Self Employed in Human Resources, 73 Skool Street, Marister, Benoni; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (3) of the Insolvency Act. T1193/17—(2) Bezuidenhout, Zahné, 2 December 1990, 9012020348088, Human Resources, Bic South Africa, 2234 Albertina Sisulu Road, Industria, Plot 61 Elsejee Tarlton Krugersdorp, Out of Community of Property; (3) Final Date: 16 July 2014, 44 Agavia Park, 42 De;port Street, Krugersdorp, Human Resources and Payrol, CJP Chemical (PTY) Ltd, 60 Electron Road, Isando; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 18 July 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (3) of the Insolvency Act. T20733/14—(2) Du Plessis, Zacharias Marthinus, 16 February 1981, 8102165121084, Service Manager, AV on Call (PTY) Ltd, 111Pretoria Road, Rynfield, Benoni, 74A Miles Sharp Street, Rynfield, Benoni, Married out of Community of Property; (3) Final Date: 16 July 2014, 6 Rose Lane, 51 St. Michael Road, New Redruth, Alberton, Service Manager, Teljoy Business Systems, 299 George Road, Midrand; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 29 August 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (3) of the Insolvency Act.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 185

T1493/13—(2) Vos, Nicolaas Jacobus, 2 January 1976, 7601025030089, Salesman, Cross Country Automotive, 13 Viewpoint Road, Bardene, Boksburg, The Terrace No. 13, Phillips Road, Beyerspark, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 24 May 2013, No. 1 Bok Street, Comet, Boksburg, QC Controller, Alclad Interiors, 392 Southern Klipriviersberg Road, Steeledale; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 29 August 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T489/13—(2) Steinhobel, Ivan, 11 June 1976, 7606115057082, Operations Specialist, Unit 2 Lilienthal, Wisteria Cresent, Hennopspark, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 15 March 2013, Unit 2 Lilienthal, Wisteria Cresent, Hennopspark, Operations Manager; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 19 July 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(2) of the Insolvency Act.. T7505/09—(2) Marais, Sherese, 16 April 1979, 7904160009086, Credit Controller, Imperial Group Trucks, 61 Maple Street, Pomona, Kempton Park, 4 Waterfall, Riverbells Street, Rietvlei Ridge Country Estate, Rietvlei, Pretoria, Single; (3) Final Date: 24 November 2009, 72 Northdene Avenue, Brakpan, Administrator; (4) Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 21 August 2018, 10:00; (5) In terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T4386/12—(2) Coetzee, Johan, 29 April 1956, 5604295052082, Teacher, Menlopark High School, Atterbury Avenue, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 13 Green Acres, Klippan, Montana, Pretoria, Married in Community of Property. Coetzee, Charmaine Yvonne, 24 December 1960, 6012240057082, Teacher, Overkruin High School, Braam Pretorius Street, Sinoville, Pretoria, 13 Green Acres, Klippan, Montana, Pretoria; (3) Final Date: 26 October 2012, Jolenes 36, Jan Bantjies Street, Montana, Pretoria, Teacher, Teacher; (4) Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (5) In terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T0898/10—(2) Gaskin, Shane Clinton, 8 February 1976, 7602085226088, Fitter, Rosheville, 32 Chunie Street, Alrapark, Nigel, Married In Community of Property. Gaskin, Amanda Jolene, 14 April 1980, 8004140104088, unemployed, 32 Chunie Street, Alrapark, Nigel; (3) Final Date: 24 March 2010, 5 Doncaster Street, Ferryvale, Nigel, Employed; (4) North Gauteng High Court - Pretoria, 19 July 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2). T0881/16—(2) Seipato, Mmabopego Elende, 8 October 1987, 8710080587088, Special Projects Coordinator, 833 Block X Mabopane, divorced; (3) Final Date: 31 May 2016, 1000 Block X Mabopane, Employed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 17 July 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(3). T2759/15—(2) Jordaan, Nicolaas Martinus, 22 February 1984, 8402225235084, Customer Consultant, 14A Third Avenue, Parys, divorced; (3) Final Date: 18 September 2015, 727 Rietfontein Road, Pretoria, Employed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 July 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(3). T20401/14—(2) van der Linde, Joachim Paulus, 25 September 1977, 7709255087081, Assembly manager, Hammanskraal, 74 Okkerneut Crescent, Doornpoort, Pretoria, unmarried; (3) Final Date: 19 June 2014, 74 Okkerneut Crescent, Doornpoort, Pretoria, Employed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 19 July 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(3). T1970/15—(2) Webb, Steven Percival, 23 November 1965, 6511235175080, Drill mechanic, Middelburg, Grootvallei Farm, K33, Witbank, Married In Community of Property. Webb, Isabel Anna, 15 April 1967, 6704150040088, unemployed, Grootvallei Farm, K33, Witbank; (3) Final Date: 26 May 2016, Grootvallei Farm, K33, Witbank, Employed; (4) North Gauteng High Court - Pretoria, 18 July 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(3). T2136/2013—(2) Strydom, Sheldon John, 9 December 1977, 7712095016088, Manager, 27 Nathan Wilson Avenue, Kilnerpark, Gauteng, Married in community of property. Strydom, Annelene, 7 September 1977, 7709070169080, Administrator, 27 Nathan Wilson Avenue, Kilnerpark, Gauteng; (3) Final Date: 26 August 2013, 16 Hilda Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, Gauteng, Store Manager and Clerk; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 22 August 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. G484/2018—(2) Mare, Christo, 24 June 1982, 8206245142083, Plant Manager, 54 Hartford Street, Silverfields, Krugersdorp, Single; (3) Final Date: 26 February 2015, 24 Michael Brink Street, Krugersdorp, Plant Manager; (4) High Court of South Africa, Johannesburg, 26 July 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act. T3748/2015—(2) Chidyaonga, Arthur Ben, 11 May 1956, Arthur Ben, Business man, Stand 700E, Mugabe Road, Limbe, Malawi, Unmarried; (3) Provisional Date: 20 July 2015, Final Date: 14 October 2015, 123 Winterberg Equestria X31 Home Owners Association, 31 Vlottenburg Street, Exuestria X31, Pretoria, Business man; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 17 July 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (5) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24 of 1936. G1872/11—(2) Reynolds, Brigette Louise Elizabeth, 24 June 1971, 7106240140085, paving contractor, -, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 29 November 2011, 278 Mimosa Road, Blackheath, paving contractor; (4) Gauteng, Local Division, Johannesburg, 17 July 2018, 10:00; (5) The Application will be brought in terms of Article 124 of Act 24 of 1936. N104/2015—(2) Edwards, Gregory Grant, 22 June 1962, 6206225060083, Business analyst, Richards Bay, 47 Loodvislyn, Meerensee, Richards Bay, unmarried; (3) Final Date: 28 April 2016, 5 Sea Lake Villas, 95 Kabeljoukade Street, Meerensee, Richards Bay, Employed; (4) Kwazulu Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg, 19 July 2018, 09:30; (5) Section 124(3). N27/2016—(2) Buthelezi, John Themba, 2 April 1961, 6104025833082, Technician, Umkhomazi, 5743 Polas Area Nsimbini, Umbumbulu, unmarried; (3) Final Date: 25 April 2016, BB220 Zwelisha, Adams Mission, Durban, Employed; (4) Kwazulu Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg, 26 July 2018, 09:30; (5) Section 124(3). C626/2011—(2) Seton, Douglas Norman, 25 May 1967, 6705255152082, Specialist Gynaecologist & Obstetrician. 9 Unity Street, Knysna, Western Cape, 23 Rue du Sapin, Woodlands, Blanco, George, Divorced. Seton, N/A, , N/A, N/A; (3) Provisional Date: 13 June 2011, Final Date: 5 August 2011, 13 Hunters Estate Drive, Knysna, Specialist Gynaecologist & Obstetrician; (4) Eastern Circuit Local Division George, 17 August 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act.

This gazette is also available free online at 186 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018


Form/Vorm 7


Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’ accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate; (2) name and description of estate; (3) date of sequestration order; (4) division of the High Court by which order is made; (5) date of confirmation of final account,and (6) name and address of curator. KENNISGEWINGS VAN KURATORS

Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het (behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel; (3) datum van sekwestrasiebevel; (4) afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; (5) datum van bekragtiging van finalerekening, en (6) naam en adres van kurator.

T1038/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johanna Magdalena Kraamwinkel (520326 0004 085); (3) 9 April 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 21 April 2017; (6) JF Engelbrecht & ZA Dlamini, P.O. Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059. T3857/08—(2) A & G Civils CC (2005/163368/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 29 September 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria; (5) 23 September 2008; (6) Van Staden PJC & Serithi F, Po Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T1877/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lawry WJ & AR (6605095025086); (3) 9 June 2011; (4) Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria; (5) 14 September 2016; (6) Van Jaarsveldt A & Malema KM, Po Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T3464/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kuchling A (7808225159085); (3) 26 September 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 22 September 2010; (6) Koka JS & Mathibedi MWH, Po Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T4929/10—(2) Kontiki Family Trust (IT 4274/03)(In Liquidation); (3) 12 October 2010; (4) Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria; (5) 27 December 2012; (6) Haywood M & Maenetja TI, Po Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. t1398/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Klopper T & MHW (5812085006081); (3) 25 April 2012; (4) Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria; (5) 6 January 2015; (6) Haywood M & Bekker V, Po Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T4177/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Keiser AFT (8112125197082); (3) 4 December 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria; (5) 14 August 2014; (6) Van Staden PJM & Fisher JA & Kganyago MF, Po Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T4383/12—(2) RVR Shelf 18 (Pty) Ltd (2002/004010/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 17 September 2012; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 5 June 2015; (6) Van Staden PJM & Mckenzie SJ, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T4277/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Khumalo TB (6901295834082); (3) 21 November 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 20 March 2013; (6) Van Jaarsveltd A & Yeun A, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T192/17—(2) Friedcrop 494 CC (2009/092038/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 17 January 2017; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 29 June 2017; (6) Van Staden PJC & Hoosain AK, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T1202/13—(2) Remote Site Medical Services CC (2010/089633/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 28 January 2014; (4) North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (5) 28 September 2016; (6) N A M Tshivhase, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. T3144/13—(2) Jewel Construction CC (2007/146740/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 4 October 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (5) 1 September 2017; (6) E J Jacobs & S A G Khammissa, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. T2390/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lynette du Preez (640718 0024 086); (3) 7 July 2011; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 8 July 2013; (6) J Z H Muller & J J de Gama, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T7198/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ernest Hendrik & Hester Petronella Johanna Cornelia Orsmond (6112125065083 & 6107310017089); (3) 17 November 2009; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 11 November 2014; (6) Keith Elwyn Lutchmia, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 1 JUNIE 2018 No. 41664 187

T4164/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Schalk Willem Pretorius (741121 5008 089); (3) 14 November 2008; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 8 June 2017; (6) Izak Johannes Boshoff & Baldwin Mboneni Musenwa, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T2754/2015—(2) JVZ Civils and Project Managers (Pty) Ltd (2013/069594/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 18 August 2015; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 12 June 2017; (6) Johannes Zacharias Human Muller & Hashim Yunus Ismail (Co: Zaheer Cassim), Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T4062/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Uneda Hiley (710825 0038 084); (3) 28 September 2012; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 16 October 2017; (6) Puleng Felicity Bodibe, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T234/13—(2) Tobisync (Pty) Ltd (2011/155765/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 12 December 2012; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 7 April 2016; (6) Johannes Zacharias Human Muller & Adel Doreen Mcquarrie, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T2434/16—(2) Detailegno CC (2007/253158/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 11 August 2016; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 4 August 2017; (6) K van der Westhuizen & M Mohamed, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T2801/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: BOTHA, MARENA (7203185001081); (3) 23 June 2014; (4) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (5) 4 March 2018; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, 1459. G2552/09—(2) Goldenspot Trading 823 C.C. (2002/019003/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 14 October 2009; (4) South Gauteng High Court; (5) 1 July 2016; (6) T. Hill, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore-North, Krugersdorp, 1739. T2167/07—(2) Insolvent Estate: Humphries; Zelda (7505240077082); (3) 22 November 2007; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 13 April 2012; (6) T. Tylcoat; A. Strydom; M.E. Appel, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore-North, Krugersdorp, 1739. T21649/14—(2) Insolvente Boedel: C & M R BOTHA (7508255069085 & 7906060042083); (3) 10 Oktober 2014; (4) Master of the North Gauteng High Court; (5) 25 Julie 2017; (6) Marie Hamman c/o Anton Victor Hamman, Posbus 2862 Montanapark 0159. G1132/2008—(2) Mega Display (Pty) Limited (1994/004086/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 1 October 2008; (4) Special Resolution; (5) 18 December 2012; (6) Shawn Williams and L M Moloto, KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. C214/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jan Tilman Ellis; (3) 28 February 2014; (4) Western Cape High Court; (5) 11 June 2015; (6) Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche & Perseverance Tshifhiwa Mudzusi, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C452/2006—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacques and Annelie Van Vuuren; (3) 13 November 2006; (4) Western Cape High Court; (5) 10 May 2011; (6) Moegamat Ashraf Mohamed, Komaris Ballen Gangen and Louise-Ann Van Zyl, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C602/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Baltorina Johanna & Leon Johan Muller; (3) 16 July 2013; (4) Western Cape High Court; (5) 28 October 2016; (6) Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche & Hillary Anne Plaatjies, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C750/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Wilfred Sauer; (3) 5 November 2015; (4) Western Cape High Court; (5) 5 October 2017; (6) Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche & Anthony Bowes, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C407/2011—(2) Cold Creek Investments 119 (Pty) Ltd (2006/009331/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 24 March 2011; (4) Cape Town; (5) 10 December 2015; (6) Danie Acker, Jason Samuel Nkhosinathi Sewanyana, P O Box 3 Mossel Bay 6500. C1466/2010—(2) SBC Plant Rentals CC (2008/113362/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 7 December 2010; (4) Cape Town; (5) 5 November 2012; (6) Danie Acker, Jonathan Lizo Jacobs, PO Box 3, Mossel Bay, 6500. C73/2011—(2) Radermachers Garden & Home Centre (Pty) Ltd (1996/002306/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 4 February 2011; (4) Cape Town; (5) 23 March 2012; (6) Danie Acker, Mark Abraham Christian, P O Box 3 Mossel Bay 6500.

Form/Vorm 9


In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner / debtor of his or her making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his or her estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously made and upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, Identity No, occupation and address, style of partnership or firm, and names and partner Identity No, partner occupation, partner addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of High Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’s Office where lying and, if so, the Magistrate’s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date.

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Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoeker/ skuldenaar kennis gegee van sy of haar aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy of haar boedel; of van die intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeëre kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming, ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê vir 14 dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal lê; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum.

SUSAN JACQUELIN BLACKBURN, 550801 0209 184, Unemployed - Widow, 24 Saint Olympus Neptune Street, Pretoria, Gauteng, n/a; n/a, n/a, n/a, n/a; (2) Application: OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, PRETORIA; (4) ROTHMANN PHAHLAMOHLAKA INC, 927 JUSTICE MAHOMED STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, 10 May 2018. LOURENS PETRUS OBERHOLZER, 7201305020080, TURNER, 30D ORANJERIVIER STREET, MEYERTON-EAST, 1963, N/A; N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A; (2) Application: NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA, 25 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, HIGH COURT PRETORIA, MEYERTON; (4) HERMAN VAN WYK, PETERS ATTORNEYS, 1 RISSIK STREET, MEYERTON, 1963, 14 May 2018. LAURENS ALBERTUS VAN DE VENDEL, 8906095189080, MANAGING MEMBER, 35 BOLAND STREET, SONNEDAL, AGRICULTURAL HOLDING, HONEYDEW, GAUTENG; (2) Application: GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, 25 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, PRETORIA, RANDBURG; (4) AUCAMPS ATTORNEYS, 1 DUVENHAGE STREET, EDLEEN, KEMPTON PARK. Cara Anchen Versfeld, 790904 0103 08 2, IT Co-ordinator, 878 Riethaan Street, , Pretoria, Unmarried; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 27 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria. Theunis Frederick Jacobus Coetzee, 620726 5010 08 7, Diesel Mechanic, 3 Meadow Avenue, The Boulders, Lydenburg, Married in community of property; Martha Catharina Coetzee, 680409 0275 08 1, Unemployed; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Lydenburg; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria. Johanna Catherina Snyman, 740324 0041 08 6, Unemployed, 678 Stuart Street, Deerness, Pretoria, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria. Marinus Koegelenberg, 820907 5027 08 5, Artisan, 2 Magda Street, Witbank, Married in community of property; Bianca Thalita Koegelenberg, 850304 0030 08 7, Unemployed; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Witbank; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria. Nicolaas Jansen Van Vuuren, 881220 5106 08 1, Rigger, 10 Villa Gazelle, Dixon Street, Reyno Ridge, Witbank, Unmarried; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Witbank; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria. Anna Catharina Hattingh, 610629 0019 08 1, unemployed, 727 - 22nd Avenue, Rietfontein, Pretoria, Unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Frederika Gertruida Keyser, 830404 0072 08 2, self-employed, 727 - 22nd Avenue, Rietfontein, Pretoria, Unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Marius Labuschagne, 800626 5110 08 9, Admin Clerk, 112 Buiten Street, Randpoort, Randfontein, Married in community of property; Catharina Aletta Labuschagne, 880224 0114 08 3, Stock controller; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 28 June 2018, 00:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Randfontein; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria. Gavin Clive Woolstencroft, 700316 5262 08 7, Fire Fighter, 1013 Ewald Road, Eldoraigne, Centurion, Married in community of property; Debra Rosy Woolstencroft, 731008 0155 08 4, Credit Controller; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 27 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria.

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Juan-Pierre Prinsloo, 840420 5004 08 4, Safety mamager, 11 Slangkop Street, Secunda, Married in community of property; Tanja Prinsloo, 870225 0103 08 5, Hair dresser; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Secunda; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria. Martha Maria Van Der Merwe, 720901 0053 08 0, Marketing manager, 16 Palm Place, Waterkloof, Pretoria, Divorced; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria. Dawid Schalk Jansen Van Rensburg, 880311 5013 08 7, Boilermaker, 16 Blackmore Street, Middelburg, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 27 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Middelburg; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria. Clint Moodley, 801212 5264 08 2, Consultant, 285 Landie Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria, Married in community of property; Theshini Jenna Moodley, 850308 0030 08 8, Admin Officer; (2) Application: Pretoria Division Gauteng, 27 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) Michael Senekal Attorney, 12 Kolgans Street, Ninapark, Pretoria. Jan Jacobus Johannes Prinsloo, 850627 5112 08 2, electrician, 52 Steenkamp Street, Del Judor, Witbank, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Pretoria, Witbank; (4) -, -. Nicolene Pringle, 740430 0073 08 4, assistant regional manager, 701 Sher Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria, married out of community of property; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Estella Magdalena Bann, 540918 0109 08 2, sales representative, Flat 3 Picanti, Andrew Street, Witkoppies, Klerksdorp, Unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Pretoria, Klerksdorp; (4) -, -. COLLEEN HIGGINS, 791227 0032 08 8, BESTUURDER, DEO CREDO 67, NORALAAN, WILLOW PARK, GAUTENG, ONGETROUD; (2) Aansoek: Noord-Gauteng Afdeling, 26 Junie 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 Junie 2018, Pretoria, N/A; (4) Serfontein Viljoen & Swart Prokureurs, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria, Gauteng, 25 Mei 2018. MARIUS VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 8112305076080, Production Forman, 906 Trumper Street, Waverley, Pretoria.; (2) Application: Gauteng Pretoria, 2 July 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 23 May 2018. ALECIA SENOVIA VAN VUGHT, 8305090251088, Police Official, Thibault Arcade, 231 Pretorius St, Pretoria Central, Pretoria,; (2) Application: Gauteng Pretoria, 2 July 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 23 May 2018. CORNELIUS ALBERTUS KAPP, 5010055161081, unemployed, No 8 Hurlingham Court, Cor Oxford & Chaplinn Road, Illovo, in community of property; IDA KAPP, 5304160164084, unemployed; (2) Application: Gauteng Pretoria, 2 July 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Randburg; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 23 May 2018. WISEMAN SANDILE NGCOBO, 7601245443088, Security officer, Civitas Building, 222 Thabo Sehume St, CBD, Pretoria; (2) Application: Gauteng Pretoria, 9 July 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 23 May 2018. JACOBUS ADRIAAN ALBERTUS BREYTENBACH, 8505195171087, Boer, Farm Kreekuil, Ottisdal, Carltonville; (2) Application: Gauteng Pretoria, 9 July 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Carltonville; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 23 May 2018. MARLON MAY, 720130 5291 08 7, Social development, HSRC Building, 134 Pretorius St, Pretoria Central, Pretoria,, in community of property; CECILIA MARGARET MAY, 7906180068083, unemployed; (2) Application: Gauteng Pretoria, 9 July 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 23 May 2018. LOUISE BERNADETTE TAYLOR, 8406280228082, Administration, 32 De Bruin Drive, Glen Marais, Kempton Park.; (2) Application: Gauteng Pretoria, 9 July 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Kempton Park; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 23 May 2018. Du Plessis, Lizelle, 8109180053085, Businesswoman, 60 Ridge view, Karel Trighard str, Mountain view, Pretoria, Unmarried; (2) Application: Gauteng, Pretoria, 26 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) MW Nothnagel Attorneys, Benchmark Office park, Suite 4B, 1 Larch Nook, Centurion. Shaun Terrence Mitchell, 7802105001087, Accounts Manager, 401 B, Equestrian Road, Poortview, Roodepoort, Gauteng, Married in community of property; Charmain Mitchell, 7611260119083, Sales Representative; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 27 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Roodepoort; (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 234 Glover Avenue, Waterford Court, Block A, Unit 6, Centurion, 30 November 2017.

This gazette is also available free online at 190 No. 41664 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 JUNE 2018

Aletta Johanna Swanepoel, 690302 0018 08 0, Manager at the Butcher, 15B Koedoe Street, Komatipoort, Divorced; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Komatipoort; (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 234 Glover Avenue, Waterford Court, Block A, Unit 6, Centurion, 22 November 2017. Jacomien Elsabe Dippenaar, 7302240044084, Distribution Area Sales Manager, 16 Quartet Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, Divorced; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 27 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria & Nelspruit; (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 234 Glover Avenue, Waterford Court, Block A, Unit 6, Centurion, 30 January 2018. Nicolene Elizabeth Janse Van Rensburg, 631006 0124 08 5, Crystal Report Writer, 9 Argyle Complex, Mirabel Street, Highveld, Centurion, Divorced; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 234 Glover Avenue, Waterford Court, Block A, Unit 6, Centurion, 11 September 2017. Shane David Maitland, 850621 5068 08 9, Mechanic, 14 Bertha Avenue, Florida, Roodepoort, Gauteng, Unmarried; (2) Application: Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Johannesburg, Roodepoort; (4) Charl van der Merwe, Alberton, 23 May 2018. Wilhelmus Saayman, 770915 5080 08 7, Bestuurder, 871 Marina Straat, Claremont, Pretoria, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Marjorie Chantelle Saayman, 840605 0167 08 0, Werkloos, 871 Marina Straat, Claremont, Pretoria; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 28 Junie 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 Junie 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 8 Mei 2018. Cornelis Jacobus Erasmus, 740624 5008 08 3, Drilling Foreman, 4 Shadday Pine Road, Garden Estate, Randfontein, Married in community of property; Marinda Erasmus, 810914 0200 08 1, Unemployed, 4 Shadday Pine Road, Garden Estate, Randfontein; (2) Application: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Randfontein; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Inc, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 4 June 2018. Letricia Maria Du Plessis, 690425 0011 08 4, Unemployed, 21 Murant Street, Vanderbijlpark, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Inc, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 4 June 2018. Beverley Cheryl Kruger, 670530 0099 08 0, Administrator, 17 Villa Emmerine, Amber Glen Estates, Pretoria, Unmarrried; (2) Application: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 25 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Inc, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 4 June 2018. Willem Hendrik Christoffel Steenkamp, 740628 5034 08 0, Unemployed, 65 Drakensberg Street, Vanderbijlpark, Married in community of property; Annalene Steenkamp, 720918 0011 08 2, Sales Person, 65 Drakensberg Street, Vanderbijlpark; (2) Application: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 26 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Inc, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 4 June 2018. Elize Magdalena Fourie, 600516 0052 08 3, Administrative Clerk, 87 Hans Strydom, Robindale, Randburg, Gauteng, married out of community of property; (2) Application: Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Johannesburg, Randburg; (4) Charl van der Merwe, Alberton, 23 May 2018. Phokgedi Colman Moroaswi, 630416 5911 08 2, Kontroleerder, 133 Pitzer Street, Danville, Pretoria, Ongetroud; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 28 Junie 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 Junie 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 8 Mei 2018. Adriana Van Vuuren, 810502 0072 08 7, Treasurer, 60 Charles Road, Meyerton, Unmarrried; (2) Application: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 27 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Pretoria, Meyerton; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Inc, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 4 June 2018. FOURIE JAN GIDEON unmaried, 740710 5052 08 8, TRUCK DRIVER, 45 JG STRYDOM STREET, HEIDELBERG, n/a; n/a, n/a, n/a, n/a; (2) Application: Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 25 June 2018, 09:30; (3) 1 June 2018, Johannesburg, Heidelberg; (4) Pieter Scholtz Attorney, 116 Kingsway Avenue, Brakpan, 1541. Meshach Sookhoo, 740914 5084 08 9, Algemene werker, J38 Erica Street, Gillview, Johannesburg, Gauteng, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Manogari Sookhoo, 760921 0111 08 5, Administrateur, J38 Erica Street, Gillview, Johannesburg, Gauteng; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 2 Julie 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 Junie 2018, Pretoria, Johannesburg; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 1 Februarie 2018. Pieter Jacobus Sadie, 6701065128081, Administrateurder, 9 Sherwood Gate 110 Rivonia Weg, Randburg, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Gautengse Afdeling, Pretoria, 27 Junie 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 Junie 2018, Meester Pretoria, Landdroshof Randburg; (4) Etienne Genis, 7de Laan Nr 2, Melkbosstrand, 25 Mei 2018. ASHLEIGH MICHELLE KAVANAGH, 8310220042084, Customer Care Agent, 26 Fairchild Avenue Impala Park; (2) Application: Gauteng Local Division Johannesburg, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Master of the High Court Johannesburg, Magisterial District Ekurhuleni North held at Boksburg; (4) HJ Moller Attorneys, Unit 1 21 Bond Street Ferndale Randburg 2125, 25 May 2018.

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PETROS KANELLOPOULOS, 6909175296082, Manager, 2 Coucal Street, Atlasville, Boksburg; (2) Application: Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 28 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Master of the High Court Johannesburg, Magisterial District Ekurhuleni North held at Boksburg; (4) HJ Moller Attorneys, Unit 1 21, Bond Street, Ferndale, Randburg, 2125, 25 May 2018. L & R Klok Familie Trust, IT. 2586/2006, Trust, Plot 23, Vieira Straat, Amarosa, Roodepoort, .; (2) Aansoek: Pretoria, 27 Junie 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 Junie 2018, Pretoria, Roodepoort; (4) Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, 165 Alexanderstraat, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 25 Mei 2018. Hermanus Frederik Jacobus Cronje, 560206 5065 08 6, Installeerder, 11 Vaalbos Straat, Wilropark, Roodepoort, Wewenaar; (2) Application: Pretoria, 27 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Pretoria, Roodepoort; (4) Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, 165 Alexanderstraat, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 25 May 2018. Dirk Johannes Graaff Cronje, 710315 5082 08 9, Area Manager, 7D Heidelview, Jordaan Street Heidelberg; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 26 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Johannesburg, Heidelberg; (4) G.D. Ficq Attorneys, 11 Dieperink Street, Roodepoort, 25 May 2018. HENDRY NTIRITI KEKANA, 6602095324080, TRUCK DRIVER, 17 ALLAN STREET, GLENANDA TOWNSHIP, GAUTENG; (2) Application: JOHANNESBURG, 2 July 2018, 10:00; (3) 7 June 2018, JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG; (4) NM ABOO ATTORNEYS, SUITE 303, OFFICE TOWERS 3RD FLOOR KILLARNEY MALL, 60 RIVIERA ROAD, KILLARNEY, JOHANNESBURG, 25 May 2018. PRECIOUS FIKILE BUTHELEZI, 840329 0544 08 7, NURSE, NSELENI, WARD 8, RICHARDSBAY, 3880; (2) Application: KWAZULU-NATAL DIVISION, PIETERMARITZBURG, 18 June 2018, 09:30; (3) 1 June 2018, MASTER’S OFFICE, PIETERMARITZBURG, MAGISTRATE’S COURT, EMPANGENI; (4) PAT NAIDOO ATTORNEYS, SUITE 202, RIDGE 6, 20 NCONDO PLACE, UMHLANGA RIDGE, 24 May 2018. BHEKA VUSUMUZI NSIBANDE, 530715 5809 08 5, EDUCATOR, GOBANDLOVU RESERVE, HOUSE NO82242, RICHARDSBAY, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY; KHANYISILE NOZIPHO MAGEBA, 751005 0522 08 6, CLERK; (2) Application: KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN, 19 June 2018, 09:30; (3) 1 June 2018, MASTER’S OFFICE, DURBAN, EMPANGENI MAGISTRATE’S COURT; (4) PAT NAIDOO ATTORNEYS, SUITE 202, RIDGE 6, 20 NCONDO PLACE, UMHLANGA RIDGE, 24 May 2018. Krishna Naidoo, 850521 5060 08 8, salesman, 150 Bombay Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg, 27 June 2018, 09:30; (3) 1 June 2018, Pietermaritzburg; (4) Morne Attorneys, 42 Linwood Drive, Boughton, Pietermaritzburg. Gert Frederik Hendrik Kotzee, 510108 5130 08 7, Businessman, Taaibos 3, cnr Kernick & Porter Street, Declercqville, Klerksdorp, Married In Community of Property; Helena Aletta Kotzee, 511023 0110 08 4, Home Executive; (2) Application: Mafikeng, 27 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Mafikeng, Klerksdorp; (4) King Jordaan & Swart, Golfstreet 17, Klerksdorp, 25 May 2018. Pieter Lodewyk Yssel Human, 710129 5006 08 3, Farmer, 14 Limpopo Street, Randlespark, Klerksdorp, Married Out of Community of Property; (2) Application: Mafikeng, 27 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Mafikeng, Klerksdorp; (4) King Jordaan & Swart, Golfstreet 17, Klerksdorp, 25 May 2018. Frederick Johannes Jonker, ., Warehouse Manager, 43 New Street, Somerset, Western Cape, Married in community of property; Anna Cornelia Jonker, ., Commercial Underwriter; (2) Application: Western Cape Division, 29 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Capetown, Somerset; (4) Alers van Aardt Bester Incorporated c/o Smit Kruger Attorneys, 32 Wellington Road, Durbanville,Western Cape. Gideon Lourens Barnard, ID: 510905 5077 08 9, ‘n bestuurder, 7 Mosselstraat, Bloubergrand, , Wes- Kaap, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Anna Wilhelmina Barnard, 511008 0579 08 1, n werklose vrou; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 28 Junie 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 Junie 2018, Meester Kaapstad; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 21 Mei 2018. Nico Barry Charles Marsh, ID: 761119 5110 08 2, ‘n algemene werker, Restingstraat 23, Wolseley, Wes-Kaap, Ongetroud; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 26 Junie 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 Junie 2018, Meester Kaapstad, Wolseley; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 16 Mei 2018. Amina Mahomed, ID: 760616 0081 08 6, ‘n werklose vrou, 25 Hugo Street, Flat 11, Wild Olive Complex, Goodwood, Wes- Kaap, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 27 Junie 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 Junie 2018, Meester Kaapstad, Goodwood; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 21 Mei 2018. Edwin Phillip Agulhas, 6703255542089, Driver, 6 Peters Road, Grassy Park, Western Cape., Single; N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A; (2) Application: Western Cape Division, 20 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 May 2018, Cape Town; (4) MTO ATTORNEYS, 183 Albion Springs, Albion Road, Rondebosch, 21 May 2018.

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Frederick Johannes Jonker, ., Warehouse Manager, 43 New Street, Somerset, Western Cape, Married in community of property; Anna Cornelia Jonker, ., Commercial Underwriter; (2) Application: Western Cape Division, 29 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 4 June 2018, Capetown, Somerset; (4) Alers van Aardt Bester Incorporated c/o Smit Kruger Attorneys, 32 Wellington Road, Durbanville,Western Cape. Warren Chesley Koopman, 870425 5004 08 6, server engineer, 42 Vouvray Close, Nuutgevonden, Stellenbosch, married in community of property; Chessnay Che Koopman, 870627 0093 08 5, unemployed; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 28 June 2018, 09:30; (3) 1 June 2018, Cape Town, Stellenbosch; (4) R Hendricks & Associates, 1 Garfield & Alamein Roads, Claremont. Deon van der Merwe, ID: 860402 5322 08 3, ‘n Bestuurder, Alente 16, Buh Reun, Kraaifontein, Wes-Kaap, Getroud buite gemeenskap van goed; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 27 Junie 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 Junie 2018, Meester Kaapstad; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 24 Mei 2018. Aletta Maria Jansen van Vuuren, 7510230018088, a developer, 3 Levy Avenue, Somerset West, Divorce; (2) Application: Western Cape, Cape Town, 29 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Master Cape Town, Magistrate’s Somerset West; (4) Etienne Genis, 7de Laan Nr 2, Melkbosstrand, 25 May 2018. Allan Mark Richess van Rhyn, 7607055038082, a welder, 4 Windsor Place, Ruyterwacht, Goodwood, Married in community of property; Natasha Ursula Van Rhyn, 8003280241080, a administrative lady; (2) Application: Western Cape, Cape Town, 29 June 2018, 10:00; (3) 1 June 2018, Master Cape Town, Magistrate’s Goodwood; (4) Etienne Genis, 7de Laan Nr 2, Melkbosstrand, 25 May 2018.

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